#so Sam lives in Georgia
alexias-putellas · 5 months
comfort // l.williamson x reader
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l.williamson x reader
oh to live in a world where leah (and beth) were at the wwc 🥺🥺
based on this request!
part two here!
being named captain of the matildas was one of the proudest moments of your life and for a while, you were sure that nothing else was ever going to top that feeling.
until cortnee scored the penalty that meant you and your teammates were in your first ever world cup semi-final. and to do so in front of a home crowd was truly magical.
when you found out that you’d be going up against your girlfriend, your heart did sink a little. leah was extremely competitive and patriotic, her love for her country ever present on the pitch.
you were well aware of england’s winning streak but you had beaten them before and you were damn sure that you could do it again.
the game was incredibly physical, both teams desperate for the win, but the goals remained level. it was 2-2 and time was running out. you knew what you had to do.
despite the burning ache in your legs, you ran down the pitch like your life depended on it, catching the pass from sam and hammering the ball into the back of the net.
the roar of the fans was deafening as you celebrated with your teammates. sure, the final whistle hadn’t been blown but you knew it was a done deal for your team.
so when the whistle did blow and the arena exploded, you could only watch with pride as the australia sub bench flooded onto the pitch. your teammates were crying, hugging, and congratulating the goalscorers.
you felt someone jump onto your back and you both toppled to the ground. steph helped you up and hugged you tightly, whispering how proud of you she was.
“you should go see her.” she whispered, pointing behind you.
you stared at your club and country teammate in confusion, feeling your heartbreak when you finally followed her gaze.
leah lay on the floor being comforted by keira and georgia, who looked just as devastated.
that’s when the crushing realisation really hit you.
whilst you’d achieved your dreams, you had crushed theirs. you’d crushed leah’s.
without a second thought, you rushed over. keira and georgia hugged you and you told them that you were proud of them and that they should be proud of themselves.
georgia patted your shoulder and then you were alone with your heartbroken girlfriend. you kneeled next to leah, gently placing your hand on her arm.
“leah.” you said softly, making her lift her head.
you weren’t too sure what her reaction was going to be. maybe she’d ignore you, maybe she’d tell you to fuck off before finding comfort in her own teammates. maybe she’d never talk to you again.
one thing was for sure, you did not expect her to throw herself into your arms and sob into your chest. you wrapped your arms around her, holding her shaking body as tight as you possibly could.
“oh, leah, i’m so sorry,” you whispered, rubbing her back and kissing her head. “i’m so proud of you and you should be so so proud of yourself. you have been incredible this entire tournament so have your girls, and that’s all down to you. you captained your team to the semi-finals, baby. that is an extraordinary achievement.”
you held her until she made the move to pull away and even then, you watched her like a hawk. reaching out, you wiped the tears from her eyes, desperately blinking your own away.
she glanced behind you and you knew what she was looking at but that didn’t matter. all that mattered was her.
“i love you.” you spoke before she could.
“i love you too.” she repsonded, her voice still shaky.
“you’ll bounce back,” you placed your hand over hers and squeezed. “you’re leah williamson. the best captain england has ever had. most importantly, you’re my girlfriend, and she is beautiful, she’s strong, she’s—“
“—this close to punching you in the face.” leah held her fingers close together but you could see the smile tugging on her lips.
“aw, you love me too much to do that,” you grinned, yelping as she gently punched you in the arm. “what the hell?”
leah was laughing and you’d never been so thankful to hear it.
you stood up and helped her up, pulling her into a quick hug before asking her to swap shirts. she did it happily and kissed your cheek, murmuring a quiet ‘i love you’ before heading towards her teammates.
you smiled and made your way to your own teammates, wearing your williamson shirt with pride.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Bayern Munich
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first day at Bayern Munich
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The low rumble of German is soothing in your ears as Momma and Morsa walk into the Bayern Munich training centre.
You still remember all of your German and more because when you moved to England, Momma made sure to get you a German tutor because she was adamant that you would end up back here at some point.
Momma kept a lot of her German too so it's only Morsa that's going to struggle.
Bayern Munich isn't Wolfsburg but it's not Not-Wolfsburg either so you can live with this. It helps that the jersey has red on it like Arsenal does so you like it even more.
You've got your favourite training bag on your back but you know it won't really be used much today.
Some more official looking people greet you all, shaking your Momma and Morsa's hands in greeting and smiling politely at you.
"The rest of the girls are in the gym," One of the official people says," There's cubbies already waiting and labelled for you all in the locker room."
"Thank you," Momma says, taking your hand and walking you all there.
What the man said was true. Momma and Morsa have their own cubbies where their training shirts are already hanging up.
But you've got one too, complete with a tiny little training shirt for you and a new pair of goalkeeper gloves waiting.
You gasp and scurry forward.
"Morsa! Momma! Look, gloves!"
"We can see that," Morsa says as she begins to change," They must have seen how much you love keeping."
"I love keeping," You confirm as Momma helps you change into your new Bayern shirt.
"We know. Come on, princesse. Let's go meet everybody."
Momma and Morsa have been here before without you so they already kind of know their way around. It doesn't take a long time to get there.
You feel a little bit shy as you go in so hide a bit behind Morsa's long legs. Momma and Morsa greet everybody and you stay where you are, your hand holding tight on Morsa's waistband.
"Princesse," Morsa says," Say hello."
One of the girls - the one with number sixteen on her shirt - laughs. "She speaks German?"
You nod. "Ja."
She laughs in delight and turns to look at Georgia Stanway, who you recognise from the World Cup and vaguely from when she played for Manchester City. "The kid speaks better German than you!"
Georgia rolls her eyes. "Life's too short to learn German." She approaches you with a smile, holding her hand out for a high five. "It's nice to see you again. You look good in a Bayern shirt."
"I like red," You reply with a little smile.
"I know. I heard from Leah that you really like Arsenal too."
"You know Leah?"
"Of course I do! Me and Leah go way back."
"Leah's really cool!"
Georgia laughs and leans forward like she's going to tell you a secret. "I'm cooler."
"So much cooler! Everything at Bayern's cooler! We've got the cooler Sam Kerr too!"
Your crinkle appears between your brows. "But Sam's in England."
"That's the Australian Sam," A new girl says as she approaches," I'm the Scottish Sam Kerr."
"Scottish," You repeat," Like Erin? And Jen? And Kim?"
"Exactly like them," Scottish Sam says.
You nod. "That's cool."
"See?" Georgia says," Everything's cooler here."
"You don't need to get her on your side," Morsa says a bit petulantly," She'd already decided that Bayern ranked above Chelsea the moment she saw the red on the jersey."
You nod. "Bayern is better than Not-Wolfsburg."
Morsa groans and Momma shakes her head fondly at you.
Georgia grins at you. "I think we're going to enjoy having you here."
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: anon request: "Solby x reader, yn is modeling for them in their merch in their bedroom and it turns sexyyyy"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, flirting, teasing, biting, hair pulling, scratching, choking, unprotected threesome, oral (f rec), facial, fingering, filth
Word count: 3.7k | not edited
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"Hey." You say as you walk into Sam's room, "Whatcha doin'?" Sam turns from his computer and shakes his head, "Nothing. Just making sure everything is in order for the next merch drop, what's up?"
"I have a coffee date with Georgia later and I was wondering if you had maybe an XPLR shirt that I don't have that I can wear?"
He motions to his closet, "Go for it." He watches as you open the door, sliding the hangers over the rack as you inspect each item of clothing.
"Hey, y/n." Sam says and you look over at him, "I have the new merch out in my car, Colby and I wore it for our shoot, but I can go get it if you want to look through that?"
You nod, "That would be great, Sam. Yeah. If you want to." He nods and gets up, walking out to go get it and you hear Colby coming down the hallway, "Hey Sam, what should I d-" Colby walk in and stops talking as he sees you, "y/n? What are you doing here?"
"Sam went out to his car quick and I came to steal one of his shirts." You look back at him, smirking slightly as you see his eyes shoot up to yours, "He'll be back, in like a minute or so."
"Mm. I see." Colby laughs and walks over to the desk and sits down, totally forgetting what he came to ask Sam about.
You've been friends with Sam and Colby for ever now. Practically your whole life. But ever since you moved in with them, there's been some.. tension.
Sexual tension.
You thought you were just crazy, or that they’d think you were, because you liked, no.. loved that you were the girl who lived with them. Got their constant  attention. You were in a position so many girls would absolutely kill for.
And the more you thought about it, the more you really didn't want them seeing anyone else - but you.
You felt kind of selfish for it, and bad because you noticed that you'd catch an attitude or stay in your room pouting if either one of them brought up another girl, even if it was just for an investigation and nothing else.
You honestly didn't think they'd go for a thruple ordeal, so you just kept it to yourself. You don't even know how you'd bring something like that up.
It made you nervous to think about, so you tried shoving your silly feelings down. Covering them up with jokes and telling them that you had something to work on, even when you didn't.
But as the days went on and you grew to be more comfortable with them. The thought of being with both of them actually drove you insane to the point you wanted to just throw yourself at one of them and hope the other got jealous enough to just join in.
You laugh at your thoughts, sighing to yourself. It must have been a little too loud because it catches Colby's attention, "What's so funny over there?" He spins the chair and brings one leg up to rest on his other knee, "Care to share?"
You look over at him, biting down on your bottom lip as you shake your head, "I just.. thought of something funny I seen on TikTok."
"Did ya?" Colby chuckles, eyes moving up and down your body.
As much as you wanted to just confess your feelings for both of them, you told yourself that you'd wait until they gave you a signal that was more clear, wasn't mixed.
"Yeah." You clear your throat, "I did."
"Alright." Sam walks in, clothing draped over his arms and shoulders, "Here we are."
You turn and watch Sam as he lays each item out on the bed from the pile he made from throwing them down.
You walk over, "Okay.” You pick up a t shirt and look over it, "That's a pretty sick design. I like this a lot."
"That's my favorite, too." Sam says, "What are you doing in here?" He looks at Colby and Colby shrugs, "I came in to ask you something but now I can't remember."
Sam laughs and sits down on the bed, watching you as you go through the clothes, "There's so many good ones." You look up, "You guys did good."
They smile, "Thank you. We're proud of it." Colby says with a nod. He looks over at Sam and they exchange a look while you continue holding each thing up.
"Why don't you.. um.." Colby clears his throat, "Why don't you try them on." He shrugs, and there’s your sign.
Clear as day.
You look up, "All of it?"
He nods and Sam steps in, "Yeah. Why not. We can see what looks the best on you." You chew on your lip to try and hide your smile, "Alright."
You slip your plain blue sweatshirt off, leaving you in your sports bra and shorts, which is nothing new, they've seen you in one a thousand times.
Sam tilts his head slightly, in awe of you like usual.
Colby tries to subtly adjust his sitting position, laying a hand over his lips as he watches you put on the first shirt, "Oh this is comfy." You look up and they quickly try to act like they weren't just staring you down.
But you could feel it.
"It is. They're so soft." Sam nods, "That looks good on you."
"Really?" You smile slightly and look down at it. Colby sighs, "She might take our job at modeling our own clothes."
You laugh, rolling your eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure."
"Those sweatpants are super comfy, too." Colby adds quickly, "They are my favorite thing out of this line." You look down at them, running your fingers over the soft pants, "I'll see for myself."
You knew what you were doing, and you knew what they were doing.
And vice versa.
As you slip your shorts down and step out of them, you turn to grab the sweats off the bed, “You know, if you take a picture it’ll last longer.”
You look up and you can see them smirking, “busted.” Colby mumbles lowly to Sam and Sam laughs, “Yeaahhh.”
As you’re putting on the sweats, adjusting them to how you like them, you see a flash out of the corner of your eye and the whirring sound of the Polaroid camera.
You look over at them, smirking as you roll your eyes, “Really?”
“Hey. You said take a picture, so.. you can’t really blame us.” Colby smiles and you bite your lip, “Uh huh.” You turn, modeling the pants and shirt for them, “I mean they don’t match but..”
“Mm. I think it looks great.” Sam rubs his chin with his fingers, “Do a little spin for us.”
You laugh slightly and smile as you slowly spin around, listening to them cheer you on.
“Alright, I think I’ll try on the sweatshirt now.” You slip the shirt up over your head, tossing it at Colby and he catches it.
“thanks. I like this shirt.” He smirks and you laugh as you flip the sweatshirt to put it on. You fix the hood and situate it on your body, “Well?”
They look at each other and you smirk, “Wait.” They look at you, watching as you kick off the sweatpants, “Okay..” you pull the sweatshirt down just to barely cover your ass, “How does this look?”
Sam blinks a few times, eyes moving down to your bare legs.
Colby stares at you, mouth parted slightly and he sighs, “Yeah, I say that also look good on you.”
Sam smirks, “I think we need to see a full three-sixty.” You squint your eyes, “I know what you’re doing.” He tilts his head, “Do you?”
Did you?
“Mhm.” You go with it as you spin around, “at least I think I do.” You spin around to face them, “You just wanna see my butt.”
“Wanna see a lot more than that.” Colby mumbles and Sam nudges him. You look at Colby, unsure of what he said, “Huh?”
“Nothing.” Sam says quickly, “Here.” He leans forward, grabbing one of the other t-shirts, “Try this one on. That’s Colby’s favorite.”
You glance at Colby and he nods, “Oh yeah.”
You slide the sweatshirt off, tossing it at Sam and he laughs, “Didn’t think we’d get a strip tease out of this, but hey. Who’s complaining?”
“Not me.” Colby holds up his hands and you laugh, “Yeah, because that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
You were. You were totally trying to get under their skin, or under them. Something of that sort.
You slip on the shirt, letting it lay just at the band of your underwear, “Well, Colby. Since this is your favorite.. how’s it look?”
His eyes rake up and down your body, “I love it on you.” He nods, “Definitely my favorite one.”
You smile, chewing on the inside of your cheek as you bend over slightly to look through the other ones, “Oh this one is cute, too.” You hold up the shirt and nod, “I think this is the one I’ll be wearing.”
“Whatever one you want.” Sam bites his lip, leaning back on his arm. You lay the shirt down to strip from the other shirt you’re wearing, “This one is soft, too. I like this.”
You walk over to the mirror, modeling for yourself - and for the boys.
“Yeah that’s it.. Work it, baby.” Sam’s words catch you off guard and you spin around to look at him, “what?”
Sam smirks, laughing slightly as he looks at Colby, “Think the cat’s out of the bag, huh?” Colby nods, “Yeah, I think it is.”
Your heart starts to race as Sam gets up, walking over to you, “You don’t think we know about how you feel?”
“How do I feel?” You swallow as his fingers brush against your neck as he moves hair from it, “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
He stands behind you, slowly lifting the shirt from your body, “The looks you give us.” His lips on your neck feel like fire, “The way you throw little temper tantrums when it’s not just you.”
