#the whole 'first son first to dye
milesmolasses · 1 year
Don't Blame Me
miles morales x reader
warnings: nothing i can think of
basically, you and Miles are a cute little couple, and you help him dye his hair at midnight (he has waves)
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The time was 12.34pm EST, and most of the apartments in Ocean Hill Brooklyn had their lights off and curtains closed. You and Miles were in a 24HR drug store across the street from his apartment, checking out their hair supplies aisle- just when you were about to grab your hair mask treatment, Miles came running to you from halfway down the aisle.
"YEOOOOO, look what I found! We finna bring the demons out tonight," he said in a playful, scratchy tone. You looked at what he had in his hand and saw the platinum blonde hair dye he was holding.
"You wanna be Frank Ocean so damn bad, don't you? You know you're destroying your hair if you do that, right?"
"Nah, I've had virgin hair for forever; my hair can't get ruined after dying it once. That's just stupid," he waved his hand dismissively to my comment on him literally killing his beautiful hair.
"Miles use your head: it's 12 in the morning, and you aren't thinking straight. Trust, you don't want to do this and wake up in the morning regretting shit," I tried to grab the dye out of his hand, but he held onto the box with such a tight grip and a determined look on his cute face, really telling me he wanted to do this.
"No, no no no no, I am thinking straight; believe me, I have thought about this a lot. I can show you my Pinterest hair board right now, and it's full of niggas with blonde waves. Frank Ocean is calling my name Y/N, PLEASE let me do this," he went on and on. He looked at me with a pleading look in his eye, attempting a cute puppy dog face with his chapped pouty lips.
"... A'ight fine, but we getting you some damn chapstick with your cracked ass lips."
"Alright not too much on me, baby. You gon help me dye it though?"
It felt as if he was counting on me to say yes, so I agreed to help him dye his hair. We soon walked up to the register with my hair mask and a new conditioner for his hair, a bag of mini KitKats, the blonde dye, and some Vaseline. I paid for the items, wondering how much I would have to apologize to Rio for destroying her sons hair.
As we walked back to his place, we stopped by the deli to pick up some more snacks- two bags of chips, jolly ranchers, and a sandwich for Miles. We made it back and quietly snuck upstairs to the bathroom, but not without first dropping the food off in Miles's room. We made our way to the bathroom with the dye and the purple conditioner/toner, and I made Miles sit down on the edge of the bath tub while I prepped all the supplies.
"You're a W girlfriend for dying my hair and buying me snacks..." I was having my doubts about this whole "dying my boyfriend's hair thing" because I really didn't want to be the cause of something Miles might regret later on. Also, I kinda liked his regular black hair- I thought it was cute, plus he already had waves, so I didn't get why he wanted to dye his hair on top of that.
"Look, don't be upset with me, ok? I've been actually wanting to do this for the longest time, and I really do appreciate you doing this for me."
"Oh Miles, I'm not upset with you. C'mon, you know I love you but I'm just a little worried about how this will all turn out. I don't want you to regret this later on. Plus keeping up with dyed hair is expensive as fuck, bro," he looked at me again, this time, without the puppy dog looks; more like a sad and disappointed seal. He didn't want to make me worried I could tell.
"Alright look, imma dye it, fix up your hair, and we'll see how it looks unwrapped in the morning, is that ok?" He smiled and took my hand kissing it softly while looking up at me.
And so I got to work, giving him a towel to drape over his shoulders, bleaching his hair while listening to his moans and groans about how much it burned, putting in the platinum color in his hair, and toning it after. We washed his hair and dried it with a t-shirt, added light amounts of pomade to his hair, finger waved and brushed it, and finally came the durag.
"How did it look? You was the one doin' it, so tell me, how did it look?"
"You gonna have to find out when you wake up tomorrow. Yo, lemme crash here. I'm mad tired right now," I walked out of the bathroom, already knowing his answer to my question. I walked my way back to his room, opening the black deli bag of snacks.
He turned on the ceiling projector which showed what seemed like trillions of little life-like stars on his ceiling. He plopped down onto his bed with me, turning to the bag to grab his sandwich as we stared at the ceiling projector eating our food.
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The sunlight crept through Miles's curtains, basking us in the warm indication that a new day had arrived. My eyes blinked slowly and steadily as I shuffled through the bed I was lying in. I looked to my right and saw that the bed was empty and called out "Miles" absentmindedly.
"I'm in here," he yelled out of what I assumed was his bathroom. I rubbed my eyes as I strolled out of his bed and towards his bathroom. I walked in on a sight to behold;
A Miles I had never seen before was staring straight into the mirror, rubbing the neat blonde waves on the top of his head, smiling a smile I had never seen before.
"You are amazing. I can't believe this is what I look like, holy shit.." his smile grew even larger than before when his eyes finally met mine.
"Oh my lord, look at my mannnn," I squealed as I put my hands over my mouth in shock. Of course, I knew what the waves had looked like— I'm the one who did his hair— but seeing him so happy with my finished work made me even happier with myself and Miles.
"Me and Frank Ocean are literally twinning right now."
"He prolly don't even have them blonde waves no more."
"Why can't you just let me be happy?"
I laughed at his straight face when he said that, knowing it was only a joke. I walked closer to him so that we were both seen in the mirror, just looking at each other. He placed his hands on my shoulder as he kissed the top of my head. Something about this kiss screamed "thank you" or "I love you for this," and it made me feel warm inside as I stared into his eyes through the mirror.
Suddenly, as if he had just come to a realization, he whispered, "I gotta show my mom... shit"
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AYEEEE this took me so long to write for literally no reason
can u tell how much i love frank ocean? lol
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thevalleyisjolly · 7 months
As an intrinsic part of their Mortal heritage, I like to think that all the Half-Elven in Middle-earth have at one point in their lives (but most especially their youths) had a fairly unflattering haircut that they genuinely believed was the hottest shit ever:
Dior had a long feathered mullet that was a pure flex to show off how naturally full and voluminous his hair was. He only cut it once the twins were born and it became too much work to maintain while looking after two babies.
Elúred and Elúrin got their hands on an unattended bottle of hair dye when they were five and gave themselves skunk hair bangs that took months to wash out.
Elwing once experimented with teasing her curls into a big 80's hairdo because people told her how her father used to have big hair.
Eärendil had to cut his hair after a lice scare onboard one of Círdan's ships and went for a bowl cut that he thought would be quick and easy to do. Unfortunately, the bowl he used was a little too small and the high fringe made it look like he was wearing a small hat made out of hair. Idril had conniptions. Tuor managed to hold in his laughter until he could reach the privacy of an inner room. Elwing demonstrated the incredible power of love by both saying yes to his proposal and offering to neaten his fringe so that it at least looked a little less choppy.
Elrond stubbornly sported a man bun undercut for two whole years after he lost a bet with one of Maedhros' Mortal retainers and Maglor made a sighing comment about how he shouldn't worry because his hair would soon grow back out "nice again."
Elros gave himself curtained hair in solidarity with Elrond so that Maglor would get off his back, and kept it until the first time he commanded a war party and got good-naturedly ribbed to hell about looking like a 14 year old kid.
Like father like son, Elladan wore a rat tail for a few years after one of the Dunédain wagered he couldn't pull it off. He really couldn't, although he thought it looked great and was forever trying to do fancy styles with it until Elrohir staged a sibling intervention.
Elrohir maintained a buzzcut for nearly fifty years after his parents a little too amusedly said that he could do whatever he liked with his appearance now that he was of age.
Arwen went through a phase in her 200s where she dyed her hair with whatever colours she could get her hands on. The silver was very nice (Celeborn was extremely proud) and the blue highlights were interesting but still managed to work. She even made a decent ginger. However, the attempt at Arafinwëan gold just ended up a washed-out bleach blonde that is to date the only thing that has ever stunned Galadriel into utter speechlessness.
+Although not born Mortal, Lúthien spent a full Valinorean year with feathers instead of hair while trying to shape-shift into a nightingale. It actually made for quite an aesthetic when she took the time to preen them properly, but as she was far too busy running around having adventures with Daeron, the effect was more often ruffled bird's nest than sleek wings.
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mayakern · 1 year
as a long time fan of supergiant games and as someone who was obsessed with greek mythology as a child, i am EXTREMELY pumped about hades II. but also very curious about the new main character’s design. i feel like sgg (really, jen zee specifically) usually does a really good job of telegraphing their designs so that if you know the most basic things about a god, you can recognize them on site based on their design.
from the shape language to the posing to specific visual elements, they make sure that even at a quick glance the characters are not only distinct from one another, but have enough references to their domain and mythology that they are very recognizable.
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i think demeter is one of my favorite indicators of this and one of my favorite hades designs over all. she’s not interpreted in the way a classic demeter is, and that’s part of what’s perfect. she’s been built at with little hints and references in other characters’ dialogue that paint her as critical, overbearing and not exactly trustworthy. and when you see her you’re like, “what, this is the goddess of the harvest?” with the absence of persephone and her casting the earth into famine, it makes sense that she doesn’t look bountiful, that her cornucopia (still the classic visual reference to demeter) is empty, her wheat frozen.
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but melinoë is different. melinoë is a bringer of nightmares, a goddess of ghosts. her mingled heavenly and infernal heritage manifests in her primary physical trait: a body that is split down the middle, half white and half black. this is basically her most defining physical characteristic (the other being that she wears saffron, which is bougie as hell but not the point), but here is her design from the hades II trailer:
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i see the saffron, see reference to her ghostly/undead connections, and there is an element of her half-and-half complexion with those black moon armor (maybe?) coverings on her right arm and leg. but when i first saw this design i thought she was an original creation (like zagreus*), not an existing god. i’m interested to see if this means they’ll be changing core parts of her mythology (and to see if that’s reflected in her design) and to see what direction she’s headed in but really this whole long post has just been building up to me saying
almost every visual interpretation of melinoë, even if they don’t split her body into white and black halves like a white and black cookie, gives her a split dye. and maybe they wanted to avoid what everyone else was doing, but i feel like melinoë is unknown enough that that isn’t really a big deal. idk. i just think it would be neat. that’s all.
(*yes i know there is a zagreus in greek canon that is the first iteration of dionysus and is the son of persephone and zeus but i feel like game zagreus resembles his mythological counterpart so little that he’s basically an original creation, and maybe they’re doing the same with melinoe! since she is also technically the child of zeus and persephone**)
(**depending on the canon it’s either zeus disguised as hades or zeus and hades are two aspects of the same being)
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Them as Dads - 141 + König
Requested by Anon
Fluff, hints of angst
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon's childhood was, to say the least, horrific.
No child should have had to experience when he went through.
Those experiences have stuck with him all his days, emotions buried deep down to a point where he doesn't feel them anymore.
There's a distinct divide between Ghost and Simon - and since he's considered legally dead, he has no reason to drop his mask anymore.
Needless to say, when he found out he was going to be a Dad, he short-circuited.
Didn't even say a word, and just left.
Of course he felt guilty for it, and he knew that what he did was wrong, but he needed to think.
The last time he had even been around a child was his little nephew...
And that tragic part of his past truly was the final nail in the coffin for him.
He was terrified of being like his own Father.
He did eventually come back but for the duration of the pregnancy, a cocktail of emotions swirled in his stomach.
The day he held his child for the first time, he was stunned.
This tiny little human, with their little button nose and - his eyes.
He grew angry - angry at his Father, and by extension the World.
How could anyone bring something so small, so fragile, so perfect any harm?
Needless to say, he's a very protective Father.
If any of the Team were to meet the baby, he probably wouldn't even let any of his comrades hold them.
Maybe Johnny - but that's at a push, and he'd be hovering around him the whole time like a shadow.
He'd be soft for his child - but he'd try to be the strict parent, teaching them to be ready for whatever the world may throw their way.
If he had a daughter, would let her paint his nails - would sit there still as a statue, watching with soft eyes at how her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth in concentration.
Speaking of, regardless of the child's gender - boyfriends / girlfriends / significant others would absolutely be interrogated before they even step a foot through the door.
"Who the fuck are you?" "You're 16?? Cunt, you look 30!"
It would essentially be like that scene from Bad Boys 2 - Soap would definitely be Will Smith in that scenario, accepting no criticism~
Would try to be there for every life event and would feel a deep seated guilt if he couldn't because he'd been deployed.
Overall, from day one, he'd made a promise to himself that he wouldn't let history repeat itself - he'd give his child everything he ever wanted growing up and more.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
I can see him as a chill Dad.
He wouldn't let his child get away with murder, but he would be good cop 99% of the time.
Would absolutely spoil them rotten - they would have to so much as look at something they liked and he'd get it for them.
It would be his Mother that would have to try and get him to reign in the spending a bit.
