#this doesnt need the spoiler tag i dont think
presiding · 5 months
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high chaos/low chaos/join the chaos in my dishonored 2 rewrite
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dvasva · 6 months
Tbh? I think the radiant emperor duology deserves more critique than it gets in its tag, so after stewing it over for a couple weeks and also discussing it with my friend, I have decided to do it myself.
So. Spoilers for She Who Became the Sun and He Who Drowned The World ahead.
First off, so nobody accuses me of hating the series, I liked the series. I'd say I'd give the first book a 4.5/5, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I like both books. I truthfully skipped the fisting scene, it triggered some dysphoria that I wasn't comfortable with personally but I don't have problem with it existing in the book, it's good where it is, no changes.
No, my critiques come mostly from the second book, hwdts. Which sucks because I absolutely loved Baoxiang in it, it's a well known fact that my ideal type is pretty, really mean, characters. ('What about Madam Zhang?!!!???!? Shes mean and pretty!!' I hear you ask. Give it a second cause i will get to my beloved madam zhang) So, my critiques are mostly organized as 'The first part I didn't like in Hwdtw that signals the thing that became my biggest issue, the bits in the middle that i did like along with the bits that I felt didn't really work well, and Act 3 which is where my issues really were exacerbated.'
By the end of book one, I had a general annoyance but acceptance that Ma Xiuying was a bit of a weak character, and not weak as in 'dang shes a woman and cant fight' or any other sexist way you may interpret that, but weak as in structurally, she didn't really have as much depth as other characters. I thought she didn't have as much time put into her character as others. And yeah you could have a million character analysis essays over Ma and her place in the story and etc, but for me, her setup for the next book as potentially having conflict with Zhu or her own morals was the most interesting part of Ma. In general I think a lot of people tend to overlook this flaw partly because Ma is a cis lesbian character and the main 'love interest' in a book that is usually marketed to people as sapphic, which yeah there is certainly a sapphic relationship in the book but I think saying it's a major part of the book is really giving the relationship a load bearing wall ot isn't strong enough to carry. The Radiant Emperor Duology is not a romance, first and foremost. To describe it as a wlw romance is gonna leave people who read ot specifically for that reason kinda dissappointed by the end of book 2.
My big critiques didn't start until book two, and a particular scene, though. Ma, at the start of book two, was generally filling the niche of 'nagging wife' to zhu, which yknow, is a fine place to start from. I was a little disappointed there was no further discussion of Ma's disapproval of the morality of Zhu's actions, and in fact the dead child was pretty much entirely forgotten by Ma in favor of being Zhu's wife. Which, yknow, sure.
The Scene I had issue with happened (Spoilers once again) after Zhu finally captures Ouyang and imprisons him at her base of operations. Ma, dressed in her empressly regalia enters his room with the intention of being the bigger person. She walks in, looks at the stripped down and humiliated general who killed her father and famously is also really a women hater, and tells him she forgives him for killing her father. And then she gets upset and cries when the prideful general who hates women gives her a dressing down and taunts her and is like 'I'm glad I killed your father'? She nearly cries because Ouyang was mean to her (notably only cause he was mean to her and didn't gracefully accept her forgiveness, not because he killed ehr father) and runs off to Zhu. And Zhu responds with 'Wow, he's just a weirdo, everyone likes you and everyone in existance immediately knows you're a good person and you change people.' Which, my friend suggested before she finished the book, was a case of Zhu placating Ma and dismissing her feelings which would be an interesting dynamic.
Really my hangups with this scene come from multiple parts.
1. Ma' few character traits including being observant and reading people really well (a thing she's praised for in book 1) and having good social intuition are completely thrown out by her thinking being alone with ouyang and forgiving him would be a good idea and then her being shocked and upset when he spat on her forgiveness. And
2. Zhu's response is never once treated by the text as her dismissing Ma and placating her, and Zhu's statement despite never being shown to be true before and that moment being the first time it's ever mentioned, ends up becoming Chekov's moral purity by the end of the book, where the plot hinges on Ma being able to magically heal a damaged character's mind enough for Zhu to win in the end. Which I will get back to. There's a lot of other stuff happening between here and the end.
