#the ogawa family
caitlynskitten · 8 months
Wednesday: Since you’re a vampire, is the sun too much for your eyes?
Yoko: What? Oh no. That’s not really the reason why I wear sunglasses.
Wednesday: Explain?
Yoko: I’ll just show you-
Enid: Oh god no please don’t.
Wednesday: Don’t what?
Yoko laughs: She doesn’t like seeing my eyes under the sun.
The vampire takes off her sunglasses to reveal her eyes are completely white
Enid: God that’s so gross.
Wednesday: Fascinating. *looks closer at Yoko’s eyes*
Yoko: First time I showed Enid she freaked out badly.
Enid crying: That’s because you were pretending to be possessed!
Yoko: Ahhh good times.
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sorcererofsolitude · 14 days
Wednesday frequently carries knives tipped with poison, breaks into museums to 'borrow' ancient artifacts, and threatens to use anyone who looks at her funny for target practice.
Enid, looking at her girlfriend with stars in her eyes: Wow, what an adorable squish. Such a cute little cinnamon roll. Smol bean. Must protecc.
Yoko: Uh... I think you might need glasses, babes.
Divina: Yeah... and a psych eval.
AO3: SorcererOfSolitude
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caitlynscat · 8 months
Yoko: Making a drink?
Wednesday: Sure am. A Bloody Mary, you want one?
Yoko: Oh sure!
Wednesday passes the cocktail to Yoko
Yoko: *takes a sip*
Yoko: You lying bitch.
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minterests-world · 2 years
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cue the obsession with minor characters just for hints of 🌈
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My Season 2 Predictions
Xavier will be Back and he and Wednesday will develop a platonic relationship.
The Morning Song Sets Foot In Jericho.
Pugsley is going to be a Nevermore Student, his Power is either Technopathy or Pyrokenisis.
Yoko will get more Screen Time and so will Eugene, Divina and Kent.
Someone is going to Sing.
Vincent Thorpe will come to Nevermore.
We will learn more about the Thorpe Family.
Tyler will be Back.
Similar to Tyler one of the New Villains is going to be introduced as a Friend, but the Reveal will be either Agatha Harkness Like or Royal Pain like.
(A lot of my Tv Show predictions came true in the Past and there’s no official confirmation that PHW is out.)
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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lifewithaview · 6 months
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Moosa Mostafa, Naomi J. Ogawa, Jenna Ortega, and Joy Sunday in Wednesday (2022) Friend or Woe
Wednesday stumbles on a secret society. During Outreach Day, Nevermore's outcasts mingle with Jericho's normies in Pilgrim World. Fudge, anyone?
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gamemories · 1 year
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lady-lancer · 1 year
Mizuki: Family Matters
Takumi Sakumoto Mizuki's Father (Johtonian by birth, childhood spent in Unova)
A well known painter, he was regarded as one of the best pokeball customizers in the Matsudan (Kanto - Sinnoh) region. Friends with Kurt, he used his money to help grow more apricorns in order to promote the unique pokeballs the Johto region has.
Though not a battle trainer, Takumi has his own partner pokemon that's been with him since he was a child - a Shiny Chandelure. Despite the rumors about the line, Takumi enjoyed painting under the orange flames of his partner.
Of his two children, he was closer to Mizuki after she became interested in art as well. Many days were spent in his studio, with him taking her critique as though she was a queen, and Mizuki giggling over how dramatic he would become over her doodles.
Chandelure followed his trainer, preferring the company of Mizuki over the rest of the family. By the time Mizuki was five, Chandelure would only respond to the name Mizuki gave him: "Candy". (As a child, Mizuki had trouble speaking. Chandelure was shortened to "Shandi", eventually becoming "Candy".)
Takumi passed away when Mizuki was 8 due to chronic illness, as the only treatments would have forced him to leave his family. He also kept the illness secret from the media, unfortunately leading to rumors that Candy was to blame for his "sudden" passing.
