#that’s for another post :)
pitofpurple · 2 months
amnesia rules is so much funnier if you think of it as Sun Wukong’s reaction to one of his brothers calling him a manipulative jerk and asking him him to be more enthusiastic.
Like, imagine the whole episode he was just doing an elaborate bit that Tang and Pigsy didn’t get because they didn’t know how Sun Wukong normally acted.
some moments that stick out with this context
Wukong shaking his master saying “you have to remember!” After getting the smallest hint he might not
His true self comes out when pigsy suggests bonking him on the head “what’d you say Piglet”
him spending all night talking to the Sage after finding out where his master is (it’s almost like he was trying to take as long as possible)
Him nonchalantly eating while the demon monologues, clearly not actually scared for his masters safety.
“Eating me won’t make you immortal,” “of course it will! He’s the great monk Tang Sanzang!” Again it’s like he WANTS his master to be eaten, or at least ruffed up a bit (depends on when in the journey he is)
He only attacks the Scorpion Queen after his staff is broken
“We’re friends?” “Of course we are! Everyone needs friends! Can you imagine what I’d be like without friends? I’d probably turn into a real manipulative jerk or something,” it’s like he’s quoting someone
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thefabledpheasant · 4 months
The three reasons why I headcanon Leon and Gwen eventually getting together post canon:
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1. Tactical:
Gwen being of humble origins makes her more fit as a ruler than a lot of nobles because she understands the people she’s ruling. She knows the plights of the average life and she knows how they feel. She will rule with a good heart as she always has.
However, there are also advantages to being born noble when it comes to ruling as well. They better understand the other leaders, kingdoms, and the general expectations/customs of being a high house. Leon fits that description given that he’s nobleborn.
Additionally, Gwen definitely isn’t taken as seriously by the other kings and queens because of her upbringing. I imagine that once Arthur is gone, conflict would arise both within Camelot and outside of it because of this very reason. This could be calmed if Gwen had someone of Leon’s status by her side, as everyone would be less inclined to seethe at her on the throne.
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2. Familiarity and trust:
There can be zero doubt of Leon’s loyalties. He’s always been and always will be one of Camelots most loyal knights. Leon is also kind, fair, and compassionate, just like Guinevere.
Additionally, Leon and Gwen have history, even if it’s not elaborated on. Her mother was a maid in Leon’s household. She literally says they grew up together. I guarantee that, even if they grew apart when they got older, they were pretty close as children. They probably know each other in ways the others do not.
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3. Grief:
This is the main reason I believe in this happening post canon. The other two reasons just help support it.
Gwen and Leon loved the same people. A lot of those people died. When you have someone to share that grief with, someone who understands the pain you’re feeling, someone who knows the people just as well as you did, you bond. It’s a natural response to the pain. You grasp at whatever is left of the people you lost that makes you feel closer to them in death. I think both Leon and Gwen would be that for each other.
He showed what he would be like in the event of Arthur’s death in 5x07. He came to Gwen and said she would not be alone. He guaranteed that he personally and the rest of the knights would be there for her forever.
I think their relationship would take a long time to develop into something romantic because of all the trauma. But before that happened, he would be extremely protective of her, always at her side. He would be her closest confidant in matters of the kingdom. He would be her biggest supporter…. He would be her closest friend.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 8 months
I’ve officially been a Sonic fan for a year!
And to celebrate, since my bestie @thewritingautisticat and I were first properly introduced to said fandom via the movies, I decided to post a big fat rant about how much I absolutely ADORE the movie universe. Right alongside every other aspect of this amazing franchise.
Here’s the thing. I’ve seen people claim to be the #1 SCU defenders/lovers/etc., and then I’d explore their blog and still find them complaining about the human characters, and still imply that the movie universe isn’t as good as the games because it’s different.
Me? Dudes and dudettes, I think I’m one of the only people who can truly claim to be the #1 SCU defender. Because I love the movies in ALL their differences and wackiness. I don’t just tolerate the presence of the human characters, I love them. Right alongside Sonic and the original cast. During those wedding scenes in the second movie, the parts where everyone seemed to complain that they were bored and just waiting for it to get back to Sonic? I was loving every second of it. I see the human characters to be just as much Sonic characters as Sonic himself, Knuckles, Tails, etc.
I love scenes with Tom because he’s Sonic’s adoptive father. I love scenes with Maddie because she’s Sonic’s adoptive mother. Rachel is his crazy, unhinged aunt. Jojo is his chill cousin. That’s his family right there. Right alongside Knuckles and Tails, his adoptive brothers in the cinematic universe. I love and accept them just as much. I’ve barely seen anyone else do the same.
