#theres more important things i need more than a video game
hauntedtrait · 1 year
ughhhh i rlly want growing together it looks like a very fun pack + includes shit i just think shouldve been base game and i want those features lol but unless i like win the lottery or smth i wont be able to get it til i get financial aid which wont be til july most likely 😭 i hate so much that every month is just me struggling and stressing over not knowing how i’m going to pay rent or bills, thank god for food stamps or i wouldve fucking starved to death by now. poverty SUCKS and i hate it and i wish my boss would stop being so goddamn stingy and just let me work more hours or if i could get a new gd job so i dont have to be in such a fucked situation like this UGH
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haemosexuality · 8 months
thoughts on the fionna and cake ending
-it was a bit boring. ok not Boring just, not on the same level as all the other eps? especially not on the same level as the previous two (the star+jerry). like it was more of a Cake the Cat ep. it was fine just not world shattering and thats fine ig
-that being said the casper&nova scenes were sooooo boring i couldnt care less. it kinda made me feel like they wanted to show shermy and beth but didnt know how so they just made up whatever??? it wouldve been cool to see more of future Ooo instead of. whatever that was. they couldve made the parallel to simon and betty some other way. or even if they absolutely Needed to show thay weird video game they couldve made it like one scene and shorter lol. tho the detail of it had being astrid that started the story was cute
-i actually liked the resolution to betty and simons relationship. again they couldve shown More of it instead of it just having like, one scene, but i liked how they did it. getting them back together in a fairytail Everything Works Out And Theyre Happy Ever After!!!! wouldve completely taken away from how tragic their entire story is, but making something even worse happen wouldve just made simon feel worse and his character development wouldnt.... exist much lol. having simon come to terms with it, SEND HIM TO THERAPY THANK FUCK and try to move on w his life is exactly what i was hoping for
and i looooove how they portrayed their relationship. ive seen ppl be mad ab it but like didnt yall like that is was codependent and insane and they were obsessed w each other to the point theyd destroy their life for one another? OBVIOUSLY its going to be unhealthy. thats not saying simon is a bad person, or that they didnt love each other. they obviously did. simon loved betty more than anything. but he was selfish. unintentionally, yeah, he didnt realize how dependent/obsessed she was with him and that she just went along with anything he did which i dont feel its his fault, but it still happened, and it still affected her, it made her get deeper into that. its a new spin on their relationship that feels really real and i really like that. yeah turns out that when ppl are so obsessed w someone that they go insane and almost destroy the world twice thats probably indicative thay theres something wrong there who wouldve thought!!!!
adventure time is The "people have flaws" show (bonnie, marcy, finn, jake, etc etc all the characters are shown to be selfish sometimes snd to varying degrees! and theyre all still good people! theyre still just people) so it feels a bit insane to see ppl acting like the show saying "simon too btw" means theyre portraying him as irredemably bad
-i didnt want the fionna world to completely change and go back to bein magic but i was at least hoping the characters world :( like a "modern with magic" situation it wouldve been cool. and the farm/baby/vampworld characters coming in felt a bit random but like eh sure whatever
-i dont think the lack of resolution in all the universes we visited was a bad thing? like i dont even feel like its "lack or resolution" i just felt like. thats how the stories were meant to be told. we come into a world that has nothing to do with us and then we leave them behind, yk? its not our world so we just pass by and dont know how it ends. leave it up to imagination. i thought it was cool we dont need to know Everything
-we shouldve seen marcy and simon interacting when he got back. even if it was just like a interaction without dialogue in some sort of epilogue sequence theyre so incredibly important to each others story and the show even made sure to show us that and we get nothing????? the lack of a scene where he talks to her about how hes feeling and how he almost put on the crown again felt so!! FRUSTATING. the scene in ep two where he calls her even felt like it was setting up for a scene like that! im so mad we got nothing. like i understand the adventure time market is flooded with marceline so maybe they didnt want to focus on her much but still theyre too linked for that relationship to get completely ignored in the Last Fucking Episode of the show
-the implication of fern/phoebe made me pause the episode and stare at a wall for a moment. auaugh.
-im glad they finally made the lich a bit more interesting instead of Ooh spooky guy is evil
-simon getting therapy from minervabot was awesome 10/10
-once again saying im mad they let fionna keep both her arms. BOOOOOOO 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
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Infinity [@arthallea] (She/her)
This is Infinity! She's a magical dog who really just wants to be normal and is surrounded by friends who she thinks are idiots, lovingly. She had a troubled family life and despite all the expectations put on her, she just wants to be normal. I viewed her as the kind of loveable that Akane from Ranma 1/2 or Misty from Pokemon is! Abrasive at times, yet loving nonetheless. Her markings would all shine on the rare occasions she would use her magic powers!
I based her on who I was and what I wanted to be at the time - wanting to be free of everyone's expectations of me. Also, somehow she was my fursona but I still didn't know what a furry was yet. I consider her my first fursona, loosely! Perhaps not the *most* interesting but she held a lot of importance to me and helped lead me to where I am today!