So, before I get back to Ma and her role in the story, I'll address some other bits from after this scene. Both problems and things I enjoyed generally.
Madam Zhang and her parallels to Baoxiang and her being the absolute queen of dissociating really was interesting (before act 3). She was a very compelling character who I completely understood and felt positively about. She had a way more interesting relationship with gender imo than Ma did, especially in book 2. I didn't really like that she was overwhelmingly shown having sexual villence done to her, that felt weirdly like a punishment. But, I did like her a whole bunch, and I liked the look we got into her head. She was probably my second, maybe third, favorite character in the whole book until Act 3.
I really, really liked Ouyangs dynamic and relationship with Zhu. The weird sexual tension between them, their weird kinda nonsexual but also kinda very sexual S&M relationship. It was somehow the most sensual, sexual part of a book that featured Madam Zhang having sex with multiple people, and Zhu going down on Ma, and a lot of other mentions of sex or scenes involving sex. Tbh I feel like, in a way, Ma was left to the sidelines for most of the book because Ouyang became the primary 'love' interest for a hot second there and the only reason Ma could get her spot back was Ouyang and Zbu's separation. Also, from what I've seen when people talk about this book, they always kinda try to express Zhu and Ouyang's dynamic as very nonsexual and nonromantic, as platonic mostly. And there is no inherent superiority of romantic over platonic, but I think to insist that it is only platonic, and not a strange swirl of romantic, platonic, sexual, frustration and relief, and a swirl of familiarity and vulnerability all wrapped into one, is doing the dynamic a bit of a disservice. And ther is, imo, very clearly a subtle hint of romantic intent and interest on Ouyang's part before he realizes Zhu has a body he hates.
Which is also another point I didn't like. Ouyang and Zhu's relationship end felt off. The entire bit with the pirates felt off, but especially how Ouyang found out about Zbu's body, and how Zhu reacted. I think Ouyang finding out second hand, from a combination of being suspicious and from Jiang saying it, was a poor way for that to be revealed. I think there was a better way for that to happen that woyld have felt more like a betrayl to zhu than this did. The fact that Zhu and Ouyang were so in tune and could see each other perfectly, but this one thing was a blind spot for both of them because of how unaffected by gender Zhu was compared to how overaffected by gender Ouyang was is a really interesting thing to explore, an interesting disconnect between two character's whose entire basis for their relationship is 'like recognizes like'. I think Zhu seeing it as a betrayl would have been more impactful if she had presented this informatuon to Ouyang herself and been rejected than how it went down. And, I think her not realizing Ouyang would be disgusted that he felt connected and felt a sameness to someone with a body he found grotesque and that he feared would have been more interesting for zhu, who views herself outside of womanhood and didnt really think that other people would not see her outside of womanhood, if she was the one who told ouyang herself.
Also, less importantly, think going into Ouyangs annoyance that zhu kept moving his target further away was a good move but it wasn't expanded on as much for my taste. I also really liked it when (spoiler) Xu Da dies, and that entire part despite some minir bits, was extremely good in that Zhu finally has tasted loss. She had, up until that point, been riding a wave of positivity, she was the underdog who won over and over again despite all the odds and despite her own reckless choices. So I did appreciate that everything went wrong for her at least once. that would have been, imo if other things were changed, a good place to end a book two in a three book series. Which will make sense as to why I mention it im a bit.
I also didn't like how Ma was nonexistant unless the plot was like 'ok we need to remind people that Ma exists.'
And there's of course other stuff but those are the main points of acts 1 and 2 that i wasn't fond of or that i liked.
