#the whole album is luxurious honestly
knightofleo · 1 year
Caroline Polachek | Butterfly Net
I collected stupid ashes So that after you'd gone I could hold onto something But you stayed unwavering Through every false goodbye Unsubsiding, pining For now and for never There you were, with your mirror Shining the world all over me There I was, with my butterfly net Trying to catch your light
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stormblessed95 · 4 months
How do these people lie so much and honestly believe their ship is real Stormy? How many things are even correct here? As far as i can tell the only correct thing is that Jk said Tae listened to Seven first. Everything else is either a straight up lie, mistranslation or something taken out of context. These are the things that taekookers believe to be true and somehow jikookers are the jokers?
Let's just do some super quick fact checks and correcting misinformation with links to proof to backup all my sources here:
"Jungkook said I want to join the special forces"
True! (comes from the last live before military service)
"Jungkook said Taehyung is my safe space"
False! Jungkook said that Tae was his common ground (comes from festa 2020 profiles is where they mistranslated that one from)
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"Jungkook said my relationship with Taehyung is not for the cameras"
False! Made up by shippers in 2014, Proof here
"Jungkook said that the first person to hear the song Seven was Taehyung"
True! From Seven Spotify Interview
"Jungkook is the first person to hear Taehyungs album and record it in his house"
True! JK was the first to hear some of Tae's songs. And Tae did record A singular song at JKs house/studio. The whole album though wasn't mentioned specifically (but that might still be true) and only one song was recorded at JKs place I believe. Comes from JKs live and Tae's You Quiz interview
"Jungkook has a song he always sings to Taehyung"
False! I think they just made that up. I did a little searching anyway, lol but yeah no....
"The members said Taekook will never separate"
False! The members made a fortune teller joke where one said "so you guys can never be apart then?" As a silly joke about the color shirts they were wearing. Proof here
"the members said that if you want JK, call Taehyung (and vice versa) because they are always together."
False! The only thing said about JK was that he didn't like answering his phone and basically never did. Everything else was made up. From MBTI labs
"They went together to show the movie and were wearing identical clothes with strong lesbian expressions about their relationship."
(lmfao what) Sort of true.... (?) They did go to the movie premiere together! And Tae wore an Morrissey/Oscar Wilde shirt (openly gay and put on trial for being gay) and JK wore a jacket with scripture about two men being jailed for their practices and one of which many people believe to be gay/queer coded and a shirt with references to Taylor Meed's poetry (openly gay and wrote for a gay newspaper). Idk what the rest of that was about though lol
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"Taekook in a luxury hotel dancing RUN BTS together and spending the night!"
True, they were in a luxury hotel and danced RUN BTS!
And also False, they spent the night. No one knows, we just saw them do a TikTok dance. They made the rest up lol maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Can't make facts outta assumptions though!
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Taekooks picture from their date that jokers said was OT7 but boom turned out to only be a date
False! Boom.... Was an OT7 dinner.... Lol Proof Here
And Bam that Tae raised and the photos he posted
True since Tae DID post a cute photo of him with baby Bam and made a joke about raising him. As did every BTS member with Yeotan.... Lmfao False due to weird exaggeration though
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Taekook and their seven dance together
True! Tae danced Seven with JK on his encore stage!
Jimin said: Tae and JK love forever
True! He wrote their names in a heart in the sand in BV1 and that's the quote he said (sorta)
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Jimin said Tae and JK share their music and everything and do not share it with the members.
False! I cannot prove a negative but the lack of proof of this quote anywhere ever should be enough. Lol they made this one up. Should've stuck with the tangible evidence that they shared their music with each other in these latest albums first instead of trying to take it one step too far and starting to lie lol
"they are the two closest members and they have special trips and a lot of real dates and like to spend all their time together and they like to stay up all night and watch the sunrise together and they share everything."
False! Lmao the more you read the more it becomes like fanfiction rather than evidence based facts
"Jungkook said he didn't know Jimin's number and hasn't seen him in weeks and months."
False! JK said he couldn't remember a GC nickname, he also mentioned during a different live that he didn't have Jins number saved. And JK clearly had been seeing Jimin at various points as they were signing up for buddy service in the military which takes a lot of prep time.... Lol but he still never said that, but he did say "I miss you" a lot, but that's not "I haven't seen him in weeks and months" lol Proof about the numbers here
"Jungkook will always choose Taehyung to spend private time with, a true relationship"
False! Wasnt said anywhere by anyone, just an opinion from a shipper lol
"Your ship is 0 without the company and the cameras and this is the truth, and in the solo era Jungkook spends all his time with Taehyung"
False! They spent lots of time together, but this is just a shipper fighting other shippers.... No facts, no ship or friendship in BTS will ever be zero either
And just more of that shipper fighting nonsense to finish it off. Sucks since they started off relatively strong with Taekook appreciation only to just degrade into shipper bullshit.
Anyway, this was fun. I wouldn't mind more true/false games in the future 🤣🤣🤣
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thenebuleuse · 4 months
Thoughts (since I don't write on Tumblr often
I've been following Jeff's career since like...mid-Kinnporsche airing, I don't remember exactly when but like he had the first 3 songs from his new chapter phase. And honestly, I'm really proud of the guy, like from the cutesy songs he started with to working on a well-defined style and universe, to his now international stardom...Congrats!!
I'm also wondering about the album since he said there was 12 songs, (and we're missing single 9) and Stranger might be released inside the album but there's at least 1-2 new songs. He basically gave himself the opportunity to promote for a long-ass time with all these MVs (and thanks the sponsorships+the money he made for this clip budget) but that also means very little new songs. Like for album 2, is it going to be a mini-album? Or a normal-sized one? Is he going to go the one MV one song way again?
I don't know how thaï music industry works but it's going to be interesting. I hope there's Covid precautions in place at his concerts because I would hate for him to have his career shortened that way. Like fans, please wear masks. I wanna hear the high notes, and he's basically set himself up by having one high note per song (no, you don't need it Jeff) and that makes it hard to not to have public, embarassing false notes (is it how you say it in English? I'm French btw)
The studio posting in advance the Cartier Paris event schedule is funny, I've visited the museum and it's absolutely a visit during opening hours on a normal opening day. They probably privatized it with lots of money, but if they don't it's gonna be funny to see random art students going "who's that guy/why is there so many celebs??"(Paris museums are either closed on Monday or Tuesday, depending if they're state museums or city museums)
He's made quite a lot of connections last year, going from the first partnerships (the cat food one was mandatory) to high-end partnerships with luxury brands. I would love to know what made him choose these ones and reject the others but we will never know what has he been offered.
Also, Chuang! Except for one of the mentors I didn't know, it feels weird to see people I've seen being rookies listening to seniors becoming the judges of today, when the judges used to be people who weren't known celebrities to the idol fan watcher. Now my idols are another idol's idol! Like I'm going to watch a show (on and off because I'm busy) because of the judges and not the contestants! In terms of the competition, I wonder how they're going to be promoted, especially since it's a girl group. Like, when Produce/Chuang was created, it looked unrealistic, and here we are! I think the girls version of the show tends to be the first, and idol girls seem less "guaranted success" than the nth boygroup. Idk about thai music industry again, so idk how idols survive, because the only idol girls I kow in Thaïland are Sizzy from GMM..We'll see, but I hope the show fulfills its role of career launcher without scandals or evil editing.
Back to the actual topic, seeing the Jeff pyjama pic for the show's filming is making me wonder if he's going to be styled in Valention the whole time. If it's the case, we could literaly have a guessing party before the episode teasers, though he's a wild card since he picks women's clothes too. Please show, make him wear a skirt! A pantaskirt?
Also, his haircut, an actual discussion topic (but kpop idols announce comebacks by hair colour, so why not?) is making him look like he's somewhere between 18-22. Like it's only when he styles it back that it doesn't give him too much of a baby face. For his movie, I think they're filming backwards or not in order in terms of time period, because I don't think they're going to do bald cap if he needs to have no hair. We might get short military-like (I hope he doesn't keep it, I love the long hair). But also, is it me or he's started working out the Dorito back way? Like, he's got more arm and shoulder muscles than without workout, but last singing appearance he really looked "guy who works out to have a triangular back" and that may be movie-related as well? Again and again, idk.
I don't really write about stuff a lot, the thoughts often stay in my head, but yeah, here they are!
