#she's gathering her royal boys like candy
desertsprng · 1 month
@feargrown said: 💋 aka: kisses for jace.
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THE   PRINCE   TASTES   OF   MELANGE,   lingering   cinnamon   on   tongue   dipped   into   mouths   corner       —       the   pad   of   her   thumb   had   pressed   there,   fascinated   by   dimples   highlighted   by   his   lazy   smile.   it   takes   some   getting   used   to,   that   heady   almost   disembodied   feeling   once   spice   hit   the   system,   warming   the   belly   and   loosening   limbs.   one   by   one   until   you're   an   unspooled   nervous   system   gliding   across   floor.   she   drinks   in   his   sigh,   stills   beneath   the   clenching   of   fingers   against   hipbones,   his   longing   has   been   made   known.   he   sucks   it   up   in   gasping   breaths   against   the   nape   of   her   neck       —       fingers   curls   there   till   a   shiver   races   from   her   spine   to   his   own.   chani   presses   forward,   just   enough,   feels   that   tipping   point   and   braces   them   against   it.   if   he   wants   more   he'll   need   to   say   it,   the   curve   of   her   tongue   traces   his   bottom   lip   (   teeth   following   till   flesh   plumps   and   she's   damn   sure   he'll   shudder   next.   )       she   waits   for   it,   thighs   spread   open   around   his   lap   where   she   now   sits.
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ritcchamadayo · 1 year
a little self-indulgent, but-
Meeting the Family! Ft. TWST Beastmen / Mermen
[headcanons / imagines]
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TWST's Beastmen / Mermen x Reader ;
For the Winter Holidays, you were invited by your boyfriend to visit them at home! You happily accept, but you never know what happens when going to a non-human gathering...
(this is mostly going by my own personal hcs and whatever little tidbits TWST had given us about their families ;;;; TWST please do a family reveal..)
Kingscholar Royal Family
Cue Cheka running towards you in full speed :
Cheka already accepted you as his older sibling since you met on Campus!! He's happy someone's taking care of his Oji-tan at school and helping Ruggie out!
Falena on the other hand is a bit of a wild card. You'd be surprised, who knew the King of Sunset Savanna was so... carefree? He treats you really well as the King and as Leona's brother, and all around just really excited. Sibling-in-law soon i hope~? He'd jump around in joy upon meeting you!
Leona and Falena both had the utmost respect for the Savanna's females and Falena's wife, Leona's Sister-in-law, stood quite high in that hierarchy.. needless to say, she's a really well-respected queen within the kingdom and very responsible. But you seem to have piqued her interest, and she's warming up to you quickly! She'd hold herself back from trying to groom you like she would with Cheka, Falena, or Leona sometimes!
Leona would definitely try to swat away his family from bothering you too much just because they're interested. When else does your Prince, Younger Brother to the King himself, bring back a potential mate?
Cheka would love cuddling up to you! Leona would forcefully pull Cheka away because he also wants to cuddle up to you- but hey, you could take a nap surrounded by warm lion beastmen so you don't need to worry about getting cold!
Bucchi Family
Ruggie's grandma adores you!!! She's so happy to see that her dear Ruggie has found someone who'd look after him and feed him!! She'd prepare Ruggie's favorite donuts upon knowing he's coming back with you, and would definitely try to make you eat as much as possible. She loves her grandchildren, and even though living in poverty, she'd do anything to make you and Ruggie happy.
The kids in the neighborhood though, oh boy. At first they'd be all pouty and angry at you, sometimes sending a snarl or a growl your way. But Ruggie stepped in, and you realize that they just didn't want anyone to take away their big bro away!
It's easy enough to get them to warm up to you though! If you brought along plenty of treats for them, they'd flock around you and would be on their best behavior. Good food, good life. Even just a little candy would get them happy!
Bucchi-grandma would definitely remind you to not give them (or Ruggie) too much sugar. You don't want them to go bonkers on sugar rush.. that would destroy the entire place! Ruggie's more responsible now, but you cant help but wonder how he'd look like on a sugar rush when he was small.
Bucchi-grandma adores when you help out with the chores. She gets tired quite fast doing chores every day, but with Ruggie and you helping out, she could finally sit back and relax. And she's so grateful to you!
Howl Family
Jack's pack is definitely an active bunch. Jack's father, would definitely be on high alert. He doesn't want anybody hurting his pup, even though he's all grown up. And moreover, he doesn't want the newcomer to break apart the pack Jack's grandparents had established together in the Shaftlands.
They're definitely a teensy bit territorial, but it only extends to the area around their house. Jack's grandparents, the leaders of the pack, doesn't necessarily bother their children's affairs much but they'd want someone who could blend into the pack and form a relationship as close as family with the rest of the pack!
Jack's mom was wary too at first, but she'd be the one to warm up to you faster and start coaxing her husband to let his guard down. "Jack's brought home a good pup dear, maybe you should give them a chance. He's all grown up now, and it won't be long until he makes his own pack."
Jack's dad would warm up to you after that. He's a little awkward on showing his emotions (which his wife had laughed at) but he's trying his best!! Congrats! Howl-papa now accepts you as Jack's mate! (though Jack may have a few words to say regarding them calling you his mate already... man's just embarrassed.)
Oh Jack's younger siblings love having you around! They'd be shy and hide behind their mother at first, but when Jack called them over to meet and introduce you, you'd find that they're such sweet kids! It'll take a while for them to get fully comfortable but don't worry, with Jack by your side, they'll come around!
Ashengrotto Family
Ashengrotto-mama loves your company! The first thing you see as you enter Azul's house was this badass lady using all 10 of her limbs to cook up a storm! She even freed a few limbs to give you a little greeting hug!
Ashengrotto-papa doesn't show his enthusiasm as much as his wife, but he greeted you properly nonetheless. While Ashengrotto-mama is the businesswoman of the family, Ashengrotto-papa was the one knowledgeable of laws. No wonder Azul made himself a successful business! (All the while avoiding crimes with his shady activities...)
Ashengrotto-mama would definitely fall for you too when you help her with cooking or compliment her dishes. Despite running a restaurant under the sea, she's very knowledgeable about cooking for humans and her dishes were stellar, you can't help but fall for her too.
At first they were surprised to hear from Azul that he had found a human partner, but after seeing how you acted lovingly around him in his octo-mer form and all in all simply loving him for who he is, his parents were glad. Azul may have had a hard time back in the days about his body, but he's been getting the confidence boost he needed from you and that's all the Ashengrottos could ever wish for!
Ashengrotto-papa would be the one holding in the emotional tears, he's so happy that his son found someone who loves him just the way Azul is. Considering this is Ashengrotto-mama's second marriage as well, and her original husband was nowhere to be found as Azul was growing up, he's simply glad Azul found someone and that his love life was far smoother than Ashengrotto-papa's or Ashengrotto-mama's. He's grown up into a fine young man with you by his side.
Ashengrotto-grandma simply watches on fondly, she loves seeing her grandchild happy <3
Leech Family
The first time you met them, oh boy, you might have mistook them for some sort of mafia family. I swear they're not!!!!! They're just a normal family!!!!!! The sharp-teethed smirk scared you at first, but hey, you've spent a while with literal twins with the same traits. You'll survive, right?
Their parents definitely bet on who's gonna find a partner first
You could find so many similarities between the pair of eel-mers with their two sons! Like how Leech-mama's as excitable as Floyd but also a worrywart like how Jade is sometimes, or how Leech-papa's calmness mirrored Jade but he can show his cocky, confident side sometimes that mirrored Floyd's. The two made for a real power couple 👉👈 but they love both twins equally!
Leech-mama would be over the moon! She'd swim up to you and hug you and your boyfriend with her entire body, exclaiming about how happy she was that her son found someone he cares for on the land. She'd make for a bone-crushing hug, but thank goodness it's not you getting crushed, it's the eel twins.
Leech-papa would be skeptical at first. Considering his placement at business and how people like to butter him up using gifts, he'd thought the humans up on land wanted to strike a deal with him or something. But once he's gotten to know you, he'd be a jolly dad and won't stop teasing his sons about the relationship! ("So have you tried doing *it* in your merform?" "DAD WHAT THE FUCK-")
Leech-mama would definitely make you promise to look out for her boys (both of them) while on the land, so that they don't get into unnecessary trouble.. kudos if you could reel in Azul as well knowing that those three were as tight-knit as ever.
(If you took Jade as your boyfriend) It's Leech-papa's win! He won't stop bragging to his wife how he won the bet. "I told you, people would go for a gentleman like our Jade!" Jade thinks it's amusing that his parents bet on them, and would proudly brag about you to his family. Even if it was her loss, Leech-mama would be cooing over you two for ages! (She definitely didn't give Jade signals to treat you like an absolute royalty... Okay, she might have, but Jade already treats you like one anyway~)
(If you took Floyd as your boyfriend) It's Leech-mama's win! She'd be swimming circles around your group and laughing at her husband while bragging. "See! Our Floyd's such a blast to be around, people would fall for him!" Floyd laughed and swam around alongside his mom, and you could even see him clinging on her side while they zoom around you. You could've sworn you felt obligated to join them on the zooming!
(additional - If you date both at once) Aww! Leech-mama and Leech-papa would have to call it quits on the betting, but they'd take a small W for whoever made the first move~ They're going to definitely pull their two boys and you for a giant family hug~! They're elated that their boys have found someone who loves the twins as much as their parents do!
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♠ Name: Esmée Chiara Floyen
♠ Age: 23 in front of human
♠ Height/weight: 173 cm / 50 kg
♠ Gender: female; she/her
♠ Birthday: January 30th  
♠ Race: Pure blood Vampire
♠ History: She is the only daughter of an affluent aristocratic family serving at the royal court. Her ancestors from both sides had undertaken roles of ministries of interior and foreign affairs; the latter role being currently fulfilled by her own father. Her family is closely related by blood to the ruling family. Esmée had a happy childhood despite her twin brother dying in unexplained circumstances, when she was 3 years old. She was brought up as a boy or more exactly as a heir(ess) to her family name. Everything had changed when she was 13 and her mother was killed by the Vampire hunter. Her father remarried when Esmée was 16. His new wife was human and gave birth to a baby boy. Esmée’s stepmother had convinced her husband that her stepdaughter should be married off to the crown prince with the hope that then she’d be able to pass Esmée’s heritage and wealth to her own son. Esmée had tried to convince her father not to follow her stepmother’s wishes, but she had failed. It is not clear, however, if the plans are successful or not since nothing was officially announced.
Esmée accepts the fact that she might have to become the next queen consort, practically an arm candy for the crown prince, but she was not the one to accept it without a fight. Though, there was nothing she could officially do, she decided the best way to avoid the fate was to become the head of her family. She plotted against her stepmother and her father, whom she had learnt to hate. As a result, her stepmother was killed and her father heavily injured; no traces linked the events with Esmée. But her father knew (or more suspected) and sent her away to the human world as a punishment, although officially for training. That still does not stop Esmée to fight for, she believes, is rightfully hers.
♠ Appearance:  Esmée is rather high, slim, with porcelain-like skin. She has white hair and red eyes. She would usually have hair down, without many accessories. Her hairstyle and dressing style is rather simple. 
♠ Personality: Ever since Esmée was old enough to understand power and politics, they were important parts of her life. Living so close to the royal court and its affair taught Esmée to conceal her feelings, keep things to herself, observe and gather information, and use people around her. She seems friendly and sometimes acts naïve, but she is, indeed, intelligent, proud, determined, manipulative, and often cruel. She has learnt to accept the possibility of becoming the future queen consort and has decided to use her current freedom as much as she can. Before her life ends with the unwanted marriage. She’s also plotting against her father and half-brother (whom she does not recognize as family anymore) to become the owner of her own life again.    
♠ FC (temporary)
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Iris Lana Almeria from Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter
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Spooky Month Medieval AU!
Just an alternate universe in which Spooky Month takes place during the Middle Ages. They still have crazy adventures like in the canon, just in a medieval way!
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Skid - Skid is the prince of Pluninara. He gotten his royalty status from his mom. He did once have a father, but in this AU, his father did from a clash with another kingdom. He was slain during battle. Skid looks on the brighter side of things.
Pump - Pump is a prince of a different kingdom, called Estesphere. Not to mention he's also a partime jester! He also likes to crack up jokes and entertain while he's not too busy. He met Skid at a town gathering in Pluninara while lolygagging around.
Lila - Lila is the queen of Pluninara. Ever since her husband died being slain during a clash war, she ruled the kingdom alone. She always teaches Skid that being royal is more than a crown and a throne.
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Roy - The bossiest thief of the three. He will only steal if it benefits him. He has more freedom now that his mischievous uncle was executed. His own parents barely pay attention to him, so he gets away with stealing. Stealing from babies or old ladies is a piece of cake.
Ross - A mama's boy who lives on a farm with Jaune. He does chores like milking the cows, shearing the sheep, and picking ripe produce. He wears a dark navy blueish bandana atop of his mouth and nose to lower the chance of his identity being shown. He's the most stealthy out of the three.
Robert - Oh poor Robert. The pacifist, the one with the most integrity of the three. He never wanted to become a thief. He became one by force. Before that, he never stole in his entire life. The former goody two shoes, the green-hooded thief is still a softie of a criminal.
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Susie- Susie is the older princess of Estesphere. The regal older sister of Pump. She is first in line to the heir. While Pump irritate Susie to the core, she's the Luisa out of the family. She would fight and die for her loved ones, including Skid and Lila. She's a warrior princess and has respect from the church!
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Moloch - Instead of him being a demon, he's the infamous dragon. Skid brought him home. I wonder how he snuck him without Lila noticing. 🤔
Eyes - He's a Kraken instead! He still has the power of hypnotizing. He's also called "Eyes of the Waters"
Other Characters
Dexter is the Pied Piper. Why? The Pied Piper is also known as the Rat-Catcher. The Pied Piper is said that he led rats to a river in which they drowned.
Streber is a Bard. He serves as a poetic background character. He would say and softly sing verses.
Candy dealer is an apothecary.
John and Jack are Watchmen.
Roy's Uncle is executed. He committed uh... many crimes.
Kevin is a Merchant.
Feel free to suggest more characters and roles!
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The colors favorite foods? :3c
- Fire
Feel free to include Shadow, Zelda, Erune etc
Red: He loves sweets but especially enjoys nice fresh baked bread from the oven. He has to be told to stop from stealing all the fresh biscuits for breakfast. He likes herbal tea and shares them with Vio. He also likes different kinds of cheeses. He especially likes mac n cheese.
Green: He likes to have apple fritters. They're really yummy to him but aside for that he also likes pasta a lot. Any kind is a good kind for him. Though he gets extra messy with spaghetti. Sometimes accidentally but sometimes on purpose just to drive Blue crazy.
Blue: He likes to eat a lot of fruits and vegetable. Except for green peppers. Even split that stays with all the boys disliking them. He likes cherries and green apples the most fruit wise. And he loves pizza, salad, and bbq sandwiches.
Vio: He is rather picky of an eater and will eat in small portions. However, he will not turn down a nice warm grilled cheese sandwich. He also enjoys a bowl of ice cream. His flavor preferences changes a lot so he can't say which is his favorite but he does enjoy the waffle cones some portions can come in.
Shadow: He is also picky but on the side of not having had to eat a lot of food before and now being thrown into a world of many flavors of food. Much to the ironic dislike of the others, Shadow enjoys green peppers quite a lot. He is also a huge fan of cotton candy. He will steal food from the others' plates and then make a face when it's not something he likes. Even playing the "how dare you make me try that!" card despite being the one who stole it to begin with to try it. He's a big fan of oranges too.
Zelda: She likes pumpkin pie, cherry pie, pecan pie, basically any pie she can get the Royal kitchen staff to make for her before she gets too queasy from the sugary snacks. She will sneak off into town on her own to go to the bakery in town to get the freshly baked breads as well. She and Red do have joking fights on who gets to have the freshest loaf over the other. Only for Shadow to steal it from out form under them.
Erune: She likes her mom's homemade stew and potato soup. She enjoys the fancy foods Zelda shares with her when they meet up for tea parties and picnics. She likes to make and eat pancakes. Erune makes homemade syrup as well along with gathering freshly picked fruit from her family garden to mix into muffins and pancakes.
Though, everyone can agree that Grandpa Smith's cooking, especially his warm vegetable soup is the best to have gathered together at the table. Grandpa Smith makes a lot of food for the Colors and they even set up tables outside the home during the spring and summer seasons. This is how they can invite the other villages to enjoy the meals with them. Their village and kingdom is very close knit and homely. Others bring food as well from time to time as thanks to the heroes and the local Smith for helping the village so much.