Also carries the baby around in one of those baby carriers across his chest.
I think he has a big, close-knit family so the child would have a ball playing with all their cousins of mixed ages.
If he had a son, definitely tries to style his baby hairs into a little mohawk with gel.
Lets his kids express themselves however they want.
They want to dye their hair? He's driving them to the shops to get the supplies.
They want a piercing? As long as they're old enough, he's fine with it - and if they want him to go with them for moral support, he's already in the car.
I think the only think he'd be awkward about would be periods.
He'd try to be helpful...but he's not great at handling it.
C/N: Dad, I got my period.
Johnny: Oh - OH! Okay, that's - that's fine...ehh...do you...do you know what to do with it...or?
I can also see him just running into a shop in an absolute panic - asking the store clerk for assistance because he doesn't even know what he's looking for.
Returns home with three massive bags of supplies.
He'd be supportive with whatever they wanted to do in life - if they wanted to go to University, he'd help them with their application; if they wanted to get a job, he'd be helping them look for vacancies, driving them to their interviews; if they wanted to join the military however...he'd be reluctant, but he would never discourage them for pursing anything.
The only thing he'd have an issue with...is if his daughter got a boyfriend.
He'd not be as...hostile as Ghost, but the silent threat is always lingering in the air.
If anyone ever hurt his child, he can switch from fun-loving Johnny to Sergeant in the blink of an eye.
Captain John Price
That child has this man wrapped around their finger from day one.
Would give them the world if he could.
Would never smoke his cigars anywhere in the vicinity of them, and would hide them out of reach - especially during the curious toddler stage.
I can see him cutting up their grapes into smaller pieces, paranoid that they'd choke otherwise.
Has dozens of photos of them wearing his hat - even got them a toddler version of his own because they liked it so much.
Doesn't matter how old they are, they're still that little smiling baby in his eyes.
So needless to say, he's very protective.
Doesn't threaten potential partners - he doesn't need to, he's a Captain in the military, so nobody would be so stupid as to try and hurt his child.
Only brings the child on base when he knows that only people he can trust are there - ie. the 141 taskforce.
Follows the toddler as they waddle around, waving happily as they pass people - Soap ends up joining the little adventure since the little one took his hand and he didn't have the heart to let go.
Speaking of, despite not being given the official title, Soap becomes Uncle Soap the moment he claps eyes on Price's child.
Gaz too - he sent Price the photos he took of them wearing his sunglasses, a beaming smile on their face.
It came as a shock to everyone when they saw the child approach Ghost.
It even shocked Ghost when the child made eye contact with him - and didn't cry. Instead, they smiled, tugging on the leg of his trousers to be picked up. And, even more surprisingly, he did.
Price never has to worry about keeping his child safe - because god help whoever tried to hurt them when they have 4 highly trained SAS soldiers coming for them.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
He’d be one of those young, cool Dads.
Buys himself and the little one matching shoes.
Also matching outfits are the thing, especially during the toddler stage.
His kid would be the drippiest kid in the playground.
FaceTimes and calls home whenever he can when he’s deployed, seeing their little smiley face just makes his day so much brighter.
When he’s home he’s more than happy to spent chill days just watching cartoons with them on the couch, making pillow forts - he probably enjoys it more than the kid to be honest.
I reckon he’d struggle to actually parent the child, and would rather be their best friend than an authoritarian figure - ironic, considering he’s a Sergeant.
So it would probably be up to the child’s Mother to reign him in when he’s being a bit too soft or blasé.
Helps his kid build the best Minecraft house.
Loves being able to bring the child on base, showing them off to the Team.
Price secretly loves having the little one around, and they’re often found chilling together in his office.
Would absolutely spoil them - whether it be new toys, sweets or anything they wanted, he’d get it for them without a doubt.
Uncle Soap once spiked up the little one’s hair to match his own mohawk - Gaz wasn’t mad about it at all, and thought it actually looked cool as fuck.
If he had a daughter he would definitely sit down and learn how to do little braids in her hair.
Would also let her put little clips and bows in his hair, painting his nails to match.
He’d just be so soft for his child.
When the child was little, Konig was absolutely terrified that he would end up accidentally hurting them.
They were so small, barely even taller that his knee when he was standing, and all he could think about was what if he accidentally stood on their little foot or walked into them without noticing.
So, most of the time, he carried them around.
Would read books to them at bedtime, teaching them German and English to the best of his ability.
I don't think he'd wear his hood around them often, preferring his child to see his face rather than two eyes surrounded by black cloth.
Was genuinely surprised when they didn't cry after seeing him with it on; their little hand touched the cloth before breaking out into a sunny grin, "Dada!"
He probably cried a little bit after that.
He didn't have the greatest time growing up - so I think if his child ever got bullied, he would struggle to compose himself.
In his eyes, his child was perfect, so for anyone to go and make them feel bad about themselves - or worse yet, make them cry, it makes him see red.
Doesn't go and threaten the child - he'd not cruel. But the sight of a giant, masked man looming over all the other parents at school pick-up is more than enough to put the fear into anyone who had been picking on his kid.
Would probably teach them how to fight and defend themselves from a young age - he wouldn't always be around, due to deployment, so it gave him some peace of mind knowing that they would be able to defend themselves.
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sanccharine · 6 months
blueberry muffins | sn
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single parent au, christmas au
pairing: babysitter!sana x single parent!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 7.2k
warning: so sweet it'll rot your teeth ! ew that ryhmed, i'm sorry
summary: when your own life becomes a b-rated hallmark holiday movie (not that you're complaining)
a/n: finally, what was supposed to be last year's christmas fic and the sequel to pizza party! is here !! all thanks to this request !! this was co-written by @eternallyghosting (she wrote three (very important) sentences and the summary, which is easily the hardest part of writing fics) strangely, it was nice writing domestic fluff again and also i gave up on the banner :D also is this happy belated christmas bc this was for last year or is it early bc christmas is in five days ?? anygays, happy holidays !!
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The moment the car stopped, a door was being shoved open. You didn’t have to check the rearview mirror to know that your son had sprinted out. Shaking your head, you shifted the gear to park before turning your gaze at your girlfriend. 
Minatozaki Sana was a confident woman. Or at least that is what you’ve gathered over the last year. She was never one to hide how she felt; it was she who had made the first move. So to see her eyes glazed over, trained on the raindrops collecting at the edge of the windshield was concerning, to say the least. 
“Hey,” was all you uttered, even quiet to your own ears. But Sana was attuned to your voice so she straightened before she turned to meet your gaze.
In the many years that make up a life, a year may be inconsequential. Between those three hundred and sixty-five days many things can happen. You can meet new people, spend time with them and get to really know their likes and dislikes, understand what truly makes and motivates them. During this time, you could gain lifelong friends, whom you instantly sync with only to lose them by the end of the year. Twelve months is enough time to drive you away from your family, to uproot your life and start anew, or perhaps return home to loving arms where everything remains unchanged. A year is a million moments of frustration and tears and happiness, a combination of beginning and endings, and gain and loss. But many years later, those instances would be fleeting at best. 
A whole year; a passing moment. 
Perhaps that’s why you were pleasantly surprised with how well things were with Sana. Having known each other for almost two years, from kind greetings building up to genuine conversations. The slow build of your relationship, from when you first asked her about her bad day to when she finally asked you out for a coffee date. There was not a moment you regretted, and to think that this was all the result of your son, the last shove the pair of you needed. 
Now Sana has moved in, you wake up to her running around your home alongside your son. She’d gone from his babysitter to someone who takes an active role in his life, someone who shapes him to be better. Someone he can learn from, grow with, and rely on, especially when you weren’t there for him. 
Simply put, you couldn't be more sure of your decision to be with her. Now, there were only a few more steps. 
Without saying a word, you reached for her hand, her fingers interlocking with yours instinctively. “I’m not worried, I just need a moment,” Sana said, the frozen glaze slowly dissipating from her eyes. 
Exhaling, you reached out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Silky soft to the touch, even with her constant dyeing. How she managed to maintain the texture remained a mystery. From her natural brown to blinding orange to auburn to back to her brown, you’ve seen Sana’s hair shift faster than the seasons. Though in the dark of the night, your car was only illuminated by the lamppost a meter away, her hair seemed so depthless it was inky black.  
Sana leaned into your touch, her eyes fluttering shut as you held her. Just as you were about to assure her, a loud thump on the glass startled you both apart. 
“Aren’t you coming?” Your son asked loudly, though it sounded muffled since he had the side of his face and palms pressed flat against the glass. With another slap to the glass, he moved away but not before saying. “Open the trunk, I need to show grandma my chef’s hat and cookbook.” 
Sana had gone from clutching her heart to clutching her stomach as she doubled over with laughter. You, on the other hand, had to rest your forehead on the steering wheel to let out a long and exaggerated groan. 
“He will be the—”
Your son hit the car twice, yelling. “Trunk, please!” 
“Okay, okay, I’m opening it! It’s opening,” you stumbled to find the button. With a huff, you took out your car keys while Sana was still giggling as she got out to help with the suitcase. 
Your son had catapulted himself into your father’s arms as you headed up the porch, luggage in hand. Sana followed behind you, not necessarily hiding, but slightly obscuring herself from your parents. Smiling, you extended your free hand to take hers as you reached the door. 
“Oh, look who’s home!” your father exclaimed, as he swiftly lifted your son up and placed him on his hip. 
“Don’t do that! Who’s going to pay for another surgery?” you said, scowling while your mother slapped at his arm, trying to pry your son away. 
“With all that hard work, it will be you, of course,” your father said, before whispering at your son who then burst into giggles after peeking at you. 
“Well, if it's all the same, help me out with our bags—”
“Not happening,” your father said before walking into the house. 
“Here, let me,” your mother passed right by you and attempted to take the bag Sana was shouldering. Sana tried to decline politely, but your mother wasn’t having it. Soon the bag was in her hands and she took Sana’s hand in hers. Your mother gave you a smile as she guided Sana into the house. “She’s beautiful.” 
“I know, Mom,” you groaned, the smile hard to suppress. 
Home felt familiar. There was a smell, something you couldn’t pinpoint exactly. Of course, there were notes you recognised. A blend of your mother’s baking and your father’s obnoxious perfumes against the smell of rain. Something you’ve experienced so many times before and have long yearned to return to. As for furniture, nothing seemed to have changed. You spotted a few new frames, photos of your son now competing with numerous photos of yourself. Then one that really stopped you in your tracks. 
Your mother, artistic in all of her endeavours, had a growing collage of her favourite photos on a pinboard. You don’t come home often to notice all the small edits she makes, but this one was glaringly obvious. It was a picture that was clearly printed out recently. On normal paper it seemed, it lacked the gloss. It was cut to the shape of the three people in the photo, bordered with orange craft paper and stuck on at the very edge of the board. 
It was a picture of you, your son… and Sana. 
One night, when Sana decided it was time for her classic bright orange to return, she asked whether you wanted to dye your hair as well. 
Of course, in an instant, you answered no. Unfortunately, your son had overheard the question and practically begged you to let him dye his hair. So that night, both you and your son earned a few strands of orange hair that matched Sana. 
Almost on instinct, your hand drifted to the spot behind your neck, hiding a few stray strands of fading bright orange hair. When you had sent the image to your mother, you’d laughed at it because your face was barely in it to your mother’s disappointment. In fact, you were showing your back and looking over your shoulder so the orange was peeking through. Sana wore a blinding grin that also matched your son’s, who was pointing at the streak of orange in his fringe. But here it was, printed and cut out and pasted. 
The sight invoked a feeling you couldn’t place. 
Someone stepped to your right to observe the same picture. 
And then Sana turned to look at you, her eyes glassy. 
Even if it wasn’t said, you know what this means. 
The words were in your mouth when your mother spoke from your left. “I hope you don’t mind me putting up that picture there,” she said with scrunched eyebrows. “I really liked it.” 
Sana’s lips twitched upward as she shook her head. “I don’t mind at all.”
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Introductions were quite brief, having heard each other quite a bit from you. Besides, you knew once your son tired himself out and was asleep, your parents could really get to know Sana. So, you decided to move your bags up to your scheduled room. 
Unfortunately for you, Sana stopped by another door. 
Gasping, Sana pushed the door open and took in every corner of your childhood room. 
The room was exactly as you left it. Except less messy. No furniture was moved, no posters torn down, no trinkets replaced—it was as if you had never even left. 
Sana moved to your study desk, her finger brushing the spines of textbooks that had made your high school years a living hell. 
“Did you study a lot?” Sana asked, her voice light as if she were absent-minded. 