For his next career moves, I'm mostly curious about how much space he's going to give to acting or being in reality shows, since he's a singer first. I think Wuju is going to be his last work with Barcode as a partner, but I'm curious about where he's going to be casted if he does series again, like he has more options than just the BOC productions (unlike Barcode) and he may become a "pass-around, no fixed ship actor. But we're making plans on a comet now, and I really should go back to working, so bye for now!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Oh talk about JM karma lmao
1. Dragged him for playing pool with Taemin, a smoker in 2016. Tae caught smoking and with cigarette box multiple times since 2019 and antis on his ass for that.
2. Spread JM is pushing himself onto Jk and Jkk doesn't have any bond. JK confirming they were awkward and didn't had a chill relationship. Said Jkk is one sided and JM is the one using FS to be popular. 2023, Tae using tkk agenda like his life and career depends on it.
3. Spread JM is a womanizer and even has a kid lmao, created a dating rumor for him in 2022 which was ignored by even JM stans. 2023 Tae embroiled in dating rumors that too with a woman they hate the most, pics and videos out, discussed in national news channels. Peace destroyed of all stans and their mommas. Don't be surprised if pregnancy announcement is next lmao.
4. Dragged him for having no work after hiatus announcement in 2022. New JM music every 2 month, signed with 2 lux brands in world, sang in Hollywood ost, continuing to make and break records in 2023. Tae no new music since hiatus, did a dishwashing show, signed with 2 fuckass brands that even his own stans got upset for.
5. Called his fans the most toxic, blamed JM for having lot of solo stans, spread his fans are good for nothing antis. 2023, Tae calling his stans boring and corny. Not spending a proper 5 minutes to interact with them that not missing his live became a luxury thing for them.
6. Wished JM will commit suicide when he had a low point in 2022, said he'll alienate himself from all activities. 2023, JM so happy and cheerful and confirmed he's perfectly alright now. While tkkrs haven't slept for days and is verge on mental breakdown. While their fav is acting like a coward and not defending the woman he supposedly love.
7. Dragged JM for his musical skills, saying he can't sing nor produce good music. Saying his album will most flopped among members who are musicians. 2023, FACE reigning charts. JM credited for writing all songs. Got an hot100 historic achievement that God knows when will repeat again. Lmao
I can go on lol
But whatever Tae stans spread about JM and is projecting onto him is literally coming back to them that they have to sacrifice their whole life to defend him LMFAO 🤣
JM karma is so fucking strong, that's what he gets for being an angel
You could have worded this better. Without the V bashing because I whole heartedly agree. These fucktards take every chance to shit on Jimin but as soon as Jimin solos start dishing it back they can't handle it?
I don't like Jimin solos. I don't like any solos at all. But it sure is fun to watch them make the v solos and tkkrs (who are one in the same) sweat. Honestly I am loving it. Sign me up for more.
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idyllicdeco · 2 years
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Tempted? -JHS
Song: https://youtu.be/lq6AEvVdM0o
Genre: smut
Pairing: Hoseokx afab! Reader
Word count: ~4k
Warning ⚠️: unprotected sex, lots of teasing, sexual tension
Synopsis: Would it sound bad to say the luxury of it is turning you on?
Not proofread but still a repost because I made some changes
The floor was so cold. At first glance, the villa was intimidating. Black walls and chilly tiles, only once you got to actually look around did you realise how luxurious everything looked. It made you feel odd just being there but you weren't sure if you disliked it. Still caught in your thoughts, analysing the place, you didn't notice the owner coming closer to you, offering you a glass of water.
It was well past 2AM and the company dinner just ended. Everyone got drunk out of their mind so you couldn't just leave earlier, having to help out, resulting in being late for the last bus home which meant there was no way you were getting home since you live outside the city area.
"I sure hope you're not just going to stand there all night . Take a seat." His voice brings you back to reality. Reality which felt like anything but... real. You try to shake your mind out of it and be less awkward. You had already plenty of interactions with Hoseok, especially after his solo album so you were on friendly terms. You could even say you were acquaintances which is the furthest you've ever got with someone from work.
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I lost track of time." You apologise knowing damn well how inappropriate this whole situation was. He instead chuckles and replies with a soft tone
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I lost track of time." You apologise knowing damn well how inappropriate this whole situation was. He instead chuckles and replies with a soft tone
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I lost track of time." You apologise knowing damn well how inappropriate this whole situation was. He instead chuckles and replies with a soft tone
"It's understandable. Work dinners are something else. I would've preferred to be home hours ago too". You exhale, scolding yourself for getting so frightened. It's Hoseok you're talking to, literally the nicest person you've had the chance to work with, why get so nervous.
You look at him circle the C shaped couch, taking off his suit jacket and folding it. Underneath it he was wearing a black dress shirt which made him look elegant to say the least. You were trying to keep yourself composed whenever you were around him, being an easy task at work but it proves to be quite difficult in such different setting .
"Your house" you start a bit unsure if you would cross the line with your next question but still decide to continue. " it's really... spacious, doesn't it get lonely?". He takes time answering, showing like he is really taking your question into consideration and is thinking about the right answer while sitting in front of you, on the other side of the couch. You couldn't stop looking at him. Everyone knew how pretty he was but standing close to him got you mesmerised. Not to mention his voice which was getting you a little to excited to hear him talk again.
"Hmm, not sure. I don't spend that much time home lately." He responds, still lost in his thoughts " but when I do come home I usually like to charge my social battery". He lays his stare on you for the first time since you two were left alone, his eyes making you somewhat shy.
"Again, I apologise for intruding I ..." you were stopped mid sentence by a sound of disapproval leaving his lips.
"Stop apologising, and besides, you work really hard, and especially after you took care of everything tonight, who knows what disaster could've happened so we should be thanking you. I honestly don't think I could've had that type of patience." You both fall back into silence. You start fidgeting with your rings, looking around the room or back down at the small coffee table trying your best to avoid eye contact.
"Just to make sure you know, I will not leak your address, so if anything happens it wasn't my fault". You attempt to make a joke which you thought turned out to be horrible when there was a lack of response you turned your head to look back at Hoseok. The awkward and forced smile you were holding melted away when you met his eyes. Your entire body felt like jello, like you had little to no control over it. All you could do was to stare back at him, your eyes falling from his eyes slowly towards his lips then neck. His collarbone was showing through his shirt which had the first few buttons open, making you burn holes over his body.
"Don't give me that look" his voice snaps you out your trance, making your attention fall back on his face with a confused look.
"Pft, what do you mean? I wasn't looking at you in any way". Your anxious fidgeting was giving you away, making you feel like a thief caught trying to steal. Which wasn't far from the truth since you were stealing glances at his body but that was besides the point. He sits up from the couch and slowly strolls around the coffee table over to you. Your breath hitches, at the sudden proximity between the two of you.
"You want to kiss me so hard right now, don't
you?" His voice dropped suddenly, his arms were now resting on the backrest of the couch, locking you between his arms. Your first instinct was to look away but you stop yourself before making any rash movements. The tension of his dark eyes was too much for you to handle so you moved your eyes to his lips which were slightly parted, short breaths leaving them. You gather all of your courage and look back, straight at him.
"Don't tempt me " your voice was still steady, even though your body was announcing to give up any second. He takes your response as a challenge, moving his face closer to yours until your lips are only inches apart. He takes a second to scan your face for any reaction but you don't give him a chance, wanting to see how far he'd go, you raise your hand and hesitantly trace his bottom lip with your finger. There was no shift in him, no hesitation at all. Before even considering things further you close the gap between the two of you with a peck on his lips. You return to your previous position with shock in your eyes. What did you do? You don't get to overthink the situation, his next words making your mind go blank.
"Kiss me like you mean it, will you?". Not even the next second you feel his lips back on yours, only this time with more force and wanting. One of his hands that was used to trap you a few seconds ago was now holding the wrist of the hand you had on his lips, squeezing it slightly and leaving small circles imprinted by his thumb. This whole cluster of actions made you melt into the couch, making you feel warm all over. His soft lips were pressing into yours, making you embrace his warmth while his hand was caressing your wrist. His skin was soft, you could tell and his smell was comforting, even after the whole ordeal the dinner was he still had his usual pleasant scent, he always did. The moment the kiss breaks off there's that tranquility again. His face didn't move too far from yours, the tension being kept high, both your face and body feeling hot.
"We really shouldn't be doing this" you almost whispered, not being sure if he even hear it.
"Well, do you want to stop?" of course he would ask that, he always is considerant which made him even more attractive if that was possible.
