#satellite phone uk
johnnickwilson · 3 months
Enhancing Communication with the Cat® S75 and Satellite Phones in the UK
In conclusion, the Cat® S75 smartphone and satellite phones in the UK, such as those offered by Iridium and Inmarsat, play complementary roles in enhancing communication capabilities in diverse environments.While traditional smartphones like the Cat® S75 offer excellent connectivity in most scenarios, there are areas where terrestrial networks may be unavailable.In such situations, satellite phones provide a reliable solution for maintaining communication.
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neroushalvaus · 6 months
Tumblr in the 60s – Part 2
Part 1 / Deleted Scenes
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💁🏼‍♀️brigittebardots Follow
anyone want to get fake married so i can get the pill to slut around
💋 marrymetwiggy Follow
Just say you have painful monthlies, I heard it works if you have a nice doctor!
💫 treatmetendermaureen Follow
Remember you still should use the sheet whenever possible. Stay safe ♡
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♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
i think there's something wrong with me, i'm just so sleepy all the time, it's not fair
👭 marvelettesofficial Follow
That's because you spend all your nights listening to radio luxembourg
♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
i heard nothing last night so i built an antenna out of poultry net, iron wire and bits of tin. i cut my fingers and our family chickens ran away
☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
A small price to pay for some music.
♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
the antenna fell apart before the german guy stopped talking
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🗣 ilovejohnlennon-deactivated19660729
me: chilling
my brain: if you were shot and weren't sure whether you'd live or die should you call the cops to make sure your murderer gets caught or call the ambulance to increase your chance of survival
me: what
🗣 elviskneesofficial-deactivated19631119
There should be a number that'd reach both of those
🕺 elvisherselvis Follow
That number already exists. It's been used in my city for like a two decades.
🏆 petebest-or-bust Follow
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🕺 elvisherselvis Follow
Fuck you I'm British.
🪛 patrickwhoghton Follow
Oh my G, this post from -62 sounds so prophetic now that they're trying to make the 911 thing catch on, where's that jagger meme
🖖 spock-in-tardis Follow
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🕺 elvisherselvis Follow
This is literally not gift of prophecy. I told you back when this post was first made that this number has already existed in UK for years. It was obviously going to spread elsewhere, even US was bound to catch on at some point.
🏆 petebest-or-bust Follow
you are still here?? keeping an eye on this post??
💋 marrymetwiggy Follow
you're so grumpy @elvisherselvis maybe you should phone the emergency number and get a wahhh-mbulance
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📼 bisexualbarbaradane Follow
my date: Oh I listen to folk as well!
me: That's so cool! Who are your favourites?
my date: I'm sooo into Bob Dylan.
my date: Is everything okay?
me, stuffing jelly babies into my purse: I have to go, like, right now, immediately, sorry
#it's okay if you liked dylan before he became the judas he is #but you can't call yourself a folk fan if you still support him #ugghh i hate him #electric guitar using lil bitch #sigh #jelly baby meme #bob dylan critical // #anti bob dylan // #bob dylan hate //
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🛸 premisendgame Follow
Cock and balls, I'm watching this previously banned american film where an american man is trying to fuck a soviet spy (played by famously very russian Greta Garbo) by offering her champagne and he is like "have you never had champagne?" and Greta is like "never 🥺 only goat's milk and a ration of vodka in the army" and the tv screen freezed and was like "ERROR!! CHAMPAGNE HAS BEEN SERVED IN SOVIET UNION SINCE 1936" I'm 😂😂😂
🪐 stalincredible Follow
You Americans will say anything to make Soviet stuff look silly
🛸 premisendgame Follow
Where do you think I am watching soviet tv from?? Or did I miss the memo where americans have the monopoly on joking about their own damn country??
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🥁 ringoforpresident Follow
"In future there will be telephones you can take with you anywhere" I can't even fucking listen to Radio Luxembourg without building a goddamn satellite, sending it to space, reciting spells and prayers, and sticking the radio out of the window at 2am EET. And even then it needs to be snowing for it to work because the radio wave fairies like snow or some shit
♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
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This is my last post before I head off on my ten-day minimal-internet tidalpunk adventure (expect pics when I return!) so I thought I’d make a nice long list-type thing for all you solarpunks before I go.
Now, this might not seem very cheerful compared to my other topics - certainly all the people I’ve brought this up with irl have acted like I’m being alarmist and depressing, but I don’t see it that way. I view it as being prepared and maximising your ability to keep yourself and your community safe, which is after all what solarpunk is all about!
So without further ado, here is my *extremely idealised* suggestion for an emergency kit list to help you cope with increasingly frequent and severe extreme weather events. The goal is that with the supplies in this bag you could either shelter safely in place or get up and go, and be well supplied in either case to care for yourself and share with those in need. In fact, in both scenarios you would hopefully be able to temporarily ‘start from scratch’ in terms of infrastructure should the frameworks of society around you no longer be reliable. I based mine off suggestions by climate scientist Kendra Pierre-Louis (you can check out her advice on the ‘Unnatural Disasters’ episode of the How To Save A Planet Podcast), but yours might look subtly different depending on who you are, what you can afford/carry, and where you live.
Emergency kit list:
-Big hiking rucksack, to keep everything in
-Sleeping bag
-A small portable tent and camping stove
-A penknife or multi tool
-Matches or a lighter
-Kindling or firestarters - I use wood wool balls held together with wax
-Torch (with up to date batteries!)
