#trans agent stern
thiswasinevitableid · 2 months
Perfect Specimen (Sternclay)
I decided I wanted to do something for Monster March, and @bellafarallones and I were riffing on this amazing art from @panthermouthh, as the design on Doctor Frankenstein is not unlike how I personally picture Stern.
A few content notes: This is NSFW, and given the subject matter it touches on death. There's also animal death but everything comes out okay in the end.
It’s the perfect night for mystery and horror. The very air itself is filled with monsters. 
And if Joseph’s lab does not have a monster of its own by the time this thunderstorm is done, he’s going to walk out the highest window in the castle. 
Four years of research, another year of planning, six months of gathering supplies, days and nights without sleep, the burns on his upper arm, the white in his hair, all of it has been for this moment. 
The instruments tell him the voltage from the storm is the highest he can hope for, and a moment later the readings from the nodes attached to the experiment tell him a bolt has connected long enough and strong enough to restart the heart. 
He rigged the lift table to be moveable by one person, but it’s still exhausting to strain against the chains, to control the force of the descent, all the while sweat mingles with the rain as it drops from the platform. The instant the table touches the lab floor, he wrenches the handle to close the gap in the roof, shutting out the storm at last. Now all that’s left is the crackle of the equipment, the distant thunder, and his heart beating so loud that for a moment he can’t manage to move. 
When his stethoscope can’t find a twin beat in the chest of his specimen, he sags to the floor, pushes himself back until he’s resting against the nearest table and tosses his gloves away in frustration. He digs his hands into his hair, gripping at the root, wanting to scream in frustration but somehow, after all this time, afraid someone might hear.
He did everything right, picked every part as carefully as if the body were his own. No beer-saturated livers, no bad hearts, no black lungs for his specimen. And it still hadn’t worked. 
The window calls to him. He tugs his hair again, frees his hands only to dig his nails into his palms. No. He can do this. He’s Dr. Joseph Stern, he has brought life to lower animals and god damn it he will bring life to this one. 
He rises, brushing off his lab coat, brain already churning on a new plan. 
Then the figure beneath the sheet sits bolt upright and starts to scream. 
The last thing Barclay remembers is his room at the Lodge. He’d been alone, the doctor had told Mama and the others they couldn’t come in, not unless they wanted to risk the flu that was stealing his energy and breath away. He could feel he was dying, and he was so scared, he’d begged the man to at least let him see them in the doorway, but his usual doctor had passed from the flu himself. This one, sent from the city, had talked to Barclay like he had rocks for brains and didn’t even stay with him until the end. He’d cried out, weakly but still a cry, for his friends. 
And now he’s crying out again, thrashing at the fabric above him. Fuck, he’s in a shroud and he can’t move, they’ve fucking buried him alive. That thought horrifies him so much he wrenches upward, freeing himself from the confines of his coffin and gasping for air. 
Only there’s no wood or dirt anywhere. Just broken, leather straps hanging off his wrists and a white bed sheet tangled around his waist. A laboratory gleams and hisses around him, and to the right of his bed stands a man in white lab coat. 
The man's hands are over his mouth in shock, his blue eyes wide with excited surprise. Barclay  notices the streak of white in the front of his black hair as lightning flashes across the skylight. 
“You’re alive. Alive!” He steps forward and Barclay leans away, body too full of residual panic to do anything else. 
The scientist holds out a hand, as if Barclay is a spooked dog hiding under the bed, and says slowly and quietly, “Don’t be afraid. You’re not in danger. My name is Dr. Joseph Stern. This is my lab. And you…” a rapturous smile spreads across his face, “you’re my specimen. My vindication.”
“Specimen?” Barclay’s voice creeps upwards.
“You can talk.” Dr. Stern carefully sets his hands on the metal table Barclay mistook for a bed, “amazing, thank god I didn’t use my first choice of head and neck, it’d been damaged by hanging and might have-.”
“Woah, woah” Barclay holds up his hands, trying to get the doctor to make sense. It’s then that he sees his hands aren’t the ones he remembers, and they’re sewn to arms where the skin is a few shades darker. He tosses the sheet aside and finds the rest of his body the same kind of patchwork, clutches his face and notices a beard that wasn’t there before. 
He starts screaming again. 
“Please, stay calm-”
“What did you do? What the fuck did you do to me? What am I?” 
“You’re a modern golem. A, a testament to science and progress.”
Barclay growls and grabs for him, dragging him close by the front of his coat, “Where the fuck is my body? My real body.”
“This is your real body.” The man pushes him back, cheeks slightly pink, “you’ve never had another one.”
“The hell I haven’t! Where is it, where’s, where’s the body of Barclay Cobb?”
The doctor stills, staring at him with fascinated confusion, “He…he’s in Kepler cemetery. Where he was buried. I needed his brain. And his eyes. But I left the rest of him there. Unless.”
“Unless he’s here now?”
“Yeah. Yeah he is. He’s here and he’s confused and none of this is making that any better.” Tears sting his vision and spill down his cheeks
“I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t expect this. Everything I read suggested that bringing you to life would potentially give you a soul. Or raise you without one. Not, not just bring back someone who was lost.”
“Feel like we have that saying about not believing everything you read for a reason.” He replies helplessly.
A slight smile, “True. And being cutting edge with my research meant there weren’t a lot of reference points.”
“Look” Barclay wipes his eyes and stands, finds himself actually looking down at the doctor, who himself must be six feet tall. The new height is the first thing about this whole mess that doesn’t feel like a curse, “whatever you did, it didn’t go how you expected. I’m not some new creature, I’m just a normal guy in a fucked-up  body. So I’m gonna let you go back to the drawing board and I’m gonna go home and give my friends the biggest fucking hug I can manage.”
“You can’t” Dr. Stern steps between him and the door, “They won’t recognize your new body, and they might be upset if they put together what happened. More to the point, grave robbing and desecration of a corpse are serious charges and I have no plans to be brought up on them.”
“That sounds like a you problem.” He ties the sheet around his waist. That’ll have to work for now. 
Blue eyes narrow, “Mr. Cobb. Barclay” the doctor brings his hands to his sides but makes no move to get out of the way, “People fear what they don’t understand. Right now, I barely understand what’s going on with you. How do you think people in Kepler are going to react?”
“Doesn’t seem like I’m much safer here.” Barclay glowers at the pistol sitting on one of the tables.
Stern sighs, “Several of my predecessors died when the animals they brought back with electricity turned on them. I don’t plan on joining them. It would have been an absolute last resort; Barclay, years of my life have led to this moment, and I’m not going to discard them lightly. Or let them walk right into the path of an angry mob.”
Barclay steps around him, and fingers grab his arm.
“If your old self saw this self coming down the dark road toward him, what would he do?”
“....Probably panic and run inside. Lock the doors and windows so he couldn’t get in and hurt my or my friends.” 
“Now imagine how one of your less gentle neighbors might react.”
“Fuck.” Barclay wraps his arms around himself. His next step lands wrong, his legs unsteady, and sits heavily down on the floor. When he looks up, the doctor is hurriedly making notes. 
“So, what, is the plan to make me sleep down here? Because staying in a dungeon sounds fucking miserable.”
The doctor shakes his head, “No. Lord knows there’s plenty of space in the castle, and I have a room ready for you. Um, just give me a few minutes to get it heated.”
More than a few minutes later Stern returns, dust on his coat, and gingerly extends a hand. Barclay takes it, and allows himself to be led up into his new home. 
He only manages a few hours of sleep before pain wakes him. Anywhere he’s been stitched hurts. When it gets to the point where he can no longer comfortably lay in bed, he groans and gets up in search of the guy responsible. 
The only light and noise in the house is still from the direction of the lab. Inside he finds Stern diligently filling a notebook with words and diagrams. The doctor doesn’t see him right away, and he wonders if this is even a good idea. The guy brought him back as an experiment, seems shocked that Barclay is a person instead of an empty vessel. Maybe asking for help will just cement the idea that Barclay needs to stay here for his own good. 
Then again. 
In the lamplight of a less panicked mind, Joseph Stern doesn’t look quite like the confident, business-like doctor ready to order Barclay around like he’s nothing. There are dark circles under his eyes and his black hair is a mess from wind sneaking through the skylight. And when Barclay awoke, monstrous and afraid, Stern didn’t flinch from him. 
“Uh, Doctor Stern?”
The man looks up, and Barclay pushes down the urge to haul him up to bed before he passes out at his desk. 
“Do you have anything for the pain?”
“That depends on where it is.”
Barclay explains the situation, Stern’s expression tinged with disappointment by the end. It’s only as the doctor unlocks a drawer that Barclay understands the emotion is directed at himself instead of Barclay. 
“It didn’t occur to me that your nerves would react that way, though it makes perfect sense. Here” He holds out a tin of bitter-smelling salve, “this should help numb the pain if you rub it around the stitches.”
“What is it?”
“A topical painkiller. I developed it when I was earning my degree. The number of my colleagues who thought it was fine to give patients who needed to work to keep a roof over their heads ingestible pain relief that made them groggy was shocking. I wanted my patients to have another option.” 
“Thank you, doctor.” 
The other man smiles, subtly steadying his swaying body against the lab table, “You’re my housemate, not my servant. Call me Joseph.”
It’s only the fact that those last three words sound as if they haven’t been spoken in a long, long time that Barclay doesn’t roll his eyes at the idea that a rich boy from the city  won’t see him as a servant. Instead, he takes the tin, returns to his bed, and falls into a deep, if somewhat tingly, sleep. 
Joseph wakes to the smell of coffee and toast and the patter of the rain on the windows. He’s glad he managed to crawl into bed last night instead of passing out at his desk again; it’s cozy here. 
He and Barclay spent the last thirty-six hours in opposite states of energy; Joseph was unable to sleep, anxious to write down every observation and note from Barclay being resurrected. When the anxiety started to fade, a wave of pride would come and buoy him along as he imagined everyone who mocked him being forced to admit he was right. The source of his excitement, on the other hand, spent the entire time in such a sound sleep Joseph checked him twice with the stethoscope to make sure he was still alive, and left him some clothes once he was certain he was. His guess is that, among the many effects of being brought back, Barclay’s body registered the life-giving jolt as a massive expenditure of energy. Not to mention that panic can really take it out of a man. Joseph knows that much from experience. 
The smell of frying meat mingles with the toast now. He should get up and have breakfast. 
He should figure out who in the castle is even making breakfast.
Joseph hurries out of bed, tying his robe as he descends the stairs. In the kitchen, humming as he moves from stove to table and back again, is Barclay. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Making breakfast. I’m sure you’re the kinda guy who survives on coffee and thoughts or whatever, but some of us need actual food.” The knife he’s using on a potato finds his finger instead, nicking it, and he pulls back with a sigh, “I’m sure the bigger hands will be good for something, but right now they’re a pain to get used to.”
Joseph shakes the thoughts of what those hands could do from his sleep-addled head as Barclay ties a small bandage–he must have found them in the lab– around the cut. There’s also a fresh burn on the back of his left hand; he must have hit it on the oven. 