I love that the movies give Sonic (and the others) the ability to do something that the games can never do: be a kid. They show him to be kind, compassionate, empathetic, energetic, fun-loving, adventurous, sassy, and heroic, just like his game counterpart. And then they give him more: they give him parents who love and support him. Who cheer him on from the sidelines as he’s off fighting giant robots. Who will give their lives for him without a second thought.
People complain that the first movie isn’t a good “Sonic” movie? I disagree there, too. Because it’s missing the other characters and the lore and all that? Is Sonic not Sonic if he’s separated from his friends and original home? No. The first movie didn’t focus on the lore. The first movie focused on Sonic, him as a character. They established the settings of this new, alternate world for Sonic. Gave him a backstory because the games never do. They let him be a hero and a kid at the same time.
Guys. Paramount found themselves with rights to make a Sonic movie. A movie with a version of Sonic who had zero mandates hanging over his head. Did you really think they were just going to make a story that we’d probably see as a game someday? No, they were not going to miss this opportunity. They rewrote his story in this alternate version. They let him be a few years younger. They let him be emotional. They even gave him extra epic powers linked to said emotions, and those powers have even impacted the games.
I love the voice actor they chose for Sonic. People complain he doesn’t sound like he does in the games. So? The people who casted the voices weren’t looking for a soundalike voice actor. They were looking for an energetic, optimistic voice. Because that’s how they saw Sonic. Is he not? He feels like the very embodiment of energy and optimism a lot of the time. So I love the choice of Ben Schwartz. He does amazingly.
And about him getting adopted by humans? Found family is not a new trope in the Sonic franchise. In the games, we have Sonic raising Tails as his little brother. We have the Chaotix, a team consisting of a grown dude, an angsty teenager, and a literal child who see each other as family. We have Amy being a big sister to Cream and Tails. We have Vanilla being a mother figure to half the cast. We have the ARK siblings. The list goes on. Is it really so “cringey” to let Sonic himself get adopted? Especially when he’s younger than the game version, and was properly given the chance to be a kid? To have fun with his brothers and parents outside of fighting Eggman? And by parents who accept him wholly for who he is, strive to take care of him where they can, and allow him to relax and enjoy the remainder of his childhood??
Not to mention, Tom and Maddie are literally the perfect parents for Sonic (and later Knuckles and Tails). For one, they’re a very healthy couple. They’ve loved and supported each other for years even before their marriage and before meeting Sonic. Green flag number one. For two, they understand Sonic, they see that he’s still a kid and they want to help him, they try to “steer him in the right direction,” and they don’t try to stifle him and his love of running and adventure. Tom is a cop, a very good cop I might add (I absolutely refuse to listen to any of the crappy hate I’ve seen towards Tom just because he’s a police officer), and he’s inclined to help people just like Sonic is. Maddie is a vet, she loves animals. Sonic is literally an anthropomorphic hedgehog. She knows better on how to take care of him; and even before she got to know him, she still tended to his needs when he was out of it, even being cautious in doing so because she didn’t yet know his physiology.
So yes, I love the SCU. I love seeing the Wachowski family doing mundane, everyday things just as much as I love seeing the boys in epic battle scenes. I loved watching Sonic and Tom have a father-son bonding moment on a fishing trip. I loved watching them play along with his airport setup the same way parents play along with their child’s imagination. I loved watching them ask for a hug goodbye, make sure he knew how to contact them in case of an emergency, blow him kisses as the ring closed. I loved that Tom kept calling and texting Sonic to check in on him just like any parent would while they were away. I loved seeing Tom express wishing that Sonic could have buddies like him. I loved seeing Maddie call him “their kid.” I most especially loved seeing Sonic finally call Tom “Dad.”
I loved seeing my favorite trio of alien boys ride in the back of a truck, even though none of them needed the transportation, bickering about the baseball game they just played as their parents drive them out for ice cream.
Does this mean I prefer the SCU over the games? No. I love the games just as much, and I could easily rant on everything I love about them as well. I’m just not planning to because it’s not necessary. They’re the mainline thing.
Even though I’m disappointed to have missed so many years in this amazing fandom, I think I like being a fresh fan. I constantly see people griping and complaining about this or that in some area of the franchise, and tbh it annoys me. I’ve been ruined for reading reviews because I find people hating on things I liked. I introduce “NO-HATE REVIEW!” Not complaining about what I didn’t like, because there’s not much. Just loving on what I loved. Sharing my excitement with others.
