#rosen blood volume 3
black-sapphire57 · 2 years
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Rosen blood volume 3 cover and chapter 12, 13 and 15 chapter covers.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
new obsession for this month unlocked 👍🏼
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readtilyoudie · 4 months
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December 2023 Wrap-up
Total Books Read: 24 (I'm honestly surprised I read 2 more than last month!)
Favorite Book(s): Fire Force; Honey and Clover; Radiant
Book That Surprised Me: None
Book That Didn’t Meet Expectations: Ossan Idol - see below for rant...
Any Rereads? Bleach; Library Wars; Emma; Rave Master; One Piece; Hana Kimi
Series Finished Reading:
Rosen Blood - Not the ending I was expecting, but I'll take it! It was weird but still pretty tame in the end XD
Ossan Idol [Stopped Reading] - I was hoping this was going to be queer...but alas this volume proved that completely wrong so I am done with it. I would honestly probably would've preferred no romances as the story was kind of unique and cute at times. A group of men in their 30/40s being pop idols! Ugh, such potential
A Pirate for Christmas - This book was actually a nice to send off the year. Both Jo and I liked it in the end...even though there was some weird/unnecessary drama to pad out the story, but it was still a cute story with lots of good banter.
Emma - Granted the last 3 volumes were mostly side stories....I'm glad it ended with the main couple actually getting married and seeing all everyone get together *sobs*
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year
HEHEHE SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Because i'm bored, im gonna organize this list by genre
Jujutsu Kaisen: vols 0-19, waiting to preorder for vol 20 later
One Punch Man: vols 1-24, gonna preorder for vol 25 later
Blue Lock: vols 1-5, already preordered vol 6 which is coming soon!!
Record of Ragnarok: vols 1-3, ordered vols 4-6 on rightstuf so i'm waiting on that to come
Uzumaki: got the 3-in-1 deluxe edition!!
Lovesickness: another deluxe edition!!!
The Liminal Zone: the hardcover art is so cool
Kiss of the Rose Princess: vols 1-9, the complete series!
Rosen Blood: ordered vols 1-2 on rightstuf
Killing Stalking: vol 1 of the deluxe edition
Villains Are Destined to Die: vols 1-2
I also got 5 random manga volumes from rightstuf's $1 blind box but I didn't like those so I didn't include them in the list 😅
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officialshojobeat · 2 years
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Shojo Beat Manga for December 2021
These volumes are available December 7!
**New Series Debut** Rosen Blood vol. 1 by Kachiru Ishizue
Natsume's Book of Friends vol. 26 by Yuki Midorikawa
Queen's Quality vol. 13 by Kyousuke Motomi
Yakuza Lover vol. 3 by Nozomi Mino
Yona of the Dawn vol. 33 by Mizuho Kusanagi
Takane & Hana vol. 18 (Final Volume) by Yuki Shiwasu Both regular and **LIMITED EDITION**
-Editor Nancy
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Star Comics, gli annunci dell’Hanami Manga Festival
In arrivo la Perfect Edition di Inuyasha, Rosen Blood, One Room Angel e Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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A quanto pare, oltre a quelli annunciati gioved�� sera in occasione dell’apertura degli STAR DAYS 2021, c’erano in caldo altri quattro titoli in casa Edizioni Star Comics. Di seguito trovate le novità svelate durante l’Hanami Manga Festival di AnimeClick.
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Kagome è una studentessa delle medie la cui famiglia gestisce un tempio shintoista. Il giorno del suo quindicesimo compleanno viene improvvisamente aggredita da un terribile demone, che la risucchia all’interno di un pozzo nei pressi del santuario, catapultandola indietro nel tempo di diversi secoli, fino nell’epoca Sengoku.
Nel tentativo di sfuggire alla creatura, la fanciulla cerca rifugio in un bosco, e lì si imbatte in un affascinante mezzo-demone dai lunghi capelli bianchi sigillato in un sonno magico. Risvegliato da Kagome per difenderla dal mostro che la sta minacciando, Inuyasha riconosce in lei la reincarnazione della sacerdotessa Kikyo, custode della preziosa Sfera dei Quattro Spiriti...
Inizia per il duo un emozionante viaggio tra passato e presente per cercare di proteggere la sfera dalle grinfie di spietati demoni e crudeli nemici.
A grandissima richiesta, ritorna finalmente uno dei più immortali capolavori della maestra Rumiko Takahashi, in un'imperdibile Perfect Edition che farà la gioia dei suoi tanti appassionati.
Serie di 30 volumi, conclusa - Novembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
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Midori, Sayaka e Tsubame sono 3 liceali completamente diverse fra loro: Midori è un maschiaccio scapestrato che sogna mondi immaginari e li appunta con disegni meticolosi; Tsubame è una modella altolocata con la passione per le animazioni; Sayaka è un'inquietante, cinica e venale amica di Midori che vede nel fortuito incontro Tsubame un'irripetibile opportunità di business. Sfidando tutto e tutti, l'improbabile trio darà vita all'Eizouken, un club studentesco con l'obiettivo segreto di realizzare – fra maestosi e improbabili sogni a occhi aperti e furbeschi sotterfugi – un anime. Il favoloso mondo dell'entertainment non è mai stato così appassionante e imprevedibile!
Nominato nel 2018 ai Taisho Awards e nella selezione di «Kono manga ga sugoi!», il graffiante e acclamato manga di Sumito Oowara ha anche ispirato una pluripremiata serie anime, un film cinematografico live-action e un tv drama.
Serie di 5 volumi, in corso - Settembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
ROSEN BLOOD di Kachiru Ishizue 
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Rimasta sola al mondo, Stella si mette in viaggio alla ricerca di un lavoro, ma finisce coinvolta in un incidente. Per sua fortuna, un uomo affascinante e misterioso interviene e la trae in salvo, per poi portarla con sé alla sua magione, una seducente villa circondata da rose velenose. Levi – questo il suo nome – vive lì con altri tre uomini dalla straordinaria bellezza, e Stella, che non ha più un posto dove andare, si offre di lavorare per loro come cameriera per saldare il suo debito. La ragazza ancora ignora quanto possa essere rischioso mettersi al servizio di quattro... vampiri!
Passione, intrigo e atmosfere gotiche e decadenti in una mini serie scritta e straordinariamente illustrata dalla talentuosissima maestra Kachiru Ishizue.
Serie di 3 volumi, in corso - Dicembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
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Koki ha trent’anni, è single, non ha né amici, né hobby. Vive in un appartamento lurido, ha un lavoro misero e conduce una vita senza sogni e senza troppe pretese. Una sera viene accoltellato da un delinquente e proprio quando sta per morire… un angelo appare davanti ai suoi occhi!
La maestra Boys’ Love, Harada, torna in Italia attraverso un’opera molto diversa rispetto alle sue serie precedenti. Una storia matura e commovente, che rappresenta un vero e proprio elogio alla vita.
Vincitore anche del primo premio ai Chil Chil BL Awards 2020.
Volume unico - Novembre 2021 - In fumetteria, libreria e store online
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Autore: SilenziO)))  - Twitter @s1lenzi0
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thequirkdetective · 4 years
Investigation 9 (21/8/2020): Compress – Atsuhiro Sako
Atsuhiro Sako, villain name ‘Mr Compress’, has the ability to trap a large spherical area into a small marble-like object. Immediately, questions arise. Do the trapped objects stay the same mass? If not, where does the excess mass go? How are the objects compressed, and what state are they in whilst compressed? It’s time to find out.
Right off the bat, there is no way for the quirk to compress and expand an object without causing a large amount of damage. Being able to change the size of an object only through touch is impossible, and changing the volume of a space so drastically cannot be done without some way to increase pressure drastically, which would have intense heating effects, as well as requiring vast amounts of time and industrial machinery. The quirk’s main effect cannot be explained scientifically, which leaves us looking at not the mechanics of the quirk, but instead the effects, both intentional and accidental.
There are two mutually exclusive options as to how objects are stored whilst the quirk is in effect, and both are shown to occur at one point or another in the anime. On the one hand, Compress can hold the marbles in his hand and even on his tongue[1], showing they weigh much less than their expanded counterparts. On the other hand, people who are compressed by the quirk are conscious and can make decisions and move around, shown by Mr Compress’s ability to use his quirk on himself [1], and then cancel its effects whilst he is compressed. This means his brain at least is intact, and thus the objects are somehow just squeezed into a smaller area, with all their atoms intact.
