#the vortex
azi-sings-calliope · 8 months
Something that I'm discovering about myself is that if I set a specific list of things to draw I will never draw them. Just gotta wait for an idea to come I guess. Anyway here's Rose Walker!!
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I was struck by how unbearably kind Dream is to Rose. Ever since her introduction he’s being told by his allies—by characters who both love and hate him—how he should not allow her existence, how he should hurt her out of self preservation. And every time he has contact with her, he is nothing but gentle and understanding. There’s none of the “you’re a human you wouldn’t get it” sort of derision he’s used with others. He answers each of her questions with compassion and honesty. He gives her genuine advice when she asks for help. He doesn’t have to be good or nice to her. He truly doesn’t. But he is anyway.
I think it’s because he sympathizes with her. She didn’t choose to be made into something that hurts others, and he knows very deeply how that feels. She looks at him with those eager, kind eyes and always has a selfless question for him, always simply wishes to understand. And Morpheus, who’s personally seen the worst of what humanity has to offer for the last hundred years, can’t find it within himself to hate her. He knows she didn’t ask for this. He didn’t either.
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burnt-scone · 1 year
The Vortex
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Rose is wearing the outfit she wore in the comic, bestie was just in her night gown ready for bed.
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allamericandaily · 1 year
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ALL AMERICAN — 5.20 “Now That We’ve Found Love”
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streettealee · 11 months
Some thoughts
Morpheus is kind. I know a lot of folks say he isn’t or he is but only to those who matter, but... hear me out: he’s the personification of dreaming. He’s literally king of The Dreaming. And we see time and time again how kind he is. And how powerful.
I remember watching about the first half of the season - or, say, the very first few episodes - and thinking “wow, maybe some of these characters are right, dreams do seem pretty useless.” That’s where I realised, at first, the kindness. The kindness of a pleasant dream while you die in your sleep to ease a horrible suffering. The sort that perhaps not many understand. But it is still a kindness in the only way Morpheus can do. I thought he was still sort of weak then, but kind. He could do this for people. Give them peace and temporary joys.
Morpheus genuinely seems to mourn Lyta’s loss, as much as she and her accidental involvement in The Dreaming due to the vortex damaged his realm. Now, I haven’t read the comics or graphic novels, so I don’t know anything beyond Netflix’s first season so far. It is with regret that he has to send back the ghost of Lyta’s husband and tell her she could not come to The Dreaming pursuing a life in it anymore. In the moment, it feels horrible, but he lets her keep the baby, I think, as one last favour. The idea that he was cruel in stating the baby belonged to him because it was conceived in The Dreaming and that he would come for it (unknown when) is fair, and maybe it would be perceived as a twisted sort of kindness. And unless I’m mistaken, he did not specify when he would take the child. He may yet either change his mind or retrieve this child much later down the track after a full life (you can argue with me on this as I’m not entirely sure about any background lore or if I’m forgetting something from the episodes). But I consider this another demonstration of the kindness that he is allowed to show, that follows the rules of dreams.
As an aside, I think that’s pretty incredible, the way the writers were able to convey the subtlety of Dream’s power. There are rules, of course, that the Endless seem to follow, but also limitations for each of their purposes (Death can only deal in death, Dream only with dreams, Desire with desire, and so on). This has all probably been said before, I didn’t dig deep enough yet, but I still wanted to express my admiration and awe over all this.
Anyway, back to subtleties and power and small acts of kindness. It wasn’t until Morpheus, Dream, was facing down Lucifer Morningstar in Hell that I really understood his power. At first, I was very afraid for him, because I also did not see how Dream could win out against all that Hell represents, no matter if Dream also includes nightmares. (Honestly, the episode title ‘A Hope In Hell’ should have been a dead giveaway for me, but hush, I was thinking of a song by that title instead at the time.) Of course, there was Matthew’s kind of cheesy line that “dreams don’t fucking die”, and then Morpheus’ winning move against Lucifer was “hope” which is very much the essence of dreams that I really understood the level of his power. Hope is what persists, as is famously known to do so with teeth bare and knuckles bloody, and maybe it was simple but it really hit me then. There is a lot that can be done to crush hope, but look to yourself: even in the most hopeless points of your life, there are dreams. A dream of something better, something different, something else, something full of revenge maybe, something that is beautiful and soul-saving - whatever it is, I believe, there will always be that. There will always be a hope in hell. And I know I’m just spelling out the whole idea behind that episode, but the simple power of hope, and the kindness of dreams giving that hope to you - the kindness of Dream himself - is pretty fucking powerful.
