#time in range (TIR)
Embracing Time in Range: A Personal Journey to Managing Diabetes
Living with diabetes is a constant balancing act. It requires careful monitoring of blood glucose levels, making dietary choices, taking medications, and maintaining an active lifestyle. One crucial aspect is making informed decisions on the basis of your glucose data. In this article, I will share my personal experiences with Continuous Glucose Monitoring device data, including Time in Range…
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nickeverdeen · 3 months
Whispers of the heart | Kit Tanthalos x fem!reader
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The sound of clashing swords echoed in the training grounds as Kit and Jade engaged in a spirited bout. Y/N stood by, attentively watching the exchange, arrows tucked into her makeshift quiver. As Kit executed a well-timed strike, she noticed Y/N's gaze and flashed a triumphant grin.
"See that move, Y/N? You could learn a thing or two from me," Kit teased, her confidence radiating.
Y/N chuckled, taking the banter in stride. "Maybe, Kit, but archery requires finesse, not brute force."
Jade joined the conversation, offering a playful jab at Kit's training style. "Y/N's got a point. Sometimes subtlety can outmatch strength."
Kit, undeterred, twirled her sword with a flourish. "I'll take my strength over subtlety any day."
The banter continued as the trio ventured into a light-hearted discussion about their respective training preferences. As Jade offered guidance on refining Kit's technique, Y/N interjected with insights on precision and accuracy drawn from her archery experience.
The sun began its descent, casting a warm hue over the training grounds. Kit wiped the sweat from her brow, turning to Y/N. "You know, archery might have its merits."
Y/N raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Oh? Admitting that subtlety has its place in the world?"
Kit's laughter rang out. "Maybe I'll ask you to teach me someday, when I'm not busy saving my brother’s ass."
The camaraderie between the three grew stronger with each passing day. As Kit and Y/N continued to exchange playful banter, Jade found joy in watching their friendship flourish. Beneath the moonlit sky, the training grounds transformed into a haven of shared laughter, dreams, and unwavering support.
One evening, as they rested after an intense training session, Kit broached a topic that had lingered in her thoughts. "Y/N, you never talk much about your life before Tir Asleen. What brought you here?"
Y/N's expression softened, her eyes reflecting the flickering flames of the nearby torches. "It's a long story, Princess, but sure I'll share it with you."
Seated in a circle, the trio delved into the intricacies of Y/N's past. The night unfolded with stories of a distant village, a peasantry burdened by injustice, and Y/N's journey to Tir Asleen in pursuit of a life free from oppression.
As the revelations unfolded, Kit and Jade listened attentively, offering empathetic nods and words of encouragement. The bond between them deepened, transcending the boundaries of royalty and commoner.
In the quiet moments that followed, Kit looked at Y/N with newfound understanding. Their conversations became a tapestry of shared experiences, dreams, and vulnerabilities. Kit and Y/N found solace in each other's stories, forging a connection that defied the societal norms attempting to dictate their paths.
As the moon hung high in the sky, casting a gentle glow over the training grounds, the princess, the archer, and the swordswoman continued their journey of camaraderie, laughter, and unwavering friendship.
As the months passed, Kit found herself captivated by more than just Y/N's archery skills. There was an unspoken connection between them, a magnetic force that drew Kit in whenever they trained together. Each clash of swords seemed to spark an invisible energy, leaving Kit feeling a mix of exhilaration and confusion.
Jade, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in Kit's demeanor. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she began teasing Kit relentlessly, especially during moments when Y/N was out of earshot.
"Kit, you seem a bit distracted today. Anything on your mind?" Jade quipped, a sly smile playing on her lips.
Kit shot her a glance, a mixture of irritation and embarrassment. "Nothing, Jade. Just focused on the training."
Jade chuckled knowingly. "Focused, huh? Is that what they taught you to call it?"
Kit's cheeks flushed, and she swatted Jade with the flat of her sword. "You're reading too much into it."
Jade feigned innocence. "Oh, am I? It's just amusing how you and Y/N have this... almost sexual tension when you're sparring."
Kit rolled her eyes, attempting to brush off Jade's comments. However, the seed of realization had been planted, and Kit couldn't deny the truth in Jade's words.
One day, as Kit and Y/N engaged in a particularly intense sparring session, Jade couldn't resist making her presence known. She whistled from the sidelines, interrupting their rhythm. "Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd say there's a storm brewing here. Anyone else feel the heat?"
Kit shot Jade an exasperated look, but her heart raced in sync with the rhythm of the blades. Y/N, oblivious to the underlying tension, raised an eyebrow at the teasing.
"What's going on, Kit? Jade seems to think we're putting on a show," Y/N said with a bemused expression.
Kit stammered, attempting to brush it off. "Jade's just being... Jade. You know it."
Jade winked at Kit, enjoying every moment of her best friend's discomfort. "I'm just saying, there's a certain spark in the air. You two might want to address it before the entire kingdom starts placing bets."
As Kit and Y/N continued their training, the unspoken tension lingered, creating a dynamic that neither could fully grasp. Kit, conflicted by her growing feelings, struggled to maintain composure. Jade, on the other hand, reveled in the unfolding drama, eager to see how it would play out.
In the quiet moments after training, Kit often found herself stealing glances at Y/N, contemplating whether to confront the truth or let the unspoken connection linger in the realm of ambiguity.
Kit and Jade engaged in a casual discussion as they prepared the training grounds for the day. The morning sun cast a warm glow, and the air buzzed with anticipation. Jade couldn't help but bring up a topic that had been lingering in the air.
"You know, Kit, you don't have to be so subtle about it," Jade remarked with a playful grin.
Kit raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Subtle about what?"
Jade chuckled. "About your feelings for Y/N, of course. Everyone can see it, even Airk and that’s a lot to say."
Kit rolled her eyes, dismissing the notion. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
As they continued setting things up, Y/N approached, having overheard their conversation. She stumbled slightly on purpose, a subtle signal that she was well aware of the topic at hand. Without acknowledging it directly, she joined the conversation seamlessly.
"Morning, you two. What's the plan for today?" Y/N asked, her tone light.
Jade exchanged a knowing glance with Kit, who tried to maintain composure. "Just the usual routine. Kit here is working on her sword skills."
Y/N nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sounds like a plan. Let me know if you need any help."
As the training session commenced, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Kit in action. The rhythmic clash of swords echoed through the air, and Kit's prowess left an impression. Y/N found herself captivated, realizing that her feelings were evolving beyond friendship.
Amidst the camaraderie and shared laughter, unspoken emotions lingered beneath the surface, gradually weaving a tale of friendship and a growing connection between the princess, the archer.
Under the canopy of the garden, Kit and Y/N strolled along, the quiet rustle of leaves accompanying their footsteps. Kit couldn't help but notice the subtle warmth between them as their hands brushed, each touch sending a flutter through her.
As they walked, Y/N's blush deepened, and Kit couldn't help but be intrigued by the unusual sight. Finally, under the shade of a dark tree, they settled beneath the branches, gazing up at the stars scattered across the night sky.
The air held a sense of anticipation as Kit mustered the courage to open up. "Y/N," she began, her voice soft in the quietude of the night, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
Y/N turned to her, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "What is it, Kit?"
Taking a deep breath, Kit confessed, "I… Y/N all I care about is you. And if you wanna come prehaps even run away to live somewhere freely, I would tag along, if that’s okay. ‘Cause I don’t wanna have any adventures unless they’re with you. I should’ve told you sooner, you know? And for that I am so sorry. I love you Y/N."
The confession hung in the air, and Kit anxiously awaited Y/N's response. The garden, once filled with the sounds of the night, now held a stillness that seemed to echo the beating of their hearts.
The soft glow of moonlight bathed the garden, casting a magical ambiance over Kit and Y/N. As Kit hesitated, wondering if she had made a mistake, Y/N's lips met hers in a gentle yet passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade as they became lost in the warmth of each other's embrace.
Y/N, breaking the kiss with a smile, whispered, "I love you too, Kit."
The admission hung in the air, a delicate revelation that opened a new chapter in their relationship. They continued to sit beneath the tree, Y/N's fingers entwined with Kit's as they exchanged stories, dreams, and whispered confessions.
As the night deepened, their laughter echoed through the garden, blending with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of the night. Kit, captivated by the genuine warmth in Y/N's eyes, couldn't help but marvel at the depth of their connection.
They moved to a quiet corner under a blossoming tree, where Kit often went when she needed some silence. The fragrance of flowers mingled with the crisp night air as they settled, side by side, on a stone bench. The stars above them twinkled as if conspiring to keep their secret.
In a small awe by the magic of the night, Kit leaned in to steal a sweet kiss, savoring the taste of the moment. Y/N responded with a tender passion, her fingers gently tracing patterns on Kit's arm. It was a dance of hearts, an unspoken language that surpassed words.
As the night wore on, they eventually found themselves lying on the cool grass, cuddled together like pieces of a puzzle fitting seamlessly. Y/N, usually the more reserved of the two, nuzzled into Kit's embrace, her heartbeat echoing the rhythm of the garden.
Amid whispered promises and playful banter, the hours slipped away, marking a turning point in their lives. Kit, stroking Y/N's hair gently, couldn't shake the feeling that their love story had just begun.
The night, filled with starlight and shared secrets, embraced them until they drifted into a peaceful slumber in the garden. The dawn would bring challenges, but for now, Kit and Y/N found refuge in the warmth of their love, intertwined beneath the celestial canvas of the night sky.
During the training, Jade couldn't help but notice the unspoken tension between Kit and Y/N. During a break, she decided to address the elephant in the room.
"Okay, spill it, you two," Jade said with a sly grin. "There's something happening here, and I'm not buying the 'just training' excuse."
Kit exchanged a quick glance with Y/N, and they shared a silent agreement to open up to Jade. Taking a deep breath, Kit began, "Well, you see, it's not just training. Y/N and I... we got together"
Y/N, though a bit shy, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's true. We've been getting closer, and our feelings have evolved beyond friendship."
Jade's eyes widened with excitement. "Finally! I've been waiting for this moment. Do you know how long I've had to endure the tension between you two? Spill the details."
Kit chuckled nervously. "It's still new, Jade. We're taking things one step at a time. But there was a moment in the gardens, and, well, things got a bit more serious."
Y/N blushed but continued, "And we decided to see where this takes us. We're not hiding it, but we're also not making a grand announcement. It's complicated, especially considering the kingdom's stance on such matters."
Jade, thrilled by their confession, grinned widely. "This is perfect! I've been shipping you two for ages. Just promise me I get to be the bridesmaid when you finally decide to tie the knot."
Kit and Y/N laughed, grateful for Jade's support and understanding. The trio continued their training, now with an added layer of shared secrets, inside jokes, and the unspoken promise of a future filled with both challenges and the undeniable bond that tied them together.
Okay this is extremely short, but I hope you guys like it! Feel free to give me any suggestions on how I can improve other imagines in the future.
Love you, stay safe and healthy 🫶💚
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
Some Willow headcanons:
Madmartigan was banished from Galladoorn.Nobody knows why because he tells a completely different story whenever he's asked about it, ranging from relatively plausible to utterly bizarre.
Sorsha never quite got herself to trust Fin Raziel; a part of her was always waiting for signs she's just another version of Bavmorda.
Graydon spent years studying what has happened to him, trying to find a way to defend himself in the future.(And this is how he accidentally became the fellowship's resident wards- and exorcisms expert).
He also tried to find the person who performed the ritual on him when he was a child,but apparently they *disappeared* soon after.King Hastur may or may not have had anything to do with it.
That being said, Zivian Hastur didn't know about his son studying magic, mostly because he didn't consider him a threat and so never bothered to take an interest in what exactly Graydon did in his spare time.
High Aldwins *cheating* a bit when necessary is a time honoured tradition, and at least half the Nelwyn village is perfectly aware that they do. Part of an apprentice High Aldwin's education is learning all the traditional ways to cheat,just to keep things consistent.
The two woodcutters Elora met are Fair Folk. They really didn't expect their day to go this way, but will recover eventually.This is Their part of the forest, after all.
Airk is actually a good swordsman and can keep up with Kit just fine. He isn't as passionate about it as she is however and often *loses* their sparring matches because he gets bored.
Madmartigan actually likes music and poetry. He also really, Really hated Allagash's songs.And yes, in hindsight,maybe he shouldn't have told him that on when they were on their way to Wiggleheim's tomb in Skellin....
In his defense Allagash had been singing his latest "hit", Secret Tunnel, for over an hour*
Kit and Airk sometimes pretended to be each other for fun during formal events when they were kids. Worked quite well until Airk had the audacity to get taller than her (Kit is still kind of mad about that).
Sorsha did intentionally push Kit and Jade together, but not for the reasons Kit thought: She wanted to keep a closer eye on Jade and also give Jade someone from her family to be loyal to in case she found about her heritage. She did, however, grow very fond of Jade over the years.
She also tries to adopt Graydon, resulting in a brief but intense custody battle with Willow.
There's a rumour going around in Tir Asleen that Jade is Sorsha's daughter and/or Elora Danan.
Airk Thaughbaer (the Galladoornish guy from the movie prince Airk was named after) and Madmartigan were exes.
(* yes that's an Avatar: Last Airbender reference.Couldn't resist.)
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dailycharacteroption · 2 months
Planar Tour Guide: The First World part 5
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(art by SilviaBobekova on DeviantArt)
The First World is, to put it simply, a place of generative chaos, where even the act of destroying something or someone just means it will come back later, though perhaps not unchanged. It is the ultimate progenitive chaos in a sort of cosmic answer to the entropic, destructive chaos of the Maelstrom (Which I get whey they did it that way, but I don’t personally agree with. More on that when I tackle the Maelstrom)
But because it is always changing and draws upon everything that ever was, will be, won’t, and never will be, it is also a place of simultaneous wonder and horror. The same forest of mushrooms that inspired childlike awe before may become a place of horror when the effects that the spores of said mushrooms have are revealed, to say nothing of bright, childlike fey that turn monstrous in disposition at the drop of the hat.
Of course, not every trip to the First World is like that. Sometimes things are exactly how they seem, whatever that may be, but it’s no excuse to let your guard down. Even Elysium, the plane of chaos and good, has it’s dangers, and the First World has no pretense of rightness and fairness. In fact, what is right is purely determined by who is in charge of a realm, in a poignant parody of how mortal authority and law tends to work.
I suppose at it’s core, that’s what a lot of fairylands in fiction are: exaggerated parodies of every subject the author seeks to bring up. The wilds are simultaneously more fantastical and wondrous, but also even more fickle and dangerous, and so too are the politics of the pockets of civilization you find there as well.
That’s not to say that there are not goodly fey and other entities as well, of course, some seem to embody concepts such as noble righteousness or simply being kind and sweet all the time, after all, so there are also plenty of allies to be found there, even if their outlook is somewhat alien, which can also lead to conflict as well.
The concept of a “fairyland” is very old, as it is a derivative of the almost universal concept of an “otherworld” where spirits dwell. Sometimes this is a land of the dead, sometimes it’s more a place of nature spirits and monsters, and so on. Perhaps the most well-known ideas of a land of the fae comes from Gaelic mythology, where we hear names like Tir na Nog, Elpahme (which does sound a lot like the Nordic Alfheim, doesn’t it?), and so on.
Such realms varied in apparent size depending on the telling, and could range from hidden illusion-cloaked castles or cities far from civilization, to being entire realms or dimensions of their own. The only really consistent way to get to them seems to have been getting lost, however, either losing one’s way from civilization or following a fey creature to one of the entrances.
A lot of more modern depictions of such fairylands often borrow imagery from the works of Lewis Carrol, particularly Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and other such stories where it’s clear that imagination is a massive defining force of the realm (so much so that we the reader are left wondering if any of it was real to begin with). As we’ve seen with the Dreamlands, however, events in the First World don’t need to be “real” in the traditional sense to have far-reaching consequences back in familiar realms.
All said, if your adventure takes you into the First World, your GM has an opportunity to craft a truly unforgettable and surreal experience, but it is one that must be handled with care. I hope you enjoyed this special, and look forward to more archetypes and options next week!
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lailoken · 2 years
"The traditional metaphysics of Elfland lie at the heart of true Witchcraft, a body of ancestral faery teachings and arts which formed a hidden tradition transmitted down the centuries across Europe and the British Isles. The historical documentation provides ample evidence of the witches' trafficking with Faerie and their close associations with faery beings and the people of the Sidhe, 'the lordly ones in the hollow hills'.
The underworldly realms of the Sidhe is conceived of asbeing literally 'beneath' the earth, 'underneath' the surface phenomena of nature and middle-earth as an underlying depth-dimension of archetypes and endlessly regenerated potentialities. This is the spiritual landscape of Elfhame where the 'People of Peace' dwell, known to the Irish Celts as Tir Andomain and Tir Na n'Og, the Annwvyn of Welsh tradition and in Teutonic lore, the kingdom of Hel. In the mediaeval period the chthonic realm was known as the Land of Faerie.
In the Netherworld we descend to the very roots of being, into the faery radiance which emanates from the haunted mounds; concealed in the depths is the secret source of generation, death and rebirth for it is the place where the souls of the dead reside between incarnations according to traditional lore. There, the dead are restored and renewed by partaking of the sacred fruit, the apples of the Otherworld plucked from Mother Holle's subterranean orchard or from the trees of Ynys Afallon, ruled over by Morgan Le Faye. The Silver Branch or Craebh Sidhe, which allows passage into Elfland, is a bough upon which three silver apples hang, emitting faery music that entrances all who hear it.
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The 'Hooded Ones', the land-spirits and faery ancestors of ancient Britain; their pointed hoods became the caps of the pixies.
Our ancient forebears possessed a perpetual awareness of other worlds and states of reality which at particular times and places could break through' into our world, often in eerie and eldritch ways. There were also traditionally known loci where the worlds touched, places of intercommunication between middle-earth and Elfland such as trees, mounds, hills, caverns, watercourses, pools and wells. At these sites passage between the worlds could, and still can be effected through the use of the faery arts.
The kingdom of the Sidhe exists outside and beyond the cycles of space/time which govern the material universe - it is well known that travellers to Faerie have spent years there only to find mere minutes have elapsed upon their return to our world. Those who reside for a night in that land may find that centuries have passed when they come back into middle-earth. Elfhame lies outside the circles of time and this mysterious atemporality is the inner key to the metaphysics of rebirth and the cyclic reincarnation of ancestors in their tribal and familial descendants.
Elfland is inhabited by a diversity of intelligences ranging from the divine beings and godlings within the earth to divinized ancestral-souls and non-human faery-entitities, theriomorphs and ornithomorphs. All these beings can be accurately described as faeries, for they all inhabit that mode of existence which is utterly 'other' - the wild and mysterious faery 'state'.
According to the inner doctrine of the faery-faith, the post-mortem soul descends into Elfhame and enters into the state of the Sidhe, sojourning as a faery in the otherworld whilst awaiting the right cyclical patterns which will enable it's earthly rebirth to occur, usually in the body of a clannic descendant. The spirits of the dead thus become mystically unified with the inner heart of the land, merging with particular loci such as hills or trees for the world of the Faerie is the inherent spiritual dimension which exists concealed within the natural landscape as it's inner archetypal reality.
The human' and the 'faery are the two poles of our being between which we oscillate through our transmigrational cycles of rebirths, our countless discarnations and incarnations. In other words, the Sidhe are ourselves awaiting birth in middle-earth and we ourselves are the Sidhe awaiting our return to Elfhame. The faerie Craft is concerned with regaining the totality of our awareness, bridging our human and faery natures and activating the 'Sight of the Two Worlds' or 'Second Sight', the faculty of trance-seership and direct spiritual vision into Elfhame.