Act 3 is a wholely different behemoth which can be encapsulated with 'I wish it was longer but also different' (courtesy of the convo my friend and I had).
My friend and I both agreed that we liked this kind of courtly drama game it was playing. My friend doesn't tend to like the structure or writing style of a lot of the chinese wuxia, danmei, or courtly drama translated books i read, so it was nice to know that the genre content isn't the issue for her there.
The biggest problems I had with the ending though was 1. I think Baoxiang and Ma had an interesting dynamic despite it being really rushed and how distasteful I found the entire concept of Ma being such a good wholesome goody good good person that she could change Baoxiang, quiet his demons and fix him in some way. That was annoying in an otherwise interesting dynamic. And 2. I think Madam Zhang's character traits and cleverness and all that were wiped away to make her inexplicably jealous of Ma in a way that I don't think fit her character and just served to fit a trope of jealous empress who hates the favored concubine.
So, here's my major proposed changes.
1. Ma gets sent to Khanbaliq extremely early on. Like, act one maybe after ouyang is captured early. This serves three purposes. A. Ma has something to do and is more present in the story. this could be a good xhance to let her actually feel frustrated or upset at Zhu in some tangible way that needs to be resolved or talked thru eventually. B. she gets more time to build a relationship with Baoxiang, whose entire defeat hinges on him having a strong connection with her. and C. Her absence in the other parts of the book feel less like she's being ignored or forgotten. It makes Zhu's lack of haste more than just a way to annoy Ouyang, and turns it into an interesting moral choice. Should she rush to Khanbaliq to save Ma or trust that Ma will be ok in favor of gaining power? Her lack of haste means Ouyang leaves, depressed, and she loses Xu Da, all while she doesn't even have the assurance that Ma is ok, she is truly at her lowest point with nobody with her. If Ma is in Khanbaliq and that's explored, then Zhu and Ouyang can also explore their dynamic without Ma feeling a bit like she is battling for Zhu's attention.
2. Madam Zhang is suspicious of Ma, or feels actually tangibly threatened by Ma. In act 3, Madam Zhang's anger towards Ma feels really out of place. She got exactly what she wants, she is empress, her emperor isn't interested in removing her from her position and her position isn't threatened by anyone. Baoxiang won't get rid of her, he won't demote her, he has shown zero sign of ever even considering it. So, why is Madam Zhang jealous of Ma? Imo, especially since she very clearly has dissociated into oblivion and has no love or affection for anyone anymore, and no real desire or motivation to secure her position further aside from maybe producing an heir to make sure shes taken care of after Baoxiang dies, there's no reason for her to be inextricably jealous of Ma. It kinda just erases all of Madam Zhang's political savvy and cunning into jealous, petty woman, and that sucks. If she was suspicious of Ma's intention, or Baoxiang genuinely expressed spmething that actively threatened her position, her hatred of Ma would make sense, but instead she hates Ma cause Ma is ugly and spends every night with Baoxiang. She hated rice buckets concubine cause that concubine used a lot of funds and competition genuinely made her position less stable. She needs better motivation for hating Ma.
3. As I mentioned earlier, Zhu needs to be the one to tell Ouyang that she does not have a dick. That's just all around better, it feels more like a betrayl to bare your secrets and be rejected, etc etc.
4. The duology should have been a trilogy, with book 3 starting when Zhu is at her lowest, ouyang is dead, ma is in khanbaliq, Xu Da is dead, a new guy is the emperor. This is where a book three should have started. in a series that has so many important characters, i feel like it needs more space. she's in a 10 gallon tank when really she needs a 30 gallon tank. Lots of it, especially towards the end of book 2, felt rushed and the extra book will absolutely push that back a bit and make it less rushed.
Anyways that's my critique of The Radiant emperor duology. Once Again, I liked the series, its one of my favorites i've read all year. I don't dislike it, and having a critique or opinion about something doesnt mean I didn't like the book or understand the book (because obviously if i understood it i would understand why its flawless). I liked it, there are things I wish were different, that's it.
