#she was supposed to call him uncle barty
whatever you do don’t imagine barty (as moody) seeing third-year luna telling everyone about wrackspurts and nargles just like pandora, except luna was subject to bullying and ridicule and had no one to protect her, and DONT imagine luna going to visit him in his cell before he got the dementor’s kiss to ask why the murderous death eater was so nice to her all year
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braveclementine · 20 days
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖆 pain like nothing else. Fire, ice, and lightning striking my body. Of course, I'd felt this pain before- twice. But somehow, it seemed almost worse this time. Perhaps because he was angrier than before. Before, he'd been amused, but this time I could've screwed things up for him.
He lifted the curse and I was able to breathe again. It was the end of the day, fairly close to curfew. Uncle Moody- the real one- had woken up sometime throughout my torture, looking fairly tortured himself.
"Let her go." Uncle Moody croaked out, his voice barely a whisper. "She hasn't done anything to you."
Barty Crouch Jr. ignored him completely, grabbing my hair and slamming me against the ladder bars. I gritted my teeth in pain as the rungs dug into my back.
"I suppose I didn't warn you enough. You didn't tell anyone. . . but you interfered, damnit! Crucio!"
I screamed at the pain. I remembered that this was the man who, alongside the Lestranges, had tortured Neville's parents into madness.
When he let the curse up, he let me lay there for a moment, going up to the ladder and closing the trunk lid.
"Elizabeth." Uncle Moody croaked from the corner, "What happened to you?"
I trembled, unable to answer for a moment and finally made it into a sitting position and hugged my knees. "I found out he was the impostor." I muttered. "I tried to go to Dumbledore but he intercepted and threatened someone's life that I love." Tears dripped down my face along with sweat. "I can't tell anyone now or he'll kill them."
Uncle Moody put a gnarled hand on my own. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too." I said. "If I didn't love him so much you'd be free by now." I snorted shakily. "God I'm pathetic."
"Love isn't a bad thing." Uncle Moody said dreamily. I knew he was under the imperius curse and probably so tired he couldn't fight it. He was probably going to drift back off to sleep any moment now. Indeed, he was soon snoring lightly.
I got to my feet, stamping out the sleepiness. I wasn't sure why Barty Crouch Jr. had left, but I wasn't all that sure I was supposed to leave. The torture still fresh in my mind, I sat back down in the opposite corner from him.
However, Crouch Jr. returned fairly soon and set the curse on me again. After twenty moments, he told me to leave. My limbs were shaky, my face wet with salty tears, and my voice hoarse from screaming. I nearly fell climbing the ladder and had to stop several times on my way to the common room.
Once in the common room, I had to avoid Cedric and get up to my dorm so I could fall asleep. Cedric called my name as I slipped through the door but I didn't turn back. I didn't want hi m to see me like this.
Over the next few days, I helped Harry get ready for the third task. I was thankful that the third task was coming soon and exams were almost here and I could leave this horrible place. I would make Snape come home with me so I could then send a letter to Dumbledore about Moody and Barty Crouch Jr. It was a daydream, a stupid one, but it gave me a bit of hope.
Harry had worked on the Stunning spell mostly and kept stunning Ron over and over. Hermione and I watched.
When the bell rang, Hermione headed off for Arithmancy, I went down to Care of Magical Creatures, and Harry and Ron went to Divination.
Hagrid had us dealing with fairies today which was a very interesting experience. They are very vain creatures, fairies. They liked mirrors and other shiny things. Hagrid had us building small houses for them- each one had to have a mirror- for we were going to have a fairy farm. I made four before class was over and set them with the other ones.
When I went back up to the castle, Ron and Hermione were sitting at the Gryffindor table. Harry was no where to be found.
"Where's Harry?" I asked, my voice trembling just slightly. I was very near tears most of the time. Along with being shaky and terrified all the time.
"Hospital wing." Ron said in a worried voice. "He had a sort of. . . fit in the Divination classroom."
"I see." I said, pulling over a plate of cakes and taking one.
After dinner, I went with them up to the Gryffindor common room. I had open a big Defense Against the Dark Arts spell book, and was looking for more spells for Harry to try out, writing them down on a list.
Harry came in and sat down near us.
"How was Dumbledore's?" I asked without looking up.
Hermione and Ron's heads turned to me and then back up to Harry.
"Interesting." Harry said. "I was listening at the door at first, because Fudge, Moody, and Dumbledore were all in there talking. Fudge reckons that it was Madam Maxime because of her possibly being half-giant. Of course, Dumbledore wasn't happy with that." Harry looked in the fire and said, "Dumbledore told me to wait in the office and there was thing he called a pensieve."
"Memory catcher." I said aloud to Ron who looked confused.
"Yeah. Anyways, I accidentally went into some of Dumbledore's memories." Harry said, looking extremely thoughtful. "The first trial was Karkaroffs'. It was pretty much as Elizabeth said back in the cave. Most of his names were useless and he tried to use Snapes name. Dumbledore stood up and confirmed that Snape had indeed been a Death Eater but that Snape had been on our side. The second trial was for Ludo Bagman. Apparently he'd been caught passing information to Rookwood who turned out to be a Death Eater. But none of the witches and wizards seemed to want to convict him. Instead, they seemed a bit outraged he was even on trail. Bagman said that he thought he was collecting information for our side. Anyways, Mr. Crouch seemed to be the only one that wanted to convict him. The third trial was his son's trial. I don't know if he really ever did it." Harry looked at me for a second.
I put the book down. Of course, I knew that he had- he'd been an evil little git, but still.
Harry continued saying, "Crouch's son kept yelling that he didn't do it. He begged his mother and his father not to send him to the dementors but he did. . . Mr. Crouch really didn't care about his son..." Harry seemed lost in his thoughts and then continued saying, "That was when Dumbledore showed up to take me out of his memories. I asked what it was and he told me it was a pensieve and that the stuff was his memories."
Harry paused, running his hands though his hair, looking frustrated, "He showed me an example, by taking his thoughts out of his head and putting it into the basin. It was a memory of Snape saying, 'It's coming back. . . Karkaroff's too. . . stronger and clearer than ever. . .' I don't know what he was talking about though. Dumbledore then brought up a girl- Bertha Jorkins. Of course, he hasn't told the ministry about her death."
"He hasn't?" I asked sharply. "Well, why not?"
"Evidence or something like that." Harry said. "He doesn't think the ministry will listen to him. I then told him about my dream where Voldemort was torturing Wormtail. . . because he'd failed or something but it was fixed because someone had died. . . I don't really know what that was all about either."
"Isn't it obvious?" I asked, frowning. "He must've been talking about Mr. Crouch. Wormtail must've been keeping an eye on Mr. Crouch for some reason but if Wormtail took his eye off him or something and he managed to get up here. . . well it was a blunder on Wormtail's part wasn't it? And if Mr. Crouch is dead, then the blunder is fixed."
There was silence for a moment. "Continue Harry, I didn't mean to interrupt."
"No, that's okay." Harry said, "It's just another thing to think about, isn't it? I asked Dumbledore if he thinks Voldemorts rising again and he said he believes he is. He thinks Bertha Jorkins, Crouch, and a Muggle named Frank Bryce are all connections. Apparently you confirmed that Frank Bryce was the muggle in our dream?" Harry asked me.
I nodded, "I didn't know his name, of course, but I recognized him when Dumbledore showed me his picture in the paper."
Hermione and Ron looked back and forth as we talked.
"Dumbledore also thinks Crouch's son might not have been part of the torture they did either." Harry said and I knew he was editing because Dumbledore had told him not to tell us about Neville's parents. "He said Bagman was never convicted of any Dark activity and that neither has Snape." Harry finished.
"Dumbledore reckons You-Know-Who's getting stronger again as well?" Ron whispered in horror. "And he trusts Snape? He really trusts Snape, even though he knows he was a Death Eater?"
"Yes." Harry said.
I felt a bit annoyed with Ron. "I know you guys don't like Professor Snape, but he really isn't as bad as you guys make him out to be."
"Just because he has a soft spot for you-" Ron started disgruntled but Hermione interrupted him.
"Rita Skeeter." Hermione muttered.
"How can you be worrying about her now?" Ron asked in disbelief.
"I'm not worrying about her, I'm just thinking. . . remember what she said to me in the Three Broomsticks? 'I know things about Ludo Bagman that would make your hair curl'. This is what she meant, isn't it? She reported his trial, she knew he'd passed information to the Death Eaters. And Winky too, remember. . . 'Ludo Bagman's a bad wizard.' Mr. Crouch would have been furious he got off, he would have talked about it at home." Hermione said, talking to her knees.
"Yeah, but Bagman didn't pass information on purpose, did he?" Ron asked defensively.
Hermione simply shrugged.
"He could've been under the Imperius Curse, no one can really detect when people are under it." I said and then realized I sounded a little bitter and stopped talking.
"And Fudge reckons Madam Maxime attacked Crouch?" Ron asked Harry.
"Yeah, but he's only saying that because Crouch disappeared near the Beauxbatons carriage." Harry answered.
"We never thought of her, did we? Mind you, she's definitely got giant blood, and she doesn't want to admit it-" Ron started.
I interrupted sharply, "Of course she doesn't. Why would she? Look what happened to Hagrid when he opened his mouth about it! Fudge is already jumping to conclusions because of it! Who needs that kind of prejudice?"
Hermione looked at her watch, "We haven't done any practicing! We were going to do the Impediment Curse! We'll have to really get down to it tomorrow! Come on, Harry, you need to get some sleep."
I said goodnight to the others and made my way back to the Hufflepuff Common room. Halfway there, I saw someone coming down the hallway and I froze. It was just Professor Snape and he froze when he saw me too. We stared at each other for a moment and I said, "I'm not under the curse. I was coming back from the Gryffindor common room."
He nodded curtly and motioned to me to hurry up. "Let's get you to the Hufflepuff common room quickly."
He kept his arm around me tightly and when we got to the Hufflepuff common room I took his left arm. "Can I?" I whispered. "I mean, I know you already have it and you don't have to show me if you don't want to but. . ." I trailed off
He pulled his sleeve up and I saw the dark mark on his arm. It was the same skull and snake that had appeared in the sky. I lightly ran my fingers over it and looked up at him. "He's going to come back, isn't he?"
"Yes, I believe he is." Snape said.
I stared up at him, wanting to kiss him. I let go of his arm slowly and turned and said, "good-night Professor." I entered the pattern to go inside and headed up to my dorm.
𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 few days we continued to help Harry learn more spells instead of studying for our exams.
"I don't mind practicing on my own you know." He said. "You guys should be working on your exams."
I shrugged, laying on the desk, looking up at the ceiling, waving my wand around, and lazily creating gold bubbles to float through the air. It was relaxing. "What's there to study? Besides astronomy I mean and no one expects me to get a good grade on that exam."
"Besides." Hermione said, crossing off another spell on the list. "we'll get top marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts. We'd never have found out about all these hexes in class."
"I'm not so sure about that." I muttered under my breath.
"Good training for when we're all Aurors." Ron said happily.
June entered and I was much happier. Though I was still carrying the heavy burden of a secret, I hadn't been tortured recently which was a nice plus for me. However, at breakfast one morning, a screech owl arrived for Hermione. She read the front lines and spat out a mouthful of pumpkin juice all over it.
"What?" Harry, Ron, and I all asked together.
"Nothing." Hermione said quickly, shoving the paper away but Ron grabbed it and said, "No way. Not today. That old cow."
"What?" Harry asked. "Rita Skeeter again?"
"No." Ron said, shoving it out of sight.
"It's about me, isn't it?" Harry asked, almost amused.
"No." Ron said.
"Hey, Potter! Potter! How's your head? You feeling all right? Sure you're not going to go berserk on us?" Draco Malfoy called over from the other table.
"Let me see it. Give it here." Harry said.
Ron reluctantly handed over the paper and I looked over Harry's shoulder to read the following:
HARRY POTTER "DISTRUBTED AND DANGEROUS      The boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named is unstable and possibly dangerous, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Alarming evidence has recently come to light about Harry Pot- ter's strange behavior, which casts doubts upon his suitability to compete in the demanding comeptition like the Triwizard Tournament, or even to attend Hogwarts school.      Potter, the Daily Prophet can exclusively reveal, regularly collapses at school, and is often heard to complain of pain in the scar on his forehead (relic of the curse with which You-Know-Who attempted to kill him). On Monday last, midway through a Divination lesson, your Daily Prophet reporter witnessed Potter storming from the class, claiming that his scar was hurting too badly to continue studying.      It is possible, say top experts at St. Mungo's Hos- pital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, that Pot- ter's brain was affected by the attack inflicted upon him by You-Know-Who, and that his insistence that the scar is still hurting is an expression of his deep-seated confusion.      "He might even be pretending," said one spe- cialist. "This could be a plea for attention." The Daily Prophet, however, has unearthed worrying facts about Harry Potter that Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, has care- fully concealed from the wizarding public.      "Potter can speak Parseltongue. So can his friend/ sister Elizabeth Kane," reveals Draco Malfoy, a Hogwarts fourth- year. "There were a lot of attacks on students a couple of years ago, and most people though Potter or Kane was behind them, especially after they saw Potter lose his temper at a dueling club and set a snake on another boy. It was all hushed up, though. But he's made friends with werewolves and giants too. We think he'd do anything for a bit of power.      Parseltongue, the ability to converse with snakes, has long been considered a Dark Art. Indeed, the most famous Parselmouth of our times is none other than You-Know-Who himself. A member of the Dark Force Defense League, who wished to remain unnamed, stated that they would regard any wizard or witch who could speak Parseltongue "as worthy of investigation. Personally, I would be highly suspic- ioius of anybody who could converse with snakes, as serpents are often used in the worst kinds of Dark Magic, and are historically associated with evildoers." Similarly, "anyone who seeks out the company of such vicious creatures as werewolves and giants would appear to have a fondness for violence."     As Elizabeth Kane lives with a werewolf, this causes for major questions about why she stays so close to Harry Potter.      Albus Dumbledore should surely consider whether a boy such as this should be allowed to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Some fear that Potter might resort to the Dark Arts in his des- peration to win the tournament, the third task of which takes place this evening.
"Gone off me a bit, hasn't she?" Harry asked lightly, shooting me a glance. I was holding my knife so tightly, I'd cut myself. He reached over and pried the knife out of my fingers. Blood dripped sown my palm.
"Not all werewolves are vicious," I snarled and I stood up abruptly, and made my way off to the chamber behind the teachers desk, ignoring everyone's glances. In front of the fireplace was Mrs. Weasley and Bill. They both looked at me in surprise.
"Elizabeth!" Mrs. Weasley said, and giving me a hug, "What are you doing back here?"
"Well." I said, a bit sarcastically and I tried to change my tune because I wasn't really upset with her. "The Daily Prophet seems to make it out that I'm Harry's sister so it's my sisterly duty to be here for Harry."
Mrs. Weasley seemed stunned and I smiled in a stressed way, and said, "Sorry, the Daily Prophet's been driving me crazy with all it's fake news and they just attacked dad and I'm a bit put out."
"Ah yes." Bill said, grinning at me and a light blush crept over my cheeks. "I believe your dad's the dangerous, violent, werewolf, no?"
I scowled at him even though I knew he was joking.
"Lighten up." Bill said, nudging me with his shoulder. "You'll get frown lines early."
I stuck my tongue out at him. He took my hand and said, "Ferula." Bandages wrapped around the cut.
"Thanks." I said.
Cedric came in and waved at me and went over to where his parents were standing. Fleur was talking with her mother in fast French and Krum was talking to his mother and father in Bulgarian. I picked up a few phrases but none of it made much sense to me.
Harry entered only after Cedric went back out to get him. I supposed he didn't think any family was going to be there. He waved at Gabrielle, who was holding her mother's hand and had waved at him first.
"Surprise!" Mrs. Weasley said excitedly as he smiled broadly at us and walked over. "Thought we'd come and watch you, Harry!" She kissed his cheek.
"You all right?" Bill asked, shaking Harry's hand. "Charlie wanted to come, but he couldn't get time off. He said you were incredible against the Horntail."
"This is really nice of you. I thought for a moment- the Dursleys-" Harry muttered.
"Hey Bill." I whispered, nudging him. "That girl over there is interested in you and I think I foresee a future between the two of you." My eyes twinkled.
Bill glanced furtively over at Fleur who quickly looked away, a blush creeping up on her pale cheeks. "Not bad." He said softly to me.
I laughed. I hugged Harry. "I have to go, of course. I'll have to turn time back a little to make it to exams. You'll do wonderfully tonight." I kiss his cheek and, waved to Cedric again and dashed from the room.
I turned back time for thirty minutes outside the Transfiguration classroom and then went inside just before the bell rang to start my exams. And then I saw the vision. Oh, I wished I hadn't seen the vision.
At lunch, I ate with the Hufflepuffs instead. I sat near Cedric and his parents. His father had a lot to stay about the Harry Potter situation, but if I hadn't known that there was a possibility Cedric was going to die tonight, I would've snapped at him.
As it was, I was trying very hard not to break out into tears. There wasn't much I could do: It was either Cedric's life or Snape's life and I was going to have to choose. I dug my fork into the potatoes I wasn't eating and tried to figure out a way that I could save both of their lives and it dawned on me.
"Ced." I whispered in his ear when I got up, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure." He said and he followed me out of the Great Hall. I went into an abandoned classroom, closing the door behind us. "What's wrong?"
I was trembling and Cedric put his arms around me. "Elizabeth, what's wrong?"
"I- I can't say. . ." I said, forcing the words out through gritted teeth, "I- literally can't- say." I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "But- I feel that- this could be- the last time- I see you." My eyes welled up with tears, "And I need you t- to know that- I- I do love- love you Cedric. Perhaps- not the way- Cho loves you- but I- I- I do love you."
Cedric looked down at me with mixed emotions: Panic, confusion, worry, and also something that looked a bit like love as well. "Elizabeth. . ."
"I know." I said a little easier, "I know you don't love me that way, that you love Cho- I know that. But I needed you to know in case- in case things don't work out- how I want them to-" I took a deep breath. The imperius cruse weighed heavily on me now. I'm not going to tell him, I thought. The imperius curse lifted a little bit more.
Cedric took my face in his hands and smiled, "Don't worry Elizabeth. Everything's going to work out fine! I'm always going to be here."
I smiled up at him sadly, and put my lips against his and pulled away. "Good luck Cedric." I left the room, leaving him behind- perhaps seeing him for the last time. I couldn't look back.
I walked as innocently as possible out the front doors and down into the woods. My heart was pounding and it felt that it might be in my throat. I just had to hope. . . I just had to pray that he wasn't going to be nearby.
I knew any moment the champions would be coming down to the Quidditch pitch. I had to act quickly and I had to act without Crouch Jr. finding out my plan. I slipped my wand into my hand, wishing I had an invisibility cloak or a map. The map! I started sprinting through the forest. If he saw me on the map, well he could only guess what I was doing.
I had never run so fast in my entire life. I shouted, "Accio Cleansweep!" and continued to run. About a minute later, the broom caught up to me and I grabbed it and swung my leg over and flew up over the pitch. The hedges were about twenty feet tall and I zoomed across them, searching for the Cup.
I knew Moody had already placed it in here, I knew that the spell was already on it. All I had to do was grab it, show up, kill Pettigrew, and destroy what was left of Voldemort. Difficult, but not impossible. I wished I'd learned to become an Animagus so that I could hide as some sort of animal. But it was to late now.
I saw the Cup in the middle of the maze and quickly flew down to it. I propped the broomstick up against the hedges and it got sucked in. The hedges sometimes changed shapes, I knew. I hurried over to the cup and on the other side, Moody appeared, looking livid.
"Oh shit." I whimpered, clutching my wand.
"This is the last time Kane! I will not let you interfere with this!" He shot a nonverbal spell at me and I dodged it. If I could just get to the cup. . .
I ducked another spell and threw one of my own. It hit him and he flew back ten feet. I rushed forward for the Cup, ignoring him, and my fingers reached out to grab it, and then everything went dark.
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otunnicliffe · 6 days
Chloe + Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Chapter Six: The Journey From Platform Nine And Three-Quarters.
'Well there is no need to wait,' Dumbledore said, 'Let's continue on.'
He pauses for a moment, then says 'I think myself and Professor McGonagall will pick who reads from now on.'
'How come, sir?' Kimberly asks, looking confused. 
'Because from this chapter, you are going to meet more children of some of you,' he explained. 
'More children of us?' Molly asks.
'But whom?' Arabella adds. 
'All will be revealed in this chapter,' McGonagall tells them sternly. 
'Miss Wesia, would you like to read next?' Dumbledore asks. 
Pandora stands up and sits in the readers chair, and takes the book of Professor McGonagall. 
'This chapter,' She told them, 'Is entitled: 'The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.'
'They're going to Hogwarts James!' Gwendolyn says, excitedly. 
Chloe and Harry's last month with the Dursleys wasn't fun. True, Dudley was now so scared of them both he wouldn't stay in the same room,
'Payback for all the years of abuse!' James argued. 
while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn't shut Harry in his cupboard, force him to do anything, or shout at him -- in fact, they didn't speak to them at all. Half terrified, half furious, they acted as though any chair with the twins in it were empty. Although this was an improvement in many ways, it did become a bit depressing after a while.
Chloe and Harry kept to their room, with their new pets for company. Chloe had decided to call her cat Mittens, as she thought it was a cute name,
'It is a cute name,' Alice agreed. 
she also decided the name of Harry's pet owl. They had decided to call her Hedwig, a name she had found in A History of Magic. Their school books were very interesting. She lay on her bed reading late into the night,
'She's a bookworm like you then, Gwen!' Arabella jokes.
Hedwig swooping in and out of the open window as she pleased. It was lucky that Aunt Petunia didn't come in to vacuum anymore, because Hedwig kept bringing back dead mice. Every night before they went to sleep, Harry ticked off another day on the piece of paper they had pinned to the wall, counting down to September the first.
On the last day of August they thought they'd better speak to their aunt and uncle about getting to King's Cross station the next day, so they went down to the living room where they were watching a quiz show on television. They both cleared their throat to let them know they was there, and Dudley screamed and ran from the room.
'He's turned into a pussy now!' Barty jibed.
"Er -- Uncle Vernon?" Harry said, as Chloe was still a little wary of Uncle Vernon.
Uncle Vernon grunted to show he was listening.
"Er -- we need to be at King's Cross tomorrow to -- to go to Hogwarts."
Uncle Vernon grunted again.
"Would it be all right if you gave us a lift?"
Grunt. They supposed that meant yes. 
'At least he's learning, I hope,' Andromeda says. 
"Thank you." Chloe said quietly.
They were about to go back upstairs when Uncle Vernon actually spoke. "Funny way to get to a wizards' school, the train. Magic carpets all got punctures, have they?"
'Magic carpets aren't real, you numpty!' Alice says. 
Both Chloe and Harry didn't say anything.
"Where is this school, anyway?"
'Scotland,' Chloe answers. Harry looked at her shocked, he had no idea. 
"We just take the train from platform nine and three-quarters at eleven o'clock," Harry added.
His aunt and uncle stared. "Platform what?"
"Nine and three-quarters." Harry repeated. 
"Don't talk rubbish," said Uncle Vernon. "There is no platform nine and three-quarters."
"It's on my ticket."
"Barking," said Uncle Vernon, "howling mad, the lot of them. You'll see. You just wait. All right, we'll take you to King's Cross. We're going up to London tomorrow anyway, or I wouldn't bother."
"Why are you going to London?" Harry asked, trying to keep things friendly.
"Taking Dudley to the hospital," growled Uncle Vernon. "Got to have that ruddy tail removed before he goes to Smeltings."
Giggles errupted from the room. 
'I forgot about the tail,' Frank chortled. 
Harry woke at five o'clock the next morning and was too excited and nervous to go back to sleep. Chloe woke up not long after. He got up and pulled on his jeans because he didn't want to walk into the station in his wizard's robes, Chloe put on a nice top and a long, flowy skirt -- they'd change on the train. They both checked their Hogwarts list yet again to make sure they had everything he needed, saw that Hedwig was shut safely in her cage and Mittens was safely in hers, and then paced the room, waiting for the Dursleys to get up. Two hours later, Chloe and Harry's huge, heavy trunks had been loaded into the Dursleys' car, Aunt Petunia had talked Dudley into sitting next to the twins, and they had set off.
They reached King's Cross at half past ten. Uncle Vernon dumped Chloe and Harry's trunk onto a cart and wheeled it into the station for him. They both thought this was strangely kind until Uncle Vernon stopped dead, facing the platforms with a nasty grin on his face. "Well, there you are, children. Platform nine -- platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have built it yet, do they?"
'I forgot they won't know how to get to the platform!' Gwendolyn says, suddenly worried. 
He was quite right, of course. There was a big plastic number nine over one platform and a big plastic number ten over the one next to it, and in the middle, nothing at all.
