#sorry for them out of order i forgor
parpolaroid · 1 year
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
was really brave and asked one of the senior lab techs to help me use the stock software even tho shes shown me before but it was months ago so i forgot how..... so embarrassinggg 😭
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thechekhov · 4 months
Chekhov Reads Dungeon Meshi: CH46
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D....dark Laios?
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I mean, you DID consent!
The fact that ghosts can pass through walls and take other things with them... it kind of elicits another type of organism. Like, what can pass through cell walls? What other parts of the body can just yoink stuff from one place and bring it to another?
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Congrats! It's all just been a dream!
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I'm sorry what the SHIT?!?!?
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Well, I-- .... yeah, I GUESS.
Though it looks more like one of those carousel horses.
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I think this is probably still inside the dungeon. Very... DEEP. Inside the dungeon.
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What? WHAT?! These things are like regular animals down here???
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Oh, I--hm. I see.
Ordered by WHOMST?
Is this just an entire society of (humans??? ghosts?) that lives here in the dungeon deep? Is there still a king under the mountain? Are the rumors of the king dying not true at all?
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........or are these people and descendants of adventurers who came in but were never able to leave? And the fact that Senshi points out that none of them are old.... are they ageing?
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Laios, Senshi n--...... welp. There they go.
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Bless this man and his absolutely non sexual obsession with monsters. But.
Izutsumi, who is a human-level intellect beastkin (though she's low on wisdom and patience....) is being very.... beast-ly and soft here. She's being magically compelled, presumably, to chill the fuck out.
Which means all these monsters are also under the same effect? Isn't that a little fucked up? They're basically under a permanent drugged effect.
Also. Hm. 'short lifespan' is....relative. Short lifespan compared to what? Immortality?
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Orcs know this place exists....?
These people planting things for fun means they're absolutely trapped here like spirits.
Keeping up appearances for. Whom.
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These poor people have no new incomers to talk to, huh.
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Oh, I uh---- ................ hm. THat's not at all what I was imagining either.
Fashion is cyclical after all I guess....
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Mmmmm. Mmmm-hmmmMMM.
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Knowing I've finally hit these two absolutely iconic panels... amazing.
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......I guess it can only do so much to make her docile...... she still doesn't like Laios.
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Why does he look familiar...?
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....so Derghal had a son. And a grandson. So then why is there a bid for the throne...?
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Laios. Laios, is milking the minotaur the ONLY thing you did? Or was there more to it? Laios.
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It's interesting. That bartender said he was 600 when he started his now-400 year old ale. So. That means they're 1000 years old.
That means that they're about as long lived as elves? Haven't gone mad yet. But that's still a long time.
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That's kinda worse, yeah, but a loss of the self is a type of death, in a way...? So....
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The most throwback of all time.
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Actually, I feel like that's been there for a while, although it didn't always look EXACTLY like a lion's head. I feel like the little living armor he keeps in there made it that design? But how would it do that on purpose?
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this is what it looked like some chapters back. Yeah, it's been sculpting into a lion's mane for a while now.... Ohohohoh playing the long game are we? 👀
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Ah, it's not a wolf. How tragic for you, Laios. It'll never work out.
Also, damn, those wings sure be lookin like Falin's very non-dragon wings. What a wild coincidence. I'm sure that doesn't mean anything. :)
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laughing hysterically. This poor guy can't get a break. He's been running from responsibility and inheritance for his entire life and it still catches up and trips him purposefully.
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There is definitely a certain amount of tragedy there, yeah. These people aren't asking Laios for help because it's easier. They're legitimately stuck in a nightmare scenario. Unless you're someone who can get pleasure from other avenues, living all that time without the basic needs will drive a person mad. Elves live just as long, presumably, but they're still able to eat, I assume.
I'm honestly more surprised they're all as sane as they are.
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.......King of Forgor.
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mudkirby · 5 months
Pebbles In order of appearance.
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@druidshollow lore lore lore Dune lore lore
@flickering-nightfall whole reason I draw Pebbles the way I do since first exposure
@toxictoxicities b u f f
@dennis7231 still waiting on them dropwigs >:)
@weepinglilvessel ant snooooot
@mudkirby me :> 🔫
@shkika love your Suns
@northflowerowo Sorry I shoved him so far down lol
Honourable mentions/ shout outs: @trashiiplant Howwow Knight and Wainwowld :D
@kelnexia is lurking.
@daszombes Thank you for explaining lore, giving us peak story telling and characters to simp for in the form of the Iterator Logs. What? No Pebbles? Don't care. You're on here now.
Druid's Hollow, the first time I ever saw your YouTube channel was with the Distant Frontier video after just having gotten into Iterator Logs. One of the most pivotal pieces of media you've made in my life was God- Jake Daniels. That single video alone gave me the push I needed to make my first Rainworld oc Parting Clouds. The stories surrounding your characters (and Dune) are creative beyond my ability to write stories. Keep up your top tier memery.
Flickering Nightfall, I'ma put this in a nutshell. Duckdance. After that I found your blog via Google before I made a Tumblr and became enthralled by your content. From something as obscure to me as Infinity Train to Pebbles ragdolling, you were essentially my gateway into liking Iterators. I love the purple. I need moar.
Vic, b u f f I haven't known your blog long and was introduced to you through the My Goodbye animation. Since I was sort of entirely new to Rainworld at that point, I had no idea what was happening. I just saw a well drawn thing and went "oooooo". I'm all for Suns' antenna twitches and NSH box head. Also, body pillow 💀
Dennis, one of the first blogs I found when I first started Tumblr. I found you through the @iterator-ask-blog and found bullying Pebbles hilarious. I love the way you draw the yellow things on his head and I just appreciate that you do digital in general. I do not, will not and proceeds to die if I must. I've seen quick progress with your art style as well. Keep going.
Vessel, I barely know you. Who da heck are ye? I saw your art style once and knew I needed to follow. The way you draw Pebbles and Moon are so satisfying to stare at for minutes and I had way too much fun replicating that s n o o t. I don't know what you're up to with them aside from chaos. Murky Seas' story and design are fantastic. RIP
Shkika, I only found you through the @ask-looks-to-the-moon blog and love the way you draw the Iterators. It's very stylistic without straying too far. The three fingered hands to the goofy faces Moon expresses makes me smile. B a l l s. My Suns design was more so inspired by the way you make him as you were somehow the first Suns exposure. You're the only reason I can't see him without fluff. How did you make Pebbles cute kavvkatkcfadal
Northflowo, way back in 2022 in my first exposure to Hollow Knight, I found your channel through the Baby Mantis skin video with Nosk along with the lore in a nutshell video. Any other content I saw I forgor. In any case, your channel was there in my search for knowledge on that game. Fast-forward to the near conclusion of 2023 when I was first introduced to Rainworld. In my hunt for memes and more knowledge, I found the other lore in a nutshell video and realized you were the perfect channel for me as you had plenty of other content on that subject. Your art still manages to astound me, especially with the shot you did in the map Pliocene and the Warrior Cats redraws like with the waterfall. I'm trash at drawing backgrounds and might learn something from you.
And of great importance to me, @bornt-urnge/@zigmatism
@kitterjitters /@offended-dragon
Thank you for every moment of drawing from Pokemon to Kirby to Mire (oc) and anything else. You have made some of the largest impacts on my life, drawing, game choices and I've enjoyed every moment. I want to have more ridiculous sessions like that in the future and look forward to it.
Some of you have been around in my life for some time and others I've just found. All the same, every single art piece you've made has inspired me no matter how polished, memed or "trash". All of you have made an impact on me, no matter how miniscule. I look forward to the future with anticipation for all of your art. Have a terrific year, and with my deepest gratitude, thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading this.