“Not really, just enough to pass I guess,” Sana sent you a look over her shoulder, head slightly tilted in suspicion before turning her attention back to the desk. 
She poked the trophies and participation awards, smiling at your photos crammed to a side before picking one up. 
“Someone looks awfully upset here,” she brandished a photo of you standing on a podium, glaring holes at the person in front of you while you gripped your smaller award. “Sore loser much?” 
“I deserved first place! You weren’t there, alright?” you rolled your eyes, plucking the photo away from her while she moved towards your bed.
“I can’t imagine you’d ever have such a tidy room,” she chuckled as she took a seat by the foot of the bed, bouncing a little on the comfortable mattress. 
“Yeah, well, you have my mother to thank for that,” you smiled, as you leaned on your desk, facing Sana. Watching her. 
Perhaps, it was nostalgia. Or exhaustion. Who knows, maybe even the holiday spirit. But you liked staying here, being in your old room, surrounded by things you’ve long forgotten, from a time you don’t particularly miss, but now, with Sana. Someone who promised a new start. 
Sana watched you in turn, her lips pressed thin as she suppressed a knowing smile. 
Leaning back, she asked. “So, is this where we’ll be sleeping? In your old room?” 
Chuckling, you shook your head. “Not a chance,” you jutted your chin at the single bed, “you feel like being crammed into that?”
Sana shook her head as she turned around to feel the quilt, lips quirked up at the shark pattern.
“No, we’re taking the guest room,” you said, walking to your door. From here, you could just about see over the stairway railing and into the kitchen. Both your parents buzzed around your son like moths to a flame, grins on all of their faces. With a soft sigh, you said. “The one that will be coddled, pampered, and spoiled for the next week will be sleeping in here.” 
Content for the moment, you turned your attention back to Sana but she was already looking at you. An expression akin to worry was on her features. 
“They’ll like me right?” 
Sana closed in on herself, hands dragging down the quilt to feel it one more time before folding in front of her stomach. Her eyes darted around the room before settling back on you. You hated seeing Sana like this. 
“You don’t have anything to worry about,” you pushed away from your place at the door and took Sana’s face in your hands, helping her to look up at you. “They’ll love you.”
You leaned down, your nose brushing against hers as a chuckle escaped her. 
“Just like you do,” she giggled cheekily. 
You kissed her to stop her teasing. 
“Hmm, sure,” but still, you admitted. “Just like I do.”  
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Once your son had tired himself out and you had unpacked your things, you decided it was time to put him to bed. With his blue set of pyjamas that matched your ancient shark-patterned bed sheets, he clambered and got under the sheets, tucking himself in neatly. You took a seat by him on the bed, hand reaching out to comb his unruly hair out of his face. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked, a bit slowly. 
“Good,” your son admitted, “it’s nice to see grandma and grandpa again.” 
The muscle in your jaw tensed. 
You wished you could visit home often, a long drive or not, it wasn’t too hard to come back home. However, work dragged you away and you didn’t even have time to consider a plan for the weekend. Even now, your ‘long’ weekend as an excuse for a holiday was extended into a week of freedom after you’d lined up your leave days and practically begged for the holidays. There was no shame in it, the end of this year was important. There were big changes ahead. 
“Good,” you parroted. 
“Grandma loved my hat and said we can bake some treats from the cookbook,” he exclaimed. You nodded as he continued. “I asked her if we could make a cake—a blue one!—like Percy!”
“Like Percy,” you scoffed as you completed the sentence with him. 
“She said she knows a trick so the food doesn’t come out green,” he added and you didn’t doubt him. 
Ever since his class was given free rein over the library, your son has been reading quite a lot. On top of his fascination with cooking, of course. This was the longest he’s stuck with a hobby or interest, and reading that his favourite character managed to eat special blue food, catered to him by his loving mother, only spurred your son more to mimic it. 
With your help, and Sana’s… mostly Sana’s, your son has mastered green pastries, desserts and sweets. Or ogre food, as you lovingly call it. For reasons that you couldn’t guess, no dye seemed to do the trick, perhaps you were buying cheap brands?
“Yeah, I’m sure she does,” you rolled your eyes before pinching his nose, at which he swatted your hand away. 
“So which book are we reading tonight?” Sana asked, walking into your childhood home with a book in her hand. You could guess which one it was. 
“The Lightning Thief!” your son squealed when Sana held the book up. 
“Don’t you get tired of reading the same one again and again?” you asked, watching Sana as she took a seat on the other side of the bed. 
“Nope!” your son said, popping the ‘p’ for emphasis. 
“Okay, but aren’t you curious about what happens next—?”
“Oh, don’t start this again,” Sana said, as she conspirately shook her head with your son, clearly over your grumbling. 
“I’m just saying—!”
“Oh look at the time,” your son pulled up his empty wrist. “It’s bedtime, we only have time to read a few pages, let's get started!” 
Scowling, you pinched your son’s cheek and he had the audacity to giggle. 
Sana had started reading the chapter you’d stopped on. Her voice was soothing to listen to, even if the story wasn’t too uplifting. Getting comfortable, you curled up next to your son over his quilt and watched his drooping eyes struggle to stay open. 
As Sana finished the chapter, she glanced over. A smile tugged on her lips when she found that your son was deep asleep. 
With a nod, you kissed him on the forehead and made sure he was comfortable. Following suit, Sana placed a kiss of her own on his temple. The pair of you exited the room on your tiptoes and slowly closed the door behind you. 
“I’ll take the book back,” you said, extending your hand out. 
Instead, Sana placed a kiss on your cheek, her eyes lidded. 
“What was that for?” you asked, surprised but you weren’t complaining. 
“Just because,” she shrugged and then handed the book over to you. 
“Are you stalling seeing my parents?” you asked with a smirk as your hand came to rest by her neck, your thumb tipping her jaw to face you. 
“Not at all,” Sana said with such conviction that if you didn’t know her better, you’d have believed her. 
“They won’t take much time, I won’t let them interrogate you. I can tell them we’re tired and we need rest,” you said tilting your head to the side. “Which we do, honestly.” 
Sana nodded with a sigh, her eyes shuttered close as she leaned into the warmth of your palm. 
You pulled yourself in for a kiss, a gentle one, on her lips. Sana hummed before pushing away. 
“I’ll see you in a second,” you whispered. “You got this.”
She nodded and turned towards the stairs. You waited till she reached the bottom of the stairs before making your way to the guest room. Staying for such a short time, there was no need to unpack completely, and for that, you were slightly grateful. That meant you could hide things without anyone being the wiser. 
Dropping the book down on the open suitcase, you kneeled to rummage through the clothes. Making sure to lift layers of clothes as it is, you find a small velvet box at the very bottom. The sight of it brought a smile to your face. It can only mean so many things, though you still have some things to complete. 
Leaving it in the same room would be a gamble. The guest room was basically empty, anyone would be able to find it. Every other room in this house had someone staying in it or had them frequent it often. Anything moved out of its place would ring the alarm bells, no, you needed to hide this somewhere no one was likely to check. 
So you walked back to your childhood room and entered as quietly as you could. Your son was sound asleep. The left door on your cupboard creaked when it opened, but if you applied pressure on the hinges as you opened, it made barely any sound. Locating the bottommost drawer, you pulled up your old clothes and shoved the box at the very back before hiding it under the clothes. 
Happy with your task, you exited the room just as stealthily and made your way down to join your family as if nothing were amiss. 
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Even with the help of your mother, it seems your son had difficulty mastering blue food. 
Somehow your mother managed to convince your son from an elaborate tiered cake to a classic sponge cake to plain old blueberry muffins. You’d hoped that maybe you could escape for the day, maybe with Sana, around your old neighbourhood. Unfortunately, you’d been roped in as assistant chefs and taste-testers instead. 
Seated on the couch, you watched three of the most important people in your family take a crack at making blueberry muffins which were actually blue in colour. Sana had been assigned mixing duty, which made no sense to you because you knew for a fact your mother had an ancient stand mixer lying around somewhere in the house. Though Sana didn’t seem to share your sense of justice as she was happy to do so. 
Your mother was taking her time going through the recipe book and teaching your son her own techniques. The sight helped you recall some of your own moments under her wing in the kitchen, though you were neither as interested nor skilled to be there. Oh but your son, he was completely enraptured. You’ve never seen him in school and struggled to attend parent-teacher meetings, but you guessed this is how he was in class as well. The swell of pride on your chest was an indescribable feeling. 
When Sana said that the batter was ready, your head perked up. Leaving your place on the couch, you made your way to the kitchen. Making sure your mother and son were distracted by the oven, you moved behind Sana. You had to be quick!
Rounding one hand on her waist, you placed your chin over her shoulder and at that, she chuckled while snuggling into your side. And then, you struck. 
Your free hand’s index finger dipped into the bowl to carry a dollop of aqua-blue batter straight into your mouth. 
By the time Sana had realized what you’d just done, you were already out of her reach. Her indignant shriek altered the other two chefs of your crime, though even they couldn’t do much now. 
When the muffins had been completed, you were surprised to see they were properly blue. Not some horrid inedible shade of green. 
Your first question after inhaling a few muffins alongside your father was to your mother. 
“How did you get them so blue?” you asked, staring at the dishes in the sink, looking as if a smurf had been murdered. “We never managed.”
“Well, depends if you bothered to buy the brand I told you to,” your mother showed an empty tube on the counter and you rolled your eyes at the dig.
“I did buy that brand!” you said, moving to pick up and examine the tube… only to find two more tubes hidden, flattened beyond recognition. 
“Well, then it depends on quantity,” your mother said as you turned on the balls of your feet, incredulous. 
“Is this much dye even healthy?” you asked, already reading the ingredients on the tube. 
“Guess we’ll find out,” your mother only shrugged as she looked at her husband, still scarfing down the muffins. You sent your mother another incredulous look but she just laughed at her own silly joke.
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As the holiday came to an end, you finally got your chance to spend some time alone with Sana. 
Your father claimed he barely got any time to spend with his grandson. Of course, that was a complete lie. With how much time and money he spent, you’d even debated getting your son a gift at all. Though that was out of the question, you and Sana had already set your mind on what it was and had it ordered beforehand. You just had to go collect it. 
So your father said he’d take you all to the park. Once there, you let them go their own way. One moment, your son was accompanying your father and the next he was running at the nearest dog, eager to pet it. 
Holding hands, you and Sana watched as you made your way through the park. With every step, you were getting further away until you could see your son no more. Suddenly, the velvet box in your jacket pocket weighed you down, as if it had materialized into your jacket out of thin air. 
“Not going to lie,” Sana started, “I thought you’d show me more of your old home.”
“Oh, yeah? Like what?”
“I don’t know, something like your old friends? Your old school? Old hang-out spots?” Sana drew on. “Maybe how that high school enemy of yours and how they work at a general store, having never escaped this small town?”
“I don’t know what winter budget film you watched, but that’s not happening here,” you rolled your eyes at her imagination. “Also, what enemy?” 
“The first-place winner,” Sana said with a cheeky smile. 
“Oh please, I’m not that petty to be thinking about something that happened so long ago,” Sana watched you intently, nodding along almost in a mocking manner. “And besides, they’re a professor at the university across the city, I believe.”
Sana’s grin widened as you just realised what you admitted.  
“I wasn’t keeping tabs on them! I just saw a post of theirs recently, alright!” you cried, though it fell on deaf ears. 
The most important thing to come out of the walk was your destination. To and back, it was mostly filled with Sana’s inane questions (filled with imaginative scenarios to paint you as some egregious husk of a human, might you add) and you answering them with proper facts and maybe some anecdotes. Sana stopped by the crafts store to collect wrapping paper while you collected your son’s gift. 
It was the following series of his favourite books; Heroes of Olympus. 
Yes, he has yet to finish the last two books of the current series. And yes, you’d only just berated (teased) him about rereading the first book. But you could just imagine how his face would light up when he sees these books. In fact… you don’t even know if you’ll be reading these books to him by the time he gets to them, which was strange to think about but really, there wasn’t a better gift for your son. 
When you arrived back home, your son was taking a nap on the couch, which made it all the more easier to wrap the present for him and get dinner ready.
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When your son woke up the table was already set and the first thing he did was take his seat. All eyes were on him, everyone was wearing smiles watching him practically bounce on his seat. He gets to have his dinner, the muffins that he made, and then open his gifts early. Your father, chuckling, ruffled his hair and took a seat beside him. 
Dinner, for the most part, was uneventful as usual. That's not to say you didn’t have any fun. You did, you really did. As you ate your meal, you took a backseat in the conversation, observing just how comfortable Sana was alongside your family. She had absolutely nothing to be worried about. Your parents adored her. Almost as much as how much you and your son did. 
