#im trying not to look at trailers and shit so i can go in the movie semi blind
kooberist · 2 days
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17:30 ━━━━⬤─────── 34:07
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ᯓ★ a/n: I know havent posted in like 4 months or something but inspo struck me last night. Please do understand this is based off the infamous groupie tape by marilyn manson. Yes im well aware of what he did and what role the groupie tape had in the trail. No i do not support that man but the idea of groupie was just so cool. This is all fiction < 3. All of that is old shit i wrote 2 months ago when i started to write this then i took a break and now im wondering if i should finish.
ᯓ★ Warnings : drugging, non con, r*pe, bondage, talks about jesus during sex, violence towards reader, blood, gun play, 18 year old reader, recording, spanking, slight somnophilia, underage drinking, mentions of satanism/devil worship, virginity loss, THIS IS FICTION!!!! Btw if you click that link heres tw because.....its crazy (you can only hear)
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A slim, long finger pushes the VHS tape into the player. Click. The tape is in and will begin playing the video shortly.
The 30 minute tape is cut short at 17 mins as the lady on the couch pauses it.
"You can never release this. If this ever reaches the media you will be fucking over. I mean it"
The lady's eyes were filled with fear as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. The man standing behind her nodded solemnly, clearly understanding the seriousness of her words. He reached for the remote and turned off the TV, the screen going black as the room fell silent. The tape was carefully removed from the player and hidden away; the secret it held was locked tight.
The house is loud. Music is loud as drunk rockers dance with girls and, most likely, high-ranking groupies. A small girl is navigating her way through the crowd of people to the stairs. Your arms are full as you carry a big painting. This would be the day she met her idol. Up the stairs and now in front of a hallway of rooms, you just had to find out which one Hoseok was in.
Knocking on a door to get nothing then opeing another to see a group orgy. Lets act like you didn't see that. Shutting the door quickly your small frame walks over to the next door.
You open the door to see a man with dark long strands with his nose to a table. He looks up, coke on his nose. Its him. The man on the painting you had.
"Are you Hoseok?" you ask tentatively, trying to keep your voice steady despite the nerves that were starting to build up inside you. The man nods slowly, a small smirk playing on his lips as he gestures for you to come in. You step into the room, your heart racing with excitement and uncertainty, unsure of what is to come next. This was the moment you had been waiting for—the moment when you would finally come face-to-face with the man who had consumed your thoughts and dreams for so long.
The man stands up. His heavy boots hit the crusty and creaky wooden floor boards. He guides you into the room and closes the door behind you.
There is no way you were a groupie. This was no slut. But a girl who could only dream of being a groupie. "sit down" he commands, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. As you take a seat, you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline mixed with fear. What did he want from you? Your mind races with possibilities as you wait for him to break the silence and reveal his intentions. But one thing was for certain—you were no longer just a fan, you were in the presence of the man himself, and the reality was both exhilarating and intimidating.
"Are you here to suck my dick?" Hoseok says nonchilantly
his eyes piercing into yours with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Your heart races at his blunt question, unsure of how to respond. You had fantasized about meeting him and being close to him, but you never expected this level of directness. The air between you crackles with tension as you search for the right words and the right way to navigate this unexpected turn of events. Your mind races, trying to process the sudden shift in the dynamic between you.
"N-no. I wanted to give you this." You shyly speak as you hand him the pants with his face on them.
"What good are you if you aren't here to suck my dick?! You interrupted my lines to show me this weak ass painting?". You feel a wave of shock and embarrassment wash over you as his harsh words hit you like a punch to the gut. The fantasy you had built up in your mind shatters in an instant, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. You struggle to find your voice, feeling small and insignificant in his presence. The weight of his expectations hangs heavy in the air, and you realize that the reality of the situation is far from the dream you had envisioned.
You struggle to find your voice, feeling small and insignificant in his presence. The weight of his expectations hangs heavy in the air, and you realize that the reality of the situation is far from the dream you had envisioned. You get up to go, trying not to cry, but his cold hands grab you.
His hand locked on your delicate wrist as he brought his other hand to your face with a loud smack. Cheek red with his hand print, you stand there in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. His sudden violence sends a wave of fear through your body, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest.
The pain in your cheek serves as a stark reminder that this man is not who you thought he was. As you struggle to break free from his grip, you realize that the fantasy you had built up in your mind has turned into a nightmare. You gather your strength, and with a newfound determination, you finally break free and run, leaving behind the shattered remains of your once beautiful dream. "Such a fucking slut " he spat. "Coming into my room acting like you didn't come here to take this dick."
"You think guys are going to want to fuck you?" His hands are grabbing at your tits through your cotton dress. "Stop!" You scream, pushing him away with all your might. Tears stream down your face as you scramble to get away from him. He overpowers you and keeps grabbing. "You think you're going to get married and have a nice family?" You fight back with all the strength you have left. "STOP!" You scream loudly, but he brings his hand back to your face to shut you up. "Sit down." He pushes you into a leather chair, and you feel trapped and helpless. His words ring in your ears, and his hands are still lingering on your body. You know you have to get out, but fear paralyzes you.
He brings rope to you, and before you know it, you are tied down to the chair , unable to move or escape. Tears stream down your face as you realize the severity of the situation.
The feeling of helplessness weighs heavily on you as you struggle against the restraints, but deep down, you know you must stay calm and think of a way to free yourself. Your mind races with thoughts of how to outsmart him and break free from his hold, but the fear of what he might do next keeps you frozen in place. It's a battle of wills, and you know you have to find a way to survive this terrifying ordeal.
Hoseok turns away to grab his pill bottle, emptying the lat 2 in his hand. "Open your fucking mouth." As he approaches you with the pills in hand, a sense of dread washes over you. You know you cannot consume whatever is in those capsules, but you also know that refusing him might lead to consequences you cannot bear to think about. With a deep breath, you muster the courage to speak up, "I won't do it.”
His eyes meet yours with a mixture of anger and disappointment, but you stand your ground, determined to fight against his control. In that moment, you realize that survival means more than just physical escape; it also means holding onto your own agency and resisting his attempts to break you. His strong hand grips your mouth and forces your jaw open.
You scream and scream, but he shoves the pills in. His pretty finger is pushing down your throat to make sure you take it , choking and gagging as you struggle against his relentless hold. As the pills slide down your throat, you feel a sense of defeat wash over you. But deep down, a fire ignites within you, fueling your determination to never let him control you again. He started to untie the rope and free you from the chair. He knows you will try to escape him again.
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hayaku14 · 1 month
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even heiji is like, "what in the gay is going on" LMAO
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badasmuse · 6 months
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), lowercase intended, language, cheater!bada, bottom!bada, bada is married to h*wl, bada has a daughter, top!reader, lonely bada, she also cries, appearance from itzy’s yuna
Summary: bada is lonely, you fix that.
Part 2 Here
you absolutely loved children. ever since you were fifteen when you started babysitting for your neighbor that’s when you knew. you actually wanted to start your own daycare but you wanted a degree so you decided to take a few online classes in early childhood education. but, going to college meant you need money for books and such so you never stopped babysitting. but your usual child’s father came back into her life making you jobless once again, so when you received a text from an unknown number stating she got your number from her friend you jumped with joy. and that’s how you started working for bada lee and her husband.
on your first day, you pull up to the extremely big house, you’re nervous. you keep thinking, what if i lose this kid in this big ass house.
there’s a tall woman and a slightly shorter male standing in the doorway holding a little girl. she looks about seven. you step out of the uber and approach the little family. “hi i’m y/n. i’m looking for ms. lee?”
“that’s me.” she steps out shaking your hand. “you can call me bada. this is my husband howl, not his real name but as a dancer it’s just what he goes by, and our daughter chaeyoung. come in.”
you follow the woman in and dude when i tell you this house is huge. you could probably fit three semi trailers stacked on top of each other in here. with the wheels still on and everything. you’re too busy admiring the house to hear what bada is saying.
“got that y/n?” is all you hear.
“huh? oh i’m… im sorry i was admiring your house i didn’t hear a thing. could you… repeat that?” you say shyly.
“oh no problem. this is a list of people you can call if you can’t get in touch with either of us. always try lusher first she’s my best friend she’ll always be able to get ahold of me. i’ll be out at the studio a lot this month because i’m choreographing a few comebacks and howl is getting ready to go to japan to teach some classes. i will be back around nine tonight. here’s chae’s bedtime routine. she’ll try to stay up past eight thirty, if she fights let her because she’ll fall asleep in the next five minutes. you can just lay a blanket over her on the couch and i’ll carry her to the room when i come back. is that too much at one time?” bada asks after literally vomiting a shit ton of information.
“no no i think i got it all. also, if you’re gonna be dancing, i don’t mind carrying her to her room. you’ll be tired and probably want to shower, i can handle it.” you say smiling.
“if you can i’d appreciate it. oh we have to go. chae you be good for y/n okay? i mean it.” bada says crouching in front of the girl who just nods in response before hugging her mother tight and hugging her father’s leg.
soon, it’s just you and her. boy did she give you a run for your money. you did lose her in the house while playing hide n seek. she made you play dress up with her. she took your phone and hid it, spilled apple juice everywhere, and even went into her parent’s room and took one of her mom’s lipsticks.
by now it’s eight thirty and she surprisingly went to bed without an issue, which you were grateful for because now you have to clean the mess in the kitchen and living room.
“hi i’m home.. y/n?” you hear bada say.
“kitchen!” you respond.
“what.. happened?”
“oh she spilled apple juice. this- here. she took this from your room. um, do you mind calling my phone?” you mumble.
bada sighs and goes into a room before coming out with your phone in hand. “i’m sorry she did this to the last babysitter, and the one before. if you don’t want to continue just let me know okay?” she says helping you clean the apple juice.
you look up at her and see the sweat dripping down her face, the tired look in her eyes. she’s obviously struggling. “what time should i be here tomorrow?”
her eyes light up and she smiles brightly. “um, same time okay? it’ll just be me and her, my husband will be gone early.”