“I’m sorry, I know the new body must be hard to adjust to. In my defense, I didn’t think you’d be cooking.”
The taller man pulls the percolator from the stove, looking at him warily “What did you think I’d be doing?”
“Recovering and gaining control of your body for the first few weeks. Frankly I’m proud of the fact my careful work means you’re up and moving so soon, and the apparent transferring of your muscle memory into a new body is intriguing.”
“Yeah, if you’re not the guy banging his head into things. Or dealing with how itchy a beard can be.” 
“I can buy you a razor if you want it gone.”
Barclay studies his reflection in a hanging pot, running his hands over the beard that’s barely past stubble, “Nah. I like how it looks. Mine always came in patchy.” He moves sausages onto a plate, “guess I oughta thank you for picking a handsome face for me, even if you did put stitches on it.”
“You can blame the fox that ate his nose part way off for that.”
Barclay grimaces.
“Sorry. I’ve been rooting around graveyards and charnel houses for so long it’s sort of…skewed how I talk about these things.”
“I mean, it seems like its’ kinda your life’s work so I get it. But no surgery talk at the table.” He sets the sausages and toast on the wood, then a plate down in front of Joseph and one in front of himself. Joseph pours them each coffee and they eat in awkward but not unpleasant silence. 
As they’re walking past the fireplace in the dining room, Barclay pauses to look at the chess problem Joseph laid out a month ago. 
“Do you play?”
The other man nods, “Learned how when I first started working at the Lodge. We, uh, we could play sometime.”
“I wish, but there’s a reason that’s just been sitting there. My work comes first.”
“I thought that was done. Or are you just going to keep making more guys like me?”
“No” he meets Barclay’s gaze, tries not to feel guilty for the distrust he finds there, “I have so much to learn from you. I’ve re-written some of the core beliefs of science, and I need to put my findings in enough order to present them eventually. Then there’s the fact that the process of constructing you has massive ramifications for the field of surgery.”
“So is my job just to lay in that fucking lab all day?”
That had been his plan. The moment Barclay turned those brown eyes on him and told him his name, it all went up in smoke. 
“I’ll need to ask you questions now and then. And if possible have you do a few physical tests; that serves a second purpose of making sure your motor function isn’t deteriorating or you’re not getting ill from some unforeseen side effect of all this. Other than that, well, my home is yours to make your own.”
They leave it at that, Joseph retreating to his lab and Barclay wandering back towards the kitchen. 
It’s just after six when Joseph is comparing his notes to those of one Professor Cold. There were rumors he’d succeeded in restoring not one, but two, bodies; his twin sons had been killed in a carriage accident. Joseph sees the groundwork for such a feat in the notes, but the way Cold writes about his potential subjects has always bothered him. They were living, breathing men with hopes and ideas and he sees them as nothing more than projects. 
Than specimens. 
Joseph closes the book, sets his notes in order for the night, and returns to the main floor of the castle. Barclay is in a chair by the fire, a book of Virgil in his lap and his focus on the window that faces town. 
In his old life he knew how to be charming. Maybe it’s time to dust off that skill. 
“I’d be honored if you’d join me for a game of chess and a cup of coffee.”
Barclay looks him over, firelight dancing along the line of his jaw. 
“Honored, huh?”
He nods and offers his arm. Barclay smiles, amused, and stands to take it.
They’d been making progress over the last month, in more ways than one. Barclay’s skill and comfort with his new body improved, he grew more relaxed when Joseph asked him questions for his research, and his glances toward town are not nearly as melancholy. The reason for that last change is obvious. 
“Okay, either a carriage splashed you or you decided to take a mudbath in the center of town.” Barclay helps Joseph out of his coat as the doctor pulls off his boots.”
“Not quite. There was a puddle in the cemetery that I swear was up to my knees.”
Barclay looks at him, eyebrows raised and lips quirked in a smile “Looking to replace me?”
“Never. But you were the reason for my visit.” Joseph straightens the black vest stretching across Barclay’s chest, “you were so worried you’d be forgotten. I needed to find your grave. Barclay, it’s so covered in flowers I nearly missed the inscription.”
“Oh.” Barclay looks lost and sad, as if Joseph had found him in the middle of the forest, miles from home. 
Joseph takes his hands, “You’ll see your friends again. We’ll figure out a way to re-introduce you without setting off mass panic. I promise.”
Barclays mood had improved massively after that. Which is puzzlement, not panic, is what grips Joseph when he finds his friend crying at the kitchen table. When he asks what happened, Barclay points to a bundled rag. In it is a rabbit kit, eyes open and glassy.
“I, I found it a few others, they got stuck against the outside wall when that tree came down last night” Barclay sniffles, “I moved them so they could find food but that one I, I must have held him too hard, I, I didn’t mean to. I, what if I do it again, what if I can’t be gentle anymore, what if I, I hurt something else, or someone else?” 
Joseph steps next to his chair, only for Barclay to hide his face in his waistcoat. He lets him cry–he hasn’t since that first night–and cautiously pets his hair. 
“Wh-what if I’m too much of a monster?”
“Barclay, look at me.” Joseph gingerly cups his chin, pushes his shaggy auburn hair from his forehead so he can see his face, “you’re not a monster. You’re a wonder, and more than that you are gentle. And kind. This was just an accident, one we can learn from.”
Barclay sniffs, wiping under his eyes.
“A monster wouldn’t cry for a rabbit. Or be thoughtful enough to give it a shroud.”
That gets him a watery smile. 
“Go rest for a bit. I’ll take care of everything.”
Barclay slowly gets to his feet. Joseph waits until he’s in the library, then gathers the sad bundle and slips down to his lab. 
It’s fiddly, frustrating work, but it’s worth every second when shakes Barclay from his lap and shows him the rabbit, fur slightly on end but nose wiggling calmly, and asks if he’d like to help him choose the spot to set it free outside.
He’s getting better about not working to and past midnight, but after Barclay made a particularly delicious shepherds pie for lunch today, Joseph had passed out cold on couch the moved to be by the library fire (it’s more comfortable sitting side by side on it than in separate chairs) with his head on Barclay’s shoulder. 
He’d awoken, now on top of his companion, to find it was four in the afternoon and he was behind on the monograph he’s writing on how to effectively reconnect eyes to the brain.
Barclay’s footsteps are just audible under the crash of the storm outside. Joseph isn’t surprised to see him in the doorway; electrical storms set him on edge. Neither of them can figure out if that’s some lingering effect of the experiment that brought him back to life or if the dislike of lightning is somehow stored in a particular body part.  But when it happens, Barclay prefers to be wherever Joseph is.
“Anything I can help with?” Barclay sets a hand on the back of Joseph’s chair. 
“Nothing comes to mind–no, wait, I think we have a few items on my initial checklist to cover.” He pulls out the stack of papers recording the various physical functions of Barclay’s body, “let’s see, the remaining one is, um, is…”
Barclay leans down, then blushes at the underlined words,“Figures you’d be that thorough.”
“We don’t have to test it. Now or ever.”
“What does testing my, uh, sexual functioning involve?”
“Seeing if you can achieve erection and release.”
Barclay’s blush deepens, “Yeah, about that. Kinda confirmed it myself.”
“In that case I’d just need to collect ejaculate. Just to see if you’re, um, able to reproduce like this.” The clinical language is his last hope of not admitting that part of his reason for wanting to know that is personal; his fantasies will be more accurate if he knows whether he could let Barclay come in him without fear. 
Curiously, his more detached tone does nothing for Barclay’s reddening cheeks. 
“We can do that. If, if you want. Hate to leave you with an unfinished checklist.” He says it so tenderly Joseph wants to cry. 
“Okay. Please take off your clothes and go sit on the lab table.”
Barclay obeys, and as he does Joseph sees just how far down the blush goes. 
“Should I…” Barclay gestures to his crotch. Joseph picked his cock out himself. He doesn’t remember it being so intimidating. Or so tempting. 
“Let me.” He steps between Barclay’s legs, the closeness feeling safe than watching from a chair would be; if they did that, Barclay could see his face, might realize how hopelessly smitten Joseph is. Worse, Joseph might learn that Barclay enjoys being watched and ordered around by a seemingly in control Joseph, and then he’d really be screwed. 
His fingers brush Barclay’s cock and the cook sighs and laughs, nervously, “Y’know, usually make a guy buy me dinner before he does that.”
“Does paying for our groceries count?”
“Guess soOH, oh” Barclay’s legs fall wider as Joseph begins stroking him, “yeah, yeah just like that.”
Joseph grips the edge of the table with his free hand. Focus, if he can just focus-
Barclay’s cock is fully hard, heavy in his hand, and when he runs his thumb over the head the other man bucks and moans. His head tips back and Joseph tries to focus on the scars, on what they mean, but all he can think about is dragging his tongue.
Barclay moans again, fucking into his hand, and Joseph’s vocal cords act without permission. 
“That’s it, big guy, I want this to feel good. I want my perfect specimen to enjoy himself.”
Brown eyes snap open and the noise from those plush lips is a whimper. 
“Do you like when I call you that?” He asks, hopeful at the prospect of something he didn’t know he wanted until a moment ago.
“Uh huh, Joseph, please-”
He squeezes the base of Barclay’s cock, letting his nails graze his balls, “That’s sir to you.”
Barclay grins, “Fuck yes it is. Sir. I, I like when you look at me like a project, like a puzzle, no one ever paid attention to me like that, like you, fuck, sir” his head tips forward and his lips find Joseph’s neck, mouthing and kissing at it and soaking his collar in the process. 
“Messy” He scolds. Barclay whines, cock starting to slide more purposefully in his fist, but keeps up his barrage of kisses. 
“Don’t care, sir, promise I’ll make it up to you, want you so bad, tired of waiting.”
“Waiting for what, big guy?”
“You” Barclay says weakly, moan spilling out of him as cum spurts between them. Joseph should be hurrying to catch it with something, but he doesn’t want to lose this moment, doesn’t want to stop feeling Barclay’s breath on his neck and arms around his shoulders. 
He risks a kiss to his beautiful specimen’s forehead and gets a happy sigh in reply. 
“Your turn, sir.”
“Barclay, we don’t need to, you’re probably tired and I should-” 
His lower back slams into the table so abruptly he yelps. 
“Maybe you didn’t hear me, sir” he growls, “I said it’s your turn to be stuck on this fucking table.”
Between the baritone rattling his bones and his terrified excitement at how easily Barclay turned the tide on him, he forgets the reason he hasn’t done this since his first year of university until Barclay rips away every scrap of clothing covering his crotch. 
“I…I can explain”
“Don’t need to” Barclay’s eyes are wide and hungry as he takes in the slick folds, “saw the scars on your chest that time you got acid on your shirt and had to get it off in a hurry.”
“If it’s not to your taste we canFUCK, fuckingchrist” His back and head hit the table as Barclay wrenches his legs over his shoulders and drops to his knees.