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green-like-the-sky · 18 days
hello! i hate to seem impatient, but did you receive my ask about your time travel au tomtom headcanons? i'm worried that tumblr might've eaten it. thanks! ^^
BESTIE I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY tumblr didn't eat it i just forgor
ok, tomtom time travel headcanons! this is long and rambling sorry
full disclosure i started tinkering with a time travel au for them right after i read The Mirror and the Light, so back in 2020(!). Since I got back into Wolf Hall recently, I decided to pick it up again. I don't want to give away all the plot points so some spoilers are under the cut!
they come through to modern London just before More's trial (opening scene of the fic posted here!). The Tower is a crossing point in my mind, so much has taken place there and so many lives have been lost that the temporal walls are thin. Other people from their time have crossed through too. Perhaps they meet up with them in the future... (they 100% do)
Cromwell is convinced modern London is not real, he's just hallucinating or having a fever relapse and it takes him a few days to come to terms with the fact that yes, they're really 500 years in the future. The things that have stayed the same (more or less) convince him. The Thames. The trees on Putney Heath. More being insufferable now as he was then.
More actually accepts the time travel pretty quickly but he pretends not to because he knows that will annoy Cromwell.
they are told by their host (spoilers!) not to google themselves, because they can't know their historical fates in case they ever get transported back to 1500s (nobody knows how the time travel works, or if it will happen again)
(the internet, generally, is astounding and More immediately wants to know what became of Erasmus and who the Pope is now)
Later they both confess to googling themselves anyway. Not to know what their own fates were, but what became of Gregory and Meg. Bonding moment!
After they have acclimatised for a couple of days they are let out to explore London on their own. They get lost on the tube. They go to a coffee shop and don't know how to order so end up just ordering what the people in line ahead of them got (iced mocha with whipped cream nearly kills More)
Cromwell wonders what he could have achieved in Henry's court, with internet access.
Cromwell also wonders what he could have achieved in Henry's court, caffeinated.
They contemplate starting a podcast (thankfully they are talked out of this)
Eventually Cromwell realises the insufferableness of More is not actually insufferable. Sudden overwhelming realisation that perhaps the reason he tried so hard to make him take the oath was that back then he was in love with him. More: didn't you know?
They hook up.
The fic ends with them having been in the future for four years and counting. They're both perfectly happy. More is a university lecturer (his knowledge of european reformation literature is astounding, his colleagues think!). Cromwell has been dabbling in law again. They've got a nice place with a little garden, plenty of room for More's animals (Cromwell makes fun but he does have a black cat of his own)...
ANNE is the only other person from their time period who also came through the doorway in the Tower. It happened just before her own execution so she is slightly ahead of them, in Tudor-timeline. She also has been in the future for 20 years, she's thoroughly established, she fits neatly in to modern London, she has a great job, she's divorced with a grown up daughter.
(her grown up daughter is the person who finds the Toms in the Tower, believes who they say they are and takes them back to Anne's flat the first night).
Anne slaps Cromwell when she first meets them in modern times. She ignores More.
Anne is annoyed they are there, but knows how they're feeling and what they need to do to survive in the 2020s. It's also nice to see familiar faces, even if it is them
They end up all going to a karaoke bar and get drunk, and, well, 500 years is a long time to hold a grudge.
The Toms' girldad instincts kick in around Anne's daughter. She's in the first year of her undergrad and More can't resist helping with essays. Cromwell bonds with her over the weirdness of them both being separated from family by half a millenium (she's desperate to know about her 'big' sister, Elizabeth I!)
I have rambled on a lot here sorry but that's a general overview! if you want to know anything else please do ask!!
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ask-october-fox · 7 months
We wanted to pop in and say some things real quick :D
1. We finally were able to order a lantern spirit plush (that's what they're called, right? I already forgor 😅). We're really excited to welcome home another friend to our POSIC hoard. I wish we could have provided more than the asking price though TT, we love your art!!
2. We also think you may have encountered and spent time with our old system host for a time, before she returned from realms beyond life and time! If you were a guide to her along the way, we thank you. (We know many say "death" within a system is impossible, and it is merely dormancy. However, it helps and heals all of us, her included, to conceptualize it this way - and death has never seemed a cruelty to us. Not to the one dying, at least).
3. *presents offering of peanut butter snickers and scampers away*
- Stars ✨
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Thank you so much for ordering a spirit plush! You had it correct, tho youre welcome to refer to them as you like, even the name got to be a little bit of a mouthful for me, heh!~ Your new friend was sent out to you yesterday and should be arriving sometime by the end of this week! I am sorry to hear about this personal passing, I can assure you that even if it wasnt me who helped them to move on to the next world, she was not alone in doing so 🤍🖤🧡 And thank you so much for the peanut butter snickers! 👀
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tonyglowheart · 3 months
for qian qiu, what are ur top 5 favorite Funniest lines of dialogue from yan wushi
cinco?? en esta economia?? joking aside my brain does Not have five I don't think lmao let's see how many I can come up with
Numero Uno has has HAS to be of course Extra 10
YWS: we've already been intimate, if we were a man and woman then you'd have to take me in marriage" SQ: wait! why am I the one taking you in marriage? YWS: oh? you want to be given away in marriage? SQ: uh naturally not.... YWS: (Look,) This venerable one likes you and doesn't care about appearances, if you want to take me in marriage, it's naturally no matter to me; in order to prevent third parties from wagging their tongues and making irresponsible comments about you, the lofty and proper Xuandu Mtn Sect Leader, I'm left with no reputation to speak of, but for you, whatever unfair treatments (against me) can't be considered unfair treatment. [These words sounded arrogant, yet somehow also had a thread of unfair treatment.] SQ, :'): That's not what I meant. YWS: So are you gonna take responsibility or not? or? SQ: .... SQ: ...... SQ: ..take responsibility....
honestly queen shit. snap snap you go girlboss.
My second moment is a Xie Ling moment but like it's so funny to me that he demanded the sugar figure of Shen Qiao but then immediately bit its fuckin head off.
Third is sort of a combo cuz he does it indirectly in the novel (okay fine, rather I suppose Yu Shengyan is the one who does it in the novel) but in the donghua they have him do it lol (thank you donghua crew) - yes I'm talking about him #gaslighting Shen Qiao in the beginning. Declaring with his whole chest, not just the line from the novel about SQ being a disciple of Huanyue Sect, but that I am your Shizun. Yan Wushi. Honestly that was so sexy of him.
and that's all I got lmao, I'd probably have to reread and like take notes on specific quotes to get more than that lol. but like also in general, he is just so Iconic in all that he does. but these three are like. 'tis peaks milord.
edit: I FORGOR ALSO WHEN. YWS. BORROWED SHANHE TONGBEI TO SCALE THE FISH AND PLUCK THE BIRD this is not specific dialogue I'm sure there are lines there but like this is such a Moment. also sorry yws but I agree with SQ on the bird thing lol like, wth. using a knife is THE worst way you could do it, you gotta boil up some water and blanch the bird and then manually pluck the feathers out. if you use a knife one it's a pain in the ass two it's inefficient three you're just gonna be cutting the feathers probably (I'm assuming the sword is sharp enough to cut them)-- then you're just gonna have cut off feather quill ends all over the bird. no good.
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intrepid-captain · 7 months
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Sorry for OC posting I am just very excited to show off all three of my MK1 OCs at once :D I wrote a little bit about each of them under the cut, also I'm sorry I forgot to crop the canvas for the third image so he's very small compared to the others 😭 If you read I hope you enjoy 🫶 and maybe lmk if there's one you'd be interested in hearing more about haha jk unless... 😳
Ki'Raan is a demon! Formerly a member of the brotherhood of shadow, he decided to make his impulsive escape shortly after Ashrah. The idea was that he wouldn't bring too much attention to himself this way, and by the time his absence would be noticed he'd have found himself a nice secluded place in the outskirts of Outworld to lay low for a while. As a more unwilling member of the brotherhood, he was disgusted by his own species' mindless and brutal tendencies. He's also very envious of the looks of humans and Edenians, which is why he currently wears a porcelain mask to 'reflect his inner beauty', until he can successfully blend in as some sort of Edenian noble. When he does have to kill it always has to be precise, and elegant, viewing murder as a sort of art form. He doesn't like a messy kill. He spends most of his time trying to perfect his disguise, which to him means finding a 'craft' to perfect and become a skilled artisan. He probably lives in a run down little wagon or shack filled with failed experiments of perfumes, sculptures, paintings, things of the like.
