#tales of the sano family
celestica-1988 · 7 months
An headcanon for every Tokyo Revengers character. Some are funny, other are not.
Mikey favorite holiday is Halloween cause he can eat as many sweets as he wants and nobody can tell him shit.
Draken secretly wants to go to a spa with Emma. Draken babysits Toman, Emma takes care of the Sano household and they need to rest. He gets flustered if he thinks about sharing a bed with her or taking a bath together at the offsprings.
Baji feeds stray cats and others animals. Animals are naturally drawn to him for some reasons.
Chifuyu likes to watch TV programs of plane crashes. He dreams to be a pilot and he wants to learn how to avoid situations like the ones in the programs.
Takemichi started reading and watching thrillers in the hope they help him sharpen his ability to investigate
Kazutora still has nightmares of his father beating his mother.
Mitsuya keeps himself updated on what is popular amongs kids so he can sew cool things to his sisters like clothes or stuffed animal.
Hakkai is secretly learning Italian since he loves the Godfather series.
Taiju favorite film is Shark Tale.
Pahchin sleeps cuddling his dog.
Pehyan reads scientific books so he can came up with more witty come backs on Pahchin brain.
Angry is really loved by the elderly people in his neighborhood because he's always ready to help them in any way despite his grumpy face. One of the grannies taught him the perfect recipe for ramen.
Smiley is an hardcore naruhina shipper and won't hesitate to fight if someone insults his otp.
When Mucho saw Sanzu for the first time he thought he seemed like a stray cat. That's why he approached him with food aka cheesecake.
Sanzu would like to fix his relationship with Senju but he doesn't know how. Senju is always with Takeomi and he hates Takeomi. He's also scared that if he stops checking on Mikey, even for a second, something bad will happen to him and Shinichiro would have died in vain.
Kisaki has an album of pics of Hinata that he took when she didn't notice.
Hanma really loves movies with a lot of action and comments loud every scene of violence saying what he would have done instead if he was the protagonist.
Kokonoi talks about his days and his thoughts to a framed pic of Akane. He feels like she's still with him.
Inui plays guitar and he's interested in spiritism.
Izana throws darts to a Karen Kurokawa pic pinned on the wall because she ruined his life and his relationship with Emma and Shinichiro.
Kakucho shaves his hair by himself. He's not comfortable with people touching his scar.
Shion is unexpectedly good with children. He's a bit chaotic but overall a good babysitter.
Mochi is really good at cooking and he's proud of it.
Rindou started going to the gym because he was tired of being teased for his chubby cheeks. His guilty pleasure is eating Mac Donald food.
Ran loves 70s lamps, the one with bubbles that are moving up and down inside. They help him sleep.
South loves to dance Latin dances like samba, cha cha cha, rumba etc...
Wakasa has got some fishing trophies in his apartment.
Benkei appears as a tough guy but he loves to sleep with plushies.
Shinichiro has got an organizer that uses as his diary in which he writes his thoughts and notes all of his siblings birthdays.
Takeomi is always scolded by his relatives because of how he wasted his life, raised Haru to be a lunatic and ruined the relationship between Haru and Senju.
Hinata secretly trains in martial arts to help Takemichi, even though she knew he probably won't let her take part in a fight.
Emma often thinks at how good it would be if Izana lives with them. She wants him to have a family.
Yuzuha listen to heavy metal as a let out of her frustration for living with Taiju.
Senju sometimes wants to be adopted by Wakasa so she won't have Takeomi around and maybe Sanzu would visit her. She also hate Concordes.
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haitani-bruvz · 1 year
Chapter 3
First Meetings: Mikey
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Shinichiro x Reader, Mikey x Reader, Izana x Reader
Chapter preview: Introduction part 3 of 3. Reader's first time meeting Mikey.
Series TW: Yandere, smut, murder, noncon/dubcon, drugging, kidnapping, pseudo-incest (reader is considered a sibling but not blood-related), physical abuse, emotional abuse, mentions of child abuse and neglectful parents, ages of characters are shifted around a bit (Shin is younger)
July 25th, 1998 No amount of caution could have prepared you for the blazing fire that was Manjiro Sano.
The sun beamed down warmly as you found yourself once again at the local 7/11, a familiar destination since meeting Shinichiro just a couple of weeks prior. It had become a tradition of sorts, as he had been visiting almost every day, taking you out for various adventures, both alone and with Izana. In the past week, you had explored new places, shared laughter, and made memories you were sure would last forever. As you walked together, savoring the cold treats he purchased, a sense of anticipation filled your heart, wondering what exciting stories Shinichiro had in store for you this time.
His voice echoed in your mind as you recalled his stories, the teen often boasting about his remarkable fighting skills and the numerous bike enthusiasts who sought his expertise. While you weren't foolish enough to blindly believe his words, especially if the countless bruises littering his body and Izana's teasing callouts were anything to go by, you couldn't help but be captivated by his ambitions. He spoke with confidence, painting a picture of a future where he would open his own motorcycle shop- a place that would be a safe haven for delinquents and outcasts of every shape and form.
But despite the charm in his spirited narratives, a sense of unease crept into you.
Darkness was hidden beneath the surface, an unsettling feeling that lingered within. Shinichiro, who had always been accepting and kind, seemed to be holding back more and more with every interaction. There were moments when his eyes seemed distant, as if he was purposefully concealing certain details, hints of shadows lurking in his tales.
The very thought perplexed you, for he had always been open and forthcoming. Yet subtle clues in his demeanor whispered of secrets. Confusion washed over you as you questioned your own instincts. Why did you feel this discomfort, this uneasiness, when everything between the two of you had been nothing short of genuine warmth and friendship?
Being with the teen had Shadows dancing at the edge of your consciousness, teasing you with half-formed memories that refused to fully materialize. For instance, you had never touched a motorcycle before meeting Shin, let alone ridden one, so why did the weight of the helmet and the scent of the rubber feel so familiar? Why had you known exactly where to place your hands and feet?
And it wasn't like it was an isolated experience either- an invisible thread connected him and Izana, binding them together in shared secrets that eluded your grasp.
Since Shinichiro started visiting more frequently and your relationship grew, Izana's restlessness intensified. His already short temper seemed to shrink even further, lashing out at anyone within a 6-foot radius. Finding a mere five minutes of solitude became a rare luxury as Izana's grip tightened around your throat, dictating your every move with an iron hand. Even Kakucho, who was usually lax on the 'rules' when Izana wasn't around, took the new role of personal guardian extremely seriously. The only reason you found yourself on this ice cream outing today was because the tanned boy insisted on your absence from the orphanage, claiming that he had personal matters that he didn't want you in attendance for. Despite the challenges and secrecy that surrounded him, you couldn't help but love and be profoundly grateful for his presence in your life. Through it all, he had been a fiercely loyal and caring friend, offering protection and support when you needed it most.
You often speculated on what his life might have been like before the orphanage. Did his parents die like yours and Kaku's did? Was he abandoned like some of the other kids were? Whatever happened, you know his reluctance to speak about it only further fed into your belief that it was his pain that forged the protective shield around him. It was easy to convince yourself that his overbearing nature stemmed from a place of genuine concern and care. After all, it was only natural for someone who had experienced loss to be fiercely protective over those they held dear. With each passing day, you couldn't help but construct a narrative that lent understanding to Izana's behavior, almost as if his undisclosed past justified his actions in the present. In doing so, you unknowingly excused the uneasiness you sometimes felt, seeking solace in the belief that his intentions were pure and his overprotectiveness was a testament to his love for you.
Lost in thought, your attention only snaps back to reality when Shinichiro calls your name a second time. Raising your gaze, you become aware of how long you've been staring blankly at your spoon. Offering him an apologetic smile, you silently hope that he didn't catch onto your deep distraction.
"Sorry, what did you say?" You ask him, trying to sound as casual as possible.
A small smile tugged at the corners of Shinichiro's lips as he spoke, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Well, my birthday is coming up in a couple of days, and I wanted to know if you'd like to come over to my house for dinner. It's going to be a small gathering, just my grandpa and a few others," he explained, a hopeful tone in his voice.
You felt a flutter of excitement in your chest at the invitation, realizing that it would be your first time attending a real birthday party. It was a chance to be a part of Shinichiro's special day, to share in the warmth and celebration of his family, something you never got to experience in your own home.
"I'd love to come, Shin-nii! Thank you for inviting me," you replied, a huge smile brightening your face.
But then, Shinichiro's expression shifted slightly, a shadow of hesitance crossing his face. "There's something you should know, though," he said, his voice taking on a tone of concern. "Izana… well, I'm sure you've noticed that he's not very comfortable around people he doesn't know. It stresses him out, and I don't want him to feel uneasy during the meal." He paused for a moment, turning his gaze to search your expression before continuing, "That's why I think it's best if we keep it a secret from him."
Conflicting emotions stirred within you. On one hand, you understood where Shin was coming from. His genuine concern for Izana was apparent; He knew the boy much longer than you had, and you didn't want him to feel overwhelmed or forced into a situation that made him uncomfortable. But on the other hand, a small part of you questioned the true intentions behind Shinichiro's request. Was it solely for Izana's well-being, or was something else hidden beneath the surface? He never had seemed to have a problem bringing Izana around others before,so what made this time so different…?
Your mind raced with thoughts and doubts, unsure of the best course of action. You looked at Shinichiro, searching for answers in his face, but found only sympathy and determination.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" you hesitantly voiced your concerns. "I think Izana could relax and have fun if we were there with him. Me and Kaku could maybe help if…" you trailed off before speaking again, "I don't want him to think that he isn't fun to be around."
Shinichiro's eyes held yours, his gaze unwavering. "He has his own way of handling things, (Y/N). I just thought it would be better for everyone if we kept this separate from him. It's not that I don't want him to be there, but sometimes… sometimes it's easier to avoid unnecessary conflicts," he explained, his words carrying a weight you couldn't quite grasp.
You slowly nodded as you took in his words.
Gratefulness filled Shinichiro's smile as he responded, "Thank you, (Y/N). I knew I could count on you. It means a lot to me, and I promise you'll have a great time, my grandpa makes a mean Hayashi rice!."
August 1st, 1998
The days leading up to Shinichiro's birthday had flown by, and you had successfully kept the secret hidden from Izana and Kakucho. Surprisingly, it hadn't been as challenging as you had initially expected. Both boys were serving some form of punishment following your last outing with Shin, and the two were kept separate from the rest of the kids. You didn't know the specifics, but apparently, they had snuck out and gotten into some trouble with a few middle school kids.
As for Shinichiro, you hadn't seen much of him either since that eventful day. However, a brief encounter occurred when he visited the orphanage workers to discuss Izana's current situation. During that fleeting moment, Shinichiro approached you and explained that Izana and Kaku would be on what the orphanage referred to as 'isolation' for the next two weeks. Additionally, Shinichiro mentioned that he, too, wouldn't be around as frequently due to pressing matters that required his attention at home with his grandpa. Nevertheless, he reassured you that he would be present on his birthday to pick you up and take you to his house.