Also, given the date on the submission of this, I was, in fact, 12 years old when I made her lol
Broanch (She/her)
okok so shes this human looking alien girl (technically this alien race evolved off humans so theres that) who was kinda just floating around in space looking for exoplanets one day because she just likes doing that and then she found one and decided to stay there for a while, during which nasa comes by and finds this exoplanet and tries claiming it but she's like "no i was here first"
but she doesnt exactly want this planet either shes just being stubborn so she decides to follow them back to earth and comes up with the totally great idea of doing a total drama type thing to decide who gets to have it and she sets this contest up as a club at a random highschool and a lot of the challenges involve going around space so shes just dragging these kids around with her to random planets and stuff she is completely unqualified to be doing this but the kids think its fun and shes having fun so why not (i say kids but shes barely older than them shes like. 19 i think? and theyre all 16-18)
shes also ridiculously OP because why not sjdffhkhsd the alien race she is evolved in an area with sparse resources so theyre able to planet-hop pretty easily and can survive floating in the void of space if need be and are also really strong shes also got like. imagine a video game stamina bar that lets you manifest objects and charged attacks out of energy. yeah shes got that and shes both a bounty hunter and wanted by the police the bounty hunter thing is cus she ran away from home and needed some source of money and ended up on this planet with a very bad homicidal animal population so might as well put that superstrength to use
and the wanted by the police thing is because she tends to just cause stuff and leave and she accidentally burned a few buildings down
there is probably more that im forgetting because i didnt write this down but thats the main points yeah
vote for her she is pure of heart dumb of ass and will bring you food randomly
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embraceyourdestiny · 7 months
is it normal to want to kill yourself cause of the events in israel and palestine? i had a mass shooting in my area on top of that too
its not surprising to be suicidal during times of great strife, especially if you feel you cant do anything to help something so awful. the state of the world is very bleak at the moment and suicide rates tend to go up among this much chaos because of how emotional everyone is but ill say anon if you need to hear something to get you through it, you cant help anyone, including yourself, if you're gone. theres so much stress in the world and i 100% understand this feeling, im on and off suicidal myself at the moment, but we cant give in to hope and despair because then nothing will change. my advice would be to use your feelings and channel them somewhere you can help. check locally and see if theres any protests or organizations happening to help gaza, and especially see if you can offer any aid to your community after experiencing a shooting. there will definitely be ways you can help if you reach out. you might be able to get in contact and help the victims families or help organize a memorial etc. as for palestine, theyve asked us to talk about it so even just making people aware of the truth will help, but theres also E-sims you can buy if you have money to help people get in contact with family, find ways to donate like this video game bundle (i havent been able to fully vet if these are legit or not so i would just be care and do your own research first before sending any money to somewhere you're not sure), (save the children org), (a link to multiple nonprofits that you can choose you send money to ) you can reach out to your government and pressure them to do something to stop this violence and many more things that i will try to compile
i know things are very difficult right now, even outside of gaza and all over the world, but hope is not lost. the people of gaza are doing their best to remain strong and we have to do the same to support them. really, every voice that speaks out helps. you can do much more than you think and the world is a better place with you in it. not just because of how you can help, either. the fact that you want to do something and feel so strongly impacted by such atrocities is important and is a strength of yours even though it might not feel like it. having so much love and compassion for others that it causes you pain is a good thing because there are a lot of unfeeling people in the world nowadays and other humans need your compassion and empathy. its how the world continues to move and live and thrive. the only thing you should do is find an outlet for your hurt, your anger, your pain. its cliche but helping others really helps ourselves so if you can find a way to feel like youre contributing it will alleviate your pain and help others, i promise.
if youre someone personally impacted by whats happening in palestine im so sorry and i love you. please know that there are so many people in the world who love you, who want to help, who want you to live, who cry for you (i am right now). its horrible to see so much unnecessary pain but there are people who want to do something to change it. despite how you feel, you're not alone and you are loved. im so sorry youre dealing with these horrible feelings. you are wanted in the world.
god bless gaza and palestine, from the river to the see palestine will be free
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i made a post a bit ago before the reddit black out even happened, talking about how many AI written articles i find when searching for answers on stuff- usually things a little more specific (questions for video games, tech, everyday things but more specific to you, etc. not just "what city is this state in"). its bad- i basically get that or i get reddit threads when i google. and before the reddit black out, i hadnt thought too much about how those AI threads would be.... the only thing left behind if i didnt have reddit. still i watched the reddit black out live, i watched /r/funny go private at midnight. and yet it didnt really hit the importance of reddit until i went on the next day looking for help on a mac laptop i was restoring and realized all the reddits i checked were private. needing mod help for my server, all private. searching reddit for a game i couldnt remember, private.
theres a lot on the internet that needs to be preserved, kept alive, kept relevant. over and over i see people reminisce on old forums and how theyre gone and be brought back- and i think no ones follows through with the format because places like reddit at least fulfill that to some extent. staying with the mainstream is easier and its understandable, bc its relevant and trying to start up your little forum and advertise it isnt easy. Reddit being mainstream becomes the useful google option for a niche forum subject without being a lone forum you probably wont find in typical google search.
and now Reddit isn't available. the most mainstream iteration of those lovely little forums of discussion and support is not available. does it hit now? does it sink in now how bad this is? the past year- maybe even less than a year- has been so so chaotic and bad for the internet. instagram starting turning into tiktok a while back with its changes to feed and format. youtube has slowly followed suit with forcing short's as more relevant for creators than normal videos. twitter did... well, all of That, a lot of Things. Reddit goes along to make their API paid for. Discord turning to the methods on social media, with username changes and more. tumblr is also shifting so much of their entire deal, i think you should all be prepared for tumblr to become unrecognizable too because theres many hints of it happening- some already here.
when i made my personal website over a year ago, it was partially fun but it was a statement for myself too. it was recognition that social media had become unhealthy for me, and i didnt like how it was The thing that existed now, and that bigs corps suddenly taking more and more control of the web was bad and not something i wanted to be stuck with. but suddenly its not just a gentle step to the side i have taken, still knowing i can be on social media to see my friends and build an audience. but now it feels more like all the walls are crumbling around me, and soon i will have no choice but to jump ship entirely. i went from one, to the other, to tumblr where i had always been- the one site that stuck out from the others at least. had an 'old' format. in many ways you need social media.... because its how you made your friends, its how you stay in touch, its how communities get built these days!!
we can try to move back to the independent, the personal sites, the forums, but we all know its not easy. thats truth. its not going to spread as far as we'd hope, many will not follow suit or not know they can. i can only imagine all the old, tech unaware people who will continue to use the internet, never realizing why they struggle to get info or unknowingly follow nonsense AI articles, and have no idea that anything exists outside of the bubble theyre forced into. Not even the old people, but the young generations that will grow into that too and not get out of it.
im just waiting for the mainstream internet to just become entirely unusable from our perspective and its dreadful to me. trying not to be a doomer but i dont think its something you cant ignore when something as simple as googling slightly more specific questions brings nothing but AI nonsense articles or reddit posts and when one of those massive and only relevant sources is down, there is suddenly nothing.
