#that's the pic where my rendering skills finally rendered in
starppleb · 9 months
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Danny's design for Au that I've been thinking about.
- Is this design practical? -No. - Is it cool as heck? - Absolutely.
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monstersdownthepath · 11 months
Monster Spotlight: Bogeyman
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CR 10
Neutral Evil Medium Fey
Bestiary 3, pg. 42 (pic taken from Adventure Path: Extinction Curse: Legacy of the Lost God, pg. 79)
For years, FOR! YEARS! I’ve wanted to do an article on the Bogeyman. This monster has a very special spot in my heart, because around 10 years ago when I was just getting into tabletop stuff, I found a copy of Bestiary 3 on a game store shelf and flicked it open. After flicking past Behemoths and Asura, the most striking image to hit my eyes was what appeared to be a clown in a jaunty tophat and an absolutely menacing set of chompers. While by no means my favorite creature in Bestiary 3, my earliest memory of Pathfinder content was seeing that garish purple-and-red beast masquerading as a human, and as such the Bogeyman held a special place in my heart.
Which made it absolutely heartbreaking when my every attempt at extracting its picture from the PDF for use on this blog ended up looking HIDEOUS in a way my brain couldn’t reconcile with. As such, my first-ish exposure to Pathfinder languished... up until recently, with the release of 2nd Edition and a whole host of updated art for a WHOLE bunch of critters! While this Bogeyman isn’t my favorite--I’ll always love the bright purple bastard from 3--it certainly still portrays the mood of the Bogeyman in a way I enjoy. There’s plenty of Fey who cause fear for their own amusement, more than a few who eat it in some fashion, but Bogeymen are fear. They’re terror incarnate, they’re living nightmares, they’re the villain of a thousand stories and they know it, they revel in it, they wear it on their sleeves!
Bogeyman delight in finding singular victims and haunting them for days or even weeks, silently lurking under beds, within closets, in attics, or in basements, occasionally using Ghost Sound to create eerie noises, Darkness to cut the lights, or even Invisibility to quietly stalk their victims from their very own shadows until the haunted soul is on the verge of a breakdown. They’re artisans of terror, delicately crafting every moment of their target’s life of fear, plaguing them with Nightmares by night and by day whispering horrid thoughts into the victim’s ears from an invisible vantage point, making them lash out against friends and family to assure they’re entirely isolated when the malevolent Fey finally decides to end their lives. 
Like many creeping terrors, Bogeymen prefer to keep out of combat unless they’re sure they can win, remaining in the background otherwise. Unlike many creeping terrors, this should by no means make you think they’ll fold easily. They have high saves for their CR, DR 15/cold iron, and 21 SR, but their most infuriating defense is their ability to go invisible at will. Bogeymen are as maddeningly patient in combat as they are when seasoning their victims, flitting in and out of sight with Invisibility and exploiting their titanic +35 to Stealth checks to slither among combatants and find out where they’re weakest, physically and emotionally. Even an invisible Bogeyman can make use of its +28 to Intimidation checks to shake up anyone who can hear it speak as it waits for an opening, something it’s very keen on doing because as you may expect, Bogeymen are all about fear!
They live for fear, gaining Fast Healing 5 if someone within 30ft of them is suffering from any level of it. 30ft is, coincidentally, the range of their Deepest Fear aura, and illusion that shapes itself into the worst fears of anyone who views it. Failing a DC 25 Will save means you’re shaken as long as you’re in the aura, but succeeding the save renders one immune to it for 24 hours... but that just won’t do, will it? We can’t have someone NOT be afraid, so if someone succeeds and maintains a brave face, the Bogeyman disappears once more to Intimidate them, either through the skill check or with their claws. Their 1d8+1 damage claws aren’t really all that scary, but the burst of +6d6 from their Sneak Attack will probably make both the character AND the player jump. Both claws crit on a 19 or 20, and being critically hit by their claws causes Striking Fear to mount up. Failing another DC 25 Will save while already suffering from a fear effect compounds the fear, moving shaken to frightened, frightened to panicked, and panicked to paralyzed with fear (and thus vulnerable to being torn to shreds by Sneak Attack). While relying on crits is... well, unreliable at best, someone being hit even once while already shaken removes that person from the fight for several rounds, as frightened creatures must flee unless cornered, potentially giving the Fey deadly amounts of breathing room so it can recover and slip away... or savage a different, more vulnerable target.
Or just instantly kill someone who’s proven they’re a threat to it. For whatever demonic reason, Paizo decided to give them 3 castings of Quickened Phantasmal Killer each day! The moment it pops out of invisibility to Sneak Attack someone, it may be able to just take out someone else nearby with a glance! If your party doesn’t have any protection from fear, an encounter with a Bogeyman may go from tough to unwinnable in a single round.
If you can weather their initial Sneak Attack and have a way to counter their invisibility (like a sack of flour), things get much simpler. Adding onto that, anything that’s not afraid of them, either because it passed its save against the aura or was unaffected by it in the first place (in case you needed another reason to put Unbreakable Heart in your spell list), takes an enormous bite out of its offense and its defense and can potentially leave it floundering. Even with that weakness, Bogeymen still have access to Hold Person at 3/day to use against creatures they cannot terrify and Suggestion at will to manipulate them so they’re not ENTIRELY helpless against Paladins; keep that in mind if you’re going fey-hunting!
As a closing note, it’s a little funny to me that Bogeymen don’t actually have Darkvision, so their at-will Darkness--which would otherwise be an excellent tool to get in more Sneak Attacks--is just as much and impediment to them as it is to everyone else. It’s also extremely ironic that they’re not immune to fear effects, so any telepathic creature that succeeds against their Phantasmal Killer can turn it back around against them, potentially killing them with their own ability!
You can read more about them here.
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randomstarmuffin · 3 years
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My @runefactorysecretsanta​ gift for ya_boi_nye is finally done!! Hope I did your favorite characters justice!! :)
Happy holidays!!!! I don’t want to take up too much room so I’m going to throw some rambling and extras under the cut lol
So I don’t think nye has a tumblr, but on their twitter i saw that they were into VTube and youtaite and i wanted to incorporate that in their gift somehow. Unfortunately.... the characters are kind of all already anime??? So drawing-wise, i figured it would be more fun to go with a more general YouTuber AU so I could put in some variety rather than just stills of singing or badly rendered 3D models (by which i am throwing shade on myself alone, VTube rigs are sick but i regrettably have no 3D skills lol)
I’ve actually,,, never played Frontier at all, so I apologize if anyone is wildly out of character!! The wiki is extremely sparse and I didn’t have time to watch too too much of the let’s play i found, so if they’re not right just chalk it up to the YouTuber ~performance~ aspect of this AU lmao.
Even though I’ve never played before and don’t know the characters Super well though, I still had a lot of fun thinking about this AU! If you want to know the specifics of everyone’s content:
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Anette does parkour (fun facts, this particular move i drew is called a speed vault!) and a little bit of vlogging, and she’s friends with Erik (as in canon, if I did my research correctly lmao). She sometimes appears on his channel and vice versa, and he helps her film and edit and stuff sometimes. She lives and works with Mist and Rosetta and helps out with their online boutique. Mist is the idea woman who comes up with crazy stuff, Rosetta is the realist and bookkeeper who pulls those ideas together into something feasible and profitable, and Anette handles all the packaging and shipments and stuff! There’s always something weird going on in their apartment and everyone ends up there a lot, so some of Anette’s vlogs get really popular just because of how out there they are lmao. Oh, almost forgot, but her channel is “DeliveryIsFreestyle” bc... get it... free delivery... freestyle parkour / freerunning... Lol actually it was almost going to be “RunTheMail” because i couldn’t think of anything at first so i think this was the right move in the end :P
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Erik has a gaming channel where he mostly plays farming and dating sims / otome, and we don’t read too far into whether or not RF exists in this universe for him to play even though I put the posters for frontier on his wall xD. The reason I picked Stardew for this thumbnail specifically is because A) I have it and could easily take screenshots and B) i read that he has a crush on Lara? And she’s like, kind of a nurse? And Maru is kind of a nurse? It’s a silly joke but I thought it would be funny to cockblock him from dating a nurse he has his eyes on even in video gaming with his friends lol. His channel is pretty self-explanatory (I was really hoping his farm would have a fun name when i was looking it up but it’s really just “Erik’s Farm” huh? ...but I probably shouldn’t judge, my dnd character’s wolf is named Wolf xD)
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Lute paints!! I think he does a lot of speedpaints and mostly does traditional art, but I think he would have some digital skills hidden up his sleeve as well. And also I don’t know why at all bc I know the least about him out of all 4 of them, but I feel like he has done / does some of those like “how to draw anime” videos because I just think that’s funny. He has a bunch of really popular ones about overly complicated fantasy outfits. No this is not a callout for any series in particular why do you ask? Anyway, I’m not sure exactly how the line goes because I couldn’t find it, but the wiki mentions that he’ll say he’s not doing anything suspicious when he’s painting at the lake, so i thought it would be funny if there’s some kind of running gag with his subscribers where they point out suspicious things he does and he responds in the next video or whatever. The thumbnail I made definitely does just have a screenshot of rff that’s color-corrected and blurred, because I ran out of time but also wanted to differentiate the bg from the canvas ^^;  His channel was originally just “lute” in all lowercase but then i got to the part of the let’s play where he was introduced and he calls himself a “fledgling painter” so i thought this was more fun.
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And Eunice has a cooking channel!! She specializes in baking, but she also has a whole playlist along the lines of “Nutritious Food Can Still Taste Good!” where she talks about healthy eating habits but doesn’t buy into diet culture bc I personally HATE diet culture lmao. I think when that gets popular, she also maybe does a side thing about easily accessible workouts for all sorts of people who want to get into shape? But with a focus on getting stronger / being active and Not a focus on Losing Weight necessarily. Promoter of healthy and happy living! I know how her events / dialogue can go in the game, i just happen to have Opinions About Things, so, that’s how she is in my version. Also, unrelated, but she’s very cute. Even though her braids were a bitch to draw hahaha. And i did end up drawing her just in her actual outfit even though i gave everyone else different clothes bc idk it just felt like it fit the aesthetic of a cooking vlog well?? And it’s not a super complicated one unlike others i could mention. Her channel is “Charming Sweets” and her cooking series is “My Cooking” because those are the titles of the books she has on her bookshelf at the start of the game :)
But that’s just all of *my* headcanons for the AU! If anyone else who knows them all better has their own ideas, please be my guest and imagine it however you like!!
Oh, also, fun facts, this is partially a screenshot of my actual web browser, lol, so if y’all want to know what all I have saved on my bookmarks bar and what my google profile pic is, now you know. However, i would like to not downplay how long i spent editing this in what was possibly the least efficient way to put it together how i wanted, rip, which is entirely the reason i am posting this so late LOL. Apologies for the delay, but technically it’s still the 27th here, so! Victory!
(speaking of the layout, did anyone catch the url? I’m disproportionately proud of the url. though i won’t lie part of me really wanted to put the rick roll url there just for my own amusement hahaha)
And, yeah! That’s the end of my spiel. Happy end-of-2020 to all, and an extra helping of that sentiment to nye!!!
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inkz123 · 4 years
Hello! :D
I think I finally can start and make this "Follower Celebration" draw request thing ^^ my internet has been pretty ok lately, so I can make the request now!👍👍
Thank you again for all the support, inspiration, and shared joy! I really didn't expect so much people would end up looking at the stuff I make here, but its nice to know that you all seem to enjoy them ^^💕
Though as I said in an earlier text post, unlike the 1st "Follower Celebration" where I had 3 slots open, I'm only able to have one slot for now, due to other tasks I need to do, which are non-tumblr related, so apologies for that 🙏
Anyways! To enter the draw request, just DM me here on tumblr 👍 Its a first come, first served thing, and no reblogs pls, as to not confuse others with the availability of the slots. I'll pin this comment on my blog for the slot update :D
For the Do's and Don'ts...
Simple cell shading, flat color, lineart, or pencil sketch
Any characters/OC's, (max of two. If I don't know them, I can work from reference pics and descriptions. Any ship art is welcomed too!)
Minimal to no background ( BG prop, plain color)
NSFW (not allowed here ^^")
Mecha and gore (not very good at em')
Complicated backgrounds
"Fully rendered" coloring (still not skilled yet)
Thats all! ^^ also I may take time to finish the request, so please spare me 🙏 Have a great day, and stay safe! ✌👌👋👋👋
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thefoodwiththedood · 4 years
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Hey y’all! Once again, between working on the Devaron’s Angels group pic, I took the opportunity to make some more characters of my own—and since I only made a few more since last time, not enough to warrant a new post, I’m re-posting my last one and working the newest ones into it! From left to right, we’ve got Brahsi’reu’Balnao, Thaom-Vok Neral, Mek Mavos, DEV-41PM, Vrollin K’vaorghuk, Ulga Kavimir, Tsonian Sornell, Jethro, Ramikadyc Vhokan, Nola Starduster, and Möhre! I love how all these guys turned out and are continuing to turn out, and I’d love to develop them some more!
Just like the last times I made new Angels, little blurbs about each one’s backstory will be below the cut. Also, For more information about the Devarons Angels group and how you could make an Angel of your own, check out this post!
Brahsi’reu’Balnao—or just Ms. Balnao, for short—is the former CFO of I’dhako Heavy Industries, better known as the main front for the Raquor’daan gang’s operations. A ruthless businesswoman with more than two decades of experience, Balnao left her position to follow Raquor’daan into the Angels, where she now oversees many of the cell’s financial matters and personally raises much of their funds. She’s shrewd, clever, and high-and-mighty enough to look down on almost anybody—but, irritating as she might be to work with, she can certainly get results.
Thaom-Vok Neral is a marksman with Abaddon’s field support team, though she’s hardly a team player. Formerly a well-adjusted rebel fighter, Neral’s survival of the Serat massacre left her mentally and emotionally scarred, and she’s now a reclusive and nihilistic husk of the person she was. However, she continues to fight, because the way she sees it, more fighting is all she can look forward to in her future.
Mek Mavos is a former member of Jedha’s Guardians of the Whills, who journeyed to Devaron following his home’s destruction in 0 BBY. Kind, compassionate, and skilled as a healer, Mek is always ready to offer his fellow Angels help and guidance, be it physical, mental, or spiritual. He’s wise beyond his years, especially in matters of the Force—it’ll become clear upon speaking to him that he is one with the Force, and the Force is with him.
Lieutenant Colonel DEV-41PM, better known by her nickname Pam, is a tactical droid who joined the Angels in 3 ABY, during the mass defection of the Devaronian Army. Pam’s a 200-year-old family heirloom, of sorts—her original master, a great man by all accounts, passed her down to his descendants as a sort of assistant, but with each successive generation her owners grew lazier, and Pam took on more responsibilities. By her final generation with that family, Pam had effectively become the Lieutenant Colonel her master was supposed to be, and when it came time to defect, she happily left him behind to fight for what’s right, as her own droid.
Vrollin K’vaorghuk is a former mercenary, who left his life of crime to fight for his home planet, and now serves as the leader of Abaddon’s infantry division. While he gets along fine with his fellow soldiers, the death of his father at the hands of a Jedi general has given him a major aversion to and vendetta against Force-users, and this causes him to frequently butt heads with Hes. Even so, he does his best to be a loyal soldier, because if nothing else, he loves his home more than he could ever hate her.
Sul D’vonder is a member of Gargoyle’s fleet division, wherein she captains her hammerhead corvette, the Skeleton Key. A former Rebel Alliance captain, she left her post and joined the Angels following her husband’s death in the escape from Echo Base. She’s upbeat, optimistic, and ready to face any challenge—more often than not with her son and junior co-captain Daki right by her side.
Ulga Kavimir is a long-time member of Abaddon Squadron’s artillery division, who joined the Angels and learned to fight after the rise of the Empire rendered her job as a peaceful protest organizer and free-speech advocate effectively obsolete. She’s strong, proud, and fiercely devoted to not just the cause, but her family within the Angels—even moreso following the Serat massacre, where her husband Vhazo was killed. She’ll do anything to protect her people and her planet, and if the Empire wants a piece of either, they’ll have to get through her.
Tsonian Sornell is a member of the Mandalorian Clan Sornell who operated as a thief in his younger days, but later styled himself as a collector of rare and historic Mandalorian artworks. He’s clearly a gentleman and a scholar, but Tsonian definitely has a streak of eccentricity and a penchant for mysteriousness, which is only amplified by the helmet he ardently refuses to remove in the company of others. Strange though he may seem, Tsonian is primarily a patron of his people and their culture, and he would sooner give up his life—not to mention take that of others—than allow any piece fall into Imperial hands.
