#support Tachanka is best Tachanka
shuttershocky · 1 year
Shutters, in your opinion what are some of the best designed operators? (as in their kit and playstyle)
Gladiia - I've already said in another post that Gladiia is the perfect unit, and I stand by it. She's extremely effective with only minimal investment (E1L1 with skill level 7 will have her do most pulling jobs) but then somehow just gets stronger and stronger AND STRONGER the more you invest into her. Gladiia never learned what 'Diminishing Returns' meant, the economics student that tried to teach it to her got shoved into a locker when he tried. She's a viable M9 unit, wielding utility, damage, tank, and even heal support for some fucking reason. She even keeps getting stronger when you raise other units (Abyssal Hunters). She's fun, she's strong, all of her skills do something unique, she enables strategies absolutely no one else can do, and best of all: she's free.
Saria - Saria is the best case study of how to make a powerful—even overpowered—kit in a genre that mostly cares about DPS without any DPS. Like Gladiia, all of her skills are good and provide unique utility, but unlike Gladiia nothing about her module upgrades or talents or skill numbers is immediately going to tip you off that Saria's incredibly powerful; she just is. You just use her and you realize this is one of the best units in the game, hard carrying your lineups from her sheer versatility and healing power, with some SP utility or debuffs to boot.
Stainless - I would put him on this list for the sheer versatility, fun, strategic potential, and truly clever design his S3 has, but his S1 and S2 are also really fucking good too and stand on their own merits. Like Saria, Stainless is another operator who impresses me by standing out via sheer utility in a DPS-focused game, but unlike Saria, Stainless doesn't bring sustain or bulk, he simply has an array of gadgets that expand your possible map solutions AND operator picks to a wild degree. I finished most of Il Siracusano's EX stages by using Stainless clears—the way this guy enables bad operators with bad skills like Tachanka S1 cannot be matched by anyone. This is my single favorite operator gameplay wise to have come out in the last 2 years, insane how he and Dorothy are the least popular 6 stars when they're both so much more fun than their competition.
Gravel - You know what Gravel does. I think Gravel's kit was a marvel of its time, some truly inspired game design. You see, when Arknights first came out the primary faces of Tower Defense was Plants vs Zombies and Bloons. Gravel's low redeployment time and usage of throwing herself at the enemy team to constantly delay them simulated the feeling of having a mobile character in a genre about putting down towers that don't move, while Gravel also took advantage of enemy targeting priority being based on last deployed unit to act as bait for ranged enemies. She was the best unit to show off how Arknights differed from its competition, by taking advantage of all the design decisions that made Arknights a different beast of tower defense. Simple, effective, and unforgettable.
Hellagur - Hellagur's another example of an operator that does just one job just like Gravel, but approaches it in a way that emphasizes Arknights' unique approach to tower defense: Hellagur holds one spot, often right in front of the enemy gate and without support from his team. As the first Musha, he introduced a highly aggressive playstyle that was all about risk evaluation. You ask "Can Hellagur handle this?" and then see if he can. if he can't, you either buff him or try another approach. If he can, he often solves a big section of the map by himself by simply blocking a whole gate, freeing up the rest of your squad. High risk high reward is a common trope of game design because of how engaging that feeling of ramping tension can be; when Hellagur gets brought down to 1/3rd HP as he's dueling a particularly strong enemy, time slows down a little as you nervously watch him to see if he can handle it, and if he does and reaches back to full health before the next enemy comes, that release of tension and anticipation is its own special high.
I love this ask! Really fun question!
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dewydovahkiin · 2 years
Spets watching their crush get married
I feel like I did something similar to this a while back but I’m too lazy to look. Also why are we still hurting these men 🤨
Tachanka: disappointed but still attends mainly to support you. Acts normal despite crying on the inside lmao. Literal definition of “it should’ve been me”. Still your friend after because he at least needs that.
Kapkan: doesn’t go, makes some excuse because he’s upset and doesn’t want you to see him like that. Wishes you the best though. Seeing you after the wedding always makes him huffy
Glaz: goes, but only to be a nosy bitch. He may as well judge the fuck out of your new spouse and see if they’re up to Glaz’s standards (they never are). Still maintains a friendship with you after the wedding. Y know, just in case
Fuze: similar to kapkan, doesn’t go. He sees no point in it because it’ll only make him upset. Rants to glaz about it after seeing you post about your wedding and gets told in a nice way that he’s a dumb bitch and should’ve made a move when he had his chance. Hearing the truth makes him even more pissed
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todragonsart · 5 years
Don’t anger the bear
Hello guys! This is my entry to the ongoing event of @dualrainbow​, check them out so you don’t miss a thing, and lets get down to bussiness here too!
This is some supportive Tachanka for our favourite Kapkan and Glaz (and also Ash and Mira). About 2k words, rating T (some nasty swearing is going on here :’D). I hope you enjoy!
“Yeah, I get it, but I still don’t want to go as I said like three times already!” Tachanka turned to Kapkan with slowly building anger.
“But you never said any good reason why!”
“Okay, first, I don’t need to give you a reason. You only need to accept my decision, which you are not doing, so fine! You won! I don’t want to go, because you know that I hate crowds. You know all too well, how I hate loud Brits, especially when they are dancing and shouting and they do stuff to annoy me! This doesn’t mean that I don’t like you, or I don’t support your relationship with Timur, and you know this too! I don’t even understand why do we need to have this conversation again!”
Kapkan let out a sigh turning his head away slowly. Both of them knew that he didn’t give up, neither did Tachanka win. It was obvious that the hunter was going to pressure Tachanka a bit more until he either gave in, or got so angry he starts to shout at Kapkan, sending him to hell and back.
It was the same argument over and over again since a couple of weeks ago Mira and Ash announced that they were going to the Pride Parade together. Both of them looked so happy and proud, Kapkan immediately felt the need to join them. Getting Glaz - his boyfriend - into the game was very easy. The sniper loved him, and as he often said: he was too old to deny his feelings or hide who he was in an attempt to please other people, complete strangers or society.
They had their rough times during their first years together, with work, with their families, not to even mention how Russia was still one of the most scary countries when it came to gay people. First, they were afraid to tell about their relationship to anybody, let alone their teammates, but both Fuze and Tachanka accepted it surprisingly easily. Kapkan never counted Fuze as potential thread to their happiness, seeing as Fuze was very young, and not really Russian, but Tachanka, the oldest, the wisest, the man who loved to collect everything connected to their homeland or the Soviet Union, the man who made faces when he saw Blitz and Jackal kiss, the immediate support coming from this man was quite a surprise.
Later, when he asked Tachanka about it, not even hiding his astonishment, the older just let out a big laugh. “Maxim, you, Timur and Shuhrat are my family. Maybe not by blood, but by heart. All three of you have accepted me as I am, why would I deny the same from you only because you told me that you enjoy being with Timur? I’m glad that two of my friends are happy together, and I will fight anybody who would try to take this away from you, end of story!”
Kapkan was - with the easiest word - moved. It was a rather warm feeling; being accepted like this. Even his family - the blood one - had their questions and problems, asking about them, trying to shake their relationship, trying to make sure that Kapkan understood that he will eventually go to hell for loving his sniper. Compared to Fuze’s and Tachanka’s reaction, this was a shitty and cold approach.
The main reason for him pushing the older to join them was nothing else but this: he needed Tachanka to have his back whatever happens. The older didn’t even need to say or do anything, his presence was enough for both Kapkan and Glaz to feel safe. Not because they couldn’t protect themselves, not because they knew that Tachanka would kill anybody if they would ask him to do so, but because he was their family too. Their biggest support and their family.
Unfortunately, Kapkan didn’t feel the slightest remorse when he used their strong bond against Tachanka.
“Fine. If you hate it this much, then you don’t need to come. I will just go with Timur and Shuhrat, and you can stay home. I just thought that you, ‘big part of our family’, would enjoy sharing this with us, but if you don’t want to, I will understand! No hard feelings!” Kapkan looked back at Tachanka, narrowing his eyes slightly.
The older was watching him, his expression blank, even a bit bored. He let out a big sigh, rolled his eyes and finally shrugged. “This is shameless emotional blackmailing, you fucking asshole, and you know it!”
Kapkan’s lips pulled into a half grin. “But is it working?”
Tachanka wanted to murder him. “Unfortunately, yes, you smug little piece of shit.”
Happily grinning, Kapkan nodded. “Thank you very much! I promise you going to enjoy-”
“Hold up, hold up! I’m going with you, but we need to set some rules. First, I’m not wearing any rainbowy color, no-hoh-hoh. Second, no dancing, and if anybody wants to drag me into anything, you either take them away, or I will kill them. Third; you are getting me beer!”
A big laugh erupted from Kapkan and he couldn’t stop himself from pulling Tachanka close for a second, giving them a hug. “Sure thing, Sasha!”
Tachanka just stood there, rolling his eyes with a small smile, but in the end, he just hugged the hunter back. “I hate you.”
“I know, but what can I do? You love me as well!”
As is turned out, the Parade was not that big of a deal, really. Okay, it came with hundreds and hundreds of people; all kind of sex and race, people with their lovers, with their families and friends or just random faces, who weren’t even from the LGBTQ community but wanted to show their support. To be fair, they did dance and sing, and they did their weird shit, which Tachanka hated, but it wasn’t about sexual orientation; the old Russian just hated people in general.
He couldn’t understand why would anybody do such a thing of their own free will, but when he was walking next to his friends, the truth suddenly hit him. Probably others were blackmailed to hang out here too!
At this thought, he couldn’t hold back a smile. It wasn’t that bad really, especially when Bandit whipped out three cans of his favourite beer. It was against the rules of the parade, of course, but Tachanka planned to say something cheesy about his undying love towards beer if anybody would question why he had alcohol. Wasn’t it the parade of love, after all?
Speaking about love, Kapkan and Glaz were walking next to him, their fingers entangled, happy little smiles on their faces. Whenever Tachanka got enough of the loud pile of people, and wanted to shout or escape he just glanced at them and calmed himself down. They enjoyed themselves, who was he to ruin it for them?
Their final crew on Pride Parade contained Ash and Mira, gently holding hands together too, next to them Bandit and Thermite, who were roaming around like small children, making friends with everybody, Glaz and Kapkan, leaning against each other, Fuze, who was looking around like he was lost, and Tachanka, who protected his beer like it was his baby.
After about two hours spent on the Pride, Tachanka was finally calm, the last murderous thought long forgotten. At least he expected so. When there is a Pride Parade, there will most certainly be some people protesting against it. Tachanka didn’t expect a group of grown up people standing there with big signs, rude comments written on them. But that wasn’t really a problem, no. They simply didn’t notice them or their shouting on purpose, they were chatting, they were having a good time.
But as Tachanka went to one side of the marching queue to throw away his empty beer can, he heard a man shouting. This wasn’t anything new, and he didn’t even bat an eye, until he heard the man say, “Fucking look at those two faggots, holding hands like they own the place. Disgusting! I wish I could show them where to stick their fucking rights, pathetic!”
