#send me more of these y'all
shrimparts-blog1890 · 5 months
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floating-goblin-art · 2 months
*crawls out of your carpet*
I come in peace! I wish to discuss the one called
- Big... Big lad.
- So big and strong. Will carry you if you ask.
- Gives the best hugs that are just so healing and magical.
- Sings for you. Will learn your favorite song.
- Stuck in the infirmary? He'll read to you, play Uno, etc.!
- Can absolutely cook and bake like the King he is.
- Has a frilly apron that says Kiss The Cook.
- Opens doors for you.
Until next time!
*crawls back into your carpet*
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made it himself!
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gilliebee · 1 month
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a-s-levynn · 4 months
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"Wash me clean again before I pull myself beneath the waves" A Series of Small Offerings - III/11 - day31
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Ivy: Name something you believed in as a child that you no longer do as an adult. Tim: Myself.
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daily-dragon-drawing · 2 months
Would you consider putting more dragons in your art shop? I love the Palestine dragon especially but there are so many I’d put on my walls tbh (no pressure either way of course!)
I just updated my sticker and print shop!! Thank you so much ☺️
I'm hesitant to put the Palestine dragon up just because I don't want to profit from it and I don't feel like the margins I get from selling it would make a meaningful donation drive. I'd rather encourage folks to donate directly to places like the UNRWA or families trying to escape Gaza where 100% of their money would go towards helping those who need it most!
That being said I'd be totally fine if anyone wants to print out the Palestine dragon for themselves, I feel very honored that people like it ;w;
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tigergender · 1 year
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I was curious if Louis Wain had drawn any big cats and these are so cute wtf
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“It requires an intolerable sacrifice. [...] To apologize.”
Naruto Shipudden (2007) // Black Sails (2014)
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
ramble about ur favs i wanna hear abt ur thoughts -zaptrap
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so like sgdkdhdkdhd I say Jay and Lloyd are my “favorites” but honestly it’s so hard to pick favorites out of this skittles squad like I love EVERY character for a variety of different reasons. I was going to also infodump about Lloyd but then I started talking about Prime Empire and then this post got. Long. So. it's just Jay I may infodump about Lloyd another day especially since I'm very Conduit Brained Rn but yea yea!
this is long so i'm putting most of it under the cut so y'all don't kill me for making a huge long post
I considered putting Zane and Sora on here as well since I’d also consider them my “favs” but like this is already gonna be. A lot of. Infodumping (also i typed THIS part before I even started and decided not to yell about Lloyd because this already got long enough). Maybe I’ll make a separate post for those two hmm hmm much to consider but for now MY (technically) FAVORITE NINJAGO CHARACTER: JAY WALKER
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so hey his name is a pun this makes me laugh ridiculously hard every time I remember he is named. After a misdemeanor HSKSHDKFH
Jay is such an interesting case of a character for me because I started out the show not liking him. Which is. Stares at my entire account I think my feelings have changed somewhat
Jay starts out as an asshole I don’t think anyone can disagree with me there (although honestly they’re all assholes in early ninjago they bullied a ten year old and left him dangling several feet off the ground) but over the course of the show you can see him start developing into a much more interesting character. He goes from being so insecure he's faking everything about himself to someone who knows who he is and is so genuine about it
now yea we could argue about whether his character was too uwu-ified post-season 10 but this is the FUN HAN POST SO WE'RE NOT GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT the point is you can SEE the growth that Jay has gone through and I am going to show you that growth through what I call
✨ The Skybound to Prime Empire Effect ✨
when season 12 rolls around we are at the point in Jay's development where he is CONFIDENT in who he is. He's a fun-loving jokester with the power of lightning and the drive to help people whenever he can. He uses jokes and humor to help alleviate tension and get people through whatever's happening. And when on his own what does he do?
