superfluouskeys · 9 months
i continue to be extremely normal about stray gods persephone
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thevikingwoman · 12 days
WIP whenever
tagged by @galadrieljones and by @galadae and @roguelioness last wednesday, thank you friends!!
this is - coming a long nicely, finally! so a teaser of sorts?
tagging forward to @lilas @myreia @birues @ubejamjar @coldshrugs
@scionshtola @superfluouskeys @hylfystt @bearlytolerant and everyone else who wants to, and tagbacks for everyone!
She finds Tansui where Rasho said, in a clearing a little ways from the pier. He has his back turned, dutifully keeping watch. She takes a moment to appreciate his shoulders, the braid of dark and purple hair falling behind him. All at once, she is overcome with gratefulness that he’s here and not out on the water or among a throng of people. “Tansui,” she says. Her heart is suddenly pounding in her chest, the travel still making her dizzy. He turns and he smiles when he sees her, and he rushes to her, and she to him, and she’s in his arms, and they’re kissing. Hard and then soft, his chapped lips gentle against her own. “Meryta. Are you well?” He keeps holding her. “Yes. No. I am not.” The light churns in her, and now she knows it’s not her imagination, but she doesn’t want to think of that, not right now. “But it doesn’t matter. I’m here, now.” “Glad I am of that,” he says and smiles and kisses her again, slow and warm. She is almost embarrassed in how she has yearned for him, how good it feels to dig her hands into his arms, to know that he is safe. She forgets any reluctance as Tansui’s kisses grow bolder, fierce along her jaw, his hands tugging at her collar. He appears to be just as delighted to see her as she is to see him. To touch him. She wants to stay in this moment, and not in her staggering unease, as she slides her hands beneath his haori, uncaring of her gloves snagging on the fabric. She moans as his teeth scrape against the scales on her throat and she wants, she – There’s a loud snap of a branch breaking behind her, someone – or something – is coming up the path. They fly apart and she turns towards the noise, regretting that her bow is unstrung. Tansui is already reaching for his staff, resting against a tree.
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eemamminy-art · 14 days
Tagged by @4th-make-quail to spell my url out using songs!! What a fun little idea! 😄
E: (the) emergency - BT (x) E: evil eye - Franz Ferdinand (x) M: metropolis - Owl City (x) A: art of conflict - VNV Nation (x) M: metal: brute justice mode - Masayoshi Soken (FFXIV) (x) M: make up your mind / catch me i'm falling - Next to Normal cast (x) I: i <3 u - Boy Pablo (x) N: northwind and sunshine - Toriumi Kousuke and Maeno Tomoaki (Uta no Prince-sama) (x) Y: you're the top - Cole Porter (Anything Goes, 2011 revival cast) (x) A: a boy like that (un hombre asi) / i have a love - West Side Story, 2009 revival cast (x) R: (the) real world - Owl City (x) T: tomorrow and tomorrow - Masayoshi Soken (FFXIV) (x)
what a time to have this long nonsense word of a username haha
My music tastes are a bit varied so I tried to get a general sampling of stuff I like!
Tagging: @lesbxdyke @sigmundite @superfluouskeys @randomsquirrel @salmonking - and anyone else who wants to do it! And no pressure if you were tagged it's just for fun 😊
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imakemywings · 1 year
Dragon Age Femslash Recs
Happy February 2nd! For Femslash February, some fanfic recommendations! Asteriks by particular favs (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Comfort by RipplesOfAqua - Josephine/Vivienne - In tired moments, they find comfort from one another.
Counting by klickitats - Josephine/Leliana - Leliana and Josephine meet for the first time, despite Leliana's best efforts to the contrary.
duet for two Hands in six baths by thereinafter -  Cassandra/Leliana - Six different times Leliana and Cassandra ended up in a bathing-type situation together.          
* To Feel, Still Seeing by hornkerling - Josephine/Vivienne -  “Were you aware-? ...Oh, I don’t know if I should tell you.” Josephine taps her pen against the top of the desk a couple of thoughtful times and looks at Vivienne, eyes filled with giggly mirth. “At my finishing school in Val Royeaux, the girls had a habit of choosing prominent persons who figured in the societé as idols. To… dream about. Entertain girly fantasies. You, Madame, were one of them.”
