#this painted such a vivid picture in my head... thank you...
slavicafire · 1 year
I used to work on a farm that Zebu cows!!! They do stay small:) tallest we had a was a bull that came up to my thigh (I’m 5’4). I was so startled the first time he did it! They do have horns, so I was mildly alarmed, until our director laughed and explained that he’s just friendly and wants you to pet him. Probably the friendliest breed of cows I’ve ever met. We had one that would try to nudge any pregnant women into their pen (very gently). Took awhile to figure out the trend, but this farm was part of a Krishna temple, so we got a lot of visitors! Our director is the one who figured it out, if I’m remembering correctly.
Anyway, Zebu are dears and some of my favorite cows:] I could talk about them for hours but I’ll leave you with this. Have a nice day!!!
wooooah! that's amazing. please if you have any other zebu facts to share (or any other animals) please let me know, especially personal experiences... I love hearing about these things
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monster-disaster · 29 days
Can you do a female demon x female reader? I need more lesbian monster content !!!!
demon!female x human!Reader Good to know: smut
Summary: You meet an ex-classmate from college for an interview. She has other plans.
You can feel your professionalism slipping through your fingers with each passing second you spend in the female demon's presence.
The fragrance of her perfume fills your senses when Ada comes closer, sitting down on the armrest of the sofa. She leans against your side while gently holding your arm and caressing your skin with her freshly painted nails. The teasing touch sends shivers through your body.
"Your pictures don't give you enough justice," she says. "You are much prettier in real life."
Your voice gets stuck in your throat. "Oh?"
The woman hums, leaning closer. "I follow you on Instagram." Her plump lips ghost over the curve of your neck. "You are the sweetest in your colorful summer dresses."
"Thanks," you croak out, almost sounding like a question. Heat burns under your skin while your heart pounds in your chest.
"I hoped you would wear one of them today."
"I'm sorry?"
"It's fine," she chuckles, looking over your form shamelessly. You wear a white blouse with a dark blue skirt that reaches your knees and matches your high heels.
Standing up from the armrest, Ada moves in front of you. You feel cold without her firm body pressing against your side.
You watch her, mesmerized and breathless. "What are you doing?"
A slow grin pulls on her vivid red lips as she slips onto her knees. Your thighs clench at the sight of the woman.
Ironically, there is something ethereal about her. Perhaps it's the smoothness of her light pink skin or the gentle curls of her dark hair framing her horns, which are a few shades darker and gracefully trace the curve of her head. You can't be sure since there is so much you can admire about her. Your heart skips a beat as your eyes follow the straight slope of her nose and the firm curve of her full lips.
"Something I wanted to do since we met in college."
You can feel the warmth of her palms even through the thin fabric of your skirt as she rests them on your knees. Your muscles tense for a second when the beautiful demon pushes them apart while your mind struggles with keeping up with the woman. Her hands trail up on your legs, pushing your clothes up with the slow but confident motion.
Ada looks up at you with amusement in her eyes. "Did you know I liked you back then?"
You shake your head. You had no idea. The demon wasn't a mean girl by any means, but she was always... unreachable. Sometimes, you weren't even sure if she knew about your existence even though you spoke several times.
"I'm surprised," she chuckles.
By now, your thighs are bare under her caressing hands. Her thumbs move between your legs in slow circles, getting closer and closer to your panty-clad pussy.
"Why?" You ask. You sank deeper into the sofa without your noticing. You melt under her touch.
"All my friends knew about my crush on you."
You want to slap yourself across the face when the only reply you can force out of your mouth is an 'oh' and Ada laughs again, slipping her long, manicured finger under the damp fabric of your panties to pull it away.
"It's fine, though," she says. "I mean, this is my chance to make up for the lost time."
Your mind is blank as you try and fail to process everything. Your whole body is on edge with anticipation. There is a heavy knot in your belly, keeping you on the sofa, compliant and easy under Ada's attention.
"And it's definitely worth the wait," she grins, letting the tip of her thumb brush over your clit for a second. Just enough to take your breath away and send shivers down your spine.
"Really?" You gasp out, holding onto the leather of the sofa. Your nails dig into it, and you only hope you don't damage the fabric.
She hums, leaning closer. Her shoulders spread your legs apart even more.
When you woke up and got ready to do an interview with your old classmate about her successful company, you didn't think you would end up like this. Half-naked and wet in her office while she feasts on the sight of you.
"So pretty," she says, letting her finger slide over your wet slit once again, parting your lips in the process to get a better view of your soft, glistening center. "And smells so good."
Your mouth opens to say something, but before you can form words, the demon grabs the flesh of your thighs to tug you to the edge of the seat.
"Hold them for me," she says, holding up your legs until you reach behind your knees to do as she says.
Heat and embarrassment flood your whole body in the new, vulnerable position.
"Good," she hums, reaching under you with one hand to grope your bottom while her other hand keeps your panties out of the way.
You watch Ada transfixed as she leans down and licks your pussy with one long swipe. Her eyes are on you the whole time, staring at your unfocused eyes, open lips, and heaving chest. The demon's mouth moves up to your clit, flicking it with her tongue before sucking the sensitive bud into her mouth. Her cheeks hollow, and your back arches. Your legs almost slip out of your hold as your toes curl with pleasure.
"Ada." Her name escapes your lips as a moan, and she hums, satisfied.
"You taste so good, Y/N," she says. Her lips and chin shine because of your wetness. "I imagined being between your legs so many times since you called to get an appointment with me."
"Really?" You gasp out, her thumb works on your clit, not giving you any break even while she talks.
You called her because of the interview a week ago.
"Really," she replies. "I was so angry when I couldn't find a date sooner to meet you."
"It's fine," you gasp. Your hips grind up against her hand. Her fingers are soaked with your juices by now.
The female chuckles. "It is now."
She winks at you before lowering her face down back to your pussy, opening your lips to feast and slurp on you. Her finger doesn't stop on your clit while your climax builds inside you with each passing second.
"I'm almost there," you groan, closing your eyes.
Ada hums. The vibration of her reply rolls through your body in thick weaves. You moan and gush around her tongue that slipped inside your aching hole while you were busy chasing your pleasure under her caress. 
Ada's tongue fucks your pussy while teasing your clit and making you see stars under your closed eyelids. Your orgasm ripples and trembles through you while your muscles jerk and twitch, and your nails dig into your own skin at the curve of your knees.
For long seconds, the world stops existing while you sag into the sofa, and the woman still between your legs cleans you up with long swipes. Every touch and lick of her tongue on your sensitive flesh makes you twitch and shake.
When you lift your head to look at her, she grins at you hungrily. "We can start the interview now."
- Masterlist Sweet Asks Patreon
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fatuismooches · 1 year
i'll brainrot with you about dottore and his sick! s/o:
clearly with s/o's conditions it's not optimal to go outside in the freezing cold, but one day the snowfall is so much more gentle outside and something like this is a rare occasion in snezhnaya. would dottore indulge them (of course with plenty of precautions taken) or would he rather not risk it at all?
your writing paints such vivid pictures in my head and i honestly love the comfort and warmth your work brings :]]
♡ 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 ♡
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synopsis: Your poor health and fragile condition have consistently gotten in the way of various activities for many years. But that was going to change today, as you were going to take your first step into the flaky goodness of pure, white snow.
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: Related to the posts under my fragile reader tag. Thank you very much, I'm very glad my writing makes you happy! This was so cute, I originally planned for it to be only a couple hundred words but I went overboard and decided to make it a full-blown piece.
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You used to enjoy the concept of cold. Growing up in a hot country had you deeply curious about the kind of weather that would warrant people wearing dozens of layers, bundling up to the point where they were barely recognizable. You wanted to go somewhere that snowed one day, you once told your lover as he sat at his desk, tinkering with Archons knows what. Dottore only grunted in response, saying that if research led him there, you would accompany him. As a matter of fact, there were some Ruin Guards he wanted to take a look at in Dragonspine. You hummed, enjoying the moment as you continued to flip through the picture book.
But now, you couldn’t bring yourself to like the cold. You think that if you weren’t sick, you’d enjoy the weather in Snezhnaya much more, but the cold permeates your body even though you’re inside the lab. (Dottore had to force Pantalone to give him more funds to install more heaters.) You didn’t like to even walk through the halls of Dottore’s complicated maze-like lab because they were too big, making the cold air suffocate you all around. (Unless you’re accompanied by a clone. Somehow, Dottore had implemented a feature into his clones to heat up and become warm, so when you’d cling to them, you wouldn’t be cold anymore. You enjoyed it thoroughly because the reactions of the clones were cute.)
Many days, you spent the time looking out the tightly sealed window at the snow. Despite living in the snow-covered nation for so long, you had never sunken a foot into the powdery fluff. When Zandik was recruited into the Fatui, you were unconscious during the trip because your body surely would not be able to handle such an extraneous journey. How would it feel, you thought? You’ve frequently asked some of your favorite clones to tell you how the snow felt. (You felt slightly embarrassed asking your real lover.) Apparently, most of the time the snow was deep and crunchy from continuous snowfall. If you weren’t careful where you walked, half of your leg could get swallowed underneath! Many children liked to form things like balls out of the snow and play games with them. But sometimes, very rarely, the snow lightens and melts, depending on how the Tsaritsa feels. It’s a beautiful scene, apparently.
You had lost faith in the Gods long ago after your mysterious illness suddenly struck you (Zandik never cared about them in the first place), but you hoped and prayed to any force that was willing to listen to you - please let the snow ease up, just a bit. It was a bit hypocritical since you did not like the cold, but you still desired to experience it like a normal person. You could bear the pain if only to have fun for a couple of minutes. You did not tell your lover this; one, because you knew it was impossible with your condition, and two, you did not want to bother him with your frivolous wants. But it seemed like you were too obvious with your intentions, as one of the first things you’d do in the morning was drag yourself out of bed, despite the great amount of energy it took, to go to your favorite window and peer outside.
“You seem to be quite interested in watching the snow lately, aren’t you?” The deep voice behind you made you jump.
“Zandik! Oh, you scared for there,” you pressed a hand to your heart and quickly took a seat that was already permanently placed near the window, already tired from the past few minutes. Your lover walked toward you, hands carefully placed behind his back, each step calculated. You couldn’t help but find some happiness in that - the way he walked was always so commanding and enchanting somehow, hypnotizing too.
“The weather here is quite different from Sumeru,” you observed. “I can’t help but be intrigued by it.”
