#scp dr richards
welcometothetiktokscp · 11 months
What are all the doctors least favorite SCP?
Dr Sherman: Ooh, that's a hard question. Lets go with... SCP 963, Dr Bright's amulet. Reason being its what keeps Bright alive.
Dr Bright: Hey! Rude!
Dr Blue: My my, that is a hard question. I'd have to go with SCP 1048 "The Builder Bear" would be my least favorite, it's given the entirety of Site-24 a whole lot of trouble!
Dr Richards: Ehhhh, I dont really have any ones i hate, but i keep telling everyone we gotta take down them damn birds! They're spying on all of us!
Dr Brown: Oh god, uh, i mean, there are a couple that freak me out.. hm, lets go with SCP 3000.
Dr Conners: Yeah, i gotta agree with Dr Sherman on this one.
Dr Bright: YOU ALL SUCK.
O5-11: Why does my opinion on this matter count? Fear is the enemy and feelings get in the way.
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mattastr0phic · 2 months
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Brunch napkin doodles... buncha guys from memory
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totally-profesional · 2 years
Dick grayson in scp foundation
Dick suddenly get transported into a universe where the justice league didn't exist, he couldn't found anything about his old universe, no wayne family, no gotham, no bludhaven. Nothing
(Its up to you whether he feel sad and try to find a way to go back to his universe or happy that he can start a new life and (maybe) forget his (old) family)
Anyway, dick found out about the scp foundation, try to know more about them because maybe they can help him find a way to go back home (or he just interested in the anomalies there, its up to you)
Dick applies to work there (either as a researcher or MTF), survives years working there, become friends with other researchers (and maybe date someone heuheuheu) , get a raise (because i said so) and decide you know what? This universe is my home now
(Also bonus if dick is now dilf with grey hair)
Idk what to do about the batfamiky tbh, maybe I'll add later
Anyway sorry if this is weird, hard to read, or ooc. English isn't my first language and im not much of a writer and i haven't actually read nightwing/batman comic (but i do read a lot of fic and drabble) so yeah
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swordy-da-goat · 3 months
(last ask for a while bc I feel like I'm nagging you sorryy)
I thought road wiz was like an scp, and now we have hazard monster.
Anyway I wonder how either of them would react to being treated like scps? Hazard would be a keter for sure.
Also if you made a road wiz plush I'd 100% buy it I love him sm
got carried away my bad
The Road Wiz
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Item# : SCP-████
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in ██████, Sector-██ at Site-██. SCP-████ will often teleport out of their containment cell for an unprecedented amount of time before teleporting back. They are allowed to freely walk around the foundation as their skills and “magic” are very useful in securing anomalies, reducing injuries and casualties, and dealing with containment breaches.
Description: A humanoid entity (hard to distinguish if SCP-████ is a human or some other entity due to their hat and scarf obscuring facial view. Request to remove hat was met with opposition) wearing a hat resembling an orange traffic cone with one big and small white, reflective stripes, an orange safety vest with a long cloak attached from the backend, a yellow and black safety coverall, and long black leather and rubber gloves and boots.
SCP-████ is also in possession of a long black staff with a ring on the tip of unknown material. This staff is able to produced anomalous properties which can be better described as “magic.” Their “magic” seems to be a parody of signs, spells being correlated by the top of their staff in a hologram visual. One example being the staff projecting a deer sign when generating a glowing holographic version with mass of any of the Cervidae family.
Addendum 1: Discovery
SCP-████ was first captured near American state highway ██. The foundation was alerted when nearby police claimed that quote, “a portal just f█cking opened in the middle of the lobby where then a weirdly dressed guy wearing a cone on their head kicked a guy through saying to arrest him for drunk driving.” All personnel in the police station were given Class A amnestics. Foundation personnel were then deployed to the last place SCP-████ was spotted. Foundation were able to find SCP-████ feeding some stray dogs under American state highway ██. SCP-████ willingly agreed to come with the foundation for questioning.