"No". His gaze was intense, almost taunting, making you feel dizzy which meant you were only a few steps away from losing yourself completely. Without any warning you smash your lips back onto his in a sloppy and rushed kiss almost making him lose his balance. He adjusts his position, one of his knees now resting between your thighs on the couch. His next move almost makes you pull away but he clutches your jaw, tipping your face up to deepen the kiss. Having him on top of you like this was more intimate, there was no space between the two of you and well... no way of shying away. The hand that was once on your jaw eventually started trailing to your neck and then collarbone, leaving invisible lines with his fingers up and down the length of it. Was it wrong to think you wanted his hand wrapped around your neck? He was as lost as you were in the kiss, trying to keep his cool but failing, groaning against your lips.
"Stay the night? Please?" His tone was low pitched and almost sounded like a whine indicating you that the man in front of you wants you as much as you want him. Oh how could you refuse him when he sounds so good? When he is pleading to spend the night with you? Your hand moves on it's own, making it's way to his hair, playing with it, then slowly trailing to the nape of his neck. He was impatient for an answer and you loved seeing him fall apart right in front of your eyes. It looked like every passing second would get him closer to getting on his knees to beg for you and you would love to see that happen if it wasn't for your aching wanting to feel him close to you again. You use your hand to pull him back in until your lips are grazing having an almost apologetical look on your face, just to make him more anxious.
"If anyone finds out, I will blame you". You barely finish the sentence when you feel him pull you from the couch, in the direction of another room. The lights were dim, if you felt like the previous room was dark it was nothing compared to this one. It was one of those bedrooms you'd only see in movies. Everything was black, from the floors and walls to the bed and nightstands. Was the luxury of everything getting you more excited? We're you that materialistic? Maybe.
Once entered the room, Hoseok wraps his arms around your waist but does nothing else to continue what you two just started. You take initiative to lean in but he pulls away making you furrow your brows. You try again having the same result in the end. He was visibly smirking by now, almost having a patronising look on his face. He leans in, his lips barely touching over your ear. Feeling him against you like this was only making you hornier, the feeling between your legs being uncomfortable by now.
"You know, I could tell". His voice was sending shivers down your spine. It wasn't something that surprising since you knew you had a thing for nice deep voices but his was something else.
"Don't tease me like that if you can't handle the payback darling". Your breath hitches. It felt like a battle, both of you wanting to break the other one without realising how close to the breaking point the two of you already were. He kept his game up, barely touching you, his lips barely tracing over the skin of your neck and his fingers caressing the skin of your arms. You felt like almost crying from how hot you felt and how dizzy your head was becoming.
"Stop it". You whine the second you feel like you can't take it anymore, not receiving any reply nor change in his actions. "Please, hm?". Now that was different, Hoseok froze at your plea which sounded more like a moan. The next second you know you're sitting on the bed with him on top of you, still in a half sitting position. You take this chance to unbutton the rest of shirt being now able to see his chest. Your hands trail over his skin and you could feel yourself almost melt at how soft his it felt and how good his cologne smell. You raise your eyes back at him to see him looking at you both in awe and lust. You never knew someone could get you in this state of frenzy, making you feel so drunk although you're completely sober. Oh god... how is this going to be an one time thing when you feel so addicted to him already.
His lips made their way to your neck leaving a trail of wet kisses, slowly sucking for time to time. "Don't be too rough, there can't be any marks" you could hear him scoff but still takes into consideration your remark, or at least so you thought until he rolled your shirt off one shoulder, biting it hard making you flinch in pain, an unannounced moan leaving your throat.
"Fuck, what did I just tell you?" Your tone expressed irritation but you knew just how wet he had got you with his actions until now.
"Oh? But it's all the way on your shoulder, no one will be able to see it" his voice sounding muffled, still kissing over the patch of skin his teeth had abused. "Unless... you plan on fucking someone else". His thigh was slowly pressing in between your legs, creating friction over you clit making your legs shake at the sudden stimulation. "That wouldn't be very nice, would it?"
You don't even bother to register his words, being too busy grinding yourself on him. "Don't act like you haven't wanted to fuck me all this time and just get to the point already". There was a hint of authority in your voice but mostly demand, which apparently surprised him, raising his head from your neck to look at you now almost frowning.
"Then don't act like you don't think about me when you're alone." You were thunderstruck by his comments, your reaction giving you away, creating a condescending smile on his face. Of course you were looking at him when you got the chance. Who wouldn't? He is famous. So talented and gorgeous on top of that but this kind of topic was never brought to your mind before... right? You weren't the type to fantasise like that about people, right? It was he the exception
"Relax darling... I promise I won't tell anyone". You try for the second time tonight to ignore the petname and pretend like you couldn't feel the butterflies going crazy in your stomach and instead exhale, realising he's just playing with you, teasing, trying to get the most of you. Two can play that game. You do your best to let your shirt fall further on your shoulder while you trace over your body with one had. When you get to your thighs you your hand moves to the leg he had positioned between them, stroking over his thigh going up. You could see Hoseok tense the closer you got to his crotch. The suit pants he was wearing were relatively thin, allowing you to feel everything on your way. You stop your hand only a few inches away from your destination to look up at him with a slight pout.
"I've never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly". He didn't allow you to take in his reaction, going back to kissing you like there was no tomorrow. You smile in against his lips, feeling the effect you had on him, his cock being hard against the pants zipper, being way to obvious now to hide. The kisses became more forceful and sloppy. The next break being allocated to your shirt being thrown somewhere on the bedroom floor. His hands were massaging over your chest, from time to time pinching your nipples. You had in mind to open his zipper but yelp and grab on his shirt when his hands move to grab your ass with force. He looks hesitantly at you for a second, not being sure if you were in pain so you do your best to assure him, your hands going back down to his zipper.
"Don't stop, I like it". You open your pants too and with his help you throw those too, somewhere on the ground, not really caring about how they'll look the next morning. He snaps the band of your underwear against your skin, making you roll your hips up. You were so easy to play with, every action of his taking out a specific reaction out of you. His thumb was going over your clothed core alternating between going harder and lighter, or pressing on specific spots between your folds.
"You look so good beneath me." You only manage to moan when trying to reply, signaling him to stop the teasing or you'll actually lose it. He slowly hooks his fingers around your underwear, trailing over your skin while take it completely off. You were a mess, so wet you were convinced you were dripping onto the mattress.
"Excited?". Was he really in the mood for jokes right now?
"Hoseok, I mean this in the nicest way. Shut the fuck up and just fuc-". You don't get to finish, your sentence being broke by a row of moans breaking from you when you felt him push two fingers all the way inside you, feeling around your walls. The squelching sound that was leaving every time his fingers were leaving and entering you made your face go red in embarrassment. His fingers felt better than you expected, they were so long, feeling deep inside of you. The moment he found that soft squishy spot inside of you and pressed hard against it you clench around his fingers, legs trembling.
"My my, look how messy you are. So wet". He starts to fasten his peace, his fingers going in and out of you, thrusting hard back into your pleasure spot. Not even your moans where coherent anymore. You were begging but weren't sure for what. "H-Hoseok, please". You could feel your high approaching and he could too, given the fact that his thumb was now circling around your clit. The moment you were about to reach your orgasm he stills his fingers in you, making you cry. He pulls his fingers all the way out, parting them to show you just how aroused you are for him.
"Hoseok, I swear to god if you don't-". Again rudely interrupted by a moan when his thumb goes back to your clit, playing with the bundle of nerves going over and around it, having you a trembling mess. Your fists were now clenching around the mattress, head tilted back. You didn't understand what was happening. It wasn't your first time but it for sure was the first time you've felt so sensible to everything that was happening to you, to your body. And so another orgasm is being ripped away from you, getting you to the point of sobbing. You were overstimulated and all you wanted now was to cum but you would lie if you said you didn't love the way Hoseok was looking at you. He was enjoying every second of you and his dick was giving it away. He couldn't resist anymore either. He gets rid of his pants and strokes his already painfully hard erection. Oh... he was.. large. Not large enough to be painful but large enough to touch every place inside of you. You prompt yourself up and move your hand from his shoulder, down to his chest all the way over to his erection. He moves his hand away giving you free reign. You move your thumb over the slit and watch him tilt his head back with a moan. You use your palm and go over the tip of his cock making him whimper in both pain and pleasure.
"Ah f-fuck. Don't do that, hm?". You only smirk, continuing to have your way with his dick. "Why so mean pretty? Like seeing me in pain?".
"What if I do?" You reply with a slight squeeze of your hand. The eye contact was too much to handle. He felt hot against your skin too and you wanted him deep inside of you. You use your hand to align him with your entrance. He gets the hint, slowly moving his hips into yours. It starts with slow soft thrusts, making sure you get comfortable with him inside you but every time he'd hit that spot inside of you, you'd involuntarily clench around him, making him groan, hiding his face in your neck, trying desperately to keep the slow peace.