“So when is it?” your father’s question filtered in and you looked away from your nearly clean plate. 
“When is what?” you asked before taking your final bite. 
“I asked when are you two getting married?” 
Sana had to rub your back so you didn’t choke on your food, or worse, spit it across the table. 
“What?” you tip a sip of water. “What do you mean?” 
“It’s a valid question, really,” your mother admitted, not really looking at you, but you could see the smile toying at the edge of her lips. 
“Yeah, when is it happening?” your son looked up at you, eyes wide and shiny. 
“Um…” you turned to Sana for some help. Instead, she took her hand from your back and placed her chin on it, leaning in and expecting your answer as well. 
The velvet box seemed to burn in your jacket pocket.
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Somehow, you’d managed to get out of that dreadful situation. 
Once the plates were cleared and blueberry muffins disappeared. It was time for presents. 
As if aware of what he might get, your son gravitated toward the large box set you’d gotten. And you were right. 
Nothing could compare to the expression on his face when he realized what he’d gotten. 
Without hesitation, he jumped into your arms and thanked you a thousand times. You reminded him that Sana had pitched in as well and he was flying at her to give her the same treatment. 
Perhaps, you were petty. 
Because you took pride that no other gift earned the same amount of excitement. 
The night settled down and your family received one last gift from your mother. 
When all of you were out, she’d tidied up the backyard and made hot chocolate.
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All throughout this holiday, every moment seemed to be building up to this one. 
Under the twinkling fairy lights, you joined your son on the steps to the backyard. He was sitting with his knees up, his hands toying with a small figurine of Poseidon. Sana had bought it for him the moment she laid eyes on it, having thrifted it from some store, you couldn’t help but smile at the memory. 
Seeming to be in deep thought, your son watched the sight before him. With steaming cups of hot chocolate in their hands, your parents conversed with Sana. You didn’t know what she said, but it had your father throwing his head back and letting loose a loud snort. Your mother’s eyes crinkled in amusement as she flitted her attention back and forth between them. 
Clearing your throat, you began to speak. “Your hot chocolate is turning into cold chocolate, you know.” 
You were sure that comment would earn a look from him, but instead, your son moved a hand towards his cup, the figurine still in the other. He sighed and brought the cup to his mouth anyway. But before he could take a sip, you switched out his for your own cup. 
“Here, have mine,” you said, carefully placing the warm cup in his hands. 
Your son mumbled his thanks and sipped the drink silently, his eyes back on Sana. There was something he wanted to say. You had something you wanted to ask him too. But you decided to wait him out, let him come to you first because you surmised both of you wanted to discuss the same thing. 
And so for a moment, on Christmas day, you sat in silence with your son, on the steps to your childhood backyard, sipping warm (and yours, cold) chocolate. 
When he was done halfway with his hot chocolate, he placed the cup back down. You followed him. His hands were fidgeting with the figurine again, spinning it round and round, only stopping from time to time to run his index finger over the trident. 
“Grandpa was right, you know,” you’ve never heard your son’s voice so small. Wavering, as if he were confused, nervous even. “Why haven’t you asked Sana to marry you?” 
He paused to bite his lip while his eyes flitted to the figurine, thumb caressing the figurine’s armour. 
“Is it because of me?” he asked. The utterance is almost like an exhale, light but onerous. 
It would be so easy to provide empty consolation, that no, it wasn’t anything to do with him. But he knows you too well for that to pass, he’d see right through your attempt. Your son is already quite wise beyond his years, especially at the most inopportune times for you, and was only getting older. For as long as you can remember, it's only ever been the two of you. 
Your dates, however rare, come and go. His babysitters, much to his distaste in the beginning, come and go. Having a partner at the start seemed so important, if not to share the burden of caring for a child, then to at least have another figure for your son to look up to. And when you questioned that sort of thinking, you’d figured that all that really mattered was that you were there for your son. With little time as you did have with him in your day, you fought to make time for him. You hadn’t even entertained the idea, that perhaps, you’d date just for yourself. When it came to your son or some romantic dalliance that would never amount to anything real, the choice was easy. 
Because at the end of the day, it's only ever been the two of you. 
But all of that changed when Sana arrived at your doorstep. 
You doubted that neither of you, all three of you even, expected this outcome. 
So you understood where your son was coming from, asking this question. 
And you decided to be honest with your son, as you always have. 
“Yes, in a way.” 
Finally, your son turned his full attention to you. His hands were still holding the figurine, but they weren’t fidgeting anymore. 
You also turned to face him. 
Round eyes had turned sharp, searching for something. Yet his face was a little less expressive, more difficult to read. There were lines of worry decorating his forehead, he seemed older. He’s always by your side, it’s so easy to miss. But this close, on this night, it was obvious. He had grown up. 
“Before I asked her, I wanted to ask you,” you confessed. The velvet box that was previously hidden underneath your old clothes in the third drawer of your cupboard was now heavy in your pocket. Your son tilted his head in question. “For as long as I can remember, it has been just you and me.”
You sighed. These words were harder to get out than you’d expected. 
“I know you like Sana, and I know she already stays with us, and I know you know how much I love her,” the corner of your son’s lips twitched up a bit. “But there’s a difference between being together and being married. I think it’s a big step. And I don’t want to take that step with your blessing.” 
It only took your son a fraction of a second to react. He nodded, eager to say yes. 
“Of course, I want this for you,” he said, grinning. “She makes you happy. You make her happy too. And that makes me happy!” 
And he was back. 
He was giggling to himself as he poked your side with a finger. You rolled your eyes as you tried to brave the tickling sensation. 
“But seriously, I want this,” he nodded before turning his attention back to his cup of hot chocolate. He was going to take a sip, but stopped and looked at you. “And… and thanks for asking me.” 
“Of course,” was all you could say as both of you went to take a sip from your mugs. 
“Ugh!” your son let out an ugly bleh! and frowned. Your parents and Sana turned to look over at you. “This is so cold! Is yours too?” 
Your mother chuckled and nodded. From across the yard, she asked. “Shall we go heat them up?” 
“Yes, please!” your son stood up and pocketed his figurine. He extended a hand for your cup as well. When you gave it up, he whispered conspiraterly before your mother could whisk him away. “Good luck! You got this!”
And then with a giggle, he’d skipped off into the house. 
Your mother stopped at the steps just as you got up and dusted yourself up. 
“What were you two whispering about?” she asked with an uptick of her brow as if she hadn’t had her guesses. You shrugged. 
“What were you laughing about?” you asked. Your mother glanced back at your father and Sana, then back to you. She shrugged. 
“Okay, be like that then,” you said and your mother only chuckled. 
Then, she turned back again and called out to your father. “Did you take your tablets?” 
“Shit, no!” your father excused himself and rushed over. 
“Language!” your mother said as your father zoomed past, though he was more hobbling. Then your mother looked back at you. “She’ll say yes.”
And with that, she followed your father in and closed the balcony door to shut away the cold air. 
You turned to Sana. She was already looking at you. 
Without a mug, she had nothing to fidget with, so she had her hands steepled in front of her stomach. Her eyes were wide, expectant, as you made your way over. 
“Hey,” you said, both your hands finding their place in your pockets. Of course, it was only a front to find the box they were hiding. 
“Hi,” she said, the corner of her lips twitching up. 
There was nothing left to do. Nothing more you were so sure of. 
So instead of stuffing up the moment with unprepared words and emotion, you pulled out the box. 
Sana didn’t gasp or squeal or tear up. She just raised her steepled hands to her lips, her cheeks pushed up so high, elated crinkles forming beside her eyes. 
You weren't a grand person either. No big dinner, no big celebration, no build-up. You’d considered it, you really had, merely for the sake of Sana. But everything else just felt so unlike you, well, unlike the pair of you. Your start had been so simple, so unassuming, only because there was already so much between you. And everything that had followed, with her, and her with your son, had been the same. Everything just made sense. 
But you did think, perhaps, you should get down on one knee. 
So you started lowering yourself to the ground as you opened the box. But before you could complete the pose, Sana grabbed you by your collar and pulled you into a crushing kiss. 
You surmised that was a yes and smiled into the kiss.
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“Come on, come on,” your son was ecstatic, practically shooting off from his seat on the couch. Sana only smiled to herself as she set up the laptop on the coffee table, making sure the camera showed everyone and that she looked all right. “We’re in!”
Handing Sana the mugs in your hands, you seated yourself down and lifted your son onto your lap. Just as you were taking back your mug, a shrill voice shrieked. “Sana!”
Your son giggled while your eyes widened. Because Sana returned the greeting with the same energy. “Nayeon!”
You’ve heard of that one before, Nayeon, and seen photos of her too. Well, you couldn’t remember exactly, Sana had quite the group of friends but when Nayeon’s face appeared along with another person, you just smiled and waved awkwardly. 
“Hi! It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Nayeon said politely to you just as another screen popped up. You knew them, the newlyweds!
You parroted her greeting as more screens popped up with familiar faces, but none close. You’ve only heard stories or seen photos. The laptop erupted with voices, none of which you recognized, it was quite overwhelming. Though, Sana had no trouble at all catching the flow of the conversation and laughing along. Your son seemed to follow her, although silently. Someone with the name of Choi Tzuyu housed two people on their screen, they both waved at your son, who responded eagerly. 
“I think everyone is here!” one of the women said, her profile name read Jihyo. She was clearly wearing a suit, though her tie had been undone. “Yup, headcount done, everyone is here. How are we moving forward with this?” 
“Well, that depends on Sana, really,” a woman from Nayeon’s screen said, she’d just joined the pair that was already there. She was wearing a smug smile, and in response, Sana rolled her eyes. 
Both you and your son turned to Sana, expectant. 
Grinning at the ground, feigning bashfulness, Sana held up her left hand. And there it was, glinting in the light, your engagement ring. 
The audio lagged from how much volume erupted. Someone wolf-whistled, while the others laughed and clapped. You knew people were congratulating you, but you were too busy fending off Sana burying her forehead into your shoulder. Only your son seemed to delight in the revelry. 
And then, to your horror, someone yelled. “Show us your ring too!” 
Before you could even lift your hand, your son had taken your left hand and held it above his head, showcasing the matching ring!
Someone shrieked again, although this time around the celebration was a bit more subdued. 
“Damn, I thought we were all gonna scream again but okay,” the one with the profile name Hirai Momo said, while the person next to them swatted their arm. “What? It’s—”
“Please ignore Momo, congrats on your engagement,” Jihyo said, leaning forward, trying to look right at you. “I know Sana has been excited about this for quite a while.” 
“Oh,” was all you could say, as Sana pulled away from you, a blush coating her cheeks. 
“We knew this was coming,” the profile Dahyun said, “but I think this is the first child in our little group—hello!”
Your son perked up as all attention was on him. “Hello!” 
He was readying himself to be asked questions, to share his interest in cooking with a whole new group of people, though the conversation switched again. 
“He’s not the first child, we have children too,” Momo whined. “Look, Boo and Dobby are here.” 
And then she continued to make the most obnoxious noise to call over her dogs. 
“You did not just compare an adorable kid to your feral dogs,” said the person next to Momo, even though they reached out to a dog themself and picked one up. “I’m sorry for this one, kid.” 
Your son didn’t seem to mind, instead, he was absolutely taken with the two dogs in the hands of the couple. 
“Then, I guess I have children too,” someone from the profile Choi Tzuyu said and called over another dog too. 
“Oh, Tzuyu, you’re back home?” someone asked and once again, the conversation changed. 
Smiling at the sight, you were content with just seeing Sana interact with her friends. She’d been pretty adamant about staying with you for this Christmas, and she’d mentioned how horrid the one before had been. It was the reason this group had decided to call this time around. 
Then out of the blue, Jihyo asked. “So when is the wedding?”
“Why are you asking? So you can bring that plus-one of yours from last time?” 
The call erupted again. 
“Right, right, how long are you just going to be attending weddings? When are you going—”
“Jeongyeon, I’m going to stop you right there, you’re giving me traumatic flashbacks to my mom,” Jihyo said, holding up her hands. “And, that plus-one was a one-time thing, I’ll probably never see them again.” 
“They’ll probably be there for Sana’s wedding, let's be honest,” even the slightest mention of your wedding had you sweating. Sana seemed to notice. 
Muting yourself, Sana turned to you. “They’re going to go at this for a while, thanks for agreeing to meet them… they’re basically family to me.” 
“Yeah, no, of course,” you said, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. You ignored the one who whistled again. You were muted, not off-camera. You tried not to display your embarrassment. “I’ll get this one ready for bed then.” 
Your son was pouting, but Sana just nodded. “I’ll finish up this call, and we can finish up your favourite chapter.” 
At that, your son’s smile returned. 