-Non-perishable or long-life foods, such as protein bars, rice cakes/breadsticks/crackers, dried fruit, bagged nuts/seeds, crisps, tinned soup, pot noodles
-A seedbomb of edible plants (you can get some for slightly excessive prices here in the UK, otherwise they can be made fairly easily by combining clay, straw, paper or flour with the desired seeds)
-Two large water bottles (600-650ml) and a water bladder
-A water purifier (preferably one capable of filtering out both natural pathogens like bacteria and viruses and synthetic pollutants like heavy metals and PFAS)
-A collapsible bucket
-A first aid kit, including plasters, bandages, sterile wipes, hand sanitiser, latex gloves, antiseptic/disinfectant, (K)N95 masks to filter out particulates (whether ash or pathogens), painkillers, antihistamines, rehydration sachets, anti-emetics and anti-diarrhoeals, steroid creams, aloe vera gel, iodine tablets in case of radiation, and any medication you regularly take (including epipens and inhalers if needed)
-A pair of goggles to protect your eyes from air pollution such as smog, wildfire smoke, etc
-Toothpaste tablets and a spare toothbrush
-Period supplies (pack these even if you don’t get periods - someone you run into might need them)
-A solar charger
-A satellite phone
-A mechanical handheld fan, with working batteries, to keep you cool in extreme heat
-A magnetic heat belt for extra warmth
-A change of clothes, including a sun hat, a scarf, woolly hat and gloves for extreme cold, and waterproofs (plus an umbrella!) for wet conditions
-Pliers or secateurs for cutting through dense debris or vegetation
-Some strong, climbing-grade rope
-A trowel (for planting and digging up but also for burying…waste 😅 - a long-term wild camping scenario isn’t infeasible here)
-Your passport and any other documents (marriage certificate, adoption papers, savings bonds if you’re like a hundred years old) that you might need if fleeing your country becomes a necessity
-As much cash as you are comfortable withdrawing/leaving lying around your house/carrying with you in an emergency
-A personal locator beacon is a radio-transmitter that signals your location to emergency services via satellite. These tend to have a 24-hour battery life, so if you foresee being in any way ‘stranded’ for longer then a useful trick is to switch it on for one hour each day, and then turn it off again. This not only saves power but shows emergency services that there is conscious intention involved, proving you’re still alive and lucid
-Some things to keep your spirits up, like a chocolate bar and your favourite/funniest book
-It’s worth having a sturdy pair of hiking boots for if you have to pick up the bag and go
Obviously this list is super extra, a bunch of these things are prohibitively expensive, and some items would need periodic replacement if a long time passed without the necessity of using the emergency kit. You could also likely build a fairly functional emergency kit with only a fraction of these supplies, I’m just trying to anticipate every eventuality here.
It’s up to you whether you think the investment is worth it - it’s a big outlay for a possible zero return. Personally I think it’s at least somewhat worth it as extreme weather is only going to happen more often and have more serious consequences, and preparedness turns what could be a disaster into an inconvenience, often saving money in the long run. But it will depend on the relative likelihood of severe weather events in your local area. It’s also worth saying that these work for ostensibly non-climate related problems, from a power cut in your town to an authoritarian coup in your government to your house falling down! It isn’t just for wildfires or tornadoes.
Over the next few months I’m hoping to slowly build up the aspects of the kit that are affordable and accessible to me, with the aim of being able to keep myself safe and aid my neighbours should disaster strike.
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meetmymouth · 2 years
How has miss groupie been liking tour so far?? UK/EU and day one of Canada. Will she be joining for all of North America??
i missed groupie so here's something !!!! don't think too much about the tour dates when reading this, it's not accurate at all <3
groupie the fic
One year and twenty-five days.
One year of bliss, tours, different countries, and so much love for her and Harry.
Before him, she never thought she could be someone people wanted long term: she was always temporary, someone they could have fun with until they got bored. Then, he came along.
Sure, when Harry met Fab, it was temporary; she was temporary. Neither of them thought anything long-term when it came to their weird-fucked-up relationship. For Fab, it was all money, travels, and sex. For Harry, it was more or less the same: someone close by to fuck, whenever and however he liked.
One year and twenty-five days later, Harry found her to be something so precious; something permanent.
She'd left a permanent mark on Harry.
He knew the exact way she took her tea and coffee. He knew she hated someone touching her on the neck– especially with wet hands. She hated mornings, and Harry learned to love lay-ins when she was with him. She loved Dolma, stuffed grape leaves, so he learned how to roll them on his own, and cook them by himself. She loved bike-rides, so he bought her a brand-new bike.
She learned how to make his coffee, with the specific brand of milk he loved. He loved fresh mint in his salad, so she grew mint in Harry's back garden, alongside some lettuce, tomatoes, and sunflowers. She cooked his favourite meals, and woke up really early on the days he would leave for tour, just to say goodbye.
They changed for each other, and sort of met in the middle.
Tour was so much fun when you didn't have to explain to his crew what you were doing there.
She was the girlfriend now, not just a hook-up, the groupie.
"Does this go with my outfit?" She rummages through the makeup bag, coming across a lipstick, the shade reminding her of the Christmas lights on their tree– the one they decorated when they first got together.
Harry Lambert looks up from his phone.
"Hm?" He says, trying to see the colour.
She shows it to him, walking closer to where he's sitting.
They're in Harry's changing room, waiting for Harry to get his trousers on after some minor alterations by Harry Lambert.
"It does," Lambert nods, turning towards the small bathroom Harry is in. "Harry, is it all right?"
"Yeah," he calls back. "You can't see my bum now," he opens the door, a smile on his face as he walks towards her. "What you up to?"
"She's going through my makeup bag, I can see it," the makeup artist walks inside the room, hands on her hips.
"Fine, I'll stop."
"Leave my girlfriend alone," Harry quips, placing a kiss on her temple. "I'll buy you the same lipstick."
"You don't need to buy me anything, I told you. You need to chill," she says, referring to his latest habit: buying her whatever she mentions.
When it's time for him to go out on the stage, she takes her place in front of the stage, and Harry Lambert brings Jeff and Tommy with him to watch Harry sing his heart out.
He starts off with As It Was, and she can't help but dance along, singing along as well as he works the stage. It's fun– so much fun.
She can't help but hear the fans calling her name, and she turns around, watching as one of them waves her hands around– signalling for her to come closer.
So, she does.
She walks over to them, and Harry sings loud, leave America, two kids follow her.
"Can we take a photo?" One of them yells through the music.
"What?" Fab yells back, laughing since she couldn't hear anything.
"A photo with you?"
"Oh! Sure! Bring it in," she takes the phone from her, and takes a few before handing it back with a thank you.
When it's time for Satellite, she walks over to the side stage, and places her arms on the platform, cheek against her arms as she listens to him introduce the song, like he does every night.
"Now this song," he says to the microphone. "It's pathetic, really."
Harry continues.