The news of Izana and Kaku's isolation, along with Shinichiro's temporary absence, left a void within the familiar dynamics of your interactions. The orphanage felt eerily quiet without their presence, and it made you realize just how much you had grown accustomed to their company. Though uncertain about the exact nature of their punishment, you couldn't help but hope that the two boys would learn and grow from this experience.
During these rare moments of solitude, you devoted yourself to creating a special gift for Shinichiro. It was a keychain with the letters "S&S" for Shinichiro Sano, messily intertwined with beads and string. You envisioned it as the emblem for his future motorcycle shop, hoping to tease him about how it was far cooler than the corny name he had initially chosen, "Black Dragon Bikes." A smirk tugged at the corners of your lips as you imagined his reaction to the playful jab.
As the day of Shinichiro's birthday arrived, a mix of anticipation and nervousness fluttered in your chest. You stood by the window, watching for his arrival. The gift was safely tucked away in your pocket, ready to be presented to him. Thoughts swirled through your mind, wondering if he would like it, if it would be meaningful enough.
Moments later, you saw Shinichiro approaching, a wide smile stretching across his face. He exuded an air of excitement, and your heart swelled in response. Stepping outside to greet him, you held out the carefully crafted keychain, the metal gleaming in the soft sunlight.
"Happy birthday, Shin-nii," your voice shyly uttered as you extended your hand, presenting the carefully crafted gift. "I made this for you. The 'S&S' can be a logo for your motorcycle shop, way cooler than 'Black Dragon Bikes,' don't you think?" A playful glimmer danced in your eyes as you teased him, awaiting his reaction to your light-hearted jab.
A wide smile spread across Shinichiro's face as he accepted the gift, his eyes lighting up with appreciation. "Thank you, (Y/N). This is amazing," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "And hey, don't be too hard on Black Dragon Bikes. It has its own charm, you know?" He chuckled, gently nudging your shoulder playfully. "But you're right, 'S&S' has a certain ring to it. Maybe I should consider rebranding in the future."
The playful banter between you and Shinichiro always brought a sense of warmth and comfort. It was moments like these that reminded you of the genuine connection you shared. You couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness, knowing that your small gesture had brought him joy on his special day.
Just as you were about to climb onto his bike, a movement caught your eye. Glancing up towards the second-floor window of the orphanage, your heart skipped a beat. There, partially concealed behind the glass, was Kakucho's scarred eye, watching you intently. A jolt of unease ran down your spine as a wave of realization washed over you.
Your gazes met just as the engine roared to life, and in that fleeting moment, the weight of the secrets you were hiding from Izana and Kakucho crashed back into your consciousness. Doubts and questions flooded your mind, and a wave of guilt washed over you. Were you betraying the trust and bond you had with both Izana and Kakucho? The unspoken truth hung heavy in the air, and you couldn't shake the unease that settled within you.
Shinichiro, unaware of the silent exchange between you and Kakucho, revved the engine of his motorcycle, breaking the tension that had settled upon you. His voice carried a hint of excitement as he called out to you, "Ready to go?" Swallowing hard, you forced a smile and nodded. Pushing aside the unease that had taken hold of you, you climbed onto the back of the bike, wrapping your arms around Shinichiro's waist.
The ride to Shinichiro's house was a short one, lasting only about 30 minutes, but it felt much longer as your anxious thoughts consumed your mind. As the wind rushed past you, you couldn't help but wonder if Kakucho had somehow found out about your secret rendezvous with Shinichiro. What would he say to Izana? Would he be disappointed in you? And what about Izana himself? Would he be angry or hurt by your actions?
As Shinichiro and you arrived at his house, the motorcycle's engine cut off, casting a hush over the surroundings. Shinichiro took the lead, his steps confident and familiar, while you followed closely behind. Approaching the front door, subtle signs of a well-lived home caught your attention. Your gaze wandered, taking note of the pairs of shoes neatly arranged near the entrance. Among them were larger shoes that undoubtedly belonged to Shinichiro's grandpa, a reminder of the elder's presence in the household. But what caught your attention were the smaller pairs of shoes, seemingly for kids your age.
The weathered welcome mat greeted you as you crossed the threshold into Shinichiro's world. Guiding you inside, Shinichiro steered you through his living room, "Please have a seat on the couch," Shinichiro gestured, his voice warm and inviting. "I'll just park and lock my bike. I won't be long."
As you settled onto the couch, the tantalizing aroma of savory food wafted through the air, hinting at the delicious meal being prepared in the kitchen. However, your attention remained fixated on the impending conversation with Izana.
"I just hope he isn't mad at me," you thought, your fingers nervously tugging at the loose threads on your t-shirt. The uncertainty gnawed at your thoughts as you anxiously awaited Shinichiro's return from locking up his motorcycle. The seconds felt like an eternity as your mind raced with possibilities and apprehensions.
Interrupted by the sound of a throat being cleared, your attention snapped to the source of the disturbance.
Approaching you with a serious expression was a young boy, his short blonde hair contrasting with his striking black eyes that closely resembled Shinichiro's.
The boy wasted no time sizing you up, approaching you with a question that caught you off guard.
"You're new," he said, his tone challenging. "You here to fight me?"
Caught off guard by the unexpected question, you found yourself momentarily at a loss for words. People at the orphanage had often avoided you due to Izana's intimidating presence, so this direct interaction was unfamiliar territory.
Before you could respond, Shinichiro entered the room, swiftly diffusing the tension. "Hey, what did I tell you about picking fights with people?" he scolded the blonde boy, playfully tapping the back of his head. "This is YN, a friend from the orphanage. YN, this is my little brother, Manjiro."
The revelation that Shinichiro had an actual little brother left you momentarily stunned.
The blonde let out a hum, suddenly very invested in your presence.
'Orphanage?" he eyed you suspiciously before continuing, "So do you know Iz-",
Shinichiro quickly interrupted him, shooting him a warning look.
"Don't even start."
It sent a shiver down your spine, but Shinichiro quickly shifted his demeanor, offering you a reassuring smile. Manjiro pouted at the interruption but agreed to put the challenge aside. He extended his hand to you, addressing you as "yn-chan" and requesting you to call him Mikey instead.
He's always like that with new people," Shinichiro explained, ruffling your hair reassuringly. "Don't take it personally. Grandpa should be back with Emma soon, so why don't you two go play and get to know each other better? We'll have that Hayashi I promised when they're here."
With a nod of agreement, you allowed Mikey to drag you to his room. He informed you that Emma was their little sister and that although she was 'kind of a weirdo' (Mikey's words, not yours), she was cool. He enthusiastically shared stories about a toy plane Shinichiro had given him and his adventures with his friends, promising to introduce you to them in the future. While you were interested in meeting his friends, you weren't so sure about this Baji kid. Mikey's stories didn't paint him as the friendliest, and you had a feeling Izana wouldn't approve of you befriending someone who seemed to have an even shorter fuse than he had.
Mikey's enthusiasm was infectious as he bounced on his toes, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Come on, YN! Let's have a little spar. I want to show you how strong I am and how I can protect you!" You hesitated, recalling Shinichiro's warning not to engage in any fights. Besides, you weren't exactly the most skilled fighter, and the idea of going up against someone as energetic as Mikey seemed daunting. "I don't know Mikey, Shinichiro said no fighting," you replied, trying to reason with him. But Mikey's persistence knew no bounds. He continued to urge you, his determination shining through. "Aw, come on! Just a friendly little match. It'll be fun, I promise!" he insisted.
Reluctantly, you gave in, unable to resist his infectious spirit. "Alright, just a friendly spar," you conceded, realizing that Mikey wouldn't let it go until you agreed.
The two of you found a suitable spot in his room, preparing yourselves for the impromptu match. You took a deep breath, trying to focus on your limited combat skills. However, before you even had a chance to gather your bearings, Mikey sprang into action. His speed was astonishing as he swiftly closed the distance between you. Within moments, he had pinned you down, his laughter filling the air. "Gotcha!" he exclaimed, his playful grin widening before suddenly stilling.
You couldn't help but laugh along with him, realizing just how quick and agile Mikey truly was. Despite being caught off guard, you couldn't deny the excitement of the friendly tussle. "Okay, okay, you win," you admitted, acknowledging his victory and waiting for him to move so you could get up.
A few tense moments lingered as Mikey continued to hold you down, his grip tightening with each passing second. You tried to break free by wiggling underneath him, hoping to alleviate the pressure but his hold remained strong.
"Okay, Mikey, you're strong," you uttered, your voice laced with a hint of desperation. "Now, let me up. I don't want to play this anymore."
But his gaze remained fixated, almost vacant, as if he couldn't hear your pleas. It sent a shiver down your spine, the fear slowly creeping in. You felt trapped, uncertain of what was happening and how to make it stop. Just as panic started to rise within you, you heard Shinichiro's voice calling from downstairs. "Mikey, YN, come down! Emma and Grandpa are here!"
The sound of Shinichiro's voice seemed to break the hold over Mikey. His expression shifted, returning to the mischievous boy you had come to know. He grinned and shrugged as if attempting to play off his previous behavior. "Heh, just messing with you, YN-chan. Let's go meet Emma and Grandpa!" he said, his voice lighthearted once again.
As the day progressed and you spent more time with Mikey, his company grew more enjoyable. His humor and kindness were endearing, and he proved himself to be a skilled teaser, constantly poking fun at Shinichiro just as much, if not more, than Izana did. The room was taken aback when he surprised everyone by offering you the last slice of cake, a gesture he had never made, according to their Grandpa.
Yet, beneath the surface of his cheerful demeanor, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of your mind. There was an underlying darkness, an unsettling presence that seemed to emanate from Mikey. While he assured you that the earlier sparring incident was all in good fun, a part of you couldn't shake off the fear it had instilled. It was as if he wasn't entirely himself during that moment, and it left you on edge.
Spending time with Mikey throughout the day, you couldn't help but draw comparisons between him and Izana. While Izana had an intimidating presence and a fierce determination to shield you from harm, Mikey possessed a different kind of charm. He shared the same striking black eyes as Shinichiro, which brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, but there was something in the depth of Mikey's gaze that reminded you of Izana. It was as if a flicker of intensity and underlying darkness lurked behind those eyes, hinting at a complexity that mirrored Izana's enigmatic persona.
It intrigued you how Mikey could possess Shinichiro's lightheartedness yet harbor a depth reminiscent of Izana. It was a unique blend of contrasting qualities that made him even more intriguing. His playful nature and mischievous spark were juxtaposed with the hint of an untamed spirit and an unwavering determination. It became evident that he was deeply connected to Shinichiro and, as his little brother, must have inherited some of the qualities that made Shinichiro so cool in your eyes. If Shinichiro trusted and cared for Mikey, perhaps befriending him wouldn't be a mistake. After all, Shinichiro had become a significant part of your life, and his judgment now held weight in your decision-making process. You found solace in the fact that Mikey, being related to Shinichiro, had the potential to be a reliable ally and friend.