CT-477, better known by his chosen nickname Jethro, was a clone trooper and former member of the Grand Army of the Republic, who defected after an injury forced his fellow soldiers to leave him on Devaron, mere days before Order 66 was executed. He was nursed back to health by Taho Vhokan, a Devaronian doctor, whom he later married and had two children with: his daughter Ramikadyc, and his son Bragach. A kind husband and a devoted father, Jethro’s goal is to enjoy the happy life he’s created for himself and his family: the one he never thought he’d get as a young soldier.
Ramikadyc Vhokan is a member of the Angels’ elite Archangel Squadron, who uses what skills she learned from her father—not to mention his old clone armor—to fight the Empire on the front lines. Loyal and devoted to her cause, if a little naive to the intricacies of it, Rami firmly believes it’s her destiny—in her blood, even—to fight, and she relishes the opportunity the Angels have given her. Off the battlefield, though, she’s fun to have around and even greater to have as a friend—which is great, because “friend” is a term she throws around pretty generously.
Nola Starduster is a member of the Angels’ intel division Seraphim, as well as the one-woman crew of a small spy satellite orbiting Devaron, from which she monitors the surface and intercepts Imperial transmissions. Introverted and shy, Nola is, in many ways, the perfect candidate for such a job: she never felt too at-ease among people, and always dreamed of seeing space, so she eagerly took the job when it was offered. Despite this, Nola is still a pleasant person to talk to, if you’re among the fellow Angels who receive her transmissions—she’s always eager to geek out about music or literature, and she’s an excellent listener to whoever needs one.
Möhre is a Devo/Lannik hybrid who serves as part of Belphegor’s maintainence division, who initially came to Devaron in search of adventure. Formerly a plumber, star athlete, racing driver, doctor, dragon-slayer, and mechanic on his home planet, Möhre is the quintessential jack-of-all-trades who has still managed to master one or two of them—however, his eventual retirement left him feeling unfulfilled, if not just bored. Thus, here he is fighting with the Angels, if nothing else just to get one last hurrah in while he’s still willing and able, and add “revolutionary“ to his resume while he’s add it.
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maoxin5254069 · 4 years
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In this exercise, I brought the physical model into a digital model using Fusion360. I did not insert my photos into the software, I just started straight away instead. I was having a bit trouble finding where to start, so I searched tutorials up in Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RtxexJCVts&t=199s)  and also the link in Madeline’s post is really helpful.
Pic 1:
I started off with clicking the construct button to build the cube. I think this is a really good shape to start with because it can transform to basically anything with different modifying methods. I made the cube 100mm tall so it is realistic to be a cream bottle.
Pic 2:
In this pic, after learning the videos I found on Youtube, I learnt that I could increase the sections on each faces to get more dimensions/variations. I think this is quite important as when I do the editing I could have the model outline more organic if I have more “joints”.
Pic 3:
Then I made this curve shown in the screenshot, I think in this process, SHIFT is a really important key, I almost held the SHIFT key every time because I need to select more faces at the same time. I realized that the hot key is a really big part if you want to be more efficient. It was so inconvenient and distracting to stop looking at the model and starting to check the tool bar to find some function or to change to the hand to drag around. However, I know it needs time remember the hot keys. Besides, as I have been using Photoshop for a long time, some hot keys are not the same, it causes many problems.
Pic 4:
Then I sharped the bottom of the bottle so it could stand on the table without falling, also I could do a chamfer afterwards.
Pic 5:
Then I used the chamfer function built in the software, I selected all the sides at the bottom and made a 2.9mm chamfer.
Pic 6:
I found that this bottle still looks like a cube, which means the height sides are still to sharp, so I start to soften that by changing the angle of the two sections on the picture to 25 degree. I only changed one side, then I used the symmetry function to make it same.
Pic 7:
I had a long time wondering how to make the the cap. I did not know how to make a solid on the top because the soft kept asking me to choose form the surface my bottle stands. I is quite frustrating. Plus I did not know how to search this question exactly on Youtube because it is not a really accurate question. Then I had the memories back from Comm 1 that I learnt how to sketch the shape out and extrude the solid out by dragging the arrow. This opened a window to me, I chose to sketch on the top and sketched out a circle then I extruded it and made it a separate part. I think making it SEPARATE PART is so important that I could work on the cap later without doing anything stupid on the bottle which does not need any changes. I made this mistake so many times that I need to Ctrl-Z again and again. I think after using Fusion360 for a month, Ctrl and Z key are going to be worn out.
Pic 8:
I decided to work a bit more on the cap. I sketched out a circle again and this time I cut off part from the cap. As in the pic, I used the same sketch method and made a hole for the cream to come out.
Pic 9:
So this is the final product, and I also tried the rendering function in the software, I used ABS plastic to make the bottle body and a transparent plastic for the cap. I found that this part is really satisfying, as I could see the realistic rendering just by clicking(to change different materials and environment) after all the hard modeling working process.
In a nutshell, it is a pretty rough and busy week, but I quite enjoyed this task anyway, although it is challenging at the same time. However, thinking that this is a skill I must learn and I will be using it in the future, I feel this is a really valuable experience and a quite good start I reckon. This is the my first time actually modeling a object in Fusion after all. I will be keeping learning it in my spare time and level up my skill and familiarity in it.
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “John Wick” Part 3
Y/N left The Organization 3 years ago for the one reason strong enough to make her settle down: love. But after tragedy crushed her to pieces, she decided to leave The Joker and seek refuge with an old friend and mentor - John Wick. Needless to say The King of Gotham can’t accept his wife running away without a word, especially since he didn’t have a chance to tell her things she might want to hear.
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Part 1     Part 2
The Joker listens at the bedroom’s door, impatient to have a conversation with you. It seems you are engaged into a fervent phone call with Winston and figured he shouldn’t interrupt.
“Please, anything you can discover would be a great help! U-hum… U-hum… Thank you,” and you hang up, which queues your husband to walk into the room.
You completely ignore him, scrolling through the numerous text messages you sent to your connections; several are already answering back and hopefully you can get some news soon. The more people are involved into the project, the more chances to find Kase and untangle the mystery of what happened to him after he was removed from the car.
“You left me there,” The Joker sneaks in and closes the door behind him. “Luckily we had Wick with us so he gave me a ride.”
No reaction. He takes a deep breath, trying to get your awareness.
“I didn’t sleep with Evelyn; sex wasn’t the reason why I kept visiting her. I know how that asshole made it sound and he was totally out of line!”
You quickly glance at him, busy replying to Ares since you feel you’re going to explode soon.
“The only skill I was interested in is the fact that she is an excellent painter and a popular art smuggler, OK?” J raises his voice, sort of annoyed you neglect to participate into his monologue. “I did not cheat, alright?” he approaches his wife. “First of all: I’m VERY picky! Second of all: why would I want a woman everyone else had?! I don’t like used toys. Third: nobody’s been polishing my gun as you tastefully addressed the issue! I have one Queen and I married her!!”
A little bit of doubt in your eyes and he utilizes the opportunity.
“You said you saw me going to her house? I did! The Bowery King asked if it was for the last 6 months? Yeah, I did! You know why?!”
At least now The Joker got your attention: you play it cool but he guesses you’re torn apart by his confession.
Many unfortunate events crammed in lately and hating the man you love made life infinitely more unbearable.
“Why…?” you barely muster the strength to inquire and he sees it as a possibility to mend a few broken pieces; although you can hide your emotions well, J can still read between the lines.
Maybe that’s why he answers with another question:
“Do you realize there are just three Monet paintings in circulation on the black market in the entire world? You admire his work and it took a lot of effort and a substantial fortune to acquire The Water Lily Pond painting. Evelyn Black helped with the transaction, then I had her make some modifications to the original masterpiece.”
You keep staring at The King of Gotham, uncertain about the stuff being tossed your way: is he lying or telling the truth?... In your line of work translating feelings is a huge part of the job; ultimately you had the best mentor to teach you the ropes when you started with the organization: none other than the legendary Baba Yaga. Despite his reputation and to your own amazement, John was one of the few hitmen with integrity and perfectly mastered the aptitude of not being a jerk. Such a rare gem… And blissfully unaware of it himself.
On the opposite end, The Joker is a jerk and flawlessly acquainted with his own “captivating” personality that made you fall in love with him anyway.
Also, doesn’t appear to be deceitful for the moment.
And you despise yourself even more for wanting to believe him.
“What… modifications?...” you throw him a bone and J is definitely not going to pass on the alternative of explaining his actions.
“I wanted to surprise you so I took advantage of Miss Black’s capabilities in the art field; I had her add small images to the authentic canvas: an evolution of you being pregnant, the nine frames culminating with a tenth: the new mother holding our son. Similar to a timeline,” he emphasize and you look intrigued, which might be a positive sign. “Needless to say it was tedious, difficult work, especially because she had to apply special pigments you can’t find at every corner of the street. Apparently you can’t mix old paint with contemporary shades, thus I had to order aged, special colors from Italy, Spain and France. That’s why I went to her place so often: I had to supervise the long process and make sure it turns out astonishing. Then…” and The Joker pauses,”…Kase was gone and I didn’t know what to do with my gift: bring it home or not? Would you have loved it? Would it make you sadder? I continued to drive to Evelyn’s and glare at the stupid painting for hours, undecided on what to do…”
J watches you bite on your cheek, then straightens his shoulders as you utter the words:
“… … … You ruined a genuine Monet?”
Your spouse might be a smooth talker when needed, yet he’s not wasting his versatility on this statement:
“I didn’t ruin it; I made it better!”
Silence from both parties. A good or bad omen? Hard to decipher the riddle with two individuals tangled into a relationship that somehow worked despite countless peculiarities meant to keep them apart.
“I have to talk to Jonathan,” you finally mutter and The Joker steps in front of you.
“Talk to me!”
“Unless you know the exact location of the suitcase full of gold coins he’s been safekeeping for me, I really have to speak to him. Or do you want to hammer the whole basement searching for it?”
Y/N walks out of the bedroom and J lingers inside, evesdropping on the conversation happening downstairs. He can’t understand the chat, but you are probably notifying John about the details your husband left out.
Might as well join the party, therefore The Clown pops up in the living room with a plea impossible to refuse:
“Hey Wick, can I stay here? I don’t care if you say no, I’m not going to leave.”
Your friend crosses his arms on his chest, focusing on the random topic:
“How could I deny such a polite request? Of course you can stay Mister Joker; my house is your house.”
You’re watching the free show unamused; usually it would make you smile…now you lack the depth for such connotations.
“Don’t get smart with me, Wick!” J growls and Jonathan pushes for a tiny, unnecessary quarrel.
“I’m not; although generally speaking, I fancy considering myself a smart guy.”
The Joker opens his mouth and you’re not in the mood for whatever the heck they’re initiating:
“I’m going to pump, then after you dig out the suitcase I’ll take half to the Bowery King,” you announce your plans to them.
“You can do that and rest; I’ll deliver the coins,” John immediately offers. “I can stop by Aurelio’s car shop and ask for his collaboration: he has a lot of associates, doesn’t hurt to get him involved. You have plenty of gold.”
“I have two more suitcases in the Continental’s safe and two more at The Penthouse. It doesn’t matter if it’s all gone as long as I can find my son.”
“I know gold coins are preferred; don’t forget we have a lot of money too,” J reckons with spite.
Is he reminding you or Jonathan?...
Your husband spent the last hour in the garden, talking and texting with a lot of people; needless to mention he’s capitalizing on his network also. Winston disclosed Stonneberg’s contract is still opened, meaning the son of a bitch is out there; you have to scoop him before anybody else does.
“Y/N…” The Joker tiptoes in your quarters. “I thought you were taking a nap,” he huffs when he sees you at the edge of the bed.
You glare at the vial on the nightstand, sharing your idea for a future you wish will come true:
“I didn’t have my medicine in two days; I won’t take it anymore because if we get Kase back… I will nurse him. It all goes in the milk and I want to be able to feed my baby… Do you think his little heart is still beating?...” you sniffle and J is currently debating on a clever response since his mind is blank; one could deduce messing up is encoded in his DNA, but on such a huge scale… well, it gives new interpretations to the term even for him.
The grieving woman seeking reassurance for their loss is trying to make sense of the pointless occurrences that lead to Kase being an innocent victim and The Joker can’t render clarification: he has no clue why he asked her to marry him and why she said yes, it’s not that he’s husband material or a family man. Perhaps Y/N thought he could be… just enough to get by, that’s why she accepted his proposal.
Most women would have cringed at the concept. Most women. Not Y/N.
Most women would have flinched at the notion of having his baby. Most women. Not his wife.
Above all, she trusted J with their son and he treated the three weeks old like a trinket: didn’t drive him home because he had an important meeting, didn’t bother to assign escorting cars nor extra security. The King of Gotham took his child’s safety lightly and it definitely had severe consequences. Too late now to fix past mistakes... but he can attempt.
“You’ll be able to nurse him, OK?” he sits by you and hands over his cell. “Can you enter your phone number in here? Or am I not allowed to have the present digits?”
You’re hesitant and he slides the screen while you hold the gadget.
“Lemme help you,” The Joker sarcastically mumbles. “It should be the first on my list, right where the old number you canceled was.”
You exhale and fulfill his demand out of pure frustration when he squeezes in a second innocent petition.
“Chose my avatar.”
You grunt at his rubbish, scrolling through his folders for a picture anyway; J hopes the largest file will get your attention and that’s the point. How could Y/N miss it?!
Entitled “Baby”, the humongous cluster of pics contains 5,723 items. You open it quite absorbed by its size; what’s more puzzling is the collection depicting Kase’s ultrasounds, hundreds of frames with you being pregnant taken without you knowing: there’s a few when your ankles were so swollen you had to sleep with your feet up on 4 pillows, others with you munching on strange food you craved, more with you in the shower focused on your bump, a decent amount of couple selfies when you were sleeping and J had to immortalize the moment without waking you up and approximately 1,500 images of the newborn.
“You didn’t gross me out when you were pregnant,” The Joker reminds a teary Y/N. “Not sure why you would believe such aberration...” he pulls you on his knees and yanks the phone away, tossing it on the nightstand. “I would also like to underline I didn’t have an affair with Miss Black, alright?”
J lifts your chin up, forcing to look at him.
“Let’s put it this way: why would I fuck around with another woman when I have a wife at home that wants to kill me on a regular basis, hm? Where would the fun be? I mean, she didn’t pull the trigger yet but it’s exciting to hope she might. You know me: I’m a sucker for thrills!”
“Do I?”
“Huh?” J steals a kiss and you frown at his sleekness.
“Know you?”
“Yeah,” the green haired Clown acts composed while in fact his feathers are ruffled. Before you catch onto it he has to ultimately admit: “I’m sorry I didn’t drive the car… I should have…”
The Joker holds in his breath when your arms go around his neck very tight.
“I’m suffocating…” he grumbles. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to hug me or choke me to death,” J keeps on caressing your hair, prepared to block your attack in case you’re actually in killing mode.
This is the excitement he was speaking about: with you, one could never know until it’s a done deal.
“I bumped into Magnus at the Continental,” you give him a bit of space to inhale much needed air and The Joker is surprised at your revelation. “I had no idea about his scheme, otherwise I would have skinned him alive right on the hotel grounds! I wouldn’t have cared about the consequences!”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” J cuts you off and he can tell you’re getting mad; maybe you think he doesn’t give a damn but the reason is simple. “You would’ve been declared excommunicado for murder on neutral ground and I don’t want my wife to be the target of such punishment from the company she so proudly retired from. I need my partner!”
The King of Gotham touches your forehead with his as you whisper:
“I hate you!”
“Mmm, regarding this true love affirmation, I’m gonna need you to take a break from detesting me until we have Kase, then you can despise me full throttle again. Deal?” he extends the palm of his hand and you reluctantly shake it, not realizing you’re reacting to his nonsense. “Is that a smile?” J returns the favor with one of his creepy silver grins.
“Liar,” he pecks your lips and can’t explain the weird feeling in his heart when you kiss him back.
Jonathan enters the house and becomes suspicious after a few minutes: too much silence.
Omg! Did you and The Joker engaged into a brawling that ended up badly? Did you end each other?!
John frantically runs to the garage, nervous to see your car and J’s are still parked inside. Shit!
“Y/N?” he shouts, concerned about your fate; The Joker’s… irrelevant. Nobody in the garden, patio is empty also. Downstairs is deserted thus he rushes upstairs to your room. The door is not completely shut and he slowly pushes it, knocking.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
The first thing he notices are clothes scattered on the floor, then he halts his movement at the sight of Y/N and her husband dozing off on the bed sideways: the naked bodies are covered with a blanket, but he can tell you’re snuggled in J’s arms.