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voltrinityub · 3 years
My Omori Gaming HCs
Because I think they’re neat
Will play pretty much anything that isn’t a shooter or moba (there’s too much going on at once or he doesn’t like the sounds)
Sunny seems like he would enjoy RPGs and games with interesting stories the most
Not afraid of horror whatsoever probably had a FNAF phase too
Has a Switch, several Nintendo DS, and other handheld devices (I feel like he would prefer having the games closer to him)
Plays Minecraft a lot with Basil (he explores and gathers while Basil builds and mines. Peaceful only cuz Basil doesn’t like the mobs)
Has Neko Atsume on his phone (he likes cats)
Plays The Sims and Rollercoaster Tycoon and recreates anything he can but also loves to create chaos
Would probably get roped into playing some kind of MMO like WoW or Black Desert, but is a lone Wolf and doesn’t talk to anyone
Really good at playing video games, fast learner
Sports game, FPS/Shooters, and party games
Fortnite for sure (Yea number 1 victory royale)
Would most likely stream or at least watches streamers heavily
Plays with The Boys™️ and is super chill
Owns and Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and other consoles with a good variety of games
Grew up loving Sonic and Pokemon
Will visit the arcade with Hero or Sunny when bored
Very competitive with his brother playing DDR but can never get close to him
Tried playing GTA once but it scared him (too intense for this little sunshine)
Loves simulation and roleplay games
Especially farming games, like Story of Seasons, Harvest Moon, or Stardew Valley
Adores Minecraft and Animal Crossing
Will consistently talk about his Animal Crossing town or what he’s been working on
Probably played NintenDogs/Cats growing up I can feel it in my soul
Terrified of horror games and anything too gruesome (not his style)
Doesn’t own too many games believe it or not, sticks to his routine selection because it’s comforting
Ropes Sunny into playing Animal Crossing with him and they play together (more than just Minecraft)
Not much of a gamer outside of simple phone games or whatever he and Kel played as kids growing up
He prefers watching people play games over playing them himself (not like he has much time to with school anyway)
Loves arcades (and board games) more than playing on a console because they just have a charm to them
Doesn’t go anywhere near horror, thriller, or anything too violent (not his style)
Once got jump-scared so bad he cried
Has simple games like Candy Crush, puzzle games, or word games on his phone nerd
Would be the King of DDR and Just Dance because I say so
Never opposed to party games when he’s with a group of people
The most intense game she’s played is Webkinz but she loved it so who cares
Mainly plays simple games to pass the time
Stuff like Mario, Minecraft, or basic phone games she could play for a little bit
Has a thing for rhythm and music games tho
Plays Just Dance with Hero when they need to relax/blow off steam
I don’t think Mari would be too into playing games, she seems like more of a bookworm to me and focuses on school and playing the piano more
Minecraft is cool tho
Started off playing dress up games and other cutesy games like Nintendogs
As she got old, her taste became more competitive
Racing and fighting games are Aubrey’s specialty
Will play some casual games too but mainly likes games she can get a thrill from or beat others in
Smash Bros, Need 4 Speed, Skull Girls... shit like that
Doesn’t own her own consoles or devices but plays with the Hooligans or Kel and the others all the time
Played GTA once and loved it, later told Kel who was surprised she could tolerate it
Feel free to add on your own~
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gaijinhunter · 3 years
Monster Hunter Rise: 2nd Trailer and news blowout
Hey guys this is Gaijinhunter. I am uploading this as a text post since I caught a cold and have been unable to edit a video.
There was a huge second wave of news for Monster Hunter Rise with the reveal of the 2nd trailer the other day during the Game Awards 2020 show. Keep in mind the actual full length trailer is much longer and better than the shorter edit they showed during the show so makes sure you watch it. It showcased a second map, 2 new monsters, several returning monsters, and more. They also updated their official website with a ton of information so instead of doing a trailer reaction or breakdown, I am going to give you all the info they shared but split up by category, trying to focus only on the new stuff.
New Map
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Director Ichinose hinted in an interview that one of the new maps would be nostalgic and boy he wasn't kidding. The Flooded Forest from Third Generation has been massively remade and is back in MH rise. Of course given this game’s focus is verticality, there is no underwater combat sections but they really nailed it from what I can see. One of the most iconic parts of the forest was the ruins in the backgrounds, and now you can scale up it using the wirebug. How cool is that. 
With the new map we also got the reveal of 2 new monsters.
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First up is the mermaid wyvern, the Somnacanth. This marks the much hyped return of the leviathan class of monsters which were missing in world and iceborne. This Monster looks so wild. It has a special breath that will put you to sleep, is super aggressive, and has this crazy taiko drum like chest in which it will grab oysters and other things and bust them against it to break them open and buff itself. The Japanese name is quite a mouthful and is called Isonemikuni. This is the monster that Ichinose teased with his cute drawing on twitter.
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Next up is the tengu beast, Bishaten. This monster is really unique, it looks like a mix of a monkey, bat, and bird. It has a huge and powerful tail it uses for massive mobility and it will chuck various fruits at you as well. One of the most iconic fruits it throws are persimmons, which are very Japanese and if you haven’t had them before, they are kind of an acquired taste. It’s Japanese name is Bishutendo. 
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For returning monsters we have a few. First is our favorite sponge, the Royal Ludroth. This is a fan favorite and a great early to mid game monster. It has one of the best move sets in my opinion, very telegraphed but it can still catch you off guard even if you are super used to it. Strategically figuring gout where to stand in order to cut off its tail or break the sponge has always been really fun and intersting so I’m delighted to see this monster return, also look at that texture of the sponge!
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Then we got the return of the Great Wroggi, the anti-poison skill tutorial monster. This thing really messed me up back in MH3G until I spent the time to get the materials to craft anti-posion decorations and even then, like the Great Izuchi, it fights really well with its sidekick small wroggis and I cant wait to see the improved cooperative AI that they are making for the Great Izuchi applied to this monster as well. It’s armor also spots a really cool Crocodile Dundee hat and look in the trailer and you can see the palico armor as well. So cool.
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Finally, we got a small scene that appears to show a snow map and a group of baggi getting hit by a Khezu lightening shot. Does this mean the Great Baggi will return? Not sure. But that scream 100% is a Khezu, and I cannot wait to see how it looks with higher resolution texturing, I bet it will be creepy as heck. So while not technically confirmed, I’d say it’s safe to say Khezu is returning in some form. The balance of all these monsters is so great, I love the selection so far.
As far as other returning monsters that might return, I think we all expect nargacuga and zinogre. These are flagship monsters from games directed by Ichinose and he even tweeted his palamute and palico both named after these two monsters. Especially given the Japanese aesthetic, I think it’s pretty much guaranteed they are returning. Then I think mizutsune is also highly likely given its Japanese design, the fox theme, the kimono armor. Plus the model for it doesn't look that far off from the new Somnacanth. Anyway I have super hyped.
Interaction with animals and endemic life
One of the huge features of Monster Hunter Rise is the focus on wild life and animals to buff your hunter or be used as tools during a hunt.
There are 4 major types of Endemic Life: Temp Buffer, Permabuffer, Hunting Helper, and environmental.
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For Permabuffer, we got a new render of the Spiribirds, which will buff your hunter if you move near one, and the effects depend on the color of the pollen it is carrying. Green increases your max Health, Orange increases your defense, red increases your attack power, and yellow increases your max stamina. There is even a special rainbow colored one, which I assume will buff all 4.
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Via their website, Capcom announced a new item called the Petalace, a bracelet made of a plant called a Sending Sprig that each hunter has equipped. This is what collects the pollen from the birds and buffs your hunter. There is a variety of Petalaces in the game and some may increase the amount in which an attack boost is applied from a single Spiribird, raise the max value that health can be boosted, and more. Here in the screen shot we can see the caps for each and the amount gained for each buff. Just a quick note but this is not going to be replacing charms as we know that they are giving away a talisman for pre-order.
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For Temp Buffer creatures, they revealed the name of the Clothfly, a butterfly that will temporarily increase your defense once you interact with it and cause it to generate a cloud of dust. In previous videos we have seen Peepers that reduce stamina usage, birds that raise your base stats, and a dragonfly that boosts your affinity and I had calculated it out to being applied for 90 seconds but we’ll have to wait for hte final game to see if that depends on the effect or if they change it, but it sounds about right.
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For Hunting Helper creatures, we got an adorable new render of the Stinkmink. You can carry up to 5 Hunting Helpers and use them like items. The Stinkmink can be used to cover yourself in a special pheromone that will attract large monsters to you, even allowing you to lure one monster toward another to cause a turf war. I personally can think of other applications like luring a monster toward a trap and stuff like that.
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And for environmental endemic life, they didn't show it in the trailer but there are also wildlife that can be used like environmental traps. For example, use raw meat and the giganha fish will go crazy, damaging anything nearby be it a hunter or monster. I can’t wait to see someone hunt a Great Wroggi using only raw meat. I love that we finally will have more use for this item.
In the new trailer we got to hear several of the NPC villagers talking and on the website they go into a lot more details. They have quite the star-studded cast in Japanese and the English voice actors are also very interesting picks. This really marks the first time in Monster Hunter that the main cast of villagers will all be called by name and speak, which I think adds a lot of personality to the game.
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First we have Fugen the village elder of Kamura and skilled long sword user. 
Then we have Hinoa the Quest Maiden, a cheerful and optimistic girl who serves as the quest giver in the village while her twin sister runs the gathering hub. While not announced in any other language, the French and Italian language sites for the game list her sister’s name as Minoto. Hinoa’s name is Hinoe in Japnaese and for the rest of the cast their names are identical between the two languages.
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One thing I am excited for is that they said that one of the ways they will help communicate the uniqueness of Kamura is through songs and they shared a sample of one of them in the full trailer. This one is sung by Izumi Kato. If you remember back in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate they featured songs by the wyverian Diva, and I am so happy they decided to do songs again, they add so much richness to the world and are just lovely to listen to.
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Next up is Yomogi, our village chef. In this game you will eat meals at her Tea Shop, where her speciality is the Bunny Dango she makes along with the help of some palicoes. I love that we’ve seen her in past videos with a heavy bowgun, so the idea that all the villagers are active participants in the story is great. 
Then we have Hamon the blacksmith. He used to hunt alongside Fugen back in the day but now creates weapons for the hunters of the village. His grandson also appears in the game and is a kind-hearted youth that loves your hunting companions.
Next is Kagero the merchant. Despite his mysterious appearance he is actually very warm and kind. If there is a sale going on, not only can you buy most items for half off, but you can also participate in a lottery where you spin a wheel and it dispenses a colored ball. Get a rare color ball to win a rare prize. You can do it once per sale, but you can also scan an amiibo to spin two more times, but only once per day per amiibo you own.
Finally we have Komitsu the sweet-tooth, she sells candy apples in town. What these do is still not yet revealed.
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We got an adorable render for the Cohoot, the pet owl that shows the positions of monsters on your map. You can interact with it in the town and even dress them up in fancy outfits.
Kamura Village
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We got gameplay showing that the entire village is open to the 4 person multiplayer session and you can even ride around on your palamute and use your wirebug while in the village to zip around and have fun. There is still a gathering hall but the ability to see each other in the village as well as jump around and really explore it is a lovely change they are making.
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Story wise we got more info about the Rampage, both a story mechanic and new quest type. For some reason the monsters will sometimes gang up and attack the village all at once and no one knows why. They call this a Rampage. There was a really bad rampage 50 years ago that nearly destroyed the village and in response the town has created a Stronghold to stop further invasions. This looks like a new quest type with multiple monsters all at once, and a slew of different artillery options at your disposal. I could see this as being a really fun type of quest to do online with other players. 
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And of course the most exciting news was that there will be a demo in January with more details to come later. That is far earlier than I expected and I now have to finish up my back catalogue of games in like the next month.
And that about wraps it up. Cpacom said that they will be sharing weapon preview videos for all 14 types very soon and if they do the way they used to do it, we’ll get one new video a day for 2 weeks. I hope you enjoyed this recap of the news and please let me know down in comments what you thought about the second trailer. And until next time, happy hunting.
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Since I haven't drawn any art for this girl just yet, please enjoy this reference from Picrew 💖
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Name: Diamante Opalescent
Nicknames: Diamond (For those who can't properly say her name), Dime (For short), Princess (Due to her attitude and status), Rich B**** (Due to her wealth status and her personality), Little Gemstone/Jewel (By her family, the nickname she hates the most)
Age: 18
Birthday: August 13
Starsign: Leo
Species: Fairy
Height: 5'6
Eye Color: Honey comb
Hair color: Light Blonde
Mother: Queen Celestia Opalescent
Father: King Solar Opalescent
Other Family Members: Multiple Aunts And Uncles, Cousins, ETC.
Homeland: Grimstone Kingdom
Twisted From: Princess Diaspro from Winx Club
School: Hourglass Station Academy
Class: Third Year
Dorm: Magixcella
Occupation: Student
Club: Maim Club: Sorcery Club (Though she is gonna join multiple)
Best Subject: Anything with Fine Arts
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Sweets, Candies, Pastries (Most Favorite being Chocolate Covered Strawberries)
Least Favorite Food: Anything Sour
Dislikes: Her family, Corsets, Too many social gatherings, Being 'Dolled Up'
Hobbies: Sketching, Fashion Designing Dancing, Makeup Designing, Dancing, Singing, Jewelry Making
Talent: Jewelry Making (She feels proud when she can make something beautiful with her hands, not her magic)
Unique Magic:
Using her Unique Magic, Diamante is able to turn her skin into a crystal like armor that protects her from magic attacks and strengthens her body against physical attacks for a limited amount of time.
Personality: Diamante is most definitely a spoiled princess. She has a short temper and is often interpreted as rude and condescending when she speaks to others. She can be very judging and often wants things to go her way and gets very angry when things go wrong. Most people tend to either stay far away from her to avoid her outbursts or grovel and appeal to her to try and stay in her good graces though that only seems to anger her more. But for those who get to know Diamante, they learn she actually has a soft side but has a harsh way of speaking. Some of her critiques are actually her trying to help and guide others from making mistakes and get better results for themselves because she won't want them to settle or look bad. She is a very loyal friend to those who are loyal to he and stick around long enough to get to know her. She will get clingy to them when they do so they do have to sometimes deal with that.. She also grows angry when things don't go her way because she's anxious and has a perfectionist issue due to her parents pressure to be the best out of the best and it has taken its toll on her expectations of herself. She actually has a lot of insecurity due to their demands and words and has a low view of herself and has a deep self hatred for things she recognizes in herself. She wants to make changes and better herself, but it will take her alot to figure out how.
Born within the Grimstone Kingdom as the only child to the King and Queen Of Jewels, Diamante already had a very high set of expectations set upon her from her family. She was raised within a very wealthy household and taught how to be a proper young woman and a royal . She was often pushed to social events by her parents and family and used to try and gain power by setting her up with boys who she never really cared for from other wealthy families. She grew up to be a fierce young woman who did often clash with her parents though never really fought against them till she became close friends with one of their servants, a young girl names Liliana. Liliana was her only reprieve from the stresses of her life but when her family realized that she was being 'distracted', they sent Liliana away, leaving Diamante alone once again to deal with her parents anger and their strictness increasing. When she was 0ffered to come to the school, Diamante's parents at first were against sending her to Hourglass Station Academy, until she managed to convince them to send her, making them believe it would be good for her to practice 'exercising her power'. Though in reality, it was just for her freedom.
-Diamante is a repressed closeted lesbian in denial. She won't admit to it and has often to tried to date boys on her family's wishes, but it never works out for her.
-She has a very big soft spot for animals and the outdoors, she was just never really allowed to explore that without doing it 'properly'
-Diamante never had any sense of privacy at home really except during the night in her room. She was always escorted and accompanied by someone her family chose so she could never be by herself. She appreciates the fact that the school gives her that opportunity.
-She is envious of other girls who don't have to live with the same expectations she has to. She wishes for the same freedom she has but she is too weak to try and really fight for it.
-Due to Diamante's magic being involved with gemstones and jewels, she was often extorted or taken advantage of by others so they would be able to gain riches quickly. They often tried to be close to her and ask for gems she could make and she knew it. That is why she is so weary and distrusting of others. She can't really tell if they want to be her friend or just want a wealth dispenser.
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Falling For You But You Are Worlds Away: Chapter 1
Summary: After a close call with a reporter that resulted in Simon getting hurt, Linda makes a difficult and heartbreaking decision. Meanwhile, Wilhelm returns to Hillerska, hoping to at least rekindle his friendship with Simon, only to find that even that was no longer possible.
Title inspired by Taylor Swift's "Come Back, Be Here."
Note: So... after several weeks of obsessing... I finally did it... I finally wrote Young Royals fanfic. And, I really shouldn't because I have Grad school and a part-time job and I barely have time to breathe.Speaking of that, I probably won't have a consistent update. There might be times when I disappear for several weeks. Please be patient and understanding with me, I'm still trying to balance school and work.
AO3 link
It was supposed to be a normal day of running errands – a trip to the grocery store, dropping off mail at the post office, and maybe getting ice creams as a treat on the way home. But, no, Simon should have known better than to think that his life would somehow go back to normal during Christmas. After all, the prince had denied his involvement in the viral video and Simon had broken up with him to give both of them some space. This all happened only a week ago.
But, even after all that trouble and heartbreak, here he and his family were, being chased down their own street by paparazzi with their stupid cameras and fake sympathy.
“Simon, won’t you tell us your side of the story?”
“Is Prince Wilhelm lying? Are you in a relationship?”
“Mrs. Erikkson, how did you react when you found out your son may have been involved with the prince?”
“Don’t say anything,” his mother hissed in Spanish, clutching Simon and Sara’s arms tighter against her side.
The plastic bag of groceries was digging into Simon’s skin and he wished he could adjust his grip but he didn’t dare slow down. Those hyenas at his heels could catch them and he didn’t want to give them that satisfaction.
But, then, Sara let out a startled scream. A reporter had grabbed her arm, making her drop the groceries. Clementines rolled out of the bag and onto the pavement.
And, just like that, Simon saw red.
“Let go of her!”
He ripped his arm from his mother’s hold and lunged at the reporter, pushing him away from his shaking sister. The reporter, a middle-aged man who had probably been doing this for a long time, released Sara. But, before Simon could pull her away to safety, searing pain exploded at his cheek. He tasted the blood before he even realized what had happened.
His mom and Sara screamed.
The other reporters began to yell at the first one. Things like “What is wrong with you?!” and “Fuck, you can’t touch our sources like that! We’re gonna get sued!”
His name was being called. It sounded like Sara.
But, Simon, feeling dazed and tired, just stared up at the bright blue sky. He didn't even realize he had fallen to the ground. It was a nice day, though.
It should have been an ordinary nice day.
“Thank you, officer, we really appreciate your help.”
“Just doing our job, ma’am. Please don’t hesitate to call us over if you see any more suspicious individuals around your home. We’ll send someone over, immediately.”
“Thank you.”
