#to when he finds out Haruhi is a girl
wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
Rewatching Ouran High School while drawing. Tamaki is a dumbass, I love him so much.
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emptyjunior · 5 months
Can I say how much I love how Ouran High School handles the rich boy/poor girl in love trope. 
Like I absolutely believe it’s discussions about classism and elitism to this Day still hold up! 
I will admit there is so much weird stuff in ouran😭, but we see the Handsome ‘Unlimited Money’ Male Lead a LOT in anime and I feel ouran gets a lot of points of the characterisation SO right, that a lot of other shows just don’t! 
Ouran does the whole love story/harem/all the boys want brown hair girl that we project on, trope. Like they do that, but they show that at the foundation, the root of all of it, those rich boys are JEALOUS. They aren’t approaching Haruhi with the need to protect and own her, at their core the rich are envious of her! Even though they have everything, they want what she has! 
Like we see in the real world with how the rich cosplay as poor! And say "ohhhh I'm so broke please venmo me for lunch" and wear their ripped jeans and strained sweaters and take pictures at the met gala with a box of McDonalds fries in their hand. 
The classist comments made towards Haruhi ARE comedic relief, but the joke isn’t on characters like Haruhi, the joke is on THEM. 
They are the ones who can’t do anything! They are the ones who are stilted and emotionally closed off! They are the ones who can’t make an instant coffee or go to a mall without help! 
THAT is why Haruhi is the center of this harem, why she is the one they’re chasing. They are jealous of her insight and world experience from living independently, from living a REAL life. That is her enviable trait. Haruhi GETS people! And they don’t. Their wealth has isolated them and now there is a barrier between these characters and the rest of the world and they have no idea how to navigate it. 
And this is the foundation of 90% of the problems/conflict in the show! 
The holiday ep when Hikaru has feelings because Haruhi reconnects with Nice Guy Arai? Hikaru says he doesn’t like this guy for all these reasons and most of them are like ‘he’s just some nobody from nothing who only knows Haruhi cause they went to some stupid public school together’. Like okay? Haruhi has all of those ‘bad traits’ as well but you still seem to like her?  
Because it’s not about that, it’s never about that, it’s not even about the love rival/romance angle (at least not completely).  
Hikaru is scared and embarrassed! He already was when they got there, when these rich boys crashed Haruhi’s summer to find out she is an employee here and she is working with her own two hands. This is not a break for her! And then he’s so worried when Haruhi and Arai find each other because what they have is so untouchable to him. Same background, same class, they can meet each other’s needs! And know the other's needs! And this is a chasm that Hikaru has no idea how to cross so he starts lashing out. 
And that episode concludes with Hikaru being told about Haruhi’s fear of thunderstorms, finally actually listening and empathizing with what that means, and then going to her and giving her the stuff she needs to deal with that problem (blanket, headphones, support, protection etc.). 
He has to LEARN that none of those poor people inherently know all this secret knowledge! They just care and ask each other stuff! You can ask Haruhi what she's afraid of and then help her with that! It was always this simple! Just because you’re not the same class as her and knowing her isn’t as easy as it is with people the same as you, doesn’t mean you’ll never know! Learn! Listen! Keep trying! 
Ouran shows their rich characters being hurt by their wealth. Their elitists mindset does NOT benefit them and they’re only narratively rewarded when they break out of it, THAT’S why the arcs are so good. 
(And also while we’re here, I LOVE when they do eps that show Tamaki’s character is actually a parallel of Haruhi’s. Tamaki grew up as an illegitimate child, hidden away in France with his mother. He knows what it is to not be at the top of the food chain, and he learns the skills to keep living! Tamaki is a survivor in a world run by a man who was ashamed of him and did not want him. That can destroy a child, but Tamaki doesn’t let it. He learns how to work people and he learns that belief in yourself is the most powerful asset someone can have. And this is the life experience he imparts onto Kyoya and this SAVES Kyoya, who was barreling towards a black pit of despair and chasing his father’s shadow. The ‘poor’ characters of this show have power that the rich people desperately desire, and in the end they learn that it’s not something you take it’s something you build for yourself.) 
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
How they knew (Yandere Ouran High School Host Club).
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You know how in the first episode; a little lightbulb turns on went off whenever one of the hosts figured out Haruhi was a girl? Well, that's how I imagine it was like for them when they figured out, they loved you, which inspired this fic. (Warning, bad usd to yen calculations, I just looked it up).
Honey knew he would like you the moment he saw you.
You were awkward, sitting so stiffly across from Haruhi as you slowly eat your cake, eyes darting around the old music room in what was very obviously nervous.
You stood out like a sore thumb, your commoner clothing a stark contrast to the bright uniforms of Ouran Acadamy. It was so obvious that Honey noticed you immediately when you walked into the club, watching as you beelined towards Haruhi, who was excited to see you.
Despite your demeanor, Honey just couldn't help but be drawn to you. You were just so cute as you stuttered and stammered when he skipped over to you and started a conversation. He learned you were on an art scholarship, the dried marker and paint that littered your hands a clear sign to that. He learned you were in Haruhi's year, and while you weren't as gifted as her, you were just as determined. Most importantly, he learned you loved sweets, and as you eventually got over your nervousness you happily ate slice after slice of cake.
Honey's time with you flew by, eventually Haruhi taking your time back from him. He couldn't believe how short your interaction was, and he was honestly frustrated having it taken from him. Before you could leave, he made you promise to come see him again, linking his pinkies with you to seal it.
The next day, you didn't show up. You didn't show up for the next few weeks, and Honey didn't like it at all.
He pried Haruhi on where he could find you, leading him to one of Ouran's many art rooms. When he walked inside, he could see you sitting in front of a large canvas, a light wash of colors laying on top of it. You were painting peacefully, and for a while, Honey just watched you. He liked you the most when you weren't trembling with nerves, just being yourself. You were beautiful, your skin glowing in the slowly setting sun as you hummed along to a song playing from your headphones.
It was when you turned around and noticed him, a bright smile gracing your face that Honey realized he loved you, and he embraced it like a warm hug.
Haruhi wonders where you've been all her life, and why she hadn't met you sooner.
Haruhi is thankful for your friendship, she really is, but sometimes she wishes you could be something more.
She knows though, that because she a host member, and because she needs to pay off her debt, that you two could never be more. And she's fine with that, she really is, but somedays she wishes you two could've met under different circumstances.
Nothing proves that more than the third year cuddling up to you, ranting about his classes as he hands you another slice of cake. Haruhi fumed silently as Honey fed you a bit of cake from his plate, the giggle coming from his mouth as you took a bite being anything but sweet.
"Haruhi." Somehow, Hikaru was on her right.
"What's up with you?" Kaoru was on her left. She groans as the twins follow her fine of sight, smirking at the sight in front of them.
"Oh, I see," They giggle as they eye Haruhi, who was now slightly red, "You're jealous." They said in tandem.
"Am not." She said, walking away only for them to follow. They laugh, looking at each other for a second before looking back at her.
"So, you wouldn't mind if we hung out with them tomorrow, would you?" Haruhi's eyes widened for a moment before shifting to a glare. Crossing her arms, she shrugs and rolls her eyes.
"Of course, I wouldn't." Haruhi knew they knew she was lying, but she couldn't back down now.
The twins both smiled at her before walking off, her heart already dropping to her stomach.
The next day, of course, the twins were all over you. You were at the host club before she was, and when she arrived you were playing the twins stupid game.
"Can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?" They stood in front of you, smiling coyly down at you from your seat on the couch. Haruhi watched you think for a second, before you pointed.
"You're Hikaru," You pointed to the twin on the right. "And you're Kaoru." You finished. Haruhi watched as the twin's playful façade faltered, their faces bewildered. As quickly as it happened, they recovered.
"You're wrong, sorry~." No, you weren't, Haruhi could tell. Either way though, you deflated, your pout causing Haruhi to blush.
"Aw, I could've sworn I was right." You murmur to yourself, eyes meeting Haruhi's as she walks over to you. You lighten up a little, waving at her.
"Oh, hey Haruhi, what's up?" Haruhi doesn't know why her heart races at your simple question, but she can help it. She lucky she was even able to make an excuse for you to get away from the brothers, claiming she wanted to study with you, which wasn't far from the truth. She just wanted to spend some time with you, together.
She could hear the twin's snicker something, "And she says she isn't jealous." She thinks Hikaru said, she wasn't paying attention. She was too focused on you.
Hikaru and Kaoru always shared everything.
It was in their nature as twins. It's like they had this mutual understanding that everything they do, they do together. Everything they own, they own together. Everything they are, they are together.
"Hikaru." Kaoru starts, not looking at his brother as he gets ready for bed. "What do you think about (Y/N)?" He whispers, mind wandering with thoughts of you. It was strange for anyone to be able to tell them apart, especially so easily. Ever since that moment, all he could think about was you, it was kind of embarrassing.
Kaoru can hear Hikaru shift slighting before scoffing, "What is there to think about." He says plainly. Karou looks over at him, his brother seemingly completely uninterested.
Kaoru shrugs, "I don't know, don't you think it's strange." He says, watching as his brother rolls his eyes.
"It's not that big of a deal, they probably cheated anyway." Hikaru mumbled the last part, but Kaoru still heard, not responding as he laid down to sleep.
Apparently, it did matter, because as Hikaru watched you giggle and joke around with Kaoru, he couldn't help but wonder how you knew.
Honestly, it makes him kind of angry. Why was it so easy for you. You had to have cheated, you definitely cheated. There's no other reason for why he feels this way, right?
He hears you giggle again, and Hikaru wanted to rip his hair out. He hated the sound, even more than he hated Kaoru's dumb smile that stretched across his face.
He wanted Kaoru to hate you as much as he did. He wanted you to leave the host club, damn the school entirely, and never come back.
Hikaru watches as Kaoru puts his hand on your arm in a way that was definitely more than platonic, not that you could tell. Disgusted, Hikaru gets up from his seat and storms out of the club room, to where, he doesn't know.
What he does know is he hates the blush that runs up his cheeks when he hears your concern for him as you ask where he's going.
Kaoru is in love with you. He loves you; he loves thinking about you, he loves talking about you, he loves being with you.
The issue was Hikaru.
Hikaru loved you too, that was obvious by the blush that covered his cheeks when he heard your voice. But he would never admit it. Whether it's because his pride or because some other deep emotion, no one knew. On the outside, Hikaru was able to hide it, but Kaoru knew, Kaoru always knew.
"Just admit it, Hikaru." Kaour started, "You're in love with them." Hikaru scoffed quietly, his uncaring façade never leaving his face.
"Just because you love the Kaoru doesn't mean I do." He spoke. Their bedroom was silent after that, but Hikaru could hear Kaoru lay down on the bed. Hikaru turned towards his brother, bringing his knees to his chest.
Maybe Hikaru did love you. Maybe he wanted to be with you. But he was afraid. Afraid of messing with the delicate balance that him and his brother has. He's afraid of submitting to someone else. Be more that all that, he's afraid of someone taking you from him, and that he'll never have another chance with you.
