#spite i want people to suffer through my tags
mimimui · 1 year
I saw your "genshin boys asking for a kiss" and i felt like melting into a puddle it's so cute... ㅜㅡㅜ if i may ask, how would the sumeru boys react to reader who is unable to sleep because of their cold? like they try to sleep but the pounding headache, clogged nose, etc is preventing them to do so sobs
thank you so much beforehand!
sumeru boys versus your cold
includes: alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno
tags: established relationship, endearments, fluff, kinda ooc(?) maybe, not proofread i'm sorry, mention of rudolph (is there even a rudolph in genshin? well there is now)
a/n: thank u so much! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡ i'm also currently suffering from a severely clogged nose so i understand the feeling x_x thanks for the request anon <3 i kinda struggled writing alhaithams aaa i hope it's still ok :') as always .. enjoy !
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alhaitham knows you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, so when you started sneezing this morning, he didn't think much of it. he told you to drink some water and take meds, but that's mostly it. only when he was about to retire to your shared bed was when he noticed your loud, constant sniffling.
"(y/n), did you not take meds earlier?" he asks, switching the lamp back on. alhaitham places a hand on your shoulder, slowly moving you to face him. his eyes widen when he sees your red nose and tired eyes. "haitham.. can't sleep.." you mumble, your hands covering your face.
most people think alhaitham is a bit aloof, but they've clearly never seen him take care of you. he urges you to sit up, quickly getting a tissue for your runny nose. when you tell him, "i can't, my head hurts so bad.." he brings the tissue to your nose himself, asking you to blow into it.
this doesn't cure your clogged nose, however, as you continue to sniffle. he lays next to you, wrapping his arm around you, rubbing your back. "breathe through your mouth slower, copy me," he says, breathing at a slow, easy pace for you to replicate.
it takes some time for you to go to sleep, but even so, alhaitham stays awake the entire time, making sure you fall asleep before he does. when he notices your steady breathing and closed eyes, he smiles contently, glad that you were finally able to sleep.
"sleep well, my dear."
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kaveh is not a stranger to sleeping with colds, especially since he's prone to sickness from always stays up late. when you tell him you can't sleep because you have a clogged nose, he immediately asks you if you want meds, tissues, or both. as he babbles on, you can only laugh at his reaction when you say, "i want you."
"that's bold for someone with snot running down their nose," he says teasingly, which earns him a pillow getting thrown at his head. "ow! you're mean when you're sick, (y/n)." he jokingly pouts as he sits next to you on the bed, rubbing the spot you hit with the pillow.
his expressions turns into a sad one as you suddenly lie down, your headache making you groan. he looks around for a bit before handing you the box of tissues he meant to give you earlier, telling you to blow your nose to clear it up a bit.
"i can't do this anymore, kaveh. i hate being sick." you cover your face with the blanket, sniffling underneath. "i know, sunshine, i know," he says, patting your thigh gently. "we all get sick from time to time, but trust me, you'll feel better in no time!" his tone is optimistic, but he makes sure not to be too loud, for the sake of your headache.
"...can you help me fall asleep, please?" you peek through the blanket, watching his reaction to your request. he smiles warmly, lying down and continuing to pat your thigh. he hums a calm, familiar tune—one of your favorites that he sings—and you can't help but smile.
it may be hard to breathe at the moment, but rest assured kaveh will comfort you in any way he can.
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tighnari tells you to sit on the edge of the bed, in spite of your throbbing headache. you comply though, waiting for him to come back. it feels like a century when he returns to your room with a pot of steaming water. "place the blanket over yourself and the pot."
the hot steam hits your face and you wince a bit, not used to this kind of temperature. but when tighnari sits next to you and places a reassuring hand on your back, you find the steam a bit more bearable.
"nari, what does this do for me?" you ask, removing the blanket from over your head as 10 minutes pass. he mentions something about steam inahalation and so on, talking about how it can help relieve your clogged nose.
you're not yet entirely cured, but it's comfortable enough. he lies down next to you, an arm wrapping around your waist as he tells you he'll get medicine for you in the morning. his voice is soft, quiet, and gentle. it slowly fades away as you fall asleep, a satisfied tighnari beside you as he watches your eyes close.
"i'm happy to take care of you, my lover."
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cyno tries to distract you with corny jokes, but archons, as much as you love him, his jokes are only contributing to your headache. he sits down on the bed, holding a glass of warm water he got for you. "i have a joke about colds, but i hope you don't get it."
"cyno, i love you, but you realize i already have colds, right?" he chuckles at your stressed reaction, asking you to sit up so you can drink water. "do you know what kind of shoes colds wear?" you sigh as you lie back down, pulling the covers over your head.
"aaaaa shoe!" he follows up, smiling at his own joke. you feel his head hit the pillow beside you, his hand finding yours to hold. he uses his other hand to pull the blanket off your face, the moonlight illuminating even the redness of your nose.
"seems like i have my own rudolph." you squeeze his hand tightly and he chuckles. "i apologize, (y/n)," cyno says in a low voice, bringing your hand up to his lips. he closes his eyes as he tells you to breathe deeply, repeating the phrase 'breath in, breath out'.
it's still a struggle to fall asleep, but cyno doing his best to help you breathe easier makes you feel a bit better. if you thought he worked hard as the general mahamatra, he works hard at taking care of you as well.
"let's visit tighnari in the morning. rest easy, (y/n)."
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
hey 👋 could you please do more of platonic yandere hawks x teenage bartender reader pls ? :)) I love your work
(Aw, thank you! I’ll go back and tag this series as “Teenage Bartender” since I’ve got a few fics for it now)
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Out of all the people you’ve ever served, Mr. Takami is definitely your favorite patron. The League of Villains ranges from outright bad to somewhat decent when it comes to personality, each causing you trouble in their own way.
Mr. Bubaigawara is also pretty alright, but you have to cut him off after a while so he doesn’t drink himself to sickness. He’ll switch from thanking you for looking out for him to criticizing you for being a “mood-killer” in the same breath. You like to believe that the kinder half of him is the “real” one. It always feels more sincere, in your opinion. You try to see the good in everyone around you, after all. No matter how hard it may be, or how dangerous or depraved the individual is.
Maybe you’re an optimist, Keigo Takami thinks to himself, nursing a non-alcoholic strawberry spritzer. Or maybe you’re simply too naive to see the dangers of the killers and criminals around you. Maybe it’s a case of feeling obligated to love the unloved, to accept the spurned, to try and save those dedicated to hurling themselves headfirst towards irredeemability. Maybe you sympathize with them, with what they’ve been through in their tumultuous and checkered lives.
No matter what the reason is, what really matters is that you, in spite of whatever horrid circumstances have landed you in the middle of these villains, playing caretaker and maid and nanny to drunk, belligerent murderers…
You’re still kind.
That’s why Keigo truly believes that you, more than anyone else here, can be redeemed.