A First Encounter by amarmeme - f!Hawke/Cassandra - Hawke knows little about the woman who's after her, beyond what Varric tells her. Cassandra knows a lot about the Champion, but is any of it real?
Late, Late Nights and Early Starts by hibernate - f!Cadash/Cassandra, Leliana/Vivienne -  Sleep is for those with less to do.
A Most Edible Thistle by @chocochipbiscuit​ - Josephine/Vivienne - Artichokes, assassins, and the schoolgirl crush that Josephine never outgrew.
Nevarran Steel by bioticbootyshaker - Cassandra/Vivienne - Endangering her life needlessly, Cassandra realizes that the vow she made to Vivienne -- to be her Chevalier and to serve her -- is more than just some silly promise.
No Home For You Here by withpractice - f!Hawke/Merrill - Nothing could have possibly prepared her for what came next.
* The Other Side of Terror by superfluouskeys - f!Hawke/Cassandra -  Hawke would just like everyone to know that she has shown remarkable restraint.  Did she fall in love at first sight with the angry muscly templar lady?  Maybe!  But has she so much as gone near her, so much as glanced in her terrifyingly beautiful direction since her arrival at Skyhold?
A Piece of Sunset by madamebadger - Josephine/Leliana - "Flatterer." But there was a curl of enjoyment in Josie's voice, so Leliana persisted.
* pretend this isn’t bleeding by ghost_teeth - f!Trevelyan/Vivienne -  For the first time in perhaps ten years, Vivienne considers withdrawing from a party for a breath of fresh air.
pride, and the hurt the followed it by Anonymous - f!Hawke/Merrill - While trying to save Feynriel from his own nightmares, Merrill falls victim to the persuasive words of a pride demon, and turns on Hawke in the Fade. When she wakes up and realises what she's done, she hides away, certain that Hawke will want nothing to do with her. But Hawke is nothing if not surprising.
* The Rain it Raineth Every Day by Glaukobiblion - f!Hawke/Merrill -  The summer before Hawke goes to college, Leandra hires a new gardener.  Pining, parties, and poor decisions ensue.    
The Spice of Life by Anthologyofwhat - f!Hawke/Merrill - The tale of Merrill's illicit search for inappropriate uses of magic. No sex, just talking.
Small Comforts by thereinafter - Leliana knows when Cassandra has a frustrating day, and vice versa.
This Dangerous Game We Play by kaijuburgers - f!Aeducan/Anora - After Trian's death, Sereda knows it's only a matter of time before she too is returned to the Stone. When she's given an easy out, she takes it.
* Unconquered by ChocoChipBiscuit - Svarah Sun-hair/Vivienne - “Madame Vivienne, I thought—if you were Avvar, a respected warrior of another Hold who bested me in combat, it would have been simple. I would have asked if you wanted company in the bedroll and we would have had it out, one way or another. But by the Lady…” Svarah’s voice trailed, rueful. “You lowlanders distract and divert like fish in a stream.”
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mehoymalloy · 1 year
MY TWO d20s HAVE GIVEN YOU: 10, 28, 17, 15!!!
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Strangely enough, the very first one: Study of a Young Woman! I couldn't even tell you why, but it feels like it was the easiest in hindsight.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
So currently, I don't actually read that much, so for funsies, I decided to check my oldest bookmarks on AO3! Coincidentally, I have exactly three fics saved that are marked as "Absolute Favorites EVER"
First up, we have superfluouskeys, who I originally found because of their older Sleeping Beauty fic called The Prisoner, but now that I'm looking at their account, they have some Genshin Impact and Dragon Age stuff I definitely wanna check out!
Second, spiralepiphany, who I found because of there absolutely stellar Mikasa/Annie(Attack on Titan) fic called Wicked Game.
Finally, we have intheinkpot, who has a WIP fic called As We Chase the Sun, a Black Family Centric, Hermione/Bellatrix Animagus AU. This author also has a recent Genshin Impact fic I simply must check out.