“Oh it’s to my taste, sir, because I can do this from how fucking wet you are from just touching my dick” He shoves three fingers inside, fucking Joseph insistently and laughing as the heels of his shoes catch the cooks upper back.
“Lookit you” Barclay sounds like he’s drooling, “this why you made me so big, sir? Because you know just how fucking needy you are and you have to have something nice and thick in you before you can relax.”
“No, I mean yes, maybe, fuck” His hands thwack against the metal, “don’t make me think anymore, I can’t, I don’t want to.”
“Then don’t” Barclay purrs, warm lips ghosting over his dick, “just lay back and lemme give you everything you need. Don’t need to be a genius, just gotta let me use this” he curls his fingers “needy thing whenever I want. And let me do this, too” his lips close around Joseph’s dick and Joseph forgets every word that’s not a curse or a plea for more, his world becoming nothing other than Barclay’s face and fingers against him, his forearm trapping his hips so he can only writhe uselessly as Barclay takes what he wants. 
Joseph digs his hands into Barclay’s hair, certain that if he doesn’t hold onto something his whole body will come apart from the force of his impending orgasm. As it is, when it hits his scream is embarrassingly high and broken, though Barclays only reaction to it is a groan. 
As Barclay pulls back and stands, Joseph can see the slick on his beard, and moans when the cook licks his fingers with a blissful expression. 
He lunges upward at the same second Barclay bends down, kiss reverberating through his entire being as his monster–no, his lover–holds him close. When they finally break, Barclay literally gasping for air, Joseph rests his hand on his beard and smiles as the other man rubs against his palm. 
“You okay?” Barclay murmurs, fingers playing comfortingly along Joseph’s cheek.
“That’s an understatement. Even if a think you might have strained my hip flexor throwing my legs up like that.”
“Sorry” shame creeps across his face and Joseph will not stand for that. 
“I don’t mind, big guy. Though maybe next time I’ll tie you down until we learn just how your strength plays out in the bedroom.”
“That means you’ll have to do all the work, sir.” The smile is back, honey-sweet and warm.
“I can handle that. I’m not afraid of hard work.”
Barclay chuckles and kisses him again, and Joseph sets aside his planning in favor of staying in his arms a little longer.
8 notes · View notes
sanguinesky-if · 4 months
Sanguine Sky
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DEMO [Public] [Updated 24/02/2024] genres: romance, modern-fantasy, supernatural, mystery, dark-fantasy.
Sanguine Sky is a work-in-progress modern dark-fantasy interactive novel. The story is heavily focused on romance, characters, and relationships.
The story rated 18+, contains mature and distressing content that may be triggering to certain individuals. It is recommend to check the full list of warnings before you proceed to the story. Please exercise caution and take care of yourself.
Word count [Public]: 47k words [excl. code] Word count [Patreon]: 92k words [excl. code] [Updated 14/04/2024]
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You are a detective, tasked with investigating mysterious murders that have taken place in your normally quiet and peaceful hometown, Fallenmor. 
With two victims confirmed already, the initial one being your former mentor, Detective Bergmann, the situation couldn't seem more dire. Or so you thought until you received the news of another body, a possible third victim, discovered at the police station. In your very own office. 
An accident, a mere coincidence, a straightforward warning, a looming threat, or something entirely else… Whatever is happening, you feel it affecting you, awakening something both significantly familiar and distinctly foreign inside of you.
If only you knew that this was just the beginning… Things could have been different. 
But back then, in your ignorance, your singular concern lay with a pressing question: if you failed to find the murderer, who would become the next victim?
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➤ Play as male, female, non-binary or trans; straight, gay, or bisexual.
➤ Customize your appearance and shape your personality.
➤ Take on the role of a detective, immerse yourself in the work of the police station.
➤ Embrace the mystery of your existence, or reject that inner sight of you.
➤ Seven romance options to choose from. Select their gender, be shy or bold, or focus on your goal without pursuing anyone.
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All ROs are player-sexual and gender-selectable [M/F]. More information will be revealed after all the RO's are introduced in the story (chapter 2).
Kyle / Keira Moreno
Your colleague, a police inspector, and one of the rudest people you have ever met. Sharp and stern, K is surprisingly perceptive, and they use it to really see you. The good, the bad. Everything. Appearance: icy blue eyes, dark red hair, very pale skin.
Alexis 'Lex / Lexie' Conlan
Your best friend, and also your former partner from times when you were just a patrol officer. With a heart of gold and an approachable attitude, L always chooses you over the others. Appearance: forest green eyes, copper hair, beige freckled skin.
Morgan Schoivell
Your other colleague, a highly-skilled lab technician. M is rather reserved when it comes to emotions, and after almost a year of working together, M is still a walking mystery for you. Appearance: dark brown eyes, ash blonde hair, light skin.
Roderick / Rebecca Reyes
The commanding agent of the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) team sent to catch the killer. Overbearing and ruthless, R has their own way of getting things done. Appearance: gray eyes, blonde hair, pale skin.
Theodore 'Theo' / Theresa 'Tess' Vazquez
Another member of the CID team. With a cocky smile, T is full of flirts and sneering comments, regardless of the occasion. T has no doubts about what they want and isn't afraid to vocalize it. Appearance: dark green eyes, black curly hair, rich brown skin.
Isaac / Iris Brailsford
I looks the most mature and approachable of CID's fellow agents. Looks can be deceiving, though. Working behind the scene and watching from afar, I carries all the scars within. Appearance: hazel eyes, dark brown hair, olive skin.
Sebastian / Selena Goldstein
Someone new and temporary, S has a velvety voice and a perfect smile that doesn't reach their eyes. You're not sure if your paths will cross in the future, but something tells you S can't be trusted. Appearance: black eyes, long black wavy hair, bronze skin.
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Other notable characters:
Your twin-sister: Your sweet, kind, caring, and gentle twin sister. She always tries to be there for you, and show how much she appreciates you, no matter what. Chief of Police, Kendrick Nash: Your boss, who is not handling his job so well after the recent death of his husband, Klemens Bergmann. Detective Klemens Bergmann: Police chief's husband, who happened to be a senior detective and your mentor. He was the first victim, murdered under mysterious circumstances.
A full list of warnings is available in the demo before beginning of the story. I recommend to check it before you proceed to reading. Please take care of yourself.
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the-rookinator-3000 · 10 months
hell yeah you’ve got some based headcanons
curious on your headcanons for dot
THANK YOU!!!! i think about them a lot . penguins in my brain. also i can totally do dot hcs !!! (i was wondering when someone would ask cuz i did have a couple in my mind...)
first of all and i CANNOT stress this enough, trans. she is a trans woman. this is very important!!! RAAHHH
and to add to that i'd like to think that her "design gal" appearance is the product of her finally expressing herself, which is why she's wearing a lot more colorful accessories and trying a new style she usually didn't have prior... and the whole "new passion for fashion" quote is DEFINITELY an indicator of her being more comfortable with herself and her interests, especially branching out to other things that don't have to do with the EPF
dot is fond of giving her fellow agents nicknames! she likes to call rookie "rooks" and (canonically) calls the agent "ace", she also teasingly calls jpg "big guy" just to annoy him
heres some relationship stuff below!
to rookie, she is a very dependable and understanding older sister figure. the two are very close and rookie enjoys going out on missions with her just as much as he enjoys doing so with jpg. dot has always been offering a helping flipper to rookie
to jpg, dot is very sassy and kind of ruthless. she likes to tease him a lot, mostly to see his reaction. but the two do get along, especially when talking about their common interest in fashion. jpg owes a lot to dot's talent and skill, even if he has to take in all of dot's teasing all the time
dot owes a lot to aunt arctic, mostly because of ANOTHER SCENARIO I MADE UP IN MY HEAD but basically it had to do with dot first coming into the island, and more or less being really distant and cold. a lot of that personality really softened when she got recruited into the EPF
occasionally, her old cold-hearted nature can sometimes stick out, especially when she's angry. which is one of the main reasons why jpg never attempts to fight back against her teasing. she is simply too girlboss i fear
i also originally planned for her to be the one who made rookie's hawaiian shirt. i scrapped the headcanon in favor of an oc explanation, but i'll just leave it here :3
dot enjoys scrapbooking and crafts in general! there is a board in her igloo that contains a lot of photos, she is very crafty!
dot's parents are both models, and they taught her how to improvise on fashion when she was younger. that's how she ended up being really good at making disguises out of simple materials.
despite that, dot does not get along well with her family!
dot has crossdressed a lot before, mostly for her disguises, but occasionally she does it for fun.
(semi-canon?) she has a lot of friends around the island, and maybe even moreso in the fashion industry
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her personality has hardened a lot more after the events of operation blackout, she became a lot more focused and just.. a teensy tiny bit more stern
everyone in the EPF means a lot to her, she cares about all of them like family. (and she probably cares more about them than her own family but i digress) just like gary, she'd rather be cryogenically frozen 20 times over than see the EPF get destroyed in front of her
she collects squishmallows. i dont know im adding this in
the inside of her igloo is the most pastel purple-pink mess you can possibly think of. (i also thought of her living in a travel trailer? kind of a funny thought ngl)
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Jimmy Loses Peaceful HRT Privileges
Based off of the third prompt of my previous post
(This is also on Archive of Our Own)
The autopsy room was bathed in the sterile glow of fluorescent lights as Jimmy Palmer, the assistant medical examiner of NCIS, prepared to administer his routine testosterone shot. The quiet hum of machinery provided a backdrop to the otherwise still atmosphere, where the echoes of forensic work lingered.
As Jimmy carefully prepped the syringe, Ducky entered the room. Seeing Jimmy with the needle in hand, Ducky's eyes widened, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern.
"Mr. Palmer, what on earth do you think you're doing?" Ducky exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and disapproval.
Startled, Jimmy looked up, syringe in hand. "Dr. Mallard, it's just my te—"
Ducky, not immediately grasping the situation, cut him off with a stern voice. "This could jeopardize your medical career! I-I never, not in my years of working with you, expected this. Did you know, Mr. Palmer, that drug abuse goes all the way back to Mesopotamia— ancient times, my boy!"
Jimmy, attempting to clarify, began, "Dr. Mallard, it's not—"
Ducky, interrupting again, raised his voice. "I wasn't finished, lad. Substance abuse in my autopsy room is unacceptable!"
"Doctor Mallard."
Ducky continued his stern lecture, "Do you understand the implications of such behavior? Your actions reflect on the entire team! How about when it's time for your random drug tests? We are federal agents, Mr. Palmer! This is one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen, and I have seen some things, boy. This reminds me of a time when I— no. You don't get a story today, Palmer."
"Doctor Mallard!"
Ducky maintained his reprimanding tone. "I won't tolerate this kind of misconduct under my watch, Mr. Palmer!"
The doctor quickly turned the smaller man.
"Please let me explain. It's not drugs; It's testosterone. I'm trans. Don't report me. I can literally show you the label," Jimmy clarified in between breaths as he began to unzip his black, faux leather bag.
