#the twin xenomorph clan
black-suns-rim · 3 months
The Twin Xenomorph Clan Lore
Clothing: The members of the Twin Xenomorph Clan (also known as the Serpent Clan) favor practical yet rugged attire that reflects their connection to the environment. Their clothing is crafted from a combination of durable animal leather and xenomorph leather, providing both protection and a distinct visual appeal. Fur accents, from native alien creatures, are incorporated for warmth and added texture.
To enhance the aesthetic, they adorn their garments with twine, woven patterns, and a mix of thin and thick cloth. Decorative beads made from bone, wood, and metal are meticulously threaded onto the twine, creating intricate designs that tell stories of the clan's history and achievements.
The color palette of their clothing is inspired by the natural hues of Yautja-Prime, incorporating earthy tones, deep reds, dark blues, faded yellows, soft browns and gentle greens.
Jewelry: The twin xenomorph clan's jewelry is a symbol of status, accomplishments, and personal identity. Bones, both from indigenous creatures and symbolic of conquered foes, are fashioned into intricate necklaces, bracelets, and predlock adornments. Metal pieces, forged from native ores, add a touch of strength and resilience.
Beads made from bone, wood, and metal are carefully strung together, creating stunning and meaningful patterns. Twine is used to bind these elements together, and some members may wear special braided cords signifying their rank or achievements. The higher the rank a yautja has in the clan, the more jewelry they have on their predlocks and/or face. Matriarchs and huntresses tend to have more jewelry on them.
Weapons: The twin xenomorph clan relies on a mix of traditional hunting weapons and advanced technology that showcase both their practicality and skill in combat. These weapons include:
Spears and combi-sticks: Crafted with precision and adorned with unique symbols, the spears and combi-sticks serve as versatile tools for hunting and combat.
Knives and Daggers: These are essential tools for everyday use and close-quarter combat. Intricate carvings on the handles tell personal stories or depict clan symbols.
Bow and Arrows: The bowstrings are often woven from tough fibers found on Yautja-Prime, and the arrows feature fletching made from indigenous feathers or materials.
Wrist Blades: Worn as a symbol of honor and skill, wrist blades are both a practical weapon and a status symbol. Young Bloods gain wrist blades after going on their first successful hunt on-planet. The blades are often decorated with etchings that tell the wearer's story.
Plasmacaster: The Plasmacaster is a long-range energy projector weapon with automatic targeting capabilities. Capable of firing armor-penetrating plasma bolts at distant targets. The bolts fired by the weapon explode in a burst of plasma "shrapnel" upon striking a target, causing grievous wounds and potentially damaging other enemies near the point of impact. Once a young blood achieves Blooded status, then they are allowed for the right to use this weapon.
Shuriken The Shuriken is a primarily thrown weapon. Constructed with six retractable blades, it is sharp enough to cut into three inches of solid stone or cut a Xenomorph in two. It can also be used as a handheld slashing weapon.
Molten Knife The molten knife is a clan specific hunting tool. Though it is called a knife, the tool is a long blade with the capability of heating up to the point it becomes red hot. This hunting tool is exclusively owned by the huntresses of the clan and it is earned in a right of passage.
Leadership Structure: The twin xenomorph clan operates under a unique leadership structure that blends traditional and matriarchal elements. The overall decision-making authority lies with the older matriarchs, who are respected for their wisdom and experience. These matriarchs hold a higher rank than the male clan leader when it comes to significant clan-wide decisions, reflecting a deep-seated reverence for the wisdom of the elder females.
Clan Leader: The male clan leader assumes a pivotal role when hunting groups venture off-planet. Renowned for their prowess in hunting and combat, the clan leader leads these missions with authority. During off-planet expeditions, their decision-making is crucial for the success and survival of the clan members. The clan leader's authority is primarily tied to matters of hunting and external engagements.
Matriarchs: The matriarchs, on the other hand, are responsible for making critical decisions that impact the entire clan. These decisions encompass matters such as resource allocation, disputes resolution, and long-term strategies for the survival and prosperity of the clan. Matriarchs are typically older females who have proven themselves through a combination of wisdom, leadership skills, and past accomplishments.
Roles for Females: Females within the clan are granted a significant degree of autonomy in choosing their paths. They can opt to become matriarchs, participating in a rigorous process of mentorship and proving themselves through leadership tasks and decision-making challenges. Alternatively, they may choose the path of the huntress, mastering the skills of hunting, combat, and survival.
Roles for Males: Males in the clan have more limited options in terms of their roles. They are typically divided into two primary paths:
Hunters: Males who choose the path of the hunter are trained in the art of hunting, combat, and tracking. They become valuable members of the off-planet hunting parties, led by the clan leader.
Merchants: Some males opt for the merchant path, engaging in trade and commerce both within the clan and with external groups. Merchants play a crucial role in acquiring necessary resources and building alliances with other clans or species.
Religious Figures - The Shawman:
Selection and Training: The shawman, a revered religious figure, is appointed at birth through a sacred process. The older shawman, feeling the weight of age and responsibility, carefully selects a newborn with unique characteristics believed to be signs of divine favor. This chosen child is then trained as the future shawman. The shawman in training undergoes an intensive and holistic education, involving spiritual teachings, herbalism, and mastery of ritualistic practices. The training period is an essential part of their preparation for assuming the sacred role.
Gender Dynamics: While traditionally the shawman is a female, exceptions have occurred with some male shawmen. The gender of the shawman is seen as a manifestation of the gods' will, emphasizing the fluidity of spiritual roles within the clan.
Number and Succession: Typically, there are two shawmen in the clan at any given time, working in tandem to interpret the will of the gods. When the older shawman senses the end of their time, they begin training a successor. This ensures a seamless transition and the perpetuation of spiritual traditions.
Responsibilities: The shawman serves a multifaceted role, responsible for interpreting dreams, acting as a conduit for the two gods, overseeing spiritual rites of passage for individuals, and maintaining a sacred connection with the divine. They hold a position of influence and guidance within the clan.
Attire and Modesty: The shawman, in adherence to their spiritual role, dresses in fully clothed traditional or ceremonial garments. This attire is symbolic, reflecting their commitment to modesty and detachment from earthly desires. The garments also serve as visual markers of their sacred position within the community.
Mating Season Restrictions: The shawman, despite their esteemed position, is restricted during the clan's mating season. They are not allowed to participate unless it is with another shawman from a different clan. This ritualistic union is believed to symbolize the unity of spiritual forces and reinforce connections between clans.
Spiritual Guidance: The shawman's guidance extends beyond individual consultations; they play a pivotal role in advising the clan leaders and influencing major decisions. Their interpretations of dreams and messages from the gods often shape the direction of the clan.
Family Structure and Child-Rearing:
Male Responsibility After Weaning: Once young members are weaned off their mother's milk and transition to solid foods, the responsibility for their care often falls to the males within the clan. This stage is crucial for building bonds between fathers and offspring.
Life-Bonded Pairs: Life-bonded pairs share the responsibilities of raising a child. This unique bond extends beyond parenting to a profound partnership in various aspects of clan life. The synergy between life-bonded pairs is highly valued and contributes to the strength and resilience of the clan.
Collaborative Child Rearing: Older and more experienced males form collaborative groups to raise and train the young. This communal approach ensures that the youth benefit from a variety of perspectives, skills, and wisdom. It also fosters a sense of camaraderie among the males, reinforcing the interconnectedness of the clan.
Female Involvement in Child Rearing: While males predominantly handle the physical training, some females actively participate in raising the young. They contribute by imparting lessons through stories, cultural teachings, and, in some cases, engaging in rigorous training exercises. This blend of nurturing and discipline shapes the holistic development of the clan's youth.
Higher-Ranked Males Mating Outside the Clan: Males of higher rank within the clan often engage in mating outside the clan. This practice is not only a strategic alliance-building approach but also a means of introducing diverse genetics into the clan. Offspring from such pairings bring a wealth of genetic variability, enhancing the overall resilience of the clan. Mating practices are deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of the clan. The intentional selection of partners and the exchange of genetic material are seen not only as pragmatic considerations but also as sacred rituals that connect the clan to its evolutionary roots.
Seasonal Residency and Clan Activities:
Lush Forest Residency: Purpose: This dense and lush forest serves as the clan's gathering place during mating season and the birth of the young. It provides a vibrant and nurturing environment for the young to begin their lives. All members of the clan collectively migrate to the forest during mating season. This communal experience strengthens bonds, fosters unity, and allows for the exchange of cultural practices. Young Rearing: In this forest, the young are raised for the first years of their lives. The abundance of resources and natural shelter supports the nurturing and protective environment needed during this crucial period.