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i like to think jay's club in prime empire was a safe haven for anyone stuck in the game who figured out hey. we Can't Leave and felt freaked about it. Also Jay would generally try and spread the word that hey something ISN'T RIGHT HERE which would lead people to want to stay with him
(totally plugging my friend's fic but this kind of thing is explored in would you like to enter prime empire by @finn-m-corvex y'all should check it out cool cool)
also the prime empire shorts which i watched all of in the midst of typing this video cuz i love them go watch them please please please jay was publically fighting the red visors which I imagine may have raised some red flags for some players
THIS SOMEHOW TURNED INTO PRIME EMPIRE INFODUMPING LMAO ANYWAYS Jay's confident! He becomes an entertainer because it's who he knows he is! And it's something that will get people hyped and having fun, which is very in-character for Jay to do! He uses those kinds of things to mask the Bad Things going on and get people remembering what's good
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I've talked about this sort of thing before but that's Jay's whole philosophy as early as season 9! Which is a DIRECT contrast to how he views it in season 6, as Nadakhan puts it scarily accurately
"You make jokes to mask the fact that you're afraid"
(i was gonna grab a screenshot for that like i did with the hunted scene but netflix has bloCKED THE ABILITY TO TAKE SCREENSHOTS THE WAY I USED TO and i don't have them already and i'm too lazy to grab them from elsewhere so alas trust me he says it)
making jokes to hide your fear and using humor to remind yourself of what's good and coping with the bad are two VERY different outlooks on it
so I think this outlook is what drives him to make this glamrock persona in the first place - this is a bad situation, one he's in with other civilians, and what better way to keep him and themself safe until the others get there than throwing a big performance at a safe place!
also it's just so gender okay I want to look like Superstar Rockin' Jay so badly
it's also interesting to see his outlook on his parents change over time! In season six he finds out Ed and Edna aren't his birth parents and feels upset about it, not understanding why his birth parents would've abandoned him. In season twelve, that outlook changing is EXACTLY why Jay's able to get through to Unagami
"I was abandoned by my parents, too!... I never understood why, and I never had the chance to even ask. But I always hoped there was a good reason. What if there's a reason?"
(again curse you netflix i wanted SCREENSHOTS whatever whatever)
It's this scene that gets Unagami to calm down long enough for Milton Dyer to get there, and presumably is what stops him from just. Flattening him and Jay like a pancake.
to piggyback off of this i absolutely adore how Unagami and Jay consider each other adopted brothers in that one book I still haven't read and I hope he's in Dragons Rising at some point Unagami is my favorite "villain" (no longer a villain) in the whole show he deserves more screentime
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like this is where i found out about this and it's plagued my mind ever since. i need to read. this book just for them
SO YEA OKAY Prime Empire is "Who is Jay as a Person Post-Skybound" to me also it opens up so many fascinating things about Jay. I rest my case
so backpedaling a little bit. JAY CARES SO MUCH ABOUT HIS PARENTS GUYS IT'S SO SOFT AND I'M sobs
like yea the first episode with Ed and Edna in it has Jay avoiding them like the plague but this gets explained very easily when you remember he was bullied for his home life before he became a ninja. It makes a lot more sense why he wouldn't want them around his new friends, assuming they'd react the same way. Also how was he supposed to know literally all the rest of the groups parents were either dead, presumed dead, or had a toxic relationship with their kid lmao
(Cole calling his mom kills me. Cole's mom is dead. I know they probably just didn't think that far ahead when writing the dialogue but it's so funny mans pretended to call his dead mom to get on Jay for not appreciating his parents iconic behavior)
anyways literally every episode Ed and Edna are central to (except like the one in skybound) Jay stops at nothing to protect his parents and it means the absolute world to me he's so much like them!! They raised an inventive little nerd and he will stop at nothing to make sure they're safe and it's. It's SO IMPORTANT TO ME OKAY
ALSO this is an excuse to clip my favorite piece of dialogue possibly in the entire show. Except Netflix won't let me now. So you just get the text dialogue
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Jay's just fallen from the sky with a messed up eye and is incredibly distraught that all his friends are captured. And his dad just. The woRLD IS FALLING APART AND HE'S EATIN' SOUP-
Ed i love you
anways anyways this just turned into me rambling about prime empire and then Ed and Edna and a lot of disjointed other stuff but thank you for this opportunity i was going to also ramble about lloyd but i put this post in a word count and
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yea i think that's enough for a tumblr post anyways! If anyone wants any like. More logically thought out and direct thoughts about characters feel free to send me asks this was fun thank u @zaptrap for this opportunity to scream about jay
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aioliravioli-69 · 1 month
just wanted to mention
I'm currently drawing Silver in a bunch of barbie ball dresses(I'm experimenting with different hairstyles too!!!)
