#sending anon hate to a Jewish person?
sassymoon · 3 months
river to the sea palestine will be free
So basically
Ceasefire now (kill Jews later)
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bonyassfish · 2 months
spacelazarwolf the pos “nonzionist” reblogged from you btw. He can choke ten thousand times very painfully 💖 Peace!
Hey anon, coming into a Jew’s inbox and saying some shit about another Jew without actually explaining your problem with them and following it up with wanting them to choke painfully and then adding a heart emoji and saying peace is not the flex you think it is lmao
I’ve read through posts on spacelazarwolf’s blog and have concluded that despite the opinion of a thousand random anons they (unsure about pronouns they’re not in the bio but please correct me) aren’t actually a bloodthirsty “zionazi” gunning for the death of Palestinians
Idk, if you all on the internet could see what actual Zionists have to say about all this, you’d realize that Jews like me and spacelazawolf are sometimes considered as betrayers, self-hating, etc bc we don’t support the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. I’ve had family members send me awful, vile messages about how I’m a kapo and shouldn’t be considered a member of the Jewish people anymore.
Also, this demand that everyone on the internet adequately show their allegiance to every cause is dumb because A) there are far too many worthy causes and issues in the world for everyone to be well informed on and positing about, B) posting on tumblr.com isn’t activism (not saying it’s not important, awareness is important) and C) you have no idea what a person is doing outside of social media
demanding to know the stance of every Jew you meet about Palestine is shitty. I don’t go up to every Indian person I meet and ask them about Modi. I don’t go up to every Chinese person I meet and ask them about the Uighur genocide. Hell, I don’t go up to every person I meet here living in the US to answer for the very very long list of horrible things America is responsible for.
Anyway, next time you feel like coming into a Jewish person’s inbox and saying some crap, send some money to:
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tamamita · 2 months
Jewish anon here, wtf do they think they're doing by sending you links and dumbass articles. Do they think they're defeating hamas by arguing with a random person online?? Absolutely bizarre behaviour
It's a moot point, because the Arabs in Palestine are descendants of Levantines. While there was an Arab expansion, the population there was arabized and have historically intermingled with its Jewish and Christian population. It doesn't go back 1400 years during the Arab expansion, it goes back 3000 years.
I hate pulling this argument, because it still doesn't justify settler colonialism.
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
Sorry for the ask, but I’ve seen you retweeting and reblogging some ways to support Palestine but I’m not from the US so is there any way I can generally help?
Like I know about the click website, but that’s about as far as my knowledge of ways to help goes,,,
Hello anon :) the US isn't the only coloniser supporting Israel at this time, and if you live in Canada, the UK, or Australia, this is a great resource to help you send letters to your local officials.
Another way you can help is to simply remain educated about the genocide of Palestine and Israel's history of colonialism and segregation. I think it's also good to reach out to those who still think this conflict is 'too complex' and don't engage with it outside of mainstream news sources. The media these days is predominantly on the side of the oppressors, and I think it's good to remain patient and spread knowledge about the truth of the situation.
I say that with a few qualifiers though - if you're ever in a space where doing so would directly threaten your safety, you don't have a responsiblity to put yourself in danger. It's not cowardly to pick your battles. And while I personally have talked to a few Zionists, just to gain some insight into the kind of propaganda/talking points they like to bring out, I don't think you should approach that discussion with the goal that you'll definitely get through to them. Israel's dehumanisation of Palestine is decades in the making, and there are systems in place that ensure certain Jewish people grow up with hating Palestinians being ingrained in their identity.
Spread the word, remain hopeful and vigilant, and believe wholeheartedly in the possibility of Palestinian freedom.
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prismatic-bell · 5 months
I don't know if you accept submissions to your wall of hate, but I just got this anon Ask.
I wonder if the person understands what empathy is, and if they even noticed that I'm not Jewish?
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I mean, I do want Jewish people to have a place where they can be safe, which technically fits the definition, but I don't claim the title because I'm not Jewish.
As for empathy, that one's tough for me thanks to autism, but I have ridiculous amounts of sympathy for both Palastinians suffering under Hamas and for Israelis being so viciously attacked from all sides.
So nobody’s ever submitted anything for it before (I mostly started it as a way to fend off hate mail, because people who see they’re going to get viciously mocked often won’t send it), but yeah, this feels like something that needs added.
