#type: drama cd
misakibun · 5 months
[DL] Slow Damage AfterStory Drama CDs
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Happy New Year! I treated myself and bought all the Slow Damage AfterStory Drama CDs. I wanted to share them with everyone because they're all so good!
Please keep in mind each Drama CD takes place after the events of each route's euphoria endings.
[Drama CDs]
Vol. 1 Taku - Link
Released: January 2022
2 discs 8 tracks
Vol. 2 Rei - Link
Released: April 2022
2 discs 12 tracks
Vol. 3 Madarame - Link
Released: July 2022
2 discs 12 tracks
Vol. 4 Fujieda - Link
Released: October 2022
2 discs 13 tracks
Please don’t repost the links on other public forums/public sites (obvs feel free to share links with friends/fans in Discords/etc)
Please don’t upload the DramaCDs to public streaming services.
If there are any issues to the link, please shoot me a message!
Enjoy! (✦ ‿ ✦)
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dia-souls · 5 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Big brothers' debate, history of the demons?!”
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Original title: 兄弟間の話し合い, 悪魔の歴史?!
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Toriumi Kousuke, Takahiro Sakurai, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Tomoaki Maeno
Admin's note: Hey! I am back with a new Drama CD. These days I was confused whether I should upload a one shot or a Drama CD, after debate I went for CD as they are easier to write. Tbh this one is rushed as I didn't properly sat and think about scenes. I just wrote what came in my mind as Carla, Ruki and Shu are my favourite ships with Yui. I wanted to make a CD with any topic about them and finally I did. This cd is focused on Shu roasting as his roasting isn't appreciated enough I focused on that, Carla and Ruki are getting roasted. I have zero idea about demon things origin it's all made up and not canon. Again reviews are welcomed 😭 please review as it's the thing that gets me motivated.
Ruki: Oi! What's the meaning of this?
_Ruki entered the music room along with Carla.
Carla: That's should be my line. Woman, why did you call me with this guy?
Yui: Ruki-kun and Carla-san, thanks for coming!
_Yui walked up to them.
Ruki: State your reason here. I thought you finally stepped up your game by calling me alone in this music room, tsk.
Carla: You are truly a dense women with no sense of moral. Calling two men here in this music room, what do you hope to achieve.
_Yui's face flushed.
Yui: No-o.... You both have a misunderstanding... I-I--
Shu: Pwah.... Could you both stop ganging up on her. This shows your mentality instead of her. You are the one delusional for expecting something from a woman like her.
Ruki: Ohh... Sakamaki Shu. How about you remain quiet as you always have been.
_Ruki looked at him with cold eyes.
Shu: Hah! Why? Are you upset that I called you out?
_Shu looked at Ruki with cold eyes too.
Yui: Uhm... Shu-san wasn't cooperating to go anywhere, I had no choice but to call you both here in the music room.
Shu: Exactly! It was for my comfort don't get any ideas you perverts...
Carla: You inferior being dare to talk to a King of First blood like that!
_Carla stepped closer to Shu only for him to be blocked by Yui.
Yui: Carla-san calm down please!
Ruki: Hah! To think you need a woman to protect yourself, you truly are a failure as a man.
Shu: Is it me or are you both ganging up on me... What a pain.
Yui: Uhmm... I called you three here for an assignment.
Ruki: Assignment?? If you needed help you could have approached me privat--
Shu: Well she didn't for a reason and I think I can see why she didn't.
_Ruki glared at Shu.
Yui: Well this assignment is related to "Demons and Their history " I thought you three will be the best to talk about this topic since, I will get to know about history of vampires and founders. You three are the best options so please cooperate with me.
Carla: Hmm... So you want to know about History of founders. This will be a good idea. In this way you will know about your people.
Ruki: "Your people" what do you mean by that Tsukinami Carla.
_Carla looked at Ruki with serious eyes.
Carla: She will be the Queen of founders and as my wife she need to know about her people.
_Shu chuckled.
Shu: People? What people? Aren't founders extinct? Your history is already over.
Ruki: ...............
Yui: ................
Carla: You! How dare you vampire insult my royal bloodline! You scum!
Shu: This scum here at least has its race and isn't extinct like you.
Yui: Carla-san please-e stop I beg you don't!
_She immediately got between them stopping Carla.
Ruki: Livestock don't get in between. You aren't his Knight! Get over here!
_Shu looked at Ruki.
Shu: You need a knight actually considering your powers you half vampire.
_Ruki glared at Shu.
Ruki: You really got some guts for insulting me like that!
Yui: Ruki-kun please not you too!
_Yui left Carla to grab Ruki to stop him from getting to Shu.
Yui: Please! Please stop it!
Ruki: Hmph!
_Yui looked at them.
Yui: Umm.. For starters I have always wondered what's demons origin like how do they came into being.
Shu: In the same way you human exist we all exist that's it.
Yui: Huh? This means God made you all.
Carla: No...No God made us! We are first blood the superior--
Ruki: Hah! So you are claiming you existed from start?
Carla: My ancestors yes! Me? No.
Shu: Obviously you are after product.
Carla: Are you insulting me?!
Shu: Who knows?
Yui: Ohh? I see so that's how it is.... what about vampires? Do you all think Karlheinz-sama is the first vampire to exist.
Ruki: Good question! That man is a God with thoes incredible powers and--
Shu: Here comes his inner fanboy.
_Shu mumbled.
Ruki: Did you say something?
Shu: No...
Ruki: I see as I said. But I believe this isn't the case cuz you see he has a brother--
Shu: It's obvious he didn't crawl up directly from the hell. He was putted in this world by some miserable people. He must have some nasty parents.
Ruki: Don't insult him--
Carla: There was a time when all species were under us founder. We all were on top the most feared. No one dared to disrespect us during my father's time-
Shu: "Was" so this mean you agree to the fact you aren't feared anymore....
Carla: You! Are you picking a fight here?!? I would love to show you what fear is!
Yui: Calm down Carla-san! Shu-san is joking!
Ruki: I would rather say you humbled yourself. It must be because of her. One of us is bound to awaken as Adam.
Shu: "Us" aren't you excluded because you are half blood.
Ruki: ...........
Yui: Shu-san, why are you doing that?! Please stop it! My assignment needs to be completed.
Shu: Pwah... I am so tired could you hurry up and get over with this all.
Yui: Shu-san if you keep saying such things which angers them how am I supposed to hurry up??
Shu: Then you shouldn't have invited these short tempered people.
Carla: Now I get why that guy hates you. You clearly are a disappointment.
Shu: Ouch.. that hurted....
_Shu calmly said closing his eyes.
Ruki: This man infuriates me with his attitude!!
Yui: Please calm down you three-
Shu: Its not "three" it's "two" or" both" will be more suitable......
Ruki: You talk as if you are perfect you are nothing but a disappointment both as son and older brother.
Carla: To think you will be the one leading the vampire clan, I am sure vampire clan will be bound to ruin if the future king is a sloth.
Ruki: Hah! To think you are Karlheinz's son is a big insult.
_Yui looked at both of them angrily.
Yui: You both, it's too much stop it! You are being mean to Shu-san, he --
Ruki: To think you need to relay on others to do your work... hmph a disappointment.
_Shu smiled and looked at them.
Shu: I might be this and that but you both are still not better than me in anything. I still have everything without trying. You both could never. You both sound jealous and envious.
_Shu laughed.
Shu: I will still become king because I am better than my brothers and that old man's sons unlike someone over here I will have actual commerades actual people to lead too......
_Yui's eyes widened
Yui: Look you all, we are diverting from topic this isnt---
Carla: Huh! You really think you will get away by talking like that about me? If I want I could wipe you and your whole clan from this world!!
Ruki: You think crown will be passed to you like that you are wrong Sakamaki sShu. The crown goes to someone who has Eve and you clearly don't have her!!
Shu: So do you have her? You talk as if you have--
Carla: That's my clan will be restored by this woman so put your nasty gaze off from my woman!