Icy Tundra Training Grounds: Purpose: The icy tundra location is a harsher environment used specifically for the training of older youth. It offers a challenging terrain that hones survival skills and instills discipline for more advanced courses. Training Regimens: The older youth undergo rigorous training in survival, combat, and advanced hunting techniques. The icy tundra's unforgiving conditions prepare them for the challenges they may encounter in the wider universe. This location also serves as a space for leadership development, where potential leaders are identified and given specialized training in decision-making, strategy, and conflict resolution.
Clan Ship and Adulthood: The clan ship: Upon reaching adulthood, hunters within the clan spend the majority of their lives on the clan's spaceship. This advanced vessel becomes a hub for interstellar hunting missions, exploration, and interaction with other clans. Continued Residency Options: For those not engaged in spacefaring pursuits, adulthood brings a choice between the lush forest and icy tundra for continued residency. This choice may depend on personal preferences, cultural ties, or specialized roles within the clan.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Yautja x human reader
Reader is really good with the pups (Yautja babies/ children) of Yautja prim, there soft but still hold there own. It’s not uncommon for at least 2 older ones ( to a human a 6 yer old) and a baby or 2 that you carry or they hold onto you. So when a rouge Xenomorphs comes onto the planet your s/o and the other yautja see what happens when someone messes with your little buddy’s.
An example how Linda from mitchell vs the machines when she sees them take her son, so instead of “I am Linda Mitchell, mother of 2, LOOK UPON ME WITH FEAR!!! I was thinking of it being
“ i am little blade, protector of children LOOK UPON ME WITH FEAR!!!
And after the mothers are even more willing to let the pups be around them. And when alone a vary existed s/o
Y/n pupsitter kicks xeno ass
*wheezes* I’ve done it!! Hahahaha!!!! This was super fun to write!! thank you for the request 😊
The transition to Yautja living was not an easy one. You had lost many day to day common conveniences humans take for granted. The supermarket for instance, fast food, video games, Spotify, etc. Since you were too weak to hunt or traverse yautja prime by yourself, they stick you with babysitting duty.
The mothers of the village were busy working hard along with the males. Children often run amuck due to ill supervision, bothering the adults as they kept the clan going. So why not stick the pathetic ooman with the rambunctious pups? At the very least it would be entertaining.
To say they had no faith in you was an understatement. Some didn’t want their pups near you, so you had a modest five pups to take care of. Two were children, the other two were toddlers, and the youngest was a baby. The toddlers and baby didn’t have a problem with you, they stuck to you like glue. They loved you and would hang onto you like little monkeys. The children however disliked you, parent-taught racism had already polluted their minds. It was difficult to watch them, but you managed.
You now walk through the woods next to the village. The pups were rather rowdy today and kept antagonizing the newly blooded. Teens and younglings don’t mix. You cradled the baby in one arm and held a toddler on your hip. A little clawed hand held onto your pant leg as you walked. The two kids ran up ahead. One of them picked up a stick and hit his brother in the face. In retaliation, his twin ripped a rather large branch off of the closest tree. He swung for his siblings legs, effectively putting him on his back.
“bpi-de h'ka-se!” You shouted.
They began laughing and ignored your warning. The bigger twin tackles his brother into the bushes. You shake your head and sigh. You hear them roaring and playing with each other, then the sound of them screaming raises your head in a flash. They stumbled out of the foliage.
“kiande amedha! kiande amedha!!” They screamed frantically.
Your heart dropped to your stomach. They had to be joking, it was a prank, a very bad prank. But to your dismay it was no prank. A xenomorph crawled out of the shadows and snarled. The toddlers started crying, it’s attention shifting to you. The twins ran into your legs and grabbed onto you desperately. The xeno began stalking towards you.
“Fuck!!” You yell and pick up the pups.
Now holding five heavy pups, you begin to run in the direction of camp.
“It’s okay! It’s okay!” You frantically chant trying to calm the crying children.
Then something hard and cold wraps around your legs. You land on your back to break the pups' fall. Looking down you see the xenos tail holding you tight. It picks you up, the children falling out of your arms, and throws you aside. Your back hits into a tree and you scream out in pain.
You shakily look up and see the beast approaching the crying children. Then something in you snapped. You were filled with one thing, pure rage. You stand to your feet with a groan, the xeno looking in your direction. You grab the nearest branch and charge at the evil incarnate. It rushes towards you and opens its mouth.
You use the stick to stop it from clamping down its jaw and reach into its mouth. With the help of your adrenaline boosted strength rip out its tiny mouth. It makes a shrill cry but before it had the chance to attack back, you shoved the stick down its throat. It gargled on its blood for a moment then fell over dead.
You look at the children but don’t only see them. Instead you see almost the entire village watching with wide eyes of disbelief. The scrawny twin held the baby and the toddlers by the bigger twin, they set the kids down and uncharacteristically run towards you.
“Ooman nan'ku!!” They yelled in unison and hugged your leg.
You shakily kneel down and go to pat their heads reassuringly but stop yourself. You look at your hand, it’s burned. Your adrenaline subsided and the pain hit you hard. You started to feel light headed and before you could process it you were falling over. Your mate rushes forward and catches you.
“My little sain’ja..” He proudly cooed to you and carried you bridal style.
The clan made way for you as your mate carried you back to the camp.
After a month of recovery you returned to the pups. Now, many more in your care. It seems you’ve impressed the mothers that didn’t trust you before. And the ones who did, trusted you even more with their younglings. The clan treated you with a new respect, even the elites and elders.
Word key:
bpi-de h'ka-se = end now
kiande amedha = hard meat/xenomorph
Ooman nan'ku = human alive
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thenomadclan · 9 months
Return of the Dragon
The roaring of an angry mob began to grow louder, but no one dared to step upon the sand that split them apart from 2 Enforcer Yautja’s dragging a Red & Goldish Yautja wearing bronze and wood like armor. Various trash was thrown at the young red warrior, he was brought upon the steps of Elders and Ancient as well as heads of all the Clan, one being Python the Clan Leader of his original Clan he grew up in. As the warrior known as Zan’to (Nomad) was forced to kneel, looking through his one eye that wasn’t completely swollen at the ones above him. The Ancient One lifted his hand into the air, calling for the crowd to hear him and to be silent.
Elder 1: Zan’to, you have been a proud member of the Twin Serpents (Xenomorphs) Clan, however due to further investigations…you never originated from that clan did you?
Zan’to (Nomad): ….
Python: No he hasn’t, he was a-
Ancient: -lifted his hand to silence Python-
Enforcer: You speak to your Elders when they speak to you tainted one! -he said as he then delivered a unseen punch to the swollen shut eye of Nomad)-
Zan’to (Nomad): No…I wasn’t born into the clan…I was a foundling…an orphaned pup.
Elder 2: So the reports say….we have your origins thanks to the Hish-Qu-Ten. Your father was a strong protector of the ancient forest of Hnndar, as for your mother on the other hand….she is where your problems start…from the Nomad Clan! A Huntress turned Warrior, possibly one of the best trackers and long ranged specialists…a truly dishonorable profession.
The crowd booed Nomad in disgust, spewing words like “Tainted One” , “Impure Blood” or “Hell-Spawn”. Nomad would do his best not to let it get to him, even though he knew about this history it stung to have it in the open so soon. The Elder would again raise his hand in the air to silence the masses of the others. Python only looked at Nomad with disgust with a low growl, eventually looking away.
Python: However that’s not why we are here, while we could forgive your unfortunate birth...your recent actions of trying to…reforge the Nomad Clan? A Clan that caused so much pain for everyone on this planet, that slaughtered innocent honorable lives? Why would you wish to bring an unworthy clan like that back from the hell it deserves to rot in?
Zan’to (Nomad): I guess that’s just the difference between me and those who still hold the wool over their heads want to see…Where you see something that doesn’t deserve a chance, something that’s broken and can’t be fixed….I see opportunity….I see a chance for a clan that was so powerful to successfully raid Yautja Prime and win!….having a armada that made Bad Bloods sweat from the look of their big guns…why shouldn’t we have that as a powerful ally-
???: BLASPHEMY! -Kicks Nomad in the face as he broke through the crowd-
Python: You know Nomad…when you went into Self-Exile, I knew why and I’ve always known where you came from. Remember what I told you would happen if I saw you again? That I’d have your head…on my wall as the last Nomad Clan member to HAD ever lived…kill him Soprano.
