#tf hound x reader
starliights-shining · 6 months
For you @montyuh , you're my favorite on this silly sight( i know it wrong dont care)
Hound building you a house somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Suprising you with it as a gift, somewhere he can live his life with you. You two will get a dog, he brought it up as a form of defense when he's not around. A "i'll stop worrying if you take him with you everywhere." agreement. It works, he's a little hound dog, big floppy ears and a green collar. You'll always joke about him being your little hound. Sending the Mech picture of you and the dog on little 'date nights'. He thinks it's cute. So cute that he starts to feel a little jealous over the puppy, spending all his time with you and even taking his place as a cuddle buddy. He won't let it linger, happy to see you happy and safe. His lover and their little Hound.
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doctorsilverhead · 1 month
Sitting in the shade, Y/N and Optimus await the end of the rain and the arrival of Hound. Y/N: hums a little tune. Optimus: Well what are you singing, Y/N? Y/N: Oh it's just ______________ (your fav song) Optimus: Mhmm? It sounds wonderful when you sing it. Y/N: Thank You. ~Hound arrives. Hound: Sorry I am late. Come on Y/N, need your help on these blueprints I got for you. Y/N: Yes, Sure. Hound: You comin'? Optimus: Yes, in a minute. You both go. Y/N goes inside the garage with Hound while Optimus keeps sitting on the shed. Optimus: *takes out his little notepad* Favorite song...ok..I got this. Yes!
Optimus keeps a note of all your favorite stuff, likes and dislikes. He loves keeping notes like this.
I am finally back!!!!!!!
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hmmm do know what we don’t have? ANGST! Picture this: Buddy is a pilot for a giant mecha. Each suit is user specific as they share a psychic connection with their chosen pilot as Buddy generates the power for them similar to the way a spark powers a Cybertronian. They can go months without eating, sleeping, or drinking while they pilot it. But Buddy had a bad encounter with the Decepticons while exploring space which separated them from their squad and left them fearful of revealing their organic nature to the Crew of the Arc. They know the Autobots are good people, but having the Decepticons respond to with fear and violence that left them and their partner so close to death? It’s better to just leave something’s unsaid… even if it kills them that they can’t be honest with their friends
Do we all love a little angst from time to time? The whole mind link thing reminded me of 'Avatar', which in itself is an interesting concept with a mech suit. Since you did not specify the continuity or characters, I randomly selected them. If this is not what you wanted, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Hound, Ironhide, and Prowl’s reaction to Human Buddy in a giant mech suit (with mind linked to it like Avatar)
SFW, angst, mentions of PTSD, mentions of malnourishment and illness (but nothing explicit), happy ending, platonic, Human Reader
The Mech suit was safe. It was Buddy’s safe place. After all, they wouldn’t have survived the Decepticon attack if it wasn’t for the suit. They remembered how the brutal attack was left in the station.
They remembered the screams and yelling.
The sounds of blaring alarms and missiles exploding.
Those awful sounds…
Thank goodness they were found by Cosmos in the space station’s ruins. Buddy only had the mech suit and the airlock pod that had their organic form when he found them.
 As much as Buddy hated the weak form of their organic body was, they still needed it to have this body operational. So, Buddy kept up with appearances on the Arc and guarded the tiny pod with their life. Many bots tried to pry the pod open, but that usually ended up with Buddy’s pede in their chassis.
 A couple of days passed and the warning signs of their organic body failing began appearing. Buddy knew it was important to give the metal body a break but the memories of the attack… it was too much…
They did, however, miscalculate the length of the warnings because one minute they were walking down the halls with one of their bot friends and the next they were staring at the covering of the pod.
Uh oh…
Hound was so concerned when his friend suddenly fainted. All their biolights off and optics gone offline.
“Buddy? Buddy! Can you hear me!? Don’t worry, I’ll take you to the medbay! If you can hear me keep hanging in there!”--Hound
He scoops them up and is racing to Ratchet for help.
It isn’t until he passes by Buddy’s room, he hears something inside, something coming from the pod. Taking a risk, he went inside the room with the limp body in his servos and looked at the pod.
The pods doors suddenly opened revealing a rather malnourished and exhausted looking human.
“… I can explain—”--Buddy
“Why do you sound like Buddy!”--Hound
“Oh this is going to take a bit to explain…”--Buddy
It took some explaining from the human to finally figure out what was happening.
Hound is sympathetic to Buddy’s situation. While he is hurt that they kept this sercret, he has kept secrets too. Hound isn’t able to judge a secret. He is quick to accept Buddy, the bot and human.
He vouches for Buddy when they do come out to the rest of the crew.
“So, your real body is in this pod here and then your mind goes into this body?”--Hound
“… This sounds like a human film I saw one time. I don’t remember the name of it, but it was a rather long one.”--Hound
Ironhide already has his servos on Buddy and is running to the medbay. He is not wasting any time, for all he knows every nanosecond is precious.
A moment of silence for the mechs that got trampled by Ironhide trying to get to the medbay.
He doesn’t know what just happened, but he knows that something like this isn’t common.
It’s just Ironhide and Ratchet when he comes in. As Ratchet starts examining Buddy’s body they come to a horrific conclusion, Buddy’s body wasn’t even Cybertronain. In fact, it had some similar human machinery than anything close to their anatomy.
It was a hollow shell.
A soft thud was heard in the medbay. It was coming from out of the pod. A muffled noise was heard from the inside.
“Ratchet, did you hear that?”--Ironhide
“Shh! Quiet!”--Ratchet
*muffled* “GET ME OUT OF HERE!”--Buddy
“Did—did that pod just—”--Ironhide
*muffled* “IRONHIDE!”--Buddy
“Yeah, I think it did! Pass me those pliers.”--Ratchet
Ironhide and Ratchet carefully pry open the pod and out popped Buddy.
Everyone is just surprised at what was happening. Ratchet is jumping into action seeing how sickly Buddy looked. Ironhide wants answers but he also knows that this isn’t the time for it.
Buddy does eventually tell him and Ratchet what was going on. Ironhide… he can’t exactly be too angry about this no matter how much this bothers him he can’t.
He knows what it’s like to fear for your life around bots that could potentially end your existence.
Ironhide does talk to Buddy about it.
He vouches for Buddy when they tell everyone else on board.
“Kid, go on and sleep. It’s been a long day even by Autobot standards.”--Ironhide
“I’m okay ‘Hide.”--Buddy
“Kid that’s not a suggestion. When was the last time you slept?”--Ironhide
Buddy starts sprinting in the opposite direction.
Ironhide is close behind.
Prowl is internally freaking out when Buddy’s body goes slack. He is quick to hoist them on his back.
“Buddy? Buddy?! Now’s not the time for your games! Primus, Ratchet!”--Prowl
He is quick to comm in Ratchet and escorts them to their room as it was the closest. Prowl is not expecting a tiny human to come crawling out of the pod looking half dead. He had his sneaking suspicions about the pod and all of the human references Buddy had made, but he thought he might have been a bit too paranoid.
“I can explain—”--Buddy
“You BETTER START!”--Prowl
Ratchet was so close to exiting out of the room when he saw Prowl arguing with a malnourished human with Buddy’s discarded body in a corner.
It takes a bit for Buddy to explain as they are trying hard to stay awake. Prowl while he wants all the answers, he backs off seeing how Buddy is. After Ratchet helps patch them up Buddy does their best to explain everything.
