#that is so incredibly sweet
ow-anteater · 1 year
For the spotify wrapped. . . let's try #14 and Ramattra
(I need to see you write Ramattra like I need air. You're gonna do such a good job with him I can feel it in my bones)
Ngl this is mainly just me waxing poetically and trying to find A Voice for Ramattra ... all to the (very loose) tune of #14 Bitter Water by The Oh Hellos
I am not a fool entire, no, I know what is coming / You'll bury me beneath the tree I climbed when I was a child
He wakes up to hoar frost and for a second he is back at the monastery. The air is icy cold and still - the whole world holding its breath just for him.
He hasn’t graced the place with his presence for years now, and yet it has gotten him good. Sometimes he can almost feel it, beneath layers of plate and wiry blood. And beneath even that, the rage that birthed him. He wonders what Mondatta would think if he knew that itch hadn’t been worked out of him.
He is alone for the first time in a long time. He had almost managed to grow accustomed to the warning flashing at the edge of his vision; telling him a human lingers close. It’s almost weird, to not have Akande hanging close by, making him defy his design. 
He moves about the hideout almost hesitantly. It’s been too long since he’s been in the cold like this. He doesn’t like how it mixed past and present in his mind. It makes his armor heavy in a way he isn’t used to. He hopes the mission will be worth it, that this delegation really does carry intel they can’t live without.
He is not built for waiting, but he has figured it out. He is nothing if not patient. He sits idly on the floor while the sun steadily climbs until the entire world shines and refracts like a prism. Then he gets up, dares to move out into the light dusting of frost the night has left.
It’s only then he realizes it’s snowing. Each speck is barely big enough to be called a snowflake. His vision stutters and zooms in close but there’s no intricate crystals to find here. The point is the moving. The art is in the falling.
He remembers Zenyatta, far away and hazy. It’s a thing he’s only started doing recently; trying to recall stubbornly instead of simply finding the memory clip buried somewhere in his harddrive. He tells himself he likes how Zen floats and changes in his own less mechanical mind. 
The truth may be he doesn’t like how the files sometimes burst to the surface corrupted and decayed. He was not built to last.
A squirrel darts through a tree beside him. It stops to stare, for a second as still as he feels. His chest erupts in sudden fondness. For this world he is doomed to inhabit, for those of his kind who was robbed of the chance to lock eyes with a squirrel through the dancing snowflakes. 
It aches, unlike anger or despair. Unlike passion. It simply aches.
This is what will do him in. He’s as sure of it as he’s sure somebody will pick up his fight when he at last joins his brothers in the dirt.
His people is young but they linger long. He overheard a funeral service; of returning home until flowers braid their roots into your throat. Until you sing in rapid blooming. His brethren won’t. The best they can ask for is peaceful silence.
Or a return to a god he’s not sure he can call his anymore. His old god lays slain and bleeding behind him; his very creator turned to dust and code running like ink. 
The warm embrace of the Iris, the cool instinctual violence of Anubis; he knows already they spring from the same source. He is not quick to meander back and dip his hands.
The kindness is a mistake. So is the brutality. They are both the point.
He shakes his head. The squirrel blinks and races on, he thinks he can hear something coming through the trees. In his HUD, warnings come back to life. He gets up, and goes back to work.
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kimtaegis · 9 months
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friendly herbivore dinosaur 🦕 for @jung-koook
cr. namuspromised
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clownsuu · 1 year
What do you think about wally with fangs ewe?
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F I n a. L l y, an excuse to draw him with dientes-
feels very cursed but honestly it looks good on the ol puppet smhhh
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Lil doodles of the ol goblin-
Every time I look at reference photos for Howdy I get all happy kicking my feet in the air giggling smhh
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Luzu: Yeah, you know, I told people that I would happily make some dictionaries so that you guys have expressions to use, like you can have a book in your inventory that you open to have like basic Spanish stuff, I'm gonna mess his one, like his -
Phil: Oh yes, please.
Luzu: - book up, and I'm gonna make all like, have no meaning.
Phil: Please give him like, a - a silly book, a - give him a silly one.
Luzu: Yeah. How do I pronounce his name, Wilbur, or Wilb? Or Wil?
Phil: You got it right the first time! Yup, it's Wilbur.
Luzu: Oh yeah? Alright.
Phil: Yup yup! Or just Wil. Either - either works.
Luzu: I wanna have to find a way to, yeah, have a cold revenge. Like, he - he may be laughing today, and, "heehee, haha!" we did like this small joke, and in 20 days I'm gonna destroy everything that he loves in this server.