Maybe Hikaru is in love.
Mori has always liked the quiet. He's content with watching the world around them in peaceful silence.
His favorite thing to watch is you.
You were becoming a common sight at the host club. You always came for Haruhi, but either the twins or Honey would steal you from her. It was somewhat amusing to watch his colleagues become slowly enamored with you.
He didn't expect it to happen to him, however.
You were nice, too nice for you own good. It started slowly, actions that were barely noticeable to other people. Things like offering a piece of your lunch to him when him and Honey would eat with you. Or when you would see him in the hallways and ask how he was doing. Or when you offered to help him in a class he was struggling with, not expecting anything in return.
His feelings for you slowly and slowly built up like an all-consuming force. Whenever he saw you, the world around him would become hazy and all he could focus on was you.
It became too much, the feelings eventually creeping out of him one random day at school. After taking Honey to his class, he saw you, crouching on the floor, your eyes red and raw.
"(Y/N)." He said, his heart sinking as he hears you sniffle, "what's wrong." You shake your head, choosing to stay quiet. "What happened?" Mori prodded forward as you wiped your eyes.
"Just some stupid classmate." You snarled slightly and rolled your eyes, "vandalized a project of mine. Took me forever." You mumbled.
The familiar feeling of rage pooled up inside Mori. He murmured something about you waiting for him before walking off towards the art classroom.
Mori has always liked the quiet, especially in moments like this, his breath labored and heavy as sweat beats down his forehead. Below him, a first year, beaten and bruised, but living.
It wasn't hard getting the information from the kid; he was bragging loudly to his friends about the stupid commoner who bumped into him earlier, so he got revenge by destroying the project they were working on.
Mori couldn't explain the rage he felt, but it emanated out of him like steam, it only increasing as he followed the kid back to the art room, cornering him. Before he could even get a word out, Mori's hands were on him, punching and hitting the first year in a blind rage. His fists came down so fast, the first year could barely scream, only small gasps coming from him.
Eventually, the world quiets down, and everything comes back into focus. He turns his head to see your art piece standing up on an easel. He could see bits of the self-portrait behind the mess paint carelessly splattered across the canvas.
Mori slowly stood up, ignoring the barely living kid beneath him as he approached the canvas, carefully caressing the piece of you he could see. He retracts his hand, frowning at the smear of blood left on the canvas.
In this moment, Mori wondered if this was the farthest he would go for you only to laugh at the thought. He was willing to go much, much, further for you.
"Ah, you're Haruhi's friend." Kyoya already knew you, you've been coming here for weeks. You were sitting at Haruhi's table, waiting for her to finish her classes.
"Um-yeah, what's up?" Kyoya would be lying if he said he didn't think your little stuttering was cute. Kyoya smiled coyly, pushing up his glasses while looking down at you.
"I've heard you are a wonderful artist and would like to commission a piece for the host club's website." He explained. You looked surprised, but who could blame you. An extremely rich student was offering to pay you for your art.
"Oh! What exactly are you looking for?" Kyoya sits down across from you and stares at you with a pleased expression.
"I would like individual portraits of all the hosts, if that is possible." He watches you think for a second before nodding slowly.
"It'll probably take me a while" You mumble to yourself. You look at him with a small tilt of the head, "How much are you paying."
He let out a smile laugh, "I think 14,000 per portrait should suffice." Your eyes nearly popped out of your head at amount. The money was nothing in comparison to what we had, but you didn't have to know that.
You were fast to agree, something Kyoya very much liked.
Over the next few weeks, Kyoya has been visiting your classroom to view your progress on the portraits. Eventually the visits became less about making sure you were keeping up to schedule and more about well, you.
Kyoya found you so interesting, for a commoner at least. You were shy and quiet, but so fiercely determined when it came to what you were passionate about. And you were talented, very much so. Even with your cheap art supply, you were able to create such beautiful works of art, it was breathtaking.
"You didn't have to get this for me Kyoya." You utter, looking down at the very expensive paints Kyoya purchased for you. Your demeanor became shy when he puts a hand on your back and smiles.
"It's just a small gesture, think of it as a thank you for the portraits." He says. Kyoya looks over at the canvas in front of you, it being a rough sketch of Tamaki. The other, finished painting laying on the floor to dry. What caught his eye however was a painting in the corner, a painting of yourself.
"You're doing a self-portrait?" Kyoya asked, pointing over to the smaller canvas. You quickly get up from your seat and turn the canvas around, embarrassment seeping through your laugh.
"How much?" You look confused, shaking your head.
"It's a project so..."
"After it's turned in and graded, how much for it." You move the painting away to the other side of the room.
"It's not for sale, Kyoya."
"I'll pay double, if that's what you would like?" Now you look frustrated, sitting back down across from the canvas.
"Why do you want it so bad anyway?" You grumble, picking up a paintbrush.
Kyoya moves over to the painting, eyes scanning over your soft features. Kyoya feels as though he could look at the painting for years and keep finding little things about you that made you beautiful. He tears his eyes away from the painting, looking back at you.
"How about triple?"
Tamaki felt like something was off. Everyone was acting weird today, Haruhi was late, Hikaru and Kaoru were whispering to each other, Honey and Mori seemed distracted, even Kyoya seemed off.
"It seems like the hosts have caught something." Kyoya said while scribbling something in his notebook. Tamaki gave him a raised brow, Kyoya simply smiling. "Who knows, maybe it'll spread to you."
Tamaki doesn't know what he's talking about, none of the members seem ill. Maybe he should wear a mask to school tomarrow?
"Excuse me, you're blocking the door." Tamaki breaks out of his stupor, looking down at you. You looked familiar, he's seen you somewhere before.
"Oh, you're Haruhi's friend, right?" Tamaki asked as he moved for you to enter the classroom. You nod, walking slightly faster as Tamaki attempts to follow you.
"I've seen you at the host club before, why haven't you requested anyone other than Haruhi? Have you and Haruhi been friends long?" He just wouldn't stop talking, and he wounded leave you alone.
"Don't you have a class to be at." You said, and Tamaki bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, giving you a small goodbye before leaving.
The next time he saw you was at the host club, eating cake and drinking tea with Haruhi. He couldn't stop watching you, and it was distracting him from his host duties.
He had to pull his eyes away from you and focus on the girl at his side, only to hear your voice as you talk to Haruhi and turn back towards you, eyes sparkling at your laugh. To Tamaki, it was like everything was just easier with you. You were easy to love, and you made him feel like he was easy to love.
It became a common thing to see you at the host club, and slowly and slowly, Tamaki was getting closer to you. It started with offering to walk you to class, then giving you treats to take home, eventually those treats becoming expensive gifts that he knew you would never be able to afford. He thrived off of your happy smile when he gave you a gift, the nice touches you gave him when you saw him in the hallways.
But most importantly, he liked the looks of jealousy he got from the other hosts. Whenever he gave you another piece of jewelry or bouquet of flowers, he reveled in the envious glares his club members would give him as you thanked him profusely.
Tamaki never though it was possible for someone like him to become so utterly enamored with someone like you, but it's not like he's complaining, moments like this being his favorite. You were sitting next to him after club hours, helping him with an assignment he was struggling with. From his vantage point, he could see the small wrinkles in your brow, he could smell the smallest hint of your shampoo, it made him want to move closer to you and never move away.
After studying, Tamaki offered to drive you home, which you always refused. He sighed, wishing you wouldn't be so stubborn and let him take care of you, but wished you a safe walk home either way.
Once you were far gone, Tamaki pulled out his phone, dialing Kyoya's number. It rang for a few seconds before he answered.
"Kyoya, I think I caught something."
A/n: I really don't know what to think about this but either way, request for ohshc if you want.
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thatanimewriter · 11 months
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➳ request: headcanons about arranged business marriage with the host club? Like are they trying to keep it under wraps for the sake of the host club or are they not trying to hide it at all?
➳ character/s: suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, haninozuka mitsukuni, morinozuka takashi
➳ warnings: swearing, marriage, reader is rich, established relationship (haruhi, honey, mori)
➳ notes: when is it my turn to marry mori-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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bitch can't keep a secret for more than 5 minutes
haruhi not being a girl is the only exception
he doesn't know a thing about you, but you're attractive and he's sure he can learn to love you
also he doesn't wanna disappoint his or your family by saying no
and he's very confident in his rizz
certain you will fall in love with him
but because he can't hide this from people, he did lose some customers
because some of the girls find it a bit too weird flirting with a taken man
rightfully so
and he pouted about it for a while, but also knows that as flirty as he does get with his guests
you are first priority
you're the one he's marrying, and he will be faithful to you
will actually reel his hosting back a little bit to give you more comfort
the club is partly responsible for that after expressing concerns
he probably never brought it up cause no one asked
even then, he's probably gonna lie and say you're not engaged
he won't do anything to prove otherwise though
it'll take a long time before he starts showing that he likes you in a remotely romantic way
never mind platonic
this is a business thing and a business thing only
is what he'd like to say
but after the club find out, they urge him to be more involved in this future marriage
will start hanging out with you more often and being a little more talkative at family dinners
he won't be affectionate with you past a simple kiss on the back of your hand
when he starts getting more involved in his father's company
taking over the company
he will open up a lot more to you because you were there and supported the journey even though you didn't really know him
it's a long journey, but it's worth it eventually
extreme patience with this man
100% a charity case
but you were dating before your parents said you should marry a commoner
to make it seem like your family aren't anti-commoner
it was kinda stupid, but hey, it meant you'd be allowed to marry haruhi so you weren't complaining too much
nothing in your relationship changed, because the people don't need to know of the business arrangement
haruhi is very much like
"damn rich people-"
but people never knew you were dating it the first place
only the host club knew and you had to duct tape tamaki's mouth shut
but since neither of you were out as a couple, you saw no need to tell people
and it was much easier to keep it under wraps
the host club did throw an engagement party for you guys though
there was no escaping that one
but it wasn't on campus grounds where someone could see
overall, pretty happy you didn't have to fight to marry the person you love
hides it because of the whole brotherly love thing
also because it'd be a funny prank to suddenly be married
what a whacky turn of events
even then, people would probably think he was joking if he said he was engaged
kyoya would be the one to tell the people (tamaki) that it isn't a joke
hikaru isn't really a fan of this arranged business marriage thing, but he's also not too fussed
just another person to prank-
he started to appreciate you more when you first told him apart from kaoru though
and then you did it again
and again
and every time since then
maybe getting married to you wasn't such a bad idea...
after the base getting to know each other, it's a much easier time bonding
because he knows you're not an asshole for sure
and you're not putting up with his shit, so he might as well get on your good side, i guess-
less likely to hide it than hikaru
but he's not gonna be overly vocal about it
because of the brotherly love gimmick-
he won't announce that you're ENGAGED
that's a big jump for everyone, especially tamaki
tamaki would lose his mind if he ever found out one of the shady twins was engaged
but kaoru will show you hints of affection
initially as teasing, but after getting to know you a bit more outside of business affairs, it becomes more genuine
still not massively open about it though
a lil affectionate noogie or arm around your shoulders
he won't pretend like he doesn't know you or that you guys aren't together to some extent
but he's not gonna go parading that around
would be kind enough to tell you about the brotherly love gimmick though
so you don't call off this engagement because you think he's genuinely romantically and sexually involved with his twin
when you first told him apart from hikaru, he was in love-
not capable of hiding it
he can't hide his love for you because he was gonna marry you anyway??
