#sons of Fëanor
dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 17 hours
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cuthalions · 9 months
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Maedhros answered: ‘But how shall our voices reach to Ilúvatar beyond the Circles of the World? And by Ilúvatar we swore in our madness, and called the Everlasting Darkness upon us, if we kept not our word. Who shall release us?’ ‘If none can release us,’ said Maglor, ‘then indeed the Everlasting Darkness shall be our lot, whether we keep our oath or break it; but less evil shall we do in the breaking.’ Yet he yielded at last to the will of Maedhros, and they took counsel together how they should lay hands on the Silmarils. [...] But the jewel burned the hand of Maedhros in pain unbearable; and he perceived that it was as Eönwë had said, and that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. And being in anguish and despair he cast himself into a gaping chasm filled with fire, and so ended; and the Silmaril that he bore was taken into the bosom of the Earth. And it is told of Maglor that he could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the Sea, and thereafter he wandered ever upon the shores, singing in pain and regret beside the waves.
— THE SILMARILLION, CH. 24: OF THE VOYAGE OF EÄRENDIL AND THE WAR OF WRATH (insp. by middle-earth-mythopoeia)
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tilion-writes · 3 months
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"Then Felagund upon the head Of Orodreth set it: 'Brother mine, till I return this crown is thine.' Then Celegorm no more would stay, and Curufin smiled and turned away."
For the @candcweek prompt "Oaths" -> Fëanorian Oath!
This line from the Lay of Leithian has always really stuck with me for some reason. The C&C brainrot is real.
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ohmyarda · 1 year
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Caranthir and Maglor suppose if they have to lose out to a brother, Maedhros isn’t so bad
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thefashbasher · 1 year
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tyelkormo in all his valinorian glory 🏹
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camille-lachenille · 7 months
The fact Maglor lived to be older than all of his brothers, his father and grandfather combined makes me profoundly sad.
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ettelenethelien · 4 months
Sons of Feanor - who's their favourite brother:
Maedhros: he doesn't have one and won't answer such a question By the end it's Maglor. Early on, that's the annoying one because the others are forever young and babies and innocent in his mind - until they're not, and Maglor is the only one who's not a walking diplomatic disaster, and believes swords should be plan B not plan A.
Maglor: For a while it's whoever's currently the baby, but ultimately it's Maedhros.
Celegorm: Curufin. After that it's the twins who would follow him into fire.
Caranthir: definitely Maedhros. All the others are either annoying or envy-inducing or cliquish to the exclusion of certain people who are between them in order of birth isn't that unfair him. But Mae is fine and he never intrudes on his privacy and is an excellent conversation partner so he can even forgive him his occasional reproaches because you can't just say whatever you think before Thingol's messengers dammit Moryo
Curufin: Celegorm. Maedhros is his least favourite one because there's been a rivalry between them since he was like eight.
Amrod: Amras if that even counts. After that Celegorm.
Amras: Amrod, ditto
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neldeathstar · 1 year
The sons of Fëanor
Hello my friends!! It's been a while, I just got back to tumblr after a break because a lot was going on in my life and I wasnt able to run two social media accounts actively. I've been sick for a long time but now I'm finally back with drawing :)!
I made some characterdesigns for the sons of Fëanor, including Fëanor himself! If you would like to see more of my fanart pls consider following me also on my IG where I'm posting updates more regularly ❤️.
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gaunt-and-hungry · 11 months
Friend: You think you could take all seven of Fëanor's sons? Me: Oh yeah. For sure. Probably all at once. Friend: What weapon would you pick? Me: What? Why am I picking a weapon? Friend: What are you going to fight them with? Me: Is that what we were going to do?!
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 9 days
Macalaurë is the spitting image of Fëanáro, even more so than Curufinwë.
At a first glance, Curvo looks more like their father, but that is in large part because he has Fëanáro's RBF, and Cáno smiles more. Macalaurë is closer to Fëanáro's height (there weren't many tall genes left for Curvo after Nelyo, Tyelko, and Moryo, and as such Curufinwë is the shortest of the Sons at Nerdanel's height). Macalaurë's hair has the same wavy pattern whereas Curvo's is straight. His eyes are the same mithril compared to Curvo's iron hue. Macalaurë has Fëanáro nose, chin, judgemental eyebrows, even hands and toes!
