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“You have a lot of faith in a man who took you out of a salt mine because he thought you were someone else,” Celaena said, as if she couldn’t help herself.
“Better than someone who knew who I was and left me there,” Lillian retorted.
It took a long time to come up with the concept for this cover, and the length of the title really didn’t help. Had something of an epiphany a few days ago and then slammed this out in three days.
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The Circle Opens Quartet
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There is something deep and rich about the Circle Universe that the Circle of Magic quartet illuminated but kind of didn't have space to fully explicate. That's why I am fully and forever grateful that Tamora Pierce followed up Sandry, Briar, Daja, and Tris on their adventures with their teachers after they're granted their mage credentials. Let's talk the Circle Opens quartet.
While the Circle of Magic books focus on the four protagonists as a quartet in each book (even if the plot might center on a single protagonist), the Circle Opens books see our protagonists hundreds of miles apart and truly having to stand on their own feet and grow their own strengths. They also all get their own students in these books, and seeing how their personalities, teachers, and backgrounds affect how they interact with their students makes these books very, very fun. It also makes these books feel more like true YA than advanced middle grade (which is kind of how the Circle of Magic books read, but that's not a criticism; those books are amazing).
Magic Steps finds Sandry in Emelan caring for Duke Vedris after a stroke and basically low-key running the country while her uncle recovers. On a morning ride, she stumbles across Pasco Acalon as he dances a luck spell for a friend's family of fisherfolk. After some...creative convincing...Pasco agrees that yes, he has magic and needs training. This is where Sandry learns about the condition of her new credentials: If she discovers a new mage, and a teacher with a complementary power set cannot be found, the discovering mage is ethically and legally bound to teach the new mage at least the basics.
As though teaching a reluctant 12-year-old with family baggage and a formerly unknown type of magic wasn't enough, Sandry also has to deal with a blood feud that followed a merchant family to Emelan and has turned ugly. An unmagic mage is helping two assassins commit murder, and in the process is contaminating the city with unmagic.
Unmagic is a super cool concept, because it is the absence of everything and it consumes everything it touches, especially magic. It is horrifying in that it simply is; it's not evil in and of itself but it consumes with no care or compassion, and so in practice, it tends to look evil in an implacable, inevitable sort of way. There was a sense of existential horror to the magic itself that is unusual in Tamora Pierce's work, but was highly effective when pitted against Sandry's radical hope and optimism.
Ultimately, Sandry and Pasco work together to get Pasco's magic under control and bring peace back to the streets of Emelan.
Street Magic finds Briar and Rosethorn in the great, ancient city of Chammur, working with the local Living Circle Temple and beginning Briar's side hustle as a shakkan shaper and merchant. Chammur also brings Briar's past slamming into his present, since the city has a strong gang presence--so strong that they are practically their own political and social force.
This becomes more complicated when Briar discovers that Evvy--a street rat who makes a few coins by polishing stones for souk merchants--is, in fact, a stone mage. When Chammur's official stone mage is revealed to be the world's biggest douchecanoe and Evvy--quite rightly--refuses to have anything to do with him, Briar takes her under his tutelage.
Honestly, the best parts of this book are Briar's relationships with Evvy and Rosethorn. Evvy pokes all kinds of holes in Briar's past worldview and how he sees gangs' function in society. She's also delightful on her own merits, whip smart, and a devoted cat mom.
Briar and Rosethorn's relationship is delightlfully complicated and simultaneously dead simple. After her death in Briar's Book, Rosethorn is a bit physically delicate, and Briar has quietly taken on the role of surrogate son and caretaker, even as Rosethorn is his surrogate mother and teacher. The two of them have complimentary rough edges, and as Rosethorn herself says, they've come so far beyond who owes what to who, and simply are each other's. I love these two.
Cold Fire locates Daja and Frostpine in Namorn in the dead of winter, as Frostpine continues on his quest to expose Daja to as many smiths and craftspeople as possible, broadening her already deep education. While visiting an old friend and his family, Daja discovers that their twin children are mages. Now unlike Sandry and Briar, Daja is able to find mage teachers for her young students, but neither teacher has the time or space to do the basics--so that falls to Daja to teach.
In addition to her very energetic students, Daja is wrapped up in the Kugisko community, including local firefighter Bennat Ladradun. Daja expands her already prodigious skillset to include walking through burning buildings to rescue those trapped inside. She unfortunately has to do this rather a lot, because Kugisko has a firebug.
Ultimately, Daja's story in Namorn is about compassion, patience, and learning to see things as they are, not as she might wish them to be.