Not only because of the way you treat him, but also the way you treat your “coworkers”.
When Toga gets immediately drunk off of whatever cutesy cocktail she begged you to whip up, you help her get to a couch and make her lay down, leaving a bin by her side. When Shigaraki is having another one of his tantrums, you line up all the broken glasses and worn down equipment you have onto the countertop so he has something to focus his aggression on. You listen close to all of Spinner’s rants about Stain, even if you don’t understand a word he’s saying.
You see something in them, clearly. Keigo isn’t quite sure what it is exactly, but he’d love to know. Do you care about them? Do you think they could redeem themselves? Do you think you can off-put their suffering and bloodthirstiness by being kind? Do you consider them to be family? Do you consider him family?
You’ve been around him long enough to see him as a friend, surely. You treat the winged double-crosser with the same forthcoming kindness that everyone receives when they sit at your counter, ensuring that he’s happy, hydrated, warm, and not-
“-hurt? Mr. Takami, did you get hurt?”
“Sorry, kiddo. Didn’t quite catch that one. Run it by me again?”
“That mission ran a little long, didn’t it? Usually you’re back a lot sooner, so I wanted to make sure that you were alright, Mr. Takami. You’re not hurt, are you?”
Keigo is a well-guarded man. He doesn’t give away too much and he’s good at hiding his feelings and thoughts. Still, he can’t keep himself from smiling right now. With a gloved hand, he reaches out to ruffle your hair.
“Just fine, kiddo. Things got a little troublesome- when don’t things get troublesome, huh? But i got the job done no problem, like always.”
You try to meet his smile evenly, taking his drained glass and giving him a fresh drink in turn. There’s a moment of strange silence, something’s there’s never been between the two of you.
“I’m really glad,” you quietly admit to him, breaking the lull. “I think you’re… you’re the only one who talks to me the way you do. I don’t…”
He leans forward, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his twined fingers. “Talk to me, pint-size. You’ve got my ear. I’ve got some time to kill.” He adds the last line just to make sure that you know he won’t mind if this takes a while. Even if he didn’t have the time… he would make it, for you.
“I really, really do like everyone! Really, I do! But it just feels… it all feels so endless, Mr. Takami. If someone isn’t mad at me, they’re puking on the floor. If they aren’t puking, they’re crying in the corner. If they aren’t crying, they’re picking fights. If they’re not fighting, they’re breaking things. If they aren’t breaking things, they’re mad at me for something. It just goes on and on, and I- I just-“
You pause, your breath hitching inwards sharply as you bury your face into your hands. You put your palms flat on the countertop, staring at your weary reflection on the polished surface.
“I’m so tired, Mr. Takami. And I feel like I’m never gonna get to take a break.”
“Okay, come over here,” Keigo guides, leading you around the counter by your hand and towards where he remembers seeing you head each night. Your personal room, he assumes. “The bar,” you try to argue as he pulls you along, “needs me at the counter. What if someone comes by for a drink?” Your words fall on deaf ears, it seems. “Most of the league is made of grown men, kid. Trust me, they can stomach a few hours without alcohol.”
He opens the door, giving himself the first view of your room he’s ever seen.
Knowing that you can’t see the face he’s making, the undercover hero allows himself to frown at the sight.
This isn’t a bedroom. This is a storage closet with a small bed and a nightstand. It’s barely four feet wide, and just about six feet long. The sort of room you’d put spare brooms and mops in, where you’d hide away a half-used gallon of drain cleaner or spare dish soap bottles you had gotten on sale. A place too claustrophobic and enclosed for anything except supplies.
But instead, this room had been given to you, a literal teenager who was giving their all to support the League in spite of getting nothing out of it.
For just a moment, his blood boils.
The League can pretend to be good. They can pretend to be heroes and freedom fighters. They can pretend that they’re fighting for a fair and just society. They can pretend that they aren’t monsters and murderers.
But this is how they treat their own. He’s always known this. The League of Villains prioritizes powerful, dangerous individuals above all else, prioritizes those who can spread chaos and mayhem in the name of their destructive goal. And you don’t fit into that powerhouse category, so you get shuffled away, tucked out of sight when they don’t have you serving them or playing babysitter to grown drunkards.
Keigo thinks he understands it, at least. But the truth is that some of the League do care for you. Twice, Spinner, Magne, Toga, Mr. Compress… all of them do care about you, as a friend or as family. And in turn, you care for them.
But he doesn’t think of that. As he helps you into the cramped bed, he thinks of “saving” you, and getting you out of here. Of bringing you home and keeping you safe from the harms and horrors of the world around you.
And there will soon come a day that you tumble out of the villain’s claws and into a hero’s talons.
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s0ulryo · 2 years
Small Things Il Dottore Does For You *ೃ༄
[Dottore x Reader] Synopsis: Small things Dottore does for you (and other relationship headcanons). Tags: Fluff, slightly crackish yes, soft headcanon, possible cw. Notes: Prolly ooc? Not proofread. I won’t stop writing Dottore content till there's more Dottore content out there. I wanted to write more but my memory is shit and I keep forgetting what I want to write. Did I just start a new thing instead of finishing the oneshot fic i had planned, yes yes i did. Why is it always 1-4 am when I am posting? ENJOY!!
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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Like I said in my last headcanon, he’d do anything for you. Doesn’t matter what that thing is – he’ll do it if you desire it, but if you straight up ask he’ll probably make fun of you for it. 
That being said, shopping with him is a nightmare for three reasons. One, he gets distracted very easily. Two, if you stare at something for too long he will get it for you. Three, if he thinks you’ll look good in something he will buy it.
“Hi, I'm back. I found this cool knife for my test subjects and I found this bracelet – I got two so we can match.” 
Tbh, he only acts super nice in public because he wants people to think he’s polite, being a Fatui Harbinger who is known for testing on people doesn’t really give you bonus points in the likeability department. 
He wants to be around you. I said that before too; but I feel like he’ll take you to events that he knows you both will like just so he can hang out with you.
He’s not the type of person to give you their jacket/coat/sweater when you’re cold. He will let you freeze. Well, he won’t give you his coat because he wants you to be close to him/cling onto him.
“You should have brought a jacket [Name].” You sigh “I literally am wearing a jacket Dottore, I didn’t know it would be this cold though.” “You should have brought a better jacket [Name].” You start walking faster out of spite. “Hey! Stop speed walking [Name]!”
He will yank you closer to him so you don’t walk away and so you can cling to him for warmth. 
If you wear rings or bracelets he’ll want to put them on for you – he likes physical intimacy and he likes knowing your style preference.
He’ll prank you with his clones, he finds your suffering enjoyable sometimes. 
Imagine just being surrounded (like in a cult circle) by all his clones while trying to get something.
“Dottore please – I just wanted to get a glass of water” 
He makes you tea when he comes back from work, whenever that is. He does that because you stay up all the time waiting for him.
