#probably some new teaser or scene from the movie
krokodilsredimudil · 3 days
the Poltergeist trilogy | Stranger things
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It's super obvious how the first Poltergeist movie inspired Stranger Things, a girl gets lost in another dimension (kidnapped by ghosts, that is). Both the movie and the show were inspired by this episode of the Twilight Zone.
However, for some reason I've never watched the last two movies. So let's have a look at parallels.
Here I'm talking about some similar scenes, the new leak, Holly, Henry, trope subversion and some other things.
The main character Carol Anne is clairvoyant, as are her mother and grandmother. She senses ghosts and' knows things'. In the first movie she was kidnapped into 'the other side', her parents had to travel there to save her.
In the second movie her clairvoyance is shown more explicitly.
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Carol Anne is drawing 'the Beast' (the main ghost-antagonist) however, she is not aware who that is at the moment
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both scenes are referencing the one from Poltergeist. Henry's drawing scene does that as well
Also it's interesting that Holly is present in the scene with Max, because she looks like Carol Anne and she sensed Demogorgon (?) in s1 and the episode is literally called 'Holly Jolly'.
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As for the newest leak with 'Henry' and 'Holly' (we still don't know anything about these characters so '')
This is the scene people are talking about:
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This creepy looking dude is a ghost stuck between worlds, he's trying to get lots of souls and enter the afterlife. He seeks Carol Anne for that, she's like a beacon for the lost souls and her innocence can lead him ‘into the light’
His name is Henry Kane.
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But that's like Henry Creel!!!! Evil Henry is collecting kids' souls, you'd probably say?
Not really. While the Duffers love their references, they also love their trope subversion.
Let's have a look at Damien Thorn (Omen) and Henry as seen in s4 flashbacks (from this post)
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So back to the leak. 'Henry's wearing a hat and is talking to a blonde girl = that's enough for the audience to draw the similarities between the two scenes.
I believe it's another trope subversion by the brothers, in the video (which i can't link) 'Holly' is smiling?? Totally very creepy and uncomfortable, sure
As for the whole plot, of course love and family can beat the bad guy.
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From the First Shadow animated teaser
Some other things I noticed in Poltergeist II:
There's a tunnel system underneath the house where the main characters lived in Poltergeist I.
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The father of the family, Steven, threw up a slug which developed into this monstrosity.
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As for Poltergeist III … It’s terrible, let’s not talk about it lol
Okay, I still have to
Kane this time can't enter the real world and travels through mirrors using reflections against the characters
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Love wins of course
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Something something how Will was saved because there were people who loved him and never gave up
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hayaku14 · 1 month
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even heiji is like, "what in the gay is going on" LMAO
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truly-neutral-art · 2 months
Din/Luke Pacific Rim AU pt.2
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Pt.1 | Pt.3 | Pt.4
Another addition to this AU because It's been living in my head rent free for ages. I can't do a Pacific Rim AU without recreating the iconic Kwoon scene. Also, I was too lazy to draw backgrounds so I just stole them from the movie  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Under the cut is a teaser of the fic I'm trying to write. It's a first draft, so there's probably some mistakes. Also, I'm still kind of in Screen Writing mode from school, so please don't mind if there's not a lot of internal character narration.
“Four points to two,” Luke calls after the final candidate falls. His emotions are carefully masked on his face but Din can see how tense he is. 
“We’re wasting time, Marshal. He’s barely compatible with any of them, this isn’t going to work,” Luke says.
“What do you suggest?” The Marshal raises a brow. 
“Put me in charge, I’m drift compatible with several cadets. We don’t need him.” Luke gestures towards Din. The look on his face makes Din’s blood boil. Contempt. What did he ever do to Luke to earn this?
“What’s your problem, Skywalker?” Din stomps towards the edge of the mat. 
“I’ve already told you, I don’t think you're the right man for the job,” Luke replies. He’s now turned squarely towards Din, his face back to that eerie calm. It sends a shiver down Din’s spine. 
“No, there’s more. You’ve got a problem with me.” Din steps closer, trying to ignore the piercing blue of Luke’s eyes. 
“Enough! both of you.” Marshal Skywalker turns to them both. 
“If you think you’re so much better, then let’s go.” Din points his bō at Luke. “If you win, you can pilot the Crest. If I win, you back off.” Din holds Luke's gaze, projecting his challenge. 
“Neither of you are in the position to make that decision,” Anakin states, breaking the spell. 
“What? Think your own blood isn’t good enough to beat me?” Din didn’t know Marshal Skywalker that well, but from what he did know, the man was prideful. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest move, but it got him what he wanted. 
The Martial turned towards Luke, earning his attention. No words were exchanged between them, the Martial simply gave a nod. A brief look of satisfaction washed over Luke’s face. Din turned towards the mat to prepare for the fight before Luke’s eyes turned back to him. 
Luke stepped to the edge of the mat, shoes and outer shirt removed. He bowed at the waist before stepping forward. He was in a simple black tank top and the standard cargo pants. It was the first time Din had seen any of his skin exposed beyond his face. His arms and neck were covered in pale, lightning-like scars that looked like they extended beyond what Din could see. He wasn’t sure what to make of them. He knew almost nothing about Luke when he really thought about it. Only what he heard from the news from the past four years.
He had to admit, it made him earn a little more respect for the kid. At first he’d seemed like a petulant child who was getting his favorite toy taken away, but now, Din wasn’t as sure that was the case. He had no more time to think on it as he and Luke passed each other on the mat, walking to opposite sides, then turning to face each other. 
In the blink of an eye Luke swung his bō with the finesse of a warrior. He moved forward before stopping in the middle of the mat as he pulled his bō up in defense. Din followed suit, taking on a more aggressive starting position. He could tell Luke was analyzing him, eyes flitting around to every point of his body. Din took the opportunity to attack. In one swift moment he had his bō mimicking a strike at Luke’s skull. 
“One, Zero.” The words had barely left his mouth before Luke made a counter attack. In a flash Luke had reversed their positions with a satisfied smirk. 
Without wasting any more time the two began to fight again in an explosion of movement. The people in the kwoon reacted to them, but Din’s focus narrowed in until it was only them in the room. He watched Luke’s movements carefully, anticipating and blocking every attack that came and returning his own. He picked up on a franticness in Lukes’s movements and took advantage, landing an attack on his ribs. 
“You’re too eager, you’re projecting your moves,” Din commented as they reset. 
“I don’t need your advice.” Despite his words, Luke waited, ready for Din’s next move. 
Luke swiftly blocked everything Din threw at him and pushed back even harder. In the next moment Luke attacked with a flurry of blows, catching Din off guard. He was stronger than he looked. 
“Two, two.” Luke had once again evened the score. 
There was barely a pause before they were at it again. This bout lasted longer than the others, both having picked up on each other’s gambit. They danced around each other, the only sound in Din’s ears were the clacking of their bō staffs and their heavy breathing. Neither was holding back. 
In a blur of motion Luke darted towards Din’s legs, throwing him off balance. Din rolled out of the throw but as he lifted his head he was met with Luke’s bō to his throat. Luke's eyes were no less intense this close. 
“Two, Three.” Luke stepped back into a ready position. “Better watch out, Djarin.” There was a satisfied smirk on his face. He was winning. Din wouldn’t give up that easily. 
He pulled out every trick he had, but Luke seemed to always be a step ahead. He was too fast, almost as if he could read Din’s mind. From the outside it would almost look like this was rehearsed. In the end, it was Din’s weight advantage that won him the point. He moved in close and pinned Luke's arm before throwing him down to the mat. The blond hit the ground on his back, breath escaping his lungs from the impact. 
Din almost went to help him up but Luke threw his legs backwards into a handstand before standing back up. He barely looked affected, the only sign of fatigue on him was the sweat on his forehead that matted down his blond hair. 
“Three, Three,” Din called. “And there’s no need to show off.” 
The next point would declare a winner. There was a smile on Luke’s face, different from the ones before. This one was more open, leaving Din feeling dizzy instead of insulted. 
