#richard cramer
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Grady Sutton in Don't Play Bridge with Your Wife (1933)
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Book recommendations on Bob Dole?
You know, I don't think I've ever read a full-fledged biography on Bob Dole.
However, I would suggest checking out Richard Ben Cramer's What It Takes: The Way to the White House (BOOK | KINDLE), which is about the leading candidates in during the 1988 Presidential primaries. While Dole came up short in his bid for the GOP nomination in 1988 to George H.W. Bush, a significant part of the book focuses on Dole's life and career up to that point. Joe Biden and his somewhat disastrous 1988 campaign is also a major focus of the book. As I've mentioned before, I strongly believe that What It Takes is actually the best book ever written about a Presidential campaign, so it's well-worth your time. (And reading it definitely takes some time: the book is 1,100 pages long.)
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saydams · 3 months
the usa senate passed the budget that banned all aid to UNRWA and Biden signed it.
the senators who voted for this budget (preventing usa from funding UNRWA) are under the readmore. if your senator is on this list, call (202) 224-3121 and demand they find another way of funding relief to palestine.
Tammy Baldwin Wis.
Richard Blumenthal Conn.
Cory Booker N.J.
John Boozman Ark.
Katie Britt Ala.
Sherrod Brown Ohio
Laphonza Butler Calif.
Maria Cantwell Wash.
S. Capito W.Va.
Benjamin L. Cardin Md.
Tom Carper Del.
Bob Casey Pa.
Bill Cassidy La.
Susan Collins Maine
Chris Coons Del.
John Cornyn Tex.
C. Cortez Masto Nev.
Tom Cotton Ark.
Kevin Cramer N.D.
Tammy Duckworth Ill.
Dick Durbin Ill.
Joni Ernst Iowa
John Fetterman Pa.
Deb Fischer Neb.
Kirsten Gillibrand N.Y.
Lindsey Graham S.C.
Chuck Grassley Iowa
M. Hassan N.H.
Martin Heinrich N.M.
John Hickenlooper Colo.
Mazie Hirono Hawaii
John Hoeven N.D.
Cindy Hyde-Smith Miss.
Tim Kaine Va.
Mark Kelly Ariz.
Angus King Maine
Amy Klobuchar Minn.
Ben Ray Luján N.M.
Joe Manchin III W.Va.
Edward J. Markey Mass.
Mitch McConnell Ky.
Robert Menendez N.J.
Jeff Merkley Ore.
Jerry Moran Kan.
Markwayne Mullin Okla.
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Chris Murphy Conn.
Patty Murray Wash.
Jon Ossoff Ga.
Alex Padilla Calif.
Gary Peters Mich.
Jack Reed R.I.
Mitt Romney Utah
Jacky Rosen Nev.
Mike Rounds S.D.
Brian Schatz Hawaii
Charles E. Schumer N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen N.H.
Kyrsten Sinema Ariz.
Tina Smith Minn.
Debbie Stabenow Mich.
Dan Sullivan Alaska
Jon Tester Mont.
John Thune S.D.
Thom Tillis N.C.
Chris Van Hollen Md.
Mark R. Warner Va.
Raphael G. Warnock Ga
Elizabeth Warren Mass.
Peter Welch Vt.
Sheldon Whitehouse R.I.
Roger Wicker Miss.
Ron Wyden Ore.
Todd Young Ind.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 1 year
23 Republican Senators & 124 Congressmen signed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court asking for a 50 state ban on mifepristone, a drug safer than tylenol that is standard treatment for abortion & miscarriages, "due to safety concerns". The brief DARES to argue that banning the life saving drug would save women from 'reproductive control'. (x) These 147 people would rather have women die of sepsis than let women control their own bodies. If your representatives are on this list, call them and tell their office you will be voting against them in the next election because they asked SCOTUS to throw the US medical drug system into chaos at the cost of American lives.