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Taking Care of Yourself is Part of Writing.
My Whole Writing Process looks something like this:
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I was talking to a writer friend the other night who was asking me how was I was able to make myself write and enjoy it and look forward to it enough to make the ideas grow and to put them down on the page.
I think I threw him for a loop when I said I do it by giving myself permission not to write. I do have a schedule where I block out time in a week to try write... but that time block isn't always putting words on the page. some of those hours are research, outlining, workshopping, or editing... but a lot of the time I use those hours to relax. I read a fic. I take an obnoxiously long bath. I eat a pie I baked, or better, one I didnt have to bake. I play a video game or watch a show or something else that recharges my batteries. In an average week, I have about 12 hours tentatively blocked off for "Writing" but theres some weeks where none of those hours put words on the page.
We writers like to pass around that self-depricating joke with the pie chart about how we spend 5% of our time writing and 95% of the time doing absolutely anything else: editing (10%), sleeping (15%), tumblr shit posting (20%), research rabbit hole (30%), Crying (25%) You all know the joke I'm talking about. I think what gets lost is... you don't need to write more than 5% of the time. The pie chart really isn't a pie chart. It's an iceberg: The whole process is important. The 5% where you're making the words is just the most visible part.
I hit walls some times where I forget I'm allowed not to write. The guilt feedback loop is vicious. It goes like: "I should be writing > but I'm not writing > I don't feel like it > how can I call myself a writer and not write > I'm a bad writer," and turns into "I don't deserve to write > I'm not worthy of my own art > looking at my draft has become bad for my mental health > I physically can't write". And then the whole cycle feeds on itself again. This is worse once you've had a project the stars aligned for that went really really well and became your measuring stick for how well other projects should go. If you hit a rut, well the instinct is that it's your fault as the writer. "Shame shame for not writing..."
It's okay not to write. It's okay if only 1% of your iceberg is writing and the other 99% is taking care of yourself. If your writing stalled because of a physical tool: lack of wifi or a broken computer or an exploded pen or rain-soaked notebook, you would attribute the delay to the tool and repair the tool. And yet, when the essential tool that needs routine maintenance is your body / brain, writers fail to attribute the cause to that - if you need to maintain your computer because it is slow, you wouldn't call yourself a bad writer... so why are you a bad writer if the tool you need to maintain is yourself?
You can still be a writer and not have shared a single piece of writing. You can be a writer even when you're not writing. It's not your fault if you got writers block and/or your brain or body need some essential maintenance. If it is the only unreserved time in your week, use your writing time to give yourself those things you need to feel healthy and good! Just because it doesn't look like words on a page doesnt mean it isn't part of writing!
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flingza-roller · 2 years
Hi hi wow your cosplay looks so cool, do you have any tips or advice on making a splatoon cosplay? And happy birthday for last week, that pinata video lives in my head rent free
OUGH THANK U!! it makes me rly happy that so many people like my cosplay.... i appreciate all the stuff yall have said so much!
gonna put this under the cut cuz i typed a lot lmao
if u can find patterns online to use they will be ur best friend, winging it CAN work but. not always DSGKJ
so there would be a lot to cover but im just gonna gonna start with the tentacles- mine are made from minky but i know ppl who've used like, a more vinyl-ish material? do NOT fucking use satin, i made that mistake with my original agent 3 cosplay and i nearly smashed my sewing machine out of pure rage. satin + minky is SO slippery and no matter what u do the pattern will just, Fuck Up. its why the tentacles were shaped so weirdly :/ so this time i stuck to ONLY minky and the result was way better. i had a friend help with hand sewing em and it meant more control over how the shape turns out so it was way better than my first attempt. (i then used plushie stuffing to give em shape and it makes em sooo fucking squishy n soft)
I FORGOT TO MENTION. the tentacles are safety pinned to the inside of the hat for stability, im not wearing a wig or anything.
eye mask? use eyeliner or body paint! ive done both and they both work well, id recommend using a setting spray tho. and if ur gonna wear contacts like i did, ALWAYS put contacts in before any makeup. this avoids the risk of getting shit in ur eye while putting em in (also my eyes always water a fucktonne lmao) oh and if u use a blind contact, be prepared to have fucky vision whenever ur in cosplay. agent 3 cosplayers stay suffering 💔
if ur gonna hand sew anything, definitely try to use proper techniques. luckily my gf is very good at that kinda stuff and they helped me through sewing the poncho/cape/idk fuckin old rags, i used a whip stitch so the threading isnt visible (im thinking of modifying it to add big thick cosmetic stitches so it looks more game-accurate, same with the patch on the hat)
craft stores are ur best friend for supplies! if ur australian, i highly recommend spotlight and lincraft for pretty much everything. spotlight usually has the most variety in fabric, but i always need to order my minky online. if ur not an aussie, prolly just google which places to go to DSGJ idk what yall have.
but heres my number 1 tip for cosplay- HAVE FUN! i know this sounds cliche but seriously. i sometimes to caught up in my head over little things, like "this isnt game accurate enough" "the colours are off" "people are gonna notice (X)" but cosplay is supposed to be fun, silly, crafting experience, a hobby, but most of all ur just dressing up as a fictional character and what could possibly be dorkier than that? feel free to do things differently, u never need to adhere to canon (i literally did the hijack scar AND i have a face full of metal), being accurate is NOT the most important thing, and of course- body type, gender, skin colour, NONE of these things should stop u from doing whatever the hell u want. the naysayers can go fuck themselves <3
and if u dont have the budget to buy good supplies, theres nothing wrong with a closet cosplay! work with whatever ya got!
imma finish here but if theres a specific cosplay thing u wanna know more about please ask and ill help as much as i can :]
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quinnick · 2 years
hi. IT headcanon dump. lets go.