Jonathan steps backwards, guilty of invading his guests’ privacy; he certainly didn’t expect to intrude in such a manner and softly closes the door, grateful it’s not what he feared.  
You and The Joker are so worn out the sound of your phones vibrating on the nightstand doesn’t wake you from the deep sleep. Your numerous contacts keep replying back to the text messages, the most important one showing up on his cell: one of the people J reached to is Evelyn Black and the two sentence conversation lights up the screen.
“Let me know if you see Stonnenberg.”
“He’s here.”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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vrainsweek · 5 years
VRAINS WEEKS “LINK-14″ - Daily Prompts 2019
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Hello again Minna-saaaaaaan!
How are yooou? Did you miss me? Did you miss the 2 weeks we were talking about Vrains and Vrains only? Yes I missed them, too. =D So I sat down and started thinking about the prompts for these year’s Vrains Weeks. But first a little information! As some of you remember I asked for another name for the Vrains Weeks because...”Vrains Weeks” sounds too normal and kinda boring even if any of you understand what they are. (I had a minute I wanted to call them Double Week but that was even worse.) So I asked around if you guys have an idea how to call them and actually... One person had the perfect idea! So first let me introduce to you the new name of the Vrains Weeks:
Link-14 (Weeks)
And I think it fits. 2 Weeks have 14 days and everyone in the Vrains fandom knows what you mean when you say “Link-”. My special thanks for this name go to @mythicalartisttm Thank you so so much, my brain never ever would have thought this way!
Thank you! Danke! ありがとう! 
Before we start with the newest Vrains Prompts for 2019 let’s take a look at the rules again (So noone can say they didn’t read or find them!)
NO Bashing of ANY content! That means no BASHING or INSULTING over any Headcanons, Theories, Shippings, Works and and and.
NO NSFW. Sexual and / or Gore content or similar for some people in a fandom are exciting ofc but since I can’t control the age of this blog’s followers I have to keep this free for minors. Also I hope this will keep triggers away from some followers.
NO Copying, Stealing or Reposting of other people’s work! Not even with credits! This is unfair and really NOT a way to show YOUR content. Also you hurt the real artist with this and we don’t want and don’t need this. YouTube Videos musiclinks or similar for special topics for a day are excluded as long as credits such as the directlink are included. (Please contact me if someone reposted your art over the #vrainsweek or #VRLINK14 tag)
Don’t forget! If you break one of those rules you will be banned from VRAINS WEEKS! Also I want to inform you that every content is allowed as long as it doesn’t break the rules. Drawings, Cosplay, Theories, AUs, everything aslong as it fits with the topic!
About the tag you have to use to find your work you can use 2 tags now:
You can still stick with the #vrainsweek  from last year or use #VRLINK14 
I will look at both of them to check your guys’ works. Just don’t forget to tag! Ok, here we go! Ready for the 2019 prompts?
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Monday (15th July 2019)
“Favorite Headcanon” To start the Link-14 weeks let’s begin with something easy. Show me your most favorite Headcanon you had so far after 2 years of Vrains. Draw something, describe it, whatever you like! It doesn’t matter if this headcanon is old or brand new just show us you always wanted to show all of us!
Tuesday (16th July 2019)
“Androids” Wouldn’t it be great if we see the Other Ignis as Andoids as well? Or even Yusaku and the others? I wonder how they survive in the real world? Do they eat like normal humans? Will they ever feel tired? How would the Ignis look like? Aaaah so many questions~
Wednesday (17th July 2019)
“Happy Hot Dog Day!” Of course the newest LINK-14 Week again is the same date as the National Hot Dog Day as well! And again you can do whatever you like aslong as it includes a Hot Dog (I am sorry if it sounds a bit NSFW But I DON’T MEAN IT THAT WAY ///)
Thursday (18th July 2019)
Last year we had a prompt which I wanted you to put our favorite characters into adults. This time let’s go back in time and show them as little kids and babies.
I think Vrains has too less of some past shots from when our favorites where small and cute, let’s change that!
Friday (19th July 2019)
Thinking of the past can be beautiful but also pretty cruel. We all know that everyone of us thinks of the past knowing that it made us what we are today. So do Yusaku and the others. They think of the past and appreciate every memory they have no matter if they are hurt- or beautiful.
Saturday (20th July 2019)
“Gaming Champs”
Ok ok so... I played some League of Legends a while ago and suddenly I thought: “How would Yusaku look like as a LoL champ?” I went too far and even thought about his skills but hey! Wouldn’t that be a great prompt as well? If you guys are actually gaming something why don’t you put Yusaku or Ryoken or whoever you like into a game? No matter if it’s an MMO or something like Super Mario or Sims 4 or whatever you like. Maybe...I will design Yusaku as a LoL champ as well *laughs*
Sunday (21st July 2019)
“Vacations” We all are soo thirsty for a beach episode but it looks like we never get it...sadly ... *cries* BUT That’s why the LINK-14 Week is here for so let’s get the boys and girls into some sweet vacations! They really REALLY need a break! It doesn’t have to be the sea, send them wherever you want them to be. Another place, another country, wherever you like!
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Monday (22nd July 2019)
“What if?” What if Ryoken / Revolver never was able to save the children from the Lost incident?
Tuesday (23rd July 2019)
“Share some music”
Music is my way to happiness I always say. What are the songs you relate the most to when you think of Vrains? It can be anything, songs to some AUs or to a special character or shipping or a scene you liked the most.
You can share Spotify playlists or YouTube Links or just the title and singers of the songs (Please don’t upload music files).
If you want you can use this prompt as well to show some relating from Vrains characters to music (For example Hanois as a band)
Wednesday (24th July 2019)
“Me when I watch VRAINS”
I am curious and maybe this prompt is a bit stupid but Vrains and the LINK-14 week only works with the people who actually watch Vrains. And I want to give you a “stage” cause you matter a lot! What do you look like when you watch VRAINS? (Describe it or draw it or even take a photo of it haha)
Thursday (25th July 2019)
“VRAINS goes Hollywood” So I have two tasks and whatever you like more is what you gonna do: Drawers: Redraw a movie cover / movie poster from whatever movie with Vrains characters. Writers: Take a scene of a movie you love and rewrite that scene with Vrains characters. Those movies can be anything (Disney, Marvel, Ghibli or other Animes, Romance movies or Hunger Games stuff) as long as they still fit with the LINK-14 Rules.
Friday (26th July 2019)
“VRAINS Manga”
I don’t know how long we will wait till we finally get a VRAINS Manga But we all have a lot of imaginations of how it will be. So share!
Saturday (27th July 2019)
“Happy Birthday!”
Imagine it’s Yusaku’s birthday. No other comments needed just be creative ;D
Sunday (28th July 2019)
“???” This day will be a surprise. Just wait till 28th July to see what’s up.
See ya in July Minna-san!!
Note: I got the render pic of Yusaku for the header from here: LINK ME
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Museum of Mayhem Art Analysis
ahhh it’s finally here and it’s AWESOME. Lots of credit to @ifalnasminiatures for bringing this to my attention! Also credit to Hayder Hype for providing (nat zero six on gearbox forums) sources (Ashley Landry on twitter) in the description of his video because oh man it’s a lot
you can view most of these art pieces on the borderlands instagram as well
lots to talk about especially regarding the calypso twins so let us dive right in
tl;dr: tyreen has a weird red marking on her face in some old designs. i think troy used to be blind and missing his metal plates. more proof for my elpis/chemical sludge/lost legion theory that the twins are using said chemical sludge to give their followers psuedo-siren powers bc a dahl pumping station (hyperion pumping stations on pandora) but dahl had a presence on the moon
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one of my favorites, it reminds me a lot of the Mask of Mayhem, but for villains.
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Punk Girl is shown again twice, probably further proving she’s tied in with the CoV somehow
we also got some crazy looking villains such as
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baby face. which is all kinds of extremely fucked up
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this dude who looks like he could be a miniboss with the glasgow smile and the cool goggles
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this guy who i legitimately thought was dr zed for a hot second there
could it be
the evilest brother?? pfft nahhh
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this girl who seems like she could be a unique character with a baseball cap. wondering if maybe she’s related to Punk Girl in any way. What’s the verdict on the other band members? 🤔
uhh let’s give it a solid maybe and move on
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this piece! very interesting to me
so, the very first thing i noticed is zane’s eye patch being on the other eye lol
amara’s tattoos are also gone, however that might’ve been for reasons similar to the japanese cover art of the game. 
most interestingly is a point @ifalnasminiatures made and it’s that the calypso twins are actually palette swapped! you can see Troy is the one with the white hair and Ty is the one with the darker hair. which I think mayyy play into a few things we see later about the twins
we also see a tiny ship in the background. i can’t tell if that’s sanctuary-iii or the blue/yellow ship, it all blends together a lot due to the quality of the pic. but it is next to the calypso twins, which makes me want to believe it’s the blue/yellow ship we see with red markings all over it. you know this one from the mural of mayhem wallpapers
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you can see the reddish markings on the back right next to the engines
then we have ummm
this cover art
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thanks for not using this one gearbox cuz 
oh my god
she just reminds me of suicide squad, that’s not a good image you wanna dredge up from the deep recesses of your fans’ brains
she might be a unique character given the clothes/hair? cuz you don’t normally see psychos with stilettos on. or yknow, shoes in general. the hair also seems way to clean and neat to be a psycho/cultist
i just feel uncomfortable looking at this, so moving on
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a different logo. also not my favorite cover art, but at least im not physically uncomfortable looking at this. that poor girl’s pelvis... anyway
lots of silhouettes
interestingly, i feel like the roses might have been a thing they just put in for the new cover art. haven’t seen hide nor hair of them across any of the pictures i’ve seen.
we got a lot of figures. out of them i most definitely recognized amara, salvador, maya, another salvador?, zer0, moze (maybe?), and axton. i thiiink one of them is maya as well, but im not 100% on that. 
i can guess why they didn’t pick this one: it’s hard to tell who’s who. a lot of these poses make the silhouettes kinda hard to see and the merging together at the bottom makes things even worse. i do think it’s interesting there are some bl2 characters on here as well, but hayder hype mentioned they very well could be placeholders, and given that i can’t make out fl4k or zane, im inclined to believe him.
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this art which was used during the promo for this event
rip elpis i guess LMAO
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a better look at the psycho himself from the promo released by the borderlands twitter.
there’s a new red planet which hasn’t been shown off before, looks like a gassy planet kinda like jupiter, but interestingly it has this green crack in the side?
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very reminiscent of pandora’s eridium scar. i am wondering if this is because this planet had a vault opened, or if it is tied to the Eridians at all. be interesting if it was their homeworld.
also i have no idea what the symbolism is in the homeworld destroying another planet but maybe we shouldn’t think about it too hard e_e
the other planet that’s being destroyed... idk fellas
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it doesn’t match up to me but like, this is only one shot
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i don’t know 🤔 if you really squint, maybe you can see that hint of purple at the bottom there?
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tbh, i thought this was elpis the first time i saw it due to the cracks, but i figured elpis doesn’t have like continents across its surface, just craters. and wayyy more cracks.
so it’s probably not pandora and it’s probably not elpis.
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i do think the actual shot is suspended above promethea, you can see the familiar asteroid belt surrounding it
there’s also a planet in the background,
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which i imagine isn’t pandora bc no eridian scar
could be elpis or eden-6, or the 5th planet we don’t know about. i kinda get the feeling the 5th planet may be that gaseous red planet tho. which is probably going to be super weird to traverse now that i think about it. they said oz kits weren’t coming back, right? i wonder how that would work. hmmmm
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there’s also this redder planet here which i actually DO think is Pandora. if you squint real hard u can see the purple from the eridian scar. plus the color matches up pretty well with the pictures provided above.
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there’s also these two bodies over in the corner where the light is coming from. i can’t tell what they’re supposed to be
there are also these little dudes in the top right
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i assume they’re maliwan? they remind me a lot of the maliwan drop ship things that fly overhead when you enter promethea
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YESSS okay this is the start of some PRETTY WILD twin stuff
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troy: missing his tattoos, blind in one eye, has a weird mark above his eyebrow. also, no metal bits!
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Tyreen!!! with a red stripe across her left cheek going up to her eye??? no tattoos on her left arm as far as we can see, but that might be for marketing reasons (she’s also covering up part of her bicep). she’s also missing her coat and chains and wearing a different glove.
we also have a bunch of bl2 VHs taking up space. again i think hayder hype is right in that they’re simply placeholders. not much else to say, but 
this trend of Tyreen having red markings on her face and Troy being blind in an eye (or both) actually continues through a fair amount of these posters!!!
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more cover art. one of my least favorites again... i just think it looks like the psycho is puking out the VHs. also, seems to be an older version of the psycho mask.
fl4k seems to be less rendered than the rest of the cast? like they have less detail, especially on their coat
also you can see an older looking space shuttle up at the top, which reminds me a lot of the one we use in TFTBL to get to helios. except less caravanny and more rockety
the splatter also reminds me of siren powers, with the purple and the glitter. it’s cool that it’s showing a different shot than what’s behind it. maybe a hint to siren powers because it’s sort of like a portal.
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more puke! 
this time troy is blind in both eyes it seems,
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tyreen seems to still have a mark on the left side of her face, im wondering if this ties into her scars at all? it doesn’t seem as prominent as the previous red mark.
Zane seems to have an actual eye patch instead of his more high-tech eye patch, which reminds me a lot of the leaked character concepts from like january i wanna say
amara seems to be dual wielding lol i wonder if originally that was going to be one of her 3 skills but then they were like “wait salvador. wait. nisha. FUC-”
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also fl4k is being obscured by this weird saturn-like planet. let them be free!
moze is missing, the saturn like planet shows up 2 times total, and that blue/yellow ship is seen again behind troy
as for the purple stuff? you already know my theory that the twins are going to be using the chemical sludge on elpis to empower their followers. it could also just be straight eridium/slag. you know, like the testing from the WEP with bloodwing and even krieg. we’ll have to see. it would be interesting if they tied krieg into the story through there.
i do lowkey think it’s chemical sludge though, because some of it is actually glowing blue in places, you can see it clearly below amara’s feet. maybe some tie in to siren powers cuz they glow the same blueish color. who knoooows not i
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big shot of this psycho here, looks like he’s crumbling. 
i really like the 4 VHs standing at the base with the elongated shadows. very dark vibes from this tho, probably not suitable for the series as a whole. i can see why maybe they decided not to do it. 
i wonder if we’ll see this giant psycho statue somewhere on pandora. it would certainly be a sight to behold. 
also i kinda wish we had cloaks like the concept art shows. cloaks are cool
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more sketchy art. this one is also kinda strange, i definitely get why they decided not to go thru with it.
possibly tie-in with the ‘mother’ imagery we get on the propaganda signs across pandora.
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lmfao the foot
very bl2 like, im glad they didn’t stick with this. i like that they decided to change things up
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troy seems to be blind and also missing his metal implants on his face. his jacket also looks a lot different, it looks more like tyreen’s with the spikes and stuff across it. we also can’t see his metal arm at all, tho we do see his sword! which looks a lot different, im glad they decided to revamp it to be more visually interesting lol
tyreen is more interesting to me. it looks like her right arm has like a silver coating over it? unless that is a metal arm as well. she also is wearing a different kind of glove. her tattoos are missing as well, but again, it’s probably because of the cover art. her scars also definitely seem to have reached her left cheek at some point.
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zane also looks a lot different, tho amara, moze, and fl4k look about the same.
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another shot of the ship, this one is definitely the blue/yellow one. there’s gotta be some significance with that, right? either we’re getting skins for sanc-iii, we’re going to be painting it a new color, or it’s a different ship.
what the HECK
maybe the twins stole sanc-ii and we’re using sanc-iii. idek. this ship is driving me up a wall lol
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gun head.
not a lot to say here. i actually like this one lol it’s very mellow and straight to the point. it’s nice that the logo is right in the middle, not at the top like most of them.
game. buy it. okay? cool.
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similar to the other background we did, a bit different. again, like @ifalnasminiatures pointed out, the twins are actually palette swapped here. 
Zane also has the old eyepatch on his right eye instead of his left eye, and his jacket is black instead of blue. fuckin’ edgelord.
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one of my favorite ones out of all of them. it’s beautiful, i really wish they had kept it. Fl4k is missing but i assume they were meant to go next to Amara? i also think it’s interesting Moze is in the front, as I took Amara to be the leader this time around. Zane is also an older design, with the eyepatch back on his left eye again (starting to think this is an aesthetic thing lol) and a black jacket instead of blue.