Din tried to understand it but there was no more time to ponder as Luke set on his next attacks. He was more aggressive than he’d been the rest of the fight but Din pushed back, not without some difficulty. Luke danced around Din with a frightening agility. The only thing that kept Din in the fight for so long were his reflexes. He knew he had to end this fight soon or Luke would eventually wear him down. 
In a decisive move Din attacked at Luke’s head, trading off his defense for offense. He had Luke on the move, nearly pushing him off the mat. However, before he could land a finishing blow Luke darted to the side, slipping his leg between Din’s and toppling him to the floor. When Din processed what happened, he was pinned under Luke’s hips on his chest and his bō at his neck. 
Cheers erupted from the gathered crowd, but Din’s view had narrowed into Luke as he stood up. Din stayed on the ground, still a bit stunned from the end of the fight. He wasn’t really sure how to feel about its outcome. But one thing was for certain, he and Luke were drift compatible. Very drift compatible. 
Din was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t even realize Luke was reaching down to him until his hand was in his face. He took it and allowed Luke to help him to his feet. 
“You felt it too, didn’t you?” Luke asked.
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yumeka-sxf · 7 months
Spy x Family movie CODE: White plot chronology predictions
Now that we've gotten both a teaser trailer and a full trailer for the SxF movie, I thought it would be fun to theorize about what the exact order of events would be for the movie's plot, based on the trailers and short synopsis we've gotten so far. Then, when the movie is finally released, I'm curious to see how accurate my predictions were or if they were way off! 😅
(Just note that anything in this post that's not mentioned in the official synopsis is my personal speculation, so please take it with a grain of salt!)
My first guess is that the scenes of Loid and Yor doing their spy/assassin work will happen at the very beginning of the movie, as it makes sense to introduce the audience to the basics of the characters for all the non-fans who are watching.
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The first part of the movie's synopsis describes how WISE wants to replace Twilight with another man as the head of Operation Strix...a man who is apparently "incompetent." Now we haven't seen any other new character in the movie promotion besides the villains, so I don't know who this person is. However, I would assume this means we get scenes of Twilight talking to Sylvia. OR! There's this below scene of Twilight catching a rolled up message from the sky. Since he's still dressed in his usual outfit, this takes place before they leave on the trip. So maybe this message is a cipher or something from WISE about how he's getting replaced and he doesn't actually meet with Sylvia (the scenes of Sylvia/WISE from the trailer would occur later).
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Next, the synopsis describes the cooking competition at Eden where a stella is rumored to be the reward. This is probably where we get the scenes of the Eden kids and Henderson. I doubt they'll have bigger parts in the movie besides cameos at the beginning and maybe the end.
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The synopsis continues with Loid suggesting that Anya make the "Melemele," a traditional pastry from the Frejis region and a favorite of the principal, who is also the head of the judging panel for the cooking competition. Since Anya getting a stella would help him show progress with Operation Strix, and possibly prevent him from being replaced, Loid decides that they should take a family trip to Frejis. That would be the below scene from the first trailer.
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The synopsis then mentions how Yor "witnesses an exchange between Loid and a mysterious woman before their departure, resulting in some uneasiness about their temporary relationship during the trip." (Yor's expression when Loid mentions the trip in the scene above does look a tad "uneasy" to me). As for who this woman is, I think it's either Fiona in disguise or possibly Loid himself in disguise as a woman, since the disguise he's seen wearing at the beginning of the teaser trailer appears to have blonde curly locks.
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The below scene of Loid putting on his movie jacket probably occurs right before they leave on the trip. The scenery in front of him looks like it could be either at home or at his workplace. In this scene he's probably thinking about how he has to make the Frejis trip worthwhile for Operation Strix.
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Next from the synopsis is how Anya finds a trunk case on the train with chocolate inside. We see in the teaser trailer that she gets a hold of a key to the trunk (it looks like the key is lying on a sink perhaps, since there's water near it?) She then accidentally eats the chocolate before the trunk's owner comes back.
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At first I thought she ate the chocolate later, in front of the villains, which made them immediately kidnap her, but the synopsis specifically says she found the trunk on the train. You can also see in the background of the two above screenshots that it very much looks like a dark, luggage compartment of a train. I doubt they take another train ride after this, so my guess is that she ate the chocolate on the train without anyone seeing her eat it, but one of the bad guys witnessed her sneaking around or acting suspicious in the general area. However, he didn't check the contents of the trunk until later and, when he realizes the chocolate is gone, he immediately tries to track her down.
The synopsis stops with Anya eating the chocolate, but there's still a lot to piece together from just the trailers! Next would be the scenes of the Forgers spending family time upon arriving at Frejis. Loid takes Anya around the booths at what appears to be some kind of fair/festival, Anya and Bond play in the snow, and Loid buys Yor lipstick, perhaps because he senses her uneasiness about the mysterious woman (she's shown to be wearing the lipstick in later scenes).
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I also think that Loid buys Anya the toy gun here, which she's seen brandishing later.
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After this, the Forgers eat some delicious Frejis cuisine. Just a note that Loid has taken off his scarf and coat, and Yor and Anya took off their coats and hats.
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It looks like they're staying at a fancy hotel of some sort? Assuming the below big ballroom is part of where they're staying. I wonder if they're staying in the same room with one bed? Or separate rooms?
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Maybe Yor and Anya are sharing a room, since we have the below sweet scene of Yor putting a blanket over sleeping Anya.
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By now the villains have realized that the chocolate has been taken/eaten, so the next day they track down the little pink-haired girl who was seen loitering around the train luggage compartment! Somehow they find Anya and succeed in kidnaping her. How exactly they succeed, I'm still not sure, but let's see what we can piece together...
What stands out the most is obviously that they grab her in front of Bond and he attacks.
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The question is of course, are Loid and Yor present for this? It's possible Anya sneaks away for some reason with only Bond, and they find out later that she was kidnapped. One of the trailers has dialogue from Loid saying "Anya got caught up in the military?" The way he says this gives the impression that he finds out about it later. However, I also see evidence for him and Yor being present as well. We have the below scene of Loid looking very cautious as the military guys surround him. My guess for this scene is that they're telling him what Anya did and they have to take her away, that he shouldn't resist, etc.
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There's also the below scene of Yor seemingly attacking someone. The background looks like a similar location to the aforementioned scenes of Loid and Anya/Bond, though it's not an exact match. At first I thought it was a scene from the train where Anya eats the chocolate, since it looks like she's standing in a narrow train compartment...except for the fact that she's wearing the lipstick, so it must take place after they arrive in Frejis. So I'm placing it in relation to Anya's kidnapping, though I'm still iffy about it.
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But if Loid and Yor did witness Anya getting kidnapped, were they unable to prevent it? What happens between the point of Anya getting kidnapped and the end of the movie is still very unclear, but again, I think we have enough info to speculate. Obviously this opens up potential for a TON of Twiyor goodness...like, the two of them trying to comfort each other about failing to protect Anya and trying not to think about what terrible things the villains might do to her. They could even come up with a plan to work together to stop the villains. BUT! It's also possible that they go after her on their own, like, Yor is able to keep following the villains to the airship or wherever their HQ is while Twilight is left behind to gather information with help from WISE and/or Franky.
Speaking of Franky, I think he either appears at this point in the story, to give intel to Twilight that could help with finding Anya, or earlier before they arrive at Frejis. However, I'm still not sure where Yuri fits in. I doubt he'll be part of the main action during the movie's third act, so maybe he'll have a quick cameo at the beginning like the Eden kids.
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Anyway, I believe this is the point where Sylvia and WISE make an appearance. Maybe after Twilight contacts them and tells them what happened to Anya, we get the scene from the trailer of Sylvia mentioning the importance of the microfilm. HOWEVER! I also think this scene could have occurred way earlier, maybe even before they arrived at Frejis, so during the trip Twilight is on the lookout for this microfilm. But for now I'm saying we get this WISE scene around the time of Anya's kidnapping.