The dead thus become faeries between incarnations and certain souls in the underworld may, in time, undergo a complete faery metamorphosis and no longer incarnate as human-beings - these are the 'Master Men' of Scottish witch-lore. The identification of the faery- faith as an ancestral cultus clarifies many hitherto obscure problems and allows us an insight into the destiny of the soul and it's post mortem relationship with the noumenal and natural environments. The Faery Rade or Sluagh Sidhe rides out at Halloween, the liminal and intercalendary time of the hallowed ancestral souls. This Faery Host manifests along the dead straight 'faery passes' which link the sepulchral tumuli which are their forts, changing their hunting-grounds at the four Quarter-Days. These 'faery-roads' are a Celtic analogue to the Dutch 'death-roads' and German 'Geisterweige', the Saxon 'deada waeg', the tracks of the Wild Hunt and the spectral Black Dog and the traditional English Corpse-Roads', 'Coffin-Paths' and 'Church-ways' - they are all funereal lines of spirit-movement which link burial places, graveyards and mounds. On the west coast of Ireland much oral folk-lore makes the identity of the faeries as the souls of the departed very clear for they say that if you have many dead friends you will have many good faeries about you. The Sidhe of Irish tradition and the Elves in German folklore, are the chtonic faery-ancestors, divinized souls who have passed below the land and who exert a subtle influence upon the living in whom they await rebirth, mysteriously informing their minds and bodies from the depths of the hidden kingdoms. As Jacob Grimm astutely observed: "The dead were known to the Norsemen as elves."
Call of the Horned Piper
9: 'Faerie Witchcraft & the Geography of Elfland'
by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson
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farieshades · 1 year
What do you think about the Witchers and their schools?
When talking about the Witchers, I think it best to start at the beginning, before the schools then. 
The Order of Witchers was an attempt in the 10th Century (Continent time ofc) to create knights that would take on the monsters regular knights were incapable of fighting, the initial mutations were seen as disappointments and thus labeled "witchers" [can't remember why - who knows - fun name anyway, probably some lore there]. 
The Order itself didn't last long, those who were initially mutated had lost their 'knightly' values quickly as the Schools began showing up. As it was, of the 'original' order that did exist, Arnaghad moved out to found the School of the Bear in the Amell mountains (which would later split again to create School of the Viper in Tir Tochair Mountains, then again, School of the Manticore near the Korath desert) and when he did so another group moved out to Stygga Castle becoming the School of the Cat (which may possibly lead to a school of the lynx but that's not confirmed and fan hypothesis I do believe due to the medallion that showed up on a… The Witcher 4 game(?) that wasn't recognizable?). From there, the remaining Order split again with Erland of Larvik creating the School of the Griffin/Eagle at Kaer Seren with the last remaining Order heading to Kaer Morhen to found the School of the Wolf. 
Not much to speak on here, bullshit kings making their subjects suffer ‘for the greater good’ or some shit which makes me very much not like said kings who think mutating kids is cool.
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We're doing this chronologically, so we start with the first branch, The School of the Bear. It should be mentioned that Older Witchers (particularly the ones that were from the time of the branching and just after it or so) call the Bears 'kinslayers', both for the betrayal against their brothers causing the Order to split into factions, but also the rumor that begun to spread that should a Bear meet another on the path only one may potentially walk away from the meeting. Supposedly, the Bears had little to no brotherly bonds with each other and no true loyalty to their school, and so abandoned the school and their brothers to their fate abandoning them.
Arnaghad believed that Witchers should focus only on the job aspect of the profession, forming no strong bonds with their brothers and thus walking the path alone, and any knightly code was all 'ego' based bullshit. Thus, autonomy is a key aspect of Bear Witchers. Along with the general swordfighting, it is believed that Bears once used shields (according to the Gwent Card Game) and are known for range fighting like the School of the Cat. 
The Bear school also seems to spend much time in Skellige, despite their 'home' being on the Amell mountain range, which basically is seperating Cintra from the south. The connection between Skellige and the Bear School was that the two were similar minded. The school, like many others, came to a downfall with one particular contract of Vampires with which they failed to 'stop the terrors' and the town 'destroyed' the Bear School Witchers with riots and destroying the school itself. 
Now, I’m going to go on and disagree slightly here, not with the background or how it's portrayed or anything but, more so with the animal. Many fics (and headcanons I’ve read) have the Witchers adopting more characteristics of their school (notably ‘cutagens’ = purring wolves/cats, certain habits, hissing Aiden, potential fangs, cat cheek rub (i’ll be honest most of that is wolf/cat thoughts but oh well)), so now let's look at Ursus. 
Bears as animals are highly social animals with great intelligence, often sharing friendship, resources, and security with others and forming hierarchy and kinship relationships. This isn't to say, of course, that Bear's aren't solitary, because they are. Outside of mated pairs and raising cubs, bears travel and live alone, but also congregate in high food density areas. 
They aren't mean or malicious, and are in fact gentle and tolerant. I'm sure people have heard the term "mama bear" as someone extremely protective of the young, which is very true, but Mother bears are also affectionate and attentive with their young. Bear's have an acute sense of smell that informs them of the environment, their hearing is excellent, far exceeding human range and sensitivity, and they are twice as fast as an Olympic sprinter, even having the chance to outrun a racehorse over short distances (although the speed cannot be kept up, little endurance for speed - only short bursts).
Now, Bears are relatively quiet creatures with notable communication exceptions, such as cubs in distress, a grunting purrwhen content, and when threatened, there is no roar or growl in most of the species but more of a 'huff' of air or a 'pop' of teeth that often scares off predators. Bears also live in dominance hierarcy based on age, size, and tempermant (and if you're interested looking into "The Boss, Banff" might be a good idea), this hierarchy places mature males at the top with youths/cubs at the bottom with their place in the hierarchy determened by posturing/acting agressively, but not by being agressive.
[Bears also range in information due to having 8 species so who knows if we are talking Ursus, Ailuropoda, Melursus, Tremarctos, or Helarctos - but the Information above is mainly focused on Ursus due to the ‘Ursine school gear’ Witchers have in the third game.]
What I’m kinda suggesting then, isn’t a school that has no connection to each other and their brothers, but the opposite. It’s just that it's hard to see it from an outside perspective, especially when compared to Cats and Wolves bears are asocial. Instead, you have Bear School with its members being the strong/silent type but fiercely protective of another, and the reason that Scroll 3 states “Unlike witchers from the Wolf School – who possess strong bonds of friendship and brotherhood – those from the Bear School prefer a solitary lifestyle, away from the company of other witchers. Should they encounter others on the path, however, rarely does it end without bloodshed.” isn’t anger or solitary bullshit, but rough ‘play’.
Bear cub play looks like quiet fighting, with bites and pawings, but even adult bears do not fight with eachother unless absolutely necessary, it's all posturing. So the reason it 'rarely ends without bloodshed’ is that they aren’t Bears bears, but their play still ends with rough tackling, bites, and what they consider playful, looking very much not from the outside view.  
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Now, some time after the conception of the Bears, Ivar split off with his own band to create The School of the Viper with a main purpose of preparing to take out the Wild Hunt which he believed would threaten the continent in the future due to some weird vision thing. Ivar, it should be noted, gained the moniker "evil-eye" due to an experiment which left one of his eyes able to see various worlds, in which he found the Wild Hunt killing and conqurering world after world, and knowing his world would come to meet them at some point, Ivar dedicated the School of the Viper to learn as much as possible about the Wild Hunt and to how to fight them, leading to the Viper School having one of the best libraries on the subject. 
Many years after the conception of the school, Nilfgaard destroys their keep making the students scatter, but years later, Emperor Emhyr sets them up to be kingslayers of a few northern kings in exchange to restore the school (which really, why is anyone going to trust a King/Emperor, Witchers and Rulers don't get along, haven't since the bloody conception of Witchers, but sure, why not, let's trust Emhry var Emreis to stay true to his word?). 
Gorthur Gvaed, deep in the Tir Tochair mountians, is where the Viper School calls home, and an interesting thing that Vipers do that is not mentioned in any other School is raising a pet as a child only to kill it later. This is supposed to show a militaristic teachings and a cruelty of the school, likely plucked from WW2 in which the rumoures of SS trainies did the same but with dogs, although it would have been quite impractical due to the amount of trainies and dogs needed, not including that the during the Third Reich dogs were quite popular and protected (unlike, you know, human life I guess). [This is also seen in many other books, such as the Unsullied in ASoIaF (George Martin), and in tv Such as "ragtag" AoS(Marvel)]
Much of this school stressed cold, ruthlessness, and preparing trainies for the harsh life of the Path. They trained with 'fangs' (twin small blades) and used assassin-based approaches to killing monsters (what did hamilton say "strike by night/hit em quick, get out fast" that probably sums it up I'd say). It probably helped that their blades were coated in poison so when they took on human targets a single cut would probably be all that was needed to kill the target, which was also part of their training, to  "embraced the poison of the viper”… whatever that was supposed to mean.
Despite all this, they are Vipers, so let's examine that bit further. Viperidae adapt to just about any climate (with the exception of Antarctica, Australia, Arctic circle, and a few islands) and all are venomous. Fitting so far I'd say. Almost all have distinct triangular heads (which interestingly Letho basically has on his head as a scar, not sure where that's from but, cool), due to the fact that their venom glands reside in the mouth. They have keeled scales, vertically elliptical pupils, and camouflage colourings (and I'd definitely love to see Viper Witchers ending up with vertically elliptical pupils, that would be cool... I'm also now thinking about poisonous Witcher bites but that should probably stick to the poisoned 'fang' weapons they carry ). Due to vipers having a kill strategy of 'inject with venom and release - follow to find body' there's definitey no reason as to why certain beasts Witcher Vipers face wouldn't be handled similarily, especially with an unlimited amount of potential coatings for their blades. 
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The School of the Manticore, also kown as the Alqatil (the Zerrikanian term for 'slayers') lays in the far east. When Ivar Evil-Eye split from the Bears, a large portion followed him, and in this group a faction became known once again. Iwan (later known as Imad Asem) split off again with his own group after doubting/disagreeing with Ivar's views heading to the Korath Desert. Not much is really known about the Manticore school, however, it is known that they do have ties to the Zerrikanian royal court and the Court Mage Nasira Faizan works with them to recreate the mutations. The Manticore School is known for a focus on defense and potions, along with meteoritic steel and silver shields. Most of the school was killed off by 1147 after being wiped out by a fire elemental. Merten, one of the survivors, is known to have been converted to Lebioda's teachings, changing his name to Shavel, and becoming a priest, renouncing his witcher past. 
Now, this is about to be conjecture, but I'm sticking with it. Manticore School was named due to the beast they had fought and killed, however, like the other schools, there is likely an animal behind the mutations. Theoretically, they may have stayed with the original Bear mutations to begin with, but I'd like to think they based it off a tiger genome (I also have no idea how witcher mutations work so idk if genome is the right word). This is mainly due to the Caspian Tiger, if we ignore half the media that presents Mantigore with wings and examine the linguistics that also spell Manticore as mantichora / manticora / mantiger((backed by Pausanias and Apollonius of Tyana (through Philostratus' biography of him) - although the understanding of Man + tiger would suggest false etymology of iranian and persian origin so take that with a grain of salt).
If one looks up images of a Caspian tiger, as most feline animals, it has 'a body of a lion' but it also has a distinctive curve of a tail, similar to that of a scorpion (without the spike or the venom), the 'human head and 3 rows of sharp teeth' are also explainable when looking at a tiger I suppose, their heads are rather anthropomorphic for a cat in some ways, and the rows of teeth is fine to assume when you see any feline having lots of sharp teeth and going "by the gods they have so many teeth!" type scenario. 
This isn’t exactly what you probably expected when you asked the question, but the Manticores don’t have much knowledge on them. 
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Unlike many of the other Schools, the best known for not having political neutrality is The School of the Cat. Like the Vipers, they take on human contracts and with more augmented mutations, their School's emotions are heightened rather than suppressed giving a volatile range of expression. Many depict this as feral or mad or likely to explode with little provocation, but I'm thinking otherwise, but we'll get to that later. 
This School is one of the original branches from the Order that seperated following Arnaghad's departure which left unrest in the Witchers. At Stygga Castle in Ebbing the Cats emerged as a political power as well as a training facility, and with this power they removed the 'neutrality' understanding that had been with the Order and other Schools, sending out their Cats as spies, assassins, and mercenaries. Later, however, the school fell but was succeeded by the Dyn Marv Caravan which was led by Gezras, a friend of the Aen Seidhe (which really didn't help the popularity of Feline Witchers), and this group traveled togehter for the most part doing any job for pay. Under the leadership of Guxart, the school was slightly rebuilt during the 13th century due to the threat of monsters arising again (I say skipping entirely over the whole Treyse and Wolf thing), although the future is unclear considering the whole… eh, Honorton thing with Gaetan?
"Members of the School of the Cat are ill-famed due to their penchant for frenzy and bloodlust in the heat of battle. Even when their enemies capitulate, beg for mercy... They never stop killing." (Gwent Card Game, also echoed with Harlan Tzara in Season of Storms) This here is, er, interesting. In the canon sourses Cats are shown as becoming unstable under certain scenarios, but then come back to themselves after the event (the books, I believe, mention psychopathy not psychosis, but this feels like short term psychosis due to stressors or, as seen with Gaetan "Where the Cat and Wolf Play" in which Gaetan is set up to fall in a way, though that is my take on that. Interestingly, this 'problem' appears solely with the Cats as a believed symptom of the warped mutations, suggeting the possible counteraction with potions in the bloodstream causing this? Unclear, I'm not a scientist or therapist).
Really, the school is a mess in characterization and @t4tlambert and @pedantic-inquisition have great commentary on this that I stumbled across ages ago and I... remember agreeing and can't remember what was said anymore cause that memory is gone apparently. I'd suggest going to find that for more Cat School thoughts. 
Annnyway, the School developed fighting based off speed, precision, and agility, which went hand in hand with their tightrope blindfolded training they went through I assume. It is suggested that the warped mutations and the time with the elves made morals loose and flexible, with the theory that as long as they got paid for the job it was a job worth taking.….
Now our registered break in thoughts to talk about Felines/Cats cause kitty time is important.
Ok, that's kinda a lie cause I'm not about to talk about household cats but wild ones, and their feline cousins. Wild cats are solitary both in their hunts and in their day to day lives, usually with a large territory that is 'theirs' and will be defended by others, especially if there is a mate or cubs. This isn't always the case, as they can form groups for large prey or defending territories from others, and I'm sure Warrior Cats does great at this explanation. Idk. I've never read it but it seems like it would, Warrior Cats has that vibe.
Cats are often very tactile in greetings (especaily households or lions), and they have a behaviour called 'chinning' in which they rub chin/lips/cheeks against allies and friends (something I've read with Aiden/Lambert pairings often). Most cats are ambush predators, from leopards and their watering holes or the orange mess of a cat that stakes out the birdfeeder outside. Felines, wild cats in specific, communicate often with visual cues, such as raised hair, tail movements, and ears, although amongst humans they pick up more vocal cues. In the wild, vocal cues are often aggressive hisses and yowls, affectionate purring, and a form of squeak to make cubs quiet (the vocalizers often also seen in fics, specificlly the hissing, yowling, and purring). 
Lions in specific (particularly because I've seen/read "lioness of the cats” before), are highly social cats, forming groups/prides as a way of potentially surviving the savanna landscape and the hunting success of groups rather than singles. Interestingly again, this shows up with Axel/Cedric pairings that 'hunt in a pack' I suppose. This is why out of Tigers, Leopards, and Cheetahs the Lion is being mentioned specifically, as the Tigers and Leopards are solitary cats, and while the cheetah is somewhat social, they often have coalitions of 2 and 3 rather than prides. Like other animals, Lion cubs 'play', which often involves chasing, wrestling, pawing, stalking, and rushing, either with other cubs or adults.
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After the Bear, Viper, and Cat schools were founded, the Order grew weaker, but Erland of Larvik decided that he would uphold the original ideal of the Order and with it (and 13 friends) founded The School of the Griffin/Eagle/Gryphon (depending on what you read), with their Keep in Kovir and Poviss named Kaer Seren. The school was named so after Erland's mentor Taliesin Bleddyn Yorath Aep Lywelyn, nicknamed 'Gryphon'. The school focused on magic, being prepared for anything,  flexibility in what they might face, along with proper etiquette.
The school held great respect, even so far as to have the grandmasters as partial advisors to courts, even though they retained neutrality. This school was also skilled in battling dragons, which the other schools were, eh, weary of. There of course was a downfall due to Mages being angry with the Witchers (a common theme, angry mages), and this caused a revenge avalanche(?) killing several Witchers and badly damaging the keep itself. 
Now, outside of Old Keldar and Coën, we don't have much on Griffin Witchers, so I'm moving on to look at Eagles, cause that is part of the name and, well, why not? So, Eagles... Eagles are often solitary type flyers, well, as much 'solitary' as one could get with a mate and a clutch. Eagles are powerful fliers, with boath soaring and gliding and with distance and speed.... and yeah i don't know much about eagles actually. 
Symbolically, and especially in Poland, Eagles are a symbol of the Republic and a symbol that is a fierce protector of the young (and defenseless). During the second WW the Polish flag would be a symbol of pride, determination, and sheer grit. Lots of symbolism goes into it really, not sure what bits show up in the "Eagle/Griffin" Witchers, but on that thought, Griffins themselves were also signs of srength and protection, a 'superhero' against evil in lots of accounts. The Griffin was also heralded as noble, fearsome, and was meant to keep Evil from breaching its territory. 
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[I'd love to insert a Crane Medallion but I can't find a picture so you have to suffer this owl instead]
Potential conjuncture here, but with unclear Origin, I’m likely to believe that The School of the Crane comes from the Griffin school. Mostly due to the theme of birds, which has absolutely no backing considering we went from Bear > Viper > Tiger/Manticore/Slayer scenario before, but why not you know? The School of the Crane shows up after the Second Conjunction as a way to protect ships traveling around from sea and air monsters, meaning they are trained greatly with ranged weapons and early forms of guns, along with the traditional swords. Now, ok, this group only shows up in Tales from the World of The Witcher, and long after everything happens and stuff, but, well, good thoughts and such. Cranes are also, as the species not the Witcher, known for their elegance and their loyalty, probably very important things in the time frame. Cranes also are graceful, harmony symbols, and a symbol of eternal youth. Not exactly something one might think of as, well, 'pirate style witcher' but, interesting all the same. 
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Finally, we get to The School of the Wolf. With only a small group remaining of the Order of Witchers, they travelled to Morhen Valley in the North,  specifically Kaer Morhen by the 11th century. Originally the keep and the Wolves were one of the most recognized Schools, the members being professional and reliable, but with the Pogrom, all the Witchers present at the Keep were killed (which would have likely been the trainies and the Trainers), while those on the Path survived. A second Massacre happened for the Wolves later on, between a competition/tournament with the Cats in which King Radowit II more or less caused a lot of death he would probably later regret when Monsters returned to his land but he was a fuckwit as most kings seem to be. So, by the 1230s it's basically, maybe the main 4 (Lambert, Eskel, Geralt, Vesemir) and anyone whose just avoiding Kaer Morhen. Then, by 1270~ Kaer morhen falls with the Wild Hunt and Salamandra. 
Unlike the other Schools, the Wolves appear most ‘balanced’ in training, there is no speciality that is held above others, they do, however, have a stronger focus on sword techniques from what we as an audience can see, but that also might be from the fact that the Fencing Instructor is the ~current head of the school and the other 3 do trainings that he dictates so, who knows how that changed from pre-pogrom. 
Wolves, the animal, are very social as a species. They are playful, devoted to their families/packs, and their dynamics are centered around care for others. [oh... hmm... debating if i'm about to bring in pack dynamics and alphas...yeah ok] Then in pack dynamics, we get to the Alpha leader of wolves, now it should be mentioned the 1947 study by Rudolph Schenkel that gave rise to the alpha wolf concept is outdatted and incorrect, but packs do have what may be considered "Alpha" in terms of breeding. [And Guys I'm lowkey hating myself for this topic. Someone correct me too if this is wrong].
Wolf packs have heads of families, usually matriarchs, with the one producing pups as a leader of sorts (the male of this couple could also be a lead, the two formerly known as 'alpha male/female'). Hierarchy is important for pack structure, with the entire pack raising the young and the 'omega' as a scapegoat of the pack, usually a stress-reliever and instigator of play(the jester role kinda). "Play" for wolves isn't something that really ever stops, unlike in other species, even the elders participate in play. This is also seen as a way of caring for eachother in that knowledge is passed through play. 
Then we get to the interesting "lone wolf". From the above, it is easly identifiable that wolves are social creatures, and while a lone wolf is often seen (by humans) as an individualist who is independent and all the grit and 'forging your own path', not many wolves would choose to be alone. There are periods of being alone, especially when a youth is searching to create their own pack as a form of dispersal, or the omega or a sickly alpha who can no longer lead is challenged to the point of leaving. Because wolves are territorial, lone wolves must be cautious about trespassing and without a pack to support them they're more likely to die without one. 
