#please for the love of god stop trying to create drama just because you find it funny
sokayisaidiot · 2 years
Tommy not only has been one of the, if not the huge impact that made the Dream smp what it did today.
And while yes, there are multiple amazing ccs there, you have to ask someone on social media who has no clear idea of it. But what they certainly, from what I believe, can tell you, is how it contains some of the biggest moving forces of the newer Minecraft wave. Tommy being next to Dream to be either always shown or mentioned.
And people who say he doesn’t deserve to be there clearly do not know the Dream smp
Like god, the official Dream smp wiki time line has been cut in two two big pieces. The before and after tommy time. If you want more evidence, Tommy named it. Like nobody really used an name or called it something, tommy, from Dream stated, has named it.
And he got many people to join too. It may sound a bit weird or bad, but from some livestream cuts you can see tubbo talking about how tommy decided to invite him to the server, spamming him, or quackity who also mentioned multiple times how tommy was the one to join him. The same with jack, Niki, Wilbur, techno by that, Phil, following his friend group and many more. He, despite constantly trying to be bad mouthed by antis, was one of the biggest impacts of the smp
And that’s not even scratching the surface. The amount of lore and things during this time not only changed the tagging system for us on the Dream smp but made the most analyzing of a block game I have seen. To the tagging, yes I remember when it got introduced. Bth the neg mention and the character, c. His playing changed in how we easily can tag
This is an appreciation towards tommy
I am in no means undermining the other amazing ccs, but I think the amount of hate made us forget what tommy help shape this into and set stones for an actually amazing fan base
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n3onstarss · 2 years
More s/o headcannons because I'm a sad little man who can't sleep
fluff mostly, romantic, canon typical violence, maybe death?
Stupid little man (affectionate)
He literally doesn't get his own emotions. if it's not anger or hatred towards Megatron, what is it?
you're.. you're gonna have your hands full.
ESPECIALLY if you happen to be poly and happen to be with Bee or the Elite Trine or (gods forbid) Skyfire. because all those possibilities are just chaos incarnate
Okay so maybe Skyfire or Thundercracker might (might) be able to keep him in check.. no. no that's a lie. RIP (rest in piss) you i guess, have fun.
you're gonna have to save his aft more then once.
not in battles, he's okay with weapons, but talking him out of things? yeah..
do NOT let him try to negotiate. you'll just end up in deeper shit.
even if you can't negotiate, you'll do better then him
he's a big cuddler, but he also likes receiving gifts or giving them
you can't tell me he doesn't behave like a bird sometimes.
gifting rocks and sticks and shiny things he finds as presents
he deserved so much better then he got
do NOT raise your hand or voice at him if it can be helped
you'll have to patch him up after Megatron takes out his anger, please be gentle and listen and give plenty of cuddles after
he's not innocent by any means, he KNOWS he's a fucking menace. he does it on purpose.
he's also a war criminal so..
he's a gift giving (giving) or physical touch (receiving) live language :)
You'll likely still have your hands full
he has good intentions, he's just rly fucking reckless
i hope you have ibuprofen, you'll both need it.
you for headaches from how many times Bee almost gets himself killed and him for scraped knees and shit
He's totally a drama queen, but only when it's funny
he tried to be the comic relief because he was forced into that role growing up and was never taken seriously, please listen to him and show him it's okay to not be the 'funny one'
gods forbid you both have similar trauma, that'll just be hell and create a loop of 1) him trying to help you by being funny 2) you stoping him and 3) trying to be funny for his sake until he stops you, and then it repeats with him trying to be funny to cheer you up again
Sometimes it really is funny, sometimes it's a defense mechanism.
after all, it's hard to yell at someone when they crack a joke that makes you giggle, he knows this from experience
His love language is totally words of affirmation, both giving and receiving.
he tried his best to behave and be careful, but sometimes he gets into sticky situations, please be patient
he's.. he's something that's for sure
he needs to be told to rest. seriously.
he'll be a hypocrite about sleep, instructing everyone to get some sleep and take breaks but then work for 16 hours straight.
literally force this man into bed please.
he tries not to worry you, but often fails (really often-)
PLEASE make him relax. a bath, a nap, a movie, SOMETHING
he adores you, but he tries not to display any PDA
the farthest he'll go is a quick peck when everyone is distracted
He's worried the cons will take you for bait if he shows PDA
His love language is quality time!
just sit in the medbay while he works. even if you're "in the way" (usually lies so he can pick you up, human or bot alike)
he appreciates the company :)
he's worried about everyone, like a mom with accident prone kids
except all those kids are (mostly) adults and can (mostly) take care of themselves
PLEASE try to stay out of trouble, it'll help lower his stress to know you're okay <3
she has a lot of trouble with relationships, please be patient
another anti-PDA bot
except hers is mostly because she's worried that she'll lose you to the cons death-wise, not kidnapping or bait
please please please make sure to stay away from cons and reassure her you're both going to be okay
She might have some days where dysphoria hits hard, please make sure she knows you support and love her no matter what
She supports you and you better support her back
her love language is gift giving (giving) and words of affirmation (receiving)
shiny rocks, food/fuel, small objects that remind her of you, anything is fair game
please please giver her physical touch, she loves receiving physical touch!
cuddles and kisses >>>
Knock Out
He can take care of himself, or so he swears
he is a little crazy, and not in the fun way.
he's got something going on in that noggin of his, but insists he's fine
please just hug him and reassure him you're both okay
He loves receiving gifts or quality time, and giving physical touch or quality time
he cares so much about you, but can't really figure out how to show you
he'll touch up your paint/mess with your hair, carry you around if he can, bring you energon, heal you first after battles or scraps with other cons
he doesn't like to say he lives you out loud, sorry :(
but he does love you! he's just scared to admit it out loud
Please please please get him to sit out a race and take care of himself
he uses street racing to get his adrenaline going and to distract himself, please get him to add some other distractions as well!
maybe movies or tinkering or something will help?
maybe not, he's got a speed demon, but maybe!
y'know how most of these have been make them take care of thrmself?
other way around.
look man, he was a dad to the cassettes for YEARS, he knows when shits wrong and usually he knows how to fix it
if not, he has the internet in his head, he'll be fine
He's probably the best about taking care of himself, but he does refuse to take breaks from work sometimes or he works late, please help?
he's gonna baby you so much-
like, making sure you're taking care of yourself and that you're okay
If the cassettes like you, he likes you
his cassettes go before everyone else, including you
you're a close second though, it's just dad things
it's likely the cassettes will see you as a parental figure, if not right away then later
Please help this man out with the kids, he has like 8 of them and he works a lot of the time-
So this can go one of two ways, he can be some evil genius mastermind who barely pays attention to anything but his job, or he can be a sweet dude who's just doing what he think is right.
since we only ever see him from the autobots pov or their allies I'm going with the second
Please make sure he gets enough sleep. he won't do it on his own. if you both have insomnia or just can't then fuck
you'll both be each others bedtime timer in a way?
I feel like he would LOVE building Lego sets
He's probably got a little cabin fever, he's been on Cybertron for millenia, but he also refuses to leave base
please take him on a field trip or something-
he's totally a words of affirmation dude <3
he can take care of himself, but only barely-
he's got keeping everything running under control, it's just kinda a messy way of doing it.
controlled chaos type of guy!
Oh. my. gods.
you thought you had your hands full with Scream or Bee?
Skywarp, a well known prankster that can teleport, you're absolutely fucked
He's def gonna pull a bunch or harmless pranks on you, u less you explicitly ask him to stop
He <3
He totally is a physical touch kinda dude, he MUST be toughing you at all times.
Working? sit back to back or hold hands. He's out in a mission? he has a chain necklace with a item from you on it that he clutches whenever he can. Off work and walking around? holding hands, piggy back rides (he's usually the one that wants the piggy back ride, but it goes either way) About to fall asleep? cuddles and sleepy kisses.
THE biggest sweetheart
He'll also bring little gifts, but he's more specific in some aspects. If a rock isn't pretty enough he wont bring it, even if you tell him you love everything he brings and appreciate anything from him
he wants everything to be perfect for you
He likely has ADHD, please make sure he takes his meds
Please kiss his forehead, it's a weak spot for him. a quick peck will have him shutting up and melting on the spot. Sometimes he'll trail after you like a lovedrunk puppy <3
There's not much I can say about him that won't do him justice
He's smart, but not the smartest
like.. he's good with social stuff and is shit at math (Me too)
the most likely to get jealous or be protective
If someone tries to flirt with you, he'll stand behind you all puffed up and scary looking
The person usually leaves after that, and when you turn around he's either
A. still being menacing and staring after that person with a death glare, just hug him and he'll deflate
or B. he's already calm and just has, like, drinks or something and a smile
he's another words of affirmation person, he loves giving or receiving
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I would listen to a audio drama about "your boy jonah" but also, tell me about your boy! Here is a free space to ramble. Please info-dump.
Free space to ramble?! Don't mind if I do!
So, in case anyone is unfamiliar with the story of Jonah, it begins with Jonah minding his business and suddenly being called upon by God to go to Ninevah [the capital city of the Assyrian empire] to call them out for their sins. Instead, Jonah seals his place in my heart by running away from God.
I just find it so immediately endearing that his reaction to being given a divinely ordained job to do is to absolutely nope the fuck out and run for the hills. It's not just hilarious, but it also feels so honest? Like yeah sometimes we know rightly what we're supposed to do, either because of the leading of the spirit or because of our own morals, and sometimes it's fucking terrifying!!
So he runs away, he gets on a boat to sail off to Far Off Lands (poss. southern Turkey) and obviously... God knows. Because it's God. You can't just duck behind a tree and suddenly God forgets you're there lol And God is big mad and sends a storm that threatens to break the ship into matchsticks. The sailors are terrified - I imagine them as these hardened sea-faring men who are used to all sorts of things, and this storm is so fierce they're absolutely terrified.
And Jonah... is fast asleep. Conked the fuck out on one of the lower decks, like he isn't moments from being smithereened. Running away from God is a tiring business, I guess! Also, as a chronic procastinapper, I can't help feeling like he just felt like he had too much on his plate and decided napping is way less scary that That Whole Mess.
So the captain drags him up and demands that he pray to his god because clearly the gods of the sailors are not paying attention lol But they also want to know where the storm came from and why, so they draw lots to see who's to blame? And of course Jonah draws the short straw.
And then this bit I imagine Jonah being super sheepish about OK. Because in this era and place, it was quite normal to accept that other people's gods were real and powerful, but they just weren't your gods. But different gods have different areas of power, so the sailors ask Jonah who his god is. And very grudgingly, Jonah admits that ummm yeah ok so actually his god is... the one who created the sea and the land.
And I imagine there's this moment of absolute silence as these sailors take in the fact that this guy has pissed his god off and who's his god again? Oh yeah, only the one who MADE THE OCEAN which is currently trying to KILL THEM.
"So they picked up Jonah and hurled him into the sea."
But Jonah doesn't drown! God sends a fish to swallow him up, and he sits in the fish for three days and prays while he's in there, because actually all things considered it was pretty neat of God to send a fish to swallow him instead of letting him drown and he's like "I think maybe I have got close enough to death and I would like to stop having an adventure now and go back to being all the way alive."
Which is very cool having his time in the fish being this sort of pseudo-death? Like he was getting a little taste of it. And he even talks about it as being in Sheol, and being out of sight of God and longing to be alive and back where God can see him.
So God tells the fish to vomit him up and tells Jonah again to go to Ninevah, which this time he does! It's a huge city, it takes three days to walk across it, but Jonah made a promise and he sticks to it. He walks and talks and the city repents and God relents from whatever punishment he was going to send.
Which, in a turn that never fails to touch my heart, makes Jonah... absolutely fucking livid. He is so mad about this decision. He's like, "I fucking knew it!! I knew you weren't going to smite these fuckers!" and God is like ??? excuuuuse me ???
And Jonah - I love him so much - he storms off, he stomps out of Ninevah and builds himself a little hu and he sits in his hut and he stares at the city, wishing hellfire and damnation on everyone in it, and sulking like nobody on earth. He is raging and I love it.