Colby gets up, walking over to stand in front of you, “Saying you have stuff to do when you really pout because we’re not giving you any attention?”
You look up at him and he smirks, “We know you better than anyone, darling.” He gently rests his fingers under your chin, “We know exactly what you want. And you want to know why?”
You nod, “Why?”
“Because we want you, too, baby.” Sam whispers in your ear, gently nipping at your lobe, “We’ve wanted you for a while.” He chuckles, “I’m not surprised that you modeling our clothes for us worked.”
“We knew it would get us right where we all wanted to be.” Colby’s hands slide down to your hips, his one hand moving over to slip into the band of your - very wet - panties.
You gasp, leaning back into Sam as Colby’s fingers put just the right amount of pressure on your aching clit, “from the moment you moved in. Strutting around in those little pajama shorts..” Colby leans in to kiss your neck, causing your moans to grow a little bit louder.
Sam groans, “Fuck. Those shorts, baby.” He sighs, “Can’t get enough of seeing your ass peak out every time you reaches for something on the top shelf in the kitchen.”
“You tease us. In every way possible.” Colby lean back, slipping his fingers down to feel the wetness that’s pooling between your folds, “We’ve just finally had enough of not doing anything about it.”
You gasp, moaning out as Colby hooks his fingers inside of you, “So fuckin’ wet.”
Sam kisses down your neck and back up, “We just didn’t know how to go about it but finally we just said fuck it and now we’re finally getting what we’ve talking about for months.”
You spread your legs more, eyes rolling back as you tangle a hand in their hair, “F-fuck.”
“That feel good?” Colby asks brushing his lips against yours. You nod, “Y-yes.” Colby’s lips plant on yours and you moan into his mouth.
“That’s it. Those are the pretty sounds we wanna hear.” Sam whispers and sucks a spot on your neck, “Let’s hear more.” His arm snakes around your waist, slipping in to rub your clit as Colby scissors his fingers in and out of you.
“Y-yes. Yes.” You tug on Sam’s hair, moaning louder as Colby moves his head down to kiss over your collar bone and up your neck.
“Let’s take her to the bed.” Sam nods towards the bed and they both take their hand away from you, leaving you whimpering at the loss of their touch.
Colby steps back, placing his hands on your hips to guide you towards the bed. He has you sit down and he stands between your knees as Sam moves to sit behind you, pulling you back to lean against his chest.
Your lip is held in a soft grip of your teeth as you watch Colby drop to his knees, “Lift your hips for me, baby.” You comply, rising up just enough for him to pull your underwear off your body.
“You can relax now, baby. Let us show you how good we can make you feel.” Colby rubs your thighs and Sam leans down, whispering into your ear, “do you want that?”
You nod, “For so long.”
“Glad you’re on the same page.” Colby pushes your knees apart, placing his thumbs on either side of your pussy and spreads you open before he dives in with his tongue.
You gasp as he moans against you, your hand shoots down to lay on the back of his head, “Fuck, oh my god. Fuck.” Your back arches against Sam’s chest and he wraps an arm around you, turning your head with his free hand so he can kiss you.
He swallows your moans that are caused by Colby’s tongue pushing in and out of you.
“F-fuck.” You reach up, tangling your fingers in Sam’s hair. He groans lowly as you pull, “Feel good?”
“So good.” You breathe out, “So fucking good.” You let out a whine, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for him, baby. Then you’re going to cum for me.” Sam presses his lips to yours, slowly moving his with yours. Colby’s hands move to grip your thighs, pushing them further apart as he moves to suck your clit.
“S-shit.” You feel your body tense up slightly as your first orgasm approaches fast. Your eyes roll back and your head tilts, “F-fuck yes. Yes.”
“Let it all out baby. Tell us how good he makes you feel.” Sam whispers, nudging your cheek with his nose, “You sound so pretty.”
You roll your hips slightly, riding the high before Colby leans back, “Why’d we wait so fucking long for this?”
Sam chuckles, playing with the front zipper of your bra, “No idea. But I’m glad we’re done waiting.” He pulls the zipper down, your boobs popping out once the zipper is apart. Sam pulls the fabric down your arms and throws it on the floor, “My turn.”
He moves from out behind you, letting you lay back on the bed.
Your eyes follow Sam as he moves in between your legs, kissing from your knees to your hips. He licks his lips before dipping his head down, licking up your wet cunt before his tongue pushes in.
Your back arches off the bed, hands gripping the sheets tightly, “Oh fuck.” You let out a loud moan, whimpering as his thumb rubs circles.
Colby lays next to you, now shirtless, “You’re so fucking-“ he groans as he crashes his lips onto hours, hand sliding up to lay perfectly around your neck.
Sam slings your leg over his shoulder, getting as close to you as he can. He groans against you, switching places with his hand and mouth.
He slips two fingers inside of you, slipping them in and out as his lips wrap around your clit.
“Fuck.” You gasp out, throwing your head back onto the bed. Colby’s hand is still around your throat, squeezing slowly as he watching your face scrunch and twist with pleasure, “Come on, baby. Cum for him.” Colby whispers lowly, “I know you want to.”
You nod quickly, “Y-yes.”
A few seconds later, you feel that second orgasm rolling into station.
Colby’s hand moves from your throat to your boobs, going back and forth as he pinches and pulls at your nipples. His head dips down to nip and suck at your neck.
Your body twist slightly as your orgasm takes over. The heel of your foot presses into the middle of Sam’s back, and you become a moaning mess for them.
Sam slowly pulls away, breathing quickly as he crawls up your body. He brushes hair from your face and stares down at you, “You’re our girl.”
You blink a few times, trying to comprehend if you heard him correctly.
“He’s right. No one can take that place but you.” Colby leans down, kissing your cheek, “Our girl. Emphasis on the our.”
He chuckles and stands up, moving to take the rest of his clothes off. Sam leans down, kissing you before he stands up, too.
Colby takes the place on top of you and your lips part as you feel his cock rub against your pussy, “Please.” You beg quietly, “I-I need you.”
He chuckles and nods, “Oh baby, I need you too.” His brows furrow as he slips into you slowly, causing your eyes to roll back, “Shit.”
No one thought to grab condoms. It didn’t even cross your mind. The only thing on your mind was having them inside of you.
“Fuck you feel so fucking good.” Colby groans as he lays his hand next to your head, holding his body up as he slowly pulls out and thrusts back in.
Sam sits next to your head, playing with your boobs as Colby fucks you hard. You let out a loud moan, a scream at this point and your hands search for both of them.
Your hand wraps around Sam’s arm and your other hand digs your nails into Colby’s upper back, whimpering and moaning as you feel like you’re about to cum - again.
“F-fu- fuck!” You arch your back, clenching around his cock as your orgasm slams into you. Your legs cling tightly around Colby’s waist and your eyes stay locked on Sam as Colby sucks on your neck, right below your ear.
You felt overstimulated, but in the best way possible.
Colby’s thrust slow down and your legs fall onto the bed, “Shit.” You smile slightly and he leans down to kiss you as he pulls out.
“Roll over for me.” Sam says as he stands up to take off his pants and boxers. You roll over onto your stomach and Sam moves onto the bed to straddle your thighs.
His hands slide up to your ass, squeezing before he moves them to grip your hips. He lifts your hips up, just slightly, before rubbing his cock against your pussy.
You grip the sheets, waiting for Sam to be in you.
You rest your forehead on the bed, moaning into it as he slips his cock into your soaked pussy, “Oh fuck.”
Sam groans, resting for a moment before pulling out and sliding back in. The first couple thrusts were slow and teasing, but that quickly shifts into a punishing pace.
Colby kneels down on the floor beside the bed, reaching out to grab your chin, “Look at me baby.” You look at Colby, moaning out, “F-fuck.”
“That feels good doesn’t it?” Colby runs his thumb over your lips and you part them, tilting your head forward to take it between your lips. He watches as you suck, moaning around it as Sam brings you to your fourth orgasm of the day.
“So fucking pretty.” Colby pulls his lip between his teeth, pulling his thumb away, “Where do you want us to cum, darling?”
His wet thumb brushes over your cheek and you struggle to keep your eyes open as you cum around Sam’s cock, “I-I do-“
Your eyes roll back as Sam guides you through your high, causing your whole body to go numb from the pleasure.
His thrusts slow down and he pulls out, panting as he looks at Colby, “Cum on her face?”
You smile at the idea and Colby chuckles, “I think that’s a yes.”
You roll over, chest rising and falling rapidly, “Uh huh.”
“I’ve been wanting to cum since I seen you take your shorts off.” Colby chuckles and leans down to kiss you as Sam moves up by your head.
You whimper against his lips and he leans up, getting on his knee on the other side of your head. You lick your lips, leaning up slightly as you watch them both stroke their cocks, groaning as they stare down at you waiting for them to finish.
You close your eyes as Sam cums first, groaning as he watches his cum lay across your face.
Colby is super quick to follow, groaning as you stick your tongue out to catch his cum and to lick Sam’s off of your lips.
“Fuck, you are beyond gorgeous.” Colby breathes out and Sam sits down with a sigh, “Fuck that was amazing.” He rolls off the bed, standing up to go fetch a towel.
Colby stares at you and smirks as you look up at him, “What?” You question innocently. He shakes his head, looking back at Sam then back to you, “You’re just so fucking hot covered in our mess.”
You smile, closing your eyes as Sam wipes your face, and any other parts that need wiped.
“You might wanna call and cancel that coffee date with Georgia.” Sam chuckles as he tucks hair behind your ear.
You nod, “Yeah, I was thinking that, too.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I know this was long awaited but I hope it’s up to par!
Thanks for reading!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Applying logic. How do you explain all this? Sam is single, free and heterosexual. Sam travels to GC with Sarah, staying on Airbnb together alone from Sunday to Thursday. They separate because they have separate jobs. Sam returned from Australia. First visit Hyrox to encourage Sarah and participate. This weekend they both disappeared. They have appeared at the same time. I don't believe in Mull, it seems like P's crazy idea. But Sam and Sarah living so close. They could have spent Saturday together. In Glasgow, in Stirling. Why not? At Sam's house for example. Where they have privacy. Eat, drink, sun, casual sex. I don't believe in a marriage commitment. They like each other, sexual chemistry and that's it. Sam is always busy and so is Sarah. It is a practical and comfortable relationship for both. Sam has to stay in Scotland for months now. Sarah has the characteristics that Sam is looking for. She is young, blonde, athletic, sporty. Busy with a son. This point allows Sam free time for himself as well. Sarah looks a lot like Georgia. Then why not? Why does this seem like a crazy idea to you? Convince me logically. Your blog always makes sense. I don't understand your resistance to such a simple relationship between a man and a woman.
Anon, I'm feeling a bit tired to explain over and over again the logic I use. I did in a few posts already and for what it is worth everything I wrote has been confirmed.
I told already when I posted about the villa in GC how they only share a mutual interest, working out, training for Hyrox. And so it isn't such a surprise he showed up at Hyrox in Glasgow, his home town, where he sucscribed to compete as well, and where many friends of him participated in the race as well, including Sarah.
Saying, he is single, a free heterosexual and staying at the same airbnb is not logic, but is confirmation bias. Just the fact someone is single sharing an airbnb isn't any proof or evidence he's dating or more than friends. It's as much as saying any guy wearing a pink shirt must be homosexual. It's stereotyping, it's implying that a person who is single can not share a hotel room or whatever place to sleep and stay with another person depending on their sexual preferences, without bedding them. I know I did many times, I know a lot have said here they're single and did so. It's not odd, it's just a place to crash and stay while in a place with a mutual interest, in this case working out, training for the Hyrox program. It doesn't mean automatically having casual sex as well. That's just a fable made up by people who are narrow minded. It's not logic.
You saying he has to stay in Scotland for months due to filming OL, well we've seen him many times go off for a week or a few days, even to NYC while filming S7. On top of that, as stated many times and not only by me, he doesn't want them close by. During Covid he had to, but that didn't end so well either.
Sarah looking a lot like Georgia??? Well I guess we have different views on that. And why bring up Georgia? Because he went to see her compete last year in a game in Germany? Well, and that's all there was to it, might as well compare that to watching Sarah at Hyrox.
I'm not here to convince you Anon. You gotta do that yourself. But what you are doing is not applying logic, it's applying confirmation bias. You're in a tunnel vision, put there by a blogger who's only 'proof' is filling voids with rumors. You seeing sexual chemistry is solely a result of that tunnel vision, seeing things that are not really there at all. How can you speak of chemistry when you do not even see one picture or these people together? Now use your logic, and ask yourself how much you search and put explantations on things that only confirms what you want to see. On things you think you see because you're in a tunnel vision. Convince yourself how biased that is, did you even consider other explanations? Did you even try to list some things that makes it less credible? It seems you only list the things that add up to your story. How would you know the characteristics he is looking for? Because he sometimes say some things at a talkshow? Where he says the things he knows what people want to hear? Why do you mention Saturday? Because this certain blogger claims he wasn't online? Well that's not true, he liked a lot and even left comments on posts. Why does this blogger not notice how he was much more off social media while he was in London? Where there was no Sarah!! You could easily see when he went to London, when his sm times shifted and were just very briefly, not a scroll before he went to sleep, hardly any likes! How about that? And that's just a few things this blogger leaves out, as it doesn't fit the narative.
We all could have, and did, already predict how this blogger was going to use every little straw she could come up with to spin her story around Sarah from the moment she learned they stayed in GC at the same airbnb. And let me remind you, it wasn't her who found that out, nor her team. It was because I was far ahead and already following things and worked out the villa, before the other blogger even knew her name. If it wasn't for a tweet on Monday 15 January nobody had known he went to GC at all! The said blogger even had to copy images from my blog as she didn't had any stories of Sarah from before. Also not Sunday but Monday he flew to GC and flew early on Friday to Kitzbuhel, not for work or any job but simply by choice. And from there to Munich which wasn't work either, and on to Oostende, work related for one day and from there to LA. How easy would it have been to catch up in Glasgow in between? And why not???
On top of that, and that's what you can't apply to your logic, I heard and saw a few other things, involving women. Not the women you expect, not the characteristics you listed. I haven't posted about that and I wont elaborate on it as well. But for what it is worth, the things I heard and saw doesn't leave much doubt. If I would do the same as this other blogger, I had a lot more proof and coincidences to show you than in Sarah's case. One of the stories I'm told and saw enough evidence of leaves hardly any room for doubts. But I'm not ready to share these information. As what I was told and shown is in confidence not to be shared, people coming to me as they learned they can trust me, as I don't throw any women under the bus and I'm so glad their names didn't turn up in any of my anon messages or anywhere else. I have my integrity and I'm sure I wouldn't have any triumphant feelings about it if I out these things. On the contrary.
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p-redux · 3 days
Update: Sam in Scotland, Lauren Marie in Georgia, USA, and a Sam IG "like" from Sarah Holden. Check it out...