"Tell me how it feels. It doesn't hurt does it?". You roll your hips, moaning in response while one hand of yours is playing with his hair, trying to soothe him.
"Can I go faster pretty?". You chuckle at the whiny tone he is using.
"Don't hold back." That was all he needed to hear before picking up his peace, a particular deep thrust making you throw your head back, making a high pitched moan leave your lips.
"That's it pretty, that's it. Moan for me like that". Your thighs were shaking from all the stimulation. His groans we're making your mind all foggy and the squelching sound was only amplifying the sensation. Tears were once again rolling down your face when his thumb went back to your clit, playing around it and lapping over.
"W-Wait... it feels weird" you try to mumble but weren't sure if what you said made sense. The next thing you know you were a trembling mess. Legs shaking and walls clenching around his shaft . The whole cluster of actions bringing Hoseok on the edge too making him pull out, cumming over your stomach.
He lays down beside you, breathing quickly. You stretch your arm to play with his curls.
"This is an one time thing". You tell him,more like trying to convince him.
"Why do you lie gorgeous?"
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onlyjaeyun · 6 months
We are getting to the good part, like that moment when you know some of what's gonna go down since you sent the ideas for it in. Like it's going down, everyone was asking for angst, and like it's on it's way.
Also guess who spent $250 on albums because they were buy 2 get 1 free; I have 4 Dark Blood, 4 Orange Blood, 2 &Team, and 2 Dreamcatcher album coming. I'm hoping I pull anyone but Jake for Dark Blood, since I already got the Jake version, and hopefully I don't get repeats in any of the other albums, but knowing my luck watch me get nothing but repeats.
Also enjoy some SB!Jay thoughts:
Jay values y/n's opinion so much, once official, he would ask her opinion before anyone else's, even his board of directors. Like someone would approach his company to work, and he'd explain it all to her and be all should we do it, and if she says yes but his board says no, he does it anyways, or if she says no but the board says yes, he doesn't do it.
He would purposely get meetings scheduled out of Korea often, that way he can take her on minivacations without having to explicitly say they are going on vacation, since he knows she'd say no. Instead he'd extend whatever hotel stay she made for them, and be all 'oh they messed up the reservations, I guess we need to stay a week longer than planned'.
He buys them matching items, but they aren't gaudy matching items, like his and her watches. He also absolutely buy her a locket that on the inside has his initials. He would also love buying her Cartier bracelets, he would also definitely carry around the screwdriver for it at all times, since I could just see him loving to help her take them off and put them back on.
I recall you mentioning Jay is a cigarette guy, if he smoked, he would absolutely quit cold turkey if y/n one day was just like 'I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke' or if she just asked him too. He would all of a sudden be like 'cigarettes? I don't smoke', while throwing all his packs away.
Y/n definitely makes a playlist of songs she likes and that she thinks Jay would like to play when they are in the car together, Jay knows absolutely none of them, but doesn't let her know that and instead just says she knows exactly what he likes, since he likes seeing how excited she got to share the playlist. He also definitely listens to the playlist when he's alone, so he can learn the songs a bit, so she doesn't catch on that he didn't know the songs.
After a long day at work, the two of them would unwind by cooking dinner and baking dessert together. Like I just imagine the softest kitchen scene ever. Like y/n resting her head on Jay's back while hugging him from behind as he does something like cut up the vegetables for the dish they are making. Jay definitely does the same, resting his head on her shoulder, arms around her waist, fingers finding their way under the hem of her shirt, watching as she perfectly frosts their cake. They would then enjoy dinner before relaxing on the sofa in each other's arms.
One of Jay's love languages is definitely gift giving. He is the type to constantly get and leave y/n little gifts, like he was buying coffee and saw these little trinkets and thought they would look nice on her desk, or like he was shopping for himself a new suit and saw this dress he thought would look nice on her.
Normal relationships get a drawer at the other's apartment or house, but instead Jay offers y/n a whole entire room, a whole damn closet, she however has only put a few items into it, almost everything else in that closet was bought by Jay for her. Like Jay would spoil her, buy all these luxury shoes and clothing items for her, despite the fact she's all I don't need any of this, he insist.
THE ANGST IS ON ITS WAAYYYYY 🤒 and honestly as heartbreaking as it will be im super excited ??? and im glad to know you guys are too 🤭🤭
also OMG AS YOU SHOULD???? that was a deal you couldn't have said no to like genuinely PLS TELL ME ALL YOJR PULLS THIS IS SO EXCITINGGGGG im so happy for you bb!!!!!🥺💞
and may i say that i love love love reading your thoughts and ideas and hcs like they just make me so happy 🥺 especially the little domestic ones like i just love how we all love jongyn and can indulge in them all so well 🥺
and that particular kitchen scene is SO gonna be included because i'd be an idiot to let rhag opportunity go and omg if i had the time and capacity i'd indulge in all of these bc they're so good and i love and appreciate you so much 🥺💞
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Sirius XM interview and performance, 9.20.22, part 1
1. How was Italy?
It was great. we were there for maybe about, I want to say, maybe just under two weeks. We finished the tour there. It was amazing, man. Amazing, amazing.
2. On tour, you’re at the mercy of whatever food is around. [Italy] would be one place where you’re like, okay, I can stay here.
Yeah. Honestly I spend the whole tour just eating pasta, anyway. So when we landed in Italy, it was bangin’, man. Bangin’.
3. Eating pasta every day would not be good for my body.
Probably not for mine, either.
4. Well, you still look great! So, Faith in the Future, November 11th. Are you freaking out?
I’m dead excited. Everything around this album, the process, making it, writing it, everything just feels a lot more rewarding, this whole process. There was a lot of pressure on the first record, and not to the point where I couldn’t enjoy it, but there were just so many more things to be over-analytical about. Whereas now, I’m just dead excited going into this next chapter.
5. You said you could have made a record that has more commercial success. It sounds like you were looking for something more meaningful, not just a pop sensation.
Where I have the luxury of my experience in One Direction, you know, we experienced so much. I suppose now I’ve realized that … the lockdown was good for this… for these kind of thoughts, I’ve realized it was more fulfilling for me at this time, and that for me, is making the record that I really want to make. So I feel dead proud of sticking to me guns and doing that.
6. I read that you didn’t write The Greatest as an album opener, but as a tour opener.
This whole record was written with a live show in mind, to be fair. That’s always been my favorite part of the job. That’s where you see the songs come to life. That was written with the intention of being a tour opener and we opened the album with it, as well.
7. Do you think about writing a song for a video?
There have been times across this record where you’re more thinking about specific moments in the show, you know. So like, that one was the opener, you might think of a closer, there may be something in the middle where you want a peak of energy. So throughout the writing process, I was trying to visualize what this next tour’s gonna look like.
8. Danny Devito was talking about Steal My Girl, and he still has his pajamas.
D’you know what, that was an amazing video, an amazing day, to be fair. He’s a good lad, he’s a good lad. [Do you ever take any props?] I’ve definitely still got all the clothes.
9. You wanted to write a very guitar-forward album.
It’s always been a big part of my creation, to be fair, and it’s always been a big part of my taste. I like to keep things as organic as possible and as live sounding as possible. It’s just really important to me in a live show, but also in how the tracks are produced as well. I will say that on this record, I feel like me and the producers were a little braver on the sounds that we used. I think it was marginally one dimensional— no pun intended— on the first record, where I was just thinking about guitar sounds and guitar-driven songs, whereas here I can dip my toes into a couple of slightly dancier tunes.
Part 2
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sweetlyocs · 2 years
American Air 
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synopsis: that time where the American Air changed Zhouxia and she gave Kai a heart attack  June prompt 14 “at least I didn’t break any laws”
note: honestly, i got no idea where this was coming from but this is how my friends believe i will act when we go on holiday together lmao 
Fans always said the air in America was different, and Xia was definitely not the exception. As soon as they started promoting SuperM it was like a whole new wave of confidence broke out of her. Of course she still stayed shy and reserved but as Ten said, she just seemed to break out into an idol’s idol over there. She loved being able to spend time with her new members, she never got to spend that much time behind the scenes with her new EXO team mates and as time passed Taemin was always so incredibly busy that she felt bad if she asked to catch up. Not to mention this was her first time since 2018 that she had properly worked with Mark. Apart from Lucas and Ten, Taeyong was the only person that she seemed to communicate with. 