As these thoughts swirled in your mind, you decided to give Mikey a chance. Despite the nagging feeling of something hidden beneath his cheerful facade, you acknowledged that everyone had their complexities. Just like Izana, Mikey might have his own struggles and dark moments, but that didn't mean he couldn't be a good person or a true friend.
If only you had realized that comparing others to Izana as a measure of goodness was a flawed approach, perhaps you could have protected yourself from the impending dangers that awaited you.
a/n: I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry for the long wait, life has been so crazy lately. New chapter is already in the works so please wait for it <3
TAGS @wildartist @rosemary108233 @devils-blackrose @teesissy @jcrml @soushswag @inurmom00 @spookychaossuit @shinslover @stalkergirl512 @miyuaditt @lurvelybones @kthyyxz @missanonymous1999 @kokonoiscoconut @ang3liclov3ly @josuke8 @bunn1rabb1t @gata-preta08 @chocomori @whyulyinggurl @Imbiafandbored @kazusbby @jcrml @the-grimm-writer @tamaki-jiki-reblogs @kookieszme @Berriesandcrem @bloobewy @thetruepair @madness-puppy @spookychaossuit @caramelcandescence @pongster @lostsomewhereinthegarden @k1nkyshoto @luno-614 @a-cult-leader @imbiafandbored @lovlessbish @kenmasbimbo @hnmashji @valeriinee @mel-star636 @mikeyaki
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lovelymaryj-recs · 7 months
Hello! This is my fanfiction recommendation blog. The fics in this blog were written by various authors from AO3, Quotev, and Tumblr. If you're looking for fics posted on Wattpad, please go to my Wattpad profile and check out my reading lists.
This blog isn't dedicated to any particular fandom, so don't be fooled by whatever my blog's current theme is. I post what I like. My main criterion to determine whether or not I post a fic here is whether or not I want to reread a fic someday. I'm a simple woman. (This blog is basically my library.)
Most of the fanfictions here are female reader or OC inserts. It's quite rare for me to post character/character fics because it's also rare for me to read character/character fics. Also, most, if not all, ships are straight. If they're supposed to be a gay ship, one of them is probably genderbent. Sorry. If that's not your cup of tea, you're free to click/tap away. Additionally, some fics may include dark content. If you don't know how to define that, maybe you shouldn't be looking at this blog. As always, you're free to leave if you don't like such fics.
Fandoms, characters and ships available (in alphabetical order, mostly):
[Note: To look for fics more efficiently, type the character/ship/fandom name in the search bar. Look for the name you used in the search bar in the tags of the results/posts. Click on the tag.
TLDR: Search by tags instead of just looking up the name using the search bar.]
Assassination Classroom | Anatsu Kyoushitsu (ASSCLASS)
Akabane Karma
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Avatar: The Legend of Korra (LOK)
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The (TBOSAS) | The Hunger Games (THG)
Coriolanus Snow
Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji (BB)
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Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD)
Dazai Osamu
Batfamily & Batsis Bruce Wayne Damian Wayne Damian Wayne / Mar'i Grayson (Demonfire) Jason Todd Kaldur'ahm Kyle Rayner Dick Grayson Roy Harper
Folk of the Air, The (TFOTA)
Jude Duarte / Cardan Greenbriar (Jurdan)
Genshin Impact (GI)
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Harry Potter (HP) | Marauders
Draco Malfoy Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger (Dramione) James Potter James Potter / Female Regulus Black (Jegulus) Regulus Black Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (HPMA)
Daniel Page
Hogwarts Legacy (HPHL)
Ominis Gaunt Sebastian Sallow
Honkai: Star Rail (HSR)
Dan Heng / Stelle (Danstelle)
How to Train You Dragon (HTTYD)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
Fushiguro Megumi Fushiguro Toji Getou Suguru Gojou Satoru Kamo Chousou Nanami Kento Ryoumen Sukuna
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Theodore "Laurie" Laurence
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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (MLB)
Adrien Agreste
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Night Manager, The
Jonathan Pine
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO) | Riordanverse | Heroes of Olympus (HOO)
Apollo / Female Percy Jackson (Perpollo) Female Percy Jackson Percy Jackson
Shadowhunter Chronicles, The (TSC)
Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray (Jessa) Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Herongraystairs) Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Wessa)
Loid Forger / Yor Briar Forger (Twiyor)
Tears of Themis (TOT)
Artem Wing Luke Pearce Marius von Hagen Vyn Richter
Sano "Mikey" Manjirou
Choi Yeonjun
Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
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Umbrella Academy, The (TUA)
Five Hargreeves
Willy Wonka
There are more fics of certain fandoms and there are more fics of certain characters. Nonetheless, as long as they're listed above, there's at least one (1) fanfiction of them in here somewhere.
Happy reading! <3
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mtdthoughts · 3 months
Miscellaneous Migi & Dali Observations
Some random thoughts I've had. I may or may not expand these in subsequent posts.
Spoiler warning as always!
I think it's fair to say that Dali has always been protective of Migi, and while Migi does his best to make Dali happy, he wasn't really "protective" toward Dali because he believed Dali was strong and was not aware of his underlying issues. After Episode 9, I think it's fair to say that Migi became protective towards Dali, now fully aware of both his strength and weakness. This caused Dali to become aware of Migi's strength, as the twins become mutually protective of each other, and I think that this shot from Episode 12 best symbolizes this.
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2. I can't believe I've never brought this up before, but putting these shots in parallel is quite interesting, as it shows how Migi rejected and then accepted Dali, and later how Dali rejected and then accepted Eiji. I might write more about this if I can think of anything.
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3. I wonder, whose idea was the aquarium date? Migi’s or Dali’s? I’m leaning towards Dali, considering he seems to know some things about romance, and it was him who proposed the date in the first place.
4. By the way, how does Dali know so much about romance and seduction? Did he learn all these techniques from books? I know he’s a heavy reader, but I think it would take a lot more than just reading to pull it off this well. I'm thinking that it's a combination of reading, his determination to fulfill the mission, and his natural charisma. Also, maybe Dali's disguise and act reveals what Dali's ideal partner would look like? At the very least, it's clear that Dali actually has interest in romance, similar to Eiji.
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5. Speaking of Sali, how did Dali pick his outfit and wig? We know that there are tons of choices in Youko's closet, so how did he decide? Perhaps he has a good(?) sense of fashion, or perhaps this is once again another example in what Dali thinks an ideal girl looks like.
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6. In the manga, the twins were seen in the orphanage reading "The Three Billy Goats Gruff", which is a fairy tale about three goats who were able to cross a bridge guarded by a troll by combining bravery, wit, and teamwork to trick and defeat it. I wonder if there's anything meaning to this...
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7. Speaking of Dali's books, he is seen reading what appears to be "Franny and Zooey", which was one of J.D. Salinger's major novels, which is likely how Dali came up with "Sali" from Salinger. I haven't read it myself, but I found a description of the novel that says it explores themes of identity, spirituality, familial relationships, and the search for meaning in a world that often seems meaningless; it is also celebrated for its sharp wit, incisive dialogue, and psychological depth. Honestly, that sounds just like Migi & Dali, and I do wonder how much influence Salinger's book had on Sano's manga. Probably not as much Kristof's Book of Lies Trilogy, but who knows. Maybe I'll read it when I have the chance.
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Katsushika Division ⛓️
Main Blog: @lilyspade
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Katsushika Division’s Death Row Block is a rap group consisting of Hitman and Division Leader Akihisa Mashiro, along with fellow members Serial Killer Touya Kisaragi, and Terrorist Bomber Rintaro Himura with Hidden 4th Member, Akari Himura.
The group's color is a deep red. The color was chosen to symbolize the blood that stains their hands. 
The group's symbol is a handcuff. It represents the group's imprisonment and was chosen to remind the members that they have no freedom.
The group has some form of a handcuff on them. Akihisa has one connecting the harness around his chest, Touya wears a modified one as a pair of bracelets on each wrist, and Rintaro has it as a buckle on his belt. 
Their hand sign from Rhyme Anima is the middle finger. 
Though these men seemingly have nothing in common, they are drawn together by one thing: they’re all inmates on death row and have been given an offer by the Prime Minister. Enter the D.R.B. and they get a chance to get off death row.
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Akihisa Mashiro 🪦
Character Profile
Family Profile
Character Playlist
Birthday Event 2023
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Touya Kisaragi 💔
Character Profile
Family Profile
Character Playlist
Birthday Event 2023
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Rintaro Himura 💣
Character Profile
Family Profile
Character Playlist
Birthday Event 2023
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Akari Himura 🎆
Character Profile
Family Profile
Cinder A.P.B.
Character Playlist
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Extras ⛓️
Character Inspirations
Before & After
Team Dynamics
Voice Claims
Profile Cards
Pride Month Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons 2023, 2024
Isekai Outfits
Extra Wardrobe I & II
House Aesthetics
Day In the Life
Death Row Block x Sanrio Collaboration
Death Row Block 1st Anniversary
Valentine Event 2023, 2024
Halloween Event 2023
Christmas Event 2023
Albums (Songs & Drama Tracks) ⛓️
First Album
1st Drama Track: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Uncompleted) — Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Katsushika Style ~Don't Make Us Laugh~
Division Rap Battle
Survival of the Illest
Alternative Rap Battle
Rhyme Anima Opening (Fatal Four Ver.)
Ain't No Love (Hell Spawns Duet)
Scorpion Battle Anthem (The Crossroads Diss)
Next Stage
Miscellaneous ⛓️
KaiShuuYa Polyship (Kaiji Sano x Shuu Edogawa x Touya Kisaragi)
Mr. Hypmic Beauty Pageant 2023
Mr and Mrs. Hypmic 2024 Couples Pageant
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Trailer, locandine, date, annunci di sequel, nuove serie e chi più ne ha più ne metta!
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Seconda mandata di notizie direttamente dall’AnimeJapan 2023! Se vi siete persi la prima la trovata qua. La terza e la quarta... soon™. 🤯
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La serie arriverà nel 2024 e si presenta già bene, if you know what I mean. 👀
A dirigerla, presso STAPLE ENTERTAINMENT, c'è Takashi Naoya(Vermeil in Gold - Il mago a rischio bocciatura e la calamità più forte si fanno strada nel mondo della magia).
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Mostrata solamente una nuova locandina per la seconda stagione della serie, che attualmente rimane programmata per un generico 2023. Posticipo incoming?
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 Nuova locandina anche per l'action comedy tratta dal manga di Yoshifumi Tozuka, che però fissa il debutto della serie per ottobre.
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Rimanendo sempre sui titoli della scuderia TMS, è stata confermata la produzione di una seconda stagione dell'originale serie diretta da Junichi Wada (WorldEnd, Sakugan), che potete recuperare sia su Crunchyroll che su ANiME GENERATION.