Wrinkling his forehead, Tachanka turned to the direction where the man was pointing. He somehow expected that the ‘two faggots’ were Kapkan and Glaz, but even he was surprised about the sudden anger blooming in him as his expectations turned out to be true. This asshole was pointing at his two teammates, who were only holding hands. They didn’t even kiss or something, they were just holding hands. Tachanka narrowed his eyes, turning to face the man. “How about you shut up, hm?”
The man, and the group of nasty looking punks who were his company all turned towards the Russian. There were about eight of them, and they looked like absolute losers to Tachanka. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, watching them, anger burning in him slow and steady.
The man clicked his tongue, stepping closer to the cordon separating the Pride March from the protesting shitholes. “What did you say fuckface?”
“I just said, you should shut up. Why do you talk shit about them, if you don’t know anything?” he stepped closer to the man too and leaned against the cordon, to look him in the eye.
The guy rolled his eyes. “I don’t give a shit about their-”
“Then why don’t you just shut up and go back to that nasty basement of your mom’s where you came from, and stop talking shit about the people here, hm?” Tachanka even dared to smile.
The man shut his mouth, but he stiffened up, looking like an angry cat, that could attack anytime. “I dunno if you noticed, but this is a free country! I can talk about anything, anywhere and nobody will arrest me for it! I can spare my opinion about these faggots being disgusting.”
Tachanka burst out laughing. “Oh my god, you are just as dumb as you look!”
“What did you say, you asshole!?” the man snapped at him.
Smiling, Tachanka looked him upside-down. “Boy, go home, read some books, finish  high-school and open your eyes, okay? Being this dumb is not attractive around the ladies!”
The other one started to shake, his face turning red with anger. “Big words coming from the other side of the fence, but come around, and I will show you where to stick your advice, bitch!”
Tachanka shook his head. “Nah, kiddo, I don’t have time to play with you, my friends are waiting for me. But you know what? I will tell them how you wanted to ruin their good times so they can have a good laugh, because you are not anything else just a joke.” winking, the Russian turned his back to the man, walking back towards his chatting friends.
Suddenly he felt something heavy hit the back of his head and heard something clunking by his feet. He felt pain, and got his hand there. He felt a bump forming, but thankfully he felt no blood. Tachanka looked down to the ground, to find the source of the noise and found a beer can. He lifted it up, looking back at the man who was still standing there with a proud smile on his face. The guy’s friends were standing not too far, laughing their asses off.
Tachanka had two choices. One was to go back to the guys, never mentioning them this idiot, and forgetting the bump on his head; or two, show this asshole that he can’t just abuse people for fun, then go back to his friends and tell them about this fucker. Obviously he choose the second option.
Before the man could even react, Tachanka was there, grabbing a handful of his shirt, lifting him up slightly. The Russian pushed the beer can in the face of the other. “Did you throw this, sweetcheeks?”
From the sudden turn of events, the man let out a squeaking sound, looking up at Tachanka. He still wanted to look smug, so he simply answered. “And what if I did, eh?”
“Well, if you did, I will be the one coming around to push my feet down your throat, you little piece of pathetic dogshit. If you didn’t do it, and we assume that some little bird threw this on me, I will let you go, so you can grab your little friends and get the fuck out of my sight before I change my mind. You choose.”
“Or you can just let me go, before one of my friends will call the cops!” the man still tried to look all smug.
Narrowing his eyes, Tachanka let go of the man, pushing his hand in his pocket. “Oh, and what am I going to do to defend myself against the police, god lord! Oh, wait…?” Tachanka took out his old Spetsnaz pledge, nearly showing it into the guy’s mouth. “Do you really want to test out who the cops would trust, some dirty mouthed asshole punk who just came here to annoy people because he doesn’t know how to live his own life; or a highly trained soldier, who came here to support his - also soldier - friends during a Pride Parade?”
To Tachanka’s biggest satisfaction, the smile froze to the man’s face, panic suddenly filling him up. Tachanka tilted his head, looking him dead in the eye. “Now listen here, you little shit. From now on, I will come to  the Pride with my friends, every damn year, just to fight pieces of shits like you, and if I find you and your little friends here, and you are not going to be on this side of this cordon, I won’t be this soft on you. Understood?”
Nodding furiously, the man took a shaky step back.
“Good!” smiling, Tachanka waved the beer can. “And thanks for this gift, how did you know I love this brand?”
The man didn’t even give an answer, he just ran back to his friends, not looking back at Tachanka. Feeling very satisfied, the Russian went back to his friends, opening his new beer with a low hiss.
“Where did you get that?” Bandit tilted his head. “That’s not mine!”
“Ahh, a very kind gentleman gave it to me earlier! Pride might be a bit fun after all.”
Kapkan couldn’t hold back a smile. “So, do you think you will come with us next time too?”
Tachanka glanced back at the rude man and his friends. They were packing their stuff a little worried, they looked like they will leave anytime. Tachanka turned back to Kapkan, nodding. “Sure! That way I can talk to similar gentlemen from time to time!”
Kapkan narrowed his eyes, but since Tachanka didn’t give away anything about his interesting interaction, he just shrugged and hugged Glaz’s waist. The older looked at them, smiling. He was glad that they were happy, and as he said, he would protect their happiness from anybody who would like to ruin it, let it be their family, their colleagues or some asshole during the Pride Parade.
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Hewwo? Can please get Tachanka for the follower game, with 💖💫🌟? Also I love this idea for a game! I’ve never seen one using emojis before and this looks like a lot of fun! But also please take care of yourself and take breaks 😉 I know sometimes writers can get a little overwhelmed with follower celebrations and I don’t want you to get stressed out! Anyway take care and thank you!!!
✨ Solari Says: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I try to make things interesting every follower milestone. I'm glad to hear its received well! Don't worry, I've gotten plenty breaks from writing with my vacation and new job position lined up the way they were. I think it's about time to come back.
🛑 WARNINGS: none! 🛑
gif credit: to the OP.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Aggravatingly uplifting. That's how Tachanka is when he's decided he likes you enough to become your friend. And honestly, he doesn't dislike anyone too often. As for how the friendship starts, he's the one who walks up and speaks to you. Let it be complimenting your skills and gadget, or just noticing that you're kind of hanging alone. He doesn't shy away at ALL.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nah. Tachanka had his chance to settle down, had a few kids and a divorce. He's just there to feel some form of love and affection from somebody special, even though marriage might not be the thing for him. However, that does not stop him from being great at cooking and cleaning (for some things).
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Back when he was younger? Pretty quick, but at the same time he believes that that was the reason his marriage came to fail. He feels fine being in a committed relationship, but not jumping to marriage since he's had his chance at life with it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle, when it comes to more intimate scenarios. He's very easy to lean onto for support, and knows what lines that he can and can't push. He's paid attention and made a mental note of everything.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Is that even a question? YES. There is nothing stopping this man from giving a good ol' backbreaker when he's excited, which is pretty damn often.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's NEVER jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are deep and sweet, something that tells you how much he loves you--no matter how many times he says it out loud. He prefers to kiss you anywhere he can, and giving you kisses is the exact same. He just wants to show you physical affection in any way he can.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on what for. Not at all when it comes to things you do, but if anyone were to lay hands or insult you or his friends, he's fierce and protective.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything, speak with caution if you don't want to be showered in gifts.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorites are a spectrum. He remembers when you first met, all the way to where you both are now. Seeping with happiness and love for one another that he can feel. The progression warms his heart.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Tachanka is protective in the sense of wanting you to be safe and healthy. Asking you if you've ate, drank water. Small things. If someone were to cross you, he'd honestly be the first to throw the punch should things get too far. He'd rather taint his own reputation defending yours, rather than you ruin your own. He believes he doesn't need protecting, since nothing seems to bother him when it's directed at him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
The effort that he decides to put into dates is always at 100. If there isn't a date where you're spilling out your heart or not swept away by infatuation, something is wrong with either him or you. At that point, there's a bit of cause for concern.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
You always end up laid on top of him throughout the night. He enjoys the weight of you keeping him grounded.
He's always gonna have his arms around you. Always touching you, just to feel that you're there. He's very physically and verbally affectionate.
There's nicknames based off of Russian desserts for you. Buckle up, he's gonna keep calling you "pirozhki".
Bar trips. Pool hustling, drinking, darts, everything included. He wants to have fun.
When you two are by yourselves, that's when he's the quietest. He's the most vulnerable when you're alone, letting you into his innermost soul.
He enjoys sparring with you. If it'll help him train, he wants to do it. Don't worry, though, he won't hurt you at all. He pulls a lot of his strength.
He spoils you, in all ways of the sense. He gives you gifts, showers you with affection, makes you feel like a queen in every way that he can. He worships you.
if you want to be added to the tag lists, please comment or message me!
Rainbow Six Tag List: @kind-wolf General Tag List: @angelaiswriting :|: @tsumethedrifter :|: @sazafraz
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r6shippingdelivery · 3 years
Kapkans brothers finally meeting glaz (or chanka) and being slightly intimitaded cause lowkey werent expecting AnOtHeR gay in the army but just fluff with a little tension :) <3
I have two possible ideas for this:
A) Glaz is on his best behavior cause he knows Kapkan is nervous about the meeting. So he's polite, and merely gives a strained smile if Kapkan's brothers poke fun at him being interested in art (like saying they didn't expect another soldier to be gay, but it makes more sense if he's an artist). And he bites his tongue cause it would be... impolite to say those things to your boyfriend's family, and he's heard far worse. And he knows Kapkan is uncomfortable enough as it is, he doesn't want to add to it. But when Kapkan eventually leaves for a moment, Glaz gives them the verbal smackdown of their lives. Ironically enough he gains their respect, and when Kapkan comes back and Glaz grabs his hand over the table nobody says a fucking thing (even if before they hadn't dared to touch, so only intense gazing at each other). So yeah, a little tension and uneasy moments, but it all ends well and Kap's brothers end up admitting they're happy for them.
B) Kapkan knows his brothers are still getting used to the idea he has a boyfriend, and they might be a little rude even if accidentally. So the best way is to give them a big shock, and he convinces Tachanka to act as his boyfriend for a day, with Glaz's agreement. And Kap's brothers don't know how to deal with Tachanka (personality, how intimidating he is, the fact he's divorced and with kids and 10 years older than Maxim, etc) or how to ask Kapkan if that means he has a sugar daddy... eventually Kap confesses it was all a prank and Chanka is just a friend, and they're relieved and a little angry at the prank, but seeing that Kapkan's comrades know and support him and his boyfriend is good for them. So when they finally meet Glaz they're "Oh, that one isn't so scary!"
I could even mix both ideas, B leading into A 😂
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armoredisopod · 2 years
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CC6 Risk 18 Day 1 and i didn't even need to copy any video guide strat this time, the power of having a certain absolutely broken limited unit 😩
The infiltrators gave me more trouble than i expected and took me a while to get the right set of risks but i did it in the end and the best part is i got to bring Tachanka along as moral support
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imagine-that-r6s · 4 years
Oh Baby [Tachanka (Alexsandr Senaviev) x Reader]
Requesting: Please put the genre (Misc, angst, fluff) as a letter (M,A,F) and the number. For headcannons, just tell me you want em! They can be a prompt list item. Special requests may have extra steps. Stay safe ya’ll, I love you guys!