Now, in terms of behaviour, there's lots of posturing, snarling to agressive/dominant behaviours while one also can find the purring,  and small yips in more playful behaviours. 
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With unclear origins and muddled links, but there is one more school that gets notable mention after being confirmed roughly back in March this year(2022). The School of the Lynx shows up with The Witcher 4, with not much lore backing it outside of fanfiction. According to fanfiction, the Lynx school shows up after Vesemir’s death, potentially with Lambert and the Cats mixing Wolf/Cat schools into one. However, there’s really nothing to know outside of the medallion really. Whether it will have links to Lambert or the Cat school is a mystery.
Lynx however, as a form of wildcat, share similarities with other felines, but in particular, and what sets them apart, is that their eyes (in myths) could always see the truth and ‘see beyond’. The Lynx is the keeper of secrets, the elusive cat that will only be seen if it wants you to see it. Interestingly, Lynx are excellent snow hunters (and the Lynx medallion in the image is covered in snow 👀) and are solitary hunters that use the similar tactic or wait-chase and also stalking that which is burrowed in the snow. Is any of that ever going to be of use to Witchers that take on this name, who knows, but with the other schools and their animal namesakes, there seems to be a high probability for it.
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starryserenade · 1 year
Myth and Magic Ch. 13: Lullaby
Fic Description: When Tir Na nÓg--the fabled land of the fae--falls to a dark power, the destinies of two young mice are set in motion. As each struggle to make their way in an ever-darkening world, they must learn to trust one another, or risk forever losing that which they hold most dear.
Chapter Description: Mickey's secret is revealed, and Minnie's trust is put to the test.
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
Mickey had never run so fast, not in his entire life. His climb out of the dungeon had not been an easy one, but the same magic that had covered the dragon’s keep in flowers had aided in his escape. Vines had sprouted upon the walls and woven up towards the sky, and he had clambered up them as quickly as his little body would allow. He was still weak from earlier, his tunic torn and back streaked with a gash from where the whip had scourged him. Every muscle in his body ached and burned, but all that meant as far as he was concerned, was that he was alive. And as long as he was alive, he really only had one goal. 
His heart still ached, a light, dull sort of sadness, for the dragon and her fate. But her words had invigorated him nonetheless. He felt strong–believed in, even–and it filled his heart with a warm light and a determination to do such a gift justice.
The Sidhe would be after Minnie, he was sure of it.  Whatever Daisy had planned, she couldn’t have accounted for that. Someone had to warn them. He had to warn them. Or…oh no.
He saw flashes of light emanating from a small spot in the castle town, and knew at once it could be nothing but magic. His heart shuddered. They’d beaten him there. His only hope was that this indicated there was a battle still to be had. Minnie would be all right. He would have known otherwise. He narrowed his eyes and leapt over the peak of a grassy hill, skidding down its slope and then hitting the ground running once again. His chest heaved with exertion but it would be worth it, he told himself. It had to be.
As he bolted across the town’s borders, a sudden flash of light erupted near the town square. His eyes widened, and his pulse quickened. Something was happening. Something bad. A familiar scream rang out through the streets, amplified a thousand times over in his ears. Minnie. There was pain in her voice. Real, physical pain. Anger burned inside of him.
If they hurt her…
His pounding feet led him straight into the chaos. He saw nothing else. Not the barrier which should have kept every mortal outside, not the army which waited anxiously for their chance to strike, not even the other faces who fought so furiously against the Sidhe. He saw only Minnie, and the spear about to pierce her heart. 
With a desperate shout, he thrust himself at the Sidhe, digging his nails as deeply into her arms as he could in a frenzied attempt to keep her from bringing the weapon down upon Minnie. “Get…away…from her!!” he shouted, gasping for every breath that he spent in this tug of war. 
The creature shrieked, but was distracted just as Mickey hoped. She turned away from Minnie and instead began to focus her attention on being rid of the pest that had latched itself to her back. This, unfortunately, was not a difficult endeavor. In hardly ten seconds, he felt himself flung off, his body hitting a stone wall with a distinct cracking sort of sound. For a brief moment, his vision went black, and Mickey woke up a second later to find himself crumpled beneath the stone cold eyes of the Sidhe. He pushed himself up, a flaming glare in his eyes, and scowled. 
Droplets of water began to fall from the sky. Minnie screamed his name. Mortimer shouted something he didn’t quite hear. Then a shudder ripped through the village, ripped through Mickey. Magica had screeched something just before, but the words escaped him. Everything escaped him, except for the helpless feeling of breathlessness that flooded his body. His back flared, like two pinpoints digging into his shoulderblades, and a massive migraine tore through his skull. 
He screamed, then groaned, blinking away the blur as he tried to take in his surroundings. The Sidhe had collapsed, lifeless, and the others had…AGH! Mickey gasped, and lurched forward. Then, slowly, as he truly came to, he felt a massive weight at his back. 
His stomach churned and his body shook. Something had changed. Something was different, and he had a sickening suspicion that he didn’t want to entertain. He was afraid to look behind him, but his shadow said it all. In the usual shape of his form, branching out past the silhouette of his shoulders, feathers stretched out like looming branches. 
He caught sight of Minnie, and all his own concerns seemed like specks of dust. She was on the ground, head cradled in Daisy’s hands and blood seeping into the dirt from a wound Mickey hadn’t seen at first. Her body writhed,mouth gaping open as if trying to breathe, but all that came from her were gagging little coughs that spilled water onto her fur.  Mickey’s blood went cold.
…all that binds her to life.
Fand’s words sat in his mind, sparking a terrifying apprehension as he realized what was going on. Whatever had happened, the enchantment that safeguarded Minnie’s life had been interrupted.
He watched as she lifted a trembling arm ever so slightly and reached his way before collapsing back again. Mickey could hardly move, but he forced himself to. For her sake. It was hardly more than a crawl, really, the way he pulled himself towards her. His body hurt as if a sickness was sweeping through it, but he pushed through anyway, dragging himself through the ever-worsening rain. When he finally reached her, Daisy relinquished control as Mickey swept Minnie up in his lap and gently cradled her head in the crook of his arm. He tore a piece of his tunic and held it to her wound to try to slow the bleeding, but he was at a loss as to how to stop her drowning. All he could do was set his hand to her cheek in some pitiful semblance of comfort. 
Daisy stared at him and his wings, clumsily outstretched, shocked but not shocked. If he had been watching her at all, he might have seen the look in her eye that was something like an “I knew it”, but he was far too focused on Minnie to care.
“What happened? What changed?!” he gasped frantically, glancing at Daisy for only a moment. 
“Mortimer did something! I-I don’t know exactly what, but-”
“So what d’we do?!”
“If you can get far enough away from the epicenter of the spell…it might be enough to break its hold on her!”
Mickey pursed his lips as Minnie coughed up another wave, and swept her up in his arms. He took note of her paling face with a painful lurch of his heart. There was fear in her eyes, and he hated that he couldn’t take it away. He looked around him, clutching her tightly to his chest as he scanned for any opening through which to escape.
By now, the surrounding soldiers seemed to realize the barrier keeping them from intervening had vanished entirely. Or, at the very least, Mortimer did. He stood up from where he’d been safely positioned in the back of his troops, and shouted furiously. “What are you idiots waiting for? Attack them!”
But the soldiers did not. At least not at first. As they stood in the rain, the droplets soaking through their leather armor and tunics, a ripple of confused murmurs swept through their ranks. From the front, a soldier whispered a shuddering question that soon echoed among his peers. 
“...Isn’t that the princess?”
“It’s her…”
“...I remember now…”
Mortimer reeled, eyes widening in furious shock when their words reached him. Anyone who’d been drenched in the rainwater was now looking back at him with wild distrust in their eyes. He sputtered wordlessly at first, desperate to maintain his authority. When he couldn’t think of anything too convincing to say, he fell back upon his rage. 
“ I am your KING! ” he shouted furiously. “Everything you are, you owe to ME! Attack them, now!”
Memory does not equal loyalty, and a good number of the soldiers were convinced by Mortimer’s empty commands. They had, after all, been handpicked by him, which largely meant they were the sort to have joined for purely selfish reasons. But not all. Where many narrowed their focus and lifted their spears to rush the wounded party in the square, a small number of determined souls pushed from the ranks to flank the border and lifted their shields, keeping their compatriots from invading.
“You! Fairy boy!” An older guard, experience written in the scars across his face, shouted gruffly as he pushed his shield back against an onslaught of soldiers, and Mickey turned to look. “You’ve got wings, don’t you? Use them! Get her out of here!” 
Fly? Mickey took a step back and swallowed. No, no, he didn’t know how. He’d fall. He’d hurt her. Shrinking against the rising cries of the mob about to break through, he opened his mouth to argue. Daisy had been taking advantage of the brief moment of protection by darting to each of her friends,each of them still reeling from their forced transformation. When she heard the soldier speak, she cast a pointed glare Mickey’s way. “Do it, idiot! She needs you!” 
An enemy soldier broke through, spearing the one blocking her path. Daisy stopped her from getting too far but with the wall broken, others rushed to follow. Daisy’s friends leapt up, pulling daggers from beneath their dresses, to fill the gap and hold the line as best they could. 
Minnie’s movements were slowing, and the fear that rushed through Mickey’s heart at that realization was enough to overcome his self doubt.  He tested his wings, willed them to move. It was a strange feeling, as they unfolded in a trembling curtain of feathers, almost surreal. Every raindrop that splashed against them, rolling down each plume, was one he felt as clearly as if it had collided against his skin.  He beat them twice, testing the wind as it pillowed beneath, and drew in a breath. It felt familiar, like he’d done this before. 
Had he?
The enemies pushed forward with a unified strength and with a cry, the group’s newfound protectors were forced to pull back. Spurred by Mortimer’s barking commands, the invaders immediately focused on Mickey, the princess now hanging limply in his arms. But as they neared, Mickey urged his feathers downward in a final, powerful sweep.
A gust of wind rippled out from under him, and the soldiers stumbled backwards, holding their arms in front of their eyes to shield them from the raindrops that were swept like daggers towards them. By the time they recovered, Mickey was no longer on the ground. 
He was anything but graceful as he took to the skies. Each beat of his wings was clumsy, and he realized quickly that his right wing was weaker than the left, a slight twist in its feathers making for sloppy shaping of the air. To stay aloft took every bit of his concentration to achieve. But it was for Minnie. So he grit his teeth and managed to steady himself enough to keep rising. 
“We’ll find you!”  Daisy shouted up to him, her voice growing smaller by the second. “Just get her to safety!”
Mickey nodded, though there was no way she could have seen. Minnie was now completely still, save for a light curl of her tail every couple seconds or so, and it took everything Mickey had not to plummet to the earth for sheer panic. Hold on, he urged her as the chaos of the village vanished from view. He didn’t know how far he’d have to fly to take her out of the spell’s range, but he’d go ‘round the whole world if he had to. 
Had circumstances been different, Mickey might have marveled at the view that stretched before his eyes. With the castle and its town far behind them, and stormclouds far below, nothing but starlight stretched for miles, ribboned by a green aurora that wove its way through the air. It was another world entirely, the one up in the sky. But Mickey was oblivious to it all.
He had flown for only a few minutes when he felt a sudden shudder rush through him, like a hum of magic that had been reignited. Minnie stirred. She flinched, then lurched in his arms, and he had to adjust quite quickly to keep from losing his grip or plummeting to the ground. Unfortunately, he couldn’t have predicted Minnie’s reaction when her eyes blinked open. They fell to rest on his face and, at first, filled with the warmth and joy of recognition. Then a look swept through them that Mickey didn’t recognize, and they widened in terror. 
Before he could question the change, Minnie was clawing at his chest, crying and screeching hysterically, and trying to push him away. 
“Minnie, Min! Minnie, stop, it’s me!” Mickey gasped, trying his best to calm her and keep his concentration on the flight. But there was a crazed look across her face, one that proved she was deaf to his pleas. Struggling to keep his grip, Mickey started to descend. He was exhausted, and shocked by Minnie’s sudden outburst. She was confused. She had to be. Why would sh- “Agh!”
Mickey yelped and flinched, face twisted in pain. Daisy’s aid from before had helped to drive the poison from his veins, but the burns from the cuffs they’d placed around his wrists still remained. Minnie had dug her nails into these burns, prompting an altogether involuntary response from Mickey. It didn’t register at first, that he’d let go. He had curled instinctively from the pain and brought his hands to his chest with a whimper. Then he heard her scream and noticed the emptiness in his arms, and with a rush of horror saw her falling through the clouds.
“ MINNIE!” he screeched, and instinct took over.
His wings folded by his side as he dipped towards the earth, nose-diving without a second thought towards the falling princess. The ground came into view far sooner than it felt like it should have, and sheer panic flooded Mickey’s soul. He pressed his wings tighter around his body, and then reached with all he had. A few yards from the ground–too close to stop his trajectory–he caught her by the hand and brought her to his chest, flipping over so that his back was to the earth when they hit the ground. 
Overwhelming pain shot through him when he opened his eyes and he gasped, gulping in air. One wing rested at a crooked angle to his side and the other lay twisted beneath him. Before his eyes, Minnie was standing over him. She held something in her hand and as Mickey blinked away the blur, he saw that it was some kind of sharply pointed stone.
A breath escaped him, carrying with it a shaky sort of disbelief.
Her nose twitched, and he saw that there were tears dripping off it. “Who are you?” she seethed, voice thick with anger and sadness. 
Mickey tried to push himself up and failed miserably. He was entirely spent, and could hardly register the confusion racing through his head. “Wh-what are y’talkin’ about, Minnie?” he breathed, hating that he was terrified of the way she raised that stone over her head.
She wouldn’t hurt him. She loved him. She loved him. 
“It’s…it’s just me. Mickey. It’s…just me.”
“LIAR!” she screeched, and Mickey flinched as her hand seemed prepared to bring that stone down. But she stopped just above his chest, her tears dripping onto his fur as his lungs heaved for air. She stared at him for several moments, her eyes narrowed with rage and betrayal; his wide, afraid, and confused. 
“Min…” Mickey whimpered. Her hand was shaking, clutching that stone like a knife as she held it hovering above his heart. 
“You took everything from me…” she sobbed. “You took everything from me, and then you took my heart, too. Why..?  WHY?!”
Mickey wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t understand, but he felt altogether responsible…somehow. Like he’d deserve it if she drove that makeshift blade through his chest.  When he didn’t respond for several long seconds, Minnie bared her teeth, raising the weapon to bring it down on him.
Mickey shut his eyes, preparing for the worst, but instead he heard the rush of something landing against the snow. When he dared to look, Minnie was crumpled beside him, the blade gone from her grip as she sobbed into her hands. He released a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, tension falling away with a shudder.
The pain truly registered then, a horrid, nauseating sweep from his wings to his brain.  It made his vision spin as he tried to at least sit up, fighting against a wave of darkness that loomed at the corner of his sight. But it was Minnie he was worried about, more than the worst of the shudders that ripped through his body. 
They had fallen in the hillside, in a place mostly empty but scattered with trees, each several paces from the other. It was snowing here, as it had been in all the places they’d been through when they’d been carted to the castle. For once, this was probably a good thing. The powder had broken Mickey’s fall, and the broken wing that resulted was far better than what the alternative could have been.
The flakes fell in lazy drifts, settling upon the sparkling blanket in a quiet sort of dance. Mickey was grateful for the chill that kept him from dissolving into sleep, but he knew it put Minnie at risk. She had her arms wrapped around her knees now, tears still slipping down her face as she stared off into the distance, as if she’d find something there that would answer all her questions. Her body shuddered, but she didn’t seem to notice. That worried Mickey, too. Whatever had overcome her mind, it seemed to have robbed her of every feeling.
“Min..?” he tried again, in a broken sort of tone. He couldn’t understand why she refused to look his way, why the sound of his voice made her wince. “Minnie, please…talk t’me…”
He set his hand to her shoulder, and she finally reacted. She whipped around to look at him, distrust blazing in her eyes, and lifted her hand as if to knock him away. But then that familiar feeling tingled through both of them, that mixture of warm and cold, and she froze. Her fingers hung in the air, raised to push him back, but they wouldn’t move any further.  
Her gaze melted, still hurt, still confused, but now softer. She stared at his face for what felt like ages, and Mickey slowly brought his other hand to her. Her own fell to her side as he stroked the curve of her shoulders, gently, calmly, as one might caress an injured animal. A breath escaped her lips, then her eyes welled, and without warning she was burying herself in his chest. “You…wouldn’t…” she sobbed, words slurred. “I’m wrong…I have to be…wrong…”
Mickey did his best to stand his ground, he really did. But the pain in his back and wings was stronger now, and as he held her, his legs gave out from under him and brought them both down into the snow. “...ngh...’m sorry…” he gasped, falling to his knees. 
But now she was holding him, her eyes darting to his twisted wings, her hands slipping over his back and shoulders as she felt for the places where he was hurt. “Oh…” she whimpered, sniffing away her tears. “...Oh, what have I done…”
“‘S’alright,” Mickey laughed, as best he could at least, and his hand found her cheek. She paused then, and so did he, taking in the beauty of the flush in her cheeks and the kindness that had been restored in her gaze. He hoped he’d never have to see hatred in those eyes ever again. “...must’ve done somethin’ real awful t’make an angel like you so mad, though.”
Her shoulders slumped, and he wished he hadn’t said anything. “Mickey, I…” She looked away, biting her lip like she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to explain. 
But he wanted to know. It scared him, the thought of what she might say, but if he’d done something to her in the time he couldn’t remember, he was desperate to know how to put it right. “It’s all right, Min,” he assured her, in a voice more serious than any he’d ever used. “You can tell me.”
She drew in a breath and opened her mouth, every bit of her trembling. “It doesn’t make sense,” she whimpered. “But when I saw your wings…it’s like I could remember, clear as day.”
He leaned in, his grip on her as gentle as ever. “Remember what?”
“The fairy…the one who took my memories away…” she whispered, and though she avoided his gaze, she leaned into his chest as if to tell him she wasn’t afraid. “It was you.” 
Mickey flinched when he heard those words, and his heart dropped to his stomach. “Me?” he asked in an empty tone, his mouth dry, and he let his grip on Minnie falter. 
“It’s all right!” Minnie assured him, feeling him pull away, and she set her hand behind his neck to keep him from going too far. 
“No…no, it’s not,” Mickey breathed, running his hand through the fur between his ears. That fairy had taken her whole life from her, had doomed her to loneliness and heartache. If that was him, how dare he be with her now, as if he wasn’t to blame. “That’s…that’s…Minnie, are you sure?”
He could tell by the way she pursed her lips that she wanted to take it all back and lie. But slowly, quietly, she lowered her head. “I remember your face,” she murmured. “So clearly. Maybe I’m wrong…somehow. I want to be. But when I close my eyes, when I think back to that day…it’s your face I see.”
Mickey shuddered. He felt nauseous, more so than before. “Min…if…if that’s true, I shouldn’t be here,” he stuttered. “I shouldn’t be with you. What if there’s something I don’t know? What if I hurt you again? What if-”
Before he could utter another word, he found himself silenced by her lips pressed against his. A sweet, trembling sort of kiss that he felt he should escape from. He didn’t deserve it, after all. Didn’t deserve her, let alone her affections. But it was so gentle, so kind, so trusting…it made him feel like all his mistakes were swept away. He fell back against the snow, wings splayed to his sides, and she was there on top of him, pulling her lips away only when he had relaxed completely. 
“You said you wanted to put things right,” she breathed, his chin cradled in her hand as she lay atop his chest, looking down at him with deep pools of affection. “I don’t see how you plan to do that if you leave.”
Mickey chuckled lightly. Only Minnie could so quickly turn his guilt to gladness, or her fear to boundless faith. “A’right, you’ve convinced me,” he murmured, her kiss still tingling on his lips. He studied her eyes, those oceans of relentless belief, and sighed. “I will fix it, though.” His voice was more serious now. “I’ll get your memories back. Both of ours. And…an’ I’ll put things right. No matter what I’ve gotta do.” 