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Almost always start to finish! With that said, if something really isn't coming in the moment, I'll leave a note for myself ( ex: <basic scene description, maybe some random lines of dialogue>), and come back to it later.
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Answered here! But short answer, When the Darkness Comes!
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tsunami-socks · 4 years
Google is beginning to tire of my insistence on re-reading this fic at least once a month (that’s all i can handle because the ending makes me sob literally every time and i need time to recover after each re-read) (but it’s worth it because of how fucking amazing this fic is)
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hermioneficrecs · 5 years
Fic Rec #737
shadows by superfluouskeys
Hermione x Bellatrix Lestrange
She had heard.  Known.  Been glad, even.  In Hermione's opinion, death is nearly never better, never deserved, for who is to say when a person is beyond saving?  Still, it's like seeing a ghost, or the beginnings of a nightmare.
COMPLETE: Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,066
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marrymehesterharper · 6 years
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illustration for chapter 28 of the prisoner by @superfluouskeys
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DWC! How about "Dizzying heights and free-falling stomachs" Something with Cassandra perhaps? Or whoever you're feeling!
Thanks for the prompt! This is kind of a sequel/related to last week’s piece about Varric, “Falling.” I hope you enjoy it! @dadrunkwriting
Cassandra was strong. It was something she’d built her life, her career, around. She was a mighty warrior, confident, steadfast.
And terribly, terribly afraid.
Her body screamed at her, and her arm had devolved into a bloody mass of fire that threatened to take over her mind. She could hear the small yells that tore from her throat as she was buffeted against the mountain face. Cassandra had been in pain - lots of it, and often - but it was all she could do to keep herself from falling down and dashing herself against the faraway rocks.
“Don’t look down, Seeker!” Varric called to her, panic clear in his voice even over the rough winds. “Focus on me and it’ll all be alright.”
Her foot fell from the craggy outcrop she used as a toehold. “Ah!” Fire licked up her arm and into her ribs once more.
“I am… I am okay,” she called weakly. Her stomach roiled. The wind whipped at her, plunging icy fingers through the layers and creases of her armor. Cassandra tightened her fingers around the thin branch and closed her eyes. “Please, please hurry.”
“Where are we on the rope?”
She could barely hear the response. Cassandra prayed. Prayed that her friends could reach her in time. Prayed that the meager shrub didn’t give out under her weight. Prayed that the blood loss from the earlier fight wouldn’t kill her.
Prayed that Varric was right.
Focus, Cassandra, she told herself, taking a deep, worried breath. Her fingers slipped again. “I’m slipping!” she screamed, all attempts at calm dashed against the rocks below her.
She didn’t want now to be her time. There was so much more to do in the world, she had so much work ahead of her. Maker, please, she had so much left--
Varric interrupted her thoughts. “Seeker! Look at me, keep your eyes on me.”
She opened her eyes to see him slowly sliding down the steep cliff face, a rope tied around his middle. He steadily made his way down to her over what felt like hours, descending on hands and knees backwards down the rocks.
“Hold on, Cass, I’ve got you,” he said when he reached her. Varric wrapped the rope around her waist twice before wrapping another loop around himself, tying a swift knot. She watched him tug urgently on the lead that led up the mountain. “We’re secure!”
The rope jerked and hauled them up, and Cassandra could finally get her feet under her again. She and Varric crawled up the steep rock face on hands, knees, and toes until they made it back to the top. She clutched at Varric’s hand as he hauled her over the edge and they collapsed together in a heap.
She couldn’t feel her limbs. Her heart beat erratically in her chest, pounding at the steel cage that was almost her tomb. It wasn’t until he brushed away her tears that she even knew she was crying.
“Hey, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” His fingers petting over her hair as he murmured the reassuring words to her, and she could hear his own erratic heartbeat thundering in his chest under her ear.
“Varric, I--”
He hushed her, brushing his thumb over her jaw. “It’s okay, Seeker. I’ve got you. You’re safe now. We’re safe. I’ve got you.”
She clutched his shoulders and leaned into him, willing the world to stop spinning as her vision went black.