Linda bid the police officers a good day and shut the door. With them gone, she finally lowered her mask and allowed the weariness of the day to manifest in her bones. She leaned back against the closed door, letting out the breath she had been holding.
No matter how many times she had dealt with the police, it never failed to make her exhausted. She should be used to this by now.
When she and the kids still lived with Micke, it wasn’t uncommon for neighbors to call the cops to complain about her ex-husband disturbing the peace. Mostly because he was yelling at her and the children. Sometimes, even hurting her. (He never touched the children. Linda never let him. The one and only time he almost laid a hand on Sara was finally when Linda finally gathered her children, important documents, and a few meager possessions and fled into the night.)
Linda believed that they were past all that. That in this new life she built for herself and her children, they would never have to call the police to their home or worry about their safety ever again. But, after what happened to Simon today, she could no longer hold on to that dream. Not for the time being.
She knew what she had to do to keep her son safe, even if it hurt her. Even if Simon would resent her. She hoped he wouldn’t. That he would see that she was doing this for him.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Linda straightened her shoulders, lifted her head, and began to make her way back to the living room, where she could clearly hear her children bickering on the couch.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sara asked her brother.
“I’m fine,” Simon answered, sounding annoyed. “He didn’t even hit me that hard.”
“You could have hit your head!”
“But, I didn’t.”
“You should have left him alone.”
“He touched you!”
Sara pressed her lips together and looked away as she dabbed ointment to her brother’s bruised lip. Simon flinched, which made his sister’s lips quirk to an amused smile.
But, despite her children looking seemingly okay, joking around and teasing each other the way they always did, Linda couldn't stop looking at that dark mark marring her son’s handsome face. 
Clearing her throat, she stepped into the living room.
“Mi amor, how are you feeling?” she asked, sitting on Simon’s other side.
“I’m fine, mama,” he replied, immediately. “It’s just a scratch, it will heal in a few days.” He grinned. “It makes me look badass though, right?”
Sara snorted. “More like reckless.”
“A reckless badass.”
“Mi amor,” Linda interrupted, gently, not wanting them to start bickering again. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Simon straightened up, looking serious. Linda’s chest felt heavy as she took his hand in hers and stroked it. Sometimes, she wished her children were still small and had no other care in the world except for what candy they could get at the grocery store that week.
“It’s about school,” she began.
“I’ll transfer back to Marieberg,” Simon said, misunderstanding where the conversation was going. “I don’t mind. Sara can stay at Hillerska, she has friends there now, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Besides, Rosh and Ayub are excited to have me back.”
Linda shook her head. “I don’t think you should go back to Marieberg either.”
At that, Simon’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean? I should go to another school? There aren’t any others close by.”
Linda sighed as she looked her son in the eye. “When the… video… first came out...”
Simon flinched and looked down at his feet.
“... I thought about how to… protect you. Especially after what happened today-.”
“Mama, I can handle it,” he interrupted, still unable to look at her. “I was fine today.”
“No, you weren’t,” Sara interjected. “You got punched.”
Simon glared at her. “They’re just reporters, I can handle them.”
Linda squeezed his hand. “It’s not just the reporters, Simon. It’s also… the others. Remember that boy from the other day? He followed you home! He could have hurt you!”
Simon's eyes flashed in anger at the memory. “But, he didn’t, you drove him away. And I would have been fine, I could take him.”
“That doesn’t stop me from worrying!”
Linda ran a hand through her hair, frustrated and cursing her son’s stubbornness. Unfortunately, that was one thing he inherited from Micke.
“Anything could have happened and I can’t protect you! Not at school, not at the grocery store, not even here at home! And do you know what that does to me?! I worry about you every time you’re out of my sight, Simon!” 
Unbidden tears brimmed at Linda’s eyes but she refused to let them fall. She had to be strong. She was making the right decision.
“A few weeks ago, I called your Tia Elena. She already knew what happened, the news reached them...”
“Oh, God!” Closing his eyes, Simon groaned and fell back against the couch.
“… and she actually suggested that… you go to live with her for a while.”
Almost immediately, Simon’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. “What?”
“I wasn’t sure, before, because I don’t want you to be away from us. But, after what happened with that boy from the other day and the reporters today… I think this is the best thing for you.”
“To send me to America?! That’s the best thing for me?!”
Simon pulled his hand away from her hold and stood up, presumably to stalk off to his room.
Linda tried to blink away the tears. “Simon, mi amor, please! This is the only way to keep you safe!”
“You’re sending me away! From you and Sara and my friends! My whole life is here!”
“It’s only until this all dies down, I promise. You can transfer back to Marieberg next school year. But, just for this term. Please, Simon.”
She watched Simon’s stiff back as he processed her pleas.
“W-What about a visa?” he asked and the hope in it broke her heart. “Don’t I need one of those? And they take time, don’t they? By the time they process it, school’s gonna start and I still have to travel and-.”
“You have an appointment with the U.S. Embassy the day after tomorrow,” Linda interrupted. “Your Tia Elena took care of everything. She even sent some money along to help with the fees.”
“Oh.” Simon’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “W-Would they even have room for me?”
“There’s only her and Ana now ever since Ricardo left them. And she says you can work at her store to earn some extra money, if you want.”
From the corner of her eye, Linda spotted Sara, who was unusually quiet. Her daughter was staring at her brother, her face unreadable. It was difficult to read Sara these days. But, Linda hoped that her daughter understood why she was doing this.
Sara didn’t want to leave Hillerska and that was fine, she had gone ahead and applied for that Grant to be a resident. But, even if Simon applied for a Grant too and became a resident, he would still get chased by reporters. He would still get recognized and followed by creeps and people who wanted to do him harm in Bjarstard. But, in America, with Linda’s older sister, he could be safe from the scandal.  
“Is there really no other way?” Simon asked, softly.
Getting to her feet, Linda moved towards her son and wrapped him in her arms.
“Mi amor, I know this is difficult for you. It is for me, too. I want nothing more than for you to stay here in Sweden with me and your sister. But, I want you to be safe. I want people to stop stalking you and bothering you about something so… traumatic. You don’t deserve that. You deserve to go to school and live your life in peace. In America, no one knows who you are. You can live normally again, go to school, and even… date someone new.”
Simon flinched in her arms and she regretted her words.
What Simon had with Wilhelm was truly special, something for the books, the kind of love story you often watch on T.V. and read about in books. She had never seen Simon as happy as he had been when he was with the prince, even if they thought Linda didn’t know. (Of course, she knew! She was his mother!) It was only a shame that their story ended in a tragedy that not only broke her son’s heart but also brought negative and unwanted attention onto his life.
“Simon, please,” she begged. “Just for a few months, I promise, mi amor. And, then, you can come home and life will be back to normal, I’m sure. Please.”
Time felt like it was slowing down as they stood there in the middle of the living room, Simon slowly breaking in her arms and Sara only watching helplessly.
Finally, her son let out a breath. “Okay,” he said in a soft voice. “I’ll go.”
Linda burst into tears and buried her face against the fabric of Simon’s orange sweatshirt.
Despite her own heart breaking into pieces at the thought of being away from her son, she was also so incredibly relieved.
The Christmas break was too long, in Wilhelm’s opinion.
He spent most of it making required public appearances, sitting in on council meetings, and attending royal parties. He went about his duties like a robot, his emotions numb and something in him broken. His mother thought he would get over it if she threw enough things at him to keep him busy enough to not think of Simon. But, obviously, it didn’t work.
Simon was the first thing on his mind when he woke up in the mornings and the last thing he thought of before he slept at night. He had tried texting but his texts went unanswered. His calls would result in just ring after ring after ring until voicemail picked up. He spent many hours just scrolling through Simon’s Instagram, not seeing any new posts. Rosh, Ayub, and Sara had all blocked him so he couldn’t even see any posts of Simon, if there were any.
During the yearly Christmas party hosted by the Royal family, it was normally Erik who had to socialize and make nice with all the nobility and distant relatives who came. But, this year, Wilhelm had to do it. And it was fine, at first. He managed to remember some names and those he didn’t remember, he managed to sidestep with a polite “sir” or “ma’am.” But, then… But, then!
His mother introduced to him the daughter of a Duke whose name he couldn’t remember. With the way his mother smiled and practically pushed the girl to his side, Wilhelm knew exactly what she was doing. It ruined the rest of the party for him, as well as that poor girl’s Christmas. Wilhelm was so annoyed that he ignored her when she tried to make conversation. Eventually, he caused her to break into tears when he bluntly said that he didn’t care who designed her dress.
The Queen tried to scold him, called him a disgrace, and demanded that he get himself together. Wilhelm only shot her a blank look, excused himself, and left the party.
There were no more attempts at setting him up after that.
So, when Christmas break ended and it was time to return to Hillerska, he was relieved. He dutifully packed his things, including the small Christmas gift he got for Simon. He was hoping that even if they couldn’t restart their relationship, they could still be friends. Wilhelm would take anything Simon was able to offer him right now, even if it wasn’t what he wanted.
“Your Royal Highness,” Malin called through the door. “You’re supposed to be at the church in ten minutes.”
“Thanks, Malin!” Wilhelm called back to her.
The prince looked over his appearance in the mirror one last time, making sure his school tie was tied properly and his jacket free of lint. Not that Simon would care about those, but Wilhelm wanted to look his best, for once. He even got a haircut over break. He wondered if Simon did, too. He couldn’t wait to see him.
Feeling the anticipation brimming inside him, Wilhelm made his way out of his room. He joined the others in leaving Forest Ridge to head to the church. Ahead of him, Henry and Walter waved, pausing to let him catch up to them.
Despite their initial impression on Wilhelm, they really did mellow out the more he got to know them. And when the video came out, they were the only ones who didn’t look at him weirdly (at least, not blatantly to his face) and never once asked about the video. They even texted him a Merry Christmas over break. He would take their company over August’s.
And, speaking of the devil, there was his traitor of a cousin now, pushing through the other boys to get to him. Wilhelm quickened his steps, not wanting to get caught in a conversation. He had successfully avoided him during the Christmas party at the palace after giving firm instructions to Malin and Johan to ensure that he didn’t get close to Wilhelm.
Luckily, his bodyguards were most likely doing exactly that as Wilhelm made it to the church and slipped into a pew without August catching up to him. Henry and Walter slid in after him, chatting about their holidays.
“Wonder what they’re singing this time,” Walter wondered aloud.
“Hope it’s something good,” Henry added.
Wilhelm only smiled, his annoyance at August finally melting away and replaced by excitement to see Simon and hear him sing again. Christmas break was too long.
Finally, the whole church had filled up and the Headmaster signaled for everyone to be quiet.
The choir entered.
Wilhelm spotted Felice and gave her a small wave. She had remained a great friend to him throughout the break.
As the choir began their song, Wilhelm scanned the heads, looking for that familiar head of curls. Someone else was doing a solo this time, a girl he didn’t know and her voice was nice but it wasn’t Simon. Why wasn’t Simon doing the solo?
Wilhelm couldn’t even hear the song or decipher the lyrics. His eyes desperately scanned all three rows but he couldn’t spot Simon.
Where was Simon?!?! Did he miss the first day of school?!?!
But, Sara was just a few pews ahead. She wouldn’t leave home without her brother.
The excitement that had earlier filled him turned into fear.
Did Simon quit the choir?!
Not caring about how it looked, Wilhelm scanned the pews across from them and the pews behind him, trying to spot those curls. But… he couldn’t see them. Not one strand.
The choir had finished singing now and the Headmaster had stood up to welcome them to another semester, go over the rules of the dorms, and list the school administration’s expectations from their students.
All of it went over Wilhelm’s head.
And, finally, they were dismissed to go to their first class of the day.
Wilhelm shot up and, muttering apologies to Henry and Walter, made his way out of the pew. He ignored the “hello’s” sent his way and hurried to the front.
Sara and Maddie were chatting with each other as they made their way down the aisle, all excited smiles and talking about how wonderfully Felice sang.
The girl slowed down and froze upon seeing him. He saw the anger flash in those normally calm eyes. Then, she turned her gaze away and walked past him.
Wilhelm was not giving up.
He turned around and gave chase. “Sara! Sara, wait! I just need to ask you something.”
“I have nothing to say to you, Prince,” she seethed, not stopping.
He hated to do it but he gently grasped the arm of her school jacket. “Please, I need to ask you. Where’s Simon?”
Sara pulled her arm away, glaring at him. “Why do you ask?”
Wilhelm swallowed. “He didn’t sing with the choir. And I can’t find him anywhere and I just-.”
“He doesn’t go to Hillerska anymore.”
Wilhelm’s heart stopped. “What?”
Sara shrugged, turned on her heels, and walked away. Maddie shot Wilhelm a pitying look before hurrying off after her.  
His chest felt tight. And it seemed like there wasn’t enough air for him to breathe.
Simon... left?
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alienheartattack · 3 years
To All Of Us, From 2000 Years Ago
I got so mad about 139 and the leaks that I banged out my own 3000+ word ending to the manga today. Please keep in mind that this is a non-shipping story. Although I’ve exclusively written Rivamika before, this is not a Rivamika story, and although there’s an Eren/Mikasa scene at the beginning. there is no relationship between them, only the implication of feelings that are not quite reciprocated. I also threw some Levi fan service in there because why the hell not?
CW: There are references to and non-detailed descriptions of rape in this story.
You can also read this on AO3!
"You know what you have to do," Eren says. Mikasa pretends not to hear him over the rush of the little creek they're sitting by so he says it again, louder.
"I know," she sighs. "Even now, knowing that you've done something so unforgivable, a part of me doesn't want to."
"You're a good person, Mikasa. You'll be even better without me."
She snorts a laugh. "I've killed people, too. Just not as many as you did."
"You always had the weirdest sense of humor." Eren puts an arm around her, presses a kiss to her cheek. "I'm going to miss it." That's what finally brings him to tears, the thought of not seeing Mikasa again. Or Armin. Or Connie, or Jean, or Captain Levi, even the rest of them. He's had plenty of time to accept that he'd die at nineteen, was always going to die at nineteen, but now that the moment has arrived he wants to hold on just a bit longer.
Mikasa doesn't cry, at least not the way he expects her to. Tears stream down her face but she doesn't sniffle, doesn't sob, doesn't rage or scream the way she’s done in the past. He sees them both, Mikasa the girl and Mikasa the soldier, perfectly coexisting in the inky blackness of her eyes. She has made her decision. She made it before she even stepped into the mouth of the Titan.
"Kiss me one last time," Eren weeps. "Please."
"Okay," she nods, cupping his face with one hand and leaning in close. "See you later, Eren."
When Mikasa pulls away from his lips, the deed is already done. His severed head feels sickeningly heavy in her blood-stained hands. His eyes gaze beyond her, beyond the veil of this world, clouded with the knowledge of the void. The Titan around her begins to disintegrate in plumes of white steam. Mikasa swears she can smell wildflowers.
"Mikasa Ackerman," a girl's voice echoes. Mikasa whips her head around, looking for the source of the sound. Someone seems to materialize from the steam, swirling eddies of smoke coalescing in the form of a small girl, scraggly blond hair falling into her eyes, barefoot in a dirty white dress. Her face is blank, her eyes downcast.
"Ymir," Mikasa says, the name forming in her mouth before she can think of it.
Ymir nods, then points to Eren's head. "You loved him. Why did you kill him?"
"I had to."
"Because some things are more important than my love." Ymir stares blankly, seemingly confused. "The millions of people who died are more important. The world is more important. Besides, what kind of person would I be to stand beside someone who could slaughter so many people so senselessly?"
"You… don't love him?" The little girl blinks quickly, white lids snapping over black eyes. Something about it seems inhuman, wrong somehow. Mikasa cannot help but think of insects.
A tear falls from her face and lands on Eren’s, snaking a trail down his cheek as though he'd shed it himself. "I can never forget what he did and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him for it, but I'll always love Eren."
"You wouldn't die for him?"
Mikasa answers without hesitation. "Never."
Ymir's gaze snaps up to Mikasa's, and she feels sick from what she sees in the girl's odd, dark eyes: a hunger, almost starvation, for the scraps of affection Karl Fritz would throw at her; a longing to be treated well, to be fussed over and doted on and adored. Ymir would close her eyes and dream of a shining, beautiful man when the king held her down and fucked her, made her recoil, made her bleed, beat her when she cried out or complained of the pain. She carved out a space in her mind for him where she sculpted him into her ideal. Sometime between that first bloody night and the day the assassin's spear pierced her chest she invented a Karl Fritz out of whole cloth, a man whose cold entreaties and brutal assaults were proof of his undying love.
Mikasa sees these things from Ymir’s eyes, feels the bruises forming on her back, the tearing and bleeding between her legs, the rotted wine breath of Karl Fritz in her mouth.
"I would never have jumped in front of that spear," she says, more confident than she’s ever felt. "I wouldn't even have considered it." Ymir frowns, cocks her head like she's trying to understand. "You thought you were doing the right thing, but you protected a man who never loved you. You laid down your life for a man who forced your daughters to consume your body. He didn't even mourn you."
A flash of anger contorts Ymir's face. Her eyes dart around wildly, turning Mikasa's words over in her mind. "But he loved me," she insists.
"Did he ever tell you he loved you? Or did he treat you like a slave?" Mikasa's voice wavers at the word slave, at the memory of Eren screaming at her across that restaurant table; the moment her wall of denial came crumbling down. No matter what his plan was, it became clear that day that he would step on any of them to achieve it. She had no idea how true that assessment would become, millions of bodies crushed into the contaminated earth beneath the feet of Eren’s Titans.
She wonders if things would have happened differently if he'd just admitted once that he loved her.
"You are free," she tells Ymir. "You choose your own destiny. I am free, and I chose mine."
Ymir says nothing, her eyes luminous with tears, and then dissipates into the smoke. Mikasa is vaguely aware of the wavering steam around her, of Levi flying on Falco's back and pulling her out of the Titan's mouth before everything turns hazy and white.