Lets look at each of these possibilities in further detail. At the end of the Shie Hassaikai raid, Mr Compress uses his quirk to tunnel through the ground, excavating multiple spheres of concrete and earth to create a tunnel around 5m (15ft) across[2]. The marbles are about 1cm (0.4 in) in diameter, meaning the volume of the earth was reduced by 500 times. This means the volume was decreased by 125 million times, and thus the density increased  by the same number. If the quirk conserved mass, then the marbles would have a mass of 163 metric tonnes, and exert a pressure of  16 tN/m2 (16 teranewtons per square metre), the equivalent of 235 thousand hydraulic presses. Suffice to say, these marbles could not be held on the tongue.
Another explanation then, is some sort of delayed teleportation similar to Star Trek. Theoretically, Mr Compress could store the positions and states of every atom within the volume to be ‘compressed’, and then turn all the mass into energy. Then, this energy could be turned back into mass when the object is ‘expanded’. We can figure out the energy needed by looking again at the most significant use of the quirk: tunnelling into concrete. Mr Compress creates at least 5 marbles, each holding a 5m radius sphere of concrete and earth. Using the famous E=mc2 we find that this generates 7.3 zetajoules, or 7.3x1022 joules of energy. This is the energy of 7.8x1018 AA batteries, and if these batteries were laid end-up in a square, that square would measure 12 km on each side. It’s safe to say that this Star Trek method requires unfeasible amounts of energy storage, as well as some way of converting energy to mass and back again incredibly precisely and completely efficiently.
If we move even further into the realms of science fiction, (i.e. less emphasis on the ‘science’, much more on the ‘fiction’),  we can postulate on the quirk’s use of wormholes, pocket universes, or other similar theoretical physics terminology takes wildly out of context. Essentially, the quirk could transport the matter to an enclosed point in space, into a pocket universe, along a new dimension, or any other way to move the sphere of matter from the here-and-now. Before we continue, this is not possible under current understandings of physics, and is essentially sci-fi jargon with a thin façade of relativity and theoretical physics to cover it up. Theoretical physicists, if for some reason you’ve read this far, feel free to skip the next 6 paragraphs and replace them with the phrase “Mr Compress’ quirk is impossible”.
First, some terminology. Pocket universes are a possible explanation of the rough homogeneity in temperature across the whole universe, even in sections so far apart light should not have been able to travel from one to the other. The theory states the universe is constantly and rapidly expanding, and that certain regions stop inflating, and instead the energy within them condenses into matter. These new populated regions of space are called pocket universes.
Wormholes (often called Einstein-Rosen bridges to sound fancy) are theoretical structures that link two defined points in space time, and could allow travel between those two points.
In everyday life there are three spatial dimensions; x, y, and z. Relativity explains the universe with an extra dimension; time. However, it is possible that the universe, or certain sections of it, contain extra dimensions. Indeed, standard string theory requires 10 spatial dimensions for mathematical consistency, and bosonic string theory needs at least 26. Even stranger, some or all of these dimensions may be ‘closed up’: coiled in on themselves so much they essentially disappear.
Now, for some incredibly theoretical ways to explain both sides of Mr Compress’ quirk. It is possible wormholes could connect different universes or pocket universes. It is also likely the entrance to a wormhole is a sphere, in the same way that the entrance to a cave in a cliff is a circle (or similar), except in one more dimension. Therefore, if Mr Compress’ quirk creates a wormhole to a pocket dimension, then the matter would be transported into a different universe, unable to interact with our own. The matter also would not be able to escape the universe due to its expansion. The good news is that the sphere has about enough air for a trapped person to survive two weeks before carbon dioxide poising sets in. This is much less time than it takes to starve, so food is not an issue, but if the universe does not contain water the person would dehydrate in about one week. Another issue, although more a minor inconvenience, is that without a light source the inside of the universe would be pitch black – the blackest black possible, since no light would exist there.
However, we still haven’t explained the presence of the marbles. It is theoretically possible that a pocket universe could form around another pocket universe. It thus may be possible to force the formation of a pocket universe inside another. If this is the basis to Mr Compress’ quirk, it functions as follows. 1: A pocket universe is created within our universe. This pocket universe appears the size of a marble. 2: A wormhole is created, with one end centred on a point in our universe, and the other in the pocket universe. 3: The matter enclosed within the opening in our universe travels through the wormhole to the pocket dimension. 4: The wormhole collapses, and the transported matter is trapped within the pocket universe. 5: The pocket universe’s boundary is impassable, so it acts like a marble, with a completely reflective surface. 6: Another wormhole is created, and instead of transporting matter both ways, the pocket universe is collapsed. The implications of collapsing universes is slightly too maths-filled and strange to explore here.
And that is a possible explanation to Mr Compress’ quirk! Theoretical physicists, if you’re reading this, I’m so sorry. Non theoretical physicist, and any of this interested you, I would encourage you to research it yourself and debunk all the falsehoods crammed into this explanation.
Finally, I would like to look at some strange effects of the quirk, namely large gusts of wind. When an object is compressed or wormhole-d, it leaves a 2.5m radius sphere of empty space (hi theoretical physicists -I just mean a vacuum, not the absence of all the weird particles you’re so cagey about). This would be rather quickly filled with air, creating a large rush of wind inwards. The speed of this would vary significantly based on altitude, humidity, temperature and other factors. Once the space has been filled, there are a few possible options. If the air is going relatively slowly, then there would be a slight compression, and a small wave of pressure back outwards. If it is going faster, that small wave of compression becomes a supersonic shockwave. Faster still, and the air compresses, heating up the centre of the blast area. Faster still, and this heating causes nuclear fusion and a nuclear detonation.
A similar, if less drastic, version of this problem happens in reverse when the quirk is used again, and the matter is returned to its normal size. In this case, a volume twice atmospheric pressure is created as the trapped matter overlaps with the matter in the destination. If a person was transported, then this would cause air to become present within their body, a very unpleasant experience similar to what occurs when divers surface too quickly. Gas bubbles form in the blood, as if the person was a newly opened bottle of coke, and symptoms range in severity for joint pain, to rashes, to seizures, coma and death. This would be accompanied by a rush of wind outwards, though one much less severe than the shockwave when the object is first compressed.
In summary, Mr Compress’ quirk condenses matter down into a small area, most likely through the forced creation of a pocket universe within our own universe. The instantaneous creation of a wormhole transports a sphere of matter into the universe, where it is then trapped. When the object is ‘expanded’, another wormhole transports the contents of the marble universe into our universe, and the marble universe collapses, disappearing entirely.
[1] Season 3 Episode 45: What a Twist!
[2] Season 4 episode 76: Infinite 100%
If you liked this investigation and want to have a say in the next one, then make sure to send a recommendation for which quirk I should investigate!
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 3/2/22
SEAN: Our long nightmare, aka February, is over. What does March bring us?
Yes Press is mostly off this week, but we get two titles: I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss 3 and To Save the World, Can You Wake Up the Morning After with a Demi-Human? 4.
Two debuts from Viz Media, one for each of their main imprints. Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (Dragon Quest – Dai no Daibouken) is the classic 1989 manga from the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump! It’ll be coming out here in omnibus form, 2-in-1. It’s one of the biggest manga ever. Its authors later did Beet the Vandel Buster. The plot? Boy has adventures.
ASH: Always glad to see more classic manga being released!
ANNA: Nice!
SEAN: The Shojo Beat title is Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love (Ima, Koi Wo Shite Imasu), a Betsuma series that features yet another guy who seems to be scary but is actually really nice. The author is best known for Wolf Girl and Black Prince, which has not been licensed, alas.
MICHELLE: I tend to like those sorts of stories, so I’m down for this.
ASH: Same!
ANNA: Surprising no one, me too.
SEAN: Also from Viz: Mashle: Magic and Muscles 5, My Hero Academia 30, the 14th and final volume (thank God) of Platinum End, Rosen Blood 2, Undead Unluck 6, World Trigger 23, and Yakuza Lover 4.
ASH: I didn’t get very far with Platinum End.
ANNA: I think I lasted for a couple volumes.
