#the horrors are inescapable and they love you etc etc
opaleyedprince · 10 months
thinking abt my ocean wip
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rinstrumental · 10 months
ellie gf headcanons
# modern au. im in luv with her. this is so long oh my god its an illness
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did karate from 1st grade all the way up to high school and basically considers herself your bodyguard
immediately offers you her hoodie without a second thought when you show the slightest signs of being cold. she lets you keep it too, of course. what kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn’t ???!!!!
she needs either your hands on her or her hands on you at all times. sosososo touchy and BIG on pda her kisses are inescapable. constantly has an arm around you or resting on your waist… the whole world needs to know. she’s actually insufferable i’m sorry but in the most endearing way ever how can you resist
“would you still love me if i was a ____???” she wants a serious answer too
genuinely thinks ur the prettiest person alive. which is kind of the bare minimum but she worships you truly
happy with any sort of date as long as it’s with you. fancy dinner? this is the only reason she keeps a suit and tie. staying in? what movie do you want, babe? running errands? she’s already waiting for you in the car!!!
speaking of cars she drives an old station wagon which used to be joel’s. ellie used to moan about how lame it was until you said that the back was perfect for sitting together during camping or stargazing…. and other activities too ;) wink wonk
gets flustered when she makes you flustered because you’re telling her that SHE did that?? she made u nervous??? shit man now shes blushing too
her love language is gifts she loves to spoil you with your favourite snacks and soft toys and even homemade gifts. she just wants you to see her in your room and have her on your mind as much as you’re in hers!!
it’s no secret that she’s an artist and it’s also no secret that her favourite subject to draw is youuu!!! her favourite thing to do is just have you sit across from her and draw what she sees
of course naturally that means she takes tons of pictures of you… to study for her drawings… and keep in her special photo album of you… and to look at when she misses you. Ofc
makes fun of you/teases you sometimes. she can be a mean bitch to other people but she would never actually hurt your feelings and you know that
ellie hates goodbyes. even if it’s after spending a full day together and you’re going to see her soon anyways… i just know she’s the kind of person who feels empty after hanging out with someone.
calls and texts about everything… and it’s always so cute :( she definitely has autocaps on
ellie: I drew you again!!
ellie: Hey babe I saw this funny bird it reminded me of u
ellie: I miss you so much. When can I see you again?
ellie: These cats r like us lol
keeps a pet gecko or something like that for sure. it’s you guys’ baby
her top two movie genres are horror and romance after that. the only reason romance is that high up is because it reminds her of you
does stupid romcom shit like hold a boombox outside your window. makes you mixtapes even though CDs are basically extinct (joel has a player thank god). corny pickup lines. asks you to be her valentine publicly. runs to your house in the rain. dances with you in said rain.
when she gets sick it’s like the end of the world omg… she needs u to be at her side 24/7 and hold her and keep her company and give her get well soon kisses, it’s essential to her recovery. doctors orders. he said it not her!
gets along so well with your friends and family. she does her research and takes this shit seriously! whatever it takes to make you happy because what’s better than watching your girlfriend get along with the people you love
she also takes her own family seriously - family time is important to her and she spends a lot of time with joel. it’s even better when you can join, some of her best memories are with the two of you
“i’m happy as long as you’re happy”
pet names galore. her personal favourite is just babe (classic) but when she likes others too (sweetheart, honey, darling etc she’s so cheesy it’s awful)
in conclusion she’s just a clingy sappy lesbian who’s absolutely head over heels for you. and you wouldn’t have it any other way <33
bonus: (these tweets that are so ellie)
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lakesbian · 9 months
i need toknow what the fuck is happening in rose's brain (or was before blake got eated rather) i may have to undergo the mortifying ordeal of theoryposting publicly and all. which is why people wanted me to liveblog in the first place. anyway. why the fuck did she hug him. what's wrong with her brain. i'm compelled by the idea of like. upper middle class bitchy cutthroat cishet white girl doing a very good job at Continuing The Cycle--not necessarily lying to herself that the way she's behaving is because she's the only good-hearted one here being slighted by everyone else like some of her relatives might be--but believing that the ends justify the means, or perhaps that performing those means to perpetuate those ends is inevitable and/or inescapable on her behalf. she was born into & raised by The Thorburns and not only can't escape but quite possibly has no Desire to escape the perpetuation of the involved cruelties--task set upon her which she will grimly carry out as her grandmother did before her and etc etc.
the interesting wrench here for her is that part of carrying out those tasks means watching someone who is literally [deep inhale] Herself But If She, Due To Different Life Circumstance, Left Home, Experienced Different Traumas, Attained A Deeply Loving Friend Group, And Formed A Personality Based Largely Around Kindness And Fair + Equal Exchange march like a lamb to the sacrificial altar to buy her time. perhaps nudging his course on the way to the altar at times but largely just watching it because he's a really blundering meandering lamb who doesn't like being told what to do very much. (neither, i imagine, does she.) which, like, that's an inherently fascinating dynamic. not just seeing but Knowing the person she could've been if she had only stepped away from the cycles of family cruelty. blake is doomed, bound to die (obligatory: badly) and drag people down with him with very little awareness of the fact and without making anything tangibly better for the next generation. he's bullheaded, and he doesn't read the fucking books, and he's quite frequently impulsive and bad at compromising and prone to horrendous mistakes which harm far more people than just him.
he's also the type of person who can talk at length about how amazing his friends' art is, how much he loves the tattoos he got from one of them. who will lend his own jacket to an acquaintance even when he's in worse shape. who will take on nigh-suicidal tasks not because he Is suicidal (or at least isn't yet, anyway) but just because they needed doing and no one but him was willing.
how do you, as a bitch of a woman trapped in (& willing to function within the trap of) the horrors of your particular family, meet a You who turned out like that, and not hate him at least a little? find him bumbling and annoying and ignorant, resent him for not being the best sacrificial lamb he could be, for being the type of person who ran away from home instead of getting it into a chokehold. but also, how are you not at least a little fascinated by him? the vestige of what could have been will be gone the second the illusion of blake thorburn inevitably shatters and she takes back her rightful place, but for the brief period of time where that illusion is solid, how could she resist the urge to entertain the idea least a little? the idea of a version of her that will put up with a hug purely to make her feel better despite hating touch, the idea of a version of her that naively believes there's a good way out for both of them.
like i think perhaps she hates his ass because his ass is, from her perspective, a dumb and cringefail miserable little sacrificial lamb who is going to be a BITCH to play along with until whenever he kicks the bucket. and she is fully aware that she is lying her ass off because she has 0 desire to intervene in the process of this alternate-her marching himself to the altar for her. but also she mayhaps. occasionally. just a little. gets lost in the sauce of that game of pretend where she's pretending she actually respects him as an equal or has real investment in him not dying badly. is this anything. are we going anywhere with this. like literally what If you met an alternate version of you and that alternate version of you is dumb and stupid and unsustainable and totally fucked but also nicey. you would totally Strongly Dislike their ass but also Genuinely find yourself compelled to wring a moment of real affection or connection out of them before they explode. anyway blake has next to none of these complexes about her and thus no hypothetical weird psychosexual obsession with her. but rose? yeah you can get a hypothetical weird psychosexual obsession with blake out of rose.
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astramachina · 7 days
WIP questionnaire tag
the indomitable @fortunatetragedy tagged me on this baby while i was away and boy howdy do i love talking about my projects.
diving headfirst into The Singularity Project (codename: T.E.S. CO) for this one, babes.
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
The Vibes. Last October I was being harassed by a brain worm (lol) that did not want to become concrete in any way, and the only way I could get it down was by writing "the vibes" of what I wanted. Those vibes included "hazy 60s lounge", "synth", "Panos Cosmatos' style for weird ass stuff", and "burnt orange".
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
What Have You Become by MNQN, but more 80s-fied. And because I feel like it, it's end credits song would be I Remember by Tristam but like... slightly more melancholic.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
So far, it'll have to be Verne. Neither hero or villain, he's the protagonist's father, and while he isn't physically in the story (as far as I can tell) he inescapably haunts the narrative. By "saving the world" the only way he thought possible, he doomed his son to a life no one deserves. He's also a silly guy who thinks himself a god (derogatory) and is wanted for several crimes against humanity. Second fave is Mike, our deuteragonist. He's just a guy trying to make a living but his work crush has been acting super weird by knocking back 20+ cans of soda per shift and claiming he can "hear the Mall speaking to him".