so if y'all have any you think might suit her feel free to send 'em to me :))
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Hello and welcome to another installment of mossy being horny on main. Tonights programme? Gimmeee. The reactions of Zoya,maybe Shalom and your boy Lyney at the sight of their s/o dressed in an oversized band tshirt and an oversized band tshirt
Note: This is supposed to say "an oversized band tshirt and nothing underneath" ;)
Fandoms: Path to Nowhere, Genshin Impact Characters: Zoya (PtN), Shalom (PtN), Lyney (GI) Warnings: NSFW, Minors beware! Slight Spoilers for Shalom's story. Mentions of: pegging, slight choking, Domme Zoya, teasing, oral (gn), penetration (gn), semi-submissive Lyney,
Oh boy. Ohhhhh boy.
Instant turn on. She drops whatever she's doing - literally, if necessary, she doesn't care what breaks so long as she gets to break you.
For a long moment, she just stares. Appreciates the way the oversized shirt falls just past the curve of your ass, how something so baggy somehow accentuates the shape of your body so nicely. It's practically lingerie, watching you wear something like that.
And if you just so happen to bend over within her line of sight, or reach for something off a high shelf and cause your shirt to ride up, revealing that there's nothing underneath... good lord, it's almost embarrassing how turned on she is.
She's sweeping you off your feet and carrying you to the nearest flat surface, be it the bed, couch, or even a chair or the dinner table. She is not a patient woman. She will have you, and she will have you now.
She leaves your side only long enough to fetch her strap-on, and then she's bending you over whatever object it is that she's chosen for today's session. Normally, she holds your hips while she does this, but today she grips the sides of your shirt, allowing it to choke you slightly - or more than slightly, if you're into that - as she gives it to you hard and rough, relishing in every little gasp and moan and cry that leaves your pretty mouth.
She's not gonna stop until you come at least three times, and then she's helping move your spent body into a sitting or lying position so you can give her some pleasure, too. If you're too drained to manage that, then she'll just get herself off to the sight of you looking like such a mess while you watch <3
Oh my. When you walk in wearing that, she's practically drooling over you just from the first glimpse. Whatever she's busy with is immediately tomorrow's problem. It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing matters but you.
Shalom still isn't very used to her newfound emotions - much less being able to feel and show them freely - and lust is one of the ones she struggles with the most. The burning-hot desire she feels is all-consuming and difficult to keep contained.
She seems to glitch at first. You turn around after a while of innocently pretending to do something else, only to find her staring at you, her eyes dark with lust. You can't tell from the way she's sitting, but she's got her thighs squeezed together in a subconscious effort to relieve her growing need.
You pretend to knock a pen off a nearby table and bend to retrieve it, flaunting your bare skin, and that snaps her out of it. She's out of the chair in a flash, crossing the room with long strides accentuated by the steady click of her shoes on the tile floor. She's by your side in mere moments, just as you straighten up. The pen falls from your grasp as she pulls you close and kisses you, one of her hands sliding beneath your shirt and caressing your body.
"You don't know what you do to me when you dress like that, my dear," she whispers when you break away for air, her lips brushing yours before she kisses her way down your jaw to your collarbone.
She soon grows bored of just kissing you, however, and leads you back to the desk where she's been working. She shoves her paperwork to the side - incredibly uncharacteristic for Shalom, but it shows just how needy she is. And then she's pushing your shirt up to your hips and instructing you to sit on the desk.
When you obey her, she's pulling up her chair, pushing your legs apart as she begins to taste your thighs, slowly working her way up, closer and closer to where you need her touch the most. She takes her sweet time, but once she gives you what you want, ohh is it worth it. Her mouth is incredible, and she puts that quick tongue of hers to good use, teasing and edging you until you feel like you're going to lose your mind.
When she finally lets you go over the edge and you come on her tongue, it's one of the best orgasms you've ever experienced. Your fingernails dig into the underside of her desk so hard you leave permanent crescent-shaped marks there, and occasionally Shalom will run her fingertip across them and think of this. You really should wear that shirt more often.