SEAN: Seven Seas debuts Classroom of the Elite (Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e), based on the light novel, which runs in my nemesis, Comic Alive. Kiyotaka is entering a prestigious high school known for educating the children of the future. Unfortunately, he ends up in Class D, which is where the rejects go to get ridiculed and vanish from society forever. Unfortunately for the school, there’s a lot more to Kiyotaka than it seems.
Also from Seven Seas: DUNGEON DIVE: Aim for the Deepest Level 3, I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! 3, The Invincible Shovel 3, My Lovey-Dovey Wife is a Stone Cold Killer 2, The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent 5, Sorry for My Familiar 9, and A White Rose in Bloom 2.
MICHELLE: I’m looking forward to A White Rose in Bloom.
ASH: As am I. I really love Asumiko Nakamura’s manga.
SEAN: One Peace Books has a 14th volume of Hinamatsuri.
ASH: I’ve fallen behind, but I’ve gotten a kick out of what I’ve read so far.
SEAN: Kodansha, in print, has Beyond the Clouds 4, Chasing After Aoi Koshiba 3, Love and Lies 11, Saint Young Men 8, and Yuri Is My Job! 8.
ASH: I’m still here for Saint Young Men, as usual.
SEAN: Digitally, the debut is… not announced yet, so will have to wait.
Also digitally: A Couple of Cuckoos 6, Girlfriend, Girlfriend 8, Kounodori: Dr. Stork 21, My Master Has No Tail 4, the 22nd and final volume of Smile Down the Runway, and We’re New at This 10.
J-Novel Club debuts Magic Knight of the Old Ways (Furuki Okite no Mahou Kishi), a story of knights and kings that also has to deal with the fact that its leads are named Sid and Alvin, which makes me worry this will become Carry On Magic Knights.
J-Novel Club also has some digital manga releases as we see Bibliophile Princess 5, The Emperor’s Lady-in-Waiting Is Wanted as a Bride 3, Infinite Dendrogram 9, and Marginal Operation 12.
Ghost Ship has new volumes. We get Does a Hot Elf Live Next Door to You? 3 and Might as Well Cheat: I Got Transported to Another World Where I Can Live My Wildest Dreams! 2.
Cross Infinite World debuts So You Want to Live the Slow Life? A Guide to Life in the Beastly Wilds (Shishi Kamori de Slow Life), a bit of a reverse isekai. Our hero stays in Japan, and inherits his grandfather’s estate. Unfortunately, his estate is in the Beastly Wilds, a section of forest off-limits to humans… as it’s filled with beastmen! That said, it’s a slow life book, so don’t expect battles.
ASH: Could possibly be an interesting isekai inversion.
SEAN: In print, Airship has Berserk of Gluttony 5 and The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter 6.
And in early digital, they have a debut: The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior (Higeki no Genkyou tonaru Saikyou Gedou Rasubosu Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu). You know the drill. Reincarnated in an otome game as the villainess. Tries to be a good person instead. Does it a little TOO well.
Anything catch your fancy?
By: Sean Gaffney
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There are 329 records in my collection as of January 9, 2019. This list includes Alternative Rock, Christmas, Classical, Comedy, Country, Dance, Folk, German, Hip  Hop, Jazz, Kids, Metal, Outlaw Country, Pop, Rock, Rockabilly, and Soundtrack.
To organize and keep track of all of these, I use an app on my iPad called MusicBuddy and it catalogs and organizes all of my records for me. So when I get more records, I’m going to continue to add to this blog. This collection is a conglomeration of records given to me by my mom, grandparents, friends, and records I’ve found at local thrift stores.
They’re organized first by genre, then by artist. If you see any that are in the wrong category, feel free to message me so I can fix it. Like I said, my app placed them into the genre Discogs placed them into.
KEY: Artist – Album Name 1, Album Name 2, Album Name 3, etc..
All records that are underlined are the ones that are photographed.
Alternative Rock: 7 records
Dance Gavin Dance – Artificial Selection, Instant Gratification (signed), Mothership, Summertime Gladness/Pussy Vultures (7″)
David Lee Roth – Just Like Paradise
Jefferson Airplane – The Worst of Jefferson Airplane
Pink Floyd – A Momentary Lapse of Reason
Christmas: 15 records
Andy Williams – Merry Christmas
Charles M. Shulz – A Charlie Brown Christmas
Elvis Presley – Elvis Sings the Wonderful World of Christmas, Christmas Album
Floyd  Robinson – Charlie the Hamster Plays Christmas Songs With Floyd…
Jim Nabors – Jim Nabors’ Christmas Album
John Denver – A Christmas Together, Rocky Mountain Christmas
Johnny Cash – The Christmas Spirit
Luciano Pavarotti – O Holy Night
Richard P. Condie – Christmas Carols Around the World
Tennessee Ernie Ford – O Come All  Ye Faithful, Sing We Now of Christmas
Classical/Easy Listening: 17 records
101 Strings – Henry Mancini, John Denver
2Cellos – Score
Arthur Fiedler – Arthur Fiedler Superstar
Boston Symphonic Orchestra – Appalachian Spring/The Tender Land – Suite
Clarinet Kings – The Best Polka
Copperas Cove Bands – The Proud New Generation Band ’74
Engelbert Humperdinck – King of Hearts
Ferrante & Teicher – Moonlight Melodies
Heintje – “Mama”
Hollyridge Strings – The Beatles Songbook
Jean-Pierre Rampal – Fascinatin’ Rampal
Mannheim Steamroller – Saving the Wildlife
Richard Clayderman – Love Songs of the World
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra – Hooked on Classics
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Die Zauberflaute, The Magic Flute (box set)
Comedy: 8 records
All in the Family Cast – All in the Family
Bill Cosby – 200 mph, Bill Cosby, Bill Cosby ‘Live’ Madison Square Garden, For Adults Only, When I Was a Kid, Wonderfulness
Various – The Watergate Comedy Hour
Country: 40 records
Alabama – Just Us, Mountain Music
Barbara Fairchild – Kid Stuff
Barbara Mandrell – He Set My  Life to Music, Love is Fair, Meant for Each Other
Buck Owens and His Buckaroos – The Kansas City Song
Charley Pride – The Best of Charley Pride, The Best of Charley Pride Vol. III, From Me to You, Pride of Country  Music
Conway Twitty – By Heart, I Love You More Today
Don Francisco – Forgiven, Got to Tell Somebody, Holiness, Traveler
Don Williams – Cafe Carolina, Greatest Hits
Freddie Hart and The Heartbeats – The Pleasure’s Been All Mine
Glen Campbell – Galveston, Glen Campbell’s Greatest Hits
Jean Shepard – A Real Good Woman
Kendalls – The Best of the Kendalls
Kenny Rogers – The Gambler
Loretta Lynn – Coal Miner’s Daughter, Entertainer of the Year – Loretta, Here I Am Again..,  Just a Woman, You’re Lookin’ At Country
Moe Bandy – Rodeo Romeo
Skeeter Davis – A Place in the Country
Sonny James – The Sensational Sonny James
Statler Brother – Bed of Roses
T.G. Sheppard – Perfect Stranger
Tammy Wynette – The First Lady, Just Tammy, Tammy’s Greatest Hits
Various – America’s Greatest Country Stars Live and In Person, Country Girls
Dance/Electronic: 4 records
Crystal Fighters – Cave Rave
Devo – Oh, No! It’s Devo,  Q: Are We Not  Men? A: We Are Devo!
M|A|R|R|S – Pump Up the Volume (7″)
Folk: 29 records
Albert  Hammond – The Free Electric Band
Andy Williams – Andy Williams’ Greatest Hits, Moon River and Other Great Movie Themes
Cat Stevens – Foreigner, The Very Best of Cat Stevens
Dale Evans – Heart of the Country
Jim Nabors – Everything is Beautiful
John Denver – John Denver’s Greatest Hits Vol. 2, Poems Prayers & Promises
Johnny Cash – America: A 200 Year Salute in Story and Song, Any Old Wind That Blows, At Folsom Prison, Believe in Him, The Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus, Heroes, I Walk the Line, Johnny Cash at San Quentin, Johnny Cash’s Greatest Hits Vol. 1, Look At Them Beans, Ragged Old Flag, Starportrait
Johnny Cash & June  Carter Cash – Carryin’ On With, Johnny Cash and His Woman
Johnny Horton – Johnny Horton’s Greatest Hits
Marty Robbins – Greatest Hits Vol. IV
Peter, Paul & Mary – Album 1700, The Best Of…
Simon & Garfunkel – Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
Various – Zenith Presents Hootenanny Special
German: 20 records
Extrablatt – Vico Ganz Neu!