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Tumblrinas (affectionate, gender neutral) would probably also be reblogging some horror webseries things (SCP, The Walten Files, The Backrooms, etc), as well as more classic horror such as Re-Animator, The Thing, and The Fly.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
.......Yes. When the story started to form I struggled with the idea of capturing it in a single medium. I am first and foremost a writer, obvs, but a lot of the story relied heavily on visual storytelling. I eventually decided to turn this into a "multi-media project", which means there's a huge chunk of writing, but there are also segments that can only be experienced through audio and visuals (and maybe some fun ARG-esque puzzles). Three POVs? Each POV has its own timeline and its own medium? Did I embark on a multi-month journey to learn Blender and video editing? Am I still trying to get the story down? The answer is yes. (Help me.)
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Yes. Mike has an anthill because it's the only thing he can keep alive.
How do your characters travel/get around?
In the 1911 portion? Via ship. Ernest Shackleton's ship on its voyage to the Antarctic, to be exact. In the 1981 portion? Via bus. Mike's too broke to afford a car. In the 2021 portion? Via car. [Cy] is the man with the plan... and also the car to drive his crew around.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Mike's journals, which covers the events of 1981 through 1983. This part is the bulk of the entire project, and the part that is mostly told through writing.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
So many morally gray characters. But also morally corrupt characters. And morally confused characters.
I hope you like your monsters goopy, and your effects practical.
Don't worry about the cult swearing they can save the soul of a poor young "confused" man.
The true friends were the transgender allegories we made along the way.
What is the point of Man vs. Machine when the Man knows not what he is.
The worm can talk and it has anxiety. I think it's gay?
What are your hopes for your WIP?
TO COMPLETE IT. LMAO. Mostly I just want to be able to stand up and say "Hey, look what I made! I made it because I wanted to and all my hard work paid off!" But I guess it would also be neat to have some sort of cult following? Would love to see fanart of what people think some of the characters look like! I wanna see fic! Give me fan songs I can blast while I drive! I wanna see certain YouTubers react/try to "solve" it so that I can sit there shaking my head. You know. The usual.
this took way longer than i expected so i'ma quick tag @ap0stle, @kairahara, @wrencatte, and YOU.
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cor-ardens-archive · 1 year
Dean/John Sam/John AND Sam/Dean incest triple threat let's GO
straight off the bat i can say i've never been able to even visualize sam/john, it's so weird to me! nothing against people who like it, i just don't see that fitting their relationship or the characters, whereas i do see dean/john as something that fits seamlessly with canon.
spn really evokes incest constantly, because the show is -- well, it's gothic, a kind of americana gothic. even without necessarily making it text, the terrors in spn involve dysfunctional families, child abuse, transgressive relationships, blurred boundaries, domestic horror, etc. dean/john is actually brought up textually more than once, though in offhanded and easily dismissible ways. (dismissible if you're not inclined to engage with it, but inescapable if you're inclined to see it.)
it's like. if you assume dean and john engaged in an incestuous relationship nothing about canon needs to change. in fact, it explains a lot about dean's character. he was groomed, that's already a fact, and i find it impossible, personally, to not connect it to incest. the way dean was made to fulfill a role of caretaker, not just taking care of sam but also taking care of john; his unwavering loyalty and obedience; his adoration of john and then his bitterness and acknowledgement that john was a terrible father who hurt him in irreparable ways; the fact that, despite knowing this, he'll always love his father; the way his position within the family has prevented him from "being with a woman"; how hell is still about john, always ("daddy's little girl, he broke") etc. etc. i love it. it's one of my favorite relationships of all time, and it's essential to my understanding of dean as a character, and how i feel about him. it’s the appeal of john as a character as well, his endless contradictions, how he behaves around his sons. he’s the demonic father-lover.
sam/dean is essential to me as well, in ways that are connected to dean/john. in a motherless household with a neglectful, abusive (and yet sometimes loving) father, the children don’t develop healthy boundaries, and that’s part of survival too. i think that aspect of it is sad (that their intimacy and mutual devotion are a response to childhood abuse and neglect) -- but it’s also beautiful that they could find that kind of love in those circumstances. and yet it’s not entirely idealized -- there’s intimacy between them, but there’s also a gap, a distance that makes their dynamic more compelling. they know each other better than anyone else, which gives them both the capacity to hurt the other more deeply than others could; and yet there always parts of themselves that they conceal from each other or which the other can’t entirely comprehend. that’s part of what makes their relationship so fascinating.
these are just some aspects of sam/dean that i like, but there are so many others, and anyway there’s so many people talking about them and analyzing their relationship much better than i could! but i love them, they’re so fucked up. they’re cathy/heathclif for the cw.
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bylerbigbang · 7 months
What a Time to be Alive
Fic by @newlesbianprideflag | Art by @teabagboy
Teen | 20k words
Mike is haunted, Will is haunting.
Or: when he was 12 years old, Will Byers was taken to the Upside Down, and with no Eleven-ex-Machina, he stayed there, and was assumed dead. Through sheer force of will, he finds ways to contact Mike and his mom and brother through lights and electricity and, as he spends more time there, ways to manifest physically. He remains invisible and inaudible for the most part, but present enough to write notes and occasionally be touched, heard, or even seen, in flashes. He becomes a haunting, constant presence in the life of Mike, who never wanted to let him go in the first place, and they fall in love through notes and music and whatever touch Will can manifest. (Mike, meanwhile, is somewhat adopted into the Byers family in Will’s place.) When they’re about 15, Vecna gains power in UD, threatening Will’s way of unlife, and, related, Eleven stumbles her way into Hawkins. Mike, with Eleven (and Joyce’s and etc)’s help, goes into the Upside Down to save Will, is confronted by Vecna who tries to convince him that Will is dead. Will saves him, and though they aren’t able to defeat Vecna, they return to Hawkins. Mike and Will, back together, confess their love and kiss and even with whatever will come next, with Vecna and the Upside Down that did not want to let Will go, they have each other, and that will be enough.
Warnings: Temporary Character Death, Mentions of Homophobia, some Internalized Homophobia, Grief, brief UD-typical horror
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Read an excerpt below:
So, Mike has a ghost, and it doesn’t bear much thought.
“Did you draw that?” Dustin asks in a hushed, library-appropriate tone.
“What happened to you being shit at art?” Max follows with immediately, in a much less library-appropriate tone.
What Dustin’s pointing to, and what Max is clearly referencing, is a small sketch of a three-headed dragon in the corner of his math notebook — one head is breathing fire on the quadratic equation, one has its open jaw around an x variable, ready to bite, and one is lazing, likely asleep, on one low college-rule line. It’s fucking adorable, and no, Mike didn’t draw it.
A ghost did.
Mike shrugs. “Yeah.” Max looks unconvinced. “Well, I copied it.”
“From what?” Max asks, more genuine curiosity than light derision.
Mike doesn’t say anything for a second (he’s still not a great liar, about the ghost thing, even though he really should be by now), which is long enough for him to catch the bow of Lucas’ head, the way his fingers skim the corner of the page, face tangled up. “It looks like what…” Lucas trails off, then clears his throat. “You copied it from Will’s old sketchbook?” Dustin winces with the name, and Mike’s sure he does about the same. He’s surprised, honestly, that Lucas was able to recognize it, and then immediately feels guilty for being surprised. It isn’t like Lucas would forget about him. It isn’t like Will is something he and he alone carries, even if its different for him. He didn’t leave any of them.
“Yeah,” Mike confirms, voice a bit caught-in-the-throat. “It’s...” he trails off. He doesn’t know what he would say next, and expects his reticence to be read as an end to the conversation. As inescapable as Will and his absence is, they don’t really like talking about him. Max never even met him, and it fucks with Lucas and Dustin. So. Quiet.
“It’s good, though,” Dustin says, head tilted to the side, a bit unsure. The undertone — better than he ever got a chance to be — is unspoken. “You think he would’ve been an artist?”