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jewishregulus · 4 months
love when ppl make random ass aus for their fave ship that r just nonsensical and crazy . anyways jegulus au in which the potter’s run an animal shelter and usually order their pet supplies online but one day james goes to a chain store and finds regulus, who hates every single thing abt his shitty fucking pet store job and ONLY stays bc having a shitty job getting to pet cats on a leash is better than having a shitty job and not being able to. anyways james sees a twink and loses a few brain cells so he just pretends he has NEVER had a pet before and asks for regulus’ advice to talk to him. in his nervousness james is like “so dogs can’t eat chocolate right hahaha that’s crazy i’d go crazy” and regulus is like “i don’t get paid enough for this”
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h0estar · 3 months
i'm actually going to cry.
maybe the reason Anya suddenly revealed her secret to Damian, of all people, is because she felt guilty about knowing his deep desire for familial love. he didn't mention it, but it was painfully obvious in the way he looked at her with this soft, sad smile:
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anya is so strong. i would've cried and hugged him 😭
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but lo and behold, anya wasn't so strong after all. after trying so hard to keep her ability a secret, she told damian anyway – and without hesitation too.
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crying... this panel is everything to me
personally, what Anya did was equivalent to a hug. maybe she felt bad... maybe guilty... maybe she wanted him to feel less alone... maybe she pitied him... maybe she sympathized... or maybe she felt it was the right thing to do. but in her own way, she definitely did it to make him feel better and less alone :')
maybe i'm just yapping. but the two of them are so similar in so many ways. Damian despite being part of a real family longs for real connection. and Anya, despite loving her family so much, secretly wishes what they had was truly real – a family not held together by a mission or conveniences, but just that, a simple family. they both just want a home man
this chapter was perfect in so many ways. these kids make my heart hurt, and i'm so scared yet excited for what Endo has in store for the next arcs <3
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gentlebeard · 3 months
If I could hold you for a minute, Darling, I’d go through it again
For @edsbacktattoo & @stedesearring 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: Francesca by Hozier YouTube
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tei-to-tei · 6 months
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December 3 - Morning Cartoons
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old-desert · 1 month
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Getting in touch
Made for an art trade with a friend <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 30 days
You should be a childrens' book illustrator! Your style would be so perfect for that I think! Really unique :D
While I don’t know any children’s literature writers, I *was* commissioned to do illustrations for a medical journal article!
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
unironically and genuinely one of my favourite things about Miles and Keiko's relationship is that they have an active sex life and how the writing treats it very casually. they flirt and proposition each other and actively look forward to sleeping together. its very much implied that they do sexy role-play. they're just so completely attracted to each other. Keiko loves Miles with his shirt off. Miles loves Keiko in a fitting dress. it is so so important to me that they find each other sexy
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canisalbus · 8 months
okay yeah obviously your art is incredible, but you should know that you are ALSO just a genuinely lovely person and it's so pleasant to have you on my dash sharing your thoughts and kind words. even if you stopped posting art I think I'd still want to follow you.
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 9 months
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Anytime characters swap bodies I always think about which of our silly little guys gets a break from their usual trash bod/brain.
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mazeyphaedra · 2 months
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intrepid heroes the smokeshows that you are
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upsidedog · 9 months
i am so charmed by a lumax wedding because it’s not even something max thought would happen. like she assumed weddings were something the girl makes happen and the guy puts up with. and because she had no desire for one, so there’s no reason it would happen.
among other things weddings are an exorbitant and performative show of love, max loves lucas and she doesn’t care whether or not other people know or believe this. at it’s best marriage to her has been a representation of failed dreams and at it’s worst it’s been a tool to manipulate people who need to get away to stay. maybe they will get married for the tax benefits, she thinks.
this is until max and lucas are older and living together, they’re chilling on the couch and lucas mentions his family has been asking when he’s planning to propose and if that’s something max even wants? max doesn’t care, she doesn’t plan on going anywhere, a certificate won’t change anything and she's not crazy about parties. she doesn’t ask how he feels, he brings it up, that “actually i want a wedding.”
that is saying the least, lucas wants a wedding more than anything. he loves max and he doesn’t need to prove that to anyone, but he’s happy and he wants to share that with others! he wants to work with max to make marriage a positive thing to them, he wants to celebrate their love, everything they’ve been through. also, hell, he’s only human, he wants to show off! he wants to dress really cool and go to a really cool place and show the world know how awesome he and his girlfriend are. HIS WIFE!!!
most of all, lucas wants the moment near the end of the night, where the party’s getting loud and everybody wants his attention, but max asks if he wants to get out of there and he says yes. not out out, just outside the venue. it’s dark and the once booming music is now faint, they sit and catch up, complain about their families, laugh about their friends. max holds lucas’s hand and plays with his wedding ring, she whispers something sweet before asking him to dance. it’s the best part of the night and nobody will know about it but them.
suddenly max decides she wants a wedding.
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2012 raphael did not sleep for several days after meeting his mutant mayhem counterpart, and by extension, scumbug.
inspired by this post by @halfnekoslair which was one of the only posts i saw before seeing MM on friday! i went into this movie knowing splinter dated a cockroach and that’s it
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