Flotte Franz Und Seine Bierbrummer – Ja Das Haben Di Madchen So Gerne
Gaudeamus Igitur – Romantic Old Heidelberg
Hoffbrau Singers – Ein  Prosit! A Toast!
Ivan Rebroff – Kosaken Mussen Reiten
Johannes Heesters – Da, Geh’ich Ins Maxim
Lucie Baierl – Wine, Women and Schrammeln
Paul Horbiger – Servuswein
Peter Alexander – The Golden Album of Peter  Alexander, Peter Alexander Prasentiert Walt Disney’s Welt
Robert  Stolz – Ein Shoner Herbst
Serge Jaroff – The Best of Serge Jaroff and His  Don Cossacks
Various – A Echte Gaudi, Ein Heurigenabend Bei Toni Karas, Music of the Austrian Alps, Musical Memories of Germany Vol. 2 “Auf Zum Oktoberfest”, Schenkt Man Sich Rosen In Tirol
Wiener Schrammelguartett –  Erinnerung An Wein
Winer Terzett – Tanze Aus Dem Alten Wein
Hip Hop: 6 records
Boogie Boys – City Life
LL Cool J – Radio
New Kids On The Block – Hangin’  Tough, Hangin’ Tough (Calendar Pack 7″)
Snap! – The Power
Various – Electric Breakdance
Jazz: 12 records
Dean Martin – Dean Martin Hits Again, Gentle On My Mind, This is Dean Martin!
Frank Sinatra – I’m Glad There Is You/You Can Take My Word for It Baby (7″), Strangers in the Night, Ultimate Sinatra
Jack La Forge – Unchain My Heart
John Tropea – Short Trip to Space
Paul Winter – Common Ground 
Various – Happiness Is (Box  Set), Kings of Swing
Winter Consort – Road
Kids: 20 records
Al Smith – Happytime Songs for Children
Candle – The Music Machine
Carole and  Jimmy Owens – Ants’hillvania
Children’s Television Workshop – Songs From Sesame Street 2
Disney Choir – It’s A Small World
Disney – Walt Disney Presents Mickey Mouse and His Friends
Ethel Barrett – Children’s Stories: The Mysterious White  Envelope
Marcy Tigner – Sings Nursery Rhymes, Wear a Smile
Nancy  F.A. Woolnough – The Adventures of Raindrop #3
Peter Pan – Popeye the Sailor Man 4 Exciting Stories
Richard Wolfe Children’s Songs – A Raggedy Ann Songbook
Sesame Street – Sesame Street Gold! The Best of Sesame Street, Sleepytime Bird, The Year of Roosevelt Franklin: Gordon’s Friend
Sharron Lucky – Follow the Clouds
Singspiration Trio – Songs for Children No. 2
Strawberry  Shortcake – Strawberry Shortcake and  Her Friends (photo disc)
Susie and Johnny – Sings Stories by Susie and Johnny and Their Singing Pals
Thomas Moore – Sleepy Time
Metal: 10 records
Bloodrock – Live
Jethro Tull – A Passion Play 
Metallica – The Good The Bad & The Live: The 6 1/2 Year Anniversary Collection,  Harvester of Sorrow, Jump in the Fire, Kill ‘Em All
Motley Crue – Girls, Girls, Girls
Slayer – Hell Awaits
Twisted Sister – Love is for Suckers, Under the Blade
Outlaw Country
Johnny Rodriguez – Foolin’ With Fire
Kris Kristofferson – Border Lord, Me and Bobby McGee, The Silver-Tongued Devil and  I
Kris Kristofferson & Rita Coolidge – Full Moon
Merle Haggard – Amber Waves of Grain, The Best Of The Best Of Merle Haggard, It’s All in the Movies, Same Train Different Time
Tanya Tucker – What’s Your Mama’s Name
Waylon Jennings – Wanted! The Outlaws
Willie Nelson – Willie  Nelson’s Greatest Hits
Willie Nelson & Family – Honeysuckle Rose
Pop: 38 records
Connie Francis – The Very Best of Connie Francis
Cyndi Lauper – True Colors
Debby Boone – Surrender
Eurythmics – Greatest Hits
Gene Pitney – The Many Sides of Gene Pitney
Go-Go’s – Beauty and The Beat
Halsey – Badlands
Helen Reddy – Long Hard Climb
Johnny Mathis – Close to You, More Johnny’s Greatest Hits
Maureen McGovern – The Morning After
Michael Jackson – Thriller
Neighborhood – I Love You.
Neil Diamond – Classics The Early Years, Gold, Hot August Night, Tap Root Manuscript
Oh Wonder – Ultralife
Olivia Newton-John – Olivia’s Greatest Hits Vol. 2, Physical
Panic! At The Disco – Death of a Bachelor, Pray for the Wicked
Paul Anka – 21 Greatest Hits
R.B. Greaves – R.B. Greaves
Ready for the World – Oh Sheila
Rick Springfield – Working Class Dog
Righteous Brothers – Back to Back
Sonny & Cher – All I Ever Need Is You
Sylvan Esso – Sylvan Esso
Toni Basil – Word of Mouth
Various – 24 Groovy Greats, From Broadway to Hollywood, Love is Blue (box set), Super Stars – Super Hits, They Come to America, Zenith Presents The Hit Makers
Wayne Newton – Summer Wind
Wham! – Make it Big
Rock: 54 records
4 Skins – A Few 4 Skins More Vol 2
AC/DC – Fly On the Wall
Adolescents – Brats in Batallion
Alice Cooper – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits
Animals – The Best of the Animals
Bad Religion – Against the Grain
Bauhaus – Mask
Beastie Boys – Licensed to Ill
Beatles – 1962-1966, Introducing… the Beatles
Billy Joel – An Innocent Man
Blood, Sweat, and Tears – Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Boatz – Boatz
Bob Seger – The Distance
Bobby Darin – It’s You Or No One
Camel – Breathless
Chuck Berry – Chuck Berry’s Greatest Hits
Circle Jerks – Group Sex
Cliff Richard – Two a Penny
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Deja Vu
Cure –  Boys Don’t Cry, Japanese Whispers
Dad  Punchers – These Times Weren’t Made for You
Everly Brothers – Everly Brothers’ Original Greatest Hits, The Golden Hits of the Everly Brothers, Very Best of the Everly Brothers
Fleetwood Mac – Fleetwood Mac, Greatest Hits, Rumours, Tango In The Night, Tusk
Free Beer – Highway  Robbery
Grateful Dead – Touch of Grey (7″)
Green Day – Dookie
Hard-Ons – Dickcheese, The Worst Of…
J Geils Band – Freeze-Frame
Jerry Lee Lewis – By Request: More of the Greatest Live Show On Earth
Jesse Colin Young – Love On The Wing
Journey – Escape
Kenny Loggins – Nightwatch
Kenny Loggins & Messina – The Best of Friends, Native Sons
Lee Michaels – 5th
Mike & The Mechanics – Mike + The Mechanics
Pat Benatar – Crimes of Passion, Get Nervous, Heartbreaker, Live From Earth
Stevie Nicks – Bella  Donna, Rock a Little
Tom Jones – Live in Las Vegas, This Is Tom Jones, The Tom Jones Fever Zone, Tom Jones Live! At The Talk Of The Town
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Rockabilly: 12 records
Elvis Presley – Almost in Love, Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite, Elvis Now, Elvis’ Golden Records, G.I. Blues, How Great Thou Art, Let’s Be Friends, Pure Gold, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Welcome to My World, Worldwide Gold Award Hits
Ricky Nelson – Legendary Masters Series
Soundtrack: 24 records
Burt Bacharach – Lost Horizon
Dory Previn – Valley of the Dolls
Isaac Hayes – Shaft
Jack L. Warner – 1776
Leonard Bernstein –  West Side Story
Mary Martin –  Mary Martin Sings The Sound of Music
Mr. Pickwick – Mr. Pickwick Sings Songs from Mary Poppins
Neil Diamond –  Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky –  Suite from “The Nutcracker”
Ray Parker Jr. – Ghostbusters
Rossini – The Barber of Seville (box set)
Simon & Garfunkel – The Graduate
Unknown – HearSeeDo: Hanna-Barbera Record of Safety, Superman
Various – 2001 A Space Odyssey, 50 Happy Years of Disney Favorites (1923-1973), Fantasia, The Fox and the Hound, Grease, Song of Norway, That’s Entertainment: Musical Highlights from Camelot! Sounds of Music! etc., Top Gun, Urban Cowboy
Vince Guaraldi – Selections from the Soundtrack ” A Boy  Named Charlie  Brown”
Record Collection There are 329 records in my collection as of January 9, 2019. This list includes Alternative Rock, Christmas, Classical, Comedy, Country, Dance, Folk, German, Hip  Hop, Jazz, Kids, Metal, Outlaw Country, Pop, Rock, Rockabilly, and Soundtrack.
