Material for weeks...
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Everything rotten starts in red Tex-ass and then spreads like a cancer into other states. We’re already well into being a dictatorship and the red states aren’t going to just wake up and stop. Koch and the other oligarchs have been buying state legislatures for decades and they’re nearly ready for a constitutional convention to change everything.
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redditreceipts · 8 months
i just looked and that reddit girl from justunsubbed made the same post except about cis women vaginas and was instantly permabanned from actuallesbians which is like really funny but also like really sad at the same time. She made a post on her profile to clarify things and they've just been fighting with her there instead but she is not backing down so good on Miss Quiche...
to continue the tragic saga of the "non-male dick"-post:
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so she did an explanatory post (because, of course, in 2023, lesbians should have to explain why they're attracted to vaginas)
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she's actually really cool lmao
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"erm akshually you are a detransitioner and just bitter because of that so your opinion doesn't count"
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"also you are only a feminist and a lesbian because you hate men, checkmate"
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(nothing wrong with being a straight woman of course, but telling a lesbian as a straight woman that she is wrong for disliking dick is just textbook homophobia)
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deepermadness · 6 months
That does it. I'm getting too old and too fed up to not complain about the world any more.
Tumblr? Nah, mate. It's Grumblr now. This is the grumbling platform.
No massive arguments, just ongoing grouchy comments until we fix the shit that's bothering us.
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zanedraws · 3 months
I have seen Adam x Valentino and Adam x Cherri Bomb on this site, WHICH OPENS ME UP TO PROPOSE ADAM X KATIE KILLJOY. IT WOULD BE A TRASHFIRE OF A SHIP BUT ALSO DELIGHTFUL. The worst people you know end up dating, any comment?
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thingstrumperssay · 1 year
Target managers are cowards and this is only going to encourage the terrorists they're negotiating with. However, I do understand their side, even if I don't agree with it. And I only don't agree with it because I know it wouldn't stop them anyway.
Queerphobes are so fucking unhinged, some of them really would try to shoot up a Target over rainbows. They've shot up gay bars and threatened to bomb schools and children hospitals over colorful flags.
So it's easy to see why they'd take a threat by them seriously. The only problem is that they're so mentally unwell that all they're going to do is move on to the next company. That's what terrorists do.
More than anything though, I just feel fucking embarrassed by these anti-LGBT+ terrorists.
It's not normal to revolve your life around hating a group of people because they exist. It's gotten to the point where if they see a cartoon cloud using a rainbow as a hula-hoop on a kid's shirt they'll take out their phone to record themselves yelling "INDOCTRINATION!"
I'd compare them to a child throwing a tantrum over not getting a candy bar but I can at least understand wanting a candy bar. These people shout, destroy, threaten and sometimes kill people when they see a fucking rainbow.
This is probably not going to be the last time I make this rant since it's so fucking baffling to me that people can be this upset over people existing and I'm not going to stop pointing out how embarrassing it is when grown adults throw tantrums over them.
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lenbryant · 9 months
No, here’s the answer you’re looking for: he makes it okay for them to be open about their homophobia and let their racism bubble up closer to the surface.
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lesbiansgoal · 2 years
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So what’s the plan now?
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0-rai · 6 days
Going to school reminds me that homophobic people exist, bro I thought those were extinct tf
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nando161mando · 29 days
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faramirsonofgondor · 9 months
I love forgiveness being portrayed in media, but only when it’s done in a good manner. The problem with how it’s portrayed in Ted Lasso is that it kinda seems like it’s being used as a way for the writers to end certain story arcs or plot lines and tie up loose ends. Some people give others quickly, and that’s not a problem. However, I find it highly unrealistic that no matter the situation no matter the person, they’ll be given forgiveness immediately.