For Lyney, let's say that it's not an oversized band t-shirt you're wearing... no, you're wearing a long white button-up shirt. Ideally, it's one of his, perhaps even the one he was wearing yesterday. It still smells like him, which is an immediate turn on for you, but as for our dear magician...
He's oblivious at first. You'll walk in the kitchen and greet him, and he'll give you a good morning kiss and say whatever poetic thoughts pop into his mind first, and then he turns to get more coffee.
And then he freezes mid-stride, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head, processing everything. After several long seconds, he spins around, lavender eyes wide as they meet yours and then flick downwards, taking in your attire as his mouth goes dry.
It's incredibly attractive watching him get turned on. His eyes darken with lust, pupils dilating almost like a cat's, his breathing starts to get heavier, and that blush you adore so much begins to appear on his cheeks - soon it will spread to his ears and begin creeping down onto his chest, too.
"Oh-ho, what's this?" He asks, trying to salvage the situation, trying to pretend his brain hasn't been turned to mush with a single glance. You cheerfully reply that it's nothing much - well, that much is true, but only in a literal sense- and you turn to go about your day, intending to grab something off a bottom shelf just to give him a little peek beneath the shirt.
You don't get a chance, however. He's behind you as though by magic, his arms snaking around your waist as he hugs you tightly against his chest, and oh- he's already hard. "Ma cherie, just what do you- ahh-" You cut him off by wiggling your hips, rubbing against the growing bulge in his pants. He nuzzles his face against your neck, pressing feather-light kisses there, and you can feel his hot breath against your skin. "Not fair," he mumbles between kisses. "You know I can't think straight when you do that..."
He spins you around, taking another long look at you. You look incredible in just his shirt, and he can't resist you any longer - he's pushing you against the nearest wall, his mouth on your neck and hands all over your body. He mumbles praises against your skin, trying his best to still be suave and poetic even when all he can think about is you.
The makeout session lasts for as long as both of you can stand it, both of you quickly growing more and more needy. Soon Lyney is grinding against your hip, and you eventually have to push him off - he's so drunk on you that you know he'd keep going until he came in his pants without even realizing it, but you want more.
You lead him over to the nearest couch and he follows close behind you, eager to obey - and also to get another look at the way he can just barely glimpse your upper thighs beneath the shirt. His pants hit the floor almost immediately, and he breathes a sigh of relief at the freedom, then bites his lip to choke back a moan as you run your hand across his length.
He's pushed down into the couch, and he looks up at you with that delightful lustdrunk look you've come to anticipate. His face is flushed and he looks oh so eager as he reaches for you, gripping the front of the shirt and pulling you down to kiss him again.
You waste no time climbing into his lap and sinking down on him. He feels so good inside of you, but what you feel can't compare to what you see and hear - the low whine that escapes his throat, the way his head falls back momentarily as you sink lower until he's fully sheathed within you.
It's hot and passionate as the two of you get tangled up together, bodies pressed so close there's no space left between you. Despite his desperation, Lyney controls himself, doing everything within his power to make you feel good, to make you whine his name. You, on the other hand, want nothing more than to hear his voice hitch as he moans, and you don't stop until he's practically unable to string a sentence together without whimpering or moaning your name.
Once you finally go over the edge, the way you cry out his name, throbbing around him, he can't hold it back a second longer - he bites your shoulder as his orgasm washes over him, muffling the noises he makes as he nearly blacks out from the intense pleasure. When he comes down, he's trembling in your arms while you stroke his hair, telling him how incredible he is, and he's never felt better.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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spicysix · 1 year
bestfriend!steve and reader are working at fv and it’s extremely slow, so they pass the time by playing a cute game of MASH. Reader starts picking names, locations, & pets and when the game’s over, Steve reads back his ending result (example: Steve gets to live in a house with Robin and they own a pet flamingo in the North Pole) but when he says your results it’s like the life he’s always wanted with you. (Example: you’re married to him in a house with six kids in Ohio with a pet dog) I hope this makes sense because at the end he mumbles some shit like “I’ve dreamt of this life with you” and the reader is like “same” and then they have their first kiss or something IDK it’s up to you
(If this doesn’t make sense that’s super embarrassing and forget i said anything LOL)
a/n: that did make sense, babe, don't worry! HOWEVER ksksksk i had no idea what MASH was and even though we have a similar game in brasil, i don't remember how to play it and was too lazy to try and learn MASH. so i changed it to fuck marry kill. hope you don't mind it, hope you like the fic anyway! ♡
warnings: just some cursing and, you know, the general theme of hypothetically fucking or killing people hah. and an absurd use of italics. otherwise, pure fluff
word count: 1.7k
↳ requests are open!