Pairing: Tachanka (Alexsander Senaviev) x Reader
Warnings: Minor angst at the start (death mention), mentions of vomit, swearing, Tachanka is EXCITED
Genre/Word count: Fluff/2k
“They told me I’d died. They were wrong. I was reborn”
Your eyes instinctively rolled as he retold his famous line to the newly recruited rookies, who’s eyes widened in wonder and fascination.
 “How many times must you tell this story, Alexsandr?”
His booming laughter flooded the room as he draped his heavy arm around your shoulders. His helmet was tucked under his other arm, allowing him to place a small kiss against your cheek. He said his goodbyes to his new companions as he dragged you away with him.
“You love the story, you just won’t admit it!”
“Clinically dead! Two whole minutes!”
You shook your head, looking down so he couldn’t see your small smile. You wrapped your significantly smaller hand into his as you walked together. You came to a stop at a walkway that connects two major sections of the complex. It didn’t have walls, just a small safety guard and a roof supported by metal poles.
You felt the raindrops whip around you, occasionally wetting your face and clothes while the deep rumbling of thunder in the distance indicated the worsening of the storm. The weather was putting you in a somber mood. You grasped his hand harder. His face contorted into a worried expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just thinking about that day.”
He waved it off, “A mission gone wrong, it can happen at all times.”
“That’s what worries me. The frequency of accidents and wrong calls. One day you might die and not come back.”
He sighed, pulling you close and wrapping his thick arms around you, suffocating you in a bear hug. “Do not think like that, Y/N,” he attempted to brighten the mood, “I won’t go down without a fight!”
You chuckled, feeling yourself relax. He pressed his lips against your forehead as he spoke again, “The same goes for you! You best be fighting with all you can in the field!”
You nodded, letting the sounds of rain and thunder comfort you. You both headed back into your shared room, where your stomach let out a roar of strange noises. He set down the heavy helmet onto the wooden dresser before turning back to you with a smirk.
“Did someone get sick? We were only outside for a second, how did you get sick that fast?!”
You shook your head, denying that you were sick. “Alexsandr, how could I have gotten sick? It wasn’t cold outside or anything.” You took off your shoes, heading to the bathroom to start your usual routine. You stared at yourself in the mirror. Your skin seemed to practically glow in the dim lighting.
You suddenly felt dizzy, you could tell something was wrong. As Alexsandr waited patiently outside, he heard a small thud, followed by your gagging. His eyebrows furrowed. He knocked lightly with his knuckles, “Y/N, are you okay?”
The only response he got was the contents of your stomach emptying into the toilet. He did not wait for you to let him in. He twisted the knob and pushed against the door, soaking in the image of you hunched over, eyes red and teary. 
He quickly rushed over, patting your back and asking if you were okay. You covered your mouth with the tips of your fingers, replying in a trembling voice, “Yes, dear. I guess the food messed me up, it didn’t seem good to me anyways.”
You gave him a reassuring smile, hoping he would drop the situation. But he stared back with sadness in his eyes, “Maybe we should go to the medbay.” You shook your head, repeating once again that you were fine.
He told you to lay back in bed for a minute, telling you to wait as he set something up. You stood on shaky legs, heading back to the warm and inviting mattress. Your eyes drooped the moment your head hit the pillow. 
You awoke to Alexsandr’s heavy hand shaking your shoulder. You squinted up at him, letting out a confused hum. He chuckled at the look of your messy hair and drool trickling from your mouth. 
He put his arms underneath you, one on your back and the other underneath your knees. You wrapped your arms around his neck, taking in his scent as he carried you back into the bathroom. 
He sat you on the edge of the tub, and you were able to see his work. He had gathered some odd candles and placed them around the room, he had drawn a bath, pouring in some bubblebath solution. You chuckled at the effort.
“I threw up once!” You didn’t think the situation was as dramatic as he thought. He pressed a small kiss on your forehead, He helped you undress, tossing the garments in a hamper nearby. He told you to step in the tub as he turned back into the bedroom.
You did as told, relaxing as he came back with a small chair. He grabbed your brush and started to work on your hair, at quite an odd angle. A contempt hum escaped your throat as he continued his loving touches. 
“I’ll go to the medbay tomorrow, since you’re actually worried. It’ll probably be nothing.”
“You always worry so much about me, but you never take the time to worry about yourself, Y/N.”
You didn’t respond while you let yourself sink deeper into the tub, letting the sweet aromas fill your nose. He played some Tchaikovsky, a composer you had learned to love when you started dating the Russian operator. 
Once the bath had run cold and you were all cleaned up, he had dressed you into one of his old shirts which was clearly several times bigger than your frame. He carried you back into bed, letting you rest your head on him. He pulled the blanket over the both of you. His lips met yours before you went into a deep slumber. 
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The following day, as you had previously told your husband, you went to the medbay. You greeted Doc as you waited patiently for him to examine you. You explained how you were feeling, and how worried your boyfriend was.
As Doc continued to listen, he seemed to become a little paler. At the end of your little rant of symptomes, he nodded and stepped over to a drawer. He pulled out a slim white box. He sat down in front of you, a small clipboard in hand.
“It may seem like a simple illness, but just to be sure, I want you to take this test. I’m sorry if I have caused an embarrassment. But I just want to make sure that you’re at the top of your game.”
He passed you the small white box, the bolded words caused your face to burst into a dark blush. Pregnancy test. Your eyes avoided Gustave’s. “Well-I mean… Is it possible I will be? Like what are the chances, huh? C-Can I really actually be…”
Your face stayed cherry red as you finished up your visit. You thanked Doc for the check up, telling him you would notify him once you had the results from the test. Your head was busy as you walked back to your room. What about your job? Will Alexsandr be happy? Or mad? Were you ready to be a mother? 
Alexsandr. He was out for the next hour or so as he had a meeting for the next mission he was assigned to. You would have the results before he came back. You pondered about which result he would want… 
The instructions on the box were simple. Pee on the end and wait twenty minutes. Okay, first step, done. Now for the hardest part. Just waiting. You sighed as you set the test down on the bathroom’s counter. You put a timer on your phone as you waited, scrolling through Instagram on your bed.
The ringing of your phone startled you. You stared at the contact name, it was Monika. Fuck. Last week you had promised her you would help test some modifications on her device. You stared nervously at the bathroom’s door. He’d be back in an hour, so you’d have time to help Monika. 
You answered the call, saying that you were on your way and apologized for the tardiness. You tossed your phone on the bedside table and began your journey to the concrete room that Elena used to test all devices. 
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Alexsandr’s meeting ended early. The briefing had gone exceptional, for once everyone was in agreement of the plan. He was hopeful your meeting with Doc had gone well, that you were perfectly fine. 
As he stepped into the cold and empty room, he was saddened to see you haven’t returned. He decided to shower before you came back, but he was stuck in place as he saw what was on the counter.
Should he pick it up? No, what if you wanted to know first? But you left it unattended. Did you want him to see? Where were you now? You left your phone here, so he couldn’t call you to ask. 
His curiosity got the better of him. He picked up the test with shaky hands, letting his eyes scan over the results. He could practically feel his heart beat out of his chest. 
He dropped the test, the clattering of the test onto the cold tile floors had brought him out of his stunned state. ‘Oh shit. Oh fuck. Holy fucking shit.’
His mind raced. He had to find you now. He bolted out of the room, looking around everywhere to see if there was any trace of you. He stopped at the medbay, cafeteria, even the meeting rooms. He was growing impatient of having to stop and ask if anyone had seen you.
But eventually, someone gave him an answer. They had seen you walking with Monika, visibly shaken up. Alexsandr’s panicked state had caused him to forget your promise to Monika. He gave them a quick thank you, scurrying to catch you at the testing rooms. 
He eventually spotted you as you had tossed one of Maghan’s spare cameras up for Monika to later detect. Monika was nowhere in sight, he assumed she left to go talk to Elena about her electronics detector. 
Without warning, he sprinted towards you, but his heavy footsteps alerted you. You turned in time for you to balance yourself into the tight hug he embraced you in. You let out a laugh as you hugged back, “Well you’re out early-”
You tightened up. If he was out early, he came to the room earlier. He had found the test. You released him, pushing back his shoulders to look him in the eyes.
“What are the results?”
He gave you a smile as his eyes let out some tears, “Two lines.”
Your own eyes started to leak. You bit down harshly on your lip, “You’re not mad?”
“Why would I ever be mad? WE’RE HAVING A BABY! Oh my god, I have to call off my mission, I have to stay with you!”
You laughed as you embraced him once again, your previous negative thoughts were washed away. They were replaced by new, exciting thoughts about the future. 
You dismissed yourself from the testing with Monika after a few more runs. Alexsandr had waited patiently for you in a nearby chair. Once you were allowed to go, he simply could not let you go. He was over-the-top excited. 
As you began walking back together, he couldn’t help but to place his hand over your stomach. “I want a girl.”
You looked at him with a playfulness in your eyes, “I want a boy.”
You stopped at the medbay once again, this time while holding your husband’s hand. Doc could easily assume the results, “I’ll start on some paperwork and help you the best I can. These times can be rough, but I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
After picking up some basic tips and plans from the hard worker, you and the Russian operator left. The day was beginning to end. It was 9:59, according to the digital clock that hung in your room. You both changed into more comfortable clothing. 
You picked up the test that was forgotten on the bathroom floor. You snapped a quick picture of it, sending it to the Team Rainbow groupchat. The replies came in fast, varying in responses. 
‘How’s his dick game?’
‘Congratulations, you’ll do wonderful’
‘I’m gonna spoil your kid.’
‘You should name it Max Goose.’
‘Ew why would anyone want that name?’
You chuckled at the texts before shutting down your phone, cuddling into your husband’s side.
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junejalow · 3 years
"Is everything okay?"
This fic is for thicciq who requested IQ/GSG9 with the prompt "Is everything okay?"
Honestly took me awhile to come up with something for this but I hope this is alright <3 Thank you for reading!
Chapter Text
The last two months had been hectic and rushed, It seemed like once a team was dropped off, another was being picked up at the same time. The White Masks were pulling one stunt after another. Everything seemed to be on the table right now, hostage situations, bomb threats, bank robberies, networks being hacked for information, well known people being targeted for assassination. The world was on high alert and for good reasons, they had never been hit like this back to back. It was almost like a last ditch effort to make a push against the world but they were also having trouble getting past Rainbow who shielded and protected everything and everyone they could from the terrorist's. But this is what Rainbow was brought back for, to serve and protect. IQ let a few thoughts linger, she loved her job and her teammates. Monika wouldn't give up her position for anything. This was her perfect area to work in, she could be her best with Rainbow and she was never alone. She rubbed at her tired eyes as she updated her Spectre, it had glitched out on her last deployment and it nearly cost her and Capitao their lives despite the injured ankle she gained from the C4 blast that rocked them. He didn't hold it against her, blaming it on the jammer the terrorist had set up to block them out from Ash and Thermite who had overseen the mission.