"I wrote it when I was kinda going through a breakup with someone very special to me. I'm–" he laughs. The screams get louder. "–I'm saying 'kinda', be cause we didn't even calling it a breakup– we weren't officially together. Then," Harry walks past her, and smiles at her before turning to the fans. "Then she said she didn't want me– didn't want anything to do with me, she said. So, I wrote Satellite, as one does," he laughs.
"Actually," he lifts up his finger in the air. "She's here– yeah!" Screams. "She's here, over there, watching me with the biggest smile– hi," he walks closer to her, then stops. "Are you having fun," he asks, still keeping the distance for obvious reasons.
The screams get louder and louder before Harry shushes them.
She nods, smiling up at him from her position.
He nods, too. "Good– I'm glad– this is your song, after all," he turns to the massive crowd. "This is Satellite."
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izzystradliniscute · 7 months
Izzy Stradlin magazine interview-Kerrang #421
IZZY STRADLIN's out on his first solo tour since quitting Guns N' Roses, and he's finding out that without his erm, unpredictable former collegues, gigging, and living, is easy. Backed by a mellow, cool and rockin' band, Izzy hits the UK this week. PAUL ELLIOTT hits Bonn, to find our hero wandering around a hotel lobby... wearing a parka!
JUST A few days after Axl Rose was found guilty of assaulting a fan at a Guns N' Roses concert which subsequently ended in a riot, former GN'R guitarist Izzy Stradlin walks freely through a hotel lobby in Bonn, Germany's capital. Nobody hassles him, snaps a photograph or picks a fight. Even GN'R fans might struggle to recognize the dreadlocked Stradlin in his new parka coat. There's just Izzy, no bodyguards or crowds. Izzy Stradlin couldn't be happier about walking out on the biggest rock'n'roll band in the world. Later that day, onstage with his new band Ju Ju Hounds in a Bonn hall a little bigger than the Marquee, Stradlin looks relaxed even though he's still getting to grips with the role of frontman. And he smiles now and then, something he didn't do too much of during the last of his six years with Guns N' Roses. At Wembley Stadium in September of 1991, Stradlin stuck close to his backline while Axl howled and buzzed around like a dog chasing its own tail. When Guns' set finished, Izzy was first out of sight. In Bonn, he talks to the crowd in their native tongue and clearly relishes playing and sharing jokes with the 'Hounds. "It's cool," he says, "real cool. These gigs have been more exciting than doing the stadiums with GN'R on the last tour. All the people are right there - it's an instant, spontaneous response, y'know? it feels real good." The gigs are of course more low-key than Guns N' Roses' controversial 'Get In The Ring' shows, which is just the way Izzy likes it. "There's less drama, which I prefer. It's kinda nice, y'know, being able to make plans. It's nice not to get phone calls like, 'This gig's cancelled, your drummer just took off'! These new guys carry on, but put it this way, we don't have any babysitters - so if you're gonna drink, you gotta get your shit together and get to the bus on time. "The first year of getting sober, I got used to watching my friends drink and snort. I haven't been around it lately."
SINCE IZZY hasn't touched alcohol for three years, Ju Ju Hounds drummer Charlie Quintana retires to his room to drink a bottle of cognac. The Ju Ju Hounds are wiser than most rock'n'roll bands. Guitarist Rick Richards plied his trade with the Georgia Satellites for many years, until they lost their record deal and split. Richards was the working the bars of his native Atlanta when he got the call from Izzy. he looks like he's seen it all, and spins a great yarn over dinner. Rick also plays a mean slide, and is in many ways the star of the show, knocking out great leads with the obligatory cigarette stuck to his bottom lip. Rock'n'roll is in Rick Richards' blood. Charlie has toured with Bob Dylan and enjoys winding up the fans waiting outside the Bonn gig by jumping behind the wheel of the tour bus and threatening to run punters over, yelling, "I don't need a licence - I'm from Texas"! Jimmy 'Two Fingers' Ashhurst (Which two fingers, you may wonder. "It depends!") used to play bass for the Broken Homes, and was the first person Izzy turned to when he was putting the band and the brilliant '...Ju Ju Hounds' album together. Jimmy seems to be laughing most of the time, although he wasn't laughing when he read Bret Easton Ellis' 'American Psycho' recently!
CURRENTLY, THE Ju Ju Hounds' live set includes several covers; The Rolling Stones' 'Jiving Sister Fanny', The Faces' 'My Fault', The Maytals' 'Pressure Drop', of course... but no Guns N' Roses songs. "No," Izzy shrugs. "In Australia, there was a guy in just about every front row yelling
for 'Dust N' Bones' or something, and I'm hitting a chord every time they shout, going, 'What?!.' "I can understand people wanting to hear that stuff - we were gonna rehearse some songs - but in GN'R, I didn't have any singles out. I wrote 'Patience' but I didn't sing it. We just figured, 'Fuck it'." "I don't miss those GN'R songs cos the stuff we've got now is better - better written, better to play. It's totally freeform; we break things down, extend them. If I come in late on a verse or miss it, we'll just look at each other and Rick'll keep going, do a solo or something. "It's real good; once the momentum's there, whatever happens, happens. Last night, I couldn't see the set-list and started two songs wrong. We can sound bad! "In Stockholm, we started with 'Bucket O' Trouble' and everyone was in a different fucking key, man! After the first few bars you could feel your stomach turning; it was bad. I was looking over thinking, I don't know who's in the right key, but when we came to the verse, somehow everybody went back to the right key, the A. It was just one of those things. Rick's going, 'Maybe we should just do that every night, start it out all fucked-up and then click into the A!'. It happens. You gotta flow with it."