Y’all, Spine is a GOY and they’re getting these messages. Look at this. Seriously, look at this. They’re sending hate mail to goyim for *checks notes* supporting the idea that Jews should be allowed to be safe.
This isn’t about “supporting Palestinians.” It’s literally about Jew-hate and nothing more.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
So I did just block the anon who told me to get help bc of my magneto was right title which, more than anything else, tells me they're not familiar with the comics
But also. Trying to tell me, a Jewish comics fan who specifically specializes in the Jewish history of comic books, that Magneto is antisemitic, actually, because he was made into a Jew by a "gentle" in 1975 (which isn't even true), is so wildly a misrepresentation of what his character means in fucking 2023 that it baffled me. Like I considered answering the ask because it was like, ok this is a teachable moment. But like also fuck that guy so.
But here's the thing about magneto is that obviously he's wrong, in that killing people is wrong and in some cases he's basically represented as a terrorist. But he's also obviously right, in that it's literally been proven in the house of x storyline that mutants will never be accepted, will always be hunted and hated, and mutants can and should defend themselves against that. I'll remind you that, although genosha was far from a success, the basic idea of mutants having their own island country is essentially the exact fucking same as krakoa, which is the current wildly successful x men storyline!!!!
And that's ignoring the fact that the magneto was right slogan was born when magneto was dead, and wasn't meant to support any particular action he made, but rather general ideas as I presented them above, and then beyond that, the fact that many Jews in particular identify with the slogan because we've been persecuted and hated for being different for three thousand fucking years, and that in 2023 in particular, after seven years of an increasing rise of antisemitism, having that as the title of my blog is just pointing out the fucking obvious
(this also leaves out the context of when I, in particular, started using the title, and the content of my blog at the time, and the fact that I've had this particular pfp for about as long, and the way all three of those tie in together, but I have no doubt that the person who sent me this ask is not a long time follower of this blog. About two thirds of my followers either already followed me or followed me because of that phase in my life though, and the rest have most likely seen me refer to it multiple times, so that context is not lost on most of them)
Basically. Magneto is a character who, at first, was not very complex. But no character can stick around for sixty years without becoming complex and taking on meaning that was not necessarily intended by the original creator. At this point magneto has been a Jewish Holocaust survivor for nearly five decades, as this anon themself pointed out. He's been handled by Jewish and goyische authors alike. And pretending he's purely an antisemitic character rather than one that many Jews actively cherish and identify with and show in so many ways that you, yourself, are not Jewish, and don't have any idea what you're talking about just so you can send anonymous hate my way...
Well. Point is. Magneto was right.
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
A Muslim woman was recently targeted by a Jewish woman in a library setting, and some of ya'll still don't have the comprehension skills to understand the following:
We know not all Jewish people are white -the librarian who wrote about their experiences with this Islamophobic white Jewish woman was precisely just that -situational -how white passing people have weaponized their whiteness/perceived whiteness to be believed and supported when THEY feel wronged. And like many white women do and have done for centuries -use their tears to harm and sometimes end up getting Black and Brown people killed.
We know that hate crimes happen to MANY communities and groups of people around the world -including racialized Jewish people. To say these are mutually exclusive (that only Muslim people are experiencing hate crimes by white people) is NOT what this librarian was talking about. Again, this was something they were addressing as a systemic issue -that when white people target and attack Black, Brown, and Indigenous people (and yes that absolutely includes white-passing folks) it's beyond dangerous and immoral.
I'm STILL reading these long re-blogs and comments on this post I made a week ago and it honestly reminds me of the time when I told a PhD candidate during my Master's degree several years ago, that I don't support Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman because she's a violent zionist -and my previous colleagues response (when she wore a WW shirt the next day) was to say that I was being antisemitic... I genuinely believe some of these people need to be much more reflexive or spend less time on the internet because the cognitive dissonance is just wild to me.
Also to the recent xenophobic, racist, and zionist trash that keep sending me anons (some from this post specifically), a personal FU to you today especially.
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★ 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ★
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Shalom, my name is Sarah, I’m 22, a New York Cityer, and ethically Jewish.
I stand with Israel, against the Israeli government, and I stand with Palestinians citizens but definitely against Hamas.