Ruki: "My women"?? You are being very bold considering she doesn't even bat her lashes to you!
Yui: You-u.. gu..ys...please listen--
Carla: Your half breed aren't even in race your blood is too impure to be contaminated with someone as precious as her!
Shu: She doesn't deserve to live with a guy who is as twisted as you in first place!
Ruki: Haha! So she deserve a sloth like you a man who sleeps all day and doesn't have a will too live you!
Yui: You... Guys... stop it's enou--kyaaa
_Yui disappeared without them noticing.
Shu: She doesn't deserve someone disgusting like you with such twisted fantasies.
Ruki: She doesn't deserve someone who is a faliure as a man. A man who runs from duties and responsibilities isn't suitable for her!
Kino: You all are right! She doesn't deserve you three!
_They all turned to look at kino.
Kino: She deserve a prince as she is a princess and that Prince is me!
Carla: You! Where do you come from?!
Kino: Listen up buddies from all of your conversation I realized I am the best option for her. So it's better if you wed her to me!
Ruki: You--where is livestock?!
Kino: She is safe and sound with me don't worry I will invite you three to our wedding! Ohh! Your families are also invited!
Shu: Hahh I knew something like this will happen...
Carla: I will destroy you! Give my woman back to me!
Kino: Hehe! Never and We will see that! Sayonara!!!!
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marcarella-pizza · 1 year
Buddy Daddies Drama CD Vol 1 – When one Door Closes, Another Opens (Full Transcript/ Translation)
Due to Tumblr's formatting (and the fact that I haven't slept in 2 days lol), I will be sharing a PDF File of the transcript and translation. It will be colour coded and correctly formatted for sake of ease.
Click HERE for the Buddy Daddies Vol 1 Translation!
Disclaimer: I’m not 100% fluent in Japanese, and so, there will likely be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I’ll correct them!
I wanna thank my friends for helping me listen over and over to various segments! None of them are on Tumblr but I appreciated it very much! <3 (I was embarrassed when asking for their help lol)
(Rei’s voice was so deep and tired that it took me literally 30 minutes of looping “Curry Amakuchi” to figure out what he was saying. Mild Curry. I am a fool.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Okay, thanks for reading, enjoy!
-          Marcella
(I'm gonna sleep lmfao - I'll answer any questions or concerns when I awaken!)
Want to read the other drama CDs?
I have compiled the dramas into a folder on my Google Drive! When/ if I translate the the rest of the dramas, they'll also be there.
You can find it here.
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turnaboutarchives · 4 months
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Gyakuten Saiban 456 Drama CD- Lossless audio files
File size is around 500MB. Note: I have no intentions of translating this myself. I have issues with listening comprehension and can therefore not give a confident translation. If anyone else wants to do it, just tell me that you did so I can share it here.
Find the download here!
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles Original Drama CD: Mo Mo Tarou
This drama CD was bundled with the third blu-ray/DVD volume of Mashle's first season. Basically, it's Mashle's main five characters in a Momotarou alternate universe.
Mash as Mo Mo Tarou (he also sang the parodied version of Momotarou song in this drama CD)
Finn as the Dog
Lance as the Pheasant
Dot as the Monkey
Lemon as the Ogre
Momotarou itself is a well-known traditional Japanese folklore centered around a boy who was born from a peach. For more information about Momotarou folklore, check here. You can also read the original Momotarou story here.
Each volume of the first season's blu-ray/DVD is accompanied by an exclusive illustration about this alternate universe, drawn by series creator Hajime Komoto. This one is from the first volume.
You can listen to the preview of the Drama CD below, and the rest of the tracks under read more. They're all untranslated, however.
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pink-blend · 2 months
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I added ONE word to the drama cd dialogue
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sweetbottletops · 1 month
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Hearing Mitsuki Koga sing the f-bomb in a Radiohead ~ Creep cover… something I didn’t expect but definitely needed.
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kudouusagi · 9 months
Buddy Daddies Drama 4
*Puts down box*
Kazuki: Okay! Now all of our stuff has been moved into our place. Ah, thank Kyuu-chan. On top of finding us a place, we even asked you to help us move.
Kyuutarou: Well, I'm too involved to stop now. So? How do you feel about the place?
Miri: It's smaller than our old place, isn't it, Rei-papa?
Rei: Yeah... and the TV has gotten smaller too...
Miri: So our mori kart cars have gotten smaller too!
Kazuki: Hey, don't be playing games when you should be unpacking. Besides, I think this is the perfect size for 3 people to live cozily. 
Kyuutarou: You're living quite a bit further away than you were at your old place, but the further you are the more difficult it will be for the eyes of the organization to spot you.
Kazuki: Yeah... Well, from what Rei says it doesn't seem like his father is straining his eyes looking for us either.
Kyuutarou: Even if that's the case, there's no mistaking that you sullied the name of the Suwa family. Try to lay low until the heat dies down.
Kazuki: Got it.
Kyuutarou: So? What are you planning on doing from now on?
Kakuzi: Hmm... for now we're going to live off our savings and get Miri into a new preschool... and then after that we'll look for jobs I guess.
Kyuutarou: I see. Do your best for Miri-chan too.
Kazuki: Yeah. Thanks for everything.
Kyuutarou: If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me.
Miri: Kyuu-chan, bye bye!
Kyuutarou: *Laughs and leaves*
Kazuki: Okay! Miri, Rei! Time to get excited for our new life! Let's hurry and put things away and have some move in soba!
Miri/Rei: Yeah!
Kazuki: This one.... mmm.... the pay is too low... This one isn't bad but the hours aren't great... Hm? Drug trials? Hmmm! So in just two weeks I can make that much by just taking medicine and sleeping? It's not bad but...
Rei: Kazuki, have you found a job?
Kazuki: Rei, if I said I was going away for work for two weeks... what would you do?
Rei: Huh? Meaning you wouldn't be here at all for two weeks?
Kazuki: Yeah. You'd need to wake Miri up, feed her breakfast, change her, take her to preschool, come back home, clean, do laundry, make food, go pick her up, give her a bath, feed her dinner, play with her, read her a book, get her ready for tomorrow, wake her up the next day, for 14 days. All by yourself. 
Rei: N-Nope. Not yet.
Kazuki: I figured. So nothing away from home for now. But our savings is going to run out soon so we seriously have to start working soon or we'll be in trouble. And you can't even move one of your arms...
Rei: I thought there would be many jobs I could do with only one arm... but it's surprisingly hard.
Kazuki: In your case it's not just your arm, you're also unsociable. Your interview the other day was awful, wasn't it?
Interviewer: Do you have any special skills, Suwa-san?
Rei: Special skills...? I'm familiar with handling guns. Including disassembly. I won't let anything I target get away.
Interviewer: Y-You mean... airguns, right?
Rei: I didn't have anything else to say.
Kazuki: Well, since you've been a NEET for so long I figured having you suddenly return to society would be a high hurdle. We're about to run out of our savings. We seriously have to work or it will be bad. But there's something that would be even worse than that. 
Rei: Something worse than that?
Kazuki: If I'm the only one working then you'd have to do all the housework yourself. You've recently learned how to hang clothes up to dry but for everything else you suck. You're completely useless! At this rate this room is sure to become a pigsty. And it'll be bad for raising Miri! So now we're going to hold "Rei's special training week focusing on housework!"
Rei: Special training?
Kazuki: I've been going easy on you because I thought you couldn't move your right arm but now I'm going to become a monster! A cooking, laundry, and housework monster! 
Rei: I really can't move my right arm though...
Kazuki: Shut up! Despite that you've gotten even better at mori kart than before, haven't you!? Miri told me! She said you set a new record the other day!
Rei: I was so happy I did a victory pose without even thinking about it.
Kazuki: And so! We're going to use that effort on housework! Who are the ones taking care of Miri?
Rei: You and... me.
Kazuki: And what else is there to taking care of her besides playing with her...?
Rei: Taking her to school and back, housework, laundry...
