#thats it folks for this week
ookamihanta · 6 months
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super sons week 2023 day 10 - In Another Life
In every universe, a vice
separate files
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petorahs · 10 months
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have your regrets begun?
non gif version
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andi-o-geyser · 10 months
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new hank fact everybody we got a new hank fact
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god-of-this-new-blog · 5 months
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“Sorry that it all went down like it did”
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gophergal · 10 months
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SubScorp Week 2023 - Day 7: Brother In Law
I hate that Kuai only gets a one panel appearance, but the drama of Hanzo having to deal with Bi-han? Irresistible
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skrrtscree · 6 months
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'Happy' December 2nd and here's to DAY 7 of Ryomina Week 2023: Afterlife/Domestic
...Let's all pretend nothing bad happened today and that they get to be happy and together... :,))
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shiroselia · 7 months
Hello SSOBlr welcome to Math With Manda
Where Manda explains capitalism because for a platform which claims to be the smartest out of the available SSO communities with a high rate of supposed tax payers, y'all seemingly don't know how money works
Current Scenario:
We get 100 Star Coins a Week. 1 week of real life time is equivalent to 100 in game star coins.
You need 1000 Star Coins to purchase One Horse in this game. (rounded up because in practice it Is 1k star coins per horse especially if ur shooting for the more expensive ones.)
1000 Star Coins is achieved through waiting 10 real life weeks. Hence. One Horse is Equivalent To 10 Real Life Weeks.
This means. That in a year, which has 52 weeks. You can realistically get 5 horses for free. If the player has purchased a lifetime subscription. 5 free horses is equivalent to One Year of Playing.
5 horses is not a lot, by most players standards. This means that there is an insentive for players to purchase ADDITIONAL STAR COINS. FROM STAR STABLE ENTERTAINMENT. WITH THEIR REAL MONEY. WHICH SSE NEEDS TO SUSTAIN THEIR COMPANY. PAY THEIR BILLS. PAY THEIR STAFF (Which y'all seem to atleast understand is p important so that's always that). AND CONTINUE TO PRODUCE THEIR PRODUCT WHICH YOU CLAIM TO LIKE. THIS IS ESSENTIAL TO THE GAME'S EXISTANCE.
Hypothetical Scenario:
We get 200 Star Coins a Week. 1 week of real life time is equivalent to 200 in game star coins.
You STILL need 1000 Star Coins to purchase One Horse.
BUT. NOW. 1000 Star Coins. Is the equivalent of FIVE WEEKS.
WHICH MEANS. That ONE HORSE is the equivalent to 5 Real Life Weeks, Which Is About A Month. One Month. Is Equal To One SSO Horse.
A year still has 52 weeks. This means, that if they raise the weekly allowance, players will have the ability to purchase 10 horses a year.
10 horses is the equivalent of one whole year of playing.
SUDDENLY. THINGS CHANGE. 10 horses is quite a lot. That's what I buy annually if I'm having a Good year. 10 horses is considered above average player spending. But. Now you get that for free. 10 horses is a lot. By most players' standards.
Suddenly, I don't feel the need to buy any star coins anymore. Because the free ones I get cover my need of horses annually. This means I don't feel like spending money on Star Stable Entertainment.
This would probably be the most common sentiment. 10 horses is a lot. Why would we need additional star coins.
So nobody buys any star coins.
And suddenly. Things CHANGE.
Bye bye Star Stable Online o7
(And before anyone says BUT MANDA: STAR RIDER. Nobody fucking buys the renewable ones because Lifetime is STILL the most attractive and above all else WORTH IT choice for the consumer. The player has no real reason to invest in a monthly subscription. So paying a permanent 60€, give or take, is more worth it than giving SSE, say 10€ a month. Which is 120€ a year. Pretty much. DO YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH MONEY LIFETIME LOSES SSE YET.)
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bridgeportbritt · 6 months
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There's no denying that The Goths were horrible, cruel, evil people. But no one could match Bella Goth's cruelty. Truly only one person mattered to her - herself. Leaving her husband and children in second place. Few people could like a woman so mean and spiteful, and just downright evil. But, of those few people were Mortimer Goth. While he was technically the actual ruler due to his gender, it was common knowledge that Bella helped call the shots just as equally. And Mortimer would do anything his wife asked of him. No ruling was so too strict, ridiculous or downright nasty if it was uttered from Bella Goth's lips.
Unfortunately, those lips were often the cruelest in the land...
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Bella yells: Mortimer! How dare I hear about this peasant prophet from my idiot ladies instead of you?
Mortimer: Bella, darling! What is going on? I hate to see you upset.
Bella: Oh, I am more than upset. I am furious!
Mortimer: Honey, I didn't want to concern you with such trivial matters as this. There is nothing to worry about.
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Bella: There is plenty to wory about, Mortimer. If the ton is concerned than we should be! They need to be on our side always!
Mortimer: Bella, just like your ladies, the ton is all made up of utter morons. All of which will believe any fact I tell them.
Bella: And what of the peasants?
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Mortimer: Well, it's probably an unnecessary step, but we could ban this ridiculous man and his tales?
Bella: No, that's too obvious. People will think we actually care about this. We must break them. Break their little spirits so hard that they have no time for southsayers or tales from whomever!
Mortimer: But, dear, we've already just declared some spirit-breaking laws to address the scantally-clad dressed women.