This is because Nelyo took a lot out of Nerdanel, so much so that Fëanáro was worried she'd Fade. It took her until Nelyo was nearly full grown to convince her husband to have another, and he did most of the work in creating their second son. (He would've done everything save carry Cáno if he had his way.)
Macalaurë Cánafinwë popped out a little clone of baby Fëanáro, only even louder.
By the time they got to Tyelko, Nerdanel and Fëanáro had figured out the best way to craft their children. Their five other sons were about a 50/50 split effort.
Anyone who knew Fëanáro can see him in Cána. When he laughs, one of those rich belly laughs and not a polite chuckle. When he's enraged and his lips curl into a snarl. When his face is empty and expressionless.
(Upon meeting Maglor in Middle Earth, Fingolfin believed him to be his brother until Maglor spoke.)
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warrioreowynofrohan · 2 years
Silm Characters - Who Do They Hate Most (for cases where the answer isn’t ‘Morgoth’)
(Note: the people for whom it’s Morgoth include, but are not limited to, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, and practically all of the major Edain characters.)
Turgon: The Fëanoreans, collectively and individually. They got his wife killed, they got his sister killed (by not showing up when she went to visit them, leading to her getting entrapped by Eöl), they got his best friend killed, they got his brother killed, then they decided to murder the only remaining intact kingdom in Middle-earth outside of Gondolin, and then they murdered the remnant of his people who survived the fall of Gondolin.
Aredhel: Eöl. Not before her death, she’s got somewhat conflicted feelings up to that point (she does beg for his life), but once she hears of her son’s fate she’s convinced that it never would have happened if he hadn’t been an orphan. And Eöl’s the reason he’s an orphan. After that, you could power a nuclear reactor with how much she hates Eöl.
Finrod: Now I know what you’re going to say, “Finrod’s a perfect cinnamon roll, he doesn’t hate anyone,” well you’re wrong. It’s Sauron. Not even primarily because of having Finrod’s people devoured by werewolves, or for killing Barahir and his people, though those are contributing factors. Primarily, because of Númenor. Because Sauron takes the Edain, who Finrod loves, and turns them into something utterly evil, and brings them to their destruction. Finrod’s angry at everyone after the Akallabeth, the Valar and Eru included, but most of all he’s angry at Sauron.
The end of the third age is very satifying for him.
Orodreth: He’s unhappy with a lot of people for the events surrounding and leading up to the Fall of Nargothrond, including himself, but at the top of his list are Celegorm and Curufin. He was very much a king-in-name-only during their attempted coup; he knew he was powerless to bring Nargothond to Finrod’s rescue because he didn’t have the people’s support and Celegorm and Curufin would overthrow him if he tried, and the charge Finrod left him with was to hold the kingship so that’s what he did; but they made him, through inaction, complicit in his brother’s death and he will never forgive them for that.
Thingol: The Fëanoreans, as a whole. They killed his grandson. They killed his granddaughter-in law. They murdered his great-grandsons. They slaughtered his people. They should all be in the Void.
Maedhros: Maedhros. Come on, this one’s not even difficult.
Maglor: He is so very done and he doesn’t have the energy for hating anyone any more.
Celegorm: Dior. Practically canon.
Curufin. Lúthien. Fuck her for sparing his life. Fuck her for humiliating him like that. Fuck her so very much.
Nimloth: Celegorm and his followers, for obvious reasons.
Elwing: Maedhros and Maglor, also for obvious reasons. In a contest of “who hates Maedhros most,” most of fandom would give the award to Maedhros, but I think Elwing has a slight edge.
Eärendil: Eärendil, by the point that he petitions the Valar, doesn’t hate anyone. But Maeglin is the one person he dislikes. He can’t shake the memory of being a child, being grabbed by him at the side of a cliff, and looking in his eyes and seeing something that very much wasn’t an elf anymore. It’s unsettling; it gave him nightmares for a while as a kid. He pities Maeglin, but he’d much prefer never to see him again.
Elrond: Sauron, for similar reasons to Finrod, but aggravated by the fact that those were his brother’s people, and he was in Middle-earth and still poweless to stop it, and also aggravated by Celebrian’s torture.
Galadriel: Sauron, primarily for Finrod and Celebrian reasons, as well as because of the Third Age generally. She recognized that the Númenoreans were trouble well before Ar-Pharazon and isn’t sentimental about them.
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carmisse · 2 days
Of News and family reunions.
Argon : we appreciate that you were able to meet with us.