He steals your clothes. Like all them time he steals your clothes. He steals them because he thinks they smell nice and he thinks if he takes all of your clothes you’ll be forced to wear his.
I like to believe he’ll write you letters when he takes long trips, but he never gives them to you because he thinks they are super shitty.
He makes you small little trinkets when he’s bored. 
He’s fairly insecure about his relationship with you but he just grew to accept it.
He wears your jewelry and gives you his to wear. He just thinks it's fun to swap earrings and such with you.
He’ll teach you how to make his favorite dish just so you can make it better. He’ll also try to learn how to make your favorite dish just to see if he could make it better than you can.
Every time you tell him about one of your interests he’ll act like he’s not interested in it but then try to learn everything about it so he can have a fun conversation about it with you in the future. 
He carries two handkerchiefs on him – one for him, one for you.
He’ll remember all your preferences, he likes studying people and you’re not an exception.
“No tomatoes right [Name]?” “Yeah, no tomatoes…” 
Sorry, I just think the texture or just plain raw sliced tomatoes are icky.
If you get sick he will try to take a few days off so you can get better quickly, and if he can’t he’ll send you voice messages through one of his inventions complaining about his job not letting him take some days off.
If you are good at art, he’ll let you draw on him.
He’ll be really animated while telling you stories in hopes of getting some of your reactions.
If he sees someone else staring at you in public he’ll either ask you to get something in the opposite direction of that person or link pinkies with you.
Sometimes he’ll let you style his hair.
He’ll hold a staring contest with you just to have an excuse to stare at you.
Besides your name, he will call you things like ‘Dear’ and ‘Love’.
He will pick you up out of nowhere – and if you resist he will drag you around on the floor.
Dottore writes down everything about you, almost like a journal. It has stuff ranging from what you guys did that day to a list of your enemies.
He really tries to make time for you, but then he’ll act like he didn’t make time for you.
“Dottore, you’re home early.” “Yeah, it’s not like I came home early to see you or anything.” He said picking at his nails. You rolled your eyes “Really? Then I’ll be back later.” “Wait [Name] – come back!”
Honestly, Dottore really wants to be around you; he just likes having someone to be around that doesn’t hate him. Just try to be easy on him, he knows he’s shit at being genuine when communicating so just be patient – please.
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euphoniouspandemonium · 6 months
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Cotton Mendings — a WIP intro by yours truly
finally doing a proper introduction yayy!! who would have foreseen this .
stage: drafting (rip it's been so long and it's going soo slow)
tags: #wip: cotton mendings ; #aes: cotton mendings
genres: historical fiction, literary fiction
themes and tropes: idealisation and romanticisation of people, queer love and toxic queer relationships, friends to lovers, tenderness and love for the world, hope, grief, obsession, mythological and religious imagery, breaking out of other people's perceptions of you, relearning gentleness after having it beaten out of you, being loved as being known
warnings: emotional abuse and implied/mentioned physical abuse, character death and mentioned animal death, period-typical homophobia & transphobia (will add on)
pov: 3rd person past tense
setting: 1920s England
summary: Oscar ignites a relationship with an old friend – charismatic socialite Salvatore – whom he has had repressed love for for years. But despite everything their relationship is haunted by the death of Oscar's brother and a portrait simply called Percy, made by a German artist: a portrait of a red haired man who appears perfect and soft and yet incredibly, beautifully tragic. It makes Oscar question Salvatore and their relationship and wonder about the life and seemingly inherent sorrow of the subject, while Salvatore grows ever more enticed by ruthless, enigmatic Yvonne. Their separate obsessions grow and push them apart, while at the center of everything is Percy, devastatingly alive and spiteful, trapped in a narrative he did not create. Who is Percy, who is Salvatore, who is Oscar in rotation to them? Does he want to know at all?
characters, notes, excerpt & taglist under the cut <33
Oscar (he/him, bi): world's #1 most pathetic sad boy. romanticises everything to the point of self destruction. scared of acting on his desires but full of soooo much love. obsessive, incredibly sensitive, artistic, melancholy. also sooo autism.
Salvatore (he/him, bi): charismatic, intelligent, flamboyant, philosophical, hedonistic. he sees everything in a very realistic and nihilistic way. emotionally detached yet surprisingly protective and gentle with the people he loves.
Percy (he/him, bi, trans): babyboy !! baby!!!!!!!! full of so much life and love and poetry. he is very sweet and sarcastic and loves going on little adventures. mentally ill & physically disabled. he's suffered more than jesus but his wonder and whimsy are unmatched.
Yvonne (she/her, bi): hot evil woman❤️ ruthless, vicious and cold. her love is almost violent and repugnant. she only cares about few people but if they are in danger she knows no morality or law. also she's mischievous like a little cat <3
notes: Cotton Mendings is my passion project, my Magnum Opus, my baby. I have worked very hard on it and I've developed the character dynamics and symbolism sooooo much I could talk about them for hours. It all started with the song Angie by The Rolling Stones, but it has strayed very far from its original concept (actually Angie isn't even on the playlist — it is now completely a product of my obsession with The Smiths I'm afraid). It has helped me through so much and I will be very happy if people like it :] I love my horrible insane bisexuals. Why is everyone bisexual, you ask? well. I ❤️ bisexuals.
He thought again of Percy, of the way he glowed as if coated in honey and sunlight, the sweet smile on his face. What if Percy had spent his life failing at it, too? Trying to be the perfect picture of a beautiful boy. Turning hazy and translucent, like a ghost, from trying. And those few minutes with him, how the light extended and held Oscar too, how Percy was perfect and beautiful but couldn't possibly be only that. How they were both an image without a body.
(general) taglist: @ribelleribelle @talesofsorrowandofruin @writing-is-a-martial-art @alexwritesfiction @aether-wasteland-s @sculpture-in-a-period-drama @phantomnations @olimpias (ask to be added or removed)
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zoobus · 1 year
The Bad Ending of an Otome
From time to time I've expressed a desire to explain otome isekai's appeal to me through a pastiche of my favorite writing pieces from tumblr, the Scorpion and the Frog. I still have not followed through, despite the fact that it should be literally the easiest thing in the world - the Villainess and Her World. Frustrating.
Anywho, today's scorpion/frog meta regards the jealous hater replacement heiress of a beautiful but terminally ill child in a dating sim.
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The original game followed a girl who happened to look just like the now terminally dead Ophelia, who was previously alive and loved by all. The identical not-twin fills the Ophelia-shaped hole left in everyone's heart. The jealous hater replacement heiress (the villainess/frog, naturally) is quickly replaced and eventually killed for jealous hater maneuvers. Our main character (MC) of course reincarnates as the frog.
The first twist is a genre staple, could almost be considered the blueprint every story builds off of; rather than a specific, vindictive bitch... What if I was kind? What if I chose not to do anything that would make them want to kill me? What if I simply befriended the terminally ill Ophelia?