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Tuesdays were slow days. No one stops by to rent out movies at the beginning of the week, movie nights are reserved for the weekend. And even though Monday is the beginning of the week, Family Video doesn’t open until Tuesday, so. Not a lot of incomes and most of them were returns, a five-minute-tops interaction and that was it. Anyway, Tuesdays were slow days.
Tuesday afternoon shifts were with Steve. Your schedules - yours, his, and Robin’s - always intertwined with each others’ because you all have bribed off Keith, threatening to expose him and his growing stock of porn he’d casually borrow from the job and never return. He had no choice but to make your shifts as to have at least two of you, together, most days of the week.
And Tuesdays afternoons, you’d spend with Steve.
He was a little fidgety today, you’ve noticed. Steve’s not a fidgety guy. He’s sturdy, reliable, steady. And not like anyone would’ve noticed Steve’s fidgety behavior, no, not anyone. But you’ve noticed. Because you knew him so well.
You knew Steve was not the best guy at opening up, but he was trying his best after a lecture you, Robin and Dustin had gave him about him having friends, and that he could and should open up to his friends, he wasn’t a burden, he was loved and wanted and blah-blah. You think it did got into his head, slowly. But he was still best at opening up with Robin, because they were two halves of the same soul.
So you didn’t meddle in. If he wanted to open up about his fidgetiness to you, he would. If not, he would probably open up to Robin. That’s okay.
“Kay, I’m done with the rewinding,” he showed up by the counter, where you were so busy doodling in a forgotten receipt. “Work’s done, I think we should be able to leave.”
You snorted, looking at the clock in the wall behind you. It was two forty five PM. You had been there for the insane amount of fifteen minutes.
“I wish,” you answered him, and he jumped up at the counter and sat directly behind your drawing - a DeLorean Time Machine, just like the movie. You guys have had a Back To The Future marathon that weekend.
“Looks good,” he complimented, and you hummed in appreciation, finishing off the last details, uncurling your spine and handing Steve the doodle before jumping to sit beside him.
Who cares if you were standing with your backs to the door? The store had a bell for that reason.
Steve carefully folded the doodle and placed it on his back pocket, like he’d do with every drawing you gave him. You gave him every drawing precisely for the fact that he kept them all - you saw them, once, when you drank too much and passed out in his couch after a get together. You woke up in his bed, all your drawings glued to the wall beside some Polaroids of your friends and the children you babysat - barely children anymore, but whatever.
You didn’t mention them once you went down the stairs and found him, Robin and Eddie in a huge hangover in the kitchen. But you could tell he understood the fondness in your eyes.
“We should play a game,” he said, after a few minutes of silence. He always did that, you were just waiting for the suggestion to come.
“Which one this time?”
“How ‘bout, Fuck, Marry, Kill?” you sneaked a sideways glance at him, not missing the smirk on his lips.
“Feeling naughty, Stevie?”
“Shut up,” he snickered. “Okay, you first since I came up with the idea. Michael J. Fox, Tom Cruise, Jude Law. Go.”
“You came up with that way too fast,” you joked, and he shrugged, not looking at all embarrassed. “Okay, I’d fuck Jude Law, I mean, have you seen him? Michael J. is the marriage kind, so dreamy! And I’d kill Tom Cruise, I’m not into military propaganda.”
“Valid,” he answered, laughing a little bit. “You also came up with those answers way too fast.”
“What can I say, I’m a made-up-mind kinda gal. Okay, your turn: Molly Ringwald, Carrie Fisher, Jennifer Grey.”