Unlike most Ghost types, Candy did not follow his trainer into the next life. Takumi asked that Candy watch over Mizuki, and Candy would fulfill his master's last request. Due to changes in Johto's trainer laws, Mizuki would only be registered as Candy's trainer when she turned 15.
The fact that Candy has not moved on is the only solace her friends have when Mizuki goes missing.
Chloe Sakumoto Mizuki's Mother (Kalosian born and raised)
As a child, Chloe wasn't interested in staying behind the battle lines. Taking a Bisharp as a starter, Chloe was an early dominator of Pokemon Fencing - a sport where both pokemon and trainer wielded blades against foes.
She met Takumi during a tournament in Johto, after losing to a Kantonian katana-user and their Scyther. They would eventually fall in love, with Chloe agreeing to a life in Johto instead of Kalos.
Chloe is closest to Sora, her son and oldest child. Compared to Mizuki, Sora took to the rapier with the grace of a Ducklett to water. It was common to see the two working together in the house gym, especially after Takumi passed away.
Despite her love of Takumi, she never really liked Candy, and would constantly ask that he be put away whenever she hosted parties. In her grief, she would blame Mizuki's love of the Ghost type for Takumi's passing. The fact that Mizuki held many of her father's features and enjoyed art made Chloe's grief and misplaced anger even stronger.
She would eventually remarry when Mizuki was 10, further breaking relations with Mizuki. When Mizuki was 12, Chloe forces her to leave home to start her pokemon journey. This is a problem, as new laws enacted after Team Rocket is ousted from Kanto-Johto mean that 15 is the new age for new trainers.
Eventually, she is contacted over Mizuki going missing. The media circus when they find out she kicked Mizuki out is nothing compared to the circus that will erupt when Mizuki finally makes it home.
Sora Sakumoto Mizuki's Older Brother
Sora is his mother's child. Preferring the sword over the pen, he learned to parry before learning how to write his own name.
As a child, he was protective of Mizuki, helping her with school and the first to defend her art from bullies. He also tries to help Mizuki get better at wielding rapiers, but her left-handedness causes both of them issues.
However, after his fathers death when he was 12 changed things. Just like his mother, he saw his father's death as Candy's fault. Unlike his mother, he was unaware of Takumi's illness, and truly believes that Mizuki took their father away.
This would come to a head a few months after the funeral, when he finds Mizuki crying in front of Takumi's art studio. Sora lets his emotions get the better of him, screaming at her and chasing her with his rapier, too angry to recognize that he has a real blade with him. The chase ends when the family butler takes the blade from him, but not before Mizuki ends up with a cut in her upper left arm, which ends up healing into a mockery of a crescent moon like her name.
He would take off not long after, going to Kalos to start his trainer career along with his PokeFencing. Despite his best efforts, he is not as good as his mother, rarely getting onto the podium in higher level competitions. In the battle circuit, he's made multiple attempts at the champion's cup in Kalos, Hoenn, and even Sinnoh. However, his split attention means that he doesn't make it past the Top 32.
He would rather forget that he has a sister. He fumes as the media wonders where she went, and after her return he decides to prove to the media that their attention should be on him, not her.
Hisao Mizuki's Stepfather
The Kantonian that defeated Chloe before she met Takumi, Hisao was a familiar face to the Sakumoto family. Straightlaced and focused, he has no time for the 'soft' skills that Takumi and Mizuki prefer.
Hisao gets along with Sora, as Hisao began teaching him how to wield katanas.
With Mizuki, he doesn't give her much credit. He can respect the skill that art takes, but considers Mizuki's interest as a passing fad. He was the one to suggest to Chloe that Mizuki should be sent out on her journey early, intending to force Mizuki to learn how to live 'in the real world'.
Hisao doesn't think much when news breaks of Mizuki's disappearance, but plays the part of a heartbroken step-father in order to sate the rabid reporters. The facade breaks when Mizuki comes back to learn that he was trying to sell Candy's to the highest bidder.