"Have a good term," said Uncle Vernon with an even nastier smile. He left without another word. Chloe and Harry turned and saw the Dursleys drive away. All three of them were laughing. Harry's mouth went rather dry. Chloe just stared at her brother, unsure of what to do. They were starting to attract a lot of funny looks, because of Hedwig.
'We'll have to ask someone,' Chloe concluded.
They then stopped a passing guard, but he didn't really pay them much mind, eventually walking away after a few minutes, muttering something about 'time wasters'.
The twins were now trying hard not to panic. According to the large clock over the arrivals board, he had ten minutes left to get on the train to Hogwarts and he had no idea how to do it; they was stranded in the middle of a station with trunks either of them could hardly lift, a pocket full of wizard money, and a large owl. Hagrid must have forgotten to tell them something you had to do, like tapping the third brick on the left to get into Diagon Alley. Harry wondered if he should get out his wand and start tapping the ticket inspector's stand between platforms nine and ten.
'To be fair, Hagrid should have told them,' Kimberly said. 
At that moment a group of people passed just behind him and he caught a few words of what they were saying. "-- packed with Muggles, of course --"
Chloe and Harry swung round. The speaker was a plump woman who was talking to four boys, all with flaming red hair. Each of them was pushing a trunk like Harry's in front of him -- and they had an owl. Heart hammering, Chloe and Harry pushed their carts after them. They stopped and so did he, just near enough to hear what they were saying. "Now, what's the platform number?" said the boys' mother.
"Nine and three-quarters!" piped a small girl, also red-headed, who was holding her hand, "Mom, can't I go... "
"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first." What looked like the oldest boy marched toward platforms nine and ten. Chloe and Harry both watched, careful not to blink in case he missed it -- but just as the boy reached the dividing barrier between the two platforms, a large crowd of tourists came swarming in front of him and by the time the last backpack had cleared away, the boy had vanished.
"Fred, you next," the plump woman said.
"I'm not Fred, I'm George," said the boy.
"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"
"Sorry, George, dear."
"Only joking, I am Fred," said the boy, and off he went.
'Funny,' Sirius said, after chuckling to himself.
His twin called after him to hurry up, and he must have done so, because a second later, he had gone -- but how had he done it? Now the third brother was walking briskly toward the barrier he was almost there -- and then, quite suddenly, he wasn't anywhere.
There was nothing else for it.
"Excuse me," Harry said to the plump woman, Chloe following closely behind.
"Hello, dears," she said. "First time at Hogwarts? Ron's new, too."
She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.
"Yes," said Chloe. "The thing is -- the thing is, we don't know how to --"
"How to get onto the platform?" she said kindly, and Chloe and Harry nodded.
'I like this woman,' Gwendolyn says. 
"Not to worry," she said. "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, both of you, go now before Ron."
"Er -- okay," said Harry, looking at Chloe with fear.
They pushed their trolleys around and stared at the barrier. It looked very solid. They nodded to each other and then both  started to walk toward it. People jostled him on their way to platforms nine and ten. Chloe and Harry walked more quickly. They were going to smash right into that barrier and then they'd be in trouble -- leaning forward on their carts, they both broke into a heavy run -- the barrier was coming nearer and nearer -- they wouldn't be able to stop -- the cart was out of control -- they were a foot away -- they closed their eyes ready for the crash -
It didn't come... he kept on running... he opened his eyes. A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, eleven O'clock. Chloe and Harry looked behind them and saw a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it, they had done it.
Gwendolyn let out a breath that she was unaware she was holding in. 
Chloe and Harry hugged each other in glee. 
'Excuse me,' a voice appeared from behind them. 'I think you dropped this.'
A woman stood, holding a textbook that had fallen out from Chloe's trunk. The woman was quite tall, and had olive skin and raven black hair, and striking emerald eyes. 
People turned to Arabella. 
'Is that me?' she asks.
'Yes, Miss Nott,' McGonagall tells her. 
Behind her was a girl, around the same age as the twins, who looked like she could be her daughter. 
'I have a daughter?' Arabella says, 'With who?'
'With Mr S Black,' Dumbledore tells her. 
'WHAT!' Sirius and Arabella yelled in almost perfect unison. 
'We have a daughter together?' Sirius asked. 
'What's her name?' Arabella asks. 
'You'll find that out later, Miss Nott.'
'Why aren't I there then, or am I?' Sirius asks. 
'You are not there, Mr Black, but unfortunately you'll have to wait until the third book for that,' Dumbledore informs him.
'The third book!' Sirius cried incredulously. 
'Wait, I have a kid with him?' Arabella asks, eyeing Sirius up and down as if he was a flea. 
'Yes we've established that,' Dumbledore tells, 'May we carry on?'
The pair were stood with, what the twins presumed, another mother-daughter pair. The mum was taller than other, and had chestnut brown hair and deep brown eyes. She also had a collection of scars running across her face.
Kimberly choked on air. 'I'm in this too?'
'Yes, Miss Fox,' Dumbledore says. 
Her daughter was also rather tall, and had long brown hair and brown eyes.
'I have a daughter too?' Kimberly asks, her face paling. 
'Yes, Miss Fox, with Mr Lupin.'
At this, Remus had the same reaction. 'But sir! What about our... you know?'
'Doesn't pass on,' Dumbledore reassures them, and they both breathe a sigh of relief. 
'What is your... you know?' Pandora asks, curious. 
Both Kimberly and Remus splutter, before Dumbledore tells them all 'You'll also find that out in the third book.'
'Please continue, Miss Wesia,' McGonagall instructs. 
'Thank you,' Chloe said politely. 
The raven haired woman smiled at her as she passed her the book. Suddenly, she and the other woman let out a gasp... their faces paling at the sight of the twins. 
'First year?' The brunette woman finally manages to mutter.
'Yes,' the twins said in unison. They expected to be awkward in this situation, but there was something about these too women.. like they knew them before... something comforting. 
'Same for our girls here,' the other woman added, turning to her daughter who smiled kindly at the twins.
'Nice,' Harry said. 
'Well, we will let you put your stuff on the train, have a great first year!' the raven haired woman said. 
'Thank you again!' Chloe called out, before she and Harry pushed their trollies further into the platform.
As they were leaving, Chloe and Harry heard the two women talking. 
'Merlin, they are the spit of James and Gwen-'
'Girls, try and made friends with them two, ok?'
'Trying to make the friendship span two generations I see,' Alice quips. 
Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every colour wound here and there between their legs. Owls hooted to one another in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks.
The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. Harry pushed his cart off down the platform in search of an empty seat. He passed a round-faced boy who was saying, "Gran, I've lost my toad again."
"Oh, Neville," he heard the old woman sigh.
A boy with dreadlocks was surrounded by a small crowd. "Give us a look, Lee, go on." The boy lifted the lid of a box in his arms, and the people around him shrieked and yelled as something inside poked out a long, hairy leg.
Molly shuddered at this. She really did not like spiders. 
Chloe and Harry pressed on through the crowd until they found an empty compartment near the end of the train. They put their animals in it first, and then started to shove and heave the two trunks toward the train door. They both tried to lift it up the steps together but could hardly raise one end and twice Harry dropped it painfully on his foot.
"Want a hand?" It was one of the red-haired twins he'd followed through the barrier.
"Yes, please," Harry panted. Chloe merely nodded, too out of breath to speak. 
"Oy, Fred! C'mere and help!" With the twins' help, Chloe's and Harry's trunk was at last tucked away in a corner of the compartment.
"Thanks," said Chloe and Harry in unison, both pushing their sweaty bangs out of the eyes. 
"What's that?" said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at the twins matching lightning scars.
'And they get noticed again, it'll be like that all year I suppose,' Gwendolyn muttered to James. 
"Blimey," said the other twin. "Are you?'
"They are," said the first twin.
"Aren't you?" he added to Harry.
"What?" said Harry, Chloe looking confused.
"Chloe and Harry Potter, "chorused the twins.
"Oh, them," said Harry. "I mean, yes, we are." Chloe just nodded. 
The two boys gawked at them, and the twins felt themselves turning red. Then, to his relief, a voice came floating in through the train's open door. "Fred? George? Are you there?"
"Coming, Mum." With a last look at Chloe and Harry, the twins hopped off the train.
Harry sat down next to the window where, half hidden, he could watch the red-haired family on the platform and hear what they were saying. They had now joined up with the two women from before, obviously being friends. Their mother had just taken out her handkerchief.
'I have a feeling I know who the woman is,' Kimberly said, referring to the red-haired woman. 
"Ron, you've got something on your nose."
The youngest boy tried to jerk out of the way, but she grabbed him and began rubbing the end of his nose. "Mom -- geroff" He wriggled free.
"Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" said one of the twins. The two daughters of the women giggled at this.
"Shut up," said Ron.
"Where's Percy?" said their mother.
"He's coming now." the raven haired woman informed her.
The oldest boy came striding into sight. He had already changed into his billowing black Hogwarts robes, and Chloe and Harry noticed a shiny silver badge on his chest with the letter P on it.
"Can't stay long, Mother," he said. "I'm up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves --"
"Oh, are you a prefect, Percy?" said one of the twins, with an air of great surprise. "You should have said something, we had no idea."
"Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it," said the other twin. "Once --"
"Or twice --"
"A minute --"
"All summer --"
"Oh, shut up," said Percy the Prefect.
'I like these twins,' James reiterated. 
"How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?" said one of the twins.
"Because he's a prefect," said their mother fondly. "All right, dear, well, have a good term -- send me an owl when you get there." She kissed Percy on the cheek and he left.
Then she turned to the twins. "Now, you two -- this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've -- you've blown up a toilet or --"
"Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet."
'Rookie moves,' Sirius joked. 
"Great idea though, thanks, Mom."
"It's not funny. And look after Ron."
"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us, and the girls."
"Shut up," said Ron again. He was almost as tall as the twins already and his nose was still pink where his mother had rubbed it.
"Hey, Mom, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?"
Chloe and Harry leaned back quickly so they couldn't see him looking. "You know that black-haired boy and blonde girl with the fringe who were near us in the station? Know who they are?"
"Chloe and Harry Potter!" 
The mother turned to the two other women quickly, whom nodded. 
Harry heard the little girl's voice. "Oh, Mom, can I go on the train and see them, Mom, eh please...."
"You've already seen them, Ginny, and the poor boy isn't something you goggle at in a zoo. Are they really, Fred? How do you know?"
"Asked them. Saw the scars. It's really there - like lightning." "Poor dear - no wonder they was alone, I wondered. They were ever so polite when they asked how to get onto the platform."
"Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?"
'Harsh question,' Remus remarked. 
Their mother suddenly became very stern. "I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don't you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day at school."
"All right, keep your hair on."
A whistle sounded.
"Hurry up!" their mother said, and the three boys and two girls clambered onto the train. They leaned out of the window for her to kiss them good-bye and the other girls for their mothers, and their younger sister began to cry.
"Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls."
"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."
"George!" The two other women laughed at this. 
"Only joking, Mom."
The train began to move. The twins both saw the boys' mother waving and their sister, half laughing, half crying, running to keep up with the train until it gathered too much speed, then she fell back and waved.
'Bless her,' Alice said. 
Chloe and Harry watched the girl and her mother disappear as the train rounded the corner. Houses flashed past the window. They both felt a great leap of excitement. They both didn't know what they were going to but it had to be better than what they were leaving behind. The door of the compartment slid open and the youngest redheaded boy, and the two girls came in.
"Anyone sitting there?" he asked, pointing at the seat opposite Harry.
"Everywhere else is full." the raven haired girl asked. 
The twins shook their heads and the boy sat down next to Harry and the girls next to Chloe. He glanced at Harry and then looked quickly out of the window, pretending he hadn't looked. The raven haired girl rolled her eyes at him. Harry saw he still had a black mark on his nose.
"Hey, Ron." The twins were back.
"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train -- Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."
"Right," mumbled Ron.
"Chloe, Harry," said the other twin, "did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later, then.''
'Wait, Weasley?' Arthur asked. 
'Yes, you and Molly have a few children,' Dumbledore tells him. 
After a few seconds of shocked silence, Pandora decided to continue. 
"Bye," said Harry and Ron. The twins slid the compartment door shut behind them.
'I'm Clemensia Black,' the raven haired girl introduced herself. 
'And I'm Catherine Lupin,' the brunette girl added. 
'Triple C,' Arabella remarked. 'Chloe, Clemensia and Catherine.'
"Are you really Chloe and Harry Potter?" Ron blurted out.
'Ron!' Clemensia hissed. 
They both nodded.
"Oh -well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes," said Ron. "And have you really got -- you know..." He pointed at Harry's forehead.
Harry pulled back his bangs to show the lightning scar. Chloe did the same after.
All three stared.
"So that's where You-Know-Who " Ron started 
''Yes," said Harry, "but I can't remember it."
"Nothing?" said Ron eagerly.
'Ron!' Clemensia reiterated. 
"Well -- I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else." Chloe added.
"Wow," said Ron. He sat and stared at Harry for a few moments, then, as though he had suddenly realized what he was doing, he looked quickly out of the window again.
'He's a bit awkward I won't lie,' Molly admits. 
"Are all your family wizards?" asked Harry, who found the other three just as interesting as Ron found him.
"Er -- Yes, I think so," said Ron. "I think Mom's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never talk about him."
'There's a reason for that,' Molly says, a bit snidely. 
'Mine are,' Clemensia says. 'Both of my parents were from quite distinct pure blooded families, but they don't really talk to them.'
'True,' Arabella admits. 
'Both of my parents were, but they were both half-blooded,' Catherine explained. 'One of each grandparent was a muggle.'
"So you must know loads of magic already." Chloe asked them all.
"I heard you went to live with Muggles," said Ron. "What are they like?"
"Horrible -well, not all of them. My aunt and uncle and cousin are, though. Wish I'd had three wizard brothers." Harry admits. 
"Five," said Ron.
'Five brothers?' Molly asked, looking wary. 
'And there was a girl, so you would have had 7 children!' Kimberly recounts. 
For some reason, he was looking gloomy. "I'm the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I've got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left -- Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy's a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I've got Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's old rat."
'That's a bit sad,' Kimberly says, but quietly so Molly wouldn't hear her. 
Ron reached inside his jacket and pulled out a fat gray rat, which was asleep. "His name's Scabbers and he's useless, he hardly ever wakes up. Percy got an owl from my dad for being made a prefect, but they couldn't aff -- I mean, I got Scabbers instead." Ron's ears went pink. He seemed to think he'd said too much, because he went back to staring out of the window.
'Don't have so many children then,' Lucius scorns. 
'Do you have any siblings?' Chloe asked Clemensia and Catherine. They both just shook their heads. 
Harry didn't think there was anything wrong with not being able to afford an owl. After all, he'd never had any money in his life until a month ago, and he told Ron so, all about having to wear Dudley's old clothes and Chloe basically living in charity shop clothes and never getting proper birthday presents. This seemed to cheer Ron up. "... and until Hagrid told me, I didn't know anything about being a wizard or about my parents or Voldemort"
The three others gasped. 
Most people in the room did the same. 
"What?" said Harry.
"You said You-Know-Who's name!" said Ron, sounding both shocked and impressed.
"I'd have thought you, of all people --" Catherine added. 
"I'm not trying to be brave or anything, saying the name," said Harry, I just never knew you shouldn't. See what I mean? I've got loads to learn.... I bet," he added, voicing for the first time something that had been worrying him a lot lately, "I bet I'm the worst in the class."
'Me too,' Chloe said, looking downtrodden.
'I'm sure they won't be!' Gwendolyn added. 
"You won't be!' Catherine encouraged.
''There's loads of people who come from Muggle families and they learn quick enough." Clemensia adds. 
'I hope our daughters all become friends,' Gwendolyn says to Arabella and Kimberly.
'I have a feeling they will be,' Kimberly reassures her. Arabella nodded, a smile on her face.
While they had been talking, the train had carried them out of London. Now they were speeding past fields full of cows and sheep. They were quiet for a time, watching the fields and lanes flick past. Around half past twelve there was a great clattering outside in the corridor and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door and said, "Anything off the cart, dears?" Chloe and Harry, who both hadn't had any breakfast, leapt to their feet, as did Clemensia and Catherine, but Ron's ears went pink again and he muttered that he'd brought sandwiches. Everyone except Ron went out into the corridor. 
They had never had any money for candy with the Dursleys, and now that they both had pockets rattling with gold and silver Harry was ready to buy as many Mars Bars as he could carry, and Chloe wanted skittles as far as the eye could see -- but the woman didn't have Mars Bars or Skittles. What she did have were Bettie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs. Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands, and a number of other strange things Harry had never seen in his life. Not wanting to miss anything, they both got some of everything and paid the woman eleven silver Sickles and seven bronze Knuts. Ron stared as Harry brought it all back in to the compartment and tipped it onto an empty seat. Clemensia and Catherine returned, Clemensia held about 3 pumpkin pasties and Catherine had a couldron cake and a chocolate frog. 
'My daughter seems to share my love for pumpkin pasties,' Arabella retorts. 
"Hungry, are you?" Ron asks. 
"Starving," said Harry, taking a large bite out of a pumpkin pasty.
'They're good aren't they?' Clemensia remarked. 'They are mine and my mums favourite.'
Ron had taken out a lumpy package and unwrapped it. There were four sandwiches inside. He pulled one of them apart and said, "She always forgets I don't like corned beef."
"Swap you for one of these," said Harry, holding up a pasty. "Go on --"
'Bless him,' Molly coos. 
"You don't want this, it's all dry," said Ron. "She hasn't got much time," he added quickly, "you know, with five of us."
"Go on, have a pasty," said Harry, who had never had anything to share before or, indeed, anyone to share it with.
'Yeah, go on Ron,' Chloe added, feeling the same way as her brother.
It was a nice feeling, sitting there with Ron, Clemensia and Catherine, eating their way through all Harry's pasties, cakes, and candies (the sandwiches lay forgotten).
'Fair enough,' Amos mused. 
"What are these?" Chloe asked the group, holding up a pack of Chocolate Frogs.
"They're not really frogs, are they?" Harry was starting to feel that nothing would surprise him.
"No," said Ron. "But see what the card is. I'm missing Agrippa."
"What?" Harry asked. 
"Oh, of course, you wouldn't know -- Chocolate Frogs have cards, inside them, you know, to collect -- famous witches and wizards. I've got about five hundred, but I haven't got Agrippa or Ptolemy."
'He's obsessed with those bloody cards,' Catherine tells Chloe, rolling her eyes. 'Me and Clemmie don't care for them much.'
'Clemmie is an adorable nickname,' Molly remarks. 
Harry unwrapped his Chocolate Frog and picked up the card. It showed a man's face. He wore half- moon glasses, had a long, crooked nose, and flowing silver hair, beard, and mustache. Underneath the picture was the name Albus Dumbledore. "So this is Dumbledore!" said Harry.
'Lets see!' said Chloe, before finally seeing the man that Hagrid held to such a high regard. 
"Don't tell me you'd never heard of Dumbledore!" said Ron. "Can I have a frog? I might get Agrippa -- thanks''
Harry turned over his card and read:
Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.
'You enjoy bowling?' Gwendolyn asked, 'As in the muggle activity where you throw a ball at some sticks?'
'Precisely, Miss Evans. I find it to be rather fun.'
'Yeah its fun, if its your seventh birthday party,' Gwendolyn whispered to James, who tried his best to not start howling with laughter. 
Harry turned the card back over and saw, to his astonishment, that Dumbledore's face had disappeared. "He's gone!"
"Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day," said Clemensia.
"He'll be back.'' Ron added, ''No, I've got Morgana again and I've got about six of her... do you want it? You can start collecting.''
Ron's eyes strayed to the pile of Chocolate Frogs waiting to be unwrapped. "Help yourself," said Harry.
"But in, you know, the Muggle world, people just stay put in photos." Chloe said.
'Really?' Narcissa asked, looking at Gwendolyn quizzically. 
Gwendolyn nodded.
"Do they? What, they don't move at all?" Ron sounded amazed. "weird!"
Harry stared as Dumbledore sidled back into the picture on his card and gave him a small smile. Ron was more interested in eating the frogs than looking at the Famous Witches and Wizards cards, but Harry couldn't keep his eyes off them. Soon he had not only Dumbledore and Morgana, but Hengist of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus, and Merlin. He finally tore his eyes away from the druidess Cliodna,
'Quite the collection already,' Xenophilius remarked.
who was scratching her nose, to open a bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.
'The devil themselves,' Kimberly huffed. 
"You want to be careful with those," Catherine warned the twins. "When they say every flavor, they mean every flavor -- you know, you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and mar- malade, but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe.''
''George reckons he had a booger flavored one once." Clemensia added. 
'I've had one before too, very unpleasant,' Xenophilius added.
Ron picked up a green bean, looked at it carefully, and bit into a corner. "Bleaaargh -- see? Sprouts."
They had a good time eating the Every Flavour Beans. Chloe and Harry between them got toast, coconut, baked bean, strawberry, curry, grass, coffee, sardine, and Chloe was even brave enough to nibble the end off a funny grey one none of the others would touch, which turned out to be pepper.
'Some of them sound abysmal!' Kimberly retorts. 
The countryside now flying past the window was becoming wilder. The neat fields had gone. Now there were woods, twisting rivers, and dark green hills. There was a knock on the door of their compartment and the round-faced boy Chloe and Harry had passed on platform nine and three quarters came in. He looked tearful. "Sorry," he said, "but have you seen a toad at all?" When they shook their heads, he wailed, "I've lost him! He keeps getting away from me!"
'I wouldn't mourn the loss of a toad,' Regulus snides. 
"He'll turn up," said Chloe, with a small smile to the boy, who looked transfixed on her. 
"Yes," said the boy miserably. "Well, if you see him..." He left.
"Don't know why he's so bothered," said Ron. "If I'd brought a toad I'd lose it as quick as I could. Mind you, I brought Scabbers, so I can't talk." The rat was still snoozing on Ron's lap.
'Scabbers isn't that bad...' Chloe mused, even though she didn't even look like she believed it. 
"He might have died and you wouldn't know the difference," said Ron in disgust. "I tried to turn him yellow yesterday to make him more interesting, but the spell didn't work. I'll show you, look..." He rummaged around in his trunk and pulled out a very battered-looking wand. It was chipped in places and something white was glinting at the end. "Unicorn hair's nearly poking out. Anyway-''
He had just raised his 'wand when the compartment door slid open again. The toadless boy was back, but this time he had a girl with him. She was already wearing her new Hogwarts robes.
"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," she said. She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth.
'Bit harsh, poor girl,' Alice said. 
"We've already told him we haven't seen it," said Ron, but the girl wasn't listening, she was looking at the wand in his hand.
"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it, then." She sat down next to Harry.
Ron looked taken aback. "Er -- all right." He cleared his throat. "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."
'That's not a spell,' Gwendolyn announced. 'No wonder it won't work.'
He waved his wand, but nothing happened. Scabbers stayed gray and fast asleep.
'Knew it,' Gwendolyn huffed. 
"Are you sure that's a real spell?" said the girl. "Well, it's not very good, is it? I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all
'Great, a mudblood... just what this story needed,' Lucius says to the other Slytherins. 
, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard -- I've learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough -- I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you.''
She said all this very fast.
"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron muttered.
'Clemensia Black.'
'Catherine Lupin.'
'Chloe Potter, and he's my brother, Harry,' Chloe said finally, as Harry was still staring at Hermione, shocked that she had already memorized their books. 
'Fair enough,' James said, chuckling. 
"Are you really?" said Hermione. "I know all about you both, of course -- I got a few extra books. for background reading, and you're both in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.''
'Mental,' Amos said. 'You're children are proper famous James!'
"Are we ?" said Harry, feeling dazed. He looked a Chloe, who looked equally as dazed. 
"Goodness, didn't you know, I'd have found out everything I could if it was me," said Hermione. "Do either of you know what house you'll be in? I've been asking around, and I hope I'm in Gryffindor, it sounds by far the best; I hear Dumbledore himself was in it, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad.... Anyway, we'd better go and look for Neville's toad. You two had better change, you know, I expect we'll be there soon."
And she left, taking the toadless boy with her. "Whatever house I'm in, I hope she's not in it," said Ron.
'I have a feeling that's not going to happen,' Arthur says. 
He threw his wand back into his trunk. "Stupid spell -- George gave it to me, bet he knew it was a dud."
'Well duh it didn't work!' said Catherine. 'You know how the twins like to joke!'
"What house are your brothers in?" asked Harry.
"Gryffindor," said Ron. Gloom seemed to be settling on him again. "Mom and Dad were in it, too. I don't know what they'll say if I'm not. I don't suppose Ravenclaw would be too bad, but imagine if they put me in Slytherin."
"That's the house Vol-, I mean, You-Know-Who was in?" "Yeah," said Ron. He flopped back into his seat, looking depressed.
'Doesn't make it a bad house though!' Clemensia said. 'My whole family apart from my parents were Slytherins, including my Uncle, who can be quite nice when he wants to be.'
'Which side of Uncle are we on about?' Arabella asks. 'Regulus or my brother?'
'Your brother, Atticus Nott,' Dumbledore tells her. 