“Is that so? It is quite boring to me. The landscape is always the same and it is rather hard to conduct experiments outside because of it.” 
“Heh, it’s always the experiments and research with you. At least try to enjoy it,” you teased, rolling your eyes at him playfully. Dottore shook his head and gently flicked your forehead, causing you to pout.
“Furthermore, the cold isn’t good for you. I believed you didn’t like it, anyway,” Dottore scoffed.
“I know,” you said softly. “But I still want to experience it,” the last part was a mumble that was meant for yourself, but Dottore heard it anyway, making his eyes widen as a thought began to quickly form.
“Do you… want to go outside and see the snow?”
The fact that you were caught made you bolt up straight and quickly try to deny it. “No, no, I’m fine. It was just a fleeting thought,” you quickly reassured him.
Dottore doesn’t know why he didn’t realize it sooner. Of course you would be bored, waking up every day to the same redundant routine, watching everyone go about their daily lives while you sat there, helpless to do anything besides wait for him to cure you. Of course you would want to do something new, after hearing the same repetitious lines of how you’ll get better soon, how he’s working on a new medicine, how it’ll all be over soon, but when was “soon” coming? How long has the envy of others been eating you up? The thought of that made his smile slip.
A soft goodbye snapped him out of his thoughts. A clone had come to administer your daily medicine and get you ready for the day. Dottore quickly put his usual smirk back on and nodded at you. Your gentle smile and a wave bid him farewell, as the clone wrapped his arm around you to support you as you walked away. But Zandik was still thinking. When was the last time he had seen you with a big smile? A big, goofy one that stretched your lips beautifully and made your face hurt from smiling that hard. The answer was, he did not know. The most he could recall was from his Akademiya days, where you would greet him with one of those grins every morning, always a ball of energy.
The fact followed him throughout the day as he worked. The mere idea that it was bothering him so much was simply absurd. But he could not forget about the times his clones has reported to him about the times you cried. When you refused to leave your room some days or didn’t want to eat. He was not one for any type of comfort, not when his hands had committed some of the most wicked acts to man. How could he be, when the first thing on his mind was to hurt others, but the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you? 
He did not know what to do, where to place his hands or if saying something would make the situation worse. He did not know what to do other than let you rest your head on his shoulder, allowing you to take his hand and place it on your head, giving him the okay to stroke your hair. He let you babble to your heart’s content and awkwardly wiped your tears away, for when he looked into your painfully bleak eyes that were once filled with life, he did not think he could refuse you.
It was an odd feeling for him. He took pleasure in seeing the pain of others, delighting at the moment when they lost all hope. He found it amusing when others took a stand against him, only to see their expression fall when they realized it was fruitless. But you? The thought of that happening to you made him… He had to do something.
One day you woke up, ready to live out another normal and boring day. As you sleepily rubbed your eyes, you noticed something was a bit off. Usually, you could hear the wind howling and the snow slamming against the windows, even if it was just a little bit. But there was nothing. As you lay on the bed, collecting enough energy to get out of bed, a glimmer of hope grew within you. With a great push, you heaved yourself out of bed and made a beeline to the window. You sat down on the chair, and pulled the curtains to the side, prepared to be disappointed, but what you saw blew you away.
The snow had melted significantly, leaving a moderate and easily walkable layer on the ground. The snowfall had reduced greatly, and it no longer pounded on the window. Instead, it flew down calmly from the sky, which was still gray, but it was a beautiful, hazy kind of gray. Now that there weren’t mass amounts of snow blowing your view, you noticed there was some kind of river around the lab. It was still frozen over, but the ice sparkled beautifully and reflected the snow-covered trees. Speaking of trees, you didn’t know it was possible for such boring things to look so pretty. Copious amounts of snow rested on the limbs, occasionally slumping to the ground with a thud, and the process kept repeating as snowfall continued.
Your jaw was slack the whole time, as you continued to take in the breathtaking scenery. Snezhnaya just got ten times better, you thought.
“I see you’ve seen the change in weather, [Name]. It seems to be to your liking.”
“Eep!” you started at the assertive voice that was practically in your ear. Dottore had snuck up on you while you were too entranced by the view to notice him. “You need to stop doing that,” you scolded him. 
His deep chuckle tugged at your heartstrings. “To think that after this many times, my experiment’s results have not changed. Truly fascinating.”
You tried to ball your hands into fists to prevent yourself from blushing. “A-Anyway, you should have woken me up earlier! I didn’t think this was possible!” you fretted, still in utter shock at this. 
“That, I could not do. You know your body requires a great amount of rest.” You couldn’t argue with that. He was right.
“Now, is there something you want to do?” It was as if he had somehow planned for this to happen.
You fiddled with your sweater, trying to find the words for your outlandish request. “Sooo, um, I know this may not be possible, but can I go outside? I know with my health and stuff it may be hard but… just for a bit, please,” your voice got quieter and quieter towards the end of your sentence. You bit your lip in anticipation and nervously kept your eyes trained on the rug-covered floor. The few seconds of silence that passed felt endless.
“Yes, you may-”
Your legs were swinging happily, and there it was. Pearly whites peeked out as you grinned cheerfully and you threw your hands up into the air. The smile he had not seen in far too long.
“But, I will accompany you, and you must stay by me at all times. You must follow all of my directions as well. Do you understand?”
A walk with your lover too? “Yes, yes I’ll do anything you ask!” you easily complied. You gathered all of your energy and squeezed your partner as hard as you could (which, wasn’t that hard, but to you it was) taking him off guard. You buried your face into his midsection and refused to let go, your words of thanks being muffled from being so close to him. Dottore was stiff at first but then eased into your embrace, fingering a cord of your hair.
You were feeling a burst of energy from this exciting news, so you had to do one more thing. You released him, and when you looked up, you could see that same self-assured, confident smile that you loved. Before he could speak again, you tugged on his blue ascot with as much force as you could summon, pulling him farther down to your level allowing you to smash your lips onto his. Catching him off guard allowed you to be in control for a couple of seconds, but it is quickly relinquished as your lover takes over quickly, effortlessly deepening the kiss. When the two of you parted, he had an almost smug grin on his face, displaying his pointy shark-like teeth.
“My my, quite eager, aren’t we? I have not seen these kinds of surprises since those old days.”
“Well,” you pecked both of his soft cheeks again, “you know I always make sure my doctor knows how I feel.” At that point, there was a knock on the door and one of Dottore’s clones came in to help you with your morning routine.
“Go about your day. I will come to get you when it’s time.” You smiled and squeezed his hand once more as you rose from the chair. Dottore’s hands returned behind his back as he watched the clone and you leave.
“Perhaps I should start to add new variables to my experiment… the results are quite interesting indeed.”
You could not focus on anything for the whole time. Your mind was all over the place thinking about how satisfying it would be to sink your foot into the fluffy goodness.
Apparently, Dottore had designed some kind of special jacket for you to wear, along with a scarf, gloves, earmuffs, boots, and more. It had some kind of built-in heater somehow, which made everything consistently warm including your body. Normally you’d listen to his rambles on how he created it and such, but you were too giddy at the thought of freaking snow. (And also how he took the time to make all this stuff for you. It probably only took him a short amount of time considering how intelligent he was, but the action warmed your heart.)
There were quite a few clones in the lab area watching you. You think that they seemed happy for you. One of them was helping you put the gear on while your lover set down some ground rules. Zandik also had on a big fluffy coat, which made him look rather cute. You kind of wanted to fit yourself inside of it with him.
“First, you must stay by my side at all times. You’ll probably have to hold onto my arm to steady yourself. We will be following a path. This means no straying in any other direction, at least without my permission. Of course, if you feel that you can’t handle the weather anymore, let me know immediately. Do you agree to abide by these rules?”
You held back a sigh and a laugh. You knew that all of these precautions were necessary but they were still a drag. Plus, the way your lover said it all seriously as if your very existence was on the line made you want to giggle.
“Yes, Zandik. I agree to all of your rules,” you huffed as the clone finished zipping up the jacket. “My common sense is still intact, you know.”
Even though he did not show it at all, Dottore was the slightest bit uneasy. There were many things he did not understand or know about your illness. Would the sudden change in the environment trigger you? He was not sure, but he already prepared for the worst. If anything, it would be a learning experience too - to see how much your body could handle. He was ready to take notes in his head.
“Come here.”
You slowly trekked your way toward him, getting used to the feel of the long boots. It was hard to imagine wearing these every day, but you soon fell into your lover’s chest as he began to stroke your hair.
“Well then, let us go,” he wrapped a steady arm around your waist to help you balance. “Watch the lab for me,” Dottore directed the other clones as they waved goodbye to you.
They were so cute, to be honest. Especially the ones from the Akademiya days.
You did not realize the extent of how big Dottore’s lab was until now. There were so many paths and rooms you walked by that you had no idea existed. What was beyond those doors? Some questions were better left unanswered. You were just letting your partner guide you as you clung to his side (the walking was a lot) until you reached a great, big door with a keypad.
“Are you ready?” 
You eagerly nodded. 
“And you do still remember the-” 
“Yes, Zandik, I remember everything you told me,” you groaned. “Please just open the door already.”
“Patience, [Name],” he chuckled. “I look forward to seeing your reaction.” He let go of you and typed a whole long password on the keypad. And in an instant, loud noises exuded from the door as it began to open from the sides.
The first thing you felt was the puff of cold air hitting your cheeks, instinctively making you raise your arms to cover it. In a couple of seconds, the door opened completely and you could feel the light shine down on you. You put your hands down, and the snowy, outside world was laid before you.
It was majestic. The snow has managed to be untainted by any other substances, allowing it to be a pristine white that covered the landscape. Slowly, you took a few steps forward as Dottore carefully watched you, until you were standing at the edge where the floor ended, and the snow began. You took a quick glance at your lover and he motioned for you to go on. And so you did. You stepped into the snow.
The first thing you noticed was the crunch of the snow under your boots. It was oddly satisfying. And the way your foot sunk so easily into, it kind of reminded you of quicksand. But you could kick it around so easily, yet you could see it was hard enough to be used to form something solid. The cold hit you like a ton of bricks, but you were doing everything in your power to withstand it. The enhanced gear from your partner helped a lot. But, all you could say was wow. You were starting to get a bit jealous of the people who could walk in such surroundings every day with ease.