United States Senate
Lead Senator: Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) John Barrasso (WY) Mike Braun (IN) Katie Britt (AL) Ted Budd (NC) Bill Cassidy (LA) Kevin Cramer (ND) Mike Crapo (ID) Ted Cruz (TX) Steve Daines (MT) Josh Hawley (MO) John Hoeven (ND) James Lankford (OK) Mike Lee (UT) Cynthia Lummis (WY) Roger Marshall (KS) Markwayne Mullin (OK) James Risch (ID) Marco Rubio (FL) Rich Scott (FL) John Thune (SD) Tommy Tuberville (AL) Roger Wicker (MS)
United States House of Representatives
Lead Representative: August Pfluger (TX–11) Robert Aderholt (AL–04) Mark Alford (MO–04) Rick Allen (GA–12) Jodey Arrington (TX–19) Brian Babin (TX–36) Troy Balderson (OH–12) Jim Banks (IN–03) Aaron Bean (FL–04) Cliff Bentz (OR–02) Jack Bergman (MI–01) Andy Biggs (AZ–05) Gus Bilirakis (FL–12) Dan Bishop (NC–08) Lauren Boebert (CO–03) Mike Bost (IL–12) Josh Brecheen (OK–02) Ken Buck (CO–04) Tim Burchett (TN–02) Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX–26) Eric Burlison (MO–07) Kat Cammack (FL–03) Mike Carey (OH–15) Jerry Carl (AL–01) Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (GA–01) John Carter (TX–31) Ben Cline (VA–06) Michael Cloud (TX–27) Andrew Clyde (GA–09) Mike Collins (GA–10) Elijah Crane (AZ–02) Eric A. “Rick” Crawford (AR–01) John Curtis (UT–03) Warren Davidson (OH–08) Monica De La Cruz (TX–15) Jeff Duncan (SC–03) Jake Ellzey (TX–06) Ron Estes (KS–04) Mike Ezell (MS–04) Pat Fallon (TX–04) Randy Feenstra (IA–04) Brad Finstad (MN–01) Michelle Fischbach (MN–07) Scott Fitzgerald (WI–05) Mike Flood (NE–01) Virginia Foxx (NC–05) Scott Franklin (FL–18) Russell Fry (SC–07) Russ Fulcher (ID–01) Tony Gonzales (TX–23) Bob Good (VA–05) Paul Gosar (AZ–09) Garret Graves (LA–06) Mark Green (TN–07) Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA–14) H. Morgan Griffith (VA–09) Glenn Grothman (WI–06) Michael Guest (MS–03) Harriet Hageman (WY) Andy Harris, M.D. (MD–01) Diana Harshbarger (TN–01) Kevin Hern (OK–01) Clay Higgins (LA–03) Ashley Hinson (IA–02) Erin Houchin (IN–02) Richard Hudson (NC–09) Bill Huizenga (MI–04) Bill Johnson (OH–06) Mike Johnson (LA–04) Jim Jordan (OH–04) Mike Kelly (PA–16) Trent Kelly (MS–01) Doug LaMalfa (CA–01) Doug Lamborn (CO–05) Nicholas Langworthy (NY–23) Jake LaTurner (KS–02) Debbie Lesko (AZ–08) Barry Loudermilk (GA–11) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO–03) Tracey Mann (KS–01) Lisa McClain (MI–09) Dr. Rich McCormick (GA–06) Patrick McHenry (NC–10) Carol Miller (WV–01) Mary Miller (IL–15) Max Miller (OH–07) Cory Mills (FL–07) John Moolenar (MI–02) Alex X. Mooney (WV–02) Barry Moore (AL–02) Blake Moore (UT–01) Gregory F. Murphy, M.D. (NC–03) Troy Nehls (TX–22) Ralph Norman (SC–05) Andy Ogles (TN–05) Gary Palmer (AL–06) Bill Posey (FL–08) Guy Reschenthaler (PA–14) Mike Rogers (AL–03) John Rose (TN–06) Matthew Rosendale, Sr. (MT–02) David Rouzer (NC–07) Steve Scalise (LA–01) Keith Self (TX–03) Pete Sessions (TX–17) Adrian Smith (NE–03) Christopher H. Smith (NJ–04) Lloyd Smucker (PA–11) Pete Stauber (MN–08) Elise Stefanik (NY–21) Dale Strong (AL–05) Claudia Tenney (NY–24) Glenn Thompson (PA–15) William Timmons, IV (SC–04) Beth Van Duyne (TX–24) Tim Walberg (MI–05) Michael Waltz (FL–05) Randy Weber, Sr. (TX–14) Daniel Webster (FL–11) Brad R. Wenstrup, D.P.M. (OH–02) Bruce Westerman (AR–04) Roger Williams (TX–25) Joe Wilson (SC–02) Rudy Yakym (IN–02)
If your representatives are on this list, call them and tell their office you will be voting against them in the next election because they asked SCOTUS to throw the US medical drug system into chaos at the cost of American lives.
Help to patients who have to cross state lines to get medical care by donating to your local abortion fund here. (x)
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gaypexredditor · 9 months
. . . I wanted to flag something a bit more substantive that I took away from Foer’s tale: a mostly overlooked leitmotif that I think is essential to understanding Joe Biden, and particularly his decision to seek re-election at an age most Americans are expected to be working on their golf handicap.
That characteristic is what my British colleagues call “chippiness” — a working-class resentment of so-called Ivy League elites who not only tend to populate Washington’s corridors of power, but (in the view of Bidenworld) condescend to those who went to lesser schools or failed to start their DC climbs on the correct rungs of the achievement ladder: federal court clerkships, White House fellowships, Capitol Hill legislative gopherships. Whether the Ivy Leaguers do condescend in this way is not really the issue. Biden has always believed they do, and long borne a chip on his shoulder about eking out his start at the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School, where he barely made the cut after the bottom third of his first-year class was dropped from the programme.