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Luce verde anche per una seconda stagione della serie animata del progetto crossmediale di casa King Records, incentrato su battaglie rap.
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Mostrato il primo trailer ufficiale della miniserie evento di 6 episodi, che nel corso dell'anno porterà su Netflix l’iconica tartarugona di Daiei e altri cinque storici kaiju.
Come la trilogia di film dedicata a Godzilla, già presente sulla piattaforma, anche questo anime è realizzato in computer grafica e diretto da Hiroyuki Seshita.
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La famiglia Forger tornerà su Crunchyroll, con la seconda stagione della serie, a partire da ottobre.
Il film, intitolato SPY×FAMILY CODE: WHITE, approderà invece nelle sale giapponesi dal 22 dicembre!
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La mistery comedy tratta dal manga di Nami Sano (Sono Sakamoto, perché?) non ha ancora uno straccio di periodo di debutto, ma nel frattempo sono stati svelati locandina e teaser trailer.
La serie è scritta e diretta da Mankyu (The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague) e in lavorazione presso GEEK TOYS.
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Netflix ha annunciato che questa estate arriverà in streaming una serie animata tratta dallo shojo manga storico di Fumi Yoshinaga (Antique Bakery), edito qua in Italia da Planet Manga.
L'adattamento è diretto da Noriyuki Abe (Arslan Senki, Kochoki) e prodotto presso STUDIO DEEN.
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Il film uscirà in Giappone il 23 giugno e andrà ad adattare l'8° volume della popolare light novel, firmata da Hajime Kamoshida (di cui J-POP Manga ha portato in Italia il fumetto).
CLOVERWORKS ha già tratto dall'opera una serie tv, un primo film e ha intenzione di animare anche il 9° volume, intitolato Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid.
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In visto del debutto su Crunchyroll, fissato per il 6 aprile, ecco il terzo promo per la serie action school harem, in salsa isekai, basata sull'omonima novel dell’autore di The Fruit of Evolution.
Oltre al simulcast, vi ricordo che ne è già stato confermato anche il doppiaggio in italiano.
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Secondo promo per la nuova serie originale targata C-STATION, che comincerà ad andare in onda dal 6 aprile in Giappone.
Dietro l'anime c'èlo stesso staff principale che ha lavorato alla serie di Starmyu.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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megsbooklr · 9 months
Summer Reading 2023: August
A quick summary of what I was able to read in August!
Aoharu x Kikanjuu by NAOE (volumes 14-18)
I love this manga! It was really cool that during the second TGC we got to know all the other teams and their motivations ^^ The ending was maybe a bit abrupt... I'd love to know what happens to all these characters later! But then I liked the epilogue :)
Sachi-iro no One Room Gaiden: Seikai no Meitantei by Hakuri
It's a spin-off depicting the adventures of detective Matsubase three years prior to the events of Sachi-iro no One Room. The first half of the story was weird but fun, the second half was "well, that escalated quickly..." but it was still interesting, even though I missed the "old" Aketoyo - him teaming with Matsubase got us such wonderful dynamic!
Osamu Dazai’s Entrance Exam by Kafka Asagiri
I have a problem with Mr Asagiri's prose - it just... doesn't flow that well? Maybe it's an issue of translation. Still, I'm grateful we've got all these light novels explaining so much about the BSD characters' actions and motivations :)
Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz
After the brilliant House of Silk, this one was kind of a let down... I suspected a certain trope being there, but I missed the issue of whom it concerned by miles - and I didn't really like the actual resolution. :)
Summer Ghost by Otsuichi, Yoshi Inomi, Loundraw
Yet another manga that made me emotionally compromised... oh well :') Perfect for a late summer reading.
Thousand Autumns vol. 2 by Meng Xi Shi
Heaven Official's Blessing vol. 6 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
I continue re-reading my favorite Chinese webnovels in their official English translations.
Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg
Surprisingly good - at least for me, since the entire book relies on the amnesia trope, which in general I'm not a fan of :D I loved the creative references to classic fairy tales ^^ It could do without the sugary-sweet epilogue, though... but that's just me :)
Getting There:
Spy x Family by Tatsuyi Endo (vol. 2-9)
Go with the Clouds, North by Northwest by Aki Irie (1-4)
Death Note vol. 1 by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata
Horimiya (vol. 1-5) by HERO & Daisuke Hagiwara
Liu Yao by priest
Up-to-Date With:
Gokurakugai by Yuto Sano
Return of the Mad Demon
The Case Study of Vanitas by Jun Mochizuki
The Apothecary Diaries by Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao
0 notes
Midnight Snack
Pairing: Sano Shinichiro x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, one (1) NSFW innuendo
W/C: 1K+
Summary: Making stir-fried ramen for the Sano brothers while listening to the two argue over who you love more.
Additional: This is in no way me promoting grooming nor pedophilia, Mikey simply has a puppy crush on (Y/n).
Ultimate Masterlist | Shinichiro Masterlist | Tales of The Sano Family Masterlist
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~Your P.O.V.~
"What are you doing?",a familiar voice asked causing me to jump.
"Shin, shh!",I said as I held a finger over my mouth.
Mikey laughed as he munched on his dorayaki.
"You makin' soup, sweetheart?",Shinichiro asked as he came over to where I was at the stove.
"Mhm. Want some?"
"Sure, your's is always good."
"I want some too,",Mikey said.
"Alright, there's more than enough for all three of us. Should we wake up Emma and see if she wants some too? We should let your grandfather rest."
"She should sleep, she has school tomorrow. So do you, Manjiro,",Shinichiro said as he looked at the young blonde.
"My (Y/n) radar went off and I woke up."
""(Y/n) radar"? Cute,",I said with a light laugh.
"(Y/n)!",Shinichiro whined.
"Hah! See, (Y/n) does like me better,",Mikey said as he stuck his tongue out at his older brother.
"You little-!"
"Shin, baby, can you help me? I don't wanna burn myself since I'm tired, and the pot is heavier than usual,",I said.
"Sure!",he said happily. "Take that, twerp. MY LOVER wants MY help, not YOURS,",Shinichiro said to Mikey before going over to me. "What do you need me to do?"
"Strain half a cup of water into the measuring cup, and then drain the rest of the water,",I said as I went over to Mikey who had a slight pout. I patted his head as I could hear Shinichiro pouring the water. "Don't worry, Mikey. Next time you can pour the water for me, you're strong."
His face immediately lit up. "We can make ramen after I get home from school and I can help. I like eating your ramen a lot."
"Aww thank you, Mikey. That's really sweet of you to say,",I said as I gave him a light hug.
"Where's my hug?",Shinichiro asked.
I giggled and went over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for helping me, baby. Now then, time to finish cooking,",I said to myself as I poured the noodles into the pot, and the half cup of water. I put the stove on low and soon heard the two brothers starting to bicker again.
"Listen, they're not going to kiss your cheek. It took me forever to get a kiss on the cheek from them and we're dating."
"Maybe they just doesn't like you as much as you think they do,",Mikey said.
I shook my head, mixing in the liquid and then powder packets that came with the ramen into the pot. I tried to hold in my laugh as the conversation continued.
"As if,",Shinichiro said with a scoff. "We're going to be married to each other, and have children. Maybe they'll be more well-behaved than you."
"Oh please, if you're the father than they won't be. Besides, (Y/n) and I are getting married. When I get older they'll realize I'm the better Sano,",Mikey said as I cracked and added in two eggs.
"You're short, you think they'll even see you that way with your height?"
"Now, now, I don't care about the height of my lover,",I spoke up.
"Mhm,",Shinichiro said as he hugged me from behind.
"I'll win (Y/n)'s heart!",Mikey said confidently.
I shook my head with a laugh. "Can you both get bowls, chopsticks, and drinks please?",I asked.
They immediately nodded and got what I asked them to. I added some Kewpie Mayo and mixed it in. Mikey placed the bowls next to me on the counter and I divided the soup evenly into the three bowls. "Mikey, can you help me carry the bowls?"
"Yeah,",he said and grabbed two bowls. He placed the two down and I placed the other down.
Shinichiro finished placing everything on the table and we all sat down.
"Thank you for the food,",we all said and began eating.
"So good and creamy!",I said happily.
"I know what else is creamy-ow!",Shinichiro yelped as I kicked his shin.
"I dare you to continue,",I said as I gave him a menacing smile.
"I'm good,",he winced.
~later after the meal~
I washed the dishes with Shinichiro and Mikey as we all talked. "So Mikey, I heard you started a gang. Tokyo Manji Gang, right?"
"Yeah. We're going to be the best gang in all of Japan, and start a new age for delinquents,",he said confidently.
"Confident, I like that. Please promise me that you'll be careful though, I don't know what I'll do if I found out you ended up in the hospital."
"Don't worry, (Y/n)! I'm strong, unlike my idiot brother."
"Oh, shut up,",Shinichiro groaned. "You really love the sound of your own voice, don't you?"
"It's a lot better than yours."
I laughed at the two's bickering. "I love you both so much."
"I love you too,",Shinichiro said.
Mikey stayed quiet and we both looked at him. His face was red and his fists were clenched at his sides.
"Are you ok, Mikey?",I asked as I dried my hands, looking more at his face.
"L-Love you too, (Y/n),",he said quietly.
I smiled and brought him into a tight hug. "Man you're freaking cute!"
~Shinichiro's P.O.V.~
I smiled fondly as I watched (Y/n) hug Mikey. Soon the moment was ruined as Mikey stuck his tongue out at me while pulling on his cheek.
"You annoying ass kid! Go to sleep already!",I shouted.
"Shin!",(Y/n) scolded as they let go of Mikey and looked at me. "Be nicer to Mikey, baby."
"But (Y/n)-"
They shook their head. "Nope, don't wanna hear it."
I let out a sigh. "Fine."
They smiled. "You're right though, Mikey you should be going to sleep. You'll be tired at school tomorrow if you don't sleep soon."
"Alright. Goodnight, (Y/n)."
"Goodnight, Mikey."
"Night, Manjiro,",I said.
"Night,",he said and left (Y/n) and I alone in the kitchen.
We finished washing the dishes and went to my room, laying on my bed.
"I love you, (Y/n),",I said as our limbs intertwined with each other's.
"I love you too, Shinichiro. Goodnight."
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All rights are reserved to wetookeachothershand. Do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or claim my work~ ♡
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azucarian · 3 years
My personalised take on how Tokyo Revengers could end —
Imagine at the end of his journey, Takemichi lays on the dirty floor - the life slipping between his fingers. He felt oddly accomplished; he had saved everyone, except himself. It's not like he minded the pain, or the way his own blood was making it harder to breath - because, in front of him, he saw all of those he held dear to him. He did wish they wouldn't look at him like that, though.