very cheery when you walk into the room
always feeding you cake, even if you can feed yourself
always cuddling you, will cling even if you're walking
his family are probably much more chill than the others
so he got to pick who he married, so long as it would benefit the haninozuka's
puts some serious boundaries in place if he continues to host though
platonic sessions only now
just a nice snack and a chat
will get more serious if any girl tries to push that boundary, especially if you're nearby
is constantly asking you to show off your ring to people
holds that hand all the time as well, because he can feel the ring
and be content knowing that he gets to marry you
doesn't hide it and would probably mention it when it first happened
doesn't wanna be heckled by anyone, but wants people to respect your relationship
an absolute gentleman
also doesn't have a super strict family in terms of dating
just as long as they make him happy and he makes them happy, and there won't be a scandal
often kisses your ring when you're just sitting together
tamaki screamed and probably broke the windows because how could he not know???
mori is probably a little bit more talkative in public when you're around
probably won't even host anymore, he'd quit once you got engaged, even if you said he could keep doing it
now he's just a honey bodyguard
he'll still talk to the girls if they ask him questions, but he wants them to know that he's off limits
does so many little favors for you, you're so spoilt (he doesn't go overboard)
unless someone outright asks him though, he won't disclose that you're to be wed
being in a relationship is serious enough in his eyes, and this was technically supposed to be business stuff anyway
maybe he'll show off a little at host club events-
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penguinsnoot · 1 year
20 Anime You Should Watch
I’ve been getting into anime again recently, and thought I’d share some that I like! These are in no particular order. I gave very short, simplistic descriptions of each show, but I recommend looking them up for full summaries to get a better idea of what they’re about.
1) Cells at Work! (2 seasons, 22 episodes) [Comedy]
Anthropomorphic cells living in a human’s body. Focuses on a red blood cell that frequently encounters a white blood cell during dangerous bodily infestations and illnesses.
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2) Kaichou wa Maid-sama! (1 season, 26 episodes) [Comedy, Romance]
Focuses on the female school president of a previously all-male school who directs and rules over them harshly. She secretly works at a maid café, which is discovered by a popular male classmate of hers. 
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3) Ouran High School Host Club (1 season, 26 episodes) [Comedy, Romance]
Student Haruhi Fujioka stumbles upon a host club in the prestigious Ouran Academy. After accidentally breaking an expensive vase, she must work for the club to pay off her debt.
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4) Lost Song (1 season, 12 episodes) [Music, Fantasy]
Rin is a girl from a small village who dreams of singing in the capital city. Her singing has the power to heal any wound. Rin and her brother, Al, journey to the capital when their home is attacked by soldiers hoping to capture Rin. Finis, who also has a magical voice, performs for the royal palace. She falls in love with a soldier named Henry and must hide their relationship from the prince. She and Rin have intersecting destinies and both struggle with the terrible circumstances that life throws at them. 
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5) Clannad (2 seasons, 47 episodes) [Drama, Romance, Supernatural]
Delinquent Tomoya meets ill Nagisa and they become friends. Along with four other girls, Tomoya decides to help Nagisa revive the school’s drama club. He finds himself helping each girl with their respective problems and learns that life may not be as dull as he once thought. 
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6) Fruits Basket (3 seasons, 64 episodes) [Drama, Romance, Supernatural]
Homeless Tohru Honda moves in with members of the mysterious Soma family. When she accidentally learns of the family’s curse of them turning into animals when embraced by a member of the opposite sex, she resolves to help them figure out how to lift the curse. 
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7) Kamisama Hajimemashita (2 seasons, 25 episodes) [Comedy, Fantasy, Romance]
Offered a home by a man being attacked by a dog, Nanami is surprised to find a seemingly abandoned shrine. When she tried to leave, she is confronted by the spirits of the shrine. Tomoe, the fox spirit, leaves angrily when he realizes it is not the land god, Mikage, who has entered their home and that he instead sent a human girl as replacement. Refusing to remain homeless, Nanami decided to serve the shrine and ends up forming a sealed contract with Tomoe when she kisses him. 
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8) Princess Jellyfish (1 season, 11 episodes) [Comedy, Slice-of-life]
Tsukimi is an introvert with a love for jellyfish living with other socially isolated women in Tokyo. One day, she meets someone beautiful who looks like a princess and helps her save a jellyfish from a local pet store. The beautiful princess is revealed to actually be a crossdressing man named Kuranosuke. Despite their aversion to men and socializing in general, Kuranosuke resolves to help the women become more confident in themselves. 
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9) Soul Eater (1 season, 51 episodes) [Action, Comedy, Fantasy] 
Follows three sets of meisters and their weapons as they fight demons and witches to obtain the status of Death Scythes. They attend a school founded by Lord Death and learn the best ways to recognize and defeat these evil entities. 
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10) Yuri on Ice (1 season, 12 episodes) [Sports, Romance]
Figure skater Yuri meets champion skater Victor, who claims he is going to be Yuri’s new mentor. Yuri accepts and goes on a difficult journey of training in the world of competitive ice skating. 
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11) BNA: Brand New Animal (1 season, 12 episodes) [Action, Fantasy, Comedy]
Michiru, after becoming a newly formed beastman, travels to Anima City, a safe haven for people like her. After witnessing an explosion during a celebration, she is confronted by detective Shirou Ogami. They team up to pursue the criminals involved with the explosion and discover why Michiru has suddenly started to turn into a Tanuki after being human all her life. 
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12) Japan Sinks: 2020 (1 season, 10 episodes) [Drama, Sci-fi] 
Ayumu and family’s life is turned upside down when an earthquake strikes and obliterates Japan’s structural integrity. The Mutou family must find a way to survive and get out of the country before the entirety of Japan sinks into the ocean. 
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13) Toradora (1 season, 25 episodes) [Drama, Romance]
Gentle yet fierce-looking Ryuji forms an unlikely friendship with sharp-tongued and violent Taiga. They try to help one another confess to their crushes while growing closer along the way.
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14) A3! (2 seasons, 24 episodes) [Drama, Slice-of-life, Comedy]
Izumi confronts the loan sharks who are after money from her father’s run-down theater. She plans to bring the theater back into the spotlight and pay of the debt with the help from an all-male acting troupe.
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15) Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun (1 season, 12 episodes) [Comedy, Romance]
Chiyo has a crush on her schoolmate, Nozaki, and confesses to him, but he mistakes her as a fan of his manga and gives her an autograph. Saying she wants to be with him, Nozaki invites her to help him with his drawings. Chiyo hopes that by helping Nozaki, he will eventually take notice of her romantic feelings for him.
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16) Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (1 season, 11 episodes) [Romance, Comedy]
Narumi and Hirotaka knew each other when they were younger and end up working in the same office. They decide to start dating, but find that their respective interests make it difficult to create romantic situations. 
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17) K-On! (2 seasons, 39 episodes, 1 film) [Comedy, Slice-of-life]
Five high school students become friends and bandmates as they form the next generation of their school’s Light Music Club.
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18) Violet Evergarden (1 season, 13 episodes, 2 films) [Fantasy, Drama]
Amidst working for a ghostwriting agency, past soldier Violet Evergarden learns to reconnect with her feelings while trying to understand the final words her commander left her with.
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19) Given (1 season, 11 episodes, 1 film) [Drama, Romance]
Prepared to give up music for good, Ritsuka changes his mind after meeting Mafuyu. He gives Mafuyu guitar lessons in the hopes of making the other boy the lead singer for his band. 
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20) Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (1 season, 13 episodes, 1 film) [Drama, Romance, Supernatural]
Sakuta suffers from puberty-syndrome and sees a bunny girl that is invisible to others. When he meets the girl in real life, he realizes she’s going through her own problems and becomes attached to the bunny girl. 
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confusedemiposts · 6 months
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✿"so you're a girl?" ✿
Genre: fluff? Humour? Platonic mostly
Warnings: slight slander, touchy (Dazai) mentioned flat chest(Dazai), Tanizaki siblings, grammar mistakes
Notes: headcannons, probably oc, afab reader,referred to with she, reader is similar to haruhi from ohshc,I'm ashamed how long this took me,sorry if this shite I don't write often😭
Summery: You are the newest members of the Armed detective agency but (mostly) everyone thinks you are a boy, not that you really care about what gender you are perceived as its not like you were hiding the fact you are a girl but you just roll with it. How do they react and find out you are actually a girl?
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the first the one to know
the moment he met you he knew
stared blankly at you than continued eating his sweets
didn't really care that much that no one else referred to you as a girl
Didn't find it important enough to make a big deal out of it
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When meeting you he stared at you for like one minute
watching your every move and observing your features
He quickly came to his conclusion
"That's a girl alright"
But didn't say anything and continued to refer to you as a guy
You know how he's quite physically affectionate?
Like jumping Atsushi and honestly just being close to people
He's definitely like that with you...
..but more touchy😰
waiting to see how long till you tell him you're a girl
once you're sick of his antics you tell him
Will act so surprised 💀
"My my your a girl?"🙀
"I couldn't have ever known! Your just so flat-"
He got a deserved slap
Will whine about it
Asked if you can start wearing skirts and dresses
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One of the firsts to find out
it was after your first dangerous mission and you had to have a checkup
I think she'd have to read your file to add the checkup to your medical file and saw that you were a biological female on the file
During the checkup she asked about it
When you confirmed you are a girl she asked if you had any preferred pronouns
I love her
you said you didn't really mind
Would refer to you as a girl from then on
More girlies for the office 💪
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took him a few months to find out
Always thought you were just a guy who's very in touch with his femmine side
Oh boy
Too be honest I'm not even sure how he finds out
heard you talking about periods with Yosano
He didn't suspect a thing
Thought that you were really knowledgeable about female anatomy
Poor boy wasn't taught anything so he actually wanted to learn too
Either asked you or Yosano
Honestly as I write this I still have no clue how he finds
Maybe the man just never finds out😭
I think he'd only find out either from Kyouka or accidentally seeing you change
Will grow nervous and awkward after finding out
Feels bad about any things he thought might have been inappropriate that he might've talked to you about
It will take him some time to treat you normally again
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my boy was definitely the last to find out 😔
like how he didn't know Dazai was in the mafia he didn't know you were a girl
did get suspicious a few times
he overhead you ask Yosano for a tampon/pad
He thought he heard wrong
But then everyone was suddenly referring to you as she
"Are you talking about y/n?" 🤨
was absolutely flabbergasted when he realized you weren't a boy
"HES A SHE???????"