Cassandra awoke slowly, painfully, with every muscle of her body screaming and aching at her. She groaned as her eyes adjusted to the light of the lantern in the otherwise dark tent.
He must have been sleeping; his voice was rough, rumbling from his broad chest.
“Don’t move, just… don’t move, Seeker.” Fabric rustled as Varric made his way toward the tent flaps.
She blushed as she realized he had been sleeping in the tent with her. “Varr--” A rattling groan cut her off as her ribs protested her speech, squeezing tightly around her middle.
“She’s awake, I need another potion!”
He came back into her field of vision after a few minutes, a glimmering green potion in hand. Varric unstoppered it and carefully raised it to her lips. She tried to drink it without issue - she was a grown woman, not a child - but his panicked eyes made her sputter and spit as she attempted to swallow the herbaceous liquid.
“It’s gonna be okay, Seeker,” he said. “You took quite a beating with that dragon, but we made it, and then you go off and fall down the damn mountain. You don’t have to be such a dramatic hero, you know.”
She would have laughed if she could, but instead gave him a wan smile. “You called me Cass,” she murmured quietly, slowly, trying not to jostle her aching ribs.
“You have a name that would span hours if I tried to say it all, I was working with the time I had. Got your attention, didn’t it?”
“I liked it.”
He frowned slightly and laid his broad hand across her brow. “Well, you aren’t running a fever but you’re definitely delirious.” Varric leaned back and ran his hand over his jaw. “You’ve probably got some broken ribs, definitely have some major blood loss, and you might have broken your sword arm when you took the dive down the mountain. Add to all that your crazy talk, and you’ve got yourself a right proper near-death experience, Seeker.”
She grimaced at his glib tone. “I see now why you don’t like heights.” A shudder ran through her and she hissed, her hands clenching in the furs of the bedroll. She felt him rustle back into the blankets and rearrange the soft nest around her.
Cassandra could see him stepping his way to the tent flaps again. “Varric, I,” she started, gritting her teeth against another wave of agony. “Please stay.” The words came out more desperate than she’d hoped or intended, and he looked sharply back at her.
“I, ah, I’m gonna get another blanket, if we’ve got any, and let the others know you’re gonna be okay. But sure, I’ll stay. I’ll be right here, Seeker. I’m not going anywhere.”
She nodded and closed her eyes again, listening as his footsteps took him from the tent.
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ladylike-foxes · 6 years
DWC!!! "Fingers scrubbed to bleeding" ?
Thank you, love!! I’mma rip my heart into pieces with some angsty Solesta for @dadrunkwriting​! (trigger warning for blood, death mention, panic attack, dissociative episode.)
Solas had tried to restrain her, but once her brother’s lifeless body was dragged out of sight, she tore from his grasp. It was surprising to him when she squared her shoulders, she knew; he had expected her to collapse into sobs against him. He followed at a distance as she strode with purpose out of the gates, half a mile down to the creek. Halesta knew he was behind her, could feel his eyes on her like a hand pressed between her scapulae. She ignored him. Tears of rage burned trails down her cheeks, ears hot and red-pink; they approached the stream. He merely watched as she clawed at her sleeves, frantically pushing the cuffs away from delicate wrists. He wanted to help—she could feel the concern he radiated—but he didn’t dare touch her yet. She fell to her knees on the bank, grinding her teeth until the muscles of her clenched jaw ached. It wasn’t sadness filling her boiling veins with broken glass and mercury. Wrath was a familiar taste, rusting bile and basalt at the back of her tongue—a flavor from a time that she almost missed. Halesta shook with panicked vengeance as she began to bathe the blood from her skin. The images of the arrow in Galifalon’s chest, the sound of his last rattling breath, a barrage of the waking nightmare flooding her thoughts…. She quickly lost track of how long she sat there, trying desperately to remove the stains. No matter how hard she scoured, it seemed the gore refused rinse away.
“Vhenan, you have scrubbed your fingers raw,” Still rapt as she was pulled back onto her heels, far away and rubbing her palms together roughly, “Halesta, stop!”