“Come on,” you said, picking him up and giving him a boost to land across the couch. You took the empty mug from Sana’s hand and left as she re-entered the conversation as if her little pause never occurred. 
“Mina! Ask Mina, she’s single too—!”
“But we’re here to talk about you, Jihyo—!”
“What do you mean? You just got engaged!”
Their voices faded with every step you took away from Sana, your son in tow. 
Maybe it was the end of the year, maybe it was the communal holiday spirit, but every Christmas, you found yourself reminiscing about past memories. Watching your son take his first steps, to watching him become confident in his own skin, you were glad he was surrounded by people who loved him as much as you did. And now, that permanently included Sana. These holidays have changed so many things, all of which you were so deeply grateful for. 
Surged with a wave of emotion upon reaching the threshold of your childhood bedroom,  and unable to suppress your elation, you grabbed your son by the hips and lifted him into the air. You were sure the sound of his surprised giggles would stay imprinted in your mind for many more Christmases to come.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: first and foremost, i am so very sorry dear anon for getting this to you almost two fucking years later ;-; and second, happy percy jackson day !!
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tagging: @someone-who-likes-broccoli
175 notes · View notes
haesunflower · 1 year
meeting the parents with zb1
genre: fluff
pairing: reader (gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: zb1 is introduced to your parents for the first time
cursing in some, yujin is here platonically, family dynamics, bullet point reactions
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
is so confident lol and has every right to be
during dinner, one of his hands lays flatly on your leg because you keep nervously fidgeting in your seat
he doesn't get why you're panicking because it's going so well
you're just nervous because you've never introduced anyone to your family, as jiwoong is your first serious adult relationship
while you're washing the dishes with your mom, jiwoong overhears your conversation and finds out he's the first boyfriend you've ever brought home
"but for the record, i think he's perfect for you y/n."
"i didn't want you to meet anyone i'm less than sure of, jiwoong is definitely the one mom"
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
is a fucking nervous wreck
literally can't think straight and scared he'll say something stupid
so at first, he doesn't really talk at all
you softly squeeze his hand from under the dinner table, just to let him know he's supported
your mom ends up really liking him and tells him he has a gentle soul
"that's one of my favorite things about him, mom"
looks at you fondly smiles
across the table, your parents are reminded of a young version of themselves
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
is so helpful oh my god
literally sets up the table and helps your mom carry the cooler to the garden
even helps figure out how to work the grill with your dad
your parents are impressed to say the least
your mom whispers to you, "you better marry that one"
hanbin is busy sharing a beer with your dad, toasting to the grill that was now working
he looks back at you and gestures for you to come closer to taste the meat that was grilling – makes sure to blow on it so it's not too hot before feeding you
you're chewing happily, and hanbin is smiling at you with his eyes
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
he is quick to become friends with your dad
they bond over conversations of sports teams and weightlifting, and they disappear into their own world
the rest of your family arrives for the pool party
your dad and mom are throwing water balloons at each other when matthew giggles from beside you and says "that'll be us one day y/n"
you're distracted by his sweet words you don't even realize both of you are being pushed in the pool by your younger siblings
matthew pretends to look offended and starts to playfully chase the culprits
you're smiling to yourself because you can't believe how easily he fits into your family
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
your parents already knew taerae
he grew up next door and was also your first boyfriend
it was literally no problem, no issue 100%
when you wake up at noon, taerae is already dressed and helping your mom prepare for dinner
you're just like./??? when did you get here?
your mom calls you lazy and says she is grateful to have a son-in-law like taerae
he smiles widely at the word son-in-law, dimple on full display
you don't say anything, instead you stand next to him to quietly assist him
the whole thing feels domestic, but you're not complaining
it feels right :)
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
he ordered flowers in advance for your mom & expensive whiskey for your dad
covered up his tattoos and wore his hair down to look less intimidating
even asked you if he should just dye his hair natural color because he was scared your parents would HATE him
you kept assuring him there was nothing to worry about
ricky is perfect so he nailed it obvi! he didn't show an ounce of nervousness and kept his cool the whole time
your dad jokingly asks him if he should also bleach his hair blonde
you all laugh at the dining table as your mom hits your dad playfully
(your dad isn't joking) (in fact asks ricky to bleach it for him)
you wake up the next day to texts from your dad, it's a selfie of him getting his hair done by ricky
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
you're scared that your dad will scare the shit outta him
and for the record, he did
"h-hi sir, it's n-nice to meet you sir" while bowing literally too many times
gyuvin feels like his face is frozen in a forced smile as your dad asks him all sorts of questions about him ,,,, it feels like a job interview
he relaxes when you start drawing small circles on the back of his hand
in the end your dad says "okay you pass, you're pretty decent"
gyuvin takes it as a win and just breathes out a sigh of relief
you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and while you're gone, your parents sincerely thank gyuvin for making you happy
gyuvin in return thanks them for raising such a wonderful person, and tells them that "loving y/n is the easiest part of my life"
you didn't actually use the bathroom, you just wanted to know what they'll say without you there :') you're soft now
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
is literally so prepared he STUDIED what your parents like by stalking their facebook and took notes while asking you detailed questions about them
just in case, made a whole speech to answer the question "what do you like about y/n?" (he didn't end up using it but he came prepared!)
lol the usual, everyone loves him
your mom barely acknowledges you during dinner and serves gunwook all the best parts of the steak, literally no one hears you ask for someone to pass the potatoes bc they're so engrossed in conversation with gunwook
gunwook hears you though and happily serves you a heaping, whilst responding to your dad's question with ease
your mom smiles at the interaction
at the end of the night he proudly says "i think your parents like me :D" and he's so cute because he looks so satisfied with himself
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
(friendship only)
during your recital, your parents think he's some sorta dancing prodigy
which is true because he only started dancing a year ago
at the lobby, you and your parents bump into yujin and his family, and they commend him for doing so well during his solo
when you get home to check the footage from the recital, you're barely in any of "your videos" because it's 70% yujin -_-
A/N: work is killing me guys, i don't know when i'll be able to sit down and just write huhu
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loving-family-poll · 5 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut:
they're literally womb-to-tomb lovers. they feel that the rest of the world is beneath them and they're the only ones that matter. the fact that they're twins is fundamental to their attraction to each other
they’re blonde they’re evil they crossdress they’re fucked-up mirrors of one another they serve cunt they’re both bisexual probably and they’re TWINS who FUCK. who said that.
"if I were a woman, I'd be Cersei."
"I'll kill [...] the whole bloody lot of them until you and I are the only people left in this world."
"I am sick of being careful. The Targaryens wed brother to sister, why shouldn't we do the same? Marry me, Cersei. Stand up before the realm and say it's me you want."
"'Do you have a little wife, ser?'" No, I have a sister."
Adopted son Dick Grayson boywife Dick Grayson boywife
Was YOUR pairing mentioned in a 397 page callout post that changed the entire comic book industry forever? I thought so.
before John/Dean entered the scene they were doing up the militant-freudian-father/child-soldier-motherofhisotherchildren-son incestuationship in 1940!! in fact they were so flagrantly intimate that they spawned the first ever 'video games are bad for children' discourse in the form of 'comics are bad because they'll make your children yearn for the gay incest mines' i.e. seduction of the innocent by fredric wertham. and y'know maybe they were right after all *gestures to the incest poll tournament*
SO many delicious aspects of their dynamic honestly. the fact that dick made batman a father and the latter loved it (and him) so much that he sought to replace him forever and ever again and again rebecca daphne du maurier style. word on the streets (lost canon timeline) is bruce made the first replacement— jason todd— dye his hair from red to black so that he'd resemble dick, inspiring generation spanning lust for and yearning of approval from both daddy bats and first son/greatest love of aforementioned daddy bats
How many other incest pairings are so strong that they generated like at least 5 other incestuationships? the family tree branches are CRUMBLING. not to mention their dramatic breakup did give us beloved 2000's animated series teen titans.
there are so many interpretations writers like to impose on the characters. they're father/son, frankenstein and creature, brothers, husband and wife. when batman has his own biological son but then promptly "dies", dick, the first son, comes in as a father to his father's first son (whilst donning the cape and cowl/body of his partnerfather). MANY say that dick was a better parent to damian wayne than even bruce. it literally can't get more incestuous than this, sorry
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I'm finding myself obsessed with the idea of Percy coming back to camp after his quest in TLT and being hounded by the other campers - not for being a hero or having gone on a quest or anything like that, but for his abilities as a son of Poseidon.
The Hephaestus cabin steals him for a week so he can talk to all the Pegasi in the stables and keep them calm while they're all re-shoed and have their hooves seen to. The process goes so smoothly that no one ends up in the infirmary for the first time in living memory, which earns Percy the Hephaestus cabin's eternal esteem.
Demeter cabin steals him to help with the ploughing - "Tell the horses we want straight!" - and irrigation.
Hermes cabin plays a paint balloon prank that makes the Big House look like tie-dye gone wrong, Chiron calls Percy in to pressure wash the whole building.
And so on.
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cosmichoneibeee · 1 year
Dating Gekko hcs
Words: +/- 4.8k
Warnings: None | Reader is GN
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
Friends to lovers trope all the way
You were already friends for a long time
He knows everything about you and you know everything about him
Flesh and nail
Everywhere you go, he goes too and vice-versa
Takes a while for him to realise it's not only friendship
It started with him feeling his heart race every time you smiled or hugged him or treated the pets well.
Then he became jealous every time you went on dates with other people. He wanted to be your companion those nights, but without being romantically or anything, pff.
Next came a bizarre urge to show himself off to you, doing crazy skateboarding tricks, bringing you food, or flowers the creatures found lying around, completely changing his haircut, anything that could keep your attention on it.
"Hey [y/n], this one's for you." *throws basketball into the basket and completly misses*
He really wanted to declare himself soon and not be embarrassed in front of you anymore, but what if that ruined your friendship?
To add to the nervousness, he also doesn't have much experience with relationships. What if he screws up?
After a long time taking courage and planning, he defined what he wanted to do.
It had to be something romantic and memorable, like the soap operas his mother watched every night
But when the time came and he had to actually say it all loud, it seems that all the text he had meticulously prepared had gone out of his mind and he had to improvise.
Stuttering and trembling, he said what his heart wanted at the moment. It was a little messy but it was cute.
Blushing mess when you kissed him. He felt in heaven at that moment, like everything was in place.
He will tell the news to his mom the moment he gets home and she's so happy for him, already planning what she will cook on your wedding.
She already got mad at him for piercing his ears, getting tattoos, dyeing his hair..getting a partner definitely won't make her lose her mind. She already loves you
She also loves the good influence you pass on to her son.
She's your ally and she will talk non stop about how to treat the person you love right with Gekko.
When it comes to Reyna, it takes more time to him to open up..everytime he tried felt super weird
She's not dumb though, she catches what's going on rather quickly
Reyna didn't like you very much at first, thinking about you made Mateo totally lose focus on training, it was annoying.
But she knows how much you mean to him, so now you're under her protective wings too.
Totally open to getting matching tattoos, the more outlandish and unique the more he'll be excited by ideas (seriously, look at his arms)
He won't mind changing his hair colour to match yours
The chillest man in the world
And the most passionate too
Feeling down? Gekko is in charge for the Happy Partner mission. Compliments? Hugs? Advices? He can give you everything, baby, just ask.
He just wants to see that pretty smile on your face.
But despite that, there are times when he is the one who needs comfort, especially after particularly difficult missions. He just wants to be next to you a whole day, reasuring that everything will be alright
It's in those moments that he realizes how short and strange life is, he needs to enjoy the moments he has with you as much as possible
Loves to give you presents and spend time with you and his creatures
When he has a day off at the Protocol, he takes you around town and enjoys the places he likes best, especially having bobba tea.
Please, let Wingman throw away the cups, he loves doing that.
If you don't know how to skate, he'll teach you and he'll make sure you wear all the safety equipment - if you can, with some pillows too.
If you already know how to skate, get ready for non-stop competition: tricks competition, speed, in the park, in the street, there's always something new to try.
Wants to learn your language (if you're not English or Spanish speaker) to comunicate better and lowkey hopes you'll also try to learn his too, even if it's just simple words
In general, a very dedicated partner, still learning about love but giving 1000% of him for anything you need.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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jams-sims · 1 year
Listen there so much depth to Philza character when it comes to relationships. That it bleeds over into the family dynamic that the Skull and Flowers family has going on. Im so normal about them yall can fill my inbox with questions about it but-
Theres a theme of being left behind or left alone for a long time that connect Skulls and Flower family. This leads into how Forever does not grasp the familiar nature of Philza. Plus I find it so interesting that Forever has pursued Philza even though Philza has Missa. Before I go into the theme of being alone and how that reflects in the relationships Philza has I wanted to touch on something else.