Celegorm : a family reunion. We usually have one when there is a wedding or a funeral.
Maedhros : Turcafinwë!
Maedhros : you may continue, Telvo.
Amras : as I was saying. We are really excited to share this.
Argon : Telvo and I plan to celebrate something now that we have some peace.
Fingon : owww, is it your wedding?
Aredhel : Turko, Curvo and I can take care of the wine.
Argon : I'm afraid, dear sister that Telvo won't be able to drink wine for a while.
Curufin : what the hell are you talking about?
Amrod : Curvo, please, it is obvious what you are talking about.
Maedhros : ...
Fingon : Oh Ilúvatar.
Amras : we're expecting a baby!
Argon : surprise!
Caranthir : I think I need to sit down.
Maedhros and Fingon : ...
Turgon : someone stop the Ñolofinwëas' urge to procreate with Fëanorians!
Amras : it will be a sweet girl!
Maglor : owww a Noldor princess!
Maglor : the first of the house of Fëanáro!
Fingon : Maitamo, hold me, I'm going to faint right now.
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halvedandhollowed · 2 years
*Fëanor and Nerdanel arguing about something (intellectually)*
Maedhros: You know, dad, mom makes a point, infact she makes several really good ones that are far better than yours.
Fëanor: Yes but that doesn't mean that I'm entirely incorrect. You can clearly see that-
Amrod and Amras: You're wrong dad.
Fëanor: Wow, nobody told me the Redheads Against Fëanor council was meeting today.
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the-elusive-soleil · 8 months
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camille-lachenille · 6 months
The Silmarillion ultimate playlist
It’s the time of Spotify wrap-ups and whatnot and this gave me an idea: let’s make a giant, collaborative playlist for the Silmarillion!
Drop the songs that make you think of a specific character, your OCs, relationship, event, place, or just gives you major Silm Vibes in the reblogs and tags. Put links to them, write essays about these songs if you want, or just reblog to share further, but the goal is to have fun and discover as many songs as possible.
You can share any song or musical piece you want, no matter the genre or language, the only rule is that it can’t be a song by Tolkien nor a track from the LotR movies or musical, nor the Hobbit or any musical adaptation of Tolkien’s works (I see you Finrod Rock Opera. I will listen to you one day).
Anyways, here are my songs, and the link to the collaborative playlist:
Eärendil, Starwing: Sailboat of Mine - Eurielle & Mario Grigorov
Eöl, Nan Elmoth: Hotel California - Eagles
Aredhel: Touch the Sky - Brave; I want to Break Free - Queen;
Nerdanel, Anairë and Eärwen: Friends will be Friends - Queen
Findis: Ave Maria - Franz Schubert (specifically sung by Maria Callas)
Morgoth: Back on the Throne - Firewind
Lúthien: Savage Daughter - Sarah Hester Ross; Queen of King - Alessandra
Maglor’s Gap: I wanna be in the Cavalry - Colm R. McGuinness (both the original and the reprise)
Maglor: Requiem, Lacrimosa - W.A. Mozart
Fingon/Maedhros: Princes of the Universe - Queen
Túrin Turambar: Live and Die by the Sword - Firewind
Fëanor (from the moment he swears the Oath to his death, but specifically Alqualondë and Losgar): Wars of Age - Firewind
Amarië: I will survive - Gloria Gaynor
Eluréd and Elurín: Erlkönig - Franz Schubert; Come Little Children - Hocus Pocus (cover by Erutan)
Finwë: Sin - Lia Marie Johnson
Helcaraxë: Rise from the Ashes - Firewind
Nirnaeth Arnoediad: Bloodstained Ground - Eluvetie
Sons of Fëanor: Threefold Death - Eluvetie
Edain/ end of the War of Wrath vibes: Prologue - Eluvetie
Fingolfin: Last of the Lords - Battlelore
Tuor/Idril: Song of the Sea - Nolwen Leroy
Maglor, Elrond and Elros: The Magic Lullaby - Eurielle
Thingol/Melian: Cat People (Putting out Fire) - David Bowie
Nolofinwëans: Hey Brother - Avicii
Celegorm and Curufin in Nargothrond: (Do)minion - Eluvetie
As you can see, this playlist is completely random, jumping from lullaby to death metal to 80’s pop without rhyme nor reason. It’s just a giant melting pot of Vibes
And now, it’s your turn to play!
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