Once again, Solas wrapped his arms around her, clutching her hands in his. I can’t get clean; a whisper becoming a chant. Smoothing the loosed curls from her face, he shushed her gently though the tears had stopped by then.
“It is your blood,” Taking her face in his hands, she stared vacantly into his sea-storm eyes, “It is your blood, Vhenan. You are clean now.”
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theswissbanana · 7 years
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A good friend of mine sent me this awesome fanfic about the Malora (Maleficent/Aurora) ship and the story is so well written! I like everything about it, and this is my take of how I pictured them, though it is based on the disney animation, not the Maleficent one, and it’s on purpose that they look like the animation. There’s not really much to change about them, the ORIGINAL characters added by the author though! Those are gonna be interesting to sketch out :D
Read The Prisoner by superfluouskeys, it’s really good, though the chapters are long, but it’s really wroth it
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superfluouskeys · 14 days
allaganexarch >>> superfluouskeys
it was time.
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talesfromthefade · 6 years
DWC: “just don’t fuck it up.” :-D
Garrett Hawke x Fenris, for @dadrunkwriting
The first thing Garrett is aware of as he blearily opens his eyes and rouses is that he is not alone. After the battle with the Arishok, much of Kirkwall in flames or scrambling to recover, their unlikely little band of misfits had come back to the mansion rather than test their luck with whether or not the Hanged Man would still be standing, much less open for business. The wine cellar in the Hawke household was always stocked for such occasions they all gathered together, regardless of how frequent or rarely such things might occur. Fleetingly, he thinks of Bethany, of Carver, and misses them, though the latter would likely have said the wine was too weak and just given him the stink-eye all evening for once again stealing what might somehow have been his glory. Some things it seems, never change. Mother wouldn’t have wanted to intrude, but he hopes, she’s with father at the Maker’s side and that they might be proud of him.
The celebration, he recalls, did go on for some hours, and though perhaps not as rowdy as their evenings of Wicked Grace, the relief had been palpable in all of them. Some more than others, it seems, Garrett thinks sitting up a little to curiously study the tattooed elf who lies, still sleeping, sprawled across the covers beside him, one arm outstretched across his stomach, though whether to anchor him there or to reassure himself of the other’s continued presence, Garrett cannot be sure.
He stirs, despite Hawke’s best attempts to stay still, to let him rest a little longer. Immediately Fenris’ hand flexes tightening his grip on the mage as he sits up.
“Garrett,” the white-haired head burrowed into the bed grumbles.
He doesn’t use his first name much. He’s never particularly cared for it, and Hawke suits him just fine. But he finds he doesn’t mind so much when Fenris sometimes uses it. Rather, he finds a slight pleasure in the idea this is something shared between them. Besides the elf, only his m- his sisters use his first name with any regularity, and Carver generally preferring to avoid addressing his elder brother at all, a task made easier now he’s joined the Wardens.
Fenris’ voice is a little rougher than usual with sleep and disuse, and the mage thinks he sounds a bit… annoyed, perhaps because he woke him? But it’s good to hear, nevertheless. And waking up beside him? Well, he’s dreamt of such a thing plenty of times, but never truly expected it after what had transpired between them.
Their first and only night together had been… he struggles to come up with a suitable description that doesn’t sound like something out of one of those terrible romance serials his mother and sisters filled a shelf of the library with. Perhaps it’s foolish and he’s been waiting for nothing, but he can’t seem to help it, can’t bring himself to want or even think about anyone else. What began as his usual and casual flirting, his admiration of the other man’s skill has clearly long since become something else, something considerably more significant. He wants to wake up next to Fenris every day for the rest of the time the two of them have left.
But that can’t possibly be a welcome sentiment. Can it, the mage wonders, watching as Fenris stretches, back popping a little with the effort, and snuggles closer into his companion’s larger body even as he slowly begins to rouse and become more aware of his surroundings. Large green eyes blink back sleep and slowly come into focus on him, he doesn’t leap backwards, makes no efforts to pull away from him, but there is something uncharacteristically uncertain, vulnerable in his gaze that makes Garrett want nothing more than to gather him up in his arms and hold him as tight as is possible without the gesture becoming uncomfortable.