Dottore on the other hand was quite satisfied. The scenery was not what he found appealing. Rather, it was you. He found no interest in such worldly things, but your reactions were ever-changing and amusing to him. A snowflake fell on your nose and melted. You wrinkled your nose at the unfamiliar feeling. And he couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
“Hold onto me. The road is quite icy and slippery. You need to be very careful.” Zandik linked his arms with you, and you gratefully reciprocated.
You could not keep your eyes off anything and everything you saw. You loved Sumeru, but Snezhnaya was starting to grow on you. It was beautiful. But what you loved, even more, was talking to Zandik. You two had not had this much time together in far too long. He enthusiastically prattled on about his experiments, his creations. He even told you about his clones’ journey to Sumeru, and how the almighty Traveler was powerless against them. You indulged him of course. You had always loved his voice, and you found it rather endearing when he’d go on his rambles.
Dottore intentionally made sure the pace was slow and steady, so as to not rush your body or make you too tired. But of course, even after only a bit of time passed, you needed to rest. Thankfully, the two of you reached some kind of gazebo with a couple of benches inside. You had no idea this existed, and it seemed Dottore didn’t either, which didn’t surprise you. That man probably only cared about the entrance and exit to his lab.
The bench was cold but you did not care. Having your lover with you for this long already made you feel warm and fuzzy. Furthermore, you’d be crazy not to take advantage of the situation. You called his name and before you could make a move, he spoke.
“How do you feel?”
“Has your heart rate increased since the exposure to the snow and cold? Do you feel light-headed? How easily can you move your arms and legs?”
“O-oh, well… um, I feel cold. My heart is a bit fast from the walking, but nothing out of the ordinary. My legs hurt from the walk too… but I’m used to it.”
“Interesting…” Zandik put his hand to his chin as he seemed to think. You sighed, and shifted closer to him, beginning to run your hands up his coat, which clearly grabbed his attention but he watched you silently. Your hands reached his soft cheeks and brushed over the cold exterior of his mask.
“You know, you should take this off more often,” you suggested as your hands began to creep under the sides of the mask. “There’s no one around…” you hummed. Dottore made no move to stop you so you easily slipped the mask off, revealing his sharp crimson eyes boring into you, and scars from long ago. Of course, you couldn’t help but smile at the face of your lover. 
You moved in to press your lips against his, pleased at how you could now gently trace your fingers over his scars. No matter how long you knew him, he was sensitive to touch around that area, so you always made sure to be careful.
It was an odd, but strangely good feeling, Dottore thought. One he did not know he missed, as you began to pepper kisses along the top of his face. It had been a while since the two of you had kissed for so long, which was a result of your lack of liveliness due to your illness. It seems the new surroundings really did help you. He would have to keep that in mind.
“You’re so cute,” you giggled. He frowned at that and grabbed both your wrists, pushing your back onto the bench, and making you yelp.
“Enough of that. I believe that all of this has gone to your head,” Dottore’s domineering tone was back again.
“I was just- eep!” Your words were cut short as Zandik’s lips began to mark your neck.
“The human body’s temperature can go up a substantial amount just from kissing. Would you care to experiment the limits of that with me? You would be the perfect test subject,” you felt his unhinged grin spread against your neck.
“After all, I wouldn’t want you becoming too cold now, hmm?” His impossible strength easily overpowered you as he moved to hold both your wrists with one hand, while his free one rested on your thigh.
As you relinquished yourself to him, your lips were claimed an innumerable amount of times, a clear reminder of who you belonged to.
You had to turn in early for the night. The miniature adventure was so, so fun, and it felt like you kicked your illness in the ass for a bit, but now you really had to get some rest to recover what little strength you had. Surprisingly, Zandik was there with you this time, instead of one of his clones. 
“...I’m sleepy, Zandik.”
“Of course. Your body has experienced much more physical exertion than usual. It needs time to relax.” You sighed, letting the warmth of the blankets begin to take you to dreamland.
“Hey, Zandik?”
“Yes, [Name]?”
“Remember when we were in the Akademiya, and during the night, I’d go down into your bunk bed and sleep with you? Hehe…”
“Yes, I remember rather clearly, the intrusion of my privacy and theft of my pillows,” he sighed. The first time you did that, he did not expect to be entranced by the sunlight cascading onto your peaceful face, the fluttering of your eyelashes, and the occasional quirk of your lips as you clearly dreamt of something good. But he had no knowledge of how to handle these feelings, so he shoved you off the tiny bed, rudely waking you up. You ended up walking around the Akademiya with a bump on your head after that.
“I was trying to give you hints, Zandik. You were just dense,” you pouted. “Hey, you should come and lay with me for a bit. Like the old days.”
Dottore was hesitant. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, rather, he was so incredibly busy, especially after today. To be more precise, he felt that time not spent on finding a cure for you was time inefficiently used (most of the time.)
You tugged on his sleeve pleadingly. “Just for five minutes, until I nod off…”
He couldn’t bring himself to deny you, as he slipped under the covers with you. The softness of the mattress, plush blankets, and pillows that had your scent almost made him do a double take. It had been a long time since he was in a bed in general. Perhaps just a few hours of rest wouldn’t hurt. It would boost his effectiveness drastically…
You immediately scooted your body towards his and pressed it into his, nudging your face into his chest. He came to rest his hand on your head, while the other was loosely thrown over your waist.
“I miss you,” you softly uttered. He did not respond, nor did you expect an answer - what could he say anyway? The soft stroking on your head was more than enough for you at this moment, and it quickly lulled you to sleep.
“Thank… you.” You were out like a light, while your lover looked at you, absentmindedly fiddling with a strand of your hair.
It was no simple task to make this happen. But as a scholar, of course, he was able to negotiate. For once, it wasn’t for his own gain, but for you. The results? It was a complete and utter success. 
Dottore could not lie, he felt as though he was back at the Akademiya with you. He remembers the two of you walking down the hallways, your chatty and sweet self a stark contrast to his rather irritated and know-it-all aura. How you would hug him from behind late in the night as he worked at his desk, begging and whining for him to go to sleep as you both had long lectures in a few hours.
He admittedly wants to see you take the first step into a raging blizzard. He wants to see you brave the cold with ease. He wants to see you swing your sword without abandon again, not afraid to take on anyone in a verbal or physical fight. He wanted his assistant back: the one who would be ready to jump down the throat of someone who dared to question him, the one who organized his notes in the most efficient manner.
The God of Wisdom once told him that his research was insulting, contradictory to the rules and ways of life. Now that he looked back on it, he found it amusing - even a Godly being was held back by such drivel. But it did not matter to him. There was no rule or barrier he wasn’t willing to cross in order to cure you, as he had already done it multiple times with no remorse. He would oversee your absolute recovery personally.
After all, there were many more snowy days to come.
“You know, Arlecchino, I saw the most interesting thing the other day,” a soft voice echoed throughout the room.
“Hmm? What was it?”
“I happened across our lovely Doctor going into Her Majesty, The Tsaritsa’s chambers. For what, I wonder? Hehe…”
“...I guess that [Name] person truly does mean something to him, if he was willing to go that far.”
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mrsbrekkers · 1 year
🕊.⋆。 what is this? me posting? that's c r a z y. long story short, my ibf convinced me to finish the first ever smut i started last year and left. now i have finished it!
with this though, my blog is now 18+! if you are under said age, please either escort yourself stage left, or don't comment about it. i cannot control your internet intake, but that doesn't mean i should know about it!
also, be nice about this because it is my first smut so ya. i am pretty proud though!
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; oberyn martell x ellaria sand x you [ no use of y/n ] 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; smut! light choking + degradation. fingering f!receiving. uses of pet names [ dove, sweetling, lover ]. 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 ; 1364 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ; a beautiful sunset seems to be the perfect time for a warm bath, and maybe some fun with your dornish paramours :)
Soft, dimming rays of the setting sun laid against the warm yellow curtains, a cool breeze brushing through the otherwise still air. A sense of quiet had enveloped the oncoming night, and you stood, enjoying the dornish sunset. Many claimed the sunsets in Dorne were among the most beautiful one could witness, and while you’d never believed it before; you certainly did now. The colors blended into a beautifully painted picture, almost amplifying the colors of the gardens below your balcony. A soft voice came from behind you, a handmaiden parting the curtains. “Your bath has been drawn, my lady.”
“Thank you, Sanira. If you could so kindly summon the prince and his paramour. Then you can retire for the night,” you said kindly, watching as Sanira turned and scurried to find who you’d requested.
Moving through the parted curtains, your fingertips followed the moving curtains, pulling them closed once more. Your soft steps followed to the bed, covered in red and the warmest of yellows, contrasting each other in an exquisite manner. Quietly, you sat, wine cup in hand as you thought of the night ahead of you. Memories leading up to tonight were vivid in your memory, demanding they be seen.
A knock came at the door, followed by the sound of quiet footsteps, but you knew those footsteps anywhere. “Oberyn, Ellaria,” you spoke smoothly, looking up at the two.
“Little dove,” Ellaria spoke first, her voice velvety as she took your free hand, pulling you lightly up to your feet. Her lips were against the skin of your ear in seconds, her fingers dancing around your waist, gently pulling apart the strings of your dress.
“Mhm?” You softly hummed, your eyes gliding over to Oberyn, who had been uncharacteristically quiet since entering the room. His fingers, though, slid the sleeves of your dress down your arms, his hands like silk against your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“We’ve been waiting for your summonings all night,” Oberyn spoke, watching the dress pool against the marble floors of the room. There was his voice, pulling you in effortlessly. You craved them both, but you knew that their hands wouldn’t travel any lower until you were seated in the steaming water of your bath.
Retracting from the both of them, your feet carried you over to the bath. The steam had surrounded the room despite the curtains allowing in the cool air of the night. It made it almost hard to breathe, and the sight of the two moments prior already caused most of the air to leave your throat.
Your eyes landed on two hands that extended, taking hold of them and stepping into the searing water. Lightly, your eyes fluttered, a hushed moan of satisfaction leaving your lips. “Dove, we haven’t even begun,” Oberyn teased, his fingers coming down to tilt your head up towards him.
“Don’t tease,” You attempted to speak, but the words came out almost incomprehensible as you descended fully into the water. The aches in your body screamed at you in delight, causing yet another slurred moan to leave your lips unwillingly.
“She’s had a long day, lover, let us only pleasure her,” a more feminine voice called to Oberyn, Ellaria now sitting in front of the tub, her fingers tracing small patterns on your skin. Your head lolled onto Ellaria’s shoulder, basking in her scent of marigolds and lilies. Tantalizing fingers then danced down your body, disappearing under the warm water.