But it's the fucking Assyrian desert, it's hot as balls and even in his wee hut, Jonah's got the sun beating down on him. And God makes this plant grow next to him for shade, which Jonah is pretty pleased about - until the next morning, God sends a worm that attacks the plant and kills it. And also throws in some scorching winds and fiery sun for good measure.
And Jonah's lying there about to pass out and he's like, "I would literally rather be fucking dead" and then we get my favourite exchange in the whole Bible:
But God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?”
“It is,” he said. “And I’m so angry I wish I were dead.”
I just love it!! He's having none of it! He is furious and he is feeling more righteous and miserable than any angsty teenager ever could and he's telling God straight out, "You have pissed me off like nobody has ever pissed anyone off before" and I love him so much!!
And God points out that he's that angry about the plant dying, which he didn't even grow or tend to, but somehow it's not fair for God to not be particularly keen on destroying an entire megatropolis full of people and animals who by the way God is responsible for and cares for? Double standards much? And the book ends! It's made its point and off it fucks.
Also there's a bit at the end there where it describes the thousands and thousands of people in Ninevah as "not knowing which is their left hand and which is their right" which I assume is a metaphor for not knowing right from wrong but which I also just love as such a read. Like, "Really? You expect me not to look after these people? Look at them. They're morons, Jonah. They're the kind of morons who would think, oh, I don't know, that they could hide from God in a boat."
I just love how angry Jonah is, and how afraid, and how human! And I love that he has this sassy back and forth with God and that he gets angry at God and argues and has to get put in a fish for a time out. It feels like such a close, bickering sort of relationship and I think the world would be a better place if more people felt like they could look God in the eye and say, "YES! I AM ANGRY!! I AM SO ANGRY I COULD DIE!!!"
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bellysoupset · 8 months
Sicily - Part 8 - the end
Piblished together because it's not long.
Not a sickfic, but I HIGHLY recommend reading this one, since it changes things from now on. Warning: tooth rotting fluff.
Bella was still giggling as she finished turning off all the lights and made her way upstairs, shutting the bedroom door softly behind her.
She partially expected to find Lucas already asleep, but instead he was sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling with his tie.
"Got us the goods for tomorrow morning," she said, planting the little plate filled with snacks on top of the dresser and making her way to the bed. Luke let out a little "oof" as she pushed his arms out of the way and sat on his lap, starting to undo the knot of his tie.
"Did you have fun?" He asked, pushing a stray curl away from her eyes and Bella smiled, nodding and tugging on his tie, tempted to go teeth in. How did he manage to nearly choke himself in a piece of silk?
"I had a lot of fun," Bella said dreamily and she pulled on the cloth again, "goddammit, Lucas, what did you do to this?"
"No idea," he sighed in a defeated manner and fell flat on his back, taking her with him since she was holding his tie. Bella chuckled, moving so her knees were framing his torso, hands on each side of his head, "I'm trapped forever."
"Drama queen," she said with an eyeroll, leaning in to kiss him, "you know I love you, right?"
"I figured you had to at least like me after all these years," Luke said in a cheeky manner and Bella snorted, tugging on the tie again and forcing their eyes to meet.
"I'm serious, Lucas," she said, "I love you so much and I spent the longest time thinking it was going to, you know, calm down. Wear off a little bit-"
"Geez, Bell, you sure know how to make me feel-"
"Stop interrupting me," she glared at him, "I expected this to wear off a little. Not the love, but... The butterflies. The giddiness whenever I don't see you for a day..."
He opened a huge smile and opened his mouth to interrupt again, but Bella planted a finger over his lips, continuing, "but then I saw Maggie and Giuseppe this trip and they still act like valentines. She still lights up whenever he crosses the door, it's crazy..."
"Damn, baby, are you proposing to me?" Lucas laughed around the finger still pressed to his lips and Bella rolled her eyes.
"Well, I'm fucking trying, you're not helping."
He let out a small chuckle, that died in his mouth as his eyebrows shot up, "wait, really?" Lucas scrambled sitting up, wrapping an arm around Bella's waist to stop her from falling off his lap and the bed, "you're proposing to me?"
"Yes," Bella smiled, taking immense pleasure in his bewildered face.
"...Are you pregnant?!"
"Ye- What? No!" She slapped his chest, "what the fuck, Luke?!"
"I'm sorry!" he cried out, eyes wide, "it's just- I thought you didn't want to marry me. Or anyone... Ever..." Lucas' whole face was turning pink, not in embarrassment, but excitement, "what made you change your mind?"
"I just told you, silly," Bell smiled, pushing a hair away from his eyes, "Ma and Giuseppe... I want that. I want to be almost sixty and lighting up when you walk in a room, Luke. And being in your family home, seeing you with Livia-"
"God, please, no," Lucas wrinkled his nose, "that was torture."
"Yeah, you were pretty bad at it," Bella agreed, pressing her forehead to his, "in fact you were pretty lame all weekend, you toasted idiot."
"I thought you were proposing to me-"
"And I'm just more in love with you," she scoffed, "can you believe?"
He let out an embarrassed chuckle and cupped the back of her head, pulling her into a kiss. Bella smiled against his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso.
"So..." she pulled back for air, "I'm gonna take that as a yes...?"
"You know damn right that's a yes. Let's marry right now," Lucas grinned, rolling them on the bed and Bella squealed, falling against the mattress, her hair creating a halo of auburn around her head.
"Okay, let's," she agreed, grabbing his tie again and Lucas, already attempting to kiss her neck, pulled back.
"...You mean that?"
Bella shrugged, her face on fire, which only caused Luke's smile to widen so much she could see his molars.
"It's just... I love this place... And we leave in three days..." she avoided his eyes and Lucas studied her face, seeming serious.
"What about your mom...?" he squinted, genuinely considering getting up and getting married in the middle of the night.
"She doesn't care about this stuff, you know she married like four times, twice without me there," Bella rolled her eyes, "a big reason why I didn't want to marry in the first place, role model of all time."
He frowned, "and you don't want a party or like- I don't know, a princess dress...?"
"Did you forget who's your girlfriend?" Bella raised a quizzical eyebrow and he shrugged, blushing.
"You never know..." he bit down his lip, then tapped her thigh, "okay, get your shoes, let's get married."
Bella rolled her eyes, giggling, "it's 3 AM, baby-" Lucas grabbed her waist and threw her over his shoulder, causing her to let out a squeal.
"LUCAS! Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!"
"No, we're going to get married, where are my shoes-" His voice trailed off and Bella kicked the air, forcing him to straighten her up.
"Luke-" She was breathless, feet still not touching the ground as he held her up with an arm, but at least no longer upside down, "let's not piss off our only guests by waking them up at 3 AM, how about?"
He pouted, "but what if you change your mind in the morning?"
"I'm not going to change my mind, Lucas," she rolled her eyes, "besides, tonight is Vince's night, let him have it. We can break the news tomorrow at lunch, alright?"
"And then marry by dinner," he teased lightly, causing Bella to shake her head with a chuckle.
"Yeah, alright. And marry by dinner, put me down."
"Stop squirming," Wendy berated her lightly and Bella pouted.
"I don't get why I can't get married in jeans," she scoffed, "Lucas would marry me in flip flops."
"Yes, he would," Ma agreed, "but the pictures will last forever, let's make them pretty."
Bella wasn't nervous. This was a spur of the moment decision, but it was the right decision. She was just giddy and having a hard time caring about all the little details that Wendy and Ma were caring.
"Sit still," Wendy scoffed again, tugging on the back of her dress. It wasn't even white or, remotely, a wedding dress. It reached just about her calves and Bella had insisted on putting her combat boots, no matter how much the other women grumbled about it. The dress was of a pale grey-beige, off shoulder and with extra fabric to be tied behind her back.
Unlike what Lucas wanted, they weren't getting married the very next day of her proposal. Ma had shaken her head vehemently at Bella's idea of them marrying in the backyard and said there was no way she'd let any of her kids marry anywhere that wasn't a chapel.
Luke had rolled his eyes at the prospect, but he didn't seem annoyed enough to die in this hill and so they had found a tiny chapel near the beach, that could fit the grand total of twenty people, if that.
"Alright, this is enough," Bella sighed, moving away from Wendy, despite the shorter girl complaining her hair was not done, "let's go. I don't wanna be late."
"Yeah, Luke might die of a heart attack," Wendy teased her lightly, rushing after Bell.
Vince was pacing just outside the tiny church and he opened a smile upon seeing them, "you all looks great," he said, giving Wendy a kiss before she took ma's arm in hers and they quickly entered the church.
"We're not doing the whole song thing," Bella said, when Vince took her arm in his and he shrugged.
"Don't steal my moment, would you?"
"Your moment?" the ginger chuckled, jabbing her elbow on his side and smoothing her dress, "do you think we're being insane?"
"Oh absolutely," Vince nodded, grinning even more when she made a surprised face, "but I'm frankly surprised this didn't happen sooner."
"It's Sicily getting to me," Bella whispered, then gulped down, feeling her stomach fill up with butterflies and her heart stutter as she saw Lucas at the end of the church aisle, bouncing and smiling.
She had said no to the music, but apparently Luke hadn't, because there was music playing, just not the nuptial march...
"Is that Nothing Else Matters in a piano?" Bella whispered as soon as she reached Lucas and he smiled, taking her hand in his.
"Figured I was safe going with one of your favorites," he whispered back and they turned to the man who officiating the wedding.
Bella didn't remember the actual vows. They hadn't bothered to write their own vows, but she did remember Luke sliding the ring in her finger, pressing his lips over the simple golden band with four rubies sitting on top. She wasn't aware he had a ring either and it made her heart jump, the fact he clearly had thought this through.
"When did you have time to pick this?" Bella whispered, voice choked up and Lucas only shrugged.
"Just had it lying about," he said in a playful manner and Bell sniffled, rolling her eyes.
"You may now kiss the bride" was met with claps and whistles from their little audience of eight people, while Lucas overeagerly grabbed her by the back of her head, smashing their lips together and bending Bella back.
She chuckled when they nearly fell, grabbing the lapels of his blazer and kissing him again, only to let out a squeal when he swooped her off her feet.
Their friends and family were still clapping and whistling as Luke carried her out of the church and to the beach, despite Bella screaming for him to put her down and that he was going to ruin her boots. She threw the bouquet of daisies off his shoulder and Leo caught it in the air out of reflex, only for Vince to yell "LEO CAUGHT THE BOUQUET!" and cause the blonde's face to turn beet red, as he dropped the flowers back in the wet sand.
"You're not gonna dunk your wife in the sea, you prick," Bella squealed, arms tightly wrapped around Luke's neck when he walked in the ocean and he smiled, eyes sparkling.
And then a wave crashed onto them.
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peakyscillian · 1 year
Bend The Rules | Cillian Murphy Series
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Summary: Cillian is unhappily married, to someone who doesn’t care about him, surely he can bend the rules? Warnings: Cheating, drama, Smut, Mature themes, sexual content, language. Minors DNI Pairing: Cillian x Fem!Reader Part: 7 A/N: No disrespect to Cillian/his family this is purely fiction.
I just want to have a little shout out moment, to my wonderful Alex (@cillmequick) who let me have a massive brain dump of ideas and just rolled with the flow of me being all over the place - giving me help on where to take this little series I've created. So I hope you like this part - Enjoy bestie 😘
Bend The Rules | Part 7
Masterlist | BTR Masterlist
Part Seven.
Your head was spinning, you'd arrived on set earlier than planned, you needed to find Cillian, how had she even found where you lived?
It was packed today, of all days, a massive scene playing out for the whole Shelby family.
You found him sat to the side of the canal, a book in hand as he relaxed, he caught your eye as if he'd sensed you walking over.
"Can we just go check the fit of the Gala outfit please?" you asked, trying to remain composed, "there were some alterations" you added.
Cillian nodded, standing from him chair, he frowned at you as you stormed off ahead, what had he done now?
Once you were both in the privacy of the dressing room, he was looking for the Tux that you had fitted him for weeks ago, one that had you dropping to your knee's and taking his cock into your mouth.
It hadn't been sent for alterations, it had been sent to dry cleaning because you under estimated how much of his cum you could swallow in one go, he adjusted himself at the thought of you, his cum leaking from your mouth, the cheeky giggle as you tried to swipe it from the leg of the trouser.