"Takemitchy please, just stay awake a little longer —" The voice was muffled as his ears continued to ring, but he identified it to be Mikey's. He wished he could voice his comfort, tell the blonde boy that it was okay - even if Takemichi knew it wasn't. This cowardly little boy was dying after his courageous display of unbridled bravery - his luck had finally run out at the final stretch. His time leaping adventure was ending - he wanted to laugh. If he lived, which he didn't believe to be a particularly high chance possibility, he wanted to write a book - "Takemitchy's Wild Time Leaping Adventure".
Draken had half-lifted Takemichi's body into his lap, trying to keep him awake as the ambulance sirens blared in the distance. He could feel his body numbing, eyes growing heavy and breath slowing - he knew he was dying. In theory, he knew he'd technically died before - technically on two different occasions. The first being pushed in front of that oncoming train and, the second being shot by Kisaki. Maybe he'd get lucky again? He shook his head weakly in doubt.
"Ne... Draken-kun, Mikey-kun..." The taller blonde brought his attention to the breathless Takemichi. Shortly after, the shorter blonde rushed over.
"I'm here Takemitchy, we're listening." Takemichi couldn't tell if it was because he was hard of hearing in his current state or delirious due to his pain, but he could've sworn Draken's voice cracked as a sob escaped him.
"Please don't feel sad..." He gasped out through struggled breaths "Mikey-kun, please don't fall into despair again..." Takemichi grinned, albeit significantly lopsided "Please look after yourself and live happily, for me."
"Don't say that as if you're going to die!" Mikey shouted desperately. Takemichi couldn't imagine the emotional trauma that was resurfacing at the current situation.
"But I am," he spoke truthfully, silencing the blonde "and I'm okay with that. Because everyone else is safe." The words caused sobs to escape Mikey's lips as the older blonde buried his face into his arms, hiding his "shame" from those around him.
"You're being selfless again, idiot hero." Draken's voice weakly sounded, and Takemichi let out a pain filled laugh.
"Mikey-kun..." His attention was grabbed again "Promise me you'll be happy... We'll all be... watching you..."
Mikey hiccupped and grasped Takemichi's hand, a wholehearted attempt at comforting the teary-eyed Takemichi "I promise."
That's all he wanted to hear - and he drifted into the Realm of permanent slumber, welcome by the warming arms of those already gone.
"You did well, Takemitchy." Came the gruff voice of Baji - an oddly comforting sound.
"Thank you for saving Mikey, Takemichi-kun!" Emma sounded from the bleery darkness, and he felt himself smile.
He met the familiarly dark eyes of a new figure - dark haired, similarly like Mikey's in that one timeline.
"Thank you for taking care of my family, Takemichi Hanagaki."
Shinichiro Sano, the blonde was sure. And with a final "it was the least I could do", the crybaby hero rested. Eternally, with only those alive to tell his crazy tale.
Part two here
Also, I hope you all cried, mwah xoxo
@athyathye — as I promised ~
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koffeekoko · 2 years
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royalty au
prince!izana x fem!commander!reader
genre: ranges from fluff to angst
chapters: ??
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SYNOPSIS!! it's time for the king of the sano nation to retire and pass down the throne onto the next generation. the eldest heir, prince shinichiro, refused said hereditary and offered instead, for prince manjiro to take place of it. prince izana, who had always been the least favored among his siblings, finds it unfair. finally having enough of the favoritism in the family, prince izana steps up with a proposal to prove himself worthy of the throne. however, months of planning for the perfect plan had gone to waste when izana failed to predict a single flaw. this is where you, the loophole in izana's perfect plan, play a part in the prince's long journey.
this is the tale of prince izana's becoming of the king
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♚ chapter I
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taglist available !!
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Drama CD Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 4 English translation
perhaps one day, i’ll find the motivation to actually translate in order for something so long... or not? hahaha lol. can’t exactly help it though. i normally have very little motivation to work on anything that goes beyond 10 minutes... 
also i might have to edit out the mentioning of “clans” later. the word that most commonly gets used for ‘clan’ has been used in almost every CN tl ive seen because it’s used for classifications... though the word itself hasnt always mentioned in the JP audio. 
oh, and i finally looked up what 鬼譚 meant on jisho. Oni is self-explanatory but ‘tan’ means story or tale (not that im going to change Oni-tan to that in any of my posts or subtitles cuz i like reading that as it is and i get veto power as translator xD).
Hakuoki Drama CD Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 4 - Reason for Enlistment 
Translation by KumoriYami
Heisuke: Tofu and grilled fish, and there's also stewed taro. It's a special occasion today so I've added some eggs.
Harada: Then, all the sake and snacks are here, so let's eat.
Heisuke: Okay, let's toast first. It's my treat today, so don't hold back and drink.
Harada: Ah, thank you so much. Then I won't be impolite and order some of the most expensive sake...
Heisuke: Sano-san, pay for that yourself! I'm only treating the newcomer!
Harada: Eh~ You're even saying something that a senpai [check audio] should say. Then, I'll treat him too.
Heisuke: Ha~ that's great, Sasanami. So don't hold back and order whatever you like.
Sasanami: Ah, then... thank you, but is this okay? I haven't become an official member yet...
Heisuke: Don't mind it. There was someone who we were going to drink with, but he ended up being ordered to the night patrol [reword later, check video], so we dragged you here to make up for the numbers.
Harada: Right, right, don't mind it. Heisuke just wanted an excuse to fool around [check video].
Heisuke: The same goes for Sano-san. Forget it/Never mind that, anyway, let's have a toast!
Heisuke: Ah~ it's so nice to drink outside~
Harada: Everything feels happy [check video. the tl i have is a phrase that means "five viscera and six bowels"].
Heisuke: Say, it's been a week since Kazama was last seen at headquarters, and he hasn't come since, right?
Harada: Apparently he said he'd come back some other time before going back, but I don't think he'll come back.
Heisuke: What is that guy doing? But, it's great that we can go out and drink since the surveillance period/guard is over [check video. not sure bout the latter].
Harada: However, that's why Shinpachi was left behind just in case [reword later]. Alright! We'll drink together with Shinpachi later [check video]!
Heisuke: Yeah. Hey, Sasanami, drink some more.
Sasanami: Yes, I know. Clerk, please bring more sake.
(door opens)
Amagiri: I've brought sake, please enjoy.
(door closes)
Harada: Nn? Heisuke, what's wrong? You expression looks strange.
Heisuke: Ah, no, Although the door closed right away and I couldn't clearly see his face, but I feel like I've seen him somewhere before...
Harada: Weren't you just seeing things [check video]? You drank too much.
Heisuke: Yeah.... Ye-Yes. But I recognize that voice and figure from somewhere [check video]...
(sake gets poured)
Harada: By the way, Sasanami, why do you want to join the Shinsengumi?
Sasanami: That's because...
Heisuke: Ah, it's fine if you don't want to say it. There are also many people in the Shinsengumi with their own secrets.
Harada: In fact, there are all sorts of people within the troop. People who can't live without their swords, people who have abandoned their hometowns and have no place to live. Most of them are those want to be samurai, even though they are not from a samurai family [check audio for 'samurai']. Are you like that too?
Sasanami: No, I'm not obsessed with being a warrior [check audio for 'bushi']. I just want to reduce the burden on my impoverished parents and my sick mother by relying on how I'm good with my swordsmanship.
Harada: For the sake of your parents... That's a good reason.
Heisuke: Oh... but, did you get your parents' permission?
Sasanami: Actually, when I told them I wanted to go to Kyoto to join the Shinsengumi, they objected to my doing something so dangerous.
Harada: That's right/true. There's no way any normal parents would let their child become a member of a gang that either cuts down or beats up people [check video]. 
Heisuke: There are other ways to be filial to your parents. This path is too dangerous if that’s all you want to do  [check video].
Sasanami: Bu-But I...
Harada: We've accidently started talking about serious matters. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that you were wrong [check video]. If you think it's fine, it should be good.
Heisuke: And this sort of thing shouldn't be up to us as we’ve chosen to take this path. 
Harada: Stop talking about this subject. Drink a few more cups of sake while its still cold.
Heisuke: That's true. Bring more sake! clerk! bring more sake!
(door opens)
Amagiri: Please enjoy.
(door closes)
Harada: Nn? Heisuke, what's wrong?
Heisuke: No... the clerk just now... looked like Amagiri...
Harada: Ah? did you drink too much? Why would that guy be in a place like this?
Heisuke: Sano-san, I didn't see him since my back towards him, but he really looked like him! Right? You think so too, right?
Sasanami: Amagiri...?
Heisuke:.......Speaking of which, you don't know who that is.
Harada: You saw that wrong! You drank too much [check video/reword later]
Heisuke: No, I didn't. Besides I really didn't that much Sano-san!
Harada: I understand, in other words, you just want another drink Heisuke? That's just fine [check video], I'll place an order and see if it's Amagiri.
Heisuke: Alright! Go clearly look [im assuming this is more  'Go check yourself.' check video]! But, if it really is Amagiri, what will you do, Sano-san?
Harada: In that case, I'll treat everyone here!
Heisuke: It's fine if you talk big, but don't regret it later!
Harada: Who's going to regret it!  Moreover, if it weren't for Amagiri, you'd be the one treating me [check video]!
Sasanami: I'll be going to the washroom. [check video]
(closes door)
Sasanami: Hoh...
Amagiri: Ah, weren't you a guest from that room just now? You companions seem to have drunk a lot. Are they okay?
Sasanami: Ye-Yes. there shouldn't be any problems.
Amagiri: You were all talking so loudly that it could be heard outside [reword later]. I accidently overheard that you joined the Shinsengumi for the sake of your parents?
Sasanami: You heard that? How embarrassing.
Amagiri: No, you're quite admirable. Anyhow, are you parents ordinary people?
Sasanami: Hm? Even if you ask that... they're just normal farmers living outside of a small village... [check video]
Amagiri: Normal... is it? Hm.... there aren't any differences between them and other people?
Sasnami:....No, there's nothing.
Heisuke: Huh? So where did that guy Sasanami go?
Harada: Didn't he say that he was going to the washroom? Didn't you hear him?
Sasanami: Ah, I can't talk right now, I'll excuse myself first.
Amagiri: Although he was asked for his reason to join the Shinsengumi, his parents apparently did not tell him about the oni clans. Then, since he is not aware of his being from an oni clan, in the future, what will he do?
---to be continued---
...eventually? <- i wrote that when i wasn’t sure about what i was going to be scheduling for my queued posts lol. 
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rosemarygrayson · 2 years
Home Is In Her Arms
@wishfuldecay @nagadoctor (Last Post)
Sano had never been one for opening up emotionally, so once it became clear that he was going to try, Annabelle gave him her full attention.  She was still leaning against him; her big brown eyes focused on his face.
”A large part of the reason Akira lost his memory in the first place—indeed, possibly the main reason—is that he was attacked by a werewolf while serving in the army.”
Annabelle recoiled a bit in shock, her hands coming up to her mouth as she gasped.  The knowledge that werewolves existed at all wasn’t a shock for her, no, no, she’d known about them almost as long as she’d known about the existence of things like nagas, angels, vampires…  That wasn’t the part that had her gently trembling in shock.
