#sir flufferton
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cinnamonstroll · 2 years
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This ass cut his hair again urg...
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This was sir fluffy mc flufferton in Imola btw someone needs to take away his scissor rights
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fangsofdestruction · 3 years
Which tragic character from ancient greek myth are you?
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       ❝Human, is this not the result of your ignorance?❞ He refers to the fact that the human did not know any of the TV show characters, and is not well-versed with all the Shakespeare plays. The best not-so-educated guess had to be made. The human understands her sin, but found it too ironic to not post the results. “Sir Fluffertons, some parts are questionable, but I think it fits as a whole?”
you are orestes from the oresteia by aeschylus, and you are haunted by a cycle of pain. you try your hardest to be a better person, but sometimes you wonder if you will stop feeling trapped by your past. you have a strong sense of justice, you are quick to protect and defend those you love, and you are not afraid to compromise your morals if that means you are settling the score. eventually though, the consequences of your deeds will catch up to you, but that's okay, because sometimes looking your ugliness right in the eye is the greatest release.
Stolen from: @miwaku-tekinamiko​ & @windxdancer​ Tagging: I don’t tag.
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💭 for sir Fluffertons
𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 💭  𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝚨 𝐓𝚮𝐎𝐔𝐆𝚮𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝚮𝚨𝐒 𝚮𝚨𝐃 𝚨𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒.|| @fangsofdestruction ||Death Thoughts ovo/
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'Hm.. I am grateful to you, Sesshomaru. Whether you are aware or not..does not matter. I get to pass on from this world..happy and content..not with bitterness and grief in my heart but..with acceptance, peace and love. In your own way, you thawed my heart and restarted it again.
It was not your intention..I know but..the time spent together as painful as it was..it was also quite healing. So I have much to be appreciative for. Thank you..wherever you are..Live a good life.'
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addictedsimmer · 6 years
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Finally broke down and got a kitter, Sir, Flufferton. Lauren has been wanting one more than children, Mom always gets what she wants...eventually. 
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twinningwithtaylor · 6 years
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My name is Emily! On December 13th, 1989 I was separated at birth from my twin and haven’t seen her since! After years of going to summer camps, eating peanut butter and oreos, and speaking in fake British accents, I realized that I was never was going to find the Lindsey to my Lohan this way. So I went to the only thing that could help me find the truth, the internet. After some extensive google searching, shady DNA testing and an Ancestry.com free trial I came to the conclusion that Taylor Swift is my long lost twin! It was right there in front of me the whole time! I now need the help of the internet again to help me reunite with my sis so we can do fun twin things together! Oh and the hot blonde in the photo is Sir Walter Flufferton.....he’s kind of a big deal.... @taylorswift #taylormeetshertwin
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sunrose-kpop · 7 years
S/O want to adopt a pet
“I also enjoy astrology, so that’s how I decided on pets for this reactions. This website is what I used.
“Lets get a turtle.” You say randomly one day while hanging out with Jin. His head shoots up and looks at you oddly.
“Why a turtle”
“They can travel easily and don’t require a lot. Perfect for someone traveling alot.” you explain with a slight shrug.
Jin rolls his eyes and goes back to what ever he was doing. “We’re naming it Speedy.”
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“What would you do if I got a bunny?” You ask Suga, knowing full well one was in the living room right now. “We could name it Sir Flufferton the great.”
Suga just looks at you and goes to the living room. “Why did you buy a bunny!?” he asked. 
“Because the internet said it was a good animal for a Pisces to have.” you explain as you follow him. You walk into the room to see Suga already holding the small animal, petting it carefully. “See. It was right.”
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You were looking through an animal shelter list when you finally spoke up. “Should we get a pet?” J-hope turned to look at you and thought for a moment.
“Both of us are gone to much to have one y/n.” He sighed when he saw your face and though some more. “How about we start volunteering at an animal shelter?”
You smile at the idea and nod your head. “We start on Monday.”
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Rap Monster
“I want an animal. Can we get a pet?” You ask Rap Monster as he came in the door.
“We’re way to busy for that. What would we get anyway? A fish?” he asked with a slight laugh. He thinks for a moment before going back over to you. “Actually, what about those sponsor a whale type things? We can name it and track it and everything. Plus, it’s for a good cause.”
“Ok. I like that idea.” You think for a second more.”We’ll name it Destiny.”
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“Jimin!” you yell as you run through the house. “This dove is hurt. We have to help it!.” you demand.
Jimin looks at the small animal and pets it softly. I’ll get a box for it and we can take it to the vet tomorrow. Then we can get a cage and feed and all that.” he explained, instantly agreeing with you.
You both look at the little dove and smile. “We’ll help you get better.” you say at the same time.
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V instantly noticed when you carried in a box. “What did you get this time?” he asked, coming to check the haul. He suddenly heard a tiny bark and looked at you. “You got a dog?”
“A dalmatian. He was all alone on the side walk. Someone just through him out.” you said with your biggest puppy dog eyes. “We have to keep him.”
V sighed, knowing he couldn’t convince you otherwise. “He is pretty cute.”
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(not using his zodiac since I already did a fish)
You smiled widely as Jungkook came in. “So, my sister is giving us a baby hedgehod.” Jungkook just laughed, assuming you were joking. Then, he realized you weren’t.
“Why a hedgehog?”
“Cause hers had babies and she needs to get rid of some.” Jungkook shokk his head and shrugged.
“Okay.I get to hold it first though.”
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