It was well past her appointed curfew when she attempted to sneak into the room she was sharing with Kai. Having slipped out when he was showering after the concert to go on what was meant to be a team adventure with her WayV members when the two didn’t answer their phones. She could only assume they had fallen asleep, much like her body wished to do now. As she entered the darkened hotel room, she felt her heart calm. Kai was fast asleep, the curtains drawn to block out any unwanted lights. As she tiptoed around placing her bag and taking off her jewellery, she let out a screech as the lamp next to her bed turned on. Dark eyed EXO and cross looking SHINee members starred in her direction. “Do you have any idea what time it is right now Chen?” The icy tone in his voice made her flinch, “Well since she’s back alive I will now be heading to my own room. I will see you bright and early at breakfast.” As Taemin took his leave, he placed a kiss on her crown. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself? Where have you even been? It’s 3:49AM young lady and no note? No call? Well?” Xia lowered her head as she approached him, sitting on the bed opposite she fiddled with her fingers. Sighing Kai, sat next to her and hugged her tight, “Are you okay? When I called Lucas to see if you were with him he said that sometimes you go on walks when you need to clear your head? Is that what you needed?” Nodding, Zhouxia looked away from him. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to scare you``''I’m just glad you’re okay, I thought I was going to have to send a search party and you should’ve seen me running up and down the halls. Everyone thinks I’m probably insane now” Nudging her, Kai did his best to let her know he wasn’t actually mad at her. 
As they sat in their own beds, Zhouxia couldn’t help but giggle to herself at the mental image of a grown idol running the halls of their luxury hotel in teddy bear pyjamas and complementary slippers. Kai lifted his head at her laughter, raising a brow in question, “Oppa, did you really run around dressed like that looking for me?” Smiling he nodded, “It was quite a sight, I’m pretty sure Taemin has photos, that's how he ended up here waiting with me anyways.”  
As the members of SuperM gathered back in Korea to prepare for their second album release, Kai couldn’t help but bring up the story to them all. Most of them not hearing it before, laughing at how she whined at his exaggerated tale of events, 
“That didn’t even happen!” “Excuse you but how do you know that?” “Because Taemin oppa showed me the photos of you posing in your bear pyjamas while you waited for me!” “You did what now?” “Oh please as if she was the only person I showed those to, I’m pretty sure all of our friends have seen them by now, same with you running up and down those halls.” 
As the two senior idols began to argue at the table, Mark leaned over tapping her shoulder. “So why did you go out so late?” Curiosity peaking, “Honestly? I just wanted some snacks, it took me forever to find a place that was open, I was tempted to break into one place.” Snickering, he nodded, the two turning back to continue watching the two fight, nudging the Canadian she mouthed a sinister watch this in his direction, “I mean, at least I didn’t break any laws?” Freezing the two zeroed in on her, Ten raising his hand slightly as he opened her mouth, “Hyung, weren’t you literally in charge of her while we were there? How did you not know she almost got arrested trying to get back into the hotel…” “Or how she started a mini strip battle with Taeyong at the pool because they were bored and they couldn’t air the two of them...” “That’s not breaking any laws! I was simply living as an idol in America`” “It is so! You’re a baby!” “I can literally get drunk here...” 
The members of NCT simply sat back as the oldest argued over placing blame on who was meant to be controlling the youngest members while promoting, the staff walking in on a mini warzone. Each of them regretting taking on the super group
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twst-vampire · 2 years
Holds hands together. Arma for as many as you can
arma has a secret admirer 🤯🤯🤯 ask and u shall recieve! i should follow up with a part two because i only did a couple :p
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Do you have a song that represents your OC, if so why?
I have a whole playlist but I’ll pick two to explain!
24k Magic - Bruno Mars
I feel this song exudes how Arma presents himself to others! It’s a funky song about luxury & swagger and it just fits him too well! Bruno himself described the album the song came off of was “like a movie” and 24k Magic was the opening to it so, I think it’s a great introductory song, and I purposefully have it as the first song on his character playlist for that reason! He comes off as shallow and carefree but he does it purposely to distract from his baggage and keep people at a distance.
Cigarette Duet - Princess Chelsea
CW; mentions of abuse, self h*rm
It’s honestly a pretty straightforward song about one person who enjoys to smoke and another who disapproves of it. The way I interpret it for Arma’s character is more of an internal battle of him trying to quit his nicotine addiction. He started smoking when he was a kid to cope with the pressures of his abusive brothers & stardom and in a way, he uses it as self harm. For a while, he hated all the stupid attention his voice got him and felt he’d be better off destroying it, destroying his lungs…he wants to recover so badly, find the courage to pursue his true passions again! He’s just not all the way there yet, as he spirals under stress and simply can’t go on without having one in my mouth. He plays off smoking as “being cool and rugged” but, I think after his overblot, he’d try to really quit for good.
Who is your OC’s closest platonic friend?
It’s gonna be Sludge, his own vice dorm leader! They’d been friends back in New Inkwell but cut ties after Arma got picked up by the DeGreasy bros. It was a pleasant surprise to both of them getting sorted in the same dorm.
Sludge is Arma’s eyes and ears so basically….he’s gonna find out about lots of things.
What is their worst class?
Potions. He’s not allowed by any cauldron without supervision because he will mess something up. The last time he was in a Potions class, he walked out with a pair of rabbit ears until he got an antidote.
Why did they join their clubs? 
Arma’s a total movie geek so Movie Appreciation is right up his alley, especially when he’s had his fair share of acting in a few of them himself. He could ramble on and on about movie trivia and his own personal stories about certain celebrities.
Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
He really likes Sam! A charming salesman, that even Arma can’t help but buy at least one thing walking in. Whether it’s a quick snack run or he needs supplies for Ink & Paint, he usually drops by the Mystery Shop before anything. I just know they chat it up. They are friends, they are.
What is the hardest thing to adjust to at NRC? The magic? Being away from their family? Ect.
I think it’s just school, in general. Like, NRC is the first school he’s ever been to so aside from like vague notions, his first year was him adjusting to being treated like a normal teenager, somewhat. Having friends his age, doing assignments, participating in school clubs/events.
He won’t admit if but he really enjoys school and learning! Also, I suppose magic? He’s good at using one type of magic but branching out to be a well-rounded magic user is hard work.
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Maniac Ramblings of an Antimai Enjoyer
Hi hihHhii okay so. I (one of the ops of this account) did a sin called going on Twitter and doom scrolled for around 3 hours because I didn’t want to do my essay in like December last year. I have been seething for a month now with the Twitter’s cruelness to Antimai so I am now going to crucify myself in the name of Antimai. Or… here is my opinion/review of Antimai. BY NO MEANS IS THIS AN OFFICAL REVIEW!! (it's also barely peer read, it really is ramblings)
Basic rankings:
C - LoTown.
B - Poverty, Industry, Luxury and Nature.
A - Middle Class and Patrol.
S- Tower. 
The whole album opinion
Love this album. I’m one of the newbies to The Dear Hunter, so this was the first full album I listened to (maybe Act V first? I don’t remember). I thought it was incredibly groovy and I love the concert/brass instruments when done correctly - which it definitely was here! I love a mixture of genres, pace and themes in music too, Antimai hitting all of those boxes very nicely. One of my favourite things to think about for this album is the pronoun usage, but that is because I’m incredibly excited for Sunya and like to look to see what narrative could be transferred over to the next album. My overall rating? Like 9/10, I would never do my dishes without Antimai. It only loses one point because I can never escape Patrol. 
Ring 8 - Poverty 
Preface for all the other songs, Imma say they all SLAP me real good, love them, 10/10. Poverty, while I don’t find any absolute melting love for the lyrics alone, the way they are set up is honestly brain melting. I highly enjoy how the song flows, especially the chorus with the instrumental, some gnarly music mixin’ there and I tip the hat to the funny dear men for that one. The music alone however, is something to appreciate fully. I always thought the tone of the music did not match the tone of the lyrics and that was odd to me - am I mad about it? No :). I love how jazzy and involuntarily dancy the music is and I can’t help but do a lil boogie… even if I’m on the edge of a mental breakdown from having to read my fourth short story in 3 days!
Ring 7 - Industry 
Pretty whacky boy here. It gives a good idea of how important technology is to Antimai though - since there is a whole ring dedicated to industrial business. I am incredibly neutral on the actual sound of this song? I can say I do enjoy it when I listen to it, but I don’t always pull an experience from it like I do with some of the other tracks on this album. One thing I always remember is how much I love the delivery of the line “you were up in the pantheon,” it brings me joy and I don’t know why, let me live in brain rot I beg. This song lore wise is very important for setting up the rest of the album. Middle class, Patrol and Luxury wouldn’t have the same level of understanding if we lacked Industry. In conclusion on this one since my thoughts on it is clearly a disorganised mess, I think it has a very nice sound to it, still down to get funky with the sound and it’s a doormat for the rest of the album to welcome you in. 