We see the twins on the top. Tyreen has that mark on her face again, and Troy is the same as the last few covers.
We also see Maya, Zer0, and for some reason Brick? Which is weird to me considering we have a few other characters who initially feel much for important to the story (cough Lilith cough), but I’m not complaining. 
the purple splatters again make me think this is a tie in to eridium/slag/elpis’s chemical sludge. i also like the logo being worked into the design instead of just thrown on top, i think that’s a nice detail
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i couldn’t find a great shot of this poster which is a shame because it’s one of my favorites
a lot of baddies to go around on here. i love the dude up top, he reminds me of the Anchormen from the captain scarlett dlc in bl2!
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these dudes
we can see Punk Girl on the left again
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and this guy who appears to be in some medieval armor
i have no idea what’s going on there but i am EXCITED
i’ve been thinking and tbh i think the multiple planets thing was just an excuse for gearbox to go absolutely ham on the character designs/settings. 
i mean why should they have to hold back all their medieval armor designs for another dlc like tiny tina’s? all their pirate/sea-fairing designs for a pirate dlc? fuck it! go WILD. i think they did, anywho
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there’s also this post which... tbh i can’t make out much at all. again, seems like an older psycho mask design. it looks like there are characters in the splatter on the bottom left, but it’s very hard to tell who’s who, especially at this angle and image quality lol
if we get a better shot later on i may return to this piece and try to figure things out!
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we also have this piece which is giving me huge ‘Happy Together’ vibes. very trippy
moze looks like she’s using an untextured atlas gun? dunno what’s going on with that tbh lol
i really like this one too. it’s cool. i get why maybe they wanted to go a little crazier tho, feels too simplistic for the MAYHEM vibe they’re going for.
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oof! can we get an F in chat for whatever planet/moon this is
lots of pink floyd vibes going on here as well
we see a different looking blue/yellow ship flying away from the explosion. it seems to missing a lot of the parts that make sanc-iii so recognizable including the engines/wings
i like the destruction vibe they’re going for here, really sells the “universe destroying power” the twins are supposedly going to get. 
anyway, in addition to the cover art pieces, we also got a few concept art pieces as well!
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this bit which looks like a gun
you see the aiming mechanism up there? you see how it’s aimed at that planet/moon? yeah i 100% timed this so you’d see the above concept art with this immediately after :P (im kidding i didn’t but hey now you don’t have to scroll)
fuck yeah babey
we also have seen something similar to this in the gameplay trailer!
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i didn’t actually think it was a giant fucking GUN tho. can we get an F in chat for Promethea and/or whatever else this thing gets aimed at
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i thought this was opportunity at first cuz of the bridge but it’s more likely promethea
when u go meet zer0 you can see some water surrounding the city so i would guess this is somewhere else on promethea
im mostly interested in the giant fuckin triangle in the middle of that courtyard looking area
oh also the giant trench of destruction on the right there. that’s probably important, too.
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more concept art!
i think the bottom of the 4 VHs is actually what was leaked in january.
some art of the twins on the left there, tyreen is so much shorter than troy omfg
and this does indeed looks to be a younger version of angel so credit to @prettypinkdork for mentioning that on my angel post. it is nice to see those tech-y wings in action, definitely does prove it’s her.
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we can also see this art of what i think is Punk Girl, which is interesting to me because she looks to be doing something with her right hand. possible siren powers? maybe! 
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we also get a much cooler, bigger version of that maliwan ship people were talking about, with what look to be maliwan... eye bots? surrounding it. this is soooo fuckin awesome to me because it reminds me of a sailboat. and airships are fucking COOL
but something interesting is that i don’t think this ship was actually always maliwan
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we got an A in the back here... for Atlas? i mean... you know it’s coming... the colors would match up. Yeahhhhhhh...
more interesting is that it actually looks like maliwan covered it up with their flags/tarps. i would not be surprised if this was claimed by maliwan possibly during the takeover.
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a cyclone, with a whole fuckin lot of detail. just... holy shit.
not much else to say here though. i like the stuffed animal on the side, though
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a better shot of jakobs manor which holy shit looks badass as fuck
big turret/observation thing on the right there? im not sure
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pretty sure this is eden-6. also more tropical trees? possibly a water planet? but maybe just ocean on eden-6. also there seems to be like webbing on whatever is on the road, so maybe some spider-like wildlife?
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most important to me is this
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yeah i would bet that’s eridium/slag/the chemical sludge from elpis
im pretty convinced this is something on elpis mostly because the DAHL logo on the side. which again, they were on pandora yes but they were mining for iridium not eridium. if this was pandoran pumping stations, that would be hyperion.
i do think this is elpis. and i do think the twins are using the chemical sludge that mutated the lost legion into those fake siren things to give their followers superpowers.”holy holy holy” indeed.
this, plus the rakk wings on the psycho in the mask of mayhem are just convincing me more and more
that’s all for now folks. i gotta run
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singingisfun · 5 years
Changing Tides - Chapter 22
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link to cover art by @otpapprovedbythegods
And here’s a link to an adorable pic of Dopey as a pirate by @clockadile
ff.net: From the beginning - Current Chapter
AO3:  From the beginning - Current Chapter
Tumblr: Prologue - Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9-Ch 10 - Ch 11- Ch 12 - Ch 13 - Ch 14 - Ch 15 - Ch 16 - Ch 17 - Ch18 - Ch19 - Ch 20 - Ch 21
Chapter 21: The Confession & The Declaration
Hello everyone! No, you're not seeing things. I've finally finished the next chapter! Thanks for all of the encouraging messages. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully, the last few chapters will go faster. Lots of love for sticking with me! Hope you enjoy!
And, as always, thank you @optomisticgirl for your beta services!  
Dopey has always prided himself on his ability to see the best in every situation.  And he’s always endeavored to encourage others to see it as well.  Life can be stressful.  It can be fraught with danger.  And in the case of those closest to him, stress and danger are a regular occurrence which, at times, has made his goal nearly impossible to accomplish.
And it certainly has been impossible for the past week.  The blanket of anxiety that has settled over the Jolly Roger since the night they escaped Regina’s warship has been nearly suffocating.  Everyone is tense.  Everyone on edge.  And no amount of distraction is helping.  
The Spark of Prometheus is still unlit.  Regardless of how many times Emma and Killian try to light it, it continues to lay stubbornly in its case, dull and black.  And with each failed attempt, the peace the two of them had forged since finding each other again has deteriorated.  In fact, it’s gotten so bad, they are barely speaking.
For instance, right now. There they are at the helm with Merlin while he holds the case and murmurs encouragement.  Killian’s hand is resting on Emma’s waist, but that’s the only point of contact between the two of them.  Emma’s hands are balled into fists at her sides, her brow glistening with perspiration and her eyes clamped shut in concentration.  
No one else is on deck and Dopey can’t blame them.  During the first few attempts, everyone had been gathered around, watching expectantly, but now they intentionally make themselves scarce.  Even Merlin looks like he wishes he could be anywhere else.
Long minutes pass, and Emma’s breathing becomes harsh.  Her eyes squeeze tighter and her head bows.  Then, with a sound of frustration, she stomps her foot and opens her eyes.  
Killian’s hand drops from her waist and Emma mumbles something Dopey can’t hear.  Then she turns and walks to the hatch, disappearing from view. Killian shakes his head and walks to the opposite hatch.
Dopey sighs and goes back to polishing the Jolly’s bell.
The way Dopey sees it, there are two obstacles standing in their way.  
First, David.  As much as he loves his king, the man is hell bent on keeping Killian and the princess from having more than a few minutes alone.  His protective nature was a bit comical at first, but as time has passed, it’s become clear the king is hindering more than the couple’s… um…  romantic tendencies.  
The second reason is less obvious. At least to most.  But Dopey can see it plain as day.  Killian is keeping something from Emma.  A secret that weighs heavily on him.  And he’s been keeping it from her since the first day she awoke on the Jolly Roger.  
“Do you know what it is?”
The sound of Merlin’s voice startles Dopey so thoroughly that he drops the scrub brush to the deck with a clatter.  
Turning, he faces the wizard with wide eyes.
“Do you know what he’s keeping from her?” the wizard asks again.
Confused, Dopey turns to scan the deck behind him to see who on earth Merlin is addressing.  Finding no one in the vicinity, he looks to the other man and points to his chest.  Me? he thinks.  
“Yes, you, Dopey,” the man confirms.
I… I don’t…  You can hear me?
“Yes, I can.”
That takes a minute to process. Dopey has never had a full conversation with anyone.  He’s always been limited to hand gestures and the occasional nod, so the thought that Merlin can understand him is a bit awe-inspiring.
A grin breaks across Dopey’s face. This is amazing!
Merlin mirrors his smile. “No more amazing than your innate skill of observation.  I’d be willing to bet you know more about the goings on in this kingdom than anyone, even the king himself.”
Dopey didn’t think his eyes could get any wider, but now they feel like they’re ready to burst from their sockets.
The wizard is right, though. He does know more than anyone. People tend to disregard his presence most of the time.  It’s almost like his inability to speak renders him invisible, which has made it very simple for him to learn a great many things.  Of course, his knowledge is all for naught since he can’t communicate it, but…
“You can now,” the wizard says.
Right.  Wow.  
Dopey bows his head, his brow wrinkling.  Now, what’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to - Oh! He looks up to Merlin as the thought gushes out.  Doc and Granny have been having an affair for almost five years now but they’ve kept it secret because, when we were young, the seven of us swore we would always put our brotherhood first which included never getting involved with a woman.  Whew! It feels good to get that off my chest. But – you can’t tell anyone.  Doc will have my head if you do.
Merlin laughs outright. “How long have you been holding that one in?”
A long time.
“Well, their secret is safe with me.”
“What about Killian?  Do you know what he’s keeping from Emma?”
Sorry, no.  I just know he’s keeping it from her.  Something catches his eye and he points over the water. Oh, look!  A baby dolphin!  Isn’t she sweet!  I wonder where her mother is…
“Dopey, focus,” Merlin says, bringing Dopey’s attention back to him. “Are you sure he hasn’t mentioned anything?”
Nope. But can’t you see it?  I mean, you can see things, right?  Things you weren’t actually there to witness?
“Yes, but not everything.  I can’t pick and choose what to look at.”
Dopey eyes scan the water as he replies, Well, I’m not sure it makes a differ – Oh there she is! Look!  He points over the rail to the mama dolphin who has just emerged next to her calf.
This time, Merlin spares a glance over the rail and a grin flitters across his face.  “Yes, the mama won’t let her get too far.  But back to Killian and Emma?”
Oh, right, well, I’m not sure it matters what the secret is.  Only that he won’t tell her.
“Fair enough.  But why wouldn’t he?”
Dopey thinks back to the first day Emma awoke and tells Merlin about the whole ‘pirate’ issue.
“Ah, I see,” Merlin replies.
And… Well…
“Well, what?”
Well, I’m not sure having the king here is helping matters.  
“You’re right about that,” Merlin says.  “We need to figure out a way to get him to go back to Camelot.”
Any ideas?
“Usually the simplest way is the best one.”
And that is?
“Tell him the truth,” Merlin replies.
Predictably, the king is none too happy about the suggestion.
“You can’t be serious!” David bursts.
“Unfortunately, I am, Your Majesty,” Merlin replies.
The king’s arms are crossed over his chest but he drops them to his sides.  “I’m not leaving my daughter!”
“David – ” the wizard tries again.
“No.  I’m not going back to Camelot without her!”
“But they need time alone.”
“They can have time alone.”
Dopey can’t stop the pfft that comes out of his mouth but when David turns his fury on him, he sidesteps to stand behind Merlin.
“Your Majesty, please,” Merlin says in a calm voice, “I know you can see Emma’s frustration growing.  She and Killian need to talk.  And it’s not the type of discussion either of them can have if they’re worried about you hovering around.”
"I don't 'hover'!"
Merlin lets his silence answer.  
"Okay, fine.  Maybe I hover a little.  But if I didn't..."
"If you didn't, what?"
"Don't treat me like a fool, wizard.  I know damn well they were sharing a cabin before I showed up."
"And I feel certain they'll share one after you leave."
David’s voice takes on a dangerous edge.  “If that’s your way of trying to talk me into going, I can assure you it’s not helping.”
This from the man who snuck into Snow White’s room every night for a solid week before their wedding, Dopey thinks.
“Did he?” Merlin asks, turning to Dopey with interest, “Did he really?”
“’Did he really,’ what?” David asks.
Merlin smiles at Dopey.  “You really are a font of information, aren’t you?”
Dopey shrugs and Merlin shakes his head in wonder.
“You and I are going to have to have a little sit down later to see what else you know.”
“What the hell are you two talking about?” David growls.
Merlin turns back to David but amusement still lights his face.  “We were just discussing a castle wall you figured out how to scale in your youth.”
David’s eyes widen then land on Dopey.
“You knew about that?”
Dopey tilts his head and gives David a sardonic look.
“It doesn’t matter,” David declares, “This is a completely different situation.  Snow and I were – ”
“True Loves?”  Merlin interrupts.
David grits his teeth.
“Look, there’s more to this than just giving them time.  Think of all the things you could do in Camelot.  You could prepare for our arrival, find out if Arthur has found the other half of the dagger, coordinate with the other kingdoms.  There’s not much time left and a great deal that still needs to be done.”
David remains steadfast, shaking his head.  “Then, you go,” he says to Merlin, “Check in with Lance and come back and give us a full report.”
Merlin rolls his eyes.  “You think if I return to Camelot without you, Lancelot will answer a single one of my questions?  If you’ll recall, he wasn’t too keen on you joining me in the first place.”
“I can write him a letter.  Explain everything.”
“And he’ll think I forged it or forced you to write it.”  
“Then we’ll wait,” David asserts, “We’ll be there in two days, anyway.”
Merlin lets out a long-suffering sigh.  “Okay,” he says, “You don’t want to leave your daughter. I understand that and I sympathize. But they’re further from lighting it today than they were the day after we escaped the Regina’s warship.”
“That can’t be…”
“It is,” Merlin insists.  “If you don’t believe me, watch our next attempt.  We’ll be trying again after dinner.”
Three hours later, David has to admit Merlin might be right.  He’s standing on deck, subtly observing the lesson.  
Tension radiates from the couple standing at the bow.  Killian stands behind Emma, his hand on her hip but keeping an obvious and awkward distance between their bodies.
As David watches, Emma releases a frustrated growl and opens her eyes.
Killian drops his hand from her waist.  “Emma…” he says gently.
“If you tell me I need rest again… “
Killian’s mouth snaps shut.
Looking back to Merlin, Emma adds, “I think we’re done for the day.” Then stalks away and disappears into the ship.
Killian stands immobile as he watches her go, an indecipherable emotion crossing his face that causes David’s brow to wrinkle.  It’s not anger.  It’s not frustration.  It’s something else…  Defeat, maybe?  No. Not with the way his eyes cloud and his jaw tightens.
Killian mumbles something to Merlin and goes off in the opposite direction Emma had taken, stopping at the rail to look out over the water. David stays where he is, apprehensive curiosity holding him frozen.  
What the hell is going on?
He watches the pirate run his hand through his hair and lean over, bracing his elbows on the rail.  His shoulders are slumped, his head bowed and realization slams into David’s chest.  
David’s not sure how he knows, but that’s what the indecipherable emotion had been.  Guilt.
Guilt and fear.  
Over what? David wonders.  
“He’s keeping something from her,” Merlin says in a low voice, having crossed the deck to stand beside him.
“Do you know what it is?” David asks.
“I have my suspicions.”  
David continues to study the pirate’s defeated posture and things start falling into place.  This is the reason for that look they shared when they read the prophecy, when they found out they were True Loves.  Apparently, it was an issue before he even showed up on this ship, he’s just been too distracted by other things to see it until now.
“Something that happened while they were separated?”
While they were separated… which the prophecy said they should never be.  
“Now do you understand why you need to give them space?”
Resigned, David bows his head.  “Yes,” he replies, “I guess I do.”
“Good,” Merlin says.  “So, you’ll go back to Camelot?”
It’s a struggle to be sure.  He doesn’t want to leave Emma.  He’s just gotten her back and the thought of willing saying goodbye to her makes his stomach churn.  It’s not just about the thought of her and Killian sharing a bed.  She’s his little girl.  His family.  
He’s waited years…  Years of solitude in Camelot.  Years of being cooped up while others were out doing.  And the past week, while he’s been on this ship, he finally feels like he’s contributing.  
The end of this is near and his patience is thin.  He’s always been a man of action.  And the thought of going back to the virtual prison of Camelot, grates under his skin.  