Firstly I noticed that in Philzas relationship he is not as grandiose in his show of affection. He dyes his backpack black and puts a skull on it for Missa. But never voices that he may miss him, he simply takes it day by day. He does the same for Wilbur, Tallulah and Chayanne. He takes endless photos of the kids and puts them in photos books. Philza way of loving and showing he cares is one that is super gentle and very light. This is also why inherently Forever and Philzs would never work. Forever is someone who is loud about his loves and wants. It ultimately puts Philza off, and would cause problems down the line to which Forever would question if Philza even liked him at all. Coupled with the whole Philza look like his ex problem.
Forever fundamentally does not understand Philza nor who he is.
I realized this when Tallulah asked Philza "why does everyone I care about disappear?" which is a horrible question to ask the man who is always left alone. Philza comes from worlds of God and Goddess that he never gets to see. In the sea of endless life it solely himself and the crows. (His 5 yeah world.)
When he traveled with the Blood God. That was truly a time when he was not alone, fighting and warring taking over a whole continent. But when they became part of the Arctic empire or more like when they moved out to the Artic to be far away from government. Philza again was left alone in the cold snowy mountains in silence. Only on the whim that Techno would wake up from hibernations. Then one day Philza was left alone for good and he left those snowy mountains back to the world of Gods.
Then he enters qsmp, he paired off and he has Missa and He has another child. An his Son had a kid and this is the most Philza world had been filled with people. But it doesn't take long for that to fall away. Missa leaves with no confirmation on when he'll be back.
He marries the Goddess of Death and he never gets to see her but she is with him always.
His first Son appears but soon leaves for his band leaving Philza with his daughter. Wilbur is gone for so long. That it now seems as though Tallulah is Philza kid. An now Philza has a daughter and 2 sons. I don't even think Forever knows that Wilbur is Philza kid.
Philza is fundamentally a man left alone for so long that the loneliness and and silence is something he is so deeply connected with an understands. That it would break the spirit of any other person. That he is always waiting and will always wait forever.
Forever comes in with this light hearted air and it's refreshing. But the callous skin that has grown over Philza is so tough that Forever could not even make a dent. Because Philza devotions to the people he waits for is a endless. He waits for Goddess of Death, He waits for his son (wilbur), He waits for Missa. Forever says he loves him but he does not know him. An Philza does not wait for people for them not to see him. An I think that is what we were getting from Philza during the wedding. Your proposing to a man that you do not know the of life not the blood, sweat and tears.
But the waiting and loneliness doesn't just end with Philza. It is like baked into family core. Wilbur is alone and waited for his father when ever Philza disappeared. Chayanne wait for Missa to come home. Tallulah is becoming more like Philza in the way people leave her. But it's that type of trait that i don't think Forever could honestly deal with it. That could lead to a great resentment from a place of obsession. I should note that I don't think philza feels that loneliness anymore. I think those are so deeply rooted in him. That it's normal to be alone that he probably feels peace being alone. But I'm sure he was like Tallulah before but with no one to comfort him.
But that is the family Forever is trying to be apart of that he does not see it. He does not see beyond the looks. Even if there are an inkling of truth behind those words he says.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
So I think I will turn that 70s music AU into it's own thing, but never fear! I will not leave anyone Goth Dreamless.
So two ideas about Goth Dream. The first one is that he's the local weirdo dad to Orpheus, a bright and friendly student. He's always wearing black on black with nail polish and hair so weird it'd put Robert Smith to shame. But he's known for being one of the kinder, more caring parents. He hand makes special treats for Orpheus's youth league football team. He organizes expansive birthday parties for his son's whole class and don't even get started on their Halloween party. He has the biggest house on the block and turns it into a veritable Halloween amusement park with giant skeletons and an elaborate haunted house. Doesn't help that he has real taxidermied bats hanging from his ceiling. All in all, while he's weird, he's a good father.
Robyn goes to the same school on scholarship and Hob works multiple jobs to keep Robyn in this posh private school. Him and Orpheus became fast friends when Orpheus invited him over while they waited for Hob to get off his second job. Unfortunately they forgot to mention that to Robyn's dad. Which led to Hob frantically calling his son, then showing up to Dream's house furious that Robyn forgot to mention his little excursion to a stranger's house. Fortunately Dream, in his black silk pyjama pants and well-worn and holey Bauhaus shirt, sufficiently charmed Hob enough to invite the two over for dinner. Then when the boys tired themselves out running around the property and fell asleep in Orpheus's room, Hob got to tire himself out on Dream's prick.
The second idea I had when browsing some memes and saw a Goth Girl Simp starter pack which is totally Hob. Not that he simps over Goth guys and gals specifically, just that he has a crush.
Dream is everything he isn't. He's tall, thin, and so fair it's almost like he's a fairy. He's effortlessly cool and mysterious, never deigning to speak more than a few words with most people. He's a regular at Hob's pub but doesn't do more than drink merlot alone in a corner booth. Occasionally he brings a date, but he's seen those relationships come and go. The last girl, Thessaly, got so mad at his lack of attention that she splashed her drink in his face and stormed out. Hob comped her drinks and Dream left shortly after paying for his wine.
Joanna laughs at the whole situation. In her experience, lots of people want a goth partner, but the magic fades when they take off their make-up and walk around and their pillows are stained with black hair dye. Hob is not deterred! He wants that stranger carnally. But how is he going to relate to him? The hardest album he has in his whole flat is a copy of Diva classics covered by some punk band. He didn't spend much time with the punks or metalheads in school and couldn't tell a Christan Death song from Sisters of Mercy. Jo laughs at him the entire way through as she helps him spike his hair and paint his nails.
Then comes show time. Dream comes in every day around 7:30-8. He comes around dressed to the Gothic nines with two glasses of red wine. He had Jo put some Stone Roses on the jukebox. He casually sits in the booth and tells him drinks are free if he cares to give a little of his time. Dream bursts out laughing. That horrid, donkey bray of a laugh deflates Hob's ego terribly. He gets up to leave, but Dream grabs his hand. He's never had someone try so hard to cater to his fashion sense. It's not needed as Dream had a crush on Hob, and well, a full night full of fucking wine drinking wasn't on anyone's to do list before tonight, but Hob can't complain!
I dearly, dearly love the idea of Hob simping for goth Dream in literally any scenario. It just brings me so much joy. Like, the image of Hob laying on the bed watching as Dream goes through the process of making himself up: litres of white foundation, powder, yards of black eyeliner in complex patterns, shining black lipstick, dozens of items of carefully selected silver jewellery, half a can of hairspray. Hob is obsessed with the entire process. And of course Dream is a lucky bastard who doesn't need to dye his hair, but can you imagine the day he finds his first greys? He's locking himself in the bathroom patching up every single spot of hair that isn't absolutely pitch black. Hob diligently helps and doesn't even complain about the fact that they'll never get the stains off the sink. He assures Dream that no, he won't have to shave it all off like Andrew Eldritch. It's fine, no one will even see which bits are dyed.
And Hob is just as much as a simp on the days where Dream’s hair is sticking out at all angles completely unstyled, and he's still in his pyjamas at 2pm. Hob still takes his job as Goth Boyfriend Appreciator very seriously, thanks very much. Arguably Dream is at his MOST goth when he's wearing Hob’s tracksuit down to the local tesco and having a silent battle with someone's grandmother over the last Danish pastry.
Also!! Goth dad Dream has captured my heart because!!!! Goth baby/child Orpheus!!!! In his little black outfits and spikey hair listening to Siouxsie and the banshees on Dream’s ancient ipod!!!! I am weak for it. And of course he's besties with Robyn, who has inherited his dad's love of Clannad and Fairport Convention. A match made in musical heaven, bless them <3
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sunnified · 14 days
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synopsis. a dive into the world of mystreet’s resident bad boy!
pairing. mystreet!gene x reader
content. general headcanons, includes a bit of pdh!gene, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, potentially a few ooc gene points (shut up, these are MY headcanons), sasha and zenix, mentions of bullying.
word count. 1.3k
a/n. gene lovers, i see you, i hear you, i am one of you!!! for this lovely anon <3
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𖤓 probably started the shadow knight gang in his freshman year, but nobody joined because they either weren’t “cool enough” or gene was too intimidating.
𖤓 he didn’t have a lot of friends during his first year because he was taller and more menacing than all the other freshman — i’m talking him being six foot, and by the end of high school he’s grown an extra three inches.
𖤓 tall!gene supremacy.
𖤓 gene attended his classes during freshman year since his mother was so excited for him to finally be going to high school — she was so proud of her oldest son growing up that she sobbed on his first day, snapping pictures of him in his uniform in front of the living room fireplace.
𖤓 he still ate his lunch outside, though.
𖤓 during the summer before sophomore year, he impulsively dyes a strand of his hair to match his younger brother’s. dante was so excited to see that blue streak that he cried.
𖤓 the blue faded as school started up again, and the two brothers never tell anyone else about it.
𖤓 he proposes the whole gang idea again in his sophomore year, except this time a silvery haired freshman takes an interest. she ends up recruiting another freshman, and the three of them become fast friends.
𖤓 he never says it out loud, but gene loves those two like they’re his own flesh and blood. they’re family, as far as he’s concerned.
𖤓 his own family life is a little bit rocky. gene’s father left when he was very young, and it broke his mother’s heart. he stepped up to help raise dante, but having a part of his childhood ripped away from him so young impacted gene more than he lets on.
𖤓 he went wild with freedom, upon reaching high school.
𖤓 the new founded shadow knights bond over terrorising freshman and sophomores alike, being a group of petty bullies for their first year as an ‘official gang’.
𖤓 gene also uses the group to look out for his little brother secretly, picking on kids who thought it was cool to tease dante.
𖤓 when gene’s junior year rolls around, another freshman takes interest in their little group, and he’s there testing how ‘hardcore’ this kid is. he turns out being pretty cool, and is inviter to hang out with them after vandalising an alleyway with their logo.
𖤓 he looks out for laurance whilst he’s apart of their group, going out of his way to make sure that older students stay away from him.
𖤓 when laurance ends up distancing himself from the shadow knights before eventually calling it quits, gene’s annoyed for sure. he offered everything he could to this little freshman, and in return he was labelled a bully and a bad guy.
𖤓 he picks up smoking in his junior year, and tries to hide it from both his mum and dante.
𖤓 he tried skateboarding for a little while, when zenix got into it, but eventually decided it wasn’t for him. and therefore stupid.
𖤓 he had a lot of influence over a select few students during high school, making them do his dirty work.
𖤓 honestly, phoenix drop high is where he learned to be such a manipulative little bastard. he never really grows out of this, but he does have a change of heart well into his adult life.
𖤓 any romantic relationship you develop with gene comes after high school. if you attended phoenix drop high and saw what he was like, you avoid him at all costs. if you don’t attend phoenix drop high and meet him in later years, gene thinks he still has a lot of changing to do before he’s ready for a relationship.
𖤓 he doesn’t go to college when he graduates high school. he passes all of his exams with average grades, but doesn’t want to continue on with education because he finds it boring.
𖤓 he lives at home for a while, trying to find his feet and figure out what he wants to do next with his life.
𖤓 ends up working at hot topic for a year, but gets fired for too many missed shifts.
𖤓 when sasha and zenix graduate, the three of them move into a shabby apartment together.
𖤓 you’re their most frequent visitor!
𖤓 he cares deeply, although he never words it.
𖤓 actions speak louder than words for him.
𖤓 when you’re visiting the apartment, cringing at the creaking floors and exposed wires, you can see how gene functions. he still has some small influence over his friends, scolding them when they argue, letting sasha do her college case studies on him, making sure zenix doesn’t accidentally sleep in when he’s scheduled a shift at work.
𖤓 you realise that the eyebags he wears are thanks to how hard he works without anyone ever really seeing it.
𖤓 maybe, that’s why you start crushing on him.
𖤓 he’s sly and teasing, a cover up for how awkward he really is when it comes to romance. he’s never had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other before. even in high school, people were intimidated by him.
𖤓 everything is unsure with him when you do end up in a relationship, and he ends up disguising it as ‘baby steps’ so that you don’t immediately figure out he’s an intimacy-virgin.
𖤓 much later into the relationship, he confesses how you’re his first everything, to which you giggle softly. he thinks your laughter is his favourite sound.
𖤓 whilst he smokes quite often, he is much less likely to indulge in alcohol. he doesn’t mind the stuff, but he hates the way it makes him act.
𖤓 how does it make him act? emotional.