"She knows" your voice was shaking, only slightly but, god when he looked at you, your eyes were wild and frightened.
"What?" that took away the dull ache in his balls as quick as it had appeared "how?"
You shrug at him, which fills him with a flash of annoyance, because how did she know? how could she find out? but then he relaxes, it's not your fault, it's his mess he's dragged you into.
She'd been out of town, away on another press trip straight after the Charity dinner, not that he had checked up on her, why would he? he was trying to hard to divorce this woman.
"I don't know, she turned up this morning not long after you left" you sat in the nearest chair, your head was a mess.
"Fuck" he cursed, Irish accent coated with a thick disgust, how she had the nerve to turn up on your doorstep.
"Waving fucking divorce papers at me, telling me I'm the reason" you were ranting, "Which I am I suppose, but you wanted out of this marriage long before I showed up"
Cillian was kneeling in front of you, hands stroking over your knee's "This is my mess and I'll sort it, I do want out of this marriage, I want to be able to be with you in every capacity, not just hiding in your apartment or in locked rooms on set, I want you"
His fingers had pushed through yours, palms touching "I want to be loved by someone who cares about me, who knows every fucking annoying thing about me and still chooses me"
"You do have a lot of things that are annoying" you joked, trying to hold the tears back, "but, you're also so fucking wonderful Cillian and if she hasn't ever seen that then she doesn't deserve you" you cupped at his jaw.
He was wonderful, so caring you felt like you didn't deserve him, you were rushing into falling for him, you couldn't stop yourself, you couldn't make youself slow down.
It's tumbling from your mouth, before you can even register that you're the one who is saying it, "I love you, I want to be the one to love you" your mouth closes quickly, heart hammering.
Then you see the look fall across his face, the smile tugging on his lips making his cheek bones stand strong to attention as he moves, to cup your face in his hands, bent almost in half so he can kiss you so forecefully, he takes the air right from your lungs, you're grabbing at him to pull him closer.
Because, you never want to let him go, whatever she was planning would be fine, it wouldn't hurt as much as you once thought because he's pulling away from your lips to let you breathe and he's saying those words right back "I love you".
You can hear Cillian outside his trailer, trying his hardest not to shout down the line to her, he's getting answers, because how dare she find your home, confront you on your own doorstep.
In a flurry of choice words and a low frustrated groan he's back walking through the door.
"she followed me the other night, then found out my schedule set up a little stake out to watch me leave your apartment to confirm her suspicion" he shrugged off the thick wool coat of his character.
You were meant to be off set hours ago, but you'd stayed in his trailer waiting for him between scenes and meetings, pottering around the costume department, setting up for future appointments anything to distract you from the feeling of her being near your home.
"I've finished up" he's taking off the cap, leaving it on the side "we can get a late dinner?" he asks, slowly removing the layers of Tommy Shelby from him body.
You nod, moving towards him to help with his tie, the buttons on the collar of his shirt, fingers moving down to unbutton the crisp slim fit shirt from his body, fingertips tracing over the fake tattoo's, the well crafted scar on is chest.
Cillian takes your hand in his, holding it against his chest "I want to take you out for dinner, fuck sneaking around" he looks so sure of himself.
You're biting at your bottom lip, slightly worrying it between your teeth "yes, I'd like that" you throw all caution to the wind because why couldn't you be seen with him?
Four hours later you're pleasently full with good food and wine, Cillian holding the door open for you to slip into the passenger seat of your car.
He's pulling away from the roadside, focused on the road but you're certain you saw the flash of something, the ultimate invasion of any privacy.
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woman-of-balnain · 1 year
Undone in Sorrow Part 7/10 (Alpha Rick x Omega Reader)
Previous Part | Collection Masterlist | AO3 Ver. | Next Part
Pairing: Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader
Summary: After a brief period of calm and peace, Negan comes to visit Alexandria again.
Okay, so most importantly, I initially had a very different ending to this chapter but I also felt really crappy about how it turned out. Shortly after posting it, I got an idea and deleted it so I could make the necessary changes. So, just in case you managed to see the old one before I deleted it, this is the updated version.
This is gonna be a chapter where the timeline gets a bit murky but please just roll with it because if I kept overthinking it, I never would’ve gotten any of this story written 😅
The drama picks up in this one again, but I promise that the drama is over between Rick and Reader in terms of their relationship.
TW: Non-consensual touching at the end of the chapter, though nothing explicit.
Warnings: Protective Rick, remnants of feral and possessive Rick, angst, forced scenting from Negan, some non-consensual touching (nothing explicit though)
Word Count: 3,508
Dividers by: cafekitsune + newlips
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God blessed me, I'm a free man
With no place free to go
Paralyzed and collared-tight
No pills for what I fear
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You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your lips as you woke up to the feel of Rick kissing along your neck. Your head tilted automatically, giving him better access to your skin and you heard him let out a light, relaxed laugh. He was lying behind you, with one arm around your waist and his hand covering your lower stomach in a way that was both protective and loving.
“Mornin’ sweetheart,” he mumbled against the column of your throat.
Your only response was a soft and content moan, as he continued his ministrations. Your side was sore though, after sleeping on the floor and the sound quickly turned into a groan of slight discomfort. Rick noticed - of course he did - and moved his hand to your back so that he could gently roll you both over until your body was above his.
“Morning handsome,” you grinned happily, now looking down at him.
Rick’s fingers trailed feather-soft patterns along the naked skin of your back, taking in the sight of you with a dazed smile of his own. You lifted one of your hands to gently caress his cheek, the coarseness of his short beard tickling your fingertips as you did.
“We’ve gotta find somewhere better for you to sleep,” he murmured.
“It’s okay,” you assured him.
“You’re pregnant,” he reminded you. “You can’t keep sleeping on the floor.”
“It can wait for now. You’re busy with other things.”
He nodded, letting the topic go for the time being. It had been about a week since you returned to Alexandria and while your body still hadn’t gotten used to the lack of a warm and comforting bed again, you were just glad to be home. Things had been relatively calm, with you spending most of your days with Judith, while Rick and the others focused on the war they were about to undoubtedly start. With that ominous inevitability looming in the back of your mind, you had been trying to just make the most of whatever peaceful moments you could enjoy.
After coming home, Rick had pulled the cushions off the sofa and brought them upstairs to create a makeshift mattress for the two of you, but they often shifted in your sleep and your bodies were still left stiff and uncomfortable the next day. So, you sat back and stretched to relieve some of the soreness in your muscles. You didn’t miss the way Rick eyed your naked body with desire as his hands fell to their usual spot on your hips. Before he could get any ideas, you moved to stand up, causing a look of disappointment to cross his features.
“What time do you all leave?” You asked, reminding him that he had somewhere to be.
Rick looked over at the clock while you pulled a shirt over your head.
“In about an hour,” he sighed, the reality of everything coming back to him.
Along with some of the others, Rick was planning to visit Hilltop that day and discuss everything with Maggie, like he had promised to when you both left to come home.
“Can you do me a favor?” You asked as Rick also started getting dressed.
He paused to look at you, showing that he was listening.
“Can you make sure Maggie’s okay?” You requested. “I know you’ll have other stuff to worry about while you’re there, but I hate being so far from her with everything that’s going on.”
Even with Carson’s assurances that everything was fine with your sister, you were still worried.
“’Course I will,” Rick replied, moving over to you and taking your hands in his. “But can you promise me something?”
“What is it?”
“While we’re gone, if they show up… just keep out of sight if you can. They’re not meant to come for another few days, but they’ve surprised us before…”
You knew he was talking about the Saviors - about Negan.
“I promise,” you nodded, giving his hands a reassuring squeeze.
“I hate leaving you…” he admitted softly.
This was going to be the first time the two of you would be separated after you woke up in Hilltop, and you knew Rick was on edge about it.
“I’ll be okay,” you tried to ease his mind a little. “Even if they show up, I doubt they’ll do anything.”
“Y/N… I don’t like how interested he is in you...”
“Negan’s not interested in me,” you pointed out, still trying to pacify him. “He’s only interested in what I mean to you and as far as he’s concerned, you’re still playing by his rules.”
“You haven’t heard the things he’s said about you,” Rick argued.
You frowned, wondering what kind of exchange had occurred between the two men that you hadn’t witnessed. But ultimately, you were confident that nothing would happen.
“They’re just words, Rick,” you said gently. “It doesn’t matter.”
“No, Y/N, they were threats.”
“Okay,” you relented, not wanting to push him. “I’ll stay out of sight if anything happens. I promise. So, don’t worry, okay?”
Rick just nodded and you could tell that he was still on edge about leaving, but he didn’t want you outside the walls of Alexandria either.
“You’ll be back by tonight,” you reminded him. “It won’t be that long.”
“I just need you to be safe.”
“I know,” you gave him a small smile, hoping to reassure him.
Rick stepped closer, so that he could cup your cheek in his hand and then he brought his lips to yours in a quick, but loving kiss.
“I’ll be as quick as I can,” he promised.
“And I’ll be here when you get back,” you assured him.
He just nodded before leaning in to kiss you again, not ready to let you go just yet.
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You wondered if Rick had some kind of psychic powers or if Negan somehow knew your alpha would be leaving you in Alexandria without him that day. Maybe Rick’s earlier trepidation and uneasiness had something to do with your bond, since it seemed like he could just sense that something would go wrong that day. Because that afternoon, Negan decided to stop by with a large group of Saviors.
The sound of numerous vehicles coming through the gates was what alerted you to it, and at first you thought it was Rick’s group returning. But a quick glance out the window told you otherwise and you stayed inside, remembering your earlier promise to him and intending to keep it. So, you occupied yourself with Judith and tried to ignore whatever was going on out in the streets. You knew that Gabriel and Aaron would most likely handle it.
But then you froze out of instinctual fear when after a long time, you heard Negan’s voice as it raised in volume like he was pissed off about something. It seemed that it wasn’t just your body’s reaction to hearing him again, for the first time since that night. It felt like your mating gland was reacting to it as well; signs that your bond with Rick was negatively affected by any knowledge or reminder of Negan’s presence.
That only seemed logical, as you believed that one of the main reasons you had slipped out of consciousness at Hilltop was due to him forcing his scent on you. So, you tried to just ignore it and focus on something else, believing that as long as you stayed inside, nothing would happen, and he would leave again eventually.
Yet, Negan seemed to have other ideas and you panicked when you heard heavy footsteps coming up the porch and towards the front door. Setting Judith down, you steeled yourself for the fact that you were inevitably about to come face to face with him again, and you had no time to try and hide. When the door was forcefully pushed open and Negan caught sight of you, he seemed surprised at first. But then there was that cocky grin again, the one that still haunted you after that night.
“Well, shit,” he greeted you with interest. “Long time no see, darlin’.”
You just stared back at him, unable to get any words out and feeling trapped. Negan didn’t seem to care, getting straight to business.
“Where’s Rick?” He asked, turning serious again.
“Out,” was all you could manage to say in response.
“Out where?”
You hesitated, not able to speak the truth but also not wanting to incite Negan’s wrath.
“Getting supplies,” you decided on as your answer. “For you.”
“Well, he sure as shit better come back with one hell of a jackpot. Because I am gettin’ damned tired of his bullshit.”
Your body tensed as you realized you had just backed Rick into a corner. Whatever Negan had found within the walls of Alexandria during his current visit wasn’t good enough. And now he was expecting Rick to come back with supplies that he wouldn’t have, because instead of looking for that, he was currently planning in secret to fight back against the alpha in front of you.
“You look nervous, darlin’,” Negan observed, voice dripping with false concern.
“No,” you scrambled to think of something to say. “Just… just morning sickness. You know, it’s… it doesn’t always happen in the, uh, mornings…”
You trailed off, slightly embarrassed by your poor attempt at a lie, but Negan just laughed in that way of his where it seemed like he found humor in the situation, but really it just came across as malicious.
“Let’s get you some fresh air then,” he suggested, as though he was doing you a favor. “You, me… and the kid.”