Ducky, finally understanding, paused and sighed. "Well, it seems I've made quite the assumption. My apologies, Mr. Palmer."
Jimmy, nodded passively-aggressively and took one more deep breath before replying, "It's okay, Dr. Mallard."
The senior medical examiner stared at the younger in understanding for a moment. "Would you like to tell me more about it?"
James looked up at his mentor, confused.
"More about what?"
"Being transgender, my boy," Ducky swiftly replied. The young man pondered for a moment, staring at a freezer door handle before he shrugged and glanced back.
"Not really."
Ducky nodded in understanding and sweetly smiled at his assistant before his eyes lit up.
"Ah, so back to that story. I was young, maybe even younger than you..."
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Genderfliud(amab) firestar x Millie x she/her tom graystripe hypokits?
Warrior Cat Ships: Genderfluid!Fire x She/Her!Gray x Millie Edition
In this AU, Graypaw doesn't exactly get what being trans means when Firepaw introduces themself as being genderfluid. When, during her explanation, Firepaw tries to explain the concept of misgendering by calling Graypaw "she" to demonstrate how uncomfortable it is, Graypaw instead finds that she actually prefers she/her pronouns being used to refer to her. Millie is a kittypet and a friend of Princess who lives nearby Fire's old home with her housefolk. She and Fire had been (and stayed) fairly close even after xe joined ThunderClan and the two develop feelings for each other. Firestar is up front about also developing feelings for Graystripe, and after he confesses to them both he introduces both of his partners to each other. The two hit it off and become mates with each other as well. When the Clans go on the Great Journey, Millie makes the difficult choice to leave her housefolk behind and join ThunderClan permanently, but keeps her name as it is.
They have two litters together, consisting of 5 kits in total.
Litter 1 (born a short time after Firestar's Quest and sired by Firestar):
Bounceflight- ginger-and-gray tabby molly with one blue eye and one green eye. Trans molly, pansexual grayromantic. This universe's version of Squirrelflight. Bounceflight is a responsible cat who does her best to care for her Clanmates while also keeping positive. She used to be much more immature as an apprentice, but became much calmer after going on the Great Journey and becoming a Warrior. She had a brief relationship with Ashfur, but broke it off. When he attacked her for daring to break up with him, Firestar stepped in immediately and kicked him out. She remains happily single for the rest of her life. She is a Scout, then Deputy, and then becomes Leader after Firestar's death in the Great Battle.
Brookleaf- dilute tortoiseshell molly with one blue eye and one green eye. Cis molly, bisexual (fem-leaning). This universe's version of Leafpool. Brookleaf is the calm to her sister's storm. She is gentle, kind, and nurturing, making her the perfect Medicine Cat. She secretly longs for romance and to be a mother, but tries to push it down. After her half-clan relationship with Crowfeather of WindClan was exposed when she got pregnant, her family lobbied to change the Warrior Code for her so that she and Crowfeather could stay together and raise their kits. As stated above, she is a Medicine Cat (specifically a Healer).
Litter 2 (born around Eclipse and sired by Graystripe):
Bumbleheart- big pale gray tom with black stripes and blue-green eyes. Cis tom, straight. This universe's version of Bumblestripe. Bumbleheart and his siblings all grew up hearing stories of how his parents met and fell in love. He is a romantic at heart and wants a fairytale romance for himself, but can come off as obsessive and creepy while not intending to be. He and Dovewing had a short-lived relationship before she left him for Goldenheart of ShadowClan. While he was bitter about Dovewing's rejection for a while, his family helped him through it and he and Rosepetal fell in love and became mates later on. When he became a Warrior, he was given the suffix -heart for his commitment to his loved ones. He is a Hunter.
Blossomlight- long thick-furred calico molly with green eyes. Cis molly, bisexual. This universe's version of Blossomfall. Blossomlight can be a fairly jealous and stern cat, although she isn't nearly as bad as she used to be when she was an apprentice. While she did train in the Dark Forest for a time, she realized her mistake and switched sides to the Clans. She and her best friend and eventual mate Ivypool worked as double agents for the Clans and were instrumental in the DF's fall. When she was made a Warrior, she was given the suffix -light to symbolize her redemption from where she used to be. She is a Brute.
Briaroak- sleek-furred dark gray molly with sky-blue eyes. Trans molly, lesbian. This universe's version of Briarlight. Briaroak always tries to see the good in every cat and has always worked hard for what she wants and believes in. While her faith in herself was shaken when she was paralyzed by a falling tree, her family banded together to help her and she came back stronger than ever. When she became a Warden and received her Warrior Name, she was given the suffix -oak for her resilience and unflinching determination. She is a Warden (as mentioned).
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[GANZER*Film!!] The Expendables 4 (2023) Stream auf Deutsch kostenlos
[GANZER*Film!!] The Expendables 4 (2023) Stream auf Deutsch kostenlos
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The Expendables 4 (2023) Ganzer Film Deutsch: Kinostart, Besetzung & Kritik
Genre: Action, Abenteuer, Thriller, Sterne: Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, 50 Cent, Megan Fox, Dolph Lundgren, Tony Jaa, Iko Uwais, Randy Couture, Andy García, Jacob Scipio, Levy Tran, Lucy Newman-Williams, Sheila Shah, Daren Nop, Cody Mackie, Cokey Falkow, Dan Chupong, Nicole Andrews, Eddie Hall, Jason Lines, Mike Möller, Lee Charles, Tjaša Perko,
INHALTSANGABESVier Barney Ross übergibt in THE EXPENDABLES 4 das Kommando der Söldnertruppe an Lee Christmas weiter. In der Action-Fortsetzung "The Expendables 4" treten Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham und Co. gegen einen mächtigen Waffenhändler an, der von einer gewalttätigen Privatarmee beschützt wird. Zu den Neuzugängen von "The Expendables 4" zählen unter anderem 50 Cent und Megan Fox. Ausserdem ist ‘The Raid'-Star Iko Uwais als Bösewicht mit dabei sowie Andy Garcia als CIA-Agent. Für Action-Veteran Sylvester Stallone wird der vierte "Expendables"-Film der letzte Teil der Reihe sein. Vor einigen Monaten verabschiedete sich der Schauspieler von seinen Fans und enthüllte, dass Jason Stathams Charakter die Rolle übernehmen würde.
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Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-userwhile being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the process of delivering orobtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the deliverymethod of the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method fromthe media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks, as most of thedelivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) orinherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). There are challengeswith streaming content on the Internet. For example, users whose Internet connectionlacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. Andusers lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certaincontent. Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as livetelevision broadcasts content over
the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media(e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize thecontent, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver thecontent. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although itfrequently is. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Throughstreaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digitalaudio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” canapply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, andreal-time text, which are all considered “streaming text”.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States. Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed] These rights krequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent. Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration. It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that ry to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.
❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍
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astrafortune · 5 years
Every time someone draws agent Joseph Stern with a trans flag tie I gain a year onto my life and +2 love
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mikeydoodledandy · 4 years
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“Hey, I remember this.”
“Yes, it was our first pride together. We all drove out to Huntington for it. Actually, it was my first pride since my college days if I remember correctly.”
“I’d forgotten you wore that shirt; only you would wear something like that to pride. You are such a dork, you know that?”
“Says the man wearing a flannel. And in my defense, the shirt was accurate.”
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imorkoburnsides · 6 years
Literally every single Amnesty PC (and most of the NPCs honestly) radiates Biiiig Trans Energy
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angellioncosplay · 3 years
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Hi, everyone! I recently cosplayed Agent Joseph Stern from TAZ Amnesty just as a costest until I get my better wig in! I was so happy because I waited a year to slowly pull together enough pieces to do this and gain confidence in my makeup skills where I wouldn’t feel like I looked too femme or too close to my previous male characters! I’m non-binary agender so it feels good and validating when I can play and vibe in multiple genders and then go back to being my regular goblin self. 🥰 That being said I had 3 minor panic attacks while getting ready which felt silly considering this was just supposed to be a test, but I often struggle with being good enough😅 I’m now feeling much better and more confident and looking forward to doing photoshoots like I’ve done for Duck and Aubrey!
People in the fandom that inspired me (whether with their kind words or their amazing writing) to live my best life and/or cosplay this amazing character that I just adore: @thiswasinevitableid @bellafarallones @pantstacular @ghxsttype @mike-does-weird-things @ohducknewton @jupiterjunebug SERIOUSLY THANK YOU FOR GREATLY IMPROVING MY LIFE WITH YOUR AMAZING CONTENT AND HELPING ME GET THROUGH AND HEAL FROM SOME DARK TIMES 😭💖💖💖👏🏆👑🎉
I hand painted both my “Bigfoot is my Boyfriend” tshirt (based on the fic “sleek and gleaming pelt” by @bellafarallones) and made the trans flag Bigfoot tie pin (based on emoji art by @mike-does-weird-things) as one of my favorite headcanons is trans Agent Stern 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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sevenrelics · 4 years
in a pissy mood everyone!!! here are some taz fanon things that bug me. feel free to add your own !  - angus is secretly a blupjeans kid, taako can sense that, and is intuitively affectionate towards him because of it. absolutely not. he can just love him because he’s an extremely bright and kind and determined little kid that’s grown on him!!! blood ties do not a good bond make ! - taako is made hyperfeminine, lup is hypermasculine. there have been better explanations by smarter more qualified people on this but. c’mon. really? gonna play into the stereotype of flamboyant gay guy for taako and just straight up transphobia with lup? ofc it’s different if you’re a gay man or trans woman and want to depict taako or lup like You but . for everyone else it reeks of stereotyping. - kravitz is big and strong and tough and taako is a blushing mess at the sight of him. no . nononononono . id say “where is this in canon” but it appears to be the opposite in canon actually. i remember the effect those tentacles taako cast had. i do!  - people depict angus like an infant or a full grown adult. i love angus. we all love angus. he is a capable little boy who is not a nervous wreck or tearful mess unless under extreme duress. he does not need taako to protect him from everything! he’s a very powerful smart young wizard Doing His Best. however though he’s also ike 10 oh my god who does he live with whys he have a teaching position is he okay does he get recess oh m - what lucretia did to the birds is immediately glossed over. this one actually has some canon basis and i get it. i get it! lucretia is such a prominent character and shes loved so so much and we grow to know her over all of balance but especially the stolen century. ofc the gang brought it in for a hug at the end. do not force taako to have that redemption arc. she hurt him and he’s allowed to be mad! he’s not selfish for that.  - ignoring the women. hey guys remember hurley and sloane? carey and killian? the ao3 fic count for them says otherwise and its especially sad when like. oh i dunno. background male characters like one indrid cold or agent stern get heaps of attention meta and fanart from all over but us sapphics are stuck being the only ones paying attention to the canon wlw - ignoring merle. he’s a horny boy (YECH.) too :(
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Cold Feet (Sternclay)
Runner up in the "humans and mers on land" poll was: Mer disguised as a human shows their true form after being pushed into a pool. This fill is NSFW, and Barclay's design is based on a tiger shark.