As a result, I’ll later post similar rambles about other parts of the franchise I want to defend. Such as the IDW comics. Sonic Prime. Sonic Frontiers. All the parts people are far too quick to judge.
Replies that are hateful or irrelevant will be deleted. 👌
(A little later I’m also going to make a celebratory post about how this franchise literally changed my life in a good way XD)
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 2 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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crehador · 5 months
so when food is too salty we might say "打死卖盐的" basically meaning "did you beat the salt merchant to death" but one time in an attempt to be a little polite and a little funny to the chef (my mother) i said "……是不是又跟卖盐的有矛盾了" meaning "are you... having a dispute with the salt merchant again" and now it's a whole thing in my family
anyway point being there has been another altercation with the salt merchant
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eldritch-elrics · 2 months
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obsessed with the april fools day joke from the another crab's treasure devs
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lilith-91 · 2 months
Imo, atla has a bittersweet ending
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Aang is sitting alone and wearing the air nomads clothes, his culture clothes, a necklace similar to GYATSO's necklace. I can't even imagine the emptiness and sadness he was feeling here
There are no airbenders in the crowd
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All nation gathered..... except the air nomads.
No one else in the crowd wearing orange or yellow.
Aang won the war, but his people are still gone.
Yes, he has the Gaang, he has Katara, he has Momo and Appa. But he's still the last airbender.
This is so heartbreaking.
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Putting powdered sugar on the post below
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nikossasaki · 1 month
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punkitt-is-here · 2 months
It's been like two hours I don't feel a fuckin thang
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fullcolorfright · 7 months
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Relax! This Book is Just a Phase You're Going Through: Gay Comics from Christopher Street, by Charles Ortleb and Richard Fiala, 1978.
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suiheisen · 29 days
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me and senshi: i've only had izutsumi for one day but if anything happened to her...
also.... she has nekojita (cat tongue) ;___;
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jofiah · 7 months
Call me burger the. the way I court her... pound her
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aboutiroh · 4 months
You know what’s astonishing about Katara? She grew up in a world without bending.
It’s not surprising that Sokka calls her bending ‘magic water’ in the first episode. It might as well have been magic to them at that point; they had never seen it in practice until they meet Aang.
So not only did Katara not have any teachers, she didn’t have any kind of guidance, no visual aids, no idea of how bending is supposed to look or work. The first time she ever sees actual waterbending movements is when she steals the waterbending scroll from the pirates. The first time she meets another waterbender is when she reaches the North Pole, where within weeks she outmasters pretty much everyone and goes on to teach the Avatar.
Everything she does is so incredibly impressive, and yet I can’t help but feel the most proud of her when she catches a fish on that little boat.
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voidoffline · 5 months
!This is a drawing! Not a screenshot!
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This is nineteen hours of work. (Not the build I based this off of- it only took me like a few minutes to build it XD)
(This is the next build of mine that I will draw)
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elizabro · 3 months
please consider how you engage with aaron bushnell's death. you may react to it as you will, but it's crucial to remember that his death was specifically a call to action. it was not meant solely to shock but to draw attention to a vast moral hypocrisy: that to many, a soldier dying in a campaign backed by the U.S. government is noble, even if the soldier kills innocents to do so, even if the cause is morally bankrupt--but this? this is insanity. a man taking his own life, on his own terms, in an attempt to help others while hurting nobody else, is somehow less rational and more horrifying than the mass killing of civilians.
of course aaron's death was horrific. but as he said beforehand, it is realistically no more horrific than what's happening in gaza. if we can't stomach this, then why can we stomach children being bombed? thousands being starved? for all that self immolation is, it brings death in a matter of minutes. it is a fraction of the amount of pain, fear, and grief that people in gaza are experiencing. it's just that we are able to quantify it. and this tiny, quantifiable sliver of horror is still so unbelievably awful. how can anyone bear to think about anything else when this horror is happening a millionfold in palestine? this is the question aaron bushnell was asking. and he wanted you to face it, head-on, watching him burn to death.
I've been seeing people make fanart. minimalist graphics to sell on t-shirts. to commodify his death, to mythologize it not a day afterwards, is not only in poor taste but a hindrance to his message. the answer is not commodification, nor is it defeatism, nor is it rejoicing in his death. if you want to honor aaron's legacy, take action. channel your horror and your outrage into making a material change. this wasn't about him. this was about palestine. remember that it was always about palestine.
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