Perhaps Morpheus was not always this way. We hear from many characters that he has changed since his containment. We hear often, too, that he is selfish. But there is so much commentary from others about who he is, what he’s like, his true ugly self and yet... all I see is kindness. The kindness, perhaps, that these otherworldly only know how to do. They do not know of human acts of kindness as they do not have the luxury of being human. But they understand a sort of mercy. And gentleness. We see many struggling to understand over the course of the show that the Endless only exist because of humans, and we see Morpheus learn this, and that is perhaps where he finds this deep respect that fosters his kinder side.
Nightmares are awful. But Dream removes those too for those who do not deserve the torture of them in the show. If I recall correctly, he does at one point address nightmares as being challenges that dreamers have to face to overcome their fears, and it is in that way he is trying to do them a favour. For he also works in revelations too, to aid in a dreamer’s understanding. But when a nightmare is focused on a trauma or horrible event, we see Morpheus provide comfort where he can and, in some cases, remove these nightmares. We can also see him alter people’s entire perspectives too, through various means, and again, I am just amazed at this subtle power. He does not have to use thunder and lightning like some god, he does not have to hold a knife to anyone’s neck, he does not have to speak very loud at all or deliver threats of dismemberment. No, he works in smaller ways. And I absolutely love that.
Look, I’ve only done one watch through over the course of three days. There’s probably a ton I’m missing and this is just the very on-the-nose, tip of the iceberg sort of thing. There’s probably stuff I’m forgetting, background things I don’t know, and overall, this is probably just a very basic look at obvious key themes. Whatever. The point of this was to express my excitement and enthusiasm for this new discovery I’ve made. I think this show is brilliant in so many ways. Morpheus is a fascinating character. I have a feeling him and this story will be on my mind for a while.
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horrorcrypt12 · 7 months
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Now Watching:
The Sandman S1.E8 ∙ "Playing House"
As Morpheus closes in on one of his missing creations, Rose ramps up efforts to locate her brother - and unwittingly makes a friend's dream come true.
Stay Spooky!
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
sometimes a family is a cheery grim reaper, her brother (a goth twink that puts people into comas), said brothers himbo bf that she made immortal, their chaotic neutral & hypersexual sibling, said siblings daughter that has the potential to destroy reality and her little brother that accidentally befriended multiple serial killers
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Mindy, the admin. of our group, is on a Gothic road tour of the southern states. She’s in Atlanta, Georgia at The Vortex Bar & Grill.
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:Looks like a cozy place.
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This is proudly on display.
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The bar all lit up in red lights.
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The Vortex at night.
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pathofregeneration · 11 months
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Gilbert Williams, The Vortex (1982)
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The Teachings of the Adepts, part II
“There is an invisible universe within the visible one, a world of causes within the world of effects. There is force within matter, and the two are one, and are dependent for their existence on a third, which is the mysterious cause of their existence. There is a world of soul within a world of matter, and the two are one, and caused by the world of spirit. And within these worlds are other worlds, visible and invisible ones. Some are known to modern science, of others she does not even know that they exist; for, as the material worlds of suns and planets and stars, the worlds of animate and inanimate beings, from man the lord of creation down to the microscopic world with its countless inhabitants, can only be seen by him who is in the possession of the powers necessary for their perception, likewise the world of the soul and the realms of the spirit can only be known to him whose inner senses are awakened to life. The things of the body are seen through the instrumentality of the body, but the things of the soul require the power of spiritual perception.
This power of spiritual perception, potentially contained in every man, but developed in few, is almost unknown to the guardians of science in our modern civilization, because learning is often separated from wisdom, and the calculating intellect seeking for worms in the dark caverns of the earth cannot see the genius that floats towards the light and it cannot realize his existence. And yet this ancient science, which the moderns ignore, is perhaps as old as the world. It was known to the ancient prophets, to the Arhats and Rishis of the East, to initiated Brahmins, Egyptians, and Greeks. Its fundamental doctrines are found in the Vedas as well as in the Bible. Upon these doctrines rest the fundaments of the religions of the world. They formed the essence of the secrets that were revealed only to the initiated in the inner temple where the ancient mysteries were taught, and whose disclosure to the vulgar was forbidden under the penalty of torture and death. They were the secrets known to the ancient sages and to the Adepts and Rosicrucians of the Middle Ages, and upon a partial understanding of their truths rests the system of modern Freemasonry.”
— Franz Hartmann, The Life of Paracelsus
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
can you do head canons on what it would be like to date Layla keating? Preferably female reader but gender neutral is also good! It’s okay if you don’t want to ofc!