Had to look at you several times
he just thought you were a feminine guy😭
shocked to the core
had to sit down and process this Information
asked you why you never corrected anyone when they called you a boy
when you said you didn't care what gender you were seen as he went
"very well then"
Struggled with refering to you as a girl for a bit but corrected himself each time
Only change in behaviour afterwards is that he treated you more politely
Hes a gentleman at heart 🤷
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Tanizaki siblings
Naomi knew early on
was surprised when you both liked similar things
straight up asked
"are you a girl?"
when you said you are she goes
"Are you a crossdresser?🤨"
when she heard your reasoning she was fine with it
She decides to take you after work to see how you look in dresses
Found out the same day as Naomi
when Naomi said you guys were going somewhere alone together
Then he thought it was a date
was going to kill you
Naomi told him you're a girl
He just stood there
Bro had no idea
Not even a single suspicion
Didn't believe it at first till he heard it from your own mouth
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didn't take her long to figure out
after a case together you walked by a store with cute plushies in the window
A bunny teddy caught Kyouka's eye
You saw it and said it looked cute
she would have thought nothing of that comment since Atsushi would have said the same thing
but for awhile now she has been growing suspicious of your gender
Especially when she saw you use the female bathroom
But she doesn't know how to bring it up
Rather quietly she asks
"...y/n.. I've been wondering...are you a girl?
When you say yes she has a lot of questions
Asking why you didn't correct anyone or just why in general
Hearing your reasoning she'd understand but a little puzzled
Just saying you definitely bought her the bunny afterwards just to see her cute smile
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Took a very long time
Honestly I don't think he would find out
He wouldn't care about your gender
He just likes you in general
He's so sweet
Always like
Sorry I'm getting off topic
I think he'd find out only through Kyouka
"Ohh Mr is a miss?"
Still treats you the same
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When you joined the agency he didn't question your gender at first
He knew because you probably needed some sort of identification to join the agency or something
but when everyone was referring to you as a guy he was absolutely confused
Had no clue what to refer you as😭
just said your name instead of any sort of pronouns
My man is trying his best
You noticed after awhile he never used any pronouns on you
So during a conversation once you made sure to say you are a girl
Glad that you told him but he got into the habit of just saying your name
Should I do PM next?
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areallifeyandere · 1 year
The OHSHC boys having a crush on you
Ohshc x fem!reader (Tamaki, Kyoya, Huni, Mori, Hikaru, Kasanoda)
(No Kaoru because isn’t he mentioned in the manga to be gay? And I only write fem reader, sorry)
Has absolutely no idea at first
Like, so oblivious to his own emotions
Kyoya has to tell him that he likes you
Tamaki is so dense about it that he’s like, duh, I like all my friends
Someone please help him
Dramatic about it
Literally gets so jealous and believes he’s the only one for you ( SPOILER like that one episode after kasanoda finds out haruhi is a girl)
His love language is words of affirmation and gift giving
LOVES to give you red roses and would be horrified if you told him the mythological story behind why red roses are associated with love
Really he just wants to make you happy forever
Knows immediately and hates it
How is he meant to take over the world his father’s company with these feelings
But when it goes on a little to long he realizes that it’s love and maybe having you as a business partner wouldn’t be so bad
Wants to ask you out immediately but perfect things take time and him asking you out must be perfect
In the meantime he will lavish you with gifts, spend time with you and open up to you
He values information and for him to give you information means he trusts you to not destroy him
Shares his cake with you
He knows he’s adorable and isn’t really taken seriously but he’s also a feared martial arts master
Employs his brother into his schemes to impress you
Will legit see you from across the courtyard and run up to you, hand you usa-chan, annihilate his brother, take usa- chan back and talk to you about cake
Once he’s sure he has you’re attention all to himself he’ll just behave like he normally does, just throwing you into the mix
Becomes WAY more protective
His love language is acts of service
Please give him something to carry for you, even if it’s just a single book
He soesn’t talk more with you BUT he is more expressive with you
Like someone will say something stupid and he’ll just look at you
Even if you suck at reading people’s faces, you’ll understand what he’s thinking
Wherever you are, there shalt Mori be also
Just wants to exist near you
Pulls more pranks on you to get your attention
You think he hates you at first
When he realized that he hurt your feelings he completely backtracks
Another one who just wants to be near you
Makes sure you are up to date on fashion but also comfy
Did I mention he’s a simp
Yet another one who wants to be near you
He is scary dog privileges
He basically stalks you just so he can spend more time with you
Gives you so many flowers
He falls in love the fastest but takes the longest to ask you out because he’s debating himself on whether or not it’s a good idea to involve you in his lifestyle
You probably have to ask him out
Even before you’re dating he’s a major cuddle bug
Gets a tattoo of your name in your favorite color along with your favorite flower
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
Your answer to the person that asked about Regine being the wing(wo)man made me think.
Based on your character introduction, in my head, she can be one of this 2 things.
1. Completely oblivious to everything related to her and people crushing on her, but being really good when it comes to Vega since they are childhood friends.
2. She is completely oblivious in general when it comes to romantic relationships, but one day in one of her few participations in Vega and Sora shenanigans, Vega will "protect" Sora from something it wasn't dangerous at all and her fireflies will form a light bulb over he head when she notice (Ouran High School Club style when they each of them realize Haruhi is a girl). But it will be like really late in the game, like by that point Sora is already questioning her feelings for Vega.
Yup this is totally how I imagine it.
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@brenshor has a pretty good idea here. I didn't even think about her bugs being aware of pheromones lol
So how about we combine these ideas?
I'm leaning more towards the 2nd suggestion by @just-a-broken-fangirl. Both Vega and Regine were never the kind of kids that had a lot of interest or knowledge with romance, so Regine didn't have a lot of reason to assume Vega had a crush. She just thought it was weird that Vega was a lot more clingy with Sora than she ever was with her. It was easier for Regine to realize Sora must like Vega tho, so eventually she had her bugs confirm for her.
The whole point of Regine's powers is that she's only able to control super tiny creatures because they have very simple minds. She wouldn't have found out from the bugs first because they wouldn't be initiating gossiping with Regine for any kind of information. Regine always has to command her bugs to look for what she wants to find, whether it's to help with Vega's new case, or to confirm oh wow hey her friends are gay for each other.
Even after confirming this tho, I see Regine as a very passive, go with the flow person, unlike Vega who dives headfirst and proactively participates (as long as it interests her), or Sora who tries to avoid much trouble as she could, tho in the end just begrudgingly goes along. So when Regine finds out, she just goes "Oh, ok. Cool. Not my business tho" and watches things play out. She's rooting for the best outcome, whatever it may be.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
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Being The Ouran High School Host Club’s Personal Assistant
After Haruhi became a host and was no longer the “errand-boy” of the group, Kyoya decided to hire a club assistant
You were a commoner from a local school who found the application online. Kyoya ended up hiring you because all the girls who applied from Ouran and other rich schools were only interested in getting close to the boys.
You didn’t even know who they were, and you had the perfect “commoner’s work ethic” that he was looking for
So, everyday after school, you’d walk up to the enormous gates of Ouran Academy to start your new part time job
Your job isn’t too difficult. You prepare tea and instant coffee, bake cakes, clean up at the end of the day, make runs to the grocery store, sell merchandise, and help Kyoya prepare for special events
The twins had some cute clothes from their mom’s fashion line brought in for you to wear as uniform
Speaking of the twins, they IMMEDIATELY take a liking to you (little devils)
They’re practically attached to your hip everytime they’re not with guests, asking you what you’re doing, what your school is like, how your grades are…
But that doesn’t stop them from accidentally giving you too many orders…
Tamaki tried to make you swoon right away, kissing your hand and offering you a rose
Kyoya had to shoo him away
“Tamaki that’s not a customer, please don’t make them fall in love with you”
But after that, Tamaki develops a fatherly persona around you, much like he did with Haruhi at first
He’s always applauding you when you do something difficult, worrying about your feelings, apologizing profusely when something bad happens…
But that also doesn’t stop HIM from accidentally giving you too many orders
Kyoya might be a little strict, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit protective over you
One time when you were walking up to the music room a group of guys from Ouran started hitting on you, and Kyoya came up behind you and put his arm around your waist, immediately scaring them off
You’re wonderful at managing his stress. Often times after everyone goes home, you’ll find him buried in paperwork at his laptop, and you’ll just set a cup of tea down next to him and ask him what you can do to help
He really appreciates your hard work, even if he doesn’t really like saying it out loud. You’ll notice that he sometimes leaves you little gifts in the kitchen, like fancy tea cups or flowers 😊
Honey LOVES you. He jumped right into your arms as soon as you walked through the door.
Mori just scooped him up and apologized, telling you this was just how Mitskuni was
Honey is constantly jumping in your lap and snuggling up to you (partially bc you make his favorite cakes for him) and it makes all the other guys jealous
He says you make the best cake in the world, and even asks you to teach him how you make it!
And you’re the only one he lets hold usu-chan 🥰
Mori has a special relationship with you. You’ll often initiate conversations with him, and the other members are so shocked to see him actually opening up to you
He always compliments you on what a good job you’re doing, thanking you for taking care of them all so well ❤️
He also has a habit of just picking you up and carrying you away from the kitchen whenever he thinks you’re working too hard 😳
Haruhi literally becomes your best friend
She won’t hesitate to yell at Tamaki and the twins for ordering you around too much
She always offers to help you with your chores! She also had that “commoners work ethic” so she really doesn’t mind accompanying you to the grocery store or boiling some water while you frost the cakes
Tamaki gets SO jealous when he sees you and Haruhi hanging out at the mall on your own over the weekend
He actually ends up shyly approaching you to ask how he can get Haruhi to like him 🥹
Renge was a little jealous of you at first, thinking you were taking her job as manager, but when she found out you were a commoner, and an assistant, she felt more comfortable around you
She has you pull the lever for her rising platform, install new “powerful motors” in different locations for her to pop up out of, and bring her microphones
One time the generator died and you just stacked two tables on top of each other and held a fog machine in front of her 💀
She somehow gets you into some of her otaku interests, making you laugh over the character that resembled Kyoya
After a while you met Nekozawa
He crept his head out of the door and invited you over to visit the dark magic club, and your curiosity got the best of you
Kyoya noticed you were missing and burst through the doors to see you sprawled out on the floor over a pentagram, Nekozawa chanting overtop of you 💀
Kyoya immediately scooped you up and went OFF on Nekozawa 😳
“If you EVER try to use my valued assistant as a human sacrifice again I SWEAR the Ootori family will END you!”
God help you if you ever have any problems with bullies at your school
The host club will suddenly appear behind you and intimidate the heck out of them
You’re a part of the Host Club family now! They’re not going to let anyone push you around!
They also start lovingly intruding on your personal life (Haruhi will help you cope with this)
They’ll invite you on outings with them as well, like to the water park or on vacations with them
Overall, being the personal assistant to the Ouran High School Host Club is a lot of fun. It’s certainly an experience you’ll never forget :)
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they-them-that · 10 months
Light trigger warning: gender roles, misogyny, transphobia
I love Ouran Highschool Host Club and with the Shoujo classic that it is, I adopted the general consensus that the show was "ahead of its time" with how it portrayed gender. Haruhi will always be a non-binary icon but upon rewatching it, especially after my own trans awakening, I remembered something that never sat right with me and that was how Tamaki treated Haruhi. My two cisgender friends didn't seem to pick up on the same problems even though they also consider Haruhi to be non-binary which made me think I was just projecting onto the anime. But another friend of mine later told me how it was much more "heterosexual" than she remembered that helped validate the feeling I had.