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black-sapphire57 · 2 years
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Honestly wth is going on here?😂😂
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perspectief1 · 6 years
2018 Exciting Update: Advancing Novel Treatment Options for Narcolepsy
The blog post 2018 Exciting Update: Advancing Novel Treatment Options for Narcolepsy was originally published on www.perspectief.org
One of my biggest takeaway from the APSS 2018 SLEEP Meeting last month was the great amount of drug development underway for narcolepsy! Below is a list of some of the emerging treatments “abuzz” at #SLEEP2018. These are at various stages in development, and it’s hard to predict how quickly each will advance to (hopefully) gain regulatory approval and become available in the U.S. and other locations worldwide. Some are in clinical trials with opportunities to get involved. If you’ve participated in a clinical trial  — THANK YOU! You’re making a huge difference to improve the lives of people with narcolepsy for years to come.
Please remember, I failed high school biology, sorry mom! But seriously, I am not a scientist or doctor. You should always speak with your narcolepsy specialist about treatment options and whether a clinical trial would be a good option for you. However, I hope this post helps provide access to information. When navigating a serious condition like narcolepsy, information is power. 
Background: Pitolisant is a histamine H3 receptor inverse agonist that activates histamine neurons, under development in the US to treat excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy in people with narcolepsy. This an exciting advance because pitolisant works via a different mechanism of action than other treatment options currently available. This great article talks about the mechanisms of action and offers some ideas on how the treatment may work. 
Pitolisant has been on the market in Europe for two years now, since it’s approval by the European Medicines Agency in 2016. In Europe, pitolisant is known by its trade name “Wakix”. In October 2017, Harmony Biosciences, LLC acquired the rights to develop, register and market the drug in the United States.
Research Findings:
Phase 3 study results focused on excessive daytime sleepiness: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24107292
Subsequent Phase 3 study results focused on cataplexy: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28129985
Current status: On May 21, 2018, Harmony Biosciences, LLC announced here that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Breakthrough Therapy and Fast Track designations to pitolisant for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy in people with narcolepsy.
Get Involved: While the clinical trials necessary for the FDA to consider the approval of the drug are complete, there is a system set up for some eligible individuals to gain access the treatment at this point through an open-label Expanded Access Program. Learn more here.
Background: Solriamfetol (also known as JZP-110) is a wake-promoting agent, a dopamine and nonrepinephrine reuptake inhibitor to treat excessive daytime sleepiness in people with narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea. Clinical and preclinical data suggest that the wake-promoting effects of solriamfetol differ from medications such as modafinil and amphetamine.
Current Status: In March 2018, the FDA accepted for filing Jazz Pharmaceutical’s New Drug Application (NDA) seeking marketing approval for solriamfetol (also known as JZP-110) for the treatment of excessive sleepiness in adults with narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea.
Research Findings: There were a ton of posters and presentations at the 2018 SLEEP meeting on solriamfetol. Jazz’s full announcement is here. Four phase 3 clinical trials support solriamfetol’s NDA, including:
One study evaluating excessive sleepiness in adult patients with narcolepsy (TONES 2)
Two studies evaluating excessive sleepiness in adult patients with OSA (TONES 3 and TONES 4),
An open-label long term safety and maintenance of efficacy for the treatment of excessive sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy or OSA (TONES 5).
Once-nightly formulation of sodium oxybate
Background: This is a once-nightly formulation of sodium oxybate using Avadel Pharmaceuticals’ proprietary Micropump® technology to provide an extended-release of the drug. It is currently undergoing testing in a Phase 3 clinical trial for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and cataplexy in people living with narcolepsy.
Current status: On January 10, 2018, Avadel Pharmaceuticals announced that their once-nightly formulation of sodium oxybate has been granted Orphan Drug Designation from the FDA.
Research Findings:
First-in-Human Study
Second Clinical Trial Results
Get Involved: Currently recruiting participants in U.S. and other locations internationally to participate in the Phase 3 REST-ON trial. For more information, visit www.rethinknarcolepsy.com and ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02720744
Pediatric indication for sodium oxybate
Background: While some children currently take sodium oxybate to treat cataplexy and excessive daytime sleepiness of narcolepsy, it is currently considered “off-label” use because the treatment had not been formally evaluated and FDA-approved specifically for a pediatric population. (Off-label use is NOT improper use, and many people rely on “off-label” use to access critical treatments, especially in children and rare disease populations. However, this supplemental application, if approved, should help to improve access to sodium oxybate for children with narcolepsy.)
Current status: On June 27, 2018, Jazz Pharmaceuticals announced here that the FDA accepted for priority review its supplemental new drug application (sNDA) seeking revised labeling for Xyrem (sodium oxybate) oral solution, to include an indication to treat cataplexy and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in children with narcolepsy. The goal date for an FDA decision is October 27, 2018!
Research Findings: E Mignot, G Plazzi, Y Dauvilliers, C Rosen, C Ruoff, J Black, R Parvataneni, D Guinta, Y Wang, M Lecendreux; 0813 Sodium Oxybate Treatment of Narcolepsy in Pediatric Patients: Long-term Efficacy and Safety, Sleep, Volume 41, Issue suppl_1, 27 April 2018, Pages A302, https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsy061.812
Low sodium version of sodium oxybate
Background: JZP-258 is a low-sodium version of sodium oxybate that has 90 percent less sodium.
Get Involved:
Phase 3 clinical trial currently underway for people with narcolepsy with cataplexy: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03030599
Phase 3 clinical trial preparing to open for people with idiopathic hypersomnia: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03533114
Advancing Orexin-Related Therapies!
Since 1999, we’ve known that type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy is caused by a selective loss of neurons producing the neuropeptide orexin (otherwise known as hypocretin), which plays a central role in maintaining wakefulness. However, finding compounds that can get past the blood-brain barrier and mimic the function of orexin has been scientifically challenging. Over the past 20 years, a few approaches have been explored, but the most recent progress comes from Japan!
Background: In 2017, the nonpeptide orexin type-2 receptor agonist, YNT-185 was found to improve narcolepsy-cataplexy symptoms in mouse models. This study provided a proof-of-concept for mechanistic treatments of narcolepsy with orexin receptor agonists. The compound also promoted wakefulness in “wildtype” mice (meaning typical mice that didn’t have narcolepsy), suggesting that orexin receptor agonists could be useful for treating sleepiness due to other causes.
Research Findings: Irukayama-Tomobe Y et al. (2017) A non-peptide orexin type-2 receptor agonist ameliorates narcolepsy-cataplexy symptoms in mouse models. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA doi/10.1073/pnas.1700499114
Current Status: The research team is currently refining the compound.
Background: In 2017, also in Japan, a patent was claimed for orexin 2 receptor selective agonist, structurally different from YNT-185. The patent includes strong agonists including the clinical candidate TAK-925. 
In April 2018, the orexin 2 receptor-selective agonist, TAK-925, was found to significantly increased wakefulness time and also completely recovered wakefulness fragmentation and cataplexy-like episodes in orexin/ataxin-3 transgenic mice. This study indicated that the treatment may have the potential to treat a broad range of narcolepsy symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy.
A second publication reported on the pharmacological and electrophysiological characterization of TAK-925 from in vitro (petri dish-type studies) and in vivo (studies in wild-type mice and non-human primates including common marmosets, and cynomolgus monkeys).TAK-925 was shown to induce wake-promoting effects in the mice and nonhuman primates.
