#the lost arabs
yupekosi · 10 days
it's been a while but here's another DP/DC plot bunny that won't leave me alone; a Demon Twins/Danyal al Ghul AU, but Danny is trans.
...hear me out okay?
Damian al Ghul had a twin sister, just as brilliant and deadly as him. they were the terrors of the League, working expertly in tandem to take down their foes before they knew what hit them. but there could only be one heir to the Demon's Head, and Ra's, being the old, sexist bastard he is, arranged for the 'spare' to be taken care of- and Talia insisted it be by her own hand.
Damian's last memories of Aishah al Ghul are of her packing her bags for her first and last solo mission. she knew what was coming, he thinks. the smile she gave him as she said goodbye was bitter and sharp.
of course, what really happened was that Talia -whether out of sentimentality or simply wanting to keep her other trained weapon-child alive- faked her daughter's death and left Aishah in the American adoption system, where she was taken in by the Fentons; and, when he was a teen, transitioned.
years later, Damian al Ghul, now Damian Wayne, sees an identical boy staring at him from across the batcave. He has his sister's sword and his sister's eyes, and the smile he gives him is bitter and sharp.
and Aishah al Ghul, now Danyal Fenton, says "Hello, ahki."
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yourmoonie · 4 months
Manifested going to 🇦🇪 (Dubai and Abu Dhabi)
(A success story part 1/2)
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Last year, I put Dubai on my vision board/manifestation list and let myself experience luxury in my imagination. I had no idea how I would make it to 🇦🇪 but I believed in my imagination better than anything.
Due to my SC being high and me knowing that I am VIP, I was also treated as a VIP wherever I went
Throughout 2023, I kept saying how much I deserved to be in Dubai, and well, in February of 2024, it got externalized in the best way possible.
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I went through specific and very interesting circumstances, but in the beginning, I was faced with challenges, but of course, I persisted no matter what. Personally, I am very stubborn and don't accept "no" as an answer from my 3D.
Some things I was also able to manifest while in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
- free rides
- new connections
- free dinner
- gifts and discounts
- a free drink
- had 2 different places to stay for free (so I didn't pay for hotels)
- a free pass to the lost chamber aquarium (Atlantis the palm)
- saw Burj Khalifa + was in Dubai Mall etc etc
- the privilege to be inside the BAPS Hindu Mandir temple when many people weren't allowed to go inside. Also , the prime minister of India, the head of the entire BAPS temple, and the King of Abu Dhabi were all there that day
And many more
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I am truly blessed to be living and experiencing all of these things
I am currently enjoying my other manifestation in Sharlm el Sheikh (again, a trip that I didn't need to pay for), but I will make a separate post about it
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juniper-girl · 1 year
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The Dove’s Lost Necklace طوق الحمامة المفقود (Nacer Khemir, 1991)
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stuckinapril · 12 days
Can’t wait to visit Iraq and just live blog from there. That will be so fun
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pjharvey · 13 days
i'm going to be voting joe biden in the next election bc project 2025 genuinely would make the country actually actively inhabitable to most of my friends and there's a very literal threat of america becoming an actual fascist state but i will be bleeding out of my eyes while i do it
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hellofeternity · 10 months
ORV transcends language | how ORV is kind to readers (1.1k words)
the difficulties in analyzing text are already numerous without a language barrier, the way one word can mean 5 things and when you put it in a sentence suddenly it can mean 50 things and put that sentence in a paragraph? go further and put that paragraph in a page? construct a whole world around it, weave it into the fabric, and suddenly you are painting with words.
ORV is a daunting text, it calls and references so many mythos world wide, greek, roman, indian, chinese, japanese, it plays with meaning and intent and uses gaps in our knowledge like weapons, making us extrapolate our own meaning between the sentences, it is a tome of knowledge when it comes to histories and philosophies it feels at times like I will never understand all these things inside it.
One of the difficulties of reading a translated text is that when we analyze a text the authorial intent weighs very heavily in our minds, sure we can immerse ourselves in the world but once we start picking apart at the threads we hit a wall pretty soon when we start asking ourselves "what did the author mean by this?" however in a translated text there is an obvious gap, a game of telephone, did the translator actually capture the authors intent? or are we just reading the translators perception? sadly I don't know korean, and I cant say I have the drive to learn it, as such I know there will forever be a side of ORV that I will never be privy to - however I am bilingual and had the pleasure of reading two translated versions of ORV, an English translation and an Arabic translation, I didn't finish reading the said Arabic translation but a couple things stood out to me when I briefly did ORV is very kind to readers, following along in other stories can seem confusing at times, the pacing might be too fast and you might miss some details in a characters actions, the wording might be too vague and ah damn 20 pages later you realize you don't actually know why the characters are doing what they are doing. A big writing adage that you will see a lot is "show dont tell" and it holds merit, but ORV doesn't subscribe to it, because ORV shows AND tells. ORV built a world around readers and reading, and it makes sure that there is clarity every step of the way on what is happening, first by starting out as a homage to the isekai genre, and not deviating too much at the start, making the readers feel at home in a worldview they are familiar with, systems, leveling, videos games etc, and when it starts deviating it explains things with clarity that no matter how bad the translation is you understand the general intent, and secondly by being VERY blatant about the names of things and having a built in "story" system that is built on common story tropes and names the themes for you! take for example "unbroken faith" and "Blade of faith" both of these are two translated versions of dokja's sword. I will never know which one is closer to the original authorial intent, but I can tell you something, dokja's sword is symbolism to the faith he is wielding. (CH386 vague spoilers) or the entirety of "the great war of saints and demons" being about the concept of good and evil fighting and how kimcom aren't just above being good and evil, they are both. By using story tropes that we are familiar with to explain the complexity of situations in a simple forms you no longer have to worry about losing you readers understandings through language barriers. Every story in the world in every language knows what good vs evil is, every language has the words to explain them. and therein lies the beauty of ORV. But of course this isn't to say translations don't matter, it does speak to the strength of an original texts clarity when it accounts for the big things by making them simplified, but when we get down to the nitty gritty it starts to lose form take for example
"Tell me, you fool. If I continue to regress, will I ever get to meet you again?"