Ogawa The Sakumoto Family Butler, Mizuki's unofficial Grandpa
Hired by the Sakumoto family not long after Sora was born, Ogawa is a 60 year old man who hates what the family has become.
He first met Takumi when he was the definition of 'starving artist', taking the young man in out of pity. But after seeing the skill Takumi had, Ogawa hired him to paint the pokeballs that the Kimono Girls would use during their performances. The pokeballs were a hit, and that got Takumi's name out into the world.
They kept in touch over the next few years, and eventually Ogawa was let go from his own job. A broken leg that healed wrong meant he couldn't properly examine the structure of the Burned Tower. Jumping at the chance to return the favor from years ago, Takumi offered Ogawa the job of being the family butler.
The house was big, their careers active, but neither Takumi nor Chloe wanted to have others raise their kids. What they wanted was someone to oversee the other employees who took care of the house and gardens. Ogawa accepted the job, and quickly became a pillar of comfort for those that worked the Sakumoto estate. For Mizuki and Sora, he was the grandfather that was always there.
He was the first to comfort Mizuki after her father's death, and the one to break the news of Takumi's illness to her after realizing she was beginning to believe Sora's accusations.
In the years after Takumi's death, Mizuki would only grow closer to him, while Sora, Chloe, and Hisao would come to see Ogawa as 'just another employee'.
After learning of Chloe and Hisao's intentions to kick Mizuki out, he helps Mizuki pack and sends her to his niece in Goldenrod, where Mizuki is able to stay until she can actually start her pokemon journey.
In respects of Takumi's wishes, Candy is under his protection until Mizuki is of trainer age. However, a heart attack not long before Mizuki disappears has him planning to send the pokemon to another of Takumi's friends, concerned over Chloe's distrust of the pokemon.
All Ogawa can ask of his heart is for it to last long enough to give Candy to Mizuki. He refuses to leave before then.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Jeffrey Hall on Ex-Members Demanding More Than Passed Bill
TBS reports about former Unification Church members calling for action beyond the new relief bill. Ogawa Sayuri is shown here telling lawmakers that the bill helps people refund money, but does nothing to save children currently suffering in UC families.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W88_M9QR3o
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Another former church member talks about her elderly parents, who have asked for donation refunds in the past but have then been visited by UC members and convinced to re-donate returned money, later defending it as their own decision. The new law may not help in this situation.
As I said in my brief BBC appearance, this is a bill that helps some former members of the church. If someone is still a church member and says it is their own free decision to donate their family into poverty, it will be hard to apply the law.
Extracted from these tweets: https://twitter.com/mrjeffu/status/1601373746417500160
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caitlynskitten · 8 months
Wednesday gets lost during Trick or Treating
Yoko: Oh god. Where the hell is she?
Enid: She was a ghost! So just look for someone wearing a white bedsheet with two eye holes!
Divina: Enid are you blind? There’s like eight kids wearing the same thing!
Enid: Then find the tallest one!
Yoko: Wednesday is short!
Enid: Damn it you’re right.
Enid: *stops to think*
Enid: Okay I got it! Yoko! Say “vampires are better than werewolves.”
Yoko: What? Why me?
Enid: Just do it!
Yoko: Okay. Uh- Vampires are-
Yoko is tackled to the ground by a short ghost girl
Wednesday: Do you want to DIE tonight?!
Divina: Hey we found her!
Enid: It worked!
Yoko: What the fuck- I didn’t even finish that sentence!!!!
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hedgehog-moss · 10 months
"rn I feel like reading about someone's quiet daily life, maybe a diary or letters, set in a place or context I don't know much about, without turmoil or tragedy" oh! do you have any recommendations for books like this?
This is one of my favourite types of books! Here are 30(ish) recs...