Although Haruhi doesn't like to make a fuss about gender, the anime does and it constantly reminds us that no matter what Haruhi feels, she is still a "girl". Tamaki is the worst offender of this mentality where even his entire perspective on Haruhi changes as soon as he finds out she's afab. A huge part of Tamaki's character is that he dotes on Haruhi "like a father" where his actions are actually founded on the authoritative, patriarchal belief that he needs to "protect" her because she is a woman. Not just protect her from actual harm either but from things like kissing someone and wearing a swimsuit...
Although in certain ways, we're supposed to laugh at Tamaki's overbearing nature, he's never actually taught to respect Haruhi's autonomy. In what felt like every episode, Tamaki fixates on Haruhi's assigned sex much to her annoyance. Yet rather than learning to look at Haruhi as a person regardless of gender, we're expected to see his obsession with upholding gender roles as a sign of affection. This felt clearest in episode 8, "The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!" where Haruhi confronts two men for harassing her female peers. She gets shoved into the water where Tamaki saves her but the conflict arises when he scolds Haruhi for standing up to men at all. The message emphasizes to us that "Haruhi is a girl" and it's something that she has to accept for her own well being while Tamaki's anger is meant to be perceived as chivalrous rather than patriarchal and heteronormative. The reality is, even if Haruhi was in danger, that isn't actually her fault but the fault of the men who felt entitled to women's bodies (something Tamaki is guilty of, even if not to the same level of aggression).
I still cherish OHSHC but it hasn't fully stood the test of time as I've been led to believe. That's not to rob gender queer people the comfort they feel from the show but that for myself, it's a bit hard to look past the cishet energy that the anime exudes. Although I see Haruhi as non-binary, the show doesn't seem to agree and goes great lengths to invalidate Haruhi's gender indifference. It's tragically common in anime and manga where trans-coded afab characters are reminded that they're still women and it's usually "proven" to them through patriarchal scenarios that put CIS men in a role of dominance. A lot of the time, these women are only gender nonconforming out of happenstance or circumstance rather than by choice, which even includes Haruhi Fujioka (she only cut her hair because there was gum in it). That's not to conflate gender expression with identity but it does feel like we're only being met half way, especially when the anime still romanticizes the gender dichotomy with Haruhi and Tamaki's relationship. I would've loved to see Tamaki be able to toss the notion of gender the same way Haruhi is able to and have that be the groundwork in which their mutual feelings blossom. Instead, it just felt like we got a man who stubbornly wants someone who grew up without gender labels to visualize herself the way he does, as a "woman".
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Ok I finally have an idea host club x Haruhi's little brother reader (2-5). He's kind a crybaby. He somehow ends up at Ouran and of course he's crying he knows this is Haruhi's school but he can't find Haruhi. He runs into some girls heading to the host club and all he says is "Haruhi nii-san" with puppy eyes and tears and they take him to the host club. You can continue the story how you want from there or I can think of something.
Y'all have matching eyes as haruhi sorry not sorry
Also I tricked you it's coming out rn!
(Name) made a mistake following his big sister to school because now the two year old was lost in the huge school.
"Uh oh...." (Name) mumbled and plopped to the ground and began crying "eh? What's a child doing here" a girl asked as the other girls looked to where she was pointing and indeed there was a crying toddler in the hallway "hey, don't cry what's wrong? Where are your parents?" The kind girls soothed the toddler who just mumbled "wan' haruhi..."
"You know haruhi? Are you his brother?"
(Name) just nodded and the girls cleaned his tear stained face with a handkerchief and cooed over him "well we're going to here haruhi is right now, we can take you"
(Name) just nodded as a girl lifted the tot "so what's your name?" The girls then introduced themselves and (name) spoke shyly "(name), fu-fujioka..." (Name) was fiddling with his chubby fingers and the girls cooed over them as they went to the host club and (name) yelped at the roses hitting his face "welco--(name)?" Haruhi rushed towards the girls and (name) began tearing up again "Haru...." He cried and reached out towards his sister and clung helpessly to her "how did you get here? Did you follow me?"
Thankfully it was their spare class, the host club spending it and their end of day club time at the host club so it wasn't like she had to bring (name) to classes or anything "I sowwy..."
"Haruhi? Whose this?" Tamaki said curiously and looked at those warm brown eyes that the brunette had and practically screamed at the cuteness "mommy! Our baby has a brother!"
"Tamaki please don't crowd him, he's shy with new people" haruhi said boredly as she checked on her half brother who looked around curiously at the twins and just couldn't grasp the concept of twins.
"Sorry I don't think he's met twins before" haruhi said as she noticed the staring.
The host club was fascinated by the tot but soon returned to their club duties and little (name) was sitting with haruhi as he watched his sister talk with her friends, he didn't get the concept of host clubs so haruhi just called them her friends to over simplify it.
"How is having such a young brother?" A girl asked as she handed (name) a cookie, the boy thanking her sweetly "ah he's a good brother, a bit of a trouble magnet but always wants to help" she praised her little brother who wasn't even remotely listening, distracted by other things in the room "sorry, he's two and doesn't have the best attention span" she said petting her brothers hair "it's alright! He's an absolute darling!"
"(Name)! You want some cake?" Hunny asked and (name) assumed he was just a slightly bigger kid than he was and nodded before looking for his sister for permission "don't over eat buddy" and then he was off holding hands with the small blond, hunny knowing to hold children's hands when with them so they don't get lost, the far older teen keeping an eye on the tot.
"This is strawberry!" Hunny said happily and handed the boy a tea spoon as (name) was to small for a regular fork and beamed at the flavor "it good!"
The two ate cake happily, haruhi had called her dad about (name) after she settled him down and now the host club kept trying to get the toddlers attention but (name) was surprisingly interested in Kyoya more than anyone as he waddled up to him "who you?"
"My name is Kyoya Ootori" the black haired teen said simply and (name) nodded "what doin' 'yoya?" Kyoya didn't bother fixing the boys grammar as he was just a babe "I am going over club revenue" Kyoya said and showed him the notes "hmm..." (Name) said looking at the notes before looking at the teen "I can' read" "no?" "Haru an' papa got me book to pactis"
"That's awfully nice of them" the host club was in awe as Kyoya pulled the tot into his lap and explained the revenue and everything without sugar coating it, explaining when needed and noting how since his arrival their revenue boosted because people wanted to meet him.
"I make you money?"
"That you do"
"Cool" (name) said simply and eventually passed out in kyoyas lap and was returned back to haruhi "again sorry about this, I thought he was still in bed when I left" haruhi said genuinely as the club closed, the hosts waving it off "why didn't you tell us you had a brother?"
"How do you have a brother?"
The club asked the girl questions and haruhi sighed "he's my half brother, my dad was left with him after a girl he tried dating abandoned (name) with us and you guys never asked if I had siblings" she said simply "well that explains the kids toys when we visited, where was he when we came over anyways?'
"At the neighbors playing with his friend" she said simply "I think he also went out to the park"
"Can we take him to the park?!" Tamaki said excitedly and haruhi raised her eyebrow at this "If you want, he really just likes playing in the sand pit with his toy truck"
The club wanted to know everything about the small boy who they could tell haruhi loved very much, the girl looking at him fondly as he slept and she answered every question genuinely "he turns 3 on (date) an favorite color? I think it's (color)"
When haruhi collected her things and little (name) she said her goodbyes and walked out "so we're totally going to her place again to hang with him right?" "Oh absolutely "
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gelus-ugs · 1 year
Mori x Black, Fem! Reader
Established relationship, the host club meeting Mori’s s/o they had no idea about 👀
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“Takashi~ Please!”
The short blonde whined as he clung onto the taller male’s leg. He responded with a mere grunt as his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration.
“Why not?! Takashi!”
Mori did his best to ignore his cousin as he trudged into the music room with the wailing male glued to his leg.
Mori was thankful that today wasn’t a hosting day, or else he would’ve been dreading the concerned looks from the guests as he had to come up with a lie to explain why Honey was throwing a tantrum.
“What’s up with him?”
Haruhi asked as she questioningly eyed the blonde. Mori let out a frustrated sigh as his expression was less than pleased - something that was way out of character for the black haired male.
“T-Takashi has a girlfriend, but he won’t let me meet her!”
Honey continued to cry as he stuck to the leg of his poor cousin in hopes to get him to change his mind. The rest of the hosts overheard the male - seeing as he wasn’t necessarily being quiet - and began to gather around Mori.
“You have a girlfriend?!”
“Since when were you seeing someone?”
“I wanna meet her too!”
“You never told us you had a girlfriend!”
Mori felt himself being overwhelmed as he was bombed with sudden questions left and right. Haruhi decided to step in and push the rests of the hosts - including Honey - away from Mori and gave the male a chance to breathe.
“Guys, let’s not overwhelm him. I’m sure he’ll be willing to answer questions one at a time”
“Is it true, Mori-Senpai? Do you really have a girlfriend?”
Tamaki eagerly asked. All eyes were on Mori as he felt himself become uneasy. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as his gaze drifted to the side, slowly nodding in the process. Gasps could be heard from the other hosts as Honey was quick to ask the next question.
“Does she go here, Taka-Chan? Could we all meet her?!”
Mori shook his head no, disappointment radiating from the hosts. Haruhi tilted her head in confusion,
“How do you know her then, Mori-Senpai?”
“Middle school”
“Do I know her, do I know her?!”
Honey eagerly asked, which caused Mori to think before shaking his head no.
“Could we meet her, Senpai?”
Mori hesitated as everyone eagerly awaited his answer.
It was a normal hosting day for the club, guests coming and going as the hosts entertained whoever they were assigned to. The day eventually came to an end as the last few guests took their leave.
“Taka-Chan! Aren’t you coming home?”
Honey looked up at his taller cousin, who shook his head in response. The rest of the hosts looked at the male in confusion, finding it odd that he wasn’t leaving - especially with Honey.
“What’s the matter, Senpai? Are you waiting for someone?”
Haruhi asked, to which Mori nodded. Before anyone else could ask questions, one of the doors to the music room suddenly opened. Everyone turned to see the most unique girl they had ever seen.
Her hair was an unusual texture, and in a unique style they had never seen. Glasses framed her face perfectly as her eyes peeked from behind. She wasn’t wearing Ouran’s uniform. In fact, she was wearing [outfit of your choice], which seemed to match her perfectly.
Although, what stood out the most was her skin. It was darker than any of them had ever seen. It was a beautiful shade of brown that lightened at the palm of her hands. Her skin was smooth and beautiful, it was almost like they were staring at a goddess from a fairytale.
The female questioningly scanned the room before locking eyes with a certain black haired male. Her expression immediately lightened as a smile made its was to her lips.