Kazuki: That's right! So now we're going to do special training and drill you until you're able to do all of those things on your own!
Rei: Geh...
Miri: Papas! What are you doing?
Rei: Miri...
Kazuki: Mm! I'm going to be giving Rei special training now!
Miri: Special training?
Kazuki: Umm... it means he's going to try hard to become able to do things he can't do right now.
Miri: I understand! He's doing a training journey! I saw it on TV!
Kazuki: Oh, you're amazing Miri! That's right! A training journey!
Rei: I didn't say I was going to-
Miri: So, Rei-papa is doing a training journey?! That's so cool!
Rei: I'll do it.
Kazuki: Okay, then starting today until you become a functioning adult I'll be your boss. What do you say?
Rei: Yes. Boss.
Miri: Yes, boss!
Kazuki: Mmm! You both gave good responses. Let's start!
Kazuki: This is how Rei's training began.
Kazuki: Okay, everything about cleaning is important. Let's start with vacuuming. 
Kazuki: Don't skip the corners! Your target likes to lurk in the corners!
Rei: The corners!
Kazuki: In places with running water you're in a constant battle with water droplets! You must have an iron determination to never allow limescale!
Rei: O-Okay!
Kazuki: Miri's room is the most important location! You have to make sure to diligently vacuum and use the lint roller to protect against dust allergies!
Rei: I'm... tired...
Kazuki: We're not done yet! Next is laundry! 
Kazuki: You need to memorize the differences between pods and regular detergent and learn how to use laundry nets! There's things to wash every single day!
Rei: There's too many things to remember!
Kazuki: Learn how to separate the garbage and when the garbage truck comes! And on top of that check which stores have the cheapest bags that won't break!
Rei: *Panting*
Kazuki: It's important to learn how to write in the preschool correspondence notebook, but your most important mission is learning to exchange messages with the mom friends! The smooth exchange of information is essential to surviving in the world of child raising!
Rei: I-... *falls down on ground* I can't do it anymore... This is way more physically and mentally exhausting than fighting... I've never experienced training like this before... 
Kazuki: Stand up, Rei! You've still got to wash the rice.
Rei: I'm at my limit. I want to eat chips, hide in my room, and play games.
Kazuki: Ah... oh no... he has dead eyes. Hey, Rei! Keep going! Miri's watching
Miri: Rei-papa's training journey is so cool!
Rei: I'm going... to wash... the rice!
Kazuki: Oh! There's a light in his eyes! Miri, keep on cheering him on like that.
Miri: Okay! Rei-papa! Do your best! Do your best!
Rei: What is this power rising within me? I can do it! I can do it!
Miri: Rei-papa stood up!
Kazuki: Yes! That's it Miri! That was even more effective than I expected! Okay! 
Kazuki: Rei's special training continued even while I was at work.
Rei: Hmm... cleaning takes a while with only one arm... I'll put the last glass here...
*Glass shatters*
Miri: Rei-papa!
Rei: Miri! Don't come over here! 
Miri: *Whines*
Rei: I dropped a glass so it's dangerous.
*Rei attempts to pick up glass*
Rei: I can get the big pieces... but the smaller ones... I guess a broom and dustpan?
*Gets out broom and dustpan and starts sweeping*
Rei: I can't hold both of them with one arm... I guess I'll just have to wait till Kazuki comes home?
Miri: Rei-papa!
Rei: Miri, it's dangerous so don't get-... 
*Miri holds the dustpan*
Rei: You...
Miri: I'll hold the dustpan, okay?
Rei: Oh... thank you, Miri.
Miri: *giggles*
Rei: Okay. Perfect.
Miri: Perfect! Papa! High five!
Rei: Yeah!
Miri: YAY!
*High fives*
Rei: *Laughs*
Kazuki: We're now going to hold your final test! The challenge is to make my special french toast all by yourself!
*Rei cooking*
Rei: Now!
*Flips toast*
Kazuki: His flipping timing is perfect!
Miri: Perfect!
Rei: Done.
Kazuki: Itadakimasu
Miri: Itadakimasu!
*Everyone eating*
Rei: How is it?
Kazuki: It's good. It's seriously good! This is so good you could serve it in a restaurant!
Rei: *Laughs excitedly*
Miri: Rei-papa's french toast is good!
Rei: Miri!
Kazuki: And it's not just his french toast! He's able to clean and do laundry perfectly too! I think it will be fine leaving the house to him now.
Rei: No, not yet.
Kazuki: Huh? No, you don't need to be that worri-
Rei: I feel like I haven't selected the best bread for french toast yet.
Kazuki: Huh?
Rei: I realized when I was practicing, different breads have different textures. Rather than the one from the grocery store, the one from the bakery in town is more suited for absorbing moisture.
Kazuki: No... you don't have to be that picky...
Rei: And the eggs. Today I just used 10 that were on sale, but I wonder what would happen if I used more expensive eggs? Also depending on the way you mix it the texture changes. But that's obvious isn't it? If there's different amounts of air.
Kazuki: Hey... Rei...?
Rei: I also want to test the coffee that goes with it. I want to use a coffee grinder with a proper pour over and make the best cup of coffee!
Kazuki: Wait, wait, wait!
Rei: Actually I already ordered a coffee making set online.  
Kazuki: Hey!
Rei: It seems like it's here.
Kazuki: Huh.....? What's going on?
Miri: Rei-papa looks like he's having fun!
Kazuki: Hey, Miri. Go tell Rei-papa to cool it.
Miri: Huh? But...
Rei: Okay.
Miri: I'll help!
Kazuki: Hey, hey. Don't bother Rei-papa...
Rei: Thanks.
Kazuki: Huh?
Rei: I'll open the big boxes and you can open the small ones. We'll split the work between us.
Miri: Okay!
Miri: I opened it! Yay!
Rei: Yay!
*Rei and Miri high five*
Kazuki: You're doing high fives? You've gotten so close...
Rei: Miri, you can open that one too.
Miri: Okay!
Kazuki: *Laughs* I can leave the house in peace like this.
Miri: I opened it!
Rei: I opened this one too. You did well, Miri. 
Miri: *Giggles*
Kazuki: I can do it in peace.... but... it feels weird... like I'm going to lose my place.
Miri: Hey, papa! I want to play Mori Kart!
Rei: After we finished putting away these boxes, okay?
Miri: Okay!
Kazuki: Miri, would you like to play with me? Mori kart?
Rei: Kazuki?
Kazuki: I'll play with Miri!
Miri: With Kazuki-papa?
Kazuki: That's right!
Miri: Hmm... I don't want to!
Kazuki: Huh? But you said you wanted to play...
Miri: You're bad at games so it'd be boring!
Kazuki: EH!?
Miri: I prefer Rei-papa!
Rei: Hmm! So she says!
Kazuki: *Screams* At this rate I'll lose my parental respect...
Kazuki: Rei!
Rei: Hm?
Kazuki: Please! Give me special training! I want to be good at games!
Rei: But aren't you going to work?
Kazuki: I'll work too! So let me game! I'll keep my respect as a parent through games!
Rei: Okay. But games aren't that easy. Sometimes they're even harder than being an assassin.
Kazuki: Huh? Really?
Rei: You look down on games. If you're serious I won't go easy on you.
Kazuki: Eh? Okay! I'll beat your record!
Rei: Okay. Then I'll train you. You should say "Okay, boss" to me.
Kazuki: Eh? ...Okay... boss...
Kazuki: And so then my days of special training, so tough I could vomit blood, along with working began...
Kazuki: At night I'm working at a construction site, a bartender, and a cleaner and during the day it's mori kart! I'll fly through both of these tasks with ease!
Rei: You pressed the brake too late!
Kazuki: Damn it! One more time! Ugh...
Rei: Don't just drive around randomly. Remember the course and the shortcuts.
Kazuki: Guh! 
Kazuki: Ehh?!
Rei: You used your item too late.
Man: Hey, newbie! That's some messy-...!