NOW YOU'RE back on the road, do you miss the drug high, or the buzz of being in GN'R? "Well, in GN'R I wasn't singing, I wasn't fronting the band, which is a little different. So now, carrying the vocals for most of the set as well as playing has pretty much replaced the buzz. "Even if you're tired, a crowd can lift you up; you feed on that energy. And when we're not touring, dirtbikes are my fix. When we went back to Indiana for a week off, it was 15 degrees outside, cold, but I rode the bikes with my dog Treader chasing me all over fields and shit! That makes me feel good again, cos when I got back from Australia, where I picked up that flu virus, I was pretty haggard. Riding bikes beats sitting around doing krell or something." 'Krell' is rocker slang for cocaine, inspired by the movie 'Heavy Metal', in which long-trunked monsters from the planet Krell descended to snort the Earth! " A lot of the time when I was using (drugs), I'd just end up with a guitar, writing or recording some pretty depressing songs. I thought they were good at the time, and a couple are not too bad, but a lot of the shit I listen back to and think, ugh, that's fucking depressing, or I think of the state I must have been in; lips all cracked, been up for five days, voice gone. Once you got doing you'd never stop. "I could stay up for four or five days straight doing krell and smack or whatever, up and down up and down, writing songs all the time and recording on my eight-track. But give me a bottle of whisky and send me to a club one night, and I'm the guy in the alley throwing up and rolling around. "It just didn't work; it just poisons me and I don't know why. I got Indian blood, and my mom says that's why I can't handle liquor, but it's still a thing I did for a long time. Everybody drinks around me now, but it doesn't bother me. I mean, I don't see these guys throwing up in alleys after gigs or falling down steps. "Most people drink, and for them it's no big deal, but it fucked me up. Now when I look at it, there's like tour life and civilian life. I try to keep two different realities. "When I stopped using, for the first few months I didn't sleep normal for a long time. Somebody told me it takes about a year for your body patterns to get back to normal. I sleep good now."
DID YOU at any point continue using drugs simply to feed the creative process? "Yeah, but there were times when I'd been up for three days working on a song and it still wasn't finished! I heard this one song back, and I'd done, God, five guitar tracks on it, and two or three of the tracks were the same melody played on just one string. And I heard this shit back and I was going, 'Garbage', y'know? "When GN'R did 'Appetite For Destruction', I hadn't really cleaned up, but I'd cleaned up enough to record during the day, then go out at night and drink and do krell and stuff, sleep in till noon, come back in and record. So during the actual recording I wasn't getting too wasted. "For the 'Use Your Illusion' albums, I was sober doing those tracks, and it was just frustrating. When you're sober and you gotta be someplace at four, and when other people come in at six or seven, and they're, like, not quite together, you find yourself thinking, why the fuck was I here at four? "For the basic tracks on 'Illusions', I was done with my stuff in about four or five weeks. That was easy. "For the new record, me and Jimmy and Rick and Charlie would be in the studio at noon, so by one o'clock the amps were warmed up and cranckin' and we were jammin', and after jammin' for a coupla hours we'd start tracking. We finished up the whole thing, including moving base three times from LA to Chicago to Copenhagen, in four or five months, and we had an album which to me rocks as good as any of the stuff I did with GN'R. "That wouldn't have happened like it did had I still been using and all that stuff, but at the same time there have been some songs that came out pretty quickly when I was using; sometimes they come out easy."
'APPETITE FOR Destruction', arguably the hard rock record of the '80s, changed Izzy Stradlin's life irrevocably. Izzy's recollections of the album and GN'R's rise to superstar status are hazy. It is, after all, five years since the album was released, and Izzy's hard drug intake at the time was pretty fucking serious! "I'm real bad at remembering songs, even ones I've done," he chuckles. " 'Paradise City', 'Sweet Child O' Mine'. That was a point where we were on tour with Aerosmith, and David Geffen (founder of GN'R's label) flew out to a gig and he says, 'You guys are rich and famous now'. And we were like, ''We are?! We're still living in a tour bus and in hotels, so what's the difference?'. "I haven't heard 'Appetite...' in years, but I was pretty happy with what it sounded like back then, and fuck, it sold millions of copies, man! "With 'Appetite', I just think of seven or eight months of absolutely no notoriety or any real popularity, and then a few Number One singles, and this explosion, and now you're a pop star. "Well, fuck this, gimme a six pack and a gram of coke and gram of smack and I'll go write some more songs! Isolation was the next point from there. It was great, but it was a load of bullshit being a pop star, so we just isolated ourselves and ignored that crap. After a few months of isolation, that didn't work either. It was time to go back to the Mid-West and hook up some old friends..."
So Izzy quit GN'R for peace of mind, and wound up forming the coolest rock'n'roll band in the world that ain't the Black Crowes.
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nickgerlich · 2 months
Take My Money
Like the flu in winter spreading from person to person, it seems that all of the streaming services have the same bug: It’s time to increase prices. It starts with one—usually Netflix—testing the waters, and if there is little or no pushback, then the others get the same bug.
Of course, inflation is blamed for the need to do so, not to mention the screenwriters’ and actors’ strikes and subsequent agreements that are increasing costs for movies and shows.
But if everyone’s doing it, why not join the party?
And so we find Spotify raising its prices again, rolling out a $1-$2 monthly subscription price increase first in the UK, Australia, and Pakistan, and then later this year, in the US. Spotify also plans to add another pricing tier to entice budget-minded customers. Overall, though, Spotify claims the price increases are needed to be able to support its recent audiobook initiative. What gets lost in the current conversation is that Spotify raised prices $2 last year as well.
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How long until Apple Music raises its prices? We can start taking bets now. I bet it won’t be long.
Even though regular price increases can become annoying, especially when we have numerous streaming subscriptions, they are still a bargain. If you offset your streaming subs by cutting the cord with your cable or satellite provider, the a la carte system is perfectly scalable to match budgets and interests.
Since audio streaming is just as competitive as video streaming, it means that the players must continually up their game, which translates into adding services and content. Podcasts, and now audiobooks, cost money, and someone has to pay for it. Spotify also plans to add a top-tier level which features higher quality audio than available on other plans.
Naturally, investors were pleased with the announcement, and Spotify shares jumped 8%. It may seem counter-intuitive, but investors generally like price increases, as well as layoffs and store closures…basically, anything that will ultimately pad the bottom line. Given that Spotify has never posted a profit since it went public in 2018, investors are hopeful this might be a push in the right direction.
Now consider the fact that we no longer need to purchase tangible media. All those CDs and DVDs you bought are obsolete and taking up space in your house, attic, or garage. I’m saving money even with all of my streaming subs, plus I get access to a content library that I could never begin to duplicate on my own.
