#rhys/taika rpf
templeofshame · 2 years
Some Rhys/Taika RPF Recs for anon:
the body believes series: The original Rhys/Taika series. I’m dying a little waiting for the next one. It got me hooked on the complexities of character bleed in this kind of longtime friend ship.
wounds series: A slow simmering build with lots of rich NZ texture; ongoing, with character bleed and focus around filming OFMD.
Double Vision: A lovely look at the past and present of them, reflecting on an early hookup and Taika’s feelings around deciding to play Blackbeard rather than cast someone else opposite Rhys.
caught in my ear by velcroboyfriends: Taika can’t stop thinking about the sound Rhys made in the kiss scene.
Sometimes writing is opening up your laptop by imperfectcircle: The tag “yes-and-ing into sex” should be one of the dominant tropes in Rhys/Taika tbh.
running scenes: The practicing the kiss scene trope is a core one, and this is one of my favorites. Between Fiction and Fact by cherryvanilla is another great one.
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captain-flint · 2 years
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Taika: it’s so awkward kissing and pretending to be in love with my good old pal, my bestie rhys
Also Taika: no one else is allowed to kiss him tho ✌😗[puts his whole waitussy into his performance and invents romantic love] 
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fogsrollingin · 8 months
Blackbeard: Hey, urchins, I'm gonna change your lives. Here's 50,000 doubloons. You know how long it was till I had that kinda money?
A fսckin' long time. And here is a knife. You stab anyone who comes near that money, okay?
I want a knife.
Yeah, you can have a knife, too. Pro tip here: When you're killing someone, okay, don't bother stabbing, alright? Chances are they'll survive. You wanna slash big, deep slashes side to side so the guts all fall out.
Hey. Did I see you offer both these children knives... and a big bag of money?
Yeah. Yeah, well, I just thought I'd give these filthy, little gutter rats, uh, the head start that I never had.
Poison into positivity.
Are you a pirate?
No, we're not pirates.
No. And you won't be pirates either. Okay? We own an inn.
can't handle these were Taika's kids 😂
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
One thing I've been surprised to discover is that in the RPF section on AO3, there are currently 168 Michael Sheen/David Tennant fics, and 112 Rhys Darby/Taika Waititi fics. This, despite the fact that OFMD was released barely a year ago, while GO was released in 2019.
I have my own opinions about which pair I feel has more chemistry on (and off) screen, but I'm quite curious to know what folks think. So, let's do it:
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If the whole “Zaddy” thing captured you, I highly recommend this fic! It’s frankly one of the hottest things I’ve read and captures their energy so well!
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dumbbitchawards · 2 years
Yall I love taika and rhys as much as the next tumblrina but the way yall talk abt them is getting dangerously close to rpf. Like I love them too but as usual some of yall are making this whole thing abt them flirting weird as hell. I'm terrified that one day im gonna open ao3 and see taika waititi/rhys darby rpf on the ofmd tag and we'll have enabled it
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londonspirit · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) RPF, New Zealand Actor RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rhys Darby/Taika Waititi Characters: Rhys Darby, Taika Waititi Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, First Time, Feelings Realization, Kissing, Porn with Feelings, Anal Sex, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Comfort No Hurt, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Attempt at Humor, Workplace Relationship, RPF, Boys Kissing, Declarations Of Love, Gay Sex
Season 3 of OMFD has wrapped. Taika spends too much time thinking about Rhys. And realizes he might have more in common with Ed than he thinks.
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cuddlytogas · 2 years
absolutely delighted by the contrast between "by the way, rhys has dog energy and taika has cat energy", and the fact that rhys darby is so in love with his cat, and taika waititi thinks they're arrogant and rabidly prefers dogs
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cardassiansunrise · 1 year
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codswalloping · 1 year
My last fic of 2022! The goofy Taika/Rhys pwp I’ve been writing since July! I’d like to thank the coronavirus for giving me time to finish it in between naps and coughing fits.
Archive-locked. Rated E. 5104 words. Summary: Rhys challenges them both to shut their damn mouths for once while they’re trying to have sex, but Taika has an even harder time shutting off his brain.
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anon-fics · 2 years
Notes from a tour. Taika/Rhys.
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templeofshame · 2 years
maybe i somehow like not knowing all the canon of the fic i’m reading (as w me and reddie), ‘cause i’m definitely taking authors’ word on what the hell rhys and taika were doing early in their careers and even my image of rosie is entirely based on the fic
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gaypiratebrainrot · 1 month
Hi! I have a question about wfu and specifically about the tags. I'm among those who have always read it exclusively as rpf (and I'm completely okay with it) and I was curious about what prompted you to tag it also as stede/ed. Was it just because of the names swapping? Or was it a choice to make it all meta-ish? I find it super interesting either way, and the fic itself is amazing
hi! thank you so much for this question and your kind words!