𖤓 it’s hilarious, watching how he embodies his mother and brother’s emotional state, clinging to you and hiding his face as he murmurs about how much he loves you and how you’re too good for him.
𖤓 i imagine that later in life, when the two of you end up moving into your first house together, he’s over the moon.
𖤓 of course, sasha and zenix are still there every other day. not that you mind, you’ve come to love having them around, and you know how much they mean to gene.
𖤓 he leaves most of the interior design up to you, although he does insist that the bedroom includes some variation of red.
𖤓 i imagine that gene ends up jumping jobs quite a few times, unable to settle in a place where he’d be happy to work for the rest of his life.
𖤓 in fact, with a bit of encouragement, he goes to college in his late twenties, living in your shared home with you supporting him.
𖤓 he works hard because he wants to make you proud. he wants to make his mother proud. he wants to make dante proud. he wants to make sasha and zenix proud. and he wants to prove everyone wrong about him.
𖤓 he ends up confiding in you about all of his feelings. he confesses that his childhood messed him up a little bit — no father figure to guide him and having to help raise his younger brother made gene resent dante slightly. even if none of it is his fault. he whispers to you that he regrets how he acted during high school, but he knows that he can’t change the past. he evens mumbles about he thinks you’re the best thing to ever happen to him, and he’d be a fool to ever let you go.
𖤓 when you kiss him, reassuring him that he’s not a bad person, he thinks of buying you a ring. after all, he can’t let you go, can he?
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carlos-in-glasses · 7 months
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Thank you for the tags @carlos-tk @thisbuildinghasfeelings @inflarescent @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @strandnreyes @sanjuwrites @heartstringsduet @whatsintheboxmh @herefortarlos 🩷
Something from Flashback Fic (which I'll start posting on Sunday!) It's 2021, the day TK and Carlos break up. Carlos is drawn back to the honky-tonk...
Smiling politely but tearfully at the barman, Carlos orders a tequila slammer.
The barman blinks. “Excuse me?”
“One tequila slammer, please,” Carlos repeats, “Actually make that two!” He’s only ever had a tequila slammer during Austin Pride, at a pop-up bar with rainbow awning called Mermen on the Rocks. The silver tequila was mixed with red food dye to become pink.
The barman raises an eyebrow. He’s an older guy – a gray-bearded biker type in a leather waistcoat. His arms are covered in aged, greening tattoos of snakes curling around daggers, thorny roses growing around crucifixes. “How about one shot for the road, and then you get a taxi home and drink lots of water, son?”
“No, no, no!” Carlos appeals with flare. “I can’t go home. I have to stay right here.” He spirals a finger and then bounces it against the bar. “Right here.”
“Why can’t you go home?”
“I don’t have one. I mean I do. I’m a homeowner.”
“But I was staying with my…my…” Carlos keeps swirling his finger in the air, like he’s aiming to land on words visible only to him. “But! You know. Sometimes.”
“Ah. Yeah,” The barman smiles. He has a gold tooth. Shiny. “I think I get what you’re saying.”
“Thank you. You’re the only one who does.” He’s also the only person Carlos has talked to since TK fled from him at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
“Women trouble,” the barman says definitively.
“Something like that.”
“We’ve all been there.”
“I haven’t.”
“I mean. I have. Literally with a woman.”
“Uh huh.” The barman surreptitiously fills a glass with water and pushes it towards Carlos slowly.
“But this is different. TK’s different.”
“Flowers. Chocolates. A groveling apology. It’s all we’ve got.”
“But I didn’t do anything wrong.”
The barman stifles a laugh. “You almost certainly did.”
“All I did was buy an apartment for us. Without mentioning it. But like…it was meant to be a happy thing. A nice surprise. It was meant to be, like…hey I got you a piece of forever, and this piece of forever has great light, and it’s near clubs and that really good bakery. You know?”
“Sounds like a good forever to me.”
“I thought so.”
“Have a little water, son.”
Carlos seizes his glass of water in both his large hands, like he has the dexterity of a three-year-old. He sips from it gently. “This is good,” he says, as if the barman has given him something new and delicious. “My partner is totally sober. My ex, I mean.” His voice cracks as he cries. “I haven’t been drunk like this in a long time.”
“That does not surprise me.” The barman sighs and hunches, leans his folded arms on the bar to create a little privacy with his shadow. He lets the strange man cry in his presence, as many have done before.
“We had our first dance here. First kiss. First–”
“Son, look at me and listen,” the barman says firmly. Carlos does. He looks into friendly blue eyes surrounded by crinkled skin. “Tomorrow is a new day. You sober up yourself, and then you take that pretty girl the biggest box of chocolates your money can buy, and the biggest motherfucking bunch of roses too. You get down on your knees and tell her you love her with your whole dumbass heart. I’ve got no other advice for you, than to try.”
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Usopp's self care is taking care of his hair. He makes a whole day of it, he starts the day early dividing his hair into parts and cutting his ends. washing and detailing takes a long time after it deep conditioning and then hot oil treatment.
It's a very long tedious but very rewarding process. Some of his fondest memories with his dad was when he was doing his hair. Yasopp said to keep his hair virgin don't dye it, don't straighten it, and don't bleach or relax it! Especially the last two he did that now his hair has broken off the curls are gone and his roots are gray. It took him 7 years for it to grow back to its natural length and that's because he had to locs it so he won't mess with it.
Looking at old photos of his dad's hair and his hair now he's scared straight. He's not going near any sort of chemicals His hair is going to be natural forever. He wished he taught him how to braid/twist/loc his own hair, he had to teach himself. When they do meet up with the red pirates his dad's hair looks a lot better. It's not a deep black like usopp's It's more of a dark gray now but the curls are back and it's not brittle anymore.
During their visit Yasopp spent hours sitting with usopp on the floor locking his hair and teaching him how to do it and take care of it. The first hour was awkward and quiet but after the third hour It was like they never separated talking and laughing. The topic of sanji (of course sanuso is involved) was brought up and if he knows how to do his hair.
After a shameful 'no' he found Saji in the kitchen spying on them (he was there the whole time for 4 hours watching them) He was yelled at for not knowing how to do his life partner's hair.
'How do you not know how to do that!? Don't you know how intimate it is to have your partner take care of your hair! it's the easiest way to show affection! You hasn't been doing that?! What if you have kids!? How are you going to do their hair?! Sit down! Where's that weird flamboyant skeleton?! You're gonna learn how to do textured hair today!'
I. Absolutely. Love this.
Usopp using his hair as something he has in common with his dad is so, so sweet. He just loves it so much. He loves taking care of it and he loves following all the things his dad taught him, so when they meet again, he can proudly say he followed his steps. He thinks about his parents whenever he's taking care of his hair, and it's just so important to him. It's his favorite part of himself 100%. He might be insecure, but about his hair? Never.
He is, though, a bit reluctant to asking Sanji if he wants to learn about it. Sanji, being the clingy boyfriend he is, loves Usopp's hair. He won't stop touching it and complimenting it and Usopp easily falls asleep when Sanji does these things because it's relaxing and extremely soothing and sweet. However, Sanji is careful not to be disrespectful or cross any boundaries so he's always "your hair looks gorgeous like always, mon trésor" and a few strokes and kisses to his head, but that's about it. He doesn't push further or ask anything because he thinks it's an Usopp thing and he knows how important his hair is for him. He watches Usopp's hair routines whenever they shower together (most of the time) and pretty much keeps an eye on him whenever they go to sleep and Usopp has to do his things. It's not that he doesn't want to learn, he really does, it's just that he doesn't want to push Usopp to do something he doesn't want to. Classic miscommunication situation, because Usopp just thinks Sanji isn't inetersted and he doesn't want to be a burden and he's just fine with it.
Yasopp is not fine with it, though. So the second he finds out about Sanji not knowing a thing about taking care of his son's hair, Yasopp calls out for him (he knows Sanji has been listening. He's no idiot. Father senses) and forces him to learn how to do textured hair. Which is funny because Yasopp thinks he's forcing it on him and that he's being oh so scary and father like, but, uh, Sanji really does want to learn. He truly is excited for this! They do some lessons with Brook (who's really, really happy to help) and Usopp looks at them with such a fond look,,, He just loves his boy so much.
Then they have to say goodbye to the Red Hair pirates, sadly (sadly for Usopp and Luffy because I am 100% sure Nami is SO done with these guys already). Something changes, because now Sanji offers to do his hair when they have the time and before and after going to sleep. He now knows how to take care of it, at least, there wasn't much time for a long explanation about styling. So Usopp teaches him what he doesn't know and asks all the questions Sanji has, even if they seem dumb at first.
Usopp's favorite part of himself is his hair, and apparently Sanji loves it just as much <3
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pearlywritings · 2 years
Morning kisses
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synopsis: just a sweet morning shared within the Rex-Lapis’s household.
pairing and characters: Zhongli x fem!reader, Xiao and Ganyu. All four’s last name is Rex-Lapis.
tw: modern AU, established relationship, fluff
word count: 1.5k+ words
a/n: In this modern AU of mine Xiao resembles his dad Zhongli a lot. Same amber eyes and same dark brown hair. He will obtain his teal green hair color when he is older, when he has that teen "I wanna dye my hair and be different" phase. More information about this AU and character’s roles for better understanding will be in a separate post once I finish and publish a couple of more related fics.
Off note, this is basically the very first Genshin fanfiction I’ve ever written, even before starting this blog. Finally it’s out!
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The sounds of little feet scurrying just outside the bedroom door made you stir from sleep. Softly groaning and burying your cheek into the pillow, you reached a hand out from under the covers and patted the other side of the bed. As expected it was empty but still held some warmth of your husband's body.
Rolling onto your back, you lifted an arm to drape over your eyes - even if the curtains were still drawn together and no light dared to be a nuisance. The other felt a bit numb from being caught up in between two bodies last night and you groaned again. Feeling how the smallest movement of fingers sent jolts of electricity through your whole limb wasn't the thing you'd be fond of early in the morning.
Great, it seemed like one of the legs was no better - sometimes you truly were tempted to call your husband a cuddling monster. Maybe you even had, and most likely he hadn't even been repulsed by that, only softly laughing.
Speaking of your husband… Lifting the less affected arm, you blinked a couple of times and gazed at the dresser. The hanger that you put on the handle last evening was empty, signaling that if you didn't hurry you'd most likely miss your husband's departure.
Finally pushing yourself up and quickly swinging your legs over the edge of the bed you were ready to start this new day. With a nice stretch, one that makes your joints crack in places, you quickly padded to the bathroom.
When you emerged in the kitchen just a couple of minutes later, you witnessed one of the most heartwarming scenes your little family could've gifted you with.
Zhongli, your dear loving husband, had your 4-year old son in his lap, softly nudging his cheek with a knuckle to wipe some syrup. Xiao was happily munching on a waffle, and you could swear he was swinging his little feet under the table, back pressed to his dad's chest. Such a papa's boy.
"I am surprised you are not worried he'll ruin your work clothes, love," molten gold in his eyes seemed to swirl when the man noticed you standing in the doorway, leaning on the wall a little.
"Ah, sorry if we woke you up, dearest," the deep soothing voice almost had you weak in your knees. But you held your ground, it was barely a morning, no way you'd push through it if your knees gave up right now.
"You didn't. Just heard Xiao running past the bedroom," your hand gently touches Zhongli's shoulder and you bent down to place a kiss on his temple. "Seems he had the same idea I did once I woke up."
"Oh? And what could that be?" He inquired, eyes watching you drag a chair from its original place closer to his.
"Want to see you before you leave for work," now almost one eye level with your son, you sweetly smiled at him. "Hey, baby. You wanted to have breakfast with daddy and tell him goodbye before he leaves?"
Xiao eagerly nodded and you had to shield Zhongli's sleeve from getting caught in the syrup almost dripping from the waffle.
"Papa came to my room to give me a kiss," he explained, quickly licking a sticky droplet before it fell off his treat. Right, your husband made sure to give you and your two kids good morning kisses, even if you were asleep on days like this, when he had early lectures in the University - you were the first to get his affection while he was still in the bedroom and then he headed straight to your son’s room, since your daughter was usually up already due to early classes at school and got her portion of morning affection during breakfast.
"Did you give him one back?" You wondered. Xiao shook his head, ready to bite into the soft texture of the waffle again. "But I will!"
"I am sure you will," you chuckled, ruffling his hair and standing up to grab yourself a drink and a spare plate.
You adored mornings like that, there was something really special about being able to wake up to catch Zhongli before he left, since it was always a very slim chance on this exact day of week. It was like a small achievement every time, like you managed to give him a kiss in return and secure the "give a morning kiss every day a week" challenge. But having your little son there too? Extra points, and you knew your husband's mood was lifted considerably.