Ring 6 - LoTown  
My least favourite out of the whole album. Doesn’t mean I hate it, just kinda?? Wow?? Farm people?? Epic?? Slammin trumpets though and the held note at the end is executed immaculately. I am obviously a biassed person and I’ll admit I have a slight bias against slower songs - that could be why it is marked so low in my mind. One kudo I will give to this song is the build-up and release between verses-chorus, always makes a song so much more enjoyable when some dynamic spice is added.
Ring 5 - Middle Class
I love this song to death, I have one gripe with it. It scares the ever living shit out of me whenever it randomly comes on when I have shuffle on. This song is a fresh ass gold mine when it comes to analysing lyrics. Almost all of the lyrics in this song have double meanings and important shards of lore that we need to put together to truly uncover what Antimai is. For literal, in world meanings, the Middle Class lets us see into the culture of Antimai directly; we get insight on how the religion functions in practice, the exploitation of it and the labour of all the people below Ring 5. For the double meaning and reflection on the real world, it can apply to a lot of the middle class people who are living in some form of comfortable privilege. The music to the song is also just a full jam session so it’s always a funky little time when that part comes around, love the grooves!!
Ring 4 - Patrol 
If I could meet God face to face, full eye contact I would ask one thing only. To be freed of the beginning riff of this accursed song. I could be in full meltdown sobbing time and this stupid song comes on and I feel the scraps of amusement I can muster taking over my body in the form of the happiest disappointment. Most people feel it is a very “slap you in the face” type of song. The lyrical meanings are literally thrown at your feet, and it’s not much of a analytical exercise in regards to theme, but I forgive it because I feel as though I’m in a 80s-90s mall and the damn mall cop is following me around because I have the audacity to wear a backpack into Winners or something. The song does however finally introduce one of the biggest themes of Antimai - which is p o w e r !!!! and subsequently, the power of power (in regards to corruption). I think using an officer going down this path as the literary tool to display this is a smart move - especially in the language switch between choruses. While this individual has gained power, they also lost their identity, only referring to themself as “we” towards the end. Great song, love that stupid melody even if it does haunt me when I’m trying to focus in my grown up college classes.  
Ring 3 - Luxury 
The absolute unit of this song. The power it holds in single handedly parting this fandom like its the red sea. I am on the side of … it’s alright? I can slightly agree with a lot of the people not enjoying the first part of luxury (Hall of the Guides?? I guess?). I however, think a fast paced, word vomiting verse is very fitting for the people Casey is trying to show us. These people (more like… gross “not snails or robots” things)... are horrible, they have no regard for the safety of the people below them. A rap is perfect for a type of meeting between people who plan to dilute themselves further into a greedy madness - any other type of genre would feel too slow or soft. To me the chorus of the first part also slaps hard and I wanna boogie to it. The second part is where things look up in my opinion. I love the smoothness that contrasts the first part - while still egotistical and straight discriminatory towards the lower classes, it presents itself differently; The way the lyrics are sung almost remind me of how the lyrics in Tower seem to flow into each other. Personally I have not analysed The Cream of the Crop too much lyrically, I just really love that one small part just before the outro cha-cha slide like imposter… I can’t help but feel like I have my head out of a window, moving at rapid speeds and going somewhere!! Where?? IDK!! The lyrics tell me not to!! (Add-on, also interesting at the use of very aggressive cussing?? The dear boys don’t use that language too often in the music, so it’s a little important to show how these not snail or robot things just really suck ass.)    
Ring 2 - Nature
oooOOoohoh talking treeesssss,,.,. I do love this song though. It is short and sweet compared to the unit of the last song, but it tells the story it needs to tell. This one I’m focusing more on the tone of music and the thematic importance of this song. Nature definitely really fits the theme it laid down for itself. The music feels like I’m in a forest or some prairie type setting and a feeling of belonging and harmony (especially at the beginning), it’s just a cozy song! The theme is the key importance to this song however, explaining the nature of humans and how we exploit resources for unjustified reasons. I argue this song is very peaceful for the most part, but I swear this song hosts the most menacing line to ever exist. The outro is very well done, but the lyrics and how they are sung feels definitely like there is a horrible, ominous presence above them - and it will hurt you. IT IS NOT NO WORRIES AND THERE IS NO LAUGHTER. Considering what bitch we’re about to be introduced to, I say it’s a good vibe to end it on.  
Ring 1 - Tower
So when I first listened to Tower on July like… fourth, I have been consumed. My immediate impression was that this lil rich kid singing to me right now was trying to be a Regina George wannabe and writing his unchecked power high in his dream diary with a pink gel pen with a fuzzy pom-pom on the end of the pen, probably owns some rare monster high collectable dolls or something. I am incredibly biassed when it comes to loving this song - I am weak in the knees to queer coded villains and this man was oozing and dripping LGBTQIA+ vibes - while simultaneously seeming like the biggest homophobe ever - I beg of you to relisten to Tower with the lens of queer, no one says power like that who isn’t into BDSM. Moving on past bashing the emperor of Antimai viciously, the song itself is important thematically - as well as the way the song sounds. Tower is already a song built off of an important motif from The Indigo Child - which already makes me think we have an argument behind the abuse of religion and the abandoning (?? in some places ??) of religion (in some people) back to either this current Emperor or others before him (I am referencing verse 3 mostly). I also see this song as a slight foil to other songs, as mentioned in a review done by another person (James Fenny) It has a very different sound than the rest of them. The other songs use brass and concert instruments as the main sound, while Tower is almost solely based in synths - excluding the outro. It could not be important to any overall story, but I do think that fact is quite neat and it makes me love Tower a little more… it stands out musically and literally.
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moononastring · 1 year
Ahhhh that's my no skip album haha
my favorite lyric
“My castle crumbled overnight. I brought a knife to a gunfight.”
but also “Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time.”
and “I️ bury hatchets but keep a map where I️ put ‘em. Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy, I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me"
aND "The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury."
Honestly SO many. I sing this album with my whole chest.
my favorite song
at this particular moment? It's a tie between Ready for It and Dress.
the song that makes me cry
not really cry but makes me mushy, New Year's Day
the song that’s a fucking bop
That's hard!!!! Even though they all get me worked up I gotta say Ready For It and Don't Blame Me tie for it lol.
the song i most dislike/least love
I don't skip them but LWYMMD and This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things are the bottom two.
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desertsquiet · 2 years
31 Days Music Challenge
Day 7 - 3 favorite songs from Safe at Home
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1) Luxury Liner
Look, I freaking love it, in every shape or form. I adore Emmylou’s version on her self-titled album and I love the original even more. The first time I listened to this album, I was progressively more amazed with each new track because I honestly couldn’t believe how good it was. It was the moment I realized that, as far as music was concerned, this guy could really do no wrong. And Luxury Liner was a big part of that. The way the lyric “I’ve been a long lost soul for a long, long time” seemed to be already a perfect incapsulation of his musical identity, the way the arrangement felt like the perfect marriage between country’s aching and rock’s defiant spirit. Seems kinda funny to be talking about an “underrated gem” inside of a career that is underrated and overlooked as a whole, but that’s what it is: a treasure within the treasure.
2) Blue Eyes
Just one of the sweetest songs he’s ever written. It’s fun and it’s quirky and adorable in all the right ways. It never fails to bring a smile to my face and put me in a good mood.
3) Miller’s Cave & I Still Miss Someone
I’m very sorry, but I really couldn’t pick just one of these because I’m totally obsessed with both and felt they both deserve a huge shout out. Miller’s Cave may be my favorite sounding track on the whole album (those little piano riffs are so simple but so brilliant) and I love menacing atmosphere it creates even before you can see where the story is going. Killer vocals, obviously (excuse the pun 😂). And I Still Miss Someone, well, is a song *he* made me fall in love with. I’d already heard Johnny Cash do it, but once again Gram used his supernatural ability to make any other version pale in comparison in my mind. So much so that when I’m singing it, when it comes to the line “sweethearts walk by together”, I always instinctively put the accent on the word “walk” instead of “by”. Now that I’ve heard plenty of people perform it, I can say that he’s the *only* one who does that and I think that’s pretty cute.
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22 - LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver (2007)
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Sound of Silver, more like "Sound of my Post-Collegiate Bummer Years".
This band rules. This album rules. Listen to it if you haven't yet. Thank me later.