“Maybe,” Lucas offers, leaving back and looking away at the nothing that surrounds them. Cramped library shelves of books none of them have the time to read. Old chairs. High school.
On Mike’s hand, the ghost taps his assent.
Read more on Ao3 >
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vellichorom · 1 year
does thierry enjoy horror media? :o
oh my god you have NO idea,
beyond The Stanley Parable, thierry's second most latched-on interest is Internet Culture, SPECIFICALLY the worst you can find on it in terms of shocking content, disturbing stories & videos, & horror period.
surface-level horror content he likes just fine, not a big fan of horror MOVIES ( unless they're the REALLY bad & BANNED ones ), but I can guarantee most of the stuff you'd think of off the top of your head when I say " horror media, " he'd probably like to some degree or another - like ARG / analog horror, Creepypastas, horror games ( not really the super modern type ironically enough ), etc-
& the more well-written, finely developed, with genuine thought put into it, he REALLY does admire from a writer/creator's standpoint ( being one himself ), even if he's not as fanatic about it as some other concepts. man would absolutely FANBOY over things like DHMIS or Happy Meat Farms okay,
but ohohoho-- the stuff that REALLY GETS him are the obscurish / more infamous things with MINDLESS gore & jumpscares & disturbing elements- & in places where it has absolutely NO place being there? oh sign him UP. things like Smile / Cupcakes / Rainbow Factory ( MLP ), othersuch darkfic in other franchises, bloody flash videos/games, exe games ( go figure ) shock sites & jumpscare / screamer links, reddit 50/50 - etc etc, just the WORST shit ever ( in the realm of just needless blood & guts, of course; he's not THAT much a monster ),
this man has memorized the screamer wiki & will be HAPPY to tell you about his own ideas for inescapable Saw death traps ( he has a list at the ready ); he's also the cruel sort who will just bomb people with these things unwillingly & has certainly exposed people such as rosemary to more than a few horrific fanfictions & videos thinking they're "funny",
like cookie9 just would have gotten spammed with find minecraft dot com if he knew how to contact them alright,
so YES! he LOVES horror media & it's one of his favorite genres of anything- but we're talking INTERNET horror media & we're talking about the shit that makes the bottom of a tierlist in terms of " BAD "
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murfpersonalblog · 10 months
Loumand's Timeskip - "Dubai Is A Child"
This thought literally just woke me up at 4 in the frikkin morning cuz who needs SLEEP, but WHEN did Loumand move to Dubai?
I had a dream that I was still responding to this Loumand bed death post @vividxp made, thinking about this show's altered timeline; how Loumand was obviously happy/happier from the 40s-70s; and how the show will handle not only Louis' increasing descent into depression, but Armand's depression as well--which culminated in Armand finally breaking up with Louis for good in the books, pre-QoTD, ToTBT, Memnoch & Merrick, etc.
"....When I looked into Louis's tortured face...I knew that this black-clad dark-haired gentleman...was the alluring embodiment of the misery I felt. He mourned the loss of grace of one human lifetime. I mourned the loss of the grace of centuries.... I fell in love with him hopelessly, and leaving the Theatre des Vampires in ruins (he burnt it to the ground in a rage for a very good reason), I wandered the world with him until very late in this modern age. Time eventually destroyed our love for one another. Time withered our gentle intimacy. Time devoured whatever conversation or pleasures we once agreeably shared. One other horrible inescapable and unforgettable ingredient went into our destruction. Ah, I don't want to speak of it, but who among us is going to let me be silent on the matter of Claudia, the child vampire whom I am accused for all time by all of having destroyed?" -- Armand, TVA
What went wrong between the time we see Louis in SanFran, and the time we see him in Dubai? WHY did they move to Dubai, and WHEN?
"Time eventually destroyed our love for one another. "
The Ep6 flashback to 1970s SanFran has always jarred me, cuz Louis looks so dang vibrant here--flirty and joking and talkative in ways we don't really EVER see--"I HAve An ACceNT!?" 🤪
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(One of my FAVORITE Louis moments--Pyromaniac Du Lac is a frikkin DRAGON, y'all. 🐲🔥🐉😍)
Then we cut to 2022 Dubai, and it's Hello Darkness, My Old Friend?
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Did Louis start spiraling the night of Daniel's OG 70's interview? Maybe? Louis was definitely angry, that he hadn't adequately convinced Daniel that vampirism was a horror, not something Daniel should be begging for like a simp--"You were disrespectful!"
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Unlike in the film, Louis actually bit Daniel on the show, and woulda killed/drained him if Armand hadn't intervened; "this time I won't save your life." They (read: Armand) wiped his memory, took the tapes & ran--presumably to Dubai? But why THERE? Pretty drastic change of scenery--it's not like Dan would've remembered enough to call the cops on them, forcing Loumand to duck the CIA or something. Louis was killing humans alllll the way up to 2000--attacking Daniel didn't stop him--he kept going for 30 years! Then in 2000 he suddenly stops? So it wasn't SanFran or Daniel that triggered Louis after the 70s and made them flee to Dubai, it was something else.
Also, for all their claims of wanting "privacy/anonymity," they definitely weren't HIDING in Dubai, not with their ostentatious lifestyle--using the Prime Minister's own illustrious Dr Fareed just to give Daniel meds--"you've got your own hangar at the airport, privileges on the Royal Meydan Bridge, and zero presence online. I know the Emirates are big on privacy, and that's probably important to you, but I gotta ask, what does it cost?..."
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But it's certainly interesting that RJ chose Dubai as their modern home, since it only started being developed into a modern super-city of the UAE in the 1970s--right when Armand & Louis might've fled SanFran to live there. It certainly tracks with the real estate investments Armand made on Night Island in the 80s. Like Armand said: "Dubai is a child," and it's a HUNGRY, VAMPIRIC child at that, cuz the economy & real estate markets in Dubai literally SUCK.
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But it took TIME for Dubai to become that glitzy nighttime city so attractive to vampires. If we consider all the iconic skyscrapers and Palm Islands and structures shown off in the pilot episode, ALL of those landmarks weren't constructed until the late 1990s-early 2000s. And remember what else happened in the 2000s?
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Then there's the penthouse. According to Daniel, they're in the Al Sharaf Towers in Dubai--but unless Google's lying to me, there are no Al Sharaf Towers in Dubai. (And @eosphoroz did some pretty nifty super sleuthing about Armand's prayer location, too.)
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In the original pilot script, the penthouse was actually in the JLT's Al Seef Towers, which actually DOES exist in Dubai, built in 2008--infamous for the FIRES started in the 20teens that made the JLT's buildings uninhabitable for almost a decade of repairs. 👀🔥
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I wanna know why RJ changed the location/name of the tower!! 😭(This post gives a strong argument for why the April 2020 to June 2022 date was changed.) But it makes a lot of sense if they want to remove the penthouse from the temporo-spatial realities of Dubai, this liminal zone cocooning the vampires from the outside world by living in a fanciful Tower From Nowhere. But that's boring, since this show's paid so much attention to detail, and many other places they name-dropped really exist, like Polynesian Mary's. So I'm gonna just go with the penthouse being in a REAL building. Meaning:
after 1973 IMO Loumand was probably not in Dubai yet, and were likely still city-hopping. Daniel said the SanFran apartment they lived in was "a dump;" which tracks with book!Armand not being rich yet--they were both living like bums after Paris. (IWTV OG 70s interview)
~1985-1990s book!Armand took up treasure hunting, art theft, & real estate. Built Night Island in Florida, but soon abandoned it. (QoTD Devil's Minion era)
~1995 book!Armand attempts suicide after seeing Veronica's Veil (Memnoch/TVA era, meets Benji & Sybelle, lives in NOLA while Lestat's comatose).
~1999 book!Louis attempts suicide after his ghost!Claudia seance (Merrick era, but I highly doubt AMC is post-Merrick, cuz Louis burnt too easily in the sunlight to have gotten his vamp upgrade yet).
in 2000 Louis stopped killing humans again (WHY? And how well did he adapt to that diet with Armand, rather than Lestat? We saw how much Louis struggled to keep his energy up in the 1910s: "I tried to adapt to my new diet. I barely had the energy to hold up a book. My libido was not what it had been.") How long was it till they started keeping blood bags, hiring Damek & co., keeping Louis' favorite AB- "fresh from The Farm"?