Her gaze settled on the crutches resting against the work table beside her as the dull ache in her ankle bit at her as a reminder that her gadget wasn't always reliable but she needed it to be. Never again, I won't let them jam my device again. IQ though to herself as she got back to work once the update finished, she was applying a thicker cover to the device to protect the electronics inside it. It also didn't help she currently had no one else from the GSG 9 to hang out with. Blitz, Glaz, Ace, Ying and Jackal were currently out on a hostage rescue operation somewhere in Florida while Bandit, Warden, Clash, Rook and Castle were out defending a VIP in Greenland that had been under an assassin's scope for a while now. Jager was busy flying teams to and from base, taking small naps in between the trips in his helicopter. She wished she could at least keep the pilot company but she had no flying experience and wouldn't be of any help to him. The door to the workshop suddenly swung open, causing the German woman to glance up from her work. She was greeted by Twitch who held two cups of steaming coffee. The French woman walked over and handed her a cup, earning a quiet thank you and smile. They simply sat in silence for a bit, Emmanuelle could easily find most of the operator's even if they didn't want to be found and could cheer them up within minutes of simply chatting or sitting with them with an offering of snacks and a drink but considering it was still very early in the morning snacks were out of the question. Doc would fuss at them about eating properly and avoid snacking or forcing them to do extra training with Rook and Montagne to work it off. Either way Twitch always waited for the other to speak first, most were glad for that but IQ wasn't sure what to say. She missed her team, all of them. She was out of the rotation for missions and resting for the other's she was sure would happen. "You are worried about them, yes?" Twitch asked with a smile, she had already been fully aware of the reason IQ stayed in certain parts of the base.
The workshop for a legitimate reason this morning and secondary familiarity of having to drag Jager away after over night stays working on his magpie, Bandit from the gym if he couldn't sleep due to nightmares or insomnia, pestering him to go visit Doc and finally Blitz from the training simulations, he was always worried his shield wouldn't go off at the right moment or it wouldn't be able to block everything the enemy had to offer. Monika felt like the big sister of the GSG 9, always worried and looking after them and they very much apricated it, even someone like Bandit. She nodded in reply, "Marius mostly, he hasn't slept a actual bed for almost three day's. He's been napping in his helicopter between transporting equipment and teams to different locations." "He'll be fine, Jager has spent nights in worse places before, besides he loves flying so he's living the dream right now." Emmanuelle chuckled, "Although I'm worried about Rook as well. He just got over a cold and he's back out on the field." "Really? He seemed okay and was his usual hyper self when they left out." "He just doesn't want anyone to worry but he's been in near daily contact with Doc just to make sure he's doing okay. Everyone should be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest." IQ smiled and nodded a bit, taking a much needed sip from her cooling coffee. She couldn't wait for them to get back and for Jager to get proper rest, despite Twitch's words she wouldn't rest either until her family was home safe and in the GSG 9 dorms but thankfully with a small spread of word around base they helped each other pass the time. Monika even got a lift cross the court from Tachanka who was going the same way instead of trying to navigate the busy hallways of the central area of the base. The recruits had been put into over work by some of the operator's around base, wanting to get work done and keep reports, paper work and equipment flowing for their friends out in the field. Tachanka carefully set the injured German down, allowing her to use his arm as support until she got her crutches under her good enough. "All good?" He asked with a smile tugging at his forest camo balaclava. "Ja, thank you for the help Alex." She replied with a grateful smile, earning a gentle pat on her shoulder from the giant man before he disappeared into the building to track down Kapkan over some subject he had been tasked with replying. Monika on the other hand worked her way around to the common room and spent a good few hours there, checking her phone for messages and replied to a few from Blitz and Bandit before getting distracted by a movie Mozzie and Gridlock were watching, enjoying it and laughing along with them until Mira and Twitch came to gather her, wondering if she wanted to come down them to greet everyone back. She nearly jumped at the chance before Mira reminded her of the injured ankle she had much to the German woman's frustration. They eased their way to the landing pad with Doc joining them halfway with his medical bag in tow just incase anyone was injured, he took a moment to inspect Monika's ankle before following them to the landing pad, dreading the injuries their friend's might be sporting. Usually he knew before hand but with the base in such a scramble he didn't have time to answer every call unless it was his personal cellphone only Harry and the other operator's had his number to. Jager's beloved helicopter came into view along the airstrip, swinging it around to land on the helipad with practiced skills. Once the blades died down and stilled the side door slid open as the exhausted operator's filtered out one at a time. Ace turned around after he hopped down to help Ying out, her left shoulder nestled in a sling. No one else seemed injured aside from dirt and grim sticking to them, possibly some scrapes and bruises from their jobs but otherwise they were in good health. Doc preformed a quick and thorough with each other before he escorted Ying to his infirmary with Ace in tow for a mission update on any injuries he tended to in the field. IQ pulled the GSG 9 crew into a large group hug despite protests from Bandit and Jager, both disliking close contact or public affection until Blitz who caged them in from the other side. Her family was finally home and safe, she held back her emotions until they returned to their dorm room. Mainly from the fact that Blitz had given her a piggy back ride all the way while Bandit carried her crutches without a word. His attention on bothering Jager who was trying to stifle yawns from lack of sleep. Once they reached the German dorms she was carefully sat down on her bed while the boy's left to get showers and change into more comfortable clothes. When they returned from the shower room they paused at the door to hearing soft sobbing and sniffling. Blitz shot the other two a look of concern which was promptly returned before he carefully opened the door to inspect the reason behind their teammate's crying. "Mein Freund, was ist los?" (My friend, what's wrong?) Elias asked softly as he knelt down in front of IQ who was hiding her face behind her hands. "It looks like you sprung a leak." He added after a moment, trying to lighten whatever burdened their teammate. He always tried to cheer them up the best he could. "Is everything okay?" Jager asked as he fidgeted with the swing on the front side of his sweat pants. He still had a hard time picking up on social que's but knew the air was a little heavy right now, watching Bandit take a seat beside their friend and gently bump her shoulder with his own. "Ich weiß, du hast uns vermisst, was sollen die Tränen?" (I know you missed us, what's with the tears?) Dominic said in a uncharacteristically soft tone, worry clear in his honey brown eyes. "J-ja... I missed all of you. I'm okay." IQ replied, wiping her tears away and gave them a genuine smile. She had her boy's back, everything was diffidently okay.
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simonxriley · 4 years
❄️ 🔷 For all 3?
Thank you! 
❄️ What is (one of) their biggest regrets or biggest mistake they’ve made? Is there anything they can do to fix this or is it so far gone there’s no point anymore? Is this something they dwell on a lot?
Skylar - Meeting and starting a relationship with Henry is her biggest regret. He took everything from her, her innocence, trust, dignity. If she never locked eyes with him she wouldn’t have endured a year of abuse from him. And the only reason she got away was due to her squad all getting killed in an ambush. She wishes she could do something to fix it, but she knows there’s nothing she can do. She’ll always have to deal with the PTSD of the horrors she endured during that year. The only thing that helps is having a good support system and having a very loving and caring significant other. 
Liz - Her biggest regret was not breaking up with Dunn face to face before she started her relationship with Ghost. But she couldn’t, it was before Shepherd’s betrayal and they were all fugitives. All she did was send him a letter before even going to the Caucasus Mountains and she highly regretted it. He was the one person who made her laughed and made the hard times easier, and she had to break up with him in a shitty way.  
Riley - As much as she hates to admit it, her biggest regret was having her daughter. She loved Alyona, more than anything, but living in a post apocalyptic world isn’t a good one to have a child. And when she died due to a sickness, Riley kinda lost herself. Living underground in the Metro, mutants all about and no vaccines isn’t a good reason to bring a child into the world. Riley will always cherish those seven months she got to spend with her and as much as she would like for her to still be alive, she’s happy she’s not. No child should live in such a gruel world. 
🔷 Has your OC ever had to leave something behind or abandon something they didn’t want to? Have they ever had this happen to them? How has this effected them over the years?
Skylar - The person she was before the abuse. That changed her completely, plus all the stuff that happened when she was a Marine. That was something she had to leave behind, she was no longer that person, she changed. In a way she hated it, she wished she didn’t change, but Tachanka made a very valid point. Everyone in Rainbow who loves her, only knows the ‘new’ version of herself not the old. For Skylar it affected her for a while, then again she never told anyone the truth (beside Tachanka) about what happened to her. It was a learning period, a way for her to get used to her new self and not yearn for the old. If it wasn’t for Tachanka opening her eyes to it, she might never have moved on. 
Liz - The only thing she had to abandoned was her old life, the one she had before joining the 141. For her that wasn’t bad, it was weight lifted off her shoulders, a fresh start. If she never joined she wouldn’t have met Ghost, only to later marry and have a family with him. Abandoning her old life was the best thing to happen to her. 
Riley - Letting go of the man she loved. Hunter was the first person she truly loved, they had a child together. He just ran away far to many times, the first one she understood, they just lost their daughter and both needed to mourn in their own ways. He eventually came back and they reconciled. The second and last time he disappeared was when she accompanied him to Exhibition to help with their problem with The Dark Ones. That was the last time she saw him, all he did was give her his dog tags and to bring Artyom to Polis if he didn’t return in the morning. She waited for him for over a year, secretly searching for him when she got free time. If it wasn’t for the Battle for D6 and her affection for Ulman she might not have let him go and start new. 
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hoshi-cola · 4 years
Madison Collins Info
-Madison has shoulder-length wavy chestnut hair, vanilla skin with a pink tone. She has roundish-almond cobalt blue eyes. She often keeps her hair in a messy bun outside of training. In training, her hair is pulled back into a more professional bun or the occasional pony-tail. 
-As mentioned in her bio, Madison stands at 5’7” and weighs 139 lbs. 
-Madison has 6 total siblings. 2 older sisters, 2 older brothers and 2 younger twin sisters. 
-Madison has chubby cheeks. She doesn’t mind them but just don’t start pinching or squishing them unless given permission to. She will throw C4 in your toilet and make sure you don’t get one for years to come.
-Seriously, don’t touch the chubby cheeks. Either pair. Don’t touch her cheeks.
-Madison narrowly avoided death 3 years before joining Team Rainbow. A sniper nearly killed her while she was attending wounds on the field. She was saved by a comrade and romantic interest of hers, who took the shot for her and unfortunately passed a few hours in the hospital.  
-Madison has a knack for engineering. It’s more of a hobby rather than a job.
-Sledge and Madison are on good terms but Sledge does think Madison should stop her constant pranks on Thatcher. This causes a few small arguments but those are often forgotten about the days afterwards.
-Thatcher is a common target for Madison’s pranks. He does find them annoying and will occasionally get pissed off. He will be the better man and often calm himself before confronting her which will make Madison a little salty she didn’t get a reaction she wanted.
-Madison and Smoke get along very well. He, unlike Sledge or Mute, praises Madison’s pranks on Thatcher. He’ll occasionally join in too. The two share a few drinks every few nights and a small rumour has started the two may have spent a night in the same bed if ya catch my drift.
-Mute and Madison don’t get along. At all. She tried being friendly but Mute shut that down almost immediately and a little rudely. It doesn’t help that he isn’t a fan of her pranks either. They don’t enjoy each other’s company.