Kazuki: *Shouting*
Man: He's fired up...
Kazuki: Ah...
Rei: That was a close race. It's proof you don't have the specs of each kart memorized. I told you that the day before yesterday too.
Kazuki: *Growls*
Woman: Kahlua milk please
Kazuki: Okay, Okay, Okay! Here you go!
Woman: Wah...? ...Thanks...
Rei: You needed to take the shortcut there and use your item.
Kazuki: Oh.
Rei: By the way, I told you that last week. Remember it!
Kazuki: *Sobs*
Kazuki: *Panting and shouting* 
Woman: Hold the mop right! You're not cleaning at all!
Kazuki *Sobbing and shouting*
Rei: Why are you breaking like that at the last cur-... 
Kazuki: *Snoring*
Rei: Hey!
Kazuki: Ah! I'm not sleeping. I'm not sleeping.
Rei: That's enough for today.
Kazuki: Don't be ridiculous! We've barely done anything today!
Rei: This isn't a game you can win while sleep-driving. Don't underestimate it.
Miri: I'm home!
Rei: I'm home.
Miri: Hmm... Kazuki-papa isn't home today, either...
Rei: Well, he has work
Miri: Oh... work... it can't be helped!
Rei: Miri...
Rei: Welcome home
Kazuki: *groans*
Rei: Hey!
Kazuki: Huh? Oh sorry... training right? Training...
Rei: We're not doing that today.
Kazuki: Why?
Rei: Go look in a mirror. Your face looks awful.
Kazuki: *Laughs* This isn't anything...
Rei: During the day you're training for mori kart, and at night you're doing night shifts. When are you sleeping? 
Kazuki: This... isn't-....
*Passes out*
Rei: Kazuki!
*Rei runs*
*Ambulance sirens*
Kazuki: Where am I?
Rei: The hospital.
Kazuki: Ah! Rei!
Rei: You overworked yourself. They said after that IV is finished you can go home. 
Kazuki: Oh I see... passed out. I'm sorry.
Rei: I'm not the one you should apologize to. Say it to Miri.
Miri: *Snoring*
Rei: Even though I said you'd be fine she wouldn't leave your bedside and fell asleep while holding your arm.
Kazuki: *Laughs* So that's why my right arm feels heavy...
Miri: *groans* Papa...
Kazuki: I'm so pathetic... now that I think about it I was so focused on the game I didn't talk to Miri much... I'm really doing everything backwards.
Rei: It's okay even if you can't game.
Kazuki: Hm?
Rei: I'm gonna go home now. I need to clean. I'll leave Miri to you. 
Miri: *wakes up* Hm?
Kazuki: Miri, are you awake?
Miri: Kazuki-papa? Eh? Ah! Are you better now?!
Kazuki: *Laughs* Yeah! Completely! Seeing your face gives me 100 times more energy! Thank you.
Miri: *Giggles* Yeah!
Kazuki: I'll make you anything you want today as a thank you! What would you like?
Miri: Hmm... French toast!
Kazuki: Okay got it! ...is what I want to say but... Rei's is better than mine so you should get him to make it.
Miri: No. Today I want yours, Kazuki-papa!
Kazuki: Huh?
Miri: Rei-papa's french toast and your french toast are both the best in the world!
Kazuki: Ah... I see
Everyone: Itadakimasu!
*Everyone eats*
Rei: Your french toast and mine really do taste a little different.
Kazuki: Hm? Well, the recipe was the same... but differences in cooking styles might make some difference in taste.
Rei: You learn a lot when you make it yourself. How hard it is...
Miri: Both of them are good!
Rei: and the happiness it gives.
Kazuki: I realized something too.
Rei: What?
Kazuki: When I'm doing night shifts, I can't spend time eating with you and Miri like this.
Ri: Ahh...
Kazuki: I'm going to stop taking night shifts. Nothing is more important than time with family! ...but we still have to think of what to do for a job. How do you even choose a job?
Rei: We don't even really have the option of being choosy.
Kazuki: Right...?
Rei: What about a house cleaning service?
Kazuki: Well it's not like we couldn't but.... Hmm... What about doing background checks?
Rei: I don't really want to leave the house. It would decrease my time with Miri.
Kazuki: Man, you... *sighs* What should we do?
Miri: *Happily eating*
Kazuki: Seeing her smiling face makes our troubles seem like nothing.
Rei: Miri, is it good?
Miri: Yeah!
Kazuki: We have enough for seconds! Do you want some?
Miri: I want it! But...
Rei: But?
Miri: I want to eat with everyone!
Kazuki: Everyone?
Miri: Yeah! Like Anna-chan, Kotori-chan, Hinata-chan, Taiga-kun and my friends at my new preschool! Everyone! I'm sure they'd all think it was good and be happy!
Rei: I see... then how about we make a whole bunch next time and invite everyone?
Miri: YAY!
Rei: If we invite the mom friends then it should make exchanging information smooth, right, Kazuki?
Kazuki: Everyone? Everyone! That's it!
Rei: What?
Kazuki: We should open a restaurant! Like Kyuu-chan! I can cook! And if it's french toast then you can make it perfectly. Besides, we've already got all the best equipment for coffee!
Rei: Hmmm... if the restaurant and our house are in the same place then we can always be with Miri.
Kazuki: What do you think, Rei?
Rei: It's not bad.
Kazuki: Okay! Then it's decided! Miri, we're opening a restaurant!
Miri: We're playing restaurant?
Kazuki: Not playing! A real one!
Miri: Rei-papa is unsociable so we can't!
Rei: Wha! Miri... where did you learn that?
Miri: Kazuki-papa says it! Unsociable!
Kazuki: W-well... we can do something about it with special training!
Rei: Ehh? Special training again?
Kazuki: Yeah, on days when you don't have housework.
Miri: It's okay, Rei-papa! I'll cheer you on lots!
Rei: Yeah... then I can probably do it.
Kazuki: Okay! So then where should we start? Should we start with a name?
Rei: No, shouldn't we find a location for it first?
Miri: I think there should be pictures on the wall at the restaurant! Should I draw some?
Kazuki: Yeah, please, Master Artist Miri! Ahh... Do we need to go to some government office to get permits?
Rei: Government offices again? I hate them.
Miri: It's okay! You just tell them to do as you say!
Kazuki: That's right! It will work out!
Kazuki: Th-Thank you for waiting.
Rei: Here's your french toast and coffee... sir.
Kazuki: Eat up, Kyuu-chan!
Kyuutarou: Ita-
Kazuki: How is it?
Rei: Is it good?
Kyuutarou: I haven't eaten yet.
Kazuki: Ahh, right! Sorry.
Kyuutarou: Itadakimasu
Rei: It makes me nervous to have someone other than Kazuki and Miri eat it.
Kazuki: Well, he is a pro... and I don't think we'll be open long if we can't get approval from our peers... So how is it Kyuu-chan!?
Kyuutarou: Well... first of all, Kazuki. 
Kazuki: Yes!?
Kyuutarou: Your face is stiff and creepy. Stop fake smiling at the customers to try to flatter them.
Kazuki: Eh!?
Kyuutarou: Rei! 
Rei: Yes?
Kyuutarou: You're too blank faced. And you need to look the customers in the eye.
Rei: Okay...
Kazuki: So... how does it taste?
Kyuutarou: I think it's alright.
Kazuki/Rei: Oh!
Kyuutarou: So this is your answer?
Kazuki: Yeah! I don't know how long we can keep doing it... but this is a place for our family.
Rei: I'll do my best at work and spending time with Miri.
Kyuutarou: Yeah! Do your best at making your own family.
Kazuki: Oh! There's a customer! Rei!
Rei: Yeah.
Kazuki: Hello!
Rei: Welcome to Diner Nest!
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Reiji ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [レイジ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 8 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi
Translator’s note: Honestly, Reiji deserves so much more respect than what he gets. Not only does this man get up early to get chores done because his other five brothers won’t do jack-shit, he even goes out of his way to do extra groceries and make a first-class breakfast for his girl. I feel like most of the other Diaboys could barely even toast a piece of bread without burning it lol. 