May Sarton's The House by the Sea or Plant Dreaming Deep
Gyrðir Elíasson's Suðurglugginn / La fenêtre au sud (not translated into English unfortunately!), also Bergsveinn Birgisson's Landslag er aldrei asnalegt / Du temps qu'il fait (exists in German too)
Gretel Ehrlich's The Solace of Open Spaces, which iirc was originally written as journal entries and letters before being adapted into a book
Kenneth White's House of Tides: Letters from Brittany and Other Lands of the West
Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book
The Diary of a Provincial Lady, E. M. Delafield
Growing Up with the Impressionists: The Diary of Julie Manet
Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim (do not read if you don't like flowers)
The Road Through Miyama by Leila Philip (I've mentioned it before, it feels like this gif)
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, I keep recommending this one but it's so nice and I love snails
Epicurean Simplicity, Stephanie Mills
The Light in the Dark: A winter journal by Horatio Clare
The Letters of Rachel Henning
The letters of Tove Jansson, also The Summer Book and Fair Play
The diary of Sylvia Townsend Warner—here's an entry where she describes some big cats at the zoo. "Frank and forthcoming, flirtatious carnivores, [...] guttersnipishly loveable"
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The Letters of Rachel Carson & Dorothy Freeman were very sweet and a little bit gay. I mostly remember from this long book I read years ago that Rachel Carson once described herself as "retiring into her shell like a periwinkle at low tide" and once apologised to Dorothy because she had run out of apple-themed stationery.
Jane Austen's letters (quoting the synopsis, "Wiser than her critics, who were disappointed that her correspondence dwelt on gossip and the minutiae of everyday living, Austen understood the importance of "Little Matters," of the emotional and material details of individual lives shared with friends and family")
Madame de Sévigné's letters because obviously, and from the same time period, the letters of the Princess Palatine, Louis XIV's sister-in-law. I read them a long time ago and mostly I remember that I enjoyed her priorities. There's a letter where she complains that she hasn't received the sausages she was promised, and then in the next paragraph, mentions the plot to assassinate the King of England and also, the Tartars are walking on Vienna currently.
Wait I found it:
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R.C. Sherriff's The Fortnight in September (quoting the author, "I wanted to write about simple, uncomplicated people doing normal things")
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Pond, Claire-Louise Bennett
Rules for Visiting, Jessica Francis Kane
The following aren't or aren't yet available in English, though some have already been translated in 5-6 languages:
ツバキ文具店 / La papeterie Tsubaki by ito Ogawa
半島へ / La péninsule aux 24 saisons by Mayumi Inaba
Giù la piazza non c'è nessuno, Dolores Prato (for a slightly more conceptual take on the "someone's everyday life" theme—I remember it as quite Proustian in its meticulousness, a bit like Nous les filles by Marie Rouanet which is much shorter and more lighthearted but shows the same extreme attention to childhood details)
Journal d'un homme heureux, Philippe Delerm, my favourite thing about this book is that the goodreads commenter who gave it the lowest rating complained that Delerm misidentified a wine as a grenache when actually it's a cabernet sauvignon. Important review!
Un automne à Kyôto, Corinne Atlan (I find her writing style so lovely)
oh and 西の魔女が死んだ / L’été de la sorcière by Kaho Nashiki —such a little Ghibli film of a book. There's a goodreads review that points out that Japanese slice-of-life films and books have "a certain way of describing small, everyday actions in a soothing, flawless manner that can either wear you out, or make you look at the world with a temporary glaze of calm contentment and introspective understanding [...]"
I'd be happy to get recommendations in this 'genre' as well :)
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kysuguru · 10 months
dear mother — stsg x fem!reader
synopsis : you’ve finally enrolled into jujutsu tech, sad thing is, you’re totally clueless.
includes / cw : emotionally abusive mother
all mine masterlist
a /n : ch1 of my “all mine” series!!!
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"i'm ogawa [name]. i'm from sendai japan. please take care of me."
you bow politely. smiling at the tiny class of three as you rise, posture nervous and stiff.