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Then there's the above scene of Fiona arriving in Frejis to possibly help Loid with stopping the villains. At first I thought this scene may have happened before they got to Frejis (and was the scene that made Yor jealous). However, there's snow falling during this scene, so it must take place after they arrived. But again, if Sylvia informed the WISE agents about the microfilm earlier in the story, Fiona may have come to Frejis earlier as well to let Twilight know to look out for it.
We know that Bond managed to tear off one of the guy's military insignia. So Twilight uses this to help make disguises for himself and Fiona to infiltrate the military airship/base (though makes me wonder why he needs to wear their uniforms since a bunch of them already saw his face...maybe to fool the ones who haven't? Was he unable to get one of his face masks?) If Fiona is indeed helping Twilight infiltrate the military airship, that's another reason to believe that Twilight and Yor are working separately to save Anya.
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There's a plane present in one of the trailers as well as the original movie visual, so maybe that's what they use to reach the airship?
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As for the final battle with the villains, I'm pretty sure Yor will fight Type-F, the robot guy. The fiery hue in the below screenshots makes it look like they're from the same scene.
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However, there's also the below scene of Yor seemingly standing on top of the airship (with her coat still on). This scene probably happens before they send in Type-F to stop her.
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As for Twilight, seems like he fights Snyder, the military colonel. The animation style for this scene is an interesting choice...I feel like they'll put some kind of epic song/music over it.
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And, probably towards the end of the final battle, Twilight has to steer the damaged airship to safety (some point before then he gets rid of his military disguise).
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I wonder where Bond is during all this. Did they leave him behind at the hotel? Did he come with Twilight? I also wonder what exactly was the villains' plan with Anya. If they want a microfilm from a chocolate that she ate, how can they get it back once she's eaten it? Any answer I can think of is extremely violent/disgusting, too much for a series like SxF, lol. Also, what made them change their minds from kidnaping her, to killing her, to holding her hostage? (since there's the scene of her bound and gagged)
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And lastly, two scenes that I have no idea about are the below screenshots of someone readying guns. The clothes they're wearing don't match anyone from the movie as of now. So all I can speculate is that they could be random thugs from Twilight's and/or Yor's introduction missions from the very beginning of the movie.
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And that's pretty much it! After the big battle in the movie's climax, everyone's reunited and Anya definitely will not earn a stella 😂 (since I'm sure the movie isn't allowed to affect the canon that much).
I spent way too long on this to most likely be proven more wrong than right later 🤣 There's also the chance that some scenes in the trailer won't even be in the final cut of the movie, lol. But it was fun speculating anyway! If we get another trailer or significant info that sheds more light on the movie's plot, I may update this post later.
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dominustempori · 7 months
Alright Ghostheads, I'm writing all this down now, so I won't forget all these thoughts and observations I'm having JUST a few hours after this awesome teaser for the "Afterlife sequel" has dropped.
I'm sure I'm missing some bits here, so comments are duly welcome, just don't go all negative energy on me =)
Definitely felt a similar vibe to when the first trailer for "Afterlife" came out like 2 years ago now. Normal summer day, good background music, then...sh*t happens. Even worse than that burst of PK energy from the mine shaft. And yeah, I saw bits of "Day After Tomorrow," I'd be lying if I didn't get JUST a little hint of that, but only because, you know, massive storm system overwhelming the south shore of Manhattan. But anyway.
2. I SWEAR that one building shot from the side is 55 Central Park West, aka Spook Central. Probably not significant plot wise this time, just a nod to the original movie. And considering I toured some of the filming sites on my trip to NYC this past summer, SURE looks like it!
3. Deadly icicles ripping up the streets? Like the earthquake tearing up the asphalt in the original movie only BETTER!
4. The discourse is already happening about details...I know some people like Ecto 1-A from GB2, and some fans are still angry about "they ignored it in Afterlife! It's so canon! WTF Jason Reitman?" Yeah...missing the point? [They're not DELIBERATELY ignoring GB2! I LIKED GB2! A lot! Not perfect but still I LIKE IT! Probably a lot more than other fans! The film only had so much time to focus on the past to keep the story moving, so only put in so much of the lore to help a new audience along. That's my theory I'm sticking to it.]
ANYWAY...yes the car IS the original Ecto 1, NOT the 1-A (which was WAY too busy for its own good, just sayin'). I saw the plate on a freeze frame, it's Ecto 1, the original.
5. Enter the exposition cut scenes. or whatever you want to call them. Swear to God that Patton Oswalt, Kumail Nanjiani, Dan, McKenna, and Logan are NOT at Ray's Occult Books...I mean come on look at those glass cases! It's GOTTA be the NY Public Library (throwback!) Patton's character is most likely a staff member, probably a librarian (related to Alice? God I hope so!) [GBs do their research yo! If that's one thing I love about the IDW comics, is how Ray and Egon and Kylie RESEARCH.]
That one bit with the frozen dude with the eyepatch? Looks like a flashback. Like, maybe Manhattan in the...late 1800s? Recurring hauntings is def a thing in the GB universe. Another secret society? Which, yeah, they did to death (sorry) with the Gozer thing, especially in the video game.
6. Liking all the concerned closeups. Paul Rudd still looking good, and I REALLY hope Carrie Coon as Callie has full on dropped the baggage about not having her Dad in her life. Well, mostly. Turned me off from her QUITE a bit in Afterlife, but that's just me. Finn's hair lookin' good short, love how McKenna still rocks the OshKosh look, and Logan with the retro vibe.
7. James Acaster HAS TO BE an adult Oscar. I WILL fight people on this =) Not Louis' kid, not Janine's... (well, maybe?) Peter and Dana are OFFICIALLY still a couple, what's to stop Peter from adopting the boy he saved in GB2? Or at least, maybe they have their own kid later on...? Damn I hope he's Oscar. I mean come on, this is still "Ghostbusters: the Next Generation" in my mind.
8. HAUNTED LION STATUE!!! (Yeah, that's right from Real Ghostbusters...kinda) It's the Library! And on another freeze frame...it's going after Ray (GASP!) That little elevator? Maybe they're going to...Special Collections? Remember the video game? Maybe? Squee?
9. DUDE, it's attacking GBHQ! Blew the freakin' doors off! It's gonna...NO NOT LUCKY! Dude she (they?) is getting the short end of the stick again...first she gets possessed by Zuul and now...please don't kill off Lucky, Gil! Also OGBs FTW!!! yeah Winston! bad ass mf as always! And man does Pete look proper scared. Go Bill Murray!
10. I'm presuming that the big bad/entity was originally trapped and stored in the ECU, hence the blinking red light in the post credits scene from Afterlife. And it's whatever's pushing out the cinder blocks this time around...and freezing Lucky in the basement of HQ? And it's the...thing pushing its demon horns in...(so far others are calling it a minotaur - totally NOT. this guy is so reaching, i mean an old obscure RGB comic reference from a wiki page? dude, just...no. a cross between a White Walker and Slenderman? yeah THOSE I get. I'm personally thinking some ancient demon from a summoning gone wrong...or maybe right in this case.) any case, DUDE with those icy blue staring eyes and 20 feet tall...f*ck yeah.
11. Also F*CK yeah Paul and Carrie in the jumpsuits! YES!!!
12. Alright, I can sort of buy a hidden room in Kumail's character's (presumably?) apartment, secret door at the back of a kitchen pantry with some pretty lead/silver tiling...but, what's with the horn? (SUMMONING HORN! Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy people!) and the shackles? the bells? well, yeah noise to drive away evil spirits...or not? again... SECRET SOCIETY! Or maybe Lucky and Trevor have their own place now? Nah, maybe not...wait and see I guess.
13. Dude...Paul Rudd is TALL, boy! Would like to see if they've actually gone and married...or, too soon? Nah, romantic/life partners is good.