How would 9/11 in 2001 affect Muslim!Armand? In the PL trilogy he owned Trinity Gate in NYC during the 20teens (briefly reunited with Louis before Louis left him to marry Lestat in RoA/BC). Trinity Gate was in Manhattan, where the Twin Towers fell. What kind of depression/existential crises does AMC's Armand face with American Islamophobia? Is THAT why they moved to Dubai? Finding a home that was safe for them BOTH in a post-9/11 world?
after 2008 Loumand moved into the (Al Seef/Sharaf) penthouse, even if they stayed elsewhere (in Dubai?) since the 70s. Did they hire that team of staff specifically to maintain the penthouse, or to help keep up the Rashid illusion only when Daniel arrived? (This was also likely when they started keeping The Farm, somewhere in the penthouse/tower presumably for on-demand drinks.)
The 1990s SUCKED for both Armand AND Louis, both driven to suicide during the events surrounding Lestat's coma. So I actually doubt it was the 1970s that broke Louis, but rather 2000 when he stopped killing--the turn of the millennia/century, which probably heavily impacted Louis' psyche, as the existential dread of living to 100+ badly affected his outlook on vampiric "life."
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So I wouldn't be surprised if AMC's Loumand lived in NYC (a la Trinity Gate) after SanFran, and left America AFTER 9/11. Thus contextualizing Muslim!Armand's race & religiosity with real world events, the same way they did with Louis and the IRL race riots in Storyville. I could ofc be dead wrong, and S2 could confirm that they've been living in Dubai since the 70s this whole time.
But regardless, Dubai was obviously NEVER a healthy environment for either of them, especially not Louis--that dead, cold, dry desert wasteland of concrete minimalism & hypocritical elite extravagance. When Daniel asked Louis where his coffin was, Louis said "you're standing in it."
"Why did he come away with me afterwards?.... He remained with me because he had to do it. It was the only way that he could go on existing, and for death he has never had the courage, and never will. And so he endured after the loss of Claudia, just as I had endured through...centuries...but in time he did learn to be alone. Louis, my companion, dried up of his own free will, rather like a beautiful rose skillfully dehydrated in sand so that it retains its proportions, nay, even its fragrance and even its tint. For all the blood he drank, he himself became dry, heartless, a stranger to himself and to me. Understanding all too well the limits of my warped spirit, he forgot me long before he dismissed me, but I too had learnt from him.... I too went on alone--perhaps for the first time really and truly alone. But how long can any of us endure without another?.... We can't stand it, to be alone." -- Armand, TVA
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Loumand's entire time in Dubai was built up on artifice--their relationship was withering on the vine, as Louis AND Armand were already spiraling by the time Daniel showed up. That's why Louis was so desperate to do the interview in the first place--"truth and reconciliation;" "you are chronicling a suicide!" (This is leading up to Merrick ISTG y'all....)
"It was the love of Louis which had at times crippled Lestat, and enslaved Armand. Louis need have no consciousness of his own beauty, of his own obvious and natural charm." -- David, Merrick.
Eff you, David, but YES, actually.
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Cuz JESUS, this was the performance of the century, the Theatre would be proud--what were they even DOING with "Rashid"? That whole Penthouse was their stage--it's all FAKE--which is why I'm not buying Armand's explanation for "The Groan," either.
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-- Rolin Jones
Daniel just forced Loumand to face bitter reality, that neither one of them wanted to admit about their pasts, present, or future.
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But please understand, y'all, I'm NOT tryna be a mean-spirited Loumand "Bed Death Truther," claiming Louis & Armand are just perpetually platonic & miserable roommates. I DO think they were happy briefly--(in the books moreso in NYC at the Trinity Gate reunion than anything that happened pre-Merrick, while they were BOTH on the verge of suicide). They're BOTH walking around with untreated trauma, and their relationship was built on a stack of lies (thanks to Armand's culpability in Claudia's death).
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So I smh at Loumand same as I smh at Loustat, cuz BOTH relationships were a frikkin WRECK--Daniel's right that the only relationship Louis needs is with a therapist! U_U
"Loustat suffered 7yrs of bed death & they're a literal pack of horndogs for e/o. 😅 Louis' depression (& diet) directly effect his libido. In the books Armand walked away once he realized he couldn't help Louis anymore. AMC's timeline's likely going in that direction. No way are Loumand by Ep7 & the S2 trailer the picture of a healthy thriving couple--they could be humping like rabbits and still be unhappy together. :( Like, I fully expect to see Loumand have a bubble of happiness together in S2--turning to him for comfort in 40s Paris. And we already saw them in SanFran cruising for thirds quite comfortably in the 70s. But something bad obviously happened to Louis by the time they got to Dubai--he is UNWELL, and this interview is unlocking way too many doors Armand obviously wants Daniel/Louis to keep closed. So even if it's not bed death YET, it's GONNA die--hence: Merrick." --Me.
Like, I'm lukewarm towards Loumand (at worst apathetic), cuz I know it doesn't LAST; and I know Louis was only with Armand out of necessity, cuz the books said so. I'm waiting on S2 to convince me otherwise.
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llycaons · 7 months
ep49 (1/3): a shocking numbers of fans watched this scene where jgy cried a lot and fully swallowed his excuses. guys. guys.
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oh wwx is annoyed as hell that jgy is dodging responsibility for everything he's done when he, wwx, never once denied his actions and bore the full weight of them and then some
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more evidence for my 'jgy actively encourages lxc's crush even though he has no intention of ever reciprocating because it grants him power over him' hc!!!!!
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oh jeex lxc looks like shit. I mean I guess he's had a rough couple of days. look at those eyes bags
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lxc: I'm not your sworn brother anymore. jgy (realizing he's losing his grip on lxc): NOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭
okay to be fair I'm sure there is some genuine grief for losing the friendship and camaraderie of the one person who has always vouched for him, saved his life, supported him, etc. lxc was a wonderful friend and a powerful, steadfast ally. wasted on jgy!
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you can practically see the forehead vein popping here. I don't think an lxc who fully understands jgy would ever love him. if xiyao is happening in some fic, either jgy is lying or someone's being mischaracterized. not that social factors didn't play a role in the things jgy did, but if you ignore his sadistic and vengeful nature, his willingness to murder innocent people, his unrepentant manipulation and deceptive nature, you're losing a lot of his character. for him to be someone who doesn't hurt others, he'd have to be someone guaranteed safety and respect and a position from birth. but that's so antithetical to his role in canon it wouldn't be the same person anyway
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huh. why hasn't jgy tried to harras lwj more? I guess he got what he wanted and beyond lwj sealing himself, there's not much a reaction jgy can provoke
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WELL. pretty clear choices here. jgy you could have packed up and fled the country before trying to kill a bunch of people and kidnapping children
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lxc: why were you so cruel and murderous??? dude?? jgy: I HAD NO CHOICE BRO 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you believe me right??? would it help if I did this 😭😭😭😭
compared to wwx's impassioned, rational, fair defenses of himself and the people he was trying to protect, this is so pathetic. wwx never denied what he did, never dodged responsibility. when he said he had no other choices, it was in defense of innocent people at risk of political persecution and mass murder, not in defense of killing people to maintain his own position, he apologized for the death of jxz and suffered his own death in retribution for even the best things he did
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YOU COULD HAVE LEFT!!!! or idk, face up to the consequences of your actions
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I am so so sorry to bring the marvel 'cinematic' universe into our beautiful liveblog today but this shot just screamed "Tony, you CHOSE to do that' to me
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of course he ~nobly~ doesn't deny it ONCE IT'S ALREADY COME TO LIGHT. but he denied up until the breaking point because he's a slippery eel and it's impossible to get him to face any consequences for his actions!!! if I was lxc I would be exasperated to death too
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ohhh this flashback is so skin-crawling. I really love how deathly pale the robes and jgy's face are. the red of the wedding robes and the decorations are so ominous and omnipresent, like something horrifying about to happen, like something inescapable. the music really adds to the eeriness of the scene
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it always hurt so bad that qs was so excited for her wedding night. she was happy! she liked jgy a lot and always respected him and his mother! she was a good and kind and innocent person and she had no IDEA god I feel sick I hate him so much
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jgy really never spared a single thought to qs's well-being. it was all about him, and his horror, and his choices, and his position, and the injustices enacted on him. self-centered to the very end. of course he didn't think he had a choice. he would never choose against his own self-interest no matter how many people he hurt. god, qin su should have lived. her suicide was such bullshit
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oh my god SUCH bullshit. 'uwu but I worked so hard!' okay yeah I get it's a precarious political situation and the issue isn't even your fault but DUDE. you're placing your own power and ambition higher in importance than this woman's entire life. and you MUST have known you would have murdered any child you two had.
