#there’s also a really cool thing they’re doing with the blood makeup
agentravensong · 1 year
hamlet update: they’ve painted red splotches on the stage in the spots where gertrude, laertes, and cladius die. the paint is there from act 1 but you don’t realize why it’s there until the characters start dropping in act 5 scene 2. something something predestination something something to be a character in a play is to be trapped in a time loop something something they’ve been dead from the beginning
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riveracheron · 1 year
how to stage “the tragedy of francis” (MAG 172), but like. in a normal theatre
hi this’ll have to do today @a-mag-a-day
im a theatre technician who, upon listening to the Spooky Play Statement of “Strung Out” got really into the idea of how one would Actually create the technical elements. it seems like an interesting challenge! this was the only theatre related episode with indepth description of the Spooky Stuff but if yall are interested id be happy to talk about Other Episodes and ways you can practical effects your way through the fearpocalypse :)
spoilers for mag 172 and fake blood below the cut!
rules of this:
- i am a technician, not a director. i am assuming that the play as described by jon is the script and that we need a giant spider and hooks and blood. i am not making any choices, simply describing how these effects can be done in a professional theater sense. to that end, i am also only a student; and not an expert.
- we are going as hard as possible. no substitutions, no artistic choices to pare it down, no nothing. this is the magnus archives we’re getting meta enough. alongside that, im not worrying about budget. this is broadway level shit.
- i am not putting a stage on a stage. this is just looking at the Tragedy itself and jon can go sit in the audience for all i care.
cool? lezzgo.
i. the hooks
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this is a fly system! it’s mostly used for lowering and raising set pieces. oftentimes, its also used with actors to raise them into the air when flying. shows like wicked, mary poppins and peter pan use this to pull actors into the air to make it seem like they’re flying.
it’s done with wires connected to hooks connected to the actors’ bodies via straps. sound familiar?
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they are often hidden with lights, but they don’t have to be- for a play that draws attention to these wires, the designer would probably draw attention to them - at least for when they start to dance around and stuff.
the hooks that attach to francis’ joints throughout the show could be flown in as well, and their costume and more strategic lighting could make it seem like they were attached to them. you can get pretty grotesque with high budget theater and special effects makeup.
ii. the spider
characters that are puppets is not a new thing in theater! one of the most famous examples is Audrey 2 in little shop of horrors- a puppet that has an actor off stage saying their lines into a microphone. the spider would also probably be the same.
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there are some motorized puppets like the sandworm in beetlejuice the musical, but most are person-controlled, which works best for speaking puppets as show to show, peoples way of speaking can change from show to show, and the puppet needs to be able to keep up, and motorized puppets can be out of sync.
this video is a good making-of process for a giant speaking monster puppet, and i assume the spider would be the same, just much higher. there would probably be a false ceiling like the false wall above, and the puppeteers would sit above to operate the legs as if they were dangling.
it would probably be also attached to a fly system for easy lowering as the scene goes on.
iii. minor things
- the blood would come from “strawberries”, little packs of blood hidden under actors’ costumes that they can burst when needed. theres also a capsule version that one can put in the mouth and bite down on.
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this is an example from the 2019 production of oklahoma, and a good look at blood strawberries and what they do
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- the spider-drink would probably be done with. fake edible spiders, lots of scuttling noises from the soundboard and lights that hide the fact that they are not moving, perhaps with strobe or something crazy. the spider rain would probably be the same, but with stagehands pouring spiders down from the catwalks.
- other characters would also be off stage with mics.
- good actors will sell a Lot of this. even if the new hooks and stuff don’t touch them, they can definitely make it seem like they do.
sooooo um yeah! as much as this episode made me sick - i love technical theatre and this was a fun infodump !! take this um. as you will ig. please stage safely !! blood packs can stain and fly systems can be unsafe so please. don’t try this at home. or at least get a professional to help
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killldeer · 9 months
damane liveblog
show fans for real do not read this one i talk about the [redacted] ajah SO MUCH
- haha oh boy we are starting at a dead run with the seanchan
- we are in falme!!!! turak moment!!!!
- I really like the way they’re showing us seanchan hierarchy and a little of how sei’taer/sei’mosiev work with the interplay of suroth and turak using/not using their Voices
- haha. we’re in danger
- the way turak and ingtar have been given eye makeup reminiscent of kohl is… interesting, to say the least. I am once again extremely conflicted about the real-world cultures that the seanchan designs draw from
- oh yeah I forgot it’s lanfear time
- if bayle domon dies before he can fall in love with egeanin i riot
- perrin wolf conflict setup: complete
- holy shit was that a portal stone
- kinda enjoying the way that I can’t tell exactly how much of perrin’s wolf power is his own and how much is Sendings from the other wolves. I don’t know if show-only fans are having a more frustrating time with this but I am personally just kinda vibing with it bc I bet perrin can’t tell either
- wait is that dain bornhald????
- oh I love the way his cloak is way too clean and finely-cut for where he is. you can tell before you see any white if you’re paying attention that this dude is bad news
- “once you swear their oaths, they leave you alone, more or less” oh god dammit. okay. this facet of the seanchan is interesting in the books pretty much specifically because of the way mat messes with it and goes “they’re just words that don’t mean anything to me” in front of tuon; other than that this point really only ever gets used to make book characters and by extension the audience reluctantly cool with what the seanchan are doing. I would appreciate it if the show would be extremely careful about presenting life under seanchan occupation/colonization
- the design of valda’s cloak with the red snake winding through the sunburst is so cool – I wonder if this iconography is being used to represent Questioners as opposed to the crook used in the books? it would be a very cool change and a nod to the whitecloaks’ status as a religious organization
- new horrifying thing you can do with the Power unlocked!!!
- LOVING this characterization of the browns as like. not goofballs exactly, but less “dreamy” like in the books and more “overeager”
- I love being a books fan because it means that instead of liandrin being a darkfriend being a dread-inducing reveal it’s just an opportunity to enjoy nynaeve making the surprised pikachu face for 3 minutes straight
- also very interesting to note that nowhere in this scene is the black ajah mentioned. nynaeve said “you weren’t recruiting me for the red ajah…” and I thought she was going to follow it with “you were recruiting me for the black” but it makes sense at this point that neither we nor she knows that it runs that deep!
- suroth (and kind of turak as well) having a much more General American accent is super interesting
- perrin “setting loose this random aiel I just met seems like a normal idea” aybara
- “my name is aviendha, nine valleys sept of the taardad aiel. Far Dareis Mai. my water is yours.” “I’m… I’m perrin aybara.” I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!
- “perrin aybara… do you like to dance?” she is veiled and ready to kill!!!
- I feel like this is a good time to mention the fact that my aviendha character tag is and has always been “far dareis wife”
- also the theme music being used here for either aviendha or the aiel in general rocks so hard. everybody say thank you lorne balfe
- ooo perrin convincing her to spare dain. iiiiinteresting
- tel’aran’rhiod namedrop!!!!!
- poor moiraine’s face journey when she says “this is………… rand.”
- I forget how horrible and complex the Damodred Family Drama is sometimes. this is kinda funny
- “heartening to see the dust on that switch, sister. suffice it to say my backside still recalls seveille sedai’s heavy-handed punishments centuries after the fact.” I could feel sara nakamura staring into my soul through that line. that dialogue felt like it was designed specifically to tell book readers “it’s okay. you’re safe now. there is no more spanking in the white tower.”
- gawyn mention >:(
- “I think that [egg, nynaeve, and elayne all being recorded as off tower grounds is] worth remembering.” “…it is. I don’t know how it slipped my mind, frankly.” sheriam bayanar literally caught in 4k this scene is INSANE
- verin needs this book supposedly “just for a short passage on the amyrlin tetsuan”. somebody correct me if I’m mistaken here but I believe tetsuan was the only amyrlin besides bonwhin raised from the red right??? like 2000 years ago???