15. Also, Paul's reaction...SO my own after watching this. He is still fanboy-ing out and I LOVE IT.
Holy hell that was a long post. First genuine reactions on the day. Online journaling. All good.
OK peeps, let me have it. What are y'all thinking?
Until March 29!
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gyllenhaalstories · 13 hours
Laurie!! 💛 (sorry, I just live in your inbox now 💖)
I'm back on duty and I'm here to tickle the collective fandom brain.
With Presumed Innocent coming out soon (aaaah), I would just like to hear all your thoughts on Rusty. 
Is he guilty? If so, would we still do unholy things with him (duh, obviously)? Or is he just an innocent little guy and only guilty of cheating and murdering pussy? He obviously likes being choked and I'm not complaining. What else might he like? Is he a pancakes or bacon/scrambled egg breakfast kinda guy? He does need his protein tho, for several reasons... 👀
Please let me/us know all your thoughts and hopes for the new show and the character we're blessed with this summer, thank youuuu.
Paying my Rusty tax for inspiration ✨ (again)
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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 💖 it's so good to see you in my asks again, daphne! thank you for the rusty tax (and the painful reminder that i wish this was ME) and the great questions! i've thought about that man A LOT but the majority of those thoughts are just about how badly i need him so... they're not too constructive... let's see what my -1 brain cell comes up with pretty much on the spot! 🤭
i don't think he's guilty. since the first teaser, i just had the feeling that he's innocent and his wife killed carolyn. clearly he has a talent for lying and manipulating facts (isn't it essentially his job?), he even lied to his therapist in one of the recent clips i saw! trying to lie to the human equivalent of a lie detector is both bold and dumb. he's clearly not completely innocent. cheating on your wife is bad but when your wife is ruth negga it's DOUBLE bad! i watched a quick interview of the woman who plays carolyn and oof. renate has something special. so i kind of get it <3 but i am better than a man and i would not ruin my marriage! the text messages and calls he's sending her are also very bold and dumb. he should know better than anyone how to avoid looking guilty. the dna, the messages, the stalking, the affair that was not so hidden since they were going out together and everything, this is just so stupid! he'd probably be so mad if he defended a client who basically did everything he shouldn't do and now tries to plead for innocence. i'm interested to see if we get an insight on how an attorney of his prestige and of his rank can turn into the most stupid person you've ever met. i mean, we know how, he's desperate to get his dick wet. but still, maybe there's more to it. maybe carolyn isn't that sweet, smart, picture perfect girl either. i'm giving her the side eye too.
i'm soooo excited for the show!!! my only point of reference is defending jacob so i like to compare both series. defending jacob had some really good twists so i expect the same from presumed innocent. in my opinion, one of the most powerful plot twists in defending jacob included the mother, laurie (i can still hear chris evans saying i love you laurie it was an amazing moment <3). so maybe that's why i focused on barbara sabich right away. i don't know, i'm so curious to see. i want to watch the original movie after the series, just to compare as well. i might never do it but at least i'm planning on it! anyway. can we just take a moment to appreciate how crazy it is to have this kind of show as your first television project? jake really popped off with this and his acting is absolutely insane in what we've seen so far! everyone in the cast seems solid. i'm guessing they showed most of the freaky sexy scenes in the trailers already to tease the audience, but i'm curious to know if there is more of that good stuff that they're hiding! i'm also looking forward to watch jake and peter saarsgard on screen again! and the glasses. i can't word vomit all of this and not bring up the glasses. now that we know jake is practically legally blind, i proclaim myself the protector of his corneas and i demand that he wears glasses more often. my motivation is purely selfless and it's not because i fold like a folding chair at the sight of jake with glasses (vision pun intended).
i saved the best stuff for last apparently! but mmm. what is that man into? i can't cook to save my life so he's eating cereals for breakfast. i'm kidding! (well not really but still). we know he's into choking, finger sucking, doggy style, public sex/sneaking away in a public setting, he loves the thrill of forbidden things and we see how touchy he is with carolyn so i'm guessing he's into marking because it's like a proof of something that is happening in secret of others? idk, just thinking. i don't know if his stalking habits fall into kinky or just regular obsession over the one thing he can't have under his total control, but i'd lowkey like it if he extended his stalking with some spicy elements. the way he holds on to carolyn, touches her everywhere, it's giving possessive and i love it. the ring though. oh the ring. why doesn't he take it off? does carolyn like it, does she get off knowing she has a taken man under her spell, that this greek god of a man prefers her to his wife? does rusty like the reminder of his cheating? does he like the self-inflicted guilt and pain of being reminded of his horrible and immoral actions? i think there's definitely some masochist tendencies in him. he's so quick to apologize for everything like oh no i might have killed a woman but i'm sorry tho </3 he might loooove the fake pity and fake apologies. whether he uses this tactic or if it's used on him does not really matter. to put it briefly: rusty is a FREAK and i want to be the somebody who matches his freak!
thank you for doing this, daphne! it was so fun to ramble pure nonsense fuelled by the sad 2 hours of sleep i've gotten last night 😭 i can't wait to read this tomorrow and be weirded out by how little sense it makes. i especially can't wait to read this after watching the entire series and seeing how wrongggg i was. it will be just as much fun as writing all of this! mwah mwah ily! 💖💖💖
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Any predictions on what is going to happen in and after this arc?
I don't think I'm very good at predictions (╥﹏╥) I really can't guess what's Dostoyevsky's deal, but if else, that makes following the current manga events all the more exciting! Again, by the looks of it we're going to find out the backstory of a character that was first introduced in 2013, so reading the last chapter was a real “whoa” moment for me. As for the guesses I can take, it really doesn't go much further than:
Whatever is going on in the last chapter between Dostoyevsky and Bram is probably going to lead to Bram's demise as it was shown in chapter 102.
I think there's likely some connection between the scars (?) on Bram's face and the way medieval Dostoyevsky displayed an analogous one in the last chapter, because they're too similar to be put there randomly.
Something I haven't seen being brought up is the possibility of Dostoyevsky being able to time travel rather than be eternal, which even though doesn't feel like the most convincing explanation, I feel like it's too soon to fully exclude either?
Jokes aside, I don't think Akutagawa has any real chance to play a role in this, because it's evidently something that's happened in the past. And though the author looves time traveling shenanigans, that feels a bit of a stretch. Although the last attire we saw Akutagawa in did resemble a medieval aesthetic, so who knows if he doesn't have some other kind of connection to the events…
But I DO feel like the change in appearance must be telling of some new alliance. Likely something from Europe. We know the author is probably going to move the focus to European authors next, they already seemed to suggest so in an interview, and if God allows it it's finally going to be time for Agatha and the Order of the Clock Tower.
I. Idk. Have been growing an underlying suspicion that the 2-hours-later sskk scene is going to be a spinoff movie to come some time in the future. It's going to feature time traveling shenanigans (see the very limited timeframe skip) and Fukuchi coming back in a new weird form and sskk getting their rematch with him I have been saying they narratively deserve. Overall it's something that won't be covered by the manga à la Dead Apple, standalone and that can be skipped past. It does make sense marketing wise because it'll be years before the manga will have released enough content for another anime season, and given that the bsd franchise is comparatively very popular right now, I highly doubt they'll let the hype slowly die– that's also why I'm waiting for the announcement of a new Wan anime season any day now. I've said before it doesn't look like we're getting the cool sskk scene in the manga soon, and that it most likely solved the purpose of a teaser for the next arc for various reasons; the last chapter seemingly skipping past it seems now to confirm that. The very high quality of the animation of that scene in the anime might be a further hint in the movie direction, to be honest. (I'm only now realizing that if that's true, it means that we are not getting that scene in Harukawa's art style, and am suddenly hating everything and not want it to become true). That said, a Stormbringer movie seems likely too, so who knows.