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mishy-mashy · 11 days
Shinomori is cute. Here's a post.
He is so baby-faced. He hasn't changed at all since he was 22, to when he died of "old age" at 40
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(Old age? With a face like that? 40 years old?? Gimme that kind of youth and hotness Shinomori-)
He has tiny eyebrows. Like a puppy's (rottweiler's, for example). So cute and tiny and fuffy
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He naturally frowns. Look at him and his mouth and his lil nose
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He has a thing about keeping his arms near his chest. He sits with his arms crossed, introduces himself with his hands over his torso, and even walks with his arms crossed toward Midoriya
He has such clear skin for someone who lived the rest of his life in a forest??? Why do Hikage and Yoichi have such nice skin despite living in terrible environments? (forest and vault + abandoned streets respectively)
Is easily scared
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They knew their Quirks could be used, but Shinomori got scared of it when it happened. Even though he gave Midoriya his support and access to his Quirk beforehand. Depending on the translation; "it startled me", "you scared me", "it surprised me"
I'm not going to hold running from AFO against him because he knew he was running for his life. Who wouldn't run for their life when it's in danger? Shinomori was being chased by the strongest person in the country (and likely the world)
His sense of self-preservation is probably heightened by the nature of his Quirk to keep him out of danger too. Which makes him all the more sensitive and jumpy to danger and anything that startles him, especially when he has no warning
He's actually extremely tall, but is so socially inept and jumpy it's adorable. He's taller than Bruce.
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Bruce is as tall as a vault door that the 2m AFO used.
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(Meanwhile Kudo is down there-)
He has such a bad sense of humor that it's cute (his puns off Danger Sense)
It's also adorable how Shinomori just doesn't understand social conventions sometimes. He lived in a forest, so it made sense, but also— Midoriya shows up in the void to the vestige platform for the first time. He has no mouth, no clothes—and Shinomori's first idea is to stand in front of him menacingly and go: "I shall explain. I am Shinomori Hikage." SIRRRR
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His Ability is basically like glorified anxiety. What if something is coming to hurt him? If something can hurt him? What if that tree falls while he's under it? And the ideas come so hard they hurt (although yes, it does detect ill intent and that's what sets it off)
He talks weirdly. Formal? Old-fashioned? Listening to him speak Japanese compared to others, it just sounds a bit different. (Translated subs don't show it very well, it's the voice itself methinks)
"This too, is destiny." *about Midoriya having OFA*
Kinda wise or sage-y. He did spend his life in solitude in the forests so he definitely spent a lot of time with his own thoughts. Maybe he found the meaning of life in a centipede or something one day
For someone so cute, he is also such. A fine. Specimen???
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Look at those back muscles, dang.
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#i dont think shinomori was part of the resistance considering the resistance fought the society AFO was making#and shinomori wanted to avoid society and thus hid away#but i do think bruce knew shinomori because he gave him ofa before he went to fight AFO and die#and afo doesnt seem to know hikage. if he did he wouldve found and killed him. but hikage is never in afos memories#yknow what shinomori needs some appreciation too#vestiges need more attention#also i always put shinomori dealing with bruces remnants in my fics so he needs some appreciation for that#like the kids dumped on him#shinomori received OFA at 22 years old. he was around bruces age methinks#hes not some kid the resistance took in. the resistance didnt take in kids anyway#or at least we dont see them#well fic stuff banjo has the time of his life with en wrangling kid hermits that dont know what electricity is#mha#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#spoilers#hikage shinomori#ofa#one for all#ANYWAY hikage is ADORABLE and needs attention#just LOOK AT HIM#id have put this post out sooner but getting the pictures is always hard cuz popups or videos not working#i like shinomoris english voice actor. i dont stick around to hear anyone elses because i died when midoriya turned into a kid in the dub#i could probably make a list like this and bruces for the rest of the vestiges#yoichis small waist lovely skin and that he probably knows how to wrap kudo and bruce around his finger?#his “my heroes” and smiling as he goes “now now you two..”? kudos low voice and nice arms and SHORTNESS?#en going “senpai” and sitting on his chair like that? looking like he exudes gremlin energy? did he get carried around by banjo and nana?#it looks like he wouldve CMONN#i didnt include it in here cuz image limit but shinomori has big hands and feet (tag limit)
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saiainopresai-v3 · 1 year
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simple, kinda rough painting-ish sort of thing that i drew during a bit of an artblock!