Morrigan is a lot less fleshed out compared to the others, but I suppose in a way it adds to their mysterious nature, if their background eludes even me. I like the idea of a lot of things about them being unknown, all that matters is the work they do in the royal family's court as one of their scientists. I also don't take them as seriously because I like to call them Shang Tsung's number one D-Rider LOLL they're just completely into the idea of unethical science and doing it right under the Queen's nose, they're quite reprehensible. They were loosely inspired by the Blight from DBD, especially with how I imagine them in Kombat. Their X-ray move would probably consist of them jabbing their cane (not pictured because I forgor 💀 to design it) straight into someone's ribcage and their fatalities could involve blowing someone up with chemicals or like bashing their head in with the handle side. I'd like to figure out more about them to share some day, but for now I imagine they weren't always named Morrigan, but there is something from their past they want to hide from, which inspired the name change and peculiar way of dressing. Almost like being reborn once they were accepted into the court.
Yuze Torres is a normal human native to Earthrealm! His father left shortly after he was born, becoming a Shaolin Monk and leaving his family behind in order to train at the academy and join the fight to protect Earthrealm (because they had to have come from somewhere in MK1 right 😭). His mother moved on a few years later, so he managed to live a relatively normal life with his mother, step-father and three other siblings. Anything he learned about fighting was from his step-father, an FBI agent who taught him these things for self defense and to protect his family, which was always a priority for Yuze. Recreational fighting and designing (from outfits to fantasy-inspired weapons and machinery) are among his greatest passions, both of which work in his favor after being tangled up in the affairs of the MK1 cast. The details of Liu Kang's confrontation with him are a bit fuzzy at the moment, but I know exactly how I want his own personal ending at the end of the game to be like, and I totally have so much more to say about this guy if there is ever a demand for it...
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autistic-ranpo · 5 months
jumping onto the 20 questions for fic authors thing bc im bored <3 (ty @sensitiveheartless for indirectly 'tagging' me)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
6,777 </3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
as of rn, bungo stray dogs and sk8 the infinity!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
dont have enough fics lmao, but in order-
1- paralyzed by the sum of your parts
2- and when you see me i'll be there (i promise you)
3- my heart is buried in venice
(if you know any of the songs these r from ily)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! i get only one or two comments on each fic so they mean the absolute world to me, i love talking with people who liked my writing :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
... literally none of them haha i love fluff
maybe my tachigin fic? just bc they still need to sort shit out which has angst potential
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably my renga one!! its super sweet all around its my personal favourite :)
8. Do you get hate on fic?
nope! i'll take barely any kudos over hate any day lmao, the people that do read my fics are absolutely wonderful
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
not yet! i do have a ton of aus tho :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! at least, that im aware of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but it sounds neat
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
... probably renga, they're just so fun to write i love them
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
CHUURAN MASQUERADE BALL!!! also tachigin movie night
16. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think im good at dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing!!! and characterization in some cases
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
big fan!! though if i do it, its usually in a language im also fluent in (mainly french)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... on my current ao3? bsd. in my entire life? kotlc.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
definitely my renga one. its only like 500~ words but im super happy with it
@autistic-katara @silly-cherries @sorry-i-panicked and any of my other writer mutuals that i forgor <333
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chococrystal · 10 months
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Artfight collection !! forgor to post here orz sorry
Thank you to all who attacked me this year !! to those I couldn't revenge, see you next year hehe (and if there's no af next year well,,, art trade? hehe)
creds under the cut:
in order (and left to right):
@ghostmail.png (ig)- mr.sun/mr.moon @erazonpo3 - Alphecca @/KitCat205 (twt/tumblr/af) - Pearl @ammo0648- Emi @doom-and-gloom (af) - Adam @hedgefruit - Titania @/Kestrel (af) - Atlas @necow - Menea @/audhd (af) - Hestia
all these ppl are amazing !! pls check them out hehe
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officialjamesflint · 4 months
1-30. unless ur a coward
SCREAM LEXI THIS IS SO CHAOTIC <33 so of course i had to do it
chipotle order?
I'm the bane of all burrito bar workers because i get sooo many things 😭i get a burrito with: white rice, barbacoa usually but sometimes i mix it up, black beans, corn, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, sometimes i get mild salsa, guac if i have the dollars! and i usually get chips n guac on the side
2. thoughts on veganism?
you do you but i could never because i love dairy and eggs too much. i also have a crazy metabolism and meat alternatives don't always sate my Hunger (but i do LOVE tofu esp when it's cooked well <33)
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
i legit couldn't think of any <33 i suppose like. really bright neons?? but they just hurt my eyes and they're also cool in certain contexts
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
aliens i guess?? i want nessie to be real she is my friend <33
5. favorite form of potato?
6. do you use a watch?
yes!! i have one of those cheap timex expedition watches because i can't read analog very quickly 😔
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
answered here!
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
nope! i lounge in my jeans because i'm evil
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
sort of i guess?? i wash my face and put spf moisturizer on every morning
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
ginger ale baybee!! or water sometimes because i'm a cool guy
11. anything from your childhood you've held on to?
lots of stuff!! books, stuffies, clothes (legit almost all of my winter gear is stuff i've had since elementary school). i love Objects <3
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
uhh i'm not really a Brand Guy. but i like neutrogena for skin stuff. and cerave cause all my moisturizers are from them
13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
is the purge the one where laws don't exist?? i forgor. probably go hide in ikea i guess??
14. do you think you're dehydrated?
not at all i am obsessed with water
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
yikes! freezing/drowning/burning i Guess
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
i don't even know...i guess? stick to my bedtime routine?? because if i don't i'm always scared i won't fall asleep??
18. your boba/tea order?
answered here!
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
hmm this is a good question. probably tomatoes (FIGHT me they're used as veggies in cooking) (sorry tomato lovers they simply make me feel sick in my heart. but i like them in sauce)
20. favorite disney princess movie?
mulan <33 but i also love moana and tangled
21. a number that weirds you out?
none of them all numbers are the same to me. except the funny ones
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
YES i've had the same water bottle since i was 16. yes i know that's gross but shh i love her i've replaced her cap like. 5 times.
23. do you wear jewelry?
i have 2 permanently attached friendship anklets! i need to repair my friendship bracelets they both had threads snap 😭
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
uhh american i suppose. but also when i'm writing i accidentally spell things british style and google docs yells at me
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
yes <3 it is my job
26. how's your spice tolerance?
all right. i can handle like medium spice just fine <3 it's impressive for a midwesterner but i also didn't grow up here so it's just regular
27. what's your favorite or go-to outfit?
jeans. t-shirt. fun sweater. boots. i am a simple man (autistic)
28. last meal on earth?
BIG bowl of fried rice from a nice restaurant. fancy blue cheese. bubble tea. i can't think of a dessert but something delicious and chocolatey
29. preferred pasta noodle?
corkscrews <33 idk what they're actually called
30. ask me anything !
lexi i love you <33 this was so chaotic and also really fun to think about all of these
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silverjojo08 · 1 year
On video games and writing and Fire Emblem Engage
Mainly just me musing about how I don't think the story is bad. Sorry for being annoying tbh. This is meant for my personal circle of mutuals, but maybe other people can get something out of it. Please be nice to me; I am not a professional reviewer and don't claim to be writing anything objective or anything lol. I'm also not really editing heavily for grammar or anything (if anything I try to keep a bit of order structurally but I love a comma splice idk lol).
This piece has gone through many versions in my head as I try to nail down exactly what puzzles me about the perception of the writing as being "bad".
Initially I think I was going to do a full plot breakdown and point out how logically every moment fits together and how foreshadowing + late reveals enhances certain previous moments. As I write this down, I don't think that I'll be doing that here. I almost considered a deep dive into the themes of motherhood and found family presented in the game. Not sure I'm going to do that either. At one point I also considered fully getting into common complaints (particularly some brought up from one of my folks who I deeply respect, Mr. Forte himself), but also I don't think I'll really do that.
So, what am I writing here? Maybe it's a mix of all of the above. Maybe it is none of the above. I don't really know. But I do want to talk about how this game just really vibes for me; and while I don't intend on necessarily changing anyone's mind, I want to at least provide some perspective on why I personally enjoy it so that others can understand my perspective at the very least.