Prowl has conflicted feelings about Buddy hiding their identity.
On one servo he is angry.
How could Buddy hide such important information from everyone, from him?
On the other he is understanding.
He can’t count the number of times where he had to lie low in fear of triggering the enemy.
Not that he would ever admit that.
Prowl does give Buddy some space to decide on his feelings of this new discovery.
He does make up his mind and stands by Buddy as they explain everything to the rest of the crew.
“Was what we had… was it real?”--Prowl
“Prowl, all that I said was true. None of it was fake.”--Buddy
“…How can I trust you?”--Prowl
“You shouldn’t… but if things seemed fake on your part—”--Buddy
“No, no my feelings were true.”--Prowl
“… What in the Pits did I just witnessed?”--Ratchet
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Transformers Bayverse Autobots x Human reader (Crush and Confession Headcanons Part 2)
"How would they react to themselves crushing on a human? And how would they confess?"
Characters: Bayverse Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Hound, Hot rod, Crosshairs.
A/N: I made a part 2 since I promised it💞, I'm so sorry that this took so long for me to do, my motivation was aft and I had a lot of schoolwork to do😭🤧.
And an anonymous person said that they would love to see more Bee x Reader content. I don't find their ideal bad, so I went along with it, and to the Anon who says that they want more Bee Content. Hope this won't disappoint I didn't know what continuity you wanted, so I went with Bayverse when Bumblebee didn't get back his voice yet, hope you'll understand, and as I said in my other Bay Autobots x Human Reader post, they might seem OOC because I haven't watched the movies for a long time. GIFs do not belong to me credits go to the original creators. (Some of them were found on Google)
This is the first part of this post if you are interested read:
Warnings: I suppose Potential Movie Spoilers from 1-5, Cursing, Mention of Violence/Fighting but nothing too detailed or Gorey, Death, and, Getting in Trouble, Some parts for others may look short-, Teasing/Flirting, Jealousy, Kissing,  Miscommunication or Awkward Situations (On Hot Rod's Part), Injuries, Crack, Fluff, and, Angst.
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•When the young scout finds himself gaining a crush on you, he's in denial, but at the same time, he feels willing to ask you out.
•But he'll mostly lean on the part where he refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you.
•The reason why is that, being betrayed and hunted down by humans, and having other disturbing events he doesn't want to remember, gave him slight trust issues.
•You might take might advantage of his status, You won't feel the same way, You might not want to hang out with him anymore, You might hurt him or worse, betray him and leave him to have experimented on by humans who hunt them down...
•But at the same time, Bumblebee feels willing to tell you, his crush on you. He wants to ask Optimus for advice but he knows that he's strict and will forbid it.
•And Primus, Bee doesn't want to receive Prime's disappointed look at him, it would feel horrible. He respected Optimus for years and he has done the same thing.
•However, keeping his feelings to himself won't help. You need to know how he feels, besides if Bee hides his crush well, it won't be a good thing to experience if he ever decides to pretend that he doesn't like you.
•Since he doesn't have his voice with him, Bumblebee would use sweet lovesongs to tell you how he feels. Are you surprised by this? Well, not really, you've seen how a bit obvious his intentions are of courting you.
•Eitherways you're happy with him, and you accept his confession. Making the young bot very happy. If he was in his Mass Displacement or Holoform, he'd carry you and do a little spin out of joy.
•While still being careful to not hurt you. Spending time together is just having fun. For example, if a favorite song of both of yours plays, you both dance cheerfully. And if he's using Holoform or Mass Displacement he'd hold you, he'd say how much he loves you and swears to protect you with all his life. <3
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•To be honest, he's a flirt or a tease, he's a bit of a player just for fun, but with no intentions to hurt someone However, when he gains feelings for someone and their genuine? Sideswipe gets flustered.
•He just gives me those vibes where the cocky character says they'd make their love interest fall for them first, but instead they're the ones who fall for their love interest first-
•Sideswipe still haves his cocky attitude with him, but really when he's with you, it slightly becomes clear how he likes you-
•This mech had so many attempts to ask you out, but it just ends up with him being too shy and flustered to tell you. One time, he got very angry with himself that he tried to demolish the wall-🤦‍♀️
•And you know that it didn't end well for him...Sideswipe dented his pede pretty badly which caused him to have an injury where he couldn't walk properly. He also came up with some scrappy excuse to Ratchet for his actions, but the medic just sighed, already knowing what was going on.
•But, let's just say after some time he finally has the courage to ask you out. While he admits his feelings for you, the bot had a bit of Energon-blush on his faceplates, and he slightly stutters his words.
•Are you shocked? Just like Bumblebee, you're not very surprised. After seeing his attempts to try to tell you his feelings, it looked quite clear of Sideswipe's intentions.
•When you accept his confession, he's more than surprised, he wasn't expecting you to look back, but is very glad that you didn't reject him! Sideswipe would feel embarrassed if you did decline his offer.
•On how you spend time together, is sometimes getting into silly shenanigans. You guys would get into trouble together, something like badly cropped photos of Lennox around the base, and it's almost everywhere-
•Of course, you both are going to be scolded for pranking around the area, you two are in trouble together. But hey, it's better to be with someone you love when you do silly things. <3 (Hopefully Lennox doesn't get too upset from seeing unflattering pictures of him :/)
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•Um, now this is unexpected to find out...Hound won't be all shy and flustered or be in so much denial of his emotions for you. He'd just be a bit taken back of himself when he finds out about his crush on you.
•He'd still be the same mech around you though, you don't see him being nervous or flustered when he talks to you. But, he does feel a warm feeling in his spark when you laugh at his jokes.
•Hound is not one for adoring or complimenting one's looks, but seeing you smile or being happy makes him feel secure that you're safe from harm and danger. Also, he's always the first one to save you from getting hurt when he fights his enemies.
•One day, Izabella noticed how protective he is over you. So when she gets the chance to talk to him, she asks Hound.
•"Hey Hound!" She calls out to him, the Green mech then looks at the young girl and says "Oh hey kid, anything ya need?" Hound talks "No not really, but I do have a question!" Izabella answers "Then, go ahead I guess." "Alright, so do you have a crush on (Name)?"
•When Izabella asks him that question, his optics slightly widen. He'd look away for a while then he'd grumble in reply, "Well, maybe." Izabella just then happily encourages him to tell his feelings for you, after hearing Hound's statement.
•As time passes, Hound tells you his confession. He admits he's not the best sparkmate out there for you but is willing to be with you. Are you taken back by this? Hell yeah, you are-
•He was able to keep his composure with you, and now he tells you that he wants to ask you out. You're more than stunned- And when you accept his offer, he'd just let out a small chuckle of relief and would just gently carry you on his servo to hold you, with your permission.
•I'd say how you two spend time together is maybe training to defend yourself or teaching you how to use some weapons or how to create them. On the other hand, you'd just talk to each other.
•While he'd just pulling a few jokes randomly- But you're still happy to chat together, being in company together already makes you both grateful. <3
Hot Rod;
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•Oh, now he is a flustered mess. As much as he tries to be a suave smooth-talking gentlemech, he miserably fails in doing so.
•When he realizes that he gained romantic feelings for you, his playful personality somehow falters. In summary, he becomes such a dork.
•I know that he makes up good pick-up lines to try and woo you, but they end up seeming awkward and strange, and his words would be fumbled in the end.