ok so hear me out
eddie had seasonal allergies. eddie also has one of those tiny achu sneezes. so for literally three months a year, he's plagued by richie every time he sneezes.
also idk why but stan looks like someone who would sew. i have no idea why. it might be the projection, BUT I DIGRESS. so when eddie's fanny pack breaks, or richie lost one of his ludacris button ups, or literally anyone needs something, he sews them one. its obviously very shabby, and they pretend they wont wear it, but eventually stan sees them wearing them more and more. no one really acknowledges it, but stan cannot stop smiling whenever he sees them using the things he made them. i dont know where the fuck this came from but its canon now.
one time theyre about to go somewhere important (idk where) and eddie panics like 'oh fuck do i look ok???' so richie pulls out a piece of paper and (horribly) draws eddie. its literally just a stick figure with lines for hair. but richie looks so proud of it so eddie's like 'thanks man'. he keeps the drawing under his bed (he would have hung it on the walls, but he'd have never heard the end of it).
its sort of an unspoken thing that if anyone in the losers club has nightmares, or is feeling lonely, they can show up at any other members house. no questions asked. sometimes they watch a movie, sometimes they have some snacks, and sometimes they just lay in silence, grateful theres someone there.
mike is the undefeated champion of dig dug at the arcade. richie is pissed. (mike: 'i guess its just beginners luck.' richie: *explodes*)
bev likes to chew on mint leaves
billy has a sketchbook where he draws all the members of the losers club. it will never be seen by anyone other than billy.
eddie still says gazebos instead of placebos and nobody ever corrects him
somehow ben always wins at rock paper scissors. no one has ever beat him. no one knows how he does it. hes banned from rock paper scissors now.
richie likes to sing. however. he is horrible at singing. he sings all the time.
bev made flower crowns for everybody before she left for portland. everyone kept them. theyll never admit it.
eddie likes to fold little origami things whenever he's stressed or just needs a break.
so thats all lmao theyre kinda bad but im tired and i dont care.
this will be the first of many IT rambles. you've brought this upon yourself.
THESE ARE NOT BAD !! I am kissing this hcs on the mouth. I love them so much !! Oh my god, Stan sewing is now canon to me and I am blocking and reporting anyone who doesn't believe it (/hj)
Mike being the best at dig dug has me rolling. Richie totally trains for a whole week and finally beats Mike's score just to have Mike beat it effortlessly again when he visits the arcade again. (Wait, I should find this one fanfic I found where Eddie is cracked at video games but lets Richie win because he has a massive crush on him)
Richie and me are once again the same person.
Bill being banned from rock paper scissors is 100/10. Bev making flower crowns had me sobbing. Eddie making origami is so him.
Also, I like the idea that he says Gazbos all the way until someone finally realizes what he is saying when they are all like 45.
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lonlonranching · 10 months
more ramblings
i’ve always hated that I’m so…  loud. I don’t mean the volume that I talk at or anything, I think I mean more so quantity of thoughts. my personal output. The sheer mass of it. I sit with this feeling and I wonder if I think i need to take up space at the chance to be seen in it. if I want to convey to you that there are in fact thoughts in my head, do you see them? have I proven to you that I think as well? or do I just have… A lot on my mind (yeah). I take a moment to think about this thought, if it’s shallow, if I’m not giving everyone else the complexity that I give myself (sometimes I don’t want complexity. sometimes I feel too simple - bunch of half baked thoughts that don’t have conclusions. simplicity as complexity? write that half baked one down. Think about it later when I’m too far from the origin. maybe it’ll make sense maybe it won’t).  anyway, I don’t think that’s it. I think I recognize it’s hard for me to know people. it’s hard for me to let them know me bc it’s hard for me to realize that they can catch the important words a throw into the mix. i’m strategically plotting our conversation (theres not THAT much strategy. its just defense disguised as offense). what you can know about me. what I’d like you to know. what I can’t say it out right. but did you catch it? it’s hard for me to realize you might not catch any of it at all. 
I admire people who don’t say words in excess. very sincere earnest people who don’t feel the need to fill the white space between us. how are you so sure. are you? am I overthinking this again.  and what do you think about me? do you like me (why do I need this so badly? like forgiveness from a priest. if I grew up Catholic, confession would ruin my life One way or another).  maybe it’s not that either. maybe I’ve spent so long estranged from my feelings it’s difficult for me to find my own perspective on them. i’ve spent so long trying to perceive the lens of others, on me, on themselves, on everything else that’s in between us, outside of us, that has nothing to do with us. i’d like to ask you how I should feel. The data intake tells me that’s an inappropriate question.  but I’d like to ask you if you ever feel that way? how nice it would be to let someone take the reins Who knows what to do with them. or in the least knows them better than you. i’d like to ask you if you ever thought God was in your brain and helped you choose your feelings. no real input, but the thought he was always there was looming. stressed you the hell out. I grew up thinking God was constantly in my head, just surveying. I wonder if that feels self important. The idea that God knew me so intimately.  that I didn’t know him at all. (I have The opposite of a god complex? a person complex? thats extremely silly)
im constantly thinking about whales. i limit how much i bring them up in conversation. i’m constantly thinking of the second coming. I don’t even believe in God anymore.  the rapture came in 1874 and we are whats left. it’s a joke. but I think of the possibility that that happened and we didn’t notice. its ironic. i think irony makes me feel smart for a moment (im in on the joke! not the subject of it! im in on the joke that i am the subject of! actually, that is funny. its also other things). I Google what rapture means: A feeling of intense pleasure or joy. is this an unreliable narrative? is the act of God leaving us behind the greatest thing thats happened to us? leaving my brain the best thing that’s ever happened to me? The fact he was never there at all? is it lonely to be in your head by yourself? i’ve been spending too much time dwelling. rambling! i’d like to play more video games.