It might be the best example of nü-disco, which isn't really a thing but it fucking SHOULD BE.
•Get Innocuous!-
This intro is forever, but it slaps so hard you barely notice it's been 2 ½ minutes when the singing finally comes in, and the fading-out singing is such a cool sound.
Normalize "it making you feel alive"!
•Time To Get Away-
Let the vocal acrobatics commence! For a guy who kinda talk-sings through most of the songs here, his ability to go from a low note to a high note is pretty amazing. Freddie Mercury-level octave leaping on display.
Otherwise, it's a funky-ass bop about breaking up.
•North American Scum-
As something of a North American scum myself, I love this song. Unfortunately, the last time i was given the aux at work... let's just say I was alone in my enjoyment.
"And for those of you who still think we're from England? We're not."
The chorus is simple but effective, and it WILL get stuck in your head.
•Someone Great-
Another long intro that i absolutely love. It just moves.
This song's instrumentation reminds me a lot of Oingo Boingo, in that everybody in the studio is doing something entirely different, and the whole thing really shouldn't work, but it does and it's beautiful.
This song's lyrics just (and likely will always) remind me of the last time i heard it: the day David Bowie died.
•All My Friends-
Starts with one of those chaotic piano bits that sounds like it's easy to play but I'm sure it's actually incredibly difficult, considering how it sounds just slightly out of time with itself, and it just keeps up like that forever.
Also, one of the most relatable songs on the album. I miss hanging out with all my friends. It's been too damn long since I've seen most of them.
•Us V Them-
This one has always had big Talking Heads energy to me. Might be the odd percussion and kinda anxious vibe.
Kinda repetitive at the end.
•Watch the Tapes-
Eh, it's alright. Imo, the weakest song on the album, which isn't to say it doesn't pull its weight, just the one I fuck with the least.
•Sound of Silver-
"Youth may be wasted on the young, but nobody old really wants to be young again, because being young FUCKING SUCKS and there's nothing to do but get torn asunder by your own out-of-control hormones and waste your youth."
•New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down-
Honestly, put this in my top 30 favorite songs of all time. One I've always wanted to try at karaoke, too.
I've never lived in NYC, never even been to New York state, but I've lived enough places and watched them change entirely to have this one really resonate with me.
(A personal aside: i miss the living hell out of you, dirty sketchy downtown Normal, Illinois. I miss your weird little shops and your holes in the wall that were all torn down to make way for hotels and CVSs and 5-over-1 "luxury apartment complexes" that all only exist to bilk college kids out of their money. They tore down and paved over everything that made you cool and interesting and replaced it with corporate bullshit, and you will never be avenged because nobody but me even cares about what you were anymore.)
This track is Completely Different from every other song on the album, but one of the most heartfelt songs of true despaired longing that i could name off the top of my head.
Nothing else i can think of properly conveys the sense of: 'yeah, sure, this place was objectively terrible and truly filthy and incredibly dangerous but it was ours and we loved it dirty and scary and wonderful. It felt like home.
And now you fucking suits and state senators have gone and cleaned it up and sanitized it and moved all the weirdos out and raised the rents to keep it the riffraff and made it "acceptable to the public" and ruined literally everything that made it special and fun and different and unique and good.'
The piano is so beautiful, the drumming at the end is inspired, and the video is exceptional, too.
Damn, this album is so good.
Favorite Track: New York, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down. If you listen to one song on this album, make it this one.
If you listen to two songs on this album, pick North American Scum to go with it.
Least Favorite Track: Watch the Tapes.
As prophet of our age Laura Les put it best: "we don't want to watch the news, we just read statements".
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soliloquivm · 1 year
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dani’s always had a bit of a soft spot for yejun, since they met ; they’ve got a kind and generous heart and they’ve helped dani out of more than one sticky situation in the past, given the oft wayward bassist somewhere to stay, fed them and offered pillows for their couch. they never had to show dani that kindness, but they did ― and they do, still. a grateful smile tugs at dani’s lips as yejun offers him coffee and a pastry, a luxury dani doesn’t often splurge on. it almost feels like brunch, and he wonders if yejun is the kind of person who does things like this often. it wouldn’t surprise them to find out yejun has befriended the baristas, that they’re fond enough to remember his usual order. the thought keeps his smile lingering maybe a moment too long for whatever reason and he almost forgets he’s been asked a question.
❝ about that, ❞ dani begins, tearing off a corner of the pastry and popping it in his mouth definitely not to buy a few seconds’ time to come up with a decent answer. ❝ i’ve been keeping myself off the streets, don’t worry, ❞ he jokes, and it’s mostly true ; whether crashing on the couches of their band mates and friends or in the beds of strangers and flings they find on their various escapades, they’ve usually got a roof over their head and a pillow beneath it. someone’s pillow. ❝ and i appreciate it, seriously, but i, uh ― look, don’t call me crazy for this because i mean it, it’s like ― it’s real, but the band got signed. we’ve been in the studio, working on a legitimate fucking album if you can believe it. and then once there’s an album, there’s gonna be a tour, even if ― even if we’re only opening for someone else. and if we’re gonna be traveling, what’s the point in paying for a flat, right ? ❞
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YEJUN LISTENS , always curious of the wayward situation that dani has found himself in . there’s no judgment on their features , just mere curiosity , cocktailed with concern . although , to say they offer assistance out of pity isn’t true either , yejun had once felt like their whole life was being turned upside down and wished that they had someone to assist in getting back on their feet . in fact , if they hadn’t had the money taken from their inheritance ( something yejun would rather call hush money from their parents ) chances are they never would have been able to .
besides that , yejun can’t help but enjoy watching dani smile , something so incredibly simple , yet it makes them feel like in this moment ? all is right in the world .
‘ wait , you should have told me that immediately ! ‘ the excitement on yejun’s face is palpable , just so pleased to hear good news , even if it was just a short stop on the other’s way to fulfilling a dream , this could honestly be a great step for dani , ‘ that’s awesome dani , honestly like … this is what you wanted right ? how do you feel ? i have so many questions ‘ yejun can understand , once it’s explained to them , why now the apartment hunting needs to be put on hold , ‘ listen , you know my couch is always open — besides , i’m kind of considering finding a bigger place , no real reason , i just … y’know ‘ they shrug , but still grinning for the other’s success , ‘ what’s the progress on the album ? if you don’t invite me to your first show after it drops i am going to take personal offense . ‘ @thecryptidcottage because tumblr sucks
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as-rare-as-trees · 2 years
Favorite comfort things!
Thank you for the tag dear @if-he-catches-me-ill!! <3
Comfort Food: can I say potatoes in any way? / lately chocolate milk (even if my head hurts afterwards sometimes) / also lately spicy ramen I think? / soup / probably anything with cheese
Comfort Clothes: big hoodie-shorts combo when it's cold / soft sweaters / my long skirt sometimes
Comfort Item: earphones definitely
Comfort Character: I honestly don't know *cries*
Comfort Song: mmm, Welcome To The Show-DPR Ian | Particles-Nothing But Thieves | Gioventù Bruciata-Mahmood | Soda-Nothing But Thieves | Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish | Chosen Family-Rina Sawayama | 3xxxv5-One Ok Rock (or tbh anything else that's hard hard rock, or most of OOR's discography, just like most of NBT's one) | Currently: Luxury Disease by OOR (the whole album) and specifically Your Tears Are Mine
Comfort Youtuber: I mostly use Youtube for music, so I wouldn't really know how to answer. Mmm, I think liziqi's videos are really 'comforting', but I haven't watched one in months, so
Comfort Video Game: Legend of Zelda-Skyward Sword (played it all thrice, would do it another ten times) / Sea Of Thieves (unless it's one of those days where I log in in the middle of a storm, there's the kraken and random players try to kill me for no reason)
Comfort Film: Princess Mononoke / Spirited Away (or other Ghibli Movies) / How To Train Your Dragon / Anastasia (1997)
Comfort Show: gonna say The Untamed because I haven't thought about anything else since I saw it basically
Comfort Stim: chewing-biting on anything / kinda raking my nails on my skin, or pinching it / pulling on my hair ? (ok this may sound weird, but I've noticed that sometimes when I'm really focused on doing something I'll just stick my hand in my hair and kinda hold it or pull slightly?) / twirling, or just toying with things
Comfort Activity: napping / just being around my cats, so like petting, or lying next to them, with some kind of direct contact preferably / often chatting with or just seeing-being around my beloved friends (unless I'm too overwhelmed by social interactions) / just lying down / making things / listening to music / basking in sunlight (unless it's summer) or chilling in cold breeze
Comfort Book: used to be The Underland Chronicles, now I have no idea, I could say Circe by Madeline Miller I guess? I'm not reading actual books often enough to be sure
Tagging: @chaoticfandomthot and @brujadyke (only if you'd like or have the time to oc!)