*Cling cling*
You enter the kitchen.
“...Hm? What is the matter? It is still too early to be getting up.” 
You ask him why he is up already.
“Unlike the other people at this home, I happen to have an extensive to-do list, so I must get started with all of my chores early, or else I will regret it afterwards. ーー More importantly, you mentioned something about not being able to sleep? If you are feeling unwell, I can get you some medicine.”
You explain.
“Do not tell me...You cannot sleep because of the hunger? How unfortunate...I cannot believe your stomach is growling despite getting three proper meals a day. You should know better.”
You apologize. 
“Well, I shall forgive you this once. I suppose it is partially my responsibility as well for not looking after you better. ーー I suppose it cannot be helped. We still have time before we have to leave to school, so I shall make you an early breakfast.”
You seem excited. 
“Yes. If you have any requests, go ahead. As you should be aware, I am quite confident in my own cooking abilities. No matter how complex or luxurious of a dish, I will prepare it to perfection. Well then, what is your order?”
You make your request.
“What did you...say just now?”
You repeat it.
“You are asking me to make...tamagogake-gohan, out of all things? You crack a raw egg (1) over the rice, add some soy sauce and you’re done. You want me to go out of my way to make something so simple?”
You ask him if he won’t make it. 
“No, I never said that I will not make it. ...Very well! I shall show you what a real plate of eggs over rice looks like!”
“In which case, we must first gathered the necessary ingredients. There is no time to lose! I shall call the limousine at once. Off we go!”
You seem surprised.
“What are you doing!? Come on, make haste!”
*Clatter clatter*
“It is truly a blessing that there are stores which are still open in the middle of the night.”
You offer to pay for the parking fee since he has his hands full with the groceries.
“That would be a big help. This is the money. Here you go.”
 You ask Reiji what is inside the bags in his arms. 
“Excuse me? Can you not tell? They’re bags of rice. There’s high-quality rice inside.”
You seem surprised.
“You came along not even realizing why we took the car? Haah...You truly need to do something about how slow-witted you are. One cannot cook without the right ingredients, so we shall we going around to gather all of the necessary things. ーー The very best ones available!
Tamagogake-gohan consists of a perfectly balanced combination of eggs, soy sauce and rice with each ingredient being brought to its full potential. We cannot afford skimping on any of them. ...I happen to be a regular at this store, you see. The rice sold at this store has been selected by a rice connoisseur of which only a few exist in this country, so it is of the highest quality!”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You do not even know what a ‘rice connoisseur’ is...? Take should be common knowledge. Make sure to do your research afterwards, understood? Anyway, we are headed for the chicken farm next. I know it is quite late, but I am sure I can arrange something by using my connections.”
You frown.
“Why the hesitation? We are talking about the eggs which are the main star of the dish! I will not make any compromises!”
“No more dawdling! Let’s go!”
The two of you return home.
“...Haah. That ended up taking more time than I anticipated.”
You admit being glad that you’re finally done. 
“What nonsense are you spouting? We finally gathered all necessary ingredients! If we’re ‘done’, why did we get these fresh ingredients in the first place? But we must make haste, or else the others will wake up.”
“To the kitchen at once! We shall start cooking!”
The two of you go to the kitchen.
“We shall start by cooking the rice. I believe that I can skip over the instructions for this one.”
Reiji gets the rice cooker started. 
“Next we must choose which bowl to serve it in.”
You ask if that is important.
“Why of course. A high class meal is not only defined by the food itself. One must choose a plate which will truly bring the dish to life.” 
*Cling cling*
“Let me think...Usually I would go for something a little more ‘art nouveau’, but how about we use this bowl today? I am glad I decided to purchase this one for moments like this.”
You note that it is quite plain.
“What are you saying? A plain bowl is a fine piece of silverware as well! Just look at the gloss and pattern, simply marvelous!”
You raise one brow.
“Why are you giving me that look? I do understand that I might sound rather out-of-character right now, but look at it like this. I even went out of my way to buy a home-style takoyaki grill to hold a takoyaki party at home, so I must keep the name of the Sakamaki household high. ...More importantly, we should finish setting the table before the rice is done cooking. Well then, please lend me a hand.”
Reiji opens the rice cooker.
“It turned out rather nicely. The rice looks shiny and has the right amount of fluffiness to it. As to be expected of a dish made with a product from a true rice connoisseur!”
You point out that his glasses have fogged up. 
“Do not worry about my glasses being fogged up. It is only natural for this to happen when exposed to hot steam.”
*Cling cling*
“More importantly...Let us get started! ...Allow me to show you my skills! ーー I shall start by scooping the fluffy rice into the bowl. Rather than filling it to the brim, I will serve a moderate portion. This is the most elegant way to serve it. Then on top I will sprinkle some cod roe, dried seaweed and yuzu salt. ...It would be rather boring to stick to the basic recipe, no? This is my personal interpretation of the dish, do not worry. I can assure that it will taste sublime.”
He cracks an egg.
“Well then, last but not least we crack in a fresh, raw egg and pour some of this special soy sauce on top. ーー It is done. This is the Sakamaki household’s version of tamagogake-gohan!”
“Well then, here you go. Please dig in while it is hot.”
 You take a bite.
“How is it?”
You tell him that it’s delicious. 
“Why of course. It is a dish which was carefully crafted to bring out all of the aromas, flavors and textures to their fullest after all. The rich eggs and the deep flavor of the soy sauce go perfectly with the fluffy rice. However, right when you think that it might be a little blend and one-toned, the cod roe, seaweed and yuzu salt kick to add a new flavor profile so you never get tired of eating it. 
This is how tamagogake-gohan should be. Do you comprehend?”
You nod.
“Pleasing your palate is child’s play. ...Well then, usually I would go wake up the others around this hour, but I suppose we can postpone it a little for today.”
You ask Reiji if he will have breakfast as well.
“Yes, I figured this was a fine opportunity for me to enjoy a meal alongside you. You could say this is my award for all the hard work I put in. You do not mind, do you?”
He joins you at the table.
“Usually there is always someone making a fuss. I rarely ever get the chance to enjoy a meal in peace. In that regard, perhaps I should be grateful to you. However, make sure to warn me before you get peckish, okay?”
You nod.
“Very well. Let us dig in then.”
“...Mm. I suppose having a meal together with just the two of us like this is quite enjoyable every now and then.”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Raw eggs are commonly consumed in Japan since the country has no history of salmonella being found in eggs. By cracking the egg on top of steaming-hot rice and instantly mixing it together, the heat from the rice will also slightly cook the egg, so it’s not 100% raw when you eat it. Still, the consistency of the dish is quite ‘goopy’ - for lack of a better word - so I understand why a lot of people (myself included) would not find it very appetizing. :p
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hikari-kaitou · 3 months
I subtitled the second and final track of the 456 drama CD. Come give it a listen!
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ASSMU Behind the Stage Ver.B [Natsuki, Syo, Ai, Nagi, Yamato] - Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
Ai: It is interesting that towards the end of the song, when the 18 of us sing together, the position of the five of us splits into two, with me in the center.
Ai: On the right are Natsuki and Yamato, who are large and adult-like, and on the left are Syo and Nagi, who are small and cute.
Nagi: Nagi may be small and cute, but my feelings are the greatest, so I’ll make the audience more excited than anyone else.
Natsuki: Wah! You’re so lovely, Nagi-kun! Not only are you cute but you’re also cool! Gyuu!
Syo: W-Wait a minute!!
Nagi: Woah!
Syo: Wait, Natsuki! Don’t go hugging Nagi! If you’re gonna do that, it should be with the super cool me.
Natsuki: I understand. Of course, Syo-chan is always cute and cool too. Gyuu!
Syo: Argh! I got it, but-! You’re squeezing too hard!!