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cephalomon · 1 year
my thing has always been and will always be pokemon. if you ever need to grab me a gift and you dont know what to get, get me something related to pokemon. a poster, a keychain, a mug, a shirt, a plushie, by god ill even take the cards. nothing will ever make me as emotional or excited or joyful as pokemon. no media i like will ever be liked More than pokemon. if you took me to a pokemon center id be willing to marry you.
i remember being a weird little eight year old girl. im not a girl, but i was a weird little girl at one point in my life. big black eyes and long black hair, and i cried when people talked to loud. i remember moving in with our next door neighbors at our apartment building. we didnt know each other that well, but we were all poor and they welcomed us into their tiny one bedroom apartment. it was already too small for them, too small to house 3 more people, but they insisted on it anyway.
they were both queer people, likely some of the first id ever met in my life. they were also really involved in video game and furry culture. they were integral to the person i am today. my first introduction to so many things that would end up becoming major parts of my life.
i had a little DS that me and my sister played mario on, but nothing else. one of our neighbors, now roommates, let me play her games, and i played pokemon soul silver for the first time.
ever since then, for 10 years, i have loved pokemon. it has never faltered, it has never gone out of style for me, i have never gotten tired of it. almost every interest ive had has come in waves. i rarely Stop liking anything, but it goes quiet and i occupy myself with something else. but not pokemon
pokemon has always been a consant thing, something i am always so excited to see and hear about, something im always trying to interact with, something thats always on my mind. even during the years where my ds was broken, and i couldnt play pokemon anymore, i spent my time watching videos and learning more and eagerly anticipating the day id get to play again.
i remember living with another weird little girl very briefly, i mustve been in 3rd or 4th grade. she asked me to teach her about pokemon, and i spent a lot of time showing her everything i could. i felt like i was a pokemon professor. it was really silly, but i was just little, and i was so proud of myself for knowing all these things and finally having the chance to show someone else. show someone else something i loved so much.
theres no point to this other than, i just really wanted to talk about how much i love pokemon. i feel like ive neglected it a lot lately. even though i still love it, ive been so preoccupied with so many things in my life that ive had few opportunities to just sit down and enjoy pokemon.
i think thats why playing pokemon violet this passed week has been so important to me. its been a really long time since ive let myself get enraptured in pokemon like that. i loved the characters, i loved the region. i have my critiques, sure, but i really liked these games. and i really love pokemon
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lawtistic · 1 year
tier lists uhh woohoo
“who uses emails anymore” me. because i had to email one of these to myself so i could get it on my computer. now here we are
i went a did a shit ton of death note tierlists and now that i have the urge to shit myself i will post them because i need an excuse to post something on my masterlist when i get around to making that
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i know who that manga guy is but i forgot his name and he is funny and sexy despite being present for 2 pages and thats why hes up there
im a certified sidoh hater btw
there is a number of characters i ranked pretty high just because theyre hot (mello [partially], namikawa, gevanni, lidner, nameless manga guy, wedy)
characters (adaptations):
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i didnt watch the 2006 live action because i havent gotten to it, couldnt finish the 2017 netflix version because of the gore, and havent watched the korean musical because i am superstitious and the circumstances of that are triggering so yayyy! so the characters that are on here from those are ones i have seen clips of and feedback and such
and some characters werent on there??? like mikami was in the jdrama and was an important enough character why would u not add him
characters kind of deviate from their og rankings but that is either because i have gotten 8 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours or something stirred in my brain and i was being smart but i no longer remember it
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i probably shouldnt have even ranked the 2006 live action and 2017 netflix ver at all but i probably thought the list was looking pretty empty when  was doing this
theres also a lot missing but those are the main ones so i dont care that much
(i would have personally added the add-ons like L change the worLd, another note, and the video games but like i said those are specific additions. i would have also added the one shot, the c-kira story and a-kira story, as well as the relights, light up the NEW world, differentiated the different versions of the musical but but but its okay. i know im rambling but really i do get it [”make it yourself!” no i already made 1 tierlist for this post and also i havent consumed enough of that media for it to be worth it])
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gonna be honest when it comes to L’s successors (excluding B and A) i feel weird shipping them with anyone else BUT each other
i would have ranked b x a higher if a wasnt a briefly mentioned character with little dynamics or personality talked about, and i havent seen enough collective fanon of them to rank them anywhere other than mid
the first 2 tiers are preeetty closely ranked i just put lawlight in the first one because i consume more of it, also i probably would have moved some of these around (like moving kiyomisa down to ohio) but this is pretty old so thats my excuse (i was also kind of hard on matsulight i am so sorry)
musical songs: 
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i dont hate any of the songs enough to put it in hunchback 2
also i need jarrod spector to sing an english version of the way things are i would cry. i put that in (the cheap, joking version of) my will but i accidentally said the way it ends and since it was an image that has since been plastered on multiple places its too late for me to fix it despite my efforts to correct it so oh well
ones i just genuinely cant remember were put in ohio (alongside the actual ohio songs) so if you see one in there that should definitely be ranked higher or lower that is why
i know a lot of people liked borrowed time but to me its just the simp version of titanium so i dont care that much
if i could rank the individual parts of secrets and lies i would be so grateful because the first part is pretty ohio but the last section is so boobs tier worthy that i just ended up averaging it out
i listen to the way it ends on loop every single morning
character themes:
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this is the tier list i made and since i am very bad at making tier lists there are like 2 useless and unused images and its irritating but tiermaker says i cannot delete them so rip
kira’s theme is my favorite and while i know the three L themes up there are essentially the same thing they are also the same thing and i just put them next to each other
i played mello’s theme c while riding go karts once it was great
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flowermist7432 · 2 years
I like to think Lonnie's personality is one of more favorite ocs i get to write a draw becauss its my favorite character type. LONG Ramblings below,, beware!!!
Lonnie is, to say...He's blunt, everything he says is exactly what he means! He'll happily say "nope!" To your face if he doesnt like what you are saying and keep doing whatever it is he's doing. However he isnt MEAN. He's just honest, although a bit long winded and choppy. Such as
"Im so TERRIBLY sorry my dear man, But i am in dire need your help to find my whereabouts of my location! Im verrrry lost! 8]c"
"Wowie, thats awwwfully rude! Bye bye!"