•Poor Hot Rod is not getting help from anyone. Cogman has a good day, he will just watch things and how they'll play out, he sees this as prime entertainment for himself. Sir Burton is no better, he also sees this as amusement at what's happening to Hot Rod, he'd even hold back and hide his giggles when he sees him try to impress you, but ends up failing.
•Hot Rod starts to act a little out of character, he seems almost shy to even talk to you. And when you ask a simple "Are you ok?" Or "Is everything alright?"
•Ha, he's a bit flustered about how you're concerned for him, he'll even answer nervously, which is only going to make things more complicated for the both of you. 
•Once he gets the opportunity to tell you his feelings, he'll try to be all relaxed and be a gentlemech. But when he confesses, his words end up being stuttered.
•You weren't very stunned to find that out, seeing him act all, nervous and how he tries to get with you, made things clear.
•He feels relieved after you accept his confession, he was all pent-up and stressed with his feelings, so it was hard for him to tell you, but thank Primus it's already done.
•You and Hot Rod would spend time together on fancy dates. When he uses his holoform or Mass Displacement, he'll act like a gentleman. He'd be the type to be the one who'd open the door and treat you like a princess, just for you. Or just have a peaceful picnic date, he'd even get you your favorite flowers as a gift. <3
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•Oh my goodness, we have another tsundere- He's in great denial. He'd hide his feelings with his normal cocky act especially when he's with you.
•He pretends to not care about you. But Primus he really does. Crosshairs would even be jealous if you're being a bit too close with another mech beside him. Yep, he's this jealous.
•Since he pretends to not care, he'd just scoff and would be "Whatever." but deep inside he feels jealousy. Especially if you're with Bumblebee or Drift.
•Crosshairs would be the type to show off his skills towards you to get your attention on him while being a flirt.
•He's not a fan of humans, and won't be the best guardian for a human if he was assigned to protect one. However, when it comes to you, he's so protective. It even looks like he has special treatment only for you- Which kinda causes Cade to be annoyed since we saw how he acts on TF4-.
•But again, since he's not accepting the fact that he loves you. The other Autobots would have to be the ones to confess their feelings for you. Another way how he'll confess his crush on you himself is when you face a situation where you almost die.
•And at that moment he'd tell you right there how he likes no, loves you. He then promises to be stronger to protect you. Despite his teasing nature, he can be sweet.
•You're very astounded by his confession and how at times he can be, thoughtful. But you feel contented with his confession and you accept. It caused Crosshairs to be shocked but he'd hide it by with flirting you and being a teasing mech. But really, he feels good that you like him as well.
•When you both have free time together, Crosshairs would drive you around while he lets you play your favorite music. Or you two would annoy Drift- It's a thing you've both done since you were friends.
•He doesn't admit but, he loves it when you guys cuddle. Though, he'd be so clingy and would give you lots of kisses. And no he does not give a single scrap if he has to do something, this mech not leaving you. What an afthole, but he's yours. <3
@t-annuki @justabigass-simp @blackgirlfandomwriter
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mariacrow · 10 months
i probably wasn’t super clear with my last message and i’m sorry! i meant i’d like bayverse hound x reader. i’m dying for content here 😭😮‍💨
Let’s take a little break from TFP and write some Bayverse, shall we? ;)
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Hound x reader
✪ headcanons ✪
2nd person
any pronouns
platonic relationship
development of a romantic relationship
no NSFW included
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You’d definitely be the first one from the crew to catch his optic
He’s a talkative, extroverted mech in general but he’d probably dedicate all of his attention and best quotes to you
He’d tend to make cheesy wrecker jokes and make you laugh all the time, humor is definitely his love language
He’s never afraid to put you in battle, he thinks you’re brave. Even if you’d doubt in yourself or underestimate yourself in any way, he’d be the first one to encourage you
You two would become an epic duo, he’d even call you a true wrecker
He’d tell you everything about Cybertron and war but he’d mostly focus on epic battles he took place in
He would carry you around all the time, let you sit on his shoulder, play with his beard etc
He has a weird thing for your tiny hands playing with his bushy beard. You’re probably the only one who he allows to touch it
He’d give you nicknames such as “brat” or “rascal” or “little wrecker”. When he’d feel kinda soft inside he’d use “doll”.
When you’d get injured he would express his concern through aggression hence he’d yell at everyone to hurry up and help you as he’d desperately try to help you as well
While taking care of you, he’d comfort you in his own wrecker way which would mostly be swearing while telling you how brave you are
Hound: don’t leave me now, you little rascal! You’re the bravest little wrecker I’ve ever met! We need to show those shitheads what we’re really made of, ey! Get up!
He loves you as much as he loves his gear
When you’d place a tender kiss on his face plate he’d go “awwwh!” and rub his cheek plate and get all flustered in his own chunky bot way
He doesn’t know any other ways of expressing his feelings but this is just enough for you to realize he absolutely adores you
He finds stargazing too romantic so when you’d want to do it with him he’d be like:
Hound: ah miss me with that romantic scrap! Makes me want to puke.
But once he’d give it a chance, he’d realize how much he’s been missing. He’d actually enjoy some silence with you in his servos
When you’d sleep together you’d be his personal little teddy bear. He’d be careful not to squash you though. You’re the only one he’s so gentle with
Despite not being a romantic soul, Hound is a mech with a good spark and a chill personality. Also a gentle giant in your case
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Dividers belong to @chachachannah 🪖
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kneexcutter · 6 months
Bumblebee x Reader
Film: TF5 The Last Knight
(Old- unfinished)
. Reader is an autobot
“Wait wait let me get this straight…her and him are like a thing? Romantically?” Izabella asked looking between the two bots as they conversed in whatever conversation they were having from outside Cade’s trailer.
Cade chuckled while sitting back on his couch with a beer in his hand,.“I guess you could say that… hey between you and me, Bee’s had a school girl crush on Y/N for years.”
Izabella snickers, “Really?”
“Psh trust me it was obvious.”
“It’s sweet,” Izabella says looking back at the two through the window. “It’s nice that they lasted this long together.”
“It’s embarrassing that’s what, don’t let that face fool you, Y/N was dense as a rock, she’s an ass kicker I’ll tell you that though, nothing gets past her.”
“So she’s tough shit huh,” Izabella hums in admiration. “I bet she keeps your ass in check.”
“You have no idea, hey kid come on lemme show you something,” Cade says, taking a final sip of his beer and placing it on the table before getting up.
The two head outside when a slightly large spaceship comes down hovering above the junkyard. Cade groans realizing that it was Daytrader’s ship. “I hope your fat ass has something good this time cause I’m tired of your shit man.”
Daytrader put his servo in his chest plate, “Okay ouch words hurt Cade.”
Drift rolled his optics walking towards Daytrader pointing his sword at him, “Have you found our ship yet? Or are you still twisting on helms with your everlasting nonsense?”
“What the hell, I barely understand what’s coming out of your mouth,” Daytrader says, trying to avoid the tip of Drift's blade while dropping the stuff in his back in the process.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you scoffed, crossing your arms as Daytrader made his way over to Cade.
His helm turned in your direction and a cheesy grin made way in his face, “Heyyy Y/N how’s it been? Still hanging with these guys, eh?”
“Do you have our ship?” You ask, narrowing your optics at the greasy mech not too far from you.
“Well not exactly but I did manage to find this.“
Daytrader dropped a head in front of Cade,
“Check out Starscream’s head, found it in Buffalo.”