So we know Sam Heughan returned to Glasgow after he was seen holding hands with Lauren Marie in London. And then we also found out where Lauren Marie showed up afterwards. 👇
Dries Vos, Sam's director in The Couple Next Door visited him in Glasgow a few days ago. 👇
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Lauren Marie posted this to her IG story yesterday. 👇
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Her friend also posted her. 👇
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They were at this event. The Promise Land Car and Bike Show 👇
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And it was held at Fayetteville Estate, Georgia. 👇
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Lauren Marie posts she lives in Atlanta, Georgia. So, it seems she went back home and attended this event.
A lot of women get hired to be car show models to help sell certain products. Seems like that's one of the things she does. Again, I highly doubt Sam researched anything about Lauren Marie. He saw her on Raya and that was that. Let's see what else happens with her, with Sarah, or anyone else. But this is probably a "one and done" fling for Sam. Who knows.
PS. I have been very clear about me not wanting negative comments about Sam or even Lauren Marie. Posting your feelings is fine, insulting them is not. Thanks.
Just as I was about to post this, I got a DM that Sarah Holden "liked" Sam's most recent post.
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Sooooo, she's obviously not too pissed off about Laurengate. 🤗
Let's see what else happens next...
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peeterparkr · 4 months
thus, with a kiss, i die| tom holland
PROLOGUE: the rivalry.
romeo & juliet modern au.
summary: the well known story of star-crossed lovers. Your local bar has two spots for bands, but only one spot for an opportunity to get a record deal. Your band, the Capulets and his band, the Montagues have been rivals long enough. But what happens after a night when you get to know their lead singer?
chapter summary: who are the great rivals at the Verona bar?
pairing: singer!tom holland x guitarrist!reder
warnings: swearing, alcohol mention
word count: 3k
this is literally romeo and juliet, it's one of my favorite stories, if you've read my other works you KNOW I love to quote it, and reference and eveyrhting. Anyway, this is my take on it. Modern world, hope you like it. I haven't written anything in ages so here goes.
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This is an unequivocally known story, a tale as old as time, of those of two star crossed lovers, who most likely lost their mind. Star-crossed lovers, they call them as if the stars were undeniably conspiring against them. Are the stars really against secret, illicit-feeling escapades of a young, naive love, so powerful and strong that it ends up in death?  
Or were they too busy to help them out when everything went insane? 
Shakespeare said it himself, didn’t he? ‘Violent delights have violent ends’. Perhaps the name and the reference itself doomed upon a foretold tragedy. Yet, here we are. 
And it all comes back to a simple rivalry, and thus shall start like it always does. In a small  bar named ‘Verona’, always playing live music, near a college. Nothing too unusual, nothing so fancy. With a small stage. Smoking blue and purple. With a wall full of old bottles, just to adorn. A small stage with a few vintage lights hanging from the ceiling, a worn out rug, and a neon light sign which read: ‘Don’t waste your love’. 
Where people gathered to have a beer, or two in those small wooden tables, or perhaps in the green couch, nibbling on a few snacks while they listen to one of the two bands Verona offered. 
Some liked the Capulets, an all female band. Some liked the Montagues, perhaps for the handsome lead singer. Some liked both. Some liked neither. 
But Verona was the rivalry. The rivalry between the two bands was what made Verona an interesting place, or that’s what some people liked to pry upon, the well known story about two former friends, Monty and Billie ‘Cap’ who once fought almost to death and decided to each go their separate ways and declare themselves sworn enemies. 
Things hadn’t been quite the same since. Each formed their own band in an act of revelry and had tried to crush the other. The Capulets were known for their soul-crushing lyrics, meanwhile the Montagues were known for their remarkably outstanding sounds. As said before, their lead singer was quite someone that moved crowds. Pleasing to the eye. 
The Capulets had recently lost their main guitarist and a rumor of who  would join had circulated.  Monty was anxious to learn all about the new member. A war shall begin. 
In all honesty, nobody really cared about them, but both were on the edge waiting for each other's next movement. 
And in the end, they were young and naive with big wishes and hopes, with the same stupid dream that one day someone would walk in the night their gig was on and offer them the entire world. 
It was funny, how they believed so much in Verona, just a small bar, that happened to have a few legends come from. A few people said great names like Billy Joel had once played there. Drunk folks are very unreliable narrators. But not quite the most unreliable. 
Which brings us to two members of the Capulets, Georgia and Sam. The drummer and pianist, respectively. The first, a short haired, with a diverse set of earrings, a top tank and loose pants. A cigarette hung from the corner of her lips. The two of them were having a drink, knowing they would have to listen to the Montagues later, they needed some alcohol in their body to make sure they could stand the occasion. 
Some of Montague’s  crew had already arrived and were tuning in. They watched, amused. It was a fair Friday afternoon, and people were gathering already to have a beer and some chips. 
“You know, we got the Saturday gig? ”  Samantha said as she plaid with a half-full cold beer glass. Her style was more 70’s, big hair, big pants and striped shirt. “If we keep going like this we’re going to crush them.” 
“I think we should actually crush them,” said Georgia, puffing her cigarette.  “Get a whole ass piano and just dump it on them, cartoon style, y’know? Especially Tom. Gosh, I’d like to just get rid of his stupid British face. I might dislike him more than Monty.” 
Sam shrugged. “That was a great move, you’ve got to admit that.” 
“Aye, great move? Getting a pretty face just to get more audience, please,” Georgia rolled her eyes. “This should be about talent!” 
Although she knew that half the girls there were just there to see Tom. Georgia only judged them slightly. Tom was most definitely the newest sweetheart. Curls, chocolate kind eyes, and Georgia supposed he was fit. Besides, a hopeless romantic, or so the girls would say only because he had an accent. Perhaps they all believed he was the next Hugh Grant. 
“Perhaps Cap should bring in someone as beautiful, y’know? As bait.” 
Georgia rolled her eyes once again. Although it didn’t sound as stupid. And perhaps that’s why Cap had decided to bring in someone as beautiful. Although the new member, Georgia knew, was naive and had a lot to learn, she could perhaps appeal more. And besides their looks, their talent to write, Georgia knew it was most likely to appeal to Paris, the young handsome bartender, the bar’s owner's protege, who could pitch in to have them more often. 
But they were losing right now and they both knew it. How they’d manage to convince Princess Skylar to get them the next day  was beyond them. Skylar was the bar owner, or at least she presented herself as so. Even though she was just a manager she basically owned the place. She gave out the slots as long as people were buying drinks. And lately the Montagues were bringing in more money. 
Montgomery, ‘Monty’ had brought in Tom to be his new lead singer, and they’d been booking the Saturday gigs more often since. Perhaps bringing in a wider female demographic to Verona, buying pretty cocktails. Although, Georgia thought it could be now constructive for them since the male demographic had decreased and they tend to be the ones to drink more beer. Besides, one thing they could rely on was Tom having a girlfriend, so at least the girls would eventually have to give up and go back to the heart wrenching lyrics. 
“Is it me or do they sound worse each day?” Wondered Sam as she heard a hard tune. Bea, her enemy, the Montague’s pianist was a fan of only key smashing. “Whenever I listen to them I just need to run to the bathroom and puke.” 
“No, I think you should just puke on them,” Georgia said. “I’d be your number one fan.” 
Abby, the Montague’s drummer, and Georgia’s number one enemy had overheard. Georgia said her technique lacked enthusiasm. While Abby said Georgia lacked any technique. 
Both were wrong. 
“Whatcha say?” Abby questioned. “Did y’all come here to learn?” 
“Learn?” Sam stood up with her beer. “Learn how not to play, am I right Georgia?” 
Sam wasn’t good with comebacks. Georgia pulled her back down. 
Abby chuckled. “If you play like that then I won’t worry anymore.” 
“Ah,” grinned Georgia raising her own drink, vodka soda. “So you are worried. Gotcha.” 
Abby rolled her eyes. “I don’t believe you’re invited here.” 
Ben, another member of the Montagues and the reason they had a new lead singer was nearby plugging in his instrument. Not as handsome as the others, people would say, but he was peaceful. “Let them be, Abby. They can be here.” 
He often tried to ignore them, he was there for the music and the music only. He thanked Monty for giving him the chance to be there and disregarded the stupid rivalry. He was the bassist, and had become quite popular now that he was acquainted with Tom. 
He didn’t like any trouble… unlike Theodora, another member of the Capulets who was with them at the bar but had been quiet enough. It was hilarious how they often were angered by the other’s presence and yet neither tried any other place to hang out. 
Theodora searched for the trouble. Perhaps Theodora was the one to hate the most of the Montagues. All of them and especially their newest member. She was the scariest of the Capulets, impulsive and with probably some anger issues. She despised them, and wasn’t afraid to show it. 
“Eh, for sure we can be here. It’s a bloody bar. But you could try and kick us out. Don’t be such a pussy, Ben Dover,”  Theodora’s first statement was one to make heads turn.
Ben turned to look at her from his bass. “I’d rather not get tired, unlike you I care more about my music.” 
“Why does it sound like a bunch of people farting then?” Asked Sam. Again, she wasn’t good at this. 
But before he could even respond, Bea, the pianist had already begun the… fight, if you could call it one. Apparently the fart statement had been the one to bother her, funnily enough. 
She’d stormed over, yelling and screaming nonsense. Raising her hands and giving them fingers. 
Very classy.
Georgia and Sam had stood up to walk over to the stage. Bea had continued a rampage of all the cuss words she could think of and calling them out on their lack of talent and accusing them of coming here only to plagiarize their songs, to which Theodora kindly answered they couldn’t plagiarize a ‘pile of pure shit’ unless they went to the bathroom. Sam had continued with the fart insults. 
Ben only stood there watching them and trying and failing to calm them down.
Soon, the other poor customers at the bar were involved in the fight, trying to incentivize the company. Some others were drunk enough to fight with them and others just enjoyed the show. 
Billie, ‘Cap’, who had acquired the nickname from quite a young age, by making everyone call her ‘O’ cap’n my cap’n’ after making The Dead Poets Society her entire personality, had walked in along with her girlfriend, Clara. Cap was usually chill. A great leader, a great singer and a great friend. Unless, of course, you betray her. She’d been betrayed by Monty, whom she’d now nicknamed Slap-Dick. 
“Christ.” Cap muttered as soon as she saw the scene. Part of her band only raised glasses, fingers and lame insults and she was sure she’d just seen a beer can fly by. “Angel,” she turned sweetly to Clara. “Will you please hold this?” As she handed over her purse. 
“What for?” Clara questioned. 
“Yes, I might need to throw some hands— oh, how interesting, see who just walked in, the scum himself, Slap-Dick,” she greeted. 
Monty, one hand on his girlfriend’s, Maddie, waist, and one hand holding his guitar walked in. Cap scrunched her nose with disgust. 
“The fuck are you doin’ here Cap’n Crunch,” Monty snapped. “It’s our gig tonight, please get your vulgar and uncivilized twats out.” 
“I’m pretty sure your darling band if we can dare to call it that, was the one to start this,” Cap crossed her arms. Cap knew her own crew was not good at insulting. Although as she eyed Theodora she thought she may have been wrong in her initial statement. Still, she continued. “Your zoo is making all of this noise.” 
“Oh! Fuckin—.” Monty laughed but thankfully was interrupted before he could say anything that would make the show even better. 
“Stop!” Skylar had yelled, breaking a bottle against the wall as all the lights were turned off and the faint ambiance music stopped playing. She liked drama. “For fuck’s sake, stop!” 
Everyone felt the air cold, paused in the middle of the argument. The lights were turned back on, completely, leaving nothing to the imagination. It was chaos, as if a hurricane had hit the entire bar. Theodora was holding Ben by his shirt, Bea was standing on a chair, Sam and Abby just stood in front of each other. The other drunken clients just stood there awkwardly. Standing ever so slightly less elegant. 
“I’m so fucking done with this,” Skylar said. “Stop you assholes, this is the third time this month.” She made her way through the tables and snapped her fingers down twice at Bea, motioning for her to get down. “I don’t care about your stupid feud,” she continued as she snatched Theo’s hand off Ben. “ It's so stupid, you’re both terrible bands,”  she said as she walked in between Sam and Abby, separating them as both fueled with rage. “If this doesn’t stop,” she said, taking Georgia’s drink now and taking a sip for her. “And I’m talking to you both now,” she turned to watch Cap and Monty. “I’m going to cut you off, deadass. Not one more gig for either. Do you understand?”
Both tried to complain. 
“I said, do you understand?” Skylar was firm. 
“Yes, princess,” Monty hissed the nickname. Montgomery Williams was exactly the guy you’d think of when you thought of a guy who formed a band and played the lead guitar. His dark hair fell to his eyebrows and his cheeks were sucked in enough for him to be considered handsome. He was often seen with a pair of dark jeans and a new band t-shirt. A cigarette was his trademark accessory. Bulked enough but, not really. And he was often accompanied by his newest pursuit, this time, Maddie, a girl whose clothes were probably bought too tight on purpose. 
“Now, Capulets, please give me the pleasure of your kicking you out,” Skylar said
Montgomery smirked. 
“No, no, Monty, don’t get  your hopes up. They don’t play until tomorrow, so from now on whenever the other band is playing the rivals cannot step in here, otherwise I’ll fuck you up,” Skylar threatened. 
“I wanted a beer,” Cap complained earning a deathly glare from Skylar. “Fine, princess!” She took a deep breath. “Caps, let’s go get wasted at my place!” She ordered and her mates followed after. 
Skylar had her arms crossed at the entrance as they walked out and the members of the Montagues clapped. She rolled her eyes. 
“‘Lright everyone, if anyone causes another disturbance I’ll—“
“Fuck us up,” Monty finished. He clapped his hands and pushed Skylar from her shoulders back to the bar. “Absolutely, no worries, Sky, we’re very civilized and we will give you the best show tonight. We’re classy!” 
“Don’t touch me again,” was the last threat she gave before heading back to her office.
Monty gave her a fake smile and then turned to Ben. “The fuck happened?” 
Ben made his way back to the stage as he was followed by the rest of the band. “Honestly, Georgia and Sam were just here chilling. Abby overheard them and wanted to snap at them, I tried to calm them down but Theodora, you know Theodora.”
“Insane bitch, yeah.”
“Theodora just snapped and then it’s a blur,” Ben explained. 
“Fuckin’—“ Monty pinched the bridge of his nose. “Mkay, well. We can’t let them, you know, get on our nerves, that what they want, they want to get rid of us, no matter what, they don’t even care if they go down with us,” Monty said. “So, uh—yeah, especially now that Tom joined us they’re desperate.” 
His band mates only nodded with agreement. 
“And— where the hell is he?” Monty frowned, noticing just now that his lead singer was nowhere to be seen. “We play soon, that idiot,” he rubbed his face with stress. Although he loved to pride himself on being better than Cap, he was often found with insecurities because deep down he believed he wasn’t. 