But like any good OI, the subversion takes it somewhere specific, someplace more personal. What if I befriended the terminally ill Ophelia...and still coveted everything she had? What if you're forced to realize it's actually pretty hard to not be a jealous hater when you're sitting side by side with someone effortlessly wealthier, prettier, more beloved than anything you'll ever experience? Especially when the beautiful dying Ophelia was honestly kind of a hateful bitch? And what if, despite all of this, you truly loved her? And that love didn't extinguish your overwhelming envy for what you could never have? This is an OI framing of what it's like to lose your best friend, the person no one else knew or loved like you did, to a slow, unstoppable terminal illness. It's a look at real friendship while harboring immense amounts of envy and hatred.
There's this tension with whether the MC really liked Ophelia, if she's saying "friend" or "love" out of habit rather than sincerity, whether Ophelia was just a bully using her wealth and power to manipulate someone she essentially owns, if her comment about dying with her are more about avoiding the the future or maybe placating a sick person, and nice little nuanced character things meant to keep you on your toes about the nature of their relationship. Area woman uncertain if she's being bullied or if this is girl bonding kind of stuff.
At times it would be logical to pity Ophelia, to despise her at others, even to take a certain amount of schadenfreude in this popular hot rich girl's pain. I liked the various ways the narrative muddied MC's perspective of Ophelia. She's an unpleasant, mean person that MC has to stick with whether she wants to or not.
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I loved Ophelia. A lot.
Now of course they don't let this girl look terminally ill - this is a princess comic after all - but lmaooo do they let her act it. Ophelia is *Bitter* that she has to die. *Terrified* of the inevitable. *Seething* over the expectation that she suffer through future agonizing symptoms just so her family can see her longer. *Furious* at these lovesick horny men courting her like they don't know her days are numbered. "Oh I worship you Ophelia, nobody's made me feel this way before, no woman will ever measure up to you" she knows they only like her cause she's hot. Ophelia is so hostile, so spite-filled, so fucking mad that not only does she have to die young, these people who claim to love her are - in both overt and subtle ways - pressuring her to take her imminent death gracefully, quietly, and above all else, beautifully. Foisting dignity on this teenager who's going into her casket kicking and screaming. If Ophelia had a tumblr she'd spend her time browsing vent tags and sending suicide bait.
Her character is so good, I was unfairly irritated by her in-game replacement who hadn't done anything yet. You really get where Ophelia's at times excessive hatred for the male love interests was coming from because like...wow. You're going full yandere eternal prisoner bad end for her...? This innocent good girl lamb who wants the best for everyone? No matter how similar they look, the fact that she offers a kind word and a helping hand would break any TRUE Ophelia stan's immersion instantly. She would never.
Anyway. Stories centered on the friendship between girls that aren't overly saccharine or stilted displays positivity are sadly uncommon, but they're my favorite. Like not to be aro on main but I think what others get out of tales of romance is how I respond to tales of deep friendship between women. Asobi Asobase, Binbougami Ga, Nichijou, Surviving Romance, they all fulfill some base desire that no one else seems to cherish as strongly😢
When we finally get confirmation, I have to admit. I stared at this page for like three minutes, eyes wet.
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Spoilers! She did love her. She loved her more than anyone.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months
This might sound depressing or weird, but I just saw Anon hate being sent to a writer I love, and I've realized that of all the HOTD writers whose fics I've followed in the last year, only you and two others are still around. It makes me sad that many others have been driven away.
I'm just glad you're still here, that's all. ❤️🫂
That is super shitty. I've not seen anything, but it could be a writer I'm not following. Sending anonymous hate is cowardly and a pointless waste of time - you could literally be doing anything else.
If you feel strongly enough about something, say it with your whole chest - I do, which is why I am blocked by so many people lmao
It is a shame to see so many of my favourite people and writers give up and deactivate. It drives me to want to stick around though; I haven't suffered clawing my way through writer's block, hours of research, and then the tedious task of formatting and tagging a fic just let it all go to shit over some petty random's spite and jealousy. The horrors persist, but so will I, etc.
I am a little tipsy on champagne and fighting for my life trying to get the smut scene I am currently writing to go in the direction I want it to, but your words have inspired me to push through, so I am glad for you, and thank you for your kind words! xoxo
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aortaobservatory · 7 months
i love your talks of aspects what can you say / your opinion on doom aspect? im knight of doom
Certainly, I can do an overview of the Doom Aspect for you. If you'd like me to post my analysis of the Knight of Doom, feel free to send another ask! I really do not mind being spammed. I feel as though it is often that Doom is characterized by its inverse aspect the most, as people tend to better understand the intricacies of the Life Aspect than they do Doom (this can be due to personal bias, environment, culture, ect). I also personally feel as though the Doom Aspect is overlooked or simply not understood and thus forgotten about, but that's just the general feeling I have picked up from perusing tags here and there.
Doom is an extremely interesting aspect. The remaining 11 aspects are about growing into your aspect through your class, but "growth" is one of the keywords of Life, Doom's inverse. How does one approach Doom and expect to grow?
From The Extended Zodiac, I pulled these keywords from the Doom Aspect description. These would be the "canon" traits; they are what I adhere to when analyzing, but it should also be understood that this concept encompasses much more to do with than these keywords. Its "vibe", if you will, is much more than what is written.
TEZ Doom Keywords: Suffering, wisdom, empathy, listeners, commiserators, wise, kind, non-judgemental, (bitter, resentful, fatalistic)
I'll admit that I had trouble understanding what the Doom Aspect was supposed to be at first. But as I analyzed it further, it occurred to me that this may be the aspect of those who have trauma, or those who have learned to cope through the bad circumstances they've been given and what they've experienced in life. This aspect may be best understood as an outside force that acts upon the player, or a force that the player themself uses upon others. (See: The Condesce's Alternia; the entire thing reeks of Doom). This is not also to say that if you have trauma, you are automatically Doombound. There is nuance involved, and it is important to keep in mind that an Aspect is the force that is most important in a person's life, whether lacking or abundant, whether good or bad, whether they want it or not. Another aspect may be stronger for an individual, even if trauma is a big part of their life.
It is the aspect of tragedy, but it is not necessarily tragic. It is very easy to fail the Doom Aspect, but those who hold onto it are often extremely steadfast, even if they're only hanging on by a thread. The Doombound may be irate about it, but their suffering matters because they deserve better. As in tragedies, we cry because we know it can be better. For others, it can be spite, spitting at the lot you've been given in life and making the most of it anyways, for what else can you do? Commiseration is quite possibly Doom's biggest theme.
The keywords I chose for Doom are "Acceptance, Compliance, Wisdom, and Sympathy". Acceptance and Compliance may be better understood as "coming to terms", accepting and complying with what is there because it's the only choice you've been given. As well, Acceptance isn't necessarily complacency, but rather an acknowledgement of the reality of a situation, and navigating through it as best as one can from what they have. Doombound are able to offer Wisdom when they see others in similar experiences, Sympathetic because they too know what it's like, but how they go about offering their Wisdom and Sympathy can vary. The Doombound are not growing the way the Lifebound are, often trapped or restricted from doing so.