She can see the scene from two thousand years earlier as clear as though she were there, floating above it all: the crowd come to see King Fritz's speech, the hooded assassin's arm pulling back, the tip of the spear glinting in the daylight. The assassin lets the spear fly, its arc perfectly aimed at the heart of the tyrant. His wife Ymir, older and slimmer than the girl Mikasa met but still with those same sad, black insect eyes, watches in horror as the tip of the spear flies closer and closer; but she does not move, not even when it impales her husband through the chest and the light in his eyes is snuffed out.
In time-lapse, Mikasa sees it all: the accession of Queen Ymir, wise and fair, and the moderate reigns of her three daughters, and their daughters after them. The power of the Titans remains within the royal family, passed down from mother to daughter, a shameful, secret birthright. They create diplomatic ties with other countries, offering succor and counsel, avoiding the path of war so as not to reveal their ultimate power. There is no Great Titan War, no walls, no telepathic manipulation. The world moves forward in fits and starts as it always has, small skirmishes and occasional wars, but the Eldians remain steadfast and committed to peace. Satisfied with Ymir's choice, Mikasa finds herself closing her eyes, opening them for the first time again in the year 835, in her parents' house just outside Shiganshina, as a new doctor pulls her into the world. He is not Grisha Yeager, she notes, and then she forgets who Grisha Yeager is entirely.
In the year 845, there is no Wall Maria for the Colossal Titan to breach, and no Colossal Titan to breach it.
Inside one of the cities in what was once Wall Rose, a history teacher writes notes on a chalkboard before his first class arrives for the day. He draws a crown in the middle of the board and writes the subject of the day's class inside of it: QUEEN YMIR THE WISE. The teacher is startled by a noise behind him; he turns to find one of his students, a shy girl called Sarah, taking a seat at her desk.
"School hasn't started yet," he says. "You're supposed to be outside."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Smith," Sarah replies. "I was looking at a really interesting bug and the other girls started making fun of me."
The teacher nods. "All right, just this once. If you’d like, sometime I could teach you how to stand up to those girls."
Hundreds of miles away, the forests of Dauper ring with the whoops of an exuberant girl, triumphing at having killed her first deer with a bow and arrow she carved herself. She doesn't care that she's scaring the other game away with her commotion, or that she has no idea how she'll lug a hundred-pound carcass all the way back home.
In Trost, a young boy lingers over his breakfast; not because he wants to miss school, but because his mother's omelet is the most delicious thing he's ever eaten and probably ever will eat. His mother ruffles his hair and pinches his round cheek, then gently chides him to eat faster or he’ll be late.
A little boy in Ragako District, a few inches shorter than his friends, demands another explanation of the multiplication tables. He doesn't quite understand the concept, goes blank when his friends try to explain arrays of rows and columns, but he believes that he can pass today's test if he tries hard enough.
Across the sea in Marley, the prosperous Eldian District is strewn with streamers, celebrating the 2000th anniversary of the assassination of the cruel King Fritz. The children have the day off from school and are gathering in the streets, purchasing candy and ice cream from vendor stalls and exchanging them as gifts to celebrate the sweetness of life. A little blond girl receives an extra coin from her father, who tells her to get something special for herself.
A few blocks away, a doctor fills his medical bag and sets off to see his first patient of the day. As he walks through the crowd of happy children, many of whom he’s delivered himself, he hopes that his only son will change his mind and join the family business.
In Mitras, a shopkeeper opens his door for the first time, pausing for a moment in the early morning sunshine to admire the wooden shingle hanging by his doorway, gently swinging in the breeze. It depicts a hand wrapped around a mug of tea, wisps of steam rising into the air above it.
The door opens while he's adjusting the canisters on the shelf behind the counter, making sure their labels face perfectly forward. His heart leaps at the tinkle of the doorbell. He picked the most musical one, the one that made him happiest when he heard it, and he feels very good about his decision.
"Hello, welcome to Ackerman Tea— Mom!" His voice takes on an adolescent whine when he addresses his mother, which makes him feel like a child and impossibly old at the same time, despite his twenty-six years.
"Did you really think I wouldn't be your first customer?" she asks, beaming. "Of course I'm going to come support my sweet boy." Her gaze sweeps over the shop, its walls painted a deep forest green, the mahogany counter polished to a mirror shine. "I'm so proud of you, Levi. You've worked so hard and it shows." Her voice quavers, her eyes filling with tears.
"Moooom," he trills, softer this time, quietly moved. Her presence feels like an auspicious omen, a reminder from the universe that someone will catch him should he fall. "Is there a tea you’re interested in, or would you like me to help you choose? We have more than thirty varieties."
"You've been practicing," his mother notes with a nod.
Levi shrugs off her comment, feeling a bit bashful that she’s noticed his hard work. "I've never been great with people, and this job is nothing but people. At least until I can hire someone to cover the counter while I blend tea in the back."
"You'll get there soon," she says, pulling a few coins from her purse. "Get me something you'd think I'd like."
He thinks for a moment, his brow furrowing in concentration, before his face lights up and he grabs a step-stool to reach a canister of black tea flavored with strawberry and rose. "This one is sweet and floral, but it becomes so much more when you add a bit of milk. You don't even need any sugar."
"Perfect. You even thought about how I take my tea." She places a few coins on the counter, watching her son approvingly as he scoops the tea into a bag, folds it closed with surgical precision, and ties a blue ribbon around it. "You're going to be a success, my love. I know it."
"That makes one of us," he smirks, then scoops the coins into his palm and puts them in the cash register, enjoying the feel of the heavy keys under his fingers, the spring-loaded pressure of the drawer. He hopes he gets to use it many more times today.
"Will you be home for dinner?"
"I should be. I can't imagine people will want to buy tea at night."
"Good," his mother says. "Because now that you're in business, we should talk about finding you a wife."
"MOM!" he exclaims, a furious blush coloring his face.
Further south in Shiganshina, Mikasa sulks as her mother walks her into town, not wanting to leave the safety of her parents' cabin to learn and play with the other children. She is perfectly happy to do chores on the farm, to learn the simultaneously mundane and arcane secrets of coaxing a plant from seed, to throw feed to the chickens and pull weeds in the garden.
"Mikasa, you're ten years old. Your father and I can't teach you everything," her mother says.
"I can learn from books. I don't need to go to school."
"The fact that you're saying that means you need to go. There's more to the world than just our farm, my sweet. You might want to see the world someday."
The little girl huffs. "I doubt it." Her mother simply shakes her head and smiles, ruminating on her daughter’s impending teenage years, a possible hint of rebellion, but finds that hard to imagine. Mikasa is usually a calm, easygoing child, though perhaps a bit too inquisitive and stubborn for her own good.
Mikasa hugs her mother fiercely at the school gate, watching as she turns and walks back up the road that leads to their farm. She’s excited to make new friends and learn new things, but she misses her home more than she ever thought possible. She lets out a soft sigh, then turns to face the crowd of running, yelling children; her new classmates.
She trudges around the grassy schoolyard, dodging groups of kids chasing each other or playing impromptu games. Everyone seems to know each other already; even if she did feel comfortable enough to go up to someone and introduce herself, she has no idea who to approach first.
"Hey! Give that back!" someone screams behind her. Mikasa turns around to see a small blond boy jumping up and down, reaching for a book that a larger boy dangles just above his grasp. The larger boy just laughs at him, taunting him with the book, threatening to tear it from its spine.
Mikasa frowns, balling her fists at her sides, then approaches the boys. "He said to give his book back," she says to the bully. "Give it back."
The bully laughs. "You think you can tell me what to do?"
"I think you should give the book back if you know what's good for you," she snarls, putting her hands on her hips. The bully laughs again and shoves Mikasa out of the way with one hand, making her stumble backwards, tripping over her own feet until she lands on her behind in the dirt. She gets up, dusts herself off, and runs up to the bully, punching him square in the nose. He falls to the ground, dropping the book. Mikasa tosses it to the blond boy. The bully grabs his nose, tears welling in his eyes, and lets out a wail when he sees his hand smeared with blood.
"You leave him alone!" Mikasa threatens, looming over the bully, her dark eyes shining. He scrabbles to his feet and runs away and she lets out a relieved breath, her heart hammering in her chest.
"That was amazing!" the little boy says. When he approaches her, she finds that he's not actually that small, only a few inches shorter than her. "I've never seen you before. Are you new?"
"It's my first day," she replies. "I've lived here all my life but I haven't been to school yet."
"I'm Armin," the boy says. "What's your name?"
"That’s an interesting name. Are you from Hizuru?" Armin asks, his eyes wide with curiosity. He holds up his book, a thick, leather-bound tome, A Brief History of Hizuru and the Minor East Sea Islands written in gilt lettering. "My parents told me that the whole country is built around a volcano. A big mountain filled with liquid fire! Well, technically it’s molten rock."
"My mom's family is from Hizuru, but I’ve never been there and I don't know anything about any liquid fire mountains," she says tentatively.
"It's real!" he gushes. "I'm reading about it now. I could tell you about it more at recess if you want. I like to sit under that tree over there." He points off in the distance, at a huge pine tree that shades a corner of the yard. "They're going to ring the bell soon, otherwise I'd tell you now. Volcanoes are so cool. Sometimes they explode and shoot the liquid fire into the sky like a firework."
"Wow!" Mikasa marvels with a smile. "I can’t wait to hear about them."
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 4 years
Serial Killer Boyfriend
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YoungFP x Reader
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Werewolves howl, Phantoms prowl, where witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon full and bright whispers tis Halloween. 
It feels like magic in the night when you see the pumpkins light. Time for the ghouls and ghost to seek goodies, for people hoping for treats not tricks. 
Halloween time in our town with pep. Everyone from school invited and some not invited to this years Spooktacular Party surely must be getting ready as i am. 
🎃Now I have a story that I'd like to tell About this guy you all know him, he had me scared as hell! He comes to me at night after I crawl into bed He's burnt up like a weenie and his name is Fred!🎃  
As A nightmare on my street song plays on my radio I apply my lipstick and smile when the song mentions the name Fred as it makes me think of my friend Fred Andrews, i also cant help but love the nightmare on elm street movie. Freddy Kruger what an intense killer to get you in your precious dreams i hope they make more movies like that. A noise interrupted my thoughts slightly making me jump. heading towards where it had come from i look out my window to the left then right side seeing some children running around on my street dressed up in their costumes trick or treating, the street lights shinned on my street sign that read ELM STREET. 
Thinking the noise must of been from those who are outside simply wanting candy i turn away from the half way open window i scream as i felt something grab my arm from where the window was i turn fast to face it seeing my boyfriend trying to climb through the window. I let a relived sigh leave my lips and step back in no mood to help him through my window but to watch his struggle he sure deserves it after that stunt. 
“Thank for the help babe” FP says sarcastically while finally getting him self through my window his eyes not yet even looking really at me until he stands up straight turning to fully face where i was standing by my bedroom wall. 
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FP’s eyebrows raised in what looked like surprise “Wow babe, damn you look good not like that’s anything new” 
“Well i tried thank you, uh what are you suppose to be, some poor victim of a serial killer stabbing, some messed up boy with mommy issues and a daddy who just doesn't seem to love him the same these days who has a issue filled girlfriend that seems so awkward all the time who probably kills his own girlfriend because ya know always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend, he must of watched way to many movies” I ask him as he slowly creeps closer to where i have been standing. This is when i notice the knife in his hand. It sure don’t look like the typical cheap fake ones used for such things as Halloween costumes. That makes me raise an eyebrow at the sharp metal in his hand. Fps eyes caught my reaction to his choice in accessory for his costume and he smirks getting closer to me. 
“Nah babe this blood is of my victims” he smirks wider as his eyes seem to burn into mine “I’m the killer” he adds while he brings his knife up to his bottom lip resting it there. 
“Shit does that mean i’m the girlfriend you want to kill for some bullshit reason” i fake seriousness.
“Hmm I think ill keep you around you look to good to ruin that tight outfit” he smirks checking me out. 
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“Thanks. Oh and next time use the front door you ass”
“Did i give you a fright” FP stalks even closer to just inches apart. Like he is  stalking his prey. I deny that he frightened me and i lightly push him backwards from my bubble of space done with his creepy killer vibes in my bedroom and wanting to get my party on. 
Walking out my front door like a normal none creepy person uses i turn to FP “Your not really gonna walk around with that legit knife are you, because that seems like big ole trouble to me” 
“You have no idea” FP says quietly but loud enough to hear him. I watch as he passes by me down my steps and put the knife into a holster on his jeans.
“Wait what?” I ask confused on his statement. only for him to act as if he never heard me. 
I spot a boy who looks like our friend a small ways down coming from his front lawn as we approach and it is indeed my best guy friend! 
“Oh my gosh Fred i love it i absolutely approve of this years choice in costume” I say excitedly going to hug him not caring for his eyes to slightly open wider at my revealing chest area. 
“You look.. uh wow yeah wow a good wow very good wow” Fred rambled 
“Watch it Fred” FP warned in what seemed to be a half joke half serious threat as he slaps Fred’s check lightly and they do a quick bro hug. 
“Awe my guys, my killer boyfriend and killer best friend, my Freddy as Freddy i love it, glad you didn’t go with a mask of Freddy Kruger though i prefer your pretty face” I smack Fred on the same cheek FP had done. 
“I knew you would” Fred smiles. 
“Okay i could use a drink and Hiram douche as rich as he is must have plenty at his party so hurry up move it along” FP says nodding his head ahead of us indicating for us to start walking that way. 
Hiram Lodge, rich and rude mostly describes him. someone who many of us don’t particularly like. Fred dislikes him for many reasons one being Hermione Gomez the girl Fred was into and thought she could be the one. Until she chose Hiram and his pearls over Fred and his heart. FP dislikes him for many of the same reasons Fred does but one being Me the ex girlfriend of Hiram, I thought he could be the one until our once fun filled relationship turned into a cold one into a distant one into me choosing FP over Hiram. But hey a party with free booze is our kind of party and we got the invite well me and Fred did anyways. 
Walking through the streets of Riverdale seeing all the Halloween decorations like the lights from jack-o lanterns and ghosts hanging from trees, feeling the chilling vibes of the magic that is Halloween night run through my body, the feel of a cold hand in mine making me smile at my serial killer looking boyfriend. 
I watch as few children pass us by seeing the looks shared by Fred and FP raising my eyebrow at what they could be thinking then suddenly the two teenagers yell and jump forward towards the little kids scaring them making the children scream and run off. Rolling my eyes at the two men in front of me laughing like hyenas. 
“Real mature boys” I say unimpressed at the child like behaviour 
“Its Halloween y/n lighten up” Fred laughs 
“Yeah babe its meant to be scary” FP adds
“True but no need to terrorise little kids” I shake my head at them. And continue our walk.
Nearing the house holding the Halloween party hosted by Hiram i notice some familiar faces as much as i can being with all the Halloween costumes. my eyes came upon sierra dressed as wonder woman, a perfect costume for her and her girl power woman on a mission thing she has going on. a short distance a way as well seeing tom Keller in a army costume, another typically perfect costume for the boy.
The outside of the house isn't much decorated i try to push through some of my fellow classmates with FP and Fred hot on my tail walking through the front doors. I’m impressed by what my eyes are seeing the many outstanding lights making the house look like a nightclub ready for teenagers to dance the night away, i see Halloween theme streamers and garland, hanging bats all over the roof of the house, your typical mini orange pumpkins and some painted black placed on tables, and my favourite of all the creepy images on the walls that change. 
“Boy Hiram of course with all the crap” FP looks around at all the decorations as i was. “Think he’s compensating for something Fred” FP chuckles looking to Fred who’s standing next to him. Fred laughs at his best friends remark. 
“No comment” I smirk barley looking towards FP to see his glare thrown my way. 
“Speak of the devil” Fred nods his head to where Hiram is walking towards us. Hiram lodge strolls head high nearing us wearing a medieval king costume, it makes me want to laugh at another super typical costume for the boy who think’s he is a real king, only kind of royal he happens to be is a royal pain in the ass. 
“Well well well a sight for sore eyes, in all her black beauty” Hiram steps closely in front of me with that stupid smirk and ignorant eyes. I simply fake a big smile as my only response. 
“Fred” Hiram greets in a major Hiram way that doesn't sound very greeting like. so Fred does the same. My eyes moves back and fourth between the two and landing on Hiram as his eyes land on my exposed chest thanks to my Elvira costume. This doesn't go unnoticed by my serial killer boyfriend who steps in front of me chest puffed out and eyes murdering the rich man who only smirks more at the exchange. 
“Ah FP Jones i do believe you were not sent an invite but by all means enjoy my humble adobe, oh but please don’t let your serpent behaviour disturb my gathering” 
“Hiram” is heard from behind him of course coming from Hermione. I roll my eyes at her presence dressed as a medieval queen. “Hello glad you guys can attend” she says playing the dutiful girlfriend.
“Mhm thanks” I say in the most super fake tone i can muster up and a smile to go with it as i move past them farther into the home of the devil incarnate. 
Pouring my self a much needed beverage as FP pushes some guy lightly out of his way to reach a bottle of whiskey taken the whole thing for him self.
“Are you really just gonna take the whole thing?” i chuckle
“What like he cant afford to lose out on one damn bottle y/n” 
“Okay then” i let out a small sigh hoping FP doesn't get to hammered. 
“Hey it saves me from having to stab someone to move out my way for a drink” FP pulls out his knife he had in his holster waving it around near our faces with a wide smile. I’m not sure if its because it Halloween that this whole dressed in blood serial killer thing is legit creepy, but hey its pretend right. 
“Stop waving that thing in my face before you make me lose an eye you psycho” I tell him half jokingly. he just stares at me for a moment like contemplating on something, maybe something i said. But finally after making a clicking noise with his tongue he puts the knife back into his holster. 