The crowd almost began to jump and tear Nomad to shreds if it wasn’t for the Enforcers, Soprano then held Nomad down with his mechanical arm forming into a blade. A war cry that shook the bones of everyone in the area was heard, looking to see a large black mass belonging to Black Momba. She was ready to start throwing and ripping Yautja’s apart, that was until it took a small army of Enforcers holding her back. They had her on the floor, begging her to stay down, not wanting to hurt her for the sheer respect they have for her, all while she cried for them to let go of her “little red”.
Soprano: We can end this here and now my Ancients to Elders. Let this traitor meet a dishonorable end, he doesn’t deserve that of a respectful warrior's death.
Ancient: ….Demon….
Elders & Soprano: What?
Ancient: DEMON! -he said pointing-
Those who looked from the Ancient to the end of his fingers direction, was a Yautja in a cloak. He walked with his head down while holding a strange stick on his hip. Enforcers that weren’t holding Black Momba tried to escort the wandering figure out of the way towards Nomad and his Judges of his life. They were quickly subdued with quick and precise strikes, leaving the Enforcers gasping for hair or completely knocked out. This quickness then got the other remaining Enforcers attention and charged the cloaked figure, to which he only stopped walking as he raised a mechanical red and gold arm in the air in the form of a fist.
The ground beneath the Enforcers began to shake as two large forces attacked them from different angles. They were grayish female gladitory warriors fending off the Enforcers, almost to the point of enjoyment while the hooded Elder walked forth towards Soprano. The Bionic Yautja growled as he turned his blade from Nomad's neck towards the hooded figure's direction, charging in despite the warnings of the Elders. Soprano readied his blade and struck with truth and justice…but the blade never tasted flesh, the figure only dodged trying to keep walking past Soprano towards Nomad.
Soprano: …d..did you just….DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME! FIGHT ME COWARD!
The figure only kept walking till attacked again, Soprano would strike with attacks taught to him to end a fight, but was met with air or the red mechanical hand belonging to the hooded figure. This earned a growl from Soprano’s opponent, having him push Soprano away far enough for him to grab the hilt of his weapon. Soprano would again go in for a charge and just as the two met, the young warrior screamed in pain as he fell before the stranger and Soprano's mechanical arm was found a foot away from his…detached by the stranger's unsheathed Katana.
Soprano: Wha…what are you?
Hooded Stranger: ….-growled as he held his bloodied oiled Katana to Sopranos Neck similar to how he did to Nomad-
???: His name is Drago…Drago the Insane, The Red Dragon, The Demon Lord, The Oni of Aokigahara, The Boogeyman of Yautja Prime, The Nomad Clan Founder….
-Walks down past the Elders and Ancient-
…..he is the last original Leader of the Nomad Clan right?
The Hooded Figure shoved Soprano to the dirt as he walked up to meet the hulking figure, once met the figure known as “Drago” began to remove his hood to show a Oni like mask with horns and golden tusks. The Clan Leader known as Ragnarök only clicked in amusement, watching as other familiar faces surrounded Drago and Nomad.
Ragnarök: How’s that head of yours? I hope I didn’t break something important upon our first meeting, it would really explain this out of character move of yours. Then again…you got the title of “Insane” long before we ever met.
Drago: ….How’s that stomach of yours….last I checked you were holding your inners.
Ragnarök instinctively covered his stomach where a large scar still showed, Drago only held Nomad close to him for whenever someone got close they were met with Drago’s stare. The stare itself was like looking into death’s soul, causing others to back off.
Drago: As fun of a public embarrassment this was, I will take my young apprentice and leader of the Nomad Clan off this planet. This doesn’t have to be a repeat the last time I was here. -Drago said as he looked around trying to move again but felt a sharp point press against his back-
???: Unfortunately we can’t do that, like you said, the last time you were here ....was extremely a bad day….a day for redemption can be made here.
Drago: R’ka…you sure you wanna do this? I still remember our last encounter, even with your skills as a Bad Blood Bounty Hunter, you never could put me down. I spared you once…don’t make me regret it.
Growls from many sides that Drago had affected began to close in till one noticed a red dot on the Elders and Ancients, snipers from places not able to be spotted by the others.
Drago: What was that again Ragnarök? About out of character?
Ragnarök: You dishonorabl-
Drago: Don't take it personally, honor has nothing to do with it…I tried to show I was peaceful but I did need a fail-safe….this is survival of the fittest….now what I have are highly trained second generation snipers, if you think Luna (Nomads Mother) was a excellent shot…imagine 6 of them. Even if you do manage to find them and take you out, then I could always unleash the Daughters of Bruiser.
Python: He…he had daughters -looked at Black Momba who in return gave a look of amusement-
Elder: What’s your price, Bad Blood?
Drago: Let us walk out of here with my warriors and Zan’to…that’s all until I come back to finish this discussion about making the Nomad Clan an official honorbound Clan….don’t make me bring the ships in on this.
Drago growled showing how serious he was, The Elders looked up at the Ancient as he gave a nod with disgust. Python was outraged at the Elder while Drago clicked in amusement as he shoulder bumped R’ka on his way out, holding Nomad and dragging him away. All while calling “The Twins” to fall back much to their dismay.
Basher: Awwww! fight good though!
Boulder: Maybe….we….come back….then break more!
The twins talked in broken, not so high intelligence English, as they threw what almost were broken toys away. Nomad looked at Drago with one good eye, asking if he was serious about what he said back there. Drago silently chuckled, saying how he was completely bluffing and had no idea they’d actually believe it. Nomad went pale as this could have been “The Purge” all over again, as they walked away they were met by white skin with pink stripes Yautja who held 5 laser pointers.
???: Darling!
The Yautja hugged Nomad much to his dismay but mostly pain, held her back, her name was Snow or Nomad's mate. Nomad sighed in relief as he said how crazy everyone in this clan was, earning clicks of amusement from them. Black Momba waited at the ronde viewpoint seeing her little red, she rushed and hugged him tightly while also growling at Drago for putting her 3 children in danger. The Clan would bored the “Legionar” (ship name) and fly back to Earth, even with some ships following them…
To Be Continued…
Characters in Story:
• Drago (My OC / Art by @black-suns-rim )
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• Zan’to / Nomad (My & @black-suns-rim OC)
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•Boulder & Basher (My & @black-suns-rim OC)
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•Snow (@wolfsnowphoenix OC)
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•Python (@black-suns-rim OC)
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•Black Momba (@black-suns-rim OC)
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•R’ka (Owned by ChuckYT)
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•Soprano (Owned by SuperSpinoGaming from YouTube and art made by their Wife BATTERYBEAST_ on Twitter)
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(All are here goes to their respective artists)
@a-z-u-l-g @artiststarfire @araghorn07 @burninggladiatorprincess @bunnyraptor69 @captainraye @captainrayessketches @chillxxdash @daswhox @exileraptorda-goat1906437 @glitterfilledcriminal @gothikangelica @gracecelestial @kazumiabi @loser-brain @leechandoki @lunaerebus @probablyspooky @pauk-di @queenlybeastly @shaymin-99 @skadi-gemini @vinylghast @whereisxyro
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pink-green-guts · 10 months
New yautja oc :D
This is Zah'ke (Genderfluid, so any pronouns)
They are a blooded warrior (Around 29 or 30 years old for us).
She is in the Twin Xenomorph clan (@black-suns-rim made it). Like the clan, he likes xenomorphs and make them her main trophy.
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still working on lore for them, also no they don't glow in the dark :[
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russieraholic · 1 year
Sick! I mostly do aliens on the original side, and on the fandom side I mostly find new and innovative ways to turn Acronix, specifically into a snake man. Also thinking up weird lore for the FSM and his family, and the serpentine in general, and sometimes I dabble in thinking of things for other nonhuman ninjagans, and human ninjagans(my headcanon is that humans are native to the never realm, and the FSM brought a few over to ninjago after deciding he didn't like the serpentine anymore)
Sweet! I wish I could say I have Ninjago AUs, but, I don’t because I already have a clan of ninjas that I absolutely would die for and have copious amounts of HCs and lore for (Yiga Clan my fuckinh beloved). I’ve done the opposite and merged the time twins with those AUs instead.
I mean for crying out loud, elemental powers have existed in my work long before I started rewatching Ninjago. (Honestly when I did watch it I was like “hey, they do that too? Huh!”) Also hence why most of my original characters don’t really translate over into that universe very well. I’m going to be putting down how the elements work in my original stories because I want to very clearly establish that “hey I’m not copying anything over here”.