Doom, being Life's inverse, is also given the symbols of illness, rot, stagnation, decay, and we can see this in both Sollux and Mituna in canon. As poorly as Mituna was handled, he as an Heir of Doom (Passive Embodiment), embodies a lot of mental illness. Sollux as a Mage of Doom (Active Knower) had too much experience with Doom as a whole, and he stagnates heavily because of it, later becoming a ghost, which is quite a literal symbol. I will admit that Doom is one of my weakest understood aspects, and it has been a while since I read Homestuck, so I am unfortunately not as familiar with the Captors' character arcs in canon as I would like to be. I'm very happy to invite discussion! I enjoy hearing other perspectives.
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yuexuan · 8 months
[Review] 破云
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Title: 破云 (Breaking through the clouds)
Author: 淮上
Length: 155 chapters + 6 extras
Tag: Crime and mystery, action, thriller
Summary [taken from novel updates]:
Foreboding clouds raced across the skies above the city.
Three years ago, as a consequence of Commander-in-Chief Jiang Ting’s error in judgment during an anti-drug operation in Gongzhou, a chain of explosions occurred at the scene and caused the Narcotics Division to suffer heavy casualties. Now three years later, Jiang Ting, whose flesh and bones should’ve faded from existence after dying at the line of duty, actually miraculously woke up from a vegetative state.
His heroic soul could not rest – he must return to the mortal world from the depths of hell and exert all that he has in order to bring the bloody and inconceivable truth to light.
Novel | Novel[translated] | Audio drama | Manhua
Comments **Contain spoilers**:
Ok, this is the second time I am reading the novel: the first time in 2021 with the full uncensored version and the second time with the censored physical version. But honestly? The censored version still has so much fluff and sweetness, and I’m reminded once again why this is one of my favorite danmeis.
First off, a little bit more about the novel: The story starts off with former Commander-in-Chief of the drug task force Jiang Ting recovering from his three-year coma. He was discharged and started living at the KTV ran by one of his former informants. It was just his luck that a body was found in the KTV’s freezer and the cause of death attributed to an overdose of drugs. This led to the unfolding of a series of drug, kidnap, and murder cases that were related to Jiang Ting’s troubled past, and his meeting with Yan Xie, the eventual love of his life. 
I’ll say it again, in spite of the censored version, there were still tons of tooth-aching fluff. Jiang Ting and Yan Xie living together? Check. Jiang Ting cooking for Yan Xie and teaching him how to cook? Check. Yan Xie acting as a personal training coach for Jiang Ting? Check. They were so domestic when not working on cases and their chemistry was just *chef kiss*, the right balance of action versus mellow, brash versus stoic.
Talking about characters, the gong - Yan Xie - can come off as being too much of an overbearing ‘straight man’ when treating his underlings, but he reserved all his softness for Jiang Ting and helped the latter heal from his past traumas. He liked to think of himself as boyfriend material, despite the amount of time people want to ‘slap his face with a shoe’ and how often he got jelly of Yang Mei lol. I love how action-oriented and confident he is, and yes, there’s a reason why Yan Xie is known as one of the four coquettish gongs (‘四大骚攻���) in danmei.
When it comes to plot, Poyun presents an engaging read, filled with all sorts of plot twists and heartaches (Up until the end, we had cause to believe that Jiang Ting might be the villain). The cases are logically sound and the pacing is tight, but leaves enough room to balance the plot with the right amount of fluff. 
Another thing that I appreciated was the amount of research put into the novel. I’m actually taking notes along the way for future reference when (and if) I eventually write my crime-related fanfic~ There were just so many details, such as the different types of police and their roles, the laws, information on the drug market etc etc. And it’s integrated really well into the narrative, not just thrown as exposition. 
Also, can I talk about the female characters? It’s sort of a common critique that danmeis don’t have great female characters, but I’ll say that Poyun has a strong female cast: there’s the almighty Madam Zeng Cuicui, who was so disappointed in her son Yan Xie’s love life that she started studying up on same-sex marriage laws lol; then there’s the street smart Yang Mei, the source of Yan Xie’s envy but overall a great informant; and also the eager Han Xiaomei, who, despite her small stature, actually had a stand down against J and survived; and finally, let’s not forget Chief Yu, who was ready to retire but still managed to provide support in so many cases. Even the bad guys (gals?) such as Bu Wei were quite smart and cunning. Definitely a good selection of female characters!
Now this is probably the controversial part, but when it comes to pairings, I also shipped K and Q. Hard. Heck, add in J too, I don’t mind a KQJ threesome hehe. I loved the whole drug lord and police dynamic, their constant cat-and-mouse chases, their enemy-childhood friend relationship, and how gentle but also cruel K treated Jiang Ting. It just scratched my dark ship itch <3
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lovelyhan · 1 year
What are your mutual awards?
i'm so sorry it took me so a while to get to this ㅠㅠ partly bc i suck at thinking of cutesy awards to hand to my mutuals but here we go anyway~
p.s. i'm an actual Sap that says way too much so i'm hiding all this under a cut 🧍‍♀️
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@hwanghyunjinenthusiast — i'm giving you the #1 hypeman award bc you're always so supportive of all the writers in the community 💘 literally every time i see your feedback towards both mine and other ppl's fics i smile a little bc u'll always be part of the reason why people would want to stay and do what they love doing on this hellsite 😽
(i'll also hand you the homie award bc you put up with each and every one of my antics whether it's spite writing or my shenanigans with skz 🤩🤩 our moot means sooo much to me, i hope we remain pals for a long, long time 🛐)
@toruro — you get the social butterfly award bc you're very interactive and easygoing to speak with 🦋 it's always a neat and dandy day whenever i see mika toruro sliding into my inbox to ask about my day. you're the sweetest, always 💘
@multi-kpop-fanfics — you're more than worthy of the best supporter award 🥇 because you almost always read my stuff moments after i post em 😭 i'll also be handing you a phd in making me lose my mind because i have not forgotten that one time i binged through the zeta fic discography (that and i'm still suffering from irreversible psychic damage courtesy of half past five high🧍‍♀️)
@duhnova — you immediately get the enabler award bc we always egg each other on to spend exorbitant amounts of money for little kpop boys printed on paper 🤒 an additional would be the (talks a lot) (listens) award bc you're always there to hear out everything i air out under the sun 🥹🥹 i hope you know that i'll gladly do the same for you 💘💐
@sluttyminghao — definitely the top contender for the all in a day's work award bc damn ?? you're always so consistent with putting out content?! i will actually fight every single ingrate in your inbox with my bare hands bc it takes so much dedication to cater to all the reqs you receive 🥹
@junkissed — june junkissed gets the osmosis award bc i swear i didn't love jun as much as i do now that we're mutuals 🧍‍♀️ it's your effect, i believe
@cheolhub — you're getting the nation's sweetheart award bc everyone is absolutely enamored w you (myself included <3) both ur moots and anons would do anything for you i fear ! 💐💐
@gyukult — gyu deserves the holy shit how did we become friends award bc i still can't believe u're in my dms talking abt cute merch w me when i was Just losing my mind over ybny a few weeks ago ㅠㅠ
@rubyreduji — *hands you the life of the dash award* bc you always fill my dashboard with ur shenanigans (along w mika) nd it's nice seeing fellow writers just vibing~ i'd love to talk to you more 🤝🤝
(p.s. sheep in wolf's clothing did a number on my wellbeing so i hope you're ready to take responsibility for your actions)
@etherealyoungk — i would like to give you the refreshing award bc every time i see you on my dash, i just think oh it's skye, i hope they're having a nice day ^_^ bc ur vibe just generally puts me in a good mood for some reason ASKJDKA
@97-liners — i actually thought abt it for a while if i should tag you bc i didn't wanna seem overly familiar but i'm awarding you the funniest person to ever exist in caratblr award bc i eat up your text posts like i've got munchies 24/7 🧍‍♀️
(i've always been a liiittle reluctant to interact bc surprise i'm actually capable of being shy ! but i'm shooting my shot now bc you're cool and i really love how your humor translates to your writing as well 🥰)
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i reaaally wanted to make this stuff w all my mutuals but the brain is Not braining so lmk if you'd like one nd i'll personally write you a love letter on top of the silly little award i'd give out 😽
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lulu2992 · 6 days
Ask meme!