Your heart skipped a beat as his gaze fell on your daughter and you realized how vulnerable you were in that moment. You reacted too late, only able to follow him helplessly with your gaze when he moved past you and bent down to pick Judith up and hold her in his arms. He walked by you again, heading for the front door and only stopping at the threshold when he realized you were rooted to the spot in fear.
“Omega,” he warned you lowly.
You snapped out of it, panicking over the fact that he had his filthy, bloodstained hands on your daughter.
“Let her go,” you begged him softly. “Please, I… I’ll hold her.”
You knew there was no getting out of whatever he wanted you to do, but at the very least you could keep him from touching Judith.
“If you insist,” he shrugged, turning to hold her out to you.
You were quick to take her from him, letting out a breath of relief once she was snuggling back into your arms.
“Outside,” he ordered you. “Now.”
He didn’t bother using an alpha command, likely because he knew it wouldn’t work, but probably also due to the fact that you didn’t have any choice other than to obey. When you stepped out onto the porch, you caught sight of Aaron in the street and the worried look he was giving you. Knowing that he was just as powerless against Negan as you were, you just gave him a small nod to hopefully show that you were okay, before turning your attention back to the man in front of you.
“What do you want from me?” You asked Negan quietly, unsure as to why he had made you come out of the house.
“We’re gonna wait here for your alpha to come back,” he replied. “Because when he does, if he doesn’t have the shit I expect to find, I want him to be reminded of what’s at stake.”
You let out a shaky breath, but ultimately you couldn’t do anything, and you hated that fact. Rick had only just started to seem more like himself, and you dreaded the idea of something pushing him back into the despair and self-doubt he’d been feeling before. Yet, with nothing to do but wait, you sat yourself down on the top step of the porch, holding Judith tightly to you and trying to ignore the ominous feeling of Negan looming behind you.
Your body was on high alert as his scent swirled around you. It meant that your earlier lie about morning sickness no longer seemed to be obviously untrue, because now you really did feel sick. It was like he was suffocating you, without even having the need for physical touch. Your stomach churned with both dread and nausea, but all you could do was sit and wait.
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When Rick finally did return, you instantly grew worried because it was just him and Carl. There was no sign of the others who had gone with him, and he looked like he was barely holding back his fury when he saw you there with Negan. You realized that you were shaking and tried to calm the relentless anxiety running through you, but it was no use.
“Where’s the rest of my shit, Rick?” Negan asked him coldly, once he was close enough. “Because what you’ve got here ain’t gonna cut it.”
Rick’s eyes were focused solely on you though, and it gave you the opportunity to try and silently communicate with him to just play along. Rick gave a subtle nod, showing he understood, but his anger didn’t fade one bit.
“We couldn’t find anything else,” he replied, keeping his answer vague enough and turning his attention to the other alpha.
“Well, you see, Rick,” Negan stepped down from the porch and approached him. “That’s just not good enough.”
You set Judith down and Carl moved over to stand protectively in front of her.
“I told you,” Rick tried to reason with him. “We barely have enough for ourselves, just give me some time.”
“I’ve given you enough time,” Negan snapped, getting right up in the other alpha’s face. “You don’t get special treatment. I told you what would happen if you pissed me off, Rick and I’m at the end of my god damned patience.”
Suddenly, Rick was looking at you with unbridled fear and your eyes widened as the realization washed over you. Whatever he had threatened, it had to do with you, and you remembered what Rick had told you earlier. Not just words, but threats.
“Come here, omega,” Negan ordered you without taking his eyes off Rick.
You loathed the fact that you had no choice but to do what he said, because if you resisted, he would hurt someone you loved. That was just how it seemed to work with him. Rick’s eyes were fiery with anger when you met them again and it unsettled you that you weren’t sure if it was directed at you, for not managing to stay out of sight, or at Negan.
Once you were close enough, the alpha you despised with every fiber of your being pulled you into his side, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Your body reacted instantly, as that freezing chill swept over you once again and the nauseous feeling within you got worse.
“You smell a little too much like prick here, darlin’,” Negan observed sadistically. “Let’s remind him who you really belong to. Who you all belong to.”
You were shaking uncontrollably now, partly from the return of that icy feeling and partly out of pure fear. Rick’s eyes were becoming absolutely feral with barely restrained rage at the insinuation that you belonged to anyone else but him. You shook your head slightly, catching his gaze just in time to silently plead with him to not lash out. Because right after that, Negan was burying his head in your neck and forcing his scent on you once again.
You were no longer able to focus on your alpha, as your body reacted violently, and you struggled not to pass out from how queasy you felt. Negan’s hand wrapped around you to keep you still, his hand falling over your stomach and touching the place where your child - Rick’s child - lay. That pushed your body over the edge and all logical sense left your mind.
You thrashed wildly against him and even though you could feel his rising anger at your obstinance through his scent, while also hearing Rick’s distressed voice calling out, you couldn’t stop. You wanted to be as far away as possible from him, as your body screamed out at you that just being near him put you and your bond with Rick in danger.
The only thing that stopped you was when he retaliated, and his teeth sunk into your skin, tearing directly into your claiming bite. The one that had been left by Rick, that belonged to Rick.
You screamed in pain and horror at the vicious sensations rushing through you. It was all wrong, every part of you felt violated and damaged by him and the worst part was that you couldn’t do anything to stop it.
He let you go unceremoniously, causing you to fall to your knees, the blood pooling out of your neck. Your head throbbed and your vision swam as you struggled to not completely collapse or pass out.
Maybe the only thing that kept you conscious was your fear for your alpha as he attacked Negan, being truly pushed past his breaking point. But your oppressor had the upper hand, just with the sheer number of men and firepower he had behind him and even though it took more Saviors than it should have to contain Rick, they ultimately did in the end.
You pressed your hand up to your neck, trying to stop the flow of blood as your body continued to torment you over something that had been done against your will. It felt like a million insects were crawling both over and inside your skin, giving you the impulse to scratch so hard at your neck that you would just make yourself bleed even more.
Negan didn’t seem surprised or even that annoyed at Rick’s outburst. Instead, he just got right in your alpha’s face again.
“This isn’t a fucking game,” Negan warned Rick lowly. “You come up empty handed one more time and I’ll do a lot worse.”
He didn’t need an answer, because he knew Rick got the message. So, he had the Saviors release Rick, and they began to walk off, getting ready to leave again. Your alpha looked ready to attack the other man again, but when he caught sight of you and how you were barely holding onto consciousness, he rushed over to you instead.
Your body relaxed just slightly when you felt Rick’s arms wrap around you, cradling you to him. You felt like you imagined someone would if they had been poisoned. In a sense, you supposed you had been, and you had no idea what the action might do to a regular mated pair, let alone to you and Rick. Your alpha’s frantic and desperate expression conveyed that he was worrying about the same.
“You’re okay,” he murmured, like he was trying to persuade himself of that fact more than he was trying to convince you. “You’re okay, I’ve got you.”
You were so dazed and uncomfortable that you couldn’t find the words to reply to him and he just kept repeating his own reassurances over and over. His head dipped down to your neck, and he was breathing heavily, struggling to ignore the scent of Negan as he lapped his tongue against the fresh and violent wound that had been placed over the one Rick himself had put there in such a loving way so long ago.
You recognized that he was trying to stop the blood flow and it was only when you felt his chest wrack with a sob that you realized part of the wetness against your skin was now also from his tears and not just your own blood.
His actions did soothe you to a certain degree, as your body and the bond between you recognized that your alpha was there and trying to make it right. But it didn’t erase what had been done - the ramifications of which you couldn’t begin to comprehend yet.
But when he pulled away and you looked into his eyes again, you saw a more fierce and unwavering sense of determination that hadn’t been there before. He had been ready to fight, sure, but now Rick looked like he was ready to do absolutely everything in his power to win.
“I’m gonna kill him,” he repeated the promise he had given Negan that night, his tone dark and full of hatred for the other man. 
There was so much more underlying in those few words now though. Rick’s scent gave away the resolve he felt to never let Negan hurt you again and you realized that this time it was a promise he was giving to you.
So, you used what little strength you had left to reply, trying to ignore how weak your body was and how frail your voice sounded.
“I know.”
I just want to point out that Negan doesn’t really have a thing for the Reader. Like, there’s obviously the fact that she’s an omega, and it's not necessarily unpleasant to him when he scents the Reader (even with her smelling so much like Rick, I can see him looking past that and just focusing on the Reader's scent). But the main motivation is to get under Rick’s skin and assert his authority over him.
Next Part
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mamaito · 2 months
What are the most surreal and macabre movies you ever watched? Your favorites?
It's hard to actually find more movies where it is both surreal and macabre at the same time, but there's possibly somewhere out there that I haven't seen yet so here's the ones I've personally watched. Some of them are only surreal and the other just macabre so browse at your leisure.
I seem to have forgotten other movies, my bad. I can't really remember some even if I try to put my head around it. I'll be putting a ✯ symbol to signify that it's my favorite:
Alice (1988) - [✯] A surreal, live action mixed with stop motion animation that is a loose adaptation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It's goal is to create a more surreal and dreamlike adaptation as the director was disappointed that other movies of Alice in Wonderland don't bother leaning into it. It is as you'd expect it to be, it is like having a fever dream but the animations of the various character's and design are amazing.
Eraserhead (1977) - [] Those who are a fan of surreal movies will no doubt mention you Eraserhead as it is a more well known one. It is a black and white movie about a man going to his girlfriend's house to ask for not wanting to visit anymore, he gets invited to a dinner with the family only to then find out she got pregnant and had a kid so now they have to marry.
You should experience it for yourself lol, the fun part is just seeing the over exaggerated menial things to the bizarre. This is not my favorite as I prefer something more interesting to analyze and theorize.
Fantastic Planet (1973) - [] Animated film about large blue aliens with human pets. But the human pet then learns of a group of other living humans with no owners forming a resistance against the blue tyrants and go to an all out war. What is there to say other than you should go watch it and see for yourself, the colors are nice.
Hope / Wish (2013) - [] Korean drama film that's about this young girl, So-won, who was assaulted severely to the point of death and the effects of it on her family. Her life has drastically changed and has started to fear men that her own father can't even hold her so he dresses up in this cartoon character just to be close to her. It is very heart wrenching and depressing.
This is based on the real events that happened which is the "Na-young case", and yes the man who disabled and assaulted her is still alive and free. Yes, he is protected by the government like a president. Yes, I will never visit korea because of this.
It's such a beautiful day (2012) - [✯] an animated film that relies sorely on it's narrator and the stick figures shown to you, it is about a man who is suffering from an unknown illness as his memories and vision slowly disintegrates; I really love this movie as it is relatable, I still remember the trailer I watched on youtube and I was entranced by it (I was engrossed by stick figure animations during that time).
This is a movie that you need to experience for yourself as me just describing it to you won't give it much justice, there's also surreal imagery but I don't think it's leaning too hard on it, just down to earth enough to show you the protagonist's decaying mental state.
Guinea Pig Series: Mermaid in the manhole (1988) - [✯] A live action film about an artist looking for inspiration finds an injured mermaid under a manhole. As expected from a gore movie, it is not without nudity and mutilation. What I like about it is the concept of a mermaid being found in such a filthy location of all things rather interesting as I'm so used to seeing them always in either a vast ocean or a certain magical place.
Mad God (2021) - [✯] Another surreal and macabre stop motion film, the plot or rather the perspective of different characters sewed together to create a film is about these assassins sent from above to head down and search for something to prolong their dying world despite it no longer being a redeemable one.
It is a feast for eye pleasing visuals and the dark atmosphere is pretty good, I really miss these kind of animations, most tend to only be short films but this one was made in over 30 years and managed to finish the entirety of it. Just like Alice and It's such a beautiful day, you should experience it for yourself.
Martrys (2008) - [] Live action psychological horror film, a girl from a young age is found and rescued, only to grow up and take revenge against the people who tormented her that day. Another woman, who also grew up alongside her is also abused but grew dependent on the other as she tries to keep the other from succumbing to the psychological torment she is going through. After all that hardship, many things comes to unravel and the woman is left to see it all and then is chosen as a martyr.