Bella: Ugh. How dare they wear their hair down? Trying to steal my attention. Only MY long beautiful hair should be worn down. Anyway, who cares? What's a few more?
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Mortimer: That's the spirit, Love. So you wish, so it shall be.
Bella: Good! I don't expect to hear any more of this. Especially, right now. I'm in talks with the Uspanians. We possibly may have a marriage prospect for Cassandra. A Lord named Ignacio! Do you know where she is?
Mortimer: Ah, wonderful! Great work, love. I believe she was in the kitchen....
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Bella: Ugh, that girl. Probably chatting with the help again. She needs more friends within her status. This marriage scheme better work.
Thanks @nexility-sims for letting me mention some of our Uspana/SimDonia history!
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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May your tender smile heal us all
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oifaaa · 5 months
Chocolate Digestives are pretty good like actually
Wrong dark chocolate digestives are pretty good like actually but I'm also aware alot of people don't particularly like them however that's tough for them bc it's what they're getting
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deimosatellite · 30 days
in reading humiliated and insulted rn my brain went ''hmm but if this is dostoys first full novel you should really go back through and read c+p -> the idiot -> devils again and THEN the adolescent and THEN reread karamazov" . but . DONT . fucking . LET ME . DO NOT . DO NOT . 98SD0UFIPOKLSDIJSDL ITS ADOLESCENT THEN KARAMAZOV REREAD !! I DONT HAVE TIME FOR ALL THAT!!!! SDF9UPOIDJSFILDF
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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dip pen ink comm second round for in order R. Burry, @sega-bass-kissing, and Solaris
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bengallemon · 1 month
im sorry but it's been about 6 years so im allowed to be insane. behold. the vision.
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if you don't know what im talking about don't worry im right
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cirrus-grey · 1 year
Many years ago, the young Lord Blackwood was struck by a terrible curse. Doomed to live as a hideous beast, he wanders his abandoned castle waiting for the day when someone will come and fall in love with his true self under the ferocious exterior, breaking his curse. Until then, he drifts through a life of solitude and isolation, resigned to being alone forever… and he would be, if only he could find a way to stop all these goddamn monsterfuckers trying to break down his front door.
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House
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#byler#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#mike wheeler#mike’s pov#this just feels like a really good song to end the playlist#it fits well with mike bc he just reassured will in the cabin that they would kill vecna together#and now they're standing here together#'there's a battle ahead. many battles are lost. but you'll never see the end of the road while you're traveling with me'#'now i'm walking again to the beat of the drum and i'm counting the steps to the door of your heart'#yeah idk about ya'll but i'll take a door/heart reference any day of the week#'only shadows ahead--get to know the feeling of liberation and release' aka shit is about to go down folks.......#'hey now hey now don't dream it's over'#sort of reassuring from a byler standpoint that although this ending might have felt hopeless in a lot of ways... like a lot.#mike is telling us through his actions as we near the end (reassuring will/choosing to stay by will's side): 'don't dream its over'#'they come they come to build a wall between us. we know they wont win'#this feels poetic bc a large chunk of the audience might still be in denial about the possiblity of mike and will even despite this shot#but the writers have made it clear with literally everything thats built up to this point that 'we wont let them win'#whether it be vecna or denyers#other lyrics in the song just fit really well with the overall ending of s4 in general#'there's a hole in the roof' was one that was a little too on the nose#'my possessions are causing me suspicions but there's no proof' reminds me of will telling mike he senses vecna again (superspy encore?)#'in the paper today tales of war and of waste-'#again trying to emulate going out on this sort of hopeful note with the doom of apocalypse right before us#4x09#gif
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savage-rhi · 6 months
#I've been really sad lately#its logical I've had a lot happen and a lot going on#and I've been mostly bedridden the past week cause of fibro flares#my brain can see the logic of why my body feels burnt out and why i feel anxious#but i also have this profound sense of loneliness that's been weighing on my chest#I feel the need to isolate and get away from people because it feels like it doesn't matter how much i try to blend in someone#will catch onto me being an “alien” or not quite fitting their mold or having a difference of opinion and i get bullied or ostracized#out of participating with folks or doing activities#and i get so overwhelmed by people and their literal energy/vibes that it feels as though I'm caught in a sneaker wave and being pulled#from shore and this is compounded on top of that feeling of being surrounded by people like tons of them who may even enjoy your company#but still feel very much isolated and alone the whole time#it could be winter triggering trauma responses in me due to childhood abuse related to the holidays#and then there's me trying to brainstorm how i can make money with my creativity when i have little to no help with anyone#and no one will give me a chance to bounce ideas and get a third persons opinion#its felt like this since i can remember: people value that i listen and reflect all the while show compassion#and then when i really need it myself and attempt to reach out i get the door shut in my face#it feels like the only people that have truly listened to me are therapists lmao and it hurts cause its like i gotta pay someone#just to listen to me go off on this idea i have for a side hustle a creative pursuit something i love#and i can't really share that with anyone irl because I'm supposed to be everyones therapist#and its shitty i dont get paid for it if thats the case lol#i feel like tumblr is the only spot I really have where i can share a lot of myself and make things that make others and myself happy#i don't know what id do without it#magenta is my safe word for venting#thanks for coming to my tedtalk as i write into the void#getting shit off my chest at 4am#i aint gettin no sleep cause of yall yall not gon get no sleep cause of meeee
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