Being unable to see Ellaria’s fingers only enhanced the feeling of them as they glided down your stomach and thighs before they finally made contact with your core, a sharp gasp falling from your lips. You’d been with the two dozens of times, but this time felt different. More intimate, and that feeling was only enhanced as Oberyn’s hand made contact with your throat, his lips meeting your own in a slow kiss.
With Oberyn’s lips on yours, you were unable to verbally react as Ellaria reached your clit, her thumb carefully beginning to work it. She knew how delicate of a process this was. How important it was to build pleasure, and oh was she an expert at it. Her thumb circled your clit, the feeling causing your pace in the kiss you shared with Oberyn to stutter. Still, you managed for the time being, enjoying the gentle pleasure that coursed through your body.
“Look at her, Oberyn,” Ellaria whispered, pulling Oberyn from your lips, his hand still resting against your throat. A silent, but intimate reminder. You felt vulnerable under his gaze, but were unable to think much of it when Ellaria pressed a finger into you, causing your back to arch slightly and a surprised moan to sound through the room, this one being much louder than your previous ones.
You couldn’t pay much mind to what Oberyn responded with, only briefly being able to make out the word ‘heavenly’ as Ellaria’s thumb began to circle your clit faster with some added pressure. You began to think maybe having the bath drawn wasn’t such a brilliant idea, because your thighs had already started to shake. “Ellaria-” your words failed you, the pleasure that coursed through you building slowly, but surely, making a promise of a deliciously warm end.
“Go on, our sweet dove, tell us what you need,” Oberyn’s voice broke through your foggy mind, his own fingers giving a gentle, barely there squeeze to your throat. The euphoric sensation that made its way through your senses caused your eyes to flutter shut. Ellaria thought this the perfect moment to add another finger, both of them curling inside you to press against that spot inside of you. The moment she did, you clenched around her fingers and managed to speak, “That! Ellaria, please…” and what was Ellaria to do other than repeat the same motion with her fingers when you sounded so pretty. Though after her repeated motion, she began to slide her fingers in and out of you, yet another moan being pulled from you.
“So needy and desperate when her fingers are inside of you,” Oberyn teased, your cheeks tinting with a rosy blush. You didn’t try to deny his words though, knowing they were all too true. Ellaria seemed to know exactly what made you tick. What would wind you up so efficiently. It didn’t help that she was dangerously good with her fingers. By now, you’d lost count of the number of times they’d been inside of you, but you did know without fail, they’d bring you to climax. Now was no exception as her thumb pressed just slightly more into your clit, the pressure and build to it perfect. Your mouth hung open, your breathing hitching, and that reaction was all Ellaria needed to know you were close. The way you were clenching her fingers was sign enough, but your expressions were what she desired to see most.
She took those moments to speed the pace of her fingers up, catching you off guard. You tossed your head to the side, eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure that’d been building seemed to sneak up on you. You could’ve sworn her fingers had just begun working you, and now you were on the verge of cumming hard around them.
“We know, sweetling. Cum around my fingers, wanna feel you,” her voice was like silk, guiding you into your orgasm so calmly, and yet, so firmly. With one more curl of her fingers, you came undone around her fingers, a cry of her name being interrupted by the way Oberyn expertly timed yet another squeeze around your throat. The pleasure that seared through your body increased ten fold, stars erupting behind your eyes as your walls clenched Ellaria’s fingers so tightly she could’ve sworn you were trying to suck her in with them.
Your orgasm seemed to go on for hours, but in truth, it’d only been maybe half a minute. Your head slumped against Ellaria’s shoulder, a soft whimper leaving your lips as she gently removed her fingers and let your thighs clench together. Your eyes grew heavy, but a soft kiss to your lips reminded you that Oberyn was still there too.
“Ah, dove, you didn’t think we we’re quite finished with you yet, did you?” t <3
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kitashousewife · 1 year
text me
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an: i luv luv shoyo he is so sweet and special. i thought he would be perf for this!
pairings: timeskip!hinata x fem!reader
warnings: none, fluff fluff fluff!!
the cloud of vapor that swirls from hinata's lips causes him to shudder. for the first night since high school, he stands at the bus stop in the middle of winter.
the sky paints a beautiful picture above him with vivid streaks of pink and orange. those that pass by offer him a friendly smile or nod, and the sun sets with a warm goodbye.
if he didn't know any better, tonight almost feels hopeful.
hinata can't help but smile. really, today couldn't have been worse. not only did his car not start this morning, but he lost his wallet as well. he missed almost every serve at practice, and he's pretty sure he rolled his ankle at some point. the cherry on top was when every teammate of his left, leaving him stranded at the gym.
which is where he finds himself now, standing at the bus stop with nothing but the keys to his apartment. he chuckles to himself as he pictures his wallet, resting in the middle of his kitchen island, where it always is.
a habit he can't seem to break.
thankfully public transit is free, or he would really be stuck. he fixes the beanie on his head, one that he found at the very bottom of his gym bag, and checks his phone. it's friday night, which means the start of a small break for MSBY before their next trip. hinata grins once more, remembering his plans for the night. a quick shower, grabbing something to eat, before heading to bokuto's for some movies and hopefully, drinks.
the hiss of breaks grabs his attention, pulling him away from the group chat on his screen. he steps on, finding a spot quickly, and lets out a sigh of relief at the warmth. his cheeks turn pink, nose a tad rosy, but he feels at ease.
when the bus pulls away from the stop, he feels a bit more relaxed. he's already mapped his route home, only six more stops to go. his fingers come up to run his hands through his hair, completely forgetting about the hat. it slips off, slowly falling to the bus floor. hinata's fingers reach to grab it, but he's met with something much warmer.
he looks up and meets your eyes, and can't help the gasp that leaves his lips. how he didn't notice you before, he's not sure. you're breathtaking.
at this rate, he's never fixing his car. not if it means he can see you again.
"here," you gesture the hat towards him, and he accepts.
"thanks. y'know, i forgot i was wearing it," hinata smirks. "i just don't wear hats very often."
"you're welcome. i know the feeling."
a silence falls over the two of you. with only the isle between you, but it feels like yards away. you were dying for an opportunity to talk with him since he walked on the bus. his bright smile, soft red hair, and cheery attitude were almost magnetic.
"so," you clear your throat. he looks in your direction with his eyebrows raised. "do you take the bus often? i don't think i've seen you on before."
his arm reaches up to scratch the back of his head. "almost never, actually. you see, my car wouldn't turn on this morning, and i didn't have time to fix it today. i was able to get a ride this morning, but i was left on my own tonight," he shakes his head with an airy laugh. "but i don't mind. i used to ride it a lot in high school."
you hum. he points to you.
"how about you?"
"oh!" you suddenly feel nervous with his warm brown eyes on you. "the bus stops right in front of my work, so i just take it in every day. much easier than driving through downtown during rush hour."
"right!" hinata turns his full body towards you in excitement. "i absolutely hate when our coach schedules practice for those times-oh, my name is hinata shoyo by the way," he reaches his hand out, and you share your name while you shake. "my teammates never seem to care though. i just get so impatient,"
"tell me about it," you sigh. months of trying to navigate the stresses of the parking lot come to mind. "you mentioned teammates, right?"
"yep!" he beams. you could melt on the spot. "i play volleyball, um, professionally," his words trail off at the end with a polite, less enthusiastic smile.
this is the part where hinata usually falters. the conversation goes one of two ways after this; either they perk up at the sound, suddenly interested in the word professional, or they roll their eyes. no matter how he delivers it, it's never received in the way that he hopes.
"wait, for MSBY right?"
his ears perk up. "yes! how-"
"i've seen you before. there's a billboard right outside my office."
he nods, almost a little embarrassed. he really hopes that it's at least a good photo.
he only has a couple stops left, and he really doesn't want to blow this. you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, and he is positive that this isn't by chance.
"w-well, i could get you tickets if you would like. i mean, if you're into that sort of thing,"
you smile. "i would love that! i've actually always wanted to go to a game,"
"what! now you have to go," he laughs, a real laugh and you can't help but feel warm inside. you can't seem to remember the stresses of the week, not with him beside you. "here, if you wouldn't mind."
he hands you his phone, contacts already opened and ready for your information. you fill it out quickly, sending yourself a message before handing it back to him.
"we're actually headed to tokyo next week, so our next home game won't be for a bit. but, i promise i will let you know when i find out!"
"you're sweet."
hinata blushes. his mouth opens to speak, but he's cut off by the hiss of the bus breaks once again.
"well, this is me," you stand up, grabbing your things.
his stomach flips.
"mind if i join you?"
you giggle. "to walk off the bus? is this even your stop?"
no, it's not.
"why not?"
you think for a second before nodding. he gives you a toothy grin. the two of you thank the bus driver before heading off, one right after the other. hinata hits the pavement with a sigh.
"it was good to meet you tonight," he says your name with a smile.
"you as well hinata. got any fun plans for the evening?"
"i was going to see some of my teammates. how about you?"
"oh my gosh," you stretch, looking up at the light dancing of stars. "order take out, watch a show, go to bed late," you shake your head. "nothing too exciting."
the two of you stand in silence once again. hinata kicks at a rock on the sidewalk, and you pull at a thread on your jacket.
"yeah i-"
the two of you look at each other with shy smiles and quick laughs.
"i have a few days off until we head to tokyo. would you want to get some dinner with me before then?"
"i would like that," you eye him as he starts to turn on his heels.
"okay, then it's a date!"
"see you soon, hinata. text me!" you shout with a giggle and he turns around to give you a wink.
"you can count on it!"
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maries-gallery · 9 months
Tbh I really just want some snuggles lol not feeling the greatest so can Licht or Nokto take care of me till my head stops hurting? (Or both I will never say no to both)
(feel free to ignore but I saw your post and thought why not lol)
Ghoul! I'm so sorry to hear your head hurts like this :( I hope it gets better soon! I'd be so happy if this can bring you even the tiniest of comfort <3 Don't forget to get lots of sleep if you can! Sending you lots of love and all my best wishes!
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genre: comfort, fluff
characters: Nokto and Licht Klein
warnings: none
moon banner by the lovely @/saradika
For more content like this, check the masterlist
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"Is your head any better?' Nokto's voice rings in your ears and echoes in your head, way too loud for comfort. 
You close your eyes, fingers pressing down in circular motions on your temples to try and soothe the radiating pain that spreads to the back of your neck and tickles at your simmering nausea. 