'Wait, me and my brother speak?' Arabella says, a small smile on her face at the idea. 
"You know, I think the ends of Scabbers' whiskers are a bit lighter," said Harry, trying to take Ron's mind off houses.
"So what do your oldest brothers do now that they've left, anyway?" Chloe was wondering what a witch or wizard did once they'd finished school.
"Charlie's in Romania studying dragons, and Bill's in Africa doing something for Gringotts," said Ron. "Did you hear about Gringotts? It's been all over the Daily Prophet, but I don't suppose you get that with the Muggles -- someone tried to rob a high security vault."
'Bet it was the vault that they visited with Hagrid!' Gwendolyn exclaims. 
Chloe and Harry stared. "Really? What happened to them?" Chloe asked. 
"Nothing, that's why it's such big news. They haven't been caught. My dad says it must've been a powerful Dark wizard to get round Gringotts, but they don't think they took anything, that's what's odd. 'Course, everyone gets scared when something like this happens in case You-Know-Who's behind it." Clemensia told them. 
'So You-Know-Who is not gone? For definate?' James asks, confused. 
'Basically, but for this year, he's not his full self, and that's all you're knowing for now,' Dumbledore explained. 
Chloe and Harry turned this news over in their mind. They were both starting to get a prickle of fear every time You- Know-Who was mentioned. They supposed this was all part of entering the magical world, but it had been a lot more comfortable saying "Voldemort" without worrying.
"What's your Quidditch team?" Ron asked.
"Er -- I don't know any," Harry confessed.
'They don't have Quidditch in the Muggle world, Ronald!' said Clemensia, rolling her eyes. 
"What!" Ron looked dumbfounded. "Oh, you wait, it's the best game in the world --" And he was off, explaining all about the four balls and the positions of the seven players, describing famous games he'd been to with his brothers and the broomstick he'd like to get if he had the money. He was just taking Harry through the finer points of the game when the compartment door slid open yet again, but it wasn't Neville the toadless boy, or Hermione Granger this time.
Six boys entered, and Chloe Harry recognized the middle two at once: it was the boys from Madam Malkin's robe shop.
'Bet they've found about about the Potter twins,' Molly remarks. 
The pale boy  was looking at Chloe and Harry with a lot more interest than he'd shown back in Diagon Alley. The other looked indifferent, but still Chloe found his eyes upon her. Chloe also noticed how Clemensia seemed to tense up at the sight of them. 
"Is it true?" he said. "They're saying all down the train that Chloe and Harry Potter are in this compartment. So it's you two, is it?"
"Yes," said Harry. He was looking at the other boys. Chloe was just staring at the other boy, who had yet to give his name. Both of them were thickset and looked extremely mean. Standing on either side of the pale boy, they looked like bodyguards.
"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the pale boy carelessly, noticing where Harry was looking. "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."
'You owe me!' Kimberly says happily, turning to Sirius. 
'Oh for Merlin's- fine!' Sirius said, sounding agitated. 'I'll give you it later.'
'Wait, I have a son?' Lucius asks. 
'Yes, Mr Malfoy, with Miss N Black,'
Narcissa's face flushed slightly. 
'Can I continue, there's one name here that will shock you all!' Pandora said, looking shocked. 
Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigget. Draco Malfoy looked at him. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."
'Shut up Malfoy!' Clemensia scorned, making the other boys laugh. 
'Just because you're my second cousin, Black doesn't mean anything!' Draco says, eyeing her with disgust. 
'Hey cousin,' said one of the other boys, obviously trying to not cause a scene. The boy was brunette and quite tall, and seemed to have a thick, Italian accent. 
Clemensia merely nodded back, before saying: 'Chloe, Harry, this is my cousin, Theodore Nott.'
'Yeah I was expecting that one,' Arabella says. 
'I forget how connected we all are sometimes,' said the final boy, who was also quite tall and had jet black hair. 'I'm Draco's cousin too, on his dad's side. My name is Lorenzo Berkshire.'
'So how am I related to him?' Lucius asks. 
'Lorenzo is your sister's son,' Dumbledore informs him. 
'Who's the other girl?' He asked. 
'Catherine Lupin,' Catherine introduced herself, looking at the final unnamed boy like she couldn't believe he was standing here. 
The boy must have noticed this, because he chuckled and mused 'You look like you've seen a ghost, Lupin.'
'I mean, we're just surprised that you're here,' Clemensia said, obviously trying to keep her cool. Ron just gaped up at the boy.
'Who is the boy?' James asks. 
'Prepare yourself,' Pandora says. 
'Well that's not surprising,' said the boy, with an evil grin appearing on my face. 'My name, Potters, is Mattheo Riddle.'
There was a stunned silence. 
'The dark lord had a son?' Bellatrix asked. 
'But with who?' Narcissa asks.
'There's a Black, two Potters, a Lupin, a Malfoy, a Nott, a Berkshire and a Riddle in the same year... choas!' Alice said, her face drained of all colour. 
'Yes, Mattheo is the son of Voldemort,' Dumbledore informs them. 'Voldemort mated with a pure blooded woman, named Esmeraude Vance, and then once she had given birth, he killed her.'
'Merlin, he's so cruel!' Sirius said. 
'So that's why he was with the Malfoy boy at the shop,' Arabella says, putting the pieces together. 
'Let's continue on, shall we?' McGonagall asks. 
Chloe let out a small gasp, she remembered reading about You-Know-Who's real name, Tom Riddle. Harry just looked confused, until a nearly shaking Ron whispered the fact to him, and he then looked up at Mattheo in shock. 
'Scared now, Potters?' He said, his eyes still on Chloe. 'You know, it makes sense as to why you're so pretty.. you're mother was half-veela, and you a quarter.' 
'See, Potter,' said Draco. 'This is the group of people you need to hang about with, not with two blood traitors and a half breed.' He scorned at the other three as he said this.
'Ouch, we're still family Draco, whether you like it or not' Clemensia reminds him, clearly unhappy with the connection as well. This was when so noticed Lorenzo looking at her, and she realized Theodore was looking at Catherine. 
'I have a bad feeling about Mattheo, Theodore and Lorenzo in the later books,' Kimberly says. 'I feel a romance with three girls.'
Draco didn't answer her, he just turned back to Harry. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."
He held out a hand each to shake the twins, but both didn't take it. "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," Chloe said coolly.
'Get told,' James said, a chuckle escaping his lips. 
Clemensia snorted lightly at this, and Chloe noticed that Mattheo, Lorenzo and Theodore were all looking at her with amusement, they didn't even seem that annoyed. 
Draco Malfoy didn't go red, but a pink tinge appeared in his pale cheeks. "I'd be careful if I were you, Potter," he said slowly. "Unless you're a bit politer you'll go the same way as your parents.
'Merlin man, its not the end of the world!' Frank said shocked. 'That was way too far!'
They didn't know what was good for them, either. You hang around with riffraff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid, and it'll rub off on you."
Everyone who was originally in the cabin stood up. 
"Say that again," Ron said, his face as red as his hair.
"Oh, you're going to fight us, are you?" Malfoy sneered.
"Unless you get out now," said Harry, more bravely than he felt, because Crabbe and Goyle were a lot bigger than him or Ron.
'Draco, just leave it mate,' said Theodore again, in his thick Italian accent. 
'Why does he have the accent?' Arabella asked. 'We aren't Italian.'
'His mother is,' Dumbledore explained, 'Or rather, was, she passed away when Theodore was 10 from an illness.'
'Oh,' Arabella said, unsure of what else to say. 
"But we don't feet like leaving, do we, boys? We've eaten all our food and you still seem to have some." Goyle reached toward the Chocolate Frogs next to Ron - Ron leapt forward, but before he'd so much as touched Goyle, Goyle let out a horrible yell.
Scabbers the rat was hanging off his finger, sharp little teeth sunk deep into Goyle's knuckle - Crabbe and Malfoy backed away as Goyle swung Scabbers round and round, howling, and when Scabbets finally flew off and hit the window, all three of them disappeared at once.
Chloe laughed at this, Clemensia and Catherine joining in. She then noticed, that the three boys remaining were also laughing. 
'We better be off, but that was funny,' Lorenzo announced. 
'See you later, cousin,' Theodore said to Clemensia. 
'See ya,' She replied. 
Mattheo just stared at Chloe a little longer before also leaving. 
'I have a horrible feeling that you are right about the romance, Kim,' Gwendolyn says.
Perhaps they thought there were more rats lurking among the sweets, or perhaps they'd heard footsteps, because a second later, Hermione Granger had come in.
"What has been going on?" she said, looking at the sweets all over the floor and Ron picking up Scabbers by his tail.
''I think he's been knocked out," Ron said to Harry. He looked closer at Scabbers. "No -- I don't believe it -- he's gone back to sleep-" And so he had.
"You've met Malfoy before?" Ron asked
Harry explained about their meeting in Diagon Alley, with Mattheo too.
"I've heard of Malfoy's family," said Ron darkly. "They were some of the first to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Said they'd been bewitched. My dad doesn't believe it. He says Malfoy's father didn't need an excuse to go over to the Dark Side."
Everyone turned to Lucius and Narcissa.
'He's still my family,' Clemensia reminded him. 
'Poor you,' Catherine said. 
Ron turned to Hermione. "Can we help you with something?"
"You'd better hurry up and put your robes on, I've just been up to the front to ask the conductor, and he says we're nearly there. You haven't been fighting, have you? You'll be in trouble before we even get there!"
"Scabbers has been fighting, not us," said Ron, scowling at her. "Would you mind leaving while we change?"
"All right -- I only came in here because people outside are behaving very childishly, racing up and down the corridors," said Hermione in a sniffy voice. "And you've got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know?"
Ron glared at her as she left. Chloe and Harry peered out of the window. It was getting dark. They could see mountains and forests under a deep purple sky. The train did seem to be slowing down.
'They're nearly there!' Gwendolyn said, excitedly. 
'We'll go to the bathroom,' Catherine said, taking Chloe and Clemensia with her. 
Harry and Ron took off their jackets and pulled on their long black robes. Ron's were a bit short for him, you could see his sneakers underneath them. The girls returned shortly after, also in their robes. 
A voice echoed through the train: "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately."
Both Chloe's and Harry's stomachs lurched with nerves and Ron, Harry saw, looked pale under his freckles. Clemensia and Catherine were slightly worried. They crammed their pockets with the last of the sweets and joined the crowd thronging the corridor.
The train slowed right down and finally stopped. People pushed their way toward the door and out on to a tiny, dark platform. Chloe shivered in the cold night air. Then a lamp came bobbing over the heads of the students, and the twins heard a familiar voice: "Firs' years! Firs' years over here! All right there, Potters?" Hagrid's big hairy face beamed over the sea of heads. "C'mon, follow me -- any more firs' years? Mind yer step, now! Firs' years follow me!"
Slipping and stumbling, they followed Hagrid down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. It was so dark on either side of them that the twins thought there must be thick trees there. Nobody spoke much. Neville, the boy who kept losing his toad, sniffed once or twice. Harry and Ron walked ahead, so far that Chloe couldn't see where they'd gone. The three girls found themselves walking with Mattheo, Lorenzo and Theodore, Draco and Crabbe and Goyle were nowhere to be seen. 
"Ye' all get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "jus' round this bend here."
There was a loud "Oooooh!"
The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black take. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.
Chloe stared up at the castle in awe. She couldn't see it, but Mattheo was next to her, not even bothered by the castle, he was looking at her, a lot softer than the other times before.
James and Gwendolyn looked at each other, worried. 
"No more'n six to a boat!" Hagrid called, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore. Harry and Ron were followed into their boat by Neville, Hermione and two other boys. The three girls were in a boat with the three boys, Chloe somehow ended up sitting next to Mattheo, Clemensia next to her cousin and Catherine was next to Lorenzo.
'They are always with those boys,' Arabella said, concerned. 
"Everyone in?" shouted Hagrid, who had a boat to himself. "Right then -- FORWARD!"
And the fleet of little boats moved off all at once, gliding across the lake, which was as smooth as glass. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stood.
'It's amazing isn't it,' Mattheo whispered to Chloe.
'It definately is,' Chloe whispered back.
Mattheo looked at her, confused. 'Are you not scared by me?' 
'I would be,' Frank said. 
'No, you aren't your father,' she said, looking at him suddenly. 
Before Mattheo could respond, a voice boomed. "Heads down!" yelled Hagrid as the first boats reached the cliff; they all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff face. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of underground harbour, where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.
"Oy, you there! Is this your toad?" said Hagrid, who was checking the boats as people climbed out of them.
"Trevor!" cried Neville blissfully, holding out his hands.
'At least the boy got his toad back,' Alice said. 
Then they clambered up a passageway in the rock after Hagrid's lamp, coming out at last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle.
They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, Oak front door. "Everyone here? You there, still got yer toad?" Hagrid raised a gigantic fist and knocked three times on the castle door.
'That's the chapter,' Pandora announced. 
'Thank you, Miss Wesia,' Dumbledore announced. 
'I can't wait to see what house they are!' Gwendolyn said.
'Well we will move straight on, and find out now,' Dumbledore tells her. 
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aroaceslytherin · 3 years
In Too Deep
(Used song 'In Too Deep - Why Don't We' for inspiration)
Used to be scared of the ocean
'Cause I didn't know how to swim
I took one sip of your potion
Now I'm just divin' right in
For as long as Regulus could remember, he would have nightmares of the ocean swallowing him whole and dragging him down to the unknown depths many levels below the earth’s surface. His siblings taught themselves to swim in the lake in the forest near their manor.
Regulus never followed. He panicked just even setting foot on the land where the lake was. Ever since the first dream, he would drink water with a straw, he would never take a bath but rather clean himself with rags, water, and soap, he hated the rain, and washing the dishes or his hands made his heart pound.
When Regulus was eighteen, he signed himself up for a Suicide Mission besides the protests of his sisters and brother. He loved James, he loved his daughter, but he had to make his mother proud of him. So he took on the task of finding the locket for Tom Riddle even after Tom asked him many times ‘Are you sure?’.
“Why are you all protesting?” Regulus asked, sitting on the table in the meeting hall.
“You can’t swim.” Narcissa pleaded.
“Inferi will drag you down before you can even get to a cure for the water!” Bellatrix added on. “You are not strong enough, you have a fear of water, someone would have to go with you but it has never worked before.”
“I’ll take the risk.” Regulus whispered. “I love you.”
I heard your siren's call, it was beautiful I am drowning, God, please don't save me
Regulus took a deep breath in as he packed his bags. He was leaving Hogwarts tonight - he used to be excited to leave because it meant freedom. Now he dreaded it. He no longer wanted to leave because the chance for freedom was now shattered.
Was he ruining his future? Were his siblings right?
Regulus took the route down to the Gryffindor Common Room once more. Seeing the painting he used to run through with his brother and his idiot friends sent flutters through his body. An overwhelming sense of sadness he had never felt before filled his soul.
“Damn you, James.” He chuckled, making his way to the platform where the carriages were to take them to the train.
Regulus remembered the first time he saw James... Or at least noticed him. He was thirteen. James was sixteen. Sixteen and holding hands with a slightly annoyed Lily who was also holding hands with Remus... Who was holding hands with Sirius. Those four did everything together.
He felt it was wrong to fall for his best friend’s brother and someone his family would hate but something inside him also did not care. For once he did not care about something. James was beautiful. James was everything Barty was not.
But at the same time he was still drowning. He had been drowning since that day at the lake. His siblings had not noticed, but Cygnus tried to get him to swim. Regulus slipped and the only person who saved him was Bellatrix. She stayed with him on the bank until everyone was ready to head home. James had not known this.
Regulus had not told him because he knew this suicide mission was coming. James would have stopped him. James deserved something and someone better than him. Whether that was Lily or Remus and Sirius - it just was not him.
Regulus Black.
Baby Black.
Goodbye was coming.
Goodbye was all they were meant to be.
Forever was never for him.
Forever was for his brother.
Forever was for James and someone else.
His brother had everything he never had...
Happiness. An amazing boyfriend. Love. A chosen family. A colorful life. Bravery. Confidence.
I’m in too deep
Can’t touch the bottom with my feet
Don’t know what you did to me, I can’t breathe but I’m living
I’m in too deep
Can’t touch the bottom with my feet
Don’t know what you did to me, I can’t breathe but I’m living
One thing Regulus Black never had.
Or so he thought.
He was brave enough to date James Potter. An “enemy”. He was brave enough to put himself on the Slytherin Quidditch team.
Did he do it to get closer to James? Probably.
Did he do it to see his brother more? Definitely.
Regulus was brave. He just did not see it within himself. He saw broken pieces that couldn’t be mended. He saw flaws where others saw beauty. He was just as dark as Andromeda pretended she wasn’t. They were ‘Blacks’ , it is what they were.
James told him at one point they were being brainwashed. It was after Regulus unknowingly shared stories of what Cygnus had done to his sisters. He quickly left the Gryffindor Common Room after that for fear of sharing any other family secrets.
Regulus was afraid of mirrors. He turned them around in his room which was dark with no colour, save for the dark forest green that had always been his favourite. He was supposedly supposed to be a Gryffindor. He couldn’t see himself in that house. He knew he would be a Slytherin through and through.
Like his family.
He was wrong.
He was a snake with a lion’s heart. He wondered if he would even be on this mission if he had taken the Hat’s suggestion. He wondered if he would still be with James.
Yet here he was. Standing at the entrance of Sirius’ bright room staring at the mess, the evidence that someone once lived there, unlike his own room, which felt cold and unlived. Empty and sad. Like a ghost passing through. Mourning a life of happiness.
Where Sirius had pictures of his friends scattering the walls adorned by Gryffindor banners and posters of girls to annoy his parents despite how gay he was or makeup strewn all over his vanity and floor...
Regulus had books. On his desk, on his bookshelf filled to the brim, on his nightstand, in his closet. It was the only colour he had. Everything had a home. He never misplaced or moved anything and he would be livid at anyone for a week if they moved something just an inch.
Now all that was left in his room was a cold presence.
Regulus ran to Sirius’ bed and buried himself in the mess of blankets. He missed his big brother’s hugs. He almost had forgotten what Sirius smelled like. He wanted his brother. His mother forbade them from seeing each other and he obeyed. He even declined when his Uncle Alphard tried getting them to meet up. It broke his heart but he didn’t want to be disowned like Pandora, Rosier, Andromeda, and Sirius. He didn’t want to be hung like Alastair. Narcissa escaped long ago.
It was just him.
Fighting alone.
Healing alone.
Crying alone.
I’m in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I’m in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Alone is all he has known. He knew he and James were going to end. As soon as they met it was goodbye. As soon as they met he was still alone even if James had said many times he had been found. He was seen. He was heard. He was no longer alone.
Regulus could not believe it no matter how many times he told himself. Everyone had left him. James would do the same. Except now Regulus felt guilty because he was the one that made James leave. He had begged James to leave instead of accepting the older boys’ help.
He then realized he pushed everyone away. It was safer that way. They would not get hurt when he dies. They got hurt anyway. It made Regulus sick. He should have stayed away.
If not for the suicide mission, then at his own hands. If he could not have James or Sirius then he is better off dead. Since he cannot have love and he cannot have James without doubt, anger, and beatings - he will just die. He could not wait for his mother to pass even if that meant his only path to happiness. As long as she was alive, he was miserable.
Regulus was done fighting for love. His brother was strong enough to fight for his love, but that is all Regulus had known. He fought for his mother’s attention and love. He fought for his life. For his family. He fought to stay. Regulus would not give up like Sirius did.
Sirius left.
Regulus kept going.
He was burning his hands on a rope he was gripping too tight, slipping until his hands were bleeding raw.
It was time to let go.
Treasure chest full of your diamonds
I don’t mind staying down here
Thought by now I would be dyin’
But your love gives me all my air
It scared Regulus to love this much. He had four beautiful years with James. It was time for the memories to be locked up. It was time for everything to end.
I heard your siren’s call, it was beautiful
I am drowning, God, please don’t save me
Regulus needed to see James one last time. Regulus was empty as he climbed the stairs to the apartment where Remus, Sirius, Lily, and James were living. Marlene and Dorcas were two doors down. None of them had heard from Peter in two years.
Regulus knew what Peter was doing. He also knew his mother was behind it all. Which is why he had to leave. Which is why he stayed glued on the mat, hesitating to reach up and knock.
Regulus backed out at the last minute, turning to go back and make his way to his grave.
I’m in too deep
Can’t touch the bottom with my feet
Don’t know what you did to me, I can’t breathe but I’m living
I’m in too deep
Can’t touch the bottom with my feet
Don’t know what you did to me, I can’t breathe but I’m living
“Go back, James.” Regulus replied, not bothering to look back as he descended the stairs.
“Look at me.”
“I can’t.”
Regulus stopped on the step he was on. “James.” He sighed. He was exhausted. He was done. He was empty. There was nothing left. He didn’t know what to say when you were trying to break someone’s heart. He didn’t know what to do when you were leaving someone. He had never had to do that before. It was always the other person.
“I can’t.” Regulus shook his head, slowly taking another step down.
“Come home.”
“It never was.”
“It was and you know it.”
“Enough, James.” Regulus choked out. “I love you. It does not change the fact that I am still leaving. Nothing will.”
“James. I-” He sighed, dropping his head.
I’m in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I’m in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I’m in too deep
“What?” James pleaded, stepping one foot out the door.
“Goodbye. I love you.”
I heard your sirens call, it was beautiful
That one word swam in his head as he pulled on the Gryffindor sweater and let his heavy body take him down to the edge of the lake inside the cave.
He was doing what he had to.
He would make it.
His mother would love him.
He never wanted to admit it...
But his mother hated him just as much as she hated Sirius. She was not fit to be a mother and Cygnus was never meant to be a father. Which is why she made the dumb mistake to take in his daughters and kept having kids. She should have been less selfish and given her daughters and Sirius a different life by giving them up instead of having him and Alastair. Regulus loved his own daughter. Which is why he gave her to James. To keep her safe with Cyprus.
It was too late.
Inferi were clawing at him already.
He went through with it.
I’m in too deep
Can’t touch the bottom with my feet
Don’t know what you did to me, I can’t breathe but I’m living
It was too late.
James knew this but he still grabbed his coat and fled. He knew where Regulus was going. He left a note for his family, grabbed a coat, and fled. He needed to save the insufferable git that could not see what was right in front of him.
James could not say goodbye.
He loved that bastard just as much as he loved his brother.
As much as Remus.
As much as Lily.
Maybe just a little bit more.
I’m in too deep
I never thought that you could be
A underwater symphony, I can’t breathe but I’m living
I’m in too deep
Can’t touch the bottom with my feet
Don’t know what you did to me, I can’t breathe but I’m living
Regulus looked up at the sound of echoed footsteps running toward him. He gripped the rocks harder, trying to pull himself free but he kept slipping. His hands were bruised and covered in blood but he kept trying. He would not let them take him. He had to save the locket.
“James! Leave!” He screamed.
“Not without you!” The older boy yelled back.
“I love you, now leave!”
“No! I won’t let you go!”
Regulus groaned.
James dove after Regulus, grabbing his wrists and pulling.
“If you go down, I will go down with you.” James said calmly. “I love you.” He whispered breathlessly as they went under.
Hands clawed at the both of them. James held tight to Regulus as the younger boy struggled. He went through every spell in his mind until he found one that his father had taught him. An old one not many would know anymore.
Regulus went limp in his grip as James repeated the words in his mind.
Further and further they went.
I’m in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I’m in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I’m in too deep
James soon found himself on his back in sand. He chuckled before pushing Regulus off him and getting on his hands and knees just before he ended up choking. As he coughed up water, Regulus moaned from next to him.
James side-eyed Regulus. He was bleeding through the Gryffindor sweater, his hair was a sopping, bleeding mess; the only thing that made James feel like he could keep going was the small, subtle indicators that the younger boy was still breathing.
James scrambled onto his feet as Regulus started coughing. He turned the smaller boy onto his side, getting him to expel some water from his body.
James then ripped the locket off Regulus' neck and hoisted his boyfriend onto his shoulders.
James apparated them to The Black Manor in Regulus’ room. He laid him down and put the locket in the Mahogany jewelry chest on the younger boys' bookshelf stuffed to the brim with books.
“I don’t wanna be here.” Regulus mumbled.
James kneeled next to him on the bed, caressing the youngest heir’s hair. ��No one is here. As far as we know your parents are dead. While you were hiding out in that abandoned apartment complex, the dementors came searching for the locket because they thought you had it already.”
“I will be right back.”
Regulus laid there staring at the ceiling. It felt like a year had passed until James came back with a glass of water. He stuck a straw in it before handing the glass to Regulus.
“How do we destroy it?” James asked, looking at the box.
“We don’t.” Regulus answered as he sat up. James looked at him quizzically. “Lily’s pregnant, right?”
“Uh, yeah? Where are you-”
“Shh. You know I have visions.”
“You cannot possibly predict the future.”
“No, but I can say that yours and Lily’s kid will be the one to destroy it. We can try and destroy the others. Bellatrix and Tom should not have finished all of them or gotten too far.”