Shatterglass shows us Tris and Niko at a magical conference in Tharios, right in the middle of the reign of a Jack the Ripper-esque criminal who is attacking and murdering Yaskedasi--female street dancers. In the midst of academia and murder, Tris finds herself two students: Keth Warder, a journeyman glassblower recovering from a lightning strike, and Glaki, the orphaned daughter of a murdered Yaskedasi Keth was friends with.
Poor Tris never plays life on easy mode. While she isn't the only one of the four mages to take two students, she is the only one with students with such diverse needs. Keth is a grown-ass adult who had training and a career before a lightning strike awakened his ambient magic, whereas Glaki is like four years old and an academic mage. And yet, somehow Tris manages. She looks after both her students and helps the police catch their murderer.
Overall, this quartet is a phenomenal follow up to the Circle of Magic quartet, and I love how the world expands beyond Emelan here. I also love that the tables turn and our students become first-time teachers themselves. If you are any sort of Tamora Pierce fan, I cannot recommend the Circle Universe enough.
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mysteriousxace · 9 months
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monthgirl · 1 year
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quietflorilegium · 3 months
“A bad name is just a fart with consonants.”
Trisana Chandler, Tamora Pierce, "Shatterglass"
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Editing Thoughts:
As we reach the end of the Circle of Magic series, magic starts to get weird, y'all. I know a lot of people struggle with things that happen that are not previously established, but I never had an issue with them. Yes, this is my series. I grew up with these books, so CoM is kind of my baseline for magic anyway. But I'm going to pitch one more possible explanation fror why I think it works:
I ran across this video by Timothy Hickson a while back, in which he explains how soft magic systems work really well to emphasize the emotional beats of a story. (This, incidentally, helped me understand why I like soft magic systems so much.) This works particularly well in CoM because we see in the first couple of books how emotional states can have an influence on magic--namely, when Tris is angry, she sparks. And she must learn to control her anger.
So at the end of Shatterglass, when Tris basically opens a hole in the ground? This is again, an echo of her anger. And at the end of the Will of the Empress, Tris's ability to be with the other three "physically" while still being so far away is the CoM version of the family member leaving and saying, "I'll always be with you in here (points to heart)."
The thread circle is a symbol of the childhood bond these four form. Then they part from one another, grow, change, and return. For many of us, childhood friendships fall apart as we grow older. We leave friends and that's that. And throughout the book, they struggle with whether or not their frienship has ended--if it was just a childhood thing. And in a way it was, and in a way, it wasn't. By the end of the story, they reform their friendship anew--it is no longer a childhood bond, but an adult one, which comes with all the complexities of adulthood. So the thread circle--the symbol of their childhood friendship--disappears as they form a newer, deeper, stronger bond. And the circle goes deeper--literally moving into their hands--and leaving them with a scar, just as friendships can both open and heal wounds. And yes, it's something new and unexpected, that can't easily be explained. But isn't that so much of what life (and friendship) is?
But I would be wrong. Let us know what you think in the comments.
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elvencantation · 1 year
are there no audiobooks at all for cold fire and shatterglass??
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first--lines · 2 years
The short, plump redhead walked out of the house that belonged to her hostess and looked around, her air that of someone about to embark on a grand adventure. She shook out her pale blue cotton dress and petticoats, then wrapped a collection of breezes around her chubby person as someone else might drape the folds of a shawl before she went to market. The breezes came obediently to her call, having become so much a part of her in the girl's travels that they no longer rebelled. They spun around her black cotton stockings and sensible leather shoes, raced along the folds of skirts and petticoats, slid along the girl's arms and over her sunburned, long-nosed face. They swept over the spectacles that shielded intense gray eyes framed by long, gold lashes, and twined themselves over and along her head. They followed the paths of her double handful of copper braids, all pinned neatly to her scalp in a series of rings that left no end visible. Only two long, thin braids were allowed to hang free. They framed either side of her stubborn face.
  —  Shatterglass (Tamora Pierce)
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tinynavajoreads · 2 years
Tiny Navajo Reads: The Circle Opens Series
A block of #bookreviews as an apology for my long absence from here. So enjoy these while you have them! - #book #books #tamorapierce #reviews #reading #fantasy #thecircleopens
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essektheylyss · 10 months
In light of this combat and the note on bingo that Ashton's hammer still has yet to be named, I would like to propose Shatterglass, solely because I am a Circle of Magic nerd first and a person second
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braverytewalker · 2 months
Shatterglass Optimus
Reason why a Shatterglass Prime is so terrifying to me is because Optimus is stronger than Megatron by default. At least in my headcanon. The only thing keeping him from wrecking Megatron's world are his morals. If he doesn't have morals, he's pretty much unstoppable.