“Good boy” I teasingly say to him as i grab his chin giving him a kiss to his cheek. 
Hand in hand we walk around for a bit saying a few hellos to some friends of mine as FP stays silent drinking from his bottle and eyeing a few people dangerously creepy. We enter the dining room seeing people including Fred playing beer pong. 
“Y/n come be on my team I’m kicking Tom’s ass” Fred shouts to where i stand with FP by the entrance. FP looks annoyed at the thought but i don’t care he can brood and mood alone for 5 minutes well i kick some major Keller toosh. 
“Oh Keller boy its on” i challenge as Fred cheers at my comment. 
I stand tall and elegantly yet cockily toss the ping pong ball, it lands perfectly into a cup filled half way with beer in front of Tom. Tom of course drinks it. Fred and I throw a few more times ultimately winning which causes us much joy giving us the need to jump around cheering for our self’s along with others in the room, i jump into Fred’s arms smiling at our victory he spins me around laughing. 
“That was awesome y/n” Fred smiles as he put me down. 
“Tha-” I’m cut off by the dark voice of FP
“I thought i said watch it” he remarks dryly to Fred as Fred gives him an unsure look. 
“Wow okay babe laying on the crazy tonight real hard don’t you think” I tell FP furrowing my eyebrows at the bloody boy. FP scoffs and Fred backs away slowly to leave me to deal with my crazy boo. 
FP moves close to my ear and says “Nah what would be crazy is if someone losses a hand because they can’t keep them off you” and he tilts his head in that weird way like a challenging way. Then all of a sudden he’s laughing. I can’t help my face reacting as if he has gone mad. 
“Let’s keep checking out the place babe” FP says in his normal tone as if he wasn't just a crazy jealous boyfriend. And put’s his arm around my shoulders. 
We came across a room that seems like a second living room it looks like the teenagers in it are playing a game as they all sit in whats suppose to be a circle. 
“Oh look its Y/n, care to indulge us in a game of secrets and sins” Penelope’s voice rang out. she use to be a decent human being but it seems her adopted family the blossoms have really done a number on her after she accepted to be with Clifford her adopted brother. honestly I’m unsure if its even legal. 
“I don’t know about that one” I shrug not really in the mood to share a secret of any sorts. 
“Are you scared to tell us something” Clifford chimes in as he is sitting next to the red headed sister girlfriend of his. 
“Let’s go babe” FP grumbles in my ear. But i shake my head at his words. 
“No no i’ll stay” I smile and take a seat on one of the few couches in the room that have space. FP stay’s standing by the door.
“Well that makes it your turn y/n, any sinful secrets you might wanna share” Penelope asks with a wicked smirk plastered on her face as if she already knows any secrets i may have. 
“Hmm i cheated on a math test once, no that’s a lame one, uh i keyed Hiram’s car after we broke up” that last so called secret made FP chuckle. but Penelope rolled her eyes not amused by my choices of secrets. 
“I have a obsession with the movie the heather's i do as well imagine poisoning my classmates, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate” i tell Penelope with a small smile. She lets out a huff still not amused.  
“So that’s your big secrets? Really. I think not Elm Street girl” she says smiling at me. Causing me to raise my eyebrow. And she continues on. 
“You know who else lives on Elm Street, Fred Andrews right? Your friend, your boyfriends friend” she drags on
“So do you have a point or are you just obtuse” I laugh in my head at my own joke sense obtuse is opposite of something pointy. 
“Funny. You like to do a lot with that mouth of yours, like talk when know one cares to listen or make out with Fred Andrews when you think know ones looking” she smiles deviously as my eyes widen in shock. 
“What?!” is heard from the door FP in fit of rage.  
“Wait let me explain” I say to FP but he doesn't hear it he’s to busy pushing his way out of the bedroom door so i follow him. 
“FP can you slow down what are you doing let me explain” I yell for him to hear me but all i see is him on a hunt. oh no probably for Fred. Poor Fred. 
Fp reaches Fred who is in the big living room area where the drinks are and teenager’s dancing. FP grab’s Fred by his shirt throwing him into a wall swiftly reaching for his knife 
‘FP no” i shout as i near the two boys. 
“What the hell FP” Fred asks his best friend. 
“I outta kill you boy” FP barks in Fred face now holding his knife to his throat. 
“FP stop please its not what you think i swear” I plead with my now looking like a real serial killer boyfriend. 
“Y/n whats going on? Why do you have a knife? wait is that a real knife FP?!” Fred asks a bunch of questions in his nervous and scared state. We all barley notice the music had turned down a bit and people were gasping and whispering amongst them self's. 
“You touched my girl!” FP says lowly very low dangerously low. 
Fred looks beyond shocked at the news his best friend knew. He was speechless. 
“FP please let’s talk outside or in a quite room” i beg of him. 
“Screw this” FP says angrily and grab’s Fred again by the shirt only to throw him into the wall once more before backing away. “You better watch out boy” FP threatens Fred. FP disappear’s into the house and I tend to Fred. 
“Oh my gosh are you okay i cant believe he just went that psycho” I held onto Fred’s head looking over his neck and face for any injuries. Seeing a small cut from the knife on is neck, making me cringe at the fact my boyfriend did that. 
“I’m okay y/n how did he find out?” Fred asks looking guilty 
“Secrets and sins and one red headed bitch of a blossom” I remark coldly.
“I’m going to find the bathroom see if i need anything for my neck” Fred tells me as he starts to move towards the door way. 
I should look for FP to tell him the truth the whole truth to that secret. The fact that it was before i chose to be with FP, it was a drunk bad judgement call right after my break up with Hiram. 
Its been some time looking for FP i think its safe to say he left the party. Maybe that’s a good thing give him some space to calm down and when he wants to talk i’ll gladly talk to him. I haven't seen Fred in awhile either, if he ditched me i’m going to kill that athletic guitar playing boy. No sign of my best friend and the party has majorly died down with only a few students i barley know from school and the few i do know decently well like Sierra, Tom, Penelope and Clifford, Marty Mantle and Darryl Doiley and of course the host him self and his little girlfriend Heromine. 
I look around some more for Fred so we can leave, i check anywhere i can including upstairs. I come across a room at the very end of the hall and open the door slowly “Hello anyone in here?” I ask not wanting to intrude on anyone's personal business. There’s no answer. I cant make much of what’s in the room it’s very dark until i find the nearest light switch flicking it on my eyes instantly see a body on the ground. 
“Oh my god Fred?!” I move fast towards the body now seeing the crimson colour seeping through his shirt as if he has been stabbed. I couldn't control it my mouth had i mind of its own as it let out a screeching sound of horror at the sight of my best friend bleeding not a single movement made on the floor. 
I stood in shock for a moment after my scream rang through the walls catching the attention of a few of my fellow classmates as they run into the room. 
I hear gasps and what happened and omgs come from a few mouths as i stare eyes wide open at Fred on the ground. I see Tom get closer to Fred’s body when i snap out of my trance of horror. 
“Wait don’t touch his body!” i spit out before anyone can lay a finger on the boy. 
Everyone looks at me as i’m insane. 
“Finger prints and moving a body is like what tampering with a crime scene and if you have your finger prints on him guess who’s a suspect of murder” I tell everyone sternly. 
“We need to see if he is breathing!” Tom says freaked out. 
I move closer to Fred’s unconscious body not enough to touch and tell everyone to shut the hell up so i can listen for his breathing, I hear nothing. I then put my hand in front of his nose and mouth to see if i can feel air coming from his bloody body, I can not. 
“He’s not breathing guys.. he’s dead” i cry out covering my mouth in more shock. I hear little cries from the girls Heromine and Sierra. 
“This can’t be happening my parents will kill me if i through a party and there happens to be a dead body laying around” Hiram sighs
“My dad is probably gonna kick my ass” I hear Marty say in a fearful tone.
“We need to call the cop’s” Tom says
“I don’t know about that” Clifford chimes in. 
“What are you talking about that’s what your suppose to do, unless you killed him?” Tom shouts back at Clifford. as Clifford scoffs
“This could ruin our life’s what colleges are wanting to accept people involved in a murder” Penelope say’s. 
“Was that a confession?” Darryl Doiley ask’s The red head rolls her eye’s
“Who would do this” I let tear slip from my eyes. 
Everyone looks around at one another eyes scanning each other with possible thoughts that one of us killed Fred Andrews. 
“Hiram. I bet it was Hiram” Penelope says smugly as always these days. 
“And why would I do that?” Hiram asks in almost to good to be true calm manner. Everyone turns their heads to Penelope so she can further explain her accusations.
“Oh please you never did like the boy so much you even stole his girlfriend” she replies nodding towards Hermione who still have many tears on her face. 
“Please you strike me for the killing type both you Blossom’s and your weird family” Hiram spits back to the red headed girl. 
“This is so not cool guys we need to do something” Sierra says. 
“Yeah like the cops’” Tom says again 
“No, no cop’s, not until we figure who might have done it” Hiram speaks.
“We can all point fingers at each other but nothing proves either of us did it” I tell them hoping their madness would stop i haven't even had time to really wrap my head around the dead body of my best friend. 
“What about FP” Darryl Doiley speaks up from the corner of the room he’s been hiding in sense he came in after my scream. Everyone turns to look at the Doiley boy at the same time with looks that say what about him. 
“He had a knife right he held it to Fred’s throat and went all psycho doesn't that prove anything” Darryl continued 
“This is true, FP did have a weapon and is well crazy” Hiram says as a matter of fact. I roll my eyes at him. 
“No way he wouldn't .. I don’t think he would, oh my no no he couldn't” i say unsure in my own words that my boyfriend and Fred’s best friend would commit such a crime. 
“I don’t know the look in his eyes sure showed insanity” Penelope spoke
“Y/n it might be true look at the facts he was mad at Fred, he held Fred at knife point, and threatened him. It doesn’t look good for FP” Tom states
“What doesn't look good for me” FP appears in the door way of the room giving us all a fright many of us jumping at his voice. Some of our eyes wide in fear to see him in front of us hearing us talk about him. The girls Heromine, Sierra and Penelope move further away from him as they practically huddle together, Darryl and Marty look terrified, while Hiram and Tom have no expressions on their faces, then there’s me standing in the middle of everyone beside Fred’s body not knowing what to say and trying hard to keep my face a normal looking way. 
“Say hey what happened here” FP says what almost seems like a question but more of a taunt, he takes a step inside the room with his head tiled in that creepy way he does.
“Get away from us you murderer” Penelope shouts at him. 
“Hmm that’s not very nice” FP smirks deviously at her as he pulls out his knife pointing it at her “You are not very nice” he tell’s her. He looks at everyone in the room ‘In fact none of you really are. Not to me that’s for damn sure” he clicks his tongue. 
“Hey man we no what you did and its cool we wont say anything to anyone” Marty tells FP in hopes to get out of a killer situation. FP just laughs at the boys attempts. 
“FP tell them you didn't hurt Fred i know you didn't right?” i ask my own hopes rising
“We know you killed him FP” Hiram says to him
“How do we know your not the killer? huh? you like scary movies maybe your movie freak mind lost its reality button ever think of that” FP says challenging Hiram's words. Hiram scoffs. 
“Okay well if FP didn't do it and none of us did lets just call the cops” Tom says starting to walk towards the door when FP’s knife ends up nearing his face
“Na na na Keller get back” FP demands so Tom goes back to his spot by Fred’s body and near me. I look to Fred’s dead body and to FP, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me finally seeing it feeling it , that FP killed him. My eyes water as i take small slow step to FP who bares his knife still in front of him. 
“Why FP.. please tell me why” I cry slowly moving toward my killer boyfriend. 
“Why y/n! why!” he shouts manically making me jump. He turns to face the door he had just shut then back to me. 
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Suddenly FP steps to me grabbing me by my throat facing me to everyone has his grip is tight on my neck keeping me in place close to him. 
“Listen FP” Sierra says trying to defuse the ticking bomb 
“No you listen you little bitch! Anyone moves and ill be happy to see what your insides look like. Takes the strength of a man to gut someone ya know” FP barks
“You all and your privileged life’s, you northsiders think your so better then everyone else!” FP shouts and his grip gets even tighter on my throat making me whimper. “Not anymore” FP drags his knife on my face as he speaks but not hard enough to cut into my skin. 
“We are sorry i’m sorry we all are sorry!” Sierra shouts
“You don’t have to do this FP let y/n go” Tom says calmly reaching his hand out
“Let her go FP” Hiram says more demanding
“Please FP you don’t have to hurt anyone” Heromine chimes in
“Oh my ” Penelope mumbles 
“Dude come on please” Darryl cries out 
“We’re sorry dude” Marty says but not enough meaning to believe it.
“If any of us made you feel less then us we are sorry if any of us picked on you we are sorry or if we made fun of you FP” Sierra speaks again apologising for everyone. And everyone’s voice rings out say yes and yeah’s agreeing to what she had said in fear for their life’s. 
“Nah” FP says then quickly spins me to face him and send’s his knife into my stomach instantly my hands go to the wound i feel the wet substance and my knees hit the floor as horror painful sounds escape my lips everyone runs to me as i turn around best i can hands red and dripping, the girls faces wet with tears the guys faces filled with horror i take one last look at my stomach hand covering it again.
“Gotcha” my head snaps up to everyone as i smile wide
“Really I’m dead no one calls the cop’s ” Fred says from the floor with his face looking towards us all. 
“What?!” everyone shouts with wide eyes and still horrified yet shocked faces all around. 
“Good job FP” Fred smiles getting up from the floor. “Man that’s tough playing dead for that long so glad no one saw me breathing when i needed to” 
“You did great man” FP smiles 
“But the blood” Hermione asks
“Corn syrup” I reply with a smile
“You are all seriously insane” Sierra says 
“That was not funny” Hiram adds sternly 
“Holy heck thank god” Tom sighs of relief 
“I can’t believe you guys” Heromine says shaking her head in dismay.
“Not cool” Marty adds 
“You had us all going” Penelope says in boredom
“Yeah” Clifford adds not making eye contact with anyone probably embarrassed that he got fooled. 
“Well can’t say you guys didn’t deserve it” FP smiles a normal smile not a creepy one at last. 
“Happy Halloween guys” Fred smiles 
“I got me one hot serial killer boyfriend” I put my arm around FP’s waist as his arm goes around my shoulder. 
“Happy Halloween” FP and i say at the same time to everyone. 
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katsukis-sad-angel · 3 years
Based on a True Story
Summary: there's this boy who makes you super uncomfy and doesnt take a hit, but you're to sweet to tell him to back off. Katsuki Bakugou, the more blunt end of the friendship, is happy to tell him off and free you from that sorry bastard.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: possible tw, a lot of swearing and some pretty colorful insults, there are guys that are really fucking creepy, based on the actual events of February 7th, 2021 at around 10:30 pm
A/N: this was very very rushed, I just wanted to write myself some comfort real quick and go to bed last night and I didn't have time to properly edit! I'm really proud of some of the banter lmao, please enjoy and never be afraid to punt a ballsack! I'll add tags later🙄🙄🙄
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A message popped up on your screen and your once neutral expression went sour. Slamming the face of your phone onto your pillow, you groaned angrily into your bedspread, catching the attention of a certain ash blonde sitting in your comfy desk chair a few feet away. Katsuki Bakugou, one of your best friends, gave a questioning glance but refused to meet his ember gaze
“What’s your deal?” He asked, not letting his genuine curiosity as to why there was such a pained look on your face, show.
You opened your mouth but paused.
Katsuki already knew about this boy and scolded you every time he saw his name pop up in your notifications, telling you to ‘fucking block him already’ for the umpteenth time. It wasn’t like you had feelings for the guy anymore, you were just too nice and polite to cut him off completely and tell him to go fuck himself.
The ash-blonde had already volunteered to do it for you, but you always said no because you knew he’d just find another way to contact you.
“It’s that piss baby again isn’t it?” 
“Wow, did you just agree with one of my insults?”
“Suki, I’m about to take you up on your offer to tell him to go fuck himself.”
He snickered, “Now you’re talking sense. What the hell is that pansy bitching about now?”
You sigh and roll over on your back and Katsuki moves to sit on the edge of your bed.
“I cut him off for a while, I really did! It felt so good to be free of him, but then he got my number again and started bothering me a few days ago. I saw him at school yesterday and told him I wasn’t interested in dating at all and he was like whatever so I honestly thought he could keep it in his pants and we could just be friends but nooo! He calls me a simp for anime guys, I tell him to stop being a hypocrite because he used to simp for me and he was like “I still do. You’re the only one” yeah like I’m stupid enough to actually believe that!”
You paused to catch your breath, but before you could start speaking again Katsuki interjected, “Well, you are stupid…”
You socked him in the bicep and he hunched over laughing. You looked so fucking adorable when you got royally pissed at him.
“Oh go to hell.” You snapped, crossing your arms and continuing, “Anyway, this guy used to simp for my goddamn sister! Not only do I reject being a replacement for her, but if she rejected his sorry ass, that means he’s a huge piece of shit because she’s super picky.”
“I might’ve mentioned that once or twice-”
You punched him again to shut him up. “Plus he’s super creepy and gross and it always feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes and whenever he’s around I want to dive into a pool full of only chlorine and drink it. I’m just trying to coexist and just be nice to him but apparently, a female looking in his general direction means that they want dicked down by his micropenis. He’s so fucking dense too. Why can’t he see that I’m not interested, especially after I EXPLICITLY told him that?!”
By that point, you were on the verge of frustrated tears, bottom lip trembling just slightly with bottled up emotion.
Katsuki could see it.
You felt trapped in something you never signed up for and you’d do anything to get out. All of this frustration had been stored inside of you for so long and it just kept mounting and multiplying until you burst into tears.