Back to chapter 113. The jokes about Dazai not being included in the ada family picture are hilarious, and I do personally believe Dazai is more distant to the rest of the ada than other members; that said, I doubt it has anything to do with the panel itself, and as of now I don't think it's that deep ahah. In general, I find it very hard to believe that Dazai is the one that's going to be transferred to the pm: that feels to me a quite lazy direction to take storytelling wise. We already saw what it's like to have Dazai in the pm, no need to relapse to that. That's why, regretfully, I doubt Atsushi is going to be taken in either, because we already know what pm Atsushi is like (VERY very regretfully for me. Because I'd love more Atsushi screentime and because my brain quite automatically makes a jump from “Atsushi joins the pm” to “sskk canonly live together”. Also all the “sskk are Double Black 2.0” that has been tormenting sskk shippers since the start of time, might as well make them the New Double Black for real this time.). Tanizaki sounds like a good bet to be honest: because, on top of being the only ada member with a completely unexplored backstory, we already saw him interact with the pm a lot over the course of the whole manga, which can be taken as a slow build-up for the moment he ends up joining their ranks; from the pm perspective, since he showed to be a challenge for them in more than one occasion (he even intruded the boss' chambers once), it would make sense to try and get him on their side. And Tanizaki having already volunteered to join them in chapter 65. Honestly, everything seems to point in that direction right now.
I hope the following chapters also explain why taking the sword off Bram didn't kill him as previously established because as of now the seemingly plot hole is bothering me a lot.
That's all that comes to my mind right now, excited to see what the manga will be up to next!
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hikaru-hoshina · 5 months
Yes most of it are screen on already seen scenes from the teasers. Unfortunately Star didn't made it to the main battle moments like some older cures (guess they had to bilance old gen and new gen for all kind of fans in different ways…). I was like "Why are that focusing on Cure Lovely when they know she isn't popular and people would rather see Yell or even better Miracle and Magical" and then I understood that they let the old gen have its special moment.
Anyway the film is probably even better than the Futari x Hugtto. It's a bit confusing at first but then all things get explained. It's kind of the same rute that Hirogaru is using rn for its finale but in a more “celebrative” way. Like. Making a film about the franchise as a whole and not about just one season. So I think that's also why Hirogaru as a season didn't have as many 20th anniversary references as Hugtto as a season had. They really wanted to put everything right in this movie.
Not a fan of the main enemy turning dark skinned when they unlock the almost ultimate form. Eeee don't do that toei please……..
I love Puca. She's the most cute thing in the world must protect… now I understand why they hypered her up with all of that merch.
I see myself in Puca a lot. And Supreme is also a part of my life. Can't talk about it too much because spoilers. When I understood I said to myself "Thank you Precure for existing". Because we are all Puca and we all have our Supreme. In the end we have to face our weakness, talk to each other, and get along together. This is what Precure is all about. Love, understanding, caring, Friendship.
Thank you Precure.
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laniemae · 7 months
Ooh, 1, 2, and 15 for Mikoto, if you want! :)
Mikoto 1: this was a hard one, but this is probably my favourite.
“It's like what's wrong isn't wrong
I'm already the fake one”
This line is really interesting to me as it’s one of those lines where you probably wouldn’t understand it the first time you hear it and there’s a lot of layers to unravel it in.
 A surprising amount of people who first heard it thought it was mikoto putting on a persona or whatever, which is true but in the context of what meme really is it’s not true.
And then there’s the second layer which is what I first thought when I heard it. Something like this could be interpreted as mikoto thinking he’s fake or whatever and being scared while John stands behind him doing some sort of a gun jester to his head, but if you really think about it that’s not the case.
And then there’s the third layer which is what I think is the truth of this line. Mikoto saying “I’m already the fake one” wouldn’t make sense because at the time of meme Mikoto would’ve not been aware that he’s a system, so the only one saying that could be John. And that puts an interesting perspective onto things, as looking at meme the first time you’d probably assume he’s a monster, but realising he’s the one in the part when the mindscape goes red puts a new perspective onto things. He’s scared, wondering what the truth is and if stuff is really wrong. And “I’m already the fake one” may be an indication of him viewing himself as the “fake mikoto” as we know from more recent stuff that he doesn’t see himself in a good light so it’d make sense here. And the mikoto standing behind him may be an imagined version of bokuoto. 
Even now with all the stuff we know about John it’s still very important, as compared to his mostly stoic self we see him as he’s scared here, vulnerable, questioning his existence. And especially that this was right after the scene where mikoto picks up the devil card and it disappears, creating this red mindscape. This could be a big indicator about John’s “birth” and his perception of his identity.
Mikoto 2: already answered for this for mikoto so go check out my response in the other ask, but this is my favorite screenshot.
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Also since there’s two asks of this I’m gonna drop a little honourable mention.
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Mikoto 15: Natsuki Hanae as mikoto is probably one of my favourite vocal performances in milgram, although at the same time everyone’s performance is so good. I absolutely love how good the distinction between Mikoto and John’s vocal gait is (idk the terminology for this). Like Mikoto has a higher pitched voice and has a larger range, even when it just comes to talking you can notice that. John sounds a bit deeper and more stoic, and it’s like you can see his facial expression just by hearing his voice. Something like that would be really hard to master and it truly sounds like there’s different people talking with the same voice. And even in the songs you can notice this as well.
And the screaming, oh god the screaming. In the trial 2 teaser movie & voice trailer the screaming is absolutely horrifying. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a vocal performance on a character screaming as good as this. It chills me to my core and especially compared to mikoto’s regular tone of voice is so scary to hear that voice screaming. And it’s hard to know what type of screaming it really is, it sounds angry, but also not really? It also sounds sorrowful and scared and I have no idea how Hanae managed to pull that off. And in general all of the milgram VA’s are really good at performing bone chilling screams as their characters, I would name some examples here but that’s the case for everyone.
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Venom 3 rumors and stuff oh my!
So more news and stuff as of lately as come out with Venom 3. We first got earlier a deleted scene from the first movie shown by Tom Hardy himself. (Really thought this was a teaser for Venom 3 but it's not, they wouldn't be allowed to show that yet.)
We know that filming will start around June time, Toxin will be in it, and of course rumors have slowly started popping up. The two so far I seen both being from twitter is this list of things (and this one too). Also please take with a fistful of salt. Some of these could be easily true and some could be fake.
Next this recent one that was while take from reddit, I first saw on twitter. is probably one of the most oddest yet interesting things I have ever read. xD If this was a really good AO3 fan fic then that would be fine. But as a movie? I'm unsure about that.
Then again these are just notes, so there gonna sound messy at first before you polish them up and expand on them. Anyways, the one thing that both have in common is that mulitverse will play into this in some form.
Spider Man might have some appearance in the movie, but I'm unsure how that would play out. Really hoping it's Andrew Garfield Spidey, but likely won't be. I guess those rumors normally come up just because people wanna see them fight again but I just wanna see them team up that's all.
Other rumors I saw before and in that first post I mention, of Raimi Venom/Eddie making some return in Venom 3 and Madame Web. And if that's the case my likely guess is that he will only appear at the very end of the movie for a post credit scene. But that's my theory, so I could be completely wrong with that.
Lastly Toxin, as we all know they will be in but we don't know if they will be another villian or a rival instead, hoping the second one. Chance are it's gonna be another symbiote that Eddie/Venom will fight, but we shall see. None of us know whats gonna really happen next.
My only hope is that it will be still a fun movie overall and filled with funny moments, cool action and of course romance between our 2 favourite love birds.
Thank you for reading this long ramble of text, it won't be too long now for more rumors and even leaks to show up more around June time. Take care for now. c:
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aquaticlime · 1 month
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₍ ⌨ [aquaticlime] is typing ... ₎
February 11th of 2024 I was invited to guest star on an episode of the tonight show which Jimmy Fallon. The teaser trailer for my debut film had just been released on February 8th creating a lot of excitement and buzz surrounding my name.
I’ve mentioned this interview before I believe on my BAFTAS post. But it’s the first thing interview I do in my Fame Dr, in it I almost reveal my celebrity crush on live Television, how girly pop of me! I seriously had so much fun with this idea I’ll probably be so embarrassed by the repercussions of it but c’est la vie! Below is what I wore nothing to crazy, fancy but still comfortable and of course red for the movie I’m promoting. Enjoy!