Minnie didn’t respond, only smiled softly and left one more brisk kiss on his lips before finding her way back to her feet. “We should find the others,” she resolved as she brushed off the snow from her dress. Small droplets of blood stained the patches of ice, and she faltered when she stood, holding a hand to her head. “Oh…”
It wasn’t as if Mickey was faring any better, but he scrambled to stand the moment he saw the sway in her stance, and managed to catch her before she lost her balance entirely. “Ya need t’rest first,” he spoke quietly, and wobbled a bit himself. “...ugh…we both do, I think.”
She took a breath, a puff of steam billowing from her lips when she let it out again, and looked back at him. “Any ideas?”
There wasn’t much to go off as far as direction was concerned in this place. The stars were shrouded by clouds, and it wasn’t as if there were any visible roads or signage to point the way to civilization. Mickey frowned, and cast a glance behind him at his wings. Maybe he could…
Tentatively, he tried to spread his feathers, but they got only about halfway open before both his wings seized. He gasped and lurched forward, Minnie turning back around to catch him this time. “Gosh…I’m useless, aren’t I?” Mickey laughed, gripping her shoulder to steady himself, but he wasn’t really joking. 
“Oh, stop that,” Minnie scolded. “You’re only hurt because of me, anyway.” He opened his mouth to argue–she had, after all, only hurt him because he had done such a horrible thing–but she hushed him before he could say a word. “-and don’t try to argue. I’m too tired to play that game.”
Mickey laughed a bit at her resolve, then lifted his eyes to the horizon. There had to be something here that could lead them to shelter. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something peeking through the snow. He squinted, and realized it was a piece of fencepost, most of its shape hidden by the drifts. With a wrinkle of his nose, he tilted his head and glanced to his left, wondering if…ah! Yes, there was another, just the tip of the wood visible. 
“What is it?” Minnie asked curiously, noticing his sudden fascination with the surrounding area.
He grinned, spotting another fencepost, and then another, and knowing that just over the next hill, they would lead to a crumbling little barn. “I know this place!” he yipped cheerfully, and began to pull her along, their feet crunching through the snow.  “There’s a spot up ahead we can rest ‘til mornin’.”
Though the area was familiar, it was hardly recognizable. It took Mickey a bit longer than he’d expected to find what they were looking for, mainly because the barn in question was halfways covered by snow and was easily missed from a distance, especially in the dark. But when he had finally caught sight of the dull, brown wood and the decrepit silo just beside, he smiled and scooped Minnie up in his arms. She yelped, protesting his efforts because he “was just as tired as she was, and needed to rest too,” but he was tired of feeling helpless, and since the cold had dulled his pain at least somewhat, he figured he’d put the momentary comfort to good use.
“Nonsense, m’lady,” he’d countered with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and spun her around in the snow for good measure, just to show her he was perfectly fine. In truth, the motion made him quite queasy and threw him a bit off balance, but he didn’t share that part. She giggled, and he thought if that laugh was all he had to live on, he’d be practically immortal. 
The barn’s door had long since been blocked by the snow, but part of the roof had caved in and made for the perfect entrance. This, of course, meant that the inside of the barn was largely coated with ice as well. But there was a little corner towards the back where the boards had fallen just right, and had shielded the place from the elements for the most part. It was here that Mickey leapt into, softening his fall with what little flutter of his wings he could manage. He set Minnie down as if she were a princess (which, of course, she was ) and the patch of hay her grand, silk bed. 
“Welcome to your chambers, Your Highness,” he bowed playfully and strangely, though this nook was shrouded in shadow, she could make out his form just fine. 
Mickey had been busy flourishing, and only noticed her curious stare when he finally uprighted himself and opened his eyes. “Er…you can laugh, y’know?”
Minnie shook her head, flushing as though he’d caught her doing something quite embarrassing. “Sorry, sorry!” she giggled, then shook her head and started staring all over again. “It’s just…well…you’re beautiful.”
“Eh?” Mickey wrinkled his nose, not quite sure if that was a compliment or a joke at his expense. But then he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a small portion of the window to his right, surprisingly still intact, and realized what she had meant.
His body emanated with a faint glow. Nothing too striking, not a fiery blaze or harsh gleam. But something like candlelight…a gentle thrum of warmth and comfort. In the places where his fur was showing, upon his head and through the tears in his tunic, small speckles glittered like starlight against the black. And his wings…
Those sparkled most of all. Even injured, they shone brilliantly, each plume a calm brown that faded into a milky white. He swallowed as he took it in. It was his first time seeing himself since he’d transformed. For so long, he’d dreaded even encountering a fairy. So now, knowing he was one, and had been all along…
Well, he wasn’t sure what to think.
When the first hints of the truth had started to seep through–his venomous reaction to silver, the comments of everyone at the castle, and Fand’s remark about hidden wings–he’d been so afraid to accept the possibility. He’d thought Minnie vastly opposed to the fae, and feared what she might think if she’d thought those rumors true. But…they were true. He was proof of that now, standing before her in a splendor he wished he could hide. 
But there was fascination in her eyes, and a calm wonder as she drank in the sight. 
Then she shivered, frost forming on her fur, and Mickey shook off his reservations as he knelt beside her. Even shielded from the weather, it was still far too cold for her here. He bit his lip, thinking of a way to change that. Fairies had magic, right? Surely he could use it. He narrowed his focus on a stray piece of splintered wood just across from them, and stretched out a hand. 
Fire! He thought, and willed it to burst into flames. But it remained cold as ever. He tried again, and still nothing, though Minnie was now looking at him like he was crazy. 
“Erm…what are you doing?” she laughed, crinkling her nose. 
“Tryin’ to start a… FIRE! ” Mickey replied, and shouted that last bit as he started intently at the piece of wood. It only stared back, or so he thought, with a taunting little expression. He was about to try again when Minnie caught his arm. 
“Careful, tiger,” she winked. “I don’t think that’s how this works.”
“Well, then how else am I s’posed to keep ya warm?!” he shouted back, and it took him about a minute before he caught the mix of embarrassment and humor that flushed Minnie’s cheeks. “W-wait…I didn’t mean…”
“I didn’t say you did!” Minnie yelped back, voice squeaking a bit more than usual. 
“Not that I wouldn’t-”
“Then again, I don’t see how else…”
Minnie swallowed, and Mickey blushed. 
“Gosh, I mean…I guess if it’s just for…y’know…necessity…”
“Ah…yes, necessity…”
“...And it’s all right with you…”
“It is!” 
Minnie squealed that last part a bit too loud, and brought her hands to her mouth in sheer embarrassment. Mickey laughed and scratched the spot behind his ears, then flushed deeply.
“Erm…may I?”
Minnie nodded, cheeks cherry red, and Mickey took a place in the hay beside her. His warmth flared, and so did his glow, which he really wished he could dim just slightly. Nevertheless, he reached first for her hand, which then became her shoulder, then her hip, until she had moved entirely into his grasp as he leaned up against wall. “Better?” he breathed, as she curled herself up in his lap, her head resting against his chest. 
She hummed contentedly, and Mickey smiled, bringing a wing around her to shield her from the drafts that seeped through the cracks in the walls. He could feel the rising and falling of her chest against his ribs, her hands as they stroked his fur, and her tail as it intertwined with his. 
“Mickey?” she breathed quietly after a few minutes. Both of them knew they should try to sleep, but neither really wanted to.
“Thank you…for everything.”
He scoffed a bit, but tried not to jolt her too much. “For everythin’?” he laughed. “There’s a lotta not-so-good stuff in there, too.” 
“Still…” she murmured, and when neither said anything else for some time, she spoke again. 
“Do you think those monsters will come back?” she murmured, and when she trembled, Mickey ran his hand through the fur at her back, slipping his hand through the gaps in her corset. She didn’t seem to mind. “The Sidhe. They…they seemed different this time.”
Mickey didn’t have the heart to tell her about what he’d seen in the dragon’s crypt. About how cruel they could really be, or the one named Magica who seemed to be pulling their strings. He’d have to tell her about Fand eventually, of course. He’d made a promise. But for now…he’d been the cause of enough fear and heartache today. All he really wanted to do was make her feel safe, however much an illusion true safety might be.
“You’ve got a song for that, right?” he asked with a tad of selfish intent. “Y’know…one to keep us hidden.” 
Minnie stirred, and he could feel her cheeks get warm. “...You remember that?”
Ah. He’d never exactly told her that, since she’d first sung it for him, he’d passed by her cottage every twilight just to hear her sing. So he cleared his throat, neglecting to share that minor detail. “’Course I do. I…well, I think ‘bout that night a lot, I guess.”
“So do I…” she murmured softly, and was quiet for a few moments before continuing. “...but I’ve got other songs too, you know.”
“Do ya really?”
“Like what?”
“Well,” she breathed. “I’ve got a song that can make a flower blossom, and…and another that can make you fall asleep, and-”
“Ah, I like that one.”
Mickey yawned. “The one that can make y’fall asleep. ‘sa lullaby, I bet, right?”
“Well, yes…only, it makes me a bit tired, too…”
“Think you could try?”
“Well, I…I suppose…”
Try she did, in a soft and dreamy sort of voice, and Mickey listened with great contentment as the lullaby echoed against the barn walls. It did make him drowsy, and his lids grew heavy after only a few short seconds. But he was a fairy, and he’d counted on that revelation to resist her charms as he listened intently, and stroked her back all the while.
She’d been singing for hardly two minutes when her words grew slurred and drowsy. Then, after a particularly lovely note, they dissolved entirely. Minnie’s body relaxed, and her breaths slowed into a gentle rhythm of their own. To Mickey, they were just as sweet a sound as her song had been. 
From up in the rafters–the few that remained at least–a raven ruffled its feathers and stared down at them. Mickey, having been studying the way Minnie’s lips opened just slightly with every breath, looked up briefly and caught its eye. What are you lookin’ at? He mouthed with a small smirk gracing his mouth, and shook his head in amusement as it leapt up in a sort of startled hop, and took back to the sky.
It was only a few minutes more before Minnie’s enchantment caught up to Mickey, too and, hand still light against her back, he gave into his heavy lids and fell asleep.
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tomtenadia · 1 year
Sunday adventure
Hello!!  Here I am again with a new cute Rowaelin. This one is set in the same AU as two of my DadRowan fics: Little Monkey and A trip to the Aquarium. For this fic I used a bit of the TOG folklore but also Celtic one.  I do mention Tir Na Nog - in celtic mythology is the fairies otherworld. Also, the Fairy Glen actually exist (HERE) it’s one of my favourite places on Skye. It’s a magical place and Skye has a lot of connections to the fairies due to Dunvegan castle and the Fairy flag. The entrance of the glen is inspired by a place near where I live called Burn O’ Vat (the image should give you an idea of what I meant for the entrance).
I hope you will enjoy dadRowan with his family.
Weekends in the Whitethorn-Galathynius household were a busy affair. Aelin was home and the three always tried to make the most of it. On most occasions, it was their five years old daughter dictating the actual plans. The previous night she had confessed to her parents she wanted to go in the woods hiking. Rowan and Aelin had started taking her out to some shorter walks in Oakwald and the girl had quickly fell in love with nature. Rowan who, in his younger years had worked as forest ranger, had been more than happy to indulge his little girl.
He was now in the kitchen preparing their bags with all the provisions they needed. He would prepare lunch and a lot of snacks, together with coffee for the adults and healthy juices for Maya. Aelin would joke that they were not going for a week long expedition, but Rowan was always very serious when it came to outings in the woods.
“Dada, can I take Marvin?” His daughter walked to him while holding the giant stuffed penguin on one of his fins.
“No my love, he needs to stay at home.”
“Oh.” She added dejected. Rowan, who could not bear to see his daughter sad, kneeled in front of her and brushed her head “You can tell him all of your adventures when you come home.” A soft kiss on her silver hair “We can also try and spot the Little Folk.” Rowan had also started telling his daughter about all the legends from Terrasen and Aelin had bought her a few books that in turn they read to Maya. 
The girl’s eyes lit up in joy and rushed back to her room to stash away the penguin.
Aelin appeared a moment later, all dressed up in the nice mountain wear he had took her to buy. She had no sensible clothing for Terrasen mountains so he made sure both his girls had all the correct equipment. He took the mountains very seriously.
“Where are you taking us today?”
He turned and folded his arms around her waist “nothing too complicated. There’s a lovely path through the forest that will lead to the Fairy glen and there’s a stunning waterfall waiting for us.”
“You know that Maya will try and chase the fairies, right?”
He kissed his wife “I want her to believe in the legends, grow up connected with nature.”
Aelin snuggled to his chest when a tiny hand patted them.
“Mama, dada I am ready.”
They both looked down and saw Maya with her bright green jacket, black trousers and walking boots. Rowan laughed when he spotted the mess she had made of the laces. She was still learning to tie her shoes.
He kneeled “let me fix the laces for you.”
At the same time, Aelin went to fix her hair and place a nice hat on her daughter’s head and then finished with a pair of sunglasses.
Once they were both done, Aelin took a picture of their daughter “you are our little explorer.”
Maya grinned lowering her sunglasses on her nose “Let’s go.”
The car journey had been the usual chaos and mayhem with Aelin and Maya singing out loud from a selection of songs ranging from cartoons soundtracks to rock music. Rowan just hummed along while he was busy driving.
It was a good hour later when they finally arrived and Maya was already agitated as she tried to remove the seat belts and climb off the car seat.
“Maya, we are almost there, wait for dad to park the car.”
“I want off.”
“Maya.” Rowan’s voice had enough hint of a command that the little girl calmed back down.
As soon as he parked, Aelin got off and freed their hyper daughter.
Aelin opened the trunk and got their backpacks while Rowan changed his trainers for hiking boots. 
Rowan was the one with the big backpack, while Aelin had a smaller one with essentials for Maya and the wee girl had her own unicorn rucksack with her water bottle and a few toys she insisted on taking with her.
Rowan ready, he walked to his girls and took Maya’s hand “ready?”
His daughter jumped in excitement and Aelin grabbed the other hand.
The three of them left the car park and Rowan guided them through the marked path that disappeared in the forest. It was a lovely spring day and he was looking forward to a day with his family. He knew that part of Oakwald very well after his years as park ranger. The trail that were following that day was one of his favourites and he had been looking forward to share it with Aelin and Maya in a while but they had to wait for their girl to get more used to hiking. There was no actual ascent to climb, it was a very gentle stroll through the forest until they reached the glen.
“Dada, are there really fairies?”
He chuckled and smiled at his daughter “yes, but they love to stay hidden, so we leave them offering to thank them for looking after the forest.”
“But I want to meet them, like Mei in Totoro.”
“I admit that I’d like to meet a Totoro too and fall asleep on his belly.”
“The sìth in Oakwald are not as fluffy.”
Rowan was talking when Maya let go of his hand and ran quickly towards the trees “Deer, dad a deer.”
He walked to her “shhh… do not scare it away.”
Aelin took a nice picture and crouched at her daughter side. She loved seeing her daughter excited about new things. They lived in the outskirts and Maya was used at seeing squirrels in their garden but deers were a discovery.
“It’s so pretty, can I touch it?”
“No my love, we just observe. The fairies don’t want us to disturb the animals.”
“Ok, dad.” She said her goodbyes to the deer and grabbed her parents hands once more.
They walked happily while Rowan told them both about the legends of the place and both listened attentively at his voice spun wonderful tales of magic and wonders.
After a good twenty minutes they reached a clearing with a few boulders to mark the entrance to a new grassy path.
“That, “ he added pointing at the big rocks “is the official entrance to the Fairy Glen, but before we can go in we need to pay our respects to the guardians of the valley.”
Maya looked up at him with curiosity while Aelin admired her husband and she asked herself how it was possible to fall even more in love with him. His pagan, tree hugger nature was something that he kept hidden and only a few selected individuals knew of it. It was not something he shared easily as he had confessed her that on occasions he had been ridiculed for his beliefs. Aelin on the other hand had wanted to know more and she had been delighted when he had started to involve Maya too. She wanted her daughter to grow up a nature lover like her dad.
Rowan opened his backpack and extracted a couple of buttons and a few acorns and gently placed them on the boulder.
“Dada, what are you doing?”
“I am giving some offerings to the hidden ones. Buttons because they love to collect trinkets from humans and acorns because they love them.” He crouched down her level “we give them offering as a thank you for letting us through the forest.”
Aelin chuckled and removed the plastic pink bracelet she had around her wrist and placed it on the boulder near Rowan’s items “You never know… maybe they are into fashion.”
Rowan laughed and kissed his wife.
Maya removed her backpack and from it she fished out a green crayon. Rowan, lifted her in his arms so that she could placed her offering near the others “they can draw now.”
Aelin brushed her daughter’s head “they will be so happy.”
“Come on girls, let’s thank the hidden ones and continue.”
“Thank you fairy.”
“Bye bye fairy.” Added Maya walking quickly to her father.
The two boulders were side by side but in-between them there was an entrance. The path had smaller rocks and was covered in water “Walk on the rocks.”
When Maya struggled he took his daughter in his arms and passed the aperture then waited for Aelin to join him. At his side he heard a sharp intake of breath “Ro, this place is…”
He took Aelin’s hand and pulled Maya to him “welcome both to the Fairy Glen.” 
The scene in front of them was otherworldly. Green land stretched in every direction, dotted with bumpy and oddly shaped hills, with the odd pond accompanying the landscape. On one side there was a rocky formation that looked like a castle. All around them the silence was only broken by the sound of water crashing in a pool from a stunning waterfall.
Aelin was speechless. The place was something she only had imagined in fantasy books. And it must have been truly stunning because Maya was silent too. Her daughter sat down at their feet and looked amazed at the landscape in front of them.
“Dada, do fairies really live here?”
Rowan nodded “See that rock formation?” He pointed at the ruins that looked like a castle “Legends says that’s the gate to Tír na nÓg.”
“Can we go and say hi? They can have my sandwich.”
Aelin laughed at her daughter’s need for adventure “I am not sure the fairies loves sandwiches.”
“But I want to see cinanoc.”
Rowan’s smiled at her daughter’s attempt to pronounce the ancient name for the fairies’ otherworld.
“We can climb and have a look.”
His daughter gave him the most stunning smile and started running freely shouting to all the fairies to come out and play.
“I think that she is scaring them,” joked Aelin, as her arm wound around her husband’s midriff “I love seeing her be so free.”
Aelin squeezed him “she loves nature just as much as you.”
He looked at his daughter with pride “come, let’s go and save the hidden ones from our daughter.”
Hand in hand they reached Maya who was now trying to climb the rock formation on her own. Rowan switched in fuss mode and joined her “easy, be careful, my love.”
“Dada I am a good climber.”
Aelin chuckled and accepted her husband’s hand to climb the first rockier part.
Maya, with the help of her dad, was the first one to reach the top of the ruined formation and started shouting in happiness declaring the glen beautiful and then counted all of the mounds “mum, dad, there are a lot of houses for fairies.”
Aelin took a lot of photos of the landscape but also of her daughter. She was working on a series of albums with Maya’s stages in life. She wanted to document her daughter’s life.
“Dada, waterfall?” Asked Maya, as soon as she was done with the castle.
Carefully, Rowan helped his family descend and once down Maya started running once again.
“If we are lucky she will be so exhausted that she will go to bed early.”
Rowan kissed his wife’s head “that’s wishful thinking. She has limitless energy like you.”
Aelin hummed in pleasure and with her hand in his she followed him through the stunning glen and along the path to the waterfall. Maya always in front of them, running from one side to the other all excited.
It took them a good half hour but eventually the waterfall appeared in front of them, tall and majestic, water cascading forcefully in the pristine pool below.
“Dada, water.”
Aelin looked at him and nodded “Yes, I have a set of spare clothes, just in case.”
It took them two seconds of distraction, that Maya was already at the bank of the pool, her hand reaching playfully for the water.
“Maya, darling, careful.”
“I am saying hi to the water fairies.”
Rowan laughed. He had read her stories of the water nymphs and their legends and now Maya wanted to say hi to them every time she was near water.
Aelin moved at his side and sat on the bank and removed her shoes, placing her feet in the fresh water “like this, Maya.”
The little girl followed her mother and clumsily tried to remove her boots.
Rowan kneeled and helped her free her tiny feet “Go, do like mum.”
“Hi nymphs, my feet are not smelly.” She admitted as she splashed happily and her parents laughed at her admission.
“Come on big man, join us.”
Rowan removed his hiking boots, rolled his trousers to his knees and stepped in the pool, the water barely brushing his calf.
“Me too.” Maya was about to climb in the water but Rowan grabbed her “Let mum remove your trousers, then you can splash too.”