You miss the concern that flashes through Nokto’s crimson gaze, his heart squeezing in his chest as you bury yourself deeper into your pillows. Guilt claws at the pit of his stomach. 
“You asked her the same question five minutes ago, I don’t think things have gotten any better since then.” Licht’s words sound distorted through the pain, far away yet too close at the same time. 
You can’t hold back an amused chuckle at Licht’s words, it’s true, Nokto had been asking you the same question with each visit. 
“It’s okay, Nokto. It still hurts but the pain is much better now.” You flash him a comforting smile. The last thing you want is for him to feel bad about your current state. 
As soon as they heard you had collapsed in the library from a thunderous headache, the both of them had come running to your bedroom, reaching your door at the same time and you like to imagine the surprise written on their features when they caught sight of one another. 
A smile had touched your lips as they both crossed your door, touched by their apparent worry and the silver platter filled with sweets and medication held in Licht’s hands and the books and games held in Nokto’s. 
“Take this, it’ll help.” Licht said, his neutral features betraying a vivid concern as he held out some round pills and a glass of water for you to take. You gladly took them, popping the medication in your mouth and gulping it down. 
Your eyes traveled to the array of sweets he had brought, all resting on a pretty porcelain plate hand painted with intertwined roses and leaves and all mouth watering. A fraisier bright with fresh strawberries, a religieuse rich with chocolate icing and a dollop of cream, and a millefeuille generous in its crème pâtissière filled layers. 
“Thank you” You whispered, “I really appreciate it.” A faint smile touched his lips, and your heart softened at the sight. The smile’s from Licht were rare, but all blinding in their earnestness and honesty. 
Your eyes turned to Nokto, who had been silent until now, a grin etched on his features, one that didn’t serve to mask the gentle care in his eyes. “And what are those?” 
“Those, little fox, are books. You’ve probably read them a hundred times already but can’t blame a guy for trying to cheer up a pretty girl.” He gave you a playful wink, and your insides fluttered at his affectionate nickname. Even with his flirty tendencies, Nokto’s love always shone through his actions. 
“Oh?” You perked up, eyes scanning the leather bound tomes in his arms with professional scrutiny. You remembered seeing these in Chevalier’s library once, rare books from overseas and one of your favourites. 
“We’ve got Midnight Cinderella, I think you called it? The Tale of the Rose knight and The Little Mermaid.” Nokto spread out the novels on your bed covers, revealing golden titles all familiar. 
Your fingers traced upon the letters, warmth spreading in your chest as you pictured Nokto sneaking up in Chevalier’s private library to find books to your taste. 
“Have you read any of these?” You asked him, eyes meeting crimson ones. 
He shrugged his shoulders, “Nope. But I figured it might be time to discover them with you.” 
“He wants to impress you.” Licht’s flat tone reached your ears, smooth and soft as a paved stone. A chuckle spilled from your lips at his words. 
“I think your ‘little fox’ might enjoy some silence.” The older brother continued, throwing his sibling a warning glance. And you wanted to laugh,but it hurt too much, so you just observed them with eyes filled with mirth and the sparkles of amusement. 
After this the two of them had left your room, only to pop by at the same time thirty minutes later to ask about how you were. And the last two hours had been filled with these punctual visits, Licht here to make sure you take your meds correctly and eat the sweets, Nokto here to pop a joke and brighten your day with more and more books or games to pass the time. 
And whilst your head still hurts, the pain has grown softer over the last hours, better with each visit the brothers paid to your chamber. 
“Thank you for being here.” Your words are soft as they leave your lips, quiet and like a caress to their worried hearts. Your smile all they need to offer you one of their own. 
“Well, shall we read now?” 
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @xbalayage @ikemen-writer @scorchieart @ikesimp100
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myrachondria · 1 year
It Will Always Be You
(Ominis Gaunt x f!OC, Sebastian Sallow x f!MC)
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◇my bookcase!◇
summary | This short story takes place 10 years after the events of fifth year. Our silver trio + Natty have become aurors and are celebrating their most recent bust of a poacher ring. Ominis has had too much to drink and Sebastian notices something is wrong.
warnings | angst
notes | I decided to give Ominis' nose a little backstory thanks to @cuffmeinblack and @deathlysallows post 🫶🏻
word count | 1K
Ten years had flown by since the dramatic events of their fifth year. Sebastian, Ominis, Natty, and MC had all become skilled aurors, working together as a tight-knit team. Their unwavering determination had led them on a year-long pursuit of a notorious poacher ring, tirelessly following their every lead. Finally, the breakthrough they had been waiting for arrived, and they successfully apprehended the criminals responsible. The joy of their triumph was palpable as they gathered at The Three Broomsticks, a popular establishment buzzing with the presence of their fellow colleagues and old Hogwarts friends. Laughter and merriment filled the air, breathing life into the cozy inn.
Sebastian's excitement was so overwhelming that not even Leander, could dampen his spirits. Bursting with excitement, he raised his voice above the cheerful din, declaring, "Another round of Firewhiskey, my treat!" The exclamation earned him a resounding cheer from the jubilant crowd. Turning his attention to his beloved wife, MC, he gently cupped her face in his hands, his eyes gleaming with pride and contentment. Planting a tender kiss on her lips, he conveyed his ecstasy at the success of their operation.
Yet, amidst the revelry, Sebastian's keen observance noted an absence within their circle. His gaze wandered until it settled on Ominis, seated in a dim corner of the room, his grasp tightly around a glass of Firewhiskey. Something was unmistakably amiss. Ominis, unlike the rest, wore a somber expression, his head resting wearily on the table. The glow of celebration eluded him, casting a shadow over his spirit.
"I'll be right back," Sebastian whispered to MC, who nodded and continued her lively conversation with Natty and Poppy. Determined, he approached Ominis, who, alert to his presence, hurriedly wiped his face before Sebastian reached him. The telltale signs of redness in Ominis' eyes and nose didn't escape Sebastian's notice. Pressing gently, he encouraged Ominis to share his burden.
With a heavy heart, Ominis finally let his guard down and revealed his innermost turmoil. "There's only ever been one girl I truly loved," he confessed, his voice tinged with sadness. "It happened when we were so young, that summer before our fifth year. My family owned a summer house just south of Bulgaria, and her family lived nearby. We spent every single day together, talking about our dreams, our future after school, and even sharing our favorite books. She was a kind and gentle soul, and I eagerly looked forward to each moment we spent together."
Pausing briefly, Ominis recounted a poignant memory. "One evening, as we lay on the grass and conversed, she painted a vivid picture of the stars for me. We were tired, and our exhaustion overtook us, causing us to drift into slumber on the ground. The next morning, her father discovered us and unjustly accused me of taking advantage of her. It didn't matter that we were just fifteen, our minds innocent and untainted by such thoughts. We had only ever held hands, and once she allowed me to touch her face, simply so I could memorize her features.
As Ominis shared his heartbreaking tale, the weight of his words hung in the air, creating a somber atmosphere. "When her father discovered what had happened, he immediately informed her older brother," Ominis explained, his voice tinged with pain. "He confronted me and delivered a brutal blow to my nose, breaking it. He wouldn't even listen to my side of the story. The incident caused a massive rift within her family, nearly tearing them apart."
Ominis paused, his voice trembling slightly as he sniffled and cleared his throat. "Her father was livid, particularly because he had already arranged her marriage to someone else, the son of a family friend. This suitor was a few years older than us. Her father made it clear that he would never allow his precious daughter to be wed to a vulnerable, blind weakling like me." Ominis's voice wavered as he recounted the painful memory.
"It wasn't an unreasonable statement, I suppose," Ominis continued, his eyes closing briefly. "But at the time, I was only fifteen, while the chosen suitor was eighteen. We dueled, and as you can guess, he easily overpowered me. I was beaten so severely that I had to spend a week recovering in St. Mungo's. It was a brutal experience. The last thing I heard before being taken away was her tearful cries. I had shattered her heart. She was so profoundly sad…
"It was over, but I refused to accept it. Throughout our fifth year, I vowed that the following summer, I would return and set things right. I would become her prince, and she, my princess."
His voice grew tremulous, revealing the depth of his emotions. "She was extraordinary—brilliant and breathtakingly beautiful. She could speak numerous languages, and together we would recline in the fields as she read enchanting stories to me. Her presence radiated warmth, endearing her to everyone around her. And yet... because of me, she cried. Because of me, she retreated from the world, withdrawing from the company of others." Ominis' voice cracked, tears threatening to spill anew, and Sebastian couldn't help but reach out, enveloping Ominis in a comforting embrace.
Sebastian reached across and enveloped Ominis in a tight, comforting embrace, offering solace in his presence. Ominis clung to Sebastian, returning the embrace with a trembling grip, struggling to continue his narrative. With a heavy sigh, he mustered the strength to speak. "I hope she's alright. I hope she's found some semblance of happiness," he whispered, his eyes glistening with moisture once more. "I know it's selfish, but deep down, a part of me hopes she never went through with that marriage. Against all odds, I hope she's still waiting for me... I realize it's an unrealistic desire," he confessed, wiping away his tear-streaked face.
Once again, Ominis covered his face with his hands, tears silently streaming down his cheeks. Sebastian watched him intently for a few moments before breaking the silence. "What was her name?" he asked softly.
Ominis lowered his hands, taken aback by the unexpected question. "W-what?" he stuttered, his voice trembling.
Sebastian's eyes gleamed with determination. "Let's go find her," he declared, offering a glimmer of hope to Ominis in his darkest hour.
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fitbuturlosingit · 8 months
My Fave Fanfic Authors.
I just wanted to do a shoutout post, for my fave fanfic authors. I am a sucker for a good fanfic, and these guys do it better than anyone else, in my humble opinion.
First up, we have my queen @negans-lucille-tblr (AKA Bee). Bee is undoubtedly my favourite writer. I’ve followed her work for a long time, through various different blogs, and for various different fandoms. Her Supernatural fics drew me in, then I fell in love with her Walking Dead and The Boys fics. I currently subscribe to her website, cos it has loads of cool members only stuff, and she writes a banging commission. (She will bounce ideas off you, and makes sure you’re always satisfied with the work). She’s also an absolute angel of a human being, and I’ve had some lovely conversations with her! ❤️
Next up, we have @kittenofdoomage who writes hands down, some of the best A/B/O dynamic fics I have ever read. I’m pretty sure her writing was my first proper discovery of A/B/O, and honestly, she blew my mind. If you like Supernatural, or the Walking Dead, then she should be top of your list. Pretty sure she also introduced me to some new kinks I never knew I had, haha!