There are many benefits to being engaged to a man who resembles Bigfoot in stature. Among them is that, due to his awareness of his intimidating size, his overall demeanor is gentle and friendly.
It also means that when he chooses to use that size to scare someone, it’s effective. 
From his spot at the poolside bar, Joseph witnesses the first instance of someone not backing off when Barclay asks them too. A nearby table of men, all in Hawaiian shirts they have neither the bodies nor the confidence to pull off, has spent the last hour being drunk and loud. Joseph’s doesn’t begrudge them that too much; it’s a destination hotel, and people come to have a good time. Besides, it’s the adults-only pool so there are no kids around to overhear their increasingly made-up stories about “scoring.”
The trouble began when the pack turned their attention to the waitress who’d drawn the short straw of serving their table. It had gotten so bad that they’d overheard the young woman ask the manager at the bar if she could be switched or clock out to avoid them. He’d told her they were short and to deal with it. 
On her next pass of the table, one of the men grabbed her thigh, reaching up her shorts to do so. Barclay was on his feet instantly, striding over to the group and telling them, calmly, to knock it the hell off. The men ignored him initially, unaware that the fastest way to anger his husband to be is to harass waitstaff in his presence. 
Now, however, two of the men are on their feet, not caring that the man they’re drunkenly calling homophobic slurs could throw each of them over the low, stone wall separating the pool from the sea without breaking a sweat. The waitress tries to dart away, only for one of them to grab her wrist. Joseph is on his feet, and the manager is finally growing a pair and calling security, as Barclay calmly but forcefully pries the mans hand off the young woman. 
The man yells something about how Barclay is assaulting him and shoves him, sending the taller man into the pool. His fiance’s head appears, shaking water from his eyes. Then there’s a gasp from one of the other tables, and several fingers pointing at Barclay. 
Joseph follows the line of the fingers, fearing an injury. What he finds is a brown and grey striped tail where Barclay’s legs should be. 
Normally, in a crisis his sense of time slows down. Now, it’s as if there’s not even a second between his seeing the tail and said tail disappearing over the rock wall into the sea. 
Questions pile up in his skull, but one burrows it’s way to the front: what the hell is he supposed to tell the wedding guests tomorrow?
Barclay swims parallel to the shore, wishing he’d decked that asshole before he inadvertently ruined Barclay’s life. 
The problem isn’t that Joseph is scared of mermaids, or doesn’t believe in them. It’s the exact opposite. 
“Excuse me?” A man with the bluest eyes Barclay’s ever seen smiles across the counter, “Would it be possible to get a little more cream?” He holds out the wicker basket from his table, and Barclay bites his tongue to avoid saying something filthy at work. 
Once more cups of half and half are nestled away, the man thanks him and returns to his meal. He then comes back for every single meal the next day, and the one after that. It’s at that third dinner that he’s sitting at the counter and Barclay jokingly asks if he’s always such a big spender on trips. Joseph smirks and says his work is paying for it. When Barclay asks the obvious follow-up, Joseph replies, “You’ll laugh, but I’m here looking for mermaids.”
If he’d had any sense at all, Barclay would have convinced Mama to kick Joseph out of Amnesty Lodge where he was staying–and Barclay was and is the cook–before he found out about the many merpeople living in Kepler Cove. Luckily, his sense was dampened by Joseph’s easy charm and sparkling conversation.
When Joseph told him he’d be staying indefinitely due to a grant from the department of defense, Barclay was so excited he kissed him. 
That was three years ago. Two years later, Joseph took him to dinner at The Pearl, Kepler’s only upscale restaurant. Since Barclay’s marriage proposal had been gently turned down two weeks prior–Joseph saying he wasn’t sure he was ready– he was genuinely afraid this was a break-up dinner. 
“I quit.”
Barclay drops his fork “You what??” 
“I quit. I can find other jobs, ones that don’t mean I need to leave Kepler. Working for them was taking years off my life and it was clear everyone thought I was a crackpot and wouldn’t listen to me no matter what I found. And I…there are things I want from life that work can’t give me and, well, was really fucking up for me.” Joseph reaches across the table, taking his hands, “so if your offer is still open, my answer is yes.”
That should have been the end of the big stressors. But no, now he’s hiding below some tidepools, hoping no sharks are around, while the love of his life is either packing up to leave him or calling his old bosses for vindication.
He stays between the sunken rocks for a half-hour, trying to calm down and work out what to do. If he can get back on land, maybe he can find a phone and call a friend to pick him up. 
The shadow of a small boat appears above him. It’s dusk, so maybe this is someone out fishing and they’ll move on. 
His heart sinks as a beam hits the water, sweeping over him as it grazes the rocks. It plummets further when a figure drops into the sea. He’s as close to the bottom as he can manage in this relatively shallow spot, but that doesn’t matter; his boyfriend can free-dive. 
Joseph comes to a stop in front of him, wearing only his dive mask, flippers, and trunks. He points upward. Barclay freezes, unsure if he has it in him to obey. Then the human swims closer, taking his hand and running a thumb over his cheek. This time, when he tugs them towards the surface, Barclay follows.
When they land in the boat, the humans’ first words to him are, “why didn’t you tell me? Not when I was working, I get why you’d be afraid, but once I quit and we were engaged? You know I don’t think mers are dangerous or subhuman or something equally ridiculous.”
Barclay flips his tail nervously, “I wasn’t sure how. And the longer I didn’t the more it felt like it’d be this massive betrayal that I hadn’t told you sooner.”
“I…I guess that makes sense. And I did feel hurt, but that had more to do with you literally turning tail the night before our wedding. I thought I’d lost you.” Joseph’s mouth twitches, something it only does when he’s trying not to cry.
“Oh, oh baby, no.” Barclay pulls him closer on the wooden seat, “I was fucking panicking, trying to figure out how to get out of the water and get somewhere safe but…but if I’m honest I couldn’t have stayed away long, no matter what it meant for me. I don’t have it in me to leave you, blue eyes.”
He cups Joseph’s cheek and the human allows himself to be guided into a kiss, relaxing against Barclay as it deepens. When they break for air, he looks down at Barclay’s tail. 
“Are you stuck like this now?”
“Nope. The charm holding the enchantment is here” He taps the small, woven stud in his left earlobe, “but there’s a failsafe in that if I get submerged in saltwater, I’ll turn back into a mer. I should be back to human once we hit shore.”
Joseph nods and starts them for the dock, “why the failsafe?”
“When mers were first starting to use enchantments to hang out on land, humans thought we were only coming up there to trick humans into being dinner. So they’d knock out a suspected mer and tie their hands, then throw them in the sea. If a mer didn’t wake up or couldn’t get their charm off, they’d drown, and that happened enough that they made a new rule for the enchantments.”
“Fascinating.” Joseph steals a playful glance back at him, “no wonder you’re always so picky about what pools you got into.”
“Didn’t even know this one was saltwater. I, uh, figured we wouldn’t be spending much time out of our room.”
“That happens on the honeymoon, big guy. Not the night before the wedding.”
“Maybe for people who aren’t marrying the hottest guy on earth.” His tail shimmers and then it’s gone, his legs still in the shorts he was wearing when he was pushed. Joseph docks the boat, helps him out, and flags down an older man on the pier, chatting briefly with him in Spanish before passing him several twenties. 
They take the back stairway into the hotel and up to their suite. Joseph excuses himself to rinse off, so Barclay takes the opportunity to text the groupchat that Dani named “under the sea” that Joseph knows the truth and is taking it well. He gets back several “hooray” emojis and a sequence of four leaf clover, water spray, and a question mark. He’s not sure what that means, but he gave up on parsing Indrid’s emoji use years ago
He sets the phone aside. Doing so, he sees a printed list on the bedside table, with notes in pen in the margins. It’s an itinerary for their honeymoon, complete with commentary.
Like a cat cafe, but for puppies
Known for best sushi in the state
Roasts B’s favorite coffee blend
He cannot believe his panicking instincts wanted him to leave this meticulous, thoughtful, wonderful man behind.
Joseph pads in from the bathroom, towel around his hips, “Barclay, have you seen my–oh, well hi there, big guy.” His human laughs as Barclay hugs him from behind.
“Hey.” He kisses a slow line up Joseph’s neck, “I really am so fucking sorry for running.”
Joseph takes his right hand and squeezes it once, “Thanks for the apology. Honestly, I don’t know if I’d have reacted any better if I’d had a massive secret revealed in front of a bunch of people.”
Barclay hums in agreement, kissing his shoulder, “On the plus side, I got to see you freedive. Which is just as hot as I always imagined it was.”
His fiance turns, setting his hands on Barclay’s chest, “some time we should find a private place where we can swim together while you’re in your mer form. I’m dying to see what your tail can do.”
Barclay traces a finger up Joseph’s side, “Could show you some things right now, if you want.”
Joseph’s excited expression is an answer in itself, so he tenderly kisses his human and tells him to get in the heart-shaped tub. 
Once they’re seated side by side in the warm water, Barclay carefully removes his earring. His tail is long enough that he has to prop the end of it up on the other edge of the tub, but Joseph hasn’t noticed. He’s too busy stroking the tail, fingers wonderfully warm along the scales. 
“Incredible. It’s so smooth. I had a theory that mer-tails would be more like sharkskin to help deter other mers from grabbing them but I was way off base there.”
“Not as much as you think; mer tails are super varied. Some are rougher, some have fur, some–oh, oh yeah” the tip of his tail flexes as Joseph pets the patch of scales hiding his dick, “fuck, keep doing that and I’ll really show you something.”
Joseph’s breath catches adorably, “You’re sure? I don’t want to pressure you to share more than you’re ready to-”
“Babe, asking if someone wants to touch your tail is the mer equivalent of, like, asking a date up to your place for coffee.” He leans back, resting his arms on the edge of the tub, “besides, I’ve always, uh” he blushes, “nevermind.”
The human pauses his strokes, “You’ve always what, big guy?”
“Uh, I, once we started dating, I’d jerk off to the thought of you, uh, studying me.” He winces, closing his eyes, “fuck, that sounds so weird out loud. I just mean that it’s really, really hot when you get all focused on something and it’s even hotter when that something is me.”
“If I had my way, you’d be my sole focus most of the time. But since that’s not the case, we’d better make the most of it now.” Joseph straddles him just below where his dick is emerging. Barclay purrs, smiling as Joseph runs his fingers up through his chest hair.
“No, not all mers are as hairy as me, in case you’re wondering.”
“I was, but I was too focused on how gorgeous you are to do more than that.” He sighs happily, curving his hands back down to Barclay’s dick, “my perfect specimen.”
Barclay whimpers and bucks his hips at the words. Joseph flashes an indulgent smile and then his eyes widen. 
“All those times you humored me by bringing monster dicks into the bedroom and the best one was hiding right here.” He trails a finger up the shaft, which looks like two tentacles twined together. When the tip curls around his finger, the human laughs, “amazing! I’d never thought it’d be prehensile.”