No-one has provided a better window into that side of Biden than Richard Ben Cramer, the late Pulitzer Prize winner who wrote what is widely regarded as his generation’s greatest campaign book, What it Takes, about the 1988 presidential race. In one representative section, Cramer tells the story of Biden, then a newly elected Delaware senator, sitting in the backyard of a friend’s house in Wilmington, where a group of parents were discussing their children’s future:
Joe said: “Where’s your kid going to college?” One friend said: “Christ, Joe! He’s eight years old!” Another said: “Ahh, there’s a lot of good schools now.” “Lemme tell you something,” Joe said. And he wasn’t just shooting the shit. He had the clench in his jaw. “There’s a river of power that flows through this country . . .” His buddies rolled their eyes, but Joe acted like he didn’t see. “Some people — most people — don’t even know the river is there. But it’s there." “Some people know about the river, but they can’t get in . . . they only stand at the edge." “And some people, a few, get to swim in the river. All the time. They get to swim their whole lives — anywhere they want to go — always in the river of power." “And that river,” Joe said, “flows from the Ivy League.”
It is a chippiness that has marked Biden almost since he first arrived in Washington as a 30-year-old senator. Although he is now known for his regular malapropisms, the young Biden was then viewed — and often viewed himself — as a Kennedyesque “new generation” Democrat who rolled out soaring rhetoric and a common touch to connect with average voters. Unfortunately for Biden, that self-regard quickly labelled him a “showhorse” rather than a “workhorse”, in the Capitol’s overused shorthand.
It famously came crashing down in that 1988 race, when in an effort to shore up his working-class credentials, he appropriated the life story of former UK Labour leader Neil Kinnock, who had waxed poetic about being the first Kinnock in “a thousand generations” to go to university, after most of his ancestors worked in coal mines. No Biden, it turned out, worked in a coal mine.
But for me, the more telling incident from that campaign occurred months earlier, during the primary hustings in New Hampshire, when a potential voter — clad like something out of New England elitist central casting, in a beige jumper and wire-rimmed glasses — challenged Biden by asking: “What law school did you attend, and where did you place in that class?” Biden interrupted with a finger-jabbing tirade: “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect,” he growled, before ticking off a litany of dubious academic achievements — some of which, it turned out, were not actually true.
It was Biden at his chippiest, and when the video resurfaced amid the Kinnock scandal, it helped sink his candidacy. In the aftermath of the disastrous 1988 campaign, Biden cast aside his Kennedyesque tics and turned himself into the prototypical “workhorse”, eventually graduating to become one of the giants of the Senate. He took over as the top Democrat on the foreign affairs committee in 1997, and through the next decade became a respected voice on American diplomacy and international affairs.
The reason all this is newly relevant is because of more recent history. Biden was able to change perceptions among many in Washington in the 30 years following the 1988 campaign. But among the Ivy Leaguers to whom Bidenworld still felt condescended was Barack Obama — or at least Obama’s White House team. They fitted all of Biden’s elitist stereotypes and, Foer informs us, would regularly dismiss his views, including on foreign policy.
“Back in the last Democratic administration, the inner circle around Barack Obama undervalued [Biden’s team], as they did [their] boss, for lacking the qualities that the in-crowd prized,” Foer writes. Foer is unsparing. He writes that Larry Summers, Obama’s Harvard-educated Treasury secretary, was “an elite whose respect Biden craved”; that longtime aide Ron Klain — Harvard Law, Supreme Court clerk, Capitol Hill legislative director — was one of Biden’s “meritocratic trophies” that he liked to collect: “While Biden proudly touted the fact that he went to a state school, he took pride in the Ivy Leaguers, like Klain, on his rosters.” And then there was Obama himself:
There was the tinge of class rivalry to their gibes. The lunch-pail cornball and the effete professor culturally chafing each other. Biden told a friend that Obama didn’t even know how to say fuck you properly, with the right elongation of vowels and the necessary hardness of his consonants; it was how they must curse in the ivory tower.
That rivalry — that chippiness — is relevant today as the Democratic political class once again goes through what veteran operative Jim Messina calls their regular quadrennial “bedwetting” over whether their man is the right one to run in November. Speculation (or at least wishful thinking) that Biden will stand aside for a younger, more energetic candidate remains rife. Profiles of Gretchen Whitmer, the highly popular Democratic governor of Michigan, are passed around at lightning speed. Even Foer himself has added to the navel gazing, saying in a recent interview that it “wouldn’t be a total surprise” if Biden dropped out.