Stifling a yawn, a plate in one hand and a mug in the other, you joined your family at the table again and were quickly passed Xiao over, who'd just finished his second waffle.
"Sorry, love," Zhongli mumbled apologetically, finishing his cup of tea and putting it on top of his own empty plate. "I should go, if I don't want to get caught in a traffic jam," he stood up, brushing his pants and checking if there was anything improper in his appearance.
Spoiler: he always looked immaculate and that time was no exception.
"Come on, Xiao, give daddy a kiss," your son enthusiastically reached his hands up, making a grabby motion and his dad bent down to receive a small, maybe a little bit sloppy kiss on his left cheek.
"I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, baby," affectionately ruffling his hair and getting his son's happy noises, he then moved a bit higher, brushing his lips against yours.
"I love you, darling. Don’t forget to tell Ganyu I love her too."
"Mhm, same, dear." you pecked his nose, giving him a soft look that was reflected in his own eyes, “and don’t worry, I won’t, but later. Poor girl must be so tired after yesterday’s exam… I’ll let her sleep a little bit longer, fortunately, she doesn’t have classes today.” Zhongli nodded in agreement. While being a University professor he still was very aware of his daughter’s struggles during this examination period. After all, it’s her last year of high school.
"Sounds perfect to me. Xiao,” he quickly glanced at the boy again, “be good for mommy, okay?"
"Mhm!" the boy nodded, playing with your fingers that were wrapped around the middle of his small body. Satisfied with his answer, the man put the dishes in the sink and pushed his chair back under the table.
When Zhongli was out in the hall, getting his coat on and fetching his briefcase, you carefully moved Xiao to his own chair, filling his plate with new treats and quickly excused yourself out of the kitchen.
You got to your husband just when he was ready to step out of the door, holding his keys; the small golden dragon trinket attached to it reflected the hall lights.
"Is anything wrong?" Concern laced his words, but you shook your head.
"No, not at all. I just don't think that kiss was proper. Wanna try again?"
Now it was his turn to shake his head with a soft chuckle - not in denial though, in amusement.
"Having been married to you for so many years I should've predicted something of the kind, but you really never cease to surprise me, you know that," putting the keys in a pocket and the briefcase down, he opened his arms. "Come here, my gem, and I shall assist to your request."
Maybe it was still your sleepiness from the early awakening, but you felt the giddiness of a schoolgirl. With a giggle, you almost threw yourself in his arms, them enclosing tightly around your waist while yours snaked their way around his neck.
Lips found each other like a perfect puzzle, like two parts of one complex mechanism forged together, and you both contently sighed. That was the bliss of the morning you both enjoyed and, honestly, didn't want to end.
"If you don't let go of me right now, we are going to be stuck here all day," the teasing lilt in his voice only made you want to act on that exact idea more. But you knew people would be waiting for him somewhere else, and you were willing to share him with them, since they were his students and you were proud of him and his job.
"Fiiiiine," releasing your hold on his neck, you took a step back and bent to grab the briefcase to pass to him, which he took with a look of gratitude. "Make sure to teach those students some interesting historical stuff."
"Why of course, love, that's my job. I'll see you both in the evening. Want me to grab something on my way back?"
"I'll send you a message with a list, thanks. See you later," and with the last exchange of smiles he was out of the door and a couple of seconds later you clicked the lock closed.
Now, time to check if your little Conqueror of Waffles had finished his plate and started on yours.
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maxverstappensflatbrim · 10 months
Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [29]
chapter twenty-nine, act four: somebody else
little Author's note /TW before this act begins. There's going to be alot of talk of drug use and addiction within the chapters coming, if you're not comfortable with these kinds of things please don't read.
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January 1st 2016
“Happy new year, babe.”
Caleb leans down to kiss her cheek, before she can answer or mutter the phrase back to him Denise is sweeping in to kiss her on both cheeks, “Happy new year, darling.”
Tommie grins, “Happy new year, Denise. Where’s the eldest?”
Denise shrugs, “Tommie, we both know I’ve never been able to control that boy.”
The pair look around the room, “He didn’t come?”
Denise shakes her head, “He’s with his girlfriend somewhere, doing things a mother really doesn’t want to know about.”
Tommie chuckles, eyes glancing towards the front door, “How’s Gabby?”
“She’s lovely, have you met her?”
She shakes her head, “Uh, I was in LA when he brought her round to meet everyone.”
“With Caleb?” Denise asks, smiling over her shoulder at the American.
“Yeah, he’s working on his first album with his band.”
“And how’s that going, dear?”
Caleb clears his throat, clutching the drink in his hand as he steps up closer to her, “Uh, pretty good, yeah, we’ve got a few songs done now. Decided we’re going to use the two most popular ones from the EP, too.”
Denise turns back to Tommie then, quickly bored with the American’s voice, “And how’s LA treating you?”
Tommie frowns a little, waiting for Caleb to get distracted talking to one of Matty’s cousins before answering, “I hate it.”
She frowns deeper and Denise wraps her arms around her, “Oh, darling.”
“I want to come home.”
Denise holds her tighter, “You’re welcome back here as much as you want, you know that.”
Tommie closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth of her arms. Tommie wasn’t used to warm hugs until she started coming to Manchester more often. Shewasn’t used to being mothered until she met Denise either.
Denise pulls back to smooth out her hair, the dye is fading, blonde reaching her shoulders and her natural colour back at the top.
“Caleb’s whole life is in LA, and with Matty wanting to finish the last bits of the album out there I’m stuck.”
“Tell Matty to shove it where the sun don’t-”
“Hey, what did I do now?”
Suddenly a pair of arms are wrapping around the two women, a third head being placed on top of Tommie’s.
“Well, you’re late for starters.” Denise says, pushing his head away from Tommie to give her some space, “You missed the countdown.”
“Yeah, sorry mum, we were on our way back from London.”
“We?” Tommie asks.
Matty’s smile brightens a little as he nods and moves aside, one arm outstretched, “This is Gabby.”
“Tommie,” The woman introduced as Gabby says her name like they’re long lost childhood bestfriends, it’s so sweet, so comforting, Tommie can’t hide the smile that automatically fills her face, “I feel like I’ve known you years with the way Matty talks about you.”
Matty grins as the pair share a quick embrace, wiggling his eyebrows at Tommie over his girlfriend’s shoulder.
“It’s lovely to meet you.”
Gabby grips both her hands pulling her towards the kitchen, “Let's get a drink and talk. I want to know about you, not the Tommie he’s put in my head.”
Tommie smiles, getting pushed by Matty to follow after her.
Denise is eyeing her son who frowns, “What?”
“Tell me, mum, what?”
“You think that’s a good idea?”
Denise shrugs, “Leaving your girlfriend alone with the woman you’re in love with.”
Matty scoffs, “With herself?”
“Don’t play stupid, Matthew, we both know you aren’t.”
Matty shrugs, scratching at his arm, “Gabby’s nice.”
“She is, which is why it isn’t fair-”
“If Tommie could love someone else I'm sure I’ll be able to too.”
“You can love Gabby, I know you can,” She says, fondly placing a hand on his cheek, “But you’ll never be able to love another like you do our Tommie.”
She pats his cheek and he watches her walk away, muttering to himself how being in love and attracted to someone aren't the same thing.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
February 27th 2016
“Don’t…. No…. don’t wake….”
Tommy yawns, eyes squinting at the light coming in through the curtains and looks around, “G?”
George moves quickly, brushing her hair out of her face as she tries to spit it out, “Go back to sleep, Tom.”
“No, ‘m not tired now…”
She feels the bed dip beside her, “Have a few more hours, babe…” Caleb says gently, hand brushing up and down her arm, “Big night last night.”
She nods, “Okay… wake me for pizza.”
Caleb smiles leaning down to kiss her cheek before following George outside.
“Keep an eye on her.”
“George, what’s going on?”
“Nothing  you need to worry about, alright? Just, make sure you keep an eye on her, don’t let her ring Matty… or Ross…”
He calls after the drummer but he ignores him, “George, hey…”
Before he gets out the door Caleb catches his arm spinning him quickly, “What the hell is going on?”
“Keep an eye on your girlfriend.”
That's what he leaves him with, meeting Adam at the end of the hallway, he’s on the phone with a panicked Ross who’s muttering something about Matty.
“Shit.” George says when the lift won’t move them any faster down the single two floors separating them and Ross.
Adam’s the first down the hallway, going into the room left open with a shoe finding Ross sat on the bed, phone still in hand.
He shakes his head gesturing to the bathroom door and George leans against it, knocking it with his knuckles, “Matty?”
“Go away.”
“Come on, Matty, let us in.”
“Is Hann out there?”
Adam moves towards the door, leaning his side against it and speaking to him softly, “Yeah, I’m here.”
“Then no!” He yells back, “You’ll shout at me.”
Adam sighs, “I won’t, Matt, promise just open the door please.”
It's silent, they hear him move towards the door, his feet dragging before he slides his back down it. There’s a soft thud as his head falls back to meet the wood, “Tom?”
“She’s upstairs, in bed.”
The lock clicks, George pushes Adam back, muttering for him to wait as he goes inside.
The room is filled with bottles, packets of the stupid white substance they’ve been trying to tell him to quit since the second album came out. Some other drugs lay around, some George doesn’t even recognize. 
“What are you doing?” George asks, kneeling beside Matty who leans back against the wall beside the door.
He’s shirtless, yesterday's black skinny jeans on, legs brought to his chest as he shivers. His fluffy hair is soaking wet, sticking to his forehead and George pushes it back to see him better.
“I don’t know…”
“Thought you said you’d quit once the album was out.”
“I did.” He says sitting up and rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, “I tried.” He corrects, “Then, guy who used to deal to me came last night, uninvited, I tried… George-” He takes a stuttering breath, “It’s so hard.”
“What is?”
He shrugs, “Being here, being there, everywhere, I- I can’t do it George. Can’t write, and sing, and perform, and watch them-”
George nods, sitting with his back against the door to let Matty fall into him, curling himself around his long arm, “Don’t tell Baby.”
“She doesn’t know… she hasn’t known.”
Matty nods, then crawls to the sink to pull himself up and stare in the mirror, “Tour starts soon…” He says mostly to himself, “I’ll stop then.”
“Then? Not now.”
“You know what I mean.” He says waving him away.
He opens the door, Ross and Adam perking up quickly, he moves past them to pick up his hoodie, pulling it on and drawing the strings closed as he grabs his keycard and leaves the room.
“Matty where are you going?”
Adam shakes his head, Ross is the first to reach him stopping him with a firm grip on his arm, “You want to let her see you like this? Want her to figure out what’s been going on? Why you’ve been so secretive lately?”
He shakes his head, “I just… I need her, Ross…”
Ross, the one who had found him that morning, screaming out the name of their youngest member while harshly kicking sheets from his body, takes pity on their singer.
He lets his wrist go watching him scurry away and stops Adam when he tries to follow.
“He was having a bad trip… not sure what it is but he was shouting- no, fucking screaming her name.”
George grimaces and Ross rolls his eyes, “Not like that gutter brain, more like… in pain.”
Matty considers knocking on her door head resting against it as he listens for any sign of movement. Then he decides against it and moves to the room next door, his room.
He uses his key card to get in, moving to the conjoining door and pushes it open quietly.
He climbs up into the bed, pausing when she sighs out, hand stretching across the bed.
“Go back to sleep, baby.”
Her eyes flutter open to look over at him, “Hey.”
He instantly feels better, settling behind her, pulling her back until her body is moulded perfectly into the shape of his.
His hands travel up onto her stomach and she winces at the cold, “Why are you so cold?”
“Had a cold shower… hangover cure.”
She hums, hands coming down to lace over him, “Haven’t seen you in a while.” She says.
He buries his face in her hair, breathing in the familiar flowery scent as he relaxes into the pillows.
“Saw me yesterday.”
She shrugs, yawning and hiding it with the back of her hand, “Not really,” She comments, finger now tracing one of his tattoos, “You haven't been here.”
She moves her hand to tap his forehead awkwardly over her shoulder. He kisses her shoulder through her t-shirt and then closes his eyes.
“Can I sleep here? For a bit?”
“Caleb will be back soon.”
He shrugs, moving the duvet further over them, “He can join, can spoon me for all I care. I just need you right now.”
She nods, “You’ll always have me, Roddy.”
He closes his eyes, blocking out the nightmare he was having.
“Tom? Tom, Baby?”
He shakes the redhead violently, her whole body shaking with his hands on her shoulders, “Baby, come on? I promise, I’ll stop, just wake up, stop messin ‘round, come on Baby! Tom! Tommie! I’m sorry, I’ll stop, I’ll stop-”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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