(As I was writing this - Listen To Your Heart; Roxette - started playing. Let me tell you I cried.)
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The Aftermath - Ch. 23
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Summary: Jessica and Drake have brunch together before the Derby, and Liam doesn’t like his brother being around the children
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: slight mention of character death 
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book “The Goldfinch”)*
Catch up here! 
Tags: @captain-kingliamsqueen @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @gkittylove99 @lovablegranny @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @cinnamonspongecake @queenjilian @kuladekiwi @twinkle-320 @iaminlovewithtrr @charlotteg234 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @tinkie1973 @louiseingram1208 @queencatherynerhys @pens-girl-87 @missevabean @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @liamandneca @cordonia-gothqueen @pink-diamond13​
I’m not sure if the tags are working or not, but I hope I got everyone down! If you would like to be added/removed, please let me know :)
- Drake- 
“Oh, Drake!” said Jessica a few hours before the Derby. She took the ring out of the box. Holding it towards the light, she takes a moment to admire it. “It’s beautiful! It’s just...” her forehead wrinkles. 
“What is it?” When she had gone to make a telephone call, Drake took the ring box out of his pocket and put it on the table cloth. They were at a restaurant eating brunch, and even though it wasn’t yet noon the place was chattering and beginning to crowd. 
“Well, it’s just... I wonder.” She examines the ring as if she was trying to make a decision. “I mean, it’s gorgeous! Thank you! But... will it be quite right?”
Drake’s mouth went dry. “Well, it’s up to you, I guess,” he says, reaching for some lemon water she had ordered them and taking a large drink to conceal his surprise and annoyance.
“Because... diamonds.” She puts the ring on her finger and holds it out in different angles. “I adore them! But—” she holds it up again to sparkle in the overhead lights “—diamonds aren’t really my stone. I think they’re just a bit rough, you know? And with my style, it would seem utterly out of contrast!” 
Drake forces himself to smile, trying to seem like he understood her reasoning. Was I supposed to consider her sense of style when deciding whether or not to give her the ring? “It’s whatever you think.”
“Oh, now you’re annoyed.” 
“No, I’m not.” 
“Yes, you are! I’ve hurt your feelings!” Jessica gives a pout.
“I’m just tired, Jess.”
And he was. Yesterday evening had been hectic. He had spent a lot of time wondering about his relationship with Jessica, since they were technically engaged, until Drake finally came to the decision that she didn’t deserve his indecisiveness. Clearly she wanted to marry him because she cared about him, right? Even if Drake cared for someone else more than her, he knew his real choice was either Jessica or no one. And Jessica didn’t deserve to be left for nothing, so Drake decided to go all in.  
He stayed on the sidelines during the Masquerade Ball as usual, but when he saw Leo and his family, he decided to greet him. 
It was a shock to see Leo, but Drake understood that he probably just wanted to support Liam. After he asked Leo casually what he was doing there — even though Drake believed he already knew the answer — to his surprise, Leo was going to stay for the Social Season to try to make amends with his brother. For what reason, Drake didn’t know, but when Leo took him to the side away from his wife and kids, he revealed that he played a small part in keeping Riley away.
Drake had wanted to punch Leo right there and then, but he saw Liam from the corner of his eye, walking over with a forced smile trying to cover up his anger and confusion. Drake watched Liam and his brother talk from a distance, and then Olivia had come up to him. 
Drake had thought she was going to spend the day with Hana and Riley, but instead Olivia reveals that she’s actually been looking into the case with the missing art around Europe, and believes it might be connected to the attack at the Met, where Riley’s husband had died. 
Olivia had said nothing else, and walked off to join Hana and Riley, who were talking to a man with dark hair in a dark suit without a mask on. He looked slightly out of place, but noticing the way that Gabriel and Eleanor smiled up at him, Drake figured out that the man was Boris, the children’s Godfather. 
Boris was introducing himself to everyone in the group. Drake started walking over, figuring that it would be nice to get to know more about Riley and the children’s life from before, but Boris quickly glances in Drake’s direction, and says goodbye to everyone. 
After that, Drake talked to Kiara for a while, who began talking about God knows what, and then he decided to end the night right after dinner. 
The next morning, Liam had told Drake that Eleanor had gotten lost in the maze last night because of the Auvernese royal children. Drake cursed himself, angry that he wasn’t able to keep the children safe, and he noticed his feelings reflected on Liam’s face. 
After that, Jessica had called him, and even though Drake wanted to stay put and help Liam, Riley, and the kids, Liam told Drake that he should go. 
So now, while Jessica was looking at the ring — doubtfully it seemed — Drake told himself that he would tell all his friends at the Derby that him and Jessica were engaged. Her words about the ring had unsettled and confused him, but he figured that if she didn’t like it he could just get her a new one.
“Well look,” she speaks up again. “I will wear it. It’s beautiful. And I know it was your grandmother’s.” 
“I just want you to wear what you want.” 
“I’ll tell you what I think.” Playfully, she reaches across the stable and takes Drake’s hand. “I think we should go get ready for the Derby.” 
“Alright,” Drake says, pressing her palm into his face, trying to remember how lucky he was. 
- Gabriel - 
Most of our morning was spent trying to calm down Ella and convincing her that she could make it through the events today. We had to keep reminding her that she wasn’t alone, and that we wouldn’t let the Princess of Auvernal come near her again. 
But then she got upset again when I had to leave for the horse race with Liam, and she had to go with Mom. Our mother told her that we would reunite after everyone got there, and me and Liam went into the car to get to the Derby.
“Besides the incident with your sister yesterday,” my father says when we’re in the car, “did you enjoy the party?” 
“Yeah.” I nod my head, thinking back to the night before. “Everyone was really nice and the party was fun, even though I didn’t get to dance or anything.”
Liam smiles at me. “I’m glad. As prince, you’ll have to go through a lot of events like that. It’s good that you aren’t uncomfortable, but if you ever are, let me know, alright?”
I nod, thankful that my father was willing to help me. 
As soon as we got out of the car, photographers lunged at us. Through the bright flashes, I saw some reporters trying to push forward and scream questions. Liam quickly put a hand on my shoulder, and with the help of the guards, he led us away from the crowd.  
We reached a tent that was a little farther from the main seats, and was closer to the edge of the race track. Liam holds the curtain for me, and I move in. 
While he goes to take a seat, I stay near the curtain, occasionally peaking my head out to see if Ella and everyone else were here yet. 
“Come on,” Liam says, now standing next to me. “We can go wait for them over there.” 
We stand near a long path that goes towards the stadium seats, where people can’t really see us. I keep my eyes peeled for anyone I might recognize, and Ella finally rushes up to me. 
“Hi, Gabe!” my sister cries, rushing to my side. She’s followed by Mom, who talks to Duchess Savannah, Countess Hana, and Uncle Boris. Behind them are Duke Bertrand and Bartie, then Aunt Rowan and Lord Maxwell, and then Drake — wearing a formal suit! — with a woman I don’t know. 
Everyone moves towards the side and away from the alley so they wouldn’t block anyone. 
“Liam,” Mom grabs his attention. “I want you to meet Boris, Gabe and Ella’s Godfather.” 
“Pleasure,” Uncle Boris says, holding out his hand. I almost flinch. Since Uncle Boris didn’t have a title, isn’t he supposed to just bow? 
Liam firmly grips Uncle Boris’ hand and gives it a shake. “Likewise,” Liam responds. He then turns to Drake and the woman and says, “Lady Jessica, it’s nice to see you again. It was unfortunate that you were unable to attend the Ball yesterday.”
Lady Jessica smiles and bows. “Yes, Your Majesty, I had something to attend to. But do not fret, I promise Drake and I will be making more of an appearance together.” She turns to give Drake a smile, and it makes me want to smile. 
Drake clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. Now that we’re engaged—”
“What?!” Duchess Savannah cries.
“Drake, how long have kept this from me— uh, us?” Lord Maxwell cries. 
“Oh, it’s barely been a week,” Lady Jessica comments. 
“Well, congratulations, you two!” Aunt Rowan says. Everyone repeats the wish, giving Drake a pat on the shoulder and kind smiles to Jessica. 
Someone says that we should go find our seats. Everyone begins to leave, until it’s just Mom, Liam, Ella, and I, with Drake a few feet away, lingering behind the group. 
“I wanted to ask.” Liam clears his throat. “If you and the children would want to watch the show with me?” 
I see Mom glance at Ella and I, and then glance behind her, where people were walking towards their seats. Some of those people look back at Mom, and she quickly looks back at Liam. 
“I told you last night that I already overheard some rumors going around,” Mom says to Liam. “I don’t want there to be more, so I think it’d be better if we went and sat with everyone else.” 
“But! But!” Ella cries. She was already tense and irritated from this morning, and our mother’s words just made it a bit worse.
Mom tilts her head at Ella, which was her silent way of telling us not to argue with her. 
Ella crosses her arms and turns away from Mom. She then looks up at Liam, reaches her arms up at him, and says, “Daddyo! Take me with youuuu!” 
“I see no reason why she can’t,” Liam says, a smirk on his face. I want to laugh, because Ella’s dad would never go against anything Mom said. Ella and I watched Mom and Liam slip into a staring contest, Liam’s smile never falling, and it was funnier than it should have been. 
Mom points at Liam, wiggling her finger. “Don’t get into trouble.” She ruffles my hair and kisses Ella on the forehead, and then walks away. 
I lead us back to the tent. When I go in, I see someone sitting on the chair that Liam was in a couple minutes ago. He turns, and I notice that it’s the same man from yesterday; the one who called himself Uncle Leo. 
“No,” Liam says, moving in front of us. “Leo, get out.” 
“Calm down, brother.” 
Liam had a brother? So “Uncle Leo” wasn’t lying when he said that Hunter and Heather were our cousins. 
“Absolutely not,” Liam continues in a low voice. “I told you yesterday that you aren’t welcome here. The only reason I haven’t kicked you out yet is for the sake of appearances.” 
Liam’s brother nods at him. “And I’m grateful for that, Liam, and I told you, I’m only here to make amends.”
“Did the race start yet?” Ella interrupts their little disagreement. She’s near the railing now, looking out onto the tracks.
“No, angel,” Liam turns to her. “They’re just lining up the horses.”
Liam’s brother raises an eyebrow at him, and Liam’s jaw clenches. 
I hear the curtain move aside with a small gust of air, and Drake emerges. “Hey there,” he says. “Everything okay?” 
“Yes.” Liam turns and pats his brother’s shoulder. “Leo was just on his way out.” 
“I figured I’d see you somewhere,” Drake comments. He moves forward to give Uncle Leo a friendly pat. “I saw Katie talking to Savannah and Riley.” He turns towards Ella and I. “Hunter and Heather were looking for you both.” 
“Oh,” Ella exclaims, looking back at me. I knew she really wanted to make friends, and I was about to suggest that we go back to where Mom was, but then a shot rings out and I hear the thunder of horses running. 
I notice Liam glare at his brother before joining everyone at the railing. 
“The gray one is going fast!” Ella notices. 
“That one is named Macbeth,” Liam tells us. “He usually does very well in the beginning, but— see! Right there, he’s beginning to fault.” 
“The black one’s moving forward!” I cry. 
“That’s Sherluck,” Liam says. “But do you see that brown one? She’s Estella.”
“Wasn’t she supposed to be retired?” Drake questions. “There’s no way she can win.” 
“I don’t know, Drake.” Liam stands up straight. “The odds are in her favor.” 
“But she doesn’t have luck on her side, does she?” 
“Sherluck does!” Ella mentions.
“You don’t need luck to win,” Uncle Leo mentions.
Liam looks at his brother distastefully. 
I turn back towards the horses, seeing Estella taking the lead. 
“C’mon, Sherluck!” Drake cries. 
“You might as well give up now, Drake,” Liam suggests. “Estella’s in the lead.”
“Yeah!” Ella cries.
“Shouldn’t put that much hope on an old horse, Your Majesty,” Drake throws back at Liam. 
As Estella passes the finish line, Liam comments, “At least she’s reliable.”
Drake moves back from the railing and starts taking off his suit. “Yeah, yeah, no need to rub it in.” 
While Drake is turned away, Liam whispers, “Ella, come here.”
“Okay,” she loudly whispers back. Liam picks her up and makes her stand on a chair. He turns away from her and silently tells her to get on his back. Through giggles, Ella wraps her arms around Liam’s neck. He walks away from the chair, and she manages to hold on. 
“C’mon, Liam,” Drake says. He’s in an upward plank position with his shirt off. “We don’t have all day. We have to get to the picnic.” 
“Hold your horses, Walker!” Uncle Leo comments.
“I apologize, Drake,” Liam says, moving towards him with Ella still on his back. “Also, I think I’ve gained some weight recently.” 
He sits down on Drake’s back, and I hear Drake grunt. 
Drake begins doing push-ups while Ella and Liam giggle. 
“Nine... ten,” Drake finishes, barely breathing. Liam gets up from his back, and Drake falls onto the floor. Uncle Leo helps him back up, and Drake starts putting on his clothes again, huffing and puffing. Turning towards Liam, he comments, “Putting on extra weight at the last minute, huh?” Drake shakes his head and finishes buttoning his suit. “Someone needs to humble you out.” 
“I know you’d never miss such an opportunity, old friend,” Liam states, helping Ella off of his back. 
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get outta here. I have to go find Jess. She said she had a call to take and then just walked away.” Drake leads the way out of the tent. Ella and I follow, looking back at Liam, who was standing in front of Uncle Leo.
“Leave if you know what’s good for you,” Liam growls. Ella and I stand outside the tent, but I can hear what they’re saying. 
“Seriously, Liam?” the brother responds. “You think I’d do anything to two innocent kids? Calm the Hell down. We hadn’t seen each other in months before the argument, and I know it was pretty bad, but Regina’s no longer here to ruin anything. We’re the only family the both of us have left. Instead of spoiling it because of my misunderstanding some eleven years ago, can we just be civil? At least in front of Katie, Riley, and the kids.” 
Liam doesn’t talk for so long that I wonder if he’s still in there. After a while he speaks up, “Fine. But if you or your children do anything to my children, understand that I will make sure you never step foot in this country again.” 
“Alright alright, little brother, c’mon,” Uncle Leo says. I hear his voice get louder, and I pull Ella away from the tent so they wouldn’t know I was listening in. “Let’s get to this picnic and not hold everyone up.” 
They emerge, and Uncle Leo’s arm is around Liam, who shrugs it off. Liam puts a hand on each of our shoulders and guides us to the line of cars. We see Mom and Countess Hana about to get in a limo. Mom waves at us and gets in the car. She closes the door, and Ella gives a silent, “Yay, we can go with you!” as Liam guides us to his car. I tumble in after Ella, excited to spend more time with Dad.
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
The Lake (A)
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Author's note:
**Dear Reader, if you have come across this post accidentally on your dashboard out of context I apologize. This is one of two possible endings for The Lake, so feel free to start at the beginning or totally skip this conclusion post and read something else.
If you followed the link to get here then 'keep reading' and enjoy**
 Kate is startled awake by the sound of her phone buzzing and the chime of a notification. Next to her Bartie is curled up into a ball and whimpering, his face is wet with tears. 
Kate sits up and pulls her drowsy two year old into her lap and kisses her on the head before reaching over to rub Bartie on his back. "What's wrong, Bartie? Why are you crying?"
Bartie wipes his tears and turns his face to peer over his shoulder at his Aunt. "I..I had an accident. And a really bad dream."
"That's ok Honey, accidents happen, and don't worry the dream is all gone now."
Bartie sits up, hugging his knees to his chest, "But the dream was so scary and it felt so real."
Kate's phone buzzes again and she glances at it, "It might help to talk about it? Make it a little less scary."
They climb out of the playcastle and Bartie looks up at Kate with wide eyes as he takes her hand, "There was a monster in my dream! A monster in the lake!"
Kate gives his hand a gentle squeeze,  rubbing the back of it with her thumb. "Oh sweety, monsters aren't real. They only put them in fairytales to make the story more interesting, and to give the hero something to do." 
She leads him to the bathroom nearby to get cleaned up. "But are you sure monsters aren't real? Uncle Max told me.."
Kate chuckles as she stops in the doorway, "Your Uncle Maxwell is a big silly guy, and likes to tell make-believe stories just for fun. Never take them seriously unless he can show you pictures to prove it."
Bartie glances up at Kate with a sheepish expression, trying to sound brave and forget the scary images in his head, "Yeah.. they're just stories. Silly Uncle Max."
Kate waits outside the closed door while Bartie gets out of his wet clothes. She smiles as she watches Brooklyn toddle over to play with her toys. Thankfully the monster talk didn't bother her.
Her phone buzzes again and she picks it up with a sigh. She's surprised to see the text is from Maxwell. 
>> Help! Our boat has sprung a leak and we're sinking! 😱
Kate shakes her head, feeling that Maxwell is being over dramatic. She responds back,
>> Oh Max, what did you do now?
She's just dropping her phone down to watch Brooklyn move onto something new to play with when her phone starts ringing. Frowning with concern, she realizes the call is from Preston, their head of security. She answers,
"Preston, what's going on?"
"There's been an incident out on the lake and we're mobilizing a rescue. Stay with the children and we'll update you when we have more details."
Kate feels her heart sink down into her stomach, realizing that Max's text was serious. "But Preston.."
He doesn't respond because he's already hung up.
"Mommy, why do you look so scared?" Brooklyn picks up her stuffed unicorn and hugs it. "What did Mr. Preston say?"
Kate rushes over to the window and pushes open the curtains. Through the trees she can just make out the sight of Preston in the speedboat as he exits the boat house and then disappears from view.
Like a few hours earlier, Kate and the children are standing in the courtyard. But this time they're watching the speedboat arrive at the dock with the three men in it. Kate feels a tremendous sense of relief at seeing both of her guys looking mostly dry. But her relief fades when she sees Maxwell and Preston help Drake get out of the boat. 
His denim shirt is in tatters and covered in rusty looking stains, and his right leg is streaked with fresh blood. He leans heavily on Preston as he limps forward, scowling at Maxwell and shoving him away. "I've had enough of your help today. Now go on you silly bastard."
Kate scoops Brooklyn up in her arms as she hears her start to cry.  She hides behind her hands and turns her face into her Mother's shoulder as she whines and sobs, "What happened to Daddy?! Why is his leg all red like that?"
Preston helps Drake over to a wooden deck chair.  He sits back and lets Preston take over first-aid as he tends to his bullet wound. Undoing his ruined shirt, he tosses it aside. The pain etched on his face is all too familiar.
Kate aches to run over to Drake to give him hugs and kisses, seeing the pain he's in, but holds back for Brooklyn's sake. She can't help the tears that burn at her eyes though as she looks between Drake and Maxwell.
"Maxwell what happened? What did you do?"
Bartie runs over to hug his uncle's legs, "I'm so glad you're okay Uncle Max."
Looking down at his feet, Maxwell mumbles, "I..brought a..pistol with me on our fishing trip."
"You did what? But why?!" Kate gasps with horror.
"For protection, right Uncle Max?" 
Bartie looks up at him and smiles as Max lays his hand on his nephew's head and looks down at him sadly, "That's right little Buddy, but I wasn't smart about it. I should have told Uncle Drake before we got into the boat."
"Ya think?" Drake grumbles and hisses as Preston wipes the blood off with an alcohol wipe and then wraps a gauze bandage around his leg.
"Protection from what?" Kate asks, getting more and more impatient at the lack of details.
"This will have to do, Your Grace. Until we can get you to the hospital." Preston insists.
Mara moves from Kate's side to stand next to Maxwell. She looks down at Bartie and then back up to Maxwell, "I'm sorry, Lord Beaumont, but I must ask your nephew to step aside."
"But why?" Bartie cries, as Maxwell kneels down to his level to give him a hug.
Maxwell looks between Drake, Preston, Kate and Mara. "They need to take me into custody, Bartie."
Bartie cries harder as Maxwell stands up again. Mara steps closer and grips him firmly by the arm and leads him away. 
"But he was just protecting Uncle Drake from the monster in the lake!" Bartie cries out indignantly, stomping his foot. "He didn't mean to shoot the wrong one!"
Kate walks over to try to console Bartie, but he backs away. "No! Uncle Max was brave, he was supposed to be the hero."
Drake sighs, shaking his head, "I'm sorry, Bartie. There was no monster, but Max was scared enough to think there was. He dropped the pistol and it went off accidentally. I got hit in the leg and the boat ended up with a hole in it too. He should've been brave enough not to take the pistol with him. Now he has to face the consequences."
Off in the distance, a siren can be heard. Bartie covers his ears, and runs back toward the manor. 
 "Kate," Drake says, waving her over to him.
Kate looks between Drake and the retreating back of her distraught nephew, she rushes over to give her husband a hug and kiss. Brooklyn wraps her little arms around his neck and hugs him too, before Kate has to pull her away. 
The flashing lights of the ambulance wash over everyone as it pulls into the yard. Drake looks between the ambulance and Preston and then nods to him. The security guard turns to Kate,
"Please go back to the manor, Your Grace. I'll go with the Duke to the hospital and report to you on his condition. He's in good hands, he'll be fine." 
Kate gives Drake one last kiss, and then carries a whimpering Brooklyn back inside. She finds Bartie sitting on the bottom step of the grand staircase, his little face in his hands, crying. When she sits down next to him he doesn't pull away as she wraps her arm around his slim shoulders. 
Through his sobs, Kate hears him ask, "Is Un..Uncle Drake...go..going to be okay?"
Kate nods, "I think so. He's been shot, stabbed and wounded many times and keeps on going. He's made of tough stuff, your Uncle."
Bartie wipes his eyes on his sleeve, "And Uncle Max?"
"Well, for now, he'll probably be kept in his room under armed guard until Preston gets back with your Uncle Drake. And then we'll contact your Uncle Liam, the King and ask his advice on what happens next."
"Real life is so much scarier than fairytales sometimes," Bartie mumbles.
Kate leans down to give him a kiss on the forehead, "That's very true, sweetheart."
//So what did you think of this ending? If you're curious you can try the other. The Lake (B) Or you can go back to the original post to leave your comments. //
Thanks for reading. 😊
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beyondflashpoint · 4 years
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Prologue 1: Bedtime stories.
John massaged his temple. He’d been pouring through ancient tomes and cross referencing half forgotten folklore for what felt like hours. He sat back in his overstuffed chair, considered lighting a cigarette, then recalled the one unlit, currently pressed between his lips. How long had it been there? He needed a break.
“Da- ... John?” The little voice inquired from the doorway. John slowly raised his eyes.
The child had been in his care for over a year now. Looking at her now, wearing an adults band tee like a nightgown and dragging the large stuffed bat she carried everywhere, it was hard to remember how dangerous she could be.
“Well, what have we here? Little Bird escaped her cage?”
She smiled at the affectionate nickname, but there was still fear in her eyes.
John Constantine had never once thought of himself as anything close to fatherly. After all, his own dear old dad had been nothing short of a five-star bastard. But she wanted to call him dad, wanted him to be a father to her. Seeing her, putting on a brave face, but desperately craving comfort and company, it reminded him why he had taken the girl from a dying world, a dying mother, and her own five-star bastard. He moved in a way that only a concerned father can move, a delicate balance between caution so as not to startle, and haste to provide that comfort she was practically begging for. In moments he had scooped her up, cradled like a princess in his arms.
“Bad dreams again Rachael?” He asked tenderly. She nodded.
“Can’t get back to sleep then either, I take it?” She shook her head.
He pointed at he stuffed bat, now held in a chokehold by her scrawny little arms.
“Now you listen here Batsy, I told you more than once that you’re supposed to keep our girl safe.” A stern voice, usually reserved for pit fiends and people fooling with things they didn’t understand. John Constantine was upbraiding a stuffed toy. If that ever got out it’d be the end of his reputation. But bullocks to that.
“His name is Bartok. And he’s just a stuffed animal.” But she was giggling, genuine and true.
John exited the study carrying the girl back to bed. Neither noticed that the doorway which had previously opened into the foyer now deposited them on the second floor landing, a few doors down from Rachael’s bedroom. This was the House of Mystery, and it changed to suit its owner’s needs. Thankfully it knew John well enough to know that carrying a six year old child up a flight of stairs was a little excessive.
“That’s not entirely true, now is it luv? We studied totems and objects of power just last week. You’ve given him a name, and you carry him with you everywhere. Bartok is probably absolutely pulsing with magical energy. With the right focus and a solid incantation Barty could be a regular supercharged dream catcher.”
He was laying her down now, pulling the covers over her, but making sure to leave the bat’s stitch’s smile free. Rachael listened intently and nodded.
“Zatanna will be here all day tomorrow. I’m sure if you ask really nicely she’ll help you.”
“Is she doing a magic show right now?”
John smiled and nodded.
“Some of us have day jobs. You’ll want to follow her lead on that. Don’t be a deadbeat like ol’ Johnny boy.” He ended with a silly face, and was rewarded with another giggle.