I was tagged by @simplegenius042 for the “OC Action Tag” and the “OC Facts/Traits Tag”! Thanks :)
Rules: Mark what applies to your OC
OC Action Tag
Killed Someone Under Orders* | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defence* | Spared Someone's Life | Invented Something | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It (the story of her first time) | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid (well, in the future) | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them* | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger (when she was a waitress; he quickly regretted it) | Been Groped By Someone They Know (never non-consensually) | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won a Bet | Lost a Bet (probably) | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated* (ah, Bliss...) | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar (on her knee from her childhood; not that bad of an injury but she still needed stitches) | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themself To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped* | Been Sexually Assaulted | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised* | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor's Guilt* | Been Tied/Chained Up* | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone* | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone's Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor (from the Resistance’s point of view) | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight (sort of, as an employee) | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery (no, unless stitches count) | Broken Someone's Trust (the Resistance, at least) | Broken Someone's Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo* (against her will but yes) | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up* | Been Tortured/Tortured Others* | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime* | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home* (prevented from going back, at least) | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion* | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War* | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War (she’s been on both sides but nobody really wins or loses in my story) | Become A Godparent* (only because Carmina was born before people learned John was still alive) | Become An Uncle/Aunt
*Far Cry 5 canon
OC Facts/Traits
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children (in the future) / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings (but likely half-sibling(s) she doesn’t know about on her father’s side) / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close-minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist (when she becomes convinced the Voice is real) / polytheist / atheist (before) / agnostic / satanist
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes (see ★) / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other (I said “heterosexual” because I know she’s not attracted to women so the other labels didn’t work (if I understand them all correctly), but I’d still find it weird to completely exclude these two categories; I guess it would really depend on the person) / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other (same as above) / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently (at a certain point in the story, but it gets better) / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes (but not anymore when with the Project) / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed (it must have happened in her life when she got sick) / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently (not sure; what’s “unhealthy food” anyway?) / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
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ladyniniane · 1 year
One song for every OC
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Aka: “My blorbos x Florence and the Machine”
I was tagged by @violets-in-her-arms-writes thank you for this tag, it’s everything I wanted to do :P
Rules: Assign a song that fits the vibe of your OC.
So here are the songs that fit some of my FE3H OCs (It would be too long if I did all of them). As usual, if you want to read the story, it’s here (in French).
Maeve Fresnay - “Free” by Florence and the Machine
I'm always running from something/I push it back, but it keeps on coming/ And being clever never got me very far
Is this how it is? / Is this how it's always been?/To exist in the face of suffering and death / And somehow still keep singing
Explanation: Maeve is a very sweet, caring and sensitive character. Because of that, she’s very adept at reading the world around her and receptive to other people’s emotions. And that often makes her anxious. However, she has a lot of inner strength and maintains a positive attitude in spite of everything. And since she’s a musician by vocation but decided to join the army to follow her friends, she in fact keeps singing in the face of suffering and death.
Enid Fresnay - “Cassandra” by Florence and the Machine
Well, can you see me? I cannot see you / Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view / In this blindness I'm condemned to / Well, can you hear me? I cannot hear you / Every song I thought I knew, I've been deafened to / And there's no one left to sing to
Take me back / Oh, drunken gods of slaughter / You know I've always been your / Favorite daughter
Explanation: Enid is Maeve’s older sister. She’s a cold and damaged woman who has sworn revenge on the dark mages who captured her and experimented on her when she was a child. The turn of events has made that she and Maeve are now separated. Enid thinks her sister is dead and Maeve is hoping that she’s alive. Enid fears that there’s no place for her within this world. This song perfectly reflects this feeling of alienation. Enid is also a fearsome warrior, something that the last line perfectly conveys.
Mencia Ordelaffi - “Girls against God” by Florence and the Machine
What a thing to admit / That when someone looks at me with real love I don't like it very much /Kinda makes me feel like I'm being crushed Is this something that you would like to discuss?
Oh God, you're gonna get it /You'll be sorry that you messed with me
Explanation: The rest of the song doesn’t really fit but those lyrics are perfect for her. Mencia grew up with an abusive mother and as such, isn’t really used to being loved and doesn’t like feeling vulnerable. Her anger burns inside of her and she uses it to power through life. Her story starts as she’s disfigured following a major battle, her first real battle, a really painful ordeal. She will now have to live with scars on her face. Still, she’s determined not to give up and will overcome all obstacles.
Anselma von Arundel - “Daffodil” by Florence and the Machine
I'm not bad, I'm not good / I drank every sky that I could / Made myself mythical, tried to be real / Saw the future in the face of a / Daffodil
We practice resurrection every night / Raising the dead under the moonlight And in the gloaming, I start to cry / You're a perfect pearl hung in the sky
I never thought it would get this far / This somewhat drunken joke Sometimes, I see so much beauty / I don't think that I can cope
Explanation: Well, Anselma isn’t exactly an OC. She’s technically a canon character, but the only things we know about her in the game are her name and a few glimpses of her personnality. So here, we’re talking about the version of  her that I developed.