- update I went and searched because this got me thinking and I was correct! I forgot that tetsuan was ALSO stripped of the stole for betraying manetheren, meaning that not a single red sister in history has been raised to the seat and just like. done a normal job
- so real quick do you think the show fans are clocking sheriam’s behavior here as the reveal that i think it is. this is awesome. bonus points if you also consider the way that verin takes it in stride, neatly slotting all of the info she’s picking up here into her personal game of 5D chess. this scene is so so awesome
- oh my god verin has her squad in on this
- I briefly considered Compulsion too during the previous scene!! not sure if I believe that, and I much prefer to interpret that last scene as two black sisters from different hearts simultaneously trying to maneuver around each other, but interesting nonetheless
- liandrin putting on a black cloak over her red outfit is so perfect and on brand
- the way the damanes’ weaves look physically different and more precise is NUTS. specifically I’m looking at the tight corkscrews of Fire here but it extends to their other weaves as well
- egwene :(
- “I’m searching for the car’a’carn.” they’re setting up so much stuff this episode and doing it so smartly!! I love it here
- “I have toh. my water is yours.” “I don’t know about that.” oh perrin oh my GOD
- ah yes. elayne and nynaeve spending all their energy trying to not kill each other despite being in mortal danger from all sides. perfect.
- stop!! stop making me care about the Damodred Family Drama!!! it’s working way too well!!!
- ishamael talking only in the old tongue and lanfear responding in modern tongue is delicious
- moghedien and graendal confirmed, mesaana and semirhage potentially axed if the rest of the forsaken are just “the boys”?? hmmmm
- “my lord, my eyes are too low to see such [omens]. only our Empress, and her Court of the Nine Moons, can see and know the omens for what they are.” full disclosure I had to pause the episode here and just take a second bc this sequence made me start laughing out of sheer anxiety. holy shit this episode is going to kill me
- babe I don’t know if putting rand near lanfear on purpose is the move in ANY capacity, much less in FUCKING TEL’ARAN’RHIOD
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curatoroffiction · 1 year
Chaos Gremlin MC Ft. The Obey Me Cast Part 2
For part 1 of this story, please go here; link ----- Solomon arrives at the House of Lamentation and Lucifer is nowhere to be seen. Instead, he's sent Asmodeus and Satan in his stead to greet the sorcerer. "Oh Solly, it's absolutely horrible!!" Asmodeus drapes himself over Solomon's shoulders, whining. "That little gremlin destroyed my best polishes!" Solomon rubs small circles into the demon's back as he looks to Satan who is in demon form.
"Yes, they're quite quick, but once I get my hands on them, I'll be tearing them limb from limb for the damage they did to MY collection." Solomon makes a mental note that he's going to need to keep you out of Satan's clutches. A human dying to the avatar of wrath wouldn't help the exchange program. And besides, maybe if he solves this, he'll be able to prove to Lucifer that he's someone worth working with in a pact. Asmo continues mourning the beauty products and makeups that you've wasted, telling Solomon how you've used them to paint the walls and clog his tub. Satan is quiet, but when Solomon inquires to the damage you've done to his things, he loses his cool completely. "They've destroyed countless priceless books! There are some copies of those books that are the only ones left of their iterations! They've ripped multiple books to shreds, paper-mache'ing their pages as a large 'Fuck you' on my wall!" He's huffing as he can barely think straight through the bubbling rage. "They want to die. They want to die! It's the only FUCKING answer!" Satan tears off through the house again, joining the other brothers in searching for you. Asmodeus stays behind with Solomon as he slowly makes his way into the house to find all the other brothers searching for you. "They've got to have tunnels through the walls or something." Mammon gripes, glaring at the wall as Belphegor stands beside him, glaring at the floor. Belphegor was released from the attic as an attempt to solve the problem in-house. Lucifer had gotten so tired, that he 'called Belphegor home from the exchange program' in hopes that his expertise on humans might help him find you. Instead, it just gave you another victim to torment. Belphegor may have blamed humans for his family's fate, but he didn't truly hate them until he endured you. Levi's also in demon form, scouring the halls with the calculated precision of a man of war. His time as the leader of Hell's navy wasn't for nothing. He can and will find you, it's only a matter of time. At least, that's what he keeps muttering to himself. The destruction of his volumes of the limited time original "The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl" editions was too much to bear. He too will have your blood. Solomon notes as he walks through the house in thought, that you've been really good at pin-pointing the exact ways to annoy and cause each brother the most grief possible. With Mammon, not only did you destroy the things he loved, you purposefully ratted him out to Lucifer and destroyed his great plots. He'd missed out on so much money because of you! He couldn't prove it was you doing it, but he knew this string of 'bad luck' didn't start until you'd come along. Beelzebub, you'd been eating his food and escaping before he could do anything about it. He knew it was you because you kept leaving him notes about how delicious it was. He'd destroyed several portions of the House of Lamentation because of this, in inconsolable rage. It's like you want to make them as angry as possible. --- Solomon reaches the room that was meant to be yours. It was destroyed repeatedly by Beelzebub, and by the time he destroyed it mid-construction from the last time he'd destroyed it, Lucifer stopped fixing it. This won't make a good area for a trap. You probably never come here. "Who have they tormented the least?" "Belphegor." "Hmm... And what have they done to him?" "He.. actually won't talk about it." Asmodeus fiddles with his own hands, looking away anxiously. "He's been... different since he came back." ".. Interesting. I'll need to go talk to Belphegor." "That might not be a good idea." "Why's that?" "Belphegor hates humans." "Maybe he hates ___ more than he hates me, and will be willing to work with me." ".. I'm not so sure." --- Belphegor glares at Solomon as he approaches. Another human. This is what humans bring. What more damage could he want to do? "Get the fuck away from me." "We have to work together to figure out how to stop ___, right?" "Not with you. Never with you." Belphegor spits the words with a sneer, only to feel a gentle hand on his shoulder. Lucifer, looking to him. Belphegor shakes Lucifer's hand off and glares at the ground. He knows what'll happen if he doesn't at least play nice. "..." Solomon decides to continue and ask his questions; "I've noticed out of all of the brothers, I can't figure out what ___ has been doing to you. Can you please tell me?" "......." Belphegor's brow furrows at the thought. Beelzebub, who has been satiated by some Hell's burgers brought by Lucifer, is no longer on a rampage. He moves to stand by his brother, resting a hand on his shoulder. This one, Belphegor doesn't shrug off. His eyes get soft looking at Beelzebub. "..." "Maybe he can help." "....." Belphegor glares at the ground. "..... They haven't done shit to me." The room pauses in surprise. Solomon looks between Belphegor and the others. What set them apart? "Didn't they do something at your request?" Satan, who is now too curious about this mystery to give into his wrath, begins the line of questioning. "... Yeah, they threw a pie at Lucifer's face." Solomon looks to Lucifer as he asks "What sets Belphegor apart from the others?" Lucifer's face flickers with an unreadable emotion. The youngest looks upset. The room is at a standstill until they hear a flickering going on from the library. Satan goes demon mode and rushes to the site. Lucifer begins spilling everything as the brothers work to fix the fire you've set in the library. How he trapped Belphegor in the attic, which inevitably leads to him spilling the beans about Lilith as he explains himself. Amidst the flames, the demon brothers have a moment of reunition, all of their baggage bubbling to the surface. And for the first time since you arrived, you come to greet the entire group. "FINALLY!" You throw your hands up in exhaustion, causing all seven of the brothers to go demon mode as they perceive you as a threat. Solomon steps between you and them, now curious as to what the hell that means. "Before you die, as I can't stop all seven of these brothers from tearing you limb from limb... Care to explain yourself, ___?" "When I got here, I met Belphegor, and he told me that no one could know he was locked up there. I figured I'd create a problem so big that they'd have to let him out, but when Lucifer let him out, he didn't tell the others! So I've been tormenting them in hopes of getting him to spill the beans!" You look quite proud of yourself. The brothers stare at you in shock. "... There would have been infinitely better ways of doing this." "And put myself at risk? Hell naw." "You're still very at risk." Lucifer's eyes narrow on you. You grin sheepishly to Solomon. "I had no magic, so I had to get creative?" Solomon sighs, shaking his head. You're too much of a handful. Still, it sounds like you prevented a bloody war, so maybe your methods had something to them. --- You were relocated to the Hall of Purgatory for the remainder of the exchange program.