Keeping with my Supernatural theme, I’m also going to recommend @pink-sparkly-witch ☺️ If like me you love Dean Winchester, and Jensen Ackles, then this is the blog for you. Her fics are incredible. She writes Jensen and Dean so well, it’s phenomenal. The way she writes paints such a vivid picture. I’m glad that I found her blog through other Supernatural themed blogs.
Moving on to my other obsessions now - The 1975. I’ve got a few authors that I follow, who write amazing 1975 fanfics.
First being @procrastinatinglikeapro who is very friendly, and answers any asks you send towards them. They’ve made me feel very welcome in this fandom, as it’s one of my newer fandoms. I love her writing style. I love how easy her master list is to navigate, she has a little key on there, so you know exactly what it is you’re looking for. Her posts are always a pleasure to see on my dash, and I just get all round good vibes from her. So, if you like The 1975, head on over and drop her a follow!
The next 1975 blog on my list is @tillthelandslide who actually follows me. I don’t have many followers so it meant a lot to me when she followed me. I’ve had some lovely interactions with her, which is always nice, especially when you’re new to a fandom like I am. (I’ve been in to The 1975 for just under a year, now). I originally followed her cos I loved her fics. Her fics are the reason I am now obsessed with Ross MacDonald, so thanks for that, girlie! Made For Me is such a good fic, and I bloody love it. Ross girlies, go read it! Again, her masterlist is easy to navigate, which I love. So yeah, go follow her!
We have the legend that is @lottiecrabie who is responsible for some of the classic 1975 fics. Fics like Don’t Fuck the Linecooks, and Choose Your Own Smut. I loved the innovation of Choose Your Own Smut. Very original idea, well executed. It was the first fic I’d read of hers, and I was HOOKED. Girl can write, hot damn. She’s definitely helped me become totally obsessed with the 1975, and now when I look at Matty pics I think “oooh this is PFMS coded”, or “this is so Linecook Matty”. It’s becoming a problem, haha!
@abiiors is another 1975 legend. Her masterlist is huge. So many incredible fics, so much talent. She’s responsible for me becoming obsessed with George. I never was a George girlie, but now I am. The “Threes a Party” fic changed my life. It was without doubt the hottest thing I have ever read. I still think about it now. Her posts make her seem like such a lovely person, and I feel like if we met, I’d really vibe with her.
@toomuchracket with the d word Matty posts. My god. I love her fics, and her blurbs. The blurbs are always fun little bits to read, and I find myself frequently looking through her masterlist to re-read my favourites. Again, seems like a genuinely nice person. I really enjoy her fluffy blurbs, as well as her smutty posts. Fluff doesn’t usually tend to appeal to me, but the way she writes it is so much more appealing, and interesting. It’s more realistic, and I do love that about her work.
Finally, @the1975attheirverybest is the blog I go to quite often. I find it very reliable in terms of news/updates so it’s a great way of keeping my finger on the pulse, in the fandom. I’ve had some really positive interactions with this blog. I’m trying to avoid using a gender as I don’t want to unintentionally misgender anyone, and I couldn’t see a clear indication of preferred pronouns, hence why I will refer to the blog as they. They have an extensive masterlist with Series, One Shots, and Concepts. It’s easy to navigate. I’ve read so many of their fanfics, and again, I really enjoy the writing style, and the blog itself, not just the fanfiction element.
Thank you for reading, if you managed to stick around until the end. I know it’s a lot of word vomit, and I’ve tried to keep it coherent, but I’m autistic, so my brain can’t always do that shit.
This post is just a massive love letter to my faves on tumblr, sending out good vibes, and love. You guys keep me sane, you give me a great way to unwind, and spend my time, and you keep me positive. So, thank you so much. Forever grateful for every single one of you.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Could you write a Onceler x male Reader (ftm) lovestory? Like, I imagine they're partners in business doing their thing and cutting down trees to produce more thneeds, but they notice their feelings to each other during that?
That would be very, very awesome :)
thanks for the request! hope you're having a great day
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— corporate chemistry
onceler (greedler) x male reader (ftm)
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being in a business partnership with onceler wasn't easy at all. he had a tendency to be selfish, overly confident, and controlling, always telling you what to do. he didn't hesitate to act like an asshole, making it challenging to work with him. however, surprisingly, you didn't find his behavior bothersome to the extent one might expect.
the path that led you to become onceler's business partner remains a mystery. despite his occasional weird looks and mean treatment towards you, somehow you managed to become his little partner in crime. perhaps it was his unique personality that intrigued you. he had a way of drawing you in with his complex character, and you couldn't help but be captivated by his enigmatic nature.
onceler sat behind his cluttered desk, poring over stacks of papers, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. you stood by the window, watching the hustle and bustle of the outside, waiting for the opportune moment to speak up.
finally, unable to contain your curiosity any longer, you cleared your throat and ventured, "onceler, i have an idea that could completely change our approach.. what if we-"
before you could finish your sentence, onceler abruptly looked up from his work, piercing you with an intense gaze. "you, with your ideas again? what makes you think you have something worthwhile to contribute?" his words dripped with skepticism, as if dismissing the mere thought of your input.
undeterred, you roll your eyes and took a step forward, meeting his challenging stare head-on. "i believe in this idea, dumbass. it's bold, innovative, and it could be the game-changer we've been searching for. we need to take a chance on it."
onceler leaned back in his creaky chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. "oh, so you think you can challenge my methods, do you? fine. convince me. lay it all out. but remember, if it fails, the consequences are on your shoulders."
a surge of determination coursed through your veins as you launched into your proposal. you spoke passionately, painting a vivid picture of the possibilities, the untapped potential waiting to be harnessed. with every word, you could see onceler's interest piqued, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed the details.
as you finished, there was a palpable silence in the room. onceler leaned forward, his gaze piercing through you. then, unexpectedly, a slow smile crept onto his face. "you know what? there might be something to this idea of yours. it's audacious, risky, but it just might work."
your heart leaped at his unexpected approval. "really? you think so?"
onceler chuckled, the sound filling the room with a mix of mischief and excitement. "i'll admit, you have an uncanny ability to surprise me, y/n. let's give it a shot. we'll do it your way this time."
and so, the journey began.
you discovered that beneath onceler's tough exterior, there was a complex soul yearning for validation and connection. and in your own way, you provided that, offering a different perspective, a voice he had never truly listened to before.
through triumphs and setbacks, arguments and moments of shared triumph, you forged an extraordinary bond. it was a partnership that defied conventional norms, fueled by a blend of ambition, resilience, and an unwavering belief in each other.
however, one day...
you couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring the way his eyes sparkled with determination, even amidst the chaos. there was an unspoken connection between you, a bond that seemed to transcend the confines of your business partnership.
one day, as you reviewed a proposal together, your eyes met, and a warmth spread through your chest. it was as if the world around you faded into the background, leaving only the two of you. the air crackled with an unspoken tension, a longing that neither of you could deny.
unable to resist the pull any longer, you mustered up the courage to speak your heart. "onceler, there's something i need to say. these past few months working together have shown me a side of you that goes beyond business. i... i think I'm falling in love with you."
onceler's eyes widened, his usual air of confidence momentarily faltering. he stared at you, his expression a mix of surprise and vulnerability. "i never thought i'd hear those words from you," he murmured, his voice soft and uncertain.
you took a step closer, closing the distance between you. "onceler, i know we have our differences, and it hasn't always been easy. but despite all that, i see something special in you. your passion, your determination, it's captivating. and i can't ignore the way my heart races when i'm with you."
onceler's gaze softened, a flicker of emotion dancing in his eyes. he reached out, tentatively brushing his fingers against yours. "i never expected to feel this way either," he confessed, his voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and longing. "but there's something about you, something that draws me in, challenges me in ways i never imagined. i think... i think i might be falling in love with you too."
onceler gently caressed your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "i never thought i'd find someone who understands me like you do," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and gratitude. "you see past my flaws and bring out the best in me."
a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you leaned into his touch.
as your fingers intertwined, you knew that love had a way of transforming even the most unlikely partnerships. the once tempestuous nature of your relationship had softened, replaced by a deep respect and a shared vision for the future.
days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, as your love for one another continued to deepen. each day brought new adventures, shared laughter, and heartfelt conversations that solidified the bond you had forged.
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hederasgarden · 2 years
The Trouble With Books
Summary: You and Rhett discover a surprising new kink together.   Pairing Rhett Abbott x F!Reader  Word Count: 1.2K Rating: Explicit, 18+ only. Fingering, dirty talk and discussions and descriptions of consensual non consent, bondage, and chasing kink.  A/N: I have fallen down the rabbit hole on CNC due to @green-socks. Thank you @mayhem24-7forever for beta’ing and @callsignhurricane for the banner. Reblogs and comments feed the muse.
Please read the warnings carefully!!
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It’s early evening, the hazy pinks and oranges of dusk still visible outside the front window. Rhett’s sitting on the couch beside you, your nose buried in a book. He’s watching tv and drinking a beer, relaxing after a long day's work in the fields. His hand rests on your upper thigh, soaking up the feel of your skin.
He doesn’t register what’s happening at first, assuming you’re just trying to get comfortable on the couch. But when you shift for the third time in the span of two minutes he looks up. You’re so engrossed in your book, bottom lip drawn between your teeth and breathing real shallow, that you don’t even realize what you’re doing. When you move again, his gaze drops to your lap. He watches you squeeze your thighs and rub them together every so slightly. Then you make that little breathy sound and oh, he’s intimately familiar with what that means. 
Whatever you’re reading is getting you hot under the collar and making you a little bashful. That piques Rhett's curiosity because while you indulged in the occasional romance novel none of those have ever produced this kind of reaction. He smirks and sets his beer down, knowing he'll have to be quick. You're liable to fight him from seeing the book and he can't have that.
"Rhett!" You shriek when he plucks it from your hands. 
He’s quick to hop out of your reach, putting the couch between you both. 
“I got a right to see what’s getting you so turned on, girl,” he says, flipping through the last few pages that captured your attention so completely.
He expects something a little smutty, words about throbbing members and heaving bosoms but what he actually finds gives him pause. It’s detailed, intimate, and fucking filthy. He can see how what’s written carried you away, the picture they painted for him is vivid enough to feel a stirring low in his spine. It's not just the smut though. The scenario described and how much it seems to excite you is what surprises Rhett the most. It’s not something that’s crossed his mind before, at least not in its entirety because the two of you had some fun with rope before.