Anselma is a survivor. She has been the concubine of an emperor and the wife of a king. She was forced to take part in a plot against said king because the conspirators were threatening to harm her biological daughter. Baldy injured when the assination took place, she’s now living in secluded area. The “perfect pearl” makes me think of how she sees her adopted daughter, whom she often compares to the moon. Meeting this child gave her a new objective and a chance to make things right for once.
Sometime ago I made some edits centered on Anselma and those lyrics, so it’s time to use them!
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Bonus: “King” fits the vibe of so many of my characters that I have to mention it:
But you need your rotten heart / Your dazzling pain like diamond rings You need to go to war to find material to sing / I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
I need my golden crown of sorrow / My bloody sword to swing My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology / I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
Je tague @lilias42 (si tu as d’autres chansons associées à tes histoires et tes persos ça peut être super sympa ! Si tu veux le faire, bien sûr).
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givereadersahug · 11 months
Rare Pair Tag Game
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.).
Thanks for the tag @danpuff-ao3
Tagging: @serenaew @coconutice22 @ladderofyears @yletylyf @liladiurne @acydpop @somnwritessometimes @maraudersaffair and anyone who wants to play. No pressure. <3
OTP: Does it has to be in the Harry Potter fandom? Cause my TRUE otp is Thorki. They are my love. I have suffered so much pain through their journey and experienced so much joy in imagining the what-ifs and the could'ves and the must've beens. One who is so self-absorbed and all about self-preservation and who gives it all away without a single thought for their brother; the brother who could be so arrogant and cocksure and yet so caring, especially for the ones he loves. How both are so full of emotions on both side of the spectrum and expresses those emotions in a consequential, universe bending way.
Anyway, enough about Thorki. I'll stick with Harry Potter, since that's the fandom that is currently holding my interest.
OTP for HP? Snarry. No argument there.
I'm an unabashed multi-shipper and I'll name basically all the ships in the fandom, so I'm just going to go with the three that pops in my mind first.
Sirius/Severus - I mean, who doesn't love a classic enemies to lovers scenario? Though, I confess. I was not a big Sirius Black fan. I don't hate on any characters or ships. Most of the time I just give no thought to characters/ships that doesn't interest me and Sirius Black was in that category. It was only after getting into fandom and talking with people who loves Sirius that I started to think more of him. And then I read one Snack fic and then another and then another and now they possess a lot of my time????? The only two characters who had books named after them. The two characters who were best friends with Harry's parents. One who came from a rich, pureblood family and rejected the society he came from. The other who came from a poor, half-blood family and tries desperately to integrate himself into the pureblood circle. They each suffer from the choices they made. They both feel too much. They both have tragic endings. They have a lot in common but they are both too emotionally stunted and too prideful to be anything more than enemies in the books. Though, in fanfic? It's the beginning of a beautiful (and spiteful/emotional/not good for each other but they can't help sleeping together) relationship.
Cho/Pansy - I feel like the narrative did them both wrong in the books. Cho is more than Cedric/Harry's girlfriend. She is more than a crying wreck and something pretty to look at. The same could be said about Pansy. Pansy is not just the mean girl. She speaks what she feels. Also, wouldn't it be fun that Harry's and Draco's ex get together and dominate the world? Cause I feel like they could. Dominate the world, that is.
Harry/Hermione - Harmony! Harry always have faith in Hermione, and Hermione never left Harry's side. While I do love Hinny, Harmony hits a different spot in me. Maybe cause they were my first HP ship back in the day, so there's some nostalgia mixed in there. (Side note— baby me wanted them together by the end of book 1, even if I didn't know what shipping was. lol) Hermione always tries to help Harry solve whatever trouble Harry got himself into, and Harry respects her opinions even though he doesn't always agree with them. They are best friends and I'm a sucker for best friends turn lovers. I do love enemies to lovers ships. (See above) But best friends to lovers???? That is also MY JAM. Just look at my love for Matchablossom (SK8 the Infinity).
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pathsofoak · 2 years
Find the Word tag
I was tagged by @ashen-crest! thanks, it's been a while since I've done tag games!
My words were: spice, air, yell, and strike.
I don't have spice anywhere, or a word relating to it. I planned to replace it with one of your words, but I don't have any of those either... I don't know what the rules are here so I just turned on a random word generator because if I get the chance to share four excerpts I will share four excerpts...
I swear it's not on purpose, but the word I got was uh... pain. Which I do have. As opposed to cake, brush, earth, or laughter. You know. In case anyone wanted to get a feel for my fic...
I tag, no pressure @authortango and @lilyhargrave. Your words are: time, door, hurt, and reason
Even now, she had a constant frown and grimace on her face. The only sound she could make other than a few attempts at words were groans and quiet cries.
“Have you even given her anything for the pain?” Teresa asked.
“Just outside,” a nurse answered in an exasperated voice. “It should set in in a few minutes. Let us do our job.”
Their job was to take care of her. They were just letting her suffer, clouded under enough drugs it just got harder to see from the outside.
The nurse wheeled Thomas’s chair up to a ramp by the platform, but a door opened to the side of the room.
Thomas shook in his chair as the nurse walked away. He shook his head, but the man who took hold of his chair and moved him toward the couches instead seemed quite alive for a dead man.
Janson smirked and sat down. “I suppose I have some explaining to do.”
Thomas’s fingers trembled against the side of his chair. He remembered the body. The lifeless look in his eyes, the blood. The glass sticking out of his neck. The cars. He tried to speak, but nothing air came out.
“Disappointed?” Janson leaned back. “I wouldn’t blame you, my job isn’t exactly to make myself popular, so we’re letting that slide. You’ve defied, quite the plan we set up.” He filled up a glass with the pitcher and offered it to Thomas.
He came in fuming, flipped the number on Thomas’s counter up by over a dozen people in spite of it, and sat down in the chair Dijken usually took up. Dijken wasn’t there, he had a meeting about this charity or whatnot that WCKD had to let near if they wanted to continue the research.
“Exit code of the Maze,” Rutter said, “name it.”
“Uh,” Thomas said quietly, “I don’t know.” He hadn’t been the one to type it in, he just told Minho to yell it. He knew he’d used it in the simulator once, and the sequence was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t come up with it.
“Yes you do, you’ve shouted it off the top of your lungs several times in the past extractions. We don’t pick and choose what you see in those things. We just target the right bit of your brain to recreate a pattern. In the last few, it’s had that number, say the number.” Rutter tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair as he held a tablet in the other hand, screen from Thomas’s view.
He dug through his mind. He remembered it was the Maze sequence, but he didn’t remember the Maze sequence. Those days were a blur. Some parts he’d blocked out entirely. “Uh… two, four…”
Rutter’s knuckles turned white around the tablet. “Wrong. Again.”
As long as no one on their side made trouble, WCKD didn’t make trouble. It was Newt’s job to keep it all under control.