Aelin removed the item of clothing from her excited girl and Rowan hugged her, her legs dangling freely and she laughed as he dipped her and then pulled her out quickly.
“No my love, the water it’s too cold for swimming. We just play like this, okay?”
“Dada, fishes!” She squirmed in his arms and he let her down in the very shallow side of the pool, standing behind her for protection.
Aelin in the meantime was relaxing in the sun, watching father and daughter play.
“Mama, come in water with us?”
At her daughter request she stood and joined her family “Maya, let’s thank the water nymphs for letting us play in their water.”
“Thank you water fairy.”
By the time they finished their little adventure in the pool, Aelin had to change her daughter completely as she expected. Maya loved water and she and Rowan had soon discovered that it was impossible for them to keep her away.
While Aelin sorted out Maya, Rowan had started taking out their lunches. His girls would soon start screaming for food, and the bank of the pool was a perfect spot, it was secluded and stunning.
“Maya, now sit with your mum and let’s have lunch.”
“Food,” screamed the two girls and he. Laughed. He knew them very well.
He had prepared a nice spread of sandwiches and other healthy snacks and Aelin complained about the crazy amount of vegetables “Buzzard, we are out on an adventure, more chocolate and less veggies?”
He smirked and dunked a carrot in some hummus and passed it to Aelin who let her husband feed her “well, if you put it this way.”
“Our daughter is here,” he added at her sensual tone.
“As if the water nymphs had never seen us getting busy in a loch.”
Rowan laughed and kissed her lips “you are such a menace.”
“Maya kiss too.”
Rowan grabbed his daughter in a bear hug and landed on the ground with her in his arms, while he peppered her face with kisses. Aelin joined them a second later and Rowan enveloped her too.
Once the picnic was over, Rowan led his two women to his next destination. Maya had moved on his shoulders and Aelin was at his side, her hand always in his. She had tried to protest and swap backpacks, but Rowan was adamant that he could carry their daughter and the big rucksack at the same time.
As they got closer to the waterfall, the roar of the water grew in intensity.
“Pretty.” Added Maya once they were right in front of it.
Rowan grinned and kept walking until they reached a fenced path that took them right underneath.
The cave allowed them protection from the water, but the view was stunning.
Maya leaned forward to touch the water and Rowan allowed it and the girl screamed in excitement.
Aelin tucked at his side and looked up at father and daughter. Both of them with faces lit up but a beautiful smile. Rowan had sometimes the reputation of being a grump, but only she and Maya knew his true self. She treasured dearly the smiles he’d reserve to her and Maya. She looked at him and kissed his shoulder “love you.”
“Love you too mama.”
Rowan looked down in his wife blue eyes and mouthed an I love you.
They stood a few minutes, but as it got colder away from the sun, he prompted his girl to go the final part of the hike “Come on, there is one last surprise.”
Back on the path Maya started protesting to climb back down so Rowan let her free once more.
Not long after they arrived in a secluded clearing. Maya had sat on the grass and was staring at the scene in front of her.
In the middle of that patch of land stood tall ancient stones arranged in an almost perfect circle.
“Welcome to this ancient site dedicated to Mala.”
Maya looked up and smiled at her dad. She knew of the ancient gods and like her mother, she loved Mala the fire-bringer.
The little girl stood and went running and hugged one of the tall stones and her mother joined her a moment later.
Rowan laughed, took a picture of them both, knowing that it was going to become his new home screen and joined them.
“Legends say that she had a house in the woods and this area is quite famous among rangers for its higher numbers of stags, that as we know, it was the animal sacred to Mala,” he explained “when I was a ranger I used to patrol this area a lot. Stags are a sacred animal in Terrasen and it’s illegal to hunt them. Poachers would kill them just for their majestic antlers.”
“Bad.” Added Maya quietly.
Rowan brushed her silver hair “yes, my love.”
He took his two girl in the centre of the ring and sat down with them, Maya between his legs and Aelin tucked against his side, his arm around her waist.
The three of them stood as Rowan told them legends of the ancient gods or just folktales. He was in the middle of a tale about Mala, when a stag appeared from behind a tree.
Maya squirmed in his arms but he held her back, not wanting to scare the animal away.
The stag moved closer and Rowan extended his hand and the animal approached them allowing him to gently caress its head between the antlers. Maya and Aelin copied him and in surprise the stag licked their hand and Maya squealed in delight, then she reached for her backpack and took out a piece of her sandwich. She placed it on her hand and offered to the animal in front of her. The stag smelled it and then ate it quickly “She likes it.” Another few morsel, a last lick of hands, and then the stag walked away just as quietly as it had arrived. Maya looked at her parents in amazement.
“I think Mala likes us very much.”
They spent another good hour in the sacred site, then Rowan convinced them it was time to move and start to walk back towards the car.
By the time they arrived at the car park, Maya was asleep on his shoulders. He placed in her car seat and then turned to Aelin who was staring towards the waterfall. He embraced her from behind “She will never forget this, you know?”
Rowan kissed her head “I hope not,” another kiss “You are both my firehearts, and Mala today has shown me that she approves of both of you.”
Aelin turned in his arms and looked up in her husband beautiful green eyes.
“Yes, I am fool enough to pray to the goddess of fire to let me love a woman with fire in her veins.”
She stood on her tip toes and kissed him “I melted your icy heart.”
“That you did, my love.”
A soft kiss “come on, let’s take our little terror home, then I might take you up on the challenge you threw me at the loch.”
Aelin squeezed his arse playfully “hmm, you can tire me out all you want.”
Deep laughter left his lips.
As he walked around the car to the driver’s seat he cast a last look towards the woods and sent a silent blessing to the ancient gods and asked Mala to look after his family.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Season Pass 2 Playable Character #4 Trailer [Asuka R#]
Japanese version
Season Pass 2 DLC character Asuka R# will launch on May 25, 2023 alongside the additional battle stage “Tir na nOg” and two Guilty Gear 25th anniversary color packs. Arc System Works also confirmed that a Season Pass 3 is planned.
Character overview
New Playable Character: Asuka R#
Height: 5’5
Weight: 128 lbs
Blood Type: Currently AB (for the fifth time)
Birth Date: November 10
Hobbies: Making buckwheat noodles in a Rube Goldberg machine, bonsai (specialising in succulents)
Values: Sol, Aria
Dislikes: Chaos
Affiliation: None
Weapon: Magic
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Asuka R# is a highly technical character, wielding 26 types of Spells with a range of effects useful for different battle situations.
He stands at the pinnacle even among the company of generally highly capable magic wielders. He is both a scientist and also unparalleled in his mastery of magic—what one would call a genius.
Although he is generally polite and humble, he often finds even his carefully considered statements can result in discord. In contrast to his intellectual capabilities, he severely lacks in stamina, with the slightest exercise tiring him out. Any physically straining tasks are handled by custom-made bits of his.
Asuka continues to transmit “clear numbers” from space, in the hopes of bringing peace to Earth.
New Battle Stage: Tir na nOg!
The additional battle stage Tir na nOg is home to a space colony created by humankind to survive in outer space. The previously abandoned and dilapidated colony has been repaired and found a new use.
From a giant telescope to a Japanese-style garden, this stage is populated by a variety of items reflecting the tastes of the current resident.
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Two Additional Color Packs Celebrating 25 Years of Guilty Gear Available Now
We are excited to announce new additional color packs celebrating the 25th anniversary of Guilty Gear, the Guilty Gear 25th Anniversary Appreciation Color and the Guilty Gear 25th Anniversary Colors. Both packs add new colours for every currently released character. The Appreciation Color is available to download free of charge, so be sure to pick it up on May 25, 2023!
The Guilty Gear 25th Anniversary Appreciation Color pack unlocks one additional color for a total of 24 characters, including the 15 characters in the initial roster and the nine additional characters from Season Pass 1 and 2.
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The Guilty Gear 25th Anniversary Colors pack unlocks two additional colors for a total of 24 characters, including the 15 characters in the initial roster and the nine additional characters from Season Pass 1 and 2 (a total of 48 colors).
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lowkeyed1 · 4 months
wip wednesday
oh shit it's still wednesday, i didn't miss it okay this is a bit from my next chapter of velvet fist, iron glove:
“Fellow citizens of Tir Asleen!” Airk’s voice rang out strong and clear, drawing the attention of the several dozen riders who accompanied them from the castle. “As the seasons turn, we reflect on what has passed, and we celebrate what is to come. Today we give thanks to the forest for the bounty it provides, bid the season farewell and greet the harvest. Hunt well, for tonight we feast!” A cheer rang out, with several loud huzzahs. Some dismounted and made for the forest, bows in hand. Others rode back through the grass, looking to flush game birds into flight. “That was even better than last year’s speech,” Kit said, her tone teasing. “Thanks, sis! Maybe you’d like to do it next time?” Airk stuck out his tongue. “You’re much better with pretty words,” she laughed. “And I’m much better with a bow, so...” She gave Graydon a fond look, clucked at her horse, and set off into the tall grass. Kit was majestic, dropping the reins as she drew her bow and controlling her horse with only the press of her legs and the shift of her body weight. Graydon sighed, watching her. She was a true goddess of the hunt, and everything else as well. “You don’t hunt, Your Highness?” Thraxus’s gravelly voice pulled his focus, and he looked from him over to Airk. Airk smiled easily. “Not really my thing, no. I’m sure Kit will more than make up my share. You’re welcome to join in, if you like.” “My place is by the prince’s side,” Thraxus smiled, catching Graydon’s eye. “But thank you.” Graydon smiled back. He’d resented having a squire/bodyguard/trainer foisted upon him, but it was easily the second-best thing that had ever happened to him, after getting betrothed to Kit. He’d gone from having nobody in his life he trusted to having two remarkable, passionate people by his side. His life had gotten so much better, since he came to Tir Asleen. Spending a morning shivering in the damp for the sake of ceremony was a fair trade in the end, he guessed. He sat up straighter, trying to look less bored.
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bocceclub · 1 year
okay actually I decided to try it for fun and the conlangers kinda went off with constructing etymologies and shit. sharing the results of my quick and dirty experimental place-name construction and how I arrived at it so said conlangers can nitpick me.
Starting name: Merwan
Name given by the local Thaish people to a range of low, glaciated old mountains along the southeastern coast of the Isle Varnaan. It’s supposed to mean “anthills” or “ant nests” in an older dialect. I’ve been wanting to update it so it follows the (loose) conventions I’ve established for Thaish phonology and syntax. The Thaish language family is very-somewhat-slightly inspired by Old Irish and Proto-Celtic, with some Proto-Brythonic thrown in just because.
So, starting out - establish the name we want means “ant nest” (I’m going with nest to avoid the repetition of hill/mountain).
Ant: I want the Thaish word to translate literally to “biting thing”.
Nest: I’m making a word that can mean nest, den, lair, etc. Used in reference to animals, usually never to humans unless in a negative sense ( “scurrying back to his nest, is he?” ).
Dedicated conlangers won’t like this but I just played with sounds until I hit on something I liked and which sounded internally consistent.
Wead = ant, lit. “biting thing”, from Proto-Thaish eathi, “to cut”. Shares a root with ead, the word for river.
Imin = nest, from Proto-Thaish eimiini, “to hide”.
Thaish word order is subject (n) + descriptor (adj) so this comes out as imin wead.
Thaish also likes compounding place-names, so we end up with Iminwead.
According to Thaish conventions, a place-name always includes a prefix that tells you what kind of place it is (Dan for a mountain, Ead for a river, Tir for a city, etc). That gives us Dana Iminwead. In the case of mountains, the descriptor can also be used alone by modifying it into a plural noun with the suffix -a. Now we have Iminweada as well.
Old South Varnaanite Thaish: Dana Iminwead, Iminweada
For realism’s sake, I want to simulate what happens with real languages over time. I’ve decided that modern Thaish has trended towards simplified vowel sounds, and heavily favors consonant-heavy forms, the Varnaanite dialects especially. In Modern South Varnaanite Thaish, Iminwead has been condensed to Minwed, dropping the vowel at the beginning of the name.
So we end up with: Dana Minwed, Minweda
Honestly, I feel like this isn’t too bad for my first real attempt at a fully constructed word. It keeps the spirit of the original but (to me at least) also feels more in line with the linguistic conventions I’ve come up with. 
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soul-eater-novel · 2 years
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«-first // archive // Ramsus-kun Scanslations
★ Chapters 0-1 complete translation ★ Chapters 2-3 complete translation ★ Chapters 4-5 complete translation ★ Chapters 6-7 complete translation ★ Chapters 8-9 complete translation ★ Chapters 10-11 complete translation ★ Chapters 12-13 complete translation ★ Chapters 14-15 complete translation
For your reading pleasure and enjoyment, below the cut are the full rough English translations of chapter 16 of the official 1998 Suikoden I Soul Eater novel (volume 2 of 3). Individual page translations and original Japanese text can be found in the chapter 16 tag.
Chapter 16: Caught in the Flower General’s Trap
Tir called for a war council meeting the minute they returned to the castle. There they a strategy to take over the Kunan region. 
The Empire had two bases in the Kunan region. The first was Milich Oppenheimer’s Scarleticia castle, where his troops were stationed. The castle was located in the southwestern area of Kunan.
The second was the Garan checkpoint, located on a bridge above the Dunan river, which divided the Kunan region and the Gouran region. 
According to their spy intel, there were six thousand soldiers stationed at the Garan checkpoint and nine thousand at Scarleticia castle. In comparison, at this point in time the Liberation Army’s ranks totaled eight thousand soldiers. 
Though the idea of crossing Toran lake, advancing into southwest Kunan, and taking the castle all in one fell swoop came up during the discussion, Mathiu suggested to Tir that it would be safer to first deploy to the Gouran region, take Garan, and then attack Scarleticia castle. 
He pointed out that Milich also employed a tactician who was nobody to scoff at, so if they failed to take Garan then they would still have a clear path of retreat. Since there were no objections to the plan, Tir immediately gave the order to march. 
There were eight main leaders in this battle: Gremio, Cleo, Pahn, Viktor, Flik, Humphrey, Lepant, and Kirkis. 
Leaving the others behind to defend the castle, Tir and company slipped out across Lake Toran in boats to Gouran under the cover of dusk. Following Mathiu’s instructions, when they were just half a day out from Garan they anchored their boats on a sandy beach to avoid detection by the enemy. 
They marched through the night until they reached a location where they could see the Garan checkpoint and then Mathiu ordered the soldiers to rest. 
The plan was to launch their attack on the checkpoint at the break of dawn, but the cold was so bitter in this season—it was undoubtedly hard on the soldiers to not even be able to light a fire in these conditions. 
As the sun began to rise over the eastern mountain range, Mathiu called on Tir in his tent. 
“Lord Tir, the battle will begin shortly. Everyone has already received their orders. Unlike the attack on Pannu Yakuta, I do not believe an all out offensive will be necessary this time, so it would be best if you remained only an observer in this fight.”
Tir gripped his staff in both hands and protested.
“But Mathiu... I can’t just stand by and watch while everyone else fights!”
“I understand how you feel, but there are times when it is necessary. Lost soldiers are replaceable. Leaders, however, are not.”
“I understand the concept, but...”
Tir felt dubious about Mathiu’s insistence that he alone should get this special treatment, but he also understood the man’s point. 
He followed Mathiu out of the tent and mounted his steed. He decided to lead his unit to the top of the small hill to take up their positions.  
The morning sun illuminated the land and revealed the structure in front of them to be less of a checkpoint and more of a stronghold. The imposing building was made entirely from stone and wide enough to cover the Dunan river. A stone bridge stretched out to meet it. 
The Liberation Army force was already spreading across the plains in front of the checkpoint. Tir looked out over the entire army and saw that there were six other units in addition to Flik’s unit. The six formed a roughly box-like formation with one unit - Flik’s unit - leading at the front. 
He was not well versed in battle tactics, but even he could tell that the Liberation Army was getting ready to attack. It would be very difficult, however, to cross the bridge spanning the waters of Dunan and take the Garan checkpoint in a single charge. 
Wondering what those units would do, he voiced his question aloud to Mathiu. But Mathiu only replied, “You’ll see soon enough.”
Flik roared out his name and rank, pumping the whole army up for battle. Their swords glittered and the Liberation Army’s azure banners fluttered in the chill morning wind. 
The Imperial Army was also on the move. 
They poured out of the checkpoint and across the bridge, led by a single commander. The imperial forces spilling out from the bridge onto the plains were many, but they came enmass without any particular formation to meet Flik. 
“Finally,” Mathiu murmured. 
The unit right behind Flik advanced and smashed into the Imperial Army. 
They moved forward like a wave, crashing into the oncoming wave of imperial soldiers who surged forward at the same moment. As the two waves battled with each other, Flik killed the enemy leader. 
The Liberation Army’s azure wave swallowed up the imperial army. Tir watched in a daze as everyone fought.
Waves pushed forward and waves pushed back. Waves grew wild, waves were swallowed up. Countless waves intermingled across the plain. 
The battle of Pannu Yakuta had taken place at night so Tir had only dimly understood what was happening, but now that he could clearly see the movements of each unit he was overwhelmed by the intensity of the battle. 
“Things appear to be going well,” Mathiu remarked just as the Liberation Army made their move. 
Viktor and Humphrey - the two right and left flanking units - moved forward. In an instant the previous battle formation was inverted; they no longer formed a box shape with one unit leading at the front, but now formed pincers that reached out and trapped the enemy. 
Kirkis’ unit at the rear moved to the riverbank and began shooting arrows at the remaining soldiers left at the checkpoint. Cut off, the imperial soldiers could neither move forward nor retreat back to the checkpoint and so they fled across the bridge into the Kunan region. 
“Hahaha! The Imperial Army always acts so high and mighty, but they sure ain’t much in a fight!” yelled Viktor gleefully as he galloped onto the bridge over the river Garan. Everyone else gathered their units together atop the bridge as well. 
“Now, Lord Tir, this is when we take the checkpoint in one strike!” Pahn called to Tir, who had come galloping out on his horse. 
Flik turned to him too, his face flushed with victory. 
“Tir, we’ve just dealt the enemy a real blow and they’re going to need time to recoup. Now is when we should strike with all we’ve got!”
“Mathiu, what do you think we should do?” 
Still processing the fact that they had won this first battle, Tir turned to Mathiu, who followed behind them. The tactician, however, didn’t seem to share in their excitement. 
“While it is true that our forces have the upper hand at the moment, Milich is a calculating strategist. I believe one should never attack without knowing precisely what cards one’s enemy holds.” 
“But Lord Mathiu,” interjected Pahn excitedly, stepping forward, “they say ‘speed is a soldier’s greatest weapon.’ I think we need to strike now, while our enemy is weak.” 
“They also say, ‘fools rush in,’ Pahn.” Cleo shot back sarcastically. 
“Then why don’t we try this?” Murmured Mathiu, and all eyes turned toward him. 
“It will take our forces seven days to reach Scarleticia Castle. During that time, we will send ahead a party to scout out the area. If we plan out our attack perfectly, I imagine we can bring down the castle.” 
“Okay then, that’s the plan.”
Mathiu ordered the scouts sent out without delay. Tir and the others left the Garan checkpoint and entered the Kunan region, heading southwest. This gave the soldiers time to rest and the scouting party returned the evening of the seventh day. 
“The imperial army has set up camp in front of Scarleticia Castle. We were unable to confirm the total number of soldiers stationed there but we believe that the soldiers who retreated from the Garan checkpoint have joined their ranks. From the number of tents we estimate about 12,000 total.”
“I see. Thank you for your hard work.” 
Mathiu received this report sitting atop his horse. After a moment of silence, he spoke. 
“Then we shall topple Scarleticia Castle. Are you in agreement, Lord Tir?”
“Of course!” 
The whole army was in high spirits under Tir’s command. Mathiu gathered everyone together as they all rode their horses forward and held a brief war council meeting. He predicted they would arrive at the castle in the evening and ordered everyone to make it a quick battle. 
The Liberation Army was moving deep into enemy territory. They needed their victory to be quick and decisive. Finally, Tir and the others took up their positions in the field outside the castle, gazing up at the structure looming over them. 
“What, that piss-ugly thing’s the castle we’re after?!” Viktor yelled, getting a laugh out of everyone. 
Scarletia Castle had been built a hundred or so years prior to bolster fortifications during the period when the war with the City-States of Jowston grew more intense. 