“That’s a hard one,” you nodded in agreement. “Uh… Fuck Jennifer, she probably has the nice flexibility thing to her body. Marry Carrie, she’s the nicest one ever. I’d have to kill Molly. Sorry, Molly. She reminds me of Carol too much, so I don’t actually feel that bad. Not into the preppy girl type anymore.”
You both laughed and continued the game for a few more rounds. You had to chose between names such as Van Halen, Bowie, Sting, John Taylor, Keanu and Ralph Macchio; and made Steve chose between Stevie Nicks, Joan Jett, Geena Davis, Kate Bush, Olivia Newton-John and some others.
It was fun. Steve Harrington was a fun guy. He’d always come up with ways for you to spend time and make it pass by faster in your Tuesday shifts, and you were always thankful for that.
“Okay, I’m going nuts now,” he announced after a quiet time. “How about… fuck, marry, kill: me, Eddie and Jonathan?”
Your eyes almost poppet out of their sockets.
“Stephen! I can’t answer that, ew, no!” you screamed, and he laughed at your antics as you got out of the counter.
“Why not, C’mon, don’t be a coward!”
“I’m not being a coward, but you’re all my friends, I can’t choose! Even less in front of you!” you were only 50% freaking out, the other 50 was finding the whole thing kinda funny.
But you really couldn’t answer that. Oh, no, that would turn the conversation into a completely awkward one.
“Oh, so if it was Robin or Nancy asking, you would’ve answered?” he accused, in a knowing tone, smirk playing at his lips. Bastard.
“Well, yeah, maybe okay? Don’t look at me like that!” you pointed a finger at him and he put both his hands up as if in surrender. “It’s just, it’s a basic sleepover play, yeah?! We’ve all been there.”
“So you’ve played this already at a sleepover, is that what I’m hearing?” he cackled. “Did you answer then?”
“Doesn’t matter, Harrington, if I answered it then, ‘cause I’m not answering it now!” with crossed arms, and fighting not to let a smile out, you stood your ground.
“Okay, you’re a coward. Okay,” he also jumped off the counter, and leaned into it, hands on his hips - his usual mom stance. “Okay. I’ll go then! Between the three of you-”
“STEVE! I don’t wanna know!” you all but yelled, you should leave, really, afraid his answer would actually harm you, but you couldn’t because you also wanted to know.
“I DON’T CARE!” he yelled back, laughing. “I’d kill Robin, obviously, I can’t pick any other choice, I’d fuck Nancy-”
There it was.
“Ugh, you’ve already fucked her multiple times, it doesn’t count,” you murmured, rolling your eyes, suddenly all the humor in you evaporating.
“Woman, listen to me, I’d marry you!” he came closer, his hands in your arms in a firm but soft touch. You almost didn’t notice, but he was shaking, just a little bit. “I would marry you.”
Suddenly, he wasn’t joking anymore. I mean, yeah, there was still a gleam of humor in his eyes, but there was also… honesty. He was being painfully honest.
Your arms uncrossed all by themselves, standing loose on your sides, your eyes wide and your mouth dry.
“What are you saying?” you asked, teary-eyed, afraid you were misunderstanding.
“I’m saying I would marry you, because I know you, and I wanna get to know you even more, because I l-like you, and I wanna grow that feeling, because I can see a future with you by my side and I’m sorry if that’s way too forward, but I wanna be honest here, and I’m sorry that was the only way I could come up with, with something to break the ice first, but. That’s what I’m saying.”
His cheeks were flushed, and you connected the dots between his love marks with your eyes, and you connected the words he said to the way he was looking at you, all tenderness, as if you hung the moon all the way up in the sky, and he was beaming - beaming like the fucking ray of sunshine you knew he was, and Steve. Liked you.
He liked you.
Feeling like walls were tumbling down inside of your chest, you couldn’t help but throw yourself into him, hugging him tightly by the waist and he wasted no time before tangling his fingers in your hair and kissing your forehead with the gentlest of touches.
“I like you too, Stevie. Didn’t ever wanna say it, afraid you wouldn’t say it back. But you light up my Tuesdays. And all my days,” you were saying it pressed to his Family Video vest, the smell of laundry softener and expensive cologne and hairspray and the smell of Steve invading your senses. “Thank you for being braver than me and saying it first. I don’t wanna be nowhere else but beside you.”