Addendum 2: Interview
The following interview was conducted by Dr. Richards
Dr. Richards: Good afternoon SCP-████, I hope you’re feeling comfortable right now.
SCP-████: No, no, I’m fine thank you. Though I would prefer if you addressed me by “Road Wizard” or just “Wiz.” SCP-████ sounds a bit degrading.
Dr. Richards: …Noted. Anyways the foundation would like to ask you questions regarding your… job.
SCP-████: My job! Well you see Dr., as my name suggests, I am a wizard. My job is simply to keep everyone safe and responsible. The world is a very dangerous place, you SCP foundation folks would know that better than anyone about that fact!
Dr. Richards: You know of the SCP foundation?
SCP-████: Of course I do! Very big fan of your work! Trying to keep the everyone safe from all these dangerous anomalies. Kudos to you guys, kudos!
Dr. Richards: Uh, thank you? Anyways, can you detail how you usually preform your job, or keep people “safe?”
SCP-████: Uh… I guess lecturing people on the rules and importance of road rules, filling up potholes, sticking reflective poles near edges, stuff like that. Pretty mundane huh?
Dr. Richards: What about your staff? What do you use that for?
SCP-████: Oh my staff! Well, I use it to channel my magic for the more dangerous part of my job. Magic can be real dandy in a rock slide.
Dr. Richards: I see.
Room is silent as Dr. Richard pauses to write notes.
Dr. Richards: *coughs* Um, SCP- sorry, Road Wizard. If you don’t mind me asking, I know you dub yourself as the “Road Wizard,” but is that the only safety concern you have? Or are there others like you that specialize in other hazards?
SCP-████: Funny you should ask that Dr., my real name’s actually the Safety Wizard. I just go with road because America has a crap ton of cars you know? And no, there's no one else like me so far that I know of.
Dr. Richards: So do you specialize in anything else then?
SCP-████: Sure I do! Let me just-
SCP-████ then manifests their staff from their hand which starts to emit a blue glow. A train sign then projects at the tip.
SCP-████’s outfit then suddenly shifts into a mock version of a steam engine engineer of their outfit, complete with a cap, denim overalls, vest-cloak and a yellow and black striped bandana.
SCP-████: Trains! Guess you could say I’ve become the “Rail Wizard!”
SCP-████: Haha, sorry. There are other specialities too, but it’d probably take a while to show you all of them.
Dr. Richards: So are you able to switch forms like that?
SCP-████: That’s right miss! It’s very important to be dressed proper for any job!
SCP-████’s staff projects a car sign and outfit returns to previous description.
SCP-████: So any other questions for me Dr.? I’d love to stay and chat, but I need to be going soon.
Dr. Richards: SCP- I mean Road Wizard, you are aware that we can’t just let you go out.
SCP-████: I understand your concerns Dr., seeing what kind of place you guys run. But believe me, I’m not a dangerous guy! And it’s not like you folks can keep me in here anyways.
Dr. Richards: What do you mean by that?
SCP-████: Oh nothing. Anyways, it was nice chatting with you Dr. Richards, but I really must be on my way. See you later!
Dr. Richards: Hey, wait!
*SCP-████’s staff projects a Two Way Traffic sign and a glowing, yellow portal appeared to the right of SCP-████. SCP-████ then enters through the portal which disappears.
The Hazard Monster
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Item# : SCP-█████
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-█████ should be contained within a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m chamber of reinforced concrete. Door and windows should be tightly sealed to prevent SCP-█████ from escaping through any cracks.
Description: SCP-█████ is an amorphous, black blob which can change its mass, texture, shape, and composition through anomalous means. SCP-█████’s face appears to be an NFPA 704 Diamond symbol. Each section of diamond can open up to reveal a set of teeth or eyes (amount varies). SCP-█████ normally uses its anomalous abilities to inflict injuries on people. The relationship between SCP-████, or as they dubbed themself, the Road Wizard, is very negative.
Addendum 1: Discovery
Foundation was first alerted of SCP-█████ when reports of multiple incidents were reported by the people in the town of █████████. Residents were reported being injured by a black shapeshifting blob. Foundation, with the help of the Road Wizard, were able to track down SCP-██████ and capture it. All town residents were given Class A amnestics.