Perhaps I will succeed in that. Perhaps I will fail. Let's find out together. (Again I'm doing like very minimal editing. Please excuse grammatical errors/typos. If anything is unclear, ask and I'll try to clarify. But I'm bad at tumblr so either tweet at me or send it through an ask please.)
Prologue: Who? What? Why?
To start, I'm in my early 30s. The video game that made me love video games was Super Mario RPG, and my earliest gaming memories include me watching my dad beat up the robot evil Santa at the end (also him playing some NBA game on SNES). FE games I have played start to finish: 8 (Ephraim), 11, 12, 13, 14 (all 3), 15, 16 (all routes), and 17. FE games I have played a bit of but didn't finish for various reasons (mainly I got distracted and forgor 💀): 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9. None of this actually matters that much, but maybe there's a generational and/or fandom divide of some sort and this provides useful context.
I am not a writer by trade nor hobby. Writing is actually one of my least favorite things to do (this is potentially related to OCD brain "just right" stuff), to the point where I chose my college major specifically based on which had the least amount of classes that I could actually complete without having to write essays. I am a math person. I do like consuming and dissecting written fiction though.
This piece is meant to be mostly explanatory. I want to give my perspective as best I can. I decided other writing styles would be too combative for what amounts to something we're consume for enjoyment. I just want to pass on some understanding of how I feel.
I think the best way to do this is generally avoid spoilers, but I will include a specifically marked section where I discuss all spoilery things that come to mind (anything that I intend to come back to in this spoiler section will be marked with a *). Any non-FE games mentioned will not be spoiled beyond kind of a general "a reveal happened in a way that bugged me" type of stuff, if even that is a concern here's a list of the games vaguely mentioned so you can crtl+f: Tales of Zestiria, AI The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. It all happens within two paragraphs, so you can just skip them if needed.
(Also I may accidentally use he/him pronouns for Alear because M Alear was the one I played with first, but I do generally think of FE avatars as the same being regardless of gender and try to use they/them when speaking to things both versions experience, which is like everything besides the hair colors being flipped and class options?)
Chapter I: What Is "Bad Writing" To Me?
Ok if you're reading this I assume you are at least in high school, and for that reason I'm not going to walk anyone through that level of analysis. In no way is this meant to be a lecture and I'm not trying to give any particularly deep literary analysis. That feels kind of like a pretentious thing to do in this situation.
So, bad writing? To me the biggest thing I consider bad writing is when an idea is not communicated well. This could be contradictory messaging, poor delivery, puzzling execution, etc. Obviously this can happen to various degrees of "bad", but I will not consider a story to have bad writing unless the writing breaks the experience in some way.
A broken experience is not the same to me as a negative one. To me a negative experience is just a matter of taste in the end and not a matter of "bad writing". Boring writing is not the same as bad writing even if it makes the experience painful. A broken experience has to be bad to the point where you just do not understand what they were attempting at all.
One game that comes to mind on this is Tales of Zestiria. I loved the characters in that game, and the main story itself is largely logical. But it was written so messily that there's a point where it becomes truly incoherent. To this day I have no idea what was going on with Dezel and Rose's personal histories despite a major climax of that game being built around the moment things get revealed for them. Again, it was overall a fun game, but it was definitely one I would claim had some bad writing.
Another situation that comes to mind that can be a spark for bad writing is when a reveal sours previous experiences. Misleading an audience can work really well in some ways. Ace Attorney 5 (Dual Destinies) has a reveal that has made me not want to replay it at all, but I don't believe the reveal is poorly done. Conversely, Somnium Files 2 (Nirvana Initiative) had one reveal that invalidates a significant part of the playing experience in a way that's hard to describe without going any further, but I think playing with audience expectations can only go so far until you make the audience feel like you've stolen part of the joy of the playing experience by severing an emotional connection.
I've been trying to describe this all in objective terms, but obviously it is very subjective. It's totally a "I know it when I see it" thing in the end. This section might be pointless. I don't know.
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(There were too many blocks of text so look at Alfred; he's so nice and funny and good. I will give him the pact ring every time I play as M Alear lol.)
Chapter II: What about Fire Emblem Engage?
I guess this is kind of my point. I don't understand how any of this is applicable to it. The plot is fairly simple especially to start. You go from point A to point B with plenty of easy to follow narrative. Characters behave in logical and understandable ways. There's nothing functionally "wrong" with the story.
I think there are some pacing issues with the last stretch of chapters in that things happen too quickly for the player to properly respond even though the concepts are cool*. There's a lot of infodumps in these last chapters too that feel a little misplaced*. I agree that the tea supports (and shared gimmicks in general among certain groups of characters) are a bit overwhelming to unlock in succession. The DLC sucks* and only small parts of it truly add to the main story's narrative. There's the usual Fire Emblem incest and pedophilia grossness trying to peek its head through*. It's not a perfect game by any means.
I think I need to break up overall story discussion and character usage discussion, so I'm going to do that right now. If you've read to this point you generally get my point maybe on why the writing works fine for me and can stop here if you don't want a full peek into the deepest and most illogical recesses of my mind?
If you're not stopping here, together we ride or something idk did the title for this song come from Smash? Whatever.
Chapter III: The Story
Alright so I lied when I said I wouldn't go into this fully dissecting the plot or other people's criticisms. I'll do that a little bit here.
The biggest moment of "controversy" I think that happens early on is the loss of Lumera. What I've seen is that many people feel it didn't land well with them due to the game having not built up the relationship all that well. And I intellectually get that perspective. If a story beat doesn't land well to you then I can't tell anyone they're wrong for feeling a particular way about things. But while I understand people may feel this way, I truly do not understand that viewpoint. That we don't know Lumera is kind of the point. Alear also doesn't know her well at that moment. You're supposed to feel like it came too suddenly and is weird for it. The full gravity of the moment is not clear until later on in the game, and I think it was executed very well because the entire game revolves around this specific concept of chosen motherhood and family.
But maybe I'm moving too quickly. Backing up a bit, another criticism of this early game situation is I've seen people say they don't "have reason to care" how Alear is feeling this early on. And like, I truly don't know how to help you with that. When I start a game I generally don't start at 0 waiting for the game to make me care about the main character. I am already on their side and hoping for the best for them? I went in mainly thinking Alear looked goofy but like a nice kid who deserved nice things and the game did build well on it for me.
I think there are some questions on the nature of the emblems and the rings that go somewhat unanswered. There's a lack of clarity on how the rings function, and how stealing the rings after winning a battle works. Given that we see them levitate at numerous times, I suspect that is mostly the answer. But I do understand if that's a point of contention for some since it's not directly clarified.
The emblems are similarly somewhat explained as kind of heroic essence put to form, which genuinely is enough of an answer to me. But I do understand some may find that lacking. There are also many issues with the writing of the emblems which I sympathize with especially as a comic book fan who hates it when my faves are misrepresented in other titles. That's a genuine flaw that could have been corrected by having people working on the script who cared more about accuracy.
The pacing absolutely becomes an issue in the later chapters of the game. The Zephia and Griss death scene is extremely touching and well-written, but to have a scene that long and that complex in that moment of the game is very awkward. It would have been better suited as a Memory Prism type of bonus scene like FE15 had (for several characters there were scenes that added context but did not exactly fit in the main story such as a flashback discussion with Emperor Rudolf). It is necessary to understand the characters, but there's not a truly comfortable place to put it that doesn't seem insane especially given the length. This deeply ties into how I feel about the DLC as well, which is that Good!Zephia/Zelestia gives crucial insight to the effects of positive nurturing and actively choosing to build bonds, which is perhaps the strongest and most important theme of the game. Every instance of chosen family in this game is framed and shown to be a truly critical event for the individuals, as are the instances of chosen neglect. The usage and execution of this theme to me was extremely powerful in execution and just worked without feeling too cringe or forced. It's good stuff. I love love love what they did here, and I say this as a person who has never wanted to be a mother of any sort.