But anyone who knows of Biden’s very large chip, particularly when it comes to Obama, knows what is motivating him: he wants to show the world that Amtrak Joe of Scranton, Wilmington and Syracuse can have a presidency just as successful — if not more so — than constitutional law professor Obama, late of the University of Chicago and the Harvard Law Review. That would require eight years, not four. He won’t drop out, for the same reason that those who predicted he would not seek re-election were wrong.
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sillyname30 · 4 months
Melissa posted a few days ago on Instagram: Get on the bus with us! first look at the Max original series #thegirlsonthebus arriving March 14 on @streamonmax 🙌 this was an absolute joy to make and I got to make it with people I adore and I got to discover how much I love reading about political journalism—seriously, What It Takes by Richard Ben Cramer is *chef’s kiss*! @gberlanti @sarahsowitty @julieplec @amychozick @rinasuzanne @carlagugino @christina.elmore @natashabehnam @brandonoscott @griffindunne @scottkfoley @adamskaplan @huisterry @talaashe
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I'm happy for her she has a new projct.
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Burke’s Law -  List of Guest Stars
The Special Guest Stars of “Burke’s Law” read like a Who’s Who list of Hollywood of the era.  Many of the appearances, however, were no more than one scene cameos.  This is as complete a list ever compiled of all those who even made the briefest of appearances on the series.  
Beverly Adams, Nick Adams, Stanley Adams, Eddie Albert, Mabel Albertson, Lola Albright, Elizabeth Allen, June Allyson, Don Ameche, Michael Ansara, Army Archerd, Phil Arnold, Mary Astor, Frankie Avalon, Hy Averback, Jim Backus, Betty Barry, Susan Bay, Ed Begley, William Bendix, Joan Bennett, Edgar Bergen, Shelley Berman, Herschel Bernardi, Ken Berry, Lyle Bettger, Robert Bice, Theodore Bikel, Janet Blair, Madge Blake, Joan Blondell, Ann Blyth, Carl Boehm, Peter Bourne, Rosemarie Bowe, Eddie Bracken, Steve Brodie, Jan Brooks, Dorian Brown, Bobby Buntrock, Edd Byrnes, Corinne Calvet, Rory Calhoun, Pepe Callahan, Rod Cameron, Macdonald Carey, Hoagy Carmichael, Richard Carlson, Jack Carter, Steve Carruthers, Marianna Case, Seymour Cassel, John Cassavetes, Tom Cassidy, Joan Caulfield, Barrie Chase, Eduardo Ciannelli, Dane Clark, Dick Clark, Steve Cochran, Hans Conried, Jackie Coogan, Gladys Cooper, Henry Corden, Wendell Corey, Hazel Court, Wally Cox, Jeanne Crain, Susanne Cramer, Les Crane, Broderick Crawford, Suzanne Cupito, Arlene Dahl, Vic Dana, Jane Darwell, Sammy Davis Jr., Linda Darnell, Dennis Day, Laraine Day, Yvonne DeCarlo, Gloria De Haven, William Demarest, Andy Devine, Richard Devon, Billy De Wolfe, Don Diamond, Diana Dors, Joanne Dru, Paul Dubov, Howard Duff, Dan Duryea, Robert Easton, Barbara Eden, John Ericson, Leif Erickson, Tom Ewell, Nanette Fabray, Felicia Farr, Sharon Farrell, Herbie Faye, Fritz Feld, Susan Flannery, James Flavin, Rhonda Fleming, Nina Foch, Steve Forrest, Linda Foster, Byron Foulger, Eddie Foy Jr., Anne Francis, David Fresco, Annette Funicello, Eva Gabor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Reginald Gardiner, Nancy Gates, Lisa Gaye, Sandra Giles, Mark Goddard, Thomas Gomez, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, Sandra Gould, Wilton Graff, Gloria Grahame, Shelby Grant, Jane Greer, Virginia Grey, Tammy Grimes, Richard Hale, Jack Haley, George Hamilton, Ann Harding, Joy Harmon, Phil Harris, Stacy Harris, Dee Hartford, June Havoc, Jill Haworth, Richard Haydn, Louis Hayward, Hugh Hefner, Anne Helm, Percy Helton, Irene Hervey, Joe Higgins, Marianna Hill, Bern Hoffman, Jonathan Hole, Celeste Holm, Charlene Holt, Oscar Homolka, Barbara Horne, Edward Everett Horton, Breena Howard, Rodolfo Hoyos Jr., Arthur Hunnicutt, Tab