ig im getting into the winter vibes B)
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mynameis-a · 1 year
wind character venn diagram
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brought to you by me going to the wiki and realizing that blade is not quantum or lightning
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smokewars · 8 months
rolands bad ending is perfect to me i am not kidding when i say its exactly what i would want from anything ever it checks all of my boxes. but the idea of him distorting after killing angela... whether its because he realises killing her didnt help at all or because a part of him is unsure if it was worth it. the realisation of becoming the very thing that killed his wife, killing countless of other people in his own distortion and being apathetic to it... like do you see it do you get where im going
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pyrriax · 3 months
hi tumblr im pyrr pyrriax and im in my trimonthly artist arc, lord help me and all the projects that are currently sitting in my drafts while i am lured in by the siren song of drawing
#haunted ecosystem#this is not helping with how much my hands hurt on a daily basis this is why i type and dont handwrite/draw very much.#im lured in regardless and i really need to find an artform that doesnt Hurt but for now. digital art <3#like theres a difference between my dumb doodles (quick easy not much different from regular computer usage) and actual art#but im an artist at heart i spent sooooo long being an artist and thinking i was shit at writing. that is wrong! im actually kinda good#im rambling in tags today because i have been not social (my partner is in genshin hell and my beloved is. somewhere.)#okay but on another note i reread the first. couple chapters of wtds this morning? the pacing is a little weird and the tense is fucked#but its actually a lot better than i thought it was? you can tell i was fleshing everybody out in my head and i totally forgot about how#i described the watcher [who i am STILL redacting the name of until we get there] and just. ough. pandora being very logical#and then jumping to the latest chapter and fucking sobbing because i forgot about how it went and just. pandora and his.#whatever the fuck is wrong with him.#i have gotta start recommending people read that again. its surprisingly friendly without context because of how i approached it#that fic has taught me so many things its actually a little comical. it also made me relearn how to make and write ocs so thats fun#once i finish that main fic (and i WILL i am actually planning to sign up for a thing. im finishing it i swear.) i finally get to show off#more of the world and characters ive crafted. showing backstories and what-ifs and all these oneshots ive been keeping close to my chest#for like absolutely ages because i dont want any spoilers on my tumblr#and. im finishing that fic in pseudo-memoriam of somebody who deleted their accounts everywhere. still miss you dane!#ok this has completely gone off topic ily tumblr im going back to drawing and i might make a new pfp#it'll still be lavius but it'll be fray lavius since i think about him a lot and i like his color palette.
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nellyrue · 2 years
Everyone mad about main character syndrome Imogen
Me shoving Percy in a closet like in tangled
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amygdalae · 2 years
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Just started reading Authority (sequel to Annihilation) and I've already been hit in the heart like a truck
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kennabeth · 6 months
I think kell's going to break up with lila
he's done nothing but change to be what she wants while he gets nothing from her in return--they're doing her job, she makes fun of him for the ring and he thinks she threw it away, he wants to be told he's going to be okay through his pain and she just yells at him and leaves him alone, she's molded him into the same kind of fighter she is because she's outwardly acting like there's nothing they can do about his magic anymore, he's begged her to tell him she wants to be around him after swallowing her dismissive attitude for years.