-Madison and Ash are very distant. The two don’t talk much, but neither has a bad opinion of each other. When the two do talk, it is because of their jobs. 
-Thermite was actually one of Madison’s first friends when she first joined Rainbow. The two share a lot of bad jokes with each other over a few drinks. He’s the one that tends to cheer her up during tough times.
-Castle and Madison have gotten along very well. Their relationship is more neutral as the two don’t talk much but when they do, it’s a joyous conversation and the two can’t stop joking or laughing. Add Thermite in the mix and the base won’t be silent for hours.
-Pulse and Madison have a semi-close relationship. The two often talk when it comes to missions, training or their gadgets and how they can improve them. Pulse has actually taken her under his wing when it comes to combat training.
-Madison and Twitch don’t have any opinions on each other. In fact, they don’t talk at all. Madison can’t recall the last time they talked to each other. Madison is interested in Twitch’s drone, perhaps she’ll inquire about it soon.
-Montagne and Madison have a good relationship. She appreciates his kindness and his ability to keep calm when others can’t seem to do the same. He’s usually the peace-keeper between her and Lion’s fights.
-Doc and Madison are at odds. They don’t appreciate each other’s ways of medical care/treatment. But at the request of Harry, Doc has begun to mentor Madison. 
-Madison often protects Rook as if he’s her child, despite their close age-gap. Rook doesn’t mind, he actually likes the sweet attention she gives him. 
-Madison has shown her distaste for Glaz. She doesn’t like what he does, which is sniping. Glaz doesn’t seem to care and doesn’t acknowledge her or her feelings. 
-Fuze and Madison haven’t talked much. They’ve shared their greetings but the two don’t seem interested in becoming anything more than just co-workers. 
-Kapkan and Madison got off on the wrong foot when Madison shared her distaste for Glaz. The two have gotten a bit better although there still is that odd atmosphere. The two occasionally go for drinks with Tachanka every few weeks.
-Tachanka and Madison have gotten along great. The two talk a lot during and outside training. They go out for drinks every few weeks but there have been a few arguments between the two. Mainly over the Spetsnaz and JTF2 quarrel. 
-Blitz and Madison are very close. The two get along swimmingly, especially with their senses of humour. They chat a lot in their free time and enjoy each other’s company a lot. Even if Blitz doesn’t like most of Madison’s pranks.
-IQ and Madison have an odd standing. Their conversations are awkward and a tad bit uncomfortable. Both avoid each other for now. 
-Jäger and Madison are good friends. She enjoys chatting with him when they’re in the same room. With their shared creativity and curiosity, the two create new devices or odd ways to improve their own devices. Which doesn’t always work out but at least they try.
-Bandit is Madison’s prank buddy. The two are best friends and it’s been like that ever since Madison joined Team Rainbow. The two just kinda clicked and it’s a given since the two might as well be twins from different mothers. 
-Buck has piqued Madison’s interest romantically. The two met in the Canadian Armed Forces but the two never talked before Buck left. She tries to be around him and socialize with him but Buck keeps his distance like he does with other operators. Madison is confused about how Buck feels about her.
-Frost is a good friend of Madison. She’s often the down-to-earth support and adviser Madison needs when she has some problems. The two have a more serious, less-joking kind of friendship and both seem to keep it that way.
-Madison and Blackbeard get along surprisingly well. Madison was actually a bit timid when she first saw Blackbeard, she thought he’d be some sort of no-nonsense, all serious business kind of guy. But she was only semi-right. Blackbeard is actually a laid-back guy outside work and the two get along fine during those times. 
-Valkyrie and Madison are more casual acquaintances. They’ll greet each other in the halls and occasionally talk during gatherings but it’s nothing more. 
-Capitao and Madison don’t talk. At all.
-Caveira and Madison don’t like each other. Their personalities clash and they disagree a lot over the littlest things. Atmospheres tend to grow tense when both are in the same room.
-Hibana and Madison are naturally close through Pulse. The two have grown a sisterly bond and often defend one another against others. Hibana will occasionally train Madison when Pulse isn’t around to do so.
-Echo and Madison are neutral on each other. They’ve met but their relationship won’t be going anywhere. 
-Jackal and Madison have had some conversations. She’s mainly concerned over his insomnia although he tends to reassure her that nothing is wrong. The two aren’t good friends, more like acquaintances. 
-Mira and Madison have become good friends. Mira will teach Madison a few things while she works on some of the gadgets. The two have also become secret gossip buddies. 
-Ying and Madison are acquaintances. They don’t talk often but Ying will admit that it is nice to have Madison around, it cheers her up.
-Lesion and Madison haven’t talked much but neither has gotten any gut feelings about each other so they leave each other alone.
-Zofia and Madison don’t like each other. Neither can explain why, other than “she takes things too seriously” or “she’s too laid-back”. 
-Ela and Madison have done the occasional prank on each other or another operator. Madison isn’t as close to Ela like she is with Bandit but they’re good friends
707th SMB
-Dokkaebi is also like a sister to Madison although, she isn’t as friendly as Hibana. Dokkaebi’s a little more direct and blunt to Madison which Madi appreciates a lot because she needs someone to slap her with the cold, hard truth sometimes. Overall, a strong relationship.
-Vigil and Madison haven’t talked yet but Madison considers Vigil weird and odd. Madison wanted to talk to him at first but after a week of joining Rainbow, that desire died down. 
-Lion and Madison hate each other. They can’t stand each other and display this almost daily. The two can often be found in arguments over the tiniest of things. Look at them in the wrong way? Huge fight. Overall, they wish to murder each other.
-Finka scares Madison but the two do talk when they go out drinking. Madison often has to keep Finka from jumping onto Tachanka while drunk. The two don’t talk much but when they do, it’s pleasant conversations.
-Madison finds Maestro pleasant but a little forward. She enjoys his jokes and loves his stories. She could listen to Maestro’s stories for hours and she actually has. She considers the two good friends.
-Madison and Alibi have neutral opinions on each other. Well, Madison does, Alibi keeps her eyes on Madison. Alibi doesn’t fully trust Madison just yet.
-Maverick and Madison have talked occasionally. It’s a pretty neutral relationship but Maverick has made it clear Madison could come to him if anything is bothering her. Madison appreciates the offer and has returned his offer, telling him he could come to her as well.
-Clash creeps Madison out and plus, she’s kinda scared too. A screaming British cop with a shock shield? Madison will pass.
-Nomad and Madison are good friends. The two enjoy each other’s company and Madison loves watching Nomad sketch out a few drawings. She finds it peaceful. She’ll go to Nomad if she needs to calm down which happens often when she’s been around Lion. Nomad doesn’t mind, Madison always makes her laugh.
-Kaid and Madison don’t get along. Madison doesn’t like Kaid’s strict training and retaliates against him. This causes him to get stricter and it starts the loop all over again. The two tend to avoid each other.
-Gridlock loves Madison. She loves teaching Madison all about engineering and considers Madison her student when it comes to the topic of engineering. Madison enjoys Gridlock’s enthusiasm and actually looks up to Gridlock as a role model.
-Mozzie and Madison love creating new gadgets or drones together. The two get together to edit their gadgets, during this time, Mozzie also teaches her about engineering. Mozzie’s been considering allowing Madison to become an aunt-like figure to his twins. 
Jaeger Corps
-Madison barely sees Nokk. The two haven’t even greeted each other yet. 
Secret Service
-As much as Madison loves to listen to stories, she finds Warden a little annoying. She will listen for a bit but she’ll leave after a half hour if she could. She can’t stand Warden, he annoys her so much.
-Amaru and Madison don’t talk much, neither seem to care for each other. 
-Goyo and Madison have had some chats and like Amaru, Goyo and Madison don’t seem to care for each other.
-Madison doesn’t trust Kali. She has this gut feeling that Kali is up to something and is very wary of Kali. Kali doesn’t seem to care for Madison. 
-Similar to Kali, Madison also doesn’t trust Wamai. Her gut is telling her that something is wrong about NIGHTHAVEN. 
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bandora-sss · 5 years
How to fix R6 siege operators part 5
My aim is to give her more choices in her loadout without making her annoying to deal with, in her current state the scorpion has the worst recoil of all the primaries and is not reliable on 10 meters or longer so most people are running her with a shutgun
Here's what I would do
Give the scorpion a normal recoil pattern like other deffender weapons but reduce the magazine size from 40+1 to 30+1 at maximum or 25+1 at minimum. Buff the damage to 26 at maximum. I know that the weapons are supposed to be as close to their real life counterparts as possible but this is for balancing sake (or they could just replace the scorpion with a weapon that we already have and isn't broken)
Her shutgun isn't op and people need to remember that it's her only competitive choice right now, and the spetnaz shutgun is nearly the same but no one complains about it because no one is using it (i personally hate semi automatic shutguns especially if they have more than 7 bullets and reload very fast) if i had to nerf it i would remove the extended barrel but increase the damage from 35 to 40 because it is supposed to be a close range weapon
Her traps do not cause any damage but they can put you at a severe disadvantage. Unlike other traps, ela can hide them anywhere and they're not bound to certain places to be effective, they have a big proximity, and you can't find them unless you have an IQ, so the best thing to do is to give them a beeping sound similar to nomad's air jabs
Although I main ela and I find her speed to be the most fun aspect about her, i think that turning her into a 2 speed like all the trap operators could be a good thing
Although her win rate (along with kapkan and ela) is at the top i think this is because people usually forget about thire traps at the last few seconds
Her traps are very dangerous but obvious/easy to spot and weak
So I think she could use a small buff and it's simple
Make her traps harder to spot
Like this
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Her gadget is fun but arguably useless
Her loadout is good
there's only three buffs that she needs
Make her gadget more quiet
Barricades won't break until she goes through them
She won't stop for a split second for whatever reason (idk if it's a bug or intentional)
This will give her more chance of surprising her enemies
After her candela's cooking mechanic got reversed her pick rate went down
Before players would throw all of her candelas and rush inside, it was overpowered and certainly not a fun thing to go against
Si to increase her pick rate I think she needs a few buffs
Increase Her LMG's rate of fire from 650 to 685 at maximum
Increase the range of her shutgun
Reduce the time it takes to fully cook her candelas
And one of the next buffs
A forth candela
Sutn grenades to deal with ADS
Smoke grenades
After his vision nerf he became the worst attacker
Even after recent buffs to reduce the movement penalty he's still at the bottom of the board with a win rate of - 5% which is lower than tachanka, clash and warden
His gadget is well balanced and his DMR is a good weapon but he can't help his teammates unless he has long range so here's what I would suggest
Replace one or both of his secondary weapons with automatic secondaries (the C75 has to be one of them) to allow him to enter the building like other attackers then hold angels
Increase the magazine size from 10+1 to 20+1
Remove frags to keep him in a sniper support role
Please share your thoughts with me on this
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mirrorworldangel · 5 years
From that list of 45 questions: 2, 8, 12, 24 & 37 for Tachanka/Kapkan, please? (it's a me, Kiki! But I'm unlogged so anon ask it is xD)
It’s alright Kiki! I got this! For you @r6shippingdelivery just to make it easier for you to find.