“We’ll have to tell Zee to get you some proper sleepwear. I’m not sure how I feel about a six year old trundling about in a Mucous Membrane tee that’s older than Christ.”
“I like it. Zatanna says it’s the band you were in when you were a teenager. Uncle Boston let me listen to some of your songs, but he made me promise not to tell. He said there were bad words.”
“Did he now? I’ll have to have a talk with ‘Uncle Boston’ later. Punk is for your rebellious teenage years.” He smiled to show he was joking, but mentally cursed Boston Brand for starting her off with his old rubbish. “All tucked in. Close your eyes now Little Bird. Try and sleep.”
He started to stand, but the girl’s eyes doubled in size, wordlessly begging him not to go. He settled his weight once more.
“How’s about a story then?”
She immediately brightened.
“Will you tell me a Hellblazer story?”
John laughed.
“Those stories are a bit too dark for you Little Bird. When your older. Promise. I was thinking something a bit more age appropriate. With dragons.”
Her face dropped.
“A fairy tale?”
“Not exactly, luv. By all accounts this is a true story.”
She quirked an eyebrow suspiciously.
“It does begin a long time ago, in a land far away. About a thousand years ago. In a land called Nol. It was a different dimension. Nol was a peaceful kingdom, in the heights power. Arts, sciences, magic. A true utopia by all accounts. Streets of gold and all that. Actually,” he smirked, leaning onto his side, and gesturing with one hand while chanting under his breath. Sparks of gold light shot from his fingers, and after a few quick twirls, he flicked them towards the ceiling with a flourish. “Better to show than tell, innit?”
The sparks of gold fluttered and danced, multiplied, and arranged themselves into an image. Rachael gasped and watched in wide-eyed wonder that briefly made John understand Zatanna’s Copperfeild routine. Hovering above them, at an angle suited for a child to fall asleep to, the streets of Nol took shape, exactly as John pictured them when he read about them.
Polished marble walls rose ever skyward the tallest among them of height with a modern skyscraper. The streets, onyx, not gold, sloped downward in a gentle incline towards the port, and the sea beyond. All manner of strange vessels were docked there, traders and travelers from strange unknown lands. The great gates of the walled city were many, made of bronze, and flanked by the figures of many fantastic beasts. Here a griffin, there a sphinx, manticores, and many others beyond listing. The houses were of chalcedony or marble, with each their own walled gardens. No workers tools had ever touched these stones, and in fact it looked more like the stone had grown into the shapes they now held.
Of that same seemingly grown stone was the palace, directly in the city’s center. The highest of its towers dwarfed the Great Wall of Nol. And there were many towers. The palace was an opulent thing of soaring towers and impossible domed buildings, of high bridges between towers that seemed impossibly fragile from below.
The child consumed every detail with awestruck wonder.
“The people of Nol enjoyed a thousand years of peace, power, and prosperity. Now, the thing about good times is that they make people soft. See, the soldiers of Nol, save a few brave fools, had grown fat and confident. Sure there were a handful of knights and soldiers who traveled the countryside solving problems and seeking honor and all that rubbish, but mostly the good people of Nol believed nothing bad would ever happen to them.”
“And that’s exactly when something bad happened to them, right John?”
“That’s right. That’s the first lesson in this story, Little Bird. Prepare for the worst, and always expect it to get worse.” She nodded.
“And so, it was a great shock, then, when the dragon came.” The image of the city was replaced with the silhouette of a dragon, a massive thing with glowing eyes. The earth seemed to tremble at its wingbeats and Rachael gasped at the sight of it. “The Primordial Serpent, The Conqueror Wyrm, Malkior. From the east the dragon came, in the late hours after the sun had set. The beating of his mighty wings stirred the whole city to waking, and the soldiers, who were used to only marching about and yelling at rowdy kids prepared for a fight. The first fight for most of em.”
Even as he spoke, images of soldiers rushing too and fro in panicked chaos replaced that of the dragon.
“Now, the great dragon made quick work of the city’s walls, with his great claws and his mighty tail, and even quicker work of the inexperienced troopers practically throwing themselves at him. Even those brave knights who had returned to the city failed to even scratch the dragon’s mighty scales. All seemed lost for Nol, as the beast made his way towards the heart of the great city, intent on the palace and full of sinister purpose.”
Though Constantine had made sure the images were age appropriate, Rachael had pulled the covers up to her nose and was squeezing Bartok tightly.
“But, and this is the most important lesson from this story, it is always better to be clever than it is to be brave, or strong. And very luckily for Nol, there just so happened to be a very clever mage named Rorek. See Rorek had spent his whole life studying magic specially to kill Malkior. Rorek happened to be in the palace, studying magic with the king’s high mage, and when he heard the beating of those sinister wings he knew exactly what to do. Armed with naught but his personal spell book and his wits, Rorek claimed the tallest tower in the palace of Nol to face his hated foe.” The words flowing forth from John were just as magical as the scenes mirroring them to the little girl, and she fought against drooping eyelids to not miss the epic battle she knew was fast approaching.
“ The dragon reached the palace just as Rorek emerged on the tower’s roof.
‘Hark dem-“
“Do the voices.” The girl demanded in a voice laden with sleep. John could think of no reason to refuse.
“ ‘Hark demon! I am Rorek! For too long you have burned and killed and destroyed unchecked and unopposed. I oppose thee now!’” The voice he used now was softer, and a bit more proper. One might allege that he based it off one Jason Blood, though Constantine would never confirm this if pressed on it.
“ ‘Little man,’ said the dragon,” in a voice not dissimilar to Jason’s better half, “ ‘ I am the destroyer, the defiler, the conqueror. I am Malkior! I have seen worlds rise and fall, only to rise again. I have slain kings and emperors, heroes and champions. Who are you to think to stand against me?’ And Rorek stood tall and began his spells. The battle was fearsome, for Malkior too was versed in powerful and ancient magics. It seemed for every spell, hex or curse Rorek threw at Malkior, the dragon knew it’s counter. But Rorek was clever, and even while casting an unending torrent of spells, he prepared his last trick.
‘Foul beast, demon that you are, thy name does not suit thee, but nonetheless, Malkior, I call thee by thy true name, and by thy name bind thee!’
And the dragon roared with fury, lashing, thrashing and cursing even as he was pulled into Rorek’s book and bound. But with a final curse, disaster struck, and the tower which had been the scene of their epic battle was reduced to rubble, and Rorek was lost. But Nol remembered its hero, and until it’s final days celebrated the triumph of Rorek of Nol.”
As the final scene came to a close, the image faded, and the swirling cloud of golden dust dissipated and dissolved.
“So you see-“ John cut off as he turned to look at the girl and found her snoring softly.
He smiled, whispering an enchantment to ward against bad dreams, and brushing her hair back, kissed her forehead to seal the spell in place.
The barrage of vision and memory came with shocking clarity and coherence. Had he not been seated, John would have been knocked off his feet. The things he saw would haunt him for years to come.
It took time to compose himself well enough to stand, much less return to the study, where, hours later Zatanna found him, cigarette in one hand, scotch in the other.
It had been some time since Zee had seen John this upset. It was only after a second and third drink that he smoothed his unruly blond hair back, took a deep breath and spoke.
“We need to talk about Rachael. And her dreams.”
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pulaasul · 3 years
The Dark Lord Rises
After the prophecy was thwarted, Harry found himself captured and sent to the graveyard where he and Cedric ended up during the Triwizard Tournament.
[FFN] [Ao3]
As much as Harry despised it, Dumbledore still had him return to the Dursleys at 4 Privet Drive, for some unknown reason. The only reason Sirius Black didn't get custody of him was for the trial he should've had back when he was first arrested.
Apparently, Madame Bones insisted on the trial.
All three of the Dursleys were at the table as Harry preparing their dinner. Not much has changed. He was still treated poorly by his relatives.
"Boy, place a plate of your own on the table," Vernon ordered. "Somehow my client knows I have nephew staying and he could arrive at any time."
Harry rolled his eyes at the supposed act of kindness that his uncle and aunt were projecting to the public, still, he couldn't argue with them. He supposes he still owes them a debt of gratitude, which he doubts he could repay.
Not even suffering the Cruciatus curse before them could ever change them to be at least sympathetic towards him.
Harry placed the plates on the table as Petunia was doing last-minute touches to groom her son's hair.
Not before long, all four inhabitants of the house started eating their dinner silently. Dudley was complaining on why Harry was eating with them.
Vernon and Petunia agreed with their son's sentiments, but could not do anything about it as Vernon's client somehow knew of Harry staying with them. It wouldn't be good if a scandal would erupt just because Harry wasn't eating at the table with them.
Soon after, the four of them heard a knock on the door.
"Harry, would you be a dear and open the door for us?" Vernon stated in a sweet tone.
Harry rolled his eyes at his uncle's poor attempt at being sweet with him. He nonetheless obliged and opened the door.
"Minister Fudge?"
Harry was surprised to see the Minister of Magic at his uncle's home. Most people in the Wizarding world refuse to interact with muggles if the remote areas where the magical families are living were any indication. He has not cast any magic since his arrival at the Dursleys to be visited.
"Mr. Cornelius!" Vernon greeted. "Please join us."
"No need." Fudge droned out.
The new arrival retrieved his wand from inside his coat and pointed it at Harry. A piece of rope was conjured and latched onto Harry's left wrist and tied it on the stairs' railing.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Vernon growled.
The minister ignored Vernon's outburst and shot out pieces of ropes from his wand and bound the Dursleys to the chairs they were sitting in and Harry's other hand to the railings.
"Minister! What is the meaning of this?!" Harry tried to question.
"The Dark Lord will rise once more!" Minister Fudge declared, ignoring Harry's inquiry.
Harry started screaming as soon as the spell took effect on him. He was screaming as he felt excruciating pain rock his restrained body.
Harry struggled and struggled against his restraints in an attempt to escape the pain and escape altogether.
It was pain beyond anything Harry had ever experienced; his very bones were on fire; his head was surely splitting along his scar... he wanted it to end... to black out... to die.
"What are you doing?! Stop it!" Petunia yelled, unable to take Harry's screams any longer.
"Right, you were living with your muggle relatives." Fudge walked towards Dudley.
Harry heaved as he got a break from the torture he was experiencing. His heart sank once he saw the minister walk towards his cousin.
"Stop!" Harry yelled. "They have nothing to do with this!"
"Shut it!" Fudge growled and threw a plate on Harry's head, breaking it.
The Minister walked towards Dudley, a sinister smile on his face as his wand was pointed at the young Dursley. He can see the panicked looks the muggle parents had as he continued to approach the young boy and he was relishing the effect he had on the muggles.
"Minister Fudge! Please!" Harry begged. "Kill me if you want, just leave them out of this!"
Vernon and Petunia stared at Harry. They didn't think that the boy they so heavily abused would readily give up his life for them.
"On the contrary Potter, muggles were the problems, to begin with." Fudge smiled.
Dudley's screams of pain echoed in the house.
The young Dursley was sheltered to the point that he was a bully to a lot of kids, including Harry. He was used to inflicting pain. He didn't know how to process receiving pain in return.
"Please! Stop!" Petunia begged. "Spare my son!"
Fudge ignored the mother's pleas.
"Fudge!" Harry yelled.
"You'll get your turn Potter!" Fudge sneered.
The Minister stopped casting the Cruciatus curse on Dudley, who fell unconscious and walked towards the boy's mother.
"Let us go, you buffoon!" Vernon growled as he continued to struggle. "The police will hear about this!"
"Do muggles know how to shut up?!" Fudge growled in response and pointed his wand at the Dursley Patriarch.
Vernon was in excruciating pain, he was feeling the pain Harry and Dudley experienced a little while ago. He screamed, screamed, screamed, and screamed loudly that his voice took on a higher pitch. It was excruciating, it wasn't like anything he ever experienced.
"Stop it!'" Harry screamed. "You want me, you can have me!"
Fudge continued to ignore Potter as Vernon was still under the effects of the Cruciatus curse.
Petunia was now sobbing, helpless at what was happening to her family. It wouldn't have been an issue if she had the same abilities as her sister, but she doesn't and she's helpless to help her husband, son, and nephew.
Did Harry ever experience this kind of torture at school?
Did Lily?
"The Dark Lord is impatient." Fudge sighed as he put down his wand.
Vernon went unconscious as soon as the pain ceased.
"I'm impressed Potter, you managed to endure the Cruciatus curse, despite being under its full effects for the first time." Fudge praised. "The Dark Lord awaits."
Fudge approached Harry's bound form and held the boy's head and disapparated out of the house.
Petunia was full-on sobbing with what she has experienced, her husband and son unconscious, her nephew kidnapped.
The Dursley Matriarch struggled to free herself from the ropes that bound her to her chair, but she eventually did, rope burns on her skin notwithstanding.
She immediately went up to Harry's room and she found that all of his things were still there, even the owl that she and her husband were grumbling about.
She got a piece of paper and pen and immediately wrote some words on the paper before rolling it and tying it on the owl's talons.
"Dumbledore, quick." Petunia let the owl fly out the window before she collapsed, sobbing.
"You called for me Albus?" Professor Mcgonagall asked as she entered the Headmaster's room.
Moments later, Snape arrived, equally curious of the summons he received.
"Harry's Owl is here," Dumbledore pointed at the Snow owl. "Bearing a letter, from Harry's aunt."
"Petunia," Snape murmured.
"What did it say? I thought she hated our kind?" Professor Mcgonagall questioned.
"Just two words, help us."
"Albus, what could this mean?"
"I don't know Minerva, you and I are going to find out." The Headmaster shook his head. "Snape, keep things in order in our steads."
"Of course."
Dumbledore and Mcgonagall arrived at the Dursley's via Floo.
This perplexed Mcgonagall to no end, why was a muggle household connected to the Floo Network. It did not make sense at all.
"How can this be?!" Mcgonagall asked as soon as she appeared at the Dursley's.
"Molly mentioned once that her husband used the Floo to pick Harry up to see the Quidditch World Cup." Dumbledore looked around the house.
With a quick scan of the house, both Hogwarts professors found the unconscious and bound bodies of Vernon and Dudley Dursley. They immediately waved their wands at the unconscious men and lied them down on the couch.
Not a moment later, Petunia, eyes as red as it can be, stumbled down the stairs.
"Petunia, what happened?"
"S-someone c-came in." Petunia sobbed. "We thought it was one of Vernon's clients and then everything went south."
Petunia narrated how the events in her house, from Harry's capture to Vernon's torture to Fudge and Harry disappearing.
Mcgonagall, as much as she resented the Dursley matriarch for the treatment of her student, levitated a glass of water from the dining table and handed it to the sobbing mother.
"Who was it, Petunia? Where's Harry?"
"H-harry identified the man as Fudge," Petunia answered. "He keeps using the word Crucio then everyone's yelling."
Mcgonagall's eyes widened as she dropped the glass she was holding.
"A-an unforgivable? Albus, you said the boy would be safe here?!"
"The wards are still active Minerva," Dumbledore informed. "Fudge isn't a Death Eater hence he was able to pass through the wards."
"The Imperius Curse?!"
"Where are they, Petunia?"
"T-they disappeared right after stopping whatever he was doing to my husband."
"Can you remember anything else, anything at all?" Dumbledore asked calmly, dreading what was happening.
"When he was here, he also said something about some Dark Lord will rise."
As soon as she answered the Headmaster's question, Petunia fainted. It was a wonder how she remained conscious despite everything that has happened.
Dumbledore and Mcgonagall looked at each other and sprang into action. They called for the assistance of St. Mungo's.
"Headmaster." Snape greeted Dumbledore. "We have lots of problems." He handed the Headmaster a Daily Prophet magazine.
Barty Crouch Jr. and Peter Pettigrew Escapes Custody
By: R. Almeidus
Earlier this day, Madam Amelia Bones has announced the escape of the people responsible for tampering with the Triwizard Tournament and the subsequent kidnapping of Hogwarts's Champions, Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory.
It is still unknown when and how the suspects managed to escape, their cells in the Ministry weren't tampered with. (more on page 6)
"Fudge has attacked the Dursleys and kidnapped Harry Potter," Dumbledore informed the Potions Master. "Apparently used the Cruciatus curse on them."
"Potter was there, surely he could have defended himself and his muggle relatives." Professor Snape scoffed.
"They were in the middle of dinner, Harry probably left his wand in his room, as he ate dinner with his relatives," Dumbledore speculated. "You know how hateful of our kind Lily's sister can be."
"Albus, do you have any idea where Fudge could have taken Potter?" Mcgonagall asked her superior, worried for her student.
"I'm afraid not Minerva." Dumbledore sighed. "It's one bad news after another."
"Surely Fudge's attack on the Dursleys is connected with Crouch's and Pettigrew's escape from the Ministry." Snape offered.
"Severus is right." Mcgonagall nodded. "We can check the graveyard where we rescued Potter and Diggory."
Mcgonagall and Dumbledore apparated at the graveyard where the Hogwarts's Triwizard champions were taken to as soon as they touched the Triwizard cup.
What greeted the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress was a duel between Voldemort and Potter. Red and Green beams of light met in midair as golden beams of light arched from the convergence point all around them, creating a dome of golden light encircling both wizards.
The pair of Hogwarts's Professors saw white figures resembling people rushing towards Voldemort and his band of Death Eaters, obscuring their vision of Harry.
"Harry over here!"
Harry found the source of the voice so immediately rushed towards his Professors who immediately disapparated away from the Graveyard leaving behind the newly resurrected Voldemort, his death eaters, and the corpse of Cornelius Fudge.
The former two attempted to chase after Harry Potter but never did quite catch up.
"Nooooooo!" Voldemort wailed.
Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Potter apparated right outside the Burrow.
"Bloody Hell Harry!"
Ron and Hermoine immediately relieved the Headmaster of Harry and helped the Potter inside the burrow and laid him on the couch.
Molly was already by the couch ready to administer some calming droughts on the boy.
"Harry, tell me exactly what happened."
'He's back Professor!" Harry wailed. "Voldemort's back!"
Everyone in the house, sans Mcgonagall and Dumbledore gasped at the revelation. They knew how close Voldemort came to returning back during the last task of the Triwizard Tournament, thwarted by Trelawney's prophecy and the teachers' will to save the students.
"Th-they killed Minister Fudge right after bringing me to them." Harry sobbed.
"It's alright Harry, it's alright." Dumbledore comforted. "You got away from there."
Harry continued sobbing until he fell unconscious on the sofa.
The Weasley's looked at each other, unable to form any words at what just happened.
"Molly, contact Sirius and Lupin, they need to know what happened to their godson, Minerva, have some Mediwitches from St. Mungos here in the burrow, Harry needs looking after, after experiencing the effects of the Cruciatus curse more than once," Dumbledore ordered.
"It's alright Harry, you're safe."
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useless-slytherclaw · 4 years
Chapter Two: River of Memories
Alphard had gone a while ago, though Regulus didn’t know how long. Time moved strangely here, wherever that was.  There was no sun in the sky, and the light seemed to darken or lighten as he wished it rather than in any discernible pattern.  His uncle had told Regulus that he would return if he was needed, but Regulus hadn’t called for the other man.  Regulus didn’t mind the solitude, in fact, he enjoyed it.  
For a while, he had just rested. The grass on the side of the road was soft and didn’t itch his skin the way grass in the real world did.  As he lay there, he let his mind relax, letting go of his constant, if subconscious, focus on occlumency.  There was no one here to hide from and it felt so good to let it all go.  He also came to the realization that he felt safe here and with that came the knowledge of exactly how scared he had been.  It wasn’t just the last month, where he had held in his mind the active plan to betray Lord Voldemort.  It wasn’t even the two years that he spent as a Death Eater- fighting Order members, being forced to torture muggles or be tortured himself, and hiding from Aurors.  Though, those were certainly the worst. He’d been scared for almost as long as he could remember, scared of disappointing his parents.  Now, without the weight of his parent’s expectations on him, he felt strange.  
He’d tried walking down the different roads that led away from the crossroads.  He’d wandered for what felt like hours, though he had no way to tell time.  But whatever way he tried to walk, he kept ending up back at the crossroads, or maybe a different, but almost identical crossroads.  He should have felt frustrated walking so long and getting nowhere, but he found he didn’t mind. 
Regulus noticed that the light dimmed when he rested, and so it was nearly dark now as he lay on a bench near the road.  He had no idea how long he had been here.  But his body didn’t grow tired, and he hadn’t become hungry or thirsty either.  He closed his eyes and let his mind wander.  If he didn’t need to choose a path perhaps he was waiting for something or someone as Alphard had suggested.  His mind drifted over memories, mostly of Hogwarts.  The memories flowed over him like a river.  He pulled them up, like stones, to watch them and then discard them when they became too sharp like the memory of his sorting.  
He had stood in the group of first years fighting the urge to shift from foot to foot. Blacks do not fidget.  He’d sat on the stool with his heart pounding.  The hat had said, “Another Black, eh?  Slytherin!” and McGonagall whipped it off his head.  Regulus felt such a strong wave of relief that he almost couldn’t stand.  The green and silver table was cheering for him, and he happily walked over.  Narcissa even stood up to hug him.  Then he looked at his brother, who was glaring at the sorting hat.  Regulus had a feeling that his brother was very intentionally not looking at him.  All the wind went out of him, and he felt incredibly small at that moment.  
Regulus shoved the memory away.  He didn’t want to think about Sirius’ anger.  He didn’t want to think about Sirius in general.  Thoughts of his brother always hurt, and Regulus was done hurting.  Instead, he thought about sitting in the Slytherin common room and listening to the lake against the glass, about sitting in the library with a girl with long black hair and warm brown eyes, about racing around the quidditch pitch on his new broomstick, and about drinking butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks with Barty.  
As his thoughts wandered, he found himself drawn back again to dark brown eyes and long black hair- to Iset.  Regulus sighed.  Thinking of Iset was bittersweet.  He could lose himself in the memories they shared at Hogwarts.  When they would sit at a hidden table in the library just so they could sit close with their legs pressed together.  How she brought signs to cheer him on at quidditch games.  The whispered conversations they had as they did prefect rounds.  Every morning at breakfast when they would sit across from each other before most of the school woke up.   
He got caught on little things like the sleepy half-smile on her face over morning coffee or the way her tan cheeks turned pink in the winter wind, and she pulled her green scarf up over her mouth.  A few memories he handled like gems, worth more than anything in his Gringotts’ vault.  The first time he had kissed her because they were at Slughorn’s party and there was mistletoe overhead.  It had been quick and chaste, but he remembered the softness of her lips and the shy smile she gave him afterward.  The second time he had kissed her, they hung onto each other as if the world was ending.  They’d been safe in a hidden passageway, and she tasted like cinnamon and coffee.   
But now Regulus tasted regret.  He remembered when Iset had told him “Our parents would never approve; we aren’t related,” and they had both laughed, but Regulus had felt like the world was shattering.  She was right.  It didn’t matter that they were both pureblood wizards.  Walburga thought the girl was a good enough acquaintance to have, but she wasn’t in the twenty-eight, and Walburga didn’t trust the bloodlines of foreign wizards.  He imagined that Ambassador Senusret had said something similar about British wizards.  He hadn’t kissed her again; it wasn’t proper.  Still, they met in the back corner of the library every week, where no one could see.  Sometimes Iset would whisper about her nightmares and her father’s punishments, and Regulus would put an arm around her shoulders.  Other times, Regulus would whisper about his fears or about the Death Eaters or his mother’s rage, and Iset would hold his trembling hand in hers. 
Cautiously, as if it was something sharp, Regulus turned over his last memory with Iset.  It was the train back at the end of his sixth year and her seventh.  Iset had appeared wearing a black dress and pulled him into an empty compartment with the blinds down.  He remembered that her hands were trembling in his.  “I’m leaving for America tomorrow, Reg.  I’m not- This isn’t my war.  I’m going to study with an expert in wandless magic.  And, I,”  Regulus could have sworn there were tears shining in her eyes.  He realized then, that she was saying goodbye.  “I don’t think I’ll be coming back.  My family will want me at home, but I had to say goodbye, Reg.”  Then she kissed him, and she was crying.  Regulus had gathered her into his arms and kissed her back.  He had so desperately wanted to stop time right then.  He wasn’t ready for Hogwarts without Iset, for life without Iset.  But then she pulled back, took a few deep breaths to gather her composure, and walked out of the door and out of his life.  
Regulus banged his head against the bench.  Why was he thinking of this?  Stupid question, really.  He forcefully turned his mind away, thinking about Barty instead.  He didn’t let himself think about Barty and the Death Eaters.  He wasn’t like Regulus; Barty had unwavering faith in the Dark Lord.  He’d be fine so long as the Order or the Aurors didn’t catch him.  Regulus told himself sternly that he didn’t need to worry, and turned his mind to their time at Hogwarts instead.  He was remembering flying with Barty over the Black Lake when something changed.  