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seeminglyseph · 1 month
This is probably like. A weird thing to be concerned about, but like. The degree of polish and like. Quality in some of the recent entries to the V/H/S franchise sometimes is like… intimidating and feels like. I mean I don’t wanna tell people specifically to be worse at film making or anything, and it’s not like I think anyone broke rules making their entries I don’t think. But I think I mostly mean this to say towards audience members sometimes, ‘cause a lot of V/H/S is kinda *supposed* to be lower budget and experimental in comparison to blockbuster movies or whatever. That’s why the first one has that like “what the fuck?” Aspect to some of the shorts, they kinda feel like student films, because they were like… “gather some people up, get some relatively affordable equipment you can maybe rent, and go film on a rented set or out in the woods which is mostly free”
It feels cheap because it is cheap, and the cheapness makes it have that exact kind of horror vibe it was going for by being VHS. The more polished and high budget and impressive it gets, the less it feels like an experiment in cheapness.
I think there’s a really strong charm to the shorts that feel a little like “film makers create a student film” and I’m not using student film as an insult because I think there’s something really interesting and raw to the like. Sets and characters and costumes put together when you’ve got really really passionate, but broke and unpolished creators? When you’ve got like the cameras and equipment rented from the school and you’re filming it in the weird woods by your old house because you always thought they looked cool and wrote a lot of stories there anyway and now you’re trying to make one of them into a reality and the makeup person might just be your friend who spends too much money at Sephora so everyone voted them to be in charge of makeup and now they’re having a nervous breakdown because they only know how to do their own makeup and they’re looking up tutorials online for blood effects and actually really pulling it off and maybe figuring out something new about themselves.
One of the biggest personal expenses turns out to be a Cricut machine for the prop department but then the fact you don’t have to worry about carpal tunnel taking out your prop and costume department does make up for it eventually. Also someone made you a custom graphic T and you stop grumbling about the budget for a while.
Chances are also probably good you made a deal with the local produce shops to take the cabbage and melons that go bad for reduced price if you’re making a movie with violence, for all the free sound effects available online, it helps to have something live on the day. And head of cabbage or a melon works good on a low budget set.
It has been like two decades since I’ve been anywhere near even a low budget TV/Film set in Canada and I think some of these might be stage tricks instead. But still. There’s so much charm to them??? And it’s why I think a lot of horror fans love low budget horror.
(Also I should note, I was like. A youth working as an extra on a couple filming projects and took independent personal acting/filmmaking classes that taught me about aspects of the industry and tricks of the trade, but I never got super deep into anything. I saw how stuff was done and did some amateur filming projects which is how I learned how to fake things, but I never learned how big budget things were made. Everything I ever learned was cheap corner cutting for people making things on grants or for the passion of arts, not… uh. Millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars. I learned small Canadian Arts Film, not Hollywood Filmmaking. They were… not all encompassing and I am not positioning myself as an expert in anything��� just… running my mouth like a know-it-all honestly.)
And like. I think most of V/H/S still accomplishes a lot of it. Praise Ratma.
It’s probably just a couple like… big sensational show stopping shorts by directors who really know how to work with their budgets more than like… any kind of change to the system. And the fact that I like it when it’s kinda messy and sloppy and shows the seams and the actors aren’t super great and the premise feels a little half baked? Not… fully bad because that “actually the cult was fake and the raid was a ploy by us, the sexy lady cops who are actually… big name sexy snuff film peddlers who’ve been profiting from all the sick twisted videos you’ve been watching and we’re gonna make out while killing you” was like. Running a full sprint into a wall, like they almost made it and then they just made a really bafflingly bad decision in the final moments to like. Completely derail that train at the station and I don’t think anyone was satisfied with how that ended.
I don’t think I have the most solid of a point, really, except that a lot of films are very big and polished and expensive lately. And horror is one of those last bastions of “no budget? No problem.” Mindsets. And I kinda love it for that. And I wanna see it continued. I wouldn’t mind it catching on to other genres again because too much of everything has to look and feel and seem high quality making the barrier to entry nearly impossible to pass. But, I hope V/H/S maintains its cheapness because it’s kinda integral to keeping horror accessible. It’s good, it’s fun, it’s experimental, it creates access to new voices.
Yeah going back to the early entries some of it is like “wow that’s pretty gross” but like. There’s a reason most of those characters died horrible deaths. They were shitty garbage trash people on purpose and you were supposed to hate them so when they were brutally murdered you didn’t feel too bad about being like “ohh my got holy shit” and probably doing the mix of laughing and wincing and screaming when the rapist gets his dick literally ripped off and thrown across the room you don’t really feel that terrible about your fear response also being kinda giddy and giggly.
I am overthinking this. Idk. I love this franchise. I hope it lives in cheap gritty gross weird glory forever. Anthology Horror is such a good genre.
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ironysgrace · 11 months
Anyone else struggle with going from a cool beige in the winter to a warm brown in the summer?
Like I get an identity crisis when the seasons change 💀
I mean not only do I need to change the way I dress and apply makeup but also I go from white passing racially ambiguous to very obviously not real MaYoNnAiSe
And idk it’s just a weird way to exist? From white people who know me grabbing me randomly to freak out over how tan I suddenly got and/or asking if it’s real, to the up tick in people wanting to play the “what are you game”
And because of my curls a lot of people make the assumption that I’m part Black or Hispanic/Latinx and that feels weird cause I’m being assigned like complex weighted social identities that I don’t really have anything to do with while never having the ones I actually do be recognized?(I’m Athabaskan, Alaskan native)
I honestly don’t know how to word all the feelings around that or if it’s even worth trying for or if it’s more just internalized issue that I need to work on personally and not worry so much about other peoples perceptions
Which is a bit of an identity crisis in its own way because being able to clearly articulate nuanced ideas in a meaningful way is something I’ve had grafted to my idea of self since I was a child
And I mean struggling with the reverse of this when the sun leaves and my melanin recedes with it is also really hard because instead of being conflate with the wrong minority I start to wonder if I still have one at all
Which is weird because it’s not like I turn ghost white or my hair is turns straight so it’s not like everything disappears but also those aren’t even really things that I associate at all with my native identity at all, in fact the curls are from my Irish side of the family, they’re simply things I know others use to gage my otherness
I guess I just feel I’m constantly trying to juggle having cultures that aren’t mine handed to me and then exchanged for another while never getting to really hold my own, I wanna be so careful because if either I drop or hold anything I’m handed I can easily hurt and offend people
even holding the white culture I’m actually kind of a part of feels not only disingenuous but dangerous
But there is one thing growing up like this has taught me, if all that I am can appear subjective, then why would I ever take anyone’s appraisal of my beauty as written in stone?
If all the pain, love, and knowledge passed from my ancestors to me can be mistaken for blood sweat and tears of another with the passing blase of small talk then how on earth could I take another’s word for what is or isn’t beautiful about me?
You can’t tell me my features aren’t beautiful if you don’t know who’s beauty they were born from
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theendofuno · 1 year
ehmmm its almost 3 am and im getting deadly overwhelmed so ill just. write about my ordem paranormal au and pretend someone will actually read it lol
first of all i’d like to explain that it’s an au from a brazilian tabletop rpg game but i’ll try to translate the terms and etc in the best way i can, it’s an universe that happens in real world, except that there’s...paranormal.. lol
ok so them
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i like to use he/they for him but yk yk just he/him is also fine 
(they’re 15-16ish here just to clarify)
they’re an occultist who got caught by ordem (an organization that fights against the paranormal, occultists are people who work with the paranormal in a “positive” way, to make it stronger and just fuck up the world lol), especifically by Grandark who is a real human here ‘cause oh my god his human design is SO COOL why kog dont use ittt, but Gran just didn’t “feel right” by arresting a child so he just 
“oh well do you want to be my son” 
“alright idc you’ll be anyway”
Uno is a VERY annoying asshole teen, he likes to bother people on purpose, he also steals A LOT of food as a coping mechanism for his past trauma living on the streets and just having to deal with the paranormal with such a young age, he also have some trusting issues, so he don’t really have a good relationship with Grandark or Zero (who lived with Grandark even before Uno’s arrive but that’s history for another day *wink wink) and don’t really pretend to like them, but deeeeep down on his feelings he likes them
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that’s his clothings!!!