Former messianic ethic Jew, here’s a full post.
I don’t support any Messianic movement, especially stuff such as JVP, they just keep harming people. My family are still messianics, and I haven’t come out to them. I either don’t interact or auto-block hate towards me because of my former messianicness.
Holocaust/Shoah studies major getting a minor in psychology. My grandparents were survivors, but I don’t talk about it much considering it’s a heavy topic, and is something personal, and since they have passed I don’t feel comfortable sharing their stories without permission.
If you have any questions, please comment or send asks, if you have any hate just send anons. Please send my asks about how Attack on Titan is a Jewish show
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Zionism is a complicated definition.
I am a Zionist if you define it by Jewish self determination, and support of a Jewish state in the land of Israel, than yes I am one.
If you define it by supporting the Israeli government and the IDF, than no I am not.
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𝐈𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
I hate the far right Israeli government, and want it to be rooted it out. I hate Bibi, and his other supporters and party.
I support Israel existence and their people not their government.
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𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐲𝐬
I don’t care if you reblog my post or comment, this is an open blog for anyone, and I don’t care if you’re Jewish or not.
But please don’t put your two cents into anything that is just focused on Judaism, as a girl who grew up trapped in messianism, I don’t even feel comfortable giving my two cents, so please as someone with limited knowledge of the Jewish community, don’t give your opinions.
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DNI lists don’t work, unless you truly can’t deal with me.
I have a disorder called dysgraphia were I will always have trouble spelling. But just because I have spelt things wrong doesn’t take away from my points.
I am not a supporter of the IDF, there is no such thing as a “moral army,” it’s impossible.
Anti-communist, take that has you will.
I would like to knee both Netanyahu and all Hamas leaders in the balls. 
Fuck Hamas and Am Yisrael Chai!
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“This is me if you even care…”
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
i mean when you send multiple anons asking someone to explain, and phrase them in passive-aggressive ways like 'i thought the whole point was that everyone could be religious', yeah theyre gonna get annoyed? and tbh i feel like just using your brain couldve answered this pretty easily. hmm why might a jewish person not want christians to reblog their post about god? 🤔
no one owes you an explanation in the first place. avi stated a boundary, thats all that matters.
also if the way avi answers asks annoys you, then dont follow him? block him? why are you here?
yeah i am just like. so fucking baffled that people don't get it?????? and this happens with so much stuff regarding antisemitism, like i have to be so constantly aware of it that it blows my mind when goyim have absolutely no fucking idea. bc they don't have to think about these things.
and the way i responded to that "we just want to spread the love of christ!!!!!!!" anon was so fucking tame compared to the things i could have said, the things i wanted to say. bc no one but other jews seem to pick up on the violence in such an innocuously worded ask. they didn't call you a kike so clearly they don't hate you! they just want to use your words to spread the gospel of jesus! and wouldn't it be nice if you accepted that gospel! i mean after all you were the one that said the initial words! god accepts you for being trans! the jewish thing is no matter! just accept jesus and it'll all be fine! don't mind the centuries of violence that doesn't matter now! we're all friends! :)
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boreal-sea · 6 months
thenyanguardparty is not antisemitic she's just anti-zionist lmao plus she's not involved in any harrassment campaign, do you just believe whatever anons send you
I went to her blog. The post linked was one worshiping Mao Zedong, which is already fucked up.
Ok I'm finally done with my road trip for the day. Thenyanguardparty uses she/it/ela/ella pronouns.
She seems to believe all she's saying is "trans men can be misogynistic!" but she's doing more than just that, and most people who "call out trans men for being misogynistic" are actually just being transandrophobic. . She insists trans men have male privilege, which we fucking do not except under extremely conditional circumstances and then only if we remain stealth. I thought the queer community decided that circumstantial / closet privilege was not privilege? Claiming trans men have male privilege is as transphobic as claiming trans women have it. . Trans men do not "wield misogyny" in any special kind of way, and we do not need to specifically be called out on it, despite what transandrophobes think. Cis women can be misogynistic. Trans women can be misogynistic. Claiming trans men are some sort of special kind of misogynist is transphobic and sexist and misogynistic itself. Period. .
More general disdain for trans men who speak out about experiencing misogyny. And more. How dare we, I guess. Like, it very clearly just hates trans men discussing our transphobia, I really don't know how to make this any clearer. .