“Goddammit, come here dumbass,” He growled, gathering you into a warm embrace, “You can’t keep all this bs inside okay?”
He let you sob into his shoulder, one calloused hand supporting the base of your neck and the other crossed firmly over your back so you’d feel safe and secure; away from the world full of horrible people and into a small one of just your best friend’s warmth and the sweet sweet scent of caramel.
“Why don’t you listen to me? You’re just too fucking nice to every shitty dickhead that sees you as an easy, fuckable target. Something really fucking bad is gonna happen to you if you don’t shape up and learn how to punt a dude’s excuse for a ballsack and tell him what you really think.”
You raised your head from the solace of his shoulder to look at him with big, reproachful doe eyes and whimpered, “I tried that!”
“Have you tried punting their fucking balls first?”
“No… that would hurt.”
“That’s the point.”
“But if I did it without reason I could get suspended or charged with aggravated assault!”
It was Katsuki’s turn to sigh.
“That’s not the point dumbass, the point is that you need to tell these bastards off when they start getting creepy. You know what? Why don’t you just fucking ignore their sorry asses in the first place!”
You sniffle and drag a hand over your cheek to dry your tears, then resume your position with your face in the crook of your best friend’s neck.
“I feel bad for them.”
“Well stop. I’m gonna call him now alright? After that, we’ll block his stupid ass on every fucking app, you hear me?”
You nod and hug him tighter as he leans forward to grab your phone and opens it with your passcode, swiftly finding his name in your contact list and pressing the call icon, then he tapped the speaker button and waited.
The call was picked up almost immediately and a voice on the other line said, “Hey cutie! I was just about to call and ask to see if you wanted to come over on-”
“She’s not here.” Katsuki cut him off with a dry snarl, “And last time I checked she wasn’t interested enough in your sorry ass for you to be calling her ‘cutie.’” 
You could almost hear his lip curl in utter disgust.
“Who the fuck are you?” The voice asked, dropping its sickeningly sweet tone to something more appropriate in light of the previous insult.
“I’m her fucking boyfriend you dickwad-” You popped up from your haven in surprise, mouth open to sputter in protest but he put a finger to your lips and smirked, “who the fuck are you?”
“No fucking way that whore has a boyfriend-”
“Ex-fucking-scuse me? Shut your mouth, you mother fucking pussy, insult her one more time and I’ll fuck you up so bad you won’t be recognizable by the time you get to the hospital.” He snapped back, “She’s crying right now because you’re too dense to realize she doesn’t want any business with some horse-faced piss baby like you. Take the hint right fucking now you useless bastard so you don’t make the mistake of coming near her again because I. Will. Kill. You. Delete this number because she’s too sweet to block you herself, but I will.”
“Fuck man, I was just tryna get laid. She’s the one who started rubbing herself all over me-”
“I said delete this number. Damn, you are a dense piece of shit aren’t you?”
“Hey, I-”
Katsuki pressed ‘end call’ and blocked his contact, moving from Instagram to Snapchat, to any social app you had, and blocked him left and right until he was satisfied.
“Feel better?” He asked softly, tossing your phone aside and peeling you off.
You carded a shaky hand through your hair and wiped your eyes, giving him a watery smile and a nod.
“Why did you tell him that we were in a relationship?” You asked, voice on the edge of a taunt.
“To make him mad.”
“I mean, it worked, but is that the only reason?” You giggled.
“The hell are you insinuating?”
“Do you… possibly by chance… have feelings for me?”
You batted your eyes at him and he retched, but the smirk was still present on his handsome features.
“What’s it to you?”
You squirm a bit, but something pops into your head so you can stall a bit longer.
“I mean, you’re not THAT ugly-”
He responded with a simple, harsh flick to the forehead to make you whine and try to whack him, but he easily intercepted your fist and pushed you on your back, caging you in nothing short of a horizontal kabedon.
It was your turn to smirk, “Yenno ‘Suki, I could very easily… oh what was your phrasing? ‘Punt your fucking balls’ in this position…”
“Just shut up and tell me what the hell you want.” Katsuki snapped.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” You prod.
“You look like a pissed hamster when you’re mad.” He shot back.
“You smell like a fucking candy store after training.”
“You’re the dictionary definition of a dumbass.”
“You have a better hourglass figure than Yaomomo.”
“You're quickly becoming an extra.”
“Date me.”
“Wait really?”
“It’s the only way I can kiss you, protect you, and keep you all to myself.” He shrugged, leaning in dangerously close, “You don’t fucking understand how hard it is to watch you prancing around with one failed abortion after another and watching you cry because they leave since you don’t want the one thing they’re after.”
“You’ve always been there for me ‘Suki… I guess I just took you for granted, and I’m really sorry.” You met his soft vermillion gaze with a meaningful and apologetic one and reached out to squeeze his hand.
“‘S okay. You’re mine now, right?”
You nod, smiling. 
“So it doesn’t matter how dense you are anymore.” He smirked, laying down on your bed and dragging you down with him so you were tucked comfortably under his chin.
You grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv, preparing to turn on an anime you had in mind.
“What romance garbage are you inflicting on me this time?” Your new boyfriend groaned, burying his face in your hair.
“One that’s super sappy and romantic and sad just to piss you off.” You pouted, clicking on each letter to form the desired word in the search bar.
“Have fun with that.” Katsuki snarked, beginning to move away, but you stopped him by deftly pressing your lips to his.
You slowly pulled away, blushing furiously, but happy to feel strong forearms snaking around your front and crossing over your stomach.
“I certainly will.” You respond.
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afroherbalism · 4 years
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"Emma Dupree (1897-1992) was an influential black herbalist from Falkland and Fountain, in Pitt County in North Carolina. She was known locally as “granny woman.”
Because she prays, she brews herbs. Because she brews herbs, she heals. Because she heals, she is the undisputed sage of Pitt County. They say her home remedies can quiet a colicky baby, cure a mean cold and scare lice off a hog.
"All that we see, everything that is growin' in the earth," Emma says, "is healin' to the nation of any kind of disease."
She was the daughter of freed slaves and grew up on the Tar River. She was known for her work with native herbs: Sassafras, white mint, double tansy, rabbit tobacco, maypop, mullein, catnip, horseradish, and silkweed.
Here is an excerpt from an article published shortly after her death:
"From the time she could walk, Emma felt drawn to the land. She would roam the woods, plucking, sniffing, tasting weeds. She grew up that way, collecting the leaves, stems, roots and bark of sweet gum, white mint, mullen, sassafras in her coattail or a tin bucket. She'd tote them back to the farm, rinse them in well water and tie them in bunches to dry. In the backyard, she'd raise a fire under a kettle and boil her herbs to a bubbly froth, then pour it up in brown-necked stone jugs: A white-mint potion for poor circulation; catnip tea for babies with colic; tansy tea - hot or cold - for low blood sugar; mullein tea for a stomach ache. Mixed with molasses or peppermint candy to knock out the bitterness. Her kind of folk medicine dates back centuries. In the 1600s, African slaves brought root-doctor remedies to America. Indians and immigrants had cure-alls, too. In some rural areas, scattered herbalists still practice."
She was born on July 4, 1897, the seventh among 18 siblings, Emma Williams Dupree grew up on the Tar River and was known in her family as "that little medicine thing" because of her early understanding of herbs.
Her parents, Pennia and Noah Williams, were freed slaves farming in Falkland, NC.
She told an interviewer in 1979 that her mother remembered being "on the porch of the old Wooten's farm home when freedom came. She was 16 when Mr. and Mrs. Wooten walked out on that porch and told her she was 'as free as they were, but they loved her just the same.'"
She was married for one year to Ethan Cherry, a farmer. She divorced him and remarried another farmer, Austin Dupree, Jr., who was born in 1892. Emma and Austin moved to Fountain, NC in 1936 and had five children, whose ages in the 1930 U.S. Census are indicated in parentheses: Lucy (12), Herbert (9), John (5), Doris (3), and Mary (1).
They remained married until his death at age 90. She died at home, at 3313 N. Jefferson St, Fountain, on March 12, 1996. She is buried at Saint John's Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery, in Falkland,NC.
Emma Dupree's "garden-grown pharamacy" included sassafras, white mint, double tansy, rabbit tobacco, maypop, mullein, catnip, horseradish, silkweed and other plants from which she made tonics, teas, salves and dried preparations. These were cultivated in her yard and gathered from the banks of the Tar River. She told Karen Baldwin that she grew a special tree in her back yard, which she called her "healing berry tree."
She explained, "Now that tree, I don't know of another name for it, but it's in the old-fashioned Bible and the seed for it came from Rome." She also told Baldwin of being an especially alert baby: "They said I was just looking every which way. And I kept acting and moving and doing things a baby didn't do. And I walked early. I was walking at seven months old, just as good and strong. When I got so I got out doors, I went to work. I was pulling up weeds, biting them, smelling in them, and spitting them out. And folks in them days, they just watched me, watched what I was doing.
Awards and Recognition
In 1984, Dupree was awarded the Brown-Hudson Award by the North Carolina Folklore Society, recognizing her as an individual who contributed significantly to the transmission, appreciation and observance of traditional culture and folk life in North Carolina.
In 1992, Dupree received the North Carolina Heritage Award, lifetime achievement recognition for outstanding traditional artists in North Carolina
Here is a link to a video of Mrs Emma Dupree being interviewed by students of the ECU medical research department. This video is Produced by the office of Health Services Research and Development, School of Medicine, East Carolina University.
It is 40 minutes long.
Link: https://digital.lib.ecu.edu/58575?fbclid=IwAR1e22I8_vRfvzI0nZXDBT8XG7Z-4DgiNykjqsbPD8hoD2Aw8haC2uI8vvo#details
Herbalist, 94, Lets Nature Heal
by Paige Williams Feb 20, 1992
Before her came African root doctors and Indian medicine men. People believed their mystical potions could cure body and soul and sometimes they could. Some modern medicines still use herbal derivatives. Few old-time herbalists like Emma are left in North Carolina. Hospitals first forced her kind out of business. Death is finishing the job. Emma Dupree's hanging tough, though, pushing 10 decades. She takes the tonic, see. Drinks it like water. She jumps out of her chair, props fists on her waist and swivels her hips Hula-Hoop style. She holds both hands out flat and squirms her wrinkled fingers all around, crossing and uncrossing, like she's making a million wishes. No arthritis there.
"There's something to that stuff," said her granddaughter, Sandra White.
Joe Exum, town grocer, keeps a Crown Royal bourbon bottle under the front seat of his pickup truck. It holds the slimy remnants of Emma's tonic: oily brown syrup that looks like tobacco spit, stings the nose like paint thinner and tastes like pine tar smells.
"I'd pay $50 for a bottle right now," Exum said. "Two swallers and it'll knock the sore throat right out." He's waiting for Emma to brew another batch. She stewed her last at Christmas. She used to make the tonic right steady, every day almost, the way she learned 80 years ago, when the woods first called her.
Pitt County borders the Pamlico River 80 miles east of Raleigh. Its largest town is Greenville, the county seat, population
44,972. One of its smallest is Fountain, population 445, founded in 1900 on the western rim. Emma Dupree was Emma Williams then, a 3-year-old growing up the daughter of freed slaves on a farm 9 miles east in Falkland, where she was born the Fourth of July, 1897. Emma was the knee baby, second from the youngest of seven girls and four boys, and always hanging on her mama's knee. Early on, Pennia and Noah Williams knew she was nature's child. From the time she could walk, Emma felt drawn to the land.
She would roam the woods, plucking, sniffing, tasting weeds. She grew up that way, collecting the leaves, stems, roots and bark of sweet gum, white mint, mullen, sassafras in her coattail or a tin bucket. She'd tote them back to the farm, rinse them in well water and tie them in bunches to dry. In the backyard, she'd raise a fire under a kettle and boil her herbs to a bubbly froth, then pour it up in brown-necked stone jugs: A white-mint potion for poor circulation; catnip tea for babies with colic; tansy tea - hot or cold - for low blood sugar; mullen tea for a stomach ache. Mixed with molasses or peppermint candy to knock out the bitterness. Her kind of folk medicine dates back centuries. In the 1600s, African slaves brought root-doctor remedies to America. Indians and immigrants had cure-alls, too. In some rural areas, scattered herbalists still practice.
"It's dying out," says Charles Reagan Wilson of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi. "People more and more rely on modern science." Pitt County's got both. Modern medicine and Emma Dupree. Her school was God's school; her classroom, the land. While the other children played, she picked herbs. Sometimes she caught the other children talking about her: "There comes that ol' rovin' gal. Reckon where she goin' now?" Yet they always followed her.
When Emma was about 20, she married Ethan Cherry, a farmer. It lasted about a year. The story goes that Cherry went one wisecrack too far about how many women it takes to satisfy a man. Emma whacked him with a chair. Knocked him out cold. Then she divorced him. "He wasn't no good husband." She married another farmer, Austin Dupree. They moved to Fountain in 1936. Old age killed him in the the early 1970s. He was nearly 90. Of Emma's five children, only Doris, 66, is left. She lives next door to Emma's little white-and-green house on Jefferson Street, a longtime magnet to the afflicted.
Herbs' earthy aroma herbs brewed day and night. Their warm earthy aroma filled the whole house. Emma poured her tonic up in glass vinegar jugs and canning jars and kept it in a pantry off the kitchen. Somebody was always knocking on the front door. Emma would fetch it: "Now you take this with faith because it's not me. I'm just the instrument." She never set a price. People paid what they could, sometimes $5, sometimes $30. "It was a common thing for people to literally be waiting in line," said White, 38, the granddaughter Emma raised. People sought advice, too. They'd bang on the door, pull her aside: "Can I talk to you?" Fountain's own Ann Landers. "You can tell her a problem and she can work it out so it don't seem so bad," White said.
Some, she couldn't help. Once, a young girl dying of leukemia and weary of doctors showed up at Emma's door. Emma suspected it was hopeless. Still, she couldn't say no. She gave her the tonic. "I don't want to make her sound like a saint," White said, "but she tried to help everybody." Emma won't take the credit. "Whatever your talent, whatever you is, you come with it," she said. "When you come into this world, God's done fixed you with what you got to do." To townspeople, she's "Aunt Emma."
In December, they made her grand marshal of the Fountain Christmas parade, all two blocks of it. She waved from the back of the long white limousine borrowed from the local funeral home. Only the best for the sage of Pitt County.
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The Magic Inside of Us Part 4 | Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: slightly dark themes, mentions of weapons, mention of war, curse words
Time/Era: Deathly Hallows/Prince Caspian, Y/N and Edmund are 6th year/16 years old
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: War falls across Narnia quickly, pulling Y/N into the heat. 
Request: Narnia x Harry Potter crossover. 
A/N: Sorry for the delay lol. One more part after this! Woohoo!
| previous part | 
masterlist | series masterlist | edmund pevensie playlist | read on ao3
“Hold still,” Y/N held Edmund’s face in between her fingers. There was a large, deep gash striking across his left eyebrow. “This is going to hurt.” 
“Oh great! Exactly what we need-” 
“Episky!” Y/N cut off Edmund with a wave of her wand. The wound immediately began to close, but Ed let out a harsh grunt. 
“Blimey, Y/N!” 
Y/N stood and made her way to Susan to do the same thing to her injury. “You’re welcome, Pevensie. Be glad you’re not bleeding out anymore.” 
Y/N’s voice was stern and cold. She felt silly being upset; this wasn’t her world and it wasn’t her friends. But, at the same time, she knew this would happen. 
“How did you learn how to do that?” Susan asks, holding her arm out towards her friend. 
“I’ve had a lot of practice at school. When one of your close friends is Harry Potter, you get used to everyone being a bit banged up.” Y/N smiled sadly and observed Susan’s skin. “Now, hold still. Yours shouldn’t hurt as bad.” 
Susan’s wounds healed and she observed her arm. “Who’s Harry Potter and why does being friends with him mean you’re injured?” 
“What do you mean? Harry Potter is the-” 
Edmund clears his throat and sends Y/N a pointed look. “He’s a boy a year above us. He plays quidditch.” 
“That’s the magical sport right?” Susan’s voice wavered with uncertainty and she looked towards Y/N for validation. 
“Right, yeah. Yeah, my best friend Ginny plays too.” 
“So, you like to keep secrets,” Y/N bit into an apple as she leaned against a marble pillar. It was unlike any apple she had ever tasted before; it was a dark purple color with a certain plumpness that made your mouth water. As one bit into it, juice that was as sweet as candy dripped down your chin. “That’s interesting.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Edmund grunted, his gaze fixed on the small dagger he was sharpening. It appeared to be Lucy’s. 
“Mmhm, what don’t they know?” 
“Pretty much all of it. I don’t want them to worry.” 
Y/N laughed curtly and took another bite of her fruit. ��Ah, I see. So you thought keeping them in the dark about everything wizard related would keep them safer? Now I understand why you don’t like doing magic in front of them.” 
“I don’t like your sarcasm.” 
“I don’t like secrets, Ed.” The girl walked over to the tomb opening and tossed her apple core into the distance. “Knowledge is power, you know. It would probably be nice to inform them that the entire wizarding world is at war.” 
“They’ve had enough war in their lifetimes, love. They don’t need to get wrapped up in another one; especially one where they are practically defenseless in.” Edmund looked up at Y/N then back down to the weapon in his hand. It was now much sharper and it caught the torchlight. 
“I suppose,” Y/N sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “Was the invasion bad? Peter and Caspian seemed, um, tense.” 
“Bad sure is a word for it.” 
The two were talking in hushed whispers now as they watched everyone tend to the wounded and prepare for a potential attack. 
“A lot of your soldiers didn’t return,” Y/N felt Edmund wrap an arm around her waist. “You don’t have to explain what happened. I know how hard death is.” 
“I’m fine, I suppose. I didn’t mean to worry you.” Edmund’s chest rose and fell with a sigh. “Peter’s planning another attack, though. It’s like he has something to prove.” 