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❝ [Transcript of the interview]
Jimmy Fallon is in bold, My answers are in normal text.
I cut out the pleasantries in the beginning.
"We saw the trailer for your new film, and everyone here was blown away by it. How does it feel to finally be starring in your first full-length feature film?"
“Euphoric is the first thing that comes to mind. It’s all happened so quickly and now I’m a guest star on jimmy Fallon of all things”
"No kidding? I would have thought you'd been in the business for years judging by that trailer. Tell me, is there a lot of pressure working on a big film like this for the first time?"
“I think there should be but I haven’t felt much, I’m still riding the high from everything. Plus everyone I’ve met and worked with so far has been so kind and supportive.”
"Ah, so you've gotten lucky with your first project, then! How do you feel about all the hype surrounding this film? does it make you nervous, excited, how are you feeling?”
“It’s amazing I hope everyone loves the story and my Character Dinah as much as I do. There’s a lot to appreciate in this movie from costuming and world building to the more behind the scenes like camera work and editing.”
“So how did the whole journey of becoming the star of a blockbuster movie happen? Was it something you always wanted, or was it somewhat unexpected?"
“Uhm A bit of both, I hadn’t known want i wanted to do in life til I was 14 or so, once I found acting though I dove straight into community theatre. But for this particular project I had read the book series it’s based on and fell in love with the story, so I practically stalked the authors instagram and found it was in the process of becoming a movie, I auditioned and the rest is history.”
"Wow, you really went for it, huh? You didn't just wait until an opportunity came along; you made your own. And I see that things are looking bright for you. Besides this film, do you have any other roles or projects lined up in the future?"
“I may have something else coming in the near future”
"Alright, now to get to know you a bit more personally. I'm sure some of the people in the audience here want to get to know you better. Do you have any siblings?"
“Yes I have two younger siblings, we’re quite far apart in age though.”
"Oh, really? How far apart are we talking?"
“My sister and I are 5 years apart while my brother is 14 years younger than me.”
"Wow, that is quite a gap, especially between you and your brother. I imagine you were pretty close to your sister growing up, since she was closer to your age?"
“Yeah we definitely were pretty close, she’s at that age now though where she thinks I’m embarrassing and would rather be with her friends”
"Ah, I know how that goes. It can be tough when your younger sibling just wants all their friends around or to be out living their lives. So, for your next question, let's talk about love and relationships. Are you in a relationship right now?"
“Oh haha nope nothing”
"Really? Nothing at all, not even a special someone?"
“You mean like a crush?”
"That's right. Is there someone in your life that you secretly have a crush on, maybe a school crush or someone you met on set?"
“I’m guessing you’re referring to David Iacano, who plays Wardley my characters love interest, but no. There’s nothing like that between us.”
"Okay, so not David. He's a very good looking guy, though, right? Plus, I heard you had some amazing chemistry during filming. Are you sure you don't have a little crush on him, even if you won't admit it?"
“Nope we’re just great friends, I’m sure my saying that isn’t going to change many peoples mind though.”
"Well, I'm not sure you'll convince me and a lot of people out there. But we can drop that line of questioning. So let's move onto the "Celebrity Crush" bit, then. Got any Hollywood actors that you swoon over?"
“Yeah I do”
"Oh? And who might that be?"
“I won’t say, if they know I’ll be so embarrassed. I’m hopeful that I’ll meet him on day and that I can play it cool, instead of freezing or saying something stupid like ‘omg you’re aar-‘“
“next question please”
"Alright, alright, let's leave that for the audience's imagination because we still have some questions about the movie. Without spoiling anything, can you tell us your favorite aspects of this show/movie?”
“Uhm- ooh that’s a good question. I- I would say the world of Wonderland is unlike any other you’ve seen yet. It’s fully flushed out but it changes with Dinah. She’s sort of the lens you see everything through. That might be my favorite bit, the audience seeing the way I saw it when playing Dinah.”
“Where will we be able to watch this movie once it comes out?”
“In Theaters April 20th”
❝ [End of transcript]
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Chickens/Spirit of Blue Sky
Well look at that, a full trailer for CHICKEN RUN: DAWN OF THE NUGGET is finally here.
CHICKEN RUN is a long-time favorite of mine. I caught it in theaters back in the summer of 2000, at the age of 7. I must've watched the VHS copy I had multiple times. I even had, of all things, a CHICKEN RUN lunchbox depicting Rocky the rooster in the sky on his tricycle. To say I loved this movie is understatement, and to this day? It still *slaps*...
When I learned that CHICKEN RUN was getting a sequel way back in... I want to say late 2017? Early 2018? I was definitely curious and cautious. I was later dismayed to hear that Ginger's voice actress Julia Sawalha wasn't returning because apparently she was told that she was too old. She's going to be 55 in a few days... But her replacement, Thandiwe Newton, is 50. Soon to be 51... That's some nonsense that I'll never understand to this day.
That being said, a new CHICKEN RUN was cause for celebration anyhow. After some character posters and small clips and reveals, we finally have an idea of what this movie is going to be like. I'm definitely surprised that Mrs. Tweedy is back, instead of putting the chooks up against a new menace, and it appears to be retreading similar factory-farming perils and escaping a dinner plate fate stuff. This time, as the trailer and poster emphasize, with the mechanics reversed: A break-in movie rather than an escape, we went from THE GREAT ESCAPE and STALAG 17 homages to James Bond and MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. "Chicken: Impossible"?
It actually makes a lot of sense. CHICKEN RUN is clearly set in middle-postwar England, a dreary midcentury setting that many peg at the late 1950s judging by the old tech and such, but it's actually set in - at the earliest - November 1961. How's that? Well, I am nerdy about certain things, and I know that the song Rocky is listening to in that scene where he pedals by the Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Pies billboard came out in November 1961. That song, Dion's 'The Wanderer', was a #10 hit in the UK. So, CHICKEN RUN is set either in late 1961 or sometime in 1962. I'd imagine it doesn't go farther than that, at least not to the days The Beatles had finally made a splash. (Their first official single, 'Love Me Do', released in October 1962.) It's a small detail, I get it. I'm sure the filmmakers behind the original didn't think about it as much as I do, they probably thought "Oh, a '50s song, let's have him be listening to that!" Or maybe they did overthink it, too!
So... CHICKEN RUN 2 going for a mid-1960s James Bond spy movie vibe, completely with a very '60s spy movie-looking evil lair-like place, checks out. Either way, I'm game to see it. It'll hit different seeing it on a small screen, but that's just how it all goes, doesn't it? Aardman's previous feature, FARMAGEDDON: A SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (which was very similar to CHICKEN RUN), played theatrically in the UK a few months before COVID hit. Here in the states, it hit Netflix on Valentine's Day 2020, just a little before the outbreak. Even in a world where COVID never happened, it probably still wouldn't have had a chance at hitting theaters. (Though the weirdest thing is, Lionsgate at one point was going to release it theatrically, like they had done w/ the first SHAUN THE SHEEP movie. If you saw EARLY MAN in theaters in February 2018, like I did, you saw a FARMAGEDDON teaser before it. It had no release date, but still...)
Anyways, heck yeah CHICKEN RUN 2!
Other cool news this week, Annapurna Animation has upped their game. Big time. After saving the scrapped Blue Sky Studios swan song NIMONA, with much of the same crew back to complete it, they have expanded and not only kept some key people from NIMONA (like director Nick Bruno and producer Julie Zackary), but also some former Blue Sky veterans... Like none other than Chris Wedge himself! Director BUNNY, ICE AGE, ROBOTS, ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN, EPIC! The last thing he directed was a live-action movie with some VFX creatures for Paramount, called MONSTER TRUCKS... He'll be back to direct a new animated feature called FOO. It's been ten years since he directed/finished an all-animated movie, so I'm very pumped about this.