There is an alternative to streaming audio, of course, and it is SXM Radio. They have a monopoly on satellite content, the result of the 2008 merger of XM Radio (founded in 2001) and Sirius (launched in 2002). SXM does not allow users to select specific content, only stations, while Spotify gives users complete control. I have both SXM and Spotify, and get my money’s worth out of both, but my usage depends on what I am doing and where I am going.
For example, I listen to podcasts on Spotify when I am on my daily walks, but SXM when driving locally. When on longer road trips, though, I listen to a mix of both, using Bluetooth to sync my phone to my van’s audio system. Unlimited data plans for cell phones make this possible. I have fading memories of lugging small crates of CDs on road trips, and do not miss those days at all.
The broader question for everyone in the room, from customers to providers, is how long these price increases can keep up until the customers revolt. It is not much different from going to Disney, which keeps raising prices. Folks complain, but they pay it anyway, because they feel like they are still getting value for their dollar.
How much value do you get from your subs, though? I realize these are very different experiences, Disney being a very temporary situation—a vacation—with streaming being daily consumables. Still, money is money, and we’re not exactly made of it. I never could get that tree to grow in my backyard. Two dollars every year adds up, and multiplies like rabbits across all of your subs.
With about a thousand hours a year listening to Spotify alone, I feel like I am getting more than my money’s worth. If I have to cut back somewhere, I’ll just tote my lunch to work a little more, eat out less, whatever it takes to keep the books balanced. The same goes for all of my other subs. As long as the value exceeds the cost, I’m good.
Just don’t share that flu bug with me.
Dr “Turn It Up” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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immortalmuses · 2 months
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@leschanceux sent: “You’re almost as inspiring as a biscuit.” ( Alex & Henry & the apocalypse! )
ㅤㅤㅤ"...y'know what, I'll take that as a compliment" Alex says around a mouthful of MRE rations (the main is shredded beef, not particularly good, but also not the worst thing he's eaten since the apocalypse came crashing down around their ears). "See, I know the lengths your British ass will go to for one of those weird jam-filled cookies."
ㅤㅤㅤAlex grins, swallowing, ".... or have you forgotten that disastrous supply run to Tescos?"
ㅤㅤㅤGetting stranded in the UK thanks to an undead uprising and the global collapse of the World's governments hadn't really been on Alex Claremont-Diaz's 202X Bingo Card. But... y'know. It could have been worse?
ㅤㅤㅤ(It's pretty fucking bad)
ㅤㅤㅤAt least the American's not on his own. And he knows his parents and sister are safe, thanks to the last minute transmission coming in on Henry's satellite phone. But the odds of him getting back to the United States in this lifetime any time soon is...
ㅤㅤㅤYeah, best not to think about it.
ㅤㅤㅤPushing that familiar ache away, Alex musters a smirk, holding up the tea bag that came in his meal kit and wiggling it temptingly at Henry, "... trade you for your powdered coffee packet." He coaxes. As if he hasn't been hoarding any form of coffee he's been able to find since before doomsday hit.
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fowlerblogs1 · 2 years
The Use of Satellite Navigation Devices in a Variety of Fields
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Tracking and monitoring have become a major part of various industrial and research fields. The prime devices which assist in the tracking process are satellite navigation devices. Without keeping track, it is possible to monitor different functions and operations.
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retrostevieee · 9 months
The radio options of the third generation Ford Mondeo (2001-2007)
Hello Mondeo fans! Welcome to another Mondeo Fan Club post. Today we will be focusing on the many radio options which were available in the Mk3 (2001-2007) Mondeo. This post will focus (not to be confused with the Ford Focus!) on both CD/radio and CD/radio/navigation units, divided into two categories.
CD/Radio Units
We will start with the pre-facelift Ford 6000CD. This is one of the most basic units. It has 6 preset buttons (with removable 2, 3, 4 and 5 buttons to prevent car radio theft), and a volume dial on the left hand side. A small rectangular display shows station and track information. This unit can play CDs, and receive AM and FM stations. It is also compatible with an optional 6-CD changer, mounted elsewhere.
Next up is the Ford 6006E. Similar to the 6000CD, but with a built-in 6-CD changer. This model also has a rectangular display and left-side volume dial, but does not have removal buttons.
In the facelift Mk3, Ford kindly offered the facelift Ford 6000CD. This model was updated and made to look more visually appealing. This model has a higher mounted display which is shorter but wider, and a centre-mounted volume dial. In later models, this unit could support Bluetooth connections and AUX Input. Unfortunately, not all units have this. To find out if yours supports these features. Please press either the button labelled "PHONE" or "AUX". If pressing either of these stops the audio and displays "MUTE" on the screen, your car does not support these features and is simply an AM/FM/CD receiver.
Now we're getting into the fancy stuff. On higher end models, such as the Titanium and Ghia, you could get a Sony CD/MP3 unit. This model features a glossy design, rectangular screen and centre-mounted volume dial. This unit can play CDs, receive AM/FM stations, and supports AUX and MP3 players. Even by today's standards, this unit is known for its excellent sound quality.
CD/Radio/Navigation Units
Some Mk3 Mondeo owners may find themselves with a satellite navigation unit pre-installed in their car. This section of the post will cover each one.
The Blaupunkt TravelPilot DX unit seems particularly rare in the UK. It offers AM/FM radio, a CD player, and a navigation system with voice instructions. This unit provides navigation in the form of arrows on-screen, and does not display maps due to the technical limitations of the time. A rectangular display sits in the middle, with volume and scrolling dials located at the bottom left and right of the unit.
Pre-facelift Mk3s could also receive the 9000 VNR navigation system. This advanced unit offered colour map navigation, a CD player, an AM/FM tuner, and radio-based traffic updates. Fancy.
Next up is the Blaupunkt TravelPilot EX. This unit in particular I have a lot of memories with! Like its sibling, it can only provide arrow-based navigation due to the limited screen size. This unit features a CD player, 6-CD changer support, an AM/FM tuner, radio traffic updates and Bluetooth phone support. If you are planning on fitting one of these to your car, please ensure it is the correct unit for your car - the Mondeo units are a slightly different shape to the ones used in other models of Fords! Unfortunately the TravelPilot EX appears to be getting rarer now in the UK. It can be identified by its rectangular centre screen, with a volume dial to the left of the display, and a scrolling dial to the right. There are many variations of the TravelPilot EX, which would deserve its own post altogether, which I may make in the future.