Nagi: Jeez, what are you two doing? It can’t be helped. Nagi will teach you how to hug more cutely. Come here for a second, Natsuki.
Natsuki: Okay. Is it okay if I just wait here like this?
Nagi: Yes. Lean down a bit more. Like that. Here we go. Gyuu~ Then let’s both look at Syo and wink! How was that?
Natsuki: It makes it look like we get along well, which is very good.
Syo: Wow, that was damn clean.
Yamato: Hey, Natsuki. If you have any energy left over, be my opponent.
Natsuki: Really? That sounds fun too.
Ai: That kind of thing should be done after practice, not now. Incidentally, I'm pretty confident in my own skills though.
Syo: I mean, I'm not losing either. I'm not talking about height or arm wrestling! What's needed for a live performance is spirit! I'm going to put my heart and soul into singing and dancing for my fans.
Yamato: Yeah, exactly. I can’t waste time. I need more stamina to put on the best live performance I can. Should I increase my training? First, 500 push-ups!
Syo: No, that's ridiculous. We finished practicing the basics and now it's time for the dance lesson.
Yamato: Don't be so rigid about something being a little out of order. Let's do it together! 1, 2, 3…
Syo: I haven't said I'm going to do it yet! Ah, damn it!
Yamato: 4, 5, 6…
Syo: 7, 8, 9, 10
Ai: Okay. I'll leave the push-ups to you two. Shall the rest of us go over the moves again?
Natsuki: Yes! That’s right, Nagi-kun. How about we try to incorporate a moment of interaction with the fans like we did just now in the song?
Nagi: That might be good. Let’s see…
Syo: (out of breath) Hey, don't just leave me like this, do something about it!!
Ai: (sigh) It can’t be helped… Yamato! Let's stop that for now. Since we're all here, let's all review the choreography together so that we're all in sync.
Yamato: Now that you mention it, you’re right. Got it.
Syo: Thank god! I'm so glad Ai’s here.
Natsuki: Ai-chan is our center not only in that part of the choreography but also figuratively.
Nagi: I guess I can kinda see it.
Yamato: Natsuki, that was a good line!
Syo: I feel like having Ai in the group gives it a nice balance. Let the five of us create a new harmony.
Ai: I think I understand what everyone is trying to say. Well, thank you. Now then, I think we should get back to the lesson. After this, Syo and Yamato will do push-ups. Let's start again from the beginning.
Yamato: Sounds good. It’s the perfect schedule.
Syo: Let’s do that. I’ll do my best!
Natsuki: Then I'd like to join in on the push-ups too.
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yume4evere · 2 months
Vampire Knight Drama CD : Snow day ❄️
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dia-souls · 8 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Chaos of Amnesia”
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Original title: 記憶喪失による混乱
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Midorikawa Hikaru, Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Takashi Kondou, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Morikubo Shoutaro, Tomoaki Maeno
Admin's note: I am back at writting after a long period of time. This CD is related to chaos lineage and it's a change or an alter to the chaos lineage opening scene. I hope you will like it. I lost a bit of my grip cuz of break. I hope I get back on track one more thing yui will be a bit OOC like. It's really difficult to write dialogue for 14 people. Shot out to that one follower whom wanted the CD drama in which all dl boys appear with yui. You my dear motivated me (A big thanks to @crazyasffr ). Give reviews because I like reading your reaction 😤!
Yui was awoken by the sound of a lot of voices. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't open it,She tried to move her body but couldn't. She started getting scared as she noticed her situation. Then she felt as if she was being kissed she felt disgusted. She heard thoes voices again they were males she could tell by their tone and they were arguing. Again she felt as if she is being kissed and her disgust was increasing.
??: Is she not going to wake up?
???: The propherecy said that if you kiss the sleeping Eve she will wake up? But she isn't waking up?!!
????: Maybe because you are a bad kisser. Let Ore-sama try!
?????: Fufu, how about all of us take turn in trying.
????: You all are disgusting. If you all are going to kiss her then I won't kiss her it makes me vomit to think I will kiss someone who is already defiled by you all.
?????: Then don't kiss her it's not like we want you to do that besides you doing that isn't necessary.
????: You perverts don't touch her you aren't allowed to!! Only Nii-san has the right to do it!!
???: You bas-
Yui then felt as if her energy was returning she opened her eyes and saw a young boy whoes face was dangerously cloes to her. The guy upon noticing her awake smiled at her.
?????: Ohh!! So you are awake you have really cute eyes!
_Yui immediately pushed that guy off her and got up.
Yui: Have you no shame you were kissing a sleeping women!??
Kino: Excuse me I didn't even got the chance to kiss. The one who assaulted you are them.
_He said as he pointed at Reiji and Ruki.
_Yui looked at around to see a lot of men who are now looking at her. She scanned all of them.
Ruki: Quick grab her!!
Yui: Wha No-o don't c-ome near me leave me-e!!
Ruki: Look we won't hurt you we just want you to come with us.
Yui: I d-don't want to go anywhere! please just let me go!
_Yui looked at them with fear in her eyes as she was feeling overwhelmed with a lot of men around her.
Reiji: Shu!! Hurry grab her!!
Shu: How annoying. Do it yourself.
_Yui got startled as she heard a voice right besides her she noticed a guy on floor. She didn't realized he was this cloes to her she hurridly moved away.
Shu: Pink.
Yui: Huh?
Shu: Colour.
Reiji: Colour of what?
Shu: Of your underwear.
Yui: ............
_Yui flushed at his remark and scooted away from him while shu gave her a lazy smirk.
Ruki:You!! How dare you!!
_Ruki said as he took his sword out seeing this everyone took their sword out yui immediately flinched at it.
*Cling* *Cling*
Yui: Wha-ts happening here?! Why are you doing this?! Who exactly are you all??!
Kino: Eve don't worry we won't hurt you after all you are our princess!
_Kino gives her princely smile and moved towards her but was blocked by Shin who moved infront of him.
Shin: Not so fast!! I won't let you touch her.
_Shin drew his sword he looked at his shoulder to look at yui.
Shin: Don't worry Eve I will save you from them and get you out of here!!
Yui: Is it real?
Shin: Huh?
_Kino and Shin both looked at yui confusingly.
Yui: The sword?
Shin: Of course it is!?? What are you thinking?
Yui: What? But why?!
Shin : Why what?!
Kino: Look stop all of you I am confused here?! What are you trying to say princess??
Yui: You are confused but, I should be confused who exactly are you?! All I thought you all were cosplayer?
Kino: Cosplayer?!?
Shin: Why would you think that?!
Yui: Well... you all are calling me Eve and acting like a knight and your dress is weird too you all are dressed weirdly!
Kino: Excuse me!? I have the best sense of fashion among all of them also don't call our dressing weird rather you are acting strange!
Reiji: Eve you do know what purpose you have.
Yui: What?
_Yui looked at him confusingly. She then looked around.
Yui: Also where is the priest?
_Now all of them looked at her.
Reiji: Pardon. What priest?
Yui: Well this is church so there must be a priest! Where is he?
Yuma: Eve you do realize that we are the only ones here!
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Don't tell me that Eve is mentally unstable?!
Ayato: What but isn't she Eve??!
Kino: Isn't Eve is supposed make a ruler? Why is she talking weirdly?!
Shin: Come on she isn't unstable like you can clearly tell the difference between her and Kanato.
Kanato: Exactly---What did you say???!!!
_He gave a murderous look to Shin.
_Yui than felt someone circling her waist she looked at her shoulder to see a red haired guy.
Ayato: Oii!! No one will touch her!! She is now my property!!
Kanato: Hah when did she become yours Ayato???! Teddy waited so long for her to wake up!! I DEMAND YOU GIVE HER TO ME!!
_All of then covered their ears because of his screeching.
Yuma: You brat!! Shut up!! You aren't alone here!! All of us waited here for sow to wake up!! You ain't special go and play with your toys.
_Kino, Shin and Ayato snickered. Kanato seeing this walked up to Yuma.