in her head, obviously, she says she loves him and keeps the ring on her at all times, but she's driving him away by pretending like their relationship can just be in her head. I know she's been trained by her childhood to reveal nothing to anyone but she just can't continue living like this if she wants kell to stay in her life. being around rhy and alucard is only going to remind kell of what a healthy relationship can look like.
and if he doesn't leave, he probably should
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The fact Noritoshi's mom named him like this before he even became the heir does not make me want to know how she became a concubine and how Noritoshi was made
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drag0nalias0 · 6 months
Finished the last two episodes of merlin today and wow i started september 9th and finished today, 14th october. Still the same year at least. Tbh it took me that long bc i usually watch anime and stuff and thats got 20-25 minute episodes unlike merlin with around double that at 40-50 minutes, plus iv been busy and i also didnt know it was on disney+ untill i got to the last season, but whem that happened it only took me under a week to finish it as i had finished season 4 ep 13 monday the 9th and finished season 5 ep 13 today which is saturday the 14th.
But i have so many questions
So warning spoilers below
Why is there no season 6? It seems quite popular so i dont get why it didnt get another season, unless it wasnt as popular as i thought. What happened to the baby dragon? Why did it like morgana so much. What was with the old man from the episode where the crystal caves were introduced. And what about the bridge guarded form the episode where the see the fisher king. What about alice? And the boy who used magic at the tournament? Why kill lancelot. And why kill gwain and arthur. Why the fuck does percival not have a backstory? Where is he from who is he, we never find out. What the fuck is up with the ending. Why does it end like that and how the fuck old is he and how is he that old. That is merlin in the ending right? What happened to merlins mum? Is she ok? So many questions. A season 6 isnt impossible it just would work as well as they would either have to get new actors which would look weird or they would have to do a time skip which ehhh. Actually maybe it could work a 10 timeskip actually doesnt sound that bad. Also the tention between merlina nd arthur near the end????HELLO??What was that? "MERLIN: I can. I'm not going to lose you." "ARTHUR: Just, just hold me. Please." "[Arthur turns his head more and looks at Merlin.] Thank you.[Arthur reaches up and touches Merlin on the back of the head. His hand falls.]" "Merlin manages to get out from underneath Arthur. He presses his forehead against Arthur's." ????i am frothing at the mouth rn bc. What. The . Fuck. Is with that tension. Hoooo boy. I genuinely thought for a few momwnt in some scenes that they were gonna kiss or something bc that tensions. Wow.it was just so.argh.also the hand cathing the sword at the end?!?!?
Anyway yeha
Oh also why does there also seem to be someone dying every fucking episode
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volos-wish · 10 months
I desperately need to finish FFXVI so I can look at fanart (Cid aha) and lore stuff without being spoiled but alas my completionist self refuses to let me skip a side quest or hunt...
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#SPOILERS IN TAGS#i figured out why the last book doesnt fit with the rest of the series#its a very people focussed series. everything can only be achieved with ur family ur family spirit or ur found family#but then#in book 4 thorn and ophelie FUCK OFF to do their own thing and isolate themselves completely#and ykw they dont even do it together. they abandon each other#even when they were on babel before the institute they had ictavio and wolf and blaise and elizabeth mediana so many people#who while they werent exactly family they helped them put the pizzle together#but in book four they remove everyone else from the equation and still expect it to work#which is why the scnee at the end w the animosts feels so fake#bc theyve been surviving all this time without anyone else. why would you need the power of love at a crucial moment#thorn literally says. somethings you have to conquer on your own.#so it feels so off that at the pivotal moment suddenly they arent on their own anymore#so what was the point of the entire isolation arc learning to rely on yourself and no one else did it mean nothing#and THEN after the power of love has saved her (bc remember archie pls)#ophelie sets off on her own AGAIN did she learn nothing#yk in lit class we did this whole thing w shylock that eas like if you removed this element how would that change the story or charcater#and im thinking about it#and removing the latter half of the babel arc wouldnt change the charcter at all.#like#she does not grow at all im not seeing why we had to be subjected to that#and another thing that doesnt sit right with me - thorn did nothing#he found one cabinet of useful information and harmed a child but#everything else the walkalators the labs the translations the visions the train THE CLAWS#like id hesitate to say this about anyone else but thorn was a sexy lamp in the last book#even his speech: i want you to be completely dependent on me - wtf dude i thought u drank ur respect woemn juice#like obvy i still love him to death but#he was done so dirty#anyway#i should have read this last year i would have loved it
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diordeer · 2 months
“it should cost a billion to look this good, but she make it look easy cause she got it. you can find the one when the tempo good” - beyoncé (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x olympic archer!reader, who gets cast as thalia grace (p.s. i talk about one spoiler in book 3 about luke so if u care about that i mean it can be taken out of context)
description: i wanted to do a green day song for the title but realised i dont listen to green day… also this is set that by the last post season 2 is already out
requested by: anonymous 🪐
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Liked by syndey_sweeney, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln im so so forever grateful to be given the opportunity to compete in the olympics this year, let alone win gold?! nothing could ever compete!!!!