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pretty sucky situation all around. shocking idea though. YOU COULD HAVE TOLD QIN SU
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jgy truly goes through life as if it was a me-or-them battle for survival in every single situation. in his mind, whoever bore the burden here would be the one destroyed, and he never would choose his own destruction. and it does make sense based on his environment and upbringing. god, he's such a good villain. none of this at all excuses his actions ofc, but it's an extremely compelling and powerful motivator for a villain hell-bent on surviving, viewing every situation as battle to the death, and fully buying into being viewed as the victim of every scenario
another contrast to wwx! wwx hates being seen as someone who was hurt. he dislikes being viewed as weak or vulnerable in any way by his enemies (and often his allies), and the way he wins battle and arguments is though either his power or his own honesty. for someone who omits key information and lowkey manipulates many of his loved ones, his straightforward arguments are more often than not the complete truth
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in case we needed a reminder of his active sadism at work. who gaf about his dad but those poor women were treated as murder weapons and then mass murdered themselves
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oh I do not like this slap scene, and I'm glad lxc is horrified by it as well. the exposure of jgy's crimes has never retroactively justified the classism and oppression he fought against, nor does it grant permission to his social superiors to treat him like they're inherently better than him, such as with this slap
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illholy · 2 years
tell me how u developed her, or idk rather her origins - the day u were like, damn i need to create this oc 👀 what'swordingasdfgh
𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅         :       always loved. ↳   @endhell​ 
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snow  !    first of all,   I missed you so much !    (   like,   I super do !  )  and secondly,   thank you for allowing me to start this blog  THIS  way !?   it’s such a good way to begin .   my god the way this ask made me smile so, so much ! 
Now,   to answer !    This all began in the first place because I wanted to write for a character that is incredibly innocuous,   someone that can be perceived as   ‘ inoffensive ’   someone that is essentially  just  gratuitously nice.   I thought it would be fun to play with a character that is incredibly unremarkable  ;   like a passing character.    (  that’s why judith looks the way she does as well,  someone that is  ‘ average ’  as if, upon first meeting,  you wouldn’t think she’s any sort of danger nor of interest really !  ) 
Then follows the  HORROR !    I adore this genre to bits,  but especially things that involve inescapable fears,  threats  -   ultimate bad endings and terror in relationships.  Those types of horror that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.  lmao.   I think that’s why Judith devolved into this sort of character were yes she is in fact harmless  and she is in fact inoffensive and innocuous but with a dash of unknowable discomfort.    Like even if she’s gentle with you, treats you well, never harms you, etc, etc,  something is just a little askew with her.  (  I guess,  horror in sanctity.  people with religious trauma will get it !  Like that yucky feeling you get when you’re confronted by  ‘ religion ’ !   it in itself is good and kind but boy is it gross. )
IN THE END,     I just woke up and thought  :   “ it’s time to actually make an oc. ”   Judith is actually my first ever OC  on tumblr.     
random.    you know, snow ! we’ve been mutuals for so long huh ?   I think you’ve seen this oc grow from one thing to another.   thanks so, so, so much for just being there !   You’re actually one of the reason as to why I’ve brave the way into fiddling with fandom verses, I was hesitant and shy but because you gave me a chance and helped me explore things, I was able to do something fun and interesting !    I even still have the drawings you’ve made of Judith and grimmy!  hahaha   I adore you so, so much!  Again, just thanks for being with me all through out !! 
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mejomonster · 1 year
I've been watching The Vampire Diaries lately as a show to kinda relax to without needing full attention and:
Kinda ship Bonnie/Caroline unfortunately I doubt this show has lesbians (but buffy had willow/Tara in the 90s so I wish this 2000s drama does -.-; I'll see I guess)
Kinda enjoy Tyler and Jeremy's scenes post 1x10 which I'm surprised by cause before I'd been rooting for Tyler to die
Damon/Elena are eons more interesting to me as a dynamic in that their scenes together have less predictability and more interesting outcomes (I get why elena/Stefan is a thing, they're both book loving reading nerds who like to talk about that stuff for hours and write diaries and spend quiet nights kissing/sleeping together and chatting about stuff they fan over basically - without the vampire old issue/Katherine ex situation they'd basically be a normal couple with shared interests, but like... as tv entertainment that's just not as fun to watch as ppl who do not get along and slowly need to learn to understand/interact. It's like angel/buffy versus spike/buffy or faith/buffy I suppose. Except I do appreciate stefan/Elena actually fight over "yr a vampire damn! People are dying I need to get AWAY this is fucked" and "I look like your dead ex what rhe fuck is wrong with you/any other secrets??!!!" Because like while it's still teen romance show level "I love you" ridiculously fast and unrealistically with a yikes vampire usual age gap lol, at least Elena's and stefans reactions seem somewhat more like real people would actually do? Whereas like... idk I usually see a much less realistic reaction of "wow people are dying I need to get away from you and reevaluate my view of the world goddamn".)
Bonnie makes me feel like I'm watching Charmed
Watching vampire stuff I'm glad there's a lot of death in this cause what even is a vampire story without people getting their blood drank? Also this show reminds me I've got my own vampire story I eventually want to write ToT but mines more itwv level bloody than teen angst. That said, i appreciate the slightly outside of high school elements of the show which remind me of charmed or buffy and give the impression this show CAN grow beyond a high school setting as the plot ages out of it, like buffy did, which gives it space to possibly do some cool stuff later on (that say a show like teen wolf bound inside teen-life couldn't really move to)
Thank goodness the show has some horror scenes and fights I really Can't focus without my action scenes lol
Like buffy (tho idk How better the writing will get) I can tell that around mid season 1 the writing shifted from Teen Show Pilot usual to having a more solid idea of the angle it wanted to go in. Caroline went from a "could be any teen extra" to a character with a clear personality, Bonnie went from only magic-show-plot element to someone who's friendships and enemies in the show matters, Matt and Jeremy as plain humans get a more defined characterization driven by their internal values more than only what's happening to them externally, Elena once she finds out vampires exists her character acts much more idk Likable to me? She's an everyday girl stand in, but with the knowledge of vampires her personal bg as someone fucked up by tragedies in the family and feeling death is inescapable to her (vampires all around and looking like a dead ex katherine), her desire to not see anyone else die and personally try to help stop vampires who are hurting people in town (despite being very mundanely human) gives her a solid backbone of who she is when put in a hard position. I liked her trying to fight a vampire alone with pencils and a broken broom - she doesn't succeed as she's a completely untrained and regular strength human but it shows she's got future potential and a trajectory, her trying to stop vampires from killing, her willing to go into danger, her willing to confront anyone, etc. She's showing some interesting traits specific to her that not every character Would do. Even Stefan with as little as I'm personally clicking with him, is making lets say Relationship choices that are distinct from Edward type or Angel type or Spike type or Lestat lol, so at least he's feeling like His Own individual character in a vampire story instead of a copy of someone else. He communicates eons better than Edward, saying he'll leave before leaving for someone's safety lol, and just in general open to conversations when conflicts come up more, he's mopey sure but not to the level of emo Angel from buffy is (and not quite as creepy tho he also stalked for a year lmao) and Lexi coming into town showed he's really not Endlessly pessimistic the way Louis or Angel would be. He's got a distinction versus other leading romance vamps, and although his dynamic doesn't have the enemies/rivals to friends to lovers I enjoy in watching a romance (bellamy/Clarke, lexa/Clarke, lucifer/Chloe, spike/buffy, louis/lestat etc) I do like that he feels like his own character to me. So I'm hoping like buffy the depth of characterization gets a bit better as time goes on for everyone. And the plot expands past high school as characters age up.