No, what gets him adjusting himself in his jeans is your response to it. How turned on you are by such a taboo thought. 
“You like this?” He asks, careful to keep any judgment from his voice. 
Oh, there’s that pretty look he loves so much, that mix of embarrassment and desire. “Rhett…” You trail off and he smirks. 
“It’s alright if you do,” he encourages. 
You wrap an arm around your midsection and step back. “It’s just a book.”
“Hell of a book,” he says, tapping the spine against his palm and moving towards you. “But that doesn’t answer my question. Do you like what was written?”
He already knows you do but he wants to hear you say it. You’re quiet for a long minute. He sees your throat bob and the way you curl your nails into the crook of your elbow. When your whispered “yes” comes a second later, it’s so quiet that he almost misses it. 
"Thought you were a good girl," he teases. "Reading some sweet love story but you're sitting here, pretty as pie, reading something filthy with a straight face."
Your eyes widen when Rhett closes the distance between your bodies. The press of his half-hard cock against you is unmistakable.  
“What else do you read in secret?” He asks, thumb catching on your bottom lip.
Before you can answer, he’s leaning in to kiss you, pushing his tongue in your mouth. You moan when he walks you backward. A hand behind your head keeps you from knocking into the wall, but Rhett doesn’t ease up on the kiss. The hand on your chin slides down to grasp your throat lightly. When he finally breaks the kiss, you look a little dazed, lips swollen. He loves that slow blink up at him, how you wait for him to make the next move. 
“How wet am I gonna find you?” He asks, sliding a rough palm between your thighs to cup you through your sleep pants. 
Your breath hitches but you don’t answer him. He doesn’t need you to as he can feel how damp the cloth is against your cunt. The little noise you make when he rubs his fingers there goes straight to his dick. He wants you bad enough that he’s almost willing to stop his teasing and take you to bed right now just to feel you wrapped tightly around him.
But he wants an answer from you, needs to know if this is something you want from him or if it’s meant just for the pages of your books.
“What did you like about that scene in the book?” He asks, working his hand into your underwear.
“I don’t know, Rhett,” you say, eyes fluttering when he finally gets his fingers on your skin. 
You’re warm and velvety soft. He fucking loves how you feel and he knows by now just how to drive you mad. He keeps his touch light, moving up and down but never quite giving you what you need. 
“If you wanna come, you're gonna find the words, darlin.”
“I…I liked that he was in control, took what he wanted,” you pant, grasping his arms. 
He can see you’re struggling to speak, distracted by what he’s doing to you and caught up in the fantasy he’s asking you to tell him. A part of him worries this conversation should be something done when you’re both clear headed but Rhett knows you, how shy and anxious you can get about these things. It’s always been easier to get you to tell him what you want when he’s buried deep in that beautiful cunt. Tonight his fingers will have to do, though he’s pretty sure you don’t mind one bit. 
“What else?” Rhett prods, slipping two fingers inside without much effort. You’re ridiculously wet and the thought of fitting a third in there almost has him coming in his jeans like a schoolboy.
You groan and your head falls back against the wall with a dull thump. 
“I liked how he tied her up and she… she had to let him do what he wanted.”
Rhett loves how expressive your face is right now, unburdened and free. Almost like you’re speaking right from that warm sweet spot he has his fingers buried in. You’re close in more ways than one he thinks with a little smile but he needs to be absolutely sure. 
“You want me to do that to you?” He asks, waiting to see just how far you want to take this.
“Yes, god yes,” you moan, shifting your hips forward to get his fingers deeper inside. 
The broken, desperate tenor of your voice nearly does him in and he grins himself against the side of your hip. 
“Want me to chase you down like they did in the book, huh?” He continues. You shudder as his thumb finally circles your clit and he pumps his fingers in and out of you. “Ignore you when you cry and tell me to stop?”
“Fuck you over the hood of my truck until I’m coming inside you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me?”
You don’t answer him but he doesn’t need you to. You come hard on his fingers, your back bowing and your mouth open in a silent cry. He lets you ride his hand and tire yourself out against him until the only noise in the room is your desperate little pants and the soft, wet sound his fingers make while they move in and out of you. 
When you finally halt your movements Rhett withdraws his hand from between your thighs. He loves the little whine you make in response and how you look up at him through your lashes, shy once again. He grins and cups your cheek. His thumb sweeps back and forth over your skin because he knows you always need him soft afterward. 
“Well, that was somethin’,” he tells you, awed and incredibly turned on. 
“Rhett…” You start, staring at his chest, somewhere between ashamed and satisfied “I, um…”
“You don’t gotta explain,” he assures you, kissing both of your cheeks. “I like the idea too.”
That has your head snapping up. He chuckles at your struck expression. “I’ll admit it wasn’t on my list before tonight, but your book…. well, it was eye opening.”
“She’s um, a really good writer,” you tell him, nodding. 
“I’m less interested in reading, more in doing,” he says, running a hand down your trembling side. “Maybe this weekend we can go out to the west pasture. I got a nice new rope I’d like to try out.”
“We could do that,” you agree, touching his chest. 
Your finger taps his sternum and he watches your face. He can see you’re working up to something. 
“You should probably read chapter 10 though…there are a few other things I like there."
Sequel - I'll Be Your Fantasy
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gerrymike · 26 days
I LOVE your writing style. The details you think of to include and how you can go from something so poetic and profound I’m knocked on my ass directly to something that has me rolling and they feel absolutely congruous? your WORDS. The PICTURE YOU PAINT. It’s a delight to read, and I was wondering if you had any advice to offer on achieving something like that in my own writing? I struggle to abstract from literal details a lot of the time (and find myself beholden to run on sentences more often than not) and if you had any tips for that I would be delighted!
Thank you kindly! This is a real nice message and pretty helpful to get because I’ve been blocked recently and probably should get my facts straight too so I can get back into the swing of writing. You mentioned ‘abstracting from literal details’ and imagery in general - I thought about it and hope my advice coheres.
I don’t think these are skippable even though they may not seem immediately relevant, but my first Considerations:
- Know your speaker. I find writing in close third person or first person the most rewarding for getting interesting imagery. Essentially, you’re in a character’s head, and they see everything based on what they know, what’s familiar to them, and what they believe. Different people interpret literal details differently
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These are Mike Crew examples probably because to date he’s my favourite close third person to write in. #1 is almost low hanging fruit - cracked spine of a book, he sees lightning where Gerry might see a wrinkle in the skin of an old woman. Being intimate with someone he doesn’t really care for, there is no metaphor: just “large hands” - “a face on his face”. You don’t always need abstract because it really depends on how much your character is willing to abstract something. If you make sure not to overload on your metaphors/abstractions/pretty images, they punch a bit harder when they’re there.
For #2 it’s a chunky example because it’s a montage paragraph - equivalent of quick cuts in a movie. I like to think of my writing as cinematic firstly. To me, sentences that go on for days are fine (my roots were the Donna Tartt school of commas). But they should have new information for each lengthening clause - and it’s even better if you can end it with a picture that stands out from the rest. Here Mike goes to uni in a lulling sequence of “and…and…and…” except the very last and is him lying in bed in absolute terror watching the Lichtenberg lurk outside his window.
There’s also a trick I abuse in #2. Which is the Dream. Sometimes you want a more surreal picture to flavour the images you evoke. Enter the Dream, where you can basically make your characters witness anything you like. I gave him “camphor and crystals on his feet”, because where else could you use the word “camphor” in your Magnus archives fanfiction? But honestly I am/used to be a very vivid dreamer and I think there’s an inexplicable texture to dreamscape images that can be used to very satisfying effect.
So it definitely helps to be very familiar with the character whose perspective you’re using. I do try to balance the poetic with the lighthearted/funny and I’m glad you like it! I think, again, it mostly comes from character work, like how they speak to each other, interpret situations, etc. I liked the previous Mike excerpt #2 where after a very dramatic “I’ve lost something and I can never get it back” (paraphrased) he tells us “I tried smoking but it gave me sore throat. So I stopped.” It’s not too out-there or comedic, but it’s definitely more chill than the existential anxiety from before. Picture him coughing and making faces and deciding he’s not THAT tortured that he’s gonna keep having nicotine. So…
- Listen to people talking
People can be pretty funny. A lot of my insp comes from just hearing what people will say - especially those people who will simply say shit, filterless. I dislike writing where everybody sounds the same, or worse, sounds like they’ve all had therapy (though my own Achilles heel is that everybody I write sounds like they were a joy to have in English class). But I digress honestly
Now for the main thing - Painting pictures
In my opinion metaphors should 1) sound good 2) be the tense surface layer of a deeper body of water, instead of just oil sliding around on it. Sounding good is a matter of typical linguistic features - consonance, assonance, alliteration, pretty words, etc. being good is different.
So ask yourself: What’s under the metaphor? I’m gonna do a cop out real quick and attach someone else’s opinion here. Ocean Vuong on metaphors - I’m not the majorest fan of his work and he’s actually frequently corny but he is 90% accurate here
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You get the gist…..!
And to end off. My Quick Inspiration Notes:
those old Tumblr “choose an aesthetic” posts, where they list items like: “white-hot sunlight. black-eyed glares. a pin in the sole of your foot. chequered picnic blankets. promises you won’t keep. the slow creeping approach of sundown. a hand running over the sharp comfort of a buzzed head.” It was THE shit back then, and the idea is you just have pictures and pictures of things that form a coherent whole while being different images that introduce new dimensions and ideas. I ate these UP back in 2017. This is a good example of how I might portion out my painted pictures: nothing that repeats, only things that redefine, or even contrast with what’s already there.
Colour/texture/pattern fashion advice. This goes - if an outfit isn’t interesting by colour, it has to be interesting by texture…if it’s not interesting by texture, it has to be interesting by pattern…. Okay what the hell, you get the idea. You could rephrase this also but saying it like, for a really good outfit, you need an interesting colour, an interesting texture, and an interesting pattern. Now apply this to your writing - you are describing the literal detail of a person’s face. For eyes, you might go for colour. “Old moss” for green - but psych! That’s also texture. That’s also kinda pattern. You suggest softness, wiseness, maybe darker flecks in the iris. You can start from “green”, think up something else green, then work your way through all the implications until the final picture works the way you want it to. Just like dressing yourself in an outfit based around one item of clothing.