Monty was especially scared now that he knew Cap was going to present her secret weapon the very next day. Why they were given a Friday instead of a Saturday was scary for him. Who had they brought in? 
Perhaps, the Tom furor was finally gone after a few weeks, considering that although more women were parading in Verona, they would soon be gone as soon as they found out Tom was not available and not willing to flirt with them. Even when Monty had encouraged it, the guy would just politely decline it. 
And now, they had the Saturday gig. The most important gig, and although Friday was next in line, he knew that important people showed up on Saturdays. Not Fridays.  
Though he didn’t blame it entirely on Tom’s reluctance to flirt. He knew Cap had pulled her cards right. And he knew it had something to do with Skylar. Had anyone slept with her? Or had they given her money? Had their songs penetrated Skylar’s walls?
Either way. They had to have their lead singer show up. He couldn’t hide his anxiety as he approached the microphones, tapping slightly on them to try them. 
Ben coughed, watching him. 
“Ben?” Monty’s eyes widened. “Where is he?”
“Look, I haven’t heard of him since the morning,” Ben explained. 
Monty furrowed his eyebrows. 
“He did text me he would be here, but.” 
“But what?” 
“Him and Rosie broke up so he might not be feeling well, he told me he was devastated. He told me he was getting a drink before.” 
Monty heard the news. His lead singer had broken up and was devastated on a Friday night gig. Where they had to sing silly love songs and hard beats. Songs that would be ruined if not sung with the right emotion. Songs that could potentially be ruined if sung drunkenly. 
“Are you telling me that…” Monty approached the mic, tapping it to make sure everyone heard him. “Did I hear that right Ben?”
“Monty.” Ben shut his eyes closed. 
“Did you just tell me our  handsome, British, sweetheart, muscly  lead singer is single now?” He questioned with a smirk knowing he’d gotten the attention. 
“Did you just tell me that?” Monty pushed. “Is Tom single?”
Ben shook his head annoyed. “Yes, Monty.” 
Monty smirked as he turned to the crowd. “Ladies… and no, actually, just the ladies, you just heard it! Our lead singer is recently single so I will need all of you to give him a warm welcome when he’s here, he’s going to need a lot of love. Will you guys help me with it?” 
And for now, he knew, he was back again at the race. 
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i'm tagging some friends and some who asked, if you want to be added to the taglist tell me if you want to be removed, no worries tell me as well! :)
tags: @lnmp89 @blondygwendy @dangerousluv1 @love-granger @kikiwritesfanfics @astoldbydanid @erodasghosts @peterdarlingg @hollandweather @annathesillyfriend @mannien
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virginburial · 11 months
.·:*¨༺    a little death.    ♱   chad meeks-martin   ༻¨*:·.
SUMMARY: in which you have a pretty intense night terror alternatively, in which you, a friend of the core four, is stuck at a slumber party, where Chad comforts you after having a nightmare
SHIP: afab!reader x chad meeks-martin WARNINGS: explicit content (minors stay out), unprotected p n v, praise kink, sub!reader, soft dom!chad, choking/gagging, reader jealous as fuck towards Tara, ethan/chad rivalry?? for your attention, "i kIsS tHe sCaRs On hEr SkIn!1!1!!1! XD" type shit, chad is coochie drunk (and a heavy dirty talker), random storytelling/porn with a plot. fluff if you squint. TW FOR: mentions of murder, character death, grief, recovery/healing, ptsd related topics, body image.
SONG: a little death by the neighbourhood.
A/N: hello hotties!! i told myself "this is going to be a short one it's pretty to-the-point" but then i forgot who the fuck i was and realized i don't know chill and wrote 6K words of this. typical me behavior. this is for my shawties you love some emotional intimacy <3 chad is the actual loml, i'm shocked i'm writing for him now when i should've done this more last year lol REBLOGS, NOTES, AND COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED !!    
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you woke up to your scream. 
It was Halloween weekend, and the news had just broke about the two murdered college students, and their film professor. You, a Woodsboro native knew exactly what this meant. You weren't just any Woodsboro native; you were directly involved with the recent Ghostface massacre of 2022. You had lived in Woodsboro for only a short fraction of your life, yet what happened there impacted everything you do now. 
You had moved from the south; Georgia-Florida-Alabama-ish. You met your current friends in your eighth grade year; coincidentally, the year one of your friends, Tara, had an issue where her sister ran from home. you enjoyed your little life there until it was viciously torn from you by your best friend and her psycho-groomer boyfriend-who you always had a bad feeling about. you were dating Wes at the time of his death, and after he went, so did all of your patience for the slasher genre. fuck the box office, fuck the critics, fuck the movie. 
when things had finally settled down, you and your newfound family decided to make the ambitious move to new york.  you were stuck being undeclared though as you slowly figured out what you want to get out of your experience at Blackmore. which all leads to now; October 30th, and the boogeyman you only saw in your dreams or in old photos of amber, was now prowling Manhattan for the survivors and fresh meat; ridiculous and fucked, that's what that is. your new friends; Ethan, Quinn, and Anika barely knew the drill. but you did. you've played this game before, unaware you were playing; now your focus could not be shaken.
Sam had suggested a fucked-up slumber party of sorts; "if we all stay together then he won't attack." "or we could be feeding him an all-you-can-eat buffet." Mindy croaks after Sam. Regardless, you knew that it was probably for the best everyone stayed together, especially the new ones. you had your suspicions about Ethan, who seemed to have taken a liking to you. the average sweet nerdy boy who's a bit corny, it all seemed a little too familiar. he would still try to get you to talk to him, stare you down, you could've sworn he stole something out of one of your drawers some time ago while looking for the restroom. you would never admit this out loud, because everyone is always so fucking uptight, but you never really cared about how he objectified you. you liked the attention. 
but he gave off joe goldberg energy, and you were more of a steve harrington girl.
it beats having to look at your long-term crush, Chad, who was falling for Tara. you always felt like the silver lining of both of your partners dying would be that he would finally look at you; but just like Wes when she first got attacked, Chad's eyes were on Tara. fucking Tara. nothing wrong with her, she was your friend. maybe you just needed to stop crushing on and dating boys who would all rather fuck Tara Carpenter than give you the light of day. but then again, you don't even think you're ready for romance to reappear in your life. last year you were manipulated, stalked, and stabbed; Tinder sex would be a nightmare. so there goes that pipe dream. 
you were sleeping in Tara's room with Quinn, Mindy, and Anika, while Chad and Ethan slept in the living room and Sam slept in Quinn's room; which was closer to everyone. It took everyone until midnight to get ready for bed, then Tara's music was too loud, and then Mindy and Anika started getting frisky which caused Tara to yell out "ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!" which led to Quinn screaming and laughing, which caused Ethan and Chad to rush in like knights ready to save the damsels, who were just making out. so Anika and Mindy were banished (by Chad) to Sam's room. you made a mental note to remind Sam to wash her sheets. 
you knew, despite the horrible situation that was starting to arise, that right now felt like any other night with your friends, and that it might be the last time things will ever be this way. so what had you screaming the way you are now? if not, a horrific night terror you had about how everything went down last year: the look in Richie's eyes piercing you through the mask as he violently stabs you, leaving gashes as you screamed out for the one person who can't even rescue you; Wes. this happened three hours after the last person went to sleep, making it 3 am. 
the thing with you that the others don't understand is that you had frequent nightmares about what happened. it's nearly a nightly occurrence and every night it's something different; Mindy's under the mask, Amber, Tara, Chad, Ethan, Sam, Anika, the Bodega guy, the guy who played Billy in Stab one, fucking Gale Weathers.  It keeps you up half the night, flashing your phone flashlight in the corner of your dorm and waking your dormmate. you used to sleep with a hunting knife; stuffing it under your pillow and holding it under there. you also have several cans of bear mace; you were Wes's girlfriend after all. you inherited all of his self-defense tools. 
the only one who understands is Sam. You can't believe the situation that's been happening between her and Tara; you would've killed to have an older sister who cares about you like Sam. Of course, your ID starts talking and tells you that Tara is just ungrateful to have a supportive family and Chad's attention and not want it. It fills you with envy. Sam gets it. Sam gets you. Sam tells you to try tea or get a medical marijuana card like she did, or try Zoloft like Mindy is doing. Mindy sarcastically suggests substance abuse. 
you scream, having it rip through the still silence that filled the apartment. with a flip of a light switch, the big overhead light shines over the scene of you; hyperventilating and pacing around as Tara rubs her eyes. The boys, with Mindy, rush into the room on queue as Quinn stands up from the bed. "hey! hey y/n!" she tries to get your attention, anything to break you free from the sobbing mess you were starting to become.  Tara decides to do the worst possible thing and start shaking you, she seems almost confused and pissed off as to why you woke her up. "y/n! look at me-" Tara tries to get your attention. "hey! Tara, that's not helping-" "-y/n, girl, what's wrong?" Quinn talked over Ethan.  
then, finally, Sam chimes in and pushes past everyone; shooting Tara a worried look as she slowly wraps her arms around you. you slowly sink in Sam's arms and sob as she softly pats your back. "another one?" she asked, and you nod, unable to speak as you take a harsh gasp and slowly breath out, trying not to sob more than you already have. you hated being so emotional in front of your friends, you hated being emotional in general. 
"wait so there was no one in here?" Ethan chirps.
Sam shakes her head. "no." she huffs out. "no no, just a night terror...I had one like this the other night. she'll be okay-" "-like hell she is, Samantha! I mean, look at her! she's shaking like a chihuahua!" Mindy blurts out. "I'm gonna make you tea, y/n," she announced as she went to the kitchen. Sam sighs, you could almost feel another brick weigh Sam down with the way she carried herself, then Tara spoke up. "Sorry I shook you, I...I panicked," she admits, which you knew was the truth. 
you sigh softly, your face beet red, blinking away the last of your tears. "it's f-fine-" "-it's really not, I mean, do you shake someone when they're having a seizure?" Tara lightly jokes, earning a small laugh as you sniffle. 
Sam speaks up. "I think one of us should stay here with y/n, at least until she falls back asleep. I would but I am very tired." 
"I don't mind-" "-i'll do it," Chad and Ethan said in unison, which ended with Ethan's side-eyeing Chad. then Chad spoke up again. "I can bore her with one of my old football stories, plus i've known her for years." if only you could read Ethan's mind, even when the look on his face said it all. Sam looks down at you, getting your nod of approval before glancing back at Chad. "yeah, that sounds good." 
Chad, who had come in charging with a chunky remote controller, just passed it to Ethan as he went back into the living room to grab his pillow. Sam rubbed her eye. "the girls can move to my room-" "-yikes." Mindy jingles as she came in with a mug. "I might've been sleeping there, with Anika, if you know what I-" Sam's face falls flat. "-you better be fucking joking, Mindy." she deadpans
"It's not like you're using that new mattress at its full capacity."
"okay gross." Chad gags, clutching his pillow and throwing it on the mattress. by then, Tara and Quinn already moved into Sam's room, probably collapsing at the door and sleeping on the floor as Mindy handed you the warm tea. She gives you a look that makes your stomach flip, it was almost sympathetic. almost like Mindy herself knows how it feels to be woken up like that. Mindy retreats to the room before Sam can say anything else. she sighs. "now I have an excuse to go to Target, and burn those sheets." she turns to you. "you sure you're gonna be fine here, with Chad?" she asks, Ethan, peering right behind her.
"Yeah, thanks, Sam," you tell her as she walks out, leaving just you, Chad, and Ethan. Ethan just purses his lips and gives you a weak smile before shutting the door and the lights off. you sit back down on the bed, grab the mug of tea, and sipped it sweetly, feeling the hot liquid run down your throat as Chad turns on the lamp. The room was cold, dimly lit with autumn new york air hitting your skin from the window next to you, the one Quinn cracked open. 
Chad groans softly as he flops on the messy bed. he's surprised anyone is even getting a wink of sleep tonight, especially you, with how stiff and cold you got the moment everyone left. he stares at you for a second, unable to say anything before blurting out. "...do you wanna watch a movie on my phone? it can be a funny one." he offers. "I have We Are The Millers downloaded." but you just retract even more. why? why can you just shut off whatever's stopping you from opening up? maybe it was the stark realization you never really trusted anyone, ever. 
you stayed silent, unsure of what to do; he wouldn't have offered if he didn't care a little. plus, it was only until you fell asleep. he was not going to stay with you the entire night. you turn to him, biting the inside of your cheek as you sip more of the tea. "no thanks, i've already seen it." you say. he isn't like Ethan; Ethan would just start leading the conversation with questions like 'Oh so what's a movie you haven't seen?' and whatever movie you think of off the top of your head will be the one that'll play. Chad just kind of stops after that; less of a nuisance but you were sure he wasn't at his full power since he hasn't really slept. because Chad can be annoying. 
"you know you hit the floor, right?"
you furrow your eyebrows. "what?"
"you fell off your bed, that's what woke you up. it was very loud, and woke me up," he says as he scoots over to you, sitting right next to you. "I'm a light sleeper now, it's a recent development. it's not all that fun...Tara said you were murmuring in your sleep too before you hit the ground." your face burns with embarrassment. "...how often does that happen?" he curiously asked. 
"What is to you?"
"just looking out for you. y'know, since the masked killer that tried killing us last year is trying to kill us again." his voice dripped with sarcasm. you scoff. of course. "...it happens a lot, maybe one of two times a week? it used to be every night." 
"I guess that explains your caffeine addiction."
you chuckle weakly. "thanks doctor dudebro." 
"I'm just saying, I wish you would've told one of us you were having nightmares..." he voices. "you know, Mindy used to have really bad nightmares. She would call me almost every night around the same time, just screaming and hyperventilating. it feels pretty real at the moment. then you wake up and it's not real." he mumbles towards the end. looking down a bit. you study the expression on his face, you knew Chad was more than some meathead jock, he gave you butterflies, and he seemed to be the healthiest among the survivors. he looks at you. "I'm on like 75 milligrams of Zoloft at all times so...I know what it's like, I've had my fair share of Richie-Amber adjacent nightmares," he confesses. 
your stomach churns from what comes out of his mouth. "is that why you agreed to stay here? to talk me into talking about what happened and get medicated-" you jumped.  Chad shakes his head. "no no, I'm not here to tell you what to do, or how to heal,  It's just...hard seeing you this way." you know exactly what he means, so you dropped the stubborn act. "I know none of us are really dealing with it, but now it's happening again...and I don't want to get hurt again. I don't..." he processes what he's about to say before expressing it; "...I don't want any of us to get hurt again."
"...do you think about her?" you blurt out. "liv, I mean." 