Finally, we have a very advanced unit commonly found in ST220 models - the Denso Nav, also known as the Visteon. This unit is very easy to identify with the following features:
A large, centre-mounted touch screen colour display with map view for navigation.
Integrated climate and AC controls which can be controlled via buttons on both sides of the screen, or via the touch screen.
A centre volume dial located underneath the screen.
The Denso unit has various features, such as an AM/FM tuner, colour map-based navigation, integrated AC controls and a colourful display. Some units support Bluetooth phone connection, but not all do - some will simply mute the radio when pressing the PHONE button.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I am not a technician - simply an enthusiast of Mondeos! However, I will answer some questions anyone may have.
"What is my radio code?"
This varies depending on your car. There should be a piece of paper located in your glovebox or with your owners manual which tells you the code. If not, you can contact a car audio specialist, download the Ford Radio Codes app, or use a code unlocking service online. If in doubt, contact your nearest dealership!
"I want to connect my mobile phone, but trying to do so simply mutes the radio?"
As stated before, some units do not contain Bluetooth modules. Trying to press the phone button will simply mute the radio. As tempting as this seems, don't mute your radio to take a call - please wait until you find somewhere safe to stop! A safe and enjoyable drive is more important than a telephone call.
"Why is my radio not working?"
The earliest Mk3 Mondeos are now 22 years old! Thankfully, specialists out there will be willing to repair your radio for you. If not, you can purchase a used unit from a local scrapyard, or online.
In conclusion...
If you've stuck around to the end, thank you very much for reading my post which I've spent nearly 40 minutes writing. Please let me know if you enjoyed this - I'd love to meet more Mondeo enthusiasts!
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mongraffito · 1 year
Arthur C Clarke is with you
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Sir Arthur C Clarke (and if you don’t know who he is, go live under a stone and google him from there), was the man who promoted the idea that satellites can be used for communication. So, your phone and web and all, are his grandchildren. To me he’s the writer of 2001, A Space Odyssey, although he wrote a lot more important scifi books. And yes, he was openly gay, left the UK because he didnt like how gays were treated there. Oops, another gay brilliance in the history of humanity.
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mobilephonetechnology · 20 hours
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(2024-06-02 image ©viasat) In the US AT&T are looking to make every phone on their network a satellite phone. The technology is included in the chips of latest iPhone as a Satellite phone where there is no mobile signal is available. This will also come to Samsung and other Android phones soon. Currently the technology is great at sending SMS messages but not calls, however research is continuing in using satellites for calls.
This is a development in the US that have much more areas that are so remote there is no hope of getting ground cell towers ever. The UK is different, there are very few places where tower technology cannot be built, mainly in mountainous areas.
If EE, Vodafone, O2 and Three included some element of Satellite communication as an add on to their network plans this would have bigg effect. The separate Garmin inReach, and Motorola Defy devices will become irrelevant and explorers will than only need their phone (plus a power bank!)
I hope this happens soon.
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shwetamudgal · 5 days
Video Streaming Market turning Impressive - Players in Action
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Latest added Video Streaming Market research study by Market Research Forecast offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2032. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are {"IBM Corporation (U.S.)","Alphabet Inc., (U.S.)","Amazon.com, Inc. (U.S.)","Netflix, Inc., (U.S.)","Hulu LLC (The Walt Disney Company) (U.S.)","Brightcove, Inc. (U.S.)","Apple, Inc. (U.S.)","Roku, Inc. (U.S.)","Haivision, Inc. (U.S.)","Tencent Holdings Ltd. (China)"} etc. Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/video-streaming-market-1713/sample-report The Video Streaming Marketsize was valued at USD 554.33 USD Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 1744.96 USD Billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 17.8 % during the forecast period. Influencing Trend: Rising Adoption of Low Latency Streaming Protocol Videos to Drive Market Growth Market Growth Drivers: Increasing Demand for Video on Demand (VoD) Streaming Services Aids Market Growth Know your current market situation! Not just new products but ongoing products are also essential to analyze due to ever-changing market dynamics. The study allows marketers to understand Video Streaming Market consumer trends and segment analysis where they can face a rapid market share drop. Figure out who really the competition is in the marketplace, get to know market share analysis, market position, % Market Share, and segmented revenue. The Global Video Streaming segments and Market Data Break Down {"Component: Software, Content Delivery Services","Channel: Satellite TV, Cable TV, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)","Vertical: Education/E-learning, Healthcare, Government, Sports/eSports, Gaming, Enterprise and Corporate, Auction and Bidding, Fitness & Lifestyle, Music & Entertainment, Others"} Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia. More Reports:
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hauntedsharkpeanut · 21 days
The Top IPTV Providers That Outshine Cable in the USA
Gone are the days when cable TV was the only option for home entertainment. Nowadays, innovative IPTV (Internet Protocol television) services are disrupting the market and providing a superior alternative to traditional cable and satellite. With IPTV, you get access to thousands of live and on-demand shows, movies, sports, and more streamed over the internet. No contracts, equipment rentals, or hidden fees. Just endless content and freedom.
If you’re looking to cut the cord for good, checkout these top-rated IPTV providers that truly outshine cable.
Based in the USA, IPTVGREAT offers one of the most robust and reliable IPTV services available. They provide instant access to over 8000+ live HD channels from around the world including premium US channels like HBO, ESPN, Fox, ABC, NBC, and more. An impressive on-demand library with over 40,000 movies and shows provides endless binge-watching.
IPTVGREAT has a well-designed interface for finding content quickly and allows 5 simultaneous streams so the whole household can watch. With diverse international programming and unlimited cloud DVR storage, it’s a cable-cutter’s dream package.
IPTVRESALE utilizes ultra-fast servers to deliver blazing IPTV streams in full HD and 4K when available. From live sports to new movie releases, you’ll enjoy their crystal clear picture quality with no buffering or lags. IPTVRESALE also stands out with its 24/7 multilingual customer support via phone, email or live chat.