And movies…for contrasting pictures, the way people talk and walk and sit down. Photography helps too in terms of visual stimulus. I like to think of my writing as being the written equivalent of old school 35mm film, muted colours, grain. It’s up to you what type of picture you want your writing to evoke. Black and whites, or sharp digital focus, or blurred surreal avant garde… anything really!
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avrablake · 4 months
OC Kiss Week: almost
I haven't written anything new in a long time so this was super fun.
Mel takes Gram to an art gallery and has a surprise for him.
TW: grief
(oops it was supposed to be cute but I made it sad)
Gram had been shit-faced in love before. It wasn’t a new feeling for him, but it was a feeling he thought he'd never feel again. He certainly never expected to feel this way about anyone other than Aly.
There was no denying it though. His whole body buzzed at the sight of her. The soft swaying shimmer of her dress under the twinkling chandeliers, together with the bobbing of her curls with every elegant step, acted like a hypnotic lure holding his attention solely on her. He licked his own lips as he watched hers move and he leaned slightly closer, the hum of her words drawing him in with a magnetic pull.
His fingers brushed hers, yearning for more contact. Her arm pressed against his as she moved closer. Though she didn’t pause her explanation, he knew she felt it too—the electricity between them.
He moved his hand to interlace his fingers with hers just as she slid her hand up to his elbow and tugged him toward the other room with an eager glint in her eye and color rising to her cheeks.
“Now that there are less people around, I want to show you my piece.”
The quiet hum of whispers from the main gallery faded away as they entered the smaller alcove. The room was lit only by soft lights gently spotlighting each art piece. The sparks growing between them seemed to catch fire in this dim quiet space. His body shifted, turning into hers as his opposite hand drifted up to meet hers resting on his arm.
“Gram, I—”
Her eyes met his nervously before darting away, her cheeks glowing pink even in the dim light. She turned and cleared her throat with an almost imperceptible shake of her head.
“Here. This one is mine. I painted it for you.”
He glanced reluctantly toward the painting on the wall, not wanting to look away from her for even a second.
His eyes were caught by the waves of red and he turned to face the painting fully, his hand falling away from Mel's, his breath leaving him all at once.
A field of green and white so lush he thought he could feel the plants against his fingers. The halo of blue sky overhead that seemed to stretch beyond the confines of the canvas. There, in the center, bright red flame of wavy hair and a billowing white dress glowing in the masterfully captured summer sunlight. The subject’s face was turned away, but he knew it—saw it every time he closed his eyes.
“Mel,” he breathed, and he was surprised to find he had any air in his lungs at all.
“I based it on the picture you have in your quarters. I hope you don’t mind. I just wanted you to have something.”
There were no words.
No photograph could ever really capture her, bring her energy to life, but somehow every vivid brush stroke seemed to bring her back to life.
It made every inch of his body ache with the awareness that she wasn't really there.
He turned and wrapped his arms around Mel’s waist, pulling her close to him as though that heat smoldering between them could warm the cold void of loneliness eating away at his insides. His other hand slid to her cheek, through her soft hair. She leaned into him, her hand sliding up his chest, her face tilted up toward his.
He lowered his lips closer to hers, feeling the tickle of her breath against his skin. Instead of closing that last whisper of distance between them, he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, his other hand coming up to cup her face.
It wasn’t her who’s face he saw now. Instead of hazel eyes he only saw emerald. Instead of soft brown curls he saw wild waves of red.
He pulled away.
“I’m sorry, Mel. I—”
It wasn't fair. He wasn’t ready. He wanted to be.
She shook her head and took his hand, firmly interlacing her fingers with his.
That was enough for now.
He didn’t have to rush. She wasn’t going anywhere.
“It’s amazing, Mel. Thank you.”
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Monthly Minekura Christmas edition
Day 25 “Swapped” (FREE)
Final piece of this cool and amazing monthly event that helped me to boost my self-confidence in digital painting especially when it comes to backgrounds. Since the prompt of this day is free, I decided to digitalize an old piece made in 2014 when I first started to draw Saiyuki characters for the first time. This draw is pure non-sense XD I would shit bricks if I saw a Ukoku-headed jungle crow but I wouldn't mind a jungle crow-headed Ukoku, lol. The whole subject doesn't have any particular meaning, the only notable thing is the Buddhist temple in the background which is Dafo Temple in Xinchang County, a county in the east-central part of Zhejiang province. This is the photo reference I used and I discovered that I love drawing and painting traditional Chinese architecture, plus I discovered several temples I want to visit when I plan to visit China.
The temple has a long history of more than 1600 years. Dafo Temple is constructed with five levels with several halls like the Heavenly King Hall, the Big Buddha Hall and the Scripture Hall. The Big Buddha is almost 15 meters in height, its nose alone is 1.5 meters and ears are 2.7 meters in size. There is also a grotto, several Buddha statues, a waterfall and a petrified forest. I was unsure if drawing the petrified forest instead of the temple entrance for the background but I couldn't resist to paint those vivid colours.
Fun fact: during the Cultural Revolution, locals covered the giant Buddha statues in the temple with pictures of Mao Zedong that managed to prevent the fanatic red guards from destroying the sacred statues, because they believed that all old traditions should be destroyed.
I deeply thank you locals for preserving such gem from human stupidity, thank you!
Saiyuki Reload Blast © Kazuya Minekura, Platinum Vision, 2017-present
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zeroducks-2 · 8 months
A prompt? you’re so generous…How about Eobarry and “don’t pretend to be so innocent“. From another list. If you want to! You are awesome, have an awesome day!
Hey anon, thank you so much for your prompt ♥ sorry it took me a bit to get to it, I realized it was getting too long and so I made it into a short fic. I'll leave a snippet down below, however the full fic is on my AO3 and you can find it here. Please mind the tags if you open it!
Have an awesome day you too ♥♥
Asleep on his bed like that he's the perfect picture of guilelessness, short blond locks framing his face and a hand resting in the middle of his belly. Though the blanket is covering him only on one side, the bedsheet got kicked mostly away, he must be warm or maybe having a bad dream.
Bad dream, Eobard decides as the kid purses his lips in a grimace and his head rolls on the pillow as if he was trying to get away from something. He shifts and makes himself smaller, little noises caught in the back of his throat; Eobard looks at the way his arms bend and his hands close into fists, remembering how they tightened around his own neck, fast and unforgiving, and then snapped the top of his spine. Twice.
He reaches down and takes the kid's face between both hands, uncaring of how he flinches and comes close to waking up.
«Don't pretend to be so innocent.» Eobard hisses, relishing in how Barry's eyes widen in terror as they open into his, his chest swelling with a scream. But the moment he lets it out Eobard isn't there anymore, and the kid is left sweating and huffing, sitting up on his bed and convinced that he just had a very vivid nightmare.
The next time Eobard wakes him up by pressing a palm on his mouth, preventing him from screaming while staring him down, enjoying the rush of adrenaline he gets at the way the kid uselessly hits his arm and flails like a little moth, eyes quickly swelling up with tears. It doesn't last even a full minute, then the boy is left heaving and sobbing on his disheveled bed.
And the time after that Eobard just stands by the side of his bed, arms crossed and smile illuminated by the same flashes of lightning he’s using to wake the kid up. Barry scrambles up and presses himself against the wall while staring at him, shock painting the lines of his face as he clutches the blanket to his chest, and it's the shortest breath of air, then Eobard is gone again.
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brighteststar707 · 3 months
I've been thinking about how you said you're not satisfied with your writing, so I'm wondering which part that you'd like to improve on? Goes without saying that I like your writing and have reread some of them multiple times🫶🏻
I've been sitting on this ask for a little while because while I said that I'm dissatisfied with my writing offhandedly, it took some digging to figure out what exactly I want to improve on and change.
I think I have a tendency to rush myself when writing, which is partially because I get excited to share my ideas and because I have a tendency to over-edit when I sit on something for too long. It also doesn't help that a lot of my most recent writing was for an event, and I worry about making people wait too long if I hold onto fics for longer than it takes to finish them.
It means that when I read my fics back, they feel incomplete and lacking in the depth or emotion I was trying to convey. They never end up matching the image I had in my head (which is a terribly vague thing to be unhappy about but oh well).
In an ideal world, I'd write a piece and edit it down to a final draft, put it away in a folder until I forget about it and then come back to it with fresh eyes for a final edit. Since sharing and discussing ideas is such a big thing I enjoy about participating in fandom, it's probably not something I'd ever do, but I'm working on slowing myself down and allowing myself to sit with the details for a bit longer.
I'm also spending more time this year reading and consciously taking notes of what I like and what I'd like to eventually replicate in my own writing. Things like vivid (and not repetitive) descriptions, characterizations that feel unique and metaphors that really paint a picture are things I'm trying to adopt into my own work. People are so talented and all i'd like to do is absorb that into my brain.
Thank you for asking me this and making me dig a little deeper into my own feelings about my work!
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aliciachimera · 3 months
i, wish i knew how to talk about my thoughts and feelings. the ugly emotions, the fears and paranoias that make me cling onto memories rather than what's in front of me.
i want to draw my emotions, but i just can't get out of bed at the moment so i'll describe it in text. picture a blank white featureless mannequin in a void, and now roll one color of paint across it. it splatters a bit messily, but it adheres to the mannequin. now roll another stripe of paint across a different part of its body. the paint sticks, and now there's two stripes of paint. this time, roll a third color of paint across the mannequin, crossing over at least one of the other stripes. the third paint overlaps, covers a portion of a previous stripe, but remains largely visible. now add a fourth, fifth, and sixth color to the mannequin, paint its arm, or its leg, or its chest or head or back. it doesn't matter where so long as it sticks in place. despite the mimicry its not quite a mirror, not quite.. human.
ask the mannequin to paint over a part of itself with any color it wants. it.. tries. it doesn't know what that Means, but you give it a paint roller and a selection of colors. it picks out green, a modest color among the flashier pinks or deep blues or vibrant oranges. it paints over its own face, and feels... Some kind of emotion stirring inside of its shell.
you continue to paint more stripes over the mannequin, covering more parts of its empty body with vivid colors and crudely shaped patterns that the mannequin feels.. happy to allow. this is fun, this is right, this is what it means to be human, right? can i.. paint your body?
a moment of pause and consideration, and in that moment of hesitation it learned how to Think and it felt a thousand miles of that difference between painter and canvas. you allow it to pick one of two colors, your favorite, and its favorite. it smiles with the painted lips it has, and Naturally picks its favorite and paints a stripe on you. you applaud it, you thank it for sharing its gift with you. it felt content to.. understand that much more about what it meant to be human.
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