"Can I see your video playing device, of which i can use for photography means! This small insect on the table, and i wish to capture this brief moment!"
Like, sir you could have said that so much easier!!! But you didnt and thats perhaps very cool if you..
He doesnt facially emote that well and he knows it! All he does is a smiley look so he relys on the things he says and expressive tone or maybe even a crooked brow or squint. Drawing out certain words to bring emphasis on them! Sorta like Emmet, where he too repeats phrases..
If he doesnt like you he'll just say "i do not like you!" And walk away because he..does not like you!!! Being mean isnt his game!
But while people are guided by heart over mind or mind over heart, Lonnie leads with both mind and heart, because logically in his mind he deals with facts and rules he understands and then that alows his heart to do as it pleases!
Theres a point in my story where some very beat up, ripped apart scribbled on doll mocks him asking if he thinks he can just call her pretty and beautiful. She's clearly been scarred and hurt by the loss of her conventional attractiveness and now she's so tied to her own looks she's lost herself in such anger and pettyness! To which he says he doesnt think she's pretty, no. Because he doesnt think she is, but to him thats not insulting.
"No. I do not think you are pretty...!" And followed by a swift "But i do not think that matters. You deserve love and respect regardless of your looks, not in despite of them or because of them! Telling you that you are beautiful will not make you feel better, no... I think you want to hear that but its not what you need!"
People respecting their body regardless of their looks to him are more important than slapping on a simple "you are pretty" over a obviously deeper issue that needs to be confronted. And he sees that! He could easily say "noooo *i* think your pretty!" But it wouldnt have made her any happier since thats not the thing thats needs fixing!
Most of all, Lonnie cares, he isnt stupid. His dopey exterior makes him seem either sarcastic or aloof and dumb. But the truth is, he's incredibly observant and sweet. And logically goes about a situation and leads with his heart! Because in his mind, whats the point of being cynical and mean? It doesnt benefit anyone! He loves learning things, learning is half the fun of living! Lonnie doesnt understand smart people who blame smarts on their reasons for being rude and uppity. For him, he sees knowledge as a reason even more for him to be polite and accepting!And therefore i cant see myself writing him as anything but a relaxed, chilled joyus man with a fondness for discovery.
He reminds me of the lyric from play rehearsal "Most humans do one thing for all of their livesz the thought of that gives me hives!"
Lonnie is terrible at baking, they are edible and probably still tastey but not that presentable i suppose, but he learned it and hes having fun! All cosmetics doesnt matter much. He's a walking wikipedia, ask him about jars..he'll explain the ins and outs of a jar! What about a jar of pickles!!! Bugs! Chairs! How pencils are made now thats a good one! He'll go on and on! He'll happily read you a book the man has nothing better to do!!! He's my special boy and i love writing him dearly,,
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madelinemccoolname · 1 month
i was inspired by a youtube video, so introducing
Magnet's Media Mreviews
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-mars-stered and Fast and the Furious (2001)
So lets start by addressing the elephant in the room. Neither of these are kids movies and one of them isn't even a movie. this is because I want to transition this series from "maddie wants to review a whole series" and transition it to "hey this is something I've consumed recently, here are my thoughts formatted like a casual review" both because the serious reviews are harder to write, and because I like writing and like sharing my opinions on things but I've made both too scary in my mind. so yeah not just movies, lets review an xbox 360 game.
Red Faction Guerrilla was an xbox 360 generation open world third person shooter about doing revolution on mars. The remake is the same, though prettier. I realize this is an awkward review to start this relaunched series with, if i said that was intentional would you believe me? the game mostly revolves around the player as mason lastname (no relation) doing odd jobs for the Red Faction, blow up a building, blow up a lot of buildings, blow up a guy... most of this game is blowing something up for somebody. This is because at the time of release, red faction guerrilla was showing off some extremely cool destructible environment and building technology, and they knew what they had was cool and satisfying enough to build a whole game around. This leads to a game that plays well, side quests that lead into story progress that lead into side quests, satisfying gameplay loops, and one of the only games I know that looks worse than it is to play. Sure it has problems, its a ps360 open world game set on a desert planet, it comes with problems, but satisfying gameplay isn't one of them.
On the subject of problems, the story might as well not exist, the music is unmemorable, there are maybe 6 high quality cut scenes in the game and most of them have to do with a racist, native martian scavengers that the game sets up for a long time and then it turns out to be a jingoist caricature of a vague "native" culture that probably should've been cut. the weapons never get as crazy as you'd hope, mostly just different rocket launchers and normal guns, moving around without a car is a pain, the game penalizes you if a civilian npc dies in the same zip code but game good so 7/10
memorable bits: big hammer, dust gun, the terrible propaganda billboards, jenkins the old man that lets you blow stuff up in his car, the call of duty modern warfare missions right at the end, the sequel
fast and the furious
oh my god I'm so much more comfortable talking about a movie. the fast and the furious is a movie about a guy named brian trying to be a guy with a fast car named brian, he wants to get in with another group with vin deasil's character dom, but uh oh, brian's actually a cop, is he going to choose being a cop or being a racer, watch the movie to find out what he chooses just forget about the sequels.