However that doesn’t mean I haven’t done any thinking at all on it. In fact I have thought up a couple of minor concepts that are fun to toy around with (Sorry, they’re all twins related). I’ll list them here:
Death Row: An alternate reality where the reason the twins betrayed their alliance was because they were scheduled to be executed. “Time is too powerful for anyone to control.”
Derelict: Instead of Vermilion Warriors, Krux propagates a massive hive of Xenomorphs as his army. There is no fight. There is no season 7. Do you think anything has any chance against 10,000 aliens. Acronix comes back and is like “damn bro. This is kinda fucked up”.
And the last one is the big one. And since it’s my largest concept yet, this is an extremely bare-bones summary. If it’s at all something that any of you are interested in, let me know.
The Legend of Khronōs - The Five Laments: A game plot based on Breath of the Wild. You play as a young adult Krux alongside your brother, after being transported to a mysterious land and losing core memories (thankfully, not of each other). By speaking to locals and learning the gist of the way the world around you is, you learn that four extremely powerful forces have been wreaking havoc over four prominent regions of the land.
Little do you know that these forces correlate directly to an act of evil either you or your brother committed, and by conquering the guilt and defeating each one, you will unlock one of your abilities (the time twins powers. You know, speed it up, slow it down, pause, reverse).
On the long journey you also begin to regain memories, and quickly come to realize that many of them are extremely unpleasant and hard to witness.
The true source of the havoc is found in a sanctum in the middle of the country, where in lies none other but a hatred and malice incarnate form of yourself, that you must fight in an ultimate battle against the very evil that powered your drive to do all of those terrible things long ago.
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scarlettaagni · 3 years
they never really ascertained what happened to cause the Odd Crest 12 incident. Halkrath was saddled with the responsibility of letting it happen and failing to end it, but the actual cause was clearly not him.
only seven xenomorphs were supposed to be spawned for the trial, so only seven humans were used as hosts. there were only seven people, so physically, there was no natural way there could have been as many aliens as there were. Thirteen Yautja were on the scene and they were completely overwhelmed.
the leading theories are that the facehuggers used to spawn the xenomorphs for Dusk, Crisis, Abyss, and Kudos’ Blooding ritual had mutated in such a way that they could either deposit multiple chestbursters into a host, deposit a singular chestburster that would split into multiple ones like twins, or otherwise repeatedly impregnate a host rather than a neat 1:1 scenario
other theories leaning into Halkrath and his older sons’ incompetence are outsider humans coming across the temple and ending up in the sacrificial chamber or the Queen’s chamber and this surplus of hosts and activated eggs was what led to the surge of Serpents or poor quality checks resulting in some of the hosts being pregnant which could impact the gestation process (which is quite dishonorable but was never confirmed)
of course the Half-Heart Clan and the Council of Ancients never let this go, and it’s still being looked into, and the Queen and eggs have long since been removed and destroyed to prevent more possibly mutated specimens and prevent further mutation, but no answer
but in all honesty, there was really nothing that could have been done by Halkrath nor his sons to prevent the surplus of serpents.
It wasn’t impossible for them to fight back and win (even with losses) but that’s simply not how it happened, because they were caught off-guard and not prepared for such a situation (plus four of the thirteen had never killed serpents before)
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kettumelli · 3 years
So many more things I recall from the oc & most of stuff has been development through old rp history:
- She was raised and educated by an older female who once was a huntress herself - incapable of bearing children of her own due to almost fatal injury from one of the hunts. From young age Emerald was confident she’d continue that legacy - despite being rather small in size compared to the matriarch who was already intimidating by her size. Countless scars ancient and new decorating her body. That choice was never seen as something not to pursue. In fact, she was highly encouraged to keep pursuing it. so much she was introduced to train with a yautja bow, which soon became her thing.
- While, she might be small and get overpowered by much stronger individuals, she is small and agile, quiet and dexterous - which turned to be advantage against the feral xenomorphs. 
- She developed her methods in sort of trapper / ranged hunter - as humans are seen to fight from distance with their guns, she considered finishing blow from the traditional bow an equal counter. Years on move raised her in ranks - aiming to become noticed as an elite in a mixed clan of female and male hunters.
- She collects trinkets of variety of kind... from variety of planets. Coins, bones, talons, fangs, tiny skulls, stones, gems, medals, feathers, wings... and turns those into either decorative chains, wristlets, armlets, anklets, necklaces, belts... decorations for body or around her living quarters. 
- Emerald name is reference to her green armor. It’s her signature.
- After achieving most of her goals of hunting for decades it was time to retire for some time. She had become well respected and known for being efficient and smart hunter. At Prime, she met and accepted one of the youngest elders as her mate, and soon after, she became mother of twins: A daughter and son, the family has possibly expanded during time with younger siblings. Wouldn’t be surprise - the parents are very much soul mates.
- She is curious towards species and has bit of soft spot towards parents with children, considering she is a mother herself now. She’ll go feral if she witnesses children or their guardians being threatened. You just don’t cross that line. Shame you.
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arcanigenum · 3 years
hey look i’m moving this cool guy to this blog:
NAME: Haq’rhá ( /Hɑq'ʀ̥a/ ), meaning chipper AGE: Equivalent to a 45 years old human SPECIES: Yautja (predator) PLACE OF BIRTH: - SEX & GENDER: Male SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Sexual
adventurous, hungry for knowledge, curious, fiercely independent, data and fact-oriented, impulsive, takes risks for little gain, easily bored, observant and notices details, the more action the better, a lot of humor, extroverted and chatty, hands-on, easily excited, very energetic, talks to himself if no one’s around, difficult to calm down and relax, rather does what he’s currently interested in (or obsessed with) than things that need to be done, whimsical, impatient, defiant and goes his own way, short attention span unless things are really interesting
They tried to make a fierce hunter out of him and… failed. Well, not really. Haq’rhá did go through all of the training and trials and came out among the top of his group. He does enjoy a good hunt. He has even taken the time to master the spear and bow. However, his thirst for knowledge was greater than the thirst for blood. Haq’rhá wanted to know how the world and universe worked. The elders knew he was bright and thought he should put his intellect and ideas to good use. With the elders’ blessing, Haq’rhá left the clan to study and became a scholar.
He took an interest in the natural sciences, such as genetic engineering and molecular biology. He’s also fascinated with the flora and fauna of different planets, at times the geology too, and just the whole ecosystem that makes everything work. The only time Haq’rhá could be still was when diving into these topics and devoured all of the available information. Instead of joining hunting packs, he joined groups of other scientists to explore and do research in the field. It didn’t take long before he eventually went out on his own, determined to make new discoveries.
While doing the occasional hunt on the side, he learned about other civilizations’ cultures and languages, took samples of willing creatures, or simply kidnapped one. His experiments have been bordering on immoral (a handful of other yautja may or may not have been aware of what they got themselves into), but he’s also had a couple of breakthroughs and laid the foundation for further research. The foundation for the mega predator? Yeah, maybe.
Haq'rhá has an asymmetric chimera like pattern of purple, greys and light grey. Some parts of it is split directly in the middle on his body, and it consists of various spots and blotches here and there like someone threw paint on him. The “hair” is also covered in spots of the same colors, some tendrils have more than others. Picture HERE.
Stands at 8’1½” / 248cm. His eyes are bright blue and green, and the iris covers most of the eye with little to no black sclera visible. The tongue is snake-like, being rather thin and forked. The “hair” is not hair, it is flesh with a rubbery texture and it bleeds. His skin is reptile-like and rather dry compared to other Yautja who can be damp and clammy. He is muscular and lean with narrow hips and broad chest, both agile and strong.
Yautja gives off a musk that other yautja and canines can detect, while humans can not. Unless they’re angry, when there’s a prominent bitter and oily scent. Bleeds green glowing stuff.
SCARS: Scars are scattered across his body, both from being scratched, impaled and shot. He has his clan’s mark on his forehead. Two scars run across his face, from the right eyebrow and down over the ‘nose’ and ‘lip’, to the left skinflap which has been torn on the edge. His left upper fang is broken off at the base.
Thermographic vision. Can’t see like humans do, and the field of vision is smaller.
Breathes more methane, needs the bio-mask to survive outside his own atmosphere. Can survive up to a week without it, though.
Can hold his breath for several minutes.