Chad freezes. you almost start to feel bad about bringing her up before he responds with. "most days." he croaks out softly. "sometimes I think if I would've just done what she wanted and went upstairs with her, things would be different." he fiddles with his fingers. "but then again, probably in the worst way, right? I don't know what I would've done if...if it was Mindy. or you." he flashes you a frail smile. "I think about her every time I hear a Paramore song, or when I see orange is the new black on Netflix or pink box dye. I hate the smell of that sugar cookie body mist that Quinn uses, it's the same one Liv had. She wanted to study 'abnormal psychology', she would've loved it up here...what about you? Do you think about Wes?"
"every night." your voice slightly breaks. "his Spotify account is still up, all the music he neatly organized into playlists for us is still on there, just collecting dust," you mumble, then, you feel pressure slowly lift off your chest as you continued to talk about him. "I deleted Spotify, though. can't be on there without seeing something he made for me or seeing his face, and Instagram too. His dad gave me a box of his things at the funeral and I brought it with me here, I can't look at it for very long without crying," you confess. "...can I be honest?"
"This is probably the most honest you'll ever get me, so shoot."
You let out a sigh, feeling your heart drop to your stomach as you stared into his eyes. "things in my life were already starting to go downhill before everything, and now...it never will feel the same, you know? I will never get over this, i'll just have to learn how to live with it when it's already happening again." Chad watches you, seeing your eyes sorrowly hang as the words spilled from you. he hates seeing you like this. you used to be so full of life, animated, and passionate; now you were just a shell. he softly bumps his shoulder next to you and gives you a reassuring smile. "...you're not alone." his voice softly spoke. "it feels lonely, but you're not alone." 
you finish the tea, setting it on the nightstand before Chad speaks up again. "what makes you say that, though?" he perks up. "that things were starting to go downhill?" he asks, maybe genuinely curious. you bite the inside of your cheek. "I had this feeling that Wes was in love with Tara. I thought I was just going crazy but after Ghostface attacked her, and I saw the way he looked at her, I knew I couldn't keep denying it anymore. I just wanted him to look at me the way he looked at her, everyone looks at her like that, but now he can't because Amber wanted to cosplay Stu Macher." you spat, your condescending tone dripping in anger. "...i've just been filled with jealousy ever since, mostly towards Tara, sometimes at Quinn...the whole situation made me feel...ugly."
Chad scoffs a little, and you immediately get defensive, but the better half of you knows Chad is not going to judge you. "you? jealous of Tara?! Tara Carpenter? The same Tara in this apartment?!" he seems almost appalled. "y/n...Tara Carpenter is a mess." he exposes. "Tara shows up to class drunk. Tara got her driver's license suspended. Tara's mom dropped her after her dad and Sam left already. Tara almost died three times!! Wes was crazy for you, he loved you-it annoyed the shit out of me really but he did. Tara might be pretty but she isn't you...I know what you're trying to say, but the last person you should be jealous of is Tara." Chad rambles. silence falls on the both of you for a second as you process what he told you; he's right. Tara has some horrible luck, you needed to stop comparing yourself to her. 
"...if it makes you feel better, I get jealous of Ethan."
well, that was a shock. "huh?!"
Chad chuckles softly. "yeah, I do, I get jealous of Ethan sometimes." you can notice him getting a bit flustered. "he-he's just lucky, you know? he didn't experience what we did, so he can walk alone at night and go to bars without feeling like he's being watched...he isn't active, which annoys me so much." he raises his hands in defense. "I know I know, it's not my life, but when he does tag along and goes to the gym with me, he can work out a lot longer than I can. he can wear whatever he wants. he can take his shirt off and no one will stare at him or ask questions. he doesn't have chronic pain. he can go and date whoever he wants and not feel bad about his body, or feel bad that he's cheating on his dead girlfriend...little shit like that makes me jealous," he admits, pressing his tongue against his cheek. "my injuries from last year were so severe that I can't even play my favorite sport anymore, and Ethan just gets to sit around and play World of Warcraft with his perfect nervous system." his words stung. 
you couldn't think of anything to say, because he was right; it's not fair, none of this is fucking fair. suddenly, you can't help but slide your hand over to his, squeezing it softly. Chad studies you for a second, his brown eyes scanning how beautiful your features looked in the dark, you couldn't help but notice how clammy his hands were starting to get, he opens his mouth to say something, then he stops himself before saying something else; "...can I show you?" he asks. 
you glance over at him, seeing how close to you he already was. you could feel your cheeks heating up as your eyebrows slightly raised from his request. you were shocked that he trusted you. "you...wanna show me? you won't even show Mindy-" "-Mindy can never take anything seriously, y/n. She's gonna call me Tony the Tiger if I show her." that made you chuckle, considering one of the scars that you had also looked like animal print; or you romanticized it to the point where it reminded you of a zebra stripe. so you nod. "yeah...yeah you can show me."
Chad, noticeably nervous, sighs before lifting his shirt slightly, revealing not one, not two, or three, but four or more deep scars that dented his already chiseled chest. your face flushes, blood traveling to your cheeks as you examine his body, how his skin was still healing, how deep the valley of his abs truly was. your throat goes dry, almost like you can't process the amount of pain Chad might be going through or what he went through when he got those scars. It's almost like he sees you contemplating on what to say; if there was anything you can say to make him feel better. your lips slowly part as you lean in closer. 
"you can touch it." Chad chimes. 
you look up at him for approval, even though he told you that you could. shakily, your hand slowly grazes down his chest, your fingers running down the canyons of his chest, reminding yourself that this was the case for you too, both physically and mentally scarred. you could feel Chad's breath hitch softly, and you stop. "did I hurt you or-?" "-no, no you didn't hurt me..." he says softly, his pupils growing in size as he watches you feel him. you know the room was not well-lit but you knew he could see you blushing. before you know it, Chad's hands slowly creep over to your hips, pulling you closer in the most unsubtle way. "may I?" he asks.
you were flustered, and all the blood that ran to your cheeks ran down to your core, feeling your heartbeat slowly revive itself down there as Chad's big hands rested themselves on your lower back. you squeezed your thighs together; you've wanted this for so long, you wanted Chad's attention since sophomore year, so you nod your head. Chad smiles softly at you before lifting your shirt slightly and exposing the scar on your stomach. you blushed from the tension and the embarrassment. you could feel Chad's hot breath on your neck as his fingers slowly graze your curves, just softly skimming past the waistband of your pajamas as he looks into your eyes. "...did I mention that I get jealous of the way Ethan looks at you?... Same reason I was so annoyed with Wes-"
the desperation of having Chad's hands on you drives you over the edge as you crash your lips into Chad's, feeling how chapped they were as you relax into the kiss. you did this for your inner teenager, who's probably doing summersaults because you're finally kissing Chad Meeks-Martin. before you knew it, Chad eagerly kisses you back, one of his hands squeezing your waist as the kiss grew more and more passionate. you weren't expecting this, but thinking back at it now, you should've seen this coming. you pull away from the kiss, realizing that your hands involuntarily wrapped themselves around his neck, and your faces were just a few inches apart. "well shit..." Chad mumbles as you notice his cheeks turning a dark shade of red. 
he then grabs your chin delicately and kisses you softly, making sure you were present as his hands drop to your hips. the last person you were with like this was Wes, and you knew Chad was in the same boat with Liv. you pull away, seeing his lips chase after yours as you placed his hand on his chest. "Chad...should we be doing this?" he stares into you, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he gnaws on it, unsure of what to say. "I would like to..." he said softly, pulling you closer. "We should make some new memories..." he huskily whispers before attaching his lips to your neck. your breath hitches as you grab onto him, and once he does that, you realized you wanted nothing more than to fuck Chad. "w-we should." you respond.
Chad manhandles you, again, pushing you back up against the mattress, grabbing your neck and jaw as he leaves open-mouthed kisses, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin as a soft gasp leaves you. he hovers on top of you, his breath getting heavier with each kiss before pulling away from your neck entirely. the look he gives you is full of passion. "besides, can't watch you squeeze your thighs like that and expect me not to want you..." he mumbles softly. your heart feels like it's on crack at this point, your stomach cramming with anxiety and lust as you kissed him roughly. 
his lips felt so right on yours like they were always supposed to be there. he quickly gets in between your legs and reattaches his lips to your collarbone, his hands sliding down to your hips as you press them up against his growing bulge. a small moan escaped passed his lips as you grab his face and bring him back to your neck. every touch fills you with passion, your moans getting increasingly louder before Chad completely pulls away. "shhh." he chuckles softly, grabbing your jaw and making you look at him, squeezing your cheeks a little. "our friends are right outside, don't wanna wake them, right angel?" god he's so fucking fine. "no matter how cute you sound."
Chad delicately pulled your shirt off, revealing your tits, since you pulled your bra off before climbing into bed. his eyes could not peel away from them, as hard as he tried to focus on anything else. he gently flicked his tongue around the bud off your left tit, then slowly slides his tongue down your stomach, over your scar, and down to your abdomen. your face soured up from how different it felt having Chad kiss and suck and lick down your stomach. he leans up and kisses you. "your body is so beautiful, you know that?" he mumbles softly against your ear, and you respond by nodding, because deep down you always knew, just never affirmed. 
Chad's hands slowly found themselves sliding off your silk pajama shorts, which might've been driving him crazy all night. he slowly reveals your panties, basic cotton white boyshorts with a wet stain conveniently down the middle. he pulls you to the edge of the bed, standing up as he gets a better look. he smirks at the sight of it, you could see his mouth nearly watering as his left hand softly grazes your clothed core. his class ring hitting your sensitive nub as your hips gently jerk to the sensation of it. then, his hand softly slaps it, a soft, wet squelch coming out of you as your body jolts again. you whine as he starts to speak; "fuck...poor angel, must be very desperate, huh?" he taunts. 
you can barely think of what to say, already so desperate to feel him that you just lazily nodded your head. he grabs your face. "cmon, use your words." he says gently. it makes you feel so weak in the knees as his free hand softly caresses your cunt. "when was the last time you came, angel? you're so sensitive..." he uses his thumb to rub your throbbing clit in circles, still waiting for you to answer. "l-long ago..." and you weren't lying. it's hard to focus on yourself and your needs when you're constantly in survival mode, and it's harder to make yourself cum when the last person who did got brutally murdered. Chad gets it, considering how flaccid his anti-depressants made him. seeing you in this position, though, finally gives him the hard-on he's been waiting for. "let's fix that." 
He slowly slips two fingers into you, watching your back arch as he quickly covers your mouth, his hand taking up half of his face as he thrusts them slowly in you. he sees your body slowly adjusting to his fingers as your muffled moans pushed pass the cracks of his knuckles. his class ring hits your clit with a certain rhythm, making you twitch as you hold onto his wrist. "fuck" you mumble in Chad's hand as he starts to recklessly pound his fingers into you. his actions were so rough but his words were so sweet, causing your brain to almost malfunction; "taking my fingers so fucking well." he pants softly. 
your faint moans turned into muffled screams when Chad stuffs a third finger in there, curling them and thrusting them deeper and deeper into your aching hole. his hand clamping harder around your mouth as your screams got louder and higher. he looked so determined to push you over the edge, it's almost like he wants you to cum all over his fingers. 
your eyes flutter as his thumb grazes over your clit. fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. you wish you had the entire apartment to yourself so you can scream and moan and do Chad on the dining table. for now, you're settling with him shutting you up with his knuckles deep in your hole. you can't help but feel your walls tighten around his fingers. he drags his fingers out and glances up at you, seeing how flustered and aroused you were as he slowly pulled off your panties, shushing you gently and moving his hand away from your mouth. "open wide angel." he hums before stuffing them in there.  
you could taste how tart you were, saliva staining the panties as he slowly slides his finger down your folds, using his free hand to whip his cock out. You faintly groaned out in frustration. you haven't felt this good in so long, your skin hot to the touch as your fingernails dug themselves into his shoulder blades. your eyes pleading as they found themselves staring at his cock; you knew Chad was pretty big, Liv might've ranted a little bit about how she was 'sore' from the first time she did it with him. you weren't expecting him to be so thick either. you could see his cock tremble, his tip already soaked in precum as it glistens in the dim lighting, the lamp hitting it just right as he smirks at you. "come on, angel, show me how bad you need it." he coos softly, brushing your hair behind your ear.
you rest yourself on your elbows, staring down at that Alaskan bull worm Chad calls a penis as you imagine yourself getting nearly split in half by him. how badly your hole was begging for any kind of contact as Chad's muscular arm wraps itself around your thigh. you could see his hand slowly pump his cock as he waited for your answer, maybe you propped up the way you were could get the job done for him. you whine and try to squeeze your thighs again before he forces them open, prying them apart like a Venus flytrap as he slowly inserts himself.  His tip slowly sinking into you "o..oh-f-fuck..." he groans softly, his voice getting even huskier as he pulls down on your hips. "your cunt sucks me up so well, angel...you're s-so tight." he mutters.
he slowly starts lunging his hips against yours, sweat gleaming from his forehead as he admires your reaction to every thrust, seeing your eyebrows furrow, your mouth falls open, your eyes fluttering, all of it just drives Chad insane. "such a pretty girl..." he nearly growls as he throws one of your legs over his shoulder; it's almost like he wanted to pace himself so he wouldn't get lost in the pleasure she was giving him; but it seemed nearly impossible as his pace increases. 
your muffled moans got louder and louder, causing Chad's strong hand to wrap around your neck and squeeze it softly, your moans becoming inaudible as he starts to brutally fuck you into the mattress. you thought this whole exchange would trigger something primal in you, freak you out too much that you end up running out of the room, but it was quite the opposite. Chad leans down. "your pretty moans are gonna wake t-them up, angel." he warns her again, his tone was so sweet though, it made you melt. "how do you t-think everyone's gonna f-feel when they see you getting fucked out-mhm-like the doll you are-?" he groaned out softly, his teeth grazing your ear and tugging on it. 
pleasure began to overwhelm you, your moans and whimpers turning into gasps and yelps as Chad clapped the hand he choked you with over your mouth, again. "f-fuck baby...you w-wanna be my angel, don't you?" he mumbles softly as your body started to jolt with pleasure, you could feel the panties hit the back of your throat, the essence of your juices left stuck on your tongue as your nails scratched up Chad's back. he then answers his own question. "I know you do, sweet girl...fuck, you hear how good you're taking me?" he praises. 
your own pleasure starts to build up as your back arches, and you can't help but cry out from how good it made you feel, it almost made you regret waiting so long before making a move on Chad, or anyone else really. Chad's dirty ramblings keep you on edge: "My cock fits so perfectly inside of you a-angel...wanna be buried in you like t-this all the time-mhmfuck-" his whispers start to turn into strained statements, the sound of skin slapping echoing inside the room, if anyone else was awake in the apartment, they probably would have already noticed the intense fucking happening in that room. 