“Couldn’t I just stay out of their way?”
Merlin’s voice is sympathetic. “I don’t think that will work. They need privacy.  The kind of privacy that excludes parental supervision.”
David’s thoughts take a dark turn at Merlin’s phrasing.
“Not like that,” Merlin adds quickly.  
David huffs out a breath.  “Fine.  But I’m going to have a talk with a certain pirate before I go.”
 After staring at the ocean for what feels like an eternity, Killian turns and heads below.  Hesitating on the bottom step, his eyes dart toward his cabin where he knows Emma is but he goes in the opposite direction toward the galley.  
Despite his somber mood, amusement tickles at his lips when he enters the room. He’s never seen the galley look so warm and inviting.  Ruby has put her unique staple on it.  The spices are lined up on the counter in pristine order, a plate of cookies made to look like different animals sits on the table, and where on earth she managed to find a cloth to cover the scarred wood, he’ll never know, but the room looks more suited to royalty than a rowdy pirate crew.  Smiling, he chooses a cookie that was obviously made by Grace, a line of sugar used to draw what would usually be a menacing tiger’s snarl now a happy grin.  
Rolling his shoulders, he pops the cookie into his mouth and sits down to reach for the scroll still sitting in the middle of the table.  He’s read it enough times over the past few days that he could recite it by memory, but he opens it anyway.
He’d been right.  It will be Emma against Regina – every one of his greatest fears confirmed – the now certain fate that the woman he loves is the only hope for the realm.  
His True Love.  
She’s his True Love.
It’s the most powerful magic of all.  Or at least it’s supposed to be.  And yet, when they faced Regina it wasn’t enough.  And that’s his fault…
Stuffing another cookie in his mouth, he leans back and stares at the ceiling.
“Do you have a minute?”
Killian’s eyes swing to the door to find King David on the threshold.  
Standing, he nods and David enters the room.  
“Please sit.”  David says, crossing to take the empty chair on the opposite side of the table.  
David leans forward to study the plate of cookies, taking his time making his choice.
He holds one up.  “What is this one supposed to be, do you think?”
It’s an odd opening for the king.  David is usually the type to get right to the point but for whatever reason, he’s taking his time today.  
Killian examines the cookie.  “My guess would be a dragon.”
David nods, still considering the cookie.  “You may be right.”  
At long last, he breaks a piece off and pops it into his mouth, then he sits back in his chair, eyeing Killian while he chews.  
“I’m going back to Camelot tonight.”
It’s the last thing Killian expected to hear and his mouth drops open.
“I don’t really want to leave Emma, but it would be better for me to return ahead of the rest of you so that we can prepare for your arrival.”
He pushes a map across the table and Killian sees an ‘X’ that has been added since the last time they spoke.
“This is where I want you to dock.  It’s remote but the cliffs are easily defended and the cove will provide privacy for us.”  
Killian looks more closely at the map, examining the area to see if he can identify any potential danger.  
The king drums his fingers on the table while he waits, and after a few minutes of study, Killian drops the map.  
“It’s an excellent choice, Your Majesty.”
David doesn’t respond, he just keeps drumming his fingers, his eyes narrowed and on Killian’s face.  
After a few tense moments, during which Killian has to resist the urge to squirm, David finally speaks.  “Are you still planning to marry my daughter, Captain?”
Killian can feel his eyes widen, but before he can reply, the king continues.
“Because your engagement is still official to my mind.”
“I… well… I hadn’t really…”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” David says with a touch of derision.
“I – I mean, we – we haven’t really discussed…”
“You love her,” David says, reaching for the prophecy.  “You can’t say you don’t.  The proof is right here.”
“It’s not a question of love.  It’s…”
“It’s what, exactly?”
It’s a question of whether she’ll still want me when this is over, Killian thinks.  But he can’t say that, so instead he bites at his lip and lowers his gaze to his lap, idly twirling the ring on his thumb.  
Several heartbeats pass in silence before the king speaks again.
“You want to marry her, don’t you?”
“Of course, I do,” he replies instantly, “But…”
“But, what?”
Sucking in a harsh breath, he regards his king.  David isn’t going to let this go.  And Killian can’t blame him.  The king isn’t a fool and he’s surely aware that Emma and he have already… consummated their relationship.  But the thought of voicing the doubts plaguing him makes his stomach churn.  
His silence prompts David to sit back in his chair and let out a small sigh.  
“I’ve heard a lot of stories about you, you know.  Stories of the ruthless pirate, Captain Hook.  Some were brutal, some were impressive, and some were simply outlandish.  I imagine the truth lies somewhere in the middle.”
It’s doesn’t surprise Killian that David has honed in on the real issue. He’s intuitive and smart and misses very little.
“I’m not asking what you did,” the king continues, “but you need to talk to Emma about it.  If you’re afraid she won’t understand – ”
“That’s not what I’m afraid of,” Killian interrupts, but then sucks in a deep breath.  “No, that’s a lie.  I am afraid she won’t understand.  But that’s not…  all.  It’s…” He picks the scroll up and holds it out.   “I love her. She loves me.  Like you said, the proof is right here but…”
“But what?” David prompts.
“What if that’s not enough?”
“How do you mean?”
“Merlin told us that our magic is light magic.  Its power is fueled by good.  So what if I tell her and our magic still isn’t powerful enough?  What if that power has been diminished because I’m… dark?”
“But you’re not.  Not anymore.”
“Maybe.  But I lived in darkness for a long time.  I’ve done some terrible things.  And I do regret some of them.  But others I don’t.”
David regards him in silence for a long moment before speaking.  “Everything you did – every choice you made – brought you here.  It brought you back to my daughter.”  
“Yes. It did.  But you don’t understand.  That darkness, it’s…  it’s still there.  I can feel it inside me.  So if I tell her.  And if she forgives me… What if that’s not enough?”
“You’ll never know until you try.”  The soft feminine voice has both of their heads swinging toward the threshold where Emma is standing, silently watching them.  
Both he and David freeze, but the king recovers quickly.  
“I’d say that’s my cue,” he says, standing and crossing to his daughter. “I’ll see you in a few days, pumpkin.”
“A few days?” she asks.
“Yes, I’m going back to Camelot tonight.  Merlin is taking me.  I’ll ensure everything is ready for your arrival.”
“But I don’t want you to – ”
“Merlin – and Dopey – think it’s better this way, and as much as I don’t want to agree with them, I do.”
Emma’s smile is a bit sheepish but she nods her head.
The two embrace before David crosses back to Killian and extends his hand. Killian takes it and nearly winces at the strength of the king’s grip.  
“You will marry her,” he says in a voice low enough that Emma won’t hear.  “Do you understand me, pirate?”
When Killian nods his agreement, David releases his hand and Killian immediately shakes it out to allow the blood to flow again.  
“Good,” David says, then raises his voice back to a normal level.  “I’ll see you both in Camelot.”
 Regina is sitting in her storeroom, pouring over her books when the door swings open.  She snaps her head up in annoyance at the interruption but before she can react, Claude steps in, his pace urgent.
“Sorry to interrupt, Your Majesty, but there’s someone here to see you.”
“I think it’s better if you see for yourself, my queen.”
Regina’s brow wrinkles. It’s not like Claude to speak in riddles so whoever it is must have substantially flustered him.  With a long-suffering sigh, she lays the book down and stands.  
Claude follows her out and half-way down the corridor motions to four other knights to flank her. His concern piques her curiosity. It’s not usual for her to have bodyguards.  She doesn’t really need them and Claude knows that and yet, for some reason, today he feels she does.  
Who on earth would warrant such a display?
The doors in front of her swing open and she stutters to a halt, her eyes widening.  
Well, that answers that question.  
Of all the people in the world, this would have been one of the last people she would have expected to show up on her doorstep.  
Her guest turns, eyes meeting hers.  They size each other up for a heartbeat then her guest inclines their head with a quirk of a smile, “Your Majesty.”
Regina raises a brow. “What do you want?” she asks, refusing to deal with pleasantries.
Their smile spreads into a full-fledged grin.  “A great many things.  But let’s start with what I can offer.”
 Emma follows behind Killian as he leads her to his quarters.  He hasn’t said a word since her father left them in the galley and his shoulders are stiff and set.  
He holds the door open and lets her proceed him into the room.  Once she reaches the center she turns to see him leaning against the now closed door, watching her.  
A distant ‘whooshing’ sound has her glancing to the deck above them, and she tries to smile.  
“Alone at last,” she comments in an attempt to lighten the mood.
But Killian doesn’t smile, his expression doesn’t change at all.
“I think, perhaps, you should sit down, love.”  
His voice is flat but not harsh and she complies, taking a seat at the table and folding her hands.
Crossing to his desk, he pulls out a bottle of rum and two glasses.  He pours both, then drinks one and refills it before crossing back to the table to hand one to her.   She stays silent, worried that any word from her would only make his anxiety worse, so she simply throws her head back and downs the contents of her glass, laying it gently on the table when she’s done.  He’s already turned away again, studying the amber liquid in his own glass as he swirls it around, then with a long exhale, he lifts the glass to his lips and swallows.
Keeping his eyes on the empty glass, he begins, his words slow and controlled, “The news came of your death while we were still in the Evil Queen’s dungeon.  The guards celebrated it, cheering in the corridors and rattling their swords along the bars – taking immense pleasure in taunting all of us.  Our kingdom was lost.  Our beloved queen was cursed, our brave king on the run and our beautiful princess dead and…”
He trails off, dropping his chin to his chest and squeezing his eyes shut as though trying to fend off the pain rising in him.  After taking a moment to gather himself, he lifts his head, his gaze unfocused somewhere on the wall in front of him.  
“I nearly died in that cell. My wrist was infected and I was burning with fever, and losing you took away all the will I had left to live. But I hallucinated, you see…. vivid hallucinations of you galloping across an open field of flowers, of walking through the woods, and I…  I just…” his voice starts to rise, “I thought I’d know it if you were gone.  I thought I’d feel it and I… I didn’t.”
He enunciates the ‘t’ on the last word, practically spitting it out, then takes a deep breath.
“After we escaped, I convinced Jeff to help me search for you.  Liam had told both he and Graham about an inn where we were supposed to meet you and he made them swear that if anything happened to him, they’d try to get me there.  So that’s where we went.  The innkeeper denied having ever seen you but I didn’t believe him.  He’d obviously been paid off to keep your whereabouts a secret, so we searched the area, looking for any clue and… and that’s where we found August.”
His voice breaks and he stops again to take several deep breaths.  
“I knew August would protect you with his life and it seemed that, if he were dead, there was no hope… But even after that, I kept hoping. I didn’t tell Jeff.  He always thought it was a slim chance and finding August was enough to convince him.  And since there was no trail to follow, we couldn’t continue the search anyway but… But I held onto that hope.  I lived off that hope until…  Until I found something that, in my mind at least, proved you were gone.”
His eyes flick to the chest and Emma has to fight the urge to stand and go to him.
He angles his body away from her, his voice rough and dripping with self-loathing when he tells her what he did.  He tells her about the ship they came across.  He tells her how he’d felt when he found the proof of her death.  He tells her how he’d wanted to die himself. He tells her about the venom that had run through his veins when he’d stood at the bow and given the order to sink the ship, the need to make someone pay for stealing his life.  He even tells her about the satisfaction he’d felt when the ship disappeared beneath the waves…  
Then he tells her about the fall out.  He tells her about the instant he’d realized what he’d done and the grief that rained down on him.  
Emma almost wishes he’d stop speaking, not because she doesn’t want to hear anymore, but because she can see how much it hurts him, how badly he’s tortured himself over this. He made a terrible mistake, a mistake that, yes, was horrendous, but it was a mistake.  
Tears stream down his cheeks, and hers, too, the image of him blurring as the words drip like acid from his tongue. “They didn’t deserve to die,” he says fervently, finally swinging his eyes to hers, “They were simple tradesmen who happened upon something of value.  They had no idea what they had.  They had no idea it was ever yours.  They were innocent men trying to provide for their families and I murdered them.  And for what?  Vengeance?  They hadn’t done anything wrong!”
The blue of his eyes bore into hers like he’s trying to convince her to hate him as much as he hates himself and her stomach drops to the floor.  She starts to rise but the step back he takes stops her.
“But it didn’t matter to me who they were,” he goes on with venom in his voice, “They did business with Regina and that was enough to justify it in my mind.  I made widows and orphans out of their wives and children – wives and children who, to this day, don’t know what happened to them because I couldn’t see past the hatred in my heart!”
He stops there, his confession complete, viciously swiping at the tears on his cheeks, like he realizes he doesn’t even deserve to mourn those men.   Shaking his head, he sniffles and crosses the room to stand in front of the chest.  
When he speaks again, his voice is clogged but his tone is calm and detached.  “Every time I’d find something of yours or your family’s, I’d put it in here.  Other than a few things of Liam’s, everything in here belongs to you.”
Slowly, he lifts the chest and carries it to the table, setting it gently down right in front of her without meeting her eyes.  The click his hook makes when he removes it echoes through the quiet room before he lays it on top of the chest.  Instinctively, she covers his hand with hers before he can draw it back and he sucks in a breath, his fingers contracting around hers.  They stay like that for several seconds while he watches his thumb traces circles on the back of her hand but then he shakes his head and steps away, pulling his hand from hers.  
The message is clear: This isn’t over yet.  It’s not over until she sees what’s in the chest.  But more than that, he’s not ready to accept her forgiveness no matter how badly she wants to give it.  He doesn’t trust yet that this isn’t a snap judgment.  He wants her to take some time alone to process everything he’s said.  
He looks raw and broken when he meets her eyes one last time.  Then, without another word, he turns and walks out of the room.  
She keeps her eyes on the closed door, almost tempted to chase after him without even looking in the box.  She even takes a step in that direction but stops herself.  Because he’s right.  She needs to see what’s in there.  She needs some time to gather herself – not because there’s a chance she’ll change her mind but because she needs to take a minute to let everything sink in.
With shaky hands, she reaches for the key, twisting it in the lock until it clicks.  Slowly, she lifts the lid and her eyes widen, amazed at the number of treasures he’s found.  Her father’s crown is on top, her mother’s rubies, her pearl necklace, her mother’s ring…  She looks through every piece, memory after memory blooming with each new item but then… Then she sees what he found and her eyes gloss over, her heart contracting.
Her jade necklace. The necklace she was wearing the night they were separated.  
With slow movements, she reaches in and curls her fingers around the jewels.  Tears stream down her cheeks and she cradles them to her chest, misery crawling up her throat until she sinks into the chair and sobs.
The night is starless and still as he stands at the helm and surveys the ocean.  There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, to see but pitch black in every direction; there aren’t even any waves being illuminated by the Jolly’s lanterns, the calm eerie and desolate.  
He doesn’t hear her approach, which is surprising given the utter silence of the night, and he startles when a plank only a few feet behind him creaks.  
Turning to face her, he finds her cheeks dry, but her red-rimmed eyes tell him they haven’t been dry long.  His own eyes are gritty and burning and it takes a great deal of concentration to keep them from filling.  She stands speechless for a moment, the diamonds and jades on the necklace in her hand glittering even in the near black night.
At long last, she looks down to the necklace, fingering at the jewels.  “I had to sell them to pay for a new roof for The Gold Mine,” she starts, “Leroy wanted to sell it because we couldn’t afford the wood, so I offered to sell these to make up the difference.  I didn’t want to move again.  I’d finally found a place where I could have a little peace and the thought of giving that up was agonizing to me.”
She sniffles lightly, finally looking up to him and he’s surprised to see how tortured her expression is.
“Do you know what brought me that peace?” she asks quietly and he shakes his head, his lungs burning from his attempt to hold the tears at bay.  “Naval ships used to dock there and, occasionally, the officers would come in and it…” she pauses to swallow and swipe at a tear that escapes, “It was the only thing I had left of you.  The only connection I could find and… And I would have done anything to keep it. This necklace… It meant nothing to me but… Being near the sea…  Being near anything that kept you close to me… I – ”
She cuts off and turns away, struggling to find words once again.  He aches to hold her, so much so that his arm twitches at his side, but he stays where he is, knowing there’s more she wants to say.  