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A/N: why not? It’s nothing too long but there’s some cute moments in there. I think present Layla…like end of season 5 Layla would actually make a good girlfriend once she knows what she wants that is! But let me take that back, most of the previous relationships kinda did her dirty so she was somewhat valid. Anyways we’re talking about Layla with a fem! Interest here and I wrote this pretty quick which is why I love HCS so thanks for this request, hope you like it!
It takes a minute for the relationship to kick off since Layla’s been lost in love before while also feeling like her previous relationships didn’t value her as a person or really get her they way that they should.
With you, the love was patient and kind and Layla’s actually the first to initiate your very first kiss.
She’s horrified by the impulse she’s pulled and a stuttering mess, “oh my god, I can’t believe I just did that, especially when you were just mid-sentence—I—I don’t even know what that was—
“Yeah, how rude.” You comment, lips swollen and Layla almost appears as if she wants to melt into a puddle and crawl away like a 90s cartoon, which makes a smile spread over your own lips, “Nobody should ever cut me off when I’m trying to show you Rihanna’s iconic pregnancy photos but—if it’s only by your lips, I’ll let it slide Keating, so come here.”
And now she’s shocked because you’re actually kissing her!
You establish what the relationship is going to be that same day after the first kiss, not making any assumptions and always laying it out on the table.
The communication between you two? *Chef’s kiss*
Patience is all grins and prideful when she gains knowledge of the relationship when you stop by with lunch one day, “you bitches! Am I the first one out of the Vortex to know that this is actually a thing?”
You did greet Layla with a kiss and a cup of her round face that she almost forgot Patience was even in the studio (she was practically melting by your touch) with you so yeah!
Layla’s all starry eyed as she rests her neck into the palm of her hand, lounging on the couch beside a curled up you, your hand on her thigh, smiling.
“Yup! But just know, she’s mine and I don’t plan on sharing her with you, or Coop.” Layla warns, not daring to envision a break up with you and the glare she sends Patience let’s the raspy girl raise her hands in surrender.
When coop does find out she’s all for third wheeling dates, hanging out with you guys—which is fine sometimes but ofc you also love your alone time as well.
Layla is the protective gf, someone staring at you weird in public? she makes sure to stay close and block you from their eye sight.
Taser is never too far from her reach, believe that!
If someone upset you? She’s ready to call them up and cuss them out/read them to filth or locate their whereabouts? She’s pulling up, might even throw a restraining order in their face—if it’s harassment status because hello business woman about her shit who doesn’t play!!! especially when it comes to you!
She loves your nose kisses, especially if you’re shorter than her.
Staying over at her place? She likes cold sheets and room while you prefer warm no matter the weather in California (yeah it still doesn’t make much sense to her either, maybe you’re anemic) and it’s no different in her bed. So ofc you’re gonna use her long legs as body heat.
She also likes playing footies and sleeps with fuzzy socks on?
“Layla! Why are the fuzzies in the bed?” Your eyes are wide with bewilderment while Layla chuckles, replying to one last text message before placing it back on the night stand and turns around so you’re face to face.
“Is there a problem?” “Yeah! Who goes to bed with socks on?” “Your girlfriend.” Layla blinks, waiting for you to challenge her more. “I think we should break up.” “Is the break up in the room with us right now?” Basically she knows you’re not going anywhere and will learn to love her quirks, which you already do and it’s likewise on her end so the both of you fall into laughter.
Lots of pillowtalking. Y’all love to just talk with each other about any and everything. If you get to do it laying down somewhere? You’ll be the first two to sign on the line!
Queens of taking naps as dates for 10 points Gryffindor!
She’s the big spoon! Occasionally she’ll let you spoon her if she’s under the weather or having a bad mental health day.
You do have to remind her to take breaks now that she’s reaching big heights as a record producer.
When she’s really stressed out about a track or anything circulating around a certain artist, you take her mind elsewhere for a mental break for at least an hour—usually giving her some sense of direction on how to handle the problem.
Both great at problem solving but mainly Layla is—you’re always team “I’ll figure it out later!” While Layla’s mind is always running until it reaches the edge and slamming right into a brick wall—but it works for her somehow.
The both of you enjoy board games with Layla liking games like scrabble, puzzles, and monopoly and you like clue, LIFE, and card games. If the both of you are on the same team with the rest of the vortex? You’re always the top two couple that’s hard to beat.
Lots of hand holding and chin pressed into your shoulder.
She likes having you as her passenger princess, enjoying the thought of you being beside her and she looks just as gorgeous whipping her ride around with ease, hand in yours.