Some highlights of IPTVRESALE’s offerings are 45k+ live sports channels, 150k+VOD. IPTVRESALE offers complete TV freedom across devices like smart TVs, streaming players, laptops, and mobile.
If you’re looking for blazing fast IPTV, IPTVGANG can’t be beat. They deliver silky smooth streams in true HD quality for the best viewing experience. Choose from over 45,000 live international channels and endless on-demand movies, shows, kids entertainment, and more.
IPTVGANG brings you premium US networks like HBO, ESPN, FOX, and NBC along with UK, Canadian, Latino, European, Arabic, Indian and Asian programming all in one place. With free 24-hour trials and affordable pricing, it’s easy to upgrade to IPTVGANG App. Ditch cable for good and enjoy TV on your terms!
Based in Chicago, IPTVUNLOCK provides robust IPTV service to customers all around the US. They offer over 45000 American HD channels including premium movie networks, 24/7 live sports, news, entertainment and more. Calipso also has a global channel lineup of over 150,000+ SD and HD streams from Europe, Canada, Latino, Arabic, Asian and other international markets.
IPTVUNLOCK enables customers to personalize their TV experience with flexible subscription options and unique features like “Jump Back” which lets you go back in time on live TV to replay missed action. You also get unlimited cloud DVR recordings to never miss a show again.
IPTVFOLLOW is another rapidly growing IPTV provider that stands out with its massive VOD library and multi-screen support. Get anytime access to thousands of movies, shows, kids content, documentaries and more video on demand. IPTVFOLLOW also supports simultaneous streaming so you can watch on multiple devices in and out of the home.
Some other notable features include a user-friendly EPG guide, 45000+ HD US channels, global sports coverage, and free 24-hour trial available. With excellent video quality and reliable streams, IPTVFOLLOW makes cutting cable an easy decision.
IPTVTOPS may be newer compared to other services but it has quickly become a favorite for cord-cutters thanks to its competitive channel packages and responsive customer support. Kemo offers different base packages as well as premium add-ons like an Arabic package with over 45k channels and a sports package with hard-to-find international soccer, cricket and more.
IPTVTOPS delivers over 45000 live TV channels in HD quality from countries like the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Middle East and more.Compatible apps for iOS, Android, Smart TVs, MAG devices and more make accessing content on any screen a breeze. If you want an affordable IPTV option that doesn’t sacrifice quality or support, choose Kemo.
IPTVGEARFor those wanting a more customized IPTV experience, IPTVGEAR is a top choice. Their diverse channel list spans over 198 countries worldwide so you can easily build a lineup that matches your interests. IPTVGEAR also has advanced features like “Restart TV” which lets you rewind and replay live programming from the beginning.
IPTVGEAR sets itself apart with their superior video quality including crystal clear 1080p HD streams and minimal latency. Expect hundreds of US channels, 24/7 news, tons of on-demand movies/shows, and dedicated sports channels for NBA, NFL, NHL plus soccer leagues worldwide. IPTVGEAR works great with M3U playlist links making setup seamless.
Cut the Cord For GoodThese leading IPTV providers truly give you unlimited content and total viewing freedom for a fraction of the price of cable. Their reliable HD streams, versatile apps, cloud DVRs, and responsive customer support make the switch from traditional TV easy and painless. Join the cord-cutting revolution and take back control of your home entertainment with these top IPTV services made to outshine cable.
Here are some of the most searched FaQs based on IPTV.
What is IPTV?
IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It is a method of delivering television content over the Internet instead of through traditional cable, satellite, or over-the-air broadcast channels. With IPTV, you can stream live TV, on-demand movies/shows, and more directly through an internet connection.
How does IPTV work?
IPTV works by sending TV signals over a dedicated high-speed internet connection. Rather than coming through a cable box or satellite dish, the video streams are delivered through IPTV apps or devices connected to your network. IPTV uses streaming technology so you can access content on many different devices.
What are the benefits of switching to IPTV?
Some key benefits of switching to IPTV include: lower monthly costs, no contracts or hidden fees, unlimited access to thousands of channels and on-demand titles, ability to stream on multiple devices simultaneously, interactive viewing features, access content worldwide, and freedom to cancel anytime.
Do I need any special equipment for IPTV?
Most IPTV services do not require any special equipment. You can enjoy IPTV on smart TVs, media streamers like Roku/Firestick, smartphones, tablets, computers and more. Many IPTV providers offer plug-and-play devices or HDMI sticks that make setup easy if needed.
How much does IPTV cost compared to cable?
IPTV services are much more affordable compared to traditional cable. Average costs range from $10-$50 per month depending on the package. With cable, fees can quickly add up to $100+ per month especially once you add equipment rentals, DVR service fees, hidden charges etc.
What kind of technical support do IPTV providers offer?
Most IPTV providers have exceptional customer support including 24/7 technical assistance via live chat, phone, email, and tutorials. This ensures a smooth setup process and helps troubleshoot any issues that arise during your service.
Is it difficult to cancel IPTV service?
One perk of IPTV is that there are no contracts so you can cancel anytime without early termination fees. Most services allow you to cancel directly through your account dashboard with just a click of a button. The cancellation process is quick and easy.
How many devices can stream IPTV simultaneously?
Most IPTV providers allow 2–5 concurrent streams depending on the plan. This means different family members can watch on multiple devices in or away from home at the same time. Streaming is unlimited so you never have to worry about going over a “cap”.
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ausetkmt · 3 months
Reuters UK: Russia believed to have jammed signal on UK defence minister's plane - source
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British Defence Secretary Grant Shapps walks to attend a cabinet meeting in London, Britain, March 6, 2024. REUTERS/Toby Melville/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab
LONDON, March 14 (Reuters) - Russia is believed to have jammed the satellite signal on an aircraft used by defence minister Grant Shapps to travel from Poland back to Britain, a government source and journalists travelling with him said on Thursday.
According to a government source and journalists, the GPS signal was interfered with for about 30 minutes while the plane flew close to Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad.
Mobile phones could no longer connect to the internet and the aircraft was forced to use alternative methods to determine its location, they said.