You rolled your optics as you went forward to grab the head that Cade pushed off to the side, you picked the head up and examined it carefully.
It brought you back memories, memories not of war but of peace, where Starscream was not your enemy. But your friend. A friend that betrayed you in those beginning moments of the war.
“You alright N/N?” Hound asked.
Cade turned his head looking upwards at you, he could see the look on your face plate that showed your processing thoughts as you held Starscream's head in your servos. Cade never asked much about your past; he only learned things about you through observation and from the other autobots.
But he knew when you were stressed. He turned his head towards Daytrader who was just now at this point arguing with Drift and Hound.
“Check it out, new voice box for Bee,” Daytrader said, snapping you out of your locked gaze.
“It’s gonna work this time?” Cade asks, grabbing it from him.
“Oh yeah, that will do the trick,” Daytrader nods.
“Hear that Bee you’re gonna talk!”
Bumblebee began to play ‘You couldn't touch this’ through his radio and began to dance. You looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh. Bumblebee outstretched his servo to you, giving him a skeptical look. You took it and he spun you around and left you slightly startled.
You glanced down at Izabella coming around the corner, you greeted her with a nod of your helm acknowledging her presence. She smiled at you and walked towards you, you placed your servo down letting her climb on before lifting her up and placing her on your shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” You asked the human girl.
Pointing at Starscream's head, “Isn’t that the decepticon from the battle of Chicago?”
You hum, “Yes he was, he was an old friend of mine before the war.”
You nod, “Unfortunately, Megatron’s influence was quite strong; it won over Starscream’s in an instant… at least he’s with the Allspark now…”
“Aye don’t fret too much hun, I’m sure Starscream is looking up at ya,” Crosshairs said.
“Up?” Izabella questioned.
“Don’t worry about it too much sweetheart you’ll hurt yourself,” Crosshairs replied with a chuckle.
“Don’t listen to him,” you rolled your optics. “He’s a pain in the aft.”
“Aww, come on, without me who’d you stick with?”
“Bumblebee for starters.” You motioned towards your dancing partner.
Crosshairs rolled his optics and laughed, “The yellow bugger ain’t nothing special.
You gave him a questionable look before, “He helped me survive. That’s special enough for me.”
Bumblebee beeped at you walking up to you. He played a romantic you couldn’t understand but it made you smile at him.
Izabella smiled in awe. “How’d you guys end up together?”
Bumblebee played a string of audios through the radio, “Many times, she understood when Cybertron almost engulfed Earth.”
You nodded while placing Starscream's head on the ground. “In my defense, I didn’t understand the first couple of times he was trying to tell me.”
“Because of his voice box?” Izabella questioned.
“No, I didn’t understand the context of his confessions.”
Bumblebee whirled away from you in disbelief. He held his servo over his chest while shaking his helm. You chuckled, “I apologize Bee, but it was difficult.”
Izabella started to laugh loudly watching Bumblebee trying to explain his actions to you. Cade came from around the back and chuckled, “Bee after all that, you got love buddy that’s all that matters. You can be happy knowing nobody’s ever gonna call Crosshairs special the way Y/N just did for you.”
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crying-fantasies · 18 days
Early morning
It tends to be quite cold as your fingers keep out of the blankets, the air is a little damper these days, more than the city that's for sure.
Sometimes you do miss the fast environment, the easy access, not the usual heaviness and madness around or that one person entitled enough to believe their opinion is higher than others, but the comfiness and easiness of different gadgets, still, nothing that couldn't be brought in the occasional travel to the nearest town.
But it's such an inconvenience to go all the way there, but it is also an inconvenience to only go twice a month for supplies, just one more month and the Dominguez's store would be complete is an endless mantra as you dream of more pillows, more blankets, a heater, all things that you still don't have money to indulge into, and speaking of heaters, realization falls upon you when your hand doesn't touch anything at the other side of the mattress, maybe this is the main reason your dreams are slipping away as blankets are a little too cold in this fresh morning, you finally get out of the bed if only to see around.
An endless landscape is what greets you at the other side of the window, a few houses in between, it's a pacific morning, or as much as it can really be before your neighbor says his morning greetings for everyone to hear, you don't blame him for the glitch in his vox that leads him to shout almost everything, just do a list in your day, take a moment to deliver some medical rations to help him with it.
The morning still feels cold, your brain and body are in a war of tug in the prospect of waking up or staying in bed, it would be a very much easier decision if your partner was here in the first place, encouraging enough to drag you out.
You knew in what you're getting into before dating an early bird and moving into a shared house, but it's 5 a.m. and the sun is barely poking through the horizon, no heated blanket will prevent you from freezing if Hound isn't in here as you wake up, and nothing would guarantee he hasn't taken a shower or is covered in mud, either way he would need a shower and his usual warm exterior would be cold to the touch for a few minutes.
In the end no decision is made as your partner returns to the berthroom, his servo using a towel to dry him completely and the first thing he hears is for him to return to your side, the piece of fabric is forgotten in the floor as his engines rev so hard that he is dry in mere seconds, last leftover drops evaporated as he comes up the mattress, easily welcomed by your arms at the sides of his helm, a warm kiss that you can't keep, sleepiness still holding you captive, falling again to the bed as he follows obediently before kissing back.
He is a kind soul, but also a devoted worker if it involves the bountiful mixes of seeds gradually developing under the soil, barely there sprouts just above the surface, still incredibly weak, but you were so sure they wouldn't freeze in this early morning with all the equipment used to prevent it, trial and error has been invested to secure so, and he deserves a break as you deserve a good start of day.
Hound could do so much to keep the cold away as he just indulges in your plea, not even resisting when you call him for a second time and his spark pulses hard, radiating warmth, "it isn't that cold right now", those are his own words as his servo reaches for you, holding you just right above the mattress, and taking his side again, the warm feeling above every part of his armor still isn't enough, he has to reset his voice regulator when something like a groan escapes him as your cold fingers find a sneaky way under his armor, fingertips touching his warm protoform.
It's cruel, and he tells you so, but he doesn't mean it, moving just right to press his protoform against your skin, quickly accepting that the longer it stays there the warmer it will be in mere seconds for you to set him free of your grip, you're surrounded by the warm ventilation of his, the hot air gets trapped inside the cotton blankets, his leg struts are just leisurely tangled with your own as far it can, Hound is on his side so kissing isn't so easy now, the next better option is to crawl your way to his neck guard, and as you do so he holds your body to prevent any danger, as if the bedding under isn't enough, "Good morning, Hound".
"Good morning to you too, my spark"
It's cold outside, the sun is still in the horizon, and there is a lot of work to do during the day, but you only exhale, kissing him once again and holding him in place, feeling him relax under your hands, Hound knows what you're trying to do, or at least catching on it, as his barely closed optics open once again, spell broken.
"Wait, no, the tomatoes, we must-"
"You're telling me to stop?"
Hound intake is closed tight to show you his answer, you laugh tiredly at his antics, his optics look at you as if you're the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and you kiss him once again before the duties of the day do drag you out of the berthroom.
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
Jenson Button x Famous!Reader 2009
you’re a famous British model and actress who’s dating Jenson Button during 2009 GP. You’re also his biggest support but you get a name for yourself in the British press as being a bit of a ‘wild child’. Cameras constantly follow you around the grid, but Jenson is absolutely smitten by your crazy antics.
warnings: headcanons mentions of sex, oral sex, innuendos, Jenson is in love with her like teeth rotting cuteness, mentions of public flashing?!