2. How’s their teamwork? Do they share well?
Their teamwork’s great before that, and now it's double the over-protectiveness between each other. Though, at times one of them would fuss at the other for smothering them a bit too much.
Not really, unless you ARE part of the Spetznaz. You can say they have the occasional threesomes or foursomes. If not, then отвали (fuck off)!
8. What do they like best about their partner?
Tachanka loves the way how gentle Kapkan is with small children, and being the perfect form of supportive to the teenagers. He loves how his eyes express his emotions well; how they shine and soften when he successfully makes a child smile from crying, how his sons and daughters look up to him when he shows off his skills as a hunter and how he immediately look at him after that. Tachanka also loves how deeply fiercely loyal to all of his comrades and his brilliant mind in forming team exercises that were meant for shits and giggles, how he can surprise everyone by joining forces with the ultimate pranksters of Hereford to form an unforgettable Prank War and many more scenarios he cannot count. He also likes how Kapkan can be both a tease and commanding, even when bottoming. 
Kapkan loves how truly caring Tachanka is to everybody, how he holds onto everyone like stubborn glue. He also loves his happy-go-lucky attitude, and how he manages to lighten up the mood and get make everyone his friend without making any form of effort. And that voice of his, it's like both magic and sin combining into one aphrodisiac nectar and even the hardest living beings fall under his spell!  men  Kapkan also loves his massive size, how to covers him like a warm blanket and subconsciously protects him from the dangers of the world. Also, he has a bit of a size kink.
12. Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
You are talking about Lord Tachanka and his ‘Queen’ Kapkan; of course, there’s a wedding. It's on a small scale meant for close friends and families, and I also headcanon that his niece is their flower girl, the prettiest one of all! (Thanks buddy for the adorable idea! :D)
The proposal’s I want it to be a funny story; so funny it’s ridiculous and Tachanka’s embarrassed about it that Kapkan’s eager to tell it as a threat. So let’s say...they are having some kinky sex with Kapkan riding on Tachanka’s dick, teasing a leather-hand-restrained Tachanka till, in high-sex confusion, he accidentally blurted out by asking Kapkan to marry him in between. Imagine, Tachanka who is stressed out planning for the perfect proposal, going all-in for the possible romantic ideas, and he accidentally revealed his own secret during sex!!? Of course, Kapkan accepts and rides him harder than before, but he’s never gonna let him down. EVER!!!
(So imagine after a few years, someone asks how they met, “Oh it was at work, pretty dull start. But do you wanna know how he proposed to me? Maxim!!! No!”)
How many? I can imagine them doing it between the wedding receptions, the trip to their honeymoon spot and then their honeymoon holiday. I mean, every free day is a honeymoon day!
24. Any doubts about the relationship?
The first few months, they were worried about what others might think about their relationship, especially their own teammates; Russia is not very open-minded on same-sex relationships (I think?). But once that’s solved, they were no longer worried about being affectionate in front of their friends (Tachanka I mean, Kapkan wants it to be personal he’s too public shy about it)
And there’s also about each other’s safety. Tachanka sometimes would barge head-on to keep shooting and Kapkan sometimes gets itchy-stabby happy with throwing knives on bad days, and it would cause some fights. And they scream very loudly.
37. How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
Do you even have to ask? The Spetznaz are a really close-knitted team that sticks to each other, and with two of them are in a relationship, obviously, it's gonna double up!
Children being used as bargaining chips. These scenarios 100% make them go apeshit; gone with safety and plans, go in with guns blazing. So, if any mission is involved with children, it’s best to know whatever you’re planning will go apeshit if you hire one or both of them. Worse, the other would greatly forbid them from joining that mission. (I headcanon that Kapkan still gets some PTSD from the Beslan Siege and Tachanka being more reckless than ever because he knows what it’s like to be a father, and he would fight twice as hard to get them safe, even if it cost his own life)
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dantesunbreaker · 6 years
Kapkan x Fem!Reader
This one was a request by @docsjuice. Sorry that it took so long for me to do, but I hope you like it. I basically wrote half of this story before I decided I wanted to swap their roles, so I had to do a lot of back tracking.
Steam is practically billowing from Kapkan’s ears as he angrily storms down one of the many hallways at Rainbow Six, Y/n swiftly on his tail. It takes nearly all of his strength to not whip around and clock her square in the face. It wouldn’t even matter that she is a girl. She frustrates him so much that it isn’t even funny. Somehow, she knows exactly how to get under his skin.
“Honestly, can you just fuck off already? I’ve had enough of your shit for one day, thank you very much,” he stops dead in his tracks and whirls around to stare her down when he hears that she has continued to follow him.
Y/n’s eyes are full of fury, and Kapkan swears he can see a vein pulsing angrily along her neck. It wouldn’t surprise him if he looked very similar in the moment.
“No, we are going to talk about this,” she nearly growls through gritted teeth, fists clenched so tight her knuckles turn white.
Kapkan knows what she wants to talk about, seeing as he was the one to make a comment about it as he passed her in the rec room, starting this whole fiasco. But he doesn’t have the energy to argue with her anymore. All he wants is to go back to his room, take a hot shower, and then maybe sleep for three years.
“There is nothing more to talk about,” he wants to scream, but he keeps his voice level as his eyes droop slightly. Rubbing at his eyes does nothing to hide how exhausted he feels. “You chose to ignore my instructions on a mission, and thus put innocent lives at risk.”
“Because there was a quicker and easier way to do it!” Y/n doesn’t have the decency to control the volume of her voice as she shouts angrily. Everyone across the whole base can likely hear their argument. “Why does it even matter?”
“Because sometimes the easiest method isn’t always the best method.”
“The mission was a success, and nobody died.” she bites back fiercely, tone sharp and cutting. “I don’t see why this is such a big deal for you.”
Kapkan is done. He doesn’t want to hear any of it anymore. Heaving a sigh, he moves to turn and continue down the way he had been going. Yet Y/n quickly wraps a hand firmly around his upper arm, trying to keep him in place. It is a growing struggle to stay calm.
“Hey, I wasn’t finished yet,” she spits out as he continues to look down the hall. It is at the point he can’t even look at her without it pushing him to his limits. “You aren’t leaving until you explain why you feel you have this superiority over me. I don’t need you critiquing every single thing I do.”
Finally, he has completely had enough. All restraint is gone as Kapkan effortlessly pulls from Y/n’s grasp. Spinning around, he taps her directly in the nose with his fist, not with enough force to cause any real damage, but enough to stun her into stumbling to the floor. Before she can respond or even grasp what has happened, Kapkan disappears down the hall.
“If we’re lucky, maybe you won’t make it past the next mission,” she calls down the hall after him, not sure if he can hear at this point, but she doesn’t care. “I wouldn’t miss you. Nobody would.” As soon as the words are out of her mouth, she regrets them, but there is no going back. The damage is done. Y/n doesn’t know that Kapkan has paused just on the other side of the a wall to listen to her words. She doesn’t know how her words cut him deep like a knife.
Even after all the fights they have ever had with each other, Kapkan still cares greatly for Y/n, perhaps because his feelings towards her are more than that of friends and co-workers. Despite all the fiery tenacity she displays, Kapkan couldn’t help but be enthralled with her. So, while he did not analyze her every movement, he felt the need to watch out for her on missions. Of course he thought it best to point out her decisions that not only put herself at risk, but others as well. He just wants her to stay safe, because he cares about her. At one point he thought they were at least friends, despite how much they quarrel, because through it all they still enjoy spending time together. But maybe she does not feel the same.
That night, as both operators lie in their beds, they can think of nothing else aside from that final interaction. It plagues their dreams. Y/n doesn’t know that Kapkan nearly cries as he stands under the stream of water in his shower, how he crumples to the ground as the water cascades down around him as he curls in on himself. Just as Kapkan doesn’t know how she drowns herself into the bottle of vodka he and Tachanka gave her on her birthday, trying to pretend those aren’t tears in her eyes. For Y/n can’t help but think about how it could possibly be the very last words she ever says to him. If he died on their next mission, she could never forgive herself. Yet, in the next coming days she can’t bring herself to go face him again. It seems they both make an effort to not cross paths until the day of their next mission together, two full weeks later.
While being briefed, they avoid meeting eyes, and don’t bother sharing words as they pass each other by. Not even once they are setting up to defend their objective do they say anything to each other. Each goes about their own business, setting up their own gadgets and equipment. Y/n soon regrets the silence.
Across the hallway, Y/n sees Kapkan trying to make his way back over to the objective room, where she patiently waits. But just as he takes another step, she watches his eyes go wide and his shoulders tense. In all the chaos, Y/n doesn’t clearly see what happens, but suddenly there is an explosion that fills the hall with smoke. When it clears, Kapkan is nowhere in sight.
“No, Maxim! Where are you Maxim?” she screams as she leaps from her spot, forgetting about whatever she may have been doing.
Frantically, she pulls at pieces of the wall that now lay scattered across the floor, trying to search for him beneath the rubble. Yet she comes up empty. Once again, she cries over a man that she has done nothing but fight with. It feels like it is her fault. If she hadn’t said those awful words to him, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. She is almost too distraught to hear the soft sound of somebody coughing and shifting around from the far side of the hallway. Whipping around at a near inhuman speed, Y/n sees none other than Kapkan sitting up in a pile of rubble, trying to dust himself off with his hands. Rushing to his side, almost startling the man, she is quick to assess him for injures. Luckily, he has nothing other than a few scrapes and bruises.
“You scared the crap out of me, Maxim,” Y/n sighs, helping him as he struggles to stand, his legs fiercely protesting the movement. “Don’t do that again, please.” Kapkan gives her a strange look, but still accepts her help when she offers to support some of his weight.
“Why are you so concerned about me?” he finally asks after a moment as she drags him into the objective room. At this point the fighting has seemed to stop, and Y/n suspects the rest of the team will soon be joining them again. “You made it pretty clear the other day you wouldn’t care if I died.”
The words make Y/n freeze up and wince all at the same time. She had hoped he would let that conversation drop so she wouldn’t have to acknowledge her shame. Helping Kapkan sit down on a sturdy looking crate, Y/n glances away with a sigh. It is now or never.
“I lied,”  she begins softly, wanting to meet his gaze, but afraid to lose her courage. “I would miss you more than anything in this world.” A few tears trickle down her cheek, but she hastily wipes them away, finally turning back to him. To her surprise, Kapkan wears a soft, happy smile. “Even with how much we butt heads, I can’t help but be in love with you. I’m sorry.”
“Come here,” Kapkan opens his arms and motions her over, wrapping them snug around her as she settles against his chest. “There is nothing to be sorry for,” Y/n is surprised when she feels him press a kiss to the top of her head. “I love you as well, любимая. We can make this work, but we have to be more open with each other, willing to talk things out rather than yell at each other. Are you willing?”
More tears spring to her eyes, but this time because she is happy. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry if I hurt you,” she keeps herself pressed against the hard muscles of his chest, happy that she doesn’t feel such an immense weight pressing down on her shoulders anymore.