To go on a bit more about this: Griss (and by extension Gregory, but focusing on Griss here for simplicity) and Alear are such strong reflections of one another. There's some obvious aspects like how Griss is visually edgy and Alear is visually bright, Griss is rude and confident while Alear is kind and doubtful, etc. But the strongest comparisons and contrasts between them involve their mothers, and I think it's just incredibly well done. Comparisons include both of them get their sense of fashion from their moms, get their unit classing from their moms, somewhat blindly follow the words of their moms, had terrible upbringings and cling to their moms as their first emotional support, etc. But the contrasts? Oh baby. Zephia adopts Griss because he's a standout while Lumera adopts Alear because they're a failure (by Sombron's measure, not literally). Griss spends years by Zephia's side learning from her while Alear has to mostly guess at what Lumera had planned for them. And perhaps most starkingly: Griss gets to die alongside Zephia while Alear and Lumera are always mourning one another. Griss is such an incredibly well done rival character. It's no wonder he's the one who gets the special cutscene where he reveals the truth to Alear. Forever my GOAT!
Sadly though it's time to switch gears and talk about the DLC: it truly sucks. I said it on twitter after beating it, but I really think that they messed up on anticipating what would be a compelling scenario for the players to play through while also coaxing themselves into a snafu regarding spoilers. There's some good stuff there, but it's almost directly undercut by necessitating that it can be played early in a playthrough before the player has gotten to the revelations about Alear's biological parentage.
The DLC does attempt to carry over the themes of the main game, but without being able to openly acknowledge that these are some of the last of Alear's siblings (even if not by blood exactly) it becomes hollow. The only real payoff on the theming is the Nel and Veyle support chain where even if they aren't sisters in the traditional sense, Veyle is desperate for that kinship as she is so young and has spent so much time alone. It's very touching and something that could have been touched on with Alear as well if only the writers weren't forced to write a detached arc to avoid spoilers.
Yes this is probably where I should get into the alt Alear being the "twin" of the main one. They needed to either go all in with that and have Alear confirmed as sort of a multiversal set of twins or back up off it and confirm that they're only narrative parallels because doing literally all of this and then having Nel have feelings for the other Alear is gross. They did so well avoiding weirdness with Veyle in the main game, and then completely blew it in regards to Nel. It makes no sense you can romantically S support her and invalidates all the themes about family presented to that point if characters who literally share a father and share similar traumas don't find healthy kinship with one another.
But beyond all that, we don't really get to see enough of Nel and "Nil" to be convinced by their dedication to one another especially in comparison to other familial relationships like between the recruitable royals, Four Hounds, and Four Winds. It feels like things are just happening to happen without feeling the gravity of terror that we are told Sombron caused them. Again, the obvious parallel to Alear being forced to fight Veyle purely due to their father's machinations isn't allowed to be explored due to the spoilers thing. Subtlety can be a structurally clever thing, but this doesn't even feel like the DLC writers were aware of that basic fact. This is the only aspect of the whole game that I feel truly misses the mark for me. It feels like a bland copycat of the main game written by someone who only skimmed a wiki article of the main story. I truly really believe they would have been better served making it a proper postgame arc because then maybe the emotional connections could have been fully explored.
I also almost feel as though they'd have been better served writing a story set in the past around red Alear. I understand that would have made it difficult to have playable units from the DLC in the main campaign, but I would have gladly missed out on them if that meant adding to the main universe instead of mostly meaning nothing in the end besides an edgy boy (and I genuinely like Rafal, he's funny) realizing he isn't as edgy as he thought he was.
Back to the main game though. Alear becoming Corrupted and begging their sister to not give up was extremely cool and dangerous and insane in a GOOD way (though again, the cutscenes were somewhat long but long for the sake of the main characters is different than long for side villains). Then you play the actual chapter and nothing truly significant is happening that makes the experience feel noteworthy. I think the design and gameplay are more of a problem with this than the specifics of the writing itself, but both of those generally work to the benefit of storytelling in this game so to have an obviously contradictory moment like that undercuts the drama of the scenario. It's a great idea done in kind of a "just ok" way. Would have been better off omitting that chapter entirely and just jumping to the emblem-izing of Alear immediately. Maybe the writers were just too ambitious with the idea of using the Corrupted for a good reason, and couldn't bear to cut it out? I don't dislike indulgent writing, but I dislike when I can tell the writers are just doing something because they thought it was cool and no one felt like being the one to say "ok this doesn't quite fit".
Another gameplay and storytelling problem is the final boss fight. Bringing back the other final bosses as evil emblems was brilliant, but to not bring them back as recognizable models, not give them their portraits, and not give them their voice lines (and correct me if I'm wrong, but they all have voice actors from their own games or Heroes) made it difficult to identify who was who without looking up their classes online. That really undercut most of the drama in them being used in that battle. I understand this may have all added costs to the game that they maybe didn't want to pay, but that lack of detail made a very cool inclusion feel kind of middling.
And the boss himself? Sombron is actually an interesting dude to me. But again, all his backstory and evil plans probably should have been dumped in a monologue separate from the final battle. I think this is yet another case, similar to the Zephia and Griss scene, that would have worked better as a memory prism than as just a character telling the audience directly in what sort of feels like an inappropriately detailed explanation. I appreciate that they did not force this into being another story centered around multiversal crossovers in a media landscape that is currently overwhelmed by such stories, especially if the "Zero Emblem" hook has no intention of being followed up on. Though arguably that's yet another thing the DLC needlessly complicated. Is there just an infinite number of Sombrons looking for an infinite number of Zero Emblems? Even more proof that the DLC should not have happened as it did.
Last thing worth addressing in detail is the pedophilia that has been sadly very prevalent in the series and arguably emboldened by the introduction of the S support system. Even if one wants to disregard the internal age data, characters like Anna, Jean, and Hortensia should not have been romanceable in any language. I thank the English localization team for scrubbing out most of this and making them as platonic as possible.
Ok I think that's basically everything about the plot I can think of right now to address directly. Solm royals could have gotten more, but whatever. I thought they were fine as the hyper-competent Batman-like country that's like 5 steps ahead of everyone. I don't have any other things to speak about on the main story events.
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(Your reward for reading all those paragraphs is a nice picture of my daughter Veyle, who is precious and good. I was so worried they would be weird about her and barefeet aside they thankfully were not.)
Chapter IV: The Other Characters
There's a couple of obvious social groups of characters who have largely overlapping gimmicks. Tea time enthusiasts (Celine, Louis, Jean), aesthetic obsessives (Goldmary, Rosado, Hortensia), gym rats (Alfred, Etie, Boucheron sort of). Firene has perhaps the biggest problem of having so many gimmicks done so close together. There is still a lot of depth in those supports still (notably in the A levels after many might have given up, such as Alfred-Etie, Alfred-Celine, Celine-Alear, etc). I don't really have a defense for this, but I do understand why especially early on it would cause people to write off the cast of the game. It didn't bother me much maybe because I benched everyone but Alfred and Louis right away (I needed to keep Clanne and Framme around, they're really funny lol).
But overall I didn't mind any of the characters for their gimmicks besides Seadall (his disordered eating being treated as a joke was just extremely offputting and it was really 50/50 on whether a support might focus on it) and Goldmary (she is just an asshole and to me it wasn't funny, not every joke will land for everyone I suppose).
The cast felt extremely likeable and well-rounded. I will sound like a broken record here, but again they really reminded me of what I enjoyed about the FE8 cast. Just pretty much all likeable and good characters.
Chapter V: Everything Else
Here's like everything else that comes to mind but I don't have enough in my brain to properly write sentences on them and I kind of want to be done with this lmao:
Yes, I think it's a little silly how some characters manage to get away without the game directly stating how. Alear and co are nice and not brutal so you can assume they allowed the escape, but it's still weird at times. Poorly choreographed.
I will never unironically use the term "ludonarrative" (no shade if you do, but it's not me). However the introduction of the Lucina ring bringing back hope to the crew while being a supportive ring for gameplay purposes and all is just really special stuff. It's good. Similarly, the ring you get at the end of chapter 17 is an amazing moment.
I'm not particularly bothered by the rings being former characters. I don't feel they were used poorly or anything. They're wise old heroes helping the new gen, and they serve that purpose well. Only Marth has a bit more to him than that due to his history with Alear, and I think it plays out well without being reliant on prior knowledge. Again very sorry to Eirika fans, I've seen the essays there on the inaccuracies and you're all valid.