“To who?”   “Us, Caspian, himself. He’s a bit hardheaded.” 
“Guess that runs in the family.” Y/n giggled, trying to brighten the mood of the conversation. “Would that Aslan figure be able to help? I mean, you and your siblings speak so highly of-” 
“I’m not quite sure,” Edmund interrupted, his fingers pressing into Y/N’s side. “Maybe.” 
“Is there a way to contact him?” 
“If anyone has a chance, it’s Lucy. I don’t know, I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
The pair looked towards the small girl. She looked to be having a deep conversation with Peter, nodding every other word spoken. Y/N leaned into Edmund and rested her head against his shoulder. 
“I’m sure all will be well, darling.” Her voice sounded alongside a sigh. 
“Now’s not the time for chivalry, Peter!” Edmund shouted, one hand gripping the handle of his sword, the other Y/N’s hip. Peter stared into Miraz’s eyes as he kneeled before the young king. The two share some more words before Peter presents his sword towards Caspian. 
“I can’t watch,” Y/N whispers before turning her head. 
Her body flinches as Caspian screams and everything starts moving quickly.
“Run!” Edmund yells, grabbing Y/N’s elbow and pulling with full force. Her body jerks in his direction, but her gaze stays forward. Hundreds of soldiers were marching towards them, making Y/N’s entire body grow hot. 
Y/N had never been in actual battle before; while the wizarding world was in a war, she had never seen it first hand. So being forced into it head-on was bone-crushingly terrifying. Arrows whizzed by her head, armor clashed, swords were drawn, and suddenly, the air became thick with blood and screams. 
“Stay here,” Edmund breathed, pushing Y/N behind a large boulder. 
“Are you mental?! I’m not just going to let you-”
“This isn’t your war, sweetheart.’ A sad smile crossed his face before he leaned down and pressed a haste kiss to her cheek. “I’m not going to let you risk your life fighting for us. It’s not fair.” 
“Life’s not fair, Pevensie,” Y/N stood and drew her wand. “Protego!” 
A stone-strong barrier came over the two sitting ducks right before a Telmarine soldier drove his weapon into Edmund’s shoulder blade. 
“I’m not defenseless! I just don’t have a sword!” Y/N’s voice is loud now. “They won’t know what’s coming!” 
“For the love of merlin, Y/N!” Edmund gripped either side of her shoulders. “I’m not letting you get hurt.” 
A smile plastered over Y/N’s cheeks, “Who said I’m getting hurt?” 
Edmund sat on the grand steps of the palace, now freshly bathed and dressed in new clothes. His muscles ached and his shoulders drooped with every breath; the blisters on his palms burned in anguish and his jaw cramped from the stress of battle. Edmund was exhausted. 
“Hey,” Y/N grinned, freshly dressed in her own clothing. “I was wondering where you were. Everyone is gathered by the weird looking tree.” 
The boy grinned ear to ear when he saw Y/N. She looked gorgeous dressed in formal Narnian clothing, and he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander the long expanse of her dress. 
“There she is,” Edmund stood. “I was waiting for you to find me.” 
Silence overtook the pair. It was an odd silence; both of the teens had grown used to the white noise of armor clanking or swords being sharpened. Now, the sounds of battle were replaced with birds and running water. It just sounded… odd. 
“Thanks by the way,” Y/N said after a few moments. “For the whole ‘trying to protect me’ thing. It was sweet.” 
“Sweet? That’s all I get?” Edmund scrunched his nose playfully. 
The girl wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at him. “Sweetest thing anyone’s done for me, that’s for sure. Showed you care.” 
“Of course I care, Y/N.” 
They giggled awkwardly. 
“What do we do now?” Y/N broke the ice once more. “I mean, you’re King of an entire fucking country- or is it a world? I still don’t understand your title.” 
“Well, There’s a lot of things we can do. We can explore that whole finding each other attractive thing we briefly mentioned for one.” 
Y/N hummed, eyelids hooded. “Mmm, could we now?” 
“I’d like to, at least.” Edmund tucked a piece of hair behind Y/N’s ear. “And I think you do too.” 
“Me? Date a royal? Isn’t there rules against that?” Edmund snickered, “Love, I make the rules.” 
“Oh, right. I forgot about that-” 
He smiled and leaned in, “Shut up for once, will you?”  ~ The Magic Inside of Us Taglist: @pillowjj @lumoscharlie @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @urbankaite2 @oldschoolkiddo @whothefuckstolemykeds
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse Masquerade
Karlheinz pt. 2
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,045
Pairing: Karlheinz x Skye (m/m)
ღ To honor the phenomenon of the first Lunar Eclipse in two years, Karlheinz decides to throw a Masquerade. ღ
Mun Yu: We made it to the second wave of LEM. I hope you all enjoyed the set up, and are ready for the main event. Our Lunar Eclipse is in full swing as the masquerade beings. These chapters will be longer.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
Despite what most people think, demonic beings are very social creatures. The elites hold countless balls and parties, celebrating their immortality together, and entertaining one another with stories. Typically, they are done in celebration for something – though this is not always the case. All types of beings from across the Demon Realm will come if the host is of high enough prestige.
There would be no such host if it was not for Karlheinz. Seated as the head of the Bat Clan (vampires), Karl’s reach spans far. Being the widow for the former Demon King’s daughter, and having children of the first blood, an invitation from the Vampire King is not one to refuse. Though why would you? In his immaculate castle within the Demon Realm, Eden Castle, it is always quite the spectacle. While the celebrations held in his Human World mansion are nice, nothing compares to a true night of pleasure within the true home of the King.
On this night, there was to be a Masquerade in honor of the first Lunar Eclipsed Moon in over two years. While this night may serve each species differently, the idea to celebrate its return was simply too tempting. For this reason, Karlheinz took it upon himself – or rather – his house, to host the event. This extended to his offspring as well, regardless of their personal agenda. Members of every social elite race accepted the offer, and gathered for a truly unforgettable evening
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This would be a first for Skye. While he had done many things for Karlheinz over the years, he had never organized a formal event. There was much more to it than one would think, or at least, what Skye thought he would be doing. Karl’s instructions were quite specific; and per instructed, he was to follow them to the letter. So with that in mind, Skye decided to deal with everything in groups. Doing all of the calling, designing, shopping, and decorating in groups – that way he wouldn’t be overwhelmed.
First there were the invitations. Of course the bat brat sons were to be delivered in person – which was easy enough – since he passed the task along to Reiji. Karl stressed that his sons attend, but Skye was not about to waste time trying to get each one of them to. So it was much easier simply leaving that to Reiji- he’d done his father’s bidding his whole life so- a second hand order from him would work.
Other than his sons, Karl wanted all of the social elite of the Demon Realm in attendance. Skye had learned years ago that there were two different ways to communicate in this realm – and it was annoying because some lords would relocate to the human realm. So not only did you need to send the proper written invitation, but also type one to send via e-mail. An over complicated way to contact over complicated people. Regardless, Sky spent two days making sure all of the letters and e-mails were delivered.
Next would be decorations and outfits! Skye favorite part. He knew that Karl would want to wear something that stood out. Something to re-demonstrate his power – not only from the excess that imitated form him, but to the very clothes that he wore. Skye spent a good long while designing not only Karl’s, but his own outfit. Something bold, but not too much that it over stepped. Karl was wanting him to be with him the entire night, so it also had to be comfortable. Then there were the clothes for his son’s, per Karl’s instruction of course.
There was a designer in the human world that ‘Tougo Sakamaki’ had connections with in the human world. The two of them would exchange e-mails for the event, last minute as it may be. The outfits had to get done. Skye was able to persuade the human with … incentive. It was easy to do with a little bit of extra money, and being one of the top politicians in Japan. The clothes wouldn’t be ready until the night of, but Skye could handle that. Those boys would have time to ruin them if they came any sooner.
Just as things were going smoothly Karl suddenly texted Skye – so close to the deadline. His ‘little angle’ would be coming to Eden Castle early. Something about Laito kicking him out – Skye didn’t read the details. Karl simply stressed that he be well taken care of, that he be given his own room, and that a dress be prepared for him for the Masquerade. Great. Something else to deal with on top of all this. The younger male arrived one night, and despite Skye’s words, he barely spoke.
That worked out fine, Skye could focus on getting the Castle ready, and only check in on him – kind of like a little pet. The boy was cute – though he didn’t know why Karl was so keen on keeping the little one. He felt a little bad for him, for whatever role he was playing in the master plan that Karl had in his head. Though, that had nothing to do with Skye. The last two days were devoted to making the castle party ready. Which, in all honesty, he had been instructing the familiars to deal with most of the week. The look on Reiji’s face was priceless when he saw Skye taking charge of the Castle. The second eldest son always rubbed Skye the wrong way – probably because he wasn’t comfortable with how Skye dressed – though that mattered little to him. He was thankful for Reiji’s sudden appearance though, because he still needed to get ready and check on the human.
When Skye brought in the dress, which by the way, took more money to convince the designer to take on another one, the little brat tried to reject the invitation. He simply mopped and stressed that he wasn’t a girl – well no shit dummy neither was Skye. Having no time for his whining, Skye imposed his influence on the simply boy. It wasn’t hard. Sirens were naturally gifted with the power to enchant humans, this one seemed no different. With a good ‘pep’ talk, the boy was convinced and Skye could return to his duties.
Finally it was time for him to dress for the evening. His dress was perfect, dark, mysterious, alluring, everything he would need to be seen beside someone like Karlheinz. With matching hair and makeup, adding the mask and heels - utter bliss. Skye couldn’t help but admire himself for as long as possible. He was gorgeous! Karl was so lucky to have a knock out like him – and tonight – he knew that would be the word on everyone’s lips.
“Ah, my lovely Siren, do not tell me all this effort was for my sake.” Karl’s voice chimed from Skye’s door. The Vampire Lord stood in his own outfit for the evening. Stunning white in color, with gold and fur. His every long hair was pulled together with a ribbon, and his face hidden behind a matching mask. Skye was sure to pat himself on the back for the design.
“My King~! Don’t you look handsome?” Skye walks over to his escort, lacing his arm with Karl’s. “I did hope that this dress would be to your liking. After all, the greatest power in the Makai must have someone of worth on their arm, no~?”
Karl laughed lightly, as the two began to walk towards the grand ballroom. “This night, my siren, I will have you by my side. I will need your beauty to… persuade some powerful men. Will you be up for it?”
“You talk as if I have a choice, my King. I am your tool after all.” Skye walked along side Karl as the two entered into the Grand Ballroom. A familiar announced their presence, though they simply said, ‘the host of the evening, King of the Vampire Karlheinz.’ – but that was fine.
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The two of them turned heads for sure. Which was strange, because from what Skye knew, Karl had wives before – not to say that he was trying to pose as a wife, but everyone seemed shocked that there was someone with the Karlheinz. Normally Skye would start gossip, but it seemed he wouldn’t need to tonight, the entire ballroom was a buzz about him.
It was thrilling, and nerve wracking, all at the same time. Karl took the lead wherever they walked, which Skye didn’t mind. He had nowhere to be, and the entire reason he was there was to be Karl’s arm candy. Even when the women came over to then, Karl refused to allow them to whisk Skye away, something that was quite common amongst the royals – something about them not loving their wives? “Forgive me ladies, I cannot bare to part with her tonight, you understand.”
Skye thought that perhaps it was because Skye wasn’t really a woman, but then again, no one could tell – no one important anyway. He’d been doing this long enough, he knew. As the two walked around the room, Skye could see the slow appearances of Karl’s sons. They all seemed to be in attendance, which was good, he wasn’t really in the mood to hear the complaining from Reiji.
“Ah, my Siren, there is someone I would like you to meet.” Karl’s voice brought Skye back to reality. “This is Burai, leader of the Snake clan.” Skye looked before him to see – what honestly looked like- a dark haired, older version of Alrick. Spooky.
“This is different Karlheinz. You have never once paraded around with anyone, she must be special?” Burai looked Skye over, though Skye could tell he wasn’t doing it to admire him. There was a dull, logical, emptiness about his gaze.
“You could say, my dear works mostly as an assistant of sorts.”
“Oh… Yes, I do believe I have heard of her then.” Burai’s face changed to one of judgement after that statement. He must know about Skye and Alrick’s … relationship. Bet it pisses him off. Prude.
“I am honored to meet you, Lord Burai. I have done business with your son many times. He does such hard work for your clan, you must be proud.” Skye smirked to himself, but presented to the demon lord with a genuine smile.
Just as he began to respond, a loud crashing noise echoed through the room. Skye was going to turn to find it, but Karl’s arm around his waist deterred him. Almost to say ignore it. “Well, we must catch up later my friend. Excuse us.” Karl moves Skye along from the Snake Lord. Mentally, Skye turned to stick his tongue out at the jerk.
“That was quite a nasty face. I do believe he is not a fan of yours.” Karl teases as the two of them move over to the refreshment area. “Must be the lack of work ethic, seems to be displeased with the job you have done.”
Skye laughs softly, “Yes that is it. Not the sleeping with his son regularly.” He was not ashamed of it, Alrick was… special. Karl knew the moment they started seeing one another – and made it very clear to Skye that he did not care, but he came first. Skye had honored that, after all, he was Karl’s property.
“Burai was not the reason for your presence tonight, I am afraid. I have… a bigger bird for you.” He explains pouring him a drink. “Our friend Ajax has kept me waiting long enough on the proposal idea. Tonight, you will give him that extra… push.” Skye took the drink sipping it lightly – make up wasn’t cheap. “He did bring his youngest daughter here tonight, so I plan to have her and Shu meet, and the marriage be set. Your… influence will help me greatly.”
Skye nods, “I am not sure how much I can do to a Lord… but with some assistance I should do fine.” He holds out the cup for Karl, who already knew what to do. With a quick prick of his finger, the Vampire King let a few drops of his blood fall into the cup. Skye drank it. Feeling the power of the true King of the Makai flowed into him.
“He will not part from his wife, so we shall see them together.” Skye took Karl’s arm once more, and they walked through the crowd to find the Head of the Eagle clan. He was hard to miss. Standing taller than most, with the personality and voice to match his stature – Ajax was the embodiment of imposing.
They came to find the large man, gushing to a group of lesser demons about his children. That was something no one could ever escape from, when he started talking about the many offspring he and his wife had produced. “My boy Helios just started to practice with a sword! He’s a natural! I couldn’t be more proud! The twins will spend hours watching him swing! They will be ready in no time – not to mention the baby! He will be strong too, just like his father!”
Skye couldn’t help but mentally roll his eyes. What kind of Demon was this guy anyway? No one was this into their kids. There must be something about Eagles. “Ajax, my friend, are you boring everyone with these stories?” Karl asked in a light hearted voice.
The demon turned to look down at the new additions to his social circle. “Ha! Karlheinz. It is no shame to be proud of my children. They each make me proud.” He dismisses the others, leaving him and his wife for an audience alone with Karl.
“I am glad you accepted my invitation. It was my hope to convince you of the matter we spoke of, time is of the essence after all.”
Ajax looked distressed. Beside him was a smaller woman, who wore a poker face, one that Skye could not quite read. This idea of marriage should be a good thing, honestly. Karl was offering his eldest son to their youngest daughter. Who wouldn’t want that?
“Lord Ajax, if I may?” Skye spoke, looking up at him. “Would it not be beneficial for your kingdom to secure yourself with the future of the bat clan? A marriage with my King's son would-”
“Just who do you think you are, harlot?!” The woman beside him spoke in a shrill voice. “How dare you address my husband in such a familiar way?!” Her eyes narrowed towards Skye, and the pure murderous intent was overwhelming.
“My goodness. Please do control your wife Ajax. There is no need to cause a scene.” Karl’s tone was pleasant, but the weight of his words forced out any aura the female attempted to create. On that order, Ajax stepped away with his wife. “I was worried that might happen, you must be more careful, my siren.”
Skye took a moment to cool himself off. He knew that forcing his will on someone so powerful would be difficult, but he didn’t think he would get caught doing it. These demons were on a completely different level. “My King… I am not sure that I can do this. Even with your blood… that was…”
Karl moves close to Skye, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Now now …” His lips brush against Skye’s ear. “You know I have no use for a broken tool. Are you broken, my Siren?” Skye’s eyes widened at his words. Karl released Skye and moved towards Ajax, leaving Skye behind.
How. Dare. That. Dick! He was the one who asked HIM to even be here! How could he say that shit!? Has he not done EVERYTHING he’d ever asked? Just because he wasn’t fucking strong enough to persuade a DEMON LORD! Why was that his job anyway!? Karl had more than enough power to simply TAKE the girl if he wanted to! Yet here he was, asking Skye to do his dirty work.
Skye scoffed and stormed over to Karl, standing at his side while he spoke with Ajax alone. “I can see no downside to this union. Ririe will be a fine husband for your daughter. Of this I am sure.” Karl says to the still disgruntled demon.
“... She is my last daughter, my friend. You ask far too much of me.” Ajax starts firmly. “Even if I were to be blessed with another, I cannot simply give away one of my children. I never have, and I never will.”
“Perhaps if she were able to maintain communications with you, Lord Ajax.” Skye says softly. “Surely you would be all right with that. I even believe that Ririe has taken residence here in the Makai. Is it not safer for her here, than anywhere else?”
“It is safest for her with her family.”
“If you continue to shelter as such, she will never find a husband. The poor girl is already so old. Who is going to want her if you wait any longer? You have the perfect candidate waiting. Honesty, you should be honored that the great Karlheinz even considered the union.” Skye blurts out in annoyance. At this point, there was a part of him that wanted this plan to fail – teach Karl a lesson.
Ajax stood in disbelief for a moment. The rather harsh, yet reality of Skye’s words seem to resonate with him. Which meant- “You daughter is in the safest hands. Who other than the bat clan could honestly keep her safe?” Skye attempted once more to force his influence on the large demon. It didn’t seem to be working but his face softened.