Imagine a comic where Megatron finally pushes Optimus past the breaking point and Optimus loses his mind, becoming worse than Megatron. Megatron, realizing his fucky-wucky, tries to set things right and gets positively slaughtered by Prime, and now Optimus's Autobots and the Decepticons have to work together or get destroyed by a broken Prime.
Imagine the devastation Optimus would cause? That's the reason why the first three Michael Bay movies hooked me in, because the thought of an Optimus Prime pushed past his limits by war is both terrifying and fascinating to me.
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insaturnity · 23 days
ITS OUT EVERYONE!!!! my radioapple fanfic prologue is out and i mightt release chap one and two early this month since i get outta school this month :3 ENJOY
it's called the shatterglass au by the way :3
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Juliet to Your Romeo, i Heard You Say
sort of a part two, just wanted to do some dancing and Sg!LL being a yandere.
i’m not an artist so i’ll describe what havoc looks like. He’s somewhere between first aid and ambulon’s height, and a soft pink and yellow, and white. his optics are red, and he sometimes wears a faceplate. oh, and he’s a seeker
How long had it been, since Havoc last dance or sang?
Pits if he knew, he was practically trapped in the ship since he was taken by Light. He was an artist, having been born on Caminus, he had a lot of performance in his fuel lines. 
Maybe, he could sneak away from Light for long enough to let out some stress, via singing.
Havoc learned Light’s schedule within months, and after Light went into a recharge like state, he left the habsuite. 
He had to be quick, or else Light might wake up. he ran though the ship until he came to the conservatory, and his spark started to hum with excitement.
Now, what could he sing? Cybertronian music was good but, Earth music was so lovely, soft and full of passion. 
“Ehem,” Havoc cleared his vocalizer, and let his spark sing.
Georgia, wrap me up in all your… I want ya in my arms Oh, let me hold ya
Havoc’s spark sung with him, feeling better as he swayed and danced around until the starfield.
I’ll never let you go again, like I did Oh I used to say
Havoc felt like he was floating, not noticing the mech standing at the doorway, his red visor trained on the seeker’s frame.
“I would never fall in love again until I found him” I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into” I was lost within the darkness, but then I found him I found you
”Such beauty, i did not think it was possible.” They chuckled as havoc jumped and turned towards them, fear evident in his ruby optics. the mech walked towards the seeker, their frame towering his. Servos clasped around Havoc’s hips, and light swayed with him. “sing, little song bird.”
Heaven, when I held you again How could we ever just be friends? I would rather die than let you go Juliet to your Romeo
“How i heard you say~”
“I would never fall in love again until I found him” I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into” I was lost within thе darkness, but then I found him I found you
the two sang in sync, dancing to the non existent rhythm of the song.
The larger held Havoc’s servo in theirs, while the other held his hip, and his other servo held their shoulder, in a waltz style of dance. 
“I would nеver fall in love again until I found them” I said, “I would never fall unless it’s you I fall into”
the two were slowing as the song was reaching it’s end.
“ I was lost within the darkness, but then I found him I found you “
Light’s optic’s were soft as they sung the last lyrics, their baritone voice sending shivers to Havoc’s spark.
“Stay, My song bird, and i’ll make sure none touches you.” Light spoke, “Be mine.”
Havoc couldn’t control himself, as his mouth opened and-
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littlespacestarbun · 2 years
where’s my stories on cliffjumper’s like college degree level smart’s? like why is everything red bumblebee jokes in idw? cliffjumper didn’t go to college for nothing? like give me more stories on this dude’s love for earth life, his interest in romcoms, his love of heavy metal music and bonds with hound and mirage, he’s got character comic writers stop ignoring it i want good stories for him
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quietflorilegium · 3 months
“It isn’t right, what’s happened to your mother and Yali. I hope you grow to be someone incredible, to repay you for all this misery. Why is it, do you suppose, the gods are said to be favoring you when they dump awful things into your lap? Is it because the other explanation, that sorrow comes from accidents and there are no gods doing it to help you be a strong person, is just too horrible to think of? Let’s stick with the gods. Let’s stick with someone being in charge.”
Trisana Chandler, Tamora Pierce, "Shatterglass"
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readingcircletemple · 2 years
New chapter of Shatterglass recording today!! Let's go!
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