"if i knew there was someone new i would've thrown a welcome party!" a white haired boy who's eyes are protected by circular black glasses exclaims excitedly, a smile big on his lips. you admit you're a bit intimidated. the idea of a party for you seems a bit over the top, though.
a boy on his left scoffs almost affectionately, the soft look he sends to his counterpart familiar to you. you always looked at the street cats like that, your mother as well (you try not to think about it). he has a bang over his left eye, you wonder if someone has ever tried to tuck it behind his ear.
"there's no need for a party. my arrival can't be that exciting," you chuckle shyly.
they all analyze you. so you settle with looking at your shuffling shoes.
"she speaks so formally." the gojo boy leans over with a hand cupped around his mouth as he whispers to his best friend, causing you to look up. it's a bit silly that he's acting as if he's whispering a secret even though everyone can hear him.
his friend eyes you apologetically.
there's another girl, the only one who seems actually interested as she stares you down. you flinch as you catch her gaze. her hair is short, in a brown bob that frames her face perfectly. her bangs are tucked behind her ear and there's a mole you catch on her face that convinces you she's model worthy.
other than your mother you've never thought a woman was so pretty.
"so new girl, what's your cursed technique."
new girl.. but i swore i said my name. did i not?
ignoring the white haired boy's lack of manners was easy, since you weren't all that aware he was being rude.
"i actually... don't know."
all three students chorused at the same time.
scouted? me? when you heard such a thing, you were confused and honestly, really surprised. you weren't talented by any means. outside of studying you didn't have much going on. not only that, but your mother kept you in the house a lot. so to hear of someone from jujutsu tech finding you worthy enough to attend had you blinking, astonished.
you were aware of what jujutsu was, cursed techniques and all of that jazz, but your knowledge was still limited beyond that. your mom was adamant on you not attending for reasons she refused to tell. obviously you didn't push. you never liked seeing her with a temper.
the man who recommended you was named yaga masamichi. he'd taken note of the significant amount of cursed energy you possessed when passing by you on your way to school. your family weren't jujutsu sorcerers from what you were aware of — you honestly weren't even sure that there were jujutsu sorcerers or people like you until now. but you'd never put it past your mom to hide something like that from you.
she always kept jujutsu related talk under wraps, only giving you little information to quell your curiosity.
you didn't even know what your cursed technique was. or if you even had one. even though you tried to understand why she does what she does, it still felt very lonely — seeing such heinous creatures and having to pretend they didn't exist for your own safety.
if it weren't for the fact that you instinctively learned to control your cursed energy output, you could've been in serious danger.
and although it was painful to go through such things alone — not being able to confide in a single person — you understood why your mother did it. all she wanted to do was keep you safe.
and even if you followed all of her rules of no jujutsu to a T, you couldn't help the sensation of excitement and relief knowing that there were so many other people out there just like you. a school of them, even.
you wanted badly to be upset with your mother, the fact that she knew about all of this and kept it from you. but even the thought of being angry at her when all she wanted was to protect you had you pushing down those foolish feelings.
other than secretive, your mother was also very stubborn. a trait that you always admired until this very moment.
she argued that you didn't belong into a school that was practically a death trap for young teens. always listening to your mother like an obedient puppy, you looked down at the floor, preparing for the inevitable rejection, expression sad as you shuffled your shoes alongside your mothers that were planted firm on the ground — you resisted the urge to distance yourself from her.
your eyes drifted to the shoes that were yaga's hoping no one would question your silence (they never did).
your mother wasn't a bad person. never that. but sometimes you couldn't help but get upset at the decisions she made in your stead. you wouldn't say that she didn't consider you, but sometimes it kinda felt that way.
"i get where you're coming from. jujutsu tech is a dangerous place and i hate to bring such young talented kids into such risks. but you have to understand your daughters side," he gestured towards you, your mothers eyes dropping to your head that perked up before they glared back at yaga.
"how do you think she feels knowing she has the opportunity to branch out and gain knowledge about these abilities. do you think she wants to stay ignorant because you do?"
your ears rang as the last sentence was spoken.