Stronger and more durable than humans. As in, can tear open a steel door and rock walls, can easily tear apart humans etc. with his bare hands, only breaks a rib or two from getting shot with bazooka or having a handgrenade blown up in his face, can jump three times his height, and can fall ten times his height and land on his feet.
Can mimic and imitate speech/sounds of other species, but doesn’t necessarily understand it. Mimics voices. Picks up new languages quickly.
Can hear a whisper up to 50 feet away.
Impervious to heat (boiling water gets uncomfy after five minutes), invulnerable to electricity and to radiation.
Can shrug off most small-caliber bullets thanks to the tough hide.
Wire mesh suit: keeps the yautja warm, even if it’s -50C.
Bio mask: Has sound amplifier, multiple vision modes, zoom function, diagnostic capabilities, recording system, and tracking and target for the shoulder cannon.
Cloaking device: Provides with active camouflage, bending the light around the wearer, rendering it partially invisible. Works the best at longer distances. Water will damage it.
Medi-kit: Small case that contains various medical supplies.
Plate Armor: Does not cover the whole body. Very light and strong, can stop bullets but be penetrated by Xenomorphs’ stinger.
Sat-Com: Portable computer housed in the Wrist gauntlet. Projects holographic schematics of a particular object or building. Can also display the position of mines or lasers nets in the area, and damage radius.
Wrist gauntlet/Wrist computer: Houses several features, including a self-destruct device.
Plasma caster/shoulder cannon: Long range energy projector capable of guiding armor-penetrating plasma bolts at distant targets. The bolt also explodes on impact in a burst of plasma shrapnel, damaging other enemies close by.
Wrist blades: Retractable, twin serrated blades. Sharp enough to cut through bone and hard enough to cut sever a chopper. Can be fired as a projectile as a last resort.
Combi stick: Telescopic spear-like weapon that is about 2-2½ ft long when closed up and around 8ft when fully extended.
Smart disc: Extremely sharp circular weapon that acts as a combination of discus and boomerang, and contains a form of guidance system. Extremely powerful, shown to cut through half a dozen of cattle carcasses and a man in Predator 2 without any effort.
Net launcher: Handheld device, fires a wire net with sufficient velocity to hurl and pin target to a wall. The net also features a built-in tightening mechanism that will cause the net to retract and slice into the target once they are pinned.
Gauntlet plasma bolt: Housed in the wrist gauntlet and used as a back up.
Shuriken: Functions much like a smart disc, but without the return function or guidance system. Has retractable blades that extend when ready for use.
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heirofapocalypse · 4 years
William Rolfson Retrospective Part 9: Receiving The Death Seed/Chaos Ensues (Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 Issue 7)
William and the Horsemen journeyed to Starcore Station to broadcast a message to the Celestials. While Pestilence expressed concern about William’s ability to lead due to his age, he countered that with the fact that her own children having gone missing, making him the next in line as Earth’s Caretaker. Once a Celestial showed up, it determined William to be worthy and presented him with a Death Seed, making him as the new Caretaker. However, Pestilence’s children, now adults, arrived calling themselves the Apocalypse Twins. They soon proceeded to murder the Celestial (something that has never occurred before in history) and convince their mother to come with them. War and Famine made a futile effort to attack the Twins, leading to to their demise and leaving William to make an attempt to fight them off by himself. Meanwhile, Captain America and Sunfire had come to the Peak (a satellite base used by S.W.O.R.D.) after being informed of the activity occurring at Starcore Station, with Sunfire recognizing William. The S.W.O.R.D. agents soon discovered that the ship William and the others used to get to the station was now headed directly for the Peak. Cap informed the rest of the Avengers on Earth about the situation, with Thor recognizing the axe that one of the Twins wields is one that once belonged to him. Back at the Peak, the agents soon headed to escape pods and Sunfire decided to stay and try to stop the ship as he pushed Cap into a pod. The ship soon collided with the satellite, sending the flaming debris falling to Earth as Thor showed up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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Commentary: So Billy got what he wanted anyway with line of succession, even if things went awry afterwards. There’s still some vulnerability here with his reaction to the Celestials, even if most people would react the same way. With Pestilence leaving and War and Famine dead, Billy now has very little in the way of support structures, aside from Ozymandias and the generalized members of Clan Akkaba. Which is a big problem given how young we learn that h actually is. I don’t know if that Xenomorph looking thing is what the Celestials really look like or if it’s some kind of servant to them. I also don’t know how Sunfire knows about William, given that he is presumably the 616 version and his AOA counterpart died in Uncanny X-Force.
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black-suns-rim · 10 months
Diamondback, slayer of Xenomorph Queens
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Before Python was the clan leader of the Twin Xenomorph Clan, Diamondback ruled over the clan. He was very well known on Yautja-prime for inventing Xenomorph leather and for hunting mainly Xenomorph queens. He has taken down many Xenomorph colonies on his own. His reason for taking down colonies wasn’t for the honor but for the hide of the Xenomorphs. He was a craftsman with a knack for using everything from his prey. He would find a use for it. Because of his Xenomorph leather, his clan was able to take on the Xenomorph theme quite literally. Since the hide is resistant to acid, the hunters of the clan doesn’t have to worry about acid burns if they are fully armored.
Diamondback is Python’s older cousin. In the Twin Xenomorph Clan, the Matriarchs get to choose who will be the next in line for the role of clan leader. Diamondback earned his title because of his show of strength, self discipline and leadership skills. Diamondback never had many mates, instead he had one life mate. The both of them did produce a lot of offspring in their lifetime.
When he was alive, Diamondback and Black Momba were really close. She looked up to Diamondback as more of a father figure (since her relationship with Python has always been strained). Diamondback loved Momba as a daughter and it really hurt him when he was forced to send away the pups that were the result of Momba’s and Bruiser’s love for each other.
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black-suns-rim · 6 months
Black Momba’s masks
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1: stalking mask. Black Momba uses this mask when she’s stalking her prey. This mask has the ability to tell black Momba what species she’s looking at, what their stats are and how hard they are to kill
2: this is Momba’s favorite hunting mask as well as her most advanced mask. It’s abilities are similar to those of mr. black’s mask
3: ceremonial mask. This mask is worn during the overview of young hunter’s chiva
4: hunting mask. This mask has the ability to warn Momba of dangerous weather conditions
5: ceremonial mask. This mask is worn during the overview of young hunter’s first hunt
6: respirator. This respiratory mask also doubles as a vision enhancer
7: ceremonial mask. This mask is used during traditional mating rituals in the Twin Xenomorph Clan. It’s a mask that represents femininity and fertility.
8: ceremonial hunting mask. This mask is used during the overview of young hunter’s hunts.
9: respirator. This respirator is stronger and has the ability to supply more air to its user compared to other respirator masks.
10: Momba’s first hunting mask. She keeps it as memorabilia
11: stalking mask. This was Momba’s first stalking mask that no longer functions. It is also memorabilia
12: Momba’s first respiratory mask. It no longer functions. It’s memorabilia as well.
13: ceremonial mask. This mask is used during important meetings within the Twin Xenomorph Clan
14: ceremonial mask. This mask is used for clan representation during trials.
15: ceremonial mask. Used for other ceremonies or celebrations within the Twin Xenomorph Clan
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black-suns-rim · 8 months
Yautja clan + oc lore
the twin xenomorph clan were sworn enemies against the daggered clan, a powerful bad blood clan that was allied with the most feared bad blood cult. the twin xenomorph clan once had their home village attacked by the daggered clan, in which they killed and maimed many hunter, woman and children. they also abducted many young yautja pups from the clan and did many unspeakable and cruel things to them. the day the clan was attacked was known as "the day of blood" and/or "dark morning." many pups who were abducted by the daggered clan didn't live, but the ones who did were rescued by the twin xenomorph clan members along with some enforcers. this was one of the many battles that the two clans have been through.
another battle happened on the sacred burial grounds of the daggered clan. the twin xenomorph clan was still hurt and in pain after gaining their lost pups back and they wanted revenge. at midnight, the twin xenomorph clan found and attacked the daggered clan while they were asleep. the ones who weren't killed were driven out to their burial grounds and a mass slaughter ensued. both sides had heavy loses and the battle drew to a stalemate by dawn. to add salt to the cut, the members still alive after the long battle, the destroyed the graves of the dishonorable yautja and then left.