There is a lot of plot twists in this film and it doesn't bother to let you catch your breath. There are many things not said to you out loud but the ending is where almost everyone who saw it keeps debating about. If you also want to know what this movie's about, you should go watch it. This could've been one of my favorites but I feel something is missing but I'm not sure what.
Marquis (1989) - [✯] A surreal live action french film, about the life of Marquis De Sade (Where the word sadism came from) in the bastille prison. Most of the actors are wearing animal masks and this movie has a rather unique sense of humor, if we can call it that.. You see, the main character has a talking penis (Yes..) and it is also a character in itself because Marquis De Sade is a known sexual deviant in real life and so in this film he is contemplating and arguing with his penis, Colin, on whether to succumb to his desires or remain in control and focus on his work, letting his sexual desires remain only in erotic literature, which is writing depraved stories like 120 days of Sodom.
I remember seeing a screenshot from this movie on a chan board years ago, about a female cow being tortured and there was a lot of milk being churned out and I knew right away that I needed to watch it. It took me years to find it but here it is lol. Anyway, I liked it because it's just out there.
Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show / Shoujo Tsubaki (1992) - [✯] Japanese animated eroguro film. This is a story about a young girl named Midori, who has become an orphan after her mother passed, she is then taken by a travelling circus as their own and with no other place to go, she complies. There are all kinds of abuse occurring, especially towards Midori, even when she is given an opportunity to lead a better life, it is taken from her right away. The concept of love is questioned, especially in a lawless place where it is the only option for a lesser evil and to a good life.
I cannot stress enough how much I love this film, especially the eroguro movement. I also admire the creator's dedication to fund and finish his own movie by himself. Eroguro movement tackles taboo subjects that the common people do not want to see or acknowledge. It is about a child led astray too soon and left to her own devices for people to take advantage of, when it comes to choosing a partner, she lacks the ability to assess those around her and in turn leaves her up to be abused by one. At the same time it is asking you if you'll deny Midori the right to be with the dwarf when it is the lesser evil that she will ever experience.
It is not for everyone, but as a fan I love it. There is also a live action one, it has a different ending and it has fleshed out Masamitsu, the dwarf further with some changes to it if you're ever interested.
Paprika (2006) - [✯] Animated surreal japanese film, the plot is very hard to understand at first but it is about these researchers who is studying about dreams using a device called DC and record them. But one of these devices got stolen and now this thief has been invading other people's dream and is trying to bring these said dreams into reality.
Now it is up to Paprika, a persona of one of the lead researchers to enter dreams and find who's causing it with the help of a detective, of course. The music is great too because of course it is, Hirasawa Susumu is the one making the music.
The Lighthouse (2019) - [] Black and white live action film about two lighthouse keepers stuck in a remote island together, but due to the weather, their return back home is constantly delayed. The story focuses on their unequal relationship between boss and worker, the secrets they keep to one another and the eventual decline of their sanity.
Throughout the film, you will question everything you'll hear because the two of them are not trustworthy narrators with stories constantly changing without whim. It is hard to tell who exactly is telling the truth but that's the fun of it.
The Lobster (2015) - [✯] A surreal dark comedy movie about a man looking for love in this world where you are punished for not having a partner in 45 days otherwise you'll turn into an animal of your choosing. The movie criticizes both of the extreme sides, those who believe that happiness can be found through having a partner and the individualists who believe that happiness is found where you are alone. People going out of their way to lie just to find a common interest out of fear of being alone and those punishing others just because you are alone and want others to comply with your beliefs.
It is a funny movie, I give you that. The best part for me is when the isolationists are celebrating and they have to bring their own music and dance by themselves and the movie doesn't bother to put a music of it's own. The ending is left to our interpretation on whether the protagonist really went with it or not and whether his lover will continue to wait for him in that diner alone.
The Thief And The Cobbler (1993) - [] An unfinished animated film. It has surreal visuals but it is not macabre. It is a complete feast for the eyes at how much detail and color it has.
The plot is centered around, as you'd expect, the thief and the cobbler. The thief steals from the cobbler and the man tries to get back at the thief but comes across Zigzag, a powerful advisor of the king.
The wolf house / La Casa Lobo (2020) - [] Surreal stop animation film about a german woman, Maria, seeking refuge in Chile, entering a abandoned house so that she can hide from the wolf looking for her only to find two children, symbolizing as pigs and taking them as her own. It is referencing the Nazi's influence in Chile, though I am not fully well informed regarding the political side of what happened in the country, what I did gather from my viewing is a rather oppressive one that's built from propaganda and the like.
Though she claims to mean well in caring for them, the film shows that she thinks lowly of them and that without her, they wouldn't become civilized or human. To Maria, only when they resemble or look like her are they considered as people and the path to happiness which may also be viewed as the remnants of the cult still rubbing off on her to see it that way. At the same time, she is constantly harassed by said wolf, critizing her abilities to be independent from the cult she was once a part of and her ability to take care of two children on her own.
The ending leaves an ambigious conclusion to the three, and whether she survived or not is up for debate. It presents itself as a fairytale like story telling while letting the clausthrophobic atmosphere of the film give off a constant uneasy feeling.
When the wind blows (1986) - [] An animated film about an elderly british couple living in their home till they hear the news of a incoming nuclear attack, you watch as they try to find ways to keep themselves safe in albeit useless and naive attempts as they are clearly not prepared nor knowledgeable against it, even with the help of their pamphlets where the government advises them what to do during it is rather ill informed and gives out confusing instructions.
You get to watch them slowly disintegrate from the effects of the nuclear fallout and die. I do like the art style though, makes me interested in seeing the creators comic version of this movie, eventually.
120 days of sodom (1975) - [] It is a live action film about the ruling people, the government, deciding to take young boys and girls in a secluded castle in order to commit their depraved fantasies into reality. I would say this is a loose adaptation as the director of this movie has decided to put his own interpretations and turning it as a critique on the italian government on how it treats it citizens.
This is one of those unique films that you would never consider having such high quality production to it, and though many people who are just casual viewers would not think twice on what it's trying to say, it may come off as just typical shock value. It is not my favorite but I get the message it's trying to say.
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Dear Silver,
First, please don't tell others of the content of this letter, I want it to be just between us. Second, I know we don't talk much, but I hope you could be honest with me, you know, human to human. Why are Sebek, Lilia, and Malleus acting so weird?
Lilia has offered to kill for me like five times, and I haven't really noticed him offering that to anyone else (thank God). Plus I walked in on Sebek calling a bunch of students worthless humans, and then when I was offended he fell prostrate on the floor and begged for my forgiveness. Like, I gave him it, and then he just ignored the people he was insulting? Like I was the only one who's opinion mattered? And Malleus has straight up offered me, a magicless commoner, to be his co-ruler. Like, I know I'm his first friend, but I don't think Briar Valley's citizens would be impressed.
So I just want to know, is this a fae thing? Could you explain why I'm the only one they act like this to? Like what makes me more special than everyone else?
Thank you!
(Reader is in their world. Feel free to throw this letter out or respond with any length you desire. A completely oblivious reader is just so funny to me, because I know that's how I'd react.)
(also I love your writing and I hope you have a nice day! :) )
This made me laugh. The (not so) small hints to some of my works and more... just pure comedy material! XD
Also, this letter is longer so it's a “write your heart out” one.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, religion, stalking, death, murder, obsession, obsessive themes, power imbalance, blood, violence
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Silver-Not a “fae thing”
Hearing someone knock on the door of Ramshackle you went up from the couch. In the night it had suddenly began to rain which made you sleep in the entrance hall to see over the buckets and when you needed to empty them, a timer waking you up every two hours. Just what would you do for a small spark of magic so you could fix this? Finally reaching the front door you opened it just as you looked down on yourself. Good lord, you looked even worse than how the ghosts must have looked before they died. To your surprise it wasn't the usual face of a Heartslabyul student. Riddle sometimes send one over as a servant so that you “could live up to your standards”. The color of his hair immediately gave away who he was. Just what did he want from you? And whY wAs HE KNEELING??! Holding out a letter like you had seen knights hold out a sword to their queen in historical dramas you were finally saying goodbye to your sanity. Just why the heck was Diasomnia always so weird when sketching was about you? Taking it you gave him a smile before excusing yourself with “I need to look after the buckets and if the cealing stopped to dropping with water.” Closing it you were trying to shake off the feeling of someone still drilling holes into your head. Wait a second... did you just see Lilias face for a moment in a hole in the cealing??!
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Dear Overseer,
I am apologizing for our behavior. I swear that we always had good intentions in mind! It is not a “fae thing”. We decided to make sure that everything would go well as long as you stood here with us. All we are trying to do is making you as comfortable as possible. Never would we have ever imagined that our actions would be seen as weird or something like that. But dear Overseer, is this a test? Are you trying to find out if a simple letter would shake the foundation of my belief? You are of course our dear Overseer. The gentle gaze that watches over the world it created. Of course we would behave differently towards you.
But there have also been other things you are curious about. My fathers offer as a example. I am aware that he could be a bit off-putting with such a thing. He is just concerned. There have been many individuals who dared to try to usurp your throne and make themselves the highest being in our world. Because of that, my father has become rather extreme with his measure when it's to whom to end and whom not to. I have to say, although I understand your side I also understand his. Let all the sinners that dared to attack your divinity be cleaned off of this world. I shall help if the situation ever arises. I promise you that.
Sebek has done that! Oh dear Overseer, please forgive him! H can be someone very hard to work with but at the same time I have to ask for your forgiveness! He and I grew up and I know that deep down he cares for everyone. I'm happy to hear that he made up for his rude behavior. Just begging for forgiveness was a bit weak though. He should have begged for forgiveness and sworn to be yours for all eternity. I will never understand how he is able to call himself a true follower.
My master has already asked you that? I thought he would give himself a but more time. You see, he was always so nervous whenever the topic of you becoming our dear ruler came up. We all care about you without limits so don't worry about anything.
I do have to admit though, that I am jealous. They all have so much to offer to you whilst I can only write you this letter. I am not such a great general that I can promise you neverending punishment for the heretics neither am I of royal descent, able to give you a life in luxury. I am just a simple human. But I promise that I would do anything for you. Tell me whenever you need something and you shall have it. Just please, grace me with a glimpse of yours. I am aware that to you I am nothong more than vermin. Let me at least serve you with my life.
Sincerely yours,
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jemmo · 10 months
omg so one thing i noticed about the latest his man 2 eps was, like you said in another ask reply, seonwoo stuck his nose into hyungjun and minsung's business for absolutely no reason AND spilled stuff to hyungjun that minsung told him. he even told sungho what junsung said in the kitchen - the whole "i don't like people touching what's mine" and okay yeah whatever, apparently he loves creating drama even though he says he doesn't. however, on the other hand, when jeongwook asked junsung if he was the one yoonghee called, junsung just explained the whole misunderstanding and didn't even reveal who yoonghee actually wanted to call. isn't that common courtesy? isn't that also something seonwoo absolutely just doesn't think of doing? i'm really trying my best not to dislike seonwoo but every time he pulls someone to the side or corners them into a room to talk to them/reveal stuff people said to him, i just have to pause and ask myself "was that really necessary? why? what was the reason?" he's trying so hard to be the main character and it's getting on my nerves because this is a dating show. please focus on the person you're interested in, not your "rival" that you're forcing him to be and just let everyone else do their own thing naturally. god. anyway sorry for the rant, just needed to get this off my chest. 😭
this might just be my favourite his man 2 anon so far bc my dear you are so completely right and correct and valid for all of this I’m screaming for you 👏👏👏 like “was that really necessary?” is exactly what’s going through my head every time seonwoo has a conversation with someone
this comparison of how seonwoo and junsung handle information in the house is so beyond telling ESPECIALLY when you consider how they both handle sharing their own feelings vs sharing gossip/drama about other people, bc junsung handled that whole yonghee situation so perfectly, which sounds like an exaggeration bc it also wasn’t especially difficult, like yes if you know an error has been made, just sort it out with that person so they can do what they want with it and don’t share it with anyone else. you’re exactly right, it’s common curtesy, but also shows how seriously good hearted he is bc it never once ever occurred to him to use it against anyone or share it around as gossip. no, he just simply resolved the situation bc he does not care for the drama. let me say it again; HE DOES NOT CARE FOR THE DRAMA. seonwoo keeps trying to get under his skin and start shit and it gets on his nerves that junsung remains unphased. he entered this house and said I’m here for sungho, everyone else can do whatever, I’m gonna do my shit and just try and stop me. bc that’s the thing, he won’t disclose anyone else’s information or gossip but with his own feelings he will be so forward and direct and clear, precisely bc he doesn’t care for drama or misunderstandings, and bc he remains primarily concerned with himself and what he’s doing, knowing that if he stays true to himself and does what he wants, whatever happens at least then he won’t have any regrets.