Nick Bruno has an original movie in the works there, along with more projects, so that's great. I wonder what his NIMONA and SPIES IN DISGUISE directing partner Troy Quane will be up to, then. Annapurna is also making an animated feature out of a game they released, STRAY, a tale of a stray (what else?) cat in a techy future. And that game came out rather recently, too, so it's cool to see the movie taking off this quickly. Coincidentally, Blue Sky at one point was considering adapting the creature creator game SPORE into a movie... I've never played the game, but I'm a sucker for weirdo futuristic stories and settings. NIMONA's take on a futuristic world was really cool, so Annapurna has this game down pat.
So let's see... Wedge, Bruno, Zackary... In addition to more Blue Sky alumni like Erica Pulcini, Robert Baird, and Andrew Millstein... Yeah, the spirit of Blue Sky Studios lives on at Annapurna Animation, and I think that's very nice. Annapurna took over and completed what was to be a Blue Sky feature film, and they have now landed some of the studio's key people. There's something kind of sweet about that, honestly... I wonder if this means certain canceled Blue Sky projects, such as the musical FOSTER, could live to see another day... Disney heads, namely Bob Chapek, made such an obtuse decision shuttering Blue Sky, so it's fantastic to see that NIMONA was saved by Annapurna and some of their existence as well...
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loopy777 · 1 year
Always love your headcanons :) now that we have official news of the new ATLA movie in 2025, what are your predictions?
Thank you!
To summarize what we know, here's a list of everything I've seen:
Teaser Image
Character Descriptions
Timeline Placement
Unfortunately, the source for all of this is Avatar News, which sometimes jumps to conclusions too quickly and presents them as probable facts. However, this is all very basic information, so I feel safe speculating on it.
The big question is what this movie is about, both in terms of plot and theme. The plot could be anything, but the image has some buildings in the background that look more 'classical' than the Republic City architecture, so my guess is that the gAang are on the move again, as they should be. It raises the question of what is drawing the whole gAang back together if not their pet city. I can see Toph joining just for some excitement, but if Zuko is involved, it must be some big, nation-spanning concern. So it's probably going to be suitably epic for a theatrical release movie.
I'm leaning towards Spirit Troubles of some kind, but given my pedigree, that's probably not a surprise. I'm leaning away from a threat that could start/restart a war, especially involving the Earth Kingdom, as that was the plot of several of the Gene Yang comics, and I think those highlighted how poorly suited the gAang cast is for that kind of thing. Going after bandits or a warlord or something doesn't really feel like it would merit Zuko's direct involvement, even if they pull in Long Feng as a renewed threat to clean up that dangling plot point.
The only non-Spirity thing I can think of that would be both epic and pull in all these characters is something involving the Order of the White Lotus. The Red Lotus was the best plot in LoK, and having a rogue OWL member or faction might somehow pose a threat to international stability, but trying to limit knowledge of the OWL (if that's still a thing at this point in time?) could lead to Zuko getting involved directly rather than sending subordinates.
Of course, the big question is who else is going to get involved with our main cast of characters. With Zuko in the movie, will we see something with Mai? I've pointed out how conspicuously absent she's been from any media that might finally resolve The Dread Breakup Subplot, and it was recently pointed out to me that she's been getting some non-story attention lately. Could that be build-up to an appearance and subplot in this movie? I think it's hard to say. Mai isn't listed in the cast profiles, but it could be they already have an actress in mind for the character, or maybe she's just a very minor character only making a glorified cameo. But if so, why is she being held back in other media? Perhaps simply because she'll be prominent in tie-in material to the movie, rather than the movie itself- you know, a prequel comic that reveals how she and Zuko get together, putting a foundation beneath her appearing as Zuko's fiance for one scene or something.
Suki and Ty Lee, sadly, are less likely to appear. Sokka's love life was never elaborated upon in LoK, so it's wide open for them to do anything with it in this movie, but I think they'll lean towards either continuing to say nothing about it or just mention Suki without showing her. Leaving Mai out of the adventure is easier if she needs to hold things down in the Fire Nation, but it would take a lot more explaining for why the Kyoshi Warriors don't help out if they appear in the movie. Having too many characters running around is a common writing pitfall, and while it can be made to work, it's easier to keep extraneous characters out of sight and out of mind.
But how can we be sure if Suki and Ty Lee are extraneous if we don't know the main theme of the movie? Well, the focus is on Aang and Katara. And I'm predicting that they're being pulled away from Republic City, their home and base. And, if this is going to be a movie released into theaters, I'd hope that it would be more than just An Adventure Aang Has As An Adult. This is America, not Japan, and for better or for worse we don't make theatrical features out of what are essentially extended random episodes of a long-running cartoon. So I'm thinking it has to a turning point for Aang, at least emotionally.
And I'm guessing it's this specific turning point.
(And check out that reply beating me to this prediction months ago. XD)
But yeah, I feel like the only big thing left for Aang -- at least in terms of a bankable cinematic adventure -- is to restore or rediscover enough Air Nomad culture enough to really get the Air Acolytes off the ground. It can leave the origin in the comics alone (basically, random culturally insensitive kids who form an Aang Fan Club and then pressure him into creating a cult they join) and just jump into the idea that there are existing people called to Air Nomad culture and Aang's leadership, but he doesn't have much to offer them beyond internships while he does Avatar stuff. But the movie's plot kicks off and Aang discovers that it's tied to some repository of Air Nomad culture or knowledge or just a herd of sky bison or lemurs, and so he has to act to save some of the last vestiges of his culture, and in doing so he finds the inspiration to create the Air Acolytes we see in LoK, including a reclamation of the Temples. Perhaps the threat even involves the Northern Air Temple in some way, caused by them messing around with stuff they shouldn't have.
You could even swing it so that this is why Zuko is personally tagging along, that the Fire Lord helping to restore this bit of the Air Nomads is importantly symbolic. The importance of this to Aang could also be why Toph is on the quest (in her cool new cape), since the comics have established that she doesn't go on all his adventures anymore now that she has responsibilities. If desired, this could even be tied into a "Is it time for us to expand our family?" subplot for Kataang.
That's about as much as I can speculate based on what we know. I'm sure this is 99% likely to be all completely wrong, and it's possible that teaser image is nothing but some concept art that doesn't even reflect the final product. But the main thing I'm looking for with this movie is its justification for existing, since the backstory between AtLA and LoK actually feels pretty boring, and AtLA made its Coming Of Age arcs so epic that it's hard to imagine these characters not feeling like their lives peaked before they even hit adulthood. So that's what my speculation has tried to cover.
I'd probably also be satisfied with a random adventure, though, as long as the story is good and the movie looks amazing. I've seen two of the My Hero Academia movies in theaters, after all.
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dominustempori · 4 months
Quick thoughts to follow up after my post on the teaser trailer (SPOILER WARNING!) In honor of March the 22nd…I’ll go for 22 observations/opinions.
1. Slimer’s back!
-Definitely a call back to 1) one of the ORIGINAL storyboard designs for the backpack/neutrona wand in the first movie, and 2) the IDW comics when Janine and other “new ‘Busters” take over when the OGs disappear.
3. Definitely another secret society/cult that must’ve worshipped Garraka ( hidden room with the demon’s horns/frozen eyepatch guy that shatters in the supposed flashback scene..?)
4. If that’s Coney Island where the big ice storm is coming ashore…then THAT could very well be a throwback to the RGB episode “Collect Call of Cthulu.”
5. GB’s got a new van! Ecto 1c?
6. Research lab? AWESOME!
7. Big question- what’s the connection between the arrival of Garraka and the red light on the containment unit? Is it coming after GBHQ to get more power (much like Gozer?)
8. OK…James Acaster is NOT a grown Oscar…damn. I’m sure his researcher character is gonna be brilliant though. Poor guy…frostburned hand? Eesh.
9. I REALLY hope they explore more of Callie (and therefore, Egon’s) background story. That scene where Trevor’s in that attic…aw.