most battles between both the clans have been with arms races. before the daggered clan was killed off for good, the twin xenomorph clan hadn't been too advanced with their tech. with the rising tensions after many years, both the clans wanted to outdo their rivals with technology. this is what led one of the past clan leaders of the twin xenomorph clan, Diamondback, to invent xenomorph leather. his invention led to the creation of many xenomorph based weaponry. their final battle with the daggered clan ended with the twin xenomorph clan killing everyone of them with the acid of the xenomorph. a very painful death...
during "dark morning" Kub, black momba's son, was one of the many pups that were abducted. after black momba went on a rampage to have him back, and found him in very horrible conditions, she had slaughtered many bad bloods with her own bare hands. the damage done to Kub, psychologically and physically, had already been done by then. kub had to go through the clan's version of ''therapy'' (going to the shaman and getting high as fuck for 2 hours) for the majority of his young life after that aloeng with the others who were rescued. after his chiva, kub was given special herbs to take for himself since he was considered old enough to medicate himself. kub has told no one about what he had went through except for the shaman and his life mate. he still has bad night terrors from time to time, but most of what he had went through was blocked from his memory.
all of kub's siblings know to an extent of what he has been through except for nomad, the youngest of all the siblings. nomad is the closest to kub compared to the rest of his siblings, but he doesn't know how traumatized kub was on "black morning." kub also doesn't want nomad to see him in a different light since they are so close to each other, so he keeps that part of his life as far away from nomad as possible. kub tends to focus on the positive and he doesn't want nomad to be stressed or worried about him. nomad has only ever seen kub completely melt down once from a trauma response when he was very young and didn't understand what trauma was at the time.
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black-suns-rim · 11 months
Little Red's Adventures
Story 4
Swimming lessons
As the days got hotter and hotter on Yautja-Prime in the lush jungles, the Twin Xenomorph clan's youth found joy and relaxation in the cool waters of the village's large shaded pools. After long and sweaty training lessons, the older youth would find the pools to be a great way of letting off steam. The pools were also used to train the younger yautja how to swim which was done earlier in the morning. Black Momba carried her small red unblood to the shallow pools for his training.
"I don't wanna swim!" The tiny yautja barked at his mother. "You will learn how to swim. Every hunter needs to learn." Momba had to carry him under her arm since he was squirming so much.
"Nooooo!" He growled and pouted.
"I will be getting into the water with you. Others of your age already know how to swim. You need to catch up to their level." Momba stepped into the pool with other yautja that were teaching the unbloods. Momba and Little Red were wearing simple loincloths that covered up what was only necessary. Little Red wasn't used to this kind of loincloth and he would often readjust it.
Momba set him down in the water. He could barely touch the ground while the water was only up to Momba's knees. "Let's go deeper this time."
"No!" Little Red was already trying to get out of the water. Momba grabbed him, "Red! You need to learn this. I am being serious." Momba could feel herself getting frustrated with how stubborn he was being. She inhaled deeply and huffed as she took him to the deepest part of this pool. It only went up to her waist but Little Red couldn't even touch the ground now.
"Red, I want you to watch what the other unbloods are doing. Copy what they do."
"Copy what? Drowning?" Little Red sassed. Momba gave him a death stare. "I'm gonna let go of you, and when I do, I want you to try swimming. Understand?" Little Red didn't respond.
"Do you understand?" Momba asked a little more agressily this time.
"Yes mama…" Little Red huffed. He copied her attitude.
Momba let go of Little Red but instead of swimming, he just sank to the bottom of the water. He really didn't want to swim and he thought that doing this would get him out of swimming since he knew that his mother would pick him up if he had trouble. But what he didn't know was that Momba was thin on patients today and she wouldn't be helping him if he chose not to swim.
A couple of seconds went by and Little Red realized his mother wasn’t going to help him. He slightly panicked as he moved his arms and legs to get to the surface of the water. When he reached the top, he took a deep breath in, gasping for air. He looked around for his mother and saw she was sitting at the edge of the pool.
“You left me to drown!” Little Red yelled.
“I left you to learn how to swim. And you are swimming, so it worked. I cannot hold your hand forever… one day, I will be gone.” Momba sighed, “keep swimming. You need to get stronger.”
Little Red grumbled as he swam. By the end of the morning, he was all tired out and sore. Little Red floated on his back since he didn't want to swim anymore. Momba scooped him up from the water and carried him in her arms.
"Am I done now? I know how to swim now, so am I done?" Little Red huffed as Momba dried him off with a towel.
"Red… you only have just begun. You need to do more swimming exercises tomorrow. All summer you must train. I know you don't like this, but this is what needs to be done." Momba sighed. She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling a little bit stressed for her small son. She felt that he wouldn't be able to pass the next test that would take place at the end of the summer. Her clan had brutal ways of dealing with the weak and Momba didn't want Little Red to fail.
Little Red has seen his mother stressed like this before. He knew she was being serious with him. He was a smart little yautja, smarter than others his age. Little Red hugged Momba after she was done drying him, which she wasn't expecting. She hugged him back, "What's this for?" He usually never hugged her out of the blue.
"I love you mama. If you need me to train, I will do it." Little Red looked up at her and then nuzzled his face into her chest.
Momba hugged him a little tighter, "thank you… I love you too, my baby."
The next morning was less difficult for Black Momba since Little Red was cooperating with her this time. Little Red went into the pool willingly and began to swim. Momba showed him a new technique that would help him hold his breath underwater for longer.
"You remember how to meditate?" Momba asked him.
"For this, it's basically the same thing, but instead you sit at the bottom of the pool without breathing. You just relax yourself. After practicing this for a while, you will be able to hold your breath for longer underwater. But if you feel like you need air, go up and get air. I don't want you to push yourself and then pass out under the water. You will drown if you do so." She informed Little Red. He nodded as she told him.
"Then go on, dive to the bottom." Momba watched Little Red as he swam to the bottom of the pool and tried to stay in a sitting position in the water. He was having a bit of trouble at first, but he found a way to stay still after his small moment of struggle. Little Red stayed under the water for about 40 seconds before coming up for air.
"You did good." Momba encouraged him.
"I can't stay under the water that long."
"That's alright. Keep practicing and you will be able to stay under longer."
"Can you do it with me mama?"
Momba nodded and got into the water with Little Red. She did the exercise with him as moral support. Momba could hold her breath under the water for 7 minutes without feeling any discomfort, but since Little Red wasn't to that level, she came up when he did. The whole morning, Momba taught him the different breathing exercises for swimming.
Momba took a mental note that he was improving fast and by the end of the morning, Little Red could stay underwater for an additional 15 seconds. Momba took him to the market to get him a treat for doing so well after they changed into regular clothes.
"You can pick out one thing that you want, just as long as it's not expensive. Alright?"
"Alright." Little Red said with a smile. He held onto the long cloth that hung down from Momba's waist. Momba rarely ever took him to the market, so he took in a lot of what was going on. Momba led the way, waiting for Little Red to stop when he found something that interested him.
One particular thing caught his attention after walking through the market for a while, "Mama, look!" Little Red ran up to a pen that had hunting pups in it. He picked one of the smallest pups up, "can I keep it? Pleeeease?"
The yautja that was selling the hunting dogs watched as the little yautja struggled to hold even the smallest pup of the litter. Momba walked over and looked at the small spikey dogs. Then she looked at her son, "You're wanting a hunting dog?"
"Yeah! You said I could get anything." He looked up at his mother with a cute begging face.
Momba sighed and turned to the seller, "How much are your dogs?"
After bargaining back and forth for a while, Momba got the little hunting dog for Little Red. It wasn't as expensive as she thought it was, which was good for her.
"You're responsible for that hunting dog now, Red. You have to feed it and train it. I'm not going to take care of it for you. You got that?"
"Yes mama." The hunting pup squeaked and growled in his arms, wanting to be put down. Momba chuckled at the sight of Little Red struggling to hold the wiggly pup. Once they got back to the village, Little Red wandered off to go play with his new companion. For hours, he was trying to play and train with the pup and when dusk fell, he went to Momba's hut.
Momba had been cooking dinner while he was gone, "you hungry?" She turned to see Little Red covered in mud and leaves with the small pup right by his side, the same as him.
"Yeah, I'm really hungry. So is Spikes." Little Red tried shaking off the leaves that were sticking to him.
Momba ignored the fact he was all dirty, "Spikes? Is that what you named that little pup?" She handed him a bowl of food.
"Yeah. And I think the dog is a she. Aren't the girl dogs mean?" Little Red began to eat the food from the bowl as he sat on the floor.
"This species, yes, they are usually mean if they are female." Momba picked up the pup and took a look at it, "yeah, it's a girl. Did she bite you?"