The time travel is very clean and properly defined imo. Much more limited than in Three Houses in-universe which is good, however the best explanation for the rewinds will continue to be Mila's Turnwheel (in that there is no time travel, just some premonitions that allow the characters to evade danger).
I love Pandreo and Zelkov so much. Oh my god. They're so funny and just good men. Excellent dudes. Amber, Rosado, YUNAKA. The cast is just lovely. I love them.
Sommie is so cute for real. Just brilliant idea to include a nice pet for your home base. If anything, they should have given it more wigs for the main royals or some of the emblems. Also Sommie is totally the Zero Emblem.
Chapter VI: Conclusion
Let me get TMI here. I do understand that personally I experience and perceive emotions in an unusual way compared to most people. I've not been diagnosed with anything specific to that level of wiring (just OCD and anxiety), and as far as I feel it doesn't seem necessary. But it is what it is, and I am who I am. Maybe all of this is pointless to write and it truly is just a matter of taste and personal emotional expectations. I don't know. I just know I liked the game, and what worked on me really worked. Hope this was fun to read even if it doesn't give any particular insight.
I did not intend to compare any other FEs in this piece mainly because it's not about them. Legit sorry if I inadvertently cause some sort of discourse.
tl;dr It's Peak Fiction™
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once-was-muses · 7 months
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[ oh fuckin hrhrhrjjrjr also. Forgored last night. The Blighted Cosmetics List™️. That I also forgored half the ideas of. It's Absolutely not complete and I've just copy-pasted it off the doc below the cut here so it's nothing fancied up, fairly disorganized (still has the symbol/numbers and cosmetic descriptions.) I am so sorry if it's impossible to read but this is what I have rn djdjdjdjjd ]
How Talbot captured each of the killers (in chronological order), and the numbers/symbols on their tags
Huntress (Copper, 2114-25; “This feral specimen was the first experiment of its kind.”): as the cosmetic’s description states, she was the first Talbot “captured” and experimented on- with the help of Vigo, the two hoping to find some way to turn the killers against their Master and/or find some way to use the blight to vanquish Her. Anna was easily lured by Vigo to where Talbot waited to drop onto the wild woman from his perch in a tree and jab the syringe into her.
Wraith (Copper, 2114-25; “A tortured prototype with a unique, otherworldly densely corrupted quality.”): the second killer-turned-victim of Talbot and Vigo’s experiments, the Wraith was the subject of a more coordinated plan. The pair waited until the Wraith was whisked away to a trial before descending on Autohaven, quickly and efficiently assembling the trap which Vigo designed, making use of the wreckage strewn about for parts. When the Wraith returned to the small building he dwelled most often in, he tripped a wire which sent a crudely made cage crashing down from the ceiling. While Talbot didn't hesitate in taking advantage of the killer's compromised state to inject him with the experimental serum, Vigo took notice of the Wraith's utter lack of struggling after the initial shock, rather cowering against the bars and flinching away from Talbot’s hands.
Trapper (Copper, 2114-25; “A cruel specimen injected with metalloids congealed at high temperatures.”): the plan was too simple to have gone so horribly wrong, but really they both should've seen the major flaw immediately. Once again sneaking into their target killer's domain, Talbot and Vigo carefully swiped two each of the cruel traps they'd seen many caught in- including themselves, and the very brute which utilized them. Creeping through the ruins of the MacMillan Estate, they again assessed the interior to determine the Trapper's favored space to reside in, setting the bear traps then hiding themselves. With no reason to suspect his own den to hold dangers, the Trapper almost immediately stepped into one of the inconspicuously placed sets of metal jaws, Vigo quickly snagging the old chain left in the workshop to attempt binding the killer. Quicker than anticipated, the Trapper abandoned prying himself free to instead snatch up the smaller man by the neck, retrieving his blade with the other. In a split second snap of apparent rage, Talbot hoisted one of the unsprung traps over his head and slammed it into the Trapper's side, forcing him to drop both machete and Vigo. The latter simply sat there stunned as Talbot quickly snatched up the machete himself and swung it into its owner's shoulder before driving the syringe in.
Hillbilly (Copper, 2114-25; “A particularly aggressive specimen following experimentation. Injected in multiple locations to yield faster results, which caused severe fluid-filled lumps.”): after the first three, Talbot felt it made sense to move on to one of the more dangerously armed "subjects," Vigo not outright disagreeing but no longer as enthusiastic as he had once been. Nevertheless, he continued to assist Talbot in using four of the many butcher hooks on Coldwind Farm to restrain the particularly brutal killer, looping them over beams in the old barn and using the cattle chute fencing as anchors. Once the Hillbilly was secured, Vigo left the area while Talbot carried out the experiment.
Doctor (Copper, 2114-25; “A relentless specimen with acute aggressive responses to experimentation. Physical restraints were used on both ankles.”): when Talbot suggested the Doctor as their next target, Vigo was beyond horrified- yet still laughed in his face in utter disbelief. He refused to even set foot within the cold walls where the Doctor dwelled, informing Talbot he could be tortured by himself if he was fool enough to carry this out- yet still, Vigo assisted Talbot in securing sedatives and, still, helped in acquiring proper restraints. The only reason they received comparatively minor voltage was the silent yet swift way Talbot moved (which seemed almost innate to the strange man), getting much closer to the hulking figure before lunging than Vigo ever expected could be possible. Of all their "subjects" so far, the Doctor fought them the hardest, and received the most grievous injury beside the injection site. Vigo would not speak to Talbot for a long while after their fifth experiment.
Nurse (Copper, 2114-25; “With foul serum still dripping from her wound, she broke free from her captor.”): Talbot didn't believe Vigo when he again refused to assist him any further. He continued to convey his plan to his partner in crime, choosing to interpret his empty silence as attentive listening. He was proven wrong when he was forced to make the trek to Crotus Penn on his own, forced to concoct a totally new plan. Cursing his so-called "partner" between ideas. Soon after setting foot in her domain, the lone survivor found himself being stalked through the grounds, screams echoing around him as the resident drew closer. With a hooked chain stolen from Coldwind in one hand and syringe in the other beneath his coat, Talbot fought to resist the icy fingers of dread as he lured her into a claustrophobic hallway. Despite his best efforts, without anyone to have his back he froze up when met with the Nurse, snapping out his daze once she was only an arm's breadth away. Ducking beneath the raised saw blade, he jabbed the hook into her chest and used that anchor to pin both her arms to her sides. Not wasting any time, Talbot jabbed the syringe in- only for the Nurse to react immediately, a godawful shriek leaving her as the hook tore itself free from her. Talbot scrambled to get away, electing to vault from a window rather than waste precious time afforded to him by the growing threat's struggle on taking the stairs.
True Blight (Agrilla [clay], 3412; “An extreme overdose of putrid serum culminated in a corruption like no other. Visceral cankers blossomed through his body, sprouting from his flesh and twisting out of nearly every orifice.”): occurred after Talbot was sent to the Void and later escaped, but not without the cost of losing pieces of himself. The Entity encouraged Talbot to continue his experiments on the killers only once he was thoroughly addicted to the very same serum. It took a long time for Talbot to realize this encouragement was for Her own gain, planning he would discover a way to rid Her of the annual blighting for good and force him to do so. Needless to say he's thus far yet to even concretely explain the cause nor origin.
Hag (Putrefaction, 1227; “She escaped when a charm of strength buried within her was ignited by the serum.”): 
Clown (Aqua Vita (alcohol)?, 1130; “He took off when the substance provoked a profound hunger that made his belly swell with anticipation.”):
Plague (Vinegar-2 [distilled vinegar], 2330; “She emerged from confinement when the serum amplified the disease coursing through her blood.”):
Ghostface (Air, 2825; “A specimen who reacted strangely to the latest compounds, resulting in unexpected mutations that cannot yet be explained.”):
Spirit (Air, 2825; “She emerged from captivity when the serum sparked her ancestral rage, making her blood boil with fury.”):
Oni (???; “His overwhelming strength made him a priority candidate for testing. The searing pain of the experiment, more than anything, made his rage even more potent.”): the Oni’s strength and rage is infamous throughout the Fog, seemingly outmatched only by those that were not originally human at some point. While the mutation had rendered Talbot twisted and hunched over, the serum provided him unnatural strength and speed- but nothing to compete with the elder Yamaoka. How, then, did the Blight manage to capture such a fearsome target? By using the shreds of humanity left against him. His descendant was already undergoing her own experiment at the time Talbot used her hypothetical safety as distraction long enough to get close enough to lunge, grabbing on with the awful limbs that sprouted from his back, one hand gripping the fearsome mane while the other plunged the syringe into the muscular neck.