this person here has a great write up explaining the translators thoughts behind this specific line
but it has spawned a lot of debate in the English speaking fandom, as to the strength of its translation, I remember when I first saw someone claiming that its a mistranslation and "you fool" isn't part of the original, my first thought was "and so?" I do not mean to be dismissive to the original text, but I do not exist in a space where I can appreciate it in the original korean, I do not exist in a worldview where I can understand the historical implications of a lot of the characters, and even when I try to research it in English sadly the resources do not exist yet and its even more laughable to think of finding these things in Arabic. (Goryeos first sword doesn't have an English wikipedia page as a clear example) a lot of people have issues with the most popular English fantranslation of ORV - and I can understand why, being bilingual I have a lot of opinions on how a lot of things SHOULD be translated most of the time, and have done my own translation work but as I sit and think about this popular translation I cant help but just feel love for it, it might be lacking to some, it might be inaccurate at times to others, but its just enough for me to paint the gaps in the text with my perceptions, the words used are tied to my affections the Arabic translation of ORV is clunky, it is messy, it doesn't have as much grace as the English translation of ORV does, the words barely string together cohesively, but it has enough clarity, enough intent, and enough love for its readers, to catch their hearts, their attention and their energy
and so I want this to be the first post on this blog because, the author is dead here, not because I buried them, but because the tower of babel fell down a long time ago, and all we have is rubble and each other. a lot of the analysis on this blog will try to be respectful to the korean original wherever it can, however my words will be coming from an anglosphere perspective, and build on other English reader's perceptions of a text translation that a decent amount of people don't think is adequate, but just like ORV is kind to us, we can be kind back, I will quote the most popular version because its what connects us together, and while the authors intent might be lost, we can share our own meanings with each other, and build our own intent from the rubble.
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sophiethewitch1 · 2 months
gang what the hell does damian wayne smell like this is important
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 4 months
Maybe I like the history of the Byzantine Empire so much because I too am in a constant state of disaster
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nando161mando · 2 months
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timothylawrence · 2 months
Hi! What does your mobile bio say? (cannot for the life of me copy + paste it... sorry!)
Hi no need to apologize 😁 it’s lyrics from the song Shim El Yasmin by Mashrou Leila :)
I believe the rough translation is “I would have liked to keep you close/near me”
كان بودي خليك بقربي
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lostfan23 · 11 months
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Found on Pinterest credit to OP wherever whoever you are
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
tbh what I really think is that guilt-trips and pressure over genuine disgust or refusal to engage with the system after its repeated abject failures and current genocide (and worldwide genocide denial) is definitively not the way to go.
if certain elections go... any given way (or any elections honestly, counting the coming french ones where I absolutely intend to vote blank on what I assume the second turn will look like --unless a miracle happens-- and no force on this fair earth can make me do it a third time, I already massively regret having been coaxed into doing it a second time if you must know), it will absolutely not be the fault of the people who refused to engage with a completely broken system that repeatedly failed everybody, but will entirely be the fault of those who profited from said broken system to enable their own power at the literal cost of the powerless dying by the thousands
no matter what everybody ends up doing and what sort of internal peace anyone manages to find within themselves in a truly grueling historical moment, and I genuinely extend my sympathy here, in the name of everything precious let's not get it twisted over who ends up getting blamed in the end.
let's not lose the plot here.
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juniper-girl · 1 year
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The Dove’s Lost Necklace طوق الحمامة المفقود (Nacer Khemir, 1991)
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stuckinapril · 3 months
i had never heard of dunya mikhail before so i googled her just now :0 adding to my to-read list as we speak!!!
Omg thank you baby <3 <3 I just learned of her myself in my indefatigable quest to familiarize myself w more Iraqi lit! And let me tell you the things she writes about make an Iraqi American bitch weep on sight
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cine-poeme · 2 years
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“طوق الحمامة المفقود”
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ember-knights · 8 months
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War crime After war crime After war crime.
This sight became common place, huh? So used are we to their blood and destruction? Who gives a shit anyway..
Even If ceasefire happens this moment, how will they live in the ruins of their lands? It is a hellhole.
One word from the president of the United States and millions of people are fucking ashes, just like that their fate is sealed?
Israel pulled the trigger yes, but this destruction is all America’s doing and America’s weapons and interests.
“Homeland sells for a shekel, and all Arab are for free.”
الوطن بشيكل و كل العرب ببلاش
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