10. DRONE TRAP!!! Next level! Fans lost their minds with the RTV…someone will surely try to build a model of a freaking FLYING ghost trap.
11. Modified proton packs? Makes sense now, that thing can FREEZE the positron stream! WHAT!?
12. Grooberson’s driving Ecto 1! F*ck yeah, Paul Rudd!
14. So how does Kumail Nanjiani’s character come into possession of that mysterious golden orb? I’m still thinking it’s his apartment with the secret door.
15. Imagine being an old time NYC firefighter and seeing men frozen to death, in fear. When did NYFD form, I wonder?
16. Patton Oswalt is the new Ray…love it.
17. Bill Murray…still got it, man.
18. Swear to god that’s his old orange jacket from the first movie.
19. OK…on one hand, Gil and Jason are probably not counting the GB Video Game as part of the canon, and yet, the IDW comic universe IS built on some plot points of the game. So…does the PCOC exist in Frozen Empire? Is Peck mayor? Perish the thought?
20. Bring on the mischievous Mini-Pufts! Evidently some survived the “Summerville Massacre.”
21. PLEASE have Egon’s unknown life history be in the story somewhere, PLEASE Gil and Jason! It’s almost 10 years since the world lost Harold Ramis…PLEASE pay his beloved character some more tribute.
22. I have to admit…I do like Annie Potts back with not just her red hair, but those new blue-frame glasses. Good nod to the animated series, I will bow to that piece of fan service, not sorry.
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indiemovies · 2 years
I want the scooby opinions !!!
Not having scooby = unforgivable for Me
THANK YOU i take this opportunity very seriously
ok firstly: i completely agree!!! i mean, they could EASILY have scooby be there and just not talk! but, also, like.....why shy away from the silliness, the cartoon-y nature of it all......if you are a cartoon!!! i know it's made for adults but i mean. i sincerely doubt a dog saying ruh roh every now and then would turn off the adult audience tuning in to watch THE NEW SCOOBY DOO SHOW! i am not a big fan of taking of shows made for children and making them into hard r, for adults stuff. that's just my personal opinion, but it never translates well, it alienates every possible audience, and it comes off as goofier than if they had just played it silly. i genuinely think the live action movies are the perfect example of how to age something up without making it unwatchable for kids, and, more importantly, not getting rid of the humor and hijinks that the show was built on!
i like the character redesigns for the velma show (although i think the animation style is a bit generic and i agree that shaggy's hair is too clean cut LOL) and for the most part i like the casting EXCEPT FOR shaggy and fred which is CRAZY bc sam and glenn are easily two of my favorite comedic actors working today... i just dont know how well they fit the roles? although i think it is very unfair to judge them before i hear them so this may be a total nonissue it was just the main thing that jumped out to me. i really wouldnt care too much but already hearing from people who saw the first ep and seem to not like velma's characterization it concerns me i wont lie. velma is NOT mean (and she wouldnt call the cops over something @ multi versus)!!! she is dorky and driven and definitely very snarky and maybe slightly arrogant but i dont know if she has such a hard edge. i hope the teaser is just poking fun at the audience response and wont be her actual characterization in the show. also slightly unrelated but i just scrolled through the entire velma twitter account and given that the gimmick is that she's the one posting it all i feel the need to say: it does not matter what year it is, velma would suck ass at social media. like if she had a twitter she would use it retweet scientific articles and post pictures of bugs!!!! that's all
and of course, the main event, lesbian velma. i do just want to say i know that most pieces of scooby media are standalones, so velma not being gay in her show does not invalidate her lesbianism in the new movie. however i think it is a huge missed opportunity to not have her be a lesbian in the show that is made for adults and can probably much more easily get away with that given that it is something that has been so heavily theorized about and wanted. that being said, i do have a sneaking suspicion she will be bi in the show (honestly just guttural instinct + tweet about her kissing PEOPLE, not just boys, in the show) which is great if true! but lesbian velma will always be something near and dear to my heart so it is the piece of canon i will probably always hold onto. but apparently she has a crush on FRED???? and is beefing with DAPHNE over it?????? that is just. so. ooc. for like everyone involved. and so mean to people who care about the daphne and velma dynamic? like i love a complicated female relationship, but a) that is just not them, and b)OVER A BOY? OVER FRED??? FRED JONES??????
enough velma hbo talk (though i feel so bad for being so negative, i despise hate trains before stuff even comes out so i will say i will definitely give it a chance and i like that they are doing something different with it and having some fun with the characters and premise!!) i have not seen trick or treat scooby doo YET but i really like the animation and the velma scenes<3333 so perfect
AND that is just everything off the top of my head MWAH LOVE YOU
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lightsofpandora · 2 years
New Pictures Analysis— [Avatar 2]
A/N: Everything I say here is based on my perspective, theories, what I think about this.
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These new images show us a group of 6 soldiers in avatar bodies and we see an general view of the huge amount of advanced technology of the RDA, definitely ready to take revenge after losing the war and not getting what they were looking for; and although it is certain that they follow orders from a new leader or colonel, I feel that after going through a war and losing everything they had, I believe that what this group of soldiers or a major part of the RDA in general, is looking for is to render "homage" to Quarich and to achieve this, they must murder the Na'vi population and destroy their lands in such a way that they can finally take the Unobtanium back home. This is what I believe, even though there are new "colonels or leaders", what they are really doing (indirectly) is to follow the legacy that Quarich left behind because thanks to him, the RDA was not too far from victory.
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Then, we have Quarich's avatar looking closely at the image of a brain next to Parker. What does it mean? and I have a few theories to answer this: first, to understand the connection between a human being and his avatar; second, to explain to Quarich what they did with his mind and memories (through this transference); third, the RDA has knowledge that there is a human living with the Na'vi and they want to study him; and finally, maybe they are explaining to him how the Na'vi brain works (although the last one I don't think is so probable)
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Here, we can see how Spider interferes in the RDA base and explores the machines in which the avatars must incubate until the day they are ready to be used. This makes sense, if we relate it to the fact that the RDA is studying or analyzing Spider to manipulate him and turn him into a kind of ally or spy (as it happens with Jake in the first movie), I mean, it is evident that what Spider wants most is to belong to the Na'vi and be part of them, because although he was "born" there and raised with their ways, being human is one of the biggest barriers that does not allow him to be truly part of the clan. So, the RDA is setting him up by manipulating him to be one of them (a spy) and, at the same time, they want to make him see that these aliens are brainwashing him but, to allow Spider to confirm this and see that they are telling him the truth, the RDA gives him the opportunity to have his own avatar so that he can make his own conclusions.
Also, this scene makes me think that it is part of the same sequence we saw in the teaser where he escapes with Lo'ak and in the same scene with Neytiri and Kiri.
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What I mean by this idea of why the RDA is putting so much interest and emphasis on the study of the nervous system is the same thing we have been speculating about for months now: the relationship that exists between the mind transfer from a human to an avatar and how this affects the brain of the user or another theory could be the brain study of the Na'vi (how to upgrade this in their own avatars and make them look a little more natural and wild?) although I am not sure. There is also the idea of, as I mentioned in one of my previous analysis, "how does the human brain react and adapt in a world that is not its own? how does it react to change?" Something interesting to keep in mind.
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Finally, there is the image of Spider with the soldiers in avatar bodies, and here we can clearly see Lyle. It reminds me of Jake when he was just starting to get familiar with the Na'vi; in Spider's case it's the other way around (he does it with humans), and judging by his face I think they are showing him weapons of war acquired from this new technology; technology and weapons that only humans have, maybe they want to show him the great things they are capable of doing or give him some kind of "gifts" and " rewards" (explosives, weapons, women, and bribe him that if he accomplishes his task they will return him to earth and give him huge amounts of money), to persuade him and give him a valid reason to join them. Spider is starting to find out what his true place of origin was like and the RDA wants to get as much advantage as possible.
— 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚.  
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