“Y-yeah, you huge nerd, it is.” Barclay paws his hips, “and if you don’t get on it soon I’m gonna find out how far I can cram it down your throat.”
A chiding, welcome squeeze to the middle of the shaft, “you wanted me to examine you, which means we go at my pace.” Another squeeze makes his dick ache in the best possible way. Then the human turns, dragging a hand along his tail, “there’s just so much to admire. Like this. It’s so strong, so beautiful. The mark of a once-in-a-lifetime catch. And an excellent mate.”
Barclay whines and wiggles his tail, “Never shoulda let on to liking that during that werewolf scene.”
“Don’t worry big guy, I won’t abuse my power.” He leans in, teasing their lips together, “too much.”
Barclay moans as the human sinks down on his cock. Joseph is speechless for a moment, then  slowly rocks his hips.
“Ohmygod. Ohmygod”
“Having fun, babe?” He grins.
“You’re not getting out of the tub for the entire honeymoon.”
He laughs, rubbing his cheek against Joseph’s own. 
“I’m not kidding.” Joseph grinds down, making Barclay yelp, “I’m going to cuff you to the faucet so I can ride you without any wait.”
Barclay drags his nails along Joseph’s ass, “We can do that. My cute little human wants me to cum in him every hour, I will.”
Joseph flashes a dazzling, devilish grin, “Who said anything about you cumming?” He shifts off Barclay’s cock, still straddling him but only grinding his folds against the tip.
“Bet you think you’re real fucking smart for that, babe.” He grabs Joseph’s hips, tipping them slightly so the tip of his dick can rub and coil around Joseph’s own. The human twists away from the intense sensation, moaning when he realizes he can’t get away. 
“Oh my lord you’re strong.” 
“Uh huh. It’s great for making sure my mate stays where I need him.” Joseph’s thighs tense under his hands, “that’s it baby, cum for me.”
Joseph gasps, shuddering in his hold, and Barclay’s dick curves back down, slipping inside him just as Barclay cums with a growl. His human collapses in his arms, his fucked-out state still not preventing him from asking questions about how Barclay’s dick knows when to recede. 
“Give you some more mer anatomy lessons tomorrow, blue eyes.” He puts on the earring so he can stand and help his fiance from the tub to towel him off. They make the short trip to bed and Joseph sighs happily as Barclay cuddles up to him. 
“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Joseph traces a heart in Barclay’s beard.
“So fucking excited. It’s cheesy, but I daydreamed about my wedding so often that I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to calm down enough to sleep.”
“Don’t worry, big guy” Joseph hooks their ankles together, “I can think of plenty of ways for us to spend the night.”
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filmwuju · 3 years
[TRANS] Character Introduction: People around Dan-ah
Seo Taewoong | Jeong Jihyun | Seo Myeongmin | Dong Kyung | Lucian
Seo Taewoong (Male, 25) Member of boy group AtoZ
He thought "snowfall with large snowflakes" only existed in fairy tales. He lived in LA since he was born, and it was winter when he came back to Korea—an extremely cold country that snows a lot. To Taewoong, who came back to his motherland, that was his impression.
A name that is familiar to anyone, Seo Taewoong. But if you're imagining the man from the manga, then you're mistaken. He can't even go near sports, much less play basketball. He was born with a weak heart. Starting from the incubator, he spent his entire childhood in hospitals. He's got the narrative of a sickly handsome boy, but his temper is terrible beyond comparison. It was a result of his life since birth: enduring each day not knowing when he's going to die, going back and forth between the pathetic sense of hope that since he's feeling less sick today, he'll be better tomorrow.
His existence itself was a rumor. The fact that not even one family member visits the teenage boy who spends 350 out of 365 days in the hospital, was a permission that it's fine to gossip all they want. An abandoned love child of a conglomerate family, a popular actress's love child, a powerful sponsor's love child, so on and so forth. The rumors were not that far from the truth. Because he was a mistress's son, an existence that is one level up from being a love child.
Due to him attending hospitals instead of school, he was almost like an uncivilized man who is not yet fully socialized. When he came back to Korea in that state, Taewoong was 18. Amidst the thorough indifference, Taewoong was devastated. They let me in the house, and what they wanted from me was to "just stay alive." If need be, Father would probably use me to protect the things that my half brother and sister built up. He was so lonely, it felt like he had to sulk up and cry in a Dom Pérignon champagne bath that cost a billion won. What did he expect? Whether in Korea or in the US, there's nothing different.
Since his lineal relatives ignore him for being a mistress's son, he was treated as an invisible person by his collateral relatives*. Except for his half sister Dan-ah.
Dan-ah at least hated Taewoong. To the point that she had to pay him a hospital visit in the US. He felt happy about that. He learned that he has to do things Dan-ah hates to attract her attention; and while doing those, it became the joy in his life. People would probably say I'm crooked and twisted if they see me. That I'm a pervert masochistic scumbag lout. He didn't even wish for love. He just wanted to receive at least some attention. That thirst made him turn his gaze towards becoming an idol.
Don't disregard the ten-year hospital experience of the recognized "pediatric ward idol." Among the careers which one can have even without a diploma, being an idol is the one that received the least prejudice. Taewoong, who became the eldest member of AtoZ (when he doesn't even know how to do anything), possesses a great amount of fans due to his confident attitude and a personality that doesn't hold back. To be honest, they're probably all after his looks, but that's sufficient. He didn't become an idol because of music anyway. The feeling of receiving love—he thought it would be enough. Forgetting that he's best friends with despair.
In society, Taewoong is Voldemort. Only people close to him know of his existence, and they don't reveal it recklessly. People who like the idol Seo Taewoong are all over the world, but among the people who know the human Seo Taewoong, not even one likes him. There are dozens of languages around the world saying they love Taewoong, but one corner of his heart feels endlessly empty.
* Lineal relatives refers to the relatives you directly descended from and the relatives who directly descended from you (ex. grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren). Collateral relatives refers to any blood relatives who are not your direct ancestors or descendants (ex. siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.).
Jeong Jihyun (Male, early 30s) Dan-ah's Chief Secretary
Unlike his stern appearance, he is a humane person who pursues what's right and knows how to embrace the weak. He may totally look like a gangster to people who meet him for the first time, but he's actually a law school graduate.
His connection with Seomyung Group began when he became the private tutor of Taewoong, who was in exile in the US. Dan-ah began to keep an eye on him since then and scouted him the moment he finished attending the Judicial Research and Training Institute, telling him that suits suit him better than judge's robes do. Dan-ah needed a my person who is smart, and Jihyun had no big intentions in becoming a judicial officer.
He's a kind man who does his best in the work given to him and puts his heart into performing even the tasks not given to him at times.
Seo Myeongmin (Male, 31) Executive Director of Seomyung Group
He's the eldest son and mistress's child of Seomyung Group, born 10 months later than Dan-ah. As a wimpy person of poor caliber, he's struggling in order to not be pushed back in the line of succession, but he's in a state of having back-and-forth turnovers with Dan-ah.
Being a mistress's son himself, just because his birth mom is on the family register, he despises and looks down on the comparative (?) mistress's son Taewoong. Taewoong is basically his sandbag for releasing the inferiority he feels because of Dan-ah. He's from an Ivy League, but he does more harm than good because he's the type to do things following his heart rather than his mind. He's the type that has no in between—whenever he touches a business, it either hits a jackpot or bankruptcy.
*T/N: The question mark behind "comparative" was part of the original text.
Dong Kyung (Female, 43) Director and Agent in Dann Agency
Her intuitions are good, and her capabilities are even better. She's born with a keen eye for people. She can tell who will make it and who won't like a fortuneteller; but for her husband, she chose a man who won't make it. If she were to give an excuse, she was too young and blinded by love. What's fortunate among the unfortunate is, she realized early on that she chose the wrong husband and broke it off.
Mom, do you regret having me? Her son Yejoon once asked her. Dong Kyung couldn't answer. When she first had Yejoon at 21, she put the baby apart and went to school, even finishing her masters— that's the answer. It felt like her moment of regret had been discovered. She tried hard to replace that guilt with motherly love.
A career woman during weekdays, a camper during Saturdays, a butler who regularly attends worship service in Sunday afternoons. And a mom who has to love her children despite this busy schedule. Dong Kyung is too busy that she's in the dark. About the fact that she's overlooking the most important thing.
Lucian (Male, 24) Leader of boy group AtoZ
A third generation overseas Chinese, he's the spiritual eldest member of the multinational boy group AtoZ. That's because Taewoong, who's the actual eldest, doesn't know how to do anything aside from being pretty. His nickname is Lu. Because he's a quite well-known underground rapper who became an idol midway, he often gets attacked in the hip hop scene. When he's with Taewoong, who came from the US, they feel more comfortable speaking English with each other. He takes on the task of taking care of Taewoong's obstinate snobbishness. He's a man who receives love from fans for his easygoing and gentle image.
(orig post link from writer Park Shihyun’s DC gallery post)
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thatonerandomfan4 · 3 years
Rockwell’s History [READ WARNINGS]
Fandom: Madness Combat
Characters: Dr. Crackpot, Dr. Hofnarr, Dr. Jebediah Christoff, Phobos, Hank, Sanford, Deimos, 2BDamned, Jebus, Tricky, Rockwell (My OC), Rockwell’s Parents
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Death, Gore, Attacking, Detailed Gore Scenes, Cursing, Transphobia, Crying, Injuries, Very Sensitive Topics, Angst, Heavy Angst, Long Story
Summary: Talking About Rockwell’s Backstory And How He Became Part Of The Madcom Group.
Word Count: 2,681
Notes: Rockwell Is Trans. His Original Name Was Roxannie (Pronounced As Roxanne) Roxannie Will Be In The First Half Of The Fic Until She Makes The Transition.
If You Feel Very Uncomfortable/Dislike The Topics That Are Going To Be In This Fic, Please Leave The Fic Now So You Don’t Have To Experience It And Triggers You. 
Also, If You Dislike Fics That Involves Peoples Made Up Characters (OCs), Then You Are Welcome To Leave The Fic. 
Roxannie Woke Up To Her Alarm Clock And Quickly Got Dressed, Heading Downstairs To Get Breakfast. Her Mother Greeted Her With A “Good Morning” And A Warm Smile. Roxannie Sat At The Table, Greeting Her Father. She Took One Bite Of Her Cereal Until The Table Was Knocked Over. With A Frightened Look, She Looked At Her Father And Screamed. His Head Was Chopped Clean Off With His Chest Wide Open, Revealing That His Internal Organs Were Tampered With. She Was About To Cry Until She Heard Her Mother Scream. 