On to the antisemitism!!! FIRST fucking post when I search "Jew" on its blog is This Post, which was made by a Jewish person to call out goyim for their closeted antisemitism, and surprise! She's reblogged it with reblogs from non-Jews, making fun of the post, and calling all Jews "insecure Zionists".
Fuck her.
She very clearly does have general disdain for trans men, and hates trans men who don't pretend we magically get all the privilege of cis men, and hates trans men who don't bend over backwards and pretend we never experience misogyny, and hates trans men who don't act incredibly apologetic for our scary masculinity, and hates trans men who don't believe trans women are the Most Oppressed Ever.
It also really fucking hates Jews who don't conform to its perfect stereotype of what a Jew should be.
Oh and there was the whole reblogging Mao Zedong's birthday post it reblogged. Also, and this isn't important, but this bugged me personally: she's weirdly pro-AI art.
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maidservant-hecubus · 5 months
thanks for posting about the jewish side of this whole thing. at the first post of urs i saw i almost reached for the unfollow button thinking it was zionistic, but then i like. Took a moment and realized propaganda had me almost ready to unfollow a jewish person bc they called out antisemitism. reading more of ur posts has definitely helped me think harder abt everything im consuming rn, and i want 2 thank u 4 that. Ik ur probably getting nasty messages so heres one from a goy(goyim? Idk the conjugation) who isnt perfect but is learning 2 listen thanks 2 u
This ask is from November 16th and I've clearly sat on it for a long time. I've had a lot of complex feelings over it. Grateful, yes, especially in the earlier days. Which I think is why I didn't let my self answer right away. I'm glad anon had a second thought before unfollowing me. The bar is in hell there, but I'm still glad. I'm glad they understood my goals have been to fight antisemitism by calling it out where i see it. I'm glad they seem wiling to listen and learn. But i also worry. I worry because of that knee-jerk view of pro-jews and jewish safety content as "zionistic" is there and their ask only tells me that they realized that **I** was doing better, not that their wariness of "zionistic" content was wrong. And i've felt very nit-picky feeling this way, especially when they are thanking me for helping them to think harder about things. I deeply appreciate that and i hope if they're still following me they now have an even better understanding of how nuanced my feelings on this have to be. I have to be nit-picky because this is my life and the life of my loved ones and my people on the line. And also I realize now i am some form of zionist, but i'm not going to define or quantify that because the people who know what i'm talking about understand the nuance and multitudes and complexity and hope that word can hold (and if you've been following me you should by now too), and the people that would block me for it or put me on a list or send me hate would never have engaged me in good faith to begin with. So anon, if you're still following me, I sincerely thank you and hope you've continued to learn and unpack your feeling over this all. I'm grateful for the message that November 2023 you sent because it does give me hope, and i hope that past version of you can be proud of the you that's reading this reply. And above all I hope that anyone else reaching for the block button takes a moment to think and realize they are not immune to propaganda and cultural antisemitism.
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matan4il · 24 days
what does it mean when you call us nonnie?/genq
It's just a cuter (in my mind) way of addressing an anon.
And in my attempt to catch up with replying to asks (all of which you can find in my ask tag), here are a few more with responses:
yo, as an openly jewish person, i just wanna make this post to appreciate you and give you a virtual hug :)
Thank you sooooo much, Nonnie, I'm so happy that I can do anything that helps fellow Jews! I hope you're doing good and taking care of yourself throughout this, and please know my blog is ALWAYS open to you if you need anything. Sending much love! xoxox
I vaguely remember someone saying Hamas/Gazan health ministryss numbers haven't been reliable despite that being the quote that keeps getting passed around. Do you know where this was discussed?