You could swear you heard him sob, but you closed your eyes before you could check it, giving space between you, just enough space so you could cradle his face in your hands and kiss him. He tasted faintly of strawberry, and you knew he used just a little bit of ChapStick every morning to keep his lips moisturized - and, goddammit, it worked. He had soft, velvety lips that wrapped around yours gently, savoring the kiss as if he was savoring the most delicious of meals. His hands now in your hips, holding tightly, not willing to let you move, to let you go.  He shouldn’t worry about that. You weren't planning on going anywhere.
You kissed for what felt like ages, making up for the lost time, for all the time you had been his, he had been yours, and you both had no idea about it. You only split up when a car seemed to stop outside - you remembered a Xanadu tape, scheduled for return that day. You caressed his cheek and opened your eyes, foreheads touching, catching your breath, and he was looking at you with so much adoration in his eyes you could’ve sworn you were melting.
“Who would you fuck, after all?” he asked, probably understanding the implied answer that you would marry him too. You chuckled, giving it a thought.
“Hm. Jonathan.”
“WHAT?!” he was scandalized, you laughed even harder. “No, no, Jonathan is a marriage guy, okay, you have to fuck Eddie!”
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gophergal · 28 days
Subscorp a1, please.
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ok so consider, Kuai is the demon. Hanzo is the angel. Do you see my vision
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(*Breaks into your inbox* WELL. I guess I'm starting on drawing some comic fragments for my arcs! I won't send you every single fragment I'll draw, but I felt like dropping angst on you today. >: ) )
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I am so excited to see where this goes! There's already so much emotion and details here!)
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
drawing some staticmoth for staticmoth week so here is your warning to filter the tag if you don't like it
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911-on-abc · 2 months
(i'm that anon that wrote the buck being giddy and sore and having beard-burn all over his body thing) they get back to the station. buck puts his outer gear away after checking it over for tears, and walks up to the loft to get something to drink and another coffee. eddie and hen are talking about some playdate for denny and christopher for when karen and hen pick up their new foster and chimney is on the phone with maddie (something about the wedding), but buck only listens half-heartedly. his uniform is getting a little uncomfortable, it's chafing in the wrong places and he really doesn't want to be teased about puffy nipples thank you very much, and the cream tommy put on this morning has either been sweated off or has sunk into his skin. point being, he should probably apply some more cream to avoid even more chafing. it's not nearly as fun when it's caused by cotton rather than tommy's stubble, and the soothing kisses and teasing nips at his skin that are missing definitely have something to do with it. the soreness in his glutes is really nice though, and he kind of revels in it. it feels like after a really good workout. makes him feel accomplished. and the 3 orgasms in a little over 12 hours are definitely a benefit he doesn't get from going to the gym. jfc, he's at work he needs to reign in his thoughts. it's like he's a horny teenager discovering his own body for the first time. and yes, technically he is experiencing a lot of new things and firsts, and sure, maybe in a few months he'll brag about his stamina as a man in his 30's but now? now all of this is very inconvenient. "buck, you're okay?" shit. "yup, just sore and a little tired, haven't finished my coffee yet." "if you say so" hen's definitely suspicious. "buck, help me with brunch?" he could kiss bobby right now. well, no, EW, but he'll take the win and get away from prying eyes. bobby hands him veggies to cut up to put into the omelettes later, and buck grabs a knife and starts to cut up the mushrooms and the bell peppers. they work along in silence for a bit, and then bobby hands him a little post-it, whispers "we will never speak of this" and moves on to whisk the eggs like nothing. buck puts the post-it away, finishes cutting up the veggies, washes his hands and walks over to the bunk rooms. he kinda wants to check-in with tommy anyways. it's in the corner of the room, away from prying eyes, that he opens the note, turning scarlet immediately upon reading it. burt's bees mama soothing nipple cream and stokolan. i put some samples in your locker. stay safe. buck sends a pic of the note to tommy after applying the creams (they're a god-sent) with a simple "still jealous of the tight-knit family of the 118?"
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anon I want to kiss you on the lips thank you for blessing me with this OHMYFUCKING GAWDDDDD (part 1 sent to @canonbibuck which you should read because hot DAMN 🥵)
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