his shirt is stolen from Grandark, The Pression is a 1980-1990 band (that actually exists on the ordem universe lol) and Uno is completely clueless, he just wanted some red shirt, his crocs are stolen from Zero 
their second clothes are his work clothes! he work at a flower shop with Ryan (who’s 17-18ish), they’re not very... a good seller if i can say?? theyre always with the ‘-’ expression and dont really care to learn about the flowers to yk... sell them...??? theyre just “yeah go ask Ryan” 
Ryan tho is very patient and really likes Uno and is always trying to make him care about and learn more and just feel comfortable in general
their hair is naturally black, but they got the white parts with his affinity (it’s when the other side a.k.a the paranormal chooses you and makes you more paranormal than human, he have blood affinity) and the blue part is dyed by Grandark
Uno also know A LOT of occultist rituals, having it tattoed on his body
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he have this one on his hand!!! (just for his gc actual tattoo lol), the ritual is the black part but Hwarin (who have a similar story of messing with the paranormal in a young age and working with ordem instead of getting arrested) thought it would be cool to do a drawing above it, at first Uno absolutely hated it but now he just “hehe :) dragon”
this ritual symbol is called “Descarnar” and im kinda unsure on how to translate it but it’s somewhat in the likes of “Getting Fleshless”, which... yeah! removes your skin and makes you bleed A LOT
he also have a giant other ritual symbol on his chest which he removed with the same descarnar ritual because it was craved on him and he didn’t really..had a choice or consentment on getting it, i didnt really think when he got his neck tattoo but yeah it exists as well 
also his eye thing isn’t a tattoo, it’s actually makeup (eyeliner) he learned with Asin who does a ✨glamurous✨ eyeliner everyday (also Asin and Jin are like 25?? not quite sure about an official age but they’re more old than canon)
he used to go on missions with Veigas but they were prohibited of staying together alone after...an accident...where they kept using rituals on each other until Veigas back was completely in raw meat and Uno had third degree burns [since Veigas is an energy occultist]), so now he usually goes with Ryan and Lass (who is 18 but he’s kinda childish as a coping mech- i wont talk about other characters today ok i promised that to myself), since Grandark is uhh “top tier” is the best term i can think of now on ordem so newbies can’t go with Gran’s team (which is consisted of Grandark, Werner, Grandiel, Baldinar, Serdin & Kanavan. wowie a bunch of homossexuals) (Peter was part of it but he’s retired)
also a fun fact he’s a dog person (in canon i think he would be more a cat person but yk yk au) and he used to call zombies as dogs, and he once tried to convince Grandark on getting a dog and,,,,,,,,he came home with an alligator,,,,,,,,,, ain’t he so silly
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swiftletinthecloud · 1 year
After The Blood of Youth, I’m trying to figure out what to watch next 😭
Started and watched 2 episodes of Moonshine. Fun and fast pace. Adore the FL but found the ML irritating despite his cool intro.  He’s a stickler for rules in a way that’s annoying and ignorant, not in an endearing way like say Xiao Chong in The Blood of Youth. And so far, I find the SML Crown Prince more intriguing.
Started and watched 4 episodes of The Golden Spoon. Intriguing, but I’m also getting a case of SML where the SML is way more endearing than the ML.  He has so much trauma and such a manipulative and abusive family. And he gets jerk around by the ML and his golden spoon into situations the SML has no knowledge of and didn’t ask for, rips in and out of a loving family that he longs for and cherishes, then will probably have to deal with whatever consequences the ML left behind for him when the ML was /him/. Also don’t want to read English sub at the moment.
Yes, yes, yes both MLs will probably grow with the story and learn to care about more important things/have their priorities shift, but at the moment, they’re just giving off major I-want-to-either-slap-them-or-punch-them-in-the-face vibe.
Started a bit of the first episode for Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist season 2, but while I like the main characters and the clinic fam, I miss the case-by-case with the political fighting only in the background more than the right in your face political infight that season 2 is starting with right off the bat. I’m not really in the mood for political infighting right now.
Finished maybe the first two episodes of Unchained Love, but again, not in the mood for political and court/palace drama
Watched the first 8 episodes of Song of the Moon with my mom, but I don’t care enough about the story or the either main characters to want to continue.
Kind of the same with Light Chaser Rescue. I know it should give the same slice of live vibe like You Are My Hero/ You Are My City and Fortress, but so far not as endearing although I do like the second couple here better. The ML’s face makeup is just too white that’s it’s distracting.
Bossy Husband Who Loved Me & Secretary Bai Wants to Resign Everyday - started a bit of both yesterday, but not in the mood to read English Sub and they’re both too comedic and silly at the moment for me.
I’m in the mood a mystery solving drama, something similar to The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty or The Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty and so far Luoyang is giving me that vibe for the moment. Let’s hope my interest remains and nothing irritates too much like Moonshine and The Golden Spoon for the moment. 
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fangedbrbiemoved1 · 2 years
weird   headcanon   thing   .
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WHAT   THEY   SMELL   LIKE  .     strawberries due to her shampoo and body wash. some floral scents. a faint hint of blood, sometimes the hint of bourbon and if she’s in the woods a lot, pine and leaves.
HOW   THEY   SLEEP  .      generally on her side but she tosses and turns a lot. especially on nights when she doesn’t sleep well. there’s some occasions though that she wakes up on her stomach.
WHAT   MUSIC   THEY   ENJOY  .       care is into a mixture of everything. from classics like beethoven to the more popular, modern stuff.  it really depends on how she’s feeling.
HOW   MUCH   TIME   THEY   SPEND   EVERY   MORNING   GETTING   READY  .     at least an hour. caroline is big on her appearance. she wants to make sure her makeup and hair is done. she also tends to take forever deciding the perfect outfit.
FAVORITE   THING   TO   COLLECT  .     scrapbooks! she’s got a lot of them. it started when her mom bought her first one when she was nine years old and since, she’s been collecting them and making sure they’re decorated.
LEFT   OR   RIGHT   HAND  .     right handed
FAVORITE   SPORT  .      gymnastics. probably not a sport but we’re running with it. caroline has taken it since she was six years old. she’s incredibly athletic and her last year taking it was junior year. cheerleading was also something she enjoyed and because of her gymnastics, she was pretty great at it.
FAVORITE   TOURISTY   THING   TO   DO   WHILE   TRAVELING  .     probably visiting the gift shops so she can buy her friends something cute from her little adventures. care enjoys gift giving and thinks about those she cares for even while she’s away.
FAVORITE   KIND   OF   WEATHER   .     she’s a bit of a sucker for those nice fall days. the ones that it’s not too hot but not too cool. a comfortable pair of shorts and shirt type of weather. but also, give her thunderstorms! girl will turn a stormy day into a movie day with lots of snacks!
WEIRD   /   OBSCURE   FEAR   THEY   HAVE  .     so it’s not entirely weird or anything but she is terrified to lose her daylight ring. simply because if she goes out in the sunlight, she burns up. and fire scares her in that aspect. even if she can come back to life. 
THE   ONE   CARNIVAL   /   ARCADE   GAME   THEY   ALWAYS   WIN   WITHOUT   FAIL  .     ring toss. she’s pretty good at it. 
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sarah-dipitous · 7 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 303
Beat the Devil
“Beat the Devil”
Plot Description: with some involuntary help from Lucifer, Rowena is finally able to open a rift to apocalypse world. But the journey there has dire consequences
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: the only thing that died was the rift with….not enough or not strong enough archangel grace from Gabriel
That dream sequence with Mary and Jack back in the bunker was cruel though. So I guess Sam’s happiness also died a little when he woke up
I get Sam’s reluctance to go try to get some of Lucifer’s grace but with Gabriel’s failing, what choice do you have? Michael and Raphael are dead over here
Gabriel and Rowena are an underrated scene sharing team. Omg they’re checking each other out. Honestly if two characters were going to hook up while the boys decide what to do about the fate of existence, it would be these two
Why is Rowena’s makeup always so gorgeous? The dark green eyeliner is stunning on her, bless the director for insisting on a close up of her eyes
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It was difficult to get this with Meg jumping all over the place but LOOKS
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Castiel averting his gaze after they caught Rowena and Gabriel fooling around 💀 relatable
Lmaooooo Lucifer having to meet up with two people he reeeeeeeeally thought he killed
I guess when there’s only one way you truly die, and the person who’s gonna do it is going to apocalypse world, it’s cool to stay behind with Lucifer
How is Cas some magical apocalypse world gps?