I've discussed it a lot on my blog, and you should be able to find posts about it, more and less recent ones, between my UN tag on my blog and my resources one.
congratulations on Independence! I only have some Jewish ancestry but I grew up being taught what an amazing miracle it was that Israel was established, that the hope of thousands of years of exile came to pass! The people who hate you only ever convinced me to dust off my duolingo Hebrew lessons. I really hope I get see your beautiful country for myself one day עם ישראל חי
Thank you so much, Nonnie, and I absolutely believe in the same thing, that our return to our ancestral land, de-colonizing it, re-establishing our ancestral language and culture, reviving our native roots, allowing us to walk the same streets and sites our ancestors (and yours!) did is nothing of a miracle. This should be a cause for celebration for all people who believe in native rights, not just for people with a Jewish identity and our allies. That notion is only reenforced by the fact that the generation who got to see this dream realized included so many Holocaust survivors, people who were human skeletons in May of 1945, and were called to defend the Jewish state from the invasion of several Arab armies in May of 1948, people who somehow won that war, despite having inferior numbers of soldiers, weapons, less training, no British help (including donated airplanes, weapons and even British commanders in the field) like the Jordanian and Egyptian armies did, and when many of these survivors were not even all speaking the same language (so just imagine how difficult even giving a simple order was)... Truly, even when I put Jewish sentiments aside, Israel winning its Independence War is a true miracle.
Just take a second to process that the people on the left are also the people on the right, who won this war, a victory the anti-Israel crowd mourns, because I guess they think it would have been better if these Holocaust survivors would have been subjected to a second genocide, this time at the hands of the Arabs? For having the audacity to return to their ancestral land after Europe almost completely wiped out their families and their people?
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I love that you're studying Hebrew! :D It's so beautiful and so rich to me, and I hope you enjoy it, too. Don't hesitate to listen to Israeli songs as well, it def contributes to learning and to enjoying it! And congrats to you as well, since it feels like you're very much a part of this celebration, too! Am Yisrael chai! <3
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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veryintricaterituals · 8 months
Israel IS a fascist, genocidal, colonizer. Zionism is fascism. It’s a country that was built on the same principles of nazism. That’s what the entire country is built on. You cant separate the two. Your defense of Israel makes you complicit, and disgusting as a human being.
Well look, an anon coming mask off and full antisemitism in my ask... It was just a matter of time. Very original with your false equivalence of zionism and nazism, I am so surprised 🙀. Yes, of course, let's go and harass a random Jewish person online who is on the other side of the world and can't do jack shit about the conflict... That helps the cause and it's not antisemitic at all.
I'm not going to go into a tangent on my opinion of the Israel/Palestine conflict because firstly I don't owe it to you or to anyone (no Jewish person does), secondly it is WAY too complicated and intricate to even begin to parse it in a little blog post and thirdly it wouldn't in anyway help the people who are actually dying right now which is what we should all be doing, not sending antisemitic hateful messages to random Jews online.
But before I block and report you anon let me make a couple of things clear, which all were written in the post about my family history that I'm sure sent you my way: I don't support the current Israeli government and I've actually taken action against it which I'm pretty sure YOU anon have not. I've been to protests, I've VOTED against it and I've supported the Israeli Left and the Palestinian people with ACTIONS which most people in this website with their fucking virtue signaling that cannot say. This is just plain old antisemitism just waiting in the wings and calling people good or bad jews...
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yesitssam · 1 month
Hey so to the person who thought it was cool or funny or whatever to send me an ask filled with slurs, Antisemitic thoughts, and then count it as 'We're on the same side', please fuck right the way off.
Jewish peoples are not at fault as a whole for Israel & the IDF's genocide. That would be the people complicit. There are Jewish Palestinians, Jews all over the world that are against the genocide, too.
Secondly, how the FUCK are you gonna say this: 'Twitter isn't going to help promote things the west hates like "r@ping" Jews and killing f@gs...' and then say you're on the side of Palestinians. There are many LGBTQ+ Palestinians.
Thirdly, you HAVE been reported to the mods of the JSE Discord server - where you came from. I wanna STRESS that that discord server is usually LOVELY, but to that asshole: please fuck off. We aren't on the same side if you're gonna go about with all that. You wanna talk, get off Anon and DM me - they're open for a reason - so i can tell you to fuck off personally.
And to all y'all lovely people who follow me or see this: Please don't send me shit like this in my asks. Besides the homophobic, antisemitic language, it's just plain rude. I won't be exposing the full, seven-paragraph Ask, but yeah just know that shit ain't gonna fly on my end.
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deepdeanvsweston · 13 days
Margaret Dolliswood Headcanons? (Thanks for doing the elizabeth one)
That's perfectly ok anon!!! Thankyou for sending it in!!!