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I feel like Jenson and y/n would meet a year prior to starting to go out, when she was still in a relationship with somebody else. She’s a little younger, maybe when they actually start dating she’s 22 and he’s like 29?
anyway he’s heard of her before and sees her and his friends are all hyping him up to say something, maybe they’re at an after party where there’s lots of big names.
he walks around the corner all hyped up, then sees you snogging this other fella and he’s deep down crushed.
anyway a year later you’re single and he sweeps you off your feet, absolutely buzzing that this time nobody got in his way.
the relationship moves naturally, you’re both young and still (kinda) like to party, the British press go WILD that the two of you are together. You’d attend as many races as possible, being in the front row and cheering him on each time.
there’s one incident specifically where you’re cheering from below as he stands on the podium. He’s grinning directly towards you and giggling you go to lift your top to flash him cheekily.
the camera ALL point to you but it’s his publicist that stops you, waving a hand in a panicked manner. “I wasn’t really going to!” You’d exclaim, glancing back up to Jenson whose jaw was dropped in excitement. The crowd was ‘wheeeeying’ each time you went to lift your top mischievously, but you ended up getting told off.
he’d love it when you rode tf out of him, titties in his face.
you’d get a reputation for partying together, but the tabloids make it seem far worse than what you actually do.
The uk papers love trying to get a good scandal out of the two of you, but you’re so close knit and stay out of drama it’s all aload of bollocks.
always getting caught in compromising positions, eg, he’s grabbing your bum or boobs.
you once got caught reaching under the blanket to rest a hand teasingly over his crotch.
he’d be such a tease omg, especially when he get a little cocky after winning a race.
but he really is a sweetheart, the media like to present you both as some kind of crazy, party animal couples and there’s sooo many rumours that fly around (none of them are true).
The two of you would 100% become more private and reserved as you got older, but especially in the first few years you’re a magnet for cameras.
you’d often be caught drinking in the paddock or partying, you’d become a staple fashion icon and one of the leading wags. It seems like you’re friends with everybody and anybody, causing you to become a likeable character on the grid.
I feel like Jenson would be so chilled out watching you doing interviews and speaking to whoever, but the minute somebody starts to take advantage of your kindness he’s stepping in.
Like some of the papers print the most misogynistic stories about you ever. We all know paparazzi especially the British press can be ruthless, so there’d be lots of times after nights out where they’re already waiting to hound you coming out of a bar.
One guy tries to take an inappropriate picture of you getting out of a car and Jenson punches him or hits his camera out of his hands, idk he’s just super protective over you.
would take you on soooo many holidays, deffo gets a little frisky on the private beaches and on the yachts, he loves it. He falls in love with you deeper and deeper each time he spends time with you.
Can’t get enough of you in a bikini.
sometimes he’ll get so excited to see you he play fights you and gets a little rough.
loves it when you get a little feisty omg.
when you surprise him at a race he’d wrap his arms so tightly around your front and snuggle his face into the crook of your neck omg he’s so soft idgaf.
massive softie when nobody is watching, isn’t afraid of a little PDA either in front of the right people ;)
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boozenboze · 2 months
2. Hound Dog
Tf!141 x Roberta!Male reader
Summary: Don’t mess with the people he holds to dear. He will get blood on his hands for them.
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Women/Female Aligned DNI
While going through the endless amounts of older articles and private information. Price hadn't found much significance in the writings, though there were a few things he took to mind. Some of the poorly taken photos were clear to be of M/n. However, there was something weird under the information. He used to be under an elite squad way before he joined the 141. The call sign he has now Teleiotís, wasn't even his original call sign. Having gone under the codename Hound. "The hell were you up to lad..?" Price murmured, eyes focusing on the name. It was another word for a dog, a wild beast. M/n wasn't like that, he'd always been the perfect soldier. Even if he did act robotic sometimes. Despite the decent amount of info that was given, there wasn't enough to piece many things together. Why was he so durable, strong at that. He'd met many other soldiers in his time, yet there was nobody like this. Nobody like him.
Going a bit further, he found a folder in the corner of the screen, the slightly hidden folder having caught his full attention. He clicked on it, watching the screen flash black, extracting a look of wary from his face. 0...13..26...45...60..76...89...95...100..loading.
A knock on his door swept his attention away from the screen, Price now looking towards the door.
"Time to start headin' out," Laswell called out, leaving Price to sigh in response. He still had shit he needed to do, that would have to wait. They still had a job to do. In the moments that Price put his hat on his head, and headed out the door, a description was shown of a man. In bold italic letters in red, showed something that could change a lot. The Blood-Hound of The Inner Circle.
Everything went to shit, leaving Soap beat up on the ground with Gaz tied up to Price, arms to their backs. They don't know what they'd done with Ghost, but he's a tough one so they try not to worry much about it. After almost acquiring what they needed, the whole operation having gone too smoothly for their liking ended with them being led into a trap. M/n was nowhere to be found, hell he hadn't even come on this run with them. If anything he should still be at the base, doing whatever work he does when they do go on a mission without him. "Watcher-1, do you copy?" Price grumbled, voice sounding hoarse and dry. He struggled against the rope, wrists having rug burn on them causing a stinging sensation. "Shit.., Soap...lad you alive?" Soap opened his eyes, having had them closed moments ago. He looked roughed up, having run his mouth more than needed towards the enemy. Left him with a bruised cheek and busted lip.
"Never been better sir.." Soap groaned, feeling the pain in his back as he sat up groggily. He pushed himself up against the wall, working his wrists only to feel that he was tied too. "Got this shit bloody fucking tight- ugh." Soap struggled against his restraints to no avail, his wrists beginning to sting due to his struggle. He leaned his head against the wall, sighing out of frustration. As far as they could tell, they were unable to hear anything going on outside the room, and the only thing there for potential escape was a ventilation system high up on the ceiling. They were stuck, no doubt, with no possible way of escape. A few moments passed, Soap lolling his head to the right, hearing the door to the room they were being held in being unlocked. Adrenaline rushed through their bodies, an unspoken sentence going through their heads as their eyes set heavy on the door. Be ready
The door creaked open, Gaz shifting in his seated position, fully being on edge. With the door fully opened, they found themselves staring into nothing. The hallway was completely dark, the lights occasionally flickering. "The hell..?" Price murmured, squinting at the dark abyss of the hall, attempting to land his gaze on something, anything. Then he saw it, the familiar sight of the red substance he and the rest of his fellow soldiers often got on their hands. It looked fresh, and as the lights flickered again he could see the extent of it all. An audible gulp was heard from Soap, which was understandable. They weren't able to hear or see...whatever the hell happened, but there was no mistaking the sight of Ghost walking past, the large man stopping when he found his team. "Bloody hell..." Ghost said under his breath, rushing to untie Gaz and Price from one another. "Well look at that, L.T. here saving the day." Soap cheered cheekily, though the look Ghost gave him shut him up. He let the man untie him, nodding his head at him once finished. The 3 took the chance to stretch, needing to be ready to move again. "Mind telling us what going on?" Gaz questioned, referring to the flickering lights and blood-splattered walls. "Dunno wasn't me though." Ghost replied gruffly, his gaze coming in contact with the others who held a look of confusion and a sense of uneasiness. If Ghost hadn't done this, that'd only mean one thing. Someone else was here
"Where were you-, what'd happened when they took you," Soap asked, shifting his weight to his right leg. Silence filled the room, Ghost just staring at each of them.