Research Findings:
T Fujimoto, K Rikimaru, K Fukuda, H Sugimoto, T. Matsumoto, N Tokunaga, M. Hirozane SUBSTITUTED PIPERIDINE COMPOUND AND USE THEREOF WO2017135306 https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2017135306
M Suzuki, H Yukitake, T Ishikawa, H Kimura; 0001 An Orexin 2 Receptor-selective Agonist TAK-925 Ameliorates Narcolepsy-like Symptoms In Orexin/ataxin-3 Mice, Sleep, Volume 41, Issue suppl_1, 27 April 2018, Pages A1, https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsy061.000
H Yukitake, T Ishikawa, A Suzuki, Y Shimizu, M Nakashima, T Fujimoto, K Rikimaru, M Ito, M Suzuki, H Kimura; 0002 An Orexin 2 Receptor-selective Agonist, TAK-925, Shows Robust Wake-promoting Effects In Mice And Non-human Primates, Sleep, Volume 41, Issue suppl_1, 27 April 2018, Pages A1, https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsy061.001
Current Status: It’s exciting to see that TAK-925 has advanced to human studies!
In Japan, the first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial of TAK-925 is currently underway testing the compound in people with narcolepsy healthy adults and elderly people to learn about the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of a single intravenous administration. Learn more: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03332784
In the U.S., TAK-925 is in a Phase 1B  study comparing it to modafinil in sleep-deprived healthy adults. Learn more: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03522506
Please know this is NOT a full list of all emerging treatments under development for narcolepsy. I lost steam before even getting to GABA-A receptor antagonists under investigation for people with idiopathic hypersomnia. For a more thorough review of emerging narcolepsy treatments from March 2017: New developments in the management of narcolepsy.
A HUGE thank you to all those who are working to make this progress possible: scientists, drug developers, clinical research teams, and individuals with narcolepsy and  families around the world. Your contributions are making a very meaningful difference.
Support Narcolepsy Research
While the current pharmaceutical industry investment in narcolepsy drug development is encouraging, the current federal investment in basic and translational narcolepsy research is not encouraging. In Fiscal Year 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded an estimated $2.6 million total for all of narcolepsy type 1, narcolepsy type 2 and idiopathic hypersomnia research.  This is a significant reduction in the past decade (full analysis here).
Many unanswered research questions remain and federal funding is a critical resource to enable top researchers to make progress to better understand the biological mechanisms underlying all types of narcolepsy and lead us to the next generation of treatment options. If advancing research is important to you, please sign up for Project Sleep’s upcoming advocacy webinar.
Project Sleep is strategically elevating the voices of people living with sleep-related conditions and their loved ones to help decision-makers understand the urgency of our unmet needs. See our advocacy guiding principles here. Some of our efforts are more general for “sleep health and sleep disorders research” and others will be targeted to certain overlooked sleep-related disorders. ALL are important. Believe me, I will NOT waste your precious time and energy on efforts that will go nowhere. I’m protective of my tribe’s spoons! I will only ask for your support when it’s high-impact work. Thank you for joining our upcoming webinar and for all your incredible support over so many years now. I’m forever grateful for this community!
from Julie Flygare http://julieflygare.com/2018-exciting-update-advancing-novel-treatment-options-for-narcolepsy/
from https://www.perspectief.org/2018-exciting-update-advancing-novel-treatment-options-for-narcolepsy/
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10 Interesting German Fiction Books
1. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, A.W. Wheen (Translator)
“This is the testament of Paul Bäumer, who enlists with his classmates in the German army of World War I. These young men become enthusiastic soldiers, but their world of duty, culture, and progress breaks into pieces under the first bombardment in the trenches. Through years of vivid horror, Paul holds fast to a single vow: to fight against the hatred that meaninglessly pits young men of the same generation but different uniforms against one another – if only he can come out of the war alive.’ (goodreads)
2. The Trialby Franz Kafka, Edwin Muir (Translator), Willa Muir (Translator), Max Brod (Afterword)
“Written in 1914 but not published until 1925, a year after Kafka’s death, The Trial is the terrifying tale of Josef K., a respectable bank officer who is suddenly and inexplicably arrested and must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Whether read as an existential tale, a parable, or a prophecy of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the madness of totalitarianism, The Trial has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers.” (goodreads)
3. The Readerby Bernhard Schlink, Carol Brown Janeway (Translator)
“Hailed for its coiled eroticism and the moral claims it makes upon the reader, this mesmerizing novel is a story of love and secrets, horror and compassion, unfolding against the haunted landscape of postwar Germany. When he falls ill on his way home from school, fifteen-year-old Michael Berg is rescued by Hanna, a woman twice his age. In time she becomes his lover—then she inexplicably disappears. When Michael next sees her, he is a young law student, and she is on trial for a hideous crime. As he watches her refuse to defend her innocence, Michael gradually realizes that Hanna may be guarding a secret she considers more shameful than murder.” (Goodreads)
4. Every Man Dies Aloneby Hans Fallada, Michael Hofmann (Translator), Geoff Wilkes (Afterword)
“First published in Germany in 1947, Every Man Dies Alone is a true masterpiece from a bestselling writer who saw his life crumble following his decision not to flee Germany and his refusal to join the Nazi party. The novel presents a richly detailed portrait of life in Berlin under the Nazis and tells the sweeping saga of one working-class couple’s decision to take a stand when their only son is killed at the front. With nothing but their grief and each other against the awesome power of the Reich, Otto and Anna Quangel launch a simple, clandestine resistance campaign that soon has an enraged Gestapo on their trail, and a world of terrified neighbors and cynical snitches ready to turn them in. In the end, Every Man Dies Alone is more than an edge-of-your-seat thriller, more than a moving romance, even more than literature of the highest order—it’s a deeply stirring story of two people standing up for what’s right, and for each other.” (summary.com)
5. Austerlitzby W.G. Sebald, Anthea Bell (Translator)
“In 1939, five-year-old Jacques Austerlitz is sent to England on a Kindertransport and placed with foster parents. This childless couple promptly erase from the boy all knowledge of his identity and he grows up ignorant of his past. Later in life, after a career as an architectural historian, Austerlitz - having avoided all clues that might point to his origin - finds the past returning to haunt him and he is forced to explore what happened fifty years before...” (Back cover of book)
6. Anne Frank : The Biographyby Melissa Müller, Rita Kimber (Translation), Robert Kimber (Translation)
“The first biography of the girl whose fate has touched the lives of millions. For people all over the world, Anne Frank, the vivacious, intelligent Jewish girl with a crooked smile and huge dark eyes, has become the "human face of the Holocaust." Her diary of twenty-five months in hiding, a precious record of her struggle to keep hope alive through the darkest days of this century, has touched the hearts of millions. Here, after five decades, is the first biography of this remarkable figure. Drawing on exclusive interviews with family and friends, on previously unavailable correspondence, and on documents long kept secret, Melissa Muller creates a nuanced portrait of her famous subject. This is the flesh-and-blood Anne Frank, unsentimentalized and so all the more affecting--Anne Frank restored to history. Muller traces Frank's life from an idyllic childhood in an assimilated family well established in Frankfurt banking circles to her passionate adolescence in German-occupied Amsterdam and her desperate in Bergen Belsen at the age of sixteen. Full of revelations, this richly textured biography casts new light on Anne's relations with her mother, whom she treats harshly in the diary, and solves an enduring mystery: who betrayed the families hiding in the annex just when liberation was at hand? This is an indispensable volume for all those who seek a deeper, richer understanding of Anne Frank and the brutal times in which she lived and died.” (history.com)
7. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germanyby William L. Shirer
“Hitler boasted that The Third Reich would last a thousand years. It lasted only 12. But those 12 years contained some of the most catastrophic events Western civilization has ever known.
No other powerful empire ever bequeathed such mountains of evidence about its birth and destruction as the Third Reich. When the bitter war was over, and before the Nazis could destroy their files, the Allied demand for unconditional surrender produced an almost hour-by-hour record of the nightmare empire built by Adolph Hitler. This record included the testimony of Nazi leaders and of concentration camp inmates, the diaries of officials, transcripts of secret conferences, army orders, private letters—all the vast paperwork behind Hitler's drive to conquer the world.
The famed foreign correspondent and historian William L. Shirer, who had watched and reported on the Nazis since 1925, spent five and a half years sifting through this massive documentation. The result is a monumental study that has been widely acclaimed as the definitive record of one of the most frightening chapters in the history of mankind.
This worldwide bestseller has been acclaimed as the definitive book on Nazi Germany; it is a classic work.