Something changed, but Regulus couldn’t say what.  It wasn’t a sound; there was no sound here now that Alphard had gone, not even the sound of Regulus’ breath or heartbeat. He supposed that he didn’t have or need either of those things anymore.  The light hadn’t changed and he couldn’t see anything else because his eyes were closed.  There was also no motion besides that of Regulus himself.  So what had changed?  Regulus opened his eyes and sat up.  The sky was the same empty white as before.  The road stretched along in front of him as it had before.  Regulus looked around trying to locate the disturbance.  There, about a hundred feet from him in the grass, the air was twisting and shimmering.  Regulus watched as the shape of a person formed and slowly solidified.  Whoever it was was now lying in the grass unmoving.  Curiosity got the better of him and Regulus stood up to investigate. It was a girl, he realized.  She appeared to be sleeping with her head on her hand.  He recognized the profile of her face and the neatly braided black hair. 
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alj4890 · 5 years
Love/Fluff Prompt
(Maxwell x Riley) with the prompt "Yes I'm taking care of them. They're coming home with me." As requested by @krsnlove .
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(Maxwell x MC) A Choices: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir Fan Fiction drabble
A/N An AU where Riley chose to marry Maxwell. I have Liam in love and happy with Addison from RCD so there is no heir drama. But puppy drama...well, there might be.
They're Ours!
"How did this happen?" Riley asked, staring at the doctor.
Maxwell grinned at her and took her hand. "When two corgis love each other very much--"
She started laughing. "I understand the mechanics of how. It was more a rhetorical question."
Dr. Carson placed Lady Luck in Riley's arms. "In about another month, you two will be grandparents to a litter of puppies."
Maxwell noticed his wife's normally cheerful expression dim and he knew why. Riley had recently seen her own doctor. After a year of trying to have a baby, nothing had come of it.
She had always excelled at whatever she put her mind to. Like Hana, she was very hard on herself when she failed. She viewed their lack of positive pregnancy tests as a personal failure.
Now it was almost a slap in the face that their dogs were pregnant before them. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked out of the cheery veterinarian office and continued down the streets of Valtoria.
"Talk to me." He said softly.
Her beautiful spring green eyes were filled with unshed tears. "You already know."
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "The doctor said it will happen when it is supposed to. Look at all the fun we have had trying." He waggled his eyebrows, drawing another laugh from her.
"True." Her shoulders slumped as she tried to find the words. "Sometimes I don't know if I keep trying to prove to myself and everyone that I can have a baby or because I really want one. I know having a little mixture of me and you would be amazing, but then I think how happy I am it being just us two."
"We have only been married a little over a year." Maxwell pointed out. "A lot of people wait years before trying. I personally am having the best time of my life with you, our fur family, and being the super fun aunt and uncle to Bartie."
She squeezed him in a side hug. "You always know what to say."
"It's a gift." He bragged, smiling when she slapped his butt. "Come on beautiful, let's plan how we are going to break the news to Chance. His carefree bachelor days have come to a screeching halt."
A couple of weeks later...
"What is in the air?" Riley collapsed next to Maxwell on the sofa.
He sniffed. "Lysol and...are those snickerdoodles I smell?"
"Yes, but guess who else is pregnant?" Riley flipped the TV on.
They saw Liam and Addison giving a press conference. The royal couple were beaming as they announced that in six months they would be parents of twins.
Maxwell's eyes widened. "Whoa. Cutting it pretty close. They have barely been married four months."
Riley shook her head. "Everyone is pregnant."
"Drake's pregnant too?!" He teased.
She snorted. "Fine, not everyone."
He pulled her closer and held her. She rested her head on his shoulder and tried not to be sad. She had everything. She had married her best friend, lived in a beautiful country, and had been given a life that she had never known was possible. She was happy. From now on, she would focus only on what she had been blessed with.
Two weeks later...
"MAXWELL! I THINK THIS IS IT!" Riley stared down at Lady Luck panting in the closet. The little tubby corgi had burrowed her head under one of Maxwell's favorite t-shirts as she panted and whined.
He ran in. "Hey! Is that--"
"Hush! You know how much she adores you. Your smell gives her comfort." Riley waved her hand to make him be quiet.
"Yeah, but how did she get a hold of it?" He whispered.
"I was doing laundry the other day and she grabbed it out of the basket and waddled away. I thought it was sweet she chose your shirt." She kissed his cheek. "You always comfort me."
He grinned and gave her a quick kiss. "Good save." He looked back down at Lady Luck. "Should we call the vet?"
"I already did and Zeke is on his way to help." Riley knelt down and talked soothingly to the expectant mother.
The birth began before Zeke made it. Riley and Maxwell were both in awe and a little queasy watching the puppies be born. Once Zeke arrived, they breathed a little easier and backed up some. They felt honor bound to remain and see the rest be born.
Seven healthy puppies were safely delivered.
"She really is Lady Luck!" Maxwell exclaimed. He knelt down and looked at the tiny fluff balls as they blindly remained close to the new mother.
Zeke washed his hands and smiled down at her. "In six weeks, we can find homes for them. You could probably go ahead and start lining up who gets which one. Then--"
He noticed the couple staring at him as if he were a monster.
"We are taking care of them!" Riley wagged a finger at Zeke. "They are remaining here in their home. They're ours!"
A grin formed on Zeke's face. "I forgot who I was talking to." He packed his supplies and began to leave. "I will come by later this week and check up on the puppies."
Six weeks later...
"Ready? Riley yelled.
"Ready! Release the corgis!" Maxwell hit record on his phone and smiled as the puppies came around the corner.
"First time in this part of the house. What do you guys think?" He knelt down and chuckled as Chance and Lady Luck tried to herd their pups.
Riley came up next to him and laid down in the floor, giggling when the puppies and parents climbed all over her.
"Night of the living puppies." Maxwell said in a sinster tone. "We thought we were safe, but no. They turned on us the night of the full--"
A puppy waddled up to him and tried to climb in his lap. He turned his phone off and cuddled the wiggling ball of fluff. "I love our family."
Riley sat up and leaned against him. "We really do have the best."
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blankdblank · 4 years
Anaticula Pt 60
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Wk 3 Chudley Cannons vs Kenmare Kestrals in England
The Chudley Cannons are an English Quidditch team from Chudley that played in the British and Irish Quidditch League and, in 1972, participated in the International Quidditch Tournament. They wear bright orange robes, and their logo includes two black Cs and a speeding cannonball. They have won the League Cup twenty-one times, the last time in 1892; many consider their glory days to be over.
“...death is coming for me as surely as the Chudley Cannons will finish bottom of this year's league.” That was the comment from Dumbledore he made in passing you after another failed try to get him to speak to you. 
Rolling your eyes you hurried off to meet up with Charlie in his apartment for another weekend together. Physically it had gotten easier to go through the motions and you were discovering, you supposed, what you might be preferring to try again in the future. The relationship if that was what you could call it grew colder each time however as leading questions on how you and Barty were doing. 
Again his jealousy was clearly bubbling up and he seemed to be on the edge of saying something yet never did irritating you even more. Enough to cut the weekend early and head off to the hotel where you threw yourself on your bed making Cedric huff and say, “I know that drop. What’d Charlie do now?”
Troy looked you both over asking, “Charlie?”
Moran smirked, “Who’s Charlie.”
Fred and George rolled their eyes, “Our twat of an older brother.”
Oliver, “Thought you were with David.”
Troy grinned as Moran said, “Oooh, there’s a David now?”
Huffing you lifted your head saying, “David is thoughtful, sweet, caring, and loves to snog. Charlie however, loves to go on and on in the dinner he invited me to about how I am spending my time with David.”
Your head dropped and Troy leaned in, “Sounds like Charlie’s got a chip on his shoulder.”
You looked up again, “Not even about David!” You sat upright, “No! He’s got something he’s bottling up and won’t say and he’s focusing all that on David!”
Moran nodded, “Let him simmer down then, what do the lads do?”
You sighed rolling your head, “Charlie’s a Dragon Tamer in Romania and David’s a Professor at Hogwarts with me.”
Troy and Moran said, “Drop Charlie.” You looked them both over, and Troy said, “Trust me, tried to cozy up to a Magical Creatures Catcher once, disastrous with our travels. Always work brought home with ‘em, one time some hopping thing gets loose in a muggle village and she goes off about me Mum’s cooking! She loved me Mum’s cooking! Just gonna go and pick a fight with you when times get tough.”
Moran nodded, “Exactly, worked with a lass in a circus once,” simply he shuddered, “Don’t, just trust us. Best steer clear.”
You sighed again and plopped back onto your back, “I would love to just have one normal relationship. Just one.”
Troy chuckled out, “Sounds like ya are there little Black Bird.”
Moran chuckled, “Ups and downs, peaks and valleys and all that. That’s normal.”
“Katie and George aren’t like that.” Rolling onto your side you asked, “Any word on her?”
George wet his lips, “Her Mum’s bringing her up tomorrow, says the match will do her good. She has improved, what with your remedies and all those extra sessions. She’ll be glad to see us all after so long at home, says she’ll have to repeat.”
Oliver, “Ah, I repeated for two of my NEWTS, Katie’ll be fine. She’s got all of us.”
200 – 475 in your favor was the outcome, and after a full day of showing Katie the town to help get her in a better mood before heading home with her mother you ignored the letter from Charlie that came with flowers and headed off home yourself sending his gifts right back to him.
A steady flow of apology letters and sharing just what at work must have been putting him on edge you made it to February 6th, Arthur Weasley’s birthday. Sneaking away again you helped Molly to fix up the dinner and left the cakes to her, through the meal however you kept catching his wider than ever grin your way in a sort of assured comment to himself based on something about you. He was acting strange, the twins were oddly quiet lately, Charlie was being his usual ass of a self, Bill was over the moon with Fleur, Percy was busy as ever while Ron and Ginny seemed to dart away with what looked to be pitying gazes.
Feb Wk 1 Falmouth Falcons vs Kenmare Kestrals at Home in Ireland
The Falcons play in robes of dark grey and white with a falcon emblem on the chest. They are known for their fierce and violent style of play. In fact, they are so violent, that the team motto is: Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads. The Broadmoor brothers, Karl and Kevin, who played as Beaters between 1958 and 1969, were suspended on no less than fourteen occasions due to persistent rule-breaking.
650 – 820 in your favor left the aggressive team stunned as you limped away with the victory after a four hour match. Heavily bandaged a dinner with Charlie was rescheduled so you could take up Barty’s offer for a massage and relaxing night snuggled up with him to a film in his dorm at the school. The end of a bottle of shimmering ombre nail polish later and your ribs and back weren’t the only things that were black and blue.
Each day he tried to help you back onto the right path only to see you stumble right off again when Charlie came clomping through. Luna’s 16th birthday on the 13th came right before the end of it though, an end you should have seen coming if you hadn’t been drinking yourself into oblivion on non practice days. Riddle’s letters had grown more frequent and much longer in their shift to delving more like letters of adoration only making you want to curl up deeper into your pit of despair and self loathing sending you off to scrub yourself raw for how it all was making your skin crawl.
Again the half stone half wooden cottage like apartment Charlie had been renting welcomed you more than he did. No kiss, no hug, merely a “Barty keep you, that why you’re late?” If your throat weren’t burning and head still pounding from a hangover you had yet to beat in waiting for a fresh batch of venom from the now egg laying snake you had become so attentive to lately you might have known to leave, but you didn’t. Still you stayed listening to all he shared on his time without you and what he had planned for the pair of you for this getaway weekend.
One glimpse at the clock too many and barely twenty minutes into your pre Valentines dinner plans he shouted, “So eager to go and get back to Barty then?!”
With a huff you said, “For your information I’m timing something for one of my snakes. But now that you’ve brought him up for the twelfth time already what is wrong with him? Why are you so threatened-,”
Charlie scoffed and began to pace, “I am not threatened!” Muffling the apartment so you wouldn’t be overheard, as per the usual habit when you came over.
You shot up to your feet sending the chair behind you toppling over, “Really?! Then what the hell happened to no jealousy?!” His mouth fell open, “What happened to simple and casual?! Hmm? You’re the only one I’m having sex with so what the fuck is so wrong with this game of yours-,”
Charlie huffed moving closer to you, “You are keeping things from me!”
Charlie scoffed again, “Fenrir raping you for one,” your mouth fell open and you could feel yourself all but turning green as your inside churned, “And you told, HIM! AND HE’S BEEN THERE FOR YOU! The whole time! But I can’t! Oh no! Have to keep Charlie in the dark! At arms length,”
Lowly you replied, “There’s good reason for that,” to his back in another of his laps of the far wall.
He scoffed again and shouted at you, “THEY DIDN’T EVEN LET ME GO WITH THEM TO KILL HIM!”
In shock you whispered, “Kill who?”
At the tears in your eyes he stopped realizing what he’d done, “Who, killed him?”
“Our dads, uncles, Snape too and the twins.” Mentioning Fred and George had a tear streak down your cheek, “Jaqi-,” his step closer ended at your point at him.
“No! When did they kill him?!”
“Over Christmas. When you were in Paris. They still haven’t told you?” he moved closer and you stepped away, “Jaqi! Just, stop stepping away! Let me help you!”
“Help me?!” you scoffed back, “By driving the ax deeper into my chest?! You have no idea what this means!!” That furrowed his brows, “Casual, simple! I can’t do this,” you said waving a hand between you, “I can’t be in this relationship! I can’t have normal, I can’t handle it, It’s too much!”
“Jaqi, you just need more time after what he did to you!”
“Really?! And what do you know about what he did to me?! Hmm?”
“Jaqi he ra-,”
Shrilly you shouted back, “HE DIDN’T RAPE ME!”
His brows furrowed again, “That! Right there! Why can’t you just tell me what he did?! Why can’t you just admit it?!”
“I don’t know who told you that but he didn’t-,”
“Yes he did! And it doesn’t change anything!” he said stomping towards you, “I love you! Let me-!”
“I CAN’T! Because he didn’t!” Your voice tapered off to a teary whimper, and you shook your head crying again, “And it changed, everything.” Inhaling sharply at the tears filling his eyes you said, “I have to go.” Shaking your head, “No more simple, no more casual. I love you, but I can’t be with you, or anyone. It’s too much. Too many secrets, too many agendas. I just need to be by myself. I have to go.” Sniffling on the other side of your enchanted door you had back stepped through that slammed shut between you locking its connection to his apartment blocking him from summoning it for the time being, your stomach lurched and you turned on your heel racing for the toilet.
Harshly your knees hit the tile around it crumpling up the mat and your head ducked into the rim with hair pulled back as you heaved and threw up all your body physically could until you crumbled into a painful ball on the floor silently weeping at all that was just said.
Blankly you cleaned up, brushing your teeth and gargling heavily before trudging down to the sitting room where you found your father and Regulus seated across from Remus, all of whom looked at you when you asked from the doorway, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
At the tears in your eyes Remus stood, “Who told you?”
“Charlie, why didn’t any of you?”
Regulus looked to the men all shrugging or shaking their heads, “Who told him?”
Your lip quivered, “Or Sevy, does Barty know too?” you scoffed at your own question, whimpering out, “Of course he knows.”
You turned and your father aparated in front of you pulling you into his chest for a tight hug, “We couldn’t tell you, not until the Death Eaters knew he was gone and you were not to blame.”
Pulling back another tear streamed down your cheek, “Lucius planned this then?” He sighed and you said, “Dad! I have to know! I have to-,”
His hands cupped your cheeks, “Plan,” his voice growing more tender to comfort you down from your clearly rising level of panic, “I know. Pumpkin, trust me, you cannot know, not until it’s safe.”
Another tear streamed down your cheeks and you whispered, “Charlie thinks Fenrir raped me.” His lips parted along with the others, “Did-,”
He shook his head and Regulus said inching closer, “We would never!”
“He only touched my hair!” You whimpered out as your legs started to give out, “What if he told everyone? No wonder they keep looking at me like that! Like I’m tainted! Daddy!” Your eyes welled up with tears and he pulled you into his chest again crying too, and you sobbed into his chest, “All of this, him coming back, trying again, was just to fix me!”
Holding you tighter he lifted you carrying you to the couch to set you on his lap while the others joined in holding you. Remus between your sobs said, “There is nothing broken about you. You do not need fixing.”
Regulus, “I have no clue who told him that-,” he sighed, “I know Lucius didn’t, Fenrir never bragged about touching your hair…”
Sirius sniffled burrowing his face into your pitch black hair while Remus said, “We’re going to have to talk to Charlie,”
Muffled you said, “No-,”
Regulus, “We have to, if he’s going off and telling you we have to find out what he thinks he knows and correct that before he gets himself killed.” You looked at him, “Do his neighbors live close? Thin walls, I mean?”
“He muffles the room when I come over, we’ve been fighting a lot. He didn’t like me spending time with Barty.”
Remus scoffed and rubbed his forehead, “We will speak with the idiot before he does anything foolish, are you off to bed?”
You shook your head, “I was going to the team apartment. Catch up with the guys. Stop bouncing around.” After a pausing breath you lifted the block on the doorway.
Your father kissed your forehead, “Good. Go and relax, please don’t dwell on this. Lucius has his ear to the ground.”
You nodded and he wiped away another tear and you said, “If any of you can talk to Dumbledore,” You sighed and they shifted on their feet, “Riddle’s growing anxious, and Bella’s sent Crabbe to try and set traps for Dumbledore, I’ve tried talking to him, but even Minerva can’t get me and him in the same room. Won’t even look at me.”
Their hands landed on your shoulders and back and Regulus said, “I’ll see if I can distract Bella, keep her on her toes, you go to the boys.”
Remus, “If the worst comes around, we’ll just have to bail Dumbledore out of what he’s plotting.”
Sirius, “Harry mentioned he’s been called to meetings with him about Horcruxes. Is that true? That is what Dumbledore is traveling for?”
You nodded, “He doesn’t believe me clearly.”
Sirius’ eyes narrowed, “Well, one way or another he’s going to have to learn to trust the truth, not his paranoid fantasies.”
You nodded and after another calming round of hugs you were off through your door, where you laid across the twins hugging them both tightly on their joined beds whispering, “I know why you needed my hair. Thank you.”
Folding around you they murmured, “No one hurts you.” Pleased to finally have the only secret between you out in the open at least partly.
Pulling back you sighed turning over and George said, “Charlie muck it up again?”
Glancing around the room to ensure it was clear you tapped both of their hands with your glowing fingers making them scoff at what he said, “I ended it. Uncles are going to talk to him, see who told him that,” you rubbed your face to keep from crying and they folded around you again as you mumbled, “I just need to sleep. Watch your show.”
Fred, “You sleep, we’ll keep you nice and warm.” Snuggling closer to you in the closing of your eyes.
Wk 3 Holyhead Harpies ve Kenmare Kestrals in Wales
The Holyhead Harpies is an all-female Quidditch team that plays in the British and Irish Quidditch League. The team is based in the town of Holyhead, which is located in the northwest of Wales. The team was founded in 1203, making them the second-oldest team in the league.
The Harpies playing robes are dark green with a gold talon emblazoned on the chest. They are unique among Quidditch teams in that they only hire women to play for them. With the exception of Valmai Morgan, all known members of the team have either first or last names that begin with the letter 'G'.
190 – 40 in your favor. The tough match in whipping sheets of rain made it a two hour battle of 40-40 until a glint of gold in a flash of lightning ended the painful deluge of a match and your rigorous season leaving you back to staying at school between practices for the season finals in a few months you were surely headed to with a perfect season.
24 February: Newton Scamander’s home was the picture of perfection, surrounded by green and straight through the front door you were welcomed. Straight to the sitting room you were shown and eyed the lists of creatures layered over sets of maps across the globe.
“Ah, there you are, My Dear.” Accepting his brief hug you sat beside him looking at the stacks and said, “The sanctuaries are doing well. Thank you again for allowing us to aid in freeing these creatures into your sanctuary islands. It appears there have been some movement in them and the creatures, and countless others were more than eager to seek shelter away from harm..”
“That is good, why the pause?”
Wetting his lips he asked, “Do you know much of the Boa Red Pandas?”
Smirking you replied, “You mean the nearly extinct ones who can only produce males 11 out of 12 by natural birth unless a Morpher acts as surrogate to birth females, each of whom can create 500 more pandas in their lifetimes. Those?”
Newt nodded and grinned at you saying, “I understand it is a task to take up, however, should you ever find yourself able to act as surrogate, you could aid in restoring their numbers.” It seemed laughable how the twelve foot tall red panda like creatures who were adept at camouflage, mainly harmless unless provoked then their fur excretes one of the most lethal poisons and their saliva turns to acid.
“We made the top of the rosters, we still have the league games.”
“I understand exactly, which is why I will tell you the surrogacy lasts a stunning two months, if that, we never try to force it longer than that or they tend to try and chew their ways out.”
Softly he chuckled and looked you over, “How are you faring, the game was brutal for an ending.”
You shook your head, “No more than the cannons. It was a great send off for the season.”
“Are you pleased for the rest?”
You nodded, “I can help the guys out more at the shop too.”
Hours after the family based party the twins joined you at you found yourself at the door again after saying goodbye to your Nundu and his twin cubs nearly the size of him already who were eager to be freed in another of your sanctuaries in the morning you turned to Newt and inhaled before saying, “I will try to manage a time to assist in their population, if not this year maybe the next. When things calm down.”
He nodded and rested his hand on your shoulder and said, “Whenever you feel comfortable. You do understand how this world is changing, just like these creatures, you can sense it, better than we can. So take your time, no pressure, My Dear.”
Giggling to yourself you gave him another hug saying, “I know. You just mind those creatures and get as many tucked away as you can.”
“Will do.”
Lingering in your classroom you groaned stroking your fingertip across your eyebrows staring at the tick marks of the five days you had gone without a drink, each mark not marking the days but how many times you were tempted. Tonight was different however, staring at the closed grading ledger your fingernails raked across the rings on your notepad clicking and popping as your mind settled back to your current place in your classroom after seeing another vision of Bellatrix urging Crabbe into moving faster. Her morning clearly alluded to her spending it under Riddle triggering a flashback to your last visit, his slinking up behind you trying to catch and savor your scent. Rolling your head awkwardly your skin began to crawl feeling like an uncomfortable itchy turtleneck triggering rashes across your skin.
Scratching out the tick marks with your pen you rapidly dropped your eyes welled with tears as you sat in your room you aparated to, feeling the room shift in another chug of the burning fire whiskey you aimed to use for a dreamless night with everything you would need for the morning after set up by your bed. Halfway through the bottle, earlier than usual due to your lack of eating your eyes drooped and you laid back across the bed telling yourself not to finish the bottle. A harsh shake of your shoulder shot your eyes open again making your heart plummet at the note K passed you from Minerva.
Pt 61
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Why me?
Part 32- They can’t leave us.
Riley is forced out of Cordonia unknowingly to her friends, and moves back to New York.
She is later faced with her past from Cordonia and is hiding a few new secrets. With the help from her New York friends and friends from Cordonia will she escape her current situation and find her happy ever after?
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @butindeed @bbrandy2002 @bascmve01 @captain-kingliamsqueen @drakewalker04 @duchessemersynwalker @ibldw-main @ladyangel70 @kimmiedoo5 @pedudley @insideamirage @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji
This part contains POV’s.... the next two chapters are worth the wait- I promise. Enjoy 😊
“You look happier my friend. I assume, Lady Riley has text you back?”
“I need to go Li. I’m not leaving my family alone any second longer.”
“I’ll make sure that Bastien arranges an SUV to take you, because you’ve had a drink.”
“Thanks Li. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, for us. But it’s time to move on from Cordonia.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Me and Riley. I think we are going to move to the US. I don’t know where? Texas, New York or Florida. We need a new start.”
Liam’s POV
I couldn’t believe that my oldest friend had just dropped the bombshell, that he and Riley were considering leaving. I slowly swallowed the brown liquid- I was in shock. They didn’t need to leave- why did they think they had to leave? I would protect my friends- they aren’t in danger anymore. This is my country- their home. They have people who care for them here. My mind was racing with ideas to persuade them to stay- I’m not controlling but I want my friends to be happy here- with us all. I know Riley deep down didn’t want to be a duchess- personally I don’t blame her. Have I pushed them away with my feelings towards her? Why would Drake want to desert us for a woman who abandoned him and Savannah? Am I being selfish? Why would they consider New York? Riley has friends there, but also bad memories. Her gran, in Florida.... If she misses her gran, I would fly the royal jet there so she could visit whenever. Or fly her gran here- she could stay in the palace with us all. That is how much they both mean to me. I needed some support to help our friends stay in Cordonia.
“Max? Can you come to the palace please with Bertrand as soon as possible? Drake is on his way to your estate but I need to speak to you both...”
“Of course your majesty, what’s up?”
If anyone could talk some sense into them it would be the Beaumont’s and Savannah. I will miss them terribly if they were to flee the country. I can accept that friendships drift apart but I will miss my closest childhood friend, Drake Walker.