The female casually strode up to the tall male, wasting no time embracing him with a hug as he returned the gesture.
“Sorry I’m a bit late, I got lost. Your instructions were thorough, but I got a bit confused”
The female apologized as she removed herself from the hug, sheepishly looking up at her lover. Mori smiled, placing his hand on the top of her head to let her know that it was okay.
“Are you Taka-Chan’s girlfriend!?”
The female’s arm was suddenly yanked as she came face-to-face with a short blonde. The female hesitated, turning around to face Mori. The male gave her a reassuring nod, the girl smiling before turning to face the short boy.
“I am. I’m [Y/n] [L/n]”
“Woah! You’re so pretty!”
Honey enthusiastically complimented, which earned a light chuckle from [Y/n].
“Thank you!”
“So, how exactly did you and Mori-Senpai meet?”
The twins simultaneously asked, raising their eyebrows as their gaze shifted between [Y/n] and Mori. The male had a faint blush on his cheeks as he looked away, [Y/n] - on the other hand - grabbed ahold of Mori’s hand and smiled.
“It’s a funny story, actually. I had to bring some papers to the school’s nurse, but the nurse wasn’t there and instead I saw Takashi attempting to wrap a bruise on his arm with one hand. He was obviously struggling, so I helped him out. He’s been stuck with me ever since”
[Y/n] joked, playfully nudging Mori with the side of her hip.
“I can’t believe you’ve never introduced me to [Y/n]-Chan, Takashi! She’s so cool!”
The short blonde whined to his cousin, who let out a grunt.
“Agreed! Although, you and your accent are very unique. Where are you from - if I may ask?”
Tamaki genuinely questioned with a tilt of his head. [Y/n] smiled,
“I’m from [country of origin], but moved to Japan five years ago when I was thirteen. My dad’s Japanese and my mom’s black!”
[Y/n] explained. As she talked more about her origin and past to the club, Mori smiled at his significant other.
Maybe I should’ve introduced her sooner.
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harley-michaels-main · 8 months
It's been awhile since I did a tier list but I've been into shojo anime and manga recently so I'm gonna rank my top five.
#5: Ouran High School Host Club
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Haruhi Fujioka is recruited to join the host club after she breaks a vase!
Ouran is probably one of the best known shojo animes there is. It's funny, light hearted, adorable, and probably is one of the first reverse harem anime to gain a large fan base. And for being made in the early 2000's, the animation still holds up today.
However, the characters do not. There are a lot of things about this show that just did not age well. While I recommend this series I also recommend taking it with a grain of salt. This was made when certain things were socially acceptable that simply are not today.
That is the only reason I would have it at number 5. Other wise, the cast is great. The plot is hilarious. The pacing is well done. Overall, it's a hilarious and feel good show for when you simply don't want to think about what you're watching.
#4 Kamisama Hajimenmashita
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After being kicked out of her apartment due to her father's gambling habits, Nanami Momozono must find her place in this world. But becoming an Earth God? How the hell is she supposed to do that?!
This is the first shojo I watched knowing that it was a shojo. I immediately fell in love with the characters and their dynamics. There's complicated back stories as well for those to like to drive a bit more into characters.
Sadly, the anime was rushed to a finish and a lot of the manga was never adapted. While the anime is still great, the ending just feels wrong without having the full story. The manga is completed and I highly recommend reading it. Yet because of the cancelation, I have to put it at number 4.
#3: Yona Of The Dawn
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On her 16th birthday, the sole princess of Kouka, Yona, goes to ask her father to reconsider her marriage proposal to the love of her life. Her love had other plans with her father that night.
This is arguably one of the best shojos out there. With an amazing ploy and some of the best characters ever written, your heart is sure to be captured by this.
There is only one season of this however and it sadly looks like there won't be more any time soon.
The reason for this getting third place isn't because of the anime but actually because I just like the other two more. I love the fantasy setting, but I tend to like it more in shounen than shojo.
#2: My Love Story With Yamada-Kun at level 999
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After being cheated on and dumped by her boyfriend over a girl he met in a game, Akane Kinoshita sets out to get revenge! By going to an irl game event and make him realize what he's missing out on! If only her luck with shoes was better.
This is a very new shojo with the first season just wrapping up a couple weeks ago. However, the manga has been going strong since 2019 and I have loved every minute of it. Thus has some of the best characters I have ever seen and it just continues to get better. It's also the type of shojo where we get to see the couple progress their relationship as a couple which is amazing.
I will say there are some... spicier bits in the manga so beware of that if it's not your thing. (Nothing explicit is shown)
However we get to see progression from te side characters as well which is also amazing. I love every moment of this and it had me squealing and kicking my feet like a little girl.
#1: Horimiya
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The queen bee and the loner realize that maybe they can be their true selves around each other.
This is my all time favorite. I read the manga, watch the og anime, watched the remake, and the missing pieces. I love this story so much.
It portrays realistic relationships and shows that both of the main characters have faults that they work through in their relationship. Not just that, but the side characters get a lot of development as well that makes you rooting for them.
This whole story is so wholesome and it's the perfect thing to unwind to.
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ synopsis: they ask you to be their s/o but you were under a different impression
➳ character/s: ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, morinozuka takashi
➳ warnings: swearing
➳ notes: i love ohshc to the ends of the earth and i will die for mori he is my husband, i wish he was real-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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his eyes followed you as you wandered the floors of the music room, mingling with the hosts as you prepared for the ball. kyoya admired the way you seemed to glide across the room, and even better, you were actually doing work while you talked! not doing... whatever tamaki is doing in the corner.
he had to suppress a smile when you turned to face him as he called your name. the sunset that peeked through the windows illuminated your face perfectly and it was then that he decided he’d ask you to be his partner.
it probably would have been more romantic if you hadn’t gotten the wrong idea.
he knew he couldn’t do it with the other hosts around, because who knew if the twins or tamaki would just eavesdrop, so he needed to think of an excuse, to go with you somewhere private. thankfully, there was an order that had arrived that evening that he offered to join you in collecting.
walking through the courtyard, he stopped by the fountain, the water reflections gently creating patterns against his cheek. you looked at him strangely, wondering why he’d paused. kyoya took in the image of you in the sunset, the patterns of the water decorating your skin.
after considering going on a rant about how amazing you were and whatever, he decided to make it short, sharp and shiny.
‘would you do me the honours of becoming my partner?’ he asked, eyeing your expression to gauge your answer.
‘...were we not already a couple?’
‘are you fucking serious-’
she knew you were oblivious, but she didn’t think you’d jump the gun. throughout her time at ouran, you were probably the most tolerable person and she often found herself hanging back after club with you, possibly drinking tea or coffee and conversing with you about god knows what.
as you stood in the corner of the ballroom by the snack table, haruhi began to think about confessing to you. i mean, you’d really made the connection over her time in the host club and she honestly found you the best company out of everyone there.
however, things were never simple, because the moment she opened her mouth to say something, a girl came up to her to ask if she would dance with her. cautiously, haruhi looked to you to make sure that you were fine with being left alone, to which you nodded with a smile.
as she floated around the dance floor, she though about what she wanted to say to you, finding it easier than she’d thought because the girl she was dancing with was so star struck she never spoke.
when she returned, she smiled to see you still waiting for her.
‘hey,’ she began, ‘i was wondering that since we’ve been friends for a while and we’ve really connected, did you possibly want to... start dating?’ your wide, panicked eyes made her worried, and she quickly backtracked. ‘it’s ok if you don’t want to-’
‘were we not already a couple?’ you asked, intense confusion written all over your face.
haruhi paused for a second, taking in your reaction before mirroring it. ‘no?’
he was aware you knew about his feelings for you, but something must’ve been lost in translation. he was 100% sure you knew because mitsukuni accidentally spat it out in front of you during a game. he was maybe 60% sure you liked him back because you got closer after that.
mori always loved that you came to every tournament he had, and yet again, there you were by the entrance to the locker rooms after the match, drink bottle and towel in hand. affectionately ruffling your hair, he took the items from you and went into the locker rooms to wash up and change.
he returned your smile as he exit the room, walking beside you to leave the building. the moonlight softly highlighted your features and he couldn’t help but stare when you turned around to get into your limo.
‘are you ok?’ you asked, noting his dazed state.
he hummed a yes and you nodded, wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling your head into his body as he reciprocated the affection. gently pulling away, you turned to hop into the vehicle, but his grip on your wrist prevented you from doing so.
looking at him in attempt to read his expression, you cocked your head to the side, silently prompting him to speak.
‘did you want to go out tomorrow night?’ he offered bluntly.
you beamed at him and he gently let go of your wrist. ‘yeah, sure! what did you want to do? go to dinner, walk in the park?’
‘not as friends, as a date,’ he clarified, and you frowned at him.
‘yeah? so did you want to go for dinner or somethin’ else?’ you reiterated.
mori stared at you blankly, waiting in silence for you to say something else, but it never came. ‘i’m trying to ask you out, to be my partner.’
you looked at him weirdly. ‘were we not already a couple?’ you said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. chuckling, mori ruffled your hair again, opening the limo door for you.
‘i’ll pick you up at 8.’
‘no, you tell me what the fuck we’re doin-’
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akiraiscute · 3 months
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Haruhi Fujioka X Fem!Reader
Tw ; Tamaki being a BIT CREEPY … and jealous<3 (p.s i may off put haruhi a bit ooc im sorry if i did😕)
You were a often customer at the host club, that is as Haruhi Fujioka came to be in it. You often find yourself trying to get closer but still kept your distance as you were just a customer, just a customer.. you wanted to be more but you couldn’t just ask as you two probably weren’t friends until you finally moved classes to one of.. hers. You found out Haruhi was a girl as you two grew to be more closer and she trusted you enough which… you were grateful for.
You still came to the host club as it’s another reason to see your friend(crush..)!You were happy to talk to haruhi often as you did, you also hoped that she was happy as well.. As you grew even more closer to haruhi, you met the host club officially. And you hanged out with them after the host club as well! You enjoyed watching it all happened, that is until.. you and haruhi were hanging out. Just you and her, not the host club (they were spying as for tamaki’s request to spy.) as you two talked, she rambled a bit about what happened at the host club when you were with your family yesterday as she did. She ended up confessing which was honestly unexpected, even the host club was shocked.
“You know, tamaki was complaining that i was spending too much time with you..”
“Oh? Really? Wow-”
“I mean, i like spending time with you, he literally acts like my dad.. and you act like what-.. what i love, you know? You just act so. I don’t really know how to say it.”
“Wait what?”
“…wait what?”
Haruhi looked at her, god she ruined it! Why did she have to ramble, she ruined something that she was finally enjoying, ruined a friendship other than the host club! She looked at her friend or.. ex friend… Haruhi didn’t know how to read her face well as she was a bit, a bit panicked.
“So.. you like me? Right?”
“I- well, yes but if you aren’t comfortable with tha-”
You smiled softly as you kissed her cheek. You looked at her with love in your eyes… the host club spying from the bushes were even more shocked, is haruhi getting a girlfriend?! What?! Tamaki was even red, he looked away as he let out a small dramatic sniffle…
“I am comfortable haruhi, i like you too.. like, a lot. Since the day i probably met you even!”