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“Oh no…Oh, Sano…Why?  Why a Goddamn werewolf?”  Sano himself had never told her about the worst day of his life; the day that had marked the beginning of the Kojima twin’s cursed existence.  She knew the whole sordid tale.  How they had lived with their parents in a cabin in the woods.  How a werewolf had attacked them as children.  How their father died fighting it off.  How their mother went crazy from the traumatic loss and killed herself.  How they were left scared and afraid in the cabin until that vampire woman, Elizabeth, found them by chance and brought them to Cain as a gift.  A novelty..
And then Cain, whom she hated so very much for what he’d done to the brothers, took them in and sent them spiraling into Hell.  
She knew everything, at least, from Akira’s point of view.  She could remember it clear as day, the night she’d found him drunk on the couch while Sano was out at work.  It had been the night of his parent’s anniversary.  He’d known it, even though they’d died when he was only six years old, because he’d stubbornly clung to a photo of them for the last seventeen years.  
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“It’s a photo of all four of us.”  He’d said, holding it up so she could see it.  The mother, Kiku, was pregnant in the photo, and was relaxing in the arms of their father, Jun.  A ‘family photo’ he’d called it.  On the back of it were some details like the date and the location.  Below it, six year old Akira had scribbled down everything he didn’t want to forget about his parents.  “Me and Sano had a big ass fight about it before you got home.  I bought a little cake thing in their memory.  We don’t know their birthdays, so this is all I can go off of.  Sano flipped when I showed him the picture. He hates that I have this and I won’t throw it out.”  He held it against his chest, wiping his tears away.  “But he can go fuck himself!  That piece of shit angel was never our dad, even before he started raping my brother.”  Annie had been s t u n n e d to hear that part.  Sano likely would have rather died than share something so horrific with anyone, let alone her.  She’d wrapped her arms around him.
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“He just wants to forget…That’s kind of his solution for everything…To pretend everything is fine.”
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“But it isn’t ‘’’fine’’’!”  He’d wrapped his arms around her, sobbing against her shoulder.  He’d been too heavy and the hug was too tight, but she didn’t push him off.  They spent the night like that, with Akira a mess of emotions in her arms.  Before this, they’d been friendly, but after that night, when she’d been so wholly trusted and opened up to, and he’d received the emotional support he’d been so desperately needing since Grace’s tragic death…It was that night that they began to love each other.
Before Akira had left for the army, he’d been allowed to take a few things with him.  After a much too brief goodbye, Annie had gone back to her room to sulk, only to find that same photo on her desk with a note asking her to take care of it for him.
It was still in her room, hidden safely away from Sano.
In the present day, the disgusting irony of the situation made tears well up in Annabelle’s eyes.
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“After everything??  …Why did it have to be a n o t h e r STUPID werewolf…Sano, I’m so sorry, I-I’m…”  She buried her fingers into her hair, frustrated.  “I seriously don’t get it!  Is your family cursed?  Did one of your ancestors piss off a spooky old shaman lady??”
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Ten interesting Japanese Novels
1.  “No Longer Human by” Osamu Dazai   Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human, this leading postwar Japanese writer's second novel, tells the poignant and fascinating story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. In consequence, he feels himself "disqualified from being human"
2. “ Taiko: An Epic Novel of War and Glory in Feudal Japan” by Eiji Yoshikawa  In the tempestuous closing decades of the sixteenth century, the Empire of Japan writhes in chaos as the shogunate crumbles and rival warlords battle for supremacy. Warrior monks in their armed citadels block the road to the capital; castles are destroyed, villages plundered, fields put to the torch.
3.  “Shōgun: The Epic Novel of Japan” by  After Englishman John Blackthorne is lost at sea, he awakens in a place few Europeans know of and even fewer have seen—Nippon. Thrust into the closed society that is late sixteenth-century Japan, a land where the line between life and death is razor-thin, Blackthorne must negotiate not only a foreign people, with unknown customs and language, but also his own definitions of morality, truth, and freedom. As internal political strife and a clash of cultures lead to seemingly inevitable conflict, Blackthorne’s loyalty and strength of character are tested by both passion and loss, and he is torn between two worlds that will each be forever changed.
4. “Shank's Mare: Japan's Great Comic Novel of Travel & Ribaldry” by Jippensha Ikku  A pair of irrepressible scoundrels are the heroes of this madcap adventure along the great highway, from Tokyo to Kyoto. This lusty tale of their disreputable doings was originally issued serially in 1802, and was so successful that the author wrote numerous sequels, appearing year by year.
5. “ The Incense Game: A Novel of Feudal Japan” by Laura Joh Rowland  When a massive earthquake devastates Japan in 1703, even the shogun's carefully regulated court is left teetering on the brink of chaos. This is no time for a murder investigation except when a nobleman's daughters are found dead from incense poisoning and their father threatens to topple the regime unless Sano Ichiro tracks down the killer.
6.  “ Frozen Dreams: A Japanese Adventure Novel” by Wahei Tatematsu  Based on a real-life tragedy in 1965, this novel tells the story of a party of climbers on the Hidaka mountain range on Japan's northern island. In spite of weather warnings, six men attempt an ascent on the highest peak, Mount Poroshiri—a fateful decision that costs all their lives as they are caught up in an avalanche. Miraculously, one climber, Odagiri, is known to have survived for four days after his companions had frozen to death.
7.  “ Tokyo Bay: A Novel of Japan” by Anthony Grey  A fleet of ships billowing black smoke steam past Japan’s tributary islands in July 1853, setting off panic among a people who have been sealed off from the rest of the world for over two hundred years. Commodore Matthew Perry has arrived, sent by the US president to open Japan to American ships and trade—by force, if necessary.
8.  “ Japan Sinks: A Novel about Earthquakes” by Sakyo Komatsu  A solitary fishing boat anchors for the night by a small island to the south of Japan. The next morning, the fishermen find themselves in the middle of an empty sea. Overnight, the island has vanished without a trace.
9.  “ Kannani and Document of Flames: Two Japanese Colonial Novels” by Katsuei Yuasa  This volume makes available for the first time in English two of the most important novels of Japanese colonialism: Yuasa Katsuei’s Kannani and Document of Flames. Born in Japan in 1910 and raised in Korea, Yuasa was an eyewitness to the ravages of the Japanese occupation. In both of the novels presented here, he is clearly critical of Japanese imperialism. Kannani (1934) stands alone within Japanese literature in its graphic depictions of the racism and poverty endured by the colonized Koreans.
10.  “ Accomplices of Silence: Modern Japanese Novel” by Masao Miyoshi 
The Japanese novel, lately so widely translated, is finding a broader and better informed readership than ever before. Until now, however, no comprehensive critical discussion of the form has been available in a Western language. Masao Miyoshi offers an intensive reading of several outstanding novels of the past hundred years.
Sources - 
All from Goodreads.com
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mtdthoughts · 5 months
Heaven & Hell Pt. 4 (Migi & Dali Analysis)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
*Note: This is the final part.
Previously, I brought up the references of Heaven and Hell in the story, then illustrated the connections to the twins via duality of the Sonoyama and Ichijo houses, and then provided a retelling of the story using Heaven and Hell as a way of representing the twins' different paths.
Now, we can finally discuss the greater message and why the concepts of Heaven and Hell are used.
Through this beautiful tale, it becomes clear that Migi & Dali is not just about love, family, or even a murder mystery, but it is also an allegory of redemption and overcoming one's sins. Dali has committed many sins (e.g. hurting and lying to Migi, trying to kill Eiji, etc.) because of his anger and obsession for revenge. Yet, despite this, Dali was still able to find redemption and accept happiness because of his forgiveness towards Eiji as well as the love that he had for Migi and the Sonoyamas, and so was saved from despair. He truly has gone through a hero's journey, and his example can be instructive for our daily lives.
Indeed, Dali stands out compared to Migi because of this. Sure, one could try to live like Migi with (almost) no worry in the world, but that's not realistic and is not who we as humans are. This may seem a bit fatalistic, but we as humans (generally) possess an intelligence far greater than our fellow animals, which unfortunately can cause us to hurt others and bear grudges toward others (akin to a curse of intelligence). Now that I think about it, this could be a possible reason why Migi sometimes acts like an animal, but that's besides the point. We as humans can get trapped into obsessions and dark tendencies just as Dali did, and we often need love towards and from those around us in order to break out of these cycles and overcome ourselves.
This brings me to a point about identical twins, and is a callback to my earlier analysis titled "Yin and Yang". Namely, we can think of these identical-looking yet polar-opposite twins as two halves of ourselves, and is probably one reason why I am so fascinated with this anime. There's the "Dali half" that can hurt others and can be burdened by guilt and other negative emotions, and then there's the "Migi half" that moves forward and outwardly shows love; it is crucial to be able to maintain balance between our two halves. If we hurt others in our way to satisfy ourselves, we not only must recognize the harm we've caused, but we must also have the strength to seek forgiveness and atone in the way we live. Similarly, if we are hurt by others, we must seek to understand their actions and find the strength to forgive them. This suggests that a blissful ignorance that Migi tends to chase is not sufficient, but rather it is enlightenment that should be pursued. I think back to that one line in the OP lyrics that roughly means "A nightmare that can't be erased with just black and white alone", which definitely suggests to me that we need both the "Dali half" and the "Migi half" in order to wipe away any nightmare that hinders enlightenment.
Speaking of enlightenment, we can finally discuss the specific use of Heaven and Hell. As mentioned in an earlier part of the discussion, it is likely that Sano references the Christian concepts of Heaven and Hell, where Heaven is a state of eternal enlightenment with God by living according to His teachings, and Hell is state of eternal suffering due to being unrepentant for ones transgressions. A central belief among Christians is that humans all deserve Hell due to their sinful nature (which is similar to what was stated earlier in this post), but due to the birth and sacrifice of Jesus, all sins have been paid for, allowing one to ascend to Heaven (and attain enlightenment) by accepting Jesus' gift of forgiveness by atoning through living and showing the same love and mercy towards those around them. It is possible that Sano intended to make a similar message, and the story does seem to make references towards this redemption:
By forgiving Eiji, Dali has freed himself from his anger and grudge that had caused him so much suffering and unhappiness.
At Christmas dinner, Youko was singing "Joy to the World," which is a song about Jesus' birth and the redemption of humanity.
Even though presents are supposedly only for "good boys," Dali still received one just like Migi, and it could symbolize the gift of forgiveness that Jesus gives everyone.
The choice of happiness and forgiveness was offered to Dali when the Sonoyamas accepted the twins. Dali ultimately chose to reject the shadows (Hell) and accept the gift he was given by accepting the Sonoyamas' love (Heaven).
The Christian Bible also makes references to the duality of wisdom (Dali) and innocence (Migi) as discussed earlier. For example, Matthew 10:16, instructs followers to be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves, and Romans 16:19 instructs followers to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil. These ideas are very much alike the idea that we as humans must find balance between our dual natures.