"is this rpf?" was always a central question of wfu, and one that i wrestled with a lot on my own while writing it. an intended part of the thought experiment was to publish it in a way where "is this rpf?" remained an open question for the reader to answer for themselves. my first beta had a strong knee-jerk reaction that the text was rpf, like, as early as the scene where they're having drinks on the back porch, leaving comments like "this is definitely rpf". at that point, i actually made a second doc where i swapped the names back and considered publishing it as regular rpf. instead, at the encouragement of my beta, i added two small additional meta scenes to the stede/ed version (the conversation with jim, wee john, and frenchie at the party, and then the bit at ed's house when ed and stede are crying on the couch and ed brings up fan fiction again), and gave that to a second beta.
my second beta had a strong knee-jerk reaction in the other direction, to the point where they didn't even think i needed to tag it rhys/taika. that was when i knew the thought experiment was going to work--it wasn't that either beta was right or wrong, but that every reader was going to have their own unique reaction to the text and whether it was rpf, an actor au, or some secret third thing. it was an extremely cool moment in my life and i will never forget it.
i decided to tag it as stede/ed, rhys/taika, RPF, and Actor AU, because i suspected as long as i did not definitively say what it was, there would be readers who would read it as just rpf or just an actor au. and this is exactly what happened, and continues to happen; there is a pretty wild diversity of interpretations and justifications for why wfu reads exclusively as either rpf or an au, in addition to everyone experiencing some secret third thing. it's really beautiful and i think there's a lot to be learned about how different people engage with and negotiate the relationship between fiction and reality.
and then there's also just the readers-finding-it-on-ao3 factor of tagging a fic: lots of people who never read rhys/taika love wfu as a stede/ed fic, and also if you love rhys/taika, you'd probably be happy to stumble across wfu in the rhys/taika tag. of course, there was also a small twitter wank when i published it from a few people who, it seems, did not engage with anything else about the fic beyond seeing the rpf tag and strapping into their moral superiority outrage pants. this too was beautiful, because what lovely experimental evidence of what incurious, reactionary morality will lead you to miss about all the vast murky gray of the world.
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nerdynikki94 · 4 months
There are moments where I feel insanely guilty for having my own secret, internal RPF theories based on the chemistry of mlm ships portrayed by men who are close friends in real life. Then, I remember that it's literally only glob.
Like I love Ineffable Husbands so much, but David Tennant & Michael Sheen's chemistry in real life, though adorable, feels sincerely platonic. I'm obsessed with Murder Husbands, but Mads Mikkelsen & Hugh Dancy's friendship feels merely playful to me. I'm a sucker for BlackBonnet/GentleBeard because Taika Waititi & Rhys Darby's long-term friendship shows the deep affection, respect, and trust they have for another. I can literally lose hours watching all of these pairings in their interviews together and other projects they share (Staged was an absolute obsession of mine after finishing GO S2), but I don’t see them as their characters.
I love all of those mlm canon ships, but I never find myself thinking that these men are actually romantically/sexually entangled. Yet, the only ship, not technically canon (Macdennis), is the only one I can't help but think of as being rooted in reality (not even in a factual 'this happened' kind of way, more like 'that is some real life UST between those bros'). Like Rob McElhenney & Glenn Howerton aren't just the actors of IASIP; they are the writers, producers, and creators. They admit to putting parts of themselves into their characters; their chemistry and dynamic is completely paralleled in the way they interact out of character; their level of flirtation and jealousy is sus af. The little crush-like quirks their characters do, mirror how they act in interviews, podcasts, and premieres.
I'm not a person to write or perpetuate rpf, because I think it's messed up to make theories about people's personal lives/sexual identities and spout it as truth, when it's based off fictitious characters; but goddamn, Rob & Glenn, my brothers in Christ, you are never beating the allegations.
Like at this point, Macdennis is still trying to catch up to being as gay as Rob & Glenn's real-life anecdotes and interactions.
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chuplayswithfire · 2 years
fans have gotten too bold. i need the old days back. i need fans to be afraid of being discovered by the creator. i need the interaction to happen in agreed upon places (like cons and panels) again.
aka i was today years old when i found out someone on twitter @'d rhys darby's wife to question her on why she wasnt down with rpf about rhys and taika fucking.
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freeuselandonorris · 3 months
how about top five fics of all time?
😭 anon PLEASE this is the hardest question ever!!
okay. fuck. i am deliberately refusing to include anything written by my mutuals here because it feels unfair to single out a couple when i could easily write you a top 50. these are some of the fics i’ve revisited most and due to the above parameters it’s quite a weird mix of fandoms and pairings.
no more bad dreams by redpaint (charles/seb, CNC)
you scream so loud by cassissoda (seb/the red bull tentacle machine, tentacles, penetration in every and i mean EVERY orifice, dubcon)
walk, don’t run by glitterburn (nico rosberg/michael schumacher, foot binding)
just do it by jedusaur (ted lasso, roy/jamie, CNC/object insertion)
and something slightly nicer to end on after all of that…
always 11pm somewhere by afterism (our flag means death rpf, taika waititi/rhys darby, friends to lovers)
god this was SO DIFFICULT even though i removed about 80% of my bookmarks from eligibility thanks to my absurdly talented friends 😭
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