the tip of his cock starts punching your g-spot like a boxer and his punching bag, you can't contain your muffled moans getting any louder; which causes Chad to cover your mouth for a third and final time. you could feel his cock seize inside of you as Chad's own groans start filling up the room. you were almost worried that Sam or Ethan were going to charge in here and see Chad balls deep inside of you. the pleasure starts to overwhelm you as your thighs shake uncontrollably, your hot breath wafting back into your face as Chad groans out quietly. "y-you need my cum, baby? mhm? that'll g-get you sleeping-" he manages to get out before feeling your juices gush out of you; realizing you had cum all over his cock, your body jerking in response as your eyes fluttered close.
involuntarily, Chad's cock squirms before you felt the thick ropes of his cum spill inside of you. you watched as his tense body finally relaxes into your touch, his heavy breaths and soft groans hitting your neck. seeing him slowly pull out and realizing he forgot to grab a condom from his wallet or check if Tara had some, oh well, it's not like he's gonna get murdered on the way to the pharmacy and back. he notices how limp you've become as he moves his hand away and pulls the panties out of your mouth. you can't help but notice how charming his smile was. he was glad he can catch you at this moment, all worn out and lazy but perfectly content, and finally dozing off to sleep. Chad gives you a lazy, soft kiss before you finally fell asleep.
the next morning, Chad and Mindy had run out to get breakfast; you were the last one to wake up, which Quinn noted as a good thing: "It means you finally caught up to your sleep schedule." which couldn't be further from the truth. you couldn't help but think about just a few hours prior, how good it all felt, how he basically fucked all the nervous energy out of you; feeling zen before the wave of reality hits you. The news was on, still talking about the new local Ghostface killings. you weren't sure if the slumber party kept you safer from the attacks or put you right in the middle of them, all you knew was that you had Chad as a bodyguard now. and when Chad finally comes back with several bags of Dunkin' breakfast sandwiches, he gave the only sprinkled donut he ordered to you. 
buy me a coffee ૮⸝⸝> ̫ >⸝ ა
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morallyinept · 4 months
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A full character analysis on COMANDANTE VERACRUZ from the film BURN NOTICE: THE FALL OF SAM AXE
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to learn more about the character. 🖤
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Basic Details:
Full Name: Comandante Veracruz (Comandante means Commander and Veracruz is his presumed last name. His first name is never mentioned)
Nickname(s): Often referred to as just Veracruz by Sam
Appears in: Burn Notice: The Fall Of Sam Axe, 2011 (first appearance at approx. 10:07)
Age (if known): Unconfirmed, possibly early to mid 30's based on physical appearance
Sexuality: Unknown/Not confirmed
Nationality: Hispanic, the film is set in Colombia with Veracruz's scenes, so presumed Colombian. However, it is not confirmed exactly where he is from
Family: Unknown/Not confirmed
Spouse/Partner: Unknown/Not confirmed
Relationship Status: Unknown/Not confirmed
Current Living Status: Alive - Veracruz was arrested at the end of the film. so is presumed in jail under terrorist/murder charges
Languages Spoken: English, Spanish
Education: Unknown/Not confirmed, however it appears he has military experience, so therefore would have needed basic school/college education to enlist in any military services
Job Role/Title: Leader of a militia group in Colombia
Special Skill(s): Firearms, combat training
Notable Colleague(s): Sam Axe
Distinguishing Features:
Tattoo(s): Bullseye tattoo on left hand between thumb and forefinger (Pedro's own), V tattoo on right wrist (Pedro's own)
Piercings: None
Scar(s): None notable
Other Markings: None notable
Prominent Feature(s): Sparse facial hair, five o'clock shadow, slicked/greased hair
Injuries: Veracruz fights with Sam and receives a blow to the lower gut/groin area with Sam's knee, and is punched twice in the face, resulting in a possible broken nose - it's seen bleeding profusely as he's arrested
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown, appears darker as wet/slicked back
Traits: Ruthless, cold, devious
Veracruz is a corrupt militia leader who is working against Sam. He intends to blow up the doctor's clinic as leverage to game the system for aid and plans to use a small farm the resistance group is protecting as a drugs trafficking route.
Veracruz has convinced Sam that the Espada Ardiente (the resistance group) is a dangerous group of terrorists whom Veracruz and his group are there to stop to bring peace to the community, but Sam soon discovers the Espada Ardiente is just a small group of farmers trying to protect their land and protect themselves against Veracruz and his men.
Veracruz explains he trained at the "School Of The America's in '92." The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly known as the School of the Americas, is a United States Department of Defense school located at Fort Moore in Columbus, Georgia. It has a Latin American Training Center-Ground Division, which is possibly where Veracruz would have trained, specializing in their major programmes of engineering, communications, and weapons and tactics.
Veracruz is ruthless, shooting one of his own men in his commitment to his cause. In a deleted scene he states, "We have a job to do, Capitan. We were asked to supply a massacre. Is there a problem?" Indicating he has no issue with cold-blooded murder.
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Outfit 1 - (All scenes) Grey/Blue cargo type shirt and pants combo, back round neck t-shirt underneath, black tac vest, black thigh holster, black army style boots
Accessories: Black watch on left wrist
Weapons Used:
Weapon(s): (Exact weapons pictured below)
Veracruz uses a Glock 17 pistol, however in the film a replica is given to Pedro to act with, which is a Umarex SA177 BB Gun Repeater
Veracruz uses a M4A1 Carbine Rifle
Veracruz also uses a large, serrated knife in his fight with Sam, which he pulls from a sheath on his belt
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Modes of Transport:
Veracruz drives a 2000 model Toyota Land Cruiser, license plate OWI-619
His men drive a mix of an AM General M-35, a 1995 Chevrolet C-3500, and a 1992 Ford F-Series
🗨 See Veracruz's full dialogue from the film, including deleted scenes.
Further Character Links (if any):
The Fall Of Jeffery Donovan - BTS
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luhafraser · 1 year
Too many questions... Let's see...
- Definitely not a newbie! And how will I know who it is? 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I'm having fun with her/his posts... Antis not so much! 😉😂
- No, I didn't see what Cait posted and deleted it. But "post and delete" remains a good method of teasing this fandom and getting people to speculate about...
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- Yup, I saw some pics of Sam in Germany, and with Georgia. Well... Old acquaintances who resolved a misunderstanding after that weird thing with Monica Aksamit?! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I always wonder if Sam can only have female friendships with married women, work colleagues or anyone else who doesn't fit the pattern?! But one thing is certain, Sam wanted to be seen there (and with her)... Otherwise nobody would know.
- I have no words for Sam's lack of shame in teasing shippers with this Smooth Operator thing 🤦🏻‍♀️😜🤣
- P about Sam...
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- Sam and Cait feed all existing narratives (all beliefs in this fandom) because 1) when everything is true, nothing is a lie, no?! How to know what is really real? What better way to hide something, no? 🤯😉 2) they want to keep everyone trapped in this freak show that is their public lives, and created by them (... Afraid of losing the few who know who they are, who buzz about them on social media, and who "consume" all of them and about them, maybe?!).
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dwreader · 2 months
IWTV Episode 6 Podcast Transcript
Special Guests: Levan Akin and Jewelle Gomez
"Lestat made him [Louis] a vampire. He became in a way his everything. He became isolated from his family and his friends. He has nothing. It’s classic abusive, toxic. He’s isolated Louis." -Levan Akin
“Recording a song with your side piece is not an apology”
Naomi: First, in this episode, there’s a heated discussion of whether Emily Dickinson was a vampire. What other historical figures do you think could’ve been vampires? 
Levan: Good question.. I would say Tesla. He could be a vampire… I don’t know maybe I’m just thinking about was it David Bowie who played him in a movie. Maybe I just got that image in my head… I don’t know what do you think? 
N: I’m not used to having the tables turned on me… Bowie and Iman. 
L: And also Grace Jones. 
N: Can you tell me when you first discovered Anne Rice?
L: I’d heard about her and then I saw the film I think when I was 14. 
N: Wow, formative. 
L: I remember that screening very well. I loved vampires and I saw that film. I was a little gay kid and there was a lot of subtext I could pick up. And then I went to the school library and found The Vampire Lestat so that was the first book I read and that was a gamechanger for me. I was obsessed… 
N: Do you remember your parents having a reaction to you reading these books?
L: The thing is they didn’t really get it. My parents are from Georgia, former Soviet Republic. They had no idea about pop culture or anything. 
N: You’re live with us from Sweden. Correct me if I’m wrong but IWTV is the first time you’re directing a US TV series?
L: Yes.
N: Tell me everything, how does it happen? How are you out here working in Sweden and like get me on the AR show? 
L: I did a film called and then we danced, and that opened some doors. I got agents. I read from an AR fan I follow on facebook and heard they were doing a series and I told my agents, get me on that show. And then finally I met Rolin Jones and luckily Rolin thought why not give this guy a try. He’s a risk taker. 
L: I also got to do the scene where Louis meets Molloy in San Francisco. I can’t believe it. 
N: You directed ep 5 and 6 which are the most tumultuous episodes in the show and the most tumultuous time in their relationship. What is the core of the conflict, how would you describe it? 
L: You know those two episodes, its essentially the darkest days. Everything comes to the end. When I was reading ep 5 I was thinking, how does Lestat ever come back from this? And then I started reading ep6, and how he slowly tears Louis down and talks his way back into their lives. And I thought it was brilliant but also you know frightening. I always tried to approach the material with like what’s the reality of this situation? You know it is a toxic relationship. It was interesting approaching these scenes as an adult, having read these books as a kid. 
N: When you read these romances, its like I want someone to love me that much. And then when you’re an adult, you’re like this is sick this is twisted. We have to have boundaries. 
L: Yes, of course. 
N: You see the relationship change, for all the fantasy of it, the emotions are real, regardless of the time. How we stay in the truth of what the feelings are. As you said this is a tumultuous time, the darkest of days and we see Lestat begging for forgiveness over the course of years and trying to win Louis back. And he has a messed up way of apologizing. Can we talk a little about as a director, getting into the mindset? When you’re talking to Jacob and Sam, do you get them in the mindset of okay its been 6 years, you swam the Mississippi, bring me that energy. 
L: Yeah, again how do you find the truth in that scene. Its at its core.. Lovers reuniting but also there’s so much frustration coming from Louis in that scene. He’s been having this stalker slowly nudging his way into his wife. I remember talking to Jacob about it over lunch, it feels as if that scene also he’s had enough. He knows he’s never going to be free of Lestat. He might as well relent. Its very sad later in the episode he says what difference does it make. 
N: I want Louis to realize he can do better.. 
L: Me too. But you know Lestat is his prison. Its like him trying to get over a bad breakup and he’s still a hundred years later you’re sort of still trying to understand and deal with what happened in this relationship. 
N: And you see here in 2022 and he’s still mad. Relatable. 
L: Of course, of course. Lestat made him a vampire. He became in a way his everything. He became isolated from his family and his friends. He has nothing. It’s classic abusive, toxic. He’s isolated Louis. 
Voicemail from listener: I did watch the first episode, I was very intrigued but I did not read the book. I was a little confused about why Louis’s brother killed himself and then I thought maybe Lestat had gotten into his head because he wants Louis so badly but he wants Louis to come to him. So what better way to get someone and get into someone’s head when they are in mourning for someone they loved and vulnerable. I just wanted to know if that was why Paul killed himself that Lestat put that in his head so he could get to Louis. 
N: You’re asking the question that Louis asks in this episode! I thought this was such a huge moment, have you been sitting on this for 30 years? Have you been with this person wondering this all this time? Can you tell me your thoughts on this question? He says no. 
L: He says no, but as you said, him having this question for 30 years and never asked before, what does that mean? Does that mean he had his doubts but he didn’t want to ask and didn’t want the truth? But now theyre standing at this threshold so he’s like Im gonna ask this question but I think Lestat did not have anything to do with it. I think he’s telling the truth.. What do you think?
N: Its tricky to me cause we know Lestat is a manipulator, thats what he does. On one hand, the way he responds, I believe that but he did get in Paul’s head at the dinner table. 
L: But if he did do it, he’s irredeemable in a way. Which is why I think he did not do it. 
N: Why do you think Lestat is telling his story NOW?
L: To me, its cause he know he has to give him something. It’s purely tactical. He’s very earnest when he tells it, its very down to earth and grounded and direct. 
N: Was that something you and Sam talked about? 
L: Yes, we talked about it and we said this has to be different. It has to feel different for you to sort of lay that final punch toward winning over Louis for real. Without doubt. I don’t want the audience to feel Louis is an idiot. You have to understand Louis like he’s finally giving me something real something vulnerable. 
N: Speaking of sort of this intimacy and this toxicity of this relationship, do you think Lestat deserves forgiveness? 
L: It’s an interesting question and I was thinking about it, cause when you read the books and you read TVL/QOTD, its told from Lestat’s POV and he’s manipulating the reader and you love him and you’re inside his mind and he motivates all of his bad decisions and the bad stuff he does. When you see him objectively from the outside, it becomes more complicated. And this is Louis’s retelling of Lestat. The real question to me is does Louis really forgive him? I’m not sure he does, he takes him in again but is he totally open to him or has he locked off some places? 
N: You gotta lock up some places with Lestat. 
L: You can see that in relationships. People who have been together too long and you wonder should they really be or is it just comfortable its easier like this to keep going. 
N: Lestat will not let him go and we also see he won’t let Claudia go. I HATE HIM! WHY why won’t he just let Claudia go? The thing I don’t understand is he never wanted Claudia, he made her to appease Louis so I’m like why wouldn’t he let her go so he can have Louis all to himself again? 
L: Yes, cause he knows he’s never going to be enough for Louis. He knows that Louis is going to be depressed and thinking about Claudia, he doesn’t want to rock the status quo of the situation, he just wants to keep it as is. Cause its going to be trouble for Lestat. 
N: I feel like Lestat is his own trouble. If he could just be nice and stop having side pieces. Cause this is what kills me, when he mentions the Bruce thing adn knowing what we know of Lestat and how vengeful he is.. Why didn’t he go kill Bruce? 
L: yeah that’s a good question. 
N: Oh so you knew all this time and we know you love killing people just for fun, could you just go kill Bruce for the family please? I was mad.. 
L: Me too. 
N: One of the things too is the idea of enduring. As Lestat says, we endure each other. In some ways, Louis is just enduring Lestat like what can I do, so I’m just gonna stay with him. Is enduring something to even be proud of? Doesn’t sound great to me. 
L: I agree, its a way of suffering. I see it almost as a duty to go through these things and to endure. Being a vampire and living forever is an endurance. In this context, Louis is saying what else can I do?  He doesn’t have anyone else,  he doesn’t know any other vampires, why not just endure this and let this pass? Cause you see time differently when you’re a vampire, like it’s gonna be 10 bad years but then things are gonna change. 
N: 10 bad years.. What’s one bad decade?
L: Yeah cause they don’t have what we do which is like its now or never. I’ve gotta get my shit together now. Hustling to try to fulfill all your dreams. He’s like whats the point? And try to make the best of this, cause this is what we have and the cards we’ve been dealt. 