“i’ll be here. go shower. i’ll finish up and make my way out of here.” you pick up the used paper towel, throwing it in the garbage.
thirty minutes later she emerges from the bathroom dressed in a new pair of sweats and a tank with her wet hair flowing down her back.
“i’ll get your uber home. can you put your address in here?”
now it’s been four months and man, the feelings you feel towards this woman are crazy.
“she’s just so.. fine, yuna.” you say to your best friend. “when she comes home from the studio and she’s dripping with sweat. you know how hard it is to not jump on her?”
yuna laughs, “isn’t she married?”
“yes but… come on. her husband is never really there. she’s always tired and probably sexually frustrated. i could fix that for her for real.” you say taking the drink from her.
“that’s mine.” she sighs, “well are you gonna go for it?”
“i don’t know, should i? what if i get fired?” you say.
“then you get fired. come on i’ll drop you off. it’s almost time.”
once you arrive at the house, you knock and wait, watching yuna pull off. bada opens the door and looks at you surprised. “y/n? what are you doing here?”
you blink, “it’s.. saturday?”
“oh! oh i’m so sorry. first come in.” she steps to the side, “i’m sorry, chaeyoung is with her grandmother for today. i thought i told you. probably forgot i was doing so much this morning. i feel so bad you probably ubered here, let me pay you for that and i’ll get you one back.”
“my friend dropped me off. i can ask her to come get me.” you say sending a quick text to yuna.
“well have you eaten? let me get you something.” she says.
“i’m okay i’m not hungry.” at least, not for food.
“well.. here’s a water bottle. i’m so sorry.”
“it’s okay bada. my schedule is open.” you look at the reply from yuna and sigh. “actually could you get the uber? my friend is busy, she won’t be able to come get me for at least an hour or so.. unless you don’t mind me waiting?”
“i don’t mind. i actually wanted to talk to you about chaeyoung.” she says sitting next to you.
“what is it?”
“i’m not too sure what you’re doing but.. she used to be terrible in school, behavior wise, and ever since you came along it’s changed. what are you doing with her? what can i do to make sure she doesn’t act that way once you get your degree and stop working for me?” bada sighs, leaning back on the couch.
“bada,” you turn your body to face her, “the issue with chae is you don’t give her enough attention. i know both you and howl work a lot. it happens. but she tells me all the time how she wishes at least you were here more often. she’s lonely. it’s only her and you stick her with a bunch of strangers. she told me she feels happy when i’m here because even tho i’m leaving, i still make her happy because i’m giving her the attention she craves.”
bada wipes a tear from her cheek, “i try. it’s just hard. i want to be here. then howl took that stupid job traveling to different countries like he doesn’t have a wife and child at home. i feel like i’ve been snapping at her which is why i sent her with her grandmother. i wanted to.. be with my husband and he’s not even here he went to america. i wanted to talk to him about this.”
you pull bada in for a hug and rub her back as she cries into your shoulder. “you’re doing the best you can, bada. you can’t be too hard on yourself. howl should’ve thought about that before he left. he needs to understand you need help.” you say softly.
bada pulls back and looks at you, “you really think i’m doing my best?”
“i do.”
there’s a tension filled silence as you look at each other. you don’t know what fueled you but you lean in and kiss her on her lips before pulling back quickly. “oh shit i’m sorry you’re married-“
she cuts you off with another kiss gripping your shirt. this one is a lot more desperate. “please…” she mumbles against your lips. “i need this please.. please don’t go.” she whines.
“your room.” you say and she stands up pulling you into the bedroom she shared with howl.
she pushes you on the bed and climbs on top of you finding your lips again as your hands trail under her shirt. you pull it off her and she whines.
“relax baby, i’ll make you feel good, just be patient.” you turn her on her back kissing her neck and down to her chest. lifting up her bra you attach to her nipple, sucking gently and she moans. you pinch the other one with your fingers and her hips buck up against you, looking for friction.
“keep your hips down.” you whisper, kissing down her stomach. you leave marks on her hip bones and she moans your name.
“y/n please… please i want you so bad!” she writhes on the bed.
you pull her shorts off and she’s not wearing anything under them. “made this easy for me huh? oh you’re so wet for me bada.” you run a finger over her clit and her leg jerks. you put her leg on your shoulder and make eye contact with her. “can i?”
“please y/n please do- OH!” she moans out when your tongue makes contact with her clit. her hands clutch the sheets as you suck on her clit, sticking two fingers in her.
her breath hitches and she lets out loud moans, “oh my god s-so good! please more!”
you insert another finger curling them up into her spot. she lets out a squeal. “why are you so good at this?” she moans, hands going to your hair as she fucks herself onto your fingers. “i’m cumming!”
you speed up your fingers, flicking your tongue skillfully and she cums with a scream, your name falling off her lips.
you pull your hand out giving her a minute to breathe. “you okay?” you run her lower stomach gently.
“i need… more. please? i have.. have toys in my sock drawer.” she pants.
you walk over to where she points and find a different array of toys. “oh you’re kinky.”
“please use whatever you want. make me your slut. please.” she whines.
you bite your lip, grabbing the dildo, a vibrator, and some handcuffs. “you mind?”
“oh please!” she moves her hands to the headboard, letting you cuff her to it. “i-i can eat you out while you fuck me. you can sit on my face.”
you shiver at the thought before stripping and doing what she wants. her tongue skillfully explores you and you question how she let a man trap her with a tongue like that? you lean forward and put the dildo in her, immediately thrusting it in and out of her while putting the vibrator on her swollen clit. she moans into you and pulls at the cuffs. you’re worried she might be uncomfortable so you lift up but she whines loudly. “i’m not finished!”
you sit back down, thrusting the toy faster and turning up the speed on the vibrator. you let out a moan trying not to grind on her face. you move when she starts to mumble something.
“what did you say baby?”
“use me. use me to get yourself off. make me your personal tuck toy.” she moans out.
you moan as you move back onto her face doing as she asks all while you fuck into her tight count with the dildo. you’re close and you know she’s close from the way her moans get higher. she latches onto your clit sucking roughly as you pound the dildo into her gspot and you’re both cumming with loud moans. you remove the toys and she squirts all over her bed. you get off her and rub her clit, helping her ride out her high.
“okay! okay i’m done i can't…i’m done please!” she moans pulling the cuffs.
“give me one more. let me make sure you’re 100% satisfied. you might not get it this good for a while.” you whisper.
she whimpers and cums one last time, her juices flow out of her and you caress her thigh gently.
“so good for me bada. did such a good job.” you uncuff her and she pulls you in for a kiss. you can taste yourself on her tongue.
“thank you.” she whispers. “i needed that. god i needed that.. tell your friend nevermind. stay with me.”
“what about your husband? and chae?” you ask.
“he’s gone for a week, chae will be back tomorrow night. after i take a nap i want to go again.” she groans, turning on her side.
grabbing your phone, you tell yuna to just bring your backpack that has your strap instead and you lay down next to bada. she immediately moves her head onto your chest and sighs, falling asleep.
that was a lot easier than you thought it would be.
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calumfmu · 2 months
your fics are godly. you wouldnt know you were in a slump!
could i request eddie and steve fighting over reader? like eddie shows up at family video and steve is stood between readers legs feeding her red vines and shes playing with his hair and eddie is like 😤 game on steven.
Hiii babe <3 thank you so muchhh. like genuinely, I could cry rn. Im really fucking trying lmfaoo so I hope this is good :)))) Steddie x Reader (who is playing them both) cw: swearing, allusions to sex, 2.1k+ words (I did it y'all + working on edits are next bc I'm shit at them, I can only do collage)
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“Just call me for what time to pick you up, okay?” Eddie’s voice was soft when he spoke to you, tires screeching to a halt as the van pulled up in front of the Family Video. You were shy behind the smile that nursed your lips, trying not to fully beam at him as he ran out to open your passenger door.
“Yeah, yeah, I know the deal, Munson,” you teased, hoping out with your bag thrown over your shoulder.
He stood up close in your space, nearly chest to chest with you as he reached up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. He smelled like leather, the familiar scent filling your senses like a heated towel.
“Just looking out for my favorite girl,” he whispered, pecking your nose as you rolled your eyes playfully at his comment. You weren’t his girlfriend, but he loved to tease you when it came to claiming you as his. You couldn’t even pretend to be upset at it, loving the way he called you his and the pet names that followed.
“Is that what I am now?”
“My one and only.”
The look on his face warmed you up, his hair blowing in the wind as he leaned down to press his lips to yours. The kiss was soft, lips touching with the briefest sensation of want— remnants of your time spent in the hazy morning in his trailer, seated on his lap, pushing him down into the mattress.
You heard a throat clear to your right, only for you to look up and see Robin standing with her arms crossed, leaning against the glass door of the video store.
“You’re gonna be late,” she grumbled, shaking her head at the two of you intertwined. Blushing, you pulled away from him, his hand outstretching to hold yours for as long as possible while you took a few steps away. He reluctantly let go, your arms being stretched as the distance increased to be too much for contact.
“Call me!”
You nodded at him, waving him goodbye as he leaned against the van door. Meeting Robin’s side, you bumped your shoulder with hers.
“You know, you’re going to have to make a decision some day,” she said, holding the door open for you as you walked in. Your heart kicked up at her words, clearing your throat to ease away the discomfort.
“What do you mean?”
You fawned innocence, eyes batting up at her as she gave you that all knowing look. The two of you made it a few steps into the business, your eyes immediately searching for that chestnut colored mane, puppy dog eyes lingering amongst the aisles.
“You know what I mean,” she said, leaning into your ear so her words wouldn’t carry far. “They’re not dumb, you know.”
“Still don’t know what you’re talking about.” You called out behind you as you made your way around the counter. She grumbled something in reply, it being lost as you as your mind was set on one thing.
You gave her a cheery smile, walking to the back office to place your things down. Immediately upon entering, there he was— Steve, your other situation, if you could call it that. The serious look on his face immediately flipped around upon laying his eyes on you, teeth bared in a smile with his eyebrows raised.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, no. You didn’t mean to be playing both sides of the fence, Eddie on one hand, reserved for late nights and early mornings, Steve on the other, day time charades and afternoon picnics.
It just happened. Maybe somewhere along the mysterious shit that always happened around Hawkins where you got to spend time with reformed king more or the effort to clear the Munson boys name, you happened to fall for the two of them. At the same time. It wasn’t your fault, okay? They were both too pretty to make a decision, too good to you in their different ways, too much to be able to put down.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he muttered before crossing the floor to meet you in an embrace. You felt safe in his arms too, chest broad in muscle, cinnamon scent encompassing you. It was different than Eddie’s, yet all the same. “You’re late.”
You looked up at him, chin at his chest as his eyes stared down at you. Sleep wore on his face, big eyes drooping slightly, exhaustion from the early morning showing.
“Only 5 minutes,” You pouted, bottom lip jutting out. “You’d cover for me right? My ride was a little hectic.”
“You know I always do.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you out of the break room to meet Robin on the floor. She was labeling VHS cases, tongue poked out at the corner of her mouth as she focused on getting the stickers straight. Following his lead, he settled next to her, dividing the pile while you took a seat on the countertop, opening a box of candy that had just been shipped in.
Your legs swung in front of you, hitting the backboard of the counter you sat on. While the three of you focused on morning duties, your foot hit Steve’s thigh every now and then, smirk on your lips as you knew he would get “frustrated” eventually and “snap”.
“Babe,” he warned, pushing your foot with his hip as he threw a tape down on the pile. You laughed under your breath, grabbing packs of Red Vines out of the case.
“What am I doing?” You cocked your head to the side, not yet wanting to look up at the look he was giving you. You tapped him again, toe pointed as his hand reached down to grab your ankle.
“Playing dumb is really your strong suit,” Robin commented, raising her eyebrows as she looked at the two of you. You shot her a look, urging her to not continue as Steve rose an eyebrow.
“Rob, shut up,” you laughed, throwing the balled up packing tape you had accumulated from the boxes at her. She dodged it as she laughed, throwing her own scraps from labels towards you.
Steve’s grip on your ankle tightened slightly, he slid in between your parted legs, hips pressed flush against the counter as you tried to maneuver out of the grip, laughing as he locked you in.
“Playing dumb? You’re the smartest girl I know,” he teased, helping you unpack the candy while still seated between your legs. Robin made a face at you from behind him, immediately going serious when Steve turned around to give her a look. She loved teasing you whenever she had the opportunity, all jokes in good fun, no matter what she thought of the predicament you found yourself in.
“That’s so rude, Harrington,” she said, rolling her eyes as she took a stack of tapes to re-shelf. You watched as she walked away, getting lost in an aisle closer to the door.
He ignored her, placing his hands on your thighs as he abandoned the candy. You held a box of licorice in your hands, toying at the corners as you looked at him. The look on his face grew more serious, eyes squinted as he pursed his lips.
“I wanna know though… what are you so good with playing dumb at that Robin had to be oh, so mysterious about?”
Your heart lurched at his question, eyes darting down to look at the blue box in hand. The corner ripped underneath your hand, plastic being pulled back as you found sudden interest in it.
He hummed at the short answer, fingers coming up to pull your chin to focus on him. You met his eyes, chocolate brown wide as you melted at the look.
“Is that so?” Steve’s voice was low, a deep grumble coming from his chest. His fingers found your hips, pulling him into you quickly that made you yelp, candy flying everywhere as your hands flew up to grab at him.
“Steve! Look what you made me do!”
“You still didn’t answer me.”
You groaned, looking at the mess of red candy that laid around you. He picked up a stick of licorice, taking a bite out of it before feeding it to you. You smiled around it, hand coming up to rest at his chest as you went to push him away from you. His scent of cinnamon hit you, preventing you from the motion, instead curling your fingers into the fabric of his striped shirt, sat under his vest. You dragged it up the length of his body, settling into his hair as you curled a piece of it between your fingertips.
“Hey, uhhh… you guys…” Robin’s voice was wary as she spoke across the floor, yet the two of you didn’t register it, focused on each other.
She hurriedly made her ways towards you guys, foot steps coming closer as her gaze was focused on something outside the doors. You took another bite of the candy from Steve’s fingers, looking up at him through your lashes as you made a show of it.
The bell above the door rang, signaling entry as the two of you remained distracted.
“You forgot your jacket in my…”
Your heart stopped. You recognized that voice. Eddie stood there, your jean jacket in his hand as he faltered his steps, feet away from the counter. The look on his face dropped, eyes glaring at Steve who stood in front of you. Pushing him away, you hoped off the counter.
Robin stood frazzled behind him, eyes wide as her eyes glinted between the three of you. Her mouth was dropped open, cringing at the awkward situation it was.
The tone of the name had you cringing, realizing that Eddie saw you at no fault, this was up to Steve. He slowly made his way up to the counter, jean jacket being placed on the flat surface as he stared down the younger man.
“Than—” You cleared your throat. “Thank you, Eddie.”
He hummed in response, not breaking the staring contest that he found himself in. Steve shifted uncomfortably, quickly swallowing down the piece of candy he had.
“You had her jacket in your van?” The realization of the situation began to dawn on him, voice dripping with the same tone Eddie had. It was all directed towards the long haired man, leaving you out of it.
“Mhmm,” Eddie said, crossing his arms over his chest. You felt small between them, both boys beginning to size each other up. “She must have left it last night when she came over.”
You shot a look at Robin, begging her to help you as you didn’t know what to do. She shrugged at you, mouthing ‘told you so’ before turning on her heel, scurrying away from the budding altercation. Sighing, you placed a hand at your forehead, the temperature in the building rising suddenly.
“Came over?” Steve asked, stepping up to the counter, closer to him. You were grateful for the separation between them, not daring to think about what would’ve happened if it wasn’t there.
“That’s right, pretty boy.” You don’t think you had heard Eddie ever speak to Steve in that manner, them becoming ‘friends’ in the most recent months.
“That must have been after our trip in my car.” Steve’s eyebrow shot up. “To Skull Rock.” His palm pressed on the counter, leaning over in his direction. “After sunset.”
You could’ve passed out right then and there if it weren’t for the way Eddie suddenly smiled at him, teeth bared in a grin you had only seen reserved for you. He walked even closer to the counter, face inches away from Steve’s at this point.
“Touché, Harrington.”
With a quirk of his eyebrow, he turned away, walking towards the door. His hand shot out to push it open, lingering in the frame before turning to face you.
“See you later, sweetheart. Pick you up at 6, normal time?”
The subtle nod of your head had him smiling even wider, the chains around his neck clinking together as he tilted his head in response.
“She’s got plans with me at 7, Munson!” Steve’s voice shouted out to him as he exited, a loud ‘HA!’ left behind in his wake. The counter swung shut, bell ringing as the shutters on the door rattled.
You just stood there for a minute, wondering what the fuck you got yourself into. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, most definitely wasn’t supposed to be discovered like this. You closed your eyes, leaning onto the counter with your elbows, head rested in your hands.
“You are so fucked,” Robin laughed, returning to your side. You just nodded in response, palms digging into your eye sockets. Stars floated behind your closed lids, dancing in the darkness behind them.
“Shut it, Robin.”
Masterlist. Inbox and requests are open! Part two <3
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
For the “spicy” prompt im imagining Platonic Yandere Batfam discovering your internet history, and having a confrontation about how you’re far too young for such things (reader is a full adult, not that the Batfam sees it that way).
I sadly already have something written out for today, but I really love this idea so I decided that I'd just go into the concept a bit as well - I mean I make the rules to this so I might as well use that power.
Okay, so I don't really write smut as of now because I don't read it and I do have not a lot of real-life experience so I figure it might just be a lot of cringy blabbering. But let's go with the 'spicey' meaning that horny adolescents will probably think of when reading the word in the context of fanfiction.
Now you're probably somewhere in the span of 16-20 in this scenario, old enough to live independently on your own, but young enough that the batfam can somehow justify it in their mind to treat you like a precious, fragile, little toddler. Sure, some of them logically know that you're basically a grown-up, but with how much effed-up shit they see every day they don't really wanna admit that to themselves and rather chose to act all 'I do not see'. And while that's all fine and dandy for them to do, it doesn't change the logical facts. Fact number one: You grew out of binkies and blankies like a decade ago, for god's sake Dick stop trying to make me take ten naps a day with them. Fact number two: Like I said, you're kind of (definitely) an adult and assuming that you have not always been the coddled little Wayne-baby that the Batfam wants to see you as you've probably been exposed to adult things before and aren't sensitive with seeing them. Like, guys, I was reading the news daily before you crazy people kidnapped me - stop talking about international crises as if the countries are people who have minor disagreements, okay? Fact number three: there comes a time in an adult's life when they might be craving a somewhat more intimate partner in their life - and no, Damian, I don't mean the bestest friend in the whole world forever, I mean a guy or a gal or a nonbinary pal who can rock your shit, if you get my drift (never dare say that to Damian out loud tho, you will be having your mouth washed out with soap). So while it might be a giant oversight on your part to not realize that all your precious internet time is completely monitored, you still probably haven't expected to be sat down by Bruce, Dick, Jason and Alfred and get a lecture on how you're way too little to look up these kinds of things (you looked up TikTok videos and happened to watch a few with TikTokers dancing in slightly less covered clothing) and how your mind is too undeveloped to grasp these big things you searched for (you looked up a statistic on the rate of kidnapping victims to get killed) and how you should keep playing your safe games instead of these violent ones (you looked at a game trailer for Cyberpunk 2077).
All your arguing falls on deaf ears. They just don't wanna hear that you're not their little, innocent baby. The only good thing is that they don't think you have enough logical thinking skills yet to properly grasp the situation so you'll be punished very lightly (a month without internet privileges). Once you're allowed to go online again though, you'll have to make do with the special kiddy-pad they got you with all the safety features and parental controls installed. So yeah, might wanna get used to being without the internet from now on...
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eddies-whoreee · 1 year
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Summary: Your best friend is irresistible.
CW: best friend!Eddie, best friend!reader, perv!reader, kinda sub!Eddie, allusions to sex, and lots of sexual and strong language.
A/N: This was so short I’m sorry I’ve been trying to write but I’ve had writers block. I’ve been trying to work on ideas ppl send me but I just never can finish it. The endings are hard to come up with but please keep sending your ideas I’ll try to turn them into more than just blurbs.
It was hottter than hell inside Eddie’s trailer and it was even hotter outside. You two opted for the coolest room which was his, not that you two had much to pick from the 1,000 sq ft. that you have. He had a old air conditioner that needed the filter to be changed. And a white 15 dollar box fan. “Holy shit it’s hotter than satan’s balls in here” Eddie exclaims as he sits up from his bed where he’s been working on a campaign for hours. “Duh, it’s July and Indiana it’s gonna get worse the next couple of days” you reply look up from your book, to him. You sat down on the floor on his beanbag. “Heat rises, that’s why I’m sitting on the floor” you peep directing your gaze back to the book. You hear him huff a small laugh before standing up. He stood there by his night stand rummaging through his drawer. You decide to get up and check out his campaign since you’re his favorite hellfire member you’re allowed a sneak-peak. As you approach the bed you see the various creatures he has drawn out. Just then you plop down on the bed your knees folded under you as you face Eddie. “Do you have a hair tie? At this point Im willing to chop all of this shit off” he huffs dramatically. You roll your eyes playfully before handing him the tie. “You say that every summer” you declare as you watch him go to tie his hair up. You watch the sliver of skin appear as his shirt rides up his slinky waist. Your feel your mouth hang open. You felt goosebumps cover your body making you slightly shiver. Eddie was talking about something as he collected all of his hair in one hand using the other to pull the hair tie over the hair and pull it through. His shirt playing a game with you as it covers his v-line then exposes it again. His waist looks so soft, smooth, and
“Ow! What the- did you just bite me” he yelps jumping back a little arms flying to your shoulders not pushing you away just sitting there. He looked down shocked. You looked up at him then back to what you were doing. Your hands were placed on either side of his waist and your face was inches from his skin. “Well-yeah you, looked… bite-able” you stuttered to find an answer. He lets out a pant, a sigh of approval. “W-Jesus, you can’t be doing that, you could give someone a heart attack” he tries to joke how flustered he is right now. “Or in your case a boner?” You ask with an all but innocent smirk. His eyes widen as he tries to explain. You chuckle as your hands move up his shirt to drag your nails lightly across his chest making him let out a small whine. “Eddie?” You ask now inches from his neck as you teased him. He wanted so badly to feel your lips on his skin. “You want to fuck me?” You ask teasingly as you kissed up his neck while your hands groped his hard-on. “Yes please” he whimpered, becoming completely goop at your touch. “Then lock the door” you say as if it were common knowledge (which it is). He nods and waste no time in getting to the door and fumbling around with the lock. You giggle at his eagerness. As he got back to you he gripped your waist pulling you on top of him to straddle his lap. He plopped down on the bed as he pulled you into a heated kiss. You grind down on his boner making him buck into you. “Less. Clothes.” He manages through the kiss that none of you wanted to pull away from. With that you two started throwing various items of clothing off. “Y/n?” He ask panting heavily. “Yes?” You ask taking off your bra. “Bite me more”
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lotusarchon · 19 days
hi author!! could I please request a trafficlightrio (separately and romantic :D) x fem!reader where the reader is a goddess please? Thank you!!
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don't be modest, i know you're a goddess (traffic light trio - mei, mk, red son x reader)
content warnings: female reader/reader uses she/her pronouns, second pov (you/your), sfw, fluff with implied/minor angst, traffic light trio being ridiculous as always, red is a bitch that get an ass whooping, vague hints to jttw, implied s5 spoilers - not much, but the fic is loosely hinted to be held in the same timeline as the trailer, headcanons
author's notes: something to note because i may as well put this out here; while im not fond of giving my readers a specific species, i typically write it based on the req. even then, req like these, i try to keep things very neutral and up to the readers imaginations, because if im reading an x reader fic and they specify something that's not needed i immediately get the icks cause it's not an x reader, it's a fucking oc insert. ✨ so, for safety's sake, aside from implied being a minor deity, reader's powers, domain, etc, is all up to everyone's imagination :D
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𐙚 This man is the sweetest and dumbest creature alive, because the first time he meets you, you were probably injured and he really doesn't stop to think that huh, maybe your fancy appearance means you're probably a deity he shouldn't approach so casually??? Nah, bud just wants to help you like a sweetie.
𐙚 Honestly I don't think he'll ever realize you are a goddess until you tell him to his face. He thinks you having powers or looking ethereal every day means you're just an amazing, pretty person and he just wants to be your friend, and if that's not enough to warm your heart then I don't know what is.
𐙚 He's honestly so surprise you tell him you're a goddess because?? Huh?? Fym you're a god?? You mean you don't look amazing naturally every day?? That's because of some heavenly radiance?? He calls BULLSHIT ‼️
𐙚 I don't think your relationship with MK would change to be honest. He's the kind of guy who likes you based on first impressions. If you're someone who's kind and sweet, and honestly not the kind of god who puts herself on a pedestal, his opinion of you simply doesn't change. You're his friend, he cares for you, and he's going to risk his life for you regardless if you can get hurt or not.
𐙚 Though, I also think his friends would tell him to try to be more respectful, and in a way, he'd try. Maybe being silly by greeting you as, “My lady,” instead of by your name or trying to know when he spots you only to fail and look ridiculous hitting his head now and again. He tries, or maybe he's so clumsy because of something else.
𐙚 Between the two of you, MK gets feelings first. Of course he does; the Monkie Kid can't help falling in love with someone so sweet and kind. You're a goddess and yet you probably don't even treat him like he's worth less than you, which is saying a lot compared to other gods he's met (heavy coughs, Li Jing)
𐙚 You'd have to be the one who has to come out and confess as well, otherwise MK is not saying anything. You're a goddess and you're important, and him? He's the hero of the city and literally nothing else. You wouldn't like someone like him over someone like Nezha, right? If you don't spot his feelings and admit you like him, he's dying with his feelings to the grave.
𐙚 If you do confess, well. MK's going to faint. Yeah, surprise; the Monkie Kid has no idea how to react getting confessed to by the love of his life. He's fainting on your ass 😞✌️
𐙚 Okay, seriously; I think he'll adore you even more. If you have a thousand followers, he's one of them, and if you have one follower, he's that one follower. Bro is loyal to a fault, honestly. Please treat him well.
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Red Son:
𐙚 The first time he meets you is probably when he's an evil little munchkin and the first thing he tries to do is attack you and burn you to a crisp. You survive and beat the shit out of him and that meeting stays with Red Son even years later. And..oh. Would you look at that? You're the goddess he so happens to meet one day after so many years.
𐙚 Older Red Son wouldn't try to kill you. He's an asshole but he definitely wouldn't throw himself at you after getting a butt whooping by a much younger you who had barely been his height back then. He's not taking the chance yet.
𐙚 In the beginning he'd probably be super insufferable though. Grumbling or complaining every chance he got, and every problem he'd sarcastically ask you to help since you're so holy and amazing. Safe to say, if you don't have a short temper, it's a wonder if he's still alive. If you do, in fact, have a short temper, how the hell did he survive you throwing him into the sea??
𐙚 Red Son is a super standoffish person in my opinion so I think he'll take a long time getting used too. He's a dick in the beginning, but the longer he's around you, the more he softens just a bit. Just a bit, but not enough to stop his bitching. He'd probably challenge you to a duel to prove if you're really a goddess and then get his ass kicked again
𐙚 I honestly think he's also the first to catch feelings too, or maybe he catches feelings the same timing as you. He'd spend his time avoiding you because duh, you're a celestial, and he's a (half) demon. If his parents' relationship didn't work out properly, he wouldn't be any different right?? What if he also cheated on you like his dad had done to his mom?? He couldn't do that, that was too much pressure!!
𐙚 Though, I also think Red Son would be a bit confused about his feelings too. He probably wouldn't know how the fuck he's supposed to react, so what better way than to go to the damn green and yellow duo that gets on his nerve all the time?
𐙚 Red Son's a stubborn ass, but y'know, he means well. He just really sucks at understanding Mei and MK's modern ideas of flirting so when he tries to ‘serenade’ he sets fire to your clothing and buries himself in his room sobbing pathetically over his failure. Please convince him he did fine or else he'll stay in his room and rot.
𐙚 He refuses to let you be the first to confess though, being so competitive and all, so of course…well. He goes to his mom for help, and his mom confesses for him. Kinda embarrassing, I know, but Iron Fan would rather drink a bottle of stale wine than to listen to her son bitch and moan.
𐙚 Red Son is, I think, the most loyal partner alive. If you accept his feelings, he'll probably keep his eyes focused on you. For Christs sake you're a goddess, the fuck would he care for anyone else at this point when he falls in love with the most amazing deity ever??
𐙚 Sadly, he's no MK. He probably won't be anywhere near your temples 😞 but it's okay, he'll worship you in bed― is gunned down.
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𐙚 One thought: a girl that's bigger than her?? Sign!! Her!! Up!!
𐙚 Mei is legit that one TikTok audio; “Are you a) something, b) something or c) a goddess!?” on your first meeting, and she's definitely right you're a goddess. Probably not a major one but regardless, still a goddess, and in Mei's opinion that's amazing. Like. Hello?? A REAL god that isn't an ASSHOLE like a certain Lotus Prince?!? You're a true blessing in disguise.
𐙚 Though honestly, like MK, you're just a potential friend for her at first. Although she's more blunt and thinks you're drop dead gorgeous, she also treats you just like any other person instead of fawning over you like any other person would. She treats you like you're human, and if you're a deity that likes that sort of treatment, it's welcoming.
𐙚 If you've never experienced modern life in the mortal realm, Mei is definitely treating you to a tour. It doesn't matter that you really should be tending to your temples and other godly business; in Mei's opinion, you deserve a break, and what better way to relax than to explore every shop and stall in Megapolis until you physically cannot move?
𐙚 She would try so hard to impress you, especially with her bike riding skills. She'd even ask you to sit with her and tries to ride without her helmet to look ‘cool’ and nearly crashes into MK on his way home from work.
𐙚 Mei takes you everywhere with her if she's free. Weather station, fucking Pigsy's, MK's bathroom (don't ask). She refuses to leave you alone and unless you ask, she's stuck to you like a rat in a mousetrap.
𐙚 I think of the trio she's probably a bit more understanding? At least with the pressure and responsibilities you have to bear, she can easily read if you're overwhelmed or stressed and tries to comfort you to the best of her ability. Even the smallest smile from you makes her feel slightly better.
𐙚 You would catch feelings first, but then again we could argue Mei caught feelings at the beginning? Regardless, her sweet nature is too hard to resist, so if you don't love her; get mental help.
𐙚 Mei's not as clueless as her best friend though. I think she'll catch on to your feelings depending on how you act, and she's honored a literal GODDESS is in love with her, but also slightly worried it could cause problems for you in the long run. She has to go to Wukong of all people for advice before she acts on her feelings :(
𐙚 Most likely, I think, it just sorta happens you two begin acting like a couple. Even your fellow gods aren't necessarily surprised when they happen to come across you and Mei on a date-not-really date. You're too obvious gushing about the dragon girl whenever you're in the celestial realm.
𐙚 Mei says ‘I love you’ first, but it's so casual it's almost as if she's said it to you before?? And you have to sit down to explain to her that this means you both would be dating officially, and Mei's confused because?? You mean to say you two WEREN'T DATING BEFORE?!?
𐙚 At least in this AU her family don't seem to mind. You're a goddess, and at least not related to a certain dragon killing prince, right? Right!?
@lotusarchon , 20.05.2024, all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission. comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
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dedenneblogs · 3 months
HEARTBREAK HIGH S2 ANALYSIS PART 1 (buckle up this is going to be a doozy)
so... it's out (the trailer).
my excitement cannot be expressed...
BUTT! today, i will be doing my iconic mouse analysis of this trailer (this is actually the first time im doing something like this so it's not rlly iconic BUTT it will be soon) with the most comprehensive inspection i can using under 2 minutes of video as a basis....
with that said lets
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the heartbreak highers are back for another "cursed" term....
so glad to see the trio back in action. like. actually so happy. MIGHT explode from excitement... as always, their outfits slaylay.
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the boyfriends... friends? boys? BUGS??? found out on hh s2!
these goons are back... gayer then ever,,, seriously. when will these two have an episode long make out 'sesh? unlikely, to much dismay....spoiler alert...you'll see....
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MISSY!!!!! and sasha, i guess
SPOILER ALERT AGAINNNN missy looks like she'll be more prominent in this season so...WIN!!!!
also why is she mewing who is rizzing up
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and new on the the chopping block-- Rowan Callaghan!
we'll get to rowan when we get to rowan
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in other (more important) news-- SHE'S HEALING! HARPER IS HEALING!!!
i... *sobs* i she's growing her hair out oh my GAW...... she's getting better...she... there's a lower chance she'll cock-block amerie (oh but she'll get cock [spoiler-- again!])
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butt let's not celebrate just yet-- it's still "everyone hates amerie" up in this joint, smellas
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may as well... shot them. huh. well. pop off, i suppose... (amerie asserts her right to bear arms-- truly patriotic coming from an aussie!)
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...touché coming from the (still) most hated student in heartly who only adds salt to the wound by... using the pink 'ildo from s1 as a mic... chat... she's lost it.
(unrelated but in the background-- MISSY AND MALAKAI!!! they were building up a relationship between them in s1 and how she and her brother (i think? 'memory's fuzzy) helped him heal from the shit he had to go through in s1 and even better connect him with his aboriginal roots. i hope to see more of these two interact come april 11th and i binge the whole season)
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ALSO also ANOTHER new character-- Zoe Clarke!
we will ALSo get to zoe when we get to zoe
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anywho-- cue: AMERIE'S ONLINE HARASSMENT ARC! becuz every show needs one...unfortunately. Give a cold welcome to Bird Psycho, heartbreak highers (we will get to bird psycho when we get to bird psycho)
(who ever is doing this shit is a bitch but either way: "you dont get to be the hero" shut your goofy ass up)
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oh that's gore. that's core of my comfort character.
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ok so maybe this bird psycho cuck isnt fucking around because clearly he's gotten to our girl ams :(
(dw they uh...take her out for ice cream. after this. proabably.)
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yeah anyways with this in mind she'd totally try and crack the fnaf lore wouldn't she. wouldn't she.
she's slay she's girlboss but at the end of the day she's a weirdo
anywho nuff of my rambling there--
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ominous of you to say zoe
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ca$h omg eshay eshay eshay pspspspsp,,,
i am so happy to see him (spoiler alert for 2 secs throughout the whole trailer) but anywho remeber? remeber right he's in prison. but seems to be doing okay... (maybe for the best heartly drama is really coming to a boiling point)
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and-- oh. uh... chicken dumbell... okay... pop off, missy...
when i said i wanted more missy i didnt expect this
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spider seems to be into tho maybe what ??1/1/111.1/?!??!/1/1/1
missy x spider was NOT on my bingo card
BUUTTTttttt-- i. am. down. for. it... somehow. frankly, spider needs someone to put him in his place and low and behold, missy seems to be the student to do so..........
hey. if they're both happy with their...chicken dumbells, i am too.
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amerie dont be alarmed but there's a white boy to your right
in other news this love triangle scares the diarrhea out of me
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look at them. they're the perfect couple (malakai x amerie 4life) and rowan is--
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well he's a nice boy but cmon
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LOOK AGAIN IM DOWN FOR THEM TO BE HAPPY BUTT when it comes in between THE BEST SHIP IN THE SHOW (looks at amerie x spider shippers with affectionate disdain) i draw the line.
but who knows? rowan seems nice enough, and if he's able to make amerie happy, let them have each other! <3
also knowing malakai's track record i wouldn't put it past him to get freaky with rowan too (threesome attempt 2??? actually no wait thats a horrible idea NEVERMIND [gets s1 ep4 flashbacks])
also also "classic love triangle" scene gives major "erm...well this is akward!" vibes from ams (we stan cringey amerie in this household tho)
and well. shart. max limit of 30 photos. oh well-- ill make a second part! tune in for the update heartbreak highers :3
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h4rring1on · 2 years
reader and eddie play fighting and reader snatches his bandana and runs as fast as reader can but eddie is too fast even if he just walks and reader bumps into something and passes out then eddie takes care of them
i made a mix of this and
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this bc they’re basically the same idea anyways enjoy!
warnings: reader passes out lmfao, swearing nothing else but please tell me if there’s something i missed!
quick a/n: i couldn’t really think of anything that reader bumps into and faints bc apparently you dont exactly faint when you bump into a wall, so i made another reason, hope thats okay!!
“eddie! stop” you breathed out, giggling as he kept tickling you, you pushed him away and tried to wrestle him, the two of you kept play fighting as he threw you on the bench in front of his trailer and you quickly got up and got on his back
“keep trying baby, im always the winner” he said and that made you frown, you looked at his head and took your chance, you snatched his bandana and ran away
noticing it in your hand, eddie didn’t bother to even run, since he already knew he could get to you just by walking
you looked behind you to see if he’s chasing you, you stopped in your place, you had been under the hot sun for longer than eddie, and you weren’t feeling very well. it was suddenly getting very hot, you fanned yourself with your hand but it didn’t work, and suddenly, everything went black.
“oh—shit” he muttered as he now ran to you, “god—sweetheart, you okay?” he asked as he kneeled down, he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw your eyes closed
“hello?” he said as he lightly shook you, his eyes growing in concern when you weren’t waking up, he picked you up and got you inside the trailer, putting you in bed, he obviously saw how hot you were getting and knew why you fainted, though he was still very worried, he’d never seen you faint before.
he slid off your clothes, he then started a cold bath and placed you in it, he stroked your hair as he let you soak in the cold water, he was really worried about you. anyone would when you go from smiling and playing around to falling unconscious
he massaged your head as well, you fell on hard ground, there had to be some pain there, your eyes slowly fluttered openly, making eddie breathe in relief
“oh thank god” he said as he held your face, “you went away for a bit there”
“what—what happened?” you asked
“think you were a little too hot” he said, “not talking about weather”
you let out a giggle, “you’re so cocky, eddie”
“i know” he said as he got up and grabbed a towel, “lets get up, yeah?”
you got up and he wrapped the towel around you, once you got to the room you wanted to change but he insisted on doing for you, making sure you rest even though you weren’t really tired.
he dressed you up in his boxers and shorts along with one of his shirts, he then picked you up and put you right in front of the air conditioner
“eddie i swear i can do things on my own, i didnt die, yknow” you grumbled
“can’t risk anything” he said as he sat next to you and made you sip one of his cold beverages, not even letting you sip it with your own hand
once you did, he put it on the table and stroked your hair again, “eddie” you said
“got me all worried didn’t you, pretty girl?” he said with a smile on his face
“maybe” you muttered
“well i have to let you know just because you fainted doesn’t mean you won” he said
“i didn’t have to faint, i already won” you said
“the war isn’t over” he exaggeratedly glared at you
you glared back and before you knew it, you were back to playing around
a/n: i feel like this wasn’t that good :(
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manicformunson · 2 years
Could you write a rough dirty smut on Eddie making the reader squirt for the first time and it was his first time doing that to a girl. Lots of choking and hair pulling UGH oh and if you wanna add them totally getting caught and he just doesn’t give a fuck and keeps going ily
lovin' you's a dirty job
pairing eddie munson x fem!plussize!reader
summary eddie just found out that he now had to repeat senior year for a fourth time and was pretty upset about it. coincidentally he was fuck buddies with the principal's daughter
note im a horny slut and absolutely love the idea of eddie mocking the reader in a sweet voice :p
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Eddie was angry, annoyed, pissed off. He worked extra hard this year too make sure he passed but the principal had a personal vendetta against him and made the excuse he had to many absences. No shit he was being blamed for murder, Eddie had assumed that would've been excused.
He was fuming.
It wasn't until he saw Y/N flash him a pretty smile did he get an idea, one that would really show Principle Higgins who he was messing with.
After school let out Y/N and Eddie met outside of Principle Higgins' office, both giddy and maybe a little anxious -- but that was before Y/N grabbed his hand and laid down on the big desk in the middle of the room and spread her pretty legs.
Eddie's brain was mush as soon as she flashed her cute little panties. He dropped down to his knees after taking them off and her hands tangling themselves in his hair and burying his face in-between her plushy thighs.
He moaned and let her use his face how she wanted and traced his two fingers outside her wet hole before thrusting them into her tight little pussy roughly.
"Jesus fuck." Y/N cried; she held his head in place with her thighs, not bothering on being quiet as he paid extra attention to her clit.
It wasn't until Eddie dug his fingers nails down her hip did her stomach drop and whole body began to shake, coating Eddie's face and desk with her cum. Eddie was stunned, looking between her and the mess on the desk.
"Shit baby, did you, did you just squirt?" He pulled himself up off the floor and running his fingers through the puddle on the shiny wood; Y/N was fucking embarrassed, she'd never done that before -- never even knew she could.
She covered her red face and immediately started apologizing, "I'm sorry! I didn't even know I could! I've never-" Eddie cut her off, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him before mashing their lips together.
Y/N moaned at the feeling of her own wetness on his lips as well as his dick pressing against her hip. "That was fucking hot, think we can make you do it again?"
Eddie smirked against her lips, staring down at her hooded eyes and fucked out expression; when she didn't respond, he grabbed a fist full of her hair, "I asked you a question sweetheart."
Y/N gasped, eyes widening at his sudden dominance and smiling, "Yes, fuck yes."
Her face was suddenly shoved into the desk, in the puddle she had made as Eddie was hurrying himself out of his jeans. Y/N help but whine, sticking out her tonuge.
Eddie held her head against the desk, moving it so her tonuge was flat against the desk, licking up her own juices. She moaned loud when she felt his dick between her wet folds and wiggled her hips.
He slapped her ass hard, slowly sliding his cock between her lips and leaned down to bite her ear. "How do you think your daddy would feel about trailer park trash treatin' you like this baby? Like a dirty whore?"
Y/N couldn't speak, couldn't make sense of really anything other than him being so close to where she needed him; she only cried, trying to maneuver her hips to push him inside of her -- that earned another slap from Eddie.
"So greedy for my dick. Jesus," He laughed against her neck. He slapped his dick against her awaiting pussy and smirked as it clenched around nothing. "Being so good, fuck."
"Please." Y/N moaned out, drooling in the puddle. She was an absolute mess and Eddie couldn't have been more proud seeing her like this -- absolutely cock drunk.
Eddie loosened the grip in her hair to pat her lovingly, "Poor baby, just need my dick that bad? Need me to fuck you hm?" He mocked, only finally pushing in when she nodded.
Y/N gasped, eyes crossing and tonuge dropping out of her mouth when Eddie didn't hesitate to start a rough pace. She reached around to try to touch him, she needed to touch him. Eddie knew this and decided to grant her silent plea, releasing her head and taking her hand.
The obscene sounds of the desk screeching across the floor, their bodies beating against each other and Eddie's moans in her ear had her snaking her free hand down to her clit.
"Yeah babe, fucking - shit - fucking touch yourself."
Eddie was gasping out words but Y/N was too far gone to understand them, only whining at him. He was grasping her hip, moaning at a nice red hand print on her ass when the door flew open.
Principal Higgins was standing there, shocked at the scene before him and locking eyes with Eddie who just smirked and grabbed Y/N's hair to yank her head up. Eddie being the sadist he is wanted him to know just who he was fucking and Y/N could only squeeze her eyes as her jaw went slack.
The door closed fast than it had opened, making Eddie throw his head back and laugh before yanking Y/N's head back to meet his lips. "Just got caught by your fuckin' daddy and you couldn't even stop thrusting back on my dick."
"Need to, need to cum." Y/N cried, tears streaming down her wet cheeks. Eddie smiled down at her, "Okay baby, let's make you squirt again. Can you do that?" Y/N nodded desperately back.
Eddie hooked an arm underneath one of her legs and held it up to his chest, pressing his other right above her hips. He kept his brutal assault against her needy pussy and whispered encouraging praises, "Keep touching yourself, god you're so fucking good to me."
Y/N felt her stomach tighten once again, and tried to warn Eddie that she was cumming but it got lost when bit down on her shoulder. Y/N was chanting his name loudly as her hips moved to meet his before squirting all over him.
It was the hottest thing Eddie had ever experienced. He barely had time to register his dick twitch before pulling out and emptying his seed on her ass.
Eddie sat in the leather chair they had previously pushed aside and pulled Y/N into his lap. She put up no resistance, collapsing on him and laying her head on his shoulder.
"I think you might be in trouble." He giggled against her hair. Y/N just shrugged, "Fuck him."
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salemontrial · 11 months
My (probably unfinished) official list of everything I love about the trailer💫
- Nora looks like she's going to stab Alex with her high heel. Also she's so pretty. Xjakcjd
- "you've done some pretty stupid things in your life, but this-" "Takes the cake? :DD-"
- The way Henry looks at them when they're lying on the floor covered in cake. It's like he's restraining himself from strangling Alex with his own suit jacket for the sole purpose of not worsening the scandal.
- "HENRY. SHOVED. ME.😡🥺" "An urge I currently share."
- Ellen in her pantsuit.. hey Ellen👉👈
- Alex is looking for ways to escape the room when she says the words "damage control" he fucking knows-
- THEY. GOT. LIL NAS X. ON THE FUCKING SOUND TRACK. Oh I p r a y they got the rights to Get Low I p r a y.
- Im sorry guys henry is so fine alexander isnt going to be the only one thirsting over henry for the entire 2 hours/jjj
- That FUCKING handshake in the park. I can see the veins in their hands they are g r i p p i n g-
- these faces this is a point.
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- "My NDA is bigger than yours, I want you to know that." "You're wearing Lifts. I know that too, sweetheart." -H e a d t u r n--- HES SO FLOORED FJSNF-
- "You better act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin D deficiency" ZAHRA HAS THE BEST LINES AND ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES.
- Alex faffing about with his hair via his phone camera before the interview thats my b O Y-
- Henry slides over the box of cornettos so hard like thats the only hostile act hes allowed to parttake in
- To the person who theorized in the comments of one of my posts that Alex was going to do a little shoulder punch in the interview scene i am going to draw you a little firstprince fanart-/hj
- Because that was so funny and so fucking cute henrys fucking face through that whole interaction was just. He looks like he's actively trying to dissociate from the situation fjsjfj-
- The cancer ward🥺🥺
- Alex's u g l y ass suit at the new years gala... its such a gross jacket guys Im sorry this is what happens when you dont have jUNE TO MICROMANAGE HIS WARDROBE-
- Alex putting his arm around Henry and Henry smiling to himself because he's probably got the most insane case of butterflies
- I'm marrying the lighting director of this movie.
- He does Henry's "Oh shit" face so w e l l-
- Guys hes g o i n g to do the thing he does with the bottle I just know it oh my god
- "Get O V E R yourself your majesty -p i l l o w-" "It's your royal HIGHNESS -p i l l o w-" "OHoho-"
- The polo match sjsjf. Same alwx-/J
- The little new voters goal thingy poster thats so cute actually-
- The pride flag in the back of the campaign office
- Henry texting while he's getting the royal preening sjcj
- never thought id cry just hearing henry say he misses alex out loud-
- "If anyone sees you leave this hotel I will brexit your head from your body....... Your royal highness." I LOVE HERRRRRR
- "Do you love him?" "What difference would it make if I did?"
- Bea's voice is so pretty sobs..
- It's always the blond autistic boys in the blue hoodies I swear to god/lh
- Theyre just chilling in their robes🥺🥺🥺
- DAVID!!!!!!!😭😭😭💞
- "Prince Henry belongs to Britain" and what if i sobbed.
- "It's like there's a rope attached to my chest and it keeps pulling me towards you"
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- "The night is young, ma✨" <- said as if he isn't currently groping the prince of England's ass
- She sees right fucking through him sjcjsj
CONCLUSION: I will eat my hat. The movie looks really really really fucking good, it looks spectacular and I am so excited for it. I trust them. I'm only SLIGHTLY mad they barely had Nora in it and I'm only SLIGHTLY bitter at cutting June and Luna. But I am an optimist and I will focus on the good which is that they're doing the characters incredible justice, and if I see one person try to deny their chemistry I will A Clockwork Orange their ass to this trailer for days. Because That Is Alex and Henry. That's them in front of my eyes and I think they're in very good hands and this is the most coherent thing I can write I'm still crying-/srs
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fanficfanatic000 · 3 months
Eddie Munson x fem reader (Munsons book )
Eddie x fem reader best friends 18+ content don't read if a minor TW
Part 1 of 2
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Plot: You find a questionable book under eddie munson your best friends bed
You and eddie are on your last year of high-school finally he kept getting held back but this year was the last because he had you tutor him You always had eyes for your best friend eddie but recently he had been hanging out with a girl. chrissy which definitely bothered you. But you were happy he was happy. "So are you coming over to help me study for this test?" You looked up from your lunch to see him. His messy metal head hair framing his adorable face and his dark chocolate eyes with his cocky boyish smile "Yeah sounds. good" you smile as you said yes. "Great then i could just drive you to my place after school?" "Yep perfect" The lunch bell rang You sat throughout all your boring ass classes. Then school was over. You walked outside and there he was leaned up against his van smoking a cigarette. The wind slightly blowing his curls out of his face Then he sees you and smiles. You walk towards him and you felt blush creeping in on your face "you ready darling?" Darling was just one of your many nicknames that made everyone think you were more than just friends "if you're ready?" He stomped out his cigarette and opened the passenger door with a wink That made your heart jump. Minutes pass and you're at his trailer in his room trying to explain the math problem to eddie "Eddie just think about it " "but it isnt logical to have letters in math!" "Okay okay lets just take a break then go back to it okay?" "Okay Princess but i have a question." "What is it?" You tilted your head. "Can i show you something ive kinda been working on?" "Sure why not" you smiled. He gets up fastly and grabs his guitar and his guitar pick and sits back down infront of you. And he starts to play a Metallica song on his guitar. You focused on his ringed fingers long. Fast moving .veiny And pretty for a guys hand until his pick flew from his hand to somewhere on the floor "shit! That was the 3rd one ive lost…." He says in a deep tone "here i can find it for ya edds" You get off the bed onto the floor and your looking for his white guitar pick then you spot it underneath his bed on top of a book? Curiosity got the best of you when you grabbed the book and the guitar pick stood up "so i found it but w-whats this?" You Raise an eyebrow at him.. he looks up at you and his eyes widen he gulps "um just N-nOthing!" He reaches out for it so you dashed into the the hall and you locked yourself in the bathroom. Usually you wouldn't run through eddies trailer because wayne hates the way it vibrates the trailer but he's out of town and won't be back until Monday night and it's Friday "Princess PLEASE DONT OPEN THE BOOK I BEG OF YOU!!" He jiggles the door knob "Keeping secrets from your best friend huh munson?" "Princess please dont ive told you everything like how i fell down the stairs at school and got a bloody nose or how i had a shaved head once… please dont read it.." "but you dont tell me everything do you?" "What?? Do you mean??" "I mean i saw you with chrissy yesterday You didnt tell your best friend about your girlfriend did you?" "Girlfriend?? No Princess i was selling her weed." He chuckles. "Well sorry eds but i-i have to see what this is if its porn or something dont worry im not a judgmental person" "NO Princess dont!!" He jiggled the door knob more then you opened the book with a blank cover and flipped to the first page to see writing (my girl one day you will be mine and only mine)
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j3st3r-13 · 1 year
*clears throat*
dad trevor, with the reader being their teen kid (can be fem or neutral doesn't matter)
trevor philips with a teen!kid
anon this is my fucking jam
let's be honest here you were either the result of some hookup or he found you on the street. it really doesn't matter because your dad loves you no matter what 100% of the time.
you could try and kill him and he'd be like okay crazy calm down and go back to bed.
depending on the time period wade and chef are your uncles or brad lester and Mikey are your uncles. either way, your the most protected kid on the planet, nobody and I mean nobody fucks with you.
trev will teach you how to shoot from the moment you can hold a gun. you scap with whoever whenever. uncle M says that you inherited feralness from your dad (he's right)
you are the only one who can calm Trevor down, sometimes you can't but mostly you can. you are also the only one he would ever consider giving up meth for.
sorry sweetie he would die for you but he won't give up his criminal lifestyle for you. he's gonna die with a gun in his hand whether you like it or not.
trev teaches you everything you know, how to read, write, hotwire anything, ride a bike, fly a plane, and load a gun. he's your sole teacher which probably isn't good in the long run, but he's fun.
Trevor's suicidal tendencies are gone with you, he can't imagine leaving you behind, especially by his own hand. its the main reason why he forgives Michael he gets it now.
(im imagining you an older teen like 19/20. traces age)speaking of Michael you were heartbroken to find out uncle mickey was dead, and you mourned him alongside your dad, only to find out he's alive and well?! you practically kick the door in yourself.
you cant forgive uncle M for a long time but you do enjoy that you have your best friends Tracey back. It's a heartwarming reunion and even jimmy takes a second away from his dick and his game to hug you.
if you are an older teen like 'the 20's'20s then you might date franklin or Lamar,(only if you wanted to and I was gonna include trace but it is kinda weird ) anyway trev would be furious and pleased if you dated someone like frank. he knows and respects frank but franks also shit scared of your dad win-win.
your dads is surprisingly cool with you dating as long as it's all age-legal and shit. he doesn't care if you hook up/friends with benefits but if you dated so he'd wanna know as soon as. mostly so he can do his whole scary dad routine. ( he does this for fun, he trusts you to be smart and date who you like, I mean he fell in love with a mexicans wife he held hostage)
when you get older you'd move into a nearby trailer, taking up the whole block. It's funny TPI trailers are a mess and yous look semi-decent.
overall, Trevor an amazing father, not a very conventional one but someone you can turn to and trust. he's your friend first but a protective father second. he loves you and you have some badass parents
oh god I dont even wanna think about something sensible...
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strangerthings-01 · 2 years
could you write something like jealousy jealousy again? 🥺 it felt so real. like having a relationship issue with eddie but with a happy ending
Anger issues
Omg absolutely! You are the first person to send me a request so im excited ahhhh. I love the stories where it shows real shit happening and people figuring it out. It gives love and respect so yes I will write something similar. Hope you like it! And again, feel free to send me requests. I love writing and want to make a reality for you guys and a safe place!
Summary: Eddie is frustrated because he can’t find his hellfire shirt for the club and he blows up at you when you try to help causing tension that turns into a sweet confession.
Involves: verbally fighting, cussing, angst then romance and fluff
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It was a normal Tuesday night, one where you sat in Eddie’s bed reading one of his ferocious comics while he prepped for the hellfire club that was held at his trailer. It wasn’t the most ideal place but during the summer, it’s not like they could hold it during school and they didn’t want to get behind on the game. Lord, that would be a nightmare and not just for them.
You were just flipping the page to start the next part of the comic when you heard Eddie yell out. “Fuck! Where is it!?” You placed the comic on the bed, pages down to hold your place and called out to him in the living room. “You okay Ed’s?” He groaned and burst into the room, slightly startling you. He seemed on edge and it concerned you considering he was typically calm about stuff.
“No I’m not okay. My club is in 1 hour and I can’t find my fucking shirt. Will you get up so I can look in the bed?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “I don’t think it’s gonna be-“ you stopped short when he glared at you and you pursed your lips and stood up. He flipped the covers up and around everywhere but still the shirt was missing. The comic fell to the floor from all the tossing of the blankets and he let out a string of curse words. “Okay okay. Hey we’re gonna find it. Just retrace your steps baby.” He scoffed and looked at you, the look of ‘are you dumb’ etched across his face. “No really? You don’t think I’ve tried that?”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself knowing he was just projecting his frustration. “Okay you don’t have to be an ass. I’m just trying to help.” He threw his hands up and let them fall, hitting his legs with a smack sound. “If you want to help, start looking please. I don’t want to talk. I want to find the damn shirt. You telling me it’s gonna be okay doesn’t help me find out where it is.”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t say another word as you started looking. You knew he would apologize as soon as he found it but it still wasn’t okay and that would for sure be a conversation they would have. You lifted up thrown clothes and objects but found nothing. You knew it was here though because you had just washed it not too long ago and you were the only reason this place was organized.
You made him wash his clothes frequently because he tended to wear the same clothes on a daily basis and it grossed you out. The only reason the shirt would be gone is if Eddie moved out looking for another article of clothing because you always kept it in the same place knowing he had his clubs.
“I just washed the shirt not too long ago. Have you checked drawers?” His eyes shot up and a look of anger crossed his features. “Why do you never tell me when you wash my clothes? You know I don’t like when you just organize shit and don’t tell me where things are…”He huffed. You raised your eyebrows, hands going on hips. “Maybe because I’m the only one who ever cleans around here. You just throw shit everywhere and wonder why you can’t find it. I always keep it in the same place Eddie. Not my fault you move shit.”
“Okay fuck you Y/N. I’m perfectly fine with how I live. No one asked you to do shit and no one wants you to. So honestly just fucking leave if you’re gonna be a bitch. Because I’m fucking done with it!” He finally snapped, his voice raising. You flinched at his words, knowing he knew how deeply words like that affected you. Your throat closed up as your tried to keep your tears in but one managed to escape. You cleared your throat and grabbed your stuff, not even bothering to look at him.
Eddie seemed to understand to the full extent of what he just said and cursed under his breath, eyes shutting tightly. He got angry when frustrated and he knew he needed to get help for but because how he acted was not okay. You were so good to him and he could be such an ass. God he was an idiot. “Wait fuck no don’t go. I didn’t mean that.”
You scoffed softly, sniffing as you wiped another tear. “I kinda think you did but it’s cool. Hope you find the shirt.” You brushed past him, avoiding eye contact. He was quick to grab you wrist and pull you back to him. “Hey hey I’m sorry Y/N. I really didn’t mean it baby girl. I know I have an anger issue and I know I get angry when frustrated and I take it out on other people and it’s fucked up. I plan to work on it and get help but it doesn’t excuse shit. I’m sorry.”
You looked up at him and shrugged. “I appreciate you apologizing but that wasn’t just you projecting or letting anger out. You called me names and told me to leave. That’s not accidental.” You bit your lip, feeling it quivering. He shook his head and gulped, the nerves working their way up inside his body. He was scared he royally fucked up. Scared you were gonna end it right there.
“I know I know. And fuck I’m so so so fucking sorry. I know it’s not accidental but I didn’t mean it. You’re not a bitch. God you could never be. You’re the sweetest woman on this planet and I don’t deserve you and I understand that. I will cancel the club tonight and do something with you to make it up. I know it’s gonna take more than an apology but please let me.” He bit his lip this time, clearly out of nervousness and you sighed, looking away.
“I don’t know…” he cupped your cheeks with his hands and turned your head so you would look him on the eye. He caressed your cheeks with his thumbs and looked down at you softly. “I love you.” You gasped softly and your breath then got caught in your throat. “W-what?” Those three words you had been dying to hear finally escaped his lips and it was like you couldn’t fully process that you were hearing it.
“I love you Y/N. I know this isn’t the most ideal situation to be expressing this right now but it’s the only way I can explain how sorry I am. Because I love you and I’m willing to prove it to you.” You let out a soft crying sound and leaned up, kissing him with zero hesitation. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, kissing you back with the same energy. His hands trailed up your backs and back down trying to feel you. You pulled back after a couple seconds and smiled. “I love you too…so much eddie.” He sighed in relief and rested his hands on your waist. “Good because I’m cancelling the club tonight and we’re gonna watch your favorite movie and get your favorite take out, on me. And when we find that stupid shirt, I’m gonna put it on your sexy ass.”
You giggled and played with the hem of his shirt. “Sounds like a plan to me.” He chuckled but then got serious again. “Seriously though Y/N. I really am sorry for how I acted and what I said. I need to work on myself and I’m ready to do that. With you by my side I hope.” You looked at him softly and nodded. “Of course I’ll be by your side baby. All I want is for you to be happy and if me being here does that, then I’m here as long as I’m welcome.”
He shook his head and a smirk came across his lips. “You speak so wise.” You laughed and held his hand. “Got it from my mom.” He kissed your head and held you in his arms, trying to remove all the tension he had created.
The rest of the night was spent watching stupid movies and eating from the local dinner. It was the perfect way to end the night and getting Eddie help for his issues were discussed and planned and you were so proud of him. He was a real one for accepting he needed the help and that was enough to keep you there. You fell asleep in his arms and all the worries left for the night.
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thesimulacrasimp · 4 months
Okay so Charlie actually didnt forget Vaggie for lying for that long, which is understandable, really.
Rosie is really sweet lady, but im not really vibing her voice
But i really DO vibe the cannibals. They all have this cool aesthetic n i really love that!
Carmillas n Vaggies song was also really good!
Also when Vaggies wings SUDDENLY N OUT OF NOWHERE came out i was like: OKAAAAAYY... IM NOT SURE WHY BUT GO OFF IG!!
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Also they so cute n silly, I love em
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the 8th ep...
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Also can we talk bout how Charlie n Vaggie FINALLY KISSED??? I CANT IMMA JUST----
Im really so glad that Alastor is actually protecting the hotel and all people in it, hes probably doing it just because he have no choice, but i really hope that he do care about Charlie n everyone else. Also their fighting outfits is really cool. AND THE ANIMATIONS WHEN HE TOOK HIS DEMON FORM WAS SOOOO COOL, IT WAS LIKE IN 3D (maybe it actually was in 3d idk-)
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Okay yknow.. When Adam blasted (idk if thats a correct word for that) at Alastor n broke his michrophone and Als voice became so clear, like, without any radio effects, I actually thought that he lost all his abilities, cuz Adam is clearly stronger than Al, and i got so scared becuz that would mean that he wont be able to protect the hotel anymore and maybe even die... But it didnt happen so its all good!!
Also Vox watching this whole fight being so exited for Als death was kinda funny to watch.
Okay.... I dont wanna cry again so can i not talk about sir Pentious? Thank you. All i gotta say, I really happy he managed to confess his feelings to Cherri before he... yknow...
Also i immediatly thought that sparing Lute was a mistake. Guess what? IT WAS!! :DDDDDD
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And we saw his demon form n its really cool!
Okay, at 1st ep i was not sure bout Katies new voice, cuz it clearly was hearable that its a mans voice, but in this ep its actually working! I absolutely loved this: «Nobody gives a shit about you, Tom!» xd
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Also this last part of the song with Alastor was so strange. Yk english is not my first language so i probably missed alot what he said in that, but i clearly remember that he said something bout his wings n i was like WHAAAAT????? I know i probably just heard it wrong, cuz HE JUST CANT BE AN ANGEL RIGHT?... RIGHT??? He also said smt bout his freedom, so yeah, I think the wings was just a metaphor. But overall he looked really scared for some reason, which is actually so weird. Its so weird to see Alastor actually being scared..
ALSO WE FINALLY SAW LILITH, but sadly didnt hear her voice. N what is weird, it looked like she was on sorta vacathion, and Lute talked with her bout Adam being Killed AND THATS SO WEIRD AHHH I CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT IS HER ROLE IN ALL HERE!!
ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT CHARLIE WAS RIGHT?? SINNERS CAN BE REDEEMED. CUZ PENTIOUS APPEARED IN HEAVEN AFTER HIS DEATH (n im really-really happy for him actually, im so glad that he didnt dissapear from the show, cuz he actually was my fav character in the pilot)
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aoisjdjdjndndnns i cant wait for season 2!!!! Ig that the main antogonists in this season will finally be VEES?? OHHH IM SO EXITEDDDD
My review/thoughts on eps 1-2
My review/thoughts on eps 3-4
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
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saffronimagines · 1 year
Can I request an Eddie x reader? They are best friends and the reader goes to a Halloween party in a skimpy costume. Eddie is crushing on her and gets jealous when she is hanging with Steve. Lots of Angst and smutty if you’d like. thank you!
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pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie munson has been crushing on his best friend for years. he finally decides to do something about it once he sees you with Steve the hair Harrington.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT MINORS DNI, oral (m) Jealous!Eddie. hair pulling. spit? love confession. Angst. mentions of wet dreams.
request: Yes/no
Word count: 700+
NOT PROOFREAD (I'm so tired)
Halloween was a very popular event in Hawkins. everyone gets to do something they enjoy, egg houses. eat candy and of course, go to Steve Harrington's party. a bunch of wasted horny teens would gather inside and fool around. Eddie has wished every single year since he was sixteen to be doing those things with you.
Little did he know, you wanted to do them with him as well, and you'd finally decided to do something about it. you put on a skimpy nurse outfit that barely covered your ass.
and when you walked in he knew he was done for. his pants tightening around his dick. he watched you chat it up with Steve and Nancy, instantly cringing when Steve flung an arm over your shoulder. he didn't deserve you, he wasn't that dumb.
the whole night he stared at you until the party was over actually, hours it was. when you finally saw him "why didn't you come to see me?" was the first thing you asked. "I was busy" he replied, you laughed and shook your head. "you were busy? standing here alone" Shit. you saw him standing alone staring at you?
"anyways...wanna get out of here?" Your voice sounded soft, he was sure you were drunk. "back to my trailer?" he felt your hand grab his, walking to the van.
the drive home, Eddie was only thinking about the fact you might be in a relationship with Steve. it made him want to cry. he pushed those feelings aside when you placed his hand on your thigh, the gesture was purely innocent but it made his mind wander.
now, Eddie's on his bed. Eddie smoked a joint while you sat on the floor trying to look for a lost earring from a few days ago. "yeah then Steve..." he drowned out your conversation about Steve.
you then realized he wasn't listening "what is your problem!" Eddie was mad, an unusual sight. you climbed on his bed "Eddie?" he still wouldn't look at you.
"Eddie!" you moved his face with your palms making him look at you. "you're being weird" glassy eyes looked into yours. "are you with Steve?" he decided to rip off the band-aid. "what of course not, his still head over heels for Nancy" you explained, smiling and shaking your head. relief swallowed him.
"Why?" you asked. "because I think I'm in love with you" your eyes widened, mouth agape. he gulped loudly, "oh" you breathed out. "I'm sorry I have no clue why I said that--" your lips eased onto yours, and after a minute you pulled away out of breath.
eyes staring into each other, he glances at your lips then leaned back in. kissing you again and easing you into his lap, this kiss heated and lustful. ranking your hands through his hair, a bruising grip on your hips.
moving onto the floor. you looked up at him, his eyes blown. lips were swollen, palm moving over the tent in his jeans. "fuck...I've had a boner since you walked into the house" his hands gripped your scalp. undoing his belt, then pulling down his pants. you kitten locked the base, all the way to the tip.
"Such a slut, on her knees for me" taking him into your mouth, fully taking him down your throat gratefully, his moans only encouraging you to take him further and faster. "shit im...gonna cum sweetheart"
"cum in my mouth" you muttered through breaths. "mhm, okay as you wish" and within a minute, his salty substance slid down your throat. you looked back at him, watching him look at you in love.
"I'm so glad you are not with Harrington" he laughed.
written by Saffy
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