Kanato: What did you say to me?
He said as he grabbed his collar. But their difference in height made the audience except Yui chuckle. Which further increased Kanato anger.
Kanato: YOU!!!!
_Yuma flinched at his sudden outburst.
Yuma: What?? But you were the compla-
Yuma: I didn't you yourself made-
Yuma: When did I made fun--
Yuma: I never asked for your forgiveness-
_Yui took advantage of the distraction and elbowed him. Ayato who was caught off guard let her go and Yui escaped. Yui immediately ran for the door.
Ruki: Eve is escaping Shin go after her!!
Reiji: Yuma this isn't time to play around. Be quick Kino catch Eve. Shu you too!!
Kino: Roger!!
_All of them then became alert and started running after her.
_Yui who was running with all her might started screaming hoping the people will hear her and help her. She hurridly entered a room and locked it's door she decided to put furniture infront of it so it could remain locked just as she turned around she saw all of them.
Shin: Ouch! Stop screaming!
_As she lifted vase.
Ayato: Well we are- Put that thing down!!
Yui: I won't don't come closer you weirdos!!
Yuma: Eve listen we won't hurt you we are here to save you just come here!
Yui: Don't come closer!!
Ruki: Huh! As if she thing like that can stop us!!
_Yui threw the vase towards Shu as for some unknown reason he was lying closer to her but Shu dodged it.
Shu: How dare you!
_Yui noticed a balcony in room and sprinted toward it seeing it all of them followed her but stopped as soon as they say her climbing the railing she was able to balance herself on it she looked towards them.
Yui: Look don't come closer otherwise I will jump from here and you will be sentenced to death!
Kanato: Eh? Death sentence what are you saying?
Yui: Tell me who are you all and why are you doing this to me?!
Kino: Doing this to you?! Excuse me we haven't even started doing anything to you!!
Yui: Liste--kyahhh.....
_Yui was, lifted from the railing into air.
Kou: Hyahhhhh!!! M-Neko-chan Kou has came to your rescue Fufu.
_Yui realized that she is hugged by strange blonde hair guy the guy then placed his head on her shoulder glancing at the crowd.
Laito: Nfu~
Yui: Kyahhh...
_She felt another pairs of hands hugging her.
Laito: Nfu~ Eve-chan~~ you made your suitors wait a lot for you this isn't fair we spend a lot of time without you. Now need to make it up to your Laito-kun!
Kou: Wait a minute!! Laito-kun I am talking to M-Neko-chan you should let us talk alone and leave her I can carry her alone.
_The door exploded and three men entered the room.
Carla: How dare you all come here before us!!
Ruki: Well excuse you, don't tell me you expect us to inform you that barrier is broken. Isn't it your fault that your comrades are foolish.
Subaru: Tch!! It's not like you already took her she is still here and besides we aren't late.
_Subaru cracked his knuckle and looked at all of them before his eyes went to the girl. He immediately blushed as he saw her being gropped by two men.
_Yui who was now confused and scared as she noticed their strength. They are way too strong to take a door down but thinking about what they are wasn't her concern her main concern was to get away from them.
_Carla looked at Yui for some reason Yui felt a lot of scared his presence was dominating and she wanted to hide. He continue to peirce her with his gaze and walked towards Yui. This guy is very intimidating for her.
Yui: Let me go!!
_She said as she started swaying her legs.
Kou: EV-wait stop we will-
Laito: Eve-channn this not a place to get excited, I know you are excited to see Laito-kun but wai--
Yui: Kyaah!!!
_Yui was falling she closed her eyes to accept her fate only to feel someone below her.
Yui: Owe!
Shu: You are in no position to say anything like that considering you fell on me!
_Yui got up from floor and saw Shu beneath her.
Yui: Why are you always on floor?!
Shu: ..............
Yui: Aren't you going to answer?!
Shu: Uwa! Troublesome.
_As he got up Yui for the fist time Yui saw their differences in height, as it's the fist time he got up since their meeting and Yui was startled as she saw him trying to grab her.
_Yui immediately bolted towards dark forest.
Laito: Uwahhh Eve died I can't believe I didn't get to play with her.
Subaru: Idiot she isn't dead.
Ruki: We really need to find her quickly.
_Carla raised his eyebrows at him as they all were creating too much fuss.
Reiji: Can't you sense her presence?!
Subaru: Tch! What's wrong with you all she is just around here we will find her and that's it!?
Shin: Looks like you don't understand the severity of the situation.
Ayato: You see Eve has slept for too long that's why she is now unstable.
Kou: What? M-Neko-chan no way I don't believe you she is perfectly stable.
Shin: You see she acts weirdly and ask stupid question I am not saying she is fully unstable like Kana-
_Kanato walked up to Yuma and grabbed him by collar.
Yuma: Oi-i!! What did I do?! Why are you coming at me!!?
Yuma: What type of logic it is-
Yuma: It's literally our first meet--
Yuma: When were you listen--
_The two continued to argue.
Laito: Eve. Poor Eve-chan she must be scared while walking alone in this scary forest.
Carla: If whatever you said is true that Eve truly is out of her mind then we need to hurry and find her before she does harm upon herself because of state.
Reiji: Hurry!! After her she must be in forest we need to find her before she hurt herself!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yui: Hahhh!! Hurry I need to find someone!! Ngh.
_She fell on her butt after she collided with someone. She looked up to see a guy who was covered in bandages.
Azusa: Eve.
_The unknown guy immediately hugs her. She then started pushing him but he didn't nudge.
Yui: Leave me-e!
Azusa: I waited so long for you to come Eve I am so happy to meet you!!
_Yui looked at him confusingly. Are all guys here have their screws loose.
_She then heard footsteps behind her.
Laito: Nfu~ Ara, Ara Eve-chan you are finally united with your number 1 fan.
Yui: Numbe-er one fan?
Laito: Yes!! Azusa-kun seems to have special attachment to you, you see.
Shin: Hahh!! I finally found you Eve-
Yuma: Eve found yaaa. Ya made everyone so worried about you!!
Kino: Eve here you are!
_All of then looked at each other it appeared as if now they are ready to fight and not so soon the fight began Shin who remained it shadows saw the opportunity and grabbed yui.
Yui: Hel---
_Her voice was muffled by shin hand he hurridly took her away from scene.
Yui: Stop!! Leave me ugh!! Please stop!!!
Shin: Kch!! Shut up and come with me to orange house.
_He roughly grabbed her and started dragging her.
Yui: Please don't sell me-
Shin: Sell you??
_Shin now stopped and look at her confusingly.
Yui: Isn't it what you want?
_Yui thought they all might be drug dealers and are trying to sell her to brothel that's the reason they are so careful with her.
(They all are doing this so that my body remains unharmed and I could be sold at higher price otherwise why were they so concerned when I was falling from railing!)
_Shin confusing expression changes to pity and sad.
(She really is mentally unstable that's why she is saying weird things I shouldn't put more pressure on her fragile state.)
_Yui upon noticing Shin sad eyes and his silence as an agreement to her statement and her tears started welling up in her eyes.
Subaru: Ev-- Hah Shin why is she crying?
_Subaru immediately separated the two and grabbed Yui. Yui again resisted to get away from him.
Yui: How can you do this don't you have a sister will you do something so terrible to her!!??
_Yui questioned subaru.
Subaru: Huh? But I don't have any sister?!
Yui: That- but still you should have some humanity in yourself to do something this disgusting!!
Subaru: Humanity? I am not a human to begin with!!
Yui: That's right you are monster!!!
_Subaru became confused at her outburst he wondered what he did that made her like that?! He didn't deserve to be called a monster, considering it's their fist meeting.
Subaru: Look I just want to take you home to my older brother-
Yui: Huh!! You__ I can't believe you are going give me to your brother as call girl!!?
Subaru: Wha--
_Subaru looked at Shin who still had sad expression on his face. He looked at Shin and Shin upon noticing him made a gesture of saying that she is unstable and shook his head.