Instead Of Staying At The Table, She Ran To The Room Her Mother Was In. As Soon As Roxannie Stepped Foot In The Living Room, She Was Met With A Horrifying Sight.Her Mother Was Brutally Cut In Half With Her Face Missing From Her Head. The Top Half Of Her Body Hung From The Ceiling By A Sword Which Impaled Her. The Bottom Half Of Her Body Was On The Floor, In A Pile With Her Internal Organs. Annie Almost Gagged At The Sight, Until She Saw The Man Who Had Caused Her Parent’s Deaths. A Tall Dark Figure With Red Eyes Approached Her With A Hammer. It Grabbed Her Firmly By The Neck And Bashed Her Head Twice, Revealing Her Brain. 
It Left Her On The Ground Struggling To Stay Alive, Leaving Only A Tablet Behind. Rox Used It To Contact For Help, But Could Barely Stay Conscious Due To Her Brain Being Exposed. Luckily, There Was A Fast Response. The Mysterious Person Was Immediately Able To Track Her Location And Tell Her To Stay Where She Is. She Agreed And Just Laid In Front Of The Tablet, Trying Not To Lose Consciousness. About 45 Minutes Had Passed So Far, And She Was Starting To Feel Her Eyelids Get Heavy.
A Man Rushed In And Immediately Injected Her With Some Type Of Medicine. She Immediately Struggled To Stand Up, Before Being Forced To Sit Down. Her Head Was Bandaged Properly Before She Was Helped Up. She Didn’t Even Get A Chance To Thank The Strange Man Because He Immediately Rushed Her Out Of The House And Into His Vehicle. The Whole Car Ride Was Quiet Except For Roxannie’s Cries, Mourning The Death Of Her Parents. 
She Couldn’t Even Form Sentences Or Explain To The Man That Saved Her What Happened Because Of How Upset She Was. He Felt Bad For Her, Trying To Give Her Anything She Could Keep Her Mind Busy With Until They Got To The Place. She Didn’t Really Want Anything Though, Other Than To Let Out What She Was Experiencing Now. Once They Arrived To Their Destination, She Was Immediately Brought Into A Lab Where A Bunch Of Scientists Were Working. The Man Led Her Into A Room Where A Small Chubby Man Chatted With A Tall, Stern Looking Guy.
Dr. ??: “Hofnarr, Christoff. I Uh….Got The Child.”
The Two Men Looked Over And Immediately Rushed To Roxannie. They Hugged Her And Did Their Best To Comfort Her In Any Way Possible In That Moment.
Dr. Christoff: “Thank You, Crackpot. We’ll Let You Know If We Need Anything Else.”
Crackpot Nodded And Left The Room, Leaving The 3 Alone As Christoff Shut The Door. Hofnarr Tried To Calm Her Down And Talk With Her. It Was Very Hard To Understand The Girl Through Her Crying And Incoherent Words, Even For Him. Hofnarr Just Held Her Close And Consulted Her, Doing His Best To Calm Her Down. Christoff Sat Down Next To The Two And Offered Rox With A Glass Of Water. She Took The Water And Drank Half Of The Glass, Keeping The Drink In Her Hand While The Two Older Men Did Their Best To Help Her Relax.
Once She Was Calm Enough, They Finally Got Her To Explain What Had Happened. She Told Them Every Detail From This Morning, Keeping It Short And Sweet At The End. Hofnarr And Christoff Frowned, Hugging And Comforting Her Again. It Was Very Hard For Someone To Go Through All That Trauma, Especially For Someone At Her Age. Hell, The Kid Was Only 14. She Barely Knew How To Even React Or See Something Like That. She Needed A Lot Of Therapy To Get Past That Traumatic Event.
Hofnarr: “Hey Christoff. Do You Think Phobos Will Let Us Keep Her Here With Us?”
Christoff: “Maybe, With A Lot Of Bribing.”
Roxannie: “F-Forgive Me For I-Interrputing Your C-Conversation...But Wh-Who’s Ph-Phobos?”
Hofnarr: “Oh! Don’t Worry, You Aren’t Interrupting Anything. And Phobos Is Our Boss. We Need All Permission From Him To Do Anything Around Here.”
Christoff: “Kinda Sucky, But We’re Even Lucky If He’s In A Good Enough Mood To Pay Us.”
They Chat For A Bit Before Heading To Phobos’ Office, Staying Together The Whole Trip. Once They Reached Their Destination, They All Greeted Phobos Before Saying Anything About Roxannie. Phobos Obviously Had To Ask First And The Two Scientists Explained The Whole Situation. Phobos Took A Minute To Think Before Accepting Their Request To Allow Her To Stay. Ending It With “I Don’t Care How, But As Long As She’s Not A Big Distraction To You Two And Works With What She Can.” Of Course They All Had To Agree To That.
They All Headed Out The Door And Back To The Breakroom. Hofnarr Figured She Was Still Hungry And Offered To Make Her A Snack And A Drink. Christoff Just Offered Her To Stay With Them So She Has A Place To Sleep And Stay Instead Of The Lab. Rox Agreed To Both And Walked With The Two Men. On The Way Back To The Lab, Hofnarr Was Smiling, Gently Gripping Onto Rox’s Hand. Christoff Took Notice Of This And Chuckled. He Watched His Husband For A While. It Was Only Now When He Asked About His Sudden Cheery Mood.
Christoff: “What’s Got You All Giddy, Hoffy?”
Hofnarr: “We Have A Child Of Our Own Christoff! Aren’t You Excited To Be A Parent?”
Christoff Just Smiled As Hofnarr Went On About The Wonders Of Raising A Child Of Their Own. He Goes On Fantasies About Vacation, Family Outings, Family Dinners And Other Things. Roxannie Gripped Her New Parent’s Hands Gently, Smiling Softly. She Was Going To Start A New Family And These Were Her New Parents. She Didn’t Mind That, She Loved Supporting People Who Were In Relationships With The Same Gender.
A Few Years Later…
Hofnarr: “Rox, You Ready?”
Roxannie: “Yeah I’m Coming!”
She Placed Her Bandana On And Adjusted It To Be Over Her Bandages, Flattening Out Her Lab Coat. She Turned The Light Off In The Bathroom And Headed Downstairs To The Door, Greeting Her Two Dads As They Hugged Her. They Headed Towards The Lab While Hofnarr Was Going On About How Lucky They Were To Be A Family. Christoff Occasionally Threw In A Few Things, Chuckling At Hofnarr��s Responses.
Once They Got To The Labs, Everything Seemed Normal Except For A Few Stressed Out Scientists. The Shaking Scientists Greeted The 3 And Gave Them Information To Keep Safe. Hofnarr Took Roxannie With Him As He Usually Does For The Morning. Christoff Set Out To His Office, Looking Around At The Messed Up Experiments. He Scoffed At The Thought Of Phobos Actually Trying To Be Successful With This….Project. Christoff And Hofnarr Agreed That This Whole “Project Nexus” Thingy Would Not Be On For Long. Someone Would Definitely Stop Him, Even If It Had To Be One Of Them. 
Not Even A Minute Later, Hofnarr Had A Worried Look On His Face As The Sound Of Gunshots Could Be Heard From The Other Lab. Rox Stayed Close To Hofnarr Just In Case Anything Happened. They Kept Hearing Gunshots From The Other Lab, Not Knowing What On Earth Was Going Down. Hofnarr Was Upset, What Was Happening To His Husband? Was He Ok? Was He Hurt? He Held Onto Rox As He Tried Not To Cry About The Thoughts That Were Running Through His Mind.
Hofnarr: “I Hope Christoff Is Ok. I Don’t Want To Lose Him Like We Almost Lost You.”
Roxannie: “I-I’m Sure He’ll Be Ok, Dad. And Hey, If I’m Still Here, He’ll Still Be Here.” *She Hugged Him Close. Hofnarr Gave Her A Soft Yet Sad Smile.*
Hofnarr: “I Sure Hope So.”
They Waited About 30 Minutes To Half An Hour Until Someone Entered The Room. As The Two Turned Around, Hofnarr Rushed To Hug The Man. It Was Christoff, And Thankfully He Wasn’t Injured That Badly As He Though. Christoff Went Over To Rox And Hugged Her, Handing Her A Gun As He Also Gave Hofnarr A Gun. He Wanted To Keep His Family Safe While This Whole Messed Up Thing Was Happening.
Hofnarr: “You’ve Made Quite A Mess Christoff.”
Christoff: “They’ve Gone Too Far. If We Don’t Stop This Now...”
A Few Agents Entered The Room, And Christoff Killed Them With The Help Of His Husband And Daughter. Hofnarr Sweated And Gulped, Keeping Roxannie Close To Him.
Hofnarr: “I See We Have No Other Choice…”
They Murdered The Agents Who Kept Coming And Headed Out. Hofnarr Unlocked All The Control Panels As The Continued Through The Lab, Killing Any Agents, Zombies Or Any Failed Experiments. It Took A While Until They Got The Whole Place Cleared But They Were Able To Do It Without Much Harm Going To Them. They Got To The Last Room With The Control Panel And Hofnarr Started Getting Worried. He Looked At Christoff While They Got Rid Of The Last Few Agents With Rox Guarding The Door.
Hofnarr: “Ya Know Phobos Will Finish Us For This.”
Christoff Looked At Hofnarr After Shooting The Last Agent, Ending The Life Of The Betrayer.
Christoff: “Phobos Better Watch His Back..”
Hofnarr Unlocked The Last Control Panel And Looked Around The Room. He Started Heading Out After Christoff And Roxannie, Staying Close To Them While They Walked. Eventually Hofnarr Took The Lead Of The Group To Make Sure That The Other Two Were Safe. He Opened The Door Outside For Them Both, And Closed It After They Were Far Ahead Of Hofnarr. He Followed Them And Took The Lead After A Few Minutes. He Then Looked At Christoff As They Approached Phobos’ Tower.
Hofnarr: “Everything Depends On You Now.” *He Used His Key Card To Unlock The Door And Let Christoff In, Keeping Roxannie Back* “Good Luck, Old Friend..”
They Watched Christoff Walk Into The Tower, And Headed Back To The Lab. Hofnarr Kept His Daughter Close To Him, Trying To Keep Her From Breaking Down Like How She Was When They First Met. They Knew Christoff Was Only Doing This For Their Own Good, And To Stop This Whole Thing From Ruining Nevada Even More. They Walked Into The Lab And Immediately Went To The Breakroom, Setting Their Weapons Down By The Table When They Got There.
They Got Some Food And Drinks While They Chatted, Sitting Down So They Wouldn’t Fall If One Was Upset Or Panicked. They Chatted About Christoff And How….Cold He Looked When He Walked Into Hofnarr’s Lab. Rox Was Scared By His Look, As It Was Her First Time Seeing Him Like That. Hofnarr Had Already Known This Look So He Was Pretty Used To It. 
They Kept The Conversation Going By Talking About Other Stuff Like Work, Family Life, Dinners, And Especially That One Dinner Night. That Was The First Time Rox Had Seen Hofnarr Angry, And Not A Playful Or Slightly Irritated Angry. It Wasn’t His Fault They Were Banned From That Restaurant Though. The Boy Walked Up To Rox And Went “Tsk. You Wanna Be Trans? That’s Gross. You’re A Girl And You Will Always Be A Girl.” Hofnarr Was Just Defending His Daughter...By Attacking The Boy With A Chair.