Hunter, Joan Huntington, Josephine Hutchinson, Betty Hutton, Gunilla Hutton, Martha Hyer, Diana Hyland, Marty Ingels, John Ireland, Mako Iwamatsu, Joyce Jameson, Glynis Johns, I. Stanford Jolley, Carolyn Jones, Dean Jones, Spike Jones, Victor Jory, Jackie Joseph, Stubby Kaye, Monica Keating, Buster Keaton, Cecil Kellaway, Claire Kelly, Patsy Kelly, Kathy Kersh, Eartha Kitt, Nancy Kovack, Fred Krone, Lou Krugman, Frankie Laine, Fernando Lamas, Dorothy Lamour, Elsa Lanchester, Abbe Lane, Charles Lane, Lauren Lane, Harry Lauter, Norman Leavitt, Gypsy Rose Lee, Ruta Lee, Teri Lee, Peter Leeds, Margaret Leighton, Sheldon Leonard, Art Lewis, Buddy Lewis, Dave Loring, Joanne Ludden,  Ida Lupino, Tina Louise, Paul Lynde, Diana Lynn, James MacArthur, Gisele MacKenzie, Diane McBain, Kevin McCarthy, Bill McClean, Stephen McNally, Elizabeth MacRae, Jayne Mansfield, Hal March, Shary Marshall, Dewey Martin, Marlyn Mason, Hedley Mattingly, Marilyn Maxwell, Virginia Mayo, Patricia Medina, Troy Melton, Burgess Meredith, Una Merkel, Dina Merrill, Torben Meyer, Barbara Michaels, Robert Middleton, Vera Miles, Sal Mineo, Mary Ann Mobley, Alan Mowbray, Ricardo Montalbán, Elizabeth Montgomery, Ralph Moody, Alvy Moore, Terry Moore, Agnes Moorehead, Anne Morell, Rita Moreno, Byron Morrow, Jan Murray, Ken Murray, George Nader, J. Carrol Naish, Bek Nelson, Gene Nelson, David Niven, Chris Noel, Kathleen Nolan, Sheree North, Louis Nye, Arthur O'Connell, Quinn O'Hara, Susan Oliver, Debra Paget, Janis Paige, Nestor Paiva, Luciana Paluzzi, Julie Parrish, Fess Parker, Suzy Parker, Bert Parks, Harvey Parry, Hank Patterson, Joan Patrick, Nehemiah Persoff, Walter Pidgeon, Zasu Pitts, Edward Platt, Juliet Prowse, Eddie Quillan, Louis Quinn, Basil Rathbone, Aldo Ray, Martha Raye, Gene Raymond, Peggy Rea, Philip Reed, Carl Reiner, Stafford Repp, Paul Rhone, Paul Richards, Don Rickles, Will Rogers Jr., Ruth Roman, Cesar Romero, Mickey Rooney, Gena Rowlands, Charlie Ruggles, Janice Rule, Soupy Sales, Hugh Sanders, Tura Satana, Telly Savalas, John Saxon, Lizabeth Scott, Lisa Seagram, Pilar Seurat, William Shatner, Karen Sharpe, James Shigeta, Nina Shipman, Susan Silo, Johnny Silver, Nancy Sinatra, The Smothers Brothers, Joanie Sommers, Joan Staley, Jan Sterling, Elaine Stewart, Jill St. John, Dean Stockwell, Gale Storm, Susan Strasberg, Inger Stratton, Amzie Strickland, Gil Stuart, Grady Sutton, Kay Sutton, Gloria Swanson, Russ Tamblyn. Don Taylor, Dub Taylor, Vaughn Taylor, Irene Tedrow, Terry-Thomas, Ginny Tiu, Dan Tobin, Forrest Tucker, Tom Tully, Jim Turley, Lurene Tuttle, Ann Tyrrell, Miyoshi Umeki, Mamie van Doren, Deborah Walley, Sandra Warner, David Wayne, Ray Weaver, Lennie Weinrib, Dawn Wells, Delores Wells, Rebecca Welles, Jack Weston, David White, James Whitmore, Michael Wilding, Annazette Williams, Dave Willock, Chill Wills, Marie Wilson, Nancy Wilson, Sandra Wirth, Ed Wynn, Keenan Wynn, Dana Wynter, Celeste Yarnall, Francine York.
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scriptwriters-network · 9 months
I’m out there to clean the plate. Once they’ve read what I’ve written on a subject, I want them to think, ‘That’s it!’ I think the highest aspiration people in our trade can have is that once they’ve written a story, nobody will ever try it again.
- Richard Ben Cramer
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greatmindquotes · 1 year
I’m out there to clean the plate. Once they’ve read what I’ve written on a subject, I want them to think, ‘That’s it!’ I think the highest aspiration people in our trade can have is that once they’ve written a story, nobody will ever try it again. - Richard Ben Cramer
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jeannereames · 2 years
Republicans Who Voted Against Marriage Equality
Here are their names. All 36 Senators who voted against the Marriage Equality Act, including the Minority Leader. Remember them.