Blood was spat out of Ghost's mouth, and his mask had been ripped off his face, leaving him with his balaclava. He was being interrogated, his silence having ticked off the enemy soldiers badly. "Hell's it gon take to make ya talk eh?" The soldier said, the annoyance prominent in their tone. Ghost's head was to the side, his gaze to the ground.
"Oi...speak damnit!" A loud thud was heard, the butt of a gun making contact with Ghost's skull. The soldier went in for another hit only to be stopped by the other soldier in the room with a hand to the shoulder. They scoffed, backing away and letting the other soldier have his turn. They turned on their heel, walking out of the room, leaving Ghost alone with the other soldier. The man stood there for a moment, looking down at Ghost who was also looking at him. A look of distaste clear in his gaze, moments going by with just this. "You're gonna have to talk," He stated shortly, the soldier, pulling a chair to now sit across from Ghost. He sat, lounging in the wooden chair casually, potentially trying to appear laid back. An often yet effective tactic. "And hell if I don't?" Ghost said back, hardened stare not leaving the soldier who visibly became uncomfortable under his gaze.
"Well, ya teammates seemed pretty worried bout ya earlier." The soldier said, staring back at Ghost with his newfound found hand. The fucker was holding the lives of his team over his head, and quite frankly. That's not something he'd want to happen.
He glared, the smirk appearing on the other man's face pissing him off with each second it remained. "Lay a damn hand on any of em and I swear I'll-" Ghost was cut off by the sound of a blood-curdling scream, followed by the sound of glass shattering. The enemy soldier stood up, pulling his gun up steadily. The screams faded out, a cracking sound echoing through the now silent hall. The soldier stopped in place, the sound of footsteps being heard making their way down the hall. With a shaky hand, he grabbed the doorknob, slowly opening the door and peeking out of it.
His breath hitched, at the sight of the soldier who was originally inside the room with his neck twisted where the back of his head should be. His mouth was ajar, blood spilling from his mouth, worse part about it being that he was still alive. He wasn't getting enough air, choking on his own blood while using whatever air he had left in his lungs to breathe. Or at least try...
The soldier backed away, the door creaking open on its own, enough for Ghost to see as well. He tensed, gazing hard at the now dying soldier. Not even a second later, a gun went flying towards the soldier in the room with him. The man got thrown back, the gun sending him flying into the wall, the head of the gun piercing the man through the mouth and out his skull. His body now hung from the wall, completely motionless.
The remaining man, Ghost stared at the whole scene. He couldn't move, gaze shifting to the doorway again to see someone standing there. He was locked in, being able to hear his own thoughts yet couldn't move a muscle even if he tried. His pupils dilated as the figure approached him slowly and tentatively. Upon closer look, he had a black surgical mask on his face, with a familiar uniform on his body. Was he worried about that at the moment though? Not at all.
Ghost's eyes lost their sight on him once they went behind him, feeling the enigma untie his hands. He still hadn't moved, yet a look of confusion was now held in his eyes. His breath hitched when he felt something land in his lap, relaxing when he saw his mask. He looked back up, about to say something only for the man to be gone.
The three stared at Ghost, looks of equal confusion and intensity in their eyes.
"Let's move, can't risk gettin' caught up with whatever the hell's going on." Price said, quickly moving to lead the others out. They had to be quick, or else there'd be a possibility that they'd end up having the same fate as those other poor sods.
As they moved through the large building, swiping whatever guns or knives the fallen soldiers had on them. Gaz had to cover his nose at one point, the metallic smell of blood making him feel sick.
"Where we even goin'..., place s' like a labyrinth," Gaz murmured, staying close on Price's 6 while Soap stayed a bit further back with Ghost's imposing figure.
"Should be an exit somewhere-." Price held his hand up, the others stopping in suit. There were two people at the end of the hall, both throwing punch after punch at the other. With a quick and swift movement, the soldier who was clear to be the enemy lifted the other up, slamming him onto a table that was for some reason at the end of the hall.
"You really thought I couldn't recognize you...," An unfamiliar voice spoke, possibly the enemy soldier. The sound of a gun clock echoed through the quiet hall, the 141 members hiding around the corner, silently watching the whole spectacle. "I know how you fight, hell we were from the same regiment.
"Hmm, well I do recognize you..." The other voice spoke, Soap's ears perking up at the sound of it. If he wasn't dreaming, it was who he thought it was, despite his tone being so... different. A scoff of amusement was heard from the same man.
"Why don't you just shoot me eh? I see that look in yer eyes." The enemy spoke, glaring down at the other man. "You were an asset to our plans, yet you up and left us like an old toy. Boss wasn't very happy bout that..." Silence came back into the room, Gaz looking back at Soap who had a look of familiarity in his eyes. "What?" Gaz whispered, staying as quiet as possible. Soap held a hand up, a silent motion to tell Gaz to be quiet.
"Come back with us Hound, stop pretending to be some weak-ass hero. Come be the man you were before." The man pushed, smirk clear in his voice. The four men's eyes widened, their teammate? No, it couldn't be...how... "Markov would love to see this pretty face again y'know."
A low chuckle left the other man.
"Well...I am tired of it all, but once I'm done here, my job will be done," The voice spoke back, undoubtedly belonging to their teammate. The enemy backed away, gun still in his hands as he watched Hound intently. With the way his gaze lay on the man, it was clear there was something else he wanted. Hound, being the quick-minded man he was, sighed as he sat up a bit more on the table.
"Still being cautious, understandable." The sound of a belt unbuckling made Price quickly move slightly from around the corner, ready to shoot the man. Without missing a beat, the lock on Hound's belt opened, revealing something other than a belt. The sound of shots firing made Price back, the enemy yelled out in pain, falling to his knees.
"You fucking!- AGH." The man was cut off when he was suddenly lifted off the ground, Hound landing a heavy blow across the soldier's face. "You think I'd lower myself down to your level again? Pig," Hound spoke, glaring down at the soldier who looked shocked. Another punch to the face, then the stomach. The enemy spat out blood, knees buckling yet Hound's hold on his shirt unwavered. Another punch was heard, only this time a loud crack was heard. Price, Gaz, Soap, and Ghost listened intently, an uncomfortable feeling in the pits of their stomachs to the sound of bones breaking. "I'd never go back, not when I have them," Hound spoke, voice void of any emotion towards the beaten and wounded soldier "They're my family and my loyalty...my protection...my love is for them. I'd be damned if I let them go, or have you try and take me back to that shit hole."
It was like a pang to the heart, despite how sinister his tone was coming off. It was refreshing, he really did care for them despite how he behaved. Though, they couldn't ignore the fact that...he'd been associated with Markov. (A/n: I tagged those who asked to be tagged or be made aware of when this came out in the comments of pt.1) @byakuren100 @d0wnwthecl0wn @thefanpov @sochigonzo
@hashslingingslasherofficial @hauntedapplefarm @incubusx @king825
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always ready for some good angst, so: OP (continuity doesn't matter) finally finding long lost human partner who was kidnapped -by Megatron, or by Quintessa if bayverse- and being surprised to see no physical damage -or no signs of Quintessa's magic- only to realize they've been manipulated to believe OP used them, left them to die or killed their loved ones maybe? now they hate him and his cause. they are ready to fight for the other side of their own free will and there is nothing OP can do
OMG GIRL I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Finally mustered the energy to write today. Primus, why did you have to shatter my heart like this, prepare to get some tissue (lord knows I teared up like twice writing this.)