They Were At The Lab For About An Hour To An Hour And A Half Just Chatting And Wandering Around. After A Bit, They Headed Outside And Met Up With Christoff Again.The Only Difference About Him Was That He Was Wearing The Key Fragment On His Head. Jeb Greeted The Two And Lead Them Back Inside The Lab. This Was Going To Be A Strange Experience For All Of Them.
A Few More Long Years Later…
Sanford And Deimos Turn The Corner, Shooting The Agents That Tried Approaching Them. The Two Headed Into The Room And Killed All The Agents In Sight. Then They Saw Her….Roxannie On The Floor Unconscious. They Both Inspected Her Body And Picked Her Up, Keeping Her With Them. They Finished With Their Mission And Brought Her Back To Base. The Brought Her To Hank And 2B Where They Inspected Her Body. 
After She Woke Up, She Made A Request To The Doctor. She Wanted To Be A Man. The Doctor Hesitated Before Agreeing, Putting Her Under Anesthesia. He Waited A Few Minutes Before Finally Getting To Work. He Wrapped Him Up And Successfully Did Both Top And Bottom Surgery. Doc Finished With Replacing The Bandage On His Head, Cleaning The Wound Before Putting Anything On There. 
After That, Doc Gave Rockwell Medicine To Help With The Pain. He Helped Rocky Walk And Get Used To Using The Bathroom. After That, Doc Gave Rockwell Some Clothes To Wear: A White Shirt With Ripped Sleeves, A Black Vest. A Belt To Go Over His Chest, Black Pants And Another Belt To Keep Them Up, Black Boots, Goggles With One Side Red And The Other Black And A Gas Mask. He Also Put His Hair Into A PonyTail.
Rockwell Put Everything On And Headed Outside, Ordered By Hank, To Fight The Clown. Rocky Took A Look At The Clown And…….Wait….That Lab Coat Looks So Familiar…..Was It..No It Couldn’t Be….HOFNARR?! But..He Looked Way Different Than Before.
Rockwell: “No Wait-!”
Tricky Whacked Rocky Pretty Hard In The Face, His Gas Mask Had To Be Removed. After Rockwell Removed His Goggles, Tricky Gasped And Dropped His Stop Sign..He Looked Like He Wanted To Cry.
Tricky: “Ro-Roxannie…?”
Rockwell, Holding His Jaw In Place: “It’th Rockwell Now, D-Dad.”
Tricky Immediately Hugged His Child, Healing His Jaw And Forming A Metal Plate Over The Injury. Rockwell Hugged Tricky Back, Both Squeezing The Shit Out Of Each Other. Tricky Kept His Son Close, Until They Heard Footsteps Approach From Behind Rockwell. It Was Jeb….Well...Christoff But He Didn’t Look That Different. 
Jebus: “Tricky, What Are You Doing?! He’s On Hank’s Side!” *He Took Out His Binary Sword, And Swung It Up*
Tricky Backed Away And Ran To Jeb, Trying To Stop Him.
It Was Too Late. Jeb Swung And Cut Rockwell Almost In Half.
Tricky: “Roxannie-”
Jeb Looked Frightened. Oh God, What Had He Done? He Removed His Sword And Watched Rockwell’s Limp Body Fall To The Ground. The Savior Broke Out In Tears. He Just Murdered His Own Child, Or He Thought He Did. He Was Relieved When He Heard Rockwell. He Was Still Alive! How? That Didn’t Matter, He Was Just Happy His Son Was Alive Still.
Jeb Rushed Over To Rockwell And Healed Him, Summoning Bandages And Wrapping Him Up. He Was Still Crying From What He Had Done. Tricky Joined Them Both, Starting A Group Hug With All Of Them As They Reunited. Sanford, Deimos, Hank And 2B Rushed Out As Tricky Helped Rockwell Up And Jeb Healed Him Again.
Sanford: “Oh Cool, So I Guess We Can Call A Truce.”
Deimos And 2B Agreed, Hank Didn’t. Wimbleton Didn’t Like The Idea Of Living With His Enemies, Especially If They Act Nice And Turn On Them In The End. Hank Disagreed And Left To Blow Off Some Steam, It Was Gonna Take A Long While To Convince Him. Sanford And Deimos Ended Up Adopting Rockwell While Tricky And Jeb Readopted Him. Rockwell Now Lives With The Crew, With Having 4 Parents Who Support And Care About Him, 2B Who Takes Care Of His Wounds And Trans Stuff, And Hank...
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oots-digitalmedia · 3 years
Queer rep in The Adventure Zone
Title: The Adventure Zone
    Status: Ongoing
    Cast: Clint, Griffin, Justin and Travis McElroy
    Queer cast: no
    Accessibility: transcripts available
Summary: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone.
Balance tags: Gay man PC, multiple lesbian NPC, transgender woman NPC, m/m couple, w/w couples, queer man npc, non-binary NPC
Amnesty tags: Bisexual woman PC, queer women NPC, queer men NPC, Non-binary NPC
Graduation: Asexual PC, multiple non-binary NPC, queer men NPC
PC = player character NPC = non-player character; MC = major character
Specific character tags and details under read more
Check out our other queer podcast recommendations here.
Balance Arc Characters: Taako (PC, MC): gay man, Killian (NPC, MC): lesbian, Carey Fangbattle (NPC, MC): lesbian, Hurley and Sloane (NPC): w/w couple), Lup (NPC, MC): trans woman, Kravitz (NPC, MC): queer man, Roswell (NPC): non-binary.
Amnesty Arc Characters: Aubrey Little (PC, MC): bisexual woman, Dani (NPC, MC): queer woman, Hollis (NPC): non-binary, Agent Joseph Stern (NPC): M|M, Barclay (NPC): M|M
Graduation Arc Characters: Fitzroy Maplecourt (PC, MC): asexual, Festo (NPC, MC): non-binary, Jimson (NPC): M|M, Crush (NPC): M|M, Dakota (NPC): non-binary, Order (NPC): non-binary, Chaos (NPC): non-binary
Spoilery further notes about present queer rep:
Balance: Taako and Kravitz enter in a long-term m/m relationship. Killian and Carey, side characters, meet, date and get married during the series. Hurley and Sloane are w/w couple that get killed. Lup, trans woman, gets in a long-term m/f relationship. Roswell (minor character) is a nonbinary construct.
Amnesty: Aubrey and Dani get in a long-term w/w relationship, Agent Joseph Stern and Barclay enter a M|M relationship.
Graduation: Jimson and Crush are married, all non-binary characters use they/them pronouns
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wolfywordweaver · 3 years
Trans Mages Week 2021 DAY 7 - sun/moon, fantasy/fairy tale
I have nothing to say for myself except that I wanted to write something weird for this prompt. XD
The universe was timeless, a thing that was not bound by the constraints of human or even godling understanding. It birthed us at its own whims, an explosion of light and darkness, heat and ice. We were formed and manifested, being set into the orbits of our existences and left to develop in our own ways.
Agatha was a beautiful constellation, all light and glimmer, something that everyone wanted to watch and worship. Penelope was the stern rings of protection around a planet, collecting space debris and summoning storms of calculated chaos.
I was darkness and a cold distant object of reflection. Something beautiful to behold, but never touch. To be touched hurt.
But as the eons passed, I decided that some things hurt worse.
The golden sun was life to all in this part of the world. Beings depended on him for their very existence and in turn worshiped him in gratitude. He sang beautiful songs, like all stars did, and sent them off to his beloved so far away.
Sometimes Agatha would send him a song back.
We danced together, the sun and I. It was an intricate one, years of practice having perfected it. Words were never really shared between us, not after the first century or so. Some worshiped him and some worshiped me, but it wasn’t ever really the same because he was the life giver and I was merely his mirror.
I was cold and had no heat of my own. No light. No life.
Death and dust were my realm, cold and lonely save for the pittance the sun shared with me. He was so far away.
Penelope would say that I complained. She was much further away but never had the same problems with the sun I did. And then she’d say that Agatha was even further away, and I would turn my dark back to her once more, refusing to hear more.
Simon, the sun, shone brightly enough to warm the corners of the galaxy, and yet he could still keep the planet alive. We would dance around, keeping the odd little rock wobbling on its course, offering the creatures such strange things as time and seasons.
They would write their histories, mostly not very accurate, and record the movements of the universal agents. They created as much as the realms of their minute and limited consciousnesses allowed, and sometimes I would watch with curiosity.
There was records of a dance, a dangerous one where my silver eyes caught the light of gold and where he stretched out his rays to brush against my cold hand. The planet shook, ice melted, climates changed, and the beings were almost no more.
He balked from me, and I dared not look at him again.
Touching hurt.
But not touching was agony.
We continued our dance, again and again. His songs to Agatha began to wane when it became clear she was no longer interested. She danced with no one but herself and had decided that she was more than happy with that.
Things were different between us now. An unwanted stone visitor had come our way and I had felt the sun’s fear for the planet. His dance was filled with agitation, with concern for them, and I ached. I was cold, but I was also hard, a protector in my own right. I caught the stone in my bosom, felt his hateful heat and cracked more deeply than I ever had.
I did not dance for a moment, days for the beings below, and he watched me with bated breath.
Beings such as I would sometimes return to the universe as we came. Light and darkness, cold and heat. Sometimes we broke out of our constrains and roamed beyond the galaxies. Fiona was off traveling through space now, paired with the twin collapsed stars and eating up portions of the universe gluttonously.
But I did not break away or flee. I swallowed the pain, crushed the stone into fine powder, and began my own shaky dance once more.
Touching hurt.
He danced with me again, but I dared not look into those golden eyes. Not while I wept glittering tears and shrouded my face.
Simon did not sing for anyone anymore. He warmed and danced, quiet and steady. The planet bloomed and prospered, only whispers of remembrance of the days the moon and sun stood still. Penelope tried to talk to me, but I kept silent. It was colder and I wanted to suffer alone.
And one day he wasn’t there anymore. I could feel the warmth of the sun, but it wasn’t Simon. It was an empty star, something I had heard of but never seen. One who whispered poems on repeat and died slowly.
I cast my eyes all over the universe, looking for him, frightened and lonely. Had he seen enough of my disfigured face? Had he grown tired of our dance?
Then the tides called my name, whispering for me to come. I looked to the planet and in wonder saw him walking along the shore. He was every bit of light as he had been as the star and I heard him sing a song for me.
A moon is helpless to the desires of his sun.
We knew it then, and would know it forever more. I was doomed to crash into him. It would destroy everything he loved, it would hurt us both, and yet there was no other outcome.
But for that moment, for these flitting years, we could be content. My being stretched down to the planet and into his outstretched arms.
And when we touched in that moment it did not hurt. Our lips met and it was as if nothing else mattered. He put a hand to my waist, and this time when we danced, my eyes never left his.
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