Regardless of whether the viewer/reader is Christian or believes in Jesus, this idea of attaining enlightenment through living a life centered around love and forgiveness can be universalized,. Thus, by constructing a (potential) biblical allegory using concepts such as Heaven and Hell from a well-studied religion and philosophy, Sano was able to illustrate a greater message about enlightenment and redemption through her beautiful tale.
Thus concludes this discussion on Heaven and Hell.
Bonus: Catholicism introduces a third realm called Purgatory where souls of repentant sinners wait to be purified before going to Heaven. It is interesting because there are three triplets, so we could potentially introduce an association with Eiji and Purgatory (maybe because of the burning house?). But I haven't given this much thought, so for now this topic will just have to be relegated to this bonus section of the discussion.
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tracingdreams · 4 years
Daiya no Ace: The Dramas #15 Senior Citizens
An explanation…
To keep my brain from rusting I started a project to translate the drama tracks that came with the character song CDs and other stuff relating to Daiya no Ace (because I love them and they’re all hilarious). My disclaimer - I am not a native speaker of Japanese, but I will do my best!
Character Song CD 13 – Toujou Hideaki Drama 01 featuring Toujou, Kanemaru, Sawamura
Scene: The guys have just finished practice, and Eijun is curious about what kind of baseball Toujou and Kanemaru played before High School. Of course, then the question gets asked in reverse…
Eijun: Yosh! That’s practice done for the afternoon!
Kanemaru: Sawamura? Aren’t you meant to be doing ground maintenance?
Eijun: Don’t say things like that!
Toujou: The pitchers are meant to take care of tidying the bullpen
Eijun: That’s right!
Kanemaru: Ah. I see, I see.
Eijun: Hrm! If you understand then it’s all fine. And in future you should not question someone so easily!
Kanemaru: Somehow that’s just annoying.
Toujou: Hey, I’ve been thinking for a while now…
Eijun: Mm?
Kanemaru: What’s up, Toujou?
Toujou: Abbreviating ground maintenance (Japanese term: Guraundo seibi) to Gura-sen is a bit weird, isn’t it?
Eijun: Ah! I thought so too.
Kanemaru: Yeah, for sure.
Eijun: Even if ‘Gura’ is obviously from ‘Guraundo’, abbreviating seibi to sen is really odd.
Toujou: No kidding.
Kanemaru: Right, but in that case, how would you abbreviate it?
Eijun: Well, if you think about it, the term is guraundo seibi, right? So ‘Gura-sei’.
Kanemaru: Don’t you think ‘gura-sei’ is harder to say?
Toujou: Yeah, it is.
Eijun: So what about ‘Guran-sei’?
Kanemaru: But that sounds pretty weird too? Like that thing that has chestnuts and stuff and is covered with sugar?
Toujou: Shinji, that’s marron-glace
Eijun: Then what about ‘Guranseibi? Or…er…Gurau-sei?
Kanemaru: Let’s just stick with Gura-sen, huh?
Toujou: I…guess so.
Eijun: What gives, Toujou? You raised it – don’t be satisfied so easily!
Toujou: But it is true that there isn’t really a better way to say it.
Eijun: (Not satisfied, gnashing his teeth).
Kanemaru: Still, practice today was hard going, huh. My legs and my butt muscles are all worn out.
Toujou: That final fielding practice…especially when it was your turn, Shinji – the coach got seriously into it.
Kanemaru: Yeah, dammit. That last swing of his…if I’d managed to get it cleanly, I would have been able to finish up without being switched out like that. The coach is a demon.
Eijun: Yeah, he’s a demon. Demon Tesshin! (Oni Tesshin)! Abbreviated to Oni-Tetsu (Demon Steel)!, right?
Kanemaru: Don’t you think it’s kind of bad to abbreviate it to that?
Toujou: But it was good really, that fielding practice. I bet that the coach was only hard on you because he has high expectations of you, Shinji.
Kanemaru: Huh…you think so?
Toujou: Yeah, definitely. I’d kind of like to have a practice like that myself – it’s been a while.
Kanemaru: Oi, stop it! You’re pretty much a regular at centre field already, and you haven’t given up yet on being a pitcher, right? Don’t try and poke your nose into the infield fielding stuff as well now!
Toujou: (Laughing) I’m not planning to do that.
Eijun: Hrmmm.
Kanemaru: What’s up, Sawamura? Is there something stuck on my face?
Eijun: No…no. I was just thinking that you guys get along real good.
Kanemaru: Well, get along…it’s more like…
Toujou: We’ve known each other since middle school.
Eijun: Ah! Something or other Senior, right?
Toujou: It’s Matsukata Senior.
Eijun: That’s an odd name for a middle school, though. Are all the teachers old men or something?
Kanemaru/Toujou: Huh?!
Eijun: Eh? (now he’s confused himself!)
Kanemaru: It’s the Senior League! And what do you mean, all old people teachers?
Eijun: Well, but ‘Senior’ means ‘old person’, right?
Kanemaru: It’s not that!
Eijun: Or did you play baseball with old people included in the team?
Kanemaru: What are you talking about now?
Eijun: Well, you can’t take old people for fools, right? I’ve learned a bunch from my grandpa out in the sticks. There are lots of things you can learn from their long life experience. And even if they’re older people, amazing people are still just amazing. The thought that there’s a former pro baseball pitcher out there who, even though he’s now over sixty, can still pitch a faster straight ball than I can is…
Toujou: Ah. The Masakari pitching style guy.
 (Translator note: I think this refers to former Chiba player Murata Choji, who apparently pitched at his old ground aged 64 for some reason in 2013. I know nothing about baseball but apparently Masakari is his pitching style.)
Kanemaru: But, like I said, it’s not that! Seriously. Senior means ‘older players’ in this context…
Eijun: Huh?
Kanemaru: Like I said…
Toujou: Erm…well…you know like elementary school has the Little League? [Senior League] is not a middle school as such, but a special type of [middle school] league of clubs that play official games.
Eijun: Official? I see. But why didn’t you just join your middle school baseball team?
Kanemaru: For those kids who have been playing in the Little League from an early age, it’s a way to continue playing in official league games [by joining a Senior League club].
Eijun: Eeeh.
Toujou: When I first began with it, I was really surprised. The leagues were made up of star players from so many different teams.
Kanemaru: Yeah, but in a powerhouse school like this one now, there are even more cases of former team aces or fourth hitters gathered together. Although…when I look at Sawamura, I kind of lose faith in my own words…
Eijun: What do you mean by that?! (He’s indignant).
Toujou: We thought that all the best players played in Senior League teams [in Middle School]/. But there are other good players who aren’t like that, as well.
Eijun: Meaning me?! (he’s no longer annoyed and is all sparkly again). Are you talking about me?!
Kanemaru: Sadly, yes. But don’t get all carried away now!
Eijun: Why are you so reluctant?
Kanemaru: I don’t know what it is, but sometimes your idiot airhead moments really drive me nuts.
Toujou: Now, now, Shinji.
Eijun: So what is the Senior League like? Are there people who can pitch 150km/hr fastballs there?
Kanemaru: Hey, now. Even if such a person was there, they’d probably already be playing pro baseball or something!
Eijun: That’s true.
Toujou: Ah, but there was a guy who pitched some amazing breaking balls.
Kanemaru: Those ones you could never hit…and then the coach would be all flapping, like, ‘why can’t you hit them’? But yeah, like we could hit those things. Seriously.
Toujou: Sometimes by mistake we’d end up hitting a foul ball in the coach’s direction. And then, always, he’d say…
Kanemaru: Ahh…
Kanemaru/Toujou: “You aimed that at me, didn’t you!”
Eijun: Ah! Sano-cchi said that to me, too!
Toujou: Sano-cchi?
Eijun: Yeah. My middle school team’s teacher-advisor.
Kanemaru: What kind of baseball did you do in middle school?
Eijun: Hrmm? You want to hear the tales of the powerhouse Akagi Middle School’s baseball club, do you?
Kanemaru: Um…yeah?
Toujou: Was it a powerhouse school?
Eijun: Of course! Originally, our school didn’t have a baseball club, so I got some friends together and we formed one.
Kanemaru: Huh?!
Toujou: I see…
Eijun: If we won a game, we’d be treated to yakiniku by the teacher.
Kanemaru: For real? How rich was this Sano-cchi person, anyway?
Eijun: That was only for practice games, though.
Toujou: Practice games?
Eijun: And there weren’t all that many of those. Maybe two.
Kanemaru: Eh?
Eijun: Our practices were tough, though! When we were in a tournament, we’d practice in the mornings and the evenings. But, sometimes there was a ‘disruptive incident’, and we’d unavoidably have to take a break and suspend the practice for a bit. 
(Translator note: What Eijun actually says here could be translated a couple of ways, and I was thrown for a loop a bit as to how to render it until I heard what came next.)
Toujou: Disruptive…incidents?
Eijun: We usually played in the school’s grounds, you see? And sometimes animals would get in, too…
Kanemaru: Animals?
Toujou: Like dogs?
Eijun: Well, more like weasels and tanuki, really. (Translator’s note: Is it wrong for me to immediately think of Kuramochi and Miyuki in that explanation?) We all had fun chasing around after them, though. But that meant we didn’t to practice properly.
Kanemaru: That’s…kind of…awesome?
Toujou: Mm. But really hard to visualise.
Eijun: And, of course – and this included me – the team was made up of a lot of kids from farming families. So it was hard to get players together at short notice during the harvests. But you know, helping out on the family farm was also a really good form of training!
Toujou: So then…with that team…how many games did you win?
Kanemaru: Hrm??
Eijun: Well! If you just look at results! We…didn’t get more than maybe a couple of wins. But baseball is more than just results!
Kanemaru: That’s not a powerhouse school!
Eijun: But, after all, baseball is all about the heart! And because of that, I am the person I am today! (he laughs loudly).
Toujou: Well, if you think about it, the fact that Sawamura’s able to be on the Seidou bench now kind of makes him genuinely awesome.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Since Tumblr really likes to swallow my request, could you please do some HCs for La Squadra di Esecuzione as fathers? ;) Thank you and good luck with your work
How you know me well, Medusa, hitting right on my softest spot, aaaaaaaah
La Squadra di Esecuzione as fathers
(Under the cut for lenght!)
Risotto Nero
Risotto is already used to deal with his often childish boys, so he’s not scared by parenthood. He’s trained, he’s ready and he tries his best to be more present both for his s/o and their child: he doesn’t want to be remembered as an absent father.
His child is his treasure and the light of his eyes. When they’re a toddler, he loves to keep them in his arms, safe on his chest: his warmth and calm heartbeat always lull the little one to a peaceful sleep.
The more the child grows, the more Risotto learns about the unique love that bonds a father and his child; he’s here when they take their first steps, when they start to talk. He loves to read them tales and children books before sleeping and to help them with their homeworks when they need it.