seonwoo, on the other hand, will play so high and fast with other people’s words and gossip and drama and yet will hardly say a word about how he’s actually feeling. he will stick his nose into any situation and finds it so easy to just share not just what he’s said but what others have said in private conversations to others, and from what we see he doesn’t clarify whether this is information he can share. so yeah, sure, it’s cute he’s playing matchmaker for minsung and hyungjun, but did either of them ever ask him to? did either of them say hey can you help me out and be the go between telling him what I just said? bc minsung is still considering two options, and seonwoo just seems to be pushing hyungjun down his throat for i don’t even know what or if there is an ulterior motive, but no one is intruding on his situation with sungho and junsung so why he’s doing this I truly don’t know. I’m glad he seems to have a good friendship with minsung but at what point does he just start looking like a stirrer, like I swear how many of the conversations in eps 6 and 7 started bc seonwoo pulled someone to the side. and on top of that, from how many of those conversations did we actually learn how he feels about people. whenever he talks about sungho or yonghee, he says nice things that encourage his relationship with them, sure, but there’s only so many times I can hear “he’s special and not what I expected” and “I would like to try and date you sometime” before I’m asking ok but what does that mean?? how much are you interested and to what extent are you committed/willing to commit to this person??? the stuff that actually matters to the other people involved in these relationships. every conversation with him reminds me of jaewon in the eighth sense saying I’m not just gonna tell you my trauma, you have to coax it out of me and I’m sorry but you do not get the jaewon trauma pass.
and just to say… sungho isn’t out here starting drama either. in the kitchen, he simply says I talked to seonwoo to junsung, and doesn’t really go into anymore detail, bc he doesn’t feel the need to disclose everything. and in that conversation, they both hold a level of respect, junsung respecting the privacy of sungho’s conversation with seonwoo and sungho respecting the privacy of what seonwoo said. and yet without disclosing anything they manage to have a fruitful conversation that establishes where they’re all at, which is what the situation needs, clarity. and it just makes me mad that seonwoo doesn’t afford that same privacy to either of them. like it’s gone past a matter of intent for me, like whether he intends to or not, he is starting drama, and it’s too much.
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cubedmango · 8 months
NAINAAAA OH MY GOD?(:&:?:& I’M DJD YOUUUUUUU !!!!!!! I’m so sorry I don’t want this entire ask to be pure nonsense so I’m gonna pick up every single one of the million pieces I just exploded into, off of the floor and try and function,,, can I just say you needed to add a warning to that post because I genuinely yelled so loud I felt sharp burn in my chest afterwards WHYY WOULD YOU DO THIS😭😭 KUROSAWA CRYING,, THE BREAKFAST NOTEJNSJS ADACHI AND THEIR LITTLE GIRL CUDDLED UP,,, THE RING,, THE CHERRY!!PYJAMAS I’M FUCKFNFJF oh man. Oh God. Wow you… bless you… you wonderful miracle working legend… like I need you to understand so clearly when I say that my heart took a nose dive upon glancing at that art like my deeply heartfelt love for your art aside the fact that you put it into a perfect visual form with our la sweethearts like I actually can’t move on?? I saw it earlier today and have been racking my brain trying to find ways to properly emote the groundbreaking shift that took place within my soul like. Every so often (every 10 minutes) mind would drift back to Them and I’d have to grab onto the nearest wall to steady myself I’ve officially Lost it. Like thank me? THANK /YOU/ 6473683 times over😭😭😭<333333 I feel like I felt the warm rays of the spring sunshine after a 12 month long winter like truly I’m not sure how but I’m gonna have to join you sensei is gonna receive a mental transmission from me every day onwards BEGGING for this progression it could fix me in so many ways nothing else ever could I just know it…
(other ask below for length)
The ask was getting so long I’m sorry😭 (you Broke Me) BUT your tags had my heart aching because I didn’t even think about that but you’re sooo right like it’s clear that a lot of kurosawa’s unrealistic expectations for himself were ingrained into him through his mother and what she actually expected of him growing up and that manifesting into fears of fatherhood and making the same mistakes is,,,, (had to stop to forcefully regulate my breathing pattern here out of sheer pain) like it’s a perfect next life stage arc that stays true to his character. Plus the whole contrast with adachi being naturally adept and comfortable with fatherhood due to /his/steadfast upbringing and being able to talk things through with kurosawa and help him understand that yeah there’s no such thing as The Perfect Parent™️ but you do just have to learn as you go, while taking into account to be mindful of not making the same mistakes as your own parents but at the end of the day the goal is to create that loving, supportive and consistent environment which he’s more than capable of doing like oh GOD I could eat rocks by the spoonful right now sensei PLEASE,,, I’m gonna stop rambling before every single thought floods out but once again THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the Kurodachi brain food I’m gonna think about it an insanely unhealthy amount,,, I hope your day was loveliest it could be <333
PLS ANON IM CRYING SM these asks made my day pls im eating up all ur thoughts instantly (and weeps thank u im glad u liked the doodles 🥹) im so unwell abt kurodadchis rn so ty again for putting them in my brain !!!!!
also everything u said abt them talking the possibility out and accepting that they might not be perfect parents but they can actively try to do better and theyre 100% capable of that is just . aaauagGGHHGH i need sensei to make this happen w manga krdc like Right Now and then i need the drama crew to come back and give us a full s2 of this and then same w rd and then-
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purrpickle · 1 year
OH MY GOD please please please continue, I suddenly need the royal au more than breathing
((Can't do links because tumblr will eat this if I do, but you can search Royalty AU!Mon on my blog to find the 'verse and fic these are in reference to.))
Hah hah, thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it; I had a pretty good time writing it, myself, even if I was going, "No... Don't add a third fic 'verse to your plate... No... Don't do this, Sarah! You already have other stories you haven't started working on yet so you wouldn't do this!"
Alas, alack, I created a new fic 'verse I ideally would want to continue in some way anyway.
As it stands now, I still have a plan of either finishing the third part of my WT:TOWLSKS(WP)aCE series or my Moneung/Monsam fic before my birthday as a triumphant birthday present to myself, and I have ten days to do that. Not saying the muses won't wrench me around as they are wont to do and have me furiously type out more of Royalty AU!Mon first or during, but I am hoping to focus on my other stories more. I know I've been waiting to get them finished!
But seriously, thank you! I really appreciate the message!
(And please don't stop breathing!)
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Yes, Mon definitely could have said that and gotten the exact same response! However, she had seen enough dramas and romcoms to know not to, instead having decided to try to speak from the heart as she wanted Sam to know how much she loved her and... Misjudged a bit. Just a bit. A teeny bit.
Okay, a lot of bit because saying, "I have to tell you something, but please... Please know it does not change how much I love you more than anything else in the world," to someone like Sam who already has a tendency of assuming the worst (mind you, all after Sam had found Mon crying to herself at Sir Phoom's estate followed by a silent ride home with Mon breaking down as soon as she gets inside their house before disappearing into their bedroom for a long time to speak to her parents without talking to her first...) really just threw up all the red flags Sam could ever conceivably think of, all of them aimed at her and Mon's relationship and her partner's potential worst case scenario actions.
Oof. Oh Mon. Maybe she should have waited to gather her thoughts better before throwing herself into her explanation, but (aside from being exhausted as well) she couldn't stand seeing Sam so worried and concerned for any longer that she felt like she needed to do it then. Guilt is insipid. And when that guilt mixes with her guilt of hiding her royal status, it really becomes a heavy crown to wear. Ba-dum-tss.
Anyway, ramble ramble, but thank you! I appreciate this message as well. The Royalty AU!Mon 'verse seems to have connected with people, and it's really nice to see. As I said above (and obviously show here that I'm still in its feels), I would like to continue and further explore this 'verse that's being created; I just don't know when that will be.
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milfmorrowind · 2 years
3, 7, 15, 29, 38, and 42 for Mailie and for you B, C, and F please :3c
sorry it took me a bit to get this I've been bUsY
3) How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Trying not to think, to be honest. Her thoughts get away from her a lot (we're very alike in that way lmao), especially when she's trying to sleep. She'll often try to distract herself, but it doesn't always work. She finds it a lot easier to sleep when she *ahem* has company.
7) What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Kind of specific, but Breton wines. It's a weird feeling. On one hand, she does sort of miss High Rock. On the other hand, she doesn't miss the life she had there.
15) How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Mailie tends to think her words through in public settings, but in private and around people she trusts she speaks her mind. Despite the fact that she left High Rock because she was tired of having to maintain appearances, keeping her reputation as dragonborn somewhat intact is very important to her. She doesn't really care if strangers like her on a personal level, but she really can't afford to make any unnecessary enemies. Fortunately (or unfortunately, as the case may be), she has a lot of practice in keeping her mouth shut.
29)  Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
Not really. Mailie has very high expectations for herself, ones that no one could really reasonably expect her to meet. She really beats herself up for her mistakes.
38) What memory do they revisit the most often? 
There isn't one specific memory, but she thinks a lot about life-changing decisions. Agreeing to take her first Guild job,
42) How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
Very badly. Both the "stop alduin from eating the world or whatever" one and the "make the guild independent again" one.
(I just wanted to answer this one)
43) If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
"I'm not picky. But I am lucky."
B) What inspired you to create them?
She was my first ldb! For some reason my default first character in any elder scrolls game is "red headed human with estranged/dead parents who likes swords and bows", and she just kind of evolved out of that. I hadn't played with a Breton before her, so I decided to incorporate some aristocracy/nobility drama into her backstory, and it kind of snowballed from there.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Kind of? She changed a lot as I explored her story. Originally she was going to be a lot more noble and honorable than she is. I would still say she's a good person, but she doesn't really care about "laws" or "generally accepted ideas of what is and isn't acceptable" at this point.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Love, I guess, which is kind of weird. Mailie really is one of my favorite OCs. I think her journey as a person is interesting, and I love a good "god you're insufferable" to "I would run headfirst into danger for you without a second thought" arc.