Maxwell’s POV
My sister means the world to me, it was heartbreaking overhearing her conversation with her gran. If I’d have known, we could have visited her together- I love rides! And fun! I’m sure I’d have loved Disneyworld too. I’m disappointed she didn’t invite me. We could have made her gran an honorary Beaumont too? That wonderful woman provided us with our Riley. We’d be lost without her. We all would be. It was fate that night that Drake suggested going to the dive bar- now they are engaged and are having twins, my nephews/nieces- I can’t wait to meet them. They will grow up with Bartie- we’d be one big happy family. I was knocked out of my trance when I saw Walker arrive- knowing full well that he had come for his girl. About time, I thought.
“Oh hi Drake, she’s in her room. We will see you later.”
Myself and Bertrand got in the car and drove up to the palace. Entering King Liam’s study- the strong aroma of whiskey and scotch entered our lungs.
“Great you’re both here! They... they are leaving... leaving Cordonia!”
Liam gasping for breath, explained to the Beaumont’s. He had been drinking scotch ever since Drake left, to try and cover the hurt of him losing the two special people in his life.
“What do you mean, your majesty?”
Bertrand looked at the King puzzled. He thought Liam was too drunk and had misunderstood the conversation he had just had with Drake.
“Drake... Riley... the twins... they are moving back to the USA. We can’t lose them...”
“Nah, she wouldn’t leave again Li! By the sounds of it, she speaks to her gran all the time. I overheard the last conversation. She does miss her, but her gran is thrilled for her and her future here.”
“Why would Drake mention moving to one of the three places that have a meaning to them? Texas- for Bianca. New York- Riley’s city where Daniel, Leo, Lola and Beth are.. Florida for her gran... “
“Your majesty, they may just be visiting? Whilst Lady Riley can fly? Before the twins are born?”
“No! He said they were moving there. Do you really want to miss out on seeing your nephews/nieces grow up? Miss your sister? Hana and Olivia missing their only friend they gained during my disastrous social season. Savannah losing her brother.. we will all be affected.”
The brothers shared the same expression as they stared at each other- the scrunched up eyebrows and pet lips. They knew they had to do something- anything to keep their family together.
“So what do you propose we do your Majesty?They are adults, they can chose what they want to do with their lives. We can’t prevent them from making their own decisions.”
“I know I’m classed as the dopey not ‘giving a shit’ noble. But, how about one of us wed them before they leave. But invite Bi and Mrs Smith? Riley is loaded by the way! Her gran asked if Drake had started building the cabin with her parents inheritance? If we can find land- we could persuade him to build it and they would have there to live?”
Maxwell Beaumont- you absolute legend if I do say myself. Maybe I do have a brain- maybe people underestimate me.
“Valtoria has land. Lots of it, even if they don’t want to own the duchy, I can give them the opportunity to purchase part of the land.”
The three men looked at each other grinning. They were going to keep their friends all together one way or another.
Bastien’s POV
It has been years since I have spoken to Bianca Jackson. I could hate her for what she did to her children. But she made me feel welcome when I was training under her husband- offering me to join them for dinner and for days out when myself and Jackson was off duty. I truly felt like part of the Walker family. I miss Jackson and Bianca. Those ‘family’ moments were some of the best memories I have in my life. Drake reminds me so much of Jackson- I know he will protect Lady Riley over and over again, like his father did with his family. I suppose that’s why I felt it was my responsibility to look out for Drake and Savannah. Now under my King’s orders, I have to communicate with this woman again- after all these years, this is going to be awkward conversation.
“Hello, Bianca.”
“BAST! Oh my god! Are you okay? Is everything okay? Are Drake and Savannah okay?”
“Yes. Everything is fine. It hasn’t been though. But it is now. I promise, don’t worry. Have you spoken to Drake recently?”
“No, why? Is he okay? Please tell me he’s alright Bast?”
“He’s better than he has been Bi. King Liam has requested that you to return to Cordonia to attend Drake’s upcoming nuptials.”
“Nuptials? He’s getting married? What the hell have I missed?”
Oh Bianca. If you only knew all the heartache your children have been through. I wish I could have helped her when Jackson had passed away- helping her support her children.
“Mrs Walker don’t take this the wrong way, but you have missed a lot of moments in those kids lives.”
“And that’s why he didn’t want to tell me.... Thank you for telling me Bast- I appreciate it. I’m sorry. I’ll be there as soon possible.”
I felt awful saying that, but she needed to know. I think deep down she regrets leaving her children- maybe now she is due to be a Nana to three beautiful grandchildren, she may stay?
“Bi, there’s some other news. You’re going to be a Nana again. Drake and his fiancée Riley are expecting twins.”
“I’m hanging up Bastien! I’m going to the airport now!”
I am pleased that Bianca Walker will be coming back. She was a dear friend to me, but I sure hoped she wouldn’t ditch her children so abruptly again- especially now her family was increasing in size. She would be proud of the man Drake has become, as I am. I went to inform King Liam that she was returning. I hope Drake and Savannah aren’t furious with us all for interfering.
Maxwell’s POV
Myself and my brother returned to our estate. We needed to find information regarding on how we would contact Riley’s gran. I was good with making distractions. It was my time to shine! Drake, Riley, Savannah and Bartie were sat in our lounge. Riley was sat on Drake’s lap with her arms around him- her face looked like she was on cloud nine, Drake’s arms were wrapped around her protectively. I couldn’t believe, that we tried to push her onto Liam during the social season. What I was witnessing was true love- even with all their petty arguments, they both were drawn back to each other immediately. I performed a dance with our nephew Bartie, the three of them laughing at my antics- Bartie wasn’t laughing though. He was looking at me gone out- I’m the fun uncle- he and the twins will understand that one day. I kept thinking how this atmosphere would feel without them all here- my family. I saw Bertrand wink towards me- that was the signal. I excused myself from my family- hiding upstairs to make that important phone call.
“Hi, is that Mrs Smith?”
“Yes dear, who are you?”
“I’m Maxwell, you won’t know who I am but Riley...”
“I know you, Maxwell! Even if it is only by name. How are you dear?”
“I’m very good thank you ma’am. I hope you are well too. So Riley’s mentioned me to you?”
“Yes dear, all of you. Thank you for looking after my baby girl.”
“She is like a sister to me Mrs Smith. We all love her as our own. We was wondering if you would like to visit our country- the King will come and collect you personally in his royal jet.”
Well that was easy! Oh gosh she sounds just like Riley. This gran is going to be a super fun gran.
“So that’s a yes then? I’ll inform his majesty and we will be in touch. Don’t tell Riley. We want your visit to be a surprise.”
“I won’t darling. I’m looking forward to meeting you all...”
“Mrs Smith.... You are welcome to stay at our house. I don’t mean for a visit. I mean for life. To be close to Riley. We have plenty of room. That is if you want to.”
Bertrand’s POV
I’ve never really liked Drake, I was utterly horrified when I realised a member of my house was in love him. He’s my soon to be brother- in- law, so I suppose I must make the effort with him at some point. I never thought I’d see the day that Drake Walker would be this content. He truly did love our sister.
“Drake, Riley. King Liam has informed us that you are thinking about leaving Cordonia. Is this true?”
I saw them both look into each other’s eyes, before gazing-with sorrow staring right back at me. I knew then, that they was considering moving. I felt hurt. I felt like reality had hit- we are all losing them. Liam was unfortunately correct.
“Bertrand, we are thinking about it. Drake suggested going in five days after the king father’s funeral. We haven’t really spoken about it further than that.”
“You are both welcome to stay here. This is your home. We are all family.”
“Bertrand thank you, but I think me and Brooks need to stand on our own two feet and start a fresh.”
I’m not good with persuading people, I know I’m going to be losing this battle. I gazed over to Savannah, I could tell her heart was breaking as much as everybody else’s. Maxwell had returned downstairs, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
“Hey, you could get your own place. And stay? Why don’t you build a cabin somewhere?”
Yes. That’s my brother. Can’t do anything discreetly- we wasn’t supposed to know about that. Oh Maxwell!
“Max, I assume you overheard my conversation with my gran and that’s why you’ve brought that up? Yes I now have my inheritance- and I offered it to my fiancé. But right now, that isn’t the issue. Liam offered me a duchy right before telling me he loved me still. We never said we was definitely going forever.”
“Riley please, we love you both and those babies. Please reconsider.” Savannah wept.
Now my darling Savannah had tried to talk sense into them- It was three people against two. And that was before they heard what Liam and the others would think. We all love them, but I will be happy for them whatever they decide.
“Well if you are going for sure... can we do a little ceremony for you both? Like a pre- wedding? Where all your friends will be able to celebrate with you. And it can be a goodbye to the best friends ever!”
“If it will shut you all up, Max. Then yes.”
At that moment, I saw Drake thinking. I hoped he wasn’t going to be stubborn and reject the idea, now we had all gone to the effort to invite Bianca Jackson and Riley’s gran.
“Why does it have to be a pre- wedding? If this is our last time in Cordonia, why not make it our real wedding Ri? Leo can officiate it?”
“You want that? Are we really going to do this?”
“Yes, Brooks! Let’s leave Cordonia on a high, as Mr and Mrs Walker.”
“Then.. why not?”
I have to admit it, my brother has no filter. But he has the ‘balls’ to get the point of what we needed to say and do. This little ceremony and it’s surprise guests could change the future of Riley Brooks and Drake Walker.
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Hoping for Home Ch.2~ Friends
Summary: Sixteen years ago Libby Scott was supposed to become Queen of Cordonia, but Fate had other plans.
chapter one 
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
Song rec for this Chapter: “Friends” by Ed Sheeran
Taglist: @fullbeaumonty @cocomaxley  @ao719@leelee10898@speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @katurrade@indiacater @choiceswreckedme @ritachacha @noey718-blog@carabeth @daniv2278 @cosigottahavefaith @gibbles82 @innerpostmentality @blackcoffee85 @perfectprofessorherokid @darley1101 @jovialyouthmusic @liamxs-world @thequeenofcronuts @blznbaby
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    “This is it. This is home.” Libby said gesturing around her living room as they all piled in. Will quickly took McKenzie by the hand, leading her down the hallway.
   “Door stays open, Casanova.” the ginger woman called as she hung up her coat.
  “Don't worry, Mom. I'll keep an eye on them.” Emma winked, shooting her mother double finger guns before disappearing down the hall as well.
   Drake hung his denim jacket on the hook next to Libby's and scoffed.
   “I didn't know people still did that. Except Maxwell, that is.”
   Libby faked a smile. “Follow me in here. It's not often I get help in the kitchen. You still know your way around one, I assume.”
 Drake nodded.
   “There are pots just there. We need one to make pasta.” She told him pulling spaghetti noodles and a jar of sauce from the cupboard.
    Drake grabbed the large dish and began filling it with water.
   There was a silence between them and, although it had been years since they were alone together, it was still companionable.
  Libby pulled two long neck bottles from the fridge and twisted the tops off, sliding one down the counter to where he was leaned. She pressed the bottle to her lips, taking a long pull because if she knew Drake he wouldn't sit much longer without…
   “So,” he began to address the elephant in the room. “You wanna tell me what's going on here, Scott?”
    She rolled the bottle between her hands, focusing on the chilled glass as it glanced over her fingers. She was quiet for a few more beats before she licked her lips, the memory of that night rushing over her.
      Las Vegas, Nevada 16 years ago
     Downstairs in the lobby, Libby had joked with Liam that a final fling would be the only way to make their combined doe/stag party complete. She never guessed in a million years that he would tell her to actually have one, so now as she laid tangled up with Maxwell in the sheets of her hotel bed she couldn't stop her head from spinning.
   It wasn't from the sex, although moments ago she came harder for Max than she ever had with anyone in her life. It was the fact that, after all they had been through together, she had finally given herself completely to the Cordonian man that had stolen her heart.
   They could never be together, that much had been made clear during her extended stay at the Beaumont estate before Liam and Madeline's engagement party. Libby was here to win the King's hand and restore House Beaumont to its former glory, so no matter what they felt for one another they'd vowed then to see that goal through to the end.
    She bit her lip as she peered up into the young Lord's eyes from her place nuzzled against his chest.
   “I should go.” He told her, though he made no effort to move.
  “Can't you stay? Just a little while longer? I don't want to feel like your two-bit whore.” She giggled.
  “Never, little blossom. I would never, ever think that.” he smiled down at her as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through her hair. “I'll stay until you're asleep. But Liam will not like it at all if I'm here in the morning. Permission given or not.”
   She hated the way the words made her feel, as if she were a toy the king had loaned him; but even more she hated that he was right.
   “Maxwell, I...before I marry Liam, I have to tell you that I-.”
  “Please, Libby, don't. I already know and you've already shown me here tonight. But to hear you say the words….I don't think I can handle it.”
   She tucked her lips inside of her mouth, nuzzling deeper into him to hide her tears. They were silent for a long time, and finally she knew that Maxwell believed she was asleep. She listened as he slipped out of the bed, dressing quickly. He placed his lips to her hair before he whispered, “I love you too, Little Blossom.”
   When she was sure he was gone from her doorway, Libby dressed herself and curled into the armchair of her suite sobbing until the morning.
     Present day
    Drake was silent as he watched Libby drop the noodles into the boiling water.
   He popped the lid on the jar of sauce and slid it over to her. He finished his beer, still mulling over her words.
   “So Liam gave you a hall pass. You cashed it in on Maxwell. And then...poof! You're gone in a cloud of smoke?”
    She stirred the sauce, adding in a few of her own seasonings to the store bought brand.
   “That's the shortest version ever, but yes.”
  “So when did you... the twins…?”
  “It didn't take long. When I left I headed somewhere I thought you guys wouldn't look for me. I had barely put a bed in my apartment when I took the test.”
  “Why though? Why didn't you tell anyone?”
  Libby tucked her lips inside of her mouth, gnawing at them briefly. If she was honest with herself she wasn't really sure why she never said a word-to anyone but Hana, that is.
   “Fear? Embarrassment? Drake, take your pick. I knew that I couldn't face them both and tell them that I was pregnant. Being pregnant was never why I left, and I guess facing them meant admitting to them both that I really screwed up.
    I played with everyone's emotions-including yours. Stole Liam's heart and shattered it. Then I slipped off like a thief in the night because... I'm a horrible person.”
   She'd raised her voice by now, her breathing coming in short bursts.
   “When I saw that positive test I had every intention of doing the right thing but then the days turned into months and the months to years and now...now here we are, Drake. I have no idea who's kids they are! I messed up Liam's life, Maxwell's life and the worst is I've messed up my kids’ lives too. When Will turned twelve, for months all he would talk about was finding his dad. His dad, Drake! I didn't know what to tell him…” Libby's voice trailed off and Drake covered her hand with his, both resting on the counter. She looked up at him and he wasn't sure how to read her expression.
   “You were never in love with Liam, were you?” He asked flatly.
   “At first I thought I was. I do love Liam, Drake. Even today I love him. But somewhere over the social season it morphed into...a friend's love. I said yes to Liam's proposal because it's what I was brought to Cordonia to do. And being married to a wonderful kind, loving man in order to unite a country I'd fallen in love with...well there were worse fates. But in love with him?” She stirred the pasta, breaking her hand from his grip.
   “Will, are you okay?” McKenzie asked. She rose from her spot on his beanbag chair and sat beside him on the bed. Emma wrapped her arms around her brothers shoulders, pulling him into her as his body stayed frozen in place.
  “Guess what? Mom's human. She isn't perfect.” She told him, resting her chin on his head.
  “You're right. I've always thought she was a whore. But this? A love triangle?” Will snapped, bolting from the bed to pace in front of it.
  “That's not fair. We only heard a piece of things.” Emma tried.
  “Because she won't tell us! We're hearing what she's telling a stranger!” Will raked his hands through his hair. “No offense. I mean I'm sure your dad's nice and all.” He told McKenzie. She held her hands up as if to say “none taken.”
  “Maybe tonight she will. Maybe tomorrow. I mean she has to know we just heard her.” Emma reasoned as their mother appeared in the doorway. “Spaghetti is ready kids.” She said, her voice void of any emotion. She shot McKenzie a half smile, knocking her knuckles on the door as she headed to the dining room.
     “So I've read that Liam married Olivia. Do the people accept her as queen?” Libby asked as they sat around the table.
   Drake nodded as he finished chewing.
   “Liv's a great queen.”
   The tension in the room was thick now as Libby pushed her pasta around her plate.
   “Well tell me about how everyone is from back in the day.”
   “Everyone?” Drake asked taking a swig of his beer.
   “Yeah. Savannah, Bartie, Bertrand..I wanna hear it all!” Libby beamed.
   Her friend rubbed his hands together as he thought.
   “Well you know. Savannah and B got married. Bartie's about to be 17. He's head of his class. Um, they have another kid now, a girl named Claudia, after Bertrand’s mother. She's 10.”
   Drake reached in his pocket and pulled out his smartphone, sliding the device across the table. Libby picked it up, the screen displaying a picture of McKenzie and a handsome brunette boy holding a darling little blonde girl on his back.
   “That was last summer. We all go camping every summer. The Beaumonts, Mack, and I.”
    “She’s gorgeous. And Bartie looks so much like…”
   “Like Uncle Max! Doesn't he? I tell him that all the time.” McKenzie piped up.
   Libby reached for her glass, gulping her red wine as she slid Drake his phone.
  A thick silence filled the room before Drake cleared his throat.
  “I guess you know how Hana is.” His tone was clipped and he looked at her pointedly.
   Emma and Will sat in bewilderment as they watched their mother's entire demeanor change. She squared her shoulders the way Liam had shown her years ago in Portavira, though that fact was lost on the twins, and suddenly she went from their mother to a woman almost regal in appearance despite her flowy tank top and blue jeans.
   She flipped her hair over her shoulder, looking at Drake squarely. “I have kept up with Lady Hana, yes.”
   Libby folded her hands neatly as Drake dropped his fork with a loud clang.
   “Don't. Don't go all Duchess on me, Your Grace.”  He spat as she quirked a brow at him. The children sat silently, heads cast downward.  
   “Someone had to run my duchy, Drake. Despite everything I do care about what happens to the people of Cordonia. That part was never a show.”
   “You're the Duchess of Valtoria?” McKenzie questioned, eyes going wide.
   Libby smiled and nodded, Emma and Will's faces were so dumbstruck you'd have thought their mother had lobsters coming out of her ears.
   “And what about you, Drake? I've told you all about me. What have you been up to all these years?” Libby pressed on, employing yet another diplomatic skill she'd learned from Liam.
   Drake sighed, spotting her training right away.
   “Well I got married not long after you left. Her name was Pam. We had McKenzie and, well..”
   “She died.” Drake's daughter said flatly.
   “I'm sorry.” Will blurted out,unable to sit still any longer, his knees beginning to bounce wildly. McKenzie shot him a grateful grin.
  “May I be excused?” He asked.
  “And me?”  Emma chimed in.
  “I actually think that's best.” Their mother told them. McKenzie rose from her seat.
  “I'm gonna-.” She began and her dad cut her off with a knowing nod. “I'm sorry, kids.” He said.
  As the teenagers left the room Drake fixed Libby with a burning stare. When they were alone once more he reclined in his chair pulling his beer with him.
  “Well are you going to ask me?”
  “Ask you what, Walker?” Libby leaned forward with her elbows on the table.
  “We all knew that whatever was between you and Maxwell was more than friendship. So I wasn't surprised when you told me about the hall pass. What I am surprised by is that you haven't asked about him yet.” He chuckled.
   “Of course I want to know. How is he?”
  Libby chewed the inside of her cheek, wanting but not wanting to hear about the love of her life. She'd imagined a million times over the years how time had or hadn't changed him. Did he have wrinkles now in his early forties? Laugh lines or crows feet? Gray hair? Any hair? Had he gotten soggy in the middle or kept his lean, athletic physique?
  She was brought from her daydreams as Drake answered. “Well, he's not exactly the Maxwell you fell in love with anymore. He's still impulsive and has his rowdy side, but he's grown up a lot, too. He stays kind of distant, reserved. A little more like B, actually. He got married.”
  He paused , cruelly and selfishly enjoying the pained look that Libby gave him before he continued. “Then he got divorced. Twice. No kids. But he went back to school after you left. He got himself a master's degree in political science. He's been teaching classes at Cordonia University in the capital for a few years now.”
   Libby's head dropped staring into her lap. Of course she only ever wanted the best things in life for Maxwell, but somehow actually hearing how well he'd moved on felt like a punch in the stomach.
   After a few moments Drake stood up and cleared the dishes from her table. When he was finished he came to stand in front of his old friend.
   “I'm so happy to have gotten to see you again, Drake. I'm sorry I've missed so many moments in between.” Libby said standing and wrapping her arms around him.
  He pulled from the embrace after a moment with a sigh. “I don't think I need to tell you this, and maybe it's not my place to anymore, but I think you need to tell them. It's the right thing to do, Scott.” Libby bit her lip angry that he was right.
   “So just uproot our lives to fly off to Cordonia, then? That's what I should do? I have kids to think about, Drake. This is their home.”
  “You keep saying that word to me. Home. But, Libby, who are you trying to convince? Me? Or yourself?
   I should get me and Mack back to the hotel, but we're here a couple more days. If you change your mind, I'd be happy to to pause my life and take you back to your real home.”
   Libby looked at him incredulously, her jaw dropping slightly and Drake quirked his brow. “We both know that Cordonia is where you really belong, Scott. And your twins? No matter which way you flip it their dad is there so that's where they belong too. Just...say you'll think about?”
   Her eyes danced around the room, almost as if she were mourning a life she hadn't given up yet.
   “Alright, Walker. I'll think about it.”
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walkerismychoice · 6 years
Queen of My Heart Chapter 33
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake X MC, Liam X Olivia, Hana X OC Lydia
Rating: PG
Summary: Savannah’s back with convenient timing. Will it be a happy family reunion?
A/N: Thanks to everyone who is still reading this! I know its been going on forever and is a monster of a fic. I’m trying to balance out trying to write a good story to the end, and just wanting to be able to finish it. So its not always my best work, but hopefully still enjoyable.
Tag List: @choices-fanatic, @tmarie82, @butindeed, @boneandfur, @bobasheebaby @traeumerinwitzhelden, @simplyaiden-blog, @i-miss-trr, @theroyalweisme, @umccall71, @enmchoices, @jadedpixiescribbles, @jlouise88, @drakelover78, @queencatherynerhys, @mfackenthal, @speedyoperarascalparty, @viktoriapetit, @silviasutton1989, @krisnicjack, @drakesfiance, @hamulau, @jamielea81, @andy-loves-corgis, @devineinterventions2, @liam-rhys, @drakewalkerfantasy, @withice, @confessionsofabrokegirl, @notoriouscs, @choiceswreckedme, @blackcatkita, @akrenich
Word Count: 1497
Queen of My Heart Chapter Index
“What’s all the commotion in here?” Bertrand rounded the corner with Maxwell not far behind. “Savannah?!”
“Oh, Shit!” Maxwell stood frozen in place, looking like he wanted to turn right back around walk out of the room. Drake was motionless, his mouth agape at the sight of his sister who had been missing for so long. Riley’s was trying to piece everything together in her head. Why would Savannah be showing up here now with a camera crew unless...
“Hi, Bertrand. Meet your son, Bartie, short for Barthelmy.” Savannah handed Bertrand the baby and he held him with arms outstretched like he didn’t know what to do. 
“My what? How can this be? Turn the camera’s off, please.”
Despite Bertrand's pleas, the cameras kept rolling. Riley saw Jo standing in the back watching it all unfold with a satisfied look on her face. “Jo, tell them to turn the camera’s off, or I’m done. 
Jo scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Fine, shut them off, but we will re-film the scene to get the footage we need once you have all settled down.”
Riley glared at Jo. “How long have you known? Have you been holding back with this information, waiting for the right time to use it?”
“Why don’t you ask her?” Jo pointed to Savannah. “She could have contacted Drake or Bertrand at any time. Without us, she may have never come back. You all should be thanking the show right now.”
“I need a minute.” Drake ran his hand through his hair and walked outside.
“I second that.” Bertrand stated before handing Bartie back to Savannah and walking towards the Kitchen.
“Hi Savannah. So nice to see you again!” Maxwell wrapped her and Bartie in one of his signature hugs. “We can catch up in a bit, but I better go check on Bertrand."
"Maybe I should go check on Drake." Savannah replied.
"I'm not trying to overstep, but I don't know if that's a good idea. I'll go." Riley volunteered and left before Savannah could respond.
Drake hadn’t made it far before Riley caught up with him. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “I realize this is a lot to take in.”
“She has a baby...with Bertrand of all people.” Drake shook his head, his expression somewhere between anger and disbelief. “Why didn’t she think she could come to me with this? It hurts that she didn’t trust me. I should be happy that she’s here and she’s okay, but if the show hadn’t brought her, would she have ever come back?”
“I’m sorry, Drake, but I think you need to give her a chance to tell you...when you are ready, of course.”
“I’m not going to run away from her like she did to me. I’m ready.”
“Lead the way.” Riley motioned to the doors and they went back in to speak with Savannah. Maxwell was already practically pushing Bertrand back into the room. They all sat around the sitting room focused on Savannah. 