The accounts of how the United States got involved and how Hitler used Mussolini and Japan are astonishing, and the coverage of the war-from Germany's early successes to her eventual defeat-is must reading.” (Goodreads)
8. Outlander (Outlander #1)by Diana Gabaldon
“The year is 1945. Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, is back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon—when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient stone circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of Our Lord . . . 1743. Hurled back in time by forces she cannot understand, Claire is catapulted into the intrigues of lairds and spies that may threaten her life . . . and shatter her heart. For here James Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior, shows her a love so absolute that Claire becomes a woman torn between fidelity and desire . . . and between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives.” (goodreads)
9. Number the Starsby Lois Lowry
“Ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen and her best friend Ellen Rosen often think of life before the war. It's now 1943 and their life in Copenhagen is filled with school, food shortages, and the Nazi soldiers marching through town. When the Jews of Denmark are "relocated," Ellen moves in with the Johansens and pretends to be one of the family. Soon Annemarie is asked to go on a dangerous mission to save Ellen's life.”(Goodreads)
10. Debunking Holocaust Denial Theoriesby James Morcan (Goodreads Author), Lance Morcan (Goodreads Author),Hetty E. Verolme (Foreword)
“DEBUNKING HOLOCAUST DENIAL THEORIES: Two Non-Jews Affirm the Historicity of the Nazi Genocide, by independent researchers and filmmakers James Morcan & Lance Morcan with a foreword by Holocaust survivor Hetty E. Verolme (author of The Children's House of Belsen), aims to end the denial once and for all by tackling the bizarre phenomenon head-on. Written in close consultation with Holocaust survivors and World War Two historians, no stone is left unturned in meticulously verifying the historical facts of the genocide. The Morcans present a wide array of sources including Nazi documentation, eyewitness accounts, scientific reports and shocking photographic evidence to shut down the debate deniers wish to create.” (Goodreads) 
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steenpaal · 7 years
John Argyropoulos - Wikipedia
John Argyropoulos (Greek: Ἰωάννης Ἀργυρόπουλος Ioannis Argiropoulos, Italian: Giovanni Argiropulo, surname also spelt Argyropulus, or Argyropulos, or Argyropulo; c. 1415 – 26 June 1487) was a lecturer, philosopher and humanist, one of the émigré Greek scholars who pioneered the revival of Classical learning in 15th-century Italy.[7] He translated Greek philosophical and theological works into Latin besides producing rhetorical and theological works of his own. He was in Italy for the Council of Florence during 1439–1444, and returned to Italy following the fall of Constantinople, teaching in Padua, Florence and Rome from 1456 until his death.
John Argyropoulos was born in c. 1415, in Constantinople. He was Greek.[8]
Argyropoulos studied theology and philosophy in Constantinople. As a teacher there he had amongst his pupils the scholar Constantine Lascaris. He was an official in the service of one of the rulers of the Byzantine Morea and in 1439 was a member of the Byzantine delegation to the Council of Florence, when they accepted Catholicism and abjured Greek Orthodoxy.[9] In 1443/4, he received a Doctor of Theology degree from the University of Padua[10] before returning to Constantinople.[11]
When Constantinople fell in 1453, he left it for the Peloponnesus and in 1456, took refuge in Italy, where he worked as a teacher in the revival of Greek philosophy in the universities of Padua, Florence and Rome and as head of the Greek department at Florence’s ‘Florentine Studium’ university.[12] In 1471, on the outbreak of the plague, he moved to Rome, where he continued to act as a teacher of Greek till his death.
He made efforts to transport Greek philosophy to Western Europe. He left a number of Latin translations, including many of Aristotle's works. His principal works were translations of the following portions of Aristotle, Categoriae, De Interpretatione, Analytica Posteriora, Physica, De Caelo, De Anima, Metaphysica, Ethica Nicomachea, Politica; and an Expositio Ethicorum Aristotelis. Several of his writings exist still in manuscript.[13] His students included Pietro de' Medici and Lorenzo de' Medici, Angelo Poliziano and Johann Reuchlin, and possibly Leonardo da Vinci.[14]
He died on June 26, 1487 in Florence, supposedly of consuming too much watermelon.[15]
See also[edit]
^ Sleptzoff, L. M. (1978). Men or supermen?: The Italian portrait in the fifteenth century. Magnes Press. p. 68. OCLC 4331192. Cf. E. Steinmann, Ghirlandaio, Leipzig, 1897, pp. 18-21, and pl. 10 and 13, who recognizes, among the members of the Florentine colony in Rome, Argyropoulos and Giovanni Tornabuoni. 88. See Steinmann, op. cit., p. 40 ff. 
^ Burnell, Frederic Spencer (1930). Rome. Longmans, Green & co. p. 217. OCLC 7141638. We may perhaps recognize, in the group on the right, the bearded head of the famous Greek scholar, Argyropoulos, and, immediately to the left, the wealthy banker, Giovanni Tornabuoni 
^ Marle, Raimond van; Marle, Charlotte van (1923). The development of the Italian schools of painting, Volume 13. M. Nijhoff. p. 30. OCLC 162830458. Among the portraits Herr Steinmann has succeeded in recognizing the Greek, Jean Argyropoulos, commentator of Aristotle, who is the old man with a long beard, the papal treasurer, Giovanni Tornabuoni ... he is the clean-shaven man to the right of Argyropoulos while the oldest of the three boys might be Lorenzo, the son of Giovanni Tornabuoni. 
^ Davies, Gerald Stanley (1909). Ghirlandaio. Methuen and co. p. 53. OCLC 192133437. Next to him a greybearded man with a flat hat, seen only head and shoulders, is with tolerable certainty recognised as the Greek humanist, Johannes Argyropulos, the translator into Italian of Aristotle. He had been invited by Cosimo dei Medici 
^ Spyros Panagopoulos, "Higher Education in Byzantium"
^ a b c John Argyropoulos at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
^ "John Argyropoulos.". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2009-10-02. John Argyropoulos Byzantine educator born 1415, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Turkey] died June 26, 1487, Rome, Papal States [Italy] Byzantine humanist and active promoter of the revival of Classical learning in the West.  Doby, Tibor (1963). Discoverers of blood circulation: from Aristotle to the times of da Vinci and Harvey. Abelard-Schuman. p. 252. OCLC 315911202.  Rabil, Albert (1991). Knowledge, goodness, and power: the debate over nobility among quattrocento Italian humanists. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies. p. 197. ISBN 0-86698-100-4. John Argyropoulos (c. 1415-87) played a prominent role in the revival of Greek philosophy in Italy. He came to Italy permanently in 1457 and held 
^ Masters, Roger D. (1999). Fortune Is a River: Leonardo Da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli's Magnificent Dream to Change the Course of Florentine History. Plume. p. 55. ISBN 0-452-28090-7. Cosimo was also a lover and exalter of literary men; he therefore brought Argyropoulos to Florence, a man of Greek birth and very learned for those times, so that Florentine youth might learn from him  Magnus, Laurie; Boas, Frederick Samuel (1934). A history of European literature. I. Nicholson and Watson. p. 72. OCLC 1614734. Foremost among the interpreters was the Greek, Johannes Argyropoulos, who lectured in Florence to Politian and in Rome to Johann 
^ "John Argyropoulos.". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2009-10-02. John Argyropoulos Argyropoulos divided his time between Italy and Constantinople; he was in Italy (1439) for the Council of Florence and spent some time teaching and studying in Padua, earning a degree in 1443. 
^ Spyr. P. Lampros, Argyropouleia, published: P.D. Sakellariou, 1910, p. liii. Jonathan Woolfson, Padua and the Tudors: English Students in Italy, 1485-1603', James Clarke & Co, 1998, p. 4.
^ Grendler, Paul F; Renaissance Society of America (1999). Encyclopedia of the Renaissance: Galen-Lyon Volume 3. Scribner's published in association with the Renaissance Society of America. p. 86. ISBN 0-684-80510-3. Another Greek, John Argyropoulos (1415-1487), received a degree from the University of Padua in 1444 and then returned to Constantinople 
^ Hancock, Lee (2005). Lorenzo de' Medici: Florence's great leader and patron of the arts. The Rosen Publishing Group. p. 35. ISBN 9781404203150. He learned Greek from Johannis Argyropoulos (circa 1416-1486), who was the head of the Greek department at the city’s university, called Florentine Studium.  "John Argyropoulos.". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2009-10-02. When Constantinople fell in 1453 he left it for the Peloponnese and in 1456 took refuge in Italy.  Rabil, Albert (1991). Knowledge, goodness, and power: the debate over nobility among quattrocento Italian humanists. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies. p. 197. ISBN 0-86698-100-4. 