"do you think she wants to stay ignorant because you do?"
it resonated with you in a way you couldn't comprehend. all you could do was clutch your chest as a foreign feeling of relief left your choked up throat in a bated breath. the exhale feeling as if you were being freed from something. being seen.
"[name], my sweet darling baby," she caressed the top of your head. it was instinct to lean into her touch, even though at the moment you couldn't sort out how you felt towards her.
she's protecting you. the words whisper in your ear, like a disease that is incurable, like a predator that sinks its fangs and refuses to let go.
"mommy wants you to stay home with her. please consider it. it's so dangerous out there, and i really don't want you to get hurt," she cooed. it made you feel sick and you hated not knowing why. even though her words were meant to console you, they only made you want to run.
your eyes were glued to the dirty mat that you and your mother refused to clean, maybe because it was the most familiar thing in this constant changing house. there were five pairs of shoes, you, yaga, and mother and two unworn pairs off to the side, both meant for other occasions, better ones. ones that don't include the ringing of your ears and the well of your tears as they collect on your lashes. maybe it's an occasion where you're at a nice dinner with your mom, a rare treat whenever she deemed herself in the mood.
the bigger pair of shoes shifted. yaga.
"miss ogawa. i don't mean to overstep, but have you considered you're babying your 15 year old child? maybe you need to consider that she can make her own-"
"don't you dare tell me how to parent my own damn child." her voice is dripping with venom, the venom that seeps through you and whispers in your ear.
i just want to protect you.
your mothers anger was never a calm one, it was loud and furious, voice bouncing off the walls as she tried restraining herself from getting violent. so hearing her talk to the man in such a familiar tone had you quivering in her hold.
your mother, never under the assumption that she could ever be the reason you were upset, deduced that your shivers were caused by yaga.
so she glares, long and hard, and her lips move to form the words you were dreading, "my daughter is not attending your shit school. get out of my house.”
other than the sound of life beyond the door, there only laid cold, anxious silence.
you were afraid to look up, your mother's shirt being your only anchor. but from the resigned sigh that left yaga's lips, you were well aware of the expression he was making — one of anger, and disappointment. realizing that seeking you out was a waste of his time.
or so you assumed.
for he could only look at you in pity, acknowledging how painful a relationship like this must be for you, and in longing, hoping foolishly that he could lend a helping hand.
a rough calloused hand entered your vision, a piece of ripped paper in the grip of his fingers.
yaga gestured it towards you patiently, a look of sorrow marring his usually calm expression. "if there's a change, please call this number."
your mom ripped it from his grasp right before you could touch it. she crumpled it in her hand. "there won't be a change. now get the fuck out of my house."
you could only stare in horror at your mothers fist that held the only thing that could possibly change the trajectory of your life. even as yaga bowed and turned around, even as the door slammed shut behind him. even as mother soothed you with quiet coos meant for a baby, even as she turned towards the kitchen to start on dinner, even as she sat you down and commented on your silence. even as she watched you absentmindedly pick on your food, even as she started to become agitated at your lack of response, and even as she treaded up the stairs to her bedroom. your eyes stayed glued to that one hand.
you blinked, eyes dry and mouth parched as you suddenly remembered that you weren't at the front door anymore while your mother cradled you in her arms.
your eyes drift to the front door, and you approach it slowly. you don't know why you stand there or why your hand touched the door knob.
maybe it's because you're hopeful that the man is behind this door. waiting patiently for you to open it, prepared with the words of acceptance. maybe something amongst it that helps you figure out what the hell to do.