N: That brings me to Molloy in present day when Louis offers him eternal life and Molloy says no so quickly when we know that was not the case in the 70s. I interpret it as having heard this story, he’s like no I do not want to be a vampire now knowing what he knows hes like no thank you. 
L: Also I think being older and seeing what an effed up place the world is and its all going to hell and its the middle of the pandemic and climate change and wars, I think Molloy is like I don’t wanna stay here. 
N: This episode ends with Molloy having a dream? A memory? I love a camera pan and he’s there. 
L: I freaked out when I was reading it too... This series is everything I wanted as a fan, there are so many cool things you’re going to see in the series from the book. And a lot of things Rolin has planted now that you will see later. 
Horror Author Jewelle Gomez
N: Episode 6 did not leave me feeling good, coming off the heels of 5, it was another pummeling in a way. 
J: Louis has gone through the ringer and its not that often you get to a see a vampire who has to recover. Usually in TV/movies its like bada bing bada bang and injuries are gone. This is a knitting back together and its an emotional thing to watch. 
N: It’s been years, it takes like 3 years to get back to who he was like walking around. This is an episode about the family dynamic and how it is changed by what Lestat has done. What do you think is different about a vampire family? Should they even be a family? Are they forcing something not right? 
J: We’re thinking like mortals, like they can get a therapist to work it through. I think it’s valuable to try to make something but it has to be as Louis say no lies and I dont think Lestat is ever capable of being fully present and fully honest even when he says he’s going to compromise or be honest I don’t know if you can trust him in particular. And then you add in Claudia who is in many ways superior to Louis and Lestat, she’s got a really strong mind a strong intellect… 
N: They’re like she’s a sweet little girl, it will be fine. Have you never met a teenage girl? 
N: It’s funny cause I don’t think of her as smarter but she is colder. Louis he is bound by this love of Lestat, he’s in his thrall. Then Lestat is driven by power and control. Claudia just wants to be free… she is the one who is the least attached in this trio which enables her to see clearly and this dynamic is not right and I dont have to stand for it. 
J: She’s coming into her own as she goes out into the world and sees women. She’s never going to become one in the traditional scene and it engenders her anger. She is definitely chillier than Louis and that’s a surprise to them. She’s not as wedded to the value of mortals cause she’s never lived as long as a mortal. She’s chilly and ruthless. 
N: Absolutely, a bit theme of the series is ht eidea of freedom vs repression and she says to Louis lets leave and go to Europe lets life our own life. But do you think you can really be free as a vampire? Do you think a vampire is any more free as a mortal?
J: Usually its the stuff you take into your vampire life before you were a vampire, but if you were not taught how to create family or what freedom really means, it would be very hard to be free of someone like Lestat. I think that’s a significant element of who Claudia is trying to be free, what it creates for her is assault. She takes that into how she feels about Louis and Lestat. Its stoked by this incident by Bruce, its something they do not understand, even reading the diary you can’t really understand what it means to a woman to have that experience. It’s a very valuable part of the story for us to understand claudia and why she wants to be free why she will go to any lengths to be free. 
N: She thinks the only way to be free is killing Lestat. What are the vampire rules against killing your maker? 
J: It’s like how mortals views patricide or matricide. It’s like the worst crime other than killing your child. It sentences you to death in the vampire world. 
N: Can she ever really be free? If she thinks the only way to freedom is to kill Lestat but to do so would put a target on her back… there’s no way out for her? 
J: The only way for her would be if Lestat turns over a new leaf and just lets them go on their European tour but what’s more likely to happen when he finally does understand Claudia is serious and powerful. The possibility of him killing her is not that slim. He might just be done with her and is not worth the hassle. She’s not in love with him the way Louis is. 
N: We’ve talked a bit about Louis being in love with Lestat and in his thrall but Claudia says we’re slaves to Lestat and Louis is like that’s not true. Why does he not see do you think? 
J: I’ll tell you, when she tells Louis we’re slaves to Lestat, Louis knows what slavery looks like in real life, he does not feel its true for him in this moment. Even though slavery comes in different shapes sizes and forms, he’s like little girl you don’t know what you’re talking about. He doesn’t take in himself as a slave but he’s unable to see himself as a slave but someone who treats him the way Lestat does is not healthy. We cannot underestimate he is in love, he takes the position of the battered spouse who keeps forgiving. 
N: Its Claudia who gives the strength to Louis, when she says we don’t have to be like this anymore, you deserve better, we deserve better, we can start over. The young person who sees all the opportunities vs. the older person who was never given that opportunity. 
J; And that gives you hope that things can change but she’s also a young person who doesn’t know the past so she doesn’t know what Louis’s been through to get where he is. So its a double edged sword in some ways, but the hope part of it is most valuable to Louis at this stage of this story. 
N: If you’re vampire, where would you live and when? Preferred time period and location where you would feel the most free?
J: I would live between London and NY. London in the 1800s - number 1 the clothes, the outfits, I’m a corset queen and bloomers on your bicycle and you could go to the theater every night of the week and see something different. As a person of color I wouldn’t be invited to a lot of the salons, that’s alright I’ld have my own vampire salons. 
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garbinge · 6 months
Country Shit
Gilly Lopez x F!Reader (Soldier Reader) Summary: Pre-canon fic where you think the worst as a black town car approaches your home but are pleasantly surprised by whose home.
A/N: Posting this fic I've had in my docs finished for a while now. I hope to start getting back in the swing of things soon. I know a lot of people have been commenting/messaging/reaching out about my Bear series and I promise I'll update that soon, but for now enjoy my first Gilly fic from Mayans :)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, mentions of war, bootcamp, training, army, army rangers, PTSD, trauma, death, grief, dishonorable discharge. Lightly angsty? Or maybe I'm numb to angst and its like medium-angst level lol. Light fluff.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie
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The clouds were rolling in, you heard the thunder in the distance as you sat on the back of your wrap around porch staring out at the ranch in your backyard. You pulled your cardigan tight around you out of instinct as the breeze from the storm on its way in, blew past you. The dark clouds casted a shadow on the large land of property that made up your backyard, the free-range chickens you owned had retreated into their coup, the two horses you took care of were nestled safely in the barn you had just 500 feet away from the house, and your dog was alert on your left hand side as he stared up at the rumbling sky. 
“Come on, boy, let’s get inside before it starts coming down.” You stood up and opened the back door and nodded for your dog to go inside. 
Your timing was impeccable, just as you closed the screen door, the rain started. The living room walls were filled with windows, you could see the droplets throughout every window on every window that surrounded the room. The sound of the water pelting against the roof and the deck filled the house, it was loud and mixed with the rumbling of the thunder. It needed to be drowned out, so you moved over to the record player you had set up by the front of the living room. 
The memory of the last time you used the record player was coming up short, but seeing the Sam Hunt record in the player made you smile. Placing the needle on the record, it scratched for a minute before the music started playing. It brought you back to a time in your life, there wasn’t much other way to describe it besides a time. It wasn’t something you’d describe as the best time in your life, not in the slightest, but there were some moments that weren’t completely horrible. 
“Come on! Grab your drink!” 
Those were the famous last words your bunkmate said before she dragged you onto the dance floor. You remember the beat of the banjo playing so loudly as you moved to the beat. It was the last night of Ranger School, you had graduated earlier in the day, your friends and family had come and gone already to wish you well before they shipped you off to your assignments.
You weren’t alone on the dance floor, you were in Georgia, so when Sam Hunt was playing, the crowd tended to thicken up a bit. The noise got louder from people singing along, and although it wasn’t your go-to selection, it was fun in comparison to everything training had put you through. You remember feeling beer dripping down your jeans as you jumped up and down with the mix of Ranger graduates and town locals, but you didn’t mind one second of it. You just loved having the excuse to wear something other than your green service uniform. 
As the song reached its last minute, you had started to sing along to the lyrics, your laugh was contagious by those around you as you enjoyed the celebration. You were drunk, there was no two ways about it, and you weren’t alone in that, everyone around you was too. Some people attempted to line dance, because choreographed moves were the perfect thing for a bunch of drunks, but everyone seemed to make it work. Except him. And you heard his voice in your ear as you were trying to keep up with those around you in the last moments of the song. 
“Can you show me how to do this shit so I don’t make a total fucking ass of myself?” 
You smiled at the comment, and turned to him. Lopez. You had worked with him over your summer of training, but to say you knew him well would have been an exaggeration. 
“And you think I know what I’m doing?” You chuckled as you looked back at him. “I’m just following everyone else. It’s like a kick kick step step turn thing.” 
“Right.” Gilly was trying to catch up as he moved next to you. It was hilarious to watch but it was also nice, having someone else with you that didn’t exactly know what was happening. “Man, I wish they’d turn this country shit off.” He whispered to himself as he tried to follow along with his feet.
As the song came to a close, you spoke up to him. “Didn’t peg you as the line dancing type.” 
“I’m running a bet with the guys.” He pointed back to his group of friends. “Longest one to stay out on the dance floor, actually trying, gets their tab taken care of.” 
“You do realize we’re in a bar full of locals who love buying drinks for anyone in the service?” You frowned at him. 
“Yea but there’s just something really fulfilling about Timmer paying my tab off for me, you know?” He was laughing back with you. 
Now that, you understood. Timmer was a real asshole, said things that got under everyone’s skin so if that was what was on the line, you’d help Lopez out. The song changed, it slowed down. A crowd of people left the dance floor, while a new crowd also filled it. Gilly looked around and saw just one person he was in on the bet with left on the floor with someone in their arms. 
“Need a partner?” You spoke up, hand extended out to him. Out of nerves, he laughed and took your hand in his, your other arm moved to hang around his shoulder loosely as you both began swaying to the music. 
“Thanks for helping me out.” Gilly said to break the silent tension. 
“Look, anything to make Timmer get the shit end of a stick, but I’m thinking I should negotiate something out of this deal for myself.” You made a face as if you were thinking. 
“I mean, fair is fair.” Gilly said as he took the lead and moved you around the dance floor. “What’d you have in mind.” 
It was a tactic, but it worked, it had you shocked for a minute that he had taken the lead. 
“I want my tab covered, too.” There were likely a million other things you could have negotiated from this, his dessert during meal time, laundry, literally anything but you were so caught off-guard you just said something quickly. 
“Deal.” He agreed quickly. 
Both of you stopped talking and continued to move slowly, swaying back and forth, the silence between you both allowed you to hear the lyrics of the song. 
“You and me, wild and free. Way out in the woods, nobody for miles.” 
Those lyrics brought you back to the present moment, in your shared home with Gilly that way out in the woods, nobody for miles. Now, some probably would have said that was the night that started it all between you, but after those dances, and a few drinks, both of you went back to your respective bunks and didn’t speak to each other until a week later when you were both deployed to the 2nd battalion in the 75th Ranger Regiment, and well, that bonded you two differently. Those two months on the home base in Washington is where the both of you fell in love, whatever that meant for two active duty Rangers. After those 2 months, they shipped you out to your tour assignment, where things got dark. 
You stood there, getting lost in your thoughts as your brain wrapped itself around a new set of memories, ones that were heavy and hard to even think of. The memories of being on combat duty, seeing things that were burned in your mind as a souvenir of your two tours, and the one that constantly replayed in your head. The memory of being dishonorably discharged because you refused to follow orders. Before you could think further on it, you jumped at the sound of your dog barking. Your eyes moved to the driveway, the sound of the gravel crunching was mumbled under the music and the rain but it was still prevalent. The rain distorted the view out of the window, but you could see the black town car rolling down your driveway, which was otherwise empty. You lived easily 30 minutes from town or any person, neighbor, or establishment, and that was purposeful. When you got discharged, Gilly got sent backshortly after on leave with you for a week. The two of you were already married but had no place to call home and with you being done with the military, it was time to set down roots. Roots that wouldn’t push you into a PTSD fit constantly, you liked being off the beaten path, you liked being unbothered, on your own. On your own. Those three words instantly meant something completely different now as you stared at the black car in the driveway. Everyone knew the black town car pulling up, unexpected, to the home was the news. The news no one wanted to get, but being deployed yourself prepared you for it in a way that explained the solitude in your heart and lack of panic. You moved away from the window before anyone exited the car, you took the few minutes you knew you had before someone rang the bell to kneel down and be eye to eye with your pup. 
“I wish you were going to understand what was about to happen, buddy.” Your hand scratched behind his ears. You saw his nose wiggle as he sniffed the air, and he let out a little whine while looking at you. 
You let out a sigh, and closed your eyes. That’s when the doorbell rang. As your dog ran to the door, you knelt there for 30 more seconds, preparing yourself mentally to hear the news. 
The words rattled in your brain before anyone even said them to you, it was your brain's way of preparing you before you got up to answer the door. The commandant of the Army Rangers 75th Regiment and Second Battalion has entrusted me to express his deepest regrets that your husband, Gilberto Lopez, was killed in action. It was then that you realized you’d find out when and how, and that’s when you held your breath. It’d affect you differently, because you knew the logistics of things, how to read between the lines of what was told to you. Before another thought filled your head, you were standing up and making your way to the door and opening it wide. 
Immediately your dog was out the door whining and jumping on the person in front of you. You thought you felt your breath hitch, I mean you were seeing a dead man, or what you convinced yourself in the last 5 minutes was a dead man, standing in front of you but you were frozen, until he spoke.
“Hey buddy boy, I missed you, yea, hello.” He spoke to the dog, his backpack still on but the other bag was discarded to his right as he let your dog greet him joyfully. “You been takin’ care of our girl, right?” He said as he stood back up and you felt the breath you were holding release and suddenly you were launching into his arms. 
He let out a woah mixed in between a chuckle as he steadied himself and wrapped his arms around you to embrace you back. You both hugged for what felt like eternity, eventually he moved both of you into the house to avoid getting anymore wet from the rain. You still had your hands wrapped around his neck, your heads were next to each other when he whispered something to you.  
“What happened? I’m gone for a few months and you got that country shit playing?” 
When the laugh left your mouth it’s when you realized you were crying. 
“Hey, you’re not allowed to say that when it’s our song.” You pulled away so you could look at him now.
“See, country music’s got you crying.” His thumb moved to wipe your tears away, the smile on his face was big, he was happy to be home, happy to not be thinking about everything– anything. 
“I thought you were dead.” You said as his hands cupped your face. 
“I’m surprised I’m not.” His face hardened almost immediately as he shifted to talk to you seriously. 
“You back for good?” Staring into his eyes, you looked for an answer, but were only coming up with pain and exhaustion. 
“I’m back for good.” He nodded and moved to place his backpack down.
“It’s hard being home.” You said, hating to break the moment but you knew it was inevitable to talk about. 
“It’s hard being deployed.” Gilly answered.  
You looked into his eyes again, it was obvious to you that they were eyes that had seen a lot. You knew that since your eyes looked the same when you were sent home. The difference between him and you was he was there longer, whatever happened when you weren’t there was going to haunt him.