“Really?.. wow..”
Haruhi looked at you a bit shocked before she gave you her own soft smile. It was small but it was a smile, that made you smile even more! You were glad that you finally got to confess after knowing she liked you too. Would you confess to her even if you didn’t know, probably not- but as you started to talk to haruhi but something was different, probably because you two made it clear that you two were dating which made the host club actually so shocked! Mainly tamaki as he did even more dramatic sighs. The twins were done with him as well, which they always were..
As you two were heading back to the school, mainly to talk to the host club for the next session for Tomorrow. You were talking to haruhi about anything you could remember really, she nodded and nodded as she admired you and listened, until you reached the host club doors.. you opened it as you saw tamaki almost sobbing in the corner. You looked at haruhi in confused before looking back at everyone, you shrugged before realizing.. you sighed softly before giggling which made everyone realized you two were there. Which made tamaki look at haruhi as he sobbed and appeared at her legs hugging them.
“My little girl is growing up!!”
“Tamaki senpai..”
You looked at him, giggling even more as haruhi sighed. Now crossing her arms and shaking her head as she grew a little annoyed.. the first thing she sees after getting to finally date you is tamaki sobbing about her "so called growing up." Haruhi finally got him off. She held your hand as she talked to the others, her voice soft and her usually tone of voice. You were just playing with her hands as to not bother them at all.. you were happy, this is what you wanted. Dating haruhi<33!!
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HIII, im back, im getting a idea of when ima post!! But i may not follow it sometimes as i get writer block alot lately but I GOT MY HARUHI !!!! IM SO HAPPY EKEKE!!! Now i have maybe 5 more but im getting more ideas as i realize how much ppl i can write for.. anyways!! Im just happy:D now bye bye!!
— akira.. Akira… logggingg.. Logging off!
masterlink - <3
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honeysunai · 2 years
Hostess| Kyoya Ootori x reader
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Part seven -  The Fantasy Ball
Pairing : Kyoya Ootori x reader
General rating : Fluff, enemies to love vibes
Word count : 4K
Summary: As only heir to your family you are bound to an arranged marriage with the third son of the powerful house Ootori. His cold behavior is only a mask for you to uncover when you stumble into music room number three.
Monday finally arrived and you were on a mission– Renge was on a mission to find you a prince charming of a boyfriend. In a medieval gown, it will be quite hard to do so, but worth the shot. Tamaki insisted on wearing medieval attire to fit this week’s theme and you took way too much time to prepare in the school’s bathroom because now you are late for the club activities. You tripped a few times on your red gown making your way to the club. 
The door was already wide open and you heard snickers from the inside then two voices spoke up. The Zuka Club’s main members, Hinagiku, Suzuran… Why on earth are they at Ouran Academy? You can clearly hear your former classmates trash talk in their fancy way the Host Club. It’s then you hear that suave voice, you could recognize it from everywhere. Benibara… You were her former flame, the first person she ever loved and tried to pursue senselessly. You liked her praises and her affection towards you but it wouldn’t ever work out between the two of you.
“— The notorious Host Club.” That made your blood boil. That’s why it would’ve never worked out between the two of you, she’s so full of herself and her Zuka Club. She loved women, but she loved her club and theater so much more.
“Beni that’s enough.” You finally made your entrance into the ballroom. 
“Ma chérie.” She’s holding Haruhi into her arms, but never leaves my gaze. 
“The theater is on the east wing of our school… On the first floor. You must’ve missed the map by the main entrance.”
“Perhaps.” Her laugh is dry. “We were leaving with our newest member, Haruhi.” The boys behind you loudly gasp, you exhale angrily. 
“Excuse you?” 
“She’s been mistreated by the lot of you in the Host Club, we the Lobelia Girls, will take care of her at once.” 
“Beni, you can’t just take our students.”
“Haruhi will be treated better at our school.” With that she grabs the other girl in the Host Club and exits the room.
As they all leave the room with your club’s secret member, Tamaki loudly gasps and yells for them to come back. 
“What are we going to do?” He’s frantic. “We need to save her from those Lobelia girls!”
“Look, one thing I learned about her is that she’s capable. She will find a way to get out of Benibara’s grasp. “She’s not as helpless as you make her feel.” You brush off Tamaki’s angry gaze. “Right Renge?” 
“She’s right! Haruhi will be fine, besides she has the final say in the school transfer and her father too. Without both agreements, she won’t go anywhere.” You were surprised at how accurate she was. 
“We can’t stay here and do nothing!” The blond teen passed around the room at an incredible speed. 
“If that’s all me and my dear y/n are going boyfriend hunting for the day!” Renge’s grip on your shoulders was hard and urgent. “If we see Haruhi, we will sweep her off her feet and send her back here.” It wasn’t a promise, but it reassured Tamaki as we left the room. You didn’t even care to glance back at Kyoya to see if he was watching you leave, you felt his cold stare right into the back of your head.
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The garden next to the soccer field wasn’t too crowded, so you and Renge sat down on the grass to look at the boys on the team. 
“Number 5 is rather handsome. His father is Pierre Beaulieux, a French lawyer who works for your father in his France firm.”
“Nope! No one who’s close to my parents.” 
“Number 26 is studying business because both of his parents are real estate agents.” What is the catch with this one? “But he maybe wants to quit the family business.” There it was. “So that’s a no.”
“How do you know so much about the boys at our school?” You laugh.
“I have ears everywhere my friend.” She giggles.
“What about this one?” You looked over at one boy reading on the bench in the garden. 
“That is Sasaki Koichi, he wants to be an author. His mother is a  big time celebrity agent. He’s handsome, but not my type. He’s very well spoken and is single.” Perfect! “He’s perfect!” You stood up and carefully made your way towards the very handsome boy. 
“Babel : Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution, I heard it’s a great book.” You smoothly (at least tried) start the conversation. “It’s on my ‘to read list’.” He finally looks up and smiles. 
“Can I help you?” He seemed confused as to why you were talking to him. 
“It’s kind of my way to get the courage to come talk to you, sharing the same love for books. Because you’re cute and smart.” You wanted to die at this very instant. He nods and chuckles.
“That’s the first time someone’s honest with me like that.” He scoots a bit and lets you take a seat next to him. “I’m Sasaki Koichi.” He smiles.
“Y/n L/n. I’m not that forward usually.”
“It’s cool, I like it.” He chuckles. “I like your boldness.” 
“Well then, I think you looked really handsome while you were reading.” You added.
“You were pretty cute too, laughing with your friend over there in the grass.” He admits.
“So I wasn’t the only one looking?” 
“I guess not.” He smirks and you shiver. He was really charming. He was perfect, truly. He made easy conversation and listened carefully to what you had to say. It’s like you were seen when you spoke about books you liked. You talked until the school bell rang for your next class. 
“Do you want to hang out next lunch break?” He says as he’s packing his stuff in his backpack.
“I can't, I  have club activities.” You groan remembering you’ll have to see Kyoya and Tamaki being frantic over Haruhi getting kidnaped by Benibara. 
“I can come see you.” He smiles with his full teeth. 
“I’d like that. It’s in music room number 3.”
“I’ll see you then!” And with that he leaves you to return to Renge who’s already squealing like a pig.
“See! Day one and you found yourself a future boyfriend.” You blush and punch her arm lightly.
“He’s coming to the club tomorrow.”
“Even more perfect!” She hugs you and proceeds to tell you all about tomorrow's plan.
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The day after, Haruhi is still safe and sound as an Ouran student just as you predicted, but Benibara and her harpies are still hanging around the campus because of their week-long show in your school.
“You look prettier than usual… What’s going on?” Hikaru asks skeptically as he takes in all of you. 
“True. She even put some new gloss on her lips… Strawberry.” Kaoru snickers as he pulls out the tube of gloss in your bag.
“You idiots!” You scowl both of them. “Don’t touch my stuff!”
“A pretty boy caught your eyes.” Kaoru kept going and his brother followed his steps. 
“Or a pretty girl?”
“Good god…” You groan. “Oh my pretty flower’s got a crush!” Tamaki chants in and you want to die at this very moment. “I wonder who he or she is? He’s going to have to go through mommy and daddy first!” He says proudly and you can’t help but burst into laughter.
“Who’s who and who?” You 
“He refers to me as mommy and he’s daddy.” Kyoya snorts. “Usually used when he speaks about Haruhi.”
“I definitely see more Tamaki as a mommy and you as the daddy,” You start with a hint of flirting in your tone. “but then again looks can be deceiving.” It was a low blow even for you he huffs. Mori comes over to pat you on the head and smiles.
“You do look pretty today.” He simply says and you blush. The rare words he spoke, especially to you, were kind and most of the time referring to your beauty, but you blushed everytime like it was the first time.
“Okay hosts!” Renge’s theatrical voice rings from everywhere in the room, yet she’s nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and a stage slowly lowered from the ceiling. ‘What the fuck?’ You thought.
“That was hidden there this whole time?” You asked Mori and he shrugs. 
“Today’s theme is the Fantasy ball.” The stage finally is settled and a whole wardrobe of epic fantasy clothes are shown. “In our school, the amount of high fantasy books that are read through the library has spiked through the roof by 80% from last year's data.” She starts. “We will host a ball in honor of the Faerie Queen, y/n.” She points at you and you gulp in fear as if you haven’t heard all about it yesterday. “You will all be loyal servants to the Queen and serve her hosts.” She proceeds to state their roles. Hikaru and Kaoru the romantic bards. Honey and Mori as the charming archers. Tamaki and Kyoya as the queen’s mysterious knights. Haruhi was a beautiful prince from far away lands. 
The whole plan was to get Haruhi more popular so she could pay her debt faster and keep the most popular hosts in reserve while you were the center of all the attention. 
“That’s…” Tamaki starts and you're afraid he’s going to refuse as if you had time to change the theme. The guests are about to arrive. “Fantastic! I love the idea, why haven’t I thought about that before?” He slaps the top of his head in annoyance. “Everyone get ready!” We all rushed to the wardrobe and picked our outfits that Renge chose for us. You got a beautiful long crimson red silk dress that hugged your curves in a loving manner, gold threads embroidered in the laced long sleeves. It was a revealing dress, showing a little more cleavage than school rules. Renge finally puts the golden crown that looks like stag antlers on top of your head and walks you over to your throne. 
“You didn’t even have 24 hours to do this, how did you do it?” You were in awe at the stage she had put up, with the wardrobe and everything.
“Just say thank you.” She smiled and went over to the ballroom door. “Are you all ready?” She practically yells. Your two knights stood beside you and you swore under your breath. They both looked so hot in their red armor. She opened the doors and it was like a tsunami, hundreds of students entered at the same time into the ballroom. Music that felt like you were in a real fantasy started to play and you felt oddly at ease. “I welcome you to the Queen’s ball.” Renge announced before presenting our characters. 
“May I help you ser Ootori?” You glance up at Kyoya who already had his eyes on you. 