Optimus could not express the relief he felt in his spark when Cade came to him announcing that he’d finally managed to track down your location. What worried him was finding out you were on Quintessa’s ship being held captive. Or…at least that’s what the Prime thought when he called the Autobots together to retrieve you from the goddess's ship.
They stormed the ship, guns blazing and optics desperately searched for the little human they all missed dearly. They found her all right, sitting on Megatron’s shoulder completely unfazed by their heroic bravery to come and save her from these Primus-awful Decepticons. 
“(Y/n) what are you waiting for come on!” Cade said standing next to Bumblebee. “We’ve come to bring you home.”
“I am home.” you snarled immediately, then turned to face Megatron. “Put me down.” To everyone's surprise, the large mech complied and gently set you down on your feet. You looked up at the Autobots with a blank as you slowly walked to Optimus. He kneeled as you came closer, extremely confused.
“(Y/n) why are you speaking such nonsense.” The usually composed Autobot leader couldn't stop the agony he felt from leaking into his voice. He reached out a digit to caress your face and was mortified when you took a step back bearing your teeth. 
“Don’t touch me Prime.” was what blindly left your mouth, voice thickly laced with disgust. “If you loved me you wouldn’t have left me to die. You were so concerned about that damn staff you didn't even notice I fell off the side of the ship. Megatron was the one who risked his own spark to save me, and Quintessa was the one who made sure I was properly healed and cared for. She was right, a true sparkmate would’ve made sure no harm would ever come to their significant other. Decepticons are the ones whose spark is in the right place, I was just to blind to see it before.” 
Bumblebee twitched his wings uneasily, and Drift shook his helm a sigh escaping him. “You don’t really believe that do you (Y/n)? This is the Quintessa we’re talking about. She’s trying to break us apart don’t you see? God, this is all wrong.” Cade said moving towards you. You quickly pulled a pistol from your left hip and aimed it between his eyes. 
“Take another step and I’ll blow your head off Yeager. You can all leave,” you began looking up at the Prime, “Because I’m not coming with you. Honestly, I should just let them kill you all right now, but I don't feel like dealing with the mess that would come with it.”
Optimus’s optics widened and he slammed a servo down next to you. “What has she done to you, little one? You are not the human I remember nor the one I gave my spark to…” 
It was then that your face shuttered like you could see clearly for a moment. 
“Oppie? Where are we?” 
But just as quickly as it was there, your eyes flashed purple and your face became blank, then proceeded to fill with the same unfiltered rage as before. Your shoulders became slack and your monotone voice rang through the room one more time. 
“I will not ever return to you. I will fight you day in and day out, even if it means I die in the end. Quintessa has shown me nothing but kindness, and I feel at home here. Leave now Autobots, we Decepticons will not be merciful for much longer.” Your eyes seem to plead with the Prime as if you were fighting whatever had taken hold of you. 
Optimus cast one more glance at you before standing up and glaring at Megatron. “If I find out any harm has come to her I will turn you all into scrap metal.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it Prime.” Megatron smiled.
“Wait! We’re just going leave, Optimus this is (Y/n)! We need to fight!” Hound said taking out his guns.
Optimus just shook his head, “No…(Y/n) has made her choice, it is our duty to respect it, even if we don’t agree with it. Autobots…fall back. This fight is not over, but today is not the day of our victory.” With a final glance back at his love, he and the other bots (a screaming Cade Yeager in tow) retreated back to base. 
She would come home, he’d make sure of it.
A/N: This is long as frag! I didn’t mean for this to be this big of an answer but I kind of got carried away.
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Bayverse drift, crosshairs, and Sideswipe
W cybertonian crush who calls them nicknames in other languages that they don't know? Like, Mein liebe (my love) , Mahal ko (my love, again), hermoso (Handsome), Liebling (Darling), beaue (Lovely)... Just any sweet nicknames in a language he doesn't know shit about??
Reader just loves telling the mech their feelings straight up, and the darling doesn't even know
What would his reaction be when he's informed of the translations?
Hellloooo, sorry for the wait! I hope this is what you were looking for and expecting. Request are still open if you like what your read or have a request. Enjoy :)
Pairings: Bayverse Drift x Reader, Crosshairs x Reader, Sideswipe x Reader
Warnings: Poorly translated languages(sorry in advance),
Drift - Mein Liebe(My Love) and Liebling(Darling) 
You spent most of your time on Earth in the German countryside, considering you arrived right after WWII. So in time you learned the language, and with the many different drivers you’ve had, you’ve experienced and heard many different things, but the sweet nicknames your long term German driver gave to their lovers just so happened to stick with you. 
“Mein Liebe!” 
After jumping out of the driver side door and into their lovers arms, the image was sweetly sickening, but how you longed for your turn. 
You remember when you received the message from Optimus about other autobots being out there. You were with the same driver, and boy had it been a long time. The children were crying in the back as your radio transmitted the message. 
“Warum ist Ihr Radio durcheinander? Dieses Stück Schrottauto!!”
Their hand coming to smack down on your dashboard, what the fuck. In that moment you transformed, throwing the two adults out and holding the small children. Your feet stuck to the concrete of the highway, and their words hit hard, you were no piece of junk. You sat the children down, giving them a hard look before transforming and leaving. 
You may no longer be in Germany anymore, but you still spoke like it. A thick accent when speaking and along with the occasional German words, but with the group Prime had configured, everyone was different. Especially this one bot, Drift. He also had somewhat of an accent, and was all about tranquility and whatnot, kinda the opposite of you. You remember the first time you called him Liebling. 
He and Hound were getting into it, something about a flower in the wind, loyalty and fear, some haiku. When Hound threatened to drop a grenade down his throat over it, Drift pulled his swords and started on about threats when your servos grabbed at his shoulder plating, pulling him towards you. 
“Liebling, cool it yah! He can’t comprehend such great poems.” 
Optimus then started on about something. Drift dropped all arguments and just looked towards you, a smile coming from you and you both just looked back to Optimus. 
The second time just happened was when you were both battling in london. He was in the blast radius of a con attack, being thrown back and you witnessed it. Running over to help him, your processor not being able to pick between german and english curse words before you made it in earshot of him.
“Mein Liebe! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?” 
Your servos move him around as he groans. He was too dazed to fully recognize what was going on, He had only picked up on Meine Liebe, that was new. A foot soldier that had been with you since the battle laughed a little. Your optics moved to look at him, a concerned look. 
“‘My love’, what are you two in a relationship?” 
This must have been what shook Drift from his daze. My love, you have been calling him My love, he felt honored. 
“Well, It was easier to say when he didn’t know what it meant, soldier” 
Your optics moved back to look at Drift. He was smiling at you, his body seemed to relax.
“I'm honored to know you call me that, My love.” 
Now it was your turn to smile at him, He finally knew your feelings.
Crosshairs -  Mahal ko(My Love) 
Crosshairs was no shy bot, so when you showed up. He felt the urge to question you, make sure you weren't a ‘backstabbing con’. Which with the circumstance of your arrival it made sense. You had taken your time with showing up, but once he saw you transform, and the nice placement of the autobot symbol on your chassis, he knew you were somewhat okay. He found you interesting, the way you didn’t speak like the rest, the way you were just something else, it was kinda fascinating to him. You were fascinating to him, and that nickname you gave him, it sounded special, far too special for him. He didn’t do research, opting to just let you tell him when you're ready, and boy did it happen. 