Speaking of forgetting about sequels, what is this plot? so dom and his gang are stealing tvs and dvd players and selling them on the street, and brian is trying to get in with them, to see if they're doing it, in addition to illegal street racing, which they're also doing but that's not a good enough crime. So then brian has to get closer and closer to dom, while examining other racers to see if they did it, and getting close to dom's group while hiding from them also. And the big race "Race Wars" is going on and they wanna win the big race and its actually not that important despite this being a car movie. It's almost notable in how un-notable this "undercover cop who might defect" plot is, except theres also 10 sequels??? and a spinoff? like what do we need to know, where the one guy gets his ADD meds? how many gangs is he going undercover for? you'd think they'd recognize him after a point. or oh shit wait maybe the next movie is about completely different characters and they're all just car movies. anyway I got distracted but the movie's boring 5/10
memorable bits: racism, sexism, homophobia, uh dom's shitty friend who's homophobic and is also dating dom's sister which you'd think he would have a problem with, race wars, brian's shitty cop handler that sucks, the snoozer of a climax, brian maybe dying at the end
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ithisatanytime · 4 months
Silver Fins - Waiting So Long [Berserk Animation]
 i know im constantly repeating myself, even this post ive made some variation of numerous times, but review is important and necessary, no sooner do i get lax in telling people what i know than do they start undoing the hard work ive done brick by brick with lies, every day relentlessly. heres the three layers of understanding the world, starting from the most surface level and least harmful towards their aims, to the most obscured and the most harmful to their aims.
level one: jews might be up to no good
level two: the holocaust was a complete lie
level three final level: the so called jews are not the hebrews of the old testament, they are not of abraham or of adam, and this deception of theres was EXPLICITLY called out numorous times by christ himself in plain language, and repeated by his apostles in the new testament, this warning against these people, a warning that they were not who they say they are.
when i was on level one, and i was just starting to think maybe there is something to this whole JQ thing, the holocaust did not interest me much, its in the past, it didnt seem relevant to what needed to be done, but i had but to watch as they scurried and writhed and gnashed their teeth in defense of this holocaust whenever it was challenged, and then i began to understand the practicality of the holocaust myth what all it was useful for against us. and when i accepted the holocaust was a myth, then i started thinking about christian identity of passages id read in the bible etc, and again i saw how constantly they labored to maintain this lie, like sailors bailing water from a sinking ship and again slowly i realized the practicality of this ancient and abominable lie. all that to say, it might not seem like it matters to you right now but i assure you its what matters most.
lets see what else... nukes are unironically fake, theres no such thing as nuclear bombs im late as fuck to the party on that one but i just hadnt thought about nukes in like fifteen years, which is telling because i was terrified of nuclear war as an adolescent, but as i grew up i literally couldnt give a shit (because my mature mind subconsciously didnt believe it was an actual threat perhaps) but hiroshima and nagasaki were firebombed by napalm just like tokyo and dresden, the A bomb is a propaganda bomb, is a psychological weapon that does not exist. isnt it funny how nuclear war was sure to lead to nuclear winter and thousands of years of FALLOUT you know the world depicted in that multi billion dollar video game franchise? yeah now they are saying that wouldnt happen, and the same thing for nuclear winter, and do you know why they are saying that? because we dropped hundreds of fucking a bombs in the desert, which is like smoking in the smoking section of a restaurant in terms of how they had described the behavior of nuclear fallout not to mention nuclear winter. and also there is the disconcerting fact that literally within a week of getting nuked the japanese were already back in nagasaki and hiroshima at ground zero rebuilding and cleaning up and its still flourishing to this day with NO discernable differences in cancer levels depending on the study (literally no alterior motive for doing a study on cancer in hiroshima and nagasaki and finding none or negligable increase in cancer rate, but perhaps there would be for the contradictory findings) think about those shadows supposedly burned into the concrete, shadows of old japanese men carrying canes etched forever into the sides of buildings or steps just the shadow, forever marking where they stood as THE BOMB dropped. its a striking image (go ahead look the images up, please i beg you!) and nothing more, just think about it for a while i read the explanation that it was the material around the various victims silhouette burnt around him but its fucking cartoon bullshit, just like hitler, and the holocaust. there was a ten to twenty year period where they started telling BIG LIES in america, all around the same time, suddenly we have magic doomsday weapons, hitler has magic crematoriums, and we landed on the moon (ill get into that later, late to the party again) it reminds me of gaytheists when they remark that its convenient all these biblical miracles happened before their were phones and cameras to document it, i wont get into why thats wrong right now, but i feel much the same way about the 1940′s to sixties where all of these impossible things started happening and then seemingly never again. the whole world agreed to stop testing nuclear arms in the late sixties, WOW, cant believe the whole world agreed on anything, especially not testing a powerful weapon! and we at around the same time decided to stop going to the moon, i mean we still want the trillion dollar annual budget but americans are bored with the moon, they want nothing instead (this is the official stated reason for not going to the moon im not fucking with you) i have a more elegant explanation why the whole world stopped nuclear testing at least above ground filmed testing and why we stopped going to the moon at the same time, because in the late sixties with scifi really taking off, americans were becoming savvy! thats it, they were becoming media savvy, they were more accustomed to special effects and it took more to wow them. all the nuke test footage is out in the desert where there is conveniently little or NO frame of reference for the real size of the blast, could be HUGE and really far away or just BIG and not that far away theres no way to tell even if you are there observing it. and on the rare occasion there is something for scale like the boat in the castle bravo footage, it STRONGLY resembles the way hollywood would frame a shot for a forced perspective angle using a miniature. but most of all, watch all the test footage for yourself, but watch it with the audio off because the music will trick you, does it not look like not just special effects, but SPECIFICALLY sixties era special effects from b movies? and the moon landing too. you will NEVER see that shit in HD. isnt it bizarre that modern hollywood which is turning out nothing but super hero movies and reboots because they are the safe bet when only the lowest common denominator movies will make money, lets spend millions on a fucking historical BIOPIC about oppenheimer and promote it as a fucking summer blockbuster! the kids will love it were gonna be rich! lmfao what happened how did the american movie goer suddenly get so cultured? or the studios so brazen? they cant do the tests anymore because they wont be convincing to modern audiences, oppenheimer was made and promoted to keep the bomb fresh in your mind because thats the only power it has, the power to frighten, and thats why children were drilled to hide under their desks even though NO ONE had any idea what good it was meant to do in the event of a nuclear war, but it wasnt meant to do any good it was meant to scare the shit out of children. i know there are questions, yes atomic energy is real, i know but russia was in on it too? i know, look how long this shit is already, ill come back to it, but i had said so in a way that wasnt commital that nukes were fake, i did a lot of research hand i wanted to come back and say it emphatically when i was sure and i am.