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Small Bracket Round 1
Small Bracket has passed the planning stage!
Should I have just put them through a random number generator and called it a day? Probably. But I didn't, so there
Blanket disclaimer that I don't know every nominee so a lot of this is based on research and I'm sorry if I got the vibes wrong
Full bracket under read-more
Rules over Hades/Robot Hell
Hades                   (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Robot Devil         (Futurama)
Fans hate him
Aechmea             (Houseki no Kuni)
Ladd Russo         (Baccano!)
Daniel    (Camp Camp)
Extra knife-murder
Johnny C             (Johnny the homicidal Maniac)
Alpha                    (Dollhouse)
Music Videos
The Evil Bald Guy from the Genghis Khan music video     
(The Genghis Khan music video)
Dr. Carmilla        (Dr. Carmilla and/or The Mechanisms)
Fight your shadow self!
Professor Venomous       (OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes)
Shadowy Figure                (OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes)
Friendly old women
Kanchenjunga Sarrektjaka            (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians)
Lesley    (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Pathetic soggy washcloth of a man
King Richard       (Galavant)
Namakelder        (Happiness Charge Precure)
Ghetsis                 (Pokémon (gen 5))
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about but the guy she told you not to worry about is you wearing lipstick
Lugnut                  (Transformers Animated)
Clobber                (Transformers: Cyberverse)
The ones that I can only appreciate from a distance cause if I take 1 step closer I just say yikes and walk 5 more steps backwards
Dr. Boris Habit   (Smile For Me)
Shaun Gomez     (Smile tapes)
Am                        (I have no mouth and I must scream)
Yikes pt.2 but for entirely different reasons
Clay Puppington                (Moral Orel)
Cruel Angel Clionel          (The Battle Cats)
Mariko Kurama                 (Elfen Lied)
Traumatized girlbossses can commit a little murder as a treat
Ada Graceheart                (Medieval Cop)
Helena G. Wells                (Warehouse 13)
I am so sorry about this, I shouldn't make them fight but I thought it'd be really funny to have a person vs that same person inverted and with gold spooky eyes
"Then teach me how to knit" vs "knitting isn't as fun as murder"
Morgan Sterling                (S and D tier)
Alex Stewart                      (S and D tier)
Lil psycho/Lil in love   (... I lied, these losers are both head over freakin heels)
Beatrice (Bibi)    (I Love Amy)
Claire Stanfield  (Baccano!)
If you take away all context, and I mean ALL context, I genuinely think this is the same character.  
Tigerstar              (Warrior Cats)
Darkstalker         (Wings of Fire)
Wet Dishrag Men pt.2
Simon Keyes                      (Ace Attorney)
Ogata Hyakunosuke         (Golden Kamuy)
Ben Linus                            (Lost)
Girlbosses who deserve an entire kingdom to lie, broken, at their feet
Cassandra           (Tangled the Series)
Charlie                 (Don’t Starve Together)
They're just pleasant- If it weren't for the atrocities
Izaya Orihara                                    (Durarara!! and Durarara!! x2)
Thomas Jerome Newton               (Fringe)
Yugi Tsukasa                                     (Toilet Bound Hanako-San)
Dottore                               (Genshin Impact)
Midori/Sou Hiyori            (Your turn to die)
Alfred Bester                     (Babylon 5)
Just a little guy!
Invader Skoodge              (Invader Zim)
Fawful                                 (Mario and Luigi)
The Nome King                 (Oz)
The Butler did it ™
Shelly De Killer   (Ace Attorney)
Argalia                 (Library of Ruina)
Just a little guy (clown edition)
Jevil                      (Deltarune)
Dimentio             (Super Paper Mario!)
The freakin theater mask aesthetic (Yes one of them is a sentient theater mask)
SCP 035                (SCP)
Janus Sanders     (Sanders sides)
The smitten™
Garcia Flynn        (Timeless)
Joshua Kiryu       (The World ends with you)
The Camp Capitalists
GoodtimeswithScar         (Third Life SMP + Hermitcraft)
O’Malley                             (Red vs Blue)
Did someone say lizardmen?