As the rest of the team filters back into the room, the two operators are still locked in a sweet embrace. Tachanka can’t help but smile as he sees them, happy to see that they finally have gotten up the courage to express their true feelings for each other. Maybe now Kapkan will stop whining about her and his feelings towards her all the time when they drink together.
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Hiiii!! Happy 400 Followers! can I pls request 💖💫❄️ for Glaz if that’s ok? thank you :D
✨ Solari Says: Thank you, thank you!! I'm really happy to be here! I hope you enjoy reading along!
gif credit to the OP.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The start of your friendship is the most conventional. He was the quiet Russian in a group of boisterous bodies, but not in the same fashion of quiet as Maxim. He didn't seem scary, just not one to engage without having reason to do so. But somehow, you managed to break the ice and found that he is one of the most loyal and supportive friends that you could have in your corner. Trust and honor mean a lot to Timur, therefore he is one of the most dedicated bodies that you could have met.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down with someone that he appreciates and loves is one of Timur's lifelong goals. He wants to feel at home with someone who supports him and his hobbies. That appreciates him, even when he's feeling a little more reclusive. Timur is exceptional at cleaning--his home is spotless aside from his corner that he paints in. He makes due with his cooking, though, not being the most talented but not being awful at it either.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Timur would absolutely want to get married. Commitment is something he isn't scared of, next.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is the most gentle soul out of all the Russians and I think this speaks levels about how he acts, next question.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are what fuels him throughout the day, really, so he's always coming to you for one. He also accepts Tachanka's back breaking hugs on a particularly good day, as much as his body regrets it afterwards.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn't. Next.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are very sweet and comforting. Should they be in your private time, they're very passionate and kind. He doesn't mind wherever he's kissed, as long as he's getting them. He won't mind at all. Head kisses are the most common in public settings, though.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Not easily angered at all unless it involved you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers absolutely everything and it's kind of scary.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory was a time out with him near a lake. You brought a blanket, and you both sat there for hours talking. You didn't even notice the sketchbook in his hands, and it's the first time he really saw you. He ultimately decided to immortalize you once you distracted him enough, and you keep the piece close to heart but don't have the guts to ask him for it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Timur is very protective in his own, sweet way. Always checking in, but not being unbearable. If it came down to someone insulting you or trying to harass you, though, then his ugly side begins to show--and it's not something that someone would want to see again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
When it comes to dates and gifts, he always keeps you in mind. He tries to include something he absolutely knows you love, and gives his utmost attempt to keep you entertained and loved.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He spoons, somehow, someway. His subconsciousness with always find a way to wrap his arms around you. Or vise versa.
Your wedding is rather small, reserved for only family and close friends of you both. He'd rather not be too flashy with it, as quiet of a man as he normally is. He's absolutely elated that you agreed though, because it was absolutely him that popped the question when he takes you back to the lake where he fell in love--just so he could fall in love again.
He is crying, no doubt. Timur isn't that much of a crier to begin with, but seeing you clad in your wedding attire makes him choke up. And it's not because this is the most beautiful you look--you always look beautiful to him. It's because what you decided to don was decided with him in mind, that it's the outfit where you both agree to take another leap of faith into something greater.
His vows are poetic and emotional, and even though he has tears on his cheeks he is saying them with such grace and form. It's probably going to make you cry, really, because his vows paint such a vivid image of an unbreakable bond.
First speech? He's teasing you, absolutely. Nothing embarrassing, promise, but he's still laying it on thick with jokes and making the room light up in laughter. For someone who's so quiet, you didn't peg him for a comedian. However, the more emotional bits of it about him falling in love with you? You're a blubbering mess again.
First dance is seeping with romance and it's so palpable that you could cut it with a butter knife. Are you surprised? Absolutely not.
Since wedding photos are a must, candid photos are the best because all of them are of Timur smiling proudly. The ones with you, though, he's never looking at the camera. He's always looking at you, and you can see every single bit of love he holds in the color of his bright blue eyes.
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Rainbow Six Tag List: @kind-wolf General Tag List: @angelaiswriting :|: @tsumethedrifter :|: @sazafraz
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kiruuuuu · 6 years
Tachanka/Vigil oneshot in which Tachanka is sensible and an upstanding member of society. (Rating E, filth and depravity, dubcon, humiliation? all the good stuff basically, ~3.2k words) - written for @blitznbandit  IN EXCHANGE FOR THIS BEAUTY
Tachanka is a reasonable man. He knows what to expect from life, knows his limits and knows how to stay in control – of himself, his temper, most situations. He’s practical, independent, realistic and doesn’t give a damn about what people think; he’s being paid to protect civilians, not to care. Some people give him shit for it, most don’t dare, it’s all the same to him. He values loyalty higher than friendship because friends might still stab you in the back, though a mix is unsurprisingly ideal: people who will protect him with their lives despite what they think of him are good company though his boys are the best company, sticking to him like glue and family and blood brothers for no other reason than they belong. The blind devotion is not something he could explain.
Regardless, he’s not a passionate man. Overwhelming emotions are biased and justice needs to be devoid of emotions, objective, neutral or else it’s not fair, cannot claim to be just. It’s a principle that follows him throughout his life, guides his social interactions and colours his relationships that have always been benefit-oriented, pragmatic, sensible. Mind games are not for him, he’s brutally honest to a fault and makes his intentions clear. The ones who can appreciate that in him have proven excellent partners.
And then there’s this young Korean with his nervous smiles and restless hands and he fucking pisses Tachanka off. It’s like he was raised in a barn, never learned to speak up, make eye contact or behave like a goddamn normal human being. Just seeing him in the first week after he joins Rainbow is enough to spark Tachanka's anger and during a briefing, he snaps, has had enough of Vigil hovering uncertainly in the background and barks at him to sit the fuck down and not be such a nuisance. Oh, and how he comes to regret this loss of composure the very next second.
Because Vigil’s eyes go wide, he freezes for a heartbeat before almost throwing himself onto the next available chair, visibly shaken and intimidated, avoids looking at Tachanka and oh.
That’s interesting. The boy is scared of him.
The realisation is too delicious to ignore. Vigil probably dreads interacting with most of the other operators, that much is clear, yet Tachanka has never seen him react this fast or obey without question. He decides to test his theory by snapping at him a few more times, giving more and more ridiculous orders that the boy carries out quietly and without even telling on him and it’s… he can’t lie to himself, it gives him ideas. If he’s very honest, he wants to hold him down and fuck him until he can’t walk and this is surprising. Because Tachanka is not a passionate man. He doesn’t let himself be swayed by whimsical notions, flights of fancy.
Tachanka is a reasonable man. He’s a generous lover and demands explicit consent. He’s not lacking in options usually, so why attempt to take what isn’t his? He has a type: self-sufficient, confident, preferably his age, composed and experienced in bed. He rarely strays from the tried and tested formula, everything else just begs for trouble.
So why is he grabbing this infuriating Korean boy by the collar and stuffing him into the supply closet again? He really should stop this before it gets out of hand. “You’d look so pretty gagging on my cock”, he tells Vigil without meaning to and no, who is he kidding, the sight would be delectable.
And then the moment of truth happens. Because while Vigil still looks terrified, he sinks down to his knees and puts his hands on Tachanka's belt, biting his lip and eyelids fluttering nervously. Tachanka has trouble believing what he sees but he’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
The whole affair is messy, Vigil has really no idea of what he’s doing, drools all over himself and chokes repeatedly yet he’s astonishingly determined, uses his hands and tries to swallow as much of Tachanka's dick as he can, allows him to push his head forwards, at some point just grips Tachanka's thighs and holds on for dear life as he thrusts into his mouth not as deeply as he’d like to. Tachanka comes with a loud groan, unloading first down Vigil’s throat and then on his face while he’s coughing. He was right though. He does look extremely pretty.
“What am I supposed to do with you?”, he grumbles, wipes some of his come off Vigil’s brow and pushes his finger between the wet and swollen lips. The young man merely sucks on it, looks up at him, wordless yet calmer than Tachanka has ever seen him outside of a mission. He makes a decision. This lost soul needs guidance.
Two fingers hooked into the already tight collar, ready to pull if necessary, Tachanka muses on how quickly his pet has improved. He’s sitting on his bed, Vigil on the floor between his legs, obediently lapping and sucking at him, still struggling to fit all of Tachanka's length into his throat but a sharp tug on the leather between his fingers convinces Vigil to at least try. His mouth is a wet heat of which Tachanka can’t get enough, his lips silky and his chokes music to his ears. “You’re such an eager little slut”, he murmurs because Vigil is and in response the young man glances up at him, perpetually worrying about whether he’s doing it right, some pride sneaking in whenever Tachanka lets out a pleased groan. “Go deeper. You know how I like it.”
He couldn’t even say how often they’ve done this by now, Tachanka dragging the Korean to his room at the end of the day, demanding things some of which worry even him in quiet moments and Vigil obeying for reasons unknown, ready to learn and readier to hand himself over to Tachanka completely. The power his words and gestures hold is intoxicating, the rush he feels when Vigil silently obliges addicting – he can’t get enough of the shy gazes, the occasional hesitation, the complete and utter submission. A tongue slides over the underside of his cock and he growls, so Vigil does it again and holds his breath when Tachanka pulls him in and holds him there, enjoying the tight heat of the Korean’s throat working around him as Vigil tries to swallow.
This is one of his favourite parts, together with the way Vigil shudders around his thick fingers on the occasions Tachanka feels generous enough and preps him himself: he can see tears forming in the corners of Vigil’s eyes, desperation seeping in as the need for air increases and yet he keeps perfectly still, for some reason trusting Tachanka not to go overboard. “You’re the perfect plaything”, Tachanka says, “you wouldn’t even care if you passed out, eh? Die happily as long as my dick’s anywhere inside you.”
For obvious reasons, Vigil doesn’t answer but Tachanka notices movement in his peripheral vision where there should be none. Mercilessly, he drags Vigil off his length and barks at him while he’s gasping and gulping in air: “Who told you you could touch yourself?” He kicks the offending hand away from the Korean’s crotch, earns a whine and presses his sole against the weeping erection, makes Vigil’s eyes widen and his hips actually buck into Tachanka's foot even though the pressure can’t be comfortable. “Keep your fucking hands off your useless dick, it’s not like you’re ever going to fuck anything with it anymore.”
Vigil is too far gone already, there’s this reckless glint in his eyes that means Tachanka can basically do whatever he wants, say whatever comes to mind – in this state, he’s malleable, gives himself up completely and Tachanka has to admit he capitalises on this. The first few times, it took a while for the younger man to reach this state, nowadays his own fingers up his ass and Tachanka's cock down his throat already do the trick. With reddened cheeks, he pulls his fingers out and uses that hand to support himself, leans back while the other wraps around Tachanka's foot, keeping it in place as he grinds his hips against it, moaning wantonly. He reminds Tachanka of a dog in heat, desperate for any stimulation, begging to be allowed to mate.
His toes push against the dark head and Vigil’s breath hitches. His lips are shiny from spit and precum, the black collar a tasteful contrast to his pale skin and Tachanka wants to destroy him. He never stopped irritating the Russian, his social skills have barely improved over time and he steadfastly refuses to open up about his demons. Still. They don’t need to talk while Tachanka fucks him.