John Barrasso, Wyoming; Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee; John Boozman, Arkansas; Mike Braun, Indiana; Bill Cassidy, Louisiana; John Cornyn, Texas; Tom Cotton, Arkansas; Kevin Cramer, North Dakota; Mike Crapo, Idaho; Ted Cruz, Texas; Steve Daines, Montana; Deb Fischer, Nebraska; Lindsey Graham, South Carolina; Chuck Grassley, Iowa; Bill Hagerty, Tennessee; Josh Hawley, Missouri; John Hoeven, North Dakota; Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi; Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma; Ron Johnson, Wisconsin; John Kennedy, Louisiana; James Lankford, Oklahoma; Mike Lee, Utah; Roger Marshall, Kansas; Mitch McConnell, Kentucky; Jerry Moran, Kansas; Rand Paul, Kentucky; Jim Risch, Idaho; Mike Rounds, South Dakota; Marco Rubio, Florida; Rick Scott, Florida; Tim Scott, South Carolina; Richard Shelby, Alabama; John Thune, South Dakota; Tommy Tuberville, Alabama; Roger Wicker, Mississippi.
(Ben Sasse who is resigning to become president of Univ. of Florida--mostly against the will of the faculty and students--did not vote, but otherwise would have been another "nay" vote.)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Birthdays 10.27
Beer Birthdays
Thomas Kerns (1965)
Richard Brewer-Hay (1974)
Damian Fagan (1972)
Meghan Storey
Five Favorite Birthdays
John Cleese; comedian, actor, writer (1939)
Fran Lebowitz; writer (1950)
Roy Lichtenstein; artist (1923)
Ivan Reitman; film director, actor (1946)
Dylan Thomas (1914)
Famous Birthdays
Enid Bagnold; English writer (1889)
Roberto Benigni; actor, film director (1952)
Jack Carson; actor (1910)
James Cook; explorer (1728)
Kenyon Cox; artist (1856)
Floyd Cramer; blues pianist (1933)
Ruby Dee; actor (1924)
Erasmus; humanist (1466)
Peter Firth; English actor (1953)
Lee Greenwood; country singer (1943)
Veronica Hart; porn actor (1956)
Kata Karkkainen; Finnish model (1968)
Ralph Kiner; Pittsburgh Pirates LF (1922)
Maxine Hong Kingston; writer (1940)
Lee Krasner; artist (1908)
Walt Kuhn; artist (1877)
Simon LeBon; English pop singer (1958)
Niccolo Paganini; violinist, composer (1782)
Sylvia Plath; poet, writer (1932)
Emily Post; etiquette writer (1862)
Theodore Roosevelt; 26th U.S. President (1858)
Harry Saltzman; film producer (1915)
Isaac Singer; inventor (1811)
Carrie Snodgress; actor (1946)
Charles Spencelayh; English artist (1865)
Dylan Thomas; Welsh writer (1914)
Scott Weiland; rock singer (1967)
Teresa Wright; actor (1918)
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cogito-ergo-absens · 4 days
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La rétro causalité : une exploration des événements futurs influençant le passé
La rétro causalité est un concept fascinant qui suggère que des événements futurs pourraient influencer des événements passés. Bien que cette idée semble contre-intuitive et défie notre compréhension conventionnelle du temps, elle est explorée dans divers domaines de la science et de la philosophie.
Qu'est-ce que la Rétro causalité ?
La rétro causalité dérive des termes "rétro" (en arrière) et "causalité" (relation de cause à effet). Elle désigne l'idée que des effets peuvent précéder leurs causes, autrement dit, des événements futurs peuvent influencer des événements passés. Cette notion remet en question notre perception linéaire du temps et ouvre des perspectives nouvelles sur la nature de la réalité.
Expériences et Théories Suggérant la Rétro causalité
Effet Wheeler-Feynman et Modèle Transactionnel
Effet Wheeler-Feynman : Proposé par les physiciens John Wheeler et Richard Feynman, ce modèle implique que les particules peuvent échanger des informations par des ondes avancées (voyageant vers le passé) et retardées (voyageant vers le futur). Bien que cette idée soit principalement théorique, elle a inspiré des discussions sur la rétrocausalité.
Modèle Transactionnel de John Cramer : Ce modèle de la mécanique quantique propose que les événements quantiques impliquent des transactions entre des ondes avancées et retardées, suggérant une forme de communication rétro causale entre particules.
Expériences sur le Libre Arbitre et la Précognition
Expériences de Benjamin Libet : Dans les années 1980, le neuroscientifique Benjamin Libet a mené des expériences montrant que le cerveau semble préparer des actions avant que nous prenions consciemment la décision de les effectuer. Certains interprètent ces résultats comme une indication que des informations futures peuvent influencer le présent.