“It never occurred to me that you might still be alive.  Graham told me he saw you die and I had no reason not to believe him.  I never had any hope, so I don’t know what it must have been like to have it crushed.  But I do remember what it felt like when Graham told me you were dead… the way every muscle in my body turned to stone, the way my lungs squeezed into an icy cold weight that pressed on my heart…”
She pauses for several more deep breaths and then her demeanor changes, her shoulders straightening and her head lifting as she looks out at the blackness of the night.  When she speaks again, he’s surprised by the malice in her words. “The next night, black knights caught up with us on the road and I was…  I was glad to see them.  I wanted them to catch us.  I wanted an excuse to draw my sword.  And I wanted them dead.  I charged into them before August could stop me and...  and…”
She shakes her head to cover the crack in her voice, “He chased after me.  He was standing right next to me when he died.  And I can’t help but wonder…  If I’d been more retrained…  If I’d waited like I should have but…” She clears her throat and tightens her hands into fists.  “But I was so angry that I… I couldn’t stop.  I wouldn’t stop until either they were all dead or I was.  I can still remember that rage racing through my bloodstream.  I was consumed by it.  I enjoyed killing them.  Every single one that fell made satisfaction rise up in my chest, every drop of blood was gratifying to watch as it spilled to the earth.”
Killian’s feet feel rooted to the ground, his heart hammering to the point of pain as her confession settles cold and hard in his stomach.
Turning only far enough to see him out of the corner of her eye, she takes a deep breath. “I know it’s not the same as what happened to you.  But my point is, I know how what it feels like when fury blocks out everything else and twists you into another person for a time.  I remember it with perfect clarity.”
The last words come out as nearly a whisper and he forces his feet to work, crossing to her and spinning her into his arms.  Cupping her chin, he lifts her eyes to his, smoothing his thumb over her temple as he takes in the dark emerald.  
She does understand. She does remember.  And she’s just as tortured and repentant for her mistake as he is.  
His heart aches for both of them, but there’s a cleansing quality underneath it that surprises him, realizing this is something they’d both been in need of.  They’d both needed to make these confessions.  And now that they have, they can bear the burden of them together.  It’s an astoundingly profound feeling, this feeling of being completely exposed, of breaking down the remainder of the walls that had been between them.  
They stand silently for some time, slowly allowing the guilt and sadness to release itself, both seemingly content to simply hold the other.  A breeze begins to blow, soft and warm, and Killian feels a sudden peace settle into his heart.  He hears Emma release a long sigh and snuggles further into his chest.
He lifts her chin to find her eyes soft and smoky and he smiles.
“I love you, Emma,” he whispers.  
Her chest expands against his on a sharp breath.  
“I love you, too.”
The moment she says it, he feels an overpowering crackle of magic rush through him but he ignores it in favor of lowering his lips to hers.  They meet softly, light grazes filled with reverence and love while the world around them brightens.  He doesn’t notice at first and she doesn’t either, too distracted by the shimmering peace that settles more firmly with each brush of lips, too caught up in the relief and joy of finally having no barriers left between them. Eventually, though, the light amplifies so much that it can’t be ignored and they turn in unison to see the Spark of Prometheus burning brightly in its case.
44 notes · View notes
suechoiart · 5 years
SU19 Internship_ Week 1
For my practicum credit (LAR561), I am required to write journals for each week of the internship. While each week has an assigned theme, I like to just muse about everything and use this opportunity as a chance to record my experiences. 
This week, I talk about the firm, some tasks I’ve worked on, and a(n ongoing reflection) on skills that are taught in school and how they transfer to practice. 
_ the firm 
Firma Studio started in 2015 by Scott Dismukes, who has been working as a landscape architect for over 15 years. Scott had worked for 12 years at Olin, one of the very well-known LA firms in North America. Currently the firm has two employees total, Scott and Sarah, who is an alumna of the UTKSoLA program. The range of work is truly wide - so far, I have only worked on non-residential projects, but know that a lot of work is also done on that side. Their website unfortunately only has most of Scott’s former works, but I’ve been told that Firma’s works are finally mature enough to take good photographs - and that would be part of my scope this summer. 
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_ planting plans + sketching elevations 
Skills practiced: + creating a planting schedule + laying out plants in accordance with recommended spacing + (re-)learning popular and appropriate plants in the Southeast and TN  + handdrawing, a little bit  + understanding plant height and massing per species  + learning about picking varieties per height/massing preference  + AutoCAD, learned a bit more about how to navigate x-refs, and freezing layers (there’s a button) 
The first project I’ve started working on is for a small entry way into a church. The current and existing conditions for the limit of work is not very inspiring and has a lot of room for plant work. When I started working, Sarah had already chosen a list of plants and had a rough planting scheme set out. My task was to transfer this idea into the digital space, both as a list of plants (plant schedule and a digital catalog of plants) and actually spacing and drawing them out on AutoCAD. 
Afterwards, I was tasked to draw a ‘gestrual’ elevation for the planting, to show the massing and height relationship for all of the plants involved. Scott definitely redrew and took over the task (to create the drawing that would be presented to the clients... see pic above for Scott in action), but it was still a really good chance to get an idea of the drawing standards for this field. 
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(My scribbles to establish plant height) 
Our program promotes hand-drawing as more of a brainstorming tool. Almost all representational outputs are almost always digital renderings. The idea of an “illustrative” drawing- something that’s less 'crisp’ and I guess, more ‘pretty’? - hasn’t been asked of us until this semester (4 out of 6). I hope to practice more hand drawing in this capacity and get to a point where I feel comfortable incorporating it into my own studio process. 
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(Elevation sketch example from Firma’s website-- fluid and gestural!)
_ product research: artificial turf and outdoor furniture 
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(1967 Monsanto ad - from this great article about materiality and artificial turf) 
Skills practiced: + learning about artificial turf + research presentation and organization 
Product research! At our externship presentation, one of the students (who went to a nationally recognized firm) shared that he spent a whole day or two looking up “litter receptacles,” and we had a good laugh about that. However, product research is probably a very important part of, well, working in the field. I got to spent a few days this week researching artificial turf and outdoor furniture. 
Each of them had different motivations for the research: Firma wanted to gain a bigger understanding about artificial turf products through the artificial turf research (expanding the “knowledge base”), while the outdoor furniture one was to offer the client a range of alternatives for “value engineering” -- which seems like a lofty word for “finding something that’s cheaper.” 
The products for both tasks are going to be included (after review) into a client presentation to present a few options, their qualities, and their costs, so that the client can review them and make their call (for now?) (--still figuring out this process). 
However, I’ve put more weight on creating an internal research document for the artificial turf stuff, including a short history from AstroTurf; while the outdoor furnishing is focused more on getting a range of different chairs, etc. and showing how much they would be per quantity, and as by the budget that was in the proposal. 
_ reflection: from school to practice 
I had a great conversation with Sarah about whether ‘what’s taught in school’ is mutually exclusive from ‘what’s done in practice.’ The director of our program (whom Sarah has worked with) has been explicit from the beginning that what’s taught at our school won’t be the ‘basic technical skills’ in practice. 
This conversation also involved the recent Landscape Architecture Magazine article about the cost of an MLA degree. The article is not published online, but it is literally the front cover of this month’s issue: 
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Sarah and I have been indoctrinated thoroughly agree that the MLA is not meant to supply those practice-specific skills, i.e. creating planting schedules in AutoCAD, but to really practice and stimulate the creative thinking (”design thinking”) skills via extremely talented design thinkers in the industry. BUT, (I believe this was the stance of the article:) if you have a BLA, pursuing an MLA probably is not worth it, strictly in terms of what (professional) skills you learn or (surprisingly) to increase pay. 
1 week into professional work (i.e. I aware that my opinion on this matter may change and develop as the numbers increase) - I am strongly in agreement with both sides. (1), without the “extra” time spent on learning about detail and drafting construction documents, however rudimentary they were, I would not feel comfortable placing plants in equal spacing on AutoCAD on my first week of internship (-- all of this would have been thoroughly taught in a BLA program, I think!) and (2) but without the abstract and academic engagement at the masters level, I would not be able to appreciate and wish to challenge the scope of the profession! 
This post has gotten too long already, so I hope to continue this thought and (in-head) discussion at a later time. I’ll be asking around what people think! 
_ week ahead 
There is a big? client presentation on Tuesday that I will work on tomorrow. I am not sure what the rest of the week looks like, but there seems to be something to do all the time! 
0 notes
leac92 · 5 years
Journal #2 01/20/2019
For this weeks journal, a couple things occurred; We began developing ideas for out memory short with a reference sheet, technical analysis of how we are to use light, and a storyboard which shows how the camera and use of light were to be used in the story. But that’s just part of what happen this week. I had a talk with Professor Palazzi about some ideas for a potential thesis topic. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as well as I planned, and to be honest, I agreed with most of what she told me. I’ll be completely honest, I didn’t know exactly what a thesis is, but my thought of it was building on an ongoing topic with to create more discussion. I had a talk with Zach Winegardner about his thesis topic. He stated his topic was a way to allow the audience to view works of art in a more complex way though digital exploration. He also stated he had struggles his second year with finding a topic and through that, he lost focus his love for what he was doing. He didn’t know exactly what his professors wanted from him, and that’s where I’m at in regard to the topic. Hearing that from him made me feel better because I’m not the only one going through it, or have gone through it. As for the animation itself, the story of the film has been an idea I’ve had in mind before I started the program, it’s how I’m coming about the film that has changed (integrating 3D animation with 2D animation). However I knew this would occur, as I stated in my statement of intent, I wanted to learn more about 3D animation. I guess for now, I want to experiment a bit more and strengthen my skills in 3D software and re-evaluate some of my decisions in approaching my work so I may find that love for animation again.
In regard to that, this kind of set my approach for this week and my thinking. For the beginning of the week, two things occurred; I began progressing my 3D modeling skills in 3D animation class with Mr. Steve Conroy. We are creating a face and upper body model. However, I decided to create a whole body instead. Why? To challenge myself and figure out how to solve questions about Maya without constantly asking my classmates all the time (sometimes I feel I’m letting them do the work for me when I ask them questions, but they say otherwise). Saturday I came into Accad and worked on modeling and ended up almost finishing the leg, without assistance from anyone, so hopefully when I rig it, it won’t have too many problems. Here are images of what the upper body should look like by the time I’m done in comparison wot what I have right now:
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Relevant Sources or Inspirations
Going Back to 6400 we develop a reference sheet and a storyboard for the memory short we are developing in class. For the reference sheet, We chose three images that would set as a base for the lighting, color, camera and temperature of that scene of the short. Here are my three images and why I chose them:
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Photo credit: Tripadvisor.co.za
I chose this images as a reference for my first sequence because of the lighting and color
scheme. It relates to me memory because it reminds me of times where I would look outside my window and see the gloomy sky with a mix of the grey spectrum and the natural light of my room would be a somewhat jaded feeling. This lighting would be considered a low-key lighting in the room because it has low intensity in comparison to the outside lighting and the temperature is a cooler. A high-key and somewhat soft key-lighting for the outside because the intensity in contrast to the inside of the room is much brighter but the temperature still gives off a cool feeling. The direction of the light is above the windows but most of the direction of the light is aimed at the table and a little bit of the floor in front of the floor.
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Photo credit: Zoomzoom.com
I chose this images as a reference to the second part of my sequence because of the intensity of the light after the rain has been lifted from the storm. It is high and low-key lighting because of the light beaming through one part of the window and most parts inside the room are a bit darker with less definition if it was direct lighting. The temperature for the image is warm and the direction of the light is an eye-level view.
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Photo credit: Zastavki.com
I chose this as the image for the reference to the third part of the sequence because of its’ angle and color scheme. The intensity of the lighting is high from the point of the sun and on the blinds reflecting the light from the sun. This would be a mix of high, low and soft-key lighting because of the contrast between the light on the outside of the window and it almost being black on the inside of the window. The temperature is warm with a bit of cool around the water and a bit inside the room. The direction of the light is also eye-level.
Choices Made
Based on those images, I created a rough storyboard sketch of how I plan to animate the scene. I kept it on the gray scale to focus on the light aspect of the short since the main focus of the project is light. Each frame represents the time of day and where the light is because of the contrast in shadows around the room and the light outside the window. I also have a sun dial which shows where the light will be in the short:
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After creating the storyboard, I created a timeline of where I am and what I plan to do in regard to the steps I will will take in creating this short film film. Here is my technical plan for the next 4 weeks or so:
Likely Next Steps
Experiential Storytelling: Technical Plan
What to do?
Week 1
Create idea for story
Writing poems stating the memory dealing with light:
Week 2
Create Animatic sequence based on storyboard and poem ideas
Drawing out images based on references used (includes photos, sketches, stories, etc.). After, begin drafting animation after the animatic. This is not the final work. Creating more than one ideation will help determine what I’m looking for.
Week 3
Drafting animation using applications such as TvPaint, Photoshop, and Maya
Maya is not my strong point, however, creating a multi-layered video of the 2D animation in a 3D space would be doable, but a good challenge for myself. For animating the 2D part, I want to create multiple layers; one layer would stand still, while the others stay in motion behind the static layer.
Week 4
Begin cleaning the final draft of the 2D animation. Begin fixing up the 3D animation a bit (color, texture, etc.)
While cleaning the animation, I will begin adding sound effects (rough most likely) to get a sense of how sound will enhance the film. To add music or not?
Week 5
Finish final touchups. Add into premiere or after effects
Making sure the sound and video are in proper order with no issues. Render out. Test, test, test.
I began creating an animatic for the short, though I will make some adjustments to the animatic this coming week and begin production on the short as well:
For the upcoming week, I plan to continue developing the look for the short film, including the animatic with camera shots, lighting and color and make sure the timing of my voice matches up with the feel of the film, so I might have to re-record my voice this week. I plan to go into Accad before the start of the week and work on the 3D modeling for the 3D animation class so I may understand more concepts to help with 6400 if needed. I will also continue to experiment and re-evaluate my situation with my thesis topic, as well as the animation so I won’t feel behind on my work again.
0 notes
tristikovart · 7 years
A Retrospective of Role
Or “It really took 15 years to get from that, to this?”
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If you’d like to share in my cringe have a look at my progress as an artist, then grab a beverage and a snack, because this is gonna be a looooooooong post.
So to go back to the beginning, I have always liked to draw; in particular I’ve always liked animals, so it isn’t much of a surprise that some of my earliest “original characters” were based on my team in Pokemon Yellow. However, it was another Game Boy game called Dragon Warrior Monsters which provided what turned out to be a lasting inspiration. It also only allowed for 4 letter names.
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- 2002 -
If I recall correctly, I was on vacation at a lake in New Hampshire with CerebralZero, when I drew my first ever pic of Role:
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She also apparently had scaly forearms and a distinct beak here too; those didn’t stay, but she did keep the wings for some time. 
Given the context of DWM (monster battling), Role didn’t have a lot of background at the time... Though I did have some running gags with my friend Alex who also played the crap out of DWM, I only drew some of our monsters later on in a single rough sketch.
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The first continuity I had after Pokemon. [shudder] This shit is really going back in time for me. Note that Role’s outfit makes no fucking sense; but surprisingly, while Sela at the far right looks like some DeviantArt sparkle-bird abomination, she actually is about as ridiculous as the Rain Hawk DWM monster she was based on (I think in-game she actually ended up in part of Role’s lineage because Rain Hawks learn the MEGA MAGIC skill, and thus she would pass it on to Role through monster husbandry.)
- 2003 - 
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For a while I gave her some kind of SWAT uniform thing. I’m pretty sure I intended her pistol to be the Enforcer from Unreal / UT Classic. She also went blonde for a while.
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Using my sick dial-up internet connection at the time I found out that digital coloring was a thing, and I asked my folks to get me Photoshop Elements 1.0 at our local Staples. I also got a scanner, which ushered in an exciting new world of not being aware of the multiply setting, layers, or cleaning up line-art.
However, Role proved pretty good at rocking out in front of crappy jpegs BGs
- 2004 -.
During this time, I went through a bunch of character designs and continuities (itself amusing to look at; perhaps I’ll make a future post for the truly bored.)
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All things considered, when I stuck to pens and prismarkers, I don’t think the result was too terrible. Note the blonde again.
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IIRC her outfit above is based off of a pinup wallpaper of Jo from Altermeta gen 1. HOW’S THAT FOR DATED?
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ARRGG back to the horrendous digital coloring. I actually did much worse coloring a little bit earlier, if you can believe it. Some basic digital art tips would have a gone a long way back then. Anyway, it was about this time that Role transitioned to a new continuity with one of the several iterations of Gyr, who was my go-to character for a few years. Note Role’s design stabilized around this time with the garish fuchsia eyeshadow, t-shirt, and brown “hair”.
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BONUS ROUND: Ryhs Rhys (took me a while to get it straight) is also really fucking old! However, she disappeared for a time, while I kept drawing Role. This cast of characters stuck around for a while, and I drew quite a bit of them, including a number of silly comics, frequently involving my friend’s avatar, Raze, inducing mischief by being a self-important douche.