Damon and Stefan remind me of Dean and Sam. Yeah I know what I said ToT if supernatural went on 150 years and they turned into demons or vampires or whatever, both fell for the same girl, who's to say what coulda happened. All IM saying now is a crossover when they'd both been airing would've been hilarious.
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bobthebiddy · 7 months
previewing — cosmic horrors and other wacky adventures (find related posts under #chaoca)
wattpad . pdf download . give feedback
upcoming: Chapter 1 — available October 31st on Wattpad
— ordered by AU timeline
cosmic horror | (currently previewing)
two serial killers in a car
prelude to destruction
heat—seeking monsters
about no. |
hi! my name is no and write about meeraks, the creatures who seek the little pleasures of life, curious about experience. i also plan to draw out a lot of my world so feel free to look around. i hope you enjoy.
#writings | things you can read
#notes | observations about my au
#comms | updates, thank yous, thoughts etc…
#fodder | drawings, inspo, things to beef up the AU
the foundations of my story—telling • • •
creature theory
— coloring the emotional journey
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“blood, ugly, deep—water, dewgrass and sungrass, sun, shallow—water, sky, violets, inferno, pretty”
the important hues of the emotions i go through while going about discovering.
fear — unknown, potential threat to self
disgust — self v it
sadness — inescapability
anticipation - theorizing
surprise — breakthrough
happy — implicit recognition
trust — reliability
love - implicit acceptance
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world-cinema-research · 11 months
Final Course Essay - Grant Montoya
Of all the films we were able to watch this semester, these chosen four best illustrate my personal insight into the evolutionary process films have undergone in the past decades. Each are similar in structure I'd say, but each are very different in which aspects are most highlighted or worked on.
The oldest of the bunch (Five Easy Pieces) was released in 1970 and is a part of the American New Wave film era. Many films from the seventies undermine their own narrative goals by mixing irrelevant plot details and stylistic choices that clash with the main story. This is seen in the character dialogue, atmosphere, and plot, and these creative choices have seemed to be inseparable from the way movies are created. Having picture along with words and audio simply allows directors to integrate challenging things!
Here, the character lead Bobby Dupea says this: "Where the hell do you get the ass to tell anybody anything about class, or who the hell's got it, or what she typifies! You shouldn't even be in the same room as her, you pompous celibate!" We never see the spoken-to character again. This happens more than a few times throughout the movie.
"I felt that the character that I was trying to write the movie about should be about a man who was condemned to search for the meaning of his life- and not a very happy search at that."  - Bob Rafelson
Five years later emerges the film Deep Red, a film that is best described as “the underrated Jaws that didn’t quite make it.” This was near the end of the New Hollywood Cinema Era, entering the blockbuster era. In the film we see an increased use of associative horror methods, especially touched up by the director because it is his natural style. We see this in the music cueing, imagery, scenery, and other subtle conventions.
This article informs us in short that Deep Red was a transitional film in Argento’s career, bridging the gap between his earlier gialli and his later leanings towards the supernatural in features like Suspiria, Inferno, and Phenomena. The thing I like most about this film is how it reflects the daring nature of directors of the era, mega franchises haven't been established yet, and the notable, most-referenced flicks of today were still in the making. A simple slasher of a movie such as this is true to the director's vision because there wasn't much to replicate or steal from.
In the mid-eighties, the VHS era was in its mid-life and Blue Velvet was there to endear audiences with its strange vibe. The power of music was harnessed in this film, and like Argento, the power of association via the resurfacing of images, audio, etc. was apparent in the directing of the film.
Frank Booth - "Have you ever been to pussy heaven?"
Out of all films, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions were most prominent from here onward, in this instance there was a strong presence of inescapable masculinity, roles that were inflated and satirized in the most general way concerning characters that were supposed to be part of a thriller/mystery film. 
1986 was one of the most progressive years for the feminist movement, with protests that aimed to keep abortion and birth control legal. “The largest march for women’s rights in U.S. history occurred on March 9th in Washington, D.C." Although Blue Velvet wasn't based off of this event, the transformative years of the US and the arrival of a new digital age probably gave filmmakers a lot of inspiration and motivation to implement these new themes into their movies...
Finally, enter Punch-Drunk Love, the newest film I have watched in this class (2002). I think it perfectly epitomizes everything that even the modern age films today are trying to go for, which is relatability with elements of surprise. The style, lead, and visual chops of the films today are praised more so than the content of their character or the deeper message of the movie. Punch-Drunk Love lands itself in a healthy midrange, while even referencing a one-off event concerning a man 4 years from its release.
"In 1999, the civil engineer from California catapulted into fame after he earned a whopping 1.2 million airline miles by taking advantage of a Healthy Choice mail-in promotion by purchasing a ridiculous amount of pudding." The idea of a single man taking advantage of a coorperation is a wacky instance of the situations we can find ourselves in, in a super modernized world.
While the artsy side of films grew, you still expected a more polished narrative than from something many years before it. To me, the cultural model of Indulgence vs. Restraint is followed but through a more personal way, as the film represents the journey of a person who cannot thrive in an indulgent society. I do not think necessarily that my chosen films nationally represent cultures, however, I can see how this could be the case if my film selections were a bit different and held those discussions.
"Punch-Drunk Love captures the contingency at the heart of post-romance romance. Instead of the layers of expectation habituated into institutional engagements of two subjects meeting, there is the accident of the event of love within which various parties are arrayed with various affects and desires." Even here, the author of a critical evaluation of this movie does one of the deepest dives beneath the surface of any critical resource I've seen yet. After I read this, I wondered just how much I was missing or under appreciating the films I had watched once and got nothing from. To what extent are directors pouring meaning into the meaningless side events in a film? How much have I misinterpreted?
After taking the same writing approach for a couple of months now for many different films, I see now what the course has aimed to achieve and I think it has done so in the best way, a way that only social media could allow. Firstly, social media gives the sense of being a free writer, or making observations of your own volition. The effect is an easy writing process that feels natural, and sometimes I go beyond the expectations and answer my own questions. By collecting critical, historical, textual, and contemporaneous events for a film and listing them out on a platform with your thoughts, it’s clear that a greater understanding of the film era landscape, people involved, deeper messages, technological limitations, and style of contemporary films will be learned about. Feedback from classmates is the cherry on top.
The way I see things, movie discussion, as well as music discussion, will seemingly never be an interest that the majority will partake in. I never hear about the use of Tumblr outside of this course, and I have never had an account before it. There are many independent media discussion forums on the internet, and I think the best hope for a film buff would be to find a niche online and contribute what they can in their little corner of the internet. In critical discussion of film, people not only sharpen their writing skills but also immerse themselves in cultures old and new; it is simply a learning experience like no other.
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fujianvenator · 2 years
vic can you help me out I wanna read more scps and you're the scp guy do you happen to know any that aren't super paranoia inducing like shit w break-ins or kidnapping or stalking etc that's the biggest reason I don't read them T_T SORRY if this is like weird to send through an ask it felt rude to ping you KDBFKDNDKD
oh u have no idea what floodgates u just opened ^_^ behold one of my longest google docs
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sd lockes 001 proposal (when day breaks) - hinges on body horror and the concept of the inescapability of its danger. love love love the atmosphere this fucking article did something to me when i was 15
2316 (field trip) - this ones a classic and recently blew up with that bodies in the water meme that apparently happened on tiktok ? i dont fucking know anything that happens on that fucking site. godless land that it is. anyway if u have issues with unreality idont recommend this one coz its very dependent on the whole "lel can u trust ur memories :)" thing BUT if u do read it. my only note is to remember to check the sites source code when u finish it ^_^
not a seagulls 001 proposal (the sky above the port) - made as a contest entry and written in just 24 hours! i wont go into it coz le spoilers but keep in mind that the theme of the contest is "it was all a dream"
2521 (●●|●●●●●|●●|●) - idk if this one counts under kidnapping coz its not like . irl human kidnapping but its more like candlejack mechanics ? but its one of the most clever articles ive ever seen coz it was made for a contest in which the goal was to use the least amnt of words possible, which it very quickly won by having a grand old total of Zero Fucking Words. the presentation of the article ties into the actual in-universe mechanics of the scp itself!