“Anything you break in here that’s not crucial, which means roughly anything at all, won’t be replaced,” Janson said without any other introduction or remark. “The bedroom door locks at ten in the evening, on the dot. If you’re out after that, it’s a first strike. Third gets you back in your own room for a month. It opens again at six in the morning, breakfast is served at seven. Lunch at one, dinner at seven.”
He walked up the window. Teresa was the only one who still looked away. The others followed him with their eyes, locked on target. Or rather the threat.
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jimmythejiver · 1 month
Warning to anyone following me
Starting June 1st, I have the blog queue set up that goes all the way to November about U.S. Politics and Election 2024 and the importance of voting. I've been collecting these posts for some time for this year and declining to post many of them sooner for many reasons.
Our government has been doing fucked up shit overseas. I know to ask anyone on this website who don't live here or have relatives abroad to read the callousness on which we must pick which evil leader gets to pass the bomb and missile fundings is insensitive and anti-human. I know that my comfortability in living in this still ableist, transphobic, anti body autonomy system doesn't ultimately matter when people outside of the United States are being slaughtered and people within our borders have been stripped of their rights longer than I've been alive. I know that almost 300 years we haven't solved racism, colonialism, Imperialism or any of the ills this country's been found on and that a bloody revolution is supposed to solve this until opportunists and traitors squash that too.
My point and rambling aside is that as my good friend reminded me when I was going off the deep end in room scrolling and doom posting, "we're all suffering." I'd add still some suffer more than others abd that must be acknowledged if we're to dwell on these topics, but it is a weaponized a silencing tactic too.
In a better world I'd solve more if these problems with direct action and keep posting pleasant shit and leave the politics off this site. I'd prefer it. What I'm seeing instead is the deja vu of 2016 and viral misinformation and false facts that are used to keep us in a despair fugue of "fuck it it, nothing matters." I lived through how that turned out.
So once again I'm no one's daddy and I can't tell you what to do and you can stay home or spite vote for the candidate I hate more or go third party. I just hope you (the leftist american voter who is registered and able to vote) is informed of your decision. The rest of you where this does not apply, have a guilt free day.
For anyone who does not want to see this content on your dash, I implore you to blacklist tags like: Politics, Election, Election 2024, Voting.
Otherwise I'll keep trying to reblog art, writers things, animals and other things I find neat and interesting because we all need joy and a breather in these times.
If I ever move into a place where I can get my scanner out and have space for creative outlets, I hope I can get to posting some my art and pick up full time fanfiction writing again.
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writing-in-mermish · 3 months
I wonder if there have ever been any catholic people who believed in purgatory and indulgences for the dead who were vehemently against the idea. Like, they wanted to suffer and work through purgatory on their own and they specifically told people not to help them.
I wonder if they existed, did someone in their life have theological debates about how important and holy indulgences for the dead are, and how denying them is both disrespectful to those they leave behind and Jesus himself.
I wonder if people in this potential person's life out of love, spite, or ignorance to their wishes made posthumous indulgences for them.
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one-real-imonkey · 3 years
Corrie Guard Shenanigans when the GAR higher ups get plopped into the drunk tank after a rare night at 79s?
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Ahhhhh I love the premise.
For now this is notes. It may well become a fic:
For starters they are entirely 100% professional and never ever even consider getting revenge for the way the CG are treated and referred to by the rest of the GAR.
For second, the above statement is a total lie.
If there are three things the Corrie Guard have skill with, it’s paperwork and patience and dealing with verbal abuse and that pays off.
That means processing and later discharging can take hooooooours depending on the person, or like 2 minutes if the Guard like you. General Skywalkers processing took two days once (he may be a Jedi but he’s too close to Palpatine and too fond of Palpatine to ever be on their side surely and not afraid to use that or his Jedi position to throw his weight about. Plus he’d traumatised some shinies who caught him and Senator Amidala together) Commander Cody’s took 7 hours (on Fox’s orders) as did Wolffes and Bly’s (serves them right for drinking without him). Ponds has never been thrown in the Dunk Tank, (but he’s been in the Jedi Temples one once, none of his vode know about that).
Rex’s took 10 minutes. Fox will deny having a soft spot for his little brother.
Tarkin’s release forms were mysteriously lost and not processed. Three times. (Not three separate occasions, three times on one occasion, but he definitely deserved it).
Monnk ended up there along with General Fisto and three other troopers from their squad. Their release wasn’t delayed for any malicious or opinionated reason, simply that a drunk Kit Fisto is one of the most entertaining things they’d seen in weeks and not only did they need a holo but it was free entertainment. Especially having the drunk vode with him either joining in or trying to stop them embarrassing themselves.
All funny footage gets shared but nothing private or personal. Vode are careful about things like that.
General Koon never made it to the drunk tank. Even if he went out and got drunk, he’d never make it to the tank. No matter how drunk he is (it only happened twice through the war) he’s always guided back to the Temple and taken care of. He’s just always so kind and compassionate and once he bought them chocolates and sweets and he uses the correct pronouns and asks for them. He loves the vode and he’s helping fight for their legal rights and only ever gets drunk after a mission with huge losses so it wouldn’t be fair. Wolffe was right about him being a Buir. (He gives the best hugs too).
Vos sometimes ends up in the tank despite none of the vode being able to remember putting him in there or arresting him. He comments on it being cheaper than a hotel and they decide to ignore it because it’s not going to be worth asking. Besides he may be a menace sometimes but he is usually investigating corruption or gangs and works with them sometimes. He’s also fun for an off the books anti senate bitching session.
Padawans never get logged in. They get blankets and help with the hangover but they’re cadets or shinies and that means they’re worth protecting. All Jedi are, especially when they’re in such a similar boat to the clones, but the knights and masters are old enough to suffer the consequences of their actions.
Well, almost all the Jedi have their records kept blank so the Senate can’t go after them any further after the first time the vode in the Guard realised the records were being used to punish the Jedi by limiting their access to things like food and medical supplies in the Temple.
There’s a list of Senators only the Guard have access to about which ones are treated well and which can be left for the night.
There’s also a short list of Jedi who can be mistreated because they mistreat clones. It’s a very short list though.
The Jedi who are most well known as part of the Clones Rights project all also get a free pass including Koon, Kenobi, Windu, Billaba, Luminara and Erin. They all end up back in the Temple instead of the Drunk Tank.
Hound has a group session set up for vode who have shifts with awful verbal abuse and the occasional physical attack because it’s not fair. The other vode in the GAR can be spiteful when drunk towards the CG because of the misconception that they are never at risk and never do anything being on Coruscant rather than the front lines. It’s good to have someone to talk to after an evening of people who are supposed to be your family yell hate at you and call you names.
That got kinda serious towards the end but I’ll leave you with one final fun fact.
No-one wants the shift when the 501st is docked because the tank always ends up full but the worst is actually the 21st Nova Corps.
Thanks for the ask this was really fun.
(The whole AU should be in the tag ‘my Corrie guard au’ if anyone wants to read more) and my inbox is open for asks. (-:
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