“You look nice.” He smirks before gazing in the distance. “Your highness.” He adds and it makes your heart skip a beat. 
“I know.” You reply foolishly, making Tamaki snort. 
You saw deep in the crowd Haruhi dancing away with multiple ladies. Your plan was working so far, now you just need to wait for Koichi. You were really eager to see him, you thought it clicked between the two of you. The large doors opened once more and it was him! He was in awe from all the theatrics of your club, how could he not? It wasn’t long until he noticed you, you were indeed the Belle of the ball, the main event! He was escorted by Renge herself to the stage where he giggled when he finally got in front of you.
“I didn’t think the next time I’d see you, you’d be the faerie queen of the music room number three.” He chuckles and so do you. 
“I promise it’s not as extravagant as this all the time.” Tamaki coughs next to you. “Scratch that, it is always this fancy, I’m just not the main event.” You hid your face behind the fancy feather fan Renge literally tossed at you earlier. 
“May I ask the Queen to dance, then?” He politely bows before you and you blush at his manners.
“She is to remain on her throne.” Kyoya’s tone is dry and sharp. “You may ask another partner in the crowd.” Your head snapped towards Kyoya because you were shocked about his reaction.
“I’ll dance with you.” You tell Koichi, standing up by yourself and taking the hand he held towards you.  As he led you to the dancefloor, you looked back and pulled your tongue out to Kyoya. Tamaki’s head snapped to his friend in shock as if he knew… As if it finally snapped in place.
Koichi carefully places one of his hands on your hips and the other gently holding your hand. He then takes the lead and starts dancing in the crowd of people, twirling you around. 
“So what’s this club?” He asks looking around still not able to figure out whatever he’s thinking of.
“It’s a host club, we entertain the students by charming them and making them smile.” You were honest about your club, you had no shame in it. 
“I thought you’d be more into the music club instead of this one.”
“It wasn’t my first choice, trust me.” You spin around and meet eyes with Kyoya. “Pride took over.” Maybe even jealousy. 
“I chose the literary club, but it’s kind of a bore when none of them want to share their experience with the others in the book they are reading, sometimes I feel like I should’ve chosen my second choice.”
“Which was?”
“The soccer team.” He chuckles and so do you. 
The entire lunch break you danced and spoke with Koichi like you’ve known him forever. You almost forgot all about your worries, it was only the two of you giggling like idiots and talking about your common interests. When the bell finally rang, to your discontent, he kissed the top of your hand before returning to his preoccupations as were the crowd of ladies. Renge didn’t miss a second before rushing to your side, squealing like a pig.
“I told you this was going to work! Have you seen Haruhi? She got so many more guests than usual and maybe 80% of them chose Haruhi as their new favorite host!” You were in shock that this part of the plan actually worked so much.
“That’s great! You’ll have to tell Kyoya all about it so he can recalculate Haruhi’s debt.” As soon as the words fell from your lips your eyes wandered to Kyoya heading to the changing room already half of his costume taken off.
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Kyoya ignored you the entire day and the day after. You were stuck in science class with him and he didn’t say a word to you other than the politeness to ask for you to move out of the way so that he could use the microscope. You tried to engage in a normal conversation, but he was cold and insistent that he was not interested in anything other than what you were both studying under the microscope.
You wanted to tell him that he would be free of you in a matter of weeks if it goes well with Koichi that you’ve got the chance to hang out with this break earlier during your club activity again, but he didn’t want to hear a word you wanted to say. It felt like you were nothing to him, not that you ever were, but it still hurts.
The day after he also ignored you, the calls and the texts all left on read…
You spent your dinner breaks in the Music Room with Koichi while you were accomplishing your duties as a Host and you loved the way he was an easy talker, he would laugh at all of your jokes and engage in conversations about your club, genuinely interested.
You were going to confess to him today! You had to, the earlier the better! You paced around the garden waiting for Koichi, you sent him a quick text to meet you there. You were anxious, you wanted to throw up right into the rose bush. Were you really going to do this? Going behind your father’s back to find yourself a match, ruin the family plan to create another… Were you crazy to do so? Probably. You couldn’t think straight. All you were thinking about is Koichi and his short and perfectly placed black hair and his smile.
“Hey y/n.” A tap on your shoulder is felt and it was him! You weren’t prepared for him to be here this fast. He’s completely taking you off guard. 
“Hey Koichi, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to see each other more, because I kind of like you– I mean hanging out with you and I…” You were rambling over your own words, even when he was confused about what you were asking him. “I’m asking you out on a real date, with me.” You finally spit out the words you were chewing on for the last thirty seconds.
“Are you serious?” He snorts. “No.” It was flat and humorless. “You’re just a host. It’s your job to find more guests and to make me smile and to sway me with your words.” His words hurt you deeply, he thought you were using him, but you really enjoyed his company.
“Koichi, that’s not what it’s about… I like you.” His laugh is dry. 
“We both know it was just for fun, it meant nothing more than to pass time during our breaks. Besides, I didn’t think you were serious, I was just another guest.” You were angry at his reaction. “You’re serious.” It was like lightning struck him and he chuckled sharply. 
“You’re being mean.” The trembling in your voice only meant that you were on the verge of crying. 
“Don’t be like that. You had to know that this felt like an act, because in class you look like the most unapproachable girl in this school.”
“Stop it.” You had tears in your eyes, you were fuming. 
“You should try to smile more often, people might want to talk–”
“She told you to stop.” A deep voice is heard behind you. "Apologize." Kyoya. You look behind you to see his tall figure walk towards you, slowly, as if he was giving Koichi time to run away. 
“Or we will tell the school director that a certain someone is stirring some trouble for a defenseless girl.” Tamaki’s gentle voice rings behind Koichi. You snap your head around and see the rest of the Host Club with him. They do have a way to make an entrance. 
“Guys, it’s not what it looks like.” He was afraid of them, afraid of what they might do to his reputation. They were the most popular and successful of this school, both them and their families.
“Is it? Because you clearly made one of our honorary members cry.” Hikaru speaks and you notice that you were in fact crying. “And we don’t appreciate it when one of our friends cries.” He adds.
“You can understand that right?” Kaoru smirks.
“Now apologize to her and get out of my sight.” Kyoya’s voice rang like thunder. 
“I’m sorry y/n… It was rude of me.” He spit out not even daring to look you in the eyes. “I misinterpreted your intention and hurt you.”
“It’s fine Koichi.” You mumble. You were ashamed and drained. He doesn’t wait before he dashes away from that encounter. Everyone rushed to your side to see if you were okay, but you took a step back from everyone. You were angry and so, so sad.
“What is wrong with you!” You exploded. The boys took a step back as you raised your voice at Kyoya. “Thank you for being there for me guys, but Jesus… It was already embarrassing enough, I didn’t need the entire Host Club to witness me getting my heart broken for the thousandth time since school started!” You were crying again. Kyoya’s hand reached your shoulder but you pulled away. “You keep denying me, you don’t want nothing with me, but when I try to find someone you have to get in my way! I was going to explain to him how I truly felt and that it was just a misunderstanding, it would’ve been just fine after that.” He was shocked at your burst out. 
“He clearly wasn’t interested in you.” He starts and you laugh. You felt hysterical. 
“That makes another one on the list.” You scoff. “I guess I am nobody’s cup of tea and I just have to accept a loveless marriage.” You wanted to scream and shout every profanities known to the world at that very moment. Kyoya opened his mouth to speak. “Leave me alone from now on.” You walked past crying your heart out. A strong hand placed on your shoulder, you spin around ready to slap Kyoya right across his stupid face but it wasn’t him. It was Mori. “I’m sorry guys, I’m quitting the Host Club. I just can’t do it anymore.” He let go of you and you rushed to the bathroom, hoping no one saw you. 
You stood in front of the mirror looking at your messed up makeup and your red eyes.
What was wrong with you?
Why couldn’t you be loved the way you wanted…
Why couldn’t he love you?
Renge’s words echo in the back of your mind: “You’re enough!”
You were. Maybe not for everyone, but you had to be for you. Because it mattered more than any boy's attention in the world. Koichi wasn’t true to you, he wasn’t genuinely interested in you like you thought, but it doesn’t matter, you still have your dignity… What’s left of it, that is. 
You took a good look at yourself in the mirror and wiped the messed up makeup, the tears and all the troubles away with the cold water from the sink.
“Screw it.” You tell yourself before exiting the bathroom and walking towards your locker to put back the Host jacket and putting on a cardigan the same color, you did in fact quit the club, so it wouldn’t be appropriate to wear the uniform that comes with it. You close your locker door and gasp when you turn face to face with Honey. 
“What an idiot.” His high pitch voice says unamused. “That Koichi is a complete idiot.” 
“Figured that out by yourself?” You snort, but he doesn’t find it funny. “I’m sorry… I just don’t feel like talking to anyone right now.” You admit and he smiles brightly. 
“Well I’m not anyone, I’m Honey Senpai who brings sweets to sweet ladies.” He pulls out front his back a plate with pancakes on it. You raised an eyebrow.
“You think you can have your way with sweets?” 
“It’s Korean sweet pancakes.” His voice was melodious as if he was baiting you… You grabbed one of the pancakes and his smile became wider. You took a bite out of it and it tasted as you remember, soft and chewy with a delicious filling made from cinnamon, brown sugar, and chopped walnuts. “There, there.” He pats the top of your head. “Now would you come back to the club?”
“No.” You say sharply between bites. 
“I thought you would be fooled by the pancakes the school chef made.” That was his plan all along to bait you back into the club and it almost worked. 
“It takes more than that to make me change my mind. Besides, I’m pretty sure I made a fool of myself in front of Koichi and the club, I don’t think anyone would want to talk to me ever again.”
“I would.” He melts your heart. With only that you wanted to change your mind, but it would be too hard to face him again. 
“I’m just really sad right now, Honey. I– I don’t even know if I want to go back.”
“It’s okay. I get it. If that’s any help, we don’t blame you for yelling. I for a fact, don’t.” He adds as you both start walking to your next class. 
“You don’t get it.”
“Sure Kyoya’s been a jerk a few times, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. When we heard you crying, he was already out of our sight, by your side.”
“I guess the secret is out.” You rolled your eyes.
“You were pretty obvious with it.” You snort. You guessed you were. “Look, Kyoya has never been a big theatrical guy like Tamaki, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or love like any other human being.” His gentle touch on your shoulder sparks something deep in your heart and you welcome his touch. 
“Well he hasn’t given me the time of the day since the moment we met... When he does get closer to me, he yanks himself back and we’re back at square one.” You sigh in annoyance. 
“You don’t know him well, then.” With that he leaves to his class. You don’t know him well… It’s true. You wanted to know him, but he kept pushing you away every time you got too close. That’s what it would only be, pulling and pushing… pulling and pushing…
A/N : I promise this is the last of the depressing chapters! Were hoping unto the spicy and angsty train next chapter. I wanted some spicyness to this chapter, but it didn’t fit with the original idea of it, but yeah... Next chapter is going to be happier, more fun and I guess spicy in a way and a lot for y/n who’s figuring out her love life.
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