“There’s a lot I want to say to both Drake and Bertrand privately, but I will give you all the main details. I found out I was pregnant a little over a year ago. Bertrand and I had been seeing each other, if you could call it that. I came here to tell him, but before I could, he broke things off with me. I didn’t want to seem desperate, like I was making up a pregnancy or using it just to keep him, so I decided to leave and start a new life in Paris.”
Riley could see the wheels turning in Drake’s head. “Paris? Wait.” He pulled out his phone with the image of the envelope and showed it to Savannah. Is this your address?”
“Yes, where did you get that?”
“You bastard! I guess you are exactly like your father, not wanting anything to do with your child, but thinking throwing money at him will make things all better.” Drake stood up, fists balled and made a move towards Bertrand.
“Wait!” Maxwell jumped up off the couch and in front of Drake. “That wasn’t Bertrand’s envelope. It was mine. Bertrand didn’t know about the baby until just now, but I have known all along. I’m the one who’s been sending her money, pretending I was spending it on foolish things so Bertrand wouldn’t catch on. 
Drake scowled. “Then maybe I should hit you instead.”
“Drake, don’t.” Riley pleaded. “You don’t want to do anything you’ll regret later.” She coaxed him to sit back down next to her. “I think we should let Savannah finish.”
“It’s true, Maxwell was the only one who knew. I didn’t mean to tell him, but he saw me running out of here in tears after Bertrand rejected me. He wouldn’t let me go until I told him everything. I made him promise not to tell Bertrand and he kept that promise. I told him I wouldn’t accept any money, but he insisted. I was alone, and didn’t have anyone else to turn to.”
“You had me, Sav, and Bastien. We wouldn’t have judged you,” Drake stated with hurt in his eyes.
“I know it was foolish, but at the time, I didn’t think I could tell anyone. Maxwell just happened to be at the right place at the right time.” Savannah turned to Bertrand. “You’ve been quiet. Do you have any questions for me?”
Bertrand looked dazed. “I’m honestly still in shock. The reality hasn’t set in yet. I just don’t know what to say.”
“Why don’t we go somewhere and talk privately,” Savannah suggested and Bertrand obliged, telling Maxwell and Riley they could be relieved of their duties and get some rest before the party.
“Excellent!” Jo chimed in from the background. “I’m sure we can edit that into some heartwarming family reunion tale for this episode. Baby Bartie is your nephew after all, Riley. Now the whole family is here.” She told the crew to go on break until the party guests were to arrive.
Riley was fuming inside. Jo pulled this stunt for purely selfish reasons. She could have brought Savannah back at any time but did it now just to be able to use it as part of the show. The only silver lining was that now Savannah was back, and hopefully she and Bartie could be part of Drake’s life again, and she supposed hers as well. She couldn’t believe she was Bartie’s aunt and Drake was his uncle.
Riley followed Drake to his room. “Do you need some alone time?”
“Normally I would say yes, but you are just about the only person I want to be around, Bennett. He flopped down on the bed and patted the space next to him. “Come here.” He held out his arms and she snuggled into him. They held each other in silence for a while before Drake spoke. “I’m happy shes’s back, but we still have a lot to work through. After my mom left, and then Savannah, I thought I wouldn’t be able to count on anyone. Not until I met you.” He stroked her hair and the sparkle returned to his eyes.
Riley smiled. “I’m not going anywhere until you make me leave.” 
“Never. I love you Riley, more than I ever thought I could.”
“I love you too Drake.” She cupped his cheeks and kissed him deeply, their bodies melding into one another. They pulled apart and just stared at one another until Riley spoke again. “You know, Bartie is pretty cute. It kind of makes me wonder if our kids would look like him.” It slipped out without much thought, and she braced herself, hoping it wouldn’t freak Drake out too much.
A smirk appeared on Drake’s lips. “Are you saying you want to have my babies, Bennett?”
“Well, I just meant, he shares both of our genes, so if we ever did have kids-”
Drake cut her off. “I’m just giving you a hard time. I’ll let you have all of my babies. Well not too many. Two or three would be good.”
“Oh, so you’ve thought about this?” Riley teased him back, happy they wanted the same things. 
“What can I say, Bennett? You’ve got some kind of power over me. A few months ago I figured I’d probably end up alone, and now you’ve got me thinking about a future with you.”
“Remember the first night we met when I told you I’d make you like me?” Riley asked. “I think it worked a little too well.”
Drake chuckled. “Yep, and now you’re stuck with me and only have yourself to blame.”
“I’ll gladly accept the consequences. But first, I could use a nap so I don’t fall asleep at the big party tonight.” Riley gave Drake a peck on the lips and laid her head down on him, drifting off the rhythm of his heartbeat and the steady rise and fall of his chest.
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butindeed · 5 years
When two siblings get together for a cup of coffee.
Okay, so this is a one piece featuring the Walker siblings bonding. I know, I know, it’s extremely long, but I hadn’t written anything since I finished the AU series, so... Well, I hope you like it!
-So? What’s up? With your life, I mean.
-Same old, same old.
-You have to give me more than that, you know?
-Look who’s talking!
-That’s not fair! I just told you everything that’s been going on with me! I’ve resumed a year and a half in an hour or so! I’ve been the only one speaking!
-That’s not true! Bartie’s been talking too. Haven’t you lil’ man?
-You see?
-Very good sweet cheeks! Mama’s really proud! - the woman then turned to her brother, covering her child’s ears - That’s not speaking and you know it!
 The man laughed heartily - Ok, ok. What would you like to know Detective Sav?
-It’s Detective Walker to you smartpants. I want to know all about the lady that came with you just the other day!
-Oh, well. I thought I had introduced you too. Her name’s Hopkins, I mean, Riley.
-I know that already! I want the deets!
-What’s that supposed to mean?
-Ow come on! Don’t make me talk!
-I don’t know what you’re talking about - the man’s look hardened.
-You’re my brother. I know you like the back of my hand. I may have disappeared for a while, but I still know you. I know that since dad died you won’t open up to anyone, I know that appart from Liam you don’t share stuff with anybody, and that you hadn’t asked him to come here to see me. But you’ve asked her... and you had this look... you seemed like the old Drake. Plus, I’ve heard things...
-Maxwell shouldn’t talk about things he doesn’t know.
-So you don’t deny it
-What is there to deny?
-Open up to me Drake.
Drake just looked at his sister and the words started flowing like time hadn’t passed by, like when they were just children and shared absolutely everything, before the Beaumont bash, before Bertrand, before Savannah’s pregnancy and her escaping, before New York, before Riley.
As the day was dying, the two men were sitting down in two comfortable armchairs, the warm summer breeze waving their hair, one blond and perfectly coffieured, the other disheveled and brown.
They looked as differently as their personalities. However, they were as close as brothers.
-I need to get away Drake - The blond one spoke first, but the other man just remained silent, slowly sipping the amber-coloured liquid. - I need a breather before the madness begins.
-The madness has begun years ago.
The blond man smiled, but it didn’t reach his steel blue eyes. 
The fire in his wasn’t as strong and fierce as his friend’s, whose chocolate eyes were spotted with golden specks as if they were talking bonfires. However, both of them reflected the same pain and similar paths.
-Ok, suppose I join you. - the latter continued - where would we go, who would we go with, and last, but not least how would you tell your father?
-You renege on the noble people, but I find you speaking their language here and there.
-Still, you haven’t answered my questions.
The blond man stood up, faintly smiling as he nodded his head.-You, my friend, are the most stubborn man I know. I pitty the person who falls in love with you. - He finished his glass before continuing, giving time for his friend to let a comeback that never was. - I need to escape Europe, somewhere the tour doesn’t visit, yet somewhere fun. I was thinking maybe your mother’s home land...
-As your majesty desires, but please Liam, let’s not go to the Ranch. My mother... Well, you know I don’t want to see her. Not now.
-Of course. Maybe we could visit New York City? I’ve always felt drawn to it. Call it faith, call it destiny...
-I’d call it a whim, but whatever.
-Funny, aren’t you? Well, for that remark only, I shall also invite Lord Tariq and Lord Beaumont.
-Oh Liam! Come on! You said it’d be fun!
-I believe Lord Maxwell to be a rather funny man...
-Yeah, yeah, Maxwell is fun to hang with, never tell him I said that... But Tariq? Really?
-My father insisted on taking him with us, apparently he feels that we’ll behave, erm, more proppery if he’s there.
-So your father knows?
-Yes. After Leo’s abdication, he feels I should be - he made a pause trying to find the correct word - pampered.
-Sure - The other man laughed - cause being a prince, first in line to the throne isn’t enough. Poor white, rich boy. You have everything but love.
Liam’s eyes darkened, but his friend pretended not to notice.
-What if I found love there, Drake? What if I could shut this whole thing down and marry someone for love?
-That’d be great my friend - Drake stood up as well, leaning against the castle wall. He was slightly shorter that his friend, the prince - but I highly doubt you could meet someone AND fell in love in less than a week.
Drake took a long sip of his black coffee, feeling his sister’s stare on him.
-Bartie needs a fresh diaper, and uncle Drake is on duty - Drake stood up holding his giggling nephew. - But he needs his mommy to tell him where the things are because he doesn’t know. No, he doesn’t know.
They walked to the nursery cracking jokes about dirty diapers and smelly pants.
-Well, now that Bartie is poop-free, maybe you could continue the story...
Drake smiled at her, there were only two more people who could get him talking about him. Well...
Drake didn’t know why Liam had made him chose the dining venue. Actually he suspected it had to do with Tariq and Maxwell’s choices of activities. All so pompous and not like him. Liam always wanted to make him feel comfortable too.
There was nothing special about the place he had chosen, his only requirement was that they had his favourite whiskey, and apparently it was a difficult condition to check, since all the other places had Michelin stars, plural.
It turned out Liam was right after all, being with nobles all that time had made even his simpler tasted, refined ones. He hated himself for that, but as soon as they sat on the bar’s booth and he saw Tariq’s face, he felt a lot whole better.
After a short while a waitress came to take their order. Drake couldn’t help but notice she was cute, and for some reason his heart beated a bit harder than usual. 
He thought about asking for her number, Liam had insisted on him asking some people out. Thing was he wasn’t a people person, nor he felt the need to be with anybody. 
There was something about her though... maybe it was the foreign air, or the fact that Liam wasn’t there to steal his thunder, or maybe it was just her.
The baby crying made him come back to the tiny apartment in Paris. It had started raining long ago, but he hadn’t noticed.
-I think he’s sleepy - Savannah explained looking at the wall clock - Yeah, it’s about his nap time. I’ll be right back once he’s asleep. Feel free to turn on the TV, but don’t think I’ll forget our chat!
Drake cracked a half smile. It was nice having someone to share his feelings with. Liam used to fill that slot, but since Riley had come to their lives they were drifting appart.
He’d love to blame her for everything. But he knew it was nobody’s fault. 
Who would have guessed he’d fall for the same girl his best friend had? Who would have thought it was none but his best friend who pushed them together, even when they both knew it was better to stay appart?
All the times Riley had seeked comfort in his company not finding Liam’s, all the doors that opened, all the walls that were torn apart.
Savannah came back some minutes later with the baby monitor in her hand.
-He fell asleep almost immediately - she smiled - he was so tired. It makes him so happy to have you around.
-It makes me happy as well, sis.
-So, Riley...
If you’d asked Drake if he’d fall in love with the same girl Liam did, he’d say it would never happen. There was no way they’d find the same person even interesting. Riley, however, was not an ordinary person.
He still debated between letting her in or shutting her away, secretly knowing that he’d already made the decision when they kissed at the Beaumont mannor.
He had tried so hard to push her away ever since, but it seemed impossible to keep her away for too long. If she didn’t come for him, he’d find a stupid excuse to keep her close. Camping trips, dinners, secret investigations, drinking games, pool competitions, spa visits, all those non dates that ended up with a magnetic force making them one. Easing their pain, opening up, telling each other locked secrets.
Drake found himself happier in her company, with every day they shared a bond was being built without them noticing, until...
-Until what? - Drake hadn’t noticed that Savannah was hugging her legs which were up in the chair.
-Get your feet down.
-I think I love her Sav. 
-OHMYGOD! Drake! This is huge!
-Yes - Drake smiled, but his eyes darkened almost immediately.
-What aren’t you telling me?
-Liam is going to proppose to her.
-WHAT? How? When?
-When this whole mess with Tariq clears up.
-But he’s with Madeleine!
-You know that’s for the sake of appearances...
-Does she know?
-She is supposed to be here for him Sav.
-You said supposed...
-She said she loves me - Savannah opened her mouth but her brother interrupted her before she could say anything - but I can’t do that to Liam. Especially when he has so much to offer to her. What kind of man would I be if I put my happiness ahead of hers? What kind of friend would I be if I put my happiness ahead of Liam’s? Maybe she think she loves me, but I’m sure she’s settling with me, Liam being engaged and all...
Savannah was sure that wasn’t the case, but she knew his brother too well to speak otherwise. She hoped she could do something to help ease his pain, but there wasn’t much to be done.
-Drake? Are you okay? It’s 6 in the morning here!
-She said no!
-What? I don’t quite follow...
-She said no! To Liam’s proposal! He propposed and she said no! She told him she loved me! ME! Sav! Can you believe it? She loves me!
-Oh! Wow! Drake! That’s... wow!
-Yes! I had to tell you, I mean, you’re my sister, you know?
-Thanks, I guess, but why are you talking to me? Go talk to her!
-I just did! She’s back in her room now! Jeez Sav! I’m so happy! I feel my heart will blow off!
-Ok, calm down - Savannah smiled to her phone. It felt good hearing her brother that happy.
-Sav? - Drake paused and Savannah feared something wrong would happen - Actually I have a favour to ask...
-I think I know what you mean... I have it here somewhere, I’ll search for it.
-Thanks Sav. 
As she pressed the red button on her phone Bartie opened his eyes in the crib next to her bed.
-Good morning little guy! Guess what? We’re going shopping, we have a fancy party to go to, yes we do! It’s in Cordonia! Yes it is! We have a especial delivery to make, it’s your great-granny’s engagement ring! Oh yes it is! Uncle Drakey is going to proppose to Lady Riley, yes he is!
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Twas the Day before Christmas
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(Catch up on the first three Parts Here)
Part Four of A Very Valtorian Christmas
The kitchen at the manor in Valtoria was a bustling hive of activity. Cakes and pies were being made for the meal on Christmas day, and the warm scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla filled the air. Standing at the long marble island, Hana and Kate are rolling out sugar cookie dough and cutting out shapes to bake.
Hana picks up a star-shaped cutter, "I love stars, they're my favorite shape of Christmas cookie."
"I'm partial to snowflakes myself." Kate says, laying the cut shapes carefully on the baking tray.
Kate feels the baby move and lays a hand on her belly. "What about you little one? Will you be a snowflake lover like Mommy or a star lover like your Daddy and Auntie Hana?"
"Speaking of Daddy, I wonder how Drake and Maxwell are getting along with their mission to spread Christmas cheer." Hana says as she hands off the tray of cookies to one of the cooks.
Kate giggles as she rolls out more cookie dough, "I'm sure they're fine. I know that Maxwell can be unpredictable at times, but Drake assured me that he would let him help in whatever way Maxwell as an elf can. I'm proud of Drake for taking on the responsibility of playing Santa this year. I can imagine all of the smiling faces of the little children."
"I'm still trying to get over seeing Drake in a Santa suit. Shockingly he wears it well. Who knew Mr.Grumpy would make such a good jolly old elf."
Kate swipes a bowl of gum drops as the bakers shoo her and Hana out of the kitchen. There was still much to be prepared, and having the Duchess and her Lady friend in the way was slowing them down.
The two women giggle like school girls as they make their way back to the Great Room. "Well I guess that officially takes us off baking duties. Now what?"
Hana links her arm through Kate's, grabbing a red gumdrop out of the bowl, "Any gift wrapping left to do?"
Kate shakes her head, "No, all done."
Hana takes in the lavish decorations around the Great Room as they sit down on one of the sofas to relax. "Thanks so much for inviting me to your home for Christmas Kate, it really is a nice place to spend a holiday. And you and Drake have really captured the spirit of the season in your beautiful decorations."
Kate smiles and reaches out to squeeze Hana's hand. "You're always welcome here sweety, and Drake and I wouldn't dream of letting a friend spend Christmas alone. I'm so glad to have you, Maxwell and Nicholas here. You're part of the family."
Hana wipes away a tear, "You're the best, Kate."
Pulling her friend into a hug, Hana giggles as the baby belly ends up in the way. "And our family is growing too. I can't wait to meet your sweet little baby."
Kate looks down and smoothes her hands across her belly in a gentle hug of her own, "Can you believe my child is going to be King or Queen someday?"
"You and Drake must be over the moon excited about being parents. This little royal heir is going to be born into such a world of love. Between all the attention from Mommy and Daddy, plus their Aunts and Uncles. I truly believe they're blessed."
"We're both excited and a little nervous, as any first time parents would be. But we also know we've no shortage of help if we need it."
"Have you picked out names yet?"
"We've talked about it, but haven't narrowed down a list."
Hana frowns, "I suppose it's a little complicated to pick out baby names when there's going to be so much importance attached to it."
Kate's eyebrows shoot up, "Exactly! Knowing that the title of King or Queen is going to be forever associated with their first name is a heavy burden on my mind."
"Have you thought about picking a name from ancient Cordonian history and giving it new life?"
Kate smiles, "Ooh that sounds like a great idea. It would give our son or daughter a connection to history and we can tell them stories about who they've been named after. Plus where I'm not from here it's a way to show the people that I'm embracing their Country as my own."
Hana glances around the Great Room, "Does the manor have a library? Surely there's a Cordonian History book around here."
"We don't have a library, but there are plenty of books in the study."
Hana helps Kate up off of the sofa. "Cool, what do you say we score a plate of cookies and some hot chocolate and head down to the study and research some cool baby names?"
Kate tucks her arm through Hana's and gives it a squeeze. "I'm so glad you're here Hana. Do you have to go back to the Palace tomorrow? Because I'd love it if you could stay longer."
Hana grins at her best friend, "Wouldn't I get in the way of you and Drake having time alone?"
Kate laughs, "As sweet and comforting as Drake can be, he can be a bit too helpful sometimes and I have to shoo him away to do something else. I know he means well, but I can tell he gets bored just sitting around while I sit and read or take a nap. And there's only so many romantic comedies on Netflix he can suffer through before he just pretends to take a nap or finds a game to play on his phone."
Hana scoffs, "Well that won't do. You need another girl around to binge watch stuff with you and to gush over cute baby things online."
"Exactly! Drake doesn't have a clue about all the adorable baby clothes, toys and other gear there is out there. I want my nursery to be fully stocked."
"Do you think Drake will change diapers? Or if he knows how?"
"He said he was willing to learn how to do all of that stuff, but I guess we'll have to wait and see."
"Hasn't he helped Savannah with Bartie before?"
"He has, but beyond holding his nephew and chasing him away from things he shouldn't touch I don't know what else he's helped her with."
After stealing a plate of cookies from the kitchen along with two glasses of milk. Hana and Kate head for the study.
As they pass by Kate's office, they can here Nicholas on the other side of the door, his voice is raised and he's talking to someone.
Hana frowns, "What's going on in there? I was wondering where Nicholas was hiding."
"Oh you know Nicholas, you can take the King out of the Palace but he can't leave the Crown and everything that goes along with it behind. He asked me if he could use my office as a base of operations while he's here in Valtoria. I'm hoping he takes a break at some point from running the country and enjoy the Holidays."
The main Study is in the room next to Kate's office, and as the women enter Kate turns on the lights. Hana sets the tray of cookies and milk down on the large oak desk.
"So as the Duchess, you have an office. Does Drake have an office too?" Hana asks, picking up a cookie.
Kate smiles as she leans her hip against the desk and folds her arms. "Well, it's not quite an Office for business anymore. The room next to this one used to be the Duke's office, but Drake had it converted into his own personal man cave."
Hana giggles. "Let me guess, it's upholstered in leather, dark wood and smells of whiskey?"
"Pretty much. He's basicly turned it into his own pub. With a bar and a pool table. Although he still calls it his Office."
Hana looks at the array of bookshelves lining the walls of the Study. "Hmm, where do we start. Do you think Drake would be upset if we start researching names without him?"
Kate shrugs, dunking a cookie into her glass of milk. "I think he would just be happy to have a list to pick from."
Hana runs her fingers along the spines of the books, "So how far back into history should we go? There are books here going back to the 17th century."
"Is there one that chronicles the nobility from way back then til now?"
Hana picks two books, "Yes, two actually."
Kate clears a spot on the desk for the two books. "Cool, let's take a look."
Hana and Kate settle into the desk chairs and each grab a book. Kate pulls a couple of notepads from the drawer and hands one to Hana, along with a pen.
"Ok Hana my love, you pick me out some nice girl names and I'll look at names for boys. And we'll take note of any interesting facts about these people as we go."
Nicholas opens the door to the adjoining office, "I thought I heard voices in here. What are you Ladies up to?"
Kate waves him over, "Welcome your Majesty! Just the royal brain we need to help us out."
Nicholas grabs a cookie from the plate and leans over to see the open books on the table. "Doing research?"
"Well kinda, we're looking up baby names." Hana says from behind her glass of milk.
"I don't want to impose my opinions on Kate or influence her in any way. She made it clear this is her and Drake's child first, and heir to the throne second. If it got back to Drake that any of my suggestions made the list I don't think he'd be very happy."
Hana and Kate exchange a worried look, "Well I'm sure Drake wouldn't protest that much would he? You know Cordonian history better than we do. I'd hate to pick someone bad out of history to name my child after."
Nicholas nods, "Well I can help steer you away from repeating that kind of history for sure."
"Ok good, pull up a chair."
Hana looks through ancient family trees from the 17th century, "So are you partial to any letter of the Alphabet for name starters?"
Kate blushes slightly, "Well I do have a soft spot for names starting with K. Or containing the letter K. Since Drake and I both have that in common. I figured it could be our new Walker family tradition."
Hana smiles, "That would be nice, plus it would help narrow things down."
Drake and Maxwell opened up the back doors of the SUV and climbed in. Pulling off his Santa hat, Drake settled back against the seat wearily.
“Take us home, Preston.”
In the front seat Preston nods and makes eye contact with Drake in the rearview mirror, “Very well, Your Grace.”
Beside Drake in the backseat, Maxwell's tank of exuberant Christmas energy is still half full. If it weren’t for the requirement to wear a seat belt for safe travelling, he'd be bouncing all over the car like a rubber ball. Between Drake and Maxwell there's a large bag of candy on the seat. They're leftovers from the parade, and Maxwell has already had more than his share. Drake pulls it over closer and throws his hat over top to discourage Maxwell from eating anymore of it. Who needs little children to worry about when you have a Maxwell?
Maxwell looks like he might explode if he doesn't talk about his day, so Drake reluctantly engages him to let him let off steam. “Ok Maxwell, out with it. Did you have fun today?”
Maxwell beams, “Yes! This was the best Christmas adventure ever. Bertrand never lets me do this sort of thing. Now that he has Savannah, Bartie and now dear old Dad to keep him busy he has even less time for doing fun stuff.”
The warmth inside of the SUV is starting to get to Drake and he struggles his way out of his Santa coat, Max grabs a sleeve to help him get free of it. “Best adventure ever, huh? So what was your favorite part of today?”
“Seeing all the kids happy faces when I handed them candy canes and presents. They were so excited. What was your favorite part?”
Drake looked at Maxwell and thought about his answer. He didn't want to admit to Maxwell that the happy children were his favorite part too. Every smiling, rosy cheeked, grateful child reminded him that he was going to be a father himself soon. That warm, emotional feeling he felt every time one of the kids said: “thank you Santa..” had nearly brought him to tears.
Oh my God what's happening to me? I’ve gotta maintain my tough, grumpy guy persona in front of Maxwell or he’ll tease me like the schmuck that he is.
“Uh, sure the kids were great, but driving that sleigh was definitely the highlight of my day. Three horse power doesn’t mean shit as far as motors go, but with three actual horses? Damn that sleigh flew.”
Maxwell frowns, “But the drive to town was terrifying. I fell off, remember?”
Drake gives Maxwell a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “Well that part sucked, sure, but after you got back on the sleigh and sat up front with me; you had fun right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” The corner of Maxwell’s mouth turns up in a smirk as he shrugs his shoulders.
“The children really did seem to enjoy the sleigh’s jingling bells, and the fancy horses.”
Drake gives Maxwell a gentle punch to the shoulder, “See? That’s why the sleigh was my favorite part. Besides, I couldn’t have handed out all of those candy canes by myself. You did good today, Max. Heck, if we do this thing again next year maybe you can play Santa, and I’ll …”
Maxwell’s face lights up, “O..M..G, could I really play Santa?”
Drake nods, scratching at the itchy white beard on his cheek. “Well sure you could. But just let somebody else drive the sleigh for you OK?”
Maxwell grins at Drake, “And would Daddy Drake be my elf helper?”
“Nope, not a chance.”
Continued in ^♡^ Part Five ^♡^
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