4999 (someone to watch over us) - this one isnt scary either but this shit unironically made me cry it has done unspeakable things to my mind
2264 (in the court of alagadda) - not that scary honestly but idont give a shit i love it coz ALAGADDA BABYYYYYYY visualizing the city itself based on the written descriptions is very entertaining. its the culmination of the hints of worldbuilding set up in 701 so i recommend reading that one first
2935 (o, death) - yay exploration logs all my homies love exploration logs. anyway this one is less . of being Directly Scary and most of the horror lies in the implications of whats going on. i hate thinking abt this one coz the concept at its center is scary help
5031 (yet another muder monster) - a commentary on Ye Olden Times when every scp was OUGH SCARY MURDER CREATURE RAURGH and everything was keter class for no reason coz people kept thinking keter = Most Dangerous Ever LOL this one is very very sweet and makes me feel the full range of emotion possible
4182 (there is no site-5) - AN EXPLORATION OF THE EFFECTS OF MASS CRUELTY! particularly if those effects manifest in an anomalous manner oopsie ! its got a lot of blacked out data but its not overused in an annoying way the blacked out letters r meant to be part of a puzzle that U Urself will piece together. i do wonder what happened to site-5 :)
5140 (everest) - i like this one because the vague nature of it leads u to wonder whether theres actual physical fuckery going on or just mental fuckery where the ppl there Think physical fuckery is going on. it feels very small scale surprisingly its a simple concept executed well! gives me older series vibes
1342 (to the makers of music) - oh boy oh geez a space travel based one. i wonder how Tumblr User tychomagneticanomaly1, known fan of space odyssey and interstellar who grew up on carl sagans cosmos will feel about this one! yea this one makes me very fucking emotional its an oldie but a goodie and makes me cry
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post-confession/finale fic recs
here’s a masterpost of all the best post-confession and finale fix-it deancas fics i’ve read so far
i’ve organized them into sections based on the last three episodes they largely pull from, plus ones for my absolute faves, finale compliant fics (i’m a finale denier but there are some worth reading), and nebulously post-canon/s15 fics. 
other supernatural fic recs
i’ll keep updating it with any other good fics i come across so keep an eye out for that! the most recently added ones will have a ‘+’ in front (last update: 1/2/2022)
ultimate faves:
my heart a compass - really good ‘the empty traps cas in memories and dean breaks through with the power of love (and jack/magic/etc)’ fic.
according to all known laws of life - listen i love and appreciate emotional/romantic post-confession fics but dean and cas are horrible old repressed bastards (lovingly) sometimes and that’s fun.
Nothing Equals the Splendor  - the entire final episode was just a (very bad and lame) djinn’s vision.
Dean Winchester, Cocksucker at Rest - finale (derogatory) compliant but its worth it for all you sexy sexy j*hn haters out there.
The Goldenrod Revisions - no less than five alternate episodes in script format post 15x18, the ultimate fixit that leaves no dropped character or  plotpoint untouched.
the monster at the start of this book - what if the REAL horror part of the horror show was the inescapable heteronormative metanarrative constructed by a cruel voyeuristic god? finale compliant/no happy ending but makes my brain bounce around in my head like a pinball.
ascend - what was written CAN be undone and it IS a love story, not a tragedy!
dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d’s to the destination) - 100k+ word reverse confession/dean character study/fix-it fic my beloved.
i want to do with you (what spring does with cherry trees) - canon divergent widower arc-turned- reverse confessions/fixit fic.
Fenario - THEE lake house fic.
if it all fell to pieces tomorrow - cas recovers from his trauma after getting saved from the empty by himself.
Fracture Mechanics - dean slowly processes his grief and relationship with/feelings for cas over time, cas comes back with no memory of the confession, and there’s a good old fashioned soulbond™.
+and you can use my skin - placeholder description is just. ouugh.
post confession:
When the Levee Breaks - gen/1.8k. episode coda/fix-it, the empty gets annoyed by dean and cas’ feelings.
Because it is - mature/6k.  chuck’s death doesn’t fix anything and sam and dean have to try and cope with this for a very long time.
the best of things - gen/2k. cas escapes the empty.
For Good -teen/6k. episode coda, dean repairs his relationship with jack, cas doesn’t come back but the ending is hopeful.
In Just Saying It - gen/2.5k. post series, cas is back as a human and they celebrate his first real birthday.
To Change the Things We Can - gen/2k. confession scene fix-it.
The Having - teen/3k. cas is trapped in his worse memories, dean finds a loophole in the empty’s deal.
to the bone - mature/4k. dean tries to make a deal of his own with the empty.
Everything is Blue - teen/5k. episode coda/fix-it, the key to saving cas lies in the barn he and dean first met.
Enhanced Extraction Techniques - teen/5.8k the empty messes with cas by pretending to be dean trying to save him.
hold onto your voice, hold onto your breath - teen/7k. Dean makes a deal with the empty, orpheus/eurydice-meets-the little mermaid style.
There'll be peace (when you are done) - teen/2k. Chuck’s latest book sucks.
+ Begging and Praying, Christ I'm on My Knees - fixit where the confession - and certain other parts of late spn - are the same but slightly to the left.
post 15x19:
Bring Home* - gen/3.8k. cas comes back, but he doesn’t go to the bunker.
the rhyme of salvation - teen/6k. jack turns dean into an angel so he can save cas from the empty.
what's missing is found (our souls can exhale now) - mature/27k. kaia and dean go on a roadtrip after claire disappears.
closer (isn't close enough) - explicit/18k. cas helps dean cope with some of his chuck-induced trauma and dean tries to talk about the confession.
for which no words exist - teen/14k. dean helps cas recover from the ritual used to bring him back.
We will not give up on love now - teen/4.8k. dean starts finding unusual feathers around the bunker.
to make a beginning - teen/9.k. jack isn’t god but still helps dean bring cas back, ending is pure domestic/found family vibes.
nothing has to change- teen/27k. jack decides to be much less hands off, cas is saved and dean slowly tries to work through repression.
The World at Large - teen/5k. sam gets in touch with his inner witch and dean tries to get though to cas.
Take My Hurting Heart (Away From Me) - mature/8k. god!jack goes back to the bunker with them and helps them rescue cas.
freedom - gen/5k. Dean makes a choice and saves cas with the power of love.
safe returns - gen/1.7 k. The handprint™ = their red strong of fate.
Speak Silence No More - teen/8k. dean saves cas from the empty but thinks that he hates/no longer loves him since he had to become human to do so.
One does not simply walk into the Empty - teen/7k. dean saves cas from the empty orpheus-and-eurydice style.
the point of our being - mature/11k. cas makes another deal with the empty while dean, sam and eileen try to find a way to rescue him.
who will fall beside you, if you fall - gen/4k, post 15x19. Introspection on some of the different ways dean’s been loved throughout his life and how its changed him.
psalm 40:2 - explicit/45k. cas gets sent back in time instead of being trapped in the empty and encounters pre-series dean. tw for internalized homophobia/homophobia/child abuse.
+one step closer - teen/4k. dean explores the empty on his way to save cas. REALLY cool trueforms and worldbuilding stuff.
+Love Languages - teen/9k. cas thinks dean doesn’t reurn his feelings, dean just can’t say it with words.
finale fix-its:
Grace - 5k. script format, dean breaks into the empty after dying in that barn.
A Serious Thing - teen/1k. barn death scene fix-it.
There's Something About Jenny - teen/9k. jenny the vampire messes with the timeline, cas fixes it and restores the real ending.
Keep Your Love Alive - explicit/42k. au where the empty takes dean instead of cas.
we could be the way forward - mature/7k, cas saves dean from dying and the rest of the episode was just a weird dream.
Can't Fight This Feeling - teen/9k. script format, after meeting in heaven sam and dean realize they’re still in chuck’s story.
things happen (they do, they do, and they do) - explicit/28k. cas comes back from the empty and dean is very very sad that he’s tragically straight and can’t possibly return his feelings.
swimming with the fish pond fish -explicit/25k. after they get out of heaven and go back to earth, dean’s insane levels of repression/denial are threatened when cas keps casually telling him that he loves him.