"No, she just chased around the little animals and I had to catch her. I tried to teach her to just follow me, but I don't think she listens that well."
Momba chuckled, "she is just a pup. It will take her time to learn. She won't get it the first time."
Little Red gave a portion of his meal to Spikes and she ate it quickly, "Mama, I'm gonna need a bath."
"Yes, you do. After you're done eating, I'll need you to help me get the bath ready." Momba sat down on the floor with Little Red and ate with him. Once he was done with his food, he helped his mom get his bath ready. He took Spikes with him in the bath and Momba scrubbed both of them. She had a feeling tomorrow's swimming lessons would be a little more difficult.
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black-suns-rim · 2 years
What kind of Ooman clothes would your Yautja wear?
Ok, so this question has actually inspired me to draw what kind of clothing styles they would casually wear. Since drawing this kind of stuff takes me a while, it will be a nice little side project. The first oc that I’ve redesigned and drawn is Python. Python would definitely wear Viking/Celtic styled clothes. Also, if you guys didn’t know, Python is Black Momba’s dad. He’s so old that he is a great(x4) grandpa.
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I’m also going to be rewriting/rebooting the Twin Xenomorph Clan. I know I haven’t shared much about it here, but when I do get around to updating it, I will post all about it here.
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black-suns-rim · 1 year
The story of White Death and Python
You guys wanted to know more about White Death and Python, so might as well kill 2 birds with one stone for the 700 follower celebration post.
Word count: 2,385
"For as long as I could remember, he was always by my side. He always stood up for me. I thought it was because it was the smartest one of the bunch, and he knew it. But he had actually cared for me so long ago… it's hard to believe it. We now hate each other so much — we are mortal enemies — but we never used to be…"
I got off of the throne of bones I had made. A fine trophy within itself made up of the various things I had killed over the years. I made my way to my life's mate. She stood at the temple's arcing entrance.
"You finally want to talk about him? After so long?" She put a hand on my shoulder and we pressed our foreheads together, greeting one another.
"I have never told you why he hates me so much. I have never told you the true reason why he hunts me specifically and I have never told you the real reason why I don't want you to interact with him."
She held my arm and led me out of the temple, "Then tell me, White Death. I have been patient with you thus far, waiting for you to be ready to speak to me about him. All of him."
"As you know, we were brothers by blood. Both of us having the same father…"
Python and White Death grew up together alongside their peers and clan mates. They both belonged to the highly honored and respected Twin Xenomorph Clan of Yautja-Prime. Python was bulky even from a young age. Tundra (White Death's former name) was smaller and looked much different from his clan mates and peers. It was one of the reasons he was picked on and bullied. Almost all of the members of the Twin Xenomorph Clan were dark in color, while Tundra was snow white due to his mother's genetics.
Though he lacked height, he made up for it with his intelligence. Python saw his brother was smart and he could use someone like that on his side, so he began to protect him from most harassment. Eventually, the two gained brotherly love for each other — Python showed more outwardly affection compared to Tundra who almost always was cold to everyone and Python, but he did have some love for his brother. As they grew and became Blooded Hunters, the two drifted apart for a while.
"Out of the blue, he wanted to meet with me many years after we became adults. He said he had discovered something that could improve yautja-kind." Python laid back in his bed. One of his mates, who was a trained medic, was treating one of his hunting wounds. She had given him a heavy sedative since he was in a lot of pain. She was surprised to hear him finally talk about his Bad Blood brother. She knew it was the sedatives but she was curious to know more about Tundra.
"And what news did he have to tell you, my love?"
"He came to me with what he said he had been working on for years. What he thought would make him and many others a better hunter…"
"I showed him my hard work. The data, the examples, even pictures. Do you know what he called my genius work? A DISGRACE!" White Death raised his voice but he didn't startle Da'novi. She was used to his loud voice.
"Do you see this brother? How amazing is my research? It could help improve the hunters of our society. It could help improve me!" Tundra placed down the many papers he had hand written on as well as pictures of his test subjects.
Python looked at the pictures and was slightly revolted by the animals he had changed to fit his vision. "Tundra… I see you are excited about this, but may I share my input?"
"Yes, what is it?" He sat down across from his brother.
"This… isn't natural. We hunt for glory and honor and to impress the ladies, but we don't do it to be…" He paused to think, "We do it to see whose genetics are better. I think this method might go against our culture; it might be disgraceful."
"Disgraceful? I'm looking out for the interest of our people, and myself. Our genetics are limited. With my research, we could become more, be more. Just look at these weak creatures I turned into worthy prey." Tundra pulled out some more pictures of these grotesque animals.
Python was beyond disturbed, "Tundra, there is a reason it was a weak creature. It is a part of life, the natural balance! If we mess with things like this, we would be ruining the natural balance!" Python raised his voice to make his point clear.
Tundra mistook this as aggression, "You do not understand me or my views!" He grabbed his papers and put them back into the bag he was carrying, "you have never understood my views! You will never understand what it is like being born 'inferior'!! Having your early years being a living hell, and being punished just for being alive and different from the rest of them!" He began to leave the room.
"Tundra! I only want to look out for you. I know our views are different, but this might be too far." He grabbed Tundra's arm, "the only support I can give is keeping this information between us. But I do warn you, the Elders may not like this if you plan on showing them in the future."
Tundra pulled his arm away, "you are no support to me. You never have been." His words stung Python like a deep cut. Tundra left the room without looking back and Python sat down, sighing heavily.
"I knew I never understood him or how he perceived the world… but I didn't realize he wanted to mess with things that should never be messed with." Python tried sitting up but his mate pushed him down.
"Rest. If you keep moving, you'll hurt yourself even more." She said in a tone of slight agitation. Python was stubborn, even when he was being treated.
"A couple of years later, he still never saw what potential my research had. The tensions between us grew as I came close to perfecting the sirim that would help me become a better hunter. But one day, his eldest son discovered what I had been doing and destroyed most of my hard work. I killed the brat in my blind fury and rage." For a split second, White Death showed a twinge of regret, but he quickly moved on.
"Of course my brother was… beyond upset with me."
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!" Python took a swing at Tundra while screaming at him. Tundra dodged his brother's dangerous blow.
"HE DESTROYED MY YEARS OF RESEARCH!!" Tundra grabbed a sharp tool and flung it into the arm of Python. It stuck out from his arm but he kept throwing punches at Tundra. Tundra ran out of the hut he had been using as his lab and Python pursued.
Tundra was much smaller and weaker than Python. One hit from him and it would be all over. He led Python to an opening — a training field. Tundra grabbed one of the basic hunting weapons and shot it at Python. It only made Python's rage stronger. Python lunged forward, "TRAITOR!!"
Tundra used Python’s momentum against him. He had pulled out a traditional hunting knife from his belt and stabbed Python in the gut. He twisted the blade of the Knife and pulled it out in only the span of seconds. Python roared in pain. He fell to the ground.
The two were gaining a crowd. They stayed back and watched. Python noticed the crowd as he struggled to get up. Tundra then stabbed him in the back. He too noticed the crowd and grew nervous. He knew he was going to get into trouble for what he did to Python’s son. Python got up and finally managed to knock down Tundra while he was distracted by the crowd. Python kept laying punches to Tundra while he had him pinned. Python passed out from blood loss before he could kill Tundra.
Both of them were out and wounded badly. Some of the yautja went up to the brothers to go take them to the healer. Once the Clan Leader heard about the fight between them, he went to visit them in the healer's hut once they were awake. Python was the first to wake and he told DiamondBack what Tundra had done.
"So, after that whole incident, they put me in a holding cell and waited for me to wake so I could be put on trial in front of the council of Elders. The rest of the story, you know." White Death sat down by the crystal clear lake that was right in front of the temple the two had come out of.
"Remind me what happened. I do love the story of how I helped you out." Da'novi smirked as she leaned against him. Her soft voice always had a way with him. He could never resist her.
"Hmm… only because you asked."
"Tundra of the Twin Xenomorph Clan, you stand trial here today on the account of the murder of a Young Blood and unethical genetic experiments. How do you plead?" Da'novi had a cold tone in her voice as she looked down at the accused bad blood.
"I am not guilty. I was defending my research from the destructive hands of that vile young blood." Tundra answered coldly back. The Elders were taken aback by his answer. Another Elder spoke, "You have no regret for killing a child?"