Also I know this looks like just. a massive essay but I SWEAR it all relates and is relevant and the hcs are at the bottom!!!
Ok so her motive to kill Elizabeth was that she was a lesbian in love with Astrid Frith and Elizabeth knew this. Which I think is very interesting, considering the the stigma around lesbianism at the time, and also as seen explicitly in the books where Clementine says something along the lines of "something goes wrong in their brains" (I can't quite remember the line) when Margaret's secret comes out.
We of course don't know what was canonically happening between the Five and Elizabeth, if she was abusing them about their secrets, or simply holding them as leverage, but I do often wonder why in Margaret's case, Elizabeth wasn't afraid or disgusted of her, on page at least, because she was a lesbian - as again Clementine says "it's all the same to them" referencing how being hit or being affectionately touched is the same to a lesbian. Obviously they're all so close knit because if 1 secret gets out they all do, but I think a throwaway line in JFP like "none of the Five went near Margaret much" would have cemented the stigma.
BUT. There isn't a line like that!!! And I personally think it would have been fairly easy for the most of the Five to just ostracise Margaret, without fear of their secrets coming out as any credibility she might have had in revealing other people's secrets would have been lost completely because she was a lesbian AND THE fact that most of the Five's secrets don't much have real life consequences, if that makes sense? For example, if Florence's secret got out (which it did, but I'm referring to before E.H was killed) it would have been devastating for her and her family but not put perhaps their lives at risk. HOWEVER note I say most of the Five, because of course Una Dichmann was trying to get her Jewish grandparents out from nazi Germany which very much is a real life consequence that could put lives at risk. So imo Una and Margaret would have bonded out of sheer necessity because if Margaret was ostracised (as previously mentioned I think she'd be the most easy to) and revealed everyone's secrets, then Una's would be the one with actual danger of harm. So Una goes out of her way to cement a friendship or at the very least an alliance with Margaret to avoid this liklihood.
Ok so onto ACTUAL hcs now sorry anon
- I can't find a description of her on the wiki and I don't have my book on me so I think she has pin straight auburn hair with freckles that she hates (Astrid ADORES them tho)
- she used to be the prankster of her year, always pulling tricks on the teachers and during assemblies and creating mischief on exeat weekends
- she is always trying to put the attention away from her with all her tricks, but also desperately wants the attention
- she is the Eldest Daughter, with 3 sisters aged 3, 4, and 5 so there is an age gap
- her parents aren't cruel, not in any way, and do love her to bits, but with 4 other children they have grown a bit fatigued of parenting and so it lands on her a lot to be like 'oh I love your drawing!' 'i can take you to the loo! 'come here, your ribbon is all messed up'
- and of course as Eldest Daughter, she is expected to pave the way for her sisters, securing herself a decent husband etc etc.
- and she's actually happy with this!!! She's stuck in comphet but she thinks she's happy! Of course ALL girls stare at each other's legs in their gym kits!!!
- but then. She meets Astrid, a new student from Denmark who arrives in the last term of fourth form, and everything turns on its head
- Margaret honest to god genuinely thinks she's allergic to Astrid, or at least her perfume or detergent or something
- why does she keep having hot flushes? And butterflies in her stomach? And why does she lean forward every time Astrid goes to say something?
- Margaret realises she's a lesbian after several dreams about her and Astrid
- and her whole prankster thing changes. She becomes a model student, perfectly presentable, hw handed perfectly because she doesn't want the attention anymore. Attention means people look closer.
- one step out of line and she fears everything she has will fall to pieces because of Astrid
- they are friends at this point and through several tense moments during the summer hols before sixth form, they end up together
- and then the events of Jolly Foul Play happen and her secret comes out
- and that happens in like Sept - Nov so she still has a whole year of ridicule to go
- her parents are essentially embarrassed and ashamed of her but don't pull her out of school as they feel it's the one thing that could change her back to 'normal', and really push her into school work. And anyway
- Astrid's parents immediately pull her back to Denmark and ban any contact
- and that's almost that.
- 17 years later they find each other and buy a house by the sea. It's only ever been them for each other, anyway.
- as for the war, I'd imagine Margaret joins the WRNS (Woman's Royal Naval Service) and Astrid does something in communications (???)