Heartstring Promenade - explicit/17k (WIP). The finale was just a bad dream, all their friends are back and happy, and dean finds a way to get to cas using death’s library.
hope, love, glory - teen/13k. claire and jack team up to save the day!
the lover's choice - mature/44k. jack saves dean and cas, actually addresses the super-fucked afterlife system, and brings back some beloved characters chuck killed off too soon before calling it quits as god.
The Shape of Things to Come - mature/62k. after getting trapped in an updated 'what is and what never should be’ style djinn dream, dean is forced to directly face all the cas-related emotions he’s been suppressing. things get more complicated when he starts getting strange dreams where cas is trying to tell him something over the phone.
+debrief - teen/2k. sam and cas (rightfully, because what the hell. yes its been over a year but what the hell) yell at dean after saving him in the barn.
finale/heaven endgame compliant
blunt little instrument - mature/4k. dean confronts his dad in heaven.
A Timeshare in Paradise - teen/1.4k. cas and cas meet up at the roadhouse after sam’s arrival.
search for tomorrow on every shore - teen/11k. dean temporarily gets kicked out of heaven and finds himself face to face with his 24 year old past self.
Fuck Around and Find Out - mature/7k. cas hunts john for sport in heaven.
although we are faithless - mature/32k. sam and dean realize they’re trapped in a heaven memory loop and bust out, while in the meantime the damage done to the empty puts both afterlives on the verge of collapse (kind of a finale fixit hybrid/heaven endgame hybrid).
misc post canon/s15
Twenty ways to say I love you - teen/14k. dean has many different ways to tell cas he loves him.
I won't Going Out Swinging - teen/4k. dean starts out on his post-chuck life.
on vessels - gen/2k. cas used to imagine what it would be like to have dean as his vessel.
Tall Grass - explicit/57k. cas becomes the ultimate plant dad.
Through Autumn's Advancing - explicit/4k. dean’s birthday celebration fic.
dean's coworkers vs the heteronormative agenda - teen/4k. none of dean’s coworkers know the truth about his family.
It's Not Traditional - teen/1.5k. proposal fic. 
Yarrow, Lilac, and Foxglove - explicit/10k. dean and cas garden, cook, possibly befriend a nature spirit, and get married.
What didn’t kill you - explicit/20k. After chuck everyone is human and happy, eileen and sam get married, and dean and cas try and figure out what they should do next.
Exit Wounds - mature/16k. cas dies defeating chuck, dean retires and buys a bar while dealing with hallucinations.
we’ll find a new home - gen/7k. costco confession fic!
sobriety & apple pie & religion, oh my! - gen/3k. stanford era dean meets a time displaced post-series dean.
If Someone Asks, This Is Where I'll Be - gen/1k. post canon proposal fic (from 2013).
tiny difference (between ending and starting to begin) - teen/2k. soft moments from a post-chuck world.
you're fooling yourself - teen/13k. dean and cas are retired and raising baby!jack, “platonically.”
Lessons in Botany - teen/1k. Just a nice domestic morning with some sam and jack.
looking like a true survivor (feeling like a little kid) - teen/20k. Everyone celebrates jack’s 4th birthday and they take him to build-a-bear!
strap the wing to me - gen/2k. cas has no filter when it comes to his feelings for dean anymore.
Death of the Author - explicit/7k. they have s*x for the first time. 
On Labor - explicit/24k. dean is so unwell/repressed/terrified of losing cas again that he lies about his feelings for him (or at least he thinks he is). fics to touch a hot stove to but it has a happy ending dw.
Amphorae - mature/4k. more soft epilogue™ fic.
three little words - mature/3k. saying “i love you” comes with some pretty signifigant emotional baggage.
The One I Love -  gen/1k. cas struggles with emotional trauma from losing his grace with dean’s help.
the pie isn’t a metaphor (it’s just pie) - teen/9k. dean and cas are domestic and make a pie (feat. actual pie recipie!).
fools and pilgrims - teen/32k. cas and jack leave and dean and claire go on a roadtrip to see them and figure some stuff out along the way.
Phone a Friend - gen/7k. pov of two hunters interacting with the hunter community years after the show.
call it what you want - 5k/mature. dean’s brain breaks a little when someone assumes he and cas are married (also cas is a plant dad).
take the bones, begin anew - mature/87k/wip. dean ends up uhaulling with cas when they move in to kelly’s old lake house.
In a time, in a place, we fit - teen/5k. alex’s pov of her friends, family, and a very revamped hunting community post-canon.
in full bloom - teen/2k. dean starts bringing cas flowers and helps him start a garden.
+Now We’re There, And We’ve Only Just Begun - teen/6k. jack is a baby instead of god, and dean and cas have a much needed conversation about breaking the cycle of abuse and trauma.
+the carrier bag theory - teen/6k. cas starts recovering traumatic old memories.
+Socks For Your Birthday Is Something That Can Actually Be So Personal - gen/1k. deans bday fic.
+The Mixtape, Or: Six Things You Learn in Thursday School - teen/6k. You know those old future!fics where the winchester gospels actually became a big thing and impacted the future of civilization and religion? this is the updated version of that.
+all the time in the world - teen/2k. sam’s bday fic.
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gilbirda · 2 years
I really love going to the "Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness" tag and seeing good reviews of the movie and there's this part where they say
oh and btw i didn't see Wandavision lol
the person that wrote the script DIDN'T CARE ABOUT WANDA EITHER and it fucking shows
I'm really really sad...
It happens every time with these things. There is a complex character with unique motivations and painful growth, someone that is one bad thing away from completely snapping, and when they do, they deeply regret it and try to undo the damage not because "it's the right thing" but because nobody deserves to suffer like they did.....
and people point at them and say "haha evil crazy lady"
[Yes, it's usually a woman (I wonder why 😁 )]
(rant under the cut) (yes there are spoilers)
If the villain of the movie had been idk, Mordo, or another version of Strange that snapped or something, the ending wouldn't have been so crappy. Hell, they did the same fucking storyline with 'What If...?' chapter 4, when Strange messes up his universe real bad to bring Christine back to life. And that man? The man gets his redemption. He is a little mew mew. He 'sacrifices himself for the greater good' and lives the rest of his life atoning for what he did.
Wanda is a caricature of herself. The Scarlet Witch my ass. It was just an excuse to validate the 'evil crazy lady' thing they had been pushing her character into until now.
For what? For her ending to be "oh nooooo, i had become a monster oh noooo i will collapse this building over meeeee". It took what? 3 minutes? 5 minutes, tops? In a 2 hour movie that did some amazing shots showing a bloodied and red eyed crazy evil lady she suddenly changes her mind because her kiddies are like ¨noooo, evil crazy lady please dont kill usssss"
Give me a fucking break
Michael Waldron, the writer, is not good! I checked who the hell was this man and why I hated the movie so bad and lo and behold, he did Loki and the 5th season of Community. Guess what are the main complaints about those two?
Bad writing.
I am not saying that everything bad about this movie is because of this 1 man, but...
I am so angry
Let's not fucking start with the whole "yeah she's a good person but at the end of Wandavision she was reading the Darkhold so she was planning this all along and had been playing nice 😆"
It is explicitly said in the movie that the Darkhold "uses your deep desires and corrupts you completely" and that "it's influence is almost inescapable" and when Dr Strange has to use the Darkhold everyone is like ohhhh, please dont go to the dark side, we love you, I have your hand, etc etc etc
Wanda? Nah, she's just a crazy bitch. She deserves to die. Darkhold? What Darkhold influence? She's been evil from the start!
She just wanted to learn how to use her magic so it didn't happen again. Nobody ever cared about her or trained her. The people that cared, died for a cause that wasn't theirs.
How freaking sad is that?
(and people would know if they saw Wandavision)
(In any case, this movie acts as if Wandavision didn't happen so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)
MoM could have been such a great movie and it's so disappointing that nobody cares that if you take away the horror elements, the flashy CGI and the recognizable faces there's a really bad story behind.
Everyone that liked the movie. Good! I had a really good time. The pacing is great and the acting is fantastic!
But please stop praising it's plot for having "new ideas" and "daring plotlines". No. It is trash. The story is bad. We can enjoy things that are bad, but it is still bad.
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