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I certainly drew a lot of pinup art of Role; this habit hasn’t really changed… 2004 had a particularly productive stretch due to me going on vacation to Vermont, again at a lake (similar to where I drew her first pic) and having ample free time to occupy.
This trip was also officially commemorated with a 5 page comic about just that.
- 2005 -
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I think this pic was actually late 2004, but either way I still think it stands out as pretty cool for the time. Note Role’s “hair” has transitioned to actual hair from its previous feathery styling. Note the lack of wings too. Also, IIRC the only time she was drawn with closed-toe shoes.
Otherwise 2005 is kinda light on dated pics of Role; probably because I had started drawing Ress more often (another good topic for a retrospective) and had also developed Maru and other equine characters.
- 2006 -
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Check it out! Some signs of progress at last! The 2006 iteration of this cast focused on these three (and ditched the wings across the board), as well as folded in the other equine characters to some kind of mid-2000s city life continuity. Role’s shirt also gained a big 01, and might have been her old softball jersey or something.
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Around this time, CowBunny, a fellow artist on DeviantArt, also drew me some really cool fanart! CB, if you’re out there, I hope you’re doing well!
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I also drew the first (and a little slim) Oktoberfest Role picture, replete with god-awful shift-clicked mouse lines. Note the braids here.
- 2007 -
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I had started school at this point, and IIRC I drew this sketch during my first semester, while riding the D-line from Brookline Village to Riverside, on my way back to my school’s temporary dorms at Regis College.
- 2008 -
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Doodles of Role (and Maru and Ress in the upper middle) done in various notebooks from school. Note during this time she also developed a bit of a cleft beak for some reason. You know, I still don’t know why despite having one in the original drawing, I always drew her without a defined bill since then (until 2017.) Inspiration from depictions of Chocobos, perhaps?
- 2009 -
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Beergirl Role is back! And dammit if this doesn’t hold up pretty well (which I should be glad of, given that I purposely designed this pic to have tattooed on my side!)
- 2010 - 
At this time I was preoccupied with graduating college, and then involved in my first job, so while I have a nice picture of Ress from this time, I didn’t get to Role until the following year.
- 2011 -
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But hey, she looked pretty good, so I’d say the wait was worth it. Note that I finally got rid of that fucking eyeshadow. Like, it finally occurred to me that I could use other colors. Or Kelly might have just told me it looked like shit.
- 2012, 2013 -
Didn’t draw Role much (if at all?) during this time, as I started another job, started collecting firearms, and chiefly: Started the modern period of Avania! (The history of how Avania came to be is yet another retrospective topic I could go into detail on, if there are interested persons out there.)
- 2014 -
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Well, 2013-14 sucked because the start-up I worked for had gone belly-up and money was tight, but never the less I brought Role into the “present” with the third beergirl drawing. Her hair is lighter in this version, but she kept the braids even when not in fraulein-mode, and apparently I liked the way she looked with glasses in that old sketch. 
Otherwise I spent most of this time making 3D models of most of the Avania characters to play in Unreal Tournament 3. I even made a model of Role, though I didn’t iron out all the rigging issues, and she was rather out of place among all the other characters I had modeled.
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- 2015, 2016 -
I started a new job late in 2014 and I’m still there, so things are looking pretty good. However, I had been working on the Avania comic, and any side art had pretty much been exclusively with those characters. Several times I had thought about adding Role into this now all-consuming continuity, but with one of my design choices being limiting the setting to three sentient races, it meant Role as she was wouldn’t fit neatly into the setting, and so I held off on incorporating her.
- 2017 -
However, early this year I decided that it was high time I found a place for my oldest, continuously drawn character in a setting that I have set out to make a fancy, published (at least digitally) comic out of.
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I’ve already been posting sketches of her new design, but say goodbye to the old, and hello to the new Role!
Her old design will always be with me (and I mean literally, given the tattoo) but I’m very happy to actually give her something to do now besides get drawn looking pretty. I’ll probably do some finished art of her new design at some point, and maybe even remake her model for my next Avania UT3 release (though it might end up being UT4 at this point--another project somewhere on the distant horizon.)
2018 UPDATE: Role’s latest incarnation now has a fully rendered pinup! This is her design for the Avania comic (launching summer 2018) so be sure to stay tuned if you’re a fan!
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Though her previous designs haven’t had much in the way of military themes, I wanted to keep her overall look recognizable. As such color color scheme has remained the same, and I figured her braids would continue to be appropriate in the new context. As she no longer has a lion’s tail, I decided to braid that as well so as to keep the tufted and ribboned look. One other thing that has evolved is her personality; though she past wasn’t ever particularly defined, Role always seemed fairly happy, friendly, hard-working, and a little flirty. In light of her new history growing up in dire times and serving during the final days of her country, her old personality has matured to one of responsibility and self-sacrifice, but has not been entirely overwhelmed!
I’ve really enjoyed Role’s evolution over the years, and I’ve especially enjoyed her recent iterations and the depth that I’ve finally got around to developing for her character and backstory.
If you actually read this incredibly long-winded exploration of my artwork, then I hope you enjoyed it too! If that’s the case, let me know if you’re interested in seeing more posts like this exploring some other long-running characters, or all the early concepts that went into making Avania.
It has been a pleasure sharing my drawings with the internet at large, and I look forward to continuing the habit; cheers!
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atk scary hairy - A Review Of Hot Hairy Vagina Pics
I didnt go on my first legitimate date until I was 19 and in college, and the sum total of sexual experiences I had during this blissful undergraduate years wouldnt even require the remaining fingers of a grizzled old high school Wood Shop teacher to count, so while I wasnt completely inexprienced, Id hardly say I had a particular set of skills, acquired over a long career. Somewhere between general study at one university and applying for much higher education sexy furry pussy at another, there was a seismic shift in my ability to interact with women I find attractive and, more importantly, their overall interest in me. Im wired a bit differently than a lot of guys I meet - flat tummies and thigh gaps do fuck-all for me. As a result, I now refer to my graduate school career as the Era of Man Slut, because sweet bouncing bits, I had a lot of sex during that time. Stephanie was a bit on the thick side, meaning she had a little extra of all the things I particularly enjoy - tits, ass, thighs, and that bit of belly that drives me completely insane. So Stephanies body was on point, but what really pulled me in was her hair. If you enjoyed this article and you would like to get additional details concerning hairy cunt women kindly see the internet site. Good god, she had this huge mane of thick red curls. In my first year, I met a young woman well call Stephanie. I went from zero to erection in one single stare. This was during a time when big hair wasnt really in fashion, so at the time having her natural hair be so giant was a major and immediate turn on for how different it was. However, we were both attracted to each other, so it was inevitable that during one of our afternoon hang out sessions at her apartment that we would finally make out, which was enough for me but atk hairy login naked amateurs I didnt realize for a while was not enough for her. Im not going to bore everyone with the slow story of how we met, the multiple conversations we shared, the gradual flirting, and etc. Its not that I cant appreciate a woman who works hard on maintaining that figure, but I get so much more from a woman with a little more substance. Instead, she threw me for a loop when she said, "I need you to be aggressive. Stephanie told me early on that she didnt want a boyfriend, and that was fine with me, because as much as I enjoyed talking to her, she wasnt what I was looking for in a long term relationship either (we had some ideological differences that would have made a serious relationship fall apart eventually). I felt a bit like an idiot for not realizing shed wanted more, and tried to rectify my mistake immediately by grabbing her and holding her close to me as I began to kiss her neck, and suck her earlobe into my mouth to nibble it. " I had to pause at this because her words could mean a lot of different things and I needed to make sure we were all very clear, because I was definitely not going to be okay with anything involving hitting or choking or other simulations of physical abuse. She wanted me to use her to get off, basically. I breathily asked her what she wanted to do, assuming shed just shyly kick her pants off and pull me into her on her couch. This changed when I entered graduate school, though to be honest, I dont know what specifically changed, or how I can harnass it for amazing personal gain (because if I could do that, Id already be living in Atlantis and fucking my harem of mermaids - I like to dream big). It was perhaps Day 3 of making out and some general feeling up that she finally became frustrated and began to ask me if we were ever going to do anything else. Give your partner what she wants is a pretty solid philosophy thats served hairy cunt women me well and resulted in some pretty phenomenal sex. I pondered this for all of a nanosecond before I reached out to run my hand through her hair and pull her face into mine for an extremely hard kiss. I tightened my hand in her hair as I kissed her and pulled, which caused her to gasp into my mouth - a moment that still puts a smile on my face when I remember it - and I saw in her eyes the exact moment that she went from curiosity to full-blown lust. Fortunately for me, she sighed, shook her head and explained that she wanted me to "be selfish," to have her do what I want to do. I leaned in close to her ear and in a voice that wasnt quite a whisper but wasnt loud enough to be heard beyond that couch, I said to her, "I want you to get on your knees and show me what that slutty little mouth can do. My dirty talk game is generally on point but I recognize that it is not for everybody, and its a real crapshoot determining if your partner is going to be into it or completely offended by it. I have some personal history there that still renders me feeling a little sick if I think I might be hurting somebody. " That statement was a gamble, I realize in hindsight. At this early stage of my life I didnt quite realize that dropping a "slut bomb" even in the height of passion can have the potential to end sex really fucking quick (I learned this lesson the hard way later). Can I quickly say as an aside that I love watching a woman do the slow descent to her knees? I decided right then and there that if this is what she wanted, Id deliver something a bit rougher. She moved slowly, photos of hairy women pulling me out, but then seemed unsure of herself. " Not in a commanding way, or a laughing way, but in a voice that communicated that I had an expectation and couldnt see any reason why it would not be met. For her part, she was still a bit slow. In later hook-ups from her I came to realize that she did this on purpose to coax me to be rougher or meaner, but at the time I genuinely thought she was a bit shy and wasnt sure what do do now that I was legitimately delivering on her request. Luck was with me that day because she immediately bit her lip and stood up from the couch only to sink down to her knees between my legs. This wasnt some tender necking session at this point. As my hand was already in her hair, I once again tightened my grip, giving a very light pull close to her scalp. She held me in her hands and sort of looked back and forth from my cock to my face, as though she coudlnt really figure out what came next. I asked you to suck my cock. It was cute, but definitely not what Id asked for. That was all the evidence I needed that I was on the right track, so I decided to up the ante a bit by saying, "I didnt ask you to lick my cock, sweetie. She gasped again and I distinctly remember her legs came together, and as I held her hair she was squirming in place. " This demand, coupled with the hair pull (which I later found out was the way to get her from zero to soaking wet in a matter of seconds), caused her to drop all pretense of being coy. She crammed so much of my cock in her mouth it actually surprised me, because nobody in control of themselves or their words would have experienced that scene and uttered out, "Whoa! She dove onto my cock, for lack of a better word. I was still a bit high off of taking on a more dominant role, so I gently pulled her head forward and said, "Now suck my cock. She was very regularly gagging herself on me, to the extent where my concern began to rise and I had to fight back from saying, "Jesus, holy shit, maybe we should calm it down for a second; its not like the cock is going anywhere. Try to imagine James Bond saying that the next time a supermodel joins him in the shower, just really shocked and surprised but mostly happy to be there. " It felt like every other second I heard this glangh sound come from her mouth and throat. Rather than immediately taking me in her mouth, she began a series of slow licks up my cock punctuated by tiny kisses to the head. Im normally not into frantic, fast blowjobs full of noise and drool, but damn if this girl didnt try to convert me. I can honestly say no girl has ever blown me like that since and Im not sure Id want any of them to because it was so fast and intense that my cock reached a sort of heightened numbness that more or less gave me a zero chance of achieving orgasm. Now, its not necessarily important that I set much more of the scene, but just in the interest of full disclosure, Ill mention that she wasnt dressed for classic seduction. I could feel her spit just collecting at the base of my cock and dripping down my balls. She was wearing loose sweats and a t-shirt. " To be fair, the reaction was appropriate, because she proceeded to give me one of the sloppiest blowjobs Ive ever received. 007 emphatically crying out, "Whoa! And to be fully honest, that laid-back comfort look does more to turn me on than any sexily cut dress or lace covered night-time attire that can inevitably accumulate in a womans closet specifically for those times when she suspects shes going to get lucky. They werent the biggest, but they were more than big enough to work for me. And, when she quickly and quietly assumed her position at the end of her couch, I found a matching green thong as I pulled those loose sweatpants to the ground. Shed been prepared for the whole thing. Lazy home clothes that communicate disdain at the idea of another evening of light kissing and then solo frustration, but underneath? No, wear the old oversized t-shirt you got for free at some stupid event - the one that communicates "business hours are over. The "I might get lucky, who knows? The somewhat frumpy outerwear hid secret treasures underneath. " underwear collection. I was in love with it the moment I saw it, and Im not exaggerating this because I immediately kissed each one of those pale white cheeks and said, verbatim, "I am in love with this ass. The thong was a good choice. " I never claimed to be smooth. She was so wet that I actually saw a droplet run down her leg. Her t-shirt had come off at some point during her insane blowjob and for a good portion of her head game I was treated to this green lacy push-up bra that did an amazing job of putting her tits on display. " So I pulled her panties to the side and, with very little preamble, began to slide myself in. An amazing choice, because while she didnt have the biggest tits, she did have an enormous, fantastic ass. I had the remedy for this because, quite frankly, I felt like shed more than earned something for her as well, so with yet another tug on her hair, I pulled her off my cock and, breathing heavily, told her to bend over the arm of her couch. I was just outside of her, and then, suddenly, all the way in. Id intended to tease a little bit but this one singular action caused her to grip the couch and growl out, "Holy shit, just fuck me. Within seconds I had both hands gripping her hips so tight I swear my knuckles turned white as I began colliding with her repeatedly. From that point forward every time I fucked her was either doggy style or with her bent over some piece of furniture, because there was no way Id ever miss the sight of that ass jiggling and reverberating with each hard thrust I gave her. I licked it, and the trail it left, all the way up her leg and back to her pussy. There was no need to ease myself in. " She, on the other hand, picked up all of my slack about halfway through, turning her head to look behind her at me (thats a fucking power move, FYI, save that - face forward until you need your partner to go nuts and then do the look behind) and her face was just all angry lust as she spouted out a litany of amazing material that I cannot remember verbatim but I can paraphrase thusly: "You like that tight pussy? Yeah, you take that pussy. That pussy is yours, you take it whenever you want. The most I was able to utter out was an occasional "Fuck, that feels good," or "Love this fat ass. Her pussy clenched tightly on me several times, as Id later come to learn she orgasmed very easily, and my constant hard fucking drove her over the edge repeatedly. My capacity for dirty talk was completely out the window and all I could concentrate on at that point was just fucking her with every last fiber of my soul. She was tight, but so wet that I hit bottom without the slightest hint of resistance. This pussy was fucking made to milk that fat cock. I was not wearing a condom and even though she was on birth control, it was my first time having sex with her and for all I knew she could have been a harbinger of sexually transmitted diseases that modern science has yet to even discover. Quick PSA, sorry to interrupt the fapping - this was fucking stupid of me. On her end, she wasnt kidding about the milking part, because with each blast of cum I shot inside her, those inner walls were stroking me, tightening and releasing to try and get every last drop out. I completly collapsed on her back, kissing her neck and for a long while she just worked her inner muscles on me. She was nice enough to let me take a shower with her, but nothing particularly sexy happened and I eventually softened up again. I came hard inside her. " That whole built for comfort look just makes me want to extend business hours. Thats the power of a solid gold fuck. She did such a good job that I never went completely soft, and in no time at all I was fully hard again, but at that point shed decided she had enough and she booty bumped me backwards, sliding me out. I am massively, massively lucky that I didnt wind up with some kind of penis rot. I wasnt complaining - Id just had fantastic sex with every indication that Stephanie and I would hook up again (and we did, several times, until she found an actual relationship and wanted to keep it monogamous with him), so after I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she playfully told me to get out, I was able to walk back to my car with a spring in my step which is miraculous considering that my next stop that day was a tutoring job for a guy I nicknamed Pringles because the dude always smelled like Pringles. " She threw out so much dirty talk all at once that she drove me completely over the top. Or silver if you have some kind of gold allergy. Thanks for reading, everyone! Even Pringles couldnt keep me down that day. I hope all your fucks are also solid gold!
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/06/23/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-62317/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 6/23/17
  It’s gonna be a quick one this week, as I’ve got too much real life stuff going on. Plus, there was a lot of little news, but no big whammy.
