#tmnt villain
tmnt-raph-fan-art · 12 days
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TMayNT 27: Fave Alien Villain I love the idea of an alien race that look like a specific type of dinosaur. And the turtles pissed off most of them.
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lalasworld2x · 3 months
Shredder Imagine ⚡️⚡️
Sleeping in bed together 🌟🌟
• Shredder showers before bed every night, allowing you to join him if you would like to
• He places his armour on an armour stand in the corner of the room.
• On hot nights, he just wears shorts to bed. On cold nights, he’ll wear full pajamas.
• The bedroom light would be off a while before either of you actually got into bed. He’s used to walking around in the dark and you’re used to the layout of the room, so neither of you have an issue accessing anything in the darkness.
• You’ll lay in bed together, your head on his and your nails grazing over his collarbone soothingly. His hand will brush up and brush your back gently.
• You’ll kiss each other goodnight and wait for slumber to take hold.
• When he’s feeling very cuddly, he’ll roll onto his side and fully hug you, or spoon you depending on how cuddly you’re feeling.
• If he’s in a deep sleep, his large build may end up crushing you for a bit but hey, gotta love man titties right?
• If you have a pet, he’ll only let it sleep on your side or at the foot of the bed. You’re the only being that’s allowed to take up his space, nobody else!
• Some nights he’ll chatter in his sleep, usually due to a nightmare, but whenever you mention it to him, he’ll completely dismiss the whole idea of it.
• He snores a little loudly but you’ve gotten used to it over time. At this point you feel sad when you don’t hear his snoring at night.
• If you’ve been crying or had anxiety or panic attack before bed, he’ll rest on elbow and rub his finger tips along your thighs and arms soothingly. He’ll give you little kisses of reassurance every now and again.
• If he’s gone to bed upset or angry, he likes it when you do the same for him, maybe just hold back on the kisses lol (he might bite).
• Whatever noises you make in your sleep don’t bother him at all, just hope you don’t accidentally kick him lmao.
• If you have tics before going to sleep, he’ll ask what’s on your mind (worried you might be feeling anxious or too active to sleep). He’s not one for late night conversations but if it helps tire you out, he’ll do it
I don’t think I’ve ever actually done an imagine before? At least not of an already existing character. It certainly helps when you’re fixated on that character at the moment lmao
Hope you liked it🤙🤙
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villainleoau · 23 days
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HERE WE GO! OUR ENTRY FOR ROUND ONE OF @tmntfashioncompetition !!! Mikey: @galactickit Donnie/Design: @xinrouska April: @lemellion Raph: @starrcrossrose
We are honored to go up against @untitled-tmnt-blog and hopefully have lots of fun!
No effects vers plus inspo below!
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v-albion · 10 days
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Third week entry for @tmntfashioncompetition! The theme is “Heroes and Villains” so this time TC Foot Captain is cosplaying Doc Ock. The outfit is inspired from spiderverse but I love the claws design from the movie so I combined them.
Going against @tangledinink this time so wish us luck!
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intotheelliwoods · 12 days
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Fullmetal Alchemist
My entry (well, entries) for this weeks theme "Heros and Villains" for the @tmntfashioncompetition !!
Its Sprout! Dressed as the guy I might have taken inspiration from back when I first designed his prosthetic- I mean automail-
My opponent is the lovely one and only @bluesgras <3 <3
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tangledinink · 10 days
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the red angel of preventing harm needed a counterpart... what's a hero without a villain, after all? >:3c
[ -> @tmntfashioncompetition, "heroes and villains" week. as always, brownie points to those who find the easter eggs... ]
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cimicherrychanga · 8 months
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hi @onionninjasstuff 's villain pb&j AU is the funniest shit ive read in A WHILE, so i drew the sillies
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teenagenutant · 3 months
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a bit more weird, wild, and less structurally stable than the 2-turtle fusions, here's bosch (raph+mikey+donnie) and machiavelli (leo+mikey+donnie)!
pure impulsive destructive excitement and 'what if your annoying little sibling was also the world's most acrobatic awful cat'
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mrabubu · 5 months
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"i don't have the exact first meeting pinned down in my head, but i do have this mental image of him sitting on a fire escape, one knee bent up to his chest and the other hanging down the side, a toothy grin on his face as he mockingly asks: "what a soft little thing like you is doing on this side of town?" "
Say no more @desceros Also, thank you @gbao3 for references for Leo's outfit
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theyartgremlin · 4 months
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For @onionninjasstuff’s 3k DTIYS! Woo! Whenever I thought about these goobers driving I just think of them doing it like those crashing car simulator games, and them trying to destroy everything in their path including pedestrians. Also if they are gonna do this why use brakes? Plus I just wanted to fiddle around with coloring. Have a great day / night!
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cokoweee · 11 days
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or Queen…whoops
I finished the doodle rlly early so I’m posting to shake the nerves :D This is my submission for @tmntfashioncompetition Villains and Heroes theme cause like.. rat king.. get it? Ahajaaagag….
K bye 🚶🚶🚶
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lalasworld2x · 14 days
Shredder Imagine💋💋
Cold Shredder 🥶🥶
• He wears slightly more padding under his armour during winter.
• If you two decide to shower together, he might waste a bit of time and water to give you long, warm cuddles and kisses. Just to warm you both up 😉
• He trains harder and longer just to keep himself warm and active, so he gains quite a bit of muscle during Winter.
• At night, in bed, spooning is ideal.
• He orders only the warmest of blankets for your guys’ bed.
• If he ever gets sick, he refuses to ask for help. Won’t even tell you about it, will just tough it out in his own, no matter how draining and exhausting that may be.
• He loves drinking hot tea, both to help with sickness and just to warm himself up.
• You once bought him an Oodie because you thought it would be funny to see him wear it, but he never actually did lol (you wear it of course though!)
• He meditates outside, in the midday sun, instead of inside. He also stretches and such during this time.
• He has done quite a bit of temperature training throughout his life, so he’s not totally helpless when it’s cold, but he’s not invincible lol
• He’s encouraged you to take up some temperature training as well, and you’ve actually gotten somewhere with it, but it’s just up to you to decide if you actually want to continue or not. He’s not fussed over your answer. :)
Idk just another quick idea on my head, sorry if this is stupid or like too short or smth 💀💀
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tizeline · 11 days
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Submission for the third round of the @tmntfashioncompetition
Hey guys remember This Ask? Cuz ever since I have been planning on drawing TSAU!Donnie in the Black Mamba suit from Megamind, but I never actually got around to it......... UNTIL NOW! >:D Also I turned it a bit more purple because of course
(TSAU!Donnie is 100% a huge Megamind fan if that wasn't obvious) (Actually I'm sure Canon Donnie would be as well)
The original suit from the movie under the cut:
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onionninjasstuff · 1 year
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villainleoau · 9 months
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Enough is enough
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andva-ri · 9 days
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my last minute entry for the @tmntfashioncompetition
sorry I couldn't manage a full piece like everyone else :'3
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