"a school of them." you whispered, the only thing capable of leaving your dry mouth.
there was a school of them. proof that you really weren't alone in this cursed world. how could you possibly go back to the difficult life of acting as if everything was normal when it wasn't? blue auras were around everybody, and the grotesque creatures festered from the negative feelings surrounding those people. and there were those out there who knew how to get rid of those things for the sake of others.
knowing all of this, you couldn't stand by and not lend a hand, not learn to control the one thing that's burdened you your entire life. but..
you looked up the stairs, seeing just the top of your mothers door.
what would she do? she needed you. you both took care of each other, you couldn't leave her behind.
but you needed this. you wanted to figure all of this out. control theses abilities and hopefully get to know people who were just like you. and... you could always come back.
who said you had to stay? you would go, go to jujutsu high, reach your goals, and return to your mother.
because even though you may make friends with those of similar backgrounds to you, your mother was a constant in your life, never changing. you couldn't abandon her. you wouldn't.
so with this new resolve in your heart, you snuck up to her room. she kept her door creaked for unknown reasons, maybe to keep an eye on you, but you ignored that and thanked its convenience for this very moment.
she was asleep. snoring.
you treaded carefully over to the bed, eyes focused on the bags growing under her lashes. the sight made your lips twitch into a small frown. you delicately tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. listening to her steady breathing as she dreamt the night away.
"wait for me, mother.”
you turned away and grabbed the piece of paper off of her nightstand, leaving the room with a sense of urgency.
you dialed yaga's number after locking your bedroom door, pacing around in circles as the phone rung. the ringing resonated in your ears like a ticking clock. you didn't really have time. if he wouldn't answer now you'd never get your chance.
your mom was an early bird and you could already feel yourself getting drowsy.
"i mean. who even calls this late. he might be asleep..." you whisper defeatedly and pull the phone away from your ear to hang up, but it lights up with his icon and you jump in excitement.
"miss. ogawa?"
"masamichi-san. it's [name]."
Dear mother,
I've departed, something I'm sure you noticed. As much as I wanted to obey you, I couldn't just abandon the opportunity that could help change my life for the better. I know you were trying to protect me, and I know that it's dangerous. But I can't live knowing that my life could be different. I can't just sit by and watch this spark of light dim, let my world go dark again. I'm not like you, mother. I will not stay ignorant. Wait for me, please.
I lov-
a loud shrewd rip echoes through the quiet house. your mother's eyes are dull, face empty as she starts furiously ripping the paper to shreds.
she suddenly screams out in anger, tears of frustration bubbling and blurring her vision. she grips her hair in agony as she starts chanting curses.
"dammit dammit, dammit!! i told her it was dangerous. i told her. damn her!! good for nothing daughter... not listening to a fucking word i say!!"
your mom stomps angrily out of her room, not caring for the small pieces of paper she tramples over.
"I love you,"
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minterests-world · 2 years
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from ampzura via instagram
guys it’s a new ship. they’re all gay
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geekverse08 · 1 year
BTS photos of the cast of “Wednesday” 💜
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saintshigaraki · 5 months
my reading list currently looks like....
frankenstein* (ill probably finish this one up in a day or two)
the salt grows heavy by cassandra khaw
wuthering heights
the death of jane lawrence by caitlin starling
the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
howls moving castle by dianna wynne jones
the secret history by donna tartt
jane eyre
drive your plow over the bones of the dead by olga tokarczuk
dune by frank herbert
we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
birnam wood by eleanor catton
are prisons obsolete? by angela davis
a game of thrones* by grrm
daughter of smoke* and bone by laini taylor
a clash of kings* by grrm
days of blood and starlight by laini taylor
into the drowning deep by mira grant
dune messiah by frank herbert
their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston
bunny by mona awad
a storm of swords* by grrm
the lottery and other stories by shirley jackson
a psalm for the wild-built by becky chamber
the poppy war by r.f. kuang
the ash family by molly dektar
project hail mary by andy weir
beartown by fredrik backman
a prayer for the crown shy by becky chamber
once there were wolves by charlotte mcconaghy
mother thing by ainslie hogarth
all’ s well by mona awad
the long way to a small and angry planet by becky chambers
the goblin emperor by katherine addison
the memory police by yoko ogawa
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