Toffee                  (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Elim Garak          (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
The Ace Attorney games said prosecuting lawyer should be evil dramatic and 100% committed to the aesthetic
Manfred von Karma        (Ace Attorney)
Barok van Zieks                 (The Great Ace Attorney)
He's Horrible (❤️ ω ❤️)
Isaac “Felix” Gates           (Red vs Blue)
Marcus Cutter                   (Wolf359)
Warren Kepler                  (Wolf359)
Bill Cipher Wannabes + bird doctor (aka: I was bound to have one miscellaneous category, actually I have 7 >:3)
Bob                       (Voltron)
Samuel White    (Kill Count (Webcomic))
SCP 049              (SCP)
Father went to Evil class but got distracted and became a theater kid. (Also, the trouble with twins)
General Tarquin                (Order of the Stick)
L. D. Curtain                       (The Mysterious Benedict Society- specifically the TV Show)
Discovers things that shouldn't be real
Rafaam                (Hearthstone/ World of Warcraft)
Artemis Fowl      (Artemis Fowl)
The Camp Capitalists Tyrants
Lord Dominator                                              (Wander Over Yonder)
The Monarch (Malcolm Fitzcarraldo)        (The Venture Bros.)
Would be going against HAL but they'd be so crushed
XANA                    (Code Lyoko)
Rie Kishibe          (Digimon Cyber Sleuth)
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twig-the-edgelord · 9 months
The Amputation Experiments
Tw: gore, eye gore
The amputation experiments were the shortest (only going through 3 rounds) experiments that happened to SCP 963. It had ended abruptly due to an incident caused by Dr. Jack Richard Clementine.
The purpose of these experiments was to see how would SCP 963 react if a host that had an amputation of some kind. Given the amulets nature, it was believed that Dr. Clementine would grow a new fully functional limb/organ.
The first of which went alright:
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Image taken (01/06/——) 0205
The host was a D-Class (———-), an elderly female (68), who lost her arm due to ——infection. After he had entered his host, he stated that “it will take a while to get used to this.”
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Imagine taken (05/06/——) 1300
The arm had started to heal and grow like predicted. Dr. Clementine is able to feel the whole length of the limb.
Dr. Clementine has complained about phantom limbs (in addition to his usual pains gifted from bonding), though not exactly pain. “It’s more… tingly then anything else.”
It should be noted that the limbs newest muscles are incredibly weak. This could be a possible set back to the future growth and could mean that growth could stop all together.
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Imagine taken (07/06/——) 0743
Dr. Clementine has finally bonded to the host. The muscles grew back quickly, and the arm is fully recovered, however it isn’t able to move. Dr. Clementine can feel anything that happens to his right arm, but cannot lift it beneath the shoulder.
Other personal have tried to assist Dr. Clementine with trying to wake up this limb but any attempt haven’t gotten any results.
Dr. Clementine has been more jumpy throughout the course of this experiment but today it seems that the light anxiety became mid emotional distress and discomfort for the future ideas of these examinations. (Now most have new hypotheses.) He has stated that “It’s fine. I’ve been though worse.” …. “No, it’s just…. It’s just annoying! It’s just hanging there. Sometimes I feel like I’ve curled my finger, and I look down and it’s just- I just-“ He refused to talk further.
The second was worse
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The host was a D class (————-) middle aged male (42), uninjured other then a first degree burn on his torso.
Dr. Clementine seemed to be unenthusiastic about the round, but willingly agreed to continue with the experiment.
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Image taken (17/06/——) 8037
Dr. Clementine has admitted to not have eaten earlier the past few days, which in this case might be better for him, as it was the day of the surgery. It’s important to do it in the early stages of bonding.[
] afterwards he complains of sharp pains. He was not awake. He was not awake.
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The leg appears to be healing normally, if not better then how his previous hosts arm healed. Though there is redness around the surgical scar, it doesn’t seem to be infected nor is it dangerous to his health.