“I- I should go,” Fenris offers softly, ducking his head to avoid the mage’s scrutiny.
“You don’t have to,” Garrett replies cautiously, even as every bone in his body seems to scream for him to employ a more forceful and convincing argument. Something, anything to stop him all but fleeing his bed again.
“The others-” the elf begins.
“Will be fine,” Garrett interrupts confidently, trusting Sonja and Varric to see to them all either returning home or entertaining them in his absence. “I was injured yesterday-”
“You very nearly died yesterday,” Fenris growls, correcting him with a scowl.
“Exactly,” he nods, looking far too pleased about this than he has any right to be. “You’re helping to look after me,” Garrett continues, doing his best to adopt his usual lighthearted tone and smile about the whole thing. Don’t come on too strong, or too desperate, he scolds himself internally. He’s still here. Don’t give him a reason not to be. A reason to run. Don’t fuck this up. It seems to work, or if Fenris has noticed he isn’t in fact as calm or amused as he pretends, the elf doesn’t bother to call him on it, offering up a small chuckle of his own.
“You- You would like me to stay,” Fenris checks, cautiously after a moment.
Maker, yes. “Yes,” Garrett confirms before he can stop himself or think better of it. “Please,” he adds a bit softer.
“Then I remain at your side,” Fenris nods decisively, with the slightest hint of a smile.
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delirious-comfort · 6 years
superfluouskeys replied to your post “IN WHAT WORLD DO YOU COME OUT TO YOUR HOMOPHOBIC PARENTS AND THEN GO...”
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DWC: Moths in a forgotten shed
Thanks for the prompt! Have a sad story about my rogue Hawke and Carver :(
(I have a little brother in real life, so much as I love Bethany bad things happening to Carver gets to me in a more personal way.)
For @dadrunkwriting
CW: major character death (implied)
On the ship Ilora dreameda memory of moths. She was about twelve, which meant Carver would have been seven. It must have happened after Bethany began training with their father. That would explain her absence.
It had been just Ilora and Carver wandering around the old farm. Looking for their mother, maybe? Ilora remembered the crunch of dry grass, summer heat on her skin, and Carver’s small,sweaty hand in her own. He was little enough then to hold her hand without protest.
The shed stood just atthe edge of their land, right after the tall grass and before the eerie woods. Itwas tiny, lopsided from age and barely big enough to hold more than one person.Ilora didn’t think her family ever kept anything in there, and yet with the confidenceof an older sister she reached out and pulled the door open. The minute she did theywere overwhelmed by a dusty, winged brown cloud.
They screamed. Carver sank to the ground,hands over his head, and Ilora followed him, shielding him with her body. The cloudof moths whirled past them. It must have taken seconds for them to go but itfelt like an eternity of dusty wings and creeping legs.
When they were gone Carverrocked back and forth in his kneeled position, sobbing that some of the bugshad gotten in his mouth. Ilora hugged him as he coughed and spit. “Sorry,Carver. Sorry. I didn’t know.” But he was rigid in her arms and nothing shesaid or did consoled him.
In the dream, the moths didn’t go. They thickened until Ilora couldn’t breathe or see. Carver’s hand slippedfrom her own. She heard her brother’s screams and sobs, but when she reached forhim her fist closed on nothing but papery wings.
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thevikingwoman · 6 years
This looks fun and I’m waiting for a train so! Morrigan, Zevran, Merrill, Anders, Cassandra, Varric?
Thank you! So many :)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Morrigan is stunning, but very intimidating. 
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I never really got the Zevran thing? I think I was sort of taken back by his forwardness in DA:O and I never got over it? Not that he isn’t a wonderful character. 
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Like who wouldn’t think she is? In terms of hotness though, I think she looks a little too young for me to think she is really hot. 
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I romanced Anders, and I think he is an very interesting character, but I never found him particular hot?
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Cassandra is amazingly beautiful and so strong and also intense and then romantic? WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE? 
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I just don’t get the chest hair thing? And I see him as someone who would be a great friend, but not hot? Sorry Varric. 
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