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hruvhi · 6 months
These past few days, I’ve been thinking of the life that I’d like to have in the future and I’m slowly getting the picture. My goals did not change much, I still want to have power and influence. I’d like to be a lawyer then I’ll continue my medical career after passing the Bar. I’ll be a forensic pathologist or probably somewhere in medico-legal. I kinda miss being a med student, I feel like it’s more peaceful back then compared to now. My friends back then are really supportive and despite struggling, I was able to make it through because of their support. However, maybe I’ll take a pharma subject before going back to med school. I seriously don’t like that subject it’s gonna be the death of me. I actually like some people in my batch now, especially my current section. They are fun and nice, plus they don’t create unnecessary drama. You know I hate being in complicated situations, especially if it’s not productive and I won’t get anything out of it. Unfortunately, some people just won’t stop and they are getting on my nerves. I don’t have the energy for people’s drama nor was I ever interested in it. If they want the drama, then they can find it somewhere else because I don’t have the time and energy to engage in that. I’m actually thinking of where to invest my money or some kind of business, you know, those stuff. I don’t really like to waste my time on conflicts because it won’t benefit me in any way so I’ll try my best to avoid those people or being in the same space as them so for the love of god please leave me alone. Anyway, you know, looking at how happy my cousins are with their babies I feel like I want to have my own child. I remember when those same cousins of mine wanted to build a house where we could live together and spent our single life there but look at them now, they’re happy. I want that too. However, I don’t want a husband! My friends kept on telling me that if I make a child without a husband, my baby is going to feel the lack of a fatherly love. I told them I can be a mother and a father, but they said it’s not the same as having a complete family. I’m still thinking of a way to resolve that situation. I want my future baby to be happy without needing a father. I seriously can’t live with a husband! He’ll expect me to be domestic and I can only keep the facade of being a submissive sweet person for too long! Plus so far, if I’ll be honest, I can’t keep my interest in men. Oftentimes, I get bored of them and I don’t know why. I value honesty, trust, respect and loyalty so I will never cheat on my husband if I have one. However, what if I lose interest in him? There’s no divorce in the Philippines and getting an annulment because you got bored is not a good defense in court. Plus, dividing our conjugal property is complicated and asking him for a prenup feels like an insult and I’m kinda unfair you know because I want a prenup but I’d be very pissed if he asked me for one so nevermind. But I want a baby! And I want my future baby to be happy. I’ll probably want to get pregnant before I turned 30 so I need to find an intelligent, good-looking, smart, tall, kind, with a good attitude, a little submissive, and someone who’s not into commitment like me. Genes are so important! Of course, I want someone who won’t get in touch, I don’t want to fight with him over the custody of my future baby. It’ll be traumatizing for my child. He has to leave me alone after I conceive the baby hehe so…I think it’ll be easy cause there are a lot of guys with that kind of attitude, I just need to find one with those qualities. Anyway, I still have 3 years to look for him or whatever. I actually want to have my own family before. You know, like my grandparents. They’re so sweet until the very end. I want something like that. Unfortunately, times have changed and I don’t think that unconditional, enduring love exists anymore. I myself have fallen in love one time and I lose the feeling. The kind of love that I want does not exist so let’s just be logical. I just really need the genes and the germatic cell lol
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fidelmehra · 2 years
You are still trying
I don't know how or why you do it? Isn't it better to express and express completely with heart? Why keep the guesswork for yourself? Useless puzzles to bore yourself or to entertain yourself? But why not? You've gotta be all mysterious, isn't it?. Act as if reality has to stop to witness your drama. Who has the time for this? If your magic is really good, it should be felt with your presence or in your act. So far nothing impressive came out of it. Only you came out. And this you were already known. Tiny, timid, shy, blocked and now stripped naked. Where will you hide now? Still, need to play games? Death will erase your misery? Or so you thought. If death were real, you will still be here? Why are you here? And how will you ensure you are gone? And gone where? Looping in your drama. Your confusion is always because of your lack of understanding of your energies. Energies are balanced, still, the drama is there? You can play this with those who are like you, slaves of design. The thing is you wanna close your eyes desperately and erase all the pain and all of it in one go. A relief. An orgasm. Just somehow reach the edge and keep it hanging there. But the tiny little you are exposed again when this peak is gone and now you're scrambling for peace. The peace that wants to be yours. But you must act, you must create drama as if something was amiss, something went wrong and you need to do it all over again. So the pain and confusion that became visible now, must be kept hidden. Just waiting to close your eyes. To disappear in the bliss of-orgasmic endlessness. Or just disappearance. This has been done trillions of time, you are still there? hanging by a thread, still trying to rub your sensitivity, your itch on humanity. For sure the 'relief' comes for a moment and joy comes in the game. No problem with this. But love, these are ways of struggle. There are easy ways to experience. No death or struggle in these ways. No confusion. In fact wide open eyes of appreciation. Endless patience. This actually starts at the edge of time. Just you and me now. And baby, I have been waiting for this moment for long. For you to finally just with me and be mine. You have no games left. No confusions left. Energy is not making you a puppet anymore. No more slaving yourself. And now in togetherness, we can explore our love without a concern. How much faith you can have on love? How much trust? Can't be afraid to be broken again, it's not gonna happen. Cause you are whole now, you are not scared or dreaming or afraid to lose any part of anything. Just here. In wholeness. Smiling and playing in your gentleness. What else is needed? What else was ever needed? If your Gods, Gurus, your meditation, your spirituality is offering deeper contentment, so please choose it. But remember, if you are trying to dream, to sleep, trying to 'disappear', make sure you go into the depth of it. Find out how real this disappearance is. Else you very well know, that the drama of disappearance isn't working cause you are still hanging here, still crying and non-accepting of yourself. If you were already your wisdom self, reality would come out of you. It won't be you trying to escape reality. Let's see how long your drama lasts. You sure you have hold of your energies? You understand how they work? And expression is still a problem? So many like you have come trying to become all magical, beautiful and goddess-like. Sure you are one but then why you still chasing? Need an audience for your glorious self? Why not? Try it. What comes out? If you have really found control over energies and you have to express your human in love, then why is it not visible yet? Oh sweet!! at least to some, your glorious self is a joke. Just an empty body trying to be cool in all its clumsiness. Your entire thing is a sham when witnessed from within. Yet you are still allowed. Why? Cause you are still trying.
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goodieghosty · 3 years
Me: Goddammit brain please you already have so many sanders sides aus you do not need to make another one just because of one audio-
Also me: owo modern gods au, all of the sides are gods
But uh ye
Please stop me but also don't because uh, 👀 I'm already imagining all the drama they all would have gone through and I love it.
Roman and Remus are both gods of the arts and are able to create anything so long as they can imagine it. Their creative differences are what split them apart until recent years, they're still in competition with each other, of course. Remus is absolutely responsible for every nightmare inducing creature on the planet
Patton is a fertility god, and is known as a protector of children. It's not easy to get on his bad side, unless, of course, that person is an abuser. Then he will make it his personal duty to make sure their crops suffer. But not many have crops nowadays, so their bad fortune will manifest in other ways. Impotence, for example. A demotion. Success will never come that person's way. He's very morals based, and back in the day if a farmer had bad crops if was often seen as them not being in Patton's favor. Basically if you had "good morals" you'd thrive, if you didn't, you'd suffer. He's a little lost now, as he's coming to terms with the fact that not everything is black and white.
Logan is a god of wisdom and innovation. Scholars would turn to him for insight and he would provide them through visions. He's always searching for bright minds to help further humanity, but often times they do not heed him, and that infuriates him to no end.
Janus is a god of deception and war. Do I really need to explain? Well I will anyways. He really, really liked playing both sides. Didn't matter which one paid him more tribute, he would only help whichever one would benefit himself in the long run. Many have tried to have his head for the betrayal, especially other gods, whose favorite cities were decimated by his actions. It's given him many a scar. Roman is the one who gave him the half snake appearance, after a particularly nasty war destroyed the city that revered him the most
Virgil is a god of darkness and nightmares. He thinks humanity never should have discovered fire, because they were better off being fearful of everything. He exists everywhere there is darkness. His proudest creation was the night sky. Nothing but pitch blackness as far as the eye could see-and then Roman created the stars as a gift for Logan and Yes he is still bitter about it.
I'm just saying as immortal beings they've all gotten around. Remus is the worst about it tho, he's like if Zeus and Loki became one being like-Remus is responsible for so many demigods and creatures. Bish literally once turned up with just a mass of tentacles all swaddled up and went "hey Roman come meet your nephew Cthulhu-" "idk what the hell that is but you can take it right tf back to the depths of the ocean" "aw ;n; "
They're gods and they're all gay and they can all shapeshift so having kids is just, p simple. Janus once tricked a king into marrying him by disguising himself as a beautiful woman, and then had a child who would later on betray the kingdom by killing said king. All because the king killed one of his snakes. Throughout the whole marriage and pregnancy Janus wore a veil-because he can't hide the snake part of his face-and warned the king that should he try to peer beneath it, terrible things would happen. Well the king did, and the rest was history
Roman falls in love too easily, especially with mortals. It's a tragedy really. He did once have something with Logan, but Logan didn't feel the same. Roman thinks if he keeps displaying these fantastic feats and giving these amazing gifts he'll get somewhere, but no. With mortals however-they eat that up.
Whenever Roman comes around with "I'm in love!" they're all over it-except Patton. Patton is just happy for him. Virgil however "you know, you throw that word around so much I don't think you understand what it means" and Roman is always so defensive "and what do you know about love?" "I know the difference between actually loving someone, and loving the attention. If you want attention so badly you should seek out your worshippers. A week from now you're going to get bored of them, just like all the others."
They just constantly butt heads. Until one day Patton has enough and puts them together for a task all "I am sick and tired of you two being at each other's throats, so you're going to work together and make something. Using both your abilities." And that's how storm clouds and thunderstorms came to be and Virgil finally saw how light and dark bring out the best in each other. And now he has a crush on Roman, but Roman is dense af and just keeps falling for mortals
Patton lost his cool one time. Once. And that was when his greatest patron turned out to be selling children into slavery. Logan helped plan it, Janus was the one who managed to get all those involved-patron included-all in one place. And then they just turned Patton loose like, yeah. He destroyed an entire villa and leveled it to the ground
Remus loves making oddball creatures and showing Logan because Logan always finds them interesting and he always gives him input
Now imagine all that, now imagine them all trying to fit in with modern society
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saurexhas · 3 years
Love is Blind - Part 4
Time for couple drama! Nightmare doesn’t want anything to hurt his precious little moon, but how does said moon feel about the special treatment?
PS: Make sure you go to the end to find a special surprise that I’ll be doing for this series!
Adjusting to blindness is never something you thought that you’d have to do, but it was the unfortunate reality you found yourself in. There certainly wasn’t a manual to it either, but you were managing thanks to everyone’s help. There were several days first spent on bedrest while you recovered from the initial incident, and it gave you a chance to come to terms with your fate and what your actions had brought. You still didn’t regret them though, because your sight was truly a small price to pay for Nightmare’s life.
That didn’t mean that the adjustment period was easy, and you probably would’ve succumbed to despair more than once if Nightmare hadn’t been by your bedside almost the entire time. Your bedroom was quickly turned into his temporary office, allowing him to continue his work and further his plans while offering you the reassuring touch of a tentacle that always lingered on your arm as proof of his presence.
When your partner was finally comfortable with the idea of you leaving your bed, it was… well, difficult would be putting it mildly. You never once realized just how much you relied on sight for almost everything. It took a day and a bit of you simply wandering around your room to not bump into everything, and even longer to actually be able to navigate by touch. Thankfully, nobody in the castle really cared about your appearance, so you weren’t judged by what clothes you were able to find and put on by yourself.
Your room was about the only place where you could safely be allowed to wander on your own at first. The castle was a confusing labyrinth of pathways and corridors that were already difficult to navigate. Attempts to explore the castle in the past had led to you almost getting lost in some abandoned part of the castle, so there was no way you were even going to try such now. But even the areas that were once familiar to you were now alien as you relied on sound and touch to guide you instead of the sense you so heavily relied on.
For the first while, Nightmare personally escorted you on any walks outside of your room. This was mostly to and from meals, a time where you could practically feel everyone’s eyes on the two of you. Your seat had also been moved towards the head of the table, just to the right of Nightmare. The dark god claimed that it was so that he could assist you should you need help with your meals. Killer was quick to point out how any of them could help you though, teasing that the real reason was simply to stick next to you like “an overprotective boyfriend”. According to Cross, the look on Nightmare’s face had been one of pure murder… even if everyone at the table knew that the idiot was right.
One thing that Killer also nailed was how protective your boyfriend suddenly was. Gone were the days of you having free reign over the castle. Instead, in the instances where he couldn’t personally escort you, one of the others was chosen to be your guide instead. Even as you grew more comfortable heading to the areas you often frequented, the rule didn’t let up. He’d also put a stop to any training or sparring plans you might’ve had, insisting that it was too dangerous to continue when you couldn’t see an attack coming.
While you understood that he did it out of love, that didn’t change how frustrating it was. You already couldn’t read, play cards, or even really cook, the last of the three likely being on the dark god’s ban list had there not been enough obvious difficulty to deter you. Sparring with the guys, while rough, was one of the only hobbies you had left, and you trusted that none of them would seriously hurt you. But Nightmare refused to listen to any arguments you put forward, and none of the others would entertain the idea for fear of their lord’s wrath.