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jungkookschin · 2 years
deserve pt 2
from the i can and i will drabble series
jungkook just wwants to show you what you deserve
word count: 1.7k roughly
warnings: fluff but some angsty foreshadowing (nothing we don't already know)
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Lucky. Jungkook feels so so lucky. Because how do you look so beautiful tonight? How did he, of all people, get the pleasure of taking you out to a fancy dinner at the famous Diner Du Soir? Granted, it is a company dinner. The only reason he’s able to take you out tonight is because BigHit has rented the whole place out- the only people in the vicinity are BTS and other staff members. All of this to celebrate BTS’s recent American Music Award- something that Jungkook is immensely proud of.
Because this fancy dinner is for Jungkook’s accomplishment (and the other members), he was given permission to bring you as his plus one. The two of you are clad in matching outfits: Jungkook is in a sleek black button up and slacks, with black boots that add to his already towering height. You’re wearing black heels, with a strapless black mini dress. Your shoulders and collarbones are on display, the dress perfectly accentuating the natural curves of your body. The heels make your legs look so long, and he feels like he’s at dinner with some hot runway model. He is so so lucky. 
Honestly, being at a fancy dinner is nothing less than you deserve. You deserved to be spoiled with riches and luxury, and Jungkook is so ecstatic that he’s building enough wealth to do that for you. He’s honestly just so happy in this moment. So happy that he’s allowed to sneak a hand around your waist and pull you snug to him (becuase everybody in the company already knows about his relationship), and so happy that he’s the boyfriend of such an enamoring, beautiful, wonderfully intelligent woman like you.
You’ve got three inch red heels laced around the circumference of your ankles. The shoes beautifully elongate your legs, and you’re probably standing at the same height as Jimin. He looks at you defensively, because geez, you look so tall. It was threatening his masculinity and he didn't like it.
Jungkook finds the whole situation pretty amusing, because Jimin practically stops straight in his tracks when he sees you coming. 
“Oh? Y/N!” Namjoon exclaims, striding over to you and putting his arm around your shoulder for a side hug. “Did you get taller?”
“Hi Namjoon,” you say, laughing in response as you look up at him. “It’s just the heels.”
From about three feet away, Taehyung’s got his hands snug in his pocket, eyeing you smugly as he taps on Jimin’s shoulder and whispers in his ear. You don’t really know what they’re saying, but they’re making it painfully obvious it’s about you so you just stare blankly at them. 
Jimin whispers something back into Taehyung’s ear before giving him a dirty look and pushing him away, leaving Taehyung in a laughing fit. 
“Hey guys, it’s rude to talk about my girlfriend so obviously in front of her-”
And Jungkook pauses, because Jimin is dramatically puffing his chest out like he’s trying to be the Hulk or something, flexing his arms muscles that stand idly by his sides, and standing at the very tips of his tippy toes as he approaches you. Oh goodness. And he's acting as if this is how he normally looks, casually saying“Y/N! Long time no see!”
You purse your lips, fighting the playful urge to roll your eyes. “Hi Jimin,” you say in an endearing yet annoyed tone. “Don’t you guys have an album called Love Yourself coming out? Why can’t you learn to embrace your height?”
“Oh she’s got you there,” Hobi says from the side, which makes Jimin dramatically blow the air out of his chest, standing on the flats of his feet.
“Just jokes,” he sheepishly says before he opens his arms, waiting for you to give him a good ol' sisterly embrace. “I missed you Y/N.” And you laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck gently so that he can give you a hug.
“Hey! Not too long,” Jungkook steps forward, practically pulling you two apart with his claws. Jungkook who seemed to be calm and mature on broadcasts really had a secret and playful possessive side. He loved his members like his brothers, so he felt comfortable sulking over your touchiness with them in front of everybody,
“You’re so immature,” Jimin mutters, giving him a pointed look. “I started talking to Y/N before you,” Jimin makes sure to point this out, making everyone recall how reserved you used to be when you first started interning for them. 
You return to your position by Jungkook grabbing onto his arm before giggling. “That’s because you always were talking shit about that one boy group member- the one who kept calling you guys talentless or something. I hated him too,” 
Ah those were the good ol' days. You remember when the managers made you listen to the members air out their issues and Jimin was never shy when referring to some other boy group who was always shit talking BTS. He was always venting out his anger to you, saying the nastiest shit about one of the members in particular. The fans would have gone crazy if they knew the true beef going on between these two boy groups.
“Oh, he was such a dick,” Jimin says in response.
“Well,” Jungkook interjects, “They are disbanded now..”, and as he makes this blunt and out of pocket comment about how this once wildly popular boy group experienced a horrible scandal, he looks away and scratches the back of his head. His voice slightly gets smaller too.
Jimin hated them too, but he did feel bad when the group shamefully disbanded and became exiled in the eyes of the public.
“Hey let’s not talk about this,” Namjoon says. “Care to sit down?” he asks addressing you more gently, which warrants a very brief glare from Jungkook.
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You sit at the table with all six members of BTS, catching up with them. Six- because Jin is making his typical fashionably late entrance. When he does show up, Jin practically model walks in, his entrance catching the eye of everybody in the room. Typical Jin, you think. But you did have to admit that he looked good.
He sits down in the vacant seat between Taehyung and Suga, going “Hey kids, you missed me?” and his eyes are scanning the table, doing a double take when he sees you. “Oh? Y/N? You’re here?” he exclaims, standing up again. He juts out his hand to shake your hand, a big smile erupting on his face. “Woww, long time no see! You’ve grown up so much!”
You stand up, a similar smile on your face when you shake his hand. “Thanks Jin. You look nice,” is all you say.
“As usual,” he jokes, which warrants an eye roll from all the other members. Jin immediately notices, giving a dramatically shocked gasp as he puts his hand on his heart. “Don’t be jealous that Jungkookie’s girlfriend complimented me!- Anyways Y/N, how’s managing Sparkle going?”
You smile, popping a cut up piece of steak (courtesy of Jungkook, who persistently insisted that he cut up your steak). “It’s going really good. The girls are super good and sweet girls," you pause for a moment, contemplating on something funny that popped into your head. “Be careful, or else they may beat you in the charts,” you say, giving a smug look to all the members.
Jungkook raises a brow, shooting you a look that screams you're really fucking annoying but also really fucking cute. He roughly swiping his thumb against your lips, wiping off the steak sauce residue from your lips. “Don’t say that with your mouth full,” he teases. 
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The dinner progresses pretty peacefully, the members getting caught up in their own conversation, and you getting caught up with talking to Namjoon.
“I think I’m going to resign from my job soon,” you explain while he listens attentively. “I want to go back to school full time to get my masters’ degree, and hopefully I’ll get a better paying job afterwards.”
“That seems like a good idea- I’m sure the girls will be upset though. It seems like they like you a lot.
“I know,” you say a little disheartedly. “I love them a lot but I feel like it’s time to move on. I think I’ll give it a few more months.”
“No, it’s good you’re putting yourself first,” Namjoon
 agrees, nodding his head. “Have you thought about what school you want to go to?”
At his question, you slightly pause, taking a peek at Jungkook who’s immersed in a playful conversation with Jimin and Hobi. You do have a school in mind, and your admission into that school is something you haven’t told anyone about- just because you were unsure about spreading the news to everyone or even if you wanted to go to this school.
“Yea, I do,” you say quietly. Namjoon instinctively leans in closer sensing that you want to keep whatever you’re about to say on the downlow. “Hanyang University?” you mutter quietly, a hint of uncertainty in your voice.
“Oh,” Namjoon says. “That’s far,” is all he can let out.
And you know what he’s thinking. You and Jungkook’s relationship has already been difficult to maintain as his occupation as an idol- and honestly? You were aware that long distance was going to make circumstances even more challenging.
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From across the table, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jin are in their own little world. They’re all just watching Jungkook sending the biggest heart eyes your way. All you’re doing is looking at your salad, tossing the lettuce around with your fork, and Jungkook looks like the biggest simp in the world.
“He’s got it bad,” Yoongi says, craning his head to the left to look at the reactions of the two other guys. 
Taehyung rests his head on his hand, elbow propped up against the table as he observes the scene in front of him. Jungkook’s holding up the cup of water, placing the straw into your mouth so you can take a sip of  your drink.
“If they ever break up he’s gonna be really fucked up.”
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