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user1 this girl is a POWERHOUSE
user2 ahh congratulations you were INCREDIBLE!
iamcharliebushnell you are INCREDIBLE
↳ yn.ln 🩷🩷
↳ user4 charlie and yn????!!!!
↳ user5 omg let a girl and a boy talk to eachover without making it weird
bsf congrats!!! you are the most incredible, amazing, gorgeous, best person ever 😘
↳ yn.ln i LOOOVVEEE youuuu
user6 can wait to see u again in four years time!!
sydney_sweeney 💪💪🏹
user7 u make crazy, flawless, talent look effortless
percyseries just posted on their story
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Seen by walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn and others
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others
yn.ln i take back what i said in my last post, maybe this could comptete
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walker.scobell i cant believe the tree is now human
↳ yn.ln embracing my pine cone fate
↳ yn.ln its an artistically society changing peice
iamcharliebushnell your so talented!! you already are an amazing thalia!
↳ yn.ln oh stop it 🤭🤭🤭🤭
↳ user4 ACTUALLY THO! this girl is olympic champion and is now cast in like the top disney show?! I want her manifestation!!
↳ user5 i dont think its manifestation i think its talent
dior.n.goodjohn ur amazing i cant WAIT to meet you!!
↳ yn.ln girl im already in love with u
leahsavajeffries cant wait to have more girls on set.. i cant deal with walker and aryan anymore 🥱🥱🥱🤭🤭
↳ yn.ln i completley understand 😣
↳ walker.scobell HELLO?
aryansimhadri cant wait to meet youu!!!
↳ yn.ln aaahh me neitherr!!
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Liked by aryansimhadri, leahsavajeffries and others
yn.ln behind the scenes photo dump 🥱
tagged leahsavajeffries, walker.scobell, aryansimhadri, iamcharliebushnell
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iamcharliebushnell cant wait to do the end fight scene 😍
↳ yn.ln cant wait to watch you get thrown off a cliff! 😍
↳ user7 GIRL
↳ yn.ln he doesnt die he’ll be fine 🤷‍♀️
↳ iamcharliebushnell 😕😕
user1 ur so cool, and so perfect as thalia
leahsavajeffries my live reaction to walkers jokes in the second photo
↳ walker.scobell WOWOWOW
↳ yn.ln LMFAO
user3 seeing yn come out of a tree wasnt enough… i need season 3 pronto!!
↳ walker.scobell she bullies me all season though 😕
↳ user4 this kid doesnt get a break
user5 🤟🤟🤟
user6 i love youu ynn
↳ yn.ln love u moree 😘
aryansimhadri justice for walker
↳ walker.scobell YES!!
↳ leahsavajeffries its all in love dw
taglist: @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303 @m00ng4z3r @highfidelities
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