She’ll spoil you with shopping sprees and always wants your opinion when she’s trying on clothes. She loves trying on clothes while you hate it but do it because she hates the return process since most high-end stores have shitty policies.
Idk I can see Layla getting involved with someone who wants to go into the medical field so while she’s got her career figured out, she’ll help you study for all your lab exams.
“I can’t wait to have my own personal Cristina Yang…or are you more of a Miranda Bailey?” Layla wanders while you just laugh tiredly at the dining table, head collapsed along your arm.
Definitely a supportive gf: will encourage you with clues that she’ll relate to any of your obsessions to help you get the answer right, massages, kisses, and strip teases.
Loves you in her clothes but she actually steals more of yours.
Always has you help her curl the back of her hair with her curling wand when she wants to wear it curly.
Starts wearing it more that way when you tell her how pretty in curls she looks, which you notice.
You’re the most active gf out of the two (you were a complete gym rat in high school and gave the boys a run for their money. You were also on the volleyball team back then and loved the whole gains aspect and working on your arms) and layla tends to only turn to exercise when she’s having a bad day.
You’re not as deep into the gym now thanks to declaring biomedical sciences as your major but you kept your workouts to at least three times a week and doing at home workouts every now and then.
You’ll have to drag Layla to take hikes with you—she rather do the hikes since the scenery is quite beautiful and you in cycling shorts?! is always a great sight to witness but 🤫
She prefers hot yoga or Pilates tbh.
The always busy couple who never find a reason to be bored and definitely keep each other entertained.
Want to go on a road trip or night drive? Layla only questions if it’s going to be a 24 hr thing or a couple of days so she can pack accordingly and make sure things will be handled at the studio in her absence. Any chance she gets to spend one on one time with you? She’s doing it.
You come up with spontaneous adventures, Layla just needs to know how far and the weather so she can prepared.
Whatever she wears, you’ll be sure to tell her how much you love something on her.
Words of affirmation are big in this relationship. 
I do feel like she’s more physically affectionate and you may be more verbal, perhaps that has to do with your professions/desires with Layla always having her hands in music and you constantly thinking out loud when it comes to the sciences and simple human nature—if we’re looking into it deeply.
You’re always reading world science articles to her btw and even if she doesn’t quite get it…she listens just like you do when she lets you listen in on the beats that get sent over to her by the engineer.
She doesn’t mind PDA at all, most of the time she’s always the one touching you and finding some way to touch you unconsciously.
Layla’s never felt like this before, a fresh love that didn’t have to feel complicated, questionable, or suffocating. She could be herself around you and knew she was falling in love whenever she would daze off just staring at you while you talked or just simply listening to the sound of your voice.
“You’re my favorite person, I hope you know that.” Layla finds herself saying on one of your many drives.
You pause in your balled up side of the car, “I’m starting to believe you…why else would you listen to me damage my vocal cords to a Whitney Houston song?”
Layla snorted, “…you have a nice tone.”
“Sure but I’m no Whitney.”
“You can be my Whitney. Because I’ll always wanna dance with you, my somebody who loves me.” She lightly sings
Gagging at Layla, you slap her thigh, “the cheese! I can’t take it!”
“Oh you love it! Don’t you wanna dance! Say you wanna dance!”
You wiggle your shoulders and flip your hair forward and over your face making Layla whoop and snap her fingers, twinkles in her dark eyes.
Laughing you smooth your hair back and reach forward to meddle with the staticky radio before looking for the aux cord.
The silence was just as comforting with the both of you driving down the dirt road, side by side but it was even better singing the lyrics to songs declaring your love for each other.
A love that’s worth it, deserves to be screamed together into the sky, to be felt and genuine
and you were sure a love with Layla Keating was just that.
・❥✧.* ・❥・・❥✧.* ・❥・・❥✧.* ・❥・・❥✧.*
Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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mahiiimahiiii · 5 months
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expoundingspark · 3 months
I love this person so much! They made some new music and it brings me joy and happiness. Check it out!
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spilladabalia · 1 year
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Siouxsie Sioux, Siouxsie And The Banshees live at The Vortex, London, 1978, photographer unlisted.
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allamericandaily · 2 years
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God, you live together, work together... Of course you all dated each other. It's a vortex, and it's totally reasonable that Patience would want to break away from that.
ALL AMERICAN 4.15 C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me)
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Okay so i just finished Sandman, and am i the only one wondering why there was a picture of Judy In Rose's apartment????
Like. How are they related??
For those who confused Judy is the woman who had a fight with her gf(Donna) in ep 5 24×7 (the diner one)
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sameoldsin · 1 year
which annoying ex snl cast member are you most excited to see in the barbie movie
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