Dr. Clementine reports that he felt nauseous, and anxiety ridden.
“God, you all suck.” It was clear that he was intoxicated when he said this, which didn’t seem to effect the healing nor the bonding with his host. He possibly later sent a death threat to Dr. Glass.
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The limb had nearly fully completely regrown, though it’s not hopeful that it will work, as it seems to be suffering from the same limpness the previous hosts arm had. Dr. Clementine has complained that the skin is burning near to where it was amputated.
Dr. Clementine was scheduled to visit SCP 590, but he canceled it stating: “I just don’t want to risk anything. After last week he needs a break.” Referring to incident——— in which SCP 682 breached contaminated.
There is talk about ending this round early.
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[ ]
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Image taken (20/06/——)0039
The host was a D-class (——), a male in their early twenties (24), they lost their right eye due to an opponent wearing a ring in a fight. After Dr. Clementine entered the host, he seemed uncomfortable and finicky. “Think a marble would work to replace it?”
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The eye isn’t growing correctly. It seems to be infected. He states that he cannot see out of it. “It’s just kinda dark and… I can see the lights and stuff…”
It should be noted that he looks slightly dishevelled, though that could be because of the host change.
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Imagine taken (27/06——) 0535
The eye didn’t regrow as expected. It’s incredibly red, and the pupil doesn’t dilate, nor does it move, even if it’s being touched at. “It burns pretty bad. If I go on to not blink for a bit, it gets worse.”
He has started wearing an eye patch so other personal won’t get infected in case his eye is contagious.
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The experiments had to be ended on (27/06/——) 1300.
Dr. Clementine had entered his office at 1054. He had gotten a calligraphy pen and proceeded to stab out his eye. Taking it out chunk by chunk.
He was found around 1145, apparently sitting in his desk chair, doing paperwork, while holding his eye socket with a paper towel. He was allegedly muttering about maggots.
Dr. Clementine is currently in the medical wing and will most likely lose his host privileges for the next little while. Though there is discussion on what will happen to him, the amputation experiments have been suspended.
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fnfconfessions · 2 years
I'm making an fnf iceberg
here's the text of the draft and stuff. Please suggest more and some changes if needed.
The clouds:
Madness combat and newground mods Whitty and Updike Sonic.exe and Sonic mods Hazy river/Annie and Garcello Hex Friday night funkin': entity Tabi BNB Doki Doki Takeover Bob and Ron Starlight Mayham Matt Mid-fight masses
The tip/above water:
Shaggy Blantados Date week Sunday Hatsune Miku soft mod Among us Creepypsta mods Kapi The HD mods Undertale and Deltarune mods Zardy and Cablecrow Indie cross The nonsense mod Hypno's lulluby Retrospecter Dave and Bambi Carol Eddsworld Remix mods (B-side, C-side, B3, Arrow funk) FNAF Eteled and Austin BBpanzu's mods Boyfriend's and Girlfriend's relative's mods Kade engine and psychengine Communitygame Minus mods corruption mods
The upper part/water:
Pibby mods Twinsomania The Skyverse ThemaskedChris mod Disney mods Mario mods QT and KB Hotline 024 Pompom Tails gets trolled K.O.U. and G-su Sticky mods Starecorwn Poppy playtime Mandela catalouge Doki Doki takeover: bad ending Minecraft mods UniqueGeese plants vs rappers friday night fever Bosh rush friday night shootin' Walten files Trollface Starving artist
Middle of the iceberg:
Hololive Funkin' Radi Steven universe singstar challange genderswap Lofi funkin' Camelia peculiar colors The Psychic Void Rosie Mami Ghost twins Tree Cyrix Maginage matches Baldi's basics Anders Deep sea date Aflac Static Nekofreak Cheese Mlp Beepie Lexi Cosmo Calamity Friday night funkin': Tales from the raveyard Ayanna and Dalia Alfie Torrent Cheeky spongebob Omori Salty's Sunday Night Brightside Sweet and sour inanimate stuff mods Meri Funky friday cloud Friday night funkin: baddies
The bottom/deep sea:
Flippy MCYT mods Flippy Stickman Funky bot Animation vs minecraft Smg4 Times and tribulations FLchan TF2 lav night of the funky bot 21 Neon Chris Slaughter me funkin Ruria SCP Documic.txt Ace MLP Beepie Lexi 4 chan Abigail Mr. Beast cookie run kingdom Danganronpa Katelyn Flippin' Chira Ronald mcdonald hood Friday night Flexin' lily fruit medly mayham nefarious Dr. Jack Springheel Noke Red Byte funkin' Peppa pig Pou Rayna Richard Gyro Zipper Shinobi scramble Singe and Sear Gumball Fireboy and watergirl Ivny Rose showtime neon genesis Friday night at the club! martian mixtape
The abyss:
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theseagull16 · 4 months
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It's been a while since I draw dizzy so here's a little fact about her. She keeps stuffed toys of all her favorite friends and scps, including Richard or SCP 590, director Jones, Joe Schmo and Dr Kentucky. She has at least 10 scattered around her room and dough she doesn't need to sleep she likes to sleep with them. And another fact her containment shell is a combination of a 1950s and modern-day room decorations like a modern bedding an old fashioned blanket. because of the anomalous green veins that comes on everything she touches she doesn't need to worry about anyone touching her stuff plushies.
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nihonio · 3 years
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(Dr Richard):
SCP-88880 nature and mindset is considerately close to that of human child in both understanding of technology to its curious nature. However due to having such a curious nature we’ve discovered how capturing SCP-88880 was a monumental task. SCP-88880’s form is in fact a concentration of shadows that can change its mass and size at will. Allowing it to slip through even the most secure of containment cells. 88880’s body being that of a ethereal nature making it immune to attack from even technology based traps, such as electric shock fields.
SCP-88880 has been documented many times escaping from its containment cell. None of the foundations equipment or elite capture units appear capable of properly containing SCP-88880 once it breaches containment. However, because it has the mindset of a child, SCP-88880 can often be coerced into returning to its containment cell.
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Artwork by: @zombbean
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It has come to my attention that with Dr Bright's current body, he is much stronger then anticipated.
I just witnessed him pick up Dr Richards with ease. -Dr Sherman.
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gotham-amai · 3 years
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I have been getting closer and closer to all these amazing people in the SCP fandom, they are all amazing, the ES branch of the foundation has a warmth I've never felt before on any other fandom. It's amazing and they are full of amazing and creative people. I It would be great if you could check out some of the ES articles, they are amazing and well done. The discors community is also amazing and I'm glad I could spend time on Site 34.
In order of appearance the doctors of the ES:
- Dra. Mondragón.(Amai Ixchel) / My OC
- Inv. Borja Dowell. (Morhadow) /
- Zevaxtians / No articles
- Dr. Marcus Landon Delaroy. (Mulnero) /
- Merlín-IV. (El muro) /
- Dr. Zao Min. (DrZao) / No articles.
- Yerko. (Dc. Yerko) /
- Inv. Luisa Vander. (Luis GM) /
- Richard Dunwich. (Heimdall Ragnarson) /
- Dr. Ekane (Extásis) and Lazylasagne the crow. / Dr Ekane has none. / Lazylasagne
- Agente Victor Pénz. (Nihonio) / No articles.