_Subaru looking at him realized how bad Eve's condition is became sad as he thinks that his behaviour might upset her more. He looked sorrowfully at yui.
_Yui than notices change in demnor thought that this might be his purpose.
Yui: Please leave me alone!! Let me go!
Kou: Ahh! Found them!! GUYS EVE IS HERE!!
_All the family immediately teleported to the place.
Yuma: Hahh!! Finally!!
Yui: Look please stop all this. Leave me alone don't sell me.
Ayato: Sell you but why would we? I mean you are important for the plan after all you are Eve? Why would we sell you?
Yui: But why me why me out of all the girls in the world why does it have to be me??!!
Laito: 'Girls' there are girls here?
Ruki: Eve you are the only women here along with us!
Yui: Wait a minute!? Aren't you going to sell me to some brothel??
Ayato: First you called Ore-sama cosplayer and now you are calling me a dealer make up your mind cosplayer or dealer!!
Shin: Huh why would we? What do you think we are! Besides there is no brothel here!
Yui: If there isn't then why all of you are chasing me! And why are you saying I shouldn't be harmed!!?
Ruki: Ahh! Things are now getting clearer.
Kino: Yeah!! Right seriously I can't believe it was all for this.
Reiji: It seems Eve has misunderstood our intentions.
Shin: This means that she isn't crazy like Kana-
Yuma: SHUT UP!! Shut your crap!!
_Yuma said as he glanced at Kanato whom upon noticing that he is staring at him glared at him Yuma flinched and immediately looked away.
Yuma: Ain't no way. I am gonna let that kid scream at me!! He mumbled.
Shu: Hah!! Uwah! I just want to go home.
Carla: Don't tell me women you don't know what's your purpose in the game.
Yui: Game? Purpose? What are you saying?!
Reiji: I hope I am not wrong but it seems sleeping for too much has caused her to forget her purpose.
Carla: Say women do you know how to make me the supreme ruler.
Yui: Huh!? What is that??
Ruki: Hah looks like it's time for us to explain you the situation you are in.
I am Ruki, the eldest of orange family there are 13 man over here and there is no women here except for you. There are in total of three family violet, scarlet and orange. The main purpose of these family is to obtain Eve. Once Eve-
Carla: I am Carla eldest of violet. Eve had the ability or power you can say to make a supreme overload. Meaning a king and you are Eve and you have power to do that.
Kino: That's we all were after you we aren't some cosplayer or smugglers.
Yui: Well you did seem like that..
Kanato: Teddy she really thought we were crazy and we all thought you were crazy the whole time.
Carla: Now that everything is cleared out you will now come with us to violet household.
Subaru: Wait a minute!! You all are missing one detail.
Laito: Nfu~ let's not tell her guys poor girl will be so scared once she find out about that.
Kou: Ara~Ara Cmon Laito-kun I really want to see her reaction.
Azusa: Eve..is.. sane.. Eve.. Please.. come with.. us we... will... take good...care of.. you.
Yui: Wait a minute!! I can believe all this, all of you are lying it's impossible that there is no one here except us!
Ruki: Oh really! Where is the proof?
Yui: Proof--I might not have it right now but I am telling truth.
Kino: Hah! Why don't you just stop resisting and come with us? You have no place to go to!
Yui: That's true but I still won't come.... You all are brothers but you don't look alike at all!!?
Kanato: Teddy also thinks exact same!! They all are too weird to be my brothers and that red head idiot to be my twin.
Shin: Excuse me!!? You are actually weirdest of us brothers!! No you are the weirdest of us all--
Yuma: Bro you just shut up!! Don't anger him!! Why are you digging my grave?!?
_Yuma said as he put a hand on Shin's mouth to which Shin immediately removed.
Shin: You aren't my brother you vile--
Ruki: Shin!! Behave yourself!!
Shin: Yes, Nii-san .
_Ruki looked at yui and said.
Reiji: Yeah! that's true! We don't look alike. So what?! Does that change the fact that we are brothers? No it doesn't!
Yui: So basically you all have no parents?
Laito: Parents?!
Yui: Yeah... I mean you all must have different parents to have such different features.
Kou: Okay! Now it's crepping me out!
Yui: That's what I am trying to say that this place, you all something is not right!!
Kino: Princess don't stress too much. It's not that much of a big deal you know to have no parents.
Yui: But still that doesn't change the fact that they might have existed that's why you all exist!!
_Yui immediately blushed after saying this statement.
Laito: Well Eve-chan you are right! Nfu~we all already know how babies are made.
Shu: Lewd women you said it on purpose.
Yui: No I didn't I just want you all---
Ayato: Hah!! Stop!! Ore-sama is parched.
_He said as he came closer to yui.
Ayato: Why don't you take responsibility.
Laito: Aha! Now that you mentioned it she really is giving off a really sweet smell.
Subaru: Guys aren't we supposed to hide it-
Kanato: Teddy wonders if it's like a candy.
Yuma: Sow really does smell delecious. Hey! how about giving me a taste.
Laito: Nfu~Eve-chan you made me run all around to find you.
_He said as he got near her ear.
Kou: M-Neko-chan really is cruel! She really is selfish she made me do a lot of work how about you return favour as this is give and take world!
Subaru: Oii!! Stop saying that scary stuff to her and you both keep your hands off her!!!
Yui: Wai-it you.. all are again saying weird stuff?! Delecious and parched what do you mean by them?!
_Shu looked at Yui and smirked and gave her a show off his fangs.
Yui: Wha-
Shu: You now realize. Do you?!
Ruki: We aren't some bunch of humans. We are vampire.
Yui: Vam-mpire! You mean you all suck blood.
Kino: Hey!! I am offended we don't just do that! You humans have ruined our name.
Shin: What are you scared? I mean cmon don't tell me you don't realized it?!
Reiji: Having this level of strength isn't possible for a human man right? You should have realized it earlier that we aren't human.
Shu: I hope this answers your question about how I always get where ever you are.
Ruki: I guess you now know everything your purpose of being here and lastly our identity.
Carla: Hah! That's funny we didn't even try to mask our identity. You really are a dense women.
Yui: No-o that's impossible. I don't believe you!!
_Yui backed away from them.
_All of their eyes started glowing showing their animalistic nature.
Ayato: Say are you gonna choose who to come with or we decide it.
Yui: Wh-hat?
Kino: I mean you aren't gonna stay here right a forest is really a bad option for a fragile girl like you.
Subaru: Tch! It's not like a house full of male vampires is the best option.
Ruki: That's true but you are forced to choose between us we aren't requesting at first place that's an order. So hurry up and choose.
Carla: Eve choose which house are you going to live with. Choose wisely and carefully as it will decide the future supreme overload.
Reiji: So what's your decision Eve.
_Yui looked at all of them their attention fully focused on her.
"I will choose_______"
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sickficideas · 10 months
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[source: port mafia hot springs cd] chuuya cares about akutagawa so much 🥺 worrying about his health and injuries, bathing him even before knowing his reason for not wanting to 😭 he's so sweet with him
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dawn-in-the--adan · 1 month
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Drama CD Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Append Disc 2
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ryolightswan · 4 months
Oh ye guys I made a video combining the audio & english translation subtitles for Buddy Daddies Drama CD 3 on Youtube!
Third Drama CD Subtitles & Audio by RyolightSwan on Youtube
Ofc I gave credit where it was due, but this is better when ya wanna show it to friends n stuff lmao. Credit below too but its also in the youtube video description! Also two other channels did the same thing for the first TWO translations which I'll link below! First Drama CD Subtitles & Audio by Gandoon on Youtube
Second Drama CD Subtitles & Audio by Cherri on Youtube
Kudouusagi's awesome translations (includes links to the Soundcloud Audio too!)
I wanna also do the fourth CD eventually but it's like longer so it'd take a bit lmao. Hope this is cool when you wanna show the drama CDs translated to friends easily (which is why I made this actually)!
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