#screw core
inmyheadworld · 6 months
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kathaynesart · 2 months
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A sketch of Replica Leo immediately after his EPF Interview in this scene, but before being reunited with his brothers here. I hope to dive more into the fallout of such a defining moment in Leo's young life and how it would go on to affect him once I get my Patreon up. In the meantime. Enjoy the little angsty sneak peek.
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prismaticpichu · 5 months
Angeal’s most elaborate prank: Switching the salt and pepper shakers before setting the table. Also knock-knock jokes.
Sephiroth’s most elaborate prank: Putting out a wet floor sign on a dry hallway and gaslighting people into thinking it’s slippery
Genesis’s most elaborate prank: Changing Sephiroth’s ringtone while he’s the bathroom to I Wanna Dance With Somebody, setting his volume to max, and calling him 35 minutes later while he’s in a meeting.
Zack’s most elaborate prank: Notoriously dubbed “The Day Everyone in ShinRa Was Convinced That Genesis Was a Mermaid.”
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(#) = Notes at the end of post
A Lonely Star Shines in the Night
The Guys in White have gone too far. So far that the Danny's universe as they know it is collapsing into itself as a result of the agent's foolish attempt to rid the land of the dead, undying, and neverborn. They tried nuking the Infinite Realms and all it got them was their dimension erased with the Infinite Realms only suffering minor damage.
Either way, Danny's home is gone.
In the struggle to gather his family and spirit them away into the Ghost Zone, he was separated from them when the GIW blew the portal to smithereens with him on the other side and his family still in the living realm. Overtaken by grief, his core cracking from his failure to protect those precious to him, he scoured the Realms for a natural portal back, to no avail.
In his search, he is nearly driven mad by his desperation. Unable to see their King in such pain and slowly unraveling into a second coming of Pariah Dark, Clockwork, Frostbite, and Pandora gather their strength and force him into an entirely different universe to grieve and heal. A universe full of heroes. He won't know this for a while, however, because where he ended up was the old Gotham observatory.
With his obsession of protecting--his friends, his family, his town, his entire world--torn to shreds, his damaged core magnified his secondary obsession: the very cosmos itself. His core latched onto the remaining obsession and inadvertently temporarily tied Danny to the very foundation of the old observatory. That is where he lingers for years, unable to leave and unable to stop crying for his lost family and friends, repeating their names over and over in a neverending mantra.
It isn't until much later that people start to notice his presence, due to the observatory having been unused for decades. What use was an observatory if you couldn't even see the stars in the perpetual smog that blanketed the city? At some point, however, a couple of daring teenagers snuck into the observatory one night and had a first hand encounter with a strange being. Needless to say, they didn't stick around for much longer. The reports they made to the police and what they posted on social media the next day were nonetheless wildly interesting.
Each of them described relatively the same thing. Of first seeing a bright, sliver star shining in the dark(1) of the empty building but then quickly noticing it was set in the center of the chest of a being that might as well have been made from the black void of the night sky itself. They described a being with hair that faded into white, glowing mist that was circled by a crown of ice crystals and star dust. Most notable of all to them, however, were the low humming whispers coupled with the mercury tears leaking from aurora green eyes in a neverending stream that dripped and echoed hauntingly across the marble floors below.
Of course, no one really believed their wild tales at first. Then it became a game among high schoolers and college students to wander the old observatory just to see if they would catch sight of this mysterious being. If not, no harm done. That is until one student accidentally injured themselves trying to find this ghost they've been hearing rumors about. (2)
Regardless of whether or not the being inhabiting the observatory directly caused this student's injury, he's gained the Batclan's attention.
(1) The star in his chest is his core. The black/night parts of his ghost form are slightly translucent even when not intangible/invisible. You can literally see straight through him to his core, which basically looks like a condensed white dwarf star. Also, due to the damage his core has taken and his grief, it's cracking and looks like it's going to go supernova.
(2) Danny didn't directly cause the student to get injured. The student literally just turned the corner and nearly ran right into Danny as he was wandering in his grief-stricken stupor. This caused the student to freak out, run the opposite direction, and fall down a flight of stairs cause they weren't watching where they placed their feet. Danny is not violent or territorial here. His mind has literally checked out and left because trauma, grief, and a fractured sense of ghostly self are one hell of a combo on a halfa.