“I suppose you are right. I couldn’t ask for a better match for my sweet Callista.” He say firmly, “I shall go find her. Your son is here as well correct? We must have them meet!” The enthusiasm returned to his voice. “I look forward to the future of our families, Karlheinz!” With a strong pat on the Vampire’s back, Ajax took his leave, off to find his daughter and wife in the crowd.
Skye let out a small sigh of relief as he and Karl were left alone. “There are you happy now? Sheesh, making me do all your dirty work.” He pouts, looking outward towards where Ajax disappeared. “Now we’ll just need to find that lazy son of yours…”
Karlheinz only smirked, seemed he knew something Skye did not. However, he was far from interested. He was ready for this night to end. Wondering if Alrick had come to the party, perhaps he could sneak off with him. “Are we finished, my King?” As Skye asked, Karl grabbed him once again by the waist.
“I did say all night correct? I have yet to indulge myself with you, my Siren. That will have to wait until after we finish with Shu. You are not to leave me, or even think of leaving, for this night.” His words held so much weight, it was suffocating. Perhaps Karl had caught on that he was wanting to leave with Alrick. “Once all that is taken care of… we will take our leave.”
Skye blushed slightly, for how ever cold Karl was, he was so commanding – it was hard not to get arouse when he spoke like this. With a nod, Skye allowed Karl to lead him to meet up with Ajax and this daughter of his. Shu somehow managed to find them – which Skye was sure Karl had something to do with that. He wasn’t too happy with the news of the engagement – but – he should know there was no speaking against the King. His words were law. For all of them.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。 TO BE CONTINUED ☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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papipopsicle · 4 years
Pairing: Archie Andrews X Reader
Genre: fluff and some angst
Summary: In which two best friends since childhood test whether sex and friendship can co-exist without causing conflict. Including OC's Flick and Cherry, a bisexual and lesbian in a sapphic relationship who are best friends of Y/N.
Song: Candy by Doja Cat
Warnings: swearing, minors consuming alcohol
Words: 3.6K
feedback is always appreciated
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     Y/N lasted two weeks before thoughts of even throwing the bet came to mind. She had been strong so far; making sure to wear her tightest outfits and highest heels, being extra touchy-feely with Archie and not reacting to his moves in the slightest. Her personal favourite moment was sitting on his lap at the Twilight Drive-In and giving him a hard-on whilst Kevin and Betty sat next to them non the wiser.
But now, on day eighteen, she needed reinforcements. The redhead realised his attempts were failing miserably and he couldn't help his reactions to Y/N’s provocative movements. He turned it up a notch, becoming rather possessive of the five foot blonde knowing she enjoyed that side of him. He carefully walked the line of teasing and taunting like a tightrope, always whispering in her ear and letting his hand rest on her inner thigh under the table. And now, Y/N found herself wanting to pounce him whenever he caught her eye. It was getting out of hand, so she called for the only two people who could possibly help.
"Have you tried doing the bend and snap?" Cherry asked out of the blue, her head rested on her girlfriends lap as the three watched Clueless from the comfort of Felicity's bed.
"Babe," the blue haired girl said with a sigh and took a handful of M&Ms, "I love you but I don't think our answer lies in a two-thousand's rom-com."
"Hey, it worked on you, didn't it?" The brunette grinned smugly and leaned up to kiss the girl above her, earning a handful of chocolate to be launched in their direction and a disgruntled groan from the blonde sitting beside them.
Y/N pouted, "Please stop reminding me how single I am."
At this, the two girls pulled away and sent her the same bewildered look, "You wouldn't be if you told that hunky ginger you're in love with him!" Flick barked, a hand playing with the hem of her partner's shirt whilst the other flew up in desperation.
The y/h/c girl sent her friends an incredulous glare, it only growing when their shared 'you know I'm right' smile made an appearance. She took a handful of sweets and irritably shoved them in her mouth, "I am not in love with Archie Andrews... I just want his body on my body... in a variety of ways, and locations... multiple times."
"Right, so let me just get this straight," Cherry sat upright and gathered her hair over one shoulder, she paused the film and sent the petite girl a serious look, "you really think a no-strings-attached relationship can actually work? Have you even seen Friends With Benefits? It doesn't work! Sure it's all fun and games now but it's only a matter of time before one of you catches feelings and shit gets real. Then we'll have to pick sides, obviously you automatically get us, but I really liked Archie, he was promising..."
"What my gorgeous girlfriend means, is that we won't have this relationship ruined because you two can't keep it in your pants. We've put a lot of work and effort into this ship and it isn't going to waste, this isn't some TV teen drama shit, there's no need to wait until season 6 to actually be happy. Don't be Lydia and Stiles." Flick rounded up, taking the remote and pressing play.
Y/N simply sighed and slouched against the pillows, her attention turning back to the TV as she sulked, "I came here for your advice, and honestly now it feels like my moms are telling me I can't have sex with my hot best friend because they ship us too hard romantically. How can sex ruin a friendship? That's like saying extra sprinkles ruin ice cream! Anyways, none of that matters unless I win this stupid bet."
"You know Y/N/N, asking a lesbian and a bisexual whose only ever been with a girl on how to seduce a boy isn't exactly your best move." Cherry commented, snuggling under her blanket with a near-empty bowl of mini-pretzels at her side.
"My advice? Just be yourself, dumbass. Clearly for some weird reason he's into that, so it's only a matter of time until he gives in and this insanity will end. Boys think with their dicks and have a lot less will-power than us. For fucks sake, he's sprung when your name's mentioned in passing conversation, clearly he wants to bone your brains out. Wait it out, you're one stubborn chick when you want to be, you got this."
Two days later, on one rather fateful Friday night, Y/N found herself in the midst of a party thrown by none other than the Blossom twins. It had been a while since she'd spoken to either of them, but since their entire year was currently making out on the couches, the invitation wasn't all that strange. She and Betty had spent the evening getting ready whilst rocking out to the cheesiest music known to their generation. The smaller blonde wore a little red number with lace cutouts, and only managed to convince her taller friend to ditch the mom-jeans for a conservative royal blue knee-length dress. Baby steps, she told herself whilst trying her best not to cut a deeper neckline in the mass of material.
Betty Cooper had absolutely no idea what was going on between two of her three best friends; and although she'd always been silently jealous of their closeness, she was used to it and didn't think twice to question it. Y/N spritzed her neck and wrists with her favourite perfume, Daisy Dream, and gave herself a final once over in the large mirror beside her wardrobe.
With perfect timing, like some magical intuition, Y/N’s phone buzzed, notifying her their ride was outside. She grinned at the taller girl and slipped her black Louis Vuitton's on, "Ready, m'lady?"
"I-I don't know, Y/N/N." Betty panicked, wringing her hands together as a worrisome look etched onto her face, "What if my mom sees us leave? She'll kill me if she finds out we're going to a Blossom party."
"She won't. And even if she does, she'll only see us getting into a car with Cherry and Flick, just tell her they invited us over for a girl's night or something... Stop worrying about the future, and start living in the now! You look smokin', I look hot, we are not wasting my precious work on Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore again, capisce?" Y/N didn't allow even a millisecond to pass before dragging the taller girl downstairs with her where they met Polly and Ren.
The four took a few quick photos together and hightailed it out to the red convertible sitting on the edge of the drive. Polly switched places with Flick and the happy couple sat in the back on each other's lap, leaving Y/N and Betty sat beside them like two spare wheels.
When the group of girls arrived, Cheryl graciously directed them down to the basement. Thoughts of being led down to a torture chamber came to mind as the redhead opened a large squeaky door, but those died down when the smell of liquor and sound of house music hit them like a brick wall.
So now, an hour into the night, it was just Betty and Y/N standing at the side of the room with a red solo cup in hand. Polly ran off to find her beloved boyfriend as soon as she arrived and Y/S/N just so happened to find herself hitting on a nearby houseplant. 'Flicky' were playing beer pong, well cider for them, against Reggie and Moose, and were winning with only one cup standing.
The petite girl, who still stood below her friend even in four inch heels, was about to save her sister from some terrible mugshots, but a strong arm stopped her in her tracks and pulled her back into a muscly chest.
"Where'd you think you're going, gorgeous?" A deep voice breathed in her ear, and a second later she ripped herself away from the boy, instantly recognising him and wishing to be the other side of the building right now. Though her actions were quick, the brunette pinned her to the nearest wall and stared hazily into her wide chartreuse-coloured eyes. Y/N actually laughed at the irony of the location, finding it funny that the last time she was in this position it was rather enjoyable.
"Fuck off, Chuck." The girl took another sip of her drink, not bothering to pay the boy any attention because that's exactly what he wanted. Though, when his arms moved from the wall to around her waist and neck, forcing Y/N to look up at him, she felt like punching the stupid smile off his smug face. But with one hand stuck at her side and the other holding her drink, she simply settled for chucking her remaining vodka-lemonade at the boy.
He chuckled cynically and wiped his face down, eyes darkening as he pushed himself against her with even more force, "Now, now. That's no way to treat the best fuck you've ever had. Why don't we go find somewhere quiet, for old times sake." He commanded, his tone leaving no room for questioning or any form of verbal consent.
But Y/N scoffed and chucked her now empty cup at his face, "Do you really want to be known for rape, as well as leaking a fifteen year old's sex tape, that you were a part of let's not forget?"
He sighed and brought a hand up to cup her face, coarse fingers gripping her jaw achingly tight, "Y/N/N, aren't we past that? I was mad and you embarrassed me in front of the entire football team, what did you expect me to do? Can't we just forget about that?" His other arm aggressively tugged her closer, "C'mon, you know you want me, slut."
Y/N had her eyebrows raised intolerably the entire time he spoke, and when she realised this had no affect on him, she cocked her head ever so slightly. That word felt so good coming from Archie's lips weeks ago. But with Chuck's intoxicated breath panting down on her made up face, she felt completely and utterly violated, physically and mentally.
She hid the look of disgust as best as possible and simply let her best fake alluring smile grace her features; Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and looked ever so sweetly into his darkened eyes, "Clayton, we were together for what, eight months? And somehow, in that entire time, you never made me orgasm, not even close. I feel sorry for any girl, or whoever else who has to put up with your shitty oral. Don't you ever, ever use that word against me or any other girl. Don't touch me, you do not and shall never have consent to touch my body, remember that." She smoothly spoke, her voice laced with sugar-coated venom.
Using his drunken and shocked state to her advantage, Y/N unhooked his arms and rushed off to find one particular individual. She fought through the endless crowd of teenagers and after ten minutes of searching, Archie was nowhere to be found. A light tapping on one shoulder caused the y/h/c girl to spin on her heels, ready to slap a bitch if it were another jock.
But thankfully it wasn't, and Y/N let out a sigh of relief when her eyes found Betty's figure. She took her taller friend by the arms and asked, "Have you seen Archie at all? There's three fucking gingers at this party and I can only spot two."
"Last time I saw him he was in line for the bathroom, and that was around five minutes ago." The taller blonde said, peering down at her friend in concern as a hand smoothed down her signature ponytail instinctively, "Is there anything I can help with?"
Betty's question almost flew right past her as she searched for the toilet queue, but thankfully she managed to make out a few words, and quickly put two and two together. Y/N shook her head and finally looked at her friend, "It's alright, but one of us is about to lose a bet, I'll tell you who once I find out."
Betty's expression contorted at that, and she began to feel an uneasiness settling in the pit of her stomach. The Cooper girl did her best to hide her jealousy along with her crush on Archie. She'd always viewed Y/N as the unwanted cog in the machine, but as the months went on she couldn't help but feel like a spare part.
With that, the petite girl marched off and soon found herself pushing through throngs of her drunken classmates until a head of fiery-red hair poked up above the crowd. He was joking and laughing with Reggie, both wearing giddy smiles whilst sipping from from their cups every so often.
Y/N was used to being easily knocked, because she was so tiny in relation to the 6 foot something masses of muscle she called her friends, so it came as no surprise when someone practically rammed her right into the middle of the boys' conversation. Luckily, being the gentleman he was, Archie's arm instinctively wrapped around her waist to steady her toppling body. Their chatting ceased and it took Reggie no less than a second to start talking to someone else, leaving the red-haired boy looking down in confusion at his best friend.
"You okay there, Tiger?" He asked, gingerly hooking a few strands of her y/h/c hair behind her ear, making Y/N crane her neck up to watch him intently for a moment. She bit down on her lower lip and let out an intoxicated little giggle, "My knight in shining armour, however will I repay you?"
Archie breathed out a deep chuckle and smirked, "I can think of a few ways..." he all but muttered. Y/N’s thoughts flickered back to just moments ago in the lull of silence, and that was all the boy needed to lead her out of the packed basement. He saw the look confliction in her eyes, not quite understanding it, "has something else happened, Y/N/N?"
"Do you remember last spring, when I finally broke it off with Chuck... and then he, you know?" She tried to clarify, but her words wavered and fell short.
"Released a video of you two without your consent and only got suspended for a week?" Archie almost growled his voice felt so heavy. He hated remembering their relationship. Not only because he wanted Y/N to be only his, but because he was forced to see his best friend humiliated and heartbroken all at the same time and couldn't stop it.
"That's the one." The girl looked down, unable to meet his eyes as her mind raced back to one of the darkest weeks of her life. But she pulled herself away from the horrible memories, "Look, it happened and I can't change that, but I really don't want to be around him right now."
"We'll go back to mine right now, Tiger." Archie affirmed with his hand now cupping her made up face, bringing her gaze back to his own.
"Woah, didn't realise you two were a thing." A slurring Reggie turned back around and winked at the pair with his usual cheeky smile, "Don't worry, I won't tell."
Y/N giggled and hiccuped at the same time, "Fuck off, Reg."
"Hey, if you hurt her, Andrews, I'll knock you into next year." The Asian boy only partly joked with his best friend.
The Robins girl pulled herself away from the wall and wrapped her arms around Reggie, "My hero!"
"Yeah, yeah." He hugged her back, not too hard though as in his drunken state he was scared he might snap her in half with all his muscular might. "I love you too, Y/N/N."
She gave him a sweet peck on the cheek before returning to Archie's side, clasping his hand in her own and leading the both of them away from the raucous party. Nobody seemed to notice in their happy little haze, even if they did, most people assumed the two were sleeping together anyway.
"Does it bother you at all?" Y/N small voice called as they walked down the narrow roads back home. She didn't know whether the answer would be something she wanted to hear, but it had been bothering her for the past minute or so.
Archie's brows furrowed, slightly more sober and completely not understanding his companion's train of thought, "Does what bother me?"
"That people assume so much about us? That we're sleeping together? That we're a couple?" She pondered.
"Not unless it's something that puts you in a negative light, otherwise I really couldn't care less about other people's opinions. Everyone has them, but the only ones that matter to me are my friends and my family's." Archie reassured her.
Y/N giggled at her own joke, "I thought you were going to say they're like assholes?"
The boy looked at her incredulously.
"Everybody has one." She grinned and wrapped her arm around his waist as his own found its way to her shoulders, pulling her into his warmth. The rest of the walk was silent after that, cool summers air bringing an ease to Y/N's tipsy frame. Twenty minutes must have gone by before they saw the Andrews' household finally in view, it was anything but awkward though. Their hands clasped swinging between them, the girl's feet beginning to ache from the regrettable choice of five inch heels.
They shared giggles and passing comments that wouldn't make sense the next morning, gleeful smiles hanging from cheek to cheek. Before Archie had the chance to hunt for his key, the front door opened with Fred sending the two teenagers a short look of annoyance.
"Get in already." He rolled his tired eyes, not wanting to question why his son's best friend was currently looking up at him with hidden adoration as she slipped off her shoes.
Y/N hiccuped and sent the adult an apologetic smile, "Sorry if we woke you, Freddie."
"I couldn't sleep anyway, kid, don't worry about it." Fred gave her a kind smile and felt her small frame hug his own. He returned it as always and after a few moments, let the teenagers carry on upstairs. The girl immediately went into the bathroom and found her small bottle of cleanser under the sink, removing her heavy make up before returning to her best friends room.
Y/N couldn't help but gawk at the sight her eyes were greeted with, the redheads body clad with tight boxers with his warm bedside lamp lighting the room, and his muscular build, perfectly. Her hands lightly traced his back, making Archie jump before leaning into her touch.
"I'm still going to win this bet," She whispered, shutting the bedroom door and pulling the boy down to his bed with her, "but Arch, can I ask you something?"
Y/N's head nearly reached the wall as the redhead towered over her, hot breath tickling her skin while he rest himself against her without putting any weight down. "Of course." The words floated from his lips so easily, knowing his whole life he'd do anything or answer whatever she wanted.
"Do you think we're meant to be more than friends? I think I've finally realised it's not that we were never and will never be romantic in each other's minds, it's always been that way but we've just never really known." The Robins girl seemed so sure of her words, staring up into his amber eyes with so much honest admiration.
He watched her for what felt like forever, not knowing whether it was the alcohol in them both or just that the little game they were playing didn't matter anymore, and decided to throw that away. A short gasp fell from Y/N's lips as Archie caught them, rolling over and pulling her on top of his chest.
"You're right, I've always wanted us to be more than friends Y/N/N, ever since Leonardo went missing when we were in sixth grade and you kissed my cheek when I found him." Archie propped himself up and returned that same gesture. She stole a kiss but he didn't let it end, running his fingers through her curled blonde hair.
"Arch?" Her small voice called out, sitting atop of his torso still in her revealing red dress. He nodded back with the biggest smile, unable to control the pure joy as her next words tumbled into the world, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
"I don't have a choice, since I lost the bet, do I?" He mocked, smile not falling as she hit his chest and rolled her eyes. "Yes, of course, yes, I'll be your boyfriend."
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