Études de Précognition : Des expériences de parapsychologie, comme celles menées par Daryl Bem, prétendent montrer que des participants peuvent parfois deviner des événements futurs mieux que par simple hasard. Les résultats de Bem, publiés en 2011, ont suscité un débat sur leur validité et sur l'existence possible de la précognition.
Expériences de Choix Retardé
Expérience de la Double Fente avec Choix Retardé : Cette version de l'expérience de la double fente de Young, réalisée par John Wheeler, démontre que la décision d'observer ou non une particule après qu'elle ait passé les fentes peut sembler influencer son comportement antérieur. Cela suggère que des choix futurs peuvent affecter des événements passés au niveau quantique.
Expérience de Choix Retardé de Marlan Scully et Druhl : Cette expérience est une variante de la double fente, où l'observation se fait après que les particules ont passé les fentes mais avant qu'elles ne soient détectées, montrant des résultats similaires et ajoutant au débat sur la rétro causalité.
Interprétations Théoriques
Théories de la Gravité Quantique : Certaines théories de la gravité quantique spéculent sur la possibilité que le temps ne soit pas linéaire à des niveaux fondamentaux de la réalité. Ces théories sont encore largement spéculatives et ne disposent pas de preuves expérimentales solides.
Paradoxe d'Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) : Bien que cette expérience concerne principalement l'intrication quantique, elle ouvre des questions sur la causalité et l'influence d'événements distants. Certaines interprétations suggèrent que les corrélations instantanées entre particules pourraient impliquer une forme de rétrocausalité.
Réactions et Controverses
Le concept de rétro causalité suscite des débats passionnés. La plupart des scientifiques restent sceptiques, soulignant que des preuves expérimentales solides et reproductibles font encore défaut. Les résultats des expériences mentionnées, comme celles de Libet et Bem, sont souvent critiqués pour leurs méthodologies et interprétations.
En revanche, les philosophes du temps et de la physique explorent les implications théoriques de la rétro causalité. Ils discutent de modèles où le temps pourrait être non linéaire ou où la causalité pourrait fonctionner dans les deux sens. Si la rétro causalité est réelle, elle pourrait révolutionner notre compréhension de la causalité, du libre arbitre et du destin, et influencer notre perception de la responsabilité morale.
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deadpresidents · 5 months
BOOKS ABOUT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS •What It Takes: The Way to the White House by Richard Ben Cramer (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •American Journal: The Events of 1976 by Elizabeth Drew (BOOK) •Marathon: The Pursuit of the Presidency, 1972-1976 by Jules Witcover (BOOK) •Wake Us When It's Over: Presidential Politics of 1984 by Jack W. Germond and Jules Witcover (BOOK) •The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Making of the President 1964 by Theodore H. White (BOOK | KINDLE) •The Making of the President 1968 by Theodore H. White (BOOK | KINDLE) •The Making of the President 1972 by Theodore H. White (BOOK | KINDLE) •Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Double Down: Game Change 2012 by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •1920: The Year of the Six Presidents by David Pietrusza (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •1932: The Rise of Hitler and FDR -- Two Tales of Politics, Betrayal, and Unlikely Destiny by David Pietrusza (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Roosevelt Sweeps Nation: FDR's 1936 Landslide and the Triumph of the Liberal Ideal by David Pietrusza (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •1948: Harry Truman's Improbable Victory and the Year That Transformed America by David Pietrusza (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •1960: LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged Three Presidencies by David Pietrusza (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Losers: The Road to Everyplace but the White House by Michael Lewis (BOOK | KINDLE) •The Choice by Bob Woodward (BOOK | KINDLE) •Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by Hunter S. Thompson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Whistlestop: My Favorite Stories from Presidential Campaign History by John Dickerson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
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Piano Tuning Service Wolverhampton, West Midlands Matthew James Richards
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garudabluffs · 10 months
"Trumps Criminal Associates from A to Z”
Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump; >>> Greg Abbott, Ali Alexander, Samuel Alito, Rick Allen, Brian Babin, Jim Banks, Steve Bannon, Kathy Barnette, Bill Barr, Tom Barrack, Maria Bartiromo, Glenn Beck, John Bennett, Andy Biggs, Dan Bishop, Christina Bobb, Lauren Boebert, John Bolton, David Bossie, Kevin Brady, Mike Braun, Mo Brooks, Taylor Budowich, Ted Budd, Aileen Cannon, Madison Cawthorn, Tucker Carlson, Matthew Calamari, Kenneth Chesebro, Andrew Clyde, Jeffery Clark, Robert Cheeley, Chris Christie, Chris Collins, Susan Collins, James Comer, Kellyanne Conway, John Cornyn, Thomas Bryant Cotton, Kevin Cramer, Dan Crenshaw, Steven Crowder, Raphael Edward Cruz, Ken Cuccinelli, Warren Davidson, Louis DeJoy, Carlos DeOliveira, Ron DeSantis, Betsy DeVos, Lou Dobbs, Byron Donalds, John Eastman, Larry Elder, Jenna Ellis, Michael Ellis, Tom Emmer, Boris Epshteyn, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Nigel Farage, Tom Fitton, Harrison Floyd, Michael Flynn, Matt Gaetz, Bob Gibbs, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Louie Gohmert, Sebastian Gorka, Paul Gosar, Trey Gowdy, Lindsey Graham, Charles Grassley, Mark Green, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ric Grenell, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Alina Habba, Harriet Hageman, Misty Hampton, Liz Harrington, Nikki Haley, Scott Hall, Sean Hannity, Josh Hawley, Jody Hice, Hope Hicks, Thomas Homan, Richard Hudson, Duncan Hunter, Laura Ingraham, Kay Ivey, Ronny Jackson, Jim Jordan, Mike Johnson, Ron Johnson, Alex Jones, Fred Keller, Keith Kellogg, Mike Kelly, Bernard Kerik, Charlie Kirk, Kim Klacik, Kenneth Klukowski, Jared Kushner, Trevian Kutti, Tomi Lahren, Kari Lake, Cathleen Latham, Bill Lee, Mike Lee, Stephen Lee, Mark Levin, Corey Lewandowski, Christopher Liddell, Mike Lindell, Billy Long, Barry Loudermilk, Cynthia Lummis, Nick Luna, Nancy Mace, Paul Manafort, Roger Marshall, Thomas Massie, Douglas Mastriano, Angela McCallum, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Kayleigh McEnany, Johnny McEntee, Mark Meadows, Molly Michael, Chris Miller, Jason Miller, Stephen Miller, Barry Moore, Steven Mnuchin, Rupert Murdoch, Greg Murphy, Heather Nauret, Waltine Torre Nauta Jr., Peter Navarro, Carl Nichols, Kristi Noem, Ralph Norman, Oliver North, Devin Nunes, Bill O’Reilly, Candace Owens, Stefan Passantino, Kash Patel, Dan Patrick, Rand Paul, Ken Paxton, David Perdue, Scott Perry, Rick Perry, Mike Pence, Judge-Jeanine Ferris Pirro, Mike Pompeo, Erik Prince, Vladimir Putin, Sidney Powell, Kim Reynolds, Karrin Taylor Robson, Michael Roman, Chip Roy, Marco Rubio, Anthony Sabatini, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, George Santos, Steve Scalise, Dan Scavino, Rick Scott, Tim Scott, Jeff Sessions, David Shafer, Ben Shapiro, Bill Shine, Kyrsten Lea Sinema, Ray Smith lll, Victoria Spartz, Sean Spicer, Todd Starnes, Elise Stefanik, William Stepien, Shawn Still, Roger Stone, Jason Sullivan, Clarence Thomas, Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, Tommy Tuberville, Mike Turner, James David (JD) Vance, Herschel Walker, Kelli Ward, Jesse Watters, Allen Weisselberg, Matthew George Whitaker, Susan Wiles, Ben Williamson, Chad Wolf, Lin Wood, Todd Young…Just to name a few. “Vote Blue in November: In numbers too big to rig, in numbers too real to steal….
381 Comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY8rIL3xUKc
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These are the 34 congressional Republicans who corresponded via text message with Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, about plans to overturn the 2020 election:
These individuals should literally be in JAIL. They are all guilty of treason against the American people and should DEFINITELY not STILL BE HOLDING OFFICE!!
Rep. Rick Allen (Georgia)
Rep. Brian Babin (Texas)
Rep. Andy Biggs (Arizona)
Rep. Dan Bishop (North Carolina)
Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas)
Rep. Mo Brooks (Alabama)
Rep. Ted Budd (North Carolina)
Rep. Andrew Clyde (Georgia)
Sen. Kevin Cramer (North Dakota)
Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas)
Rep. Warren Davidson (Ohio)
Rep. Tom Emmer (Minnesota)
Rep. Bob Gibbs (Ohio)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (Texas)
Rep. Paul Gosar (Arizona)
Rep. Mark Green (Tennessee)
Rep. Jody Hice (Georgia)
Rep. Richard Hudson (North Carolina)
Rep. Mike Johnson (Louisiana)
Sen. Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio)
Rep. Fred Keller (Pennsylvania)
Rep. Mike Kelly (Pennsylvania)
Sen. Mike Lee (Utah)
Rep. Billy Long (Missouri)
Rep. Barry Loudermilk (Georgia)
Sen. Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming)
Rep. Barry Moore (Alabama)
Rep. Greg Murphy (North Carolina)
Rep. Ralph Norman (South Carolina)
Sen. David Perdue (Georgia)
Rep. Scott Perry (Pennsylvania)
Rep. Chip Roy (Texas)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (Georgia)
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