The Russian defence ministry did not respond to a request for comment.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's spokesperson confirmed the incident had happened on Wednesday but added it was "not unusual".
"While travelling back from Poland yesterday, the plane carrying the Defence Secretary and his delegation temporarily experienced GPS jamming when they flew close to Kaliningrad," the spokesperson said.
"It didn't threaten the safety of the aircraft and it is not unusual for aircraft to experience GPS jamming near Kaliningrad, which is of course Russian territory."
they said the same ish when that plane Ron Brown was on crashed mysteriously into a whole ass mountain, and killed everyone on board
Ronald H. Brown, the U.S. secretary of commerce, is killed along with 32 other Americans when their U.S. Air Force plane crashes into a mountain near Dubrovnik, Croatia. Brown was leading a delegation of business executives to the former Yugoslavia to explore business opportunities that might help rebuild the war-torn region.
Brown, born in Washington, D.C., in 1941, grew up in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood, where he worked as a welfare caseworker before joining the U.S. Army. After holding positions in the National Urban League, an advocacy group for the renewal of inner cities, he became a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and served as chief counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee. In 1989, he was elected chairman of the Democratic Party National Committee, becoming the first African American to hold the top position in a major political party in the United States.
As chairman, Brown played a pivotal role in securing the 1992 election of Bill Clinton, the first Democratic president in 12 years. In 1993, Clinton appointed Brown to be the first African American secretary of commerce, a position he held until his death in 1996.
Rishi you betta thank yo stars that you got a warning, before the murder happened cause this was just that. a warning.
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johnnickwilson · 4 months
The Essential Guide to Satellite Phones in the UK: Stay Connected Anywhere
Unlike traditional mobile networks that are limited to populated areas, satellite phones offer global coverage. Whether you’re hiking in the Scottish Highlands or sailing in the English Channel, you can stay connected regardless of your location.Satellite phone calls are encrypted, providing a level of privacy and security that may be lacking in traditional mobile communications. 
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smartiptvfloat · 4 months
The Best IPTV Service in the UK: Enjoy Uncut HD Streaming with IPTVFloat.com
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Contact us on WhatsApp if there are doubts or questions before the subscription is made or during the subscription: Click Here to Chat
In today’s digital age, IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) has become a popular choice for accessing a wide range of TV channels, movies, and on-demand content. With numerous IPTV providers in the market, finding the best service can be a daunting task, especially for customers in the UK. However, look no further as IPTVFloat.com emerges as the top choice for an exceptional IPTV experience in the UK. Offering a comprehensive package with uninterrupted streaming and high-definition content, IPTVFloat.com guarantees customer satisfaction.
Why Choose IPTVFloat.com?
Uninterrupted Streaming: At IPTVFloat.com, we understand the frustration of buffering and interrupted streams. That’s why we prioritize providing a seamless streaming experience for our customers. With our robust infrastructure and cutting-edge technology, we ensure that you can enjoy your favorite channels, movies, and sports events without any disruptions.
High-Definition Content: We believe in delivering the best quality content to enhance your viewing experience. IPTVFloat.com offers a vast selection of high-definition channels, ensuring crisp visuals and immersive entertainment. From live sports matches to popular TV shows and movies, every moment will come to life in stunning detail.
Customer Satisfaction: Our primary goal is to ensure our customers’ satisfaction. We take pride in offering personalized customer service and prompt assistance whenever you need it. Our professional support team is available 24/7 to address any queries or concerns you may have. Your entertainment journey with IPTVFloat.com is our utmost priority.
Features of IPTVFloat.com:
Extensive Channel Selection: IPTVFloat.com provides access to over 55,000 live TV channels from around the globe. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, movie lover, or news follower, our extensive channel lineup has something for everyone. Stay tuned to your favorite international channels and never miss out on any exciting content.
Video-on-Demand (VOD): With our IPTV service, you can explore a vast library of on-demand content, including movies and TV series. Catch up on your favorite shows or discover new releases at your convenience. Our regularly updated VOD collection ensures that there’s always something to suit your taste.
Electronic Program Guide (EPG): Stay organized and never miss your favorite programs with our Electronic Program Guide. EPG provides a detailed schedule of upcoming shows, allowing you to plan your viewing. With IPTVFloat.com, you’ll always be in control of your entertainment.
Pay-Per-View (PPV) Events: Experience the thrill of live sporting events and special broadcasts with our Pay-Per-View feature. From major boxing matches to exclusive concerts, IPTVFloat.com ensures that you have front-row access to the most anticipated events, all in high-definition quality.
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Why IPTVFloat.com is the Best IPTV Service in the UK:
Unmatched Quality Standards: At IPTVFloat.com, we prioritize quality above all else. Our service is designed to deliver exceptional performance, ensuring smooth streaming and crystal-clear visuals. We constantly upgrade our infrastructure to meet the highest industry standards, guaranteeing an unparalleled IPTV experience.
Wide Device Compatibility: IPTVFloat.com supports a variety of devices, making it convenient for you to access your favorite content. Whether you prefer watching on a Smart TV, Android Box, Cell Phone, Tablet, MAG device, enigma2 device, Smart satellite receiver, or even your Laptop with a VLC Player or any smart app player, our service is compatible with your chosen device.
Privacy and Security: We understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information. IPTVFloat.com ensures your privacy with one-time payments and a 256-bit encryption module. Rest assured that your data remains secure as you enjoy our premium IPTV service.
Competitive Pricing: We believe that quality entertainment should be accessible to all. IPTVFloat.com offers competitive pricing plans that provide excellent value for your money. With our affordable plans, you can enjoy high-quality IPTV service without breaking the bank.
When it comes to finding the best IPTV service in the UK, IPTVFloat.com stands out as the top choice. With uninterrupted streaming, high-definition content, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, IPTVFloat.com offers a superior entertainment experience. Whether you’re a sports fan, movie enthusiast, or simply looking for a wide selection of TV channels, IPTVFloat.com has you covered. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to watch all the matches without cuts and in high definition. Visit www.IPTVFloat.com today and elevate your IPTV experience to new heights.
Contact us on WhatsApp if there are doubts or questions before the subscription is made or during the subscription: Click Here to Chat
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