The structure before them, however, appeared to be more of a palace than a castle. The outer walls were cream-colored and the sort of rounded rooftops were even pink. 
While the castle was comparable to Pannu Yakuta in size, it was nothing short of comical to see such a gaudy building plopped down in the middle of an otherwise unassuming field of grass. What was most surprising of all was the giant rose - perhaps about the height of an adult in diameter - blooming atop the front balcony of the castle. 
“The castle is garish enough by itself, but what in the world is that rose meant to be?” muttered Gremio, appalled. 
“I knew General Milich was interested in gardening as a hobby, but how did he grow a rose like that?”
“Selective breeding, I suppose,” Cleo spat as though it were a foul word. Tir agreed. 
Like Teo, Milich had a mansion in the capital city Gregminster. Tir had visited it a number of times. As with the castle, Milich’s mansion resembled a tiny palace. On his visits in the past, Tir had noticed that the interior was extravagantly luxurious. 
Milich was an eccentric fellow. Back in Gregminster, the very first thing he always asked Tir was, “What do you think of my outfit today, Young Master?”
As his love for beautiful flowers was well-known, he was often referred to as “The Flower General” but it was said that the General’s surpassing swordsmanship and tactical skills had been of great use to Barbarossa many a time during the Succession War. 
“Here we are at last,” said Lepant, peering up at the castle. 
The castle was ugly no matter how you looked at it, but it was also built for the Imperial Army troops stationed in front of it.  Surrounded by fortress walls, which were in turn surrounded by an abatis - its defense was flawless. 
Each of them returned to their own unit.
Mathiu confirmed that everyone was in position and then gave the sign with their flag for all units to assume battle position. They formed the same rectangular formation as last time, with Flik and Viktor’s two units taking the lead and Lepant and Humphrey’s units the left and right. Cleo and Gremio’s units brought up the rear, with Kirkis’ archers providing assistance. 
At Mathiu’s signal, all units advanced. 
Just as Tir felt he was about to be swallowed up by the waves of soldiers, Mathiu finished all of his preparations. The Liberation Army had finally reached Scarletia Castle.
“Let’s give ‘em hell, Flik!”
“Here goes!”
The enemy’s encampment resounded with the noise of horses' hooves hitting the ground as Viktor and Flik’s vanguard units galloped towards them. The other units followed behind. 
Even with those two units bearing down on them, the Imperial Army didn’t stir. 
Instead, a single man appeared on the second floor balcony. 
Gazing around at all present, the man shouted in a curiously inflected voice. “The filthy rebel army. I’ve been waiting for you.”
The man was none other than Milich Oppenheimer himself. A rose adorned his wide, bright red cap and he was clad in a white garment with puffy sleeves of the type that the aristocracy favored. He wore a crimson cape and yellow boots. 
The thin mustache above his upper lip fluttered as he continued.  
“Rats like you could never hope to be any match for me. I’ll sweep you away in an instant with my darling Antoinette’s magnificent pollen, the fruit of her love!”
Undaunted, Viktor shook his sword at Milich and shouted,
“What the hell are you on about, you asshole?! Get ready to have your head handed to you!”
But Milich just laughed scornfully and lovingly stroked the stalk of the giant rose blooming on the balcony. As he did so, the rose’s petals shuddered and a dust-like substance began to waft over the heads of Viktor and the others. 
Tir watched all this happen from the rear ranks. 
“Mathiu, what is that pollen?!”
The tactician also appeared to sense imminent danger. 
“I do not know, but let’s pull back our troops immediately.”
Mathiu dispatched a nearby soldier to run to Flik and Viktor with the orders to withdraw but it was too late; the powder had already been carried by the wind and was raining down upon both units. 
Flik and Viktor’s units immediately began acting strangely. The horses grew skittish, braying violently. The soldiers looked to be in pain, and collapsed to the ground, their armor clattering. 
And then things got even worse. 
The Imperial Army troops stationed outside the castle walls, who had not made a sound until that point, now leapt out of their tents one by one. 
Each Imperial solider had a white cloth tied around their nose and mouth and in this way seemed to be unaffected by the pollen. The soldiers roared a battlecry and hacked their way through Flik and Viktor’s units. 
“No! Retreat!”
The soldier under Mathiu’s command waved the flag for retreat. Lepant and Humphrey’s units on either side rushed forward to rescue Flik and Viktor’s units.  
Kirkis’ unit let loose a volley of arrows to drive back the Imperial soldiers but the Liberation Army’s retreat was slow because they had to carry their wounded and they were unable to repel the persistent attack of the pursuing Imperial soldiers. Tir’s forces suffered major injuries and they retreated to the Garan checkpoint. 
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Once they made it back to the Garan checkpoint, Tir and the others immediately gathered in the hall and held a war council. 
Flik and Viktor had received medical care during the retreat and were already back on their feet. They had only survived because the poison had not been lethal. As soon as everyone gathered, Viktor spoke, his voice thick with regret. 
“Damn, what the hell is that pollen?! As long as he’s got that, we can’t even get close to the castle!” 
Viktor, livid, recounted how the moment the pollen had touched him everything went numb and his body had been paralyzed. He thought they would have to destroy the giant rose before they could bring down the castle. 
“But the Imperial soldiers were fine, weren’t they?” Flik said, recalling the events of the battle.  
“If we tie cloths around our faces like they did, then we have a fighting chance, don’t we?”
“I agree,” replied Lepant, folding his arms. “However, the cloth the enemy soldiers used doesn’t appear to be any ordinary cloth. When I went to rescue Lord Flik, our soldiers covered their mouths and noses with cloths too, of course...”
He closed his eyes, chagrined. 
“But it was no use. Some were able to avoid ill effects, but about thirty percent of those troops were affected by the poison.” 
Cleo groaned. 
“Perhaps they soak the cloth in some kind of medicine to combat the effects of the poison. Do we know of anyone who is knowledgeable about medicine and the like?”
Lepant opened his eyes and spoke again. “As I recall... long ago, when my son Sheena was small, he once fell ill with a terrible fever. We sent away for medicine from a renowned doctor, Liukan. As soon as Sheena took that medicine... 
“What happened?” Viktor prompted, leaning forward eagerly.
“He was completely cured!” declared Lepant, looking smug. 
“Well, that makes things simple, then,” said Flik. “Where do we find this fellow, Liukan?” 
“Back in those days, he lived in a town near here by the name of Rikon. However, ever since Milich was stationed in this region, it seems that things have gotten strange. This happened about a year ago, but I heard that Lord Liukan was thrown into Soniere Prison for selling poison. I can’t imagine that he would ever do such a thing - some even call him a divine physician.” 
Gremio frowned. “Well, that is highly suspicious. Doubtless it’s a false charge. Milich must have imprisoned Liukan because he was afraid the good doctor could make an antidote for his poisonous pollen. If he can in fact do that, then it would behoove us to go rescue the doctor, wouldn’t it?”
Everyone groaned. 
“Not again...”
Mathiu stood up and looked around at them all. 
“Then let us focus our energy on rescuing Lord Liukan. As we unfortunately can’t move our army at present, what do you say we form a sort of small, dedicated suicide squad to go retrieve the doctor?”
No one raised any objection to Mathiu’s plan.
“Then the members of the squad will be—”
Tir interrupted Mathiu mid-sentence. “Mathiu, I’ll lead the squad. Is that okay?”
Mathiu’s eyes widened in shock. “You, Lord Tir?! What are you saying, my lord?! Have you forgotten what I told you?” 
Mathiu strongly advised against it, but Tir had no ears for his arguments. 
I accept what Mathiu had said yesterday about leaders being irreplaceable, but I don’t want to become the sort of leader who just watches over battles. I will be a leader who fights alongside everyone and bears those burdens together. That was the thought that had made him act. 
Mathiu finally caved. 
“Fine, fine. You win. For your own safety, please take an escort guard with you. Take this day to rest, and then depart tomorrow. In the meantime, I will come up with a plan to infiltrate Soniere Prison.”
“Got it,” Tir replied while Viktor stood up. 
“Awright, I’m going too! I ain’t gonna let that frilly bastard get the best of me!”
Next came Flik. “Please let me go, too. I want to confirm for myself whether or not you’re fit to lead.”
“Young Master, I will of course accompany you as well,” said Gremio. 
In the end it was decided that the four of them—Tir, Viktor, Flik, Gremio, and Cleo—would all go together. But when the meeting ended and they were all beginning to leave the room, Viktor said something unexpected. 
“Gremio... you should stay here.”
“Where did that come from, Viktor?” Gremio responded, astonished. 
“Who will protect the Young Master if I am not there?” 
“I understand your feelings, I do. But Tir’s an adult now. He’s doin’ a great job of leading the Liberation Army. He’s not a brat who needs you protectin’ him.”  
“W-while those things are certainly true, that is no reason I should not accompany him!”
“Gremio...” began Viktor, his expression sorrowful. 
“Y’know, when I left my home village, I traveled all over on a long journey. I met a lot of people and saw a lot of things. It don’t always happen, but sometimes I get a feelin’ in my bones when something’s about to go down. I’m not tryin’ to say anything bad. You should stay here, Gremio.” 
“Viktor, stop kidding around, please.” Gremio shot back, sounding angry. 
“I don’t know anything about your bones or whatever feelings you may have, but I do know that I made a promise to Lord Teo and I swore by my axe. No matter what happens, I will protect the Young Master.”
Gremio looked at Tir. Viktor fixed his gaze on him as well. 
“Yeah, Gremio—”
Whatever Tir had been about to say was cut off by the pleading look Gremio gave him. 
“Please, Young Master, take me with you. If I cannot fight by your side, then it was meaningless for me to have thrown my lot in with the Liberation Army.”
Tir sighed. 
It’s not like I can refuse Gremio, when that’s his reason for fighting. 
“Okay, Gremio. Just don’t work too hard, all right?”
Gremio’s face lit up like the sun rising. 
“Thank you so much, Young Master!”
But Viktor didn’t look convinced. 
“Tir, a leader can’t only be kind,” he said to Tir’s back. 
Tir returned to the room he had been assigned. As he climbed the stairs his heart felt heavy, somehow. 
He didn’t know what had caused the feeling, so had no idea how to process it. 
Once he made it into his room and was able to calm down some, he decided to chalk it up to their loss in the battle earlier. That done with, his mind emptied of all thoughts. He covered his head with his blanket and slept.
The sound of footsteps echoed down the stone corridor. Perhaps the soldiers and all the commanders were asleep, because the Garan checkpoint had fallen utterly silent. The lamps in the corridor had all been extinguished. The only light came from the torches carried by the guards patrolling outside, which occasionally shone in through the windows. 
The footsteps continued down the corridor, stopping and then starting back up again. Somewhere, the sound of a door opening could be heard and then the footsteps stepped through that door. 
A man’s quiet voice seeped into the darkness of the corridor. 
“Young Master... Are you asleep already? It is the middle of the night, so I suppose that’s to be expected.”
The man sighed, a sound full of remorse. 
“Young Master... please forgive me for speaking so selfishly earlier,” he said, as if lonely. 
“I just want to stay by your side. I’ve been helping you ever since you were just a lad. There are times when I think of you as a younger brother... no, as a son, even. At first, I was just repaying the debt I owed to Lord Teo, but now...”
He stopped and sighed again, a big one this time.  
For a moment, silence came to call in the darkness, the sound of the wind passing by outside the window. 
The loneliness lingering in his voice, he went on. 
“But maybe Viktor is right. Perhaps you no longer need me, Young Master.”
The footsteps tapped quietly across the floor. 
“Sleep well, Young Master. Let’s do our best tomorrow, too.”
The voice stopped there. Once again, footsteps went out into the corridor. The sound of the footsteps gradually grew quieter and at last disappeared into the darkness.
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Building up Burned Bridges
Chapter 12
Humans are widely regarded as myths. Myths of Giant monstrous beings whose only goal is to destroy magic and all magical beings. That was a stereotype.
Janus is a human who's been in hiding, alone for seven years. He was always careful, he always protected himself, and now there was a fairy in his cave.
Logan could hear the humans on the other side of the door. He wondered what they were doing.
He could hear a sound something akin to an infants cry earlier on, and with a feeling of discomfort, he noted that that was what it probably was. 
Their language was not like any he had heard before; theirs was lower, but had a range of different sounds, ranging from almost a chirping sounds, to sharp clicks, to almost hissing at parts. 
It was fascinating, now that Logan had identified it to be a language and could begin trying to discern the different words in context and figuring out how the language worked.
He wouldn’t be starting on linguistics immediately, as it would take a while to figure out, and they needed to communicate their non-maliciousness as soon as possible. Logan tried opening the door, and was surprised when it came open with little resistance. The door was opened immediately 
They saw their human, stood at the other side of the room. Their injury from back in the cave had become a scar, almost indistinguishable from the others on their face. They were in a defensive stance, holding their child close to their chest. 
Toys, clearly for the child, were scattered around the room, much more than the few that were littered around the house. The toys were larger than him, clearly meant for giants like the humans. The child had since noticed them, and was reaching out in the way he had seen many children do when they wanted to inspect something.
The child was curious. The child didn’t yet realise what was and wasn’t a potential danger. The adult human quickly stopped the child’s curiosity, putting their arm down and gently bouncing them. 
The tension in the room was thick, but eventually someone moved. It was Patton, quietly taking a step forward. 
The human flinched back, growling. Patton stopped, and Logan could feel waves of emotion being sent out, towards the human. So far, that was practically the only method they had of communicating their intent
The emotions being sent out were: calm, concern, friendliness and kindness. The human stared at the group, not untensing.
The only noises being made were from the child, who seemed so happy, so curious, the exact opposite of the adult human. 
The entire time, Logan had been feeling like something was obstructing his breathing. Everything was so... messed up. There had been entire giant villages, homes, so many things were lost. Humans had been named myths to hide the fact that they were killed in cold blood
Logan had tried to not think about how humans were now so few in numbers, when they reportedly used to be so many. Their human was slowly untensing. 
Logan wondered if they could read any of the language on the buildings in the village, though he knew it was improbable. They all stood there, unmoving with Patton sending periodic waves of calm emotions to convey their intentions through the language barrier
The human sat down eventually, and the magicals followed suit. The child was giggling and babbling. The tension in the room had barely depleted, but no one was making any moves to hurt each other. Still, no one was relaxing either.
Now that Logan could think clearer, he looked around the room again. Most things looked old and broken, most things looked like they were on the verge of rotting. A lot of toys were made from a hard material, and those were some of the only things not decomposing.
Most of the things they would need (beds, toys etc.) were in this one room. Logan reasoned that it may have been because this was the only room with a fully intact door, or maybe because it was the room most similarly sized to the cave.
The human looked tired. 
Janus wasn’t having a very fun time. As much as he loved getting his house invaded by magicals who were just standing there, he wasn’t the right mood that day.
They opened the door, and Janus was prepared for the worst. He was prepared to fight for his son, but they just stood there, watching him. Roman was reaching out like he did when he saw a toy or something that was interesting to him. Janus put the arm down and bounced the giggling baby
Emotions were radiating off of the magical he hadn’t seen before.
He could feel the emotions that weren’t his, but were directed at him. Were they trying to trick him? Eventually, he untensed, and sat down
The magicals did the same. he knew it was probably a trick, but he was tired. He just wanted all of the running and the chasing to stop. He just wanted for his son to have a normal life, was that too much to ask?
He could feel the emotions radiating from the other magical, still. Roman seemed fascinated by them.
Roman didn’t know how dangerous they were, and Janus would never want him to find out. The reason he came up north was to get away from it all, and Roman shouldn’t have to have all of this shoved onto him when he couldn’t even talk yet
Janus just watched The magicals. They seemed non-threatening at the moment, but Janus wouldn’t let his guard down. As much as he wanted to, he wouldn’t let his promise to his son be a lie
He had lied a lot in his life, mostly to himself, but he... He didn’t want Roman to not trust him. Not when it was important. And, everything you do is important when you’re seen as a monster, everything you do has consequences
And, unfortunately, the consequence for existing was being chased. Janus looked at the magicals, and noticed that they were all staring at him. He glared. 
He looked down at his son with a small, faked smile. He whispered assurances and bounced the baby, who was now giggling again, starting to babble
Taglist: @a-chilly-pepper
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gamerkitten · 8 months
For the writer's asks: 1, 5, 18 :)
1. When did you start writing?
So, I've always made up stories ever since I can remember. My barbies went on absolutely insane adventures along the book road(a road made of books that went around my fairly large room) and I loved making up storylines for me and my friends to act out. Middle school is where I would say I actively started writing books though. In 6th grade I wrote an entire novel and was working on a sequel, but my bag got stolen with my notebook in it😭😭
5. What is your favorite trope to write for?
Tagging @wanderingaldecaldo and @irrigone in this because they also wanted to know😁
Friends to Lovers is a huge one for me, I will never stop writing this one. Another big one is what I like to call Scary Boyfriend Privilege aka Oc has a love interest who is willing to straight up commit murder over her safety and well being; popularly known as "Who hurt you?🤬"
18. Show us a piece of dialogue you really like
Ok, this is an older one, but this exchange between Anora and Eamon in my post-game Dragon Age fic just makes me so proud of myself
"Lady Anora Mac Tir has, at Queen Rhiannon's urging, agreed to swear fealty to the crown," Eamon announced to the crowd, "since she was not part of her father's awful treason, the crown is willing to offer mercy. My Lady, You may make your statement."
All eyes in the room turned to Anora, whose face remained a mask of neutrality.
"My Lords and Ladies," her voice rang out, clear and strong, "I have come before you not to beg mercy as some feel I ought to, but to remind you all that I was a good queen to all of you. Years of peace and prosperity under my leadership-"
Shit. Rhiannon squeezed Alistair's arm, trying to signal for him to do something, be he seemed to have lost his ability to speak. Eamon, however, suffered from no such ailment.
"Lady Anora," he snapped, "you are not here to regale us with tales of your time as Cailen's consort. Their Majesties have offered you mercy and I suggest you take it, for it shall not be offered again."
"Consort?" She glared up at him, defiance etched onto her features, "We all know who truly ruled this country, Eamon. I shall not bow to your puppet king and beg his pardon while he sits upon my throne!"
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syrupwit · 2 years
Happy Friday! For DADWC: "You’ll just have to suffer through my company" for Anders/Nathaniel, or another pairing of your choice?
Wheeee thank you, happy Friday!
Under the cut, please find exactly 500 words of Anders/Nathaniel + Awakening ensemble for @dadrunkwriting. It's not obvious, but this is also set in the too-sweet f!Brosca universe.
Loghain Mac Tir was back at Vigil's Keep. There were two things Nathaniel hated about this: first, all that might be obvious, and second, that the influx of soldiers from Mac Tir's company meant everyone had to draw lots and double up on rooms. Nathaniel valued privacy highly, having gone just long enough without it to miss it rather than lose his taste for it. His comrades largely did not share this value.
Justice was his favored roommate, provided that the room had adequate ventilation. Oghren, too, had proven surprisingly tolerable, constant stench and drunken midnight outbursts notwithstanding. Velanna, he hadn't gathered enough experience to judge, as the only time they'd drawn each other, she had flushed a range of intriguing colors and insisted that she sleep outside instead.
Now, Sigrun was an awful roommate. Sigrun chattered. She bothered. She poked. She stole food and sundries and keepsakes and, Nathaniel suspected, snippets of hair, though he had no idea for what purpose. He was busy stifling a sigh of relief after Sigrun drew one of the new recruits, and so failed to notice that he had been assigned to room with Anders until Anders came over and slung an arm around his shoulders.
"Nate!" said Anders. "My favorite Howe. Looks like you'll be suffering through my company this week."
"Get off me," said Nathaniel, shrugging him away.
"I have to tell you," continued Anders, unfazed, "I'm relieved not to be with Justice this time. I've never met a spirit who talked so much."
Justice had drawn Velanna, who was making a passionate case for sleeping outside permanently to the distracted, half-listening Warden-Commander. The Warden-Commander wasn't even involved with the lots. The Wardens managed the process on their own.
Nathaniel said, "Really? He barely spoke to me when we shared."
"See, he finds me irresistibly interesting and wants to know my opinion about everything. Which is flattering, but doesn't leave me with a lot of time to sleep." Anders gave him a sly look and lowered his voice. "Of course, since you and I get on so well, I might not get much sleep this week either…"
"I thought we agreed that was a drunken mistake," Nathaniel muttered. Anders had been near insultingly adamant about it.