Legion (Putrefaction, 1227; “Repulsive. The serum has grafted the four specimens into a single creature, three of which are entrapped within the flesh of the host, ineffectually attempting to escape.”):
Nemesis (Zinc, 1823; “The putrid serum mixed with the Ne-a Type parasite to create a chimerical horror that not even The Blight could have anticipated.”): 
Pyramid Head (Zinc, 1825; “The putrid serum took hold of the creature born from a dark wish, rotting with putrid ways to punish the guilty.”): the Red God volunteered itself to be subjected to the serum, for what purposes Talbot did not dare risk angering it to find out. What he did discover, however, was that the Executioner required two full doses for any effects to take hold.
Wesker (probs Red Arsenic, possibly Regulus?, 1513-15; “Nobody could predict the complex interactions that would occur between the serum and Uroboros, but that didn’t stop him from testing it on himself.”): the Mastermind intercepted the Blight before he had even crafted a plan for him. Swiping a unique concoction, Wesker swiftly injected himself with it, leaving Talbot no choice but to witness and document the effects. And do his best to stay out of the path of destruction.
Sadako (???, 4020-68): 
Xenomorph (???): 
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hi it’s tornadopilot from my main. what are your thoughts on tails’ attempts to win kit over in a similar manner to how sonic deals with his own rivals and his clear masked frustration and disappointment that it wasn’t working . you can SEE the effort he was putting in you can see how bad tailswanted it to work out and then it didn’t. WHAT r ur thoughts on that kit and surge drive me nuts
Ahahaa I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond but I kinda had half a book written before realizing I got side tracked to a completely different topic so I had to rewrite most of this and even despite that I'm not completely satisfied with the result but so is the way of my brain ig
Tails would absolutely definitely take after and look to Sonic as a model of his mannerisms as he was basically raised by the blue blur. But it's also more than obvious that Sonic trying to peacefully reach out to Surge with talkings of freedom and friendship won't work and he needs a different strategy.
And I feel that the same case is with Kit, because while he's much more open to reason and doesn't fight unless he has to (even than he's quite easily swayed from doing so) he also doesn't belive the words of anyone who isn't Surge. Especially now at the end of issue 56 with his trust broken by Sonic twice.
While common ground could be struck with conversation, it has the stability of a card house built outdoors because one wrong word or slightly off action could sent all the progress crumbling to pieces
And using that card house allegory further, what you need to do for increasing its stability is change the location of where you're trying to make it to ensure no stray breeze is gonna knock it over and than also make sure there won't be anyone nagging you constantly and threatening to tarnish all your progress if you don't indulge them
But that is the problem. Surge as the one threatening to topple the card house over is probably definitely not gonna let up and Kit won't be functional without her, which makes the poor fennec stuck between two watermills of knowing he has to be there for Surge but but also not wanting to follow her into fights she picks with everyone else around her. Starline hammered it in his brain that he doesn't get to have an identity and only serve as a sidekick to Surge. But how good of a sidekick is he when he's so easily swayed form helping her in a basically life or death fight she had with the sonics in the old base by Tails, as in his own enemy he was specificaly designed to destroy.
In a hypothetical universe where Surge did die back than in the garbadge place that I forgor the details off and Kit were to be left with he heroes, he would just end up feeling.. useless. Because even if he undoubtedly sees Surge in Sonic and tries to just follow his programing by listening to orders and doing his best to protect the blue blur, the moment he'd look at Tails, he'd get his purpose undermined. Tails is someone who he was ment to replace, to eliminate. And yet the fox remains a better version of himself. A version of himself far more capeable of doing the job of prottecting and assisting his speedster while he just let...Surge.. die.
A silly detail I noticed is that Kit has no second thoughts about attacking Sonic (or at least attempting to) when the situation calls for it. After Surge's fight in central city, he is sent into a shortlived fit of rage, in which, if not straight up kill, than definitely at least wanting to infilict some serious harm to sonic when feeling betrayed seeing him fight Surge, after not so long ago he was told by the same hedgehog that she died (oh god I could make an en etire post just centering around kit's shattered thought process in between those two plot points oh mans the worms are braining again agh-) And same in the second big fight they had, Kit was going straight after sonic but the second, the god damn second Tails steps in, he retreats.
This is not a case of Kit not being able to or strong enough to inflic damage with his powes. I mean hell, he easily cut trough metal chains with those water tentacles one issue before that. What could possibly be stoping him from tearing both Tails and Sonic limb from limb.
Hhhhh that's as far as my thoughts go without fully venturing into headcannon territory, just making random stuff up ooor completely derailing from the topic,
There's like two more paragraphs that I've written but couldn't really manage to reformulate or fit anywhere here because my brain refuses to cooperate but I don't want to erase them so here they are;
> What i think would make Kit tick (hehe funni words) would first and foremost be actions, not words. All they need is acceptance but unfortunately they can't have it because they're hardwired to kill those tha are constantly offering it to them and are harming every one in their path which only results in minimizing anyone else trying to reach out to them. 'Sonic and Tails were "heroes" after all, obviously they would try to manipulate them to the "good side" with empty promisses of care and love. they're valuable and strong assets after all.' or so that little leftover of starlines voice lingering around in their head would tell them.
> By that I'm not implying that Kit doesn't care about Surge in the slightest, theres definitely a kind and carying nature towards everyone burried somewhere uder all his programing, it's just that right now only centered on Surge and who knows just how much of it is actually genuine or Stockholm sydrom even. Nontheless After the Central city fight he brings him and surge back to Starline's old base, thinking of it as the last safe space they potentially have. Surge is haunted by visions of the fruity ahh platypus and Kit not really knowing what to do in that moment just hugs her, apologizing for beliving Sonic for even a second and for leaving her. And even before that earnestly being relieved and happy that Surge is fine. There has to be at lest some smidget of genuine care for her (Perhaps once they do recieve their much needed thraphy they could become just as inseparable as Tails and Sonic). Also reiterating this point again for the Nth time; Kit never shows the desire or even willingness to fight until theres absolutely no other option.
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supergenial · 4 months
Cool songs I heard in 2023
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Well obviously I am not the busiest doujin music nerd anymore (at least not busy with doujin music in particular) but I still heard a fair amount of cool stuff this year. Going to keep it jp of course, I’m not about to write a long recommendation for Beautiful Mind or Barrel to you all. Also might as well go over some 2022 picks too since I forgor to make that post last year (get it? forgor? cause people still said that in 2022? haha). Anyway, let’s dive into my top picks (in no particular order).
Bro I have no idea what “Deemo” is but this song from that game has to be the coolest song I’ve heard in these two years. We’ve already liked Ai Ohsera for a while but this goes even further beyond. Honestly, I take my metaphorical hat off to such a majestic piece and hope the "weird rhythm game" money pipe never shuts off cause I'm assuming it's a major relief for an artist when they get a call to compose for any of these.
Seigiron Alpha
EVEN IF I SWALLOWED A THOUSAND NEEDLES, I’D STILL THINK THIS SONG IS COOL. The lyrics on this song go insanely hard, that gif with the pen writing while on fire is the one thing that can describe the tremendous righteousness of the words depicted in this one, I just love it. Too bad they won't just upload it singularly on spotify or whatever so I can only post the xfd.
Shuumaku no Mialuca
"Oh look the ariabl'eyes guy likes the climactic song on their new album, how original" shut up. It's cool as hell. I get emotional singing it when I drive. Fuck off.
Maindo maindo
Have already said I really like mabodofu so it's no surprise this made it in. Just very catchy, love hearing this when I drive.