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spikeinthepunch · 10 months
a bit ago i watched some video essay that was v interesting to me, about how the sims' casual completely open gay world feels different and maybe even feels incorrect in many ways bc of how the 'utopia' of no recognition to labels or differing identity actually remind you of how much labels, identity and even the hardships are what make lgbt feel the way it does. feel important to you as an individual.
and no its not like, you need to be oppressed and hurt for the media to be a good story! obviously not. but it certainly explains the feeling i couldnt describe about how games where sexuality is just not labelled and "every romancable character is bi!" is cool but also in universe, theres no real recognition for being not straight and it feels a bit off. sometimes its these negatives are needed, as a consumer, to feel represented in a deeper way. and that doesnt happen when the world is made a utopia of unspoken sexuality.
i know i often hear the statement "but does your fantasy world *need* homophobia??" "why does homophobia need to be in your fantasy world!" and its said as if you are doing something wrong if your characters face oppression for that. i get it- many people dont want to consume oppression in a fantasy story where they escape! thats fine. i want to pass over the topic of internal motives someone shitty would have here-- but you cant just tell ppl they cant do that or shouldnt, where there is definitely a time and place where putting it in can have an important impact on your given representation.
that video, and in turn other recent media i have consumed, made me realize what felt like it was 'missing' in some of the previous things i had gotten into and in turn all the years where i played sims. i love, and will always want the 'utopia' media where nothing bad happens! but i also like to explore what makes me feel connected and relating to a gay character more than just them being stated gay. bc the struggles and the deeper experiences are things i and others have gone through, and seeing characters go through that too many them feel real and grounded in out reality. thats important in its own ways, even if it can hurt a bit.
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gikairan · 1 year
Man, there are people actually excited about this stupid Apple Vision thing and just....
why? 🙃
Its literally Google Glass, but worse. It will fail for the same reasons Google Glass never got off the ground. From privacy concerns about the cameras on someones face, to people finding out that staring at a screen SO close to your face is an actually Awful experience.
I've seen people go "Theyre not the same!!!" and like... they are. They really are. They are both designed to do very similar things, except ones got an Apple logo on it. If anything, Apple Vision is worse because its got the form factor of a VR headset. Something already considered bulky and uncomfortable for long-term use. The form factor of VR is one of the major reasons it is likely to remain niche.
I've seen people say "you poo-pooed the iPad and the Watch and now look!" And like... okay i get it. Everyone really did poo-poo on the iPad. But i'd argue the original presentation focused more on "you can do everything on your phone, but on a bigger device!" rather than "hey, heres a smaller, thinner device that will replace your laptop, that runs the apps your phone does". Like, i remember people making fun of it because it was an oversized iPhone. Who wants a giant face-sized device to make phone calls? No-one. And thats why it was ridiculed. And i dont remember people making fun of the Watch, because.... by the point the Watch was released (2015)... the Pebble Smartwatch was already around (Kickstarter was in 2012, release was 2013). It hadn't just done well on crowdfunding, its still in the top 10 highest grossing kickstarters of all time.
These things have proven their use since their release. I really doubt Apple Vision is ever going to justify its use to the normal consumer.
It will absolutely have niche applications, dont get me wrong. The Hololens already exists, but most regular normal people likely didnt know it released. Because its not tech for the general public. The Kinect isn't actually dead- its got its use in some very niche applications, and Microsoft just tried to force the tech into gaming to make it more widespread (probably to justify actually creating it?). There will likely be industries that find AR extremely useful (I keep hearing about surgeons and AR. Though i also think architecture and construction might find a lot of use for this)
In terms of the video Apple showed off, theres very little I can see on it that will actually improve someones life.... Sure you can relive your memories in 3d.... but you've got to wear a bulky pair of ski goggles to record it in the first place. You can relive the memories of your children after the divorce!! .... And you lost that human connection during the actual moment itself, because you obscured the top half of your face for a giant screen. The best "use" i thought was obscuring the view of a busy plane around you. ... Except in reality, obscuring such view would likely be awful.... So the thing only has about 2 hours of battery life and needs to be plugged into an external battery with a wire. Given the bulky nature of the device, thats... really bad. The video showed a woman on a plane watching Everything Everywhere All At Once. The film is 2 hours and 19 minutes long. .... You cannot watch that entire film on a single charge. Then theres the fact we see most of her field of vision obscured by pretty sunset clouds. And the idea of getting rid of a peripheral vision of A Flight sure sounds nice. ... Until you realise how much you rely on that vision during a flight.... For a long flight - you'll need to see when the flight attendants are coming around for drinks, food etc. You'll need to know when people sitting around you might want to get up. Obscuring 100% of your vision is maybe not the best idea? Even for a short flight, obscuring all your vision might cause you to miss important announcements. Or, you know, your neighbour who just wants to pee? Then theres how the movie window is going to work full stop. We see earlier in the video that you can put a window in front of you, and a window to the side that you move your head to look at. Are you going to be able to put windows in a 360 degree circle around your head, and you just spin around in real space to see them all? ... If so, will the movie player stay in one space in "real space", or will it stay in the same place according to the screen? Imagine if a movie player on a small screen in front of your eyes stayed in the same place relative to real space, and every time you adjusted yourself in your seat... you had to physically move the window to see it. And think about how often you do minor changes to how you sit, how your head is positioned etc etc....
Most of the rest of the announcement seems to just be office related stuff. Controlled by hand gestures.
... You know why hand gesture devices have never caught on? People hate using them (: Have you ever used a Kinect before? You'll find your body got tired quite quickly trying to just navigate menus. We dont like holding our hands/ arms up all the time to navigate digital menus. It feels worse than a mouse, a controller, or just tapping a screen. Its just awkward. People will try it for work and then go "wow just using my mouse & keyboard is way easier" and then never put on the stupid goggles again.
All in all, this thing is just... bad. Its not good. It wont catch on. It'll be an extremely niche product that will only every really have a handful of uses. And none of them will be for the general public.
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