"Ah, well." Anders nudged him. "Times change, standards lower. Yours, mine, who's to say."
Sigrun chose to come up behind them then and clap them both on the lower back, making Anders yelp and spring away. Nathaniel, who had heard her approaching, merely sighed.
"One of these days, you're going to regret doing that," Anders told her.
"Heh, you love me," said Sigrun. She bounced on the balls of her feet, humming lightly.
"You're in a good mood," said Nathaniel. "Who did you get?"
"Oghren!" She rubbed her hands together and cackled. "My new pillow's almost stuffed, and there's this hunk of his beard that's just ready to go."
"I knew you were stealing hair," said Nathaniel, and caught Anders' glance in a genuine smile.
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year
Heavenly Boss S2: “Angelic I’s and Christian T’s”
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Timmid happily strolled into the E.L.F. meeting room, her white dress flowing, her white hair neatly pulled into a ponytail. Tirred sat bored as usual, while Sunna was busy grooming her paw. Docile had just finished writing on the whiteboard: “Mother Mary’s New Interview, Coming Next Tuesday!” and “10 Reasons Why E.L.F. Beats C.H.E.R.U.B.” and “Why Does Heaven Have Alcoholic Beverages?” and “Why Can’t I Find Anything Else To Draw On Here…If Anyone Mentions Horses Having Sex, I’ll Write Them Up!”
 “Hello, Timmid!” chirped Sunna. “What are you so excited about?”
 “I just saw my old childhood friend today!” she trilled. “He talked about giving money to charity and how important it is to abstain from unhealthy sex. Also, he seems to have a great distaste for sharks.”
 “Interesting,” said Sunna. “I’ve certainly never heard of him.”
 “Is he a loan shark?” Tirred muttered, half-curious.
 “No, he’s a care-bear,” Timmid mentioned. Tirred rolled his eyes.
 Just then Docile’s cellphone rang. “Just a second everyone,” said the head elf, standing up. “I think I’ve got a new client.” He wandered back to his office.
 “Thank you for calling Efficient Lifesaving Fellows, saving souls of all ages, this is Docile, how may we bless you?”
 A female voice spoke on the other end. “There will be no reason for your crew to go down to Earth this time.”
 “Why not?” Docile asked, confused.
 “I’d like for you guys to come to my estate to talk business. There is something important that I’m sure will be worth your time.”
 “Cool,” said Docile. “Who are you and what’s the address?”
 “Transportation has already been taken care of,” said the voice. “And you’ll find out who I am soon enough.”
 Soon there was a knock on the front door of the E.L.F. building. Docile led the way downstairs and his crew followed. They found a brown bi-pedal angel bear with white wings and a halo. He was dressed as a butler. Another brown bear wore overalls and a sun-hat. The other bear sat on a seat, holding the reins of a golden carriage. Two giant white doves sat in the front on the street, waiting to take off. The seats inside were covered with red curtains decorated with eagle designs.
 “At least it’s not horses,” Docile mentioned as he climbed into the coach followed by Tirred, Timmid, and Sunna. They put on their seatbelts and with a “Yah!” from the bear driver, the doves took off into the light blue sky. The carriage soon flew through a portal and the sky turned pink. They were in the Halo of Charity. Tirred and Timmid still avoided eye contact.
 “Hey Tirred,” Docile mentioned to his subordinate. “Aren’t you from here?”
 “I grew up in Patience, like Timmid,” mentioned Tirred and pointed. “I live just over there.” They flew over a glorious landscape filled with trees, rivers, and clean pristine buildings. Down below, people were having fun at the Woo-Hoo Land amusement park. There was no pollution and no violence in sight. Several other angels patrolled the area, standing guard like divine police. A sign read: “Welcome to Generosity Town: enjoy your stay! No Criminals Allowed!” The carriage continued until it lowered to a stop. “Whoa!” called the bear pilot and they stopped. Tirred got out and the others followed.
 “Whoa!” Timmid exclaimed in amazement. “Is that…”
 “Yes, my home,” said Tirred.
 They stood on the grounds of a marvelous mansion. The walls were made of marble painted red and several rubies decorated the window frames. The roofs were styled like those of German houses and there were two black eagle statues flanking the double gold doors. The lawn was green and there was a fountain of water in the center of the area. The roof over the front door was held by two white Greek columns. The whole area was immaculate.
 Just then, two slender elves came out from inside. The man had short black hair like Tirred’s, navy blue sclera eyes with teal pupils, black freckles, and dark teal skin. His pointed ears extended past his black round hat on his head. He wore a navy blue suit and green tie and a police badge on his chest. He also wore nice dark pants and shoes.
 “Hello Tirred,” said the man. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”
 Tirred slowly made his way forward, straightening his teal bow tie.
 “Hello, father,” Tirred replied. “Everyone, this is my father, Turquoise. And this is my…”
 “Ex-girlfriend,” Timmid muttered.
 “Nice to meet you,” Turquoise said, shaking Timmid’s hand. Timmid shyly stepped back.
 “I heard you guys are all in a business to help humans,” said Turquoise. “I hope you are being careful out there. You know humans can get pretty nasty.”
 “Well, I personally love those guys,” Docile added, stepping forward. “Look past their flaws and you’ll see saints in progress.”
 Turquoise raised his eyebrows. “You must be Docile. With the silent ‘e,’ right?” They shook hands.
 “Yes, that’s me,” he said. “And my assistant Sunna.” She waved in the background.
 “And this over here is my wife, Blau,” Turquoise mentioned.
 Tirred glanced at his mother with an apprehensive look. She was tall and slim, wearing a blue German dress and black heeled shoes. Her hair was black, straight, and long, her elf ears sticking out. She had the same eye color, skin color and black freckles as her family.
 “Helping humans on the job,” Blau said out loud, her face blank. “I’m surprised my son is still not an Exorcist yet.”
 There was an awkward silence. Timmid got the answer as to why Tirred was quiet about his family.
 “Mother,” Tirred began. “I’ve been trying for years. They said I’m too short.”
 “Your boss was an Exorcist,” she mentioned.
 “Yeah,” Docile added. “But it got to be too much.”
 “So, you quit.” Her eyes narrowed.
 Docile shrugged nervously. “Y-yeah. But I started my own business to help humans get to Heaven. I’d say that’s good enough for me.”
 ‘Well, you do you,” she shrugged. “I only care about what my son does.”
 Turquoise chuckled nervously, glancing at his wife. “You know, how about we all come inside for some dinner? My bear assistants have something special planned for tonight.”
 Two bears wearing uniforms stood guard by the door, holding angelic spears. Their wings were folded behind them. Tirred looked at a nearby poster hanging from the wall in the shadows inside the manor: “Go beyond human sin…count yourself lucky to be here.” It showed etheric angels with glowing eyes and alien-white faces.
 “You doing okay, Tirred?” Sunna asked, walking beside him.
 Tirred folded his arms. “I’m fine,” he said.
 “You don’t look very…”
 “I already said I’m fine!” he seethed. “Perhaps you should’ve stayed behind!”
 “No way,” Sunna glared. “I never leave my friends behind. At least…the good ones.”
 Tirred rolled his eyes, glaring at Timmid who stared at him.
 “What’re you looking at?” he asked, making her flinch. “I’m still not talking to you.”
 “F-fine,” she said, eyes downcast. “I’d say even my cowardly family is braver and more honorable than you, but…”
 Tirred seethed in annoyance as he stomped toward the door.
 Docile strolled in and took off his shoes before heading inside. The others did the same. The bears came in last and closed the double doors.
 0 0 0
  The mansion interior was large and light. There were several large windows that let in sunlight. The wallpaper was red and decorated with designs of angelic eagles, wings outstretched and eyes on them. A cross of spears was under the eagles.
 Blau strolled over to a bar, where a glass cabinet with glass bottles glowed pink. She took a bottle of Heaven’s Light 33 and poured some for Docile. She also added several ice cubes to his drink. She walked over to the elf and gave it to him. Docile bowed in thanks as he sat on a black leather chair in the living room. Blau walked back to the bar and poured a tall glass for herself. A fireplace emitted pink flames in the living room, the black grate decorated with eagle designs.
 “So Docile,” Turquoise said. “Is it true that you used to be an Exorcist?”
 “Yes,” said Docile. “I was also part of God’s choir for a while, but my father Yesha Cantus encouraged me to join the ranks.”
 Turquoise smiled. “That’s very impressive. It’s great to have someone in Heaven with experience and courage.” He sat down across from Docile and they drank their drinks. Timmid and Tirred sat on opposite ends of a couch. Sunna was curled up on a nearby rug.
 Docile added, “Of course it wasn’t easy. Being an elf in comparison to the other heaven-borns can be a bit of a struggle. Even compared to the formerly human saints, it’s like you’re in the background.”
 “Tell me about it,” Blau said with a sigh. “This family has been the head of Charity’s divine protective force for many years. Our money is generously donated to several programs: one to help the Exorcists and two, to help fund schools for the saints.”
 “What do those schools do?” Docile asked.
 Blau smiled as she sat on a stool. “They explain the many amazing roles that saints and the heaven-born alike can fulfil. There are some roles, for example, God’s council, that the heaven-born are more suited for. But the former mortals can go around and teach angels and new arrivals what it’s like in both worlds. And of course, the Exorcists is a position not for the faint of heart. Heaven-born and former humans alike can apply.”
 Timmid’s eyes went wide. “Wait a minute. I thought only female angels could serve under Adam.”
 “There are a lot of females in the army, but with so many sinners in Hell, angels from every class…and either realm of Heaven…are encouraged to apply. Even elves.”
 Tirred gulped.
 Timmid spoke up. “D-doesn’t that mean that…the former humans who came to Heaven…are killing the former humans now in Hell?”
 “Yep,” Blau said casually as she took another sip of her drink. “Man against man…conflict has always been in their nature.”
 “And…you see nothing wrong with that?” Timmid asked. Docile also looked concerned.
 “That’s just the way it works up here,” Blau explained. “There are lots of requirements for humans to be admitted into paradise and very few make it. But hey, some like Adam get incredible privileges.”
 “But their families in Hell…” Timmid began.
 “Are not their families anymore,” Blau finished. “Saints and sinners don’t mix, after all. Besides…” She drank again. “There is so much to do up here anyway. Drinks to enjoy, charities to fund, sinners to judge…”
 “Right,” Tirred began as he stared at the various angelic weapons on display on the walls around the rooms. There was a tense silence before a knock on the door was heard.
 “I’ll get it,” called Timmid. She stood up and walked to the door. She opened it.
 “Hello, old friend!” smiled Zach the bear.
 “Oh Zach!” she beamed. “You got here just in time. Come in!”
 Zach stepped inside, briefly stretching his wings. He was a lavender-colored bear with white angel wings and a gold halo over his head. He wore blue overalls, a white shirt with a red heart on it and carried a flute in his pocket.
 Tirred rolled his eyes. “Great, the care-bear is back.”
 Zach walked up to Tirred and smiled. “How’s my grumpy little elf buddy?” he teased, playfully pulling at Tirred’s cheeks. Tirred swiped the bear paws away. “I’m not your buddy!”
 “Oh, sure you were. Remember you, me and Timmid, how we used to shoot arrows together at camp?”
 Timmid smiled. “Archery class was one of my favorites.”
 “I always beat you,” Tirred mentioned.
 “Yeah, but Zach beat you at everything else,” she giggled. “Your canoe flipped over, and your s’mores got burned to a crisp.”
 Tirred scowled. “Don’t remind me! Plus, his size gave him a huge advantage!”
 “How about a celebratory bear-hug for our reunion!” smiled Zach. Zach squeezed a smiling Timmid and an annoyed Tirred before dropping them.
 “Welcome back, Zach,” Turquoise smiled. “It’s great to see you again. And I always appreciate you promoting our family business.”
 Zach smiled. “Just doing what I do best.”
 “Tirred in the judicial force,” Docile smiled. “Imagine that. Next time I’ll call your parents to arrest you if you get in trouble.” He laughed playfully, much to Tirred’s annoyance. He saw a framed picture of Turquoise shaking hands with an angel with a flaming head and a sword by his side. Another one was a family picture of a baby Tirred standing next to his parents. His father’s hand was on his shoulder while his mother stood off to the side.
 Just then, a maid elf came into the room. “Dinner is served.”
 0 0 0
 They all sat down at a long dining room table, where an array of German meals were placed in front of them: sauerbraten roast beef stew, bratwurst, reibekuchen fried potatoes, and kirschtorte sponge cake with liquor, chocolate and cherries. Tirred stared at his food, not hungry. Timmid picked at her potatoes. Sunna and Docile enjoyed their food, while Blau drank some more. A vase of red, orange, and yellow flowers was at the center of the table.
 “This is kinda awkward,” Docile mentioned.
 “I suppose you want to know why you’re here,” Turquoise said.
 “Yes,” Docile said. “We save people on Earth, right? We bless them and give then chances to come here. We don’t normally do contracts for locals so, if you want to do business with us…”
 “We don’t want to do business with E.L.F.” said Turquoise. “We’re here to do business with our son.”
 “Me?” Tirred asked.
 “Yes,” added Blau. “I summoned E.L.F. to make sure you’d show up. Because…Zach over here will be helping us out.”
 “Why him? He’s annoying and cheery!” Tirred narrowed his eyes.
 “Ever since you left, your mother and I had to pick up the slack. Not only do we fund charities, but we also have to help out the former humans here who’ve…lost their way,” Turquoise explained. “I think Zach’s loving presence will help encourage some of the saints to change their ways and remain marvelous obedient citizens.”
 “But he can’t even handle a spear!” Tirred protested.
 “That’s why we have you,” Blau deadpanned. “To make sure nothing goes wrong.”
 Tirred stared at his plate again.
 “But why waste our time over it?” Docile asked.
 “And what does this have to do with Tirred?” Timmid asked.
 “Tomorrow, there will be a special ceremony,” Turquoise said. “Zach and Tirred will head to Samael’s stadium to help pass judgment to troublesome folk. No punishment or anything, just to give some feedback. Then all of you will be free to go once it is over. I’m hoping that Tirred will finally get a chance to be an Exorcist if he succeeds. To become a steadfast, unwavering warrior, one must not falter in the faces of wrong-doers. Sometimes killing is necessary for the greater good.”
 “Thou shall not kill except when God wants us to,” Tirred rolled his eyes with a scoff. His father glared at him.
 “So… it’s jury duty?” Sunna asked, as she finished her meal.
 “Sort of,” said Turquoise. “No need for him to stress out. No pressure at all!”
 Docile wondered. “Maybe he wouldn’t be stressed out if he didn’t have to constantly wield weapons and be with a person that’s too nice for him.”
 “Thank you, sir,” Tirred said to Docile.
 “You’re welcome, son,” said Turquoise. “I’m glad to know you’re up for the responsibility.”
 “I was taking to Docile,” Tirred said. His father glared at him.
 “Look, son, being able to do what is necessary to keep our world in order, along with weapon use is essential experience for being an Exorcist. It’s what you wanted for years, right?”
 Tired nodded, sullenly. The desire was engrained in him so deep, he constantly believed it.
 “Then, there you go,” his father said with a smile. “I know tensions have been high tonight, so I think you all should get some rest. The servants will show you to your rooms, they’re all prepared. Docile and the rest of E.L.F. will stay here, tomorrow.”
 Timmid was about to protest, but Sunna encouraged her to move forward.
 The group headed out of the dining room and up the stairs.
 Docile wondered out loud as they reached the top of the stairs, “Why does your dad want us to stay here?”
 Tirred sighed. “It’s my dad. He doesn’t want strangers around when family business goes on.”
 “But you’ve been with us long enough,” Docile said.
 “Yes,” Timmid said. “As much of a jerk as you are, we always stick together. Who says we can’t hang back to make sure it goes alright?”
 “I suppose you can try,” Tirred began.
 “You can do it,” Sunna encouraged. “Get plenty of rest.”
 Tirred gave Timmid a soft look as if he wanted to talk to her more. But she just turned her head away.
 E.L.F. went to their separate rooms.
 0 0 0
   The next day, Tirred and Zach got up early and headed with Blau and Turquoise to the stadium. Tirred and Zach were dressed in their best black suits for the occasion. The stadium was silver and shaped like a golden moon. They walked through the doors and came to a wide arena.
 As soon as they entered, Tirred had a strange feeling of dread. Zach, meanwhile, was fascinated by the room and the crowd.
 “So many kind people here,” Zach exclaimed. “I can’t wait for the ceremony. Aren’t you excited, buddy?”
 Tirred tried to keep his teeth from chattering. Zach didn’t know what really went on in these walls, but Tirred always remembered.
 There were angels sitting on comfortable benches in a semi-circle. Within the walls were torch decorations on either side: golden angels playing trumpets and pink flames dancing in the trumpet openings. On the white marble floor was a design of justice scales made from real gold that decorated the floor. Sitting at a podium were council members that looked like white etheric aliens with glowing white halos on top of their heads. Several archangels were seated to the left, including the blonde haired and pale faced Michael.
 Samael himself was seated at the highest seat, a spear in his hand, hair blonde. He was God’s harshest judge and thrived on giving out various punishments. He stood proudly in his red suit, badges glinting in the firelight. He glanced at Tirred and winked. Tirred felt like he was going to vomit.
 Tirred felt a hand tug his ear, hard. Out of the corner of his eye, he felt someone by him. A whisper from his mother into his ear, made him freeze. There was a stench of alcohol that reached his nostrils.
 “Don’t mess this up, Tirred. You should’ve stayed with this family in the beginning. One step out of line, you’ll be begging for the Lord’s mercy. Understand?”
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 Tirred nodded with a whimper and his mother let go of his ear. Turquoise kept walking along, oblivious. The elves took their places behind Samael in a row of seats. Sunlight shone through a decorative hole in the ceiling.
 The courtroom grew quiet. Several Exorcist angels stood guard, their faces hidden by horned black LED masks with hideous demonic grins.
 “Is everyone ready?” Michael asked.
 “Yes, sir,” one of the angels said. Another angel began to magically write down the proceedings with a feathered quill on a scroll, hovering in the air.
 “Welcome one and all, heavenly hosts,” Michael began. “Today is another fine day to welcome our new citizens and arrivals who are about to enter our world. Today’s jury consists of the leader, Lord Samael, me, Archangel Michael…” He listed more names and ended, “…and finally, our esteemed elf family members of the court, Turquoise Sirname, Blau Sirname, their son Tirred Sirname, and new recruit Zach Trueman.”
 Zach beamed as the elves looked sullen.  
 “Successful completion of this session will enable Tirred Sirname to begin his Exorcist training in a week’s time after filling out the necessary forms.”
 Tirred stood stunned, his dream coming true at last. His father patted him on the back and his mother smiled at him.
 “Two groups will arrive,” said Michael. “The ones from the left portal will be new arrivals from Earth.” He pointed toward a green swirling portal. “Those who pass the qualifications will transform into their animal angelic forms and ascend the golden stairs to our world in triumph.” He waved his hand and a golden staircase appeared, leading up to the hole in the ceiling. “The other gold portal over there,” he pointed, “will consist of current saints and Heaven-born arriving in need of correction and assistance. God’s word will be the final call. The newly departed will be the first to arrive.”
 “Let this session commence,” Samael called, banging his staff on the floor.
 0 0 0
 Timmid, Sunna, and Docile soon woke up to find that Tirred had already left. They were about to go outside, when a bear in a suit and hat blocked their way.
 “No leaving until the ceremony is over,” he said in a gruff voice.
 “Why?” Timmid asked.
 “Non-family members not invited.”
 “But Zach’s not part of his family,” Docile said.
 “I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.” The bear waved a paw, mentioning for them to scram. They wandered back to their rooms.
 “Is it just me, or am I getting a bad feeling about Tirred?” Timmid asked.
 “You worried that he’ll mess up as usual?” Sunna asked.
 “No, not that.” She sighed, fingering her hair. “Well, sort of. I know that I broke up with him and don’t really want to see him again. But…I just have this feeling he may be in danger.”
 Docile shrugged. “I don’t see how going to a courtroom could be dangerous. There are many of them that help with greeting new souls to Heaven and giving people a chance to correct their wrongs here.”
 “But didn’t you hear Turquoise last night?” Timmid asked. “They are going to Samael’s courtroom specifically.”