Minding your business, he makes some sort of gun, when it all blows up in his face. With an upset noise he turns around. Waving his servos around like it was nothing.  
“It's okay Mahal ko, you’ll get it next time.” 
The words of encouragement just weren't enough to get him to go at it again, instead his optics landed on you and in an instance, he had some questions. 
“What does that even mean? You say it often, but not to anyone else. You calling me a name or something, cause if so i’ll,” 
He cut himself off, you were simply just smiling at him and he was threatening you. You optics closed, you trusted him far too much.
“You are just something else,” 
Your voice was so sweet, never weavering, never sounded bitter, he simply couldn’t get enough. 
“If you wanna know so badly, It means my love.” 
“My love, do you have some feelings for me or something?” 
You smiled, he was so clueless. He stared at you, optics steady scanning your face for lies, but there were none. 
“Nah, I don't believe you. What is this for you?”
“You're always asking what's in it for you.” 
“Because there’s gotta be something, ain't no way you aint getting something outta this.” 
“Nothing in this but you, your feelings.” 
He stops, he always says let's use words but this time he was out of them. Your feelings really took the words outta him.
Sideswipe  - Hermoso (Handsome) 
With the rise in autobots showing up after Primes message, bots from all around the world and universe were showing up. One of the bots from around the world was you, coming from South America. You’d traveled around the world, but there was something about Spanish that just sat right with you. It felt so normal, so when you developed feelings for the bot you were constantly paired up with, you just got used to calling him handsome. It just wasn’t in english. 
You two were cornered in a run down building, it was a two on four moment. You two were bumped back to back. You loaded your fusion cannon before speaking. 
“How are we doing this, Hermoso?” 
Your optics narrowed as you tried to pinpoint where they'd come from. Your servo lifting up your cannon. He laughed at your question, you could hear the smile in his voice. 
“However, we must.” 
He leaned his helm into the back of yours, almost to reassure you that the two of you will survive this. 
“Hey, I’ve got a question, just in case something happens.” 
You thought he’d ask how you wanted your sent off to be, and that's what filled your head before his question. You wanted him to be the one, the one to carry you, the one to remove your autobot symbol, the one to give your last words. You were taken out of your thoughts when he started talking, a light hearted tone.
“What’s Hermoso mean and why do you only call me that?” 
You felt him lift up his swords and turn his helm to look over his shoulder plating. You laughed, just like you would if he told you a funny joke about brother. 
“It means Handsome, and why only you, because you’re handsome, Harmoso.” 
You turned around to face him, a smile on your face as he turned around on his skates to look at you. 
“You clever bot.” 
A smile appearing on his face as well, you simply nodded and closed your optics.
“I like it, now I’ve gotta have one for you.” 
“Aww no need for that.” 
You started moving back, the silence from no cons was starting to get worrying. 
“Of course there is, you gave me a cute nickname, I gotta give you one back.” 
“I'm sorry, are you reciprocating my feelings right now?”
He shrugged at you, before skating off. He was reciprocating your feelings.
Hound -  Beaue(Lovely) 
Hound had his shotgun pointed at Crosshairs helm, all the autobots were on the ship, and Crosshairs was kinda bullying the humans.
“Come on, let's use words.” 
You reached around and placed your servo on the gun, pushing it down while whispering something to Hound. 
“Beaue, let's calm down now.” 
The group disperse, you and Hound, and the rest in pairs. You don't remember what you were looking for, but you just remember Hound clearing his throat. 
“Huh, What’d you say?” 
You tear your optics from whatever you're looking at to him. 
“I said, what does that name you keep saying mean? Is it someone you're looking for.” 
You laughed, placing your servos on your hips as you looked around. 
“I'm not laughing, I wanna know. If I can help or not.” 
“It’s not someone I'm looking for. It just means lovely. It's what I call the people I like.” 
You got closer to him, you thought about touching him, placing your servo on his shoulder or arm, but with such high tensions from surroundings you decided against it. So you decided you’d explain what like meant in this scenario. 
“Like, love, hints why its ‘my love’” 
“You like me? Hard to believe, when there's a war going on.” 
He turned around and continued to walk.
“Well war doesn’t stop love Hound.” 
You laughed, and continued to follow him. You could further explain when you guys weren’t on some enemy ship. 
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sparatus · 7 years
9, 10, 13 for fic writer asks :)
prompt list here
9.Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?
i want to eventually write a novel, and i actually have a lot worked out for it, the main characters and the setting and the plot are all good to go whenever i want to start. the problem is getting time to write it, lol..... being in uni means i just don’t have space in my schedule for writing anything big :/
10.What inspires you the most?
honestly?? other media. i draw a lot of ideas from tv shows like csi: ny or the west wing, books like the dresden files (urban fantasy series by jim butcher, can’t recommend it enough if that’s ur thing, it’s like detective noir mixed with urban magic, every book is a murder mystery with magic and the paranormal wrapped up in it like it’s no big deal) have been super for helping me with my original verse hounds bay. i will also admit to getting a lot of ideas for mine and eli’s shared verse from anime and the like 2 months i was into supernatural. blue exorcist is a good anime, sue me.
13.Favorite fic from another author?
ok i’m hopping out of my mass effect bubble that i try to keep in place here cause i’m notoriously finicky abt m.e. fic
first a little context: way back last summer, some whiny pissbaby made a big stink on ao3 about transformers fic authors not writing tf fic “right,” aka according to their very stupid and arbitrary rules. they posted their whinefest as a fic, and after the entire community went “ok listen here bitch” they took it down, but i saved it as a series of screenshots before they did ;) their "rules” were as follows:
no character x reader
“stop giving your ocs a common name with one extra letter”
no self-inserts
no mermaid aus (an oddly popular trope in tf fandom, i don’t really get it either but hey i’ll readily admit i love it)
no human aus (because it’s so easy to put giant shape-shifting robots into any other context, doncha know)
must not be all one giant paragraph (the only reasonable complaint, but also keep that shit to yourself)
must be 100% perfect grammar and spelling at all times (cause fuck you if english isn’t your first language, or if it IS your first language but you have any sort of disability that makes it hard, i guess)
and in response, ao3 user pink_shoes wrote this goddamn masterpiece of a “fuck right the hell off” fic
like yeah, ok, sure, it’s not some multi-chapter grand epic story of twu wuv, but goddammit, it made me laugh like i’ve never laughed before while reading fanfiction
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mariacrow · 11 months
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secondary profile: @mariariley (currently active there)
❁ Sorry for any typos! My nails are long! 💅🏻 ❁
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Optimus Prime
Hot Rod
!EXCEPTION! Scourge (RoTB)
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🧡Transformers Prime🧡
Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus
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x human fem/gn reader
no ships
no pedophilia, rape, pregnancy, gory self harm, mental illnesses, fursonas or any animal-like add ons
no heavy BDSM or weird fetishes
will do mental breakdowns, hysteria, death (not too gory)
will do angst, fluff, sometimes smut
will do headcanons and NSFW alphabets
self written fanfics in 1st person
requests and headcanons in 2nd person
please make your requests clear and with enough details 🧡
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Dividers belong to @cute-sushi-roll , @moansteur , @animatedglittergraphics-n-more , @cafekitsune , @benkeibear 🧡
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