So on top of learning to navigate a world of utter darkness, adapting daily chores to your new limitations, and being treated like you were fragile, you were utterly bored. And as days turned to weeks, your frustrations grew. You were used to everyone simply treating you as one of the crew, albeit one that Nightmare favoured. When you first arrived here, you had to fight for your right to remain and not be turned into dinner. The others had respected you for the most part, and if you wanted to engage in any of their usual antics, they didn’t hesitate to include you. Now though, everyone seemed intent on treating you as if you were some doll, one to be sat on a shelf and never touched. Everyone was suddenly afraid of hurting you, and you were no longer one of the crew. You were something else, above the others now that your relationship with the god of negativity had gotten out. Pyre had even stated that if Nightmare was their king, then that made you their ‘queen’ in a sense. Suddenly, you were set to be a ruler over the dark god’s future empire, and everyone’s views of you shifted because of it.
One choice, one that seemed so infallible before, had turned your whole life upside down. You expected to be injured in place of Nightmare, but not blinded. And while trying to deal with such a severe change of lifestyle, you were now being placed on a pedestal and nobody would treat you the same. Part of you wanted to take your frustrations out on the nearby wall, but that would likely only bring someone running to tend to your hand as if it were broken. No, you needed to go to the source of the problem.
While navigating the halls by yourself was more difficult than you could’ve ever guessed, it was made easier by your forethought to create a mental map through touch whenever you were being escorted about. The subtle change in the sound of your footfall let you know when you’d left the solid foundation of the hall your bedroom was on in favour of the landing for the grand staircase. Following the railing with your hand, you found where the hallway changed directions. To go downstairs would take you to the common room and the kitchens, while upstairs led to the library and Nightmare’s office. With your goal upstairs, you carefully shuffled along the steps, shoving your foot forward until it came in contact with the next. When your feet slid freely along the floor and the railing straightened out, you knew that you’d made it to the third floor where you’d find your partner.
After a bit of difficulty gathering your bearings and navigating the third floor of the castle, you came to Nightmare’s office. The door was open only a crack, enough to give others the hint to leave him be while allowing him to hear if any chaos should erupt from the lower levels. Ever so slowly, you pushed the door open, only to cringe as a painfully loud squeak of the hinges alerted your boyfriend to your presence. “MC? What are you doing up here? Whoever brought you here should know that I didn’t wish to be disturbed.”
“Oh, nobody brought me here, I came up here myself. Wasn’t that hard,” you shrugged, lying a bit at the ease of which you got here but determined to make the dark god see that you weren’t helpless. “We need to talk.”
A sigh emanated from Nightmare’s direction, and you could imagine how he was pinching the bridge of his nose as he often did when annoyed or frustrated with something. “First off, I thought I made it clear that you are to have someone escort you around the castle to minimize accidents. And secondly, can whatever conversation you want wait? I have plenty of-”
“No actually, it can’t,” you cut him off, mustering your confidence as you stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind you. “I need to talk to you now, not later.”
Being unable to read his body language was frustrating, leaving everything to your imagination with no way to know if you were interpreting things correctly. You knew that he didn’t like taking orders from anyone, not even you, leaving you to wonder if the silence was due to your demanding tone. Perhaps you should’ve worded things better, but before you could worry too much, Nightmare responded to your demanding request. “Very well, for you little moon, I will make time. Please, take a seat and share what’s on your mind.”
It took every ounce of focus you had to find one of the plush chairs on the other side of his desk, sinking down into it once you found it and being thankful that you didn’t have to fumble around too much. It wouldn’t do your argument for more independence any good if your actions showed a need for more support. “Alright…” You’d thought long and hard about how to get your point across to someone as stubborn as your partner, but now that you were here, it was almost a struggle to get your thoughts out cohesively. “I… I’m tired of everyone treating me differently ever since the incident, including you.”
“My dear, I’ve done nothing of the sort.”
“Yes you have!” Forcing a breath through your nose, your efforts to calm your temper are marginally successful as your unintentional fists relax and grip the arms of the chair. “Everyone is treating me like I’m suddenly delicate, like I’m unable to take a punch or take care of myself. True, it’s been hard to adjust to being blind, but I’ll never get better at accepting things if you all keep coddling me!”
“No one is coddling you!” Nightmare growled in return, his voice growing more agitated as he tried to argue against you. “The others are simply doing their part to ensure that you can rest and heal in comfort!”
A growl built up in your throat as well as your partner continued to deny your claims, your fingers digging into the chair to keep them in place. “That comment brings up another thing. Ever since our relationship got out, everyone’s been treating me as if they’re serving me, like I’m something special that needs to be protected.”
“That’s because you are, little moon. You are my chosen partner, and you knew from the beginning that the title would carry some weight. I am a god my dear, and the ruler of any mortal within this castle. But you’re no longer some random mortal. Now you stand beside me, equal to me in power and authority. They have merely been instructed to show you the same respect and care that they show me.”
To hear it spelled out like that, like it should’ve been obvious to you from the beginning, left a lump in your throat. Was this always what would happen to you? Were you doomed to be lonely up at the top with nobody but the god of negativity himself to be your supposed equal? “I… I-I don’t want that…” Your words came out mumbled, eyes burning as your damaged tear ducts tried and failed to produce any tears. When prompted to speak up, you were practically screaming. “I don’t want that! I don’t want to be so… so alone! You might be fine with being above them, but for the longest time, they treated me as a friend! Now, it’s as if our friendships meant nothing, whenever I reach out all I get is coldness. I want to be able to joke and play around with Killer, I want Butcher to call me names and tease me! I want Pyre to rattle on about how great he is, or to spend time reading with Dust! I want to be able to go up to Cross, hug the stupid fluffy marshmallow, and not have him feel like a freaking statue!”
Your yelling left you short of breath, your chest heaving as you calmed down from your emotional tirade. For a while, your heavy breathing was the only sound echoing in the room, shoulders eventually shuddering as tearless sobs broke from your throat. Your own arms wrapped around yourself, as if trying to keep yourself from truly falling apart. What you weren’t quite expecting though was for a pair of cool, slimy arms to join them as Nightmare hugged you as well, the god having moved around the desk while you were distracted with your own emotional turmoil.
“I’m sorry little moon,” he started, one hand gently petting your hair while a tentacle took to stroking up and down your back in a soothing manner. “I grew so used to my underlings being just that, and I never considered what your views on the matter would be. Let me make this clear though, they treat you special because you are special. No other entity in the entirety of the multiverse has made me feel an emotion as positive as love since my childhood five hundred years ago. While many of the worlds out there fear me, and even those that serve me do well to avoid angering me, you had no such hesitation my dear. As we grew closer, you grew bolder. You would speak your mind freely, even if to criticize my actions or leadership. While it was downright infuriating at first, I grew to respect your courage and tenacity, but also the fact that you accepted me for who I am and not what I once was several lifetimes ago.”
As he spoke in such a calm and soothing voice, you felt your breathing settle as you snuggled into his chest. After he paused for a bit, Nightmare’s tentacles quickly scooped you up into the air, allowing him to settle in your chair and place you on his lap. The comforting gestures continued, serving to keep you calm without the use of his abilities. “You are special MC, never forget that. But also remember that you are my partner, and I will see you treated with the same respect as I receive, nothing less.”
You couldn’t help but tense at his words, about to go off again about how that flew in the face of your wishes. But before you could reiterate the entirety of your emotional rant from before, he shushed you with a gentle finger against your lips, and you could practically hear him smiling through his voice. “Your voice is as powerful in this castle as my own, and if things are not to your liking, then let your voice be heard. They are so used to hearing my voice that those idiots assume your voice will speak the same requests… even I made that poor assumption, and for that I am sorry. If you wish for them to treat you as they always have, then you need only tell them and I can promise you that you will receive what you ask for.”
“You… you mean it?” It seemed too good to be true, but Nightmare was often true to his word with you and the other residents of the castle. Still, it felt like it was too easy to simply ask for them to treat you as if you weren’t any different.
“Little moon, I swear it upon my name that you will be treated as you wish to be in this castle.” The dark god nuzzled you a bit as he made his promise, pulling a soft giggle from you despite the dry feeling in the back of your throat. It wasn’t often that you shouted so much, and you were definitely glad that you closed the door on your way in.
Deciding to push your luck a bit, another request found its way onto your tongue. “Then… if I asked you to stop forcing me to have an escort everywhere, would you respect my wishes?”
“MC, you know that I am just doing that to protect you-”
“Night, we’re in your domain, aren’t we? You know everyone who enters and leaves, making this castle literally the safest place for me. I’m getting better at navigating without my eyes, and I really think that I’d be fine!” When he still didn’t sound convinced, muttering about potential accidents that could happen, you merely threw more options at him. “Look, I’m far from the first blind human. If you’re that worried about me bumping into something or falling down the stairs, then get me a… blind person stick? Cane? Or a seeing-eye dog! One that Butcher would definitely not eat!”
“Is… this your way of asking for a dog?”
“Not my intention, but I certainly wouldn’t complain if you did actually get me one that can help me.” Reaching up, you cupped his cheek with your hand, thumb rubbing just under his good eye. “I’ll never have the same freedom as I did Night, but I know that I can learn to live with the consequences of my actions. And don’t you dare blame yourself for what I decided was a good idea in the spur of the moment.” Even now knowing the consequences of your choice, you’d still make the same call a hundred times over again, enduring the pain each time, if it meant that you didn’t have to see the one you loved suffer.
The god of negativity must have felt your conviction, because he didn’t try to talk you out of it or turn the blame around to be on himself. Instead, he merely sighed as one hand came to hold the one on his face, pulling it away to place a skeletal ‘kiss’ against your palm. “Very well, it seems that you’ve convinced me. I seem to have chosen quite the precocious human as my mate, you seem to be naturally born for commanding and convincing others. From now on, you are free to roam the castle by yourself, on two conditions. The first is that we give you a means of contacting me directly, should you find yourself lost or injured alone. The second is that you will still accept an escort for any trips outside of the castle, no matter your past familiarity with whatever world. Do we have a deal?”
Honestly, Nightmare’s requests were completely fair and reasonable. While you did have your phone, it was still extremely difficult to navigate it, and you likely wouldn’t be able to use it reliably in an emergency. If your boyfriend had an alternative method, then it would be good to have the freedom to go wherever, but with the safety net of knowing that someone will come if you need them to. And as embarrassing as an escort might be outside of the castle, it was still smart. It took you quite a bit of time and practice to navigate the castle on your own, despite your past familiarity with it, and a new space would require such with the aid of someone who could see. There was also the fact that, now that your relationship was public, it was only a matter of time before one of the idiots that you called your friends would let word get out. Then, you’d have a target on your back, a weak spot to be used against Nightmare. It was honestly for the best if you didn’t leave the castle alone anymore, not with several capable fighters that could protect you. “Those requests both seem quite reasonable to me, so I accept.”
“Good, I am glad that you can see I only want what is best for you, my dear. Keeping you safe is just as important to me as my goals.” After a moment more of cuddles, he eventually set you back into your chair alone, his footfalls indicating that he was going back to his own behind his desk. “I’ll see to the creation of a totem of sorts, one made of my own magic. It will allow you to contact me and call me to your side, no matter where you are. Between this, and my assurance that you will be treated as you wish to be, have I dealt with the issue you came to speak to me about?”
“Mhm, I honestly feel a lot better too, so thanks. I can’t see it, but I’m sure you’ve got plenty of work to get done. I’ll leave you be so that you can get it finished.” When he didn’t try to stop you, you got up from your seat and wandered back towards the door. Just as you opened it though to step back outside, you turned back and sent him a wide smile. “Thank you for being so understanding and accepting Night, I really appreciate it.”
“I can tell,” he chuckled as the sound of pen scribbling on paper echoed through the otherwise quiet room. “You go enjoy yourself my dear, I shall speak with you again at dinner.” With his dismissal, you left the door in the same barely open position that you originally found it in before heading back to the stairs. It was about time for you to do what Nightmare told you to do and make your voice be heard. Then maybe your friends would go back to how they used to be and stop treating you differently.
Alright, so if you didn’t read my post earlier this week about getting you readers involved, you can read it here because I’m not repeating myself. (aka I’m lazy XD)
And since nobody commented on that post, it made it pretty clear to me that relying on Tumblr comments isn’t a good idea and that I should go with a poll website. So... here ya go!
In the next part, Nightmare will be away running important errands, so MC will have to find some way to entertain themselves! Where they go is up to you, as are the result benefits from your choices. I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you all choose!
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