- Dr. González "Shogun" (oniricshogunsoldier) / http://scp-es.com/scp-es-280
- Detective Marw the cat. (Marw) / Various like the Wilson format
- Dr. Von Braun. /
- Dr. Richard Barnard. (Reach) /
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ask-cleferrian · 3 years
My active blogs:
@brightest-ideas - the Bright family ask blog, mostly run by Mikell
@breakroom-shenanigans - SCP AU ask blog co-run with a friend
@brightfamilyfarm - Adam Bright blog, he's just a pathetic old man now. Not frequently updated
Blogs important to this blog:
@ask-scp-aisling - Cimmerian's younger sibling figure
@ask-other-dr-cimmerian - Cimmerian's older sister
@gate-gaurdian - Clef's step-father
@ask-scp-d-class - Multiple D-classes, including Cimmerian's good for nothing ex
@earth-b0y - Clef's step-brother through Hank
My discontinued blogs:
@ask-dr-cimmerian-moved - First Cimmerian blog
@ask-dr-cimmerian - Second Cimmerian blog, some stuff from there is carried over to this blog
@three-troublemakers - Cimmerian's children's blog, discontinued since 2/3 kids were retconned
@starlight-glare - Clef's uncle (retconned)
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ask-scp-aisling · 3 years
Profile picture by @rhoux-png (Thank you so much again; this is so cool!)
Muses list:
Always Open for Asks
Aisling “Ash” Gallagher; they/them (singular), 26, ash.txt
Temporary Muses (Thousand Mirrors M!A):
Avril (Pokémon AU); she/her, 24, avril.txt
Dream (Multiple AUs); they/them (singular), 134, dream.txt
Professor Aisling Gallagher (Professor AU); he/she/they (singular), 31, prof.txt
Trespasser (AU to be announced); she/it; 25, tres.txt
Mod: Artie; she/they (singular), 23, mod.txt
Asks are always welcome and encouraged.
M!As are welcome; I will reblog RP memes, ask memes, and so on and tag them #RP meme to make finding them easier.
No gore or super explicit NSFW; angst and fluff are fine, and suggestive posts and asks, which are also welcome, will be tagged #minors dni and #tw suggestive or #tw suggestive?
No suggestive asks from minors
No p*dos, terfs, or anything and everything similar
Light bullying is always fine.
No slurs, bigotry, or intolerance of any kind; this includes but is not limited to: misogyny and misandry; ableism; homophobia, transphobia, etc.; racism; ageism
You may injure or Ash, but not fatally; they are not immortal
Reblogging asks to continue a conversation or thread is 100% okay and encouraged; it keeps my blog more neat and orderly
My other SCP OC Blogs
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in the five minutes you were gone
some things that were exchanged include:
Richard you’re a Schlatt kinnie aren’t you
bold words from someone who frequently provokes a mob of dangerous creatures
Annoying (in reference to his opinion on several SCPS)
And just how is that idiot keeping me alive?
Ver disappointment in us if we did
Bitchard I swear if you didn't have plot armor you would be gone SO FAST-
Plot armor?
shit Beta the fourth wall-
Oh how unfortunate, the test subjects need something to comfort them
guys we've got a hetero on our hands
death threats
No, we’re supposed to protect the public from you creatures
so youre single and cishet... can't say I'm surprised
have some fucking blue. calm yourself.
Prosecutor (derogatory)
Do you not know how tech works Bitchard
Richard kinnie~
None of your thoughts are worth hearing anyway Bitchard Robinson! If that is your real name!
Richard. You are a onceler kinnie
Does this universe not have the Lorax movie?
Of all things, you chose to steal Cenns tumblr?
Richard. Where are my intestines. I need those.
Dr. Graves.
This is why you don’t leave us alone 
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Object class: [REDACTED]
Do NOT allow them to take a picture of you. 
They seem to have more control over this as there haven’t been any incidents so far unlike at their previous facility in XXXX
They might have a certain control of it now, but they should still be considered XXXXX
This may be in part towards to their affinity for the other SCPs, especially of note SCP-0469 of which they seem to be fiercely loyal to
In the event that SCP-0469 has been in contact with Dr. Richard XXXXXX do not allow anyone of rank C or higher within the premises other than Dr. Graves
After moving facilities they were completely uncooperative in testing, refusing to use their abilities, presumably because of [REDACTED]
They have progressed significantly however, in the form of making “alignment charts” to further develop XXXXXXXXX
Other SCPs and researches have described it and “reading them like a book” and further testing proved XXXXX X XXX XXXX  XXXXXXXX  XXX   XXXXXXXX
Do NOT allow them to make an “alignment chart” involving you
The more she knows, the worse it will be
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