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dorkicon · 1 year
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dr ratchet will see u now............
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TF One Orion Pax
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aimseytv · 1 year
i know ppl have asked this before either on streams or on twt/insta qnas, but i don’t remember when or what u replied, so what are some things about your community that really stand out to u? other than the fact that we r actually the Funniest ever
not to boost my communities egos but humour is a big thing that makes me laugh. especially on the alt streams where it’s just chat and me vibing it’s where i usually laugh the most because sometimes it’s just the dumbest things said that are also very funny
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moiraineswife · 9 months
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Lan and Moiraine: "Door"
1x06 / 2x01 / 2x01
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letrune · 6 months
How I would adapt House of Leaves to television
A miniseries with three segments:
The Navidson Record. It is this found-footage-esque horror of the weird house itself.
Zampanò's comments and reenactment of the Navidson Record.
Johnny's vlogs and reenacted events and stuff that happened to him.
As the episodes go on, these three parts shift between each other. As in the book, more and more screentime is taken over by the third one, eventually forming a meta-arc.
An entire episode that starts with the Navidson Record, interjected by Johnny's in-the-corner commentary, which eventually turns out to be longer than the actual footage of the Navidson Record in the story itself.
Screen next to screen, with multiple different arcs going on at the same time.
Will Navidson says a sentence, cut to Zampanó's reenactment of the same scene being different, which stops mid-sentence to Johnny's comments, which then turns into a short story, then we DON'T finish the second layer of reenactments.
Maybe even a fourth layer on top, a "making-of", which starts straight enough, but turns out to be a fictionalised version of the very series itself.
But that is just my take. Maybe others got better ideas. I mean, there is a reason why Mark Z. Danielewski doesn't let us into this house.
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sparrowsabre7 · 2 months
Shinra armourer: OK so our elite team of warriors for our new SOLDIER program, what should we outfit them with? I expect they will be largely engaging in close quarters combat so let's start with pauldrons at minimum, yes? What else were you thinking?
Shinra exec, drunk off his ass: Give them woollen sweater vests and an unholy union of cargo shorts and parachute pants then pour the rest of the budget into hair gel.
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spaceprinceencie · 7 months
A Brief Analysis of Edolon and Sestro
I just recently read the newest update of Vast Error, and I just have to say I love the character parallels that exist between Sestro and Edolon in their fight scenes.
The way that Edolon’s powers of doom seem to work is that they’re empowered in some way by pain. He says to Hamifi that, if she knew him at all, she wouldn’t have hurt him. Previously, he’s also spoken to Serpaz about how pain, when dealt in mass, becomes meaningless. After revealing that to her, he says he “doesn’t expect [her] to know what [he’s] talking about yet” (pg 712). This is an indication that this truth might be a key to her powers of doom too. So, it’s likely Edolon uses pain in some way to empower his doom aspect. 
On the other hand, we have Sestro who tells the copy of the Executive in his head that he’s going to essentially override his physical body to use it past its limits. He’s trained his whole life to be able to use his mind powers even when his body completely shuts down due to strain. We see how terrible that strain can be in Snowbound Blood - where Sestro can pass out and be completely bedridden for days. During this scene, Sestro is far past that level, his body almost resembles a husk when he faces Edolon. 
It’s a parallel of how Edolon is using his powers: they are both burning themselves up to fight. 
For all their differences, Sestro and Edolon share one thing, one thing that has influenced both of them into fighting like that. Generational trauma, passed down by their ancestors. Sestro was raised to run himself ragged just to stand in the Executive’s shadow, to hurt himself to prove his worth. Edolon was almost certainly taught the same, and his aspect might reinforce this behavior even further. Edolon has also learned to tolerate pain for the good of a cause. He lets go of Seinru to fulfill their plans, even though he doesn’t want to lose them. 
Here we have two characters royally screwed over by their ancestors and the system around them, struggling under the weight of generational trauma, and fighting the only way they know how: by hurting themselves to fix things. Two sides of a broken society, both trying to chase change, both burning up in the process, both feeling like they aren’t fully seen, heard, or understood by most people. Two characters, so very alike, carrying such similar burdens, and yet so vastly different at the same time.