Hell dude fuck jp composers, even finding the xfd for the song I'm looking is hard as balls and of course I can never find the actual song itself as a standalone. These people are genuinely begging for irrelevancy. Sorry to get titled but not being able to share something I really like makes me incomprehensibly upset, and I REALLY, REALLY like it a lot. Yes it's not even from these years but I heard it in these years we're covering so just put up with the rant.
Mirai donna darou
Yes I know it has +3 million views and it's basically an ad for the most profitable IP in the planet but you know what? Fuck you. I CRIED hearing this. I STILL cried by the 4th time I heard this. Pokemon brain is real and my generation is fucked. Doesn't help that I reconnected with pokemon quite a lot this year, first it was pokemon sleep, then pokedoku, now I play showdown on the daily, it's like can't live without these creatures, every time I lose interest something eventually happens that pulls me back in. Too bad SV runs like shit so I haven't finished it lol.
Also kudos to the translator managing to fit the puns into the translation, that's some real skill.
Kuroki nemuri no majo
"Wait why didn't you translate this" idk man it's cool as hell though, this is the kinda stuff I expected them to always do back when we first translated some of their songs.
Every once in a while you gotta wonder if Noriken is actually the best there is at tano*c.
Uru's cover of Mahou Shoujo to Chocolate
This song also fucked me up emotionally. Take the time to look up what it says cause I think it's fair to say We've All Been There. This just happened to be my favorite version.
Superman (Masketta man?)
Yea, it's not jp, BUT it's at the end of the list so I can get away with it. Blame tumblr for only allowing 10 vids per post.
Anyway, lots of cool albums recently like the new goetia, new yumi, new polysha, new rigel, and I haven't checked out mell sweet and laura bitter but I have high hopes for them. Honestly music is still great just as it's always been, just make sure you keep looking out for new stuff, you never know when you'll find a new obsession.
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Still writing out my thoughts about Dogwarts, but I'm returning the favor anyways.
I wanna here all your thoughts about Purpled and Wilbur. Or whoever you're most interested in.
You're letting me talk about characters I like, I'm letting you do the same :D
(@dewberries-sillyblog cause you wanted to learn more about my blorbos)
under the cut cause this is gonna be L O N G
(split into sections so I can “organize” my thoughts) Purpled: my stupid ass traumatized alien son he’s a bastard and I hate him (/j)
Early SMP: alien boy. he doesn’t know what he’s doing he is simply fucking around and finding out adopting a dog and gathering resources. just living life having a funky fresh time
he and tommyinnit fucking HATE each other they chased each other around and murdered each other for like over and hour fundy broke into his house and stole his shit he bargained with Tommy for his own stuff for like 10 minutes and went to court but just snuck out the back (??? idk he’s wild)
fundy built the socializing club to resolve their arguments and purpled booby trapped it and stole everyone’s shit cause he’s just like that
L’Manberg War(s): he dabbled in lmanberg shit my guy had no idea what the fuck was going on all the god damn time he was so confused bro was literally just standing there one time he say ccrimeboys (who were exiled from lmanberg and were absolutely not supposed to be there) and he (a member of lmanberg) decided to just ignore them cause he can’t be bothered to give a shit he literally allowed Technoblade to causally boat home after he massacred everyone at the festival and murdered Tubbo he has zero fucks to give
✨intermission✨: he disappeared for several months and no one knew what was up with that
the following is not in chronological order cause I forgor
but Bad hired him to kidnap/kill Puffy and he was basically like “yeah sure fuck it” and I think he did the thing?? I don’t remember anyways he was kinda working for the Eggpire for a bit and then Quackity was like hey wanna work for me instead to betray them (he attracted his attention by threatening to blow up his UFO talk about foreshadowing) and purpled once again went yeah sure fuck it and betrayed the Eggpire for the money and Quackity did his whole “wait don’t go in yet let the shark guy die” and then they saved everyone and yadda yadda yadda “you’re a hero purpled” “I try my best”
Aftermath: we all know this part purpled is like okay bitch boy pay up and Quackity makes small talk gives him his money and then destroys his entire life right in front of him good times they yell at each other for a bit and Purpled storms off in silence to go be sad
He goes back to his stupid little cottage and is even sadder for a while and then Mr Charlie Slimecicle gaslights him for 30 minutes and he decides to join las nevadas (he’s lying about wanting to be there)
he hangs around lying to people for a bit and then sets up his overdramatic lava trap and yells at Quackity some more and then kills his bf for revenge cause that’s what they do on this server I fucking guess
he kidnaps slimes dead body and holds it captive in a cave purely just to kill him again and then Punz shows up and manipulates him a bit and Dream is there also
they show up gaslight slime bulky Quackity blow shit up purpled and Quackity yell at each other some more and then slime reveals HE was gaslighting everyone the whole time and fucking kills purpled (L + ratio)
then there’s the whole “you’re not a good person” but idc about that sorry quackcicle enjoyers
and then that’s kinda it man idk the whole ass smp ended
Random ramblings: purpled is a petty bastard and I hate him that bitch is full of improperly processed trauma (thank you icarus appollosboyfriend for that quote) and he hates everyone and he only kills people for the money cause he just wants money and power (and friends he just wants to go home) but he only accepts jobs from people he trusts and he’s a stupid bitch and he’s mean and absolutely will insult your mother but your honor he’s just a silly little guy simply a funky little lad and he just lies to people constantly he’s so funny and every time I think about him I go insane
Wilbur. Motherfucking. Soot:
I am mentally ill about him I legitimately get sad often over him he has brought me close to tears unironically multiple times this is a common occurrence I have so much autism about him I’m such a basic bitch 😔
there’s no organization to this part I’m just going to go insane for several paragraphs:
HES SO SAD my boy is struggling constantly 24/7 he has had shit brain chemicals his whole life and he pretends he’s fine cause he has to be fine but he’s literally been putting up a persona the entire smp I just ajrhjabdbwjsj
he’s just a little guy ur honor who wanted to start a little nation for his friends and he tried SO HARD to keep the peace and let everyone live but people continuously fucked him over until he thought he HAD to resort to violence
he has so much trauma and he ignores all of it he’s so stressed all the time and he got beat to death with an axe after his friend betrayed him and and and
and fucking SCHLATT took his country his fucking country from him and kicked him out and his stupid ass lived in a ravine for god knows how long and he developed more mental illnesses then he already had
he legitimately thought everyone hated him and was only staying for the power and wholeheartedly believed that they would leave him if someone else offered something better and he was so scared all the time he was NOT living la vida loca and he just fucking lied about it all the time cause he’s an idiot
and he finally snapped and he was going to press the damn button and his fucking dad showed up and he had made up his mind he was going to die and he was taking lmanberg down with him so he did just that (assisted suicide babyyyyyy)
and don’t even get me started on ghostbur (that’ll come later)
then he fucking died and LIMBO oh my lordy lord he was alone in literal sensory deprivation torture for THIRTEEN AND A HALF YEARS holy motherfuck he lost his fucking mind in there he was not doing well that’s for fucking sure
then his bitch ass got revived and dear god did a lot happen while he was gone and he put on another goddamn persona because he’s fine guys!! he had time to think over everything while he was dead he’s perfectly fine he’s processed all his trauma he’s so much better now he definitely isn’t doing worse he’s fine guys !!! :D (he’s lying)
and one time he tried to explode dream with his mind so that was a thing and also threatened to kill himself despite being apparently happy to be alive again and absolutely fucking terrified of going back to limbo so anyways he still hates himself so that’s a thing
he and Quackity had a homoerotic rivalry and then he went to fucking. Utah so that happened
I’m fucking insane about cwilbur I cannot articulate this to you correctly but I cannot stress enough how feral he makes me
NOW ghostbur I’m insane about him too he’s an amnesiac and he’s so sad all the time and he still hates himself cause ‘alivebur’ hates himself and he considers PERMADYING a happy memory and he can only remember good things and H A T E S talking about his mental health or anything remotely sad and he’s just a little lad with his sheep and he just wants to make people happy and oughhhhhhhhh. anyways how are you guys doing :)
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