Fuck you, Lucifer. Bringing up what you put her through before breaking out of her magic handcuffs
Ohhhhhh, girly…..you just endangered the whole mission. Ohhhhh, babe, have you developed a conscience? Or at least a fondness for the boys?? You were about to leave…you could have left, but you’re staying to help them
Is it bad that I’m not fazed by this tunnel full of starved vampires?? Honestly, that one reminded me more of gollum than anything…there seems to be one following the group. Are they actually gonna get their own gollum??
I think if they’d gone through something like this earlier in the series before I got desensitized to a lot of this, it would have made me on edge
YO! I was not expecting to watch Sam get bitten and blood gush out of his neck
Cas telling Dean they don’t have time and can’t save Sam 😭😭😭
The change in Dean’s demeanor toward this poor girl…because it’s partially his fault they got caught up in the vampire mess
Noooooo, I mean, yessssss, they found Mary, but Sam’s absence is immediately noticeable.
I hate when Dean cries but at least Jensen is a pretty crier
Nooooooooooo…Lucifer saved Sam…and is the only thing holding a whole nest of vampires from tearing into Sam.
God. The horrible parallel of Lucifer saying he lifted Sam from the darkness and brought him into the light to Cas’s “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” all the way back in season four
Its really not a hard decision though: go with Lucifer to where you were already planning on going OR get eaten by vampires…again
Jack was glad to see Sam 💖 but then Lucifer walks in seconds later
(I’ll do doctor who tomorrow)
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bootlegfrank · 9 months
Noooooo tell me why bullets is your favorite!!!!! It won’t bore me at all:) you never do! The more you write the better I always get excited when your responses are on the lengthier side. You know it’s funny, my favorite mcr album was always danger days HAHA you with bullets as a fave and me with danger days CUTEEEEEEE. I WAS RIGHTTTT the fit was awesome if you were at my show I would’ve seen you and been eyeing you up heh WAIT DO YOU MEAN THE BLACK PARADE SHIRT LIKE THEEEE ONE THATS BLACK? THE CLASSIC ONE? BC IF SO THATS LITERALLY THE SHIRT I WORE LMAO STOP IT RN AKAKWJSHDHXHXH we’re so cute I’m crying my whole fit wassssss my Black Parade shirt, my fave (and only valid) pair of black jeans with rips in them, my docs, my fake leather jacket (rip it’s my og one I can’t wear it anymore), a choker, and for my makeup I did Frank’s revenge makeup>:))))) OOOO and for my merch I got the aforementioned Mikey fuckin way shirt, the one that’s the reunion version of the revenge cover, and the boyzone shirt IM SAD I DIDNT GET THE PORNSTAR ONE:’((((((( I bet it looks good asf on you though:) I STILL WANT A MYSTERY SHIRT TOO IM SO EMO THEY SOLD OUT:’(((( oh trust me I was dancing and shouting and screaming at my seat HAHAHA I bring pit level energy no matter where I am at shows. The people around me however… don’t and they’re laaaaaaameeeeeee HAHAHA YOU COMING FOR US AMERICANS STOPPPPPPPPPPPP HEHEHEHE you guys had an awesome setlist thoughhhhhhhh OMG SAME how you feel about na na na live was me with WTTBP. I skip that one a lot but getting to sing that with them live ohhhh I lost it I was crying NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT MCR!!!!!!! OOOO I love Trixie and Katya too!!!! NO OMG IVE NEVER SEEN THOSE VIDEOSSSSS do you have any links hehe
I DO KNOW YOU WELL^.^ you having the same personality type oh mannnnnnn OH YEAH your one post where you said you didn’t know who Joe Rogan was had me shook hahahaha I may haveeeeeeee started to watch Hannibal bc of our convo AKQKQKQJSUSYDYDYDUF I tried to watch it many years ago but gave up 10 minutes in. Now that I’ve seen some of it IM SEEING THE YOU AS HANNIBAL SHIT EVEN MORE OMFG. He is SO unfazed by everything and obviously into dark shit omg there was this one scene where he pricks his own finger and then licks the blood. If you’re him I’m definitely Will haha I’ve never told you this but I’mmmmm squeamish and watching this is reminding me just how fucking squeamish I am. You would have no reaction to any this meanwhile I’m being like WTF OMFG EWWWWW *insert horrified look* *insert me slapping my hand over my mouth* *insert me with wide eyes* HANNIBAL (the dude) IS WILDINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG it’s so shocking such an intense show the amount of times I’ve said what the fuck tonight HAHAHA
You definitely would abuse that information hehehehehe yeah? You like the nervous laugh thing? oh how I wish you could see me reading your responses. I nervous laugh SO much. I screamed into my pillow at something you said recently hehe you chuckling at me like that………..not in a mean way but bc you find the reactions cute….I’ve thought of this before I love it akajsjshdhdhcjcjdcj you chuckling like that at me is attractive as fuck
OMG you haven’t even heard of the horse cards WHATTTTTT I thought maybe that meant they were just American or something but NOPE I actually found the company that translated the cards into Dutch LOL that’s fascinating I didn’t realize they were so far reaching!!!! So cool. I didn’t actually trade them myself haha I just collected them (though I was way more of a Pokémon card kid). I looked up the Schleich horses they look nice!!! Really detailed and intricate. I also looked up your favorite horse breed hehehehe it’s cuteeeeeee “halefjar” me hearing the foreign language words like 👀 “Horses can feel it when you're scared” OH MAN IM FUCKED I hope you can get back into it!!!! And own your own Fjord horse heh time to start manifesting again AWE YES US HORSEBACK RIDING TOGETHER!!! I would feel much more at ease with you by my side^.^ AND THE CHEEK KISSES AH ALAKSKDJDJDJDJDJDJDJ OMG THE BIRDWATCHING BOOK THATS SO COOL what local bird is your favorite??? For me, my favorite are parrots:) specifically cockatoos but I like all parrots hehe NOOO I don’t currently have a cat:( I wishhhhh omg I have to ask….were you a warrior cats kid?
NO WAY you imagine taking my face into your hands too????? Agh you’re skwkwjshdhd so sajsjsjdjdhchc yeah alakwjshdhdjdjdjdjd imagining you running your thumb along my jawline mhmmm you could move my head however you want I’d be at your mercy. SNAKEBITESSSS that’s so sexy fuck goddamn I wonder what it would be like to kiss you I’ve never kissed anyone with that kind of piercing ever hahahaha god if you took my face into your hands when I was all shy I don’t even know what I would do god my breathing would be a mess my brain would be all blank. Clingy drunk you,,,,,it’s a need you being clingy would be…godsjjwjsdjdj us both drunk groping each other mhm thinking about what would make me the most flustered what a nice little experiment. We should test and see;) teasing me in public you’re really trying to get me to go insane mhmmmmm I would try to appear normal but then subtly get close to your ear and plead quietly. Maybe I’d tug on your hand to try to get you to go somewhere private. I can get pretty impatient and needy heh but it’s possible I’d also try to keep my composure and try to endure it while I’m melting on the inside. Soooo hard when I’m reactive though fuck hahaha thinking about if I’m into anything weird? Haha you little pervert<333333 I’d say so;)
Since you were so sweet and told me what you imagined, I’ll tell you what I thought about recently. I thought about waking up next to you and you touching me while I’m all sleepy and still lowkey out of it. Could even be a dream. Eyes hardly open. You murmuring in my ear while I’m squirmy and breathy and my brain isn’t even working yet. It just knows you’re making me feel good<33333 softly moaning your name, the only thing in my brain. It would be so easy to touch me with the way my shorts always end up riding up throughout the night heh
You absolutely are leaving an imprint on me baby I really can’t stop thinking about you. I’m so obsessed. The things I’d do if you asked. I love the fact I got you flustered a little;) I know that’s not easy so<333333 amazing you’re probably adorable when you’re flustered. You’d try to hide it but I’d notice and I wouldn’t be able to stop grinning. So glad to hear my words linger:) it’s so cute that you go to sleep hoping to wake up to my messages!!!! I do the same. You know sometimes I’ll wake up, grab my phone, and check your blog right away when I’m still out of it hehe I remember once it happened and you had responded and my heart palpitated so wildly>.< I hope this message finds you well hehehe kissing you on the forehead and nuzzling into your neck<33333
Okay okay hehe thank you for your sweet words cutie <3 I love Bullets because of how raw it is, you can tell from the album itself but also from the demos, you can tell how little lyrics were changed, how little intonation was changed, how little of the arrangement. The band was born out of a need to exist and you can tell, by god you can tell, and it captures me every time. I love the guitars, that budding New Jersey Emo sound that they leave in the dust later, the punk influences, how young Gerard still sounds, how well you can hear Mikey's basslines, Otter's drumming, heavy on the toms and cymbals, the frantic sound of the entire album, the influences in Ray's playing, how you can tell that Gerard is coming into his style of writing lyrics, cameos from their friends in backing vocals, the power and force and desperation behind every word and every note and every part of the album. I always love first songs by bands the most because they show the place the people were in when they realised they needed to start their band, when they realised the couldn't go on without letting everything out. I love all the songs individually too, Drowning Lessons made me cry the first time I heard it because that breakdown is just so damn gorgeous, but knowing how and why that album was made is what makes me love it so much. OMGGG we were wearing the same shirt that's so fucking cute!! Your outfit sounds so awesome, oh man I bet you looked so fucking good in it. Ooo the Boyzone shirt! I looove the print on that but I don't wear white often enough to justify buying it (or pink for that matter). Mannn that's so lame that people around you weren't as hyped-up as you, I bet you had the best energy in your entire section. I was moshing like crazy during WTTBP it was insane, seeing MCR live changed the vibe of so many of their songs for me, nothing compares to seeing them live, even songs you don't listen to all that often.