He’s the proudest and most supportive dad ever. To an outsider it could seem that he behaves exactly like always, but his child knows him too well. They can see the small smile that thugs his lips and how soft their father’s strange eyes are. Risotto makes sure to always make them feel appreciated.
Even if he doesn’t pamper or spoil them, he’s really protective towards his child. He’s one of the most dangerous -and hated, among other gangs- men in all Italy, so he has tons of enemies. He’s always on guard, trying to be with his family as much as he can, always doing his best not to let the child notice that their father is on patrol and murder mode. He wants his child to have a happy and peaceful childhood and future life, hopefully away from mafia.
As Risotto, Prosciutto always took care of someone for all his life. So, when he receives the news, he thinks to be more than ready and capable to take care also of his child. He’s, however, more and more nervous as the birth time approaches: this is his child, not one of the neighborhood kids or Pesci… all his worries and fears, however, vanish when he sees his child for the first time: he knows, deep in his heart, that he’ll do everything and even more for their happiness and safety.
He tries to learn everything he can in order to help his s/o and to be the best father he can. He often loses track of time when he’s with his child, watching them sleep peacefully or play. His kid is the only one who can mess with his hair without receiving a growl or a frown back: Prosciutto just can’t keep a dark face around his child, his joy and light.
He absolutely supports to hell and back his child, encouraging them to follow their dreams and passions. He couldn’t ever have a normal life, so he does his best to keep his work out of home. The only ones who know about his child are Risotto, of course, as his Capo and mentor, and Pesci, who gladly becomes an uncle for the little one.
As much as Prosciutto is caring and sweet with his child, he’s merciless and unrestrainable towards who dares to put in danger his family. A powerful mafia man like him, the second in command of la Squadra di Esecuzione, has a lot of enemies who’d be really glad to know that he has a weakness: he’s ready to slay anyone who even thinks about harm his s/o and his precious child.
As much as he wanted to be a father, one day, he doesn’t feel ready for a child. What if he accidentally hurt them? What if he’s not enough? He’s not strong or determined like his fratellone, what if he just screw everything up? Seeing his child for the first time, however, helps him to realize one thing: he’d die a thousand times for them and nothing will stop him from being the best father he can.
He’s a soft and sweet dad, up to do every game his child wants to do: hide and seek? He’s already counting. Building something with lego bricks? Let’s do it! His favourite moments, however, are when he takes his child to the beach and they fish together. He loves to see the small focused frown on his child’s little forehead, while they watch intently the water, hoping to catch a fish. When they’re tired of fishing, they play with sand and go on shells hunting, chit-chatting and laughing.
Pesci tries his best not to spoil his child, knowing that it’s unhealthy, but his kid, in fact, has him wrapped around their pinkie. If they really want something, they can be sure that Pesci would do anything he can to get it for them.
Prosciutto is obviously involved in the little one’s life: he’s Pesci’s fratellone, he wants him to be his child’s uncle! In the beginning, however, he’s a little worried that his own child could prefer uncle Prosciutto to him; his insecurity is wiped out when he sees that they still go back to him every time. When Pesci confess it to Prosciutto, he just rolls his eyes, with a little smile, and says that his child will never replace their own father with someone else.
Formaggio never actively thought about having a child. Yes, sometimes, seeing a child walking hand in hand with their mother or father, he imagined, for a moment, his and his s/o’s life with a child of their own, but nothing more. Now, however, that imaginary child is so real that it almost scares him: he doesn’t think of himself as a good father. He has too bad habits, he’s not really responsible, the poor kid would surely be unhappy with a father like him.
He almost is tempted to run away, when the child is born, but he steels himself: he can’t be so coward. When he has the child in his arms, when he feels his little fingers wrapping around his one, he feels his heart flutter and he’s almost on verge of tears. This is his child, the most important legacy he will leave on this planet when he’ll be gone. It’s his duty to protect them and to make them happy as best as he can.
So, first of all, he tries to keep at least in line his bad habits, for his child’s sake. He wants to be a good father for them, not like his own. He doesn’t want them to end up like him, first a thief, then a mafia man and a murderer. He wants better for them.
After he gains a bit of security, he’s a really affectionate and playful dad. He’s always up to play with them, when he’s at home, and to cover them with raspberries and to tickle them, to make them laugh ‘till no end. He just loves his little child’s laugh and smile: it’s the concrete proof that they’re happy, that he’s not a scum of man but a decent dad for them. At least he’s making them happy.
He’s really protective towards his child. He knows well how scary and dangerous the world can be and he doesn’t want his child to have to face his nightmares. He’ll not pamper him: his kid will have their own challenges, as it should be, but they would never have to face their father’s one. He takes care of anyone who dares to bother or thinks to put in danger his family: using his Little Feet he eradicates the problem without even batting an eyelash.
Melone is ecstatic. A child, a real child!! He’s almost jumping off his skin at the news. He always wanted a child; in the end, Babyface’s sons were just palliatives for the absence of a real one. He immediately starts to read and study everything he can about toddlers, phases of childhood and how children’s brains work: he wants to be more than ready for his little kid.
He soon clashes into the most obvious difference between Babyface’s sons and his real kid: the different growing speed. Babyface’s sons are practically adults in days, if not less; his child would need many years to reach adulthood. If this, on one hand, bugs him a little, at least in the beginning, on the other hand it almost assures him; his child is not going to die soon like Babyface’s sons, they could have a happy and long life and Melone wants to guarantee it to them with all his might.
When he finally manages to snap out his “how to kill a man in 101 and more creative ways” way of teaching, he’s actually a good teacher. He’s patient and gentle and ready to explain more time when the child doesn’t understand. His way of teaching is also funny: he uses a lot of images and games to teach him various things, from writing to reading to do basic math. When they go to school, they’re already above their classmates thanks to their father’s lessons.
He’s really careful about their health too: he always makes sure to make them eat healthy and nutrient food and, when they’re older, to do proper gym to always be in health. He religiously follows the saying “mens sana in corpore sano”, teaching his child to take care about their body health as much as their education.
He’s a cuddler. He loves so much his child and he demonstrates it also cuddling them to no end. He’s the one who carries them to sleep, to his s/o’s amused huff, and lulles them in his arms until they fall asleep. He stops it just when his child themselves asks him to, and Melone whines about it with his s/o for ages.
As Formaggio, Illuso never actively thought about having a child, but, when he hears the news, he’s not as shocked and in denial as Formaggio. He accepts it without batting an eyelash, immediately pondering about the best way to keep the child safe from his work and dark world. He also does his researches about everything inherent to the child, both from books and direct observation from mirrors in kindergartens and hospitals, to see how a baby must be carried and which is the best approach to teach a kid. He even asks advice to Prosciutto, the best expert on the teaching topic, but avoids Melone, knowing that he would have surely given him great advice about how to teach his children how to perfectly kill before his second birthday but nothing actually useful and normal.
Illuso is a chill but always observant dad. He doesn’t pick his child on until they ask to be picked; he lets them play with his ponytails, softly petting their hair, and lets them sleep on his chest, always careful to their surrounding. When he has to go on a long mission, for, like, more days, he asks his s/o to stay safe in the mirror world: so, his family takes a sort of “little holydays” in the mirror world, which his child adores, until he’s back.
He’s attentive but not overwhelming; when he sees that they need help he goes to help them but, if he sees that they’re doing well alone, he let them so, observing, always ready to go if they struggle too much. He knows that they have to learn how to approach the world by instinct, for a lot of things, but still he has to forcefully restrain his father instinct that kicks him and screams at him to go to help his child, even if they’re doing good alone. When they’re done, however, he makes sure to pat their head and to tell them he’s proud of them and their accomplishment.
Not the most affectionate dad around, but surely supportive as hell. He’s his child’s first fan and loves to hear about their dreams and projects. They can be sure that their dad will always be here to cheer for them, a safe presence to always go back to to ask for advice and help or just to have the certainty that they’re appreciated beyond imagination by someone.
Ghiaccio freaks out when he knows he’s going to be dad. He’s not ready!! He’s the last person in the world who could ever be a father! He needs some minutes to scream in a pillow and to let White Album freeze the room he’s in, before calming, at least, a bit down. When he’s back, he’s no more on the verge of snapping, but he’s still nervous as hell.
For the first times, he’s terrified by the idea of holding his baby. He’s scared to drop them, to break them. They’re so frail and his hands took the life of so many people… with time, however, he mellows around the baby. He notices that his hold on them is gentle and that the baby themselves enjoys being near their dad, often falling asleep on his chest, their little hands clenched around his finger or shirt. He watches them in awe, still not believing that he has helped to bring to this world a sweet and precious creature like his child; he’s so deep in his contemplation that he doesn’t even notice that the baby is drooling on him.
Again, not one of the best cuddly and physically affectionate dads, but sure as hell the most passionate fan of them. He’s also, surprisingly, understanding if they fail in something, sitting next to them and reassuring them, encouraging them to do better next time. In those moments, his child can really feel all the affection their dad feels for them.
He never yells at his child, never. He doesn’t want them to be scared of him, so, if he had a bad day and his child did something to worsen it, he just takes a moment to go to the bathroom -or his and his s/o’s bedroom-, close the door and scream in a pillow, venting out all the rage and the stress. When he comes back, he’s way calmer.
It’s not unusual, especially when his child is really little, like one-two years old, that they tire him so much that he just falls asleep on the couch -or on the carpet-, crooked glasses and messed hair and his child on his chest. In those moments, he hugs them tightly, as to unconsciously protect them while he’s not vigilant as usual.
BONUS: Sorbetto and Gelato
They probably picked up their child from the streets. They knew how hard was that life and they couldn’t bear the sight of a child so little in a situation like that: they took them at home, washed and feeded them, given them a bed and a house. Most importantly, they gave them a family when they had anyone.
The child brings them even closer: now they have to protect not only each other, but also their little sparkle of joy. They’re really secretive about their existence: just Risotto knows, both ‘cause he’s the Capo and ‘cause he’s their favourite -and first- pupil. He actually helps them to keep them a secret from everyone’s eyes, even the Boss’ ones.
Among the two, Gelato is the cuddler. He loves to pick their child up and carry them around, often falling asleep with them on his lap and safely nestled in his arms. He’s also the one who spoils them much, to Sorbetto’s grumbles, and, hearing them, Gelato whines, doing big puppy eyes, immediately imitated by their child. At this point, Sorbetto just huffs a laugh, ruffling both his lover and his child’s hair, making them laugh.
Sorbetto is the stricter parent. He’s the one who says stop to a tv show when it’s time to go to sleep and the one who carries them to their study session. His child, however, doesn’t hold any grudge to him: Sorbetto is also the one who immediately hears them whimper when they have a nightmare and the first to go to them to hold them tight while they cry, soon reached by Gelato too. They’re their child’s rocks, even if so different, but both necessary and complementary for their child’s happiness.
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