Last Saturday I took in Awesome Con which, in its fifth year, was being held at the Washington Convention Center. Normally I’m all about con reports. You’ll see my cosplay pics, and hear about all the stuff I bought. Not so much this time around. I don’t know what it was, but it didn’t feel very Awesome this year. I hate cons that are filled to capacity (like NYCC), but I felt like this one could’ve been better attended. Sure, there were a lot of folks there, but I still bet they fell short of the numbers that had been expected. No cosplay really caught my eye. There were only, like, 7 comic vendors. The show really doesn’t seem to know if it’s a pop culture con, like a Wizard World show, or if it’s a comic-con for the DC area, rivaling Baltimore’s.
It wasn’t all bad, though. I got to hang out with my buds @KeithDavidsen and @ClassickMateria, plus I had a great conversation with 2/3 of the 3 Black Geeks Podcast. Oh, and I totally gushed over Christopher Hastings, who currently writes I Am Groot and The Unbelievable Gwenpool for Marvel. I’ve been a fan of his since his indie series, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, and I’m a huge Gwenpool fan. I pretty much went just to meet him, and he was totally gracious and nice. Meanwhile, I was gonna confront Scott Snyder and get him to sign my Dark Days: The Forge book. And then ask him why he blocked me on Twitter. But the stars were not aligned, as his line was capped before I got there. I suppose it was for the best. So, while lacking in awesome, there’s still room for improvement, and I’m sure I’ll be right back there next year.
While a lot of folks are getting excited about it, I have some problems with the way Netflix’s The Defenders series is being marketed. Something seems off with the tone of everything. See that poster above? As I remarked on Twitter, it looks like a TV Guide ad for a show Fox canceled in 1994. I can hear the promo now: “The Defenders, followed by an all-new New York Undercover. Thursday, at 8/7 Central.” There’s nothing about it that *pops*, and it just looks so pedestrian. Are they a rag tag group of NYC street-level heroes, or is it a coming of age drama about 3 guys and a girl trying to make it in New York City? I still have 3 more seasons of Marvel Netflix shows to catch up on before I can even watch this, so maybe I’m not the target audience. It’s just all so formulaic now, though. “Hey, look – a hallway fight!”
We finally got a premiere date for the long-delayed Star Trek: Discovery, bowing September 24th at 8:30 on both CBS and CBS All Access. What’s with the 8:30 start time, though? I guess we’ll get some kind of half-assed, 30-minute Trek retrospective before the show. And, taking a page from cable shows, the season will be split in two, with the first 8 episodes airing in the fall, while the remaining 7 will air starting in January. I couldn’t be less excited for this show. So many damn hoops to jump through, so many broken promises regarding its premiere date. At this point, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they requested a blood sample before allowing you to watch it. That’s how crazy this has become. What was once thought to become the most pirated series of all time, I’m now starting to think most of us aren’t even gonna bother.
I had no clue that Phil Lord and Chris Miller were the directors on the Han Solo film (how’d I miss that?), and I would’ve told anyone who’d listen that they were a terrible choice – which is why I’m not surprised that they were fired this week, citing “creative differences”. Sure, The Lego Movie was great. The Jump Street franchise was great. But I don’t see them fitting into the “Star Wars vision” that Kathleen Kennedy clearly has. They would’ve given us something great and entertaining, but I don’t know if it would’ve been a “Star Wars movie”. Then again, I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, so what do I know. I’d like to think there’s room to do a lot of stuff in that franchise, but I just don’t see their style fitting into what’s already been established. And then Ron Howard was announced as their replacement. I really don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, gifted director, but this seems sort of out of his wheelhouse. Any of y’all have strong thoughts either way?
Meanwhile, somebody needs to make up their mind about whether these Spider-Man spinoffs are gonna be set in the MCU or not. We were basically told that only Spider-Man was crossing over, and even that’s been threatened as a possible one-time deal. But then Amy Pascal did a press junket earlier this week, where she danced around the matter, saying that the Spider-Man spinoffs would build upon the world that is being carefully crafted, leading some to believe they might actually be set in the MCU. That’s how some folks saw it. I just saw it as Pascal trying to keep her job. I guess time will tell. Meanwhile, Spider-Man Homecoming 2 is already being discussed (which I hope is called Spider-Man: Sadie Hawkins Dance), and there will reportedly be a cameo by another MCU character who’s not Iron Man. Keep it in your pants, boys. Let’s see how this one does first, OK?
Song of the Week
Yup, it’s a Taylor Swift song, but it’s NOT sung by Taylor. She gave this song to Little Big Town, who have ridden it to #1. It’s got her trademark juvenile lyrics, but I still think it’s beautiful. I kinda wish I didn’t know she wrote it, but I think that was part of the push that got it to #1. Anyway, here’s “Better Man”.
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
Shonda Rhimes had to fail eventually, which is why her summer Shakespeare series, Still Star-Crossed, has been moved to Saturday after 3 low-rated episodes. Stick a fork in that turkey!
Speaking of dead shows, CMT couldn’t make the numbers work to revive Last Man Standing, so the sitcom is officially dead
Dule Hill’s real-life fiancee, Ballers actress Jazmyn Simon, will play Gus’ love interest in the Psych reunion movie
Apparently Nickelodeon is prepping a one-hour reunion, called Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling. I didn’t have cable growing up, but I know this means something to some of you.
Virginia Madsen won’t be back for season 2 of Designated Survivor. I was kinda hoping she and Kiefer would bang, so now I have the sads…
Six cast members are out at Taken, amid a major shake-up prior to season 2. I guess you could say they didn’t have the right set of skills.
They’re teasing a Downton Abbey movie for 2018. I hope it’s called Downton Abbey: Matthew’s Revenge!
There are rumors that Damon Lindelof is in talks to do a Watchmen TV series for HBO. That network is really into dongs lately, so I guess this is a perfect fit.
Daniel Henney is shifting his Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders character over the main Criminal Minds series, following the former’s cancellation. Remember that when your CBS-watching grandpa asks you where he’s seen that “Oriental fella” before…
The CW is interested in a Supernatural spinoff called Wayward Sisters, which would star recurring guest star Kim Rhodes. I don’t watch Supernatural, but she was Zack & Cody’s hot mom, so I’m a supporter of giving her more work!
After a thorough investigation, Warner Bros found no evidence of misconduct on the set of Bachelor In Paradise, and production has resumed on the season. Now it’ll probably be the most-watched season of the show, but there’s no way they saw that coming, right? Right?
As a reward for being the #1 daytime drama for the past 28 (!) consecutive years, CBS has renewed The Young and the Restless for another three seasons
NBC is scrambling to do some damage control, as Megyn Kelly’s highly publicized interview with Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones was beaten by a rerun of America’s Funniest Home Videos. That’s right, it was beaten by a show that’s been rendered virtually obsolete since the proliferation of the Internet
Heroes is coming to Crackle on July 13th. You know, that free streaming network that nobody watches? So, if you’re still itching to save the cheerleader, there ya go.
The sequel to Jurassic World will be called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Meh. That shit ought to be called Jurassic Galaxy. Take those dinos into space already!
Daniel Day-Lewis has quit acting, meaning we’ll never get to see him in the Fast and the Furious franchise like we’d always dreamed!
Fresh off his mistrial, Bill Cosby plans to give speaking engagements where he will instruct folks how to dodge sexual assault charges. I couldn’t make this shit up! “If you put the pudding pop in the Jello, make sure you’re not caught on any Kodak film!”
Transformers 5: Bad Touch had the lowest opening day box office for the franchise, with $15.7 million.
In the ultimate Fuck yo’ Father’s Day move, Beyonce’s dad announced to the world, via tweet, that her twins had arrived. I hear he was dragged away by wraiths soon afterward.
Adam West’s unaired episode of Powerless can now be seen on DC All Access, as well as Hulu.
No one had the West Week Ever this week. As Nina Simone sang, “It be’s that way sometimes”. I do have a correction from last week, though. Like I said up top, I’ve got some real world stuff going on and I wasn’t really thinking clearly. I inducted Adam West into the West Week Ever Hall of Fame, when my pal @zacshipley pointed out that a better honor was staring me right in the face: that honor should be called the West Life Ever. So, the post has since been corrected and, going forward, that is what will be bestowed upon those greats that we’ve lost along the way. Adam West had the West Life Ever.
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sebitechit-blog · 7 years
Adobe Lightroom 5 audit: Who should be authorized or associated? Disconnected altering, better mending, and no Creative Cloud permit. Whoopee rivalry!.
It's been a little more than a year since we explored Lightroom 4, and a considerable measure has occurred since in the product box itself, as well as in Adobe's income era plot. Today things focus on the Creative Cloud. What's more, since our audit of Photoshop Creative Cloud and its rental permit conspire, many individuals ringed in with pitchforks and lights close by. Analysts disclosed to us what enormous fans they are of the new pay-perpetually or-lose-your-program Creative Cloud permit. Yes, for each 30 or so negative remarks, there was somebody who enjoyed having the capacity to purchase in at a lower cost. However, the accord from our end was self-evident: individuals detest the new rental programming plan, and they are outraged at the possibility of paying what many compared to an assurance racket for their records.
So we should first discuss what's not in Lightroom 5: the Creative Cloud permit. That implies that on the off chance that you move up to Lightroom 5, you pay once and claim a permit to utilize the product inconclusively—unless it's utilized to add more rockets to Iran's armory or make Portia de Rossi look any more like one of the Olsen twins (that is my law). There is no long haul cash opening alternative. I don't think you need to be a pessimist to choose the principle explanation behind Lightroom being saved the Creative Cloud treatment. Lightroom really has rivalry.
At the point when Lightroom 1 appeared, it propelled into a Raw converter showcase that was truly develop. Adobe was playing make up for lost time, particularly to Apple's Aperture, which was the principal genuine solid expert Raw work process application that Lightroom copied. Furthermore, by Lightroom 1's discharge, Apple even had room schedule-wise to address some of Aperture 1.0's noteworthy failings. By Lightroom 4, Adobe's value dropped to $149 from $299, to a great extent because of this opposition. Today, a five-machine permit of Aperture can be purchased on the Mac App Store for $80, and I'd say that has a considerable measure to do with why Lightroom was not put into a rental permit plot.
Lightroom's cost is presently sufficiently low to purchase through and through (additionally generally $80 for an update). No one would hazard losing access to his or her photograph library's rich metadata index for a low passage charge. Perhaps if FreeHand still existed, Illustrator may have been saved the Creative Cloud treatment too. Be that as it may, since you're not going to change to Lightroom 5 in light of the fact that your records are held prisoner, Adobe will need to persuade you to update the way out forefathers would have done it—convincing components. We should perceive what those are.
Propelled Healing Brush
Adobe has a really incredible weapons store of mending apparatuses in Photoshop, and they are presently moving into Lightroom and Camera Raw with the enhanced Advanced Healing Brush. It's justifiable why bringing an element over from Photoshop is a moderate procedure. It's a more straightforward assignment doing it on level 8-or 16-bit information in Photoshop, where Lightroom and ACR require a non-dangerous procedural approach that chips away at drifting point Raw picture information. Lightroom 4 had a Spot Healing Brush that exclusive worked with round patches—Lightroom 5's form is a totally freehand drawing device, and the mend is finished with a coordinated spot estimation (like in Photoshop). Drag the brush over your coveted question destroy from the picture. Lightroom then tries to locate a decent match to use as a reason for the recuperate.
Like in Photoshop, it doesn't generally make an extraordinary showing with regards to of finding the best hotspot for the clone, yet Lightroom's sources are moveable so you can all the more effectively address a jumble. Still, Photoshop's substance mindful mends are observably more modern, as one substance mindful PS recuperate can take from many spots to assemble a mending patch. It's presumable that this multi-fix recuperate is excessively perplexing for a non-dangerous work process, yet Lightroom's device is an OK center ground amongst expedient and helpful. You wouldn't do all you're correcting in Lightroom in any case, so this isn't an immense arrangement.
Upright device
Redressing bending is something you can do a great deal of in photograph altering, so any new apparatus to manage these issues is welcome. The Upright device is another that components evaluative strategies to judge which settings are best for your present photograph. It makes a decent showing with regards to with deciding how to rectify a photograph with wonky vertical and level lines.That picture still has a touch of barrel bending that needs redressing, however this is effectively finished with the manual settings or profile-based revision. In the event that you discover the harvest excessively forceful and would rather clone in the rest, you can pick another non-trim setting like Vertical just to get a picture that is fixed however uncropped.I think many people will discover this element very helpful, particularly in situations like structural photography or finishing for film assets.Radial Gradient apparatus
Vignetting is a decent approach to concentrate consideration on topic, so the Radial Gradient apparatus gives you a restricted vignette to help coax things out. Rather than consuming the whole picture around something, you can simply utilize the Radial Gradient to do a similar thing with significantly less work. In my moon shot beneath, you can perceive how it is a change over a straightforward vignette.But even that exclusive utilized a little part of the accessible changes. This element offers enough control that it will be valuable for something other than avoiding and burning.At first look, I was concerned that the Radial Gradient's quill separation was an insignificant 100 pixels wide, yet things being what they are a rate, not a pixel width. I like this component a ton and can see it getting a great deal of utilization from picture takers.
Shrewd Previews
One of the principle issues with Raw work processes with present day SLRs is simply managing the gigantic size of your media library. On the off chance that you chip away at a portable workstation, you no doubt have your work put away on an outside drive, since the roof for quick 2.5-inch inner capacity is quite low, particularly with SSDs.
In the video world, this has dependably been an issue. Video altering applications like Final Cut have disconnected altering highlights that let you deal with a low-res intermediary that takes a small amount of the space of the source material. Once you're back in the workplace, you reconnect to the ace video film for a last online render. In Lightroom 5, Adobe conveys offlining to picture editors with its Smart Preview. Similarly as with video, the procedure of intermediary era is not super quick—it took around five minutes to fabricate Smart Previews for a blend of 125 Raw and JPEG documents from my 7D—yet the procedure is all around multithreaded so you can in any event rest guaranteed that it's not squandering assets.
The Smart Preview work process itself is truly clear. Select an organizer of pictures or individual pics and select Library/Previews/Build Smart Previews. Lightroom then creates this coasting point DNG information and stores it in its focal see database. When you separate your media and attempt to alter your picture, rather than getting a missing media message, you simply deal with the lower-res see. Once you're finished with the requirement for Smart Previews, you can erase them from an indistinguishable menu from some time recently, and all alters are passed on to your lord pictures.
In view of a lossy DNG design, the Smart Preview organize has a maximum width or tallness of 2540 pixels. You can in any case finish a great deal of unobtrusive changes or even do mending alters without much worry that things will leave whack once you reconnect your media. It's an incredible framework, and it makes you think about how it took this long to achieve photography devices. The main negative thing about Smart Previews is that there is no client adaptable setting for the see record size or pressure. A 2540-pixel wide picture is still very enormous, so a whole expert's disconnected library could be expansive. My single-day, 125-picture Smart Preview era expanded the measure of the see library by 112MB, so a colossal library would be trickier to press onto something like a MacBook Air SSD without feeling the squeeze. I think the standard size is great, however a littler, client configurable max size would regard have.
Photograph book refresh
Lightroom's photograph book apparatuses were truly great in any case, and Lightroom 5's refresh adjusts the book choices pleasantly with page numbering, singular photograph inscribing, bulked up content and style taking care of, and format generation.There isn't a huge amount of new stuff to see here, however the changes are welcome increases to an effectively skillful component.
Video slideshow refreshed
The Slideshow module additionally gets an unobtrusive refresh to its video bolster in Lightroom 5. In prior forms of the application, video inside the slides would simply appear as a still notice outline; now Lightroom does a blend with the video film itself. Since this could present an impact of the MP3 sound of your slideshow and the sound in the video, the Playback segment gives you a chance to control the blend between the two.Miscellaneous updates
That covers the primary components of Lightroom 5, yet there are some other little increments worth saying. Generally quite:
PNG record bolster
Fullscreen mode now covers up everything aside from your pictures
Bolster for HiDPI shows on Windows (retina support was at that point in the Mac form as of variant 4.3)
Console easy routes for fastened catch
Trustworthiness check of DNG documents
LAB shading readout
Perspective slider added to focal point redress
Since Lightroom 5 doesn't accompany any significant updates to Camera RAW's preparing or quality, we didn't do a RAW transformation shootout this time around. You can anticipate that comparative outcomes will Lightroom 4, which are useful for all picture sorts. Ideally we'll see some new things on the picture building front with the following adaptation of Lightroom.
Little however noteworthy
Try not to give the generally short survey a chance to size trick you. It might look like Lightroom 5 is a scanty refresh, yet the new elements are huge. The disconnected altering support through Smart Previews is an exceptionally welcome addit.
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