“Get on the bed”, he orders with a last push of his foot before he withdraws it and Vigil scrambles to do so, crawls onto the sheets on his hands and knees, grips the fabric in anticipation but Tachanka is not having it. He’s used to Vigil’s habit of trying to conceal his face, so he kneels behind him, takes a moment to appreciate the view of his inviting hole, his erection pointing down, his strong legs and muscled back before he brings down his hand on one of the round buttocks forcefully and with a loud smack that makes Vigil jolt, gasp and look back at him hurt and confused. “Turn around, you’re not going to hide from me. I want to see what a whore you are.”
The Korean’s expression turns conflicted and he even starts to protest: “But – I don’t –”
Another slap, this one harder and leaving behind an extremely satisfying red handprint. Tachanka knows that the younger man likes the pain, sometimes is even sloppy in his preparation on purpose so he can feel it more keenly; Tachanka always notices and never holds back. “Don’t make me punish you.” Predictably, Vigil chews on his lower lip a little longer so Tachanka spanks him another time, hitting the same patch of skin that must be tender by now but at least it convinces Vigil to lie down on his back, legs spread and visibly embarrassed. “I’m not going to hold back for you.”
The younger man nods, the blush deepening, so Tachanka lubes up his throbbing cock, scoots closer and hooks Vigil’s legs over his shoulders unceremoniously. He knows Vigil hates this position, feels exposed, he reads it in the way he avoids eye contact and tenses up. Tachanka guides his tip with one hand, lines it up and pushes into the waiting ring of muscle, increases the force when he feels resistance, hears Vigil utter a strangled moan. His limbs relax, his face goes slack and he’s utterly lost now, drowning under Tachanka and revelling in the feeling of being filled. Tachanka is familiar with it, has seen it countless times before and never gets tired of it, just like he never tires of the tightness that encompasses him right now, clenches around him and soothes his need.
Once he’s bottomed out, he pauses to examine the Korean under him, cheeks pink and a thin sheen of sweat covering his body, returning his gaze dazedly. “I wonder what that colleague of yours would say if she saw you like this”, he ponders out loud and though most of his words are lost on Vigil in this state, these ones penetrate the fog in his mind, induce a slight panic Tachanka whole-heartedly enjoys. “Impaled on my cock, begging for it, shameless. Hm? What do you think she’d say?”
He doesn’t give Vigil any opportunity to answer, instead pulls out almost all the way and slams back in, forcing another moan out of Vigil’s abused throat that he likes so much he does it again straight away. The walls of Vigil’s insides accommodate him effortlessly, he was thorough today, probably anticipating Tachanka's impatience and urge to inflict discomfort – Vigil is not bad at reading his moods. Maybe he should really keep him.
The pace he sets is brutal but nothing the younger man can’t handle, his nails digging into creamy thighs as his hips snap forward again and again, his shaft driving into the willing body that’s really quite pleasing to look at, Tachanka has to admit. Vigil’s got a lot going for him. Most of all he’s tight and compliant, allows himself to be bossed around and Tachanka finds himself wondering how far he’ll actually go. “You think I should invite someone to watch?”, he grunts, his words emphasised by hard thrusts, the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the space between them, “I bet my boys would appreciate the sight.”
He can feel Vigil clench around him, added stimulation to the already heady sensation of shagging him raw that’s starting to cloud his mind, lust pulsing through his body. He indulges in the fantasy, imagines Kapkan lazily jerking off to the two of them, egging Tachanka on, Fuze impatiently grabbing one of Vigil’s hands so he can fuck his fist. On a whim, he stops, pulls out his cock and forces Vigil’s knees almost down to his head, displaying his hungry entrance for his viewing pleasure and teases the rim with the tip of his erection, the touch electrifying and the effect on the younger man just as intended.
Vigil’s eyes are wide and wild and almost black, mouth gaping open in shock, his hands scrabbling for purchase, digging into Tachanka's hips, trying to get him to continue, despairing and frantic and oh so lovely. “What do you want? Use your words, kid.” He drags his shaft along the entrance and can’t suppress a smirk at how the Korean trembles at the feeling.
“I need –” He’s gasping like a fish out of water, usually Tachanka doesn’t stop once he’s started the merciless pummelling, only today he craves seeing Vigil squirm. “Please, please, just –” A helpless groan claws its way out of his throat as Tachanka forces his thick head back inside, feeling the sphincter contract around him, only to withdraw yet again. “Tachanka”, Vigil whines and he almost can’t resist the sudden urge to slam back home upon hearing his name, instead he keeps dipping his tip in slowly.
“We could share you”, he continues and watches the Korean writhe under him, roll his hips into nothing, his neglected penis dripping precum, “your hole can take a beating. The boys can pass you around and you’d still be gagging for my cock, even filled with their cum you’d come begging.” The friction is overwhelming, his control waning. He can’t keep this up for much longer but he wants to hear Vigil admit to how much he’s come to rely on Tachanka.
“Yes”, Vigil whispers and nods his head eagerly, “yes, please.”
“Please what?” The younger man is conflicted, embarrassed, so Tachanka unhurriedly slides in all the way, forcing him to inhale deeply and stretch uncomfortably, still folded in half. “Look at me, you dirty slut.”
The younger man struggles to oblige and shudders as Tachanka pulls out once more, leaving him empty and gaping. “Tachanka.” His voice is quiet, broken, pleading. “Take me. I need you.”
It’s good enough. He growls and snaps his hips forward, breaching him and reaching deep into Vigil’s insides, satisfying the primal desire pulsing in his groin. Again his thrusts are merciless, his mind still toying with the idea of whoring Vigil out, watching idly as his boys stuff him on both ends, culminating in him dominating the younger man, using their cum as lube and marking him with his teeth, scratching him up so he doesn’t forget to whom he belongs, at whose mercy he ultimately is.
His hips are moving on their own, fast and so hard Vigil has to relinquish his hold on the bedsheets to grip the headboard, moaning in ecstasy and sinking deep into his almost spiritual state of pleasure with which Tachanka is intimately familiar. He himself makes no attempts to suppress any noises either, grunting and groaning at the feel of velvety heat around his cock, muscles convulsing around him, pleasure building up with each sharp thrust.
“Don’t come before I do”, he pants and Vigil understands, wraps a hand around his twitching shaft and pumps himself in time with Tachanka's thrusts, aiming to time his orgasm to the one that’s fast approaching in the Russian, inevitable and quicker than usual, a result of the mental image of Kapkan humping Vigil with a blissful look on his face while Glaz kneels over his face and feeds a blushing Vigil his cock in small movements. He could probably genuinely convince Kapkan to join them – Vigil himself needs no coercion, Tachanka's word alone is enough. That, or he just jams his fingers up his ass and massages him until the Korean doesn’t care about anything anymore.
The tightness is becoming too much: now that Vigil’s jerking himself, he contracts even more around Tachanka's girth, sucking him in greedily. Tachanka decides he doesn’t look out of it enough and adjusts the angle, points his thrusts upwards and drags his cock over Vigil’s prostate which earns him a strangled gasp and an even tighter passageway, so he keeps at it, making the Korean tremble and keen, hears himself moan at the increased friction.
He is pushed over the edge when Vigil cries his name, his actual name, the syllables foreign on his tongue and the pronunciation wrong but Tachanka's dick quite obviously doesn’t care. With a last thrust, he slams into the Korean and stays there, shoots his sperm into his guts and feels Vigil come around him, clamp down in waves as he shivers and spurts come all over himself, both of them lost in their own orgasm. Tachanka feels pure bliss, all tension and stress drained out of him, sweet relief the only thing that remains. He lets Vigil’s insides milk him, extract every last bit of viscous liquid out of him, then he withdraws.
For a few moments, he basks in the afterglow, relaxes his limbs and admires the utterly fucked out mess before him. Vigil is still catching his breath, avoiding Tachanka's gaze and trying to cross his legs to hide his shame but Tachanka spreads them, strokes his thigh with one hand and touches the pad of a finger on the other to the abused hole, making Vigil jump. Curiously, he pushes in, feels the muscle grip it tightly, feels his own warm semen inside, swats Vigil’s hand away as he tries to interfere, discomfort written clearly in his expression. It’s tempting.
“Maybe I should really get someone else to fuck you before I do”, he muses. Surprisingly, it’s not all trepidation on the Korean’s face at this, he believes to have spotted something else too. Excitement.
Thinking about it, maybe he shouldn’t share Vigil after all. Others might want to corrupt him, he should protect him from possibly negative influences. After all, Tachanka is a reasonable man.
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r6shippingdelivery · 4 years
Sudden urge to eat corn... anyway how about some headcanons about Fuze in the poly!Spesnatz relationship? It can be anything from fluff to smut. The corn tho...
Eating corn, eh? I’m sure Fuze would too, iykwim 😏  Coming right up, Fuze centric poly!Spetsnaz HCs, but I can’t promise there will be corn in there 😂
- While the four of them get along reasonably well most of the time, the one Fuze has always felt more comfortable with is Glaz, and the one with whom he clashes more often is Kapkan (mainly because it feels like Kapkan gets jealous sometimes, whether of Fuze getting attention from someone else, or from not having Fuze’s attention, he’s not always sure which).
- Fuze’s grandma was, surprisingly enough, the one from all their families who reacted the best to the news that they were all together. The only other person who was completely okay with it was Kapkan’s little niece, who caught them kissing. Although she insisted she would marry Fuze when she was older, so he’s not sure how well the kid understood their explanation.
- Fuze designs weapons, and he's the only person Tachanka allows to modify his antique guns. It was Fuze who convinced him to turn his LMG into a primary weapon instead of an extra, and then ofc gave him an explosive gadget because Fuze loves explosions.
- Sleeping arrangements can get complicated. Sometimes, it’s nice having a bed just for him, or sleeping with just one of his lovers. But often they’d like to cuddle all together in a single bed, and finding a mattress big enough for the four of them was complicated (but totally worth it).
- Oftentimes, he will find himself at the mercy of either Glaz or Tachanka, while the other fucks Kapkan. And sometimes, they’ll get into a little competition of sorts to see who can make his partner peak first, or more times than the other. Or simply change partners for the second round, depends on their mood at the moment.
- They are all incredibly protective of Fuze, since his quiet yet also brusque character can make things difficult with some of the other ops. So far, they run constant intereference to keep Ying away from Fuze, as well as Kali since she made her displeasure known after Fuze started studying Wamai’s gagdet. Things are quite frosty with the Canadians too, but that’s a general team problem, not just a Fuze problem.
- They aren’t out to the rest of Rainbow yet. Some have their suspicions, but most don’t take that seriously. Most egregious example of that mentality is Harry. To him, the Spetsnaz are just a very united team, very affectionate too. A bit closed off to the rest of the ops, but that’s just because they’re surly bastards, right?
- Finka knows the truth because she’s walked into some scenes she didn’t want to see. It was pretty awkward. But she supports them and helps quiet down the rumors whenever she can. Still, the rumour mill has also paired her up with all the Spetsnaz at some point, except for Fuze. He doesn’t know if to be slightly offended or amused.
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