Tundra held his ground. His feelings were still hurt and he hadn't had time to process all that had happened, "No. I have no regret." The Elders murmured amongst each other. Da'novi had never come across a yautja like him in her years. She was intrigued and wanted to know more about him.
"The council has decided! You are to be executed in the upcoming days! You have been given the dishonorable title 'Bad Blood.' " an Elder spoke with a tone of disgust. Tundra was taken back to his holding cell. Some hours passed before a hooded figure visited him.
"I was never here, do you understand me?" The figure, Tundra could not recognize them, which is what they wanted. He walked up to the door of the cell, "What do you want?" He asked aggressively.
"Your research, It is nothing like I've ever seen. I am impressed by it. All of your research is being destroyed as we speak, but I was able to grab two of the tubes of liquid you had. Are these important?" The figure grabbed both of the tubes from a bag and handed them to Tundra.
"Yes, these are very important. This is my life's work." He put both of them in a hidden pocket of his belt.
"I assume the liquid is that you used to genetically change those creatures?" The figure asked.
Tundra nodded. There was something about this figure he trusted.
"Then I will see you later… if that liquid saves you from your execution." The figure leaves. Tundra wondered who they were, but he was glad that they gave him two of the tubes of his sirim. He peeked through the opening to see if any of the guards were around. None. He pulled out one of the tubes and a syringe. He put the liquid in the syringe, "you better work when I need you." He whispered to himself.
The next morning, Tundra was taken from his cell and walked by two guards to the public arena where his execution was going to be held. A humiliating death, a dishonorable death. To be killed with such a title as "Bad Blood" meant he would not have a happy afterlife. While he faked trying to get out of their grasp, he pulled out his syringe.
He was kicked in the back of his legs and forced to kneel on the ground. The arena had many spectators in it. The occupants hissed and growled at the sight of Tundra. An Elder spoke, "This hunter is here for murdering a young blood and for unethical genetic experiments on other creatures! His status, Bad Blood! He will be given a dishonorable death for his crimes!" Right as the Elder got done with their speech, Tundra injected himself with the syringe quietly. It only took seconds before he started roaring and contorting his body from the pain.
The guards didn't know what was happening to him but they tried their best to hold him down. Tundra's body began to rapidly grow so fast that his skin tore. He knocked off the guards and slashed them with his claws. The crowd grew loud as Tundra mauled both of the guards within seconds. More guards came out with their plasma blasters aimed at him. Tundra jumped up in the seated area of the arena and made his escape, using the people as a protective shield.
Python had watched the whole thing go down, "He… did it…" He said in disbelief. His disbelief quickly turned to rage and he roared out in anger. His son would not be getting avenged today.
Tundra was pursued off planet but he escaped.
"You were chased off the planet and escaped many Elites while still in the pain of your genetic changes. I still find that impressive." Da'novi stood up, "and now you are the most feared and hunted Bad Blood many years later."
White Death smirked, "I am. And I have gained many followers who believe in the same thing I do. A clan of outcasts and Bad Bloods. Fitting. And you, a spy amongst the Elder Council. A perfect mate." He stood up as well.
"Speaking of which, I must go. The council will be discussing ways of getting rid of you once and for all. You have been a thorn in their side."
They put their foreheads together as an affectionate goodbye. Da'novi left and White Death went back to his temple.
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black-suns-rim · 2 years
Little Red's Adventures
I'm starting a story series with @thenomadclan 's oc Nomad (aka Little Red). This story series will contain short and long stories of Nomad's life growing up in the Twin Xenomorph Clan, his adoptive clan.
Story 1
Pup sitting
"But mama, I wanna go with you!" The young pup clung to his mother's leg and whined.
"I'm sorry my little one, but you can't go with me this time. Your brother will watch you while I'm gone, okay?" She picked him up and gave him a little 'kiss' on his forehead. Black Momba then placed him down, "be good for him." She said as she left.
Little Red huffed as Kub walked up to him, "Don't worry buddy, she'll be back by the end of the day."
"But I wanted to go with her." He whined again.
"I know.. but you can't be with her all the time; she does stuff that's too dangerous for you to come with." He tried to explain.
Without saying anything, Little Red ran off to the other room of the small hut. Kub followed to make sure he wasn't getting into any trouble. Little Red went to the nursery/playroom and he got out his toys.
"Whatcha doing bud?" Kub leaned on the doorframe as he watched the small pup rummage through his box of goods. The pup didn't say anything as he pulled out a play gun Momba had made for him to practice shooting with.
He held the play gun in his hands, "war!" He shouted and shot at Kub's bits. Kub fell to the floor, clutched his hands in between his legs and swore. The air felt like it had left his lungs as Little Red ran out of the room and giggled maniacally.
"Lil cjit.." Kub mumbled as he got up in pain. He chased after the little demon child, "Hey, come back here you little punk!" He said in a playful tone since he knew Little Red was only a child and didn't know better, or so he thought.
Little Red squealed with excitement. He squeezed behind a couch and Kub tried to grab him, but the small pup bit his hand. Kub recoiled his hand from the crevasse of the pup and crawled into.
"Hey, no biting!" He looked at his hand and rubbed it.
"You're not mama!" The pul shot his gun at Kub's legs and then crawled out to the other side. He bolted to Momba's room and Kub ran after him. The hut had no doors inside, instead a thick fabric, split in the middle, covered the doorways. Little Red used this to his advantage.
When Kub entered Momba's room, he immediately tripped over one of Momba's armor pieces. "War!" The little pup yelled again, shooting Kub in the face with the little pellets the play gun was filled with and then ran over Kub while he held his face in pain.
Little Red went to his playroom and started to set something up while Kub got up and looked for the little bastard. "Geez mom, you're raising a little devil hunter." He mumbled to himself.
When Kub found Little Red, he was skeptical to enter the room since the was 'smiling' really big, not able to keep a poker face. "Why you smiling, huh?"
"Nothing..." He giggled.
"What did you do?" Kub slowly walked in the room.
"Nothing..." He clicked his little tusks together as if couldn't stop grinning.
Kub noticed that Little Red had his hands behind his back. He stopped walking and looked around the room. Something was missing but he didn't know what it was.
"Uh-huh..." Kub stared at his little brother and lifted a browl.
The demon child stepped forward. He was holding onto a string which he held behind his back. When the string was pulled, it caused a domino of things to go off. They were all aimed toward the doorway which Kub was standing at. He dodged most of the flying objects but was hit with a few.
The pup laughed as he watched his big brother dodged the objects. This little genius was able to do all of this under the span of 5 minutes.
After all of the stuff had gone off, Kub ran at the little fiend, "Come here you little punk!" He said playfully. He squealed as Kub grabbed him and started to tickle him.
Flailing his arms and legs, he tried to get out of Kub's grasp while giggling and laughing, but he was too weak to get out of the grasp of this Blooded hunter. Kub laughed, "This is for shooting me in the balls!" Kub tickled under Little Red's chin which made him squeal and shreal with joy and laughter.
Kub let go of him so that he could catch his breath after all of the laughing. Kub laid down on the floor which was his mistake. The pup jumped and plopped onto Kub's chest which slightly knocked the air out of him.
Kub coughed a little and then tugged on Kub's long dreads which made him hiss. He got up and picked up the pup in one swoop, "You wanna play rough? I'll show you how to play rough." Kub walked to Momba's room and tossed the small spawn onto Momba's bed playfully. He squeaked when he was thrown.
He landed into a pile of fur pillows with a plop. Little Red giggled, "Again!" Kub smiled, picking him up and tossing him on the bed. This went on for a while until Little Red wanted to do something else.
The little pup had so much energy that Kub was already tired. He had an idea though, "Hey Bubba," Kub referred to Little Red using this nickname that he had given him when he was just a tiny pup, "You wanna help your brother on a hunt?"
Of course Kub wasn't going to take the tiny pup on a real hunt, but he knew a way to tire out this little ball of energy.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Little Red jumped up and down with excitement.
"Okay, before we go on the hunt, we need to do some training." He led his little brother outside and into the field that was right by the village. He made Little Red do push-ups with him as well as a few other exercises. The poor pup was worn out by the time they were done.
He dramatically plopped onto the ground, "can we hunt now?.." He yawned. Kub picked up his brother and held him, "yeah we can, after we take a break, okay?" He patted the pup on his back to sooth him.
"Okay..." Little Red yawned again and quickly fell sleep in his arms while Kub walked back to Momba's hut. He needed some rest too, so he laid down on Momba's bed with his little brother still in his arms and he rested his eyes while the pup slept.
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