^ a b Chisholm 1911.
^ On Da Vinci attending lectures by Argyropoulos:
Deno John Geanakoplos in Constantinople and the West: Essays on the Late Byzantine (Paleologan) and Italian Renaissances and the Byzantine and Roman Churches, University of Wisconsin Press, 1989;
Fotis Vassileiou and Barbara Saribalidou in "John Argyropoulos teacher of Leonardo Da Vinci", Philosophy Pathways 117, 2006;
Fotis Vassileiou & Barbara Saribalidou, "Short Biographical Lexicon of Byzantine Academics Immigrants to Western Europe", 2007.
^ Harris, Jonathan, The End of Byzantium (Yale University Press, 2011), p. 252.
 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Argyropulus, John". Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. 
Geanakoplos, Deno J., “Constantinople and the West: Essays on the Late Byzantine (Palaeologan) and Italian Renaissances and the Byzantine and Roman Churches”, University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, ISBN 0-299-11884-3
Geanakoplos, Deno J., 'A Byzantine looks at the Renaissance', Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
Harris, Jonathan, 'Byzantines in Renaissance Italy', Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
Vassileiou, Fotis & Saribalidou, Barbara, Short Biographical Lexicon of Byzantine Academics Immigrants in Western Europe, 2007, ISBN 978-960-93027-5-3
Nicholl Charles, “Leonardo Da Vinci: The Flights of the Mind”, Penguin Books Ltd, 2005, ISBN 0-14-029681-6
Vassileiou Fotis, Saribalidou Barbara, 'John Argyropoulos teacher of Leonardo da Vinci', Philosophy Pathways Issue 117, 19 May 2006, International Society for Philosophers
Migné, Patrologia Graeca vol. 158 (documentacatholicaomnia.eu)
External links[edit]
0 notes
recentanimenews · 2 years
Manga the Week of 12/8/21
SEAN: Busy busy busy! Almost forgot to type this up this week! What do we see?
ASH: Oh, do I know the feeling!
SEAN: Yen On has the 3rd volume of The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten as well as Reign of the Seven Spellblades 4.
Yen Press debuts an artbook: AidaIro Illustrations: Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. This does exactly what it says on the tin.
ASH: I quite like the art in Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, so I’m looking forward to this collection.
Also out from Yen’s manga imprint: Bofuri: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense 2, The Eminence in Shadow 2, Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger 6, For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams 7, and The Saga of Tanya the Evil 15.
MICHELLE: As with much else, I do mean to get around to reading For the Kid I Saw in My Dreams someday.
ASH: I read the first few volumes and have the next few on hand, though I haven’t actually gotten around to reading them yet.
SEAN: Three debuts from Viz. Akira Toriyama’s Manga Theater is a massive, 625-page hardcover featuring a ton of short stories from the legendary Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball creator.
ANNA: That sounds like a great holiday present!
MICHELLE: I didn’t love Dr. Slump but really adored Toriyama’s COWA! oneshot, so might check this out.
ASH: Wow, that’s a lot of manga packed into one volume! Should hopefully be pretty good.
MELINDA: This is pretty cool!
SEAN: Kaiju No. 8 is a Shonen Jump + release that already is getting simulpubbed, and has HUGE buzz. A man who works on cleaning up after Japanese Godzilla monsters suddenly finds himself with new powers. Can he now achieve his dream of fighting them?
ANNA: Also intriguing.
ASH: Indeed! I’ve heard good things.
MELINDA: Okay, I’m ready.
SEAN: Rosen Blood is from Akita Shoten’s Princess, and if I said reverse harem vampire story would that get your attention?
ANNA: This fully has my attention, surprising no one.
We also get the final volume of Takane & Hana, the 18th, which is out in both a regular edition and a special edition which has a variant cover and an extra chapter. I’ll miss these goofballs.
ANNA: I’m behind on this series, but I am fond of it!
MICHELLE: I will miss them too!
SEAN: There’s also Chainsaw Man 8, Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition 15, Jujutsu Kaisen 13, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War 21, One Piece 98, Queen’s Quality 13, We Never Learn 19, Yakuza Lover 3, and Yona of the Dawn 33.
ANNA: Stoked for the excellence of Yona of the Dawn and the insanity of Yakuza Lover.
ASH: Always glad to see Yona on the list. I’ve been enjoying Queen’s Quality, too.
SEAN: Tokyopop has a 5th volume of Laughing Under the Clouds.
Square Enix has the 8th Hi Score Girl.
Seven Seas debuts Robo Sapiens: Tales of Tomorrow (Robo Sapiens Zenshi), a done-in-one omnibus from Kodansha’s Morning Two. This is a multi-award winning manga about robots and humans, and how far apart and close to each other they are.
MICHELLE: Sounds intriguing.
ASH: I’m here for it!
SEAN: Also from Seven Seas: CALL TO ADVENTURE! Defeating Dungeons with a Skill Board 3, DUNGEON DIVE: Aim for the Deepest Level 2, Hitomi-chan is Shy With Strangers 2, and Young Ladies Don’t Play Fighting Games 2.
Kodansha’s first print debut screams “this is actually Vertical”: Emma Dreams of Stars (Emma wa Hoshi no Yume wo Miru). A one-shot from Kodansha’s Morning, but it was originally published in France, and is about the first woman Michelin Guide Inspector.
ANNA: Ooh!
MICHELLE: I second that “Ooh!”
ASH: And thirded!
MELINDA: And I’ll just repeat, “Ooh!”
SEAN: Also debuting is Hitorijime Boyfriend, a one-shot from Ichijinsha’s Gateau and prequel to Hitorijime My Hero.
Kodansha also has a lot of print titles whose ebooks came out a week or two (or more) ago. We see Bakemonogatari 11, Blood on the Tracks 7, Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro 9, Orient 6, Shaman King Omnibus 6, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie 7, UQ Holder 24, and When Will Ayumu Make His Move? 2.
Digitally our debut is My Master Has No Tail (Uchi no Shishou wa Shippo ga nai), a good! Afternoon series that has the unlikely teamup of a tanuki and a rakugo master.
ASH: Sounds like my kind of team!
SEAN: And there’s Chihayafuru 29, Kounodori: Dr. Stork 18, Love After World Domination 3, My Dearest Self With Malice Aforethought 11 (the final volume), Saint Young Men 14, Smile Down the Runway 21, With the Sheikh in His Harem 8 (also a final volume), and Ya Boy Kongming! 6.
MICHELLE: Insert obligatory Chihayafuru rejoicing.
SEAN: J-Novel Club has a few series in print which, well, are mostly already out, but Amazon lists them as next week, so… anyway, it’s Ascendance of a Bookworm 10, I Shall Survive Using Potions! (manga) 5, Infinite Dendrogram 14, A Lily Blooms in Another World, My Friend’s Little Sister Has It in for Me! 1, Tearmoon Empire 2, and The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (manga) 2.
ASH: I am so far behind on my light novel reading, but there are some good ones here.
SEAN: Digitally we have two light novels debuting. Goodbye Otherworld, See You Tomorrow (Sayonara Isekai, Mata Kite Ashita), a post-apocalyptic journey series that looks a bit more serious than most recent isekai titles.
There’s also Private Tutor to the Duke’s Daughter (Koujo Denka no Kateikyoushi), the story of a commoner who was trying to become a court magician… but failed. Now his only recourse to avoid debt is a suspicious tutoring job.
We also see Lazy Dungeon Master 15 and the 7th Unwanted Undead Adventurer (manga version).
Ghost Ship has Call Girl in Another World 3 and Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs 16.
Denpa Books gives us The Girl with the Sanpaku Eyes 3.
And Dark Horse has the 3rd volume of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!.
Cross Infinite World gives us Reset! The Imprisoned Princess Dreams of Another Chance! 2 digitally.
Lastly, Airship has two digital-early titles: The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan 2 and Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship! 3.
Too much, too marvelous, too marvelous for words. What titles make you dance?
By: Sean Gaffney
0 notes