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tswwwit · 1 year
Will Dipper always have almost no magic of his own, even after being reincarnated? He obviously has a talent for life magic but he can’t really train to get better at it, because he’s using Bill’s magic for it (and we know the latter hates it lol). I just don’t want my guy to be sad and miserable forever🥺 He deserves to become a cool and independent magician! And prove his bullies wrong once and for all!
A reincarnation of Dipper could definitely have more magic of his own! And as clever as he is, there's a bright future ahead of him. Perhaps even one where he's excellent at life magic and healing, and getting a little cocky about his own talents.
Bill, of course, upsets all the plans he had for his life. Again.
The good news is that it's a life where Dipper could use more life magic. Theoretically. The problem there is going to be hashing out how he can use it once they're bonded again.
#answers#It'd be pretty fun to see a Dipper who's managed to get a few neat achievements under his belt magically. Perhaps even... smug about it?#Suddenly faced with a guy who knows even more than him by miles#A Dipper with ideas about how to break this 'bond' and cast Bill out. Only to get increasingly stressed out as all of his efforts fail#I mean c'mon. It's Dipper. The big walls of 'I'm Great' he built were only to protect the anxiety-ridden core of himself#Bill is amused. You put up a pretty great fight kid!! You mighta made a dent if this thing didn't have centuries of weight behind it#Even then it's pretty rock-solid construction; bet you'd *hate* to meet the guy who forged it#Though in all honesty. Dipper wasn't trying *quite* as hard as he could have to break the thing#Something kept holding him back#Alternately: Healer/Doctor Dipper who's now Very Annoyed that Bill's getting in the way of his chosen practice#So what if it makes Bill sick? Screw him. If they're stuck together then what's the magical equivalent of separate bank accounts#No way he's giving up his awesome talent. He's great at it. It helps people. Bill can go kick rocks#Alternate of the alternate: Dipper insisting *Bill* learn a few life tricks even if it's uncomfortable for him#Goading him into it by declaring that well. His knowledge isn't *really* infinite without *That* area of magic. Is it.#Good job Dipper! You truly know how to needle your husband into doing stuff he normally wouldn't no matter the lifetime#Probably comes in handy when Dipper gets Very Hurt that lifetime! Bill'd rather stumble off to be sick in the bushes than lose him again
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aparticularbandit · 20 days
I should replay Stanley Parable just to have Junko quote it in the third fic at some point, huh
Because that relationship of "every road you travel, every choice you make or can make had been written in advance, and they all end with your death" is. that's Junko's theme in the trilogy.
It does not matter what you do or how you do it. The story ends with Junko's death. She will die. She is going to die.
Makoto's sacrifice doesn't save her. Mukuro and Matsuda following her doesn't save her. Kyoko's love will not save her, and neither will Mikan's.
It's all scripted, and it has been from the beginning, and every route ends with Junko's death because she wrote it that way.
She gave you the book, Kyoko. You read how it ends. But up against the Ultimate Analyst who knows you so well that she can predict your actions in advance, even choosing to go against what she wrote - she already knows how you will act.
And she is determined to die.
How do you fight that?
You can't.
Junko's going to die and that's the way the story ends and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.
How do you wrestle with that? How does Kyoko wrestle with that? That inevitability while other people keep sacrificing themselves to stop something that cannot - will not - stop?
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writingwhimsey · 3 months
Me: decides to give netfix's live action atla a chance...and regretting it in the first five seconds.
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rex101111 · 9 months
ever since getting that S-rank on Sea Spider with the Pile Bunker I’ve been bringing it into every mission just in case. Seeing it just chunking a boss that’s been giving me the business for over 20 attempts was like falling in love.
And honestly it usually doesn’t work out because the pile bunker is a very specific weapon for very specific situations where it shines (enemies that get close and are easily staggered or are so huge getting close and blowing a hole in them is easy) and if i want to bring a melee weapon in my build the starting energy sword is good enough but if I did that I wouldn’t have the option of Pile Bunkering people! Ayre: “Raven, this mission involves a very fast opponent that very quickly recovers their posture whenever they get staggered, chances are the Pile Bunker won’t be of much use for you here.” Hound 621, hugging the pile bunker: “but i like the pile bunker....” 
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cherriko-art · 1 month
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This tweet embodies the entire last 4 years for me when I lost joy in art.
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