Ourgh I can't find any of the videos now but I will link them for you when I find them <3 Oh man that fucking Joe Rogan thing is going to haunt me forever, I don't even get why I was sent that ask in the first place by my mutual if it's apparently well-known that Joe Rogan is a major dickwad, I even asked around in my irl friend group and none of them know who he is either so I'm not living under a rock haha, I guess that just comes with being European xD I just finished Doctor Who so I suppose there's no better time to start watching Hannibal hehe, we'll essentially be watching it together! Ohh you mentioning him pricking his own finger makes me remember something I did when drunk once shfksjdf Me and a friend wanted to drink each other's blood so I sliced open my own palm, and then when I didn't feel like it was bleeding enough I poured vodka over it and into a shot glass to get it going shfkjfhdf The scar healed nicely but I had to wear a fingerless glove for a while xD It'd be so fun to watch Hannibal together with you hehe, I'd get to watch your cute reactions to all the intense scenes, it's so cute that you're squeamish <3 Aw babyy you screaming into your pillow like that is so cute, oh man, it's driving me insane a little. How cute you are in the way you react to my words... Makes me want to show you just how much that is doing to me <3
I used to collect those little fuzzy Filly horses! I had quite a lot of them hehe. Oh man one day I hope to have a Fjord, for now I guess I'll just have to make due with creating one in the sims x3 This is kinda stupid but I love jackdaws and pigeons, they're both the rats of the sky but I love them for it, ever-present wherever you go, daring little shits. Cockatoos are such cool birds, they come in such beautiful colour variations, and they're so intelligent!! Sdhfjksf I was a Warrior Cats kid hahaha, I was even on Scratch.mit.edu back in the day drawing Warrior Cats animations with my mouse x3 Were you also a Warrior Cats kid or did a different book series capture your attention?
Oh cutie you'd look so sweet with your face in my hands, big eyes looking into mine, that cute blush... Just the sweetest <3 Oh baby you know I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you when I'm drunk, especially when you're drunk too, all loose and giggly, I wouldn't be able to resist. Mhmm we should definitely test and see what makes you the most flustered, I bet I'll have fun with that ;) I'd try to keep composure when we're out, when I've been teasing you, but you know it'll only take a please or two for me to give in and take us home, I'm never able to resist you <3 Oh fuck, you imagining me touching you when you're still barely awake, oh that's doing things to me. Your brain's barely working but that's okay, it doesn't need to be working for me to make you feel good. Besides, I know just what you like, you're mine after all and I know exactly what to do and where to touch you to get you all cute and squirming under me. You laying next to me, one hand coming up to rub at your eyes while I'm touching you and whispering in your ear just how pretty you look, just how pretty your body responds to me, your little sighs so cute, your perfect moans. So easy to touch you hm? Well when you get yourself all perfect for me like that how can I not touch you when you're all sleepy and pliant?
Isn't it cute how much we're both thinking about each other so often, I'm in your head and you're in mine <3 I'd pull the hood of my hoodie down lower on my face when you get me flustered, trying to hide the blush starting at my ears, but I'd begrudgingly push the hood away when I see your delighted little smile <3 Awww baby your heart palpitating?? That's so adorable <33333 I'm kissing you right back on the forehead, and a kiss on the tip of your cute nose <3
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cahrolinehasmoved · 1 year
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weird   headcanon   thing   .
WHAT   THEY   SMELL   LIKE  .     strawberries due to her shampoo and body wash. some floral scents. a faint hint of blood, sometimes the hint of bourbon and if she’s in the woods a lot, pine and leaves.
HOW   THEY   SLEEP  .      generally on her side but she tosses and turns a lot. especially on nights when she doesn’t sleep well. there’s some occasions though that she wakes up on her stomach.
WHAT   MUSIC   THEY   ENJOY  .       care is into a mixture of everything. from classics like beethoven to the more popular, modern stuff.  it really depends on how she’s feeling.
HOW   MUCH   TIME   THEY   SPEND   EVERY   MORNING   GETTING   READY  .     at least an hour. caroline is big on her appearance. she wants to make sure her makeup and hair is done. she also tends to take forever deciding the perfect outfit.
FAVORITE   THING   TO   COLLECT  .     scrapbooks! she’s got a lot of them. it started when her mom bought her first one when she was nine years old and since, she’s been collecting them and making sure they’re decorated.
LEFT   OR   RIGHT   HAND  .     right handed
FAVORITE   SPORT  .      gymnastics. probably not a sport but we’re running with it. caroline has taken it since she was seven years old. she’s incredibly athletic and her last year taking it was junior year. cheerleading was also something she enjoyed and because of her gymnastics, she was pretty great at it.
FAVORITE   TOURISTY   THING   TO   DO   WHILE   TRAVELING  .     probably visiting the gift shops so she can buy her friends something cute from her little adventures. care enjoys gift giving and thinks about those she cares for even while she’s away.
FAVORITE   KIND   OF   WEATHER   .     she’s a bit of a sucker for those nice fall days. the ones that it’s not too hot but not too cool. a comfortable pair of shorts and shirt type of weather. but also, give her thunderstorms! girl will turn a stormy day into a movie day with lots of snacks!
WEIRD   /   OBSCURE   FEAR   THEY   HAVE  .     so it’s not entirely weird or anything but she is terrified to lose her daylight ring. simply because if she goes out in the sunlight, she burns up. and fire scares her in that aspect. even if she can come back to life. 
THE   ONE   CARNIVAL   /   ARCADE   GAME   THEY   ALWAYS   WIN   WITHOUT   FAIL  .     ring toss. she’s pretty good at it. 
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finsterhund · 1 year
More on conventions
Sorry last night I said I would go into more detail but I just checked on my plants and then passed out.
I did not go to the con today. Roommate left without me. He tried to convince me for a bit but ultimately I think he understood I’m just not feeling well.
Kept being reminded of Cazza. There was a vendor selling homemade ice cream and treats for puppy and my brain legitimately defaulted to “too bad Cazza isn’t here (as in alive but not at the con) because I could have bought it and given it to her right then and there” and then it hit me that she wasn’t here not because she hadn’t been publicly certified yet but because she was dead and she was never coming back and then the vendor started a conversation with me while I was just reeling and I struggled to talk and eventually said that at the end of the day on the last day (Sunday) I’d come back and buy something for Scott (who unlike Cazza is alive) and that just broke me.
It was also way too hot lol.
Artist alley was so small. And there was barely any 2D artists especially ones doing commissions. I don’t know if the way artists at conventions are has changed since covid but that was the sorts of art I looked for at cons. There were multiple 3D printing artists and multiple custom dice makers which made me feel bad because they’re all so good but are in direct competition with each other. Saw a really cool dice tower that was 3D printed and had moving parts but I don’t do tabletop in real life anymore so I wasn’t tempted.
there was a whole area that the 501st Legion set up which was really cool.( I need to get better photos tomorrow (spoilers) to show) and somebody was cosplaying Anakin which was the highlight of my con. There was also somebody from astromech.net driving their incredible RC build of Artoo around the artists alley and having him look at tables which was the sweetest thing and cheered me up a lot. Got photos of him about to have a showdown with the Chatter Phone. (R2D2 would win a fight with the skinamarink entity by the way) The actress who plays Bo Katan was at the con but I don’t want to be all sweaty and gross from overheating around cool actors I admire so I didn’t go to a meet and greet thing. But it was cool she was here in the middle of nowhere lmaooo
Oh also I saw a really cool cosplay of Din Djarin and said hi. I forgot my phone to take photos around I really should have I know I promised to take photos. But tomorrow hopefully. Lots of detail in his cosplay not just the armor. Had a really realistic Grogu also. Was not animatronic in any way but more realistic than toys.
My prop boxcutter was wildly impressive apparently. Almost didn’t get it past prop check. Had to peel back some of the metallic tape to prove it was made from a transparent fast food lid. People thought it was real. A professional cosplayer complimented me. So that was a bit of a bragging rights. I felt bad though because I didn’t want anyone to feel threatened at the con so I didn’t bring it around everywhere. Similarly decided to have blood dripping from (the eye most fan artists assume is the one Kevin injured) and the makeup turned out well. I should have gotten some photos with star wars cosplayers with my cosplay but once again, just not on top of the ball. I feel I’d be more in my element if I did the Kevin cosplay at a horror con and since my roommate wouldn’t be tabling I could only go in for a short while. I’d like to go to a con where Kyle Edward Ball was and idk get him to sign something. Preferably when it’s cooler so I’m not approaching an artist I admire after suffering from heat stroke.
So there was some cool stuff. It wasn’t a bad convention. It’s a very good con. There’s lots of cool food vendors around too. But that makes it all the more apparent that I’m having problems.
It seems I have just lost my enjoyment of cons. No clue if it’s temporary or not but grieving Cazza I just don’t get the wonderment and excitement like I used to pre covid.
I am planning to go tomorrow. Both because I get to go to these cons in the first place because I’m the muscle behind set up and tear down of roommate’s artist alley table and because I wanted to get photos and support a couple of the artists who were here but yeah. I’m just I wouldn’t even say burned out. Just not feeling it.
It’s a not very good feeling to know that something I loved so much is now seen as a chore.
I know this should be expected. Next month is “the anniversary” and I am dreading how I’m going to handle that. But my comforts “not working” is scary and depressing. I tried a lot and in the end I just feel grief overpowering anything and everything.
It’s a good thing I stayed home today because I think Scott must have eating some of the rabbits’ hay and thrown up a little on the carpet which I cleaned up. Which reminds me of the days leading up to Cazza’s death and upsets me further.
I gave Scott his big bone so he would have something to do while we are at the con. So I guess he can also be distracted enough that I can get caught up on my reading without him bothering me now provided I can get into the right mental space for it.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.44--Episodes 1-2
I have watched through S5E2; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
—The Dark One dagger being the end of Excalibur is awesome! I hope at some point we actually get to see when Merlin created the dagger.
—I didn’t know Excalibur destroyed anybody who failed to remove it from the stone. That’s dark.
—Yay, Merida! Her dress is a very nice shade of blue, although I personally adore the dark green one from the movie, and her clan tartan cloak is pretty. Her bow has some cool new decorations, too. As far as hair goes, it’s alright, but it’s more wavy than curly and it could have a bit more volume. I mean, come on! This is the princess with possibly the most b*tchenest hair ever, they might as well go whole and a half hog on it.
—It’s a great idea to have Merida and Camelot near each other. They probably aren’t from quite the same time, but I like them coexisting anyway.
—It was funny when Emma’s hallucination-Rumple commented about Merida’s accent.
—I’m gonna nitpick a lil bit here, but I don’t think Merida’s kingdom falling apart because they can’t handle a queen doesn’t quite work. This entire show is woman-geared. Snow leads her people to rebellion, and they don’t decide to switch their loyalties to David when Snow married him. People don’t want Regina to rule them because she’s terrorizing them, not because they had a king before her. Women with the blood right haven’t been forced aside in favor of men previously, and I’m not thrilled with it showing up now. There could’ve been any other reason for Merida’s kingdom to fall apart. Maybe they could’ve used the war that united the kingdom in the first place—it seems Fergus was the rallying force in the war, so his death itself could’ve been the catalyst for collapse. Then Merida could eventually have the chance to prove herself on the battlefield, as a leader and as a warrior, like her father did, and reunite the kingdom that way. Full circle, brah.
—Are we gonna see Emma in full Dark One makeup? I’d love that.
—It’s cool how her hair is full-on bleached pale now. I don’t think it’s quite as flattering as the honey blonde she had before, but it’s cool.
—I love that Regina’s dress for the Camelot ball matched Snow’s. I like it that they’re being friends now. I also adore that Charming and Snow taught Regina how to dance.
—Actually, the Camelot ball outfits were strong overall. Emma’s white lace dress with the wide sleeves and flower crown was gorgeous. Snow’s dress had perfectly-done decorations, and the material looked gorgeous, and her little gold circlet really suited her hair. And Regina got to wear pink! And Hook…well, Hook was just a fancy pirate. But who’s complaining? Pirate looks great on him.
—Emma giving Regina the knife was cool. Although, I don’t think Regina wants to stab Emma even if she does get out of line.
—The tornado portal was fun. They’re all lucky Granny’s dropped back into its original spot, though.
—The dwarves riding around in their van with Sneezy strapped to the roof was hilarious. Lucky that he’s back to being human, even if Dopey’s still a tree.
—It’s also good to have some of the dwarves being more involved in stuff. Grumpy is really the only one I love having around (especially when he calls Snow ‘sister’) but I really do love having him there.
—It’s nice that Henry got to meet Violet both in Camelot and in Storybrooke. She’s gotta be somebody, maybe the daughter of a knight or something.
—Guinevere is lovely. Her pink dress is one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen, and her hair is really good in that style.
—Not quite sure how I feel about Arthur yet. He seemed pretty amiable at first, but now that things are going sideways for him, he might get kinda bitter.
—The Fury was cool. Great design, amazing final showdown, interesting principle. And then you’ve got Charon pulling a *Homer in the bush* when the Fury is defeated.
—Grrrrr, that rose is *stressing me out*. It’s totally going to be destroyed at some point, and I’ll have to watch Rumple die again.
—And good grief, like that wasn’t bad enough, Emma doesn’t love Hook anymore? WHY??!!!!! *curses the universe for letting me watch this*
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 / 𝚟𝚒 𝚡 𝚏!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
this is the last of my prompts :)
arcane masterlist
prompt: vi x fem!reader for a reader with a visible scar. i have obvious facial scarring and i rarely find fics that have scarred!readers so i’ve been throwing it around as a suggestion! [requested by @hauntedclaudio]
words: 1023
warnings: blood, flirty vi
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In Zaun, scars aren’t designed to be shamed. No, unlike Piltover— the city that demands perfection at every turn, in every crevice— scars in Zaun are the exact opposite. They’re signs of power. A symbol of pride to be worn without a goddamn care.
You earned your scar. You took a goddamn sword to the face and lived to tell the story. No amount of makeup could ever disguise the mark the sword left behind, but why would you want to? That’s your scar. People in Zaun take one look at you and they know not to fuck with you.
It’s a badge of honor, but it’s also a story. One told repeatedly every time someone asks. Sometimes, you change it up— nobody really knows the truth of what happened to your face, but they don’t need to know. Some of them don’t want to know, because if you can survive that, then there’s no telling what you’re capable of.
In all honesty? The only person who does know the complete, one hundred percent accurate story of how you got your scar is your girlfriend, the infamous daughter of the former Hound of the Underground, Vi. It was something you told her over drinks one night in your bedroom, the cold glass of whiskey in your hand and a wild smile on your face as you described every moment.
Vi has scars of her own. None as massive and pronounced like your own, but she understands. She loves your scar and you love hers.
“Did you run into a wall today?” You ask, watching her come in from the door. She cracks her neck from side to side, the heavy THUNK of her Atlas Gauntlets landing on the ground beside the couch. You’ve upgraded since you started dating her— moved from a ratty, one-bedroom apartment in the slums of Zaun to somewhere on the surface. Not in Piltover— you’d rather be dead before ever setting foot in that damned part of town— but you’re somewhere nicer.