 Docile’s face fell. “Samael? He’s usually only there for bad punishments. You know, for angels that disobey the rules and don’t want to repent.”
 Timmid stuttered. “W-what kinds of punishments are we talking about?”
 “Probably the whips and chains ones that I’ve been through,” Docile said. "And reciting the Bible a hundred times. There are no penances that get worse than that…”
 0 0 0
The new souls soon arrived in single file through the green portal.
 “Ronny Mash,” Michael called. The spirit of a brown-haired man glided forward.
 “Welcome to modern purgatory,” Samael said. “Let’s check your profile.”
 A list of the man’s actions and qualities appeared behind him, on a transparent wall of slithering silver energy.
 “Let’s see…born in New York, died half an hour ago, had a wife Layla Lee, two nice children…”
 He then was asked questions.
 “Have you displayed the virtues of kindness, charity, loyalty to your spouse, faith in God and selfless service?”
 “I have,” Ronny said.
 Scenes flashed on the energy screen of all the good things he did in life. The archangels nodded in approval.
 “Now for your sins…” said Samael.
 Ronny’s bad deeds appeared on screen, and he turned away in embarrassment.
 “Well, it looks like you had a one-night stand with a guy while drunk, skipped church for a year, did the usual swearing words…”
 “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
 “Remember,” Michael said. “You have a chance to repent.”
 After reciting from the Bible, Ronny stepped into a circle of white flames. A red “P” was on his forehead.
 “These flames will purify you of your sins,” Michael says. “If the ‘P’ vanishes, that means God has accepted you.” The other angels took careful notes. “Angel groups, you may begin your discussions.”
 Tirred and his family then met with another group of angels and talked amongst themselves.
 “Ronny may have cheated on his wife, but he was drunk and not in his right mind,” said an angel.
 “Did he confess his actions to his wife?”
 “Yes, he did, and apologized.”
 “Took a while, but it’s better than nothing.”
 “Why did he skip church?”
 “It was just an accident.”
 “But he kissed a man…”
 “Again…not in his normal state of mind…”
 “Love is love. There are plenty of gays here.”
 “Gays who have to hide their actions.”
 “Why wouldn’t there be gays here? Hell’s population is literally 95% non-binary.”
 “So, it makes sense that Heaven’s population should be straight, traditional, opposite and plain boring!”
 “At least schools here are perfect.”
 “If you follow all the rules and wear neat uniforms 24/7. There really doesn’t need to be North-Korea level worship of God and Jesus all the time.”
 “Would you rather be in Hell and face school-shooters every day? Jeez, I thought Earth was bad enough nowadays, those poor souls...”
 “Can we all get back to the topic, please?!”
 Tirred’s family, as usual, called out the group’s final decision. “We think he’s innocent.”
 “Let’s see the verdict,” said Samael.
 The room grew tense and quiet in anticipation. Tirred gulped as the soul stood in the circle of white flames. After a few moments, the red “P” vanished and the flames cleared.
 Samael banged his staff. “He is granted entry.”
 The room clapped and Ronny sighed in relief. His soul floated up and after being engulfed in rainbow light, he hovered in his new angelic form. The crowd gasped in amazement as Ronny became a sentient flying lion with wings and a halo.
 “Choose your eternal name,” said Michael.
 “My new name…is Lionheart!” called the soul and everyone cheered.
 Angels escorted him up the golden steps through the portal in the roof. Tirred sighed in relief.
 The next soul was a blonde woman who had died from suicide.
 “Kelly Mainford,” Samael said. “Let’s see your profile.”
 Images from her life appeared on screen as the angels took notes. She had donated to charities, done well in school, and gotten married.
 “Let’s see the sins,” Samael said. “Hmm…no attending church, being unfaithful to your husband…”
 Kelly grew fearful. “I had to leave him. He was being very violent with me.”
 “Using drugs…being a prostitute, oh my, you know, G-O-D…”
 “My husband stole all my money, so I had to make more!”
 Samael narrowed his eyes. “Not to mention being violent toward others, almost killing a man…”
 “He was trying to take my children away!”
 “Enough. Step into the circle.”
 Kelly did so and a “P” appeared on her forehead. After a few tense minutes, the “P” was still there. The flames began to grow hot around her, hurting her. The crowd murmured and gasped.
 Samael had a glint in his red eyes. “I’m sorry, Kelly, but it looks like you won’t get to go up to Heaven today.”
 “W-What do you mean?! This is madness!”
 “Take her away.”
 She pleaded. “No! Stop, you can’t do this!” Exorcists grabbed hold of both her arms, unfazed that she was a spirit. The dragged her through the silver energy wall, the “P” vanishing. Kelly saw she was out in space, staring at stars and the eye of God above. Then she looked down…at a large portal with a red sky below it. Sulfur and brimstone reached her nostrils.
 “Stop, please! Don’t take me from my family! I’m innocent!” Tears flowed down her face.
 “Watch your back next time you see us,” one of the Exorcists said with a low cackle. “Feel free to choose a name worthy of your sins.”
 She screamed in a panic and struggled against the Exorcist’s grips in vain. They shoved her backward and she screamed as she fell. Gravity rapidly pulled her down and her body morphed and contorted in the darkness. She had soon turned into her demon form…a gray she-wolf, before she landed in a heap on the Hell streets of Pentagram City. The Exorcists laughed malevolently and stepped back into the divine courtroom.
  0 0 0
 Docile froze and gasped in realization. “…unless you’re talking about banishment to Hell.”
 Sunna and Timmid gasped. “What does that mean?”
 “It means that Tirred will either have the chance to become an Exorcist or…experience something bad we don’t want to know about.” Docile said.
 “We have to save him,” Timmid declared, panic in her eyes. “I sensed something off about his parents. No wonder he’s been such a bully! Only I’m allowed to mess with him!”
 “But how will we get past the guards?” Sunna asked.
 “Hey!” bellowed one of the bears, reaching for Sunna, “Get back to your roo…”
 The bear was pushed backward by a kick from Timmid. The bear flew backwards and hit the wall with a painful grunt. Sunna and Docile stared at Timmid in disbelief.
 “T-that’s how,” Timmid said, determined.
 More stomping was coming closer to them.
 “Let’s go,” Docile called. They got into position and fought the other bears. Sunna dodged their swipes and scratched their big feet with her claws, sliding underneath them. Docile grabbed a spear from the wall and twirled it at another bear goon. Timmid did flips in the air as she kicked the back of a bear’s head.
 “Don’t kill them!” Docile warned. “Just knock them out!”
 “Will do,” Sunna said, as she hissed at another growling bear. She grabbed a bottle of Heaven’s Light 33, smashing it against the bear’s head. The goon crumpled to the ground as the glass shattered. Docile kicked open the front door and the others followed. They raced across the grounds until reaching Zach’s purple car. The license plate read “TDDYBR” and the car was clean inside. There were heart, rainbow and star bumper stickers on the back and front of the car.
 Docile sat in the front, Timmid to the side and Sunna in the back. They put on their seatbelts. Docile finagled with the radio stations, pressing a button. The stations read, “MICHAEL’S MUSIC,” “STATION 777,” “HEAVENLY TUNES,” “GOD’S COVANENT CHOIR,” “GOSPEL SONGS” “EVANGELICAL HARMONIES.” Finally Docile found the perfect station: “PATIENCE’S #1 CHURCH HITS.”
 The crew soon raced down the highways to the stadium. They soon reached the building. They got out of the car, racing past more bear guards, and dodging several Exorcists. Docile led the way into the building, running down the halls.
 0 0 0
 This time, the other portal wavered, and a Heaven-born angel stepped through, flanked by towering Exorcists. The angel was a small white female sheep wearing a green dress. She cowered as she was pushed forward, her white wings fluttering.
 “Honey Baa,” Michael said. “Heaven-born. Friend of the worker bees and a fellow cherub. She’s been faithful, obedient, and compassionate for years…until now.”
 The crowd murmured as Samael read her crimes.
 “After Exorcist General Sir Adam patrolled Cherub Towne, Honey Baa took it upon herself to punch, kick, and swear at him along the path.”
 The angels murmured again.
 “Honey Baa, what say you?”
 “I say, I’m not guilty.”
 Samael shook his head. “Repent now and you’ll be forgiven. Why did you attack Adam like that? You know violence is strictly forbidden.”
 Honey Baa wailed and pointed into the stands. “Adam is a selfish arrogant prick! No one else seems to care what he’s doing, but I saw him with my own eyes. He pushed my colleagues around and lifted up my dress from behind!”
 Lute and Adam snickered from their golden thrones. Adam’s eyes and sharp teeth glowed yellow from the darkness as he spoke. “Lord Samael, she’s delusional! I did no such act.”
 “I know what you did!” Honey Baa spat. “You also choked my best friend Maria the other day.”
 “She’s a former human,” Adam said. “And she was trying to enter God’s palace to request contacting her husband from…down there. Former humans still come from sin, so I had to teach her a lesson. Cherubs should know their place. And elves, too.” He looked in disdain at Tirred, who seethed, eyes wide.
 “And to think I used to admire you and your fighting against sinners,” Tirred thought in disbelief. “But even I don’t treat women and sinners like you do.”
 “Everyone knows that only the Heaven-born can even get a small glimpse of God’s abode,” Lute added, sharpening her curved sword.
 “I think she should get on her knees and apologize for spitting in my face,” Adam said with a smug. Samael nodded in agreement. “Go ahead, Honey Baa...”
 But the trembling defiant Honey Baa crossed her arms. “After Adam assaulted me like that? F*ck no!”
 More murmurs.
 Samael cleared his throat. “Well, Honey Baa, for disrespecting Adam, you have sealed your fate…”
 Everyone turned to Zach.
 “Excuse me?” Samael barked, turning around. “Zach, how rude of you to interrupt this judgment!”
 Zach stood up. “No! Listen to her! She just explained to you that Adam assaulted her. She was just defending herself! Are you really gonna send her to Hell over that?”
 Samael seethed. “Violence and swearing is not permitted here. And any act against Adam is an act against God.”
 Zach stood his ground. “I don’t believe that God would want someone so prideful and heartless to represent Him. Jesus would definitely be appalled.”
 “You know nothing of Jesus,” Samael said. “You’re just a bloke of a bear lucky enough to be part of your esteemed elf group. Now cease your behavior or join her!”
 “Zach,” Turquoise said, sadly. “There is nothing you can…”
 Zach brushed Turquoise aside. “I will not let you take her away! This is injustice!”
 “I hereby sentence Zach to fire and brimstone…!” Samael began.
 Just then, the double doors burst open and in barged E.L.F.
 “Objection, Your Honor!” Docile yelled, pointing his angelic spear forward. The other E.L.F. members posed in fighting positions.
 Samael growled as the crowd whispered and stared at the elves. “Oh, what now?!”
 “Tirred!” Timmid called, racing to him.
 “What are you guys doing here?” Tirred asked.
 “Rescuing you,” Timmid said. She gasped. “Zach!”
 Zach ran over to Honey Baa in the center of the chamber, knocking the Exorcists back with his meaty paws. He narrowly avoided a spear. “Fly away from here, Honey Baa, I’ll hold them off!” Zach yelled.
 “What is that bumbling bear doing?” Tirred wondered aloud.
 Zach punched the two Exorcists some more. He watched as Honey Baa flew back through the portal in the ceiling.
 “That little b*tch!” Adam scoffed. He mentioned to more Exorcists. “Seize those filthy elves!”
 The angels tried to calm everyone down. “Order! Order!” Michael barked to the fighters who ignored him. Tirred stood up to join his crew, but Blau gripped his arm. “Don’t you dare, Tir. Remember your family comes first.”
 Tirred watched as Exorcists closed in on Docile, Timmid, Sunna and Zach. They could defeat them, but would they be able to escape the courtroom before more showed up?
 Timmid was about to punch an Exorcist when another Exorcist tossed Zach to the side like a limp doll. The bear stood up but was soon pinned down by dark clawed hands. They dragged him forward to Blau and Turquoise, awaiting instructions.
 Turquoise stared in silence. Blau stared at the bear in disgust. “Our family prides itself on honoring Lord Adam and Heaven’s protectors. Zach, your immature and reckless actions today have demonstrated your disloyalty. You let a criminal and angel-turned sinner escape. And there is only one place for the unfaithful.”
 Blau glared at her husband, and he fearfully nodded.
 Zach sobbed, then stared long and hard into their eyes.
 “I’d rather go to Hell than serve the likes of you, anymore. Blau, I saw you mistreat my friend. I should’ve known something was up with you. I love Heaven too, but I refuse to honor a general who only knows the opposite of what God stands for. His violence ruthless acts make Hell’s demons tame in comparison.”
 “Well then,” Blau said with a sneer. “It looks like you’ve been demoted from care-bear to scare-bear.”
 Timmid screamed in protest as Zach was dragged away toward the silver energy wall.  
 “Goodbye, Zach,” Blau said dismissively.
 “Zach!” Timmid cried. She, too, was held in place by an Exorcist.
 The portal opened, revealing dark space and the portal to Hell below. From behind the “X” of the Exorcist’s speaks blocking the way, Tirred saw the pleading face of his annoying, but caring former friend.
 “Timmid! Tirred! Tir, please help me!”
 The bear’s brown eyes begged for help, his paw outstretched, wings beating frantically. Tirred gasped, frozen to the spot in despair.
 “Tirred, please!”
 He was dragged further and further away.
 “Zach, I…” Tirred began.
 In the background, Tirred saw the Exorcists carelessly toss the screaming bear down into the portal. His wings burned to ash as he fell. A tear fell down Tirred’s cheek. Up in the stands, Zach’s parents sobbed into each other’s hairy lavender arms.
 Docile froze too, memories racing back to him. He saw the desperate dark teal face of his mother Allita in the courtroom. Docile was a little elf, his father, Yesha Cantus, somberly holding him back with his arm. Allita’s long black hair flowed in the breeze, as the portal in the silver transparent energy wall was opened. She wore a long blue dress with black sashes on it, the opposite of Blitzo’s imp mother, Tilla.
 “Sins: protesting for the rights of demons and sinners to stay alive in Hell. Disobeying officials in church. Claiming that elves are as legitimate as the canon cherubs and angels. Supporting gays, rebels, heretics, and addicts.”
 Samael banged his staff onto the floor in judgment.
 “Mommy!” little Docile cried.
 Allita raced toward her husband and son. She hugged them both, and they each cried. She gave Docile and extra-long hug before she was grabbed from behind by two Exorcists. She struggled and removed her necklace form her neck with one hand. She strained and reached forward, dropping the necklace into Docile’s small hands. It was a teal circle with a smiley face on it.
 “Mommy!” Docile cried, as his mother was moved further away. He last saw her pleading face before she vanished through the energy wall.
 0 0 0
 Tirred stood in shock after racing forward to the center of the room. “What have I done?” He had failed to save his friend…and he failed to show him the love he deserved. Zach had been nothing but kind (and annoying) to him, and now it was too late to save him.
 “Tir,” said his father, coming behind him. He showed him an Exorcist spear in his palms that glinted in the light. “Now is your chance to begin your training and go back to your seat. I’m sorry about what happened to your friend. But you must finish your judgments and accept all outcomes. Can you do that for me?”
 Tirred stared long and hard at the spear. This was his moment., his dream come to life. Had he known his family would help him become an Exorcist, he would’ve returned long ago. But he never found real forgiveness from them. But now…he would be forgiven by his family. He would finally make them proud. Tirred would prove to Heaven that he was a worthy warrior, even though he was an elf.
 He glanced to see Docile, Timmid, and Sunna about to be escorted out of the courtroom by the alien angels. Timmid gave him a sad, heart-breaking look. He was about to lose her for good.
 “Tirred,” Blau said, hand on his shoulder. “I talked to the Exorcists and they will help make you taller and stronger. Take the spear and do your duty. You will see many more faces of sinners you will punish. You may as well get used to it. You know I only want what’s best for you. You’ve wanted this for years. Leave E.L.F. Make up for lost time and expand our business again.”
 “Hurry, Tirred, so the session can resume,” said his father.
 “Best for me?” Tirred wondered.
 He saw his friends again, almost to the door. Tirred glanced up at Adam’s face, his formal idol. In the angel’s eyes was the look of a bully excited to test a punching bag.
 “Do it, Tir,” Turquoise urged.
 Tirred looked at his parents, breathing out years of repressed fear and pain.
 “Or best for them?”
 After what he witnessed, after he had watched his friend’s banishment, he knew that could’ve easily been him. Or Timmid. He now realized just how self-centered and bloodthirsty the Exorcists were…and how cruel and ignorant he had been to E.L.F. And his family business depending on him becoming…a sinner-killing monster.
 He had a new family, a true family…and he wasn’t leaving them behind.
 Tirred stepped back. “No.”
 “What was that?” Turquoise asked, eyebrow raised.
 “No. I’m sorry, sir, but I-I’ll have to decline your offer.”
 “You wouldn’t…” Blau glared.
 Tirred turned around and faced Michael. “Lord Michael, let E.L.F. go. Let me go with them. I won’t bother anyone else again.”
 “Address me properly, boy,” Samael spat.
 “Sorry, your Mishonor, sir. Can I choose how you’ll punish me next?”
 Samael’s eye twitched as a couple angels snickered.
 Michael seemed to consider this. He waved his hand and the angels let go of E.L.F.
 Tirred smiled in apology at Docile, who smiled warmly.
 “It’s okay, Tirred. Let’s go home.”
 Abruptly, Tirred was grabbed from behind and pulled through the energy wall.
 “Tirred!” Docile yelled with a gasp.
 Timmid screamed and Sunna hissed at more Exorcists. Tirred struggled against the grip and soon found himself staring at outer space. His captor flew forward with him. Then Tirred yelled in fear as a red sky appeared below his feet. He was hanging by his collar above the portal to Hell…but he wasn’t held by an Exorcist.
 Tirred felt a hand slap hard across his face, another hand gripping his collar. “You are more of a disgrace than I thought! If you won’t continue our legacy, then there is no more use for you!”
 “Mother, stop!” Tirred choked.
 Tirred shook in despair as his mother’s eyes bore into his soul, her fingers tearing into his wings. Tears filled his eyes. Sparks from the portal reached his shoes. One of his black shoes fell off and descended down into the fiery depths. His mother’s fingers slowly loosened their grip…
 Blau was then forcefully pulled back by her long black hair. She fell backward and rolled onto the narrow ground near the energy wall. Tirred struggled to pick himself up onto the small stone ledge. Timmid flew over and grabbed his hand. Tirred smiled in thanks as she rescued him.
 “Not our son, you b*tch!” His father’s voice. “Are you insane?!”
  Turquoise wrestled his wife on the narrow stone pathway, no longer fearing her outbursts.
 “Get off!” she yelled. “He’s gonna ruin everything!”
 “Get out of here, Tir!” called his father, looking at him. “Don’t cause any more trouble, you hear me?!”
 “Y-yes sir!”
 Tirred nodded and raced back through the wall with Timmid. The Exorcists carried Tirred’s parents back through the energy wall.
 Michael stood up. “This court is temporarily adjourned. We will meet back after lunch. All members of E.L.F. may leave in peace. Now. And Turquoise and Blau may leave to their home at once. Do not barge in and bother this court again.”
 Samael protested but Michael cut him off. “The decision is final.” He took Samael’s staff and banged it like a gavel.
 The elves left through the open doors, escorted out by the alien angels. Tirred turned and saw his mother’s vengeful face fade into the background.
 0 0 0
 Back at E.L.F. headquarters, the bears and carriage had taken them back.
 Timmid and Tirred hugged each other and sobbed in front of the building.
 “I’m so sorry, Timmid.”
 “That’s okay, Tir. Next time, just tell me if your mother’s a psychopath. I can handle it.”
 Docile and Sunna joined the hug. “I’m glad everything ended up okay,” Sunna said.
 “So can we…uh…get back together?” Tirred asked.
 “Don’t push it,” Timmid warned. “Your parents may be jerks, but you still have to make up for it.”
 Tirred planted a small kiss to her cheek and revealed a small smile. “How about that? For saving my life?”
 Timmid blushed. “Well…I guess that’s a start.”
 0 0 0
 Meanwhile back at the mansion, Blau threw a dagger at the family portrait, and it landed into Tirred’s forehead. Turquoise sat helplessly in a chair with an Exorcist guard behind him, with a worried expression.
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