- Margaret and Una, after everything, become actually close friends, and they'd both give their lives for each other given the need. I like to think their friendship becomes DaisyandHazel-esque in nature
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jew-flexive · 7 months
Izzy Hands was the abuser, actually. And Izzy Hands wasn't poor or working class (but Ed was). And Izzy Hands sold people out to the cops. And Izzy Hands was homophobic and femmephobic. And you would know all of that if you had watched the show, instead of listening to a bunch of izcels talk about a character they did not understand using traits, plots, and quotes that they literally stole from other, usually POC characters. But I see you're a zionist. So I'm not surprised you're a stupid piece of shit.
....Whose kid is this? Why are they in my backyard?
Anyway, yeah, let's get into it! Edward Teach historically owned and sold slaves and engaged in broad-scale corruption by bribing public officials (including early modern police forces). He also murdered hundreds of people, and was generally an all around Certified Bad Dude. In OFMD canon, from what I understand, he physically mutilated Izzy multiple times and psychologically and physically abused People of Color, on top of the regular list of Pirate Crimes. So your fav, just like everyone's favs, is also problematic.
But Izzy Hands is also...not my fav? I don't watch OFMD? I made a tiny text post because a lot of my mutuals were upset, and I wanted to comfort them because I know what it's like to dedicate a lot of time/effort to a show and feel let down. It wasn't that deep. As I said in my properly tagged post, I don't watch OFMD because I wasn't able to separate the historical figures of Stede Bonnet and Edward Teach from the characters in the show, who were both very bad people in real life. That was a personal choice, and I don't judge anyone who watches OFMD--not even you, Anon!
(I judge you for other reasons!)
(Also, I could make a point about how because you like the character of Edward Teach, you're a supporter of slavery and a racist piece of shit, but I'm not going to do that because I have media literacy and also I'm not going to try to derive someone's political beliefs based on which characters they like in a TV show and nothing else. Because doing that is stupid. And childish. And pathetic.
Sound like anyone we know?)
I could dig into your whole "Izcel" comment and how you are ascribing onto a majority queer audience a term that has caused that community tremendous harm, thereby undercutting whatever progressive values you are trying to promote by attacking fans of a character you personally don't like, but if you aren't brave enough to come off anon to send me hate, you aren't worth my time of educating you. I encourage you to read some actual queer theory, and not just watch the TikTok summaries. I am more than happy to send you a reading list if you DM me!
Finally, I want to address your final point. I guarantee I have done more work to ensure Palestinian sovereignty than you have. I donate regularly to Palestinian NGOs and peace projects in Israel and Palestine. I attend rallies and protests, uplift the voices of Palestinian activists, organize in my community, and support organizers in the region itself. I am, as the majority of American Jews are, extremely anti-Bibi. I'm in charge of the office pool for the Palestinian Red Crescent, and I helped register voters for municipal elections in Israel to promote shared cities and a greater public voice for Arab citizens of Israel. I am committed to the cause of Palestinian liberation and self-determination because I am committed to the cause of Jewish liberation and self-determination. All liberation is connected, and I have spent five years dedicating myself to promoting a shared vision of hope, peace, and safety in the Levant. You have no idea what kind of Zionist I am, or if I even identify with that word. All you saw was that I made posts decrying the violence of Hamas and the hateful response by the rest of the world. All you saw is that my handle has the word "Jew" in it.
I don't know what you wanted to accomplish by sending this ask, Anon. Did you want me to recant my previous post and send a big "Fuck You!" to my mutuals who liked Izzy Hands as a character? Not going to happen. Did you want me to watch OFMD and start liking Edward Teach? Also not going to happen. Did you want to make me look like "a stupid piece of shit"? I assure you, I'm not the one who looks stupid right now.
Did it make you feel big? Did it make you feel powerful? Did it give you catharsis to send hate to a Jewish person, knowing there is no way for you to be truly held accountable? Does the idea of me reading this message excite you? Are you giddy at the idea that you might upset me? That you might scare me? I've had groups of grown men follow me out of work threatening to rape and kill me because I'm Jewish. I promise you, Anon, you don't scare me. You make me laugh. Imagine caring so much about a mediocre TV show you just have to harass a Jew about it.
Fuck you, you cowardly and antisemitic prick. You, like everyone else who hides behind anon to send hate, are so fucking small.
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