Someplace that Vi deserves to be.
“Got fucked by Sevika’s chemtanks,” Vi says, wiping away from blood on her face. You notice it starts bleeding even more, a heavy cut on her cheek. You sigh, placing your gun and oil rag on the dining room table to walk to the bathroom for the first aid kit.
“She’s still deploying them?”
“Yeah. Fuckin’ hell, it feels like she has hundreds,” Vi says as you return to the living room. You snap your fingers at her so she takes a seat in the chair you were in, and you sit opposite of her. Ever since Silco’s death, Sevika rose up and took over his operations; with less efficiency, you’ll say that, but nonetheless, she’s proving to be a bit of a problem in the past months.
“We’ll find where she keeps those things,” you say, dabbing some alcohol onto a clean rag to clean up her cheek. You click your tongue. “This is a deep cut. Gonna need some stitches for this one, babe.”
“Think it’ll scar?” Vi asks with a slight upturn of her lips as you fetch the sutures and needle. You raise your eyebrow at her.
“Not if you take care of it,” you say, inching closer to thread the needle through her skin after disinfecting the area. You hold her chin firmly to look her in her grey eyes. “Don’t purposefully not take care of it, Vi.”
“But I want a cool scar like you,” Vi grumbles. You snort.
“It’s only this fucked up because I couldn’t get proper stitches,” you remark. “Your little lip scar is plenty cute enough already.”
Vi huffs. “Yours is so cool, though!”
“It’s a scar, Vi.”
“Do you know how hot you look, though?” Vi insists, She winces when you put the needle into her skin and through the other side, tying another stitch together before moving on to the next one. You just glance at her with a slightly interested look, and she goes on. “Like, babe, you walk into the room, and everybody’s got their eyes on you. You’re so beautiful it’s insane.”
“Shut your mouth,” you say. Your cheeks feel a little hot.
Vi grins at you, but you pat her cheek to get her to relax so you can finish stitching up the wound. You lay a bandage flat across it and lay a gentle kiss on it.
“There you go. All better,” you say, shutting the metal tin of medical supplies shut— Caitlyn is a godsend. Knew to send a fully stocked one home with Vi one afternoon and you can’t count the number of times it has come in handy, for both you and Vi. You sigh, taking VI’s hands into your lap. “Thank you for the compliments, babe, but just let this one heal. I promise the next one I’ll consider letting you let it scar, okay?”
Vi puts her hand on your chin, pulling you in for a kiss. She’s smiling into it, but you can still feel the scar on her lip as clearly as you always have. There’s a different, rougher feeling in the divot where skin used to be. You like kissing her more because of it. You won’t deny the thought of her having that scar along her cheek would be nice, but she deserves a better story than being fucked over by one of Sevika’s chemtanks.
She has more scars than you do. You wouldn’t mind any more, but you’d like to at least prevent that if you can.
“Love you, babe,” you whisper.
“Love you more,” Vi says. “Thanks for patching me up, doc.”
“And as your doctor, I recommend that you come and get some rest,” you remark, winking softly and taking her hands to pull her up to her feet. Vi takes after the innuendo immediately, a smile drifting to her face. She pulls off her jacket and throws it on the chair table, leaning down to promptly scoop you off your feet.
You sigh, letting yourself hang off her shoulder. She does this every time.
You won’t get sick of it anytime soon.
A/N: thank you for the prompt! very lovely to write <3
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
☘️ - NSFW alphabet
James Potter if haven't done one
This is a little choppy but I hope you enjoy it! Mwah.
James Potter NSFW Alphabet
Reader: tried to keep it as nb as possible )
Warning: pure smut and no editing
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Super comforting and he’s really affectionate. He loves to massage your back (which will probably lead to another round). And he does that cute thing where he’d rub his nose against yours. He’d cover you in blankets and literally would hand feed you if he could. He basically forces you to drink water as well.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your thighs, he likes placing his hands on them and laying in between them.
He likes his stomach since he’s worked really hard on it over the last couple of years with quidditch.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will wear a condom only if you want, but he’d much prefer to go without. He’s pull out game is strong as fuck and he usually cums over your ass or thighs, sometimes even stomach.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
James wants to do collaring and he’s been fascinated and keeps daydreaming about being your good boy or having the opposite and getting you a collar that says “daddy’s _____” (preferred nicknames like girl or boy, etc).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s pretty experienced without actually have experience, he wants first times to be important so he was actually waiting for the right one (which happened to be you). He can definitely find his way around your body with ease, who knows how he knows how to do it.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, he likes have your knees over his shoulders and takes his sweet time making the moment last as long as possible.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a sap so he try’s not to be humourus, he wants the sex to be romantic and he can’t risk turning you off with one of his lame dad jokes.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
It’s a mess, he’s tried to shave it, comb it, trim it, it’ll just grow back. It definitely matches his head hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Like said before, James wants the sex to be romantic. He likes holding your hand and kissing your shoulder’s and lips until they're rosy. He just wants to take care of you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Pretty often, he gets stressed sometimes so he’ll just get out a quick wank before heading to class in the morning or late at night.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a ton, d/s is very present and the roles switch between you both often. Power play is a must and he has a big thing for bondage, he loves all the different knots and shapes, he thinks the ropes look pretty against your skin. There’s others like makeup, he weirdly finds it attractive when mascara runs down your cheeks.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Usually in his dorm, he prefers to have his time and spend every second admiring and taking care of you. He rarely would want to do something out of order and he needs a quick notice before trying a new location. He usually promises you he’ll satisfy you later if you become needy during class or at hogsmeade.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Everything, fuck me eyes go along way for him. Sometimes you don’t even mean to get him going and he’s rushing you up to his dorm. He likes the uniforms too, he’d purposely mix up your robes or house ties just so people would know you’d belong to a certain wizard.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’d like spanking to a minimum, but the second he sees blood he freaks out. Even bruises make him worry and he’d begin to cry and kiss over it, promising you he’d never mean to hurt you and he’d be super careful next time.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving it, since he likes the stability of cumming down your throat. But if he’s subby he’s prefer to give you pleasure, he just wants to please you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends, sometimes after a quidditch game (depending if he won or lost) he’d take it out on you, rough and fast sex was a must so he could released all of his pent up tension. But then he’d get really soft and gentle to soothe over the rough behaviour. If he’s subby, he’ll let you control everything.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Personally he doesn’t like it, a quick blow job in between classes is alright with him or even a quick fuck in the showers in the changing rooms, but he prefers his time and he’d rather have you all to himself for a few hours.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not necessarily, he likes boundaries so you both talk over them often and he’d just do whatever was in the green zone. Sometimes if he’s being a hard dom he’ll try a risky move, wait for you reaction and depending on that he’ll keep it up or drop it immediately.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Oh boy… he’s not the Gryffindor quidditch caption for nothing. He’s athletic, charming, and a golden retriever boyfriend. He definitely can go for 4 or 5, depending on his mood and on time, since it doesn’t take much to make him cum.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t, he’s a bit embarrassed but he definitely isn’t opposed to watching you play with yourself. He actually loves mutual masterbation and he enjoys watching you show him all the things that make you feel good.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He hates teasing you but loves when you tease him, every little look or if you grab his arm for protection, he’s creaming in his pants. Whenever you whisper in his ear, even if it isn’t sexual, he’s gulping and fixing his trousers.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Subby James moans a lot, he whines and whispers and he likes to talk. But more dominant James groans and whispers cusses (which is the only time he rarely swears because he hates cuss words).
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He enjoys morning sex way to much, he likes the sunlight beaming in and the slow and groggy movements due to being sleepy, he loves the little whines and enjoys the cold air from the morning cooling off his hot skin.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
A solid nine inches, come on he’s James Potter. He’s quite proud of it too, smirking whenever he see’s a tummy bulge or even when you have trouble standing after sex.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s high to the extreme, he never knew how horny he truly was until he began to date you. Every day he wanted to take you to his dorm and try new things, he wanted to be cocooned in between your legs.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he’s had a long day, it doesn’t take long. He’s a gentleman so he’ll kill you to sleep before he passes out, but sometimes you’d get back from the bathroom and see him sprawled out, a big grin on his face.
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