Rebecca sabotages Ted? Forgiven. Ted lies to Sam about Jamie returning, after Sam explicitly states that nobody has made him feel worse than Jamie does? Not even brought up. Nate kisses Keeley (without her consent, when she was in a relationship with his coworker) ? Roy, her boyfriend, forgives him instantly. A bunch of xenophobic assholes destroy Sam’s restaurant? Forgiven. Isaac ignores, brushes off, and gets physically aggressive with Colin after finding out he’s gay? Forgiven. Jamie’s dad being an emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually abusive asshole, and never apologizing for it? Forgiven and Jamie gets in contact with him again. It seems like more often than not Jamie is the only one who isn’t forgiven instantaneously, and even sometimes that can be a bit of a stretch.
Again, while I don’t have a problem with forgiveness itself, I think it’s highly unrealistic for everything to be resolved as quickly as it is in the show. Sometimes it felt like they created plot lines for the sole purpose of showcasing forgiveness later on and to say “yay! look at them. they’ve forgiven each other and are doing so much better now.” In reality, sometimes holding grudges is a good thing because it can help establish boundaries. If someone is refusing to apologize or acknowledge your boundaries afterwards than they don’t really sound like the type of person who should be forgiven anyways.
Additionally, I feel like it’s sort of pushing a harmful message to many people that good people have to forgive others for they’ve wronged them, or else they’re not a good person. Which is so fucking stupid, especially when it comes to issues like xenophobia, homophobia, and abuse. Forgiveness itself is defined as letting go of anger/resentment. So why the fuck should I not be angry at xenophobes, at homophobes, at fucking abusers? Maybe I won’t let this anger consume my entire fucking life, but I’m not letting it go either.
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Americans shouldn’t have to fight for basic human rights.
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slaket-and-sprash · 1 year
I have locked up Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro in my basement forcing them to watch all Alpha and Omega movies on repeat until they become furries.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Are you aware that hate-groups are not just your conservative uncle being a dick and are actually organized terrorist groups? White supremacists alone are not a hate group- specific groups like Council of Conservative Citizens, however, are hate groups. There is a differentiation between casual bigotry and those who are actively murdering or pushing for the murder of others. Hate groups have political power and advocate for legislation. Please do not downplay hate groups.
I... don't think the part about requiring violence or terrorism is true.
I'm not familiar with the one you named, but one that comes to mind is the Westboro Baptist Church. While being generally abhorrent and fighting against the rights of the LGBT community, as well as being known for picketing funerals, doesn't really have much political power. They're a small or moderate-sized church with about 70 members. Obviously way smaller than many anti-endo communities.
They advocate for legislation, yes, but not to murder anyone. At least, not as far as I'm aware. They're not terrorists, however repugnant and abhorrent they might be, (and they very much are) nor can I find them linked directly towards violence. But please, correct me if I'm wrong.
As far as I can tell, an organization doesn't need to be violent or terrorists to be classified as a hate group.
And I also don't want to downplay the anti-endo community's impact either.
Many endogenic systems are regularly harassed and fakeclaimed. We're privilege as endogenic systems go in that we have a stable life situation. I can take the constant abuse. But one of the top reasons for tulpamancers to make tulpas is to help cope with loneliness and MDD. Bullying puts lives at risks, and anti-endos largely do not care.
And it's not just endogenic systems. Like I mentioned yesterday, mixed-origin systems often have it worst of all.
Diagnosed mixed origin DID systems will find groups that should be supportive will instead harass and ostracize them.
Anti-endos infect spaces for trauma survivors, corrupt them with hate, and then cast out people who need support. And you might say that this is just the internet, but the victims of anti-endo exclusion and hate are often minors still in abusive homes with no support in the real world.
Exclusionism steals away the support these systems should have access to.
Hate and exclusionism endangers lives.
And I want to reiterate again that if your argument is that "anti endos aren't a hate group because they're not a group," you seriously may need to reevaluate if this is the hill you want to die on. You equating anti-endos to general white supremacists doesn't seem like an improvement to me.
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ioncewished · 1 month
I'm not fucking "weird." Get the fuck away from me.
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