“Back for good.” You repeated his statement, trying to wrap your brain around what that meant, what you both were in store for but you were quickly interrupted by a kiss. 
As your eyes closed, you melted into the touch. His lips on yours brought you back in time, to your first kiss, your wedding day, then the day you were sent home, saying goodbye to him. But now he was home, and he was kissing you hello. 
“You and me, wild and free.” He said the lyrics from the song that brought you two here as he rested his forehead on yours. 
“I thought you hated country music.” 
“I fuckin’ do. But I also fuckin’ love you.”
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tllgrrl · 4 months
High school teachers AU for your WIP game please!
Thanks for the Ask @missamyshay ! Here is a little snippet/outline thing from Patience & Fortitude, taking place a little while after the two teachers meet in Sweet Georgia Brown.
* * *
Date #4 was at his favorite Italian spot in Brooklyn. He’d first eaten there the night before he reported to boot camp, back during World War II.
“So…a hundred years…”
“Well…more like a hundred and seven…or eight. I’m forty-ish, according to the scientists and doctors in Wakanda.”
“It is a lot,” she mused, gently swirling the wine around in the glass before she took a small sip. “I understand why you wouldn’t lead with that.”
“Yeah. Hi. I’m Bucky. I look like I’m around forty, but I’m actually over a hundred ‘cause I’m a supersoldier former assassin spy who was repeatedly frozen, thawed and sent out on missions, then frozen again, wash rinse repeat. Would you have dinner with me?
Not exactly the best opening,” he chuckled, slightly wincing, then looked out the window at the light rain starting to fall. “I used to be better at this, back in the day.”
He took a sip of his wine.
“Mmm,” she responded, following his gaze to the now soaked street. “I’m sure.”
A few seconds pass. And they both start.
“I understand if you wouldn’t want to—“
“I guess you know my brother—“
During dinner, they talked, revealing a bit more to each other about their lives: her giving up show business to marry, have children, and help with the family business. Him, coming back from The Snap for one last fight, then the subsequent hearings, and deciding he was done fighting. He wanted to do something positive and decided to give teaching a try.
She tells him she actually did a bit of googling after they met and he had shown her his Vibranium arm.
She didn’t want to read too much, preferring he tell her what he wanted her to know as he felt more comfortable telling it. As he felt she’d be more comfortable hearing it.
By the end of Date #4, Bucky and Sarah decided to start officially seeing each other, giving another example of the term “Whirlwind Courtship”.
They’d decided that they want to give it a go, but they planned to be very careful about how they appeared at their workplace:
No smoldering looks in the Teachers Lounge.
No reckless eyeballing in the staff meetings.
No laughing too loud or standing too close when chatting.
No. Staring.
They also decide for now not to mention it to her brother Sam, but what’s that saying? Something about the best laid plans?
* * *
The whole story is coming, I swear.
Thanks again @missamyshay . Sorry about the delay.
Anyone else got an Ask?
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thranduil-aran-edhil · 5 months
Recently I finished reading and annotating Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (1992) by Henry Jenkins. It was a wonderful experience and very emotional too. Jenkins is a true fan and an academic, one of the first too, as he essentially founded the subject of Fan Studies. It's a beautiful time capsule as well. And I wanted to share my favorite passage. I think it shows how a lot has changed technologically, but not in essence. At its core, fandom is still the same old fandom.
"Four Quantum Leap fans gather every few weeks in a Madison, Wisconsin apartment to write. The women spread out across the living room, each with their own typewriter or laptop, each working diligently on their own stories about Al and Sam. Two sit at the dining room table, a third sprawls on the floor, a fourth balances her computer on the coffee table. The clatter of the keyboards and the sounds of a filktape are interrupted periodically by conversation. Linda wants to insure that nothing in the program contradicts her speculations about Sam’s past. Mary has introduced a Southern character and consults Georgia-born Signe for advice about her background. Kate reviews her notes on Riptide, having spent the week rewatching favorite scenes so that she can create a “crossover” story which speculates that Sam may have known Murray during his years at MIT. Mary scrutinizes her collection of “telepics” (photographs shot from the television image), trying to find the right words to capture the suggestion of a smile that flits across his face. Signe writes her own explanation for how Sam met Al and the events that brought them together on the Quantum Leap project. Kate passes around a letter she has received commenting on her recently published fanzine; the letter includes praise for Signe’s entry, only the second fan story she has published and her first in this particular “universe.” Each of the group members offers supportive comments on a scene Linda has just finished, all independently expressing glee over a particularly telling line. As the day wears on, writing gives way to conversation, dinner, and the viewing of fan videos (including one that Mary made a few weeks before).
For the fan observer, there would be nothing particularly remarkable about this encounter. I have spent similar afternoons with other groups of fans, collating and binding zines, telling stories, and debating the backgrounds of favorite characters. This same group of women had come together earlier in the week to show me videotapes of several Quantum Leap episodes and to offer me some background on the program and the fan traditions that surround it. For the “mundane” observer, what is perhaps most striking about this scene is the ease and fluidity with which these fans move from watching a television program to engaging in alternative forms of cultural production: the women are all writing their own stories; Kate edits and publishes her own zines she prints on a photocopy machine she keeps in a spare bedroom and the group helps to assemble them for distribution. Linda and Kate are also fan artists who exhibit and sell their work at conventions; Mary is venturing into fan video making and gives other fans tips on how to shoot better telepics. Almost as striking is how writing becomes a social activity for these fans, functioning simultaneously as a form of personal expression and as a source of collective identity (part of what it means to them to be a “fan”). Each of them has something potentially interesting to contribute; the group encourages them to develop their talents fully, taking pride in their accomplishments, be they long-time fan writers and editors like Kate or relative novices like Signe."
(Jenkins, 1992)
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m0tel6mxzzy · 1 year
rue bennett, ginny miller, and lack of nuanced perception in how mental illness in black women works
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i think the tragedy of euphoria (if i had to list just one) is partially the fandom’s lack of understanding of rue, leslie, and gia…cultural attitudes in the black community have a lot to do w why leslie acts the way she does. and then race is never mentioned bc sam levinson doesn’t comprehend the nuances of race and mental health in the black community.
he can comprehend addiction, but nothing like the fact rue being a black woman will have her heavily stigmatized by the black community as well as the predominantly white one she lives in as her “proving black stereotypes.”
he can comprehend addiction, but nothing like the fact rue being a black woman will have her heavily stigmatized by the black community as well as the predominantly white one she lives in as her “proving black stereotypes.”
that just hits a lot harder knowing in the beginning of s1, she has zero hope and so it feels very hollow when lexi encourages her sobriety, and again in s2 from jules when she’s going thru withdrawals. she is tired of being the scapegoat by everyone around her, even if they have valid reasons for wanting her to get clean and she is making decisions that harm others. and she feels during the s2 interaction with cassie that she is being pitied, simply cannot take it anymore, and retaliates bc she is just so tired of everyone around her being believed to be innocent and pure when they are not, and her being expected to be even in the throes of addiction and it being perceived as “not her.”
bc in a sense, rue is not her addiction. however, she’s lived with it so long that she is used to it, practically revels in the deviant label her entire schools mocks her with, and thus feels like she cannot leave. jules conflicts with this, because she cares for rue as a friend and romantically but is not going to associate with her if she continues. but even when she is sober, people like nate are shit talking her efforts to stay clean when they simply have no idea what she’s gone through, yet jules is proud of her despite rue finding it hard to stay clean. cassie only does the same as nate because she needs a defense for having gotten with him but not taking accountability for how that hurt maddy, even if she was right rue’s friendship with lexi was incredibly toxic and transactional. the issue here is everyone has valid points abt rue except for nate, but no one is seeing the nuances of her situation. it’s either “she’s good because she’s clean” or “she’s bad because she’s not” and jules seemed to be the only one blurring that line because she’s dealt with addiction in her family before.
leslie kind of reminds me of my mom in that she did help me thru mental issues, but it was a very “deviant” thing to do bc of how in most of black american society, racism is seen as something you need to be “stronger” than and thus stronger than any other obstacle. so realistically, some black ppl in rue’s extended family might actually ridicule her or attribute her addiction to personal flaws or solely her father’s death. rue is an atheist, but also her mother was this religious church girl in her youth and rue is seen in church settings during rehab. there’s a possibility leslie didn’t even tell others abt rue’s hospitalizations or if she did and word got around, she had to fabricate some sort of lie so rue would not be judged for her addiction.
and ppl perceive leslie as “overreacting” as they do gia and that’s very suspicious to me. idk like, as compared to ginny and georgia ginny has severe depression and georgia is like, praised for a lot of the manipulative shit she says to ginny when that’s a huge contribution to her mental issues not being resolved for as long as they were in the first place. i personally think a lot of the g&g fandom missed the point of the show—georgia is not perfect. loving your kids does not mean they don’t get to feel traumatized when you admit to murdering their step father. generational trauma is a thing and you cannot love someone into not acknowledging or feeling their extent of their own.
ginny and georgia somewhat makes that distinction in the therapy sessions by explaining bc georgia is white there is a lot of experiences she cant understand ginny has, so she cant just invalidate them. however the fandom is so corny and anti black that they will compare ginny’s trauma to georgia’s to undermine her. and then praise georgia for doing what she should’ve done as a parent which is support ginny and complain how ginny should be “more grateful to have her.” and say the same abt her father. that truly just paints an insidious lack of compassion for black women dealing w/ mental health issues. bc abby and marcus, dealing with their own, have quite never been given such animosity for having mental issues, they’ve actually been given much more sympathy.
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matthewanon · 2 months
The Anons as TTPD (under a read more because there’s 31 songs)
Fortnight - Ross
TTPD - Max
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - Carrie
Down Bad - Ethan
So Long, London - Jennifer
But Daddy I Love Him - Brooke
Fresh Out the Slammer - Matt
Florida!!! - Anika
Guilty As Sin? - Ameara
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - Tara
I Can Fix (No Really I Can) - Eeva
loml - Casey
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - Violet
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Wren and Tommy
The Alchemy - Chad
Clara Bow - Lydia
The Black Dog - Becca
imgonnagetyouback - Ariana and Georgia
The Albatross - Quinn and Wes
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus - Theodore/Teddy
How Did It End? - Oliver
So High School - Ryder and Rhea
I Hate it Here - Rowan
thanK you aIMee - Mindy
I Look In People’s Windows - Steph
The Prophecy - Wendy
Cassandra - Ambrose
Peter - Daniel
The Bolter - Steve
Robin - Hazel
The Manuscript - Gwen
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p-redux · 11 months
Saw your blog about Sam and boobies and comments about Tobias, your Lord and Master! You gave us tasty info about Tobias in bed, do you have about Sam?
Hi Anon, I don't have any direct source info about how Sam is in bed, unfortunately. But, we can glean some things from what his past romances have hinted at, what they've risked to be with him, as well as what he has said himself.
I present you some of the evidence. TMGD (The Magical Golden Dirk) is verra magical and makes grown women do things they may not ordinarily do.
For example...
1. It makes them get into public catfights over Sam (Amy Shiels and Cody Kennedy aka The Barbie Wars).
2. Makes them ditch their families on Thanksgiving (Cody Kennedy).
3. Makes them leave their perfect English boyfriends (Abbie Salt, she later got back with her perfect English boyfriend, and is now married to him).
4. Makes their previous dates look like little kittens compared to big lion Sam (Mackenzie Mauzy's ex, Billy).
5. Makes them risk the plague (Gia Marie quarantining with Sam in Hawaii at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic).
6. Makes them accept friendship from a disgruntled-would-be-Sam-date, yet still take him up on an offer of a weekend in Germany together, despite said disgruntled-would-be-Sam-date continuously bashing Sam (Georgia Ellenwood and Monica Aksamit). Georgia's like "Monica gurrrl, yeah, I hear ya, that sucks what happened with Sam, but look the other way when I spend the weekend with him in Germany, mkay...cause there's no resisting all that golden delicious Scottishness when it comes a-calling," and many, many other examples.
Women don't risk all this shit for small dick or a bad lover. They just don't. Simple as that.
Here's his ex-girlfriend, actress, Cody Kennedy, making it verra clear, back in the day, that one Scottish man in particular was rocking her world. This is right before she didn't spend Thanksgiving with her family for the first time ever. And instead of American turkey, she chose to have something Scottish for Thanksgiving...in Tulum, Mexico. 👇
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Sam dated Abbie Salt twice. The first time was when he initially met her in 2011 or thereabouts, while Sam was filming the movie "A Princess For Christmas" with Abbie's sister, actress, Charlotte Salt. Abbie used to have a Twitter account and they would Tweet back and forth to each other. Here's an example of Sam being cheeky and letting us know he does enjoy #cocktails in bed. 👇 As we know, the second time they dated was for most of 2015.
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Here's an old Tweet where Sam lets his ex FWB (friends with benefits), Amy Shiels know he has arrived, is ready, and waiting. 👇 Any other man saying this would be creepy, Sam saying it, is SO hot. My nipples literally get hard whenever I read this Tweet.
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Here's a previous post of mine showing some old Tweets between Sam an his ex-girlfriend, Katie Rebekah Osborne. Charm galore. 👇
Sam himself let us in on some things he may be into in bed. Below, is the infamous honeypot video. Sam talks abut deciding between using his tongue, licking a honeypot or using his fingers. I HATE his hair here, so I just close my eyes, and listen to him talk about licking and fingering honeypots, and then I start praising the Lord for a man who is into oral. The opposite is a deal breaker for sure. Thank you Jesus and all the angels in Heaven for Sam being into eating honeypots! 👇
Below, is another classic video, showing us that Sam is most definitely cheeky, fun, charming, and all of that translates to "good in bed." Too bad all this SamCait cuteness fueled so much Extreme Shipper bullshit but luckily, the rest of us can enjoy it for what it is---two COSTARS and FRIENDS having fun PROMOTING Outlander. I love how proud of himself Sam is after making "the stiff one" comment. He's like "I made a funny!" And just waited for Cait and the interviewer to catch up. And he is still feeling himself afterward. It's adorable to watch. 👇
Generally, I don't give much credence to men who brag about the size of their dirks, but Sam is famous now, and if he were small, some chick he dated would have already commented about it. Here's Sam confirming being called Sam Hugeone "wouldn't be the first time." 👇
Plus, we have video proof HERE. 👇 A man has to be "hung" for his dirk to be visibly flapping in the wind from the SIDE like that. Facts.
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Also, Sam is a Taurus. Taurus men are known to be sensual, romantic, eager to please their lover, and have a lot of sexual stamina.
In conclusion, based on the evidence presented, Sam Roland Heughan seems to unequivocally be a good lover. He's made more than one woman lose her dang mind for him...and that doesn't happen with bad dirk..it just doesn't. I rest my case. 😚
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