notthesomefather · 2 years
what are y'all's thoughts on consent and heathen prayers/rituals?
Let's say person A is sick. You want to pray or do a ritual for person A.
Do you ask permission?
Does your answer change if the person is not a heathen/believer in the old gods?
Does your answer change if the person is not someone you know personally, like if they are a friend's friend or someone you don't know in-person?
Very curious in learning how different heathens approach this.
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upstartcrow1564 · 1 year
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Ok, so here’s a thing. Your inner child, the little one who has been waiting and waiting to be in charge again, is done waiting and has grabbed the wheel. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Follow her (or them or him) and let them lead. Changes are coming and it might be easier to accept them if you approach it all with the innocent wonder and curiousity of a child. You won’t be without aid, and it’s certainly not the end of the road; it’s just a bit of upheaval that’s been needed for awhile to shake the cobwebs out. You’re blessed and watched over so don’t be afraid. Practice welcoming change like a new friend. Engage with it and move toward it. Don’t run and hide. [Image shows the Knight of Voices card from The Muse Tarot, the Norse rune Hagalaz, the Venus of Willendorf charm, the Spiral charm, the Life Preserver charm, the Little Girl charm, and the Rose milagro.] #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #volva #disir #ancestors #seer #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #dailytarot #tarotadvice #divination #divinersofinstagram #charmcasting #TheMuseTarot #TheMusesDarling #witchesofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVZb7ZJGL7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phoenixtatum · 2 years
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honsudoen · 2 years
Cuidados y Riesgos
En un libro sobre el tema, leo: "Las runas descritas aquí son runas reconciliantes y compasivas. No te harán daño alguno". ¿Acaso hay runas buenas y runas malas? No lo creo. El hombre primitivo sentado ante el fuego que lo calentaba y cocía sus alimentos sabía lo peligroso que puede ser éste, y eso se aplica a cualquier fuerza natural, incluídas las runas. La advertencia de Egil Skallagrimsson cuando encuentra a una joven gravemente enferma por un hechizo amoroso mal elaborado, viene al caso: "No grabe runas quien no sepa leerlas, pues son muchos los que yerran al usar los misterios". Entendiendo por "leerlas" comprender su cabal significado.
El conocido cuento de terror de W. W. Jacobs, La Pata de Mono, que aquí resumo, aclarará aun más esto: una pata de mono disecada que concede tres deseos es adquirida por una pareja de esposos que, medio en broma, la pone a prueba solicitándole dinero para pagar una hipoteca. Y les es concedido, pero de terrible manera, pues su hijo muere trágicamente y el seguro asciende al valor de la deuda. Atribulada, la mujer pide entonces que su hijo regrese, y el cadáver maltrecho abandona la tumba para ir a reunírseles; pero antes de que esto ocurra, el marido toma el amuleto e implora como tercer y último deseo que sea devuelto a la tierra.
¿Se trataba de un objeto maléfico? De ningún modo; solo que, carente de la perspectiva y los sentimientos humanos, obró como una fuerza ciega lanzada hacia su objetivo, y si hubo algo reprochable fue la ligereza con que obraron los implicados.
El Havamal advierte: "Es mejor no pedir que prometer por demás, porque un presente requiere otro a cambio. Mejor es no matar que causar demasiadas muertes". Lo primero se refiere a que todo tiene un precio, y lo segundo a lo que podríamos llamar "daños colaterales" cuando utilizamos las runas con fines aviesos. Pero nada de esto debería sorprender o inquietar, pues está claro que son, sencillamente, energías, y todas las advertencias apuntan a hacernos tomar conciencia de ello.
©Darío Restrepo Soto.
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nimblermortal · 7 months
The runes and the runic system, as an eternal expression of world laws, may be constantly put to new uses without in any way violating their timeless and archaic characteristics. Therefore, they are now used in systems of psychological integration and cosmological investigation - both of which are actually firmly based on precepts found in the Eddas.
I've already ranted about how stupid it is to think a few marks are - eternally meaningful in any way. I've feeling relatively tranquil about this for having expressed this. But this claim that psychology and astrophysics are using runes? As a way to, I guess, legitimize whatever the hell this dude is going to say about them?
I guess, if you want to say 'this straight line with a hook on the end is T and appears as a rune, therefore any I-bar is based on the Eddas'
Honestly this is just straightforward chicanery.
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lokasae · 1 year
"We have no historical information about seidr so just do what feels right!"
Seeing this a lot and not only is it wrong in that we actually have quite a bit (with the exception of explicit historical how-to steps) but "what feels right" often ends up being a gross appropriation attempt at pseudo shamanism.
Assuming you're actually aiming for seidr and not.. you know... just spá
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ashsomethingart · 1 month
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Lokabrenna Tarot - Major Arcana 01 - Vitki (The Magician)
Ash Something Art, Adobe Photoshop CC, 2024 10 Hours All art is created by me and is (C) Ash Something Art No AI was used in the creation of this work.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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alu ᚨᛚᚢ
The most common - and most, as is commonly believed, powerful - incantatory rune word. Perhaps it goes back to the most ancient northern European basis al, meaning magic power, magic in general. The magical use of the word was probably very varied. The most general interpretation is as follows - “Dedication; magical power and power; wisdom".
Several modifications of this spell are known; here are some of them: slalu - a variant supplemented by the rune of power and victory; folslalu is a complex variant known from the bracteate from Fakse; halg alu is another complicated variant, the meaning of which is restored with great difficulty.
sar ᛊᚨᚱ
Also a very common sacred word. A possible reconstruction of the meaning is “wandering in search of Power”, which should be understood not only literally, but also figuratively.
auja ᚨᚢᛃᚨ
This word itself means “luck”. The use of this word as an incantation has, accordingly, the purpose of bringing good luck.
gibulauja ᚷᛁᛒᚢᛚᚨᚢᛃᚨ
Complicated version of the previous word. This is a combination of two words meaning “to give good luck” or “to give good luck." It is important that in this version the Gebo rune appears, corresponding to the meaning of the spell as a whole.
laþu ᛚᚨᛒᚢ
A very common incantatory word; the connection of the word with an ancient stem with the meaning of “invitation”, “invocation.” This is one of the sacred words that were part of invoking spells.
laukaz ᛚᚨᚢᚲᚨᛊ
Many researchers associate this sacred word with the ancient scandal laukaz “wild onion”, which was a sacred plant and was revered as having great magical power, mainly of a protective, protective nature. Therefore, the word has a similar direction of action. However, it should be borne in mind that LaukaR is perhaps one of the oldest variants of the name of the rune Laguz, which should also be borne in mind when using this sacred word.
The names of those who practiced the Nordic Tradition also served as words of power: Erilaz - the lord of the runes; Gothi clergyman, priest; Vitki - magician, sorcerer, lord of the runes. Inscriptions - good wishes also have magical properties. The main traditional concepts are the following: Alag, "presence, influence”, Auja- “luck”, Gina- “endowed with divine power” attacks ”.
Ancient Icelandic magic words
keþa (Keþa’s) - “help of the graves” - meaning patrimonial protection
Ale - “beer, full cup” - prosperity
þaliR - “falcon, man” - courage, courage.
hararar - “agile, fast” - speed and strength
baijar - “magic” - magical power
laiþigar- “hatred, trouble” - disgusting
Halar- “stone” - resilience
viðr- “forest” -connection with nature
wiðugastir - “master” - another designation of eril
hús - “house”
ladawarija - “protected by the earth” - protection from the earth (meaning that the spirits of the earth will protect).
lönnruner- “cache of runes” - knowing the secret contained in the runes.
faikinar ist - “visited by witchcraft” - empowered
raunijar - “one who tries” - trying his hand
siklisnahli- “helping fire” - protection of the spirits of fire
teitr- “happy” -happiness, happy
elska - “love, beloved” - understanding, love.
(Adapted from L. Peschel. A Practical Guide to the Runes. St. Paul, 1996) Valknut There are numerous variations of the Valknut, although two specific configurations are by far the most common styles found. The first is the tricursal variant. This features three triangles interlocking with each other, each with their own separate shape. The second variant is unicursal, using a singular line to create the three interconnected triangles.
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freyjas-light · 10 months
hi, I have a question. I just started researching seidr magic and I saw that it is a woman's-only magic/space and that it was a type of magic made for women, is that true? idk if this is bad to say but it would be nice if cis and trans women and afab nb witches had their own space/magic away from men who practice. I just didn't know who to ask, I see you are Norse pagan and witch, and idk if this is a bad POV, and if it is I want to correct myself...
Hey anon! This is a really interesting question so let's get into some facts:
Seidr was just one type of magic practiced during the Viking/Iron age. It is believed that seidr was more focused on prophecy and divination, and was at the time, primarily practiced by Völvas. Seidr is considered to be a way of connecting to the Nornir and accessing the threads of fate (meanwhile, today the term seidr encompasses all types of norse based magic). The connection to weaving could explain why it is believed to be considered a more feminine practice, as men did not learn these skills. Seidr can also be known as Spá/Spae, and while some people believe these are two different types of magic, they both stem from wanting to determine one's fate. The other types of norse magic include Galdr, which included chanting to help raise energy for healing and protection. Historically, it seems that any gender could practice galdr, but it tends to be viewed as the more "masculine" form of magic.
When it comes to practicing these forms of magic, we all know Odin as the defier of these social and gender norms. Odin, ruler of Asgard, does not care about the trivial genders assigned to magic, he just wants to learn, to understand the power that this form of magic holds. And while I know this information about Odin is common knowledge, I feel that it is important to highlight as it shows that rules can be broken, and gender roles do not matter. We also do not have a lot of facts about historical seidr. Most of what we know comes from the sagas, and we have found some grave sites that include distaffs and staffs that can corroborate the information in these stories. But we do not have a lot of information about how seidr was practiced. I feel that this lack of information makes it hard to form solid opinions on what seidr used to be like.
However, the term Völva/Völur is specifically a women-only role. Men could be seidmenn, seidmadr, or vitki, but never a Völva.
In today's society, Norse paganism prides itself on being gender inclusive. Anyone can practice seidr, and there are very few exclusive circles (luckily I've avoided any that might be out there). However I understand your want for a safe space. I find that my local norse pagan community is mostly comprised of males, and that is the reason that I am a solo practicioner. Tumblr is a huge help in finding like-minded, safe people to share my practice with. So while you won't find any gender exclusive magic in the practice of seidr anymore, I hope you can still find a safe space for you to hone your skills and share your thoughts.
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ascendingaeons · 1 month
The Crux of My Journey
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“Mind the lessons of the past, but burden yourself not with the cares of ghosts. They cannot trouble you if you do not embrace them.”
Adept Susan Wylie - “Corridors of Light and Shadow,” Ruby Tablet of Set
“Life is an unfoldment, and the further we travel the more truth we can comprehend. To understand the things that are at our door is the best preparation for understanding those that lie beyond.”
Hypatia of Alexandria
I was seventeen when I began to practice shamanic trance. My shamanic journey began with a dream. In this dream, I was exploring a subterranean necropolis until I came across a door that was not a door. All at once, I found myself in a library that was mine but not mine. It was a sacred space that I was to return to many years later in meditation during my Reiki I° class. But, for the time being, it was an awakening. Before long I discovered the power of movement, rhythm, and vibration in altering states of consciousness. Perhaps it is better to say I remembered.
In my first experience with shamanic trance, I found myself traversing the planes of the classical elements. I trekked across the savannas and mountains of the Plane of Earth. In the twilight of the Plane of Water, I danced with its denizens and came to discern the stagecraft of my Shadow. Within the Plane of Air, I beheld the scions of noetic understanding. Beyond that, I soared through the Plane of Fire, across empyrean skies inflamed and infuriated with an ecstasy that has inspired humanity into madness. Rising beyond I beheld a vast ocean of Stars, glistening souls cast against the inky blackness; such was Quintessence. Unexpectedly, my gaze turned towards the ground far below and I knew I was not to remain. So, I chose to sink back down, away from their radiance. The experience was to come full circle upon meeting my soulmate, for he was the first to encourage me to rise while being the one into whose embrace I would so willingly return.
I experienced the numinous as a visage both black and blinding. This was not experienced through sight as much as it was through being. I was everything and nothing, within and beyond, experiencing the colliding, extravagant cycle of death and rebirth. I came to witness the notion of Self with eyes unclouded. It exists between the framework of what we believe to be ourselves. From this, I came to understand cosmos and psyche in an entirely new light. My eyes were forever opened to the precious potential of humanity and the immortality of consciousness. In terrible darkness can be found numinous light. In my experience, shadow is not inherently deceptive for its very nature is revelation and a light cast upon mirrors creates far greater confusion than one extinguished.
I lived the tale of a being that was once a vitki, a Scandinavian sorcerer, but had aged from knowledge to the point of resembling a withered husk. I experienced a memory of his younger days, traversing a timeworn forest in a relentless thunderstorm. Above me, I saw what I would describe as an anti-sky, as though I was walking through the quagmires of Hel. As I gazed upon those clouds, I bore a deep knowing that they were apertures to Aeons both great and terrible. The skies sang, the earth groaned and so it was until I reached a sanctuary in the form of ancient ruins and the yawing maw of a cave beyond—a sign that for every bright sunrise, there is always another night to be conquered. This was the only spot in the forest that saw sunlight. And so, I beheld what remained of a great temple and in that pristine moment, I knew I stood upon hallowed grounds where the ancients still breathed. Through shamanic flight, I would return to these ruins many years later and into the cave system just beyond. In the heart of the cavern, I would learn the means to reach other territories of Spirit, the first being the sanctum of Sekhmet.
I stood upon an emerald cliff before sapphire shores, the Vanir behind me and the Aesir before me. I witnessed my brothers sail off into the great unknown. Their chants and songs rang out against the billowing winds and raging seas until they disappeared beyond the horizon. I solemnly turned and walked into the ageless groves, away from what was expected of me and into the deep, eternal embrace of the Earth. This would prove to be a lesson of great value, one that would take a great while to learn.
It witnessed a pharaonic funeral with an empty sarcophagus and walked in the body of an embittered, disgraced priest of Aten. I experienced his journey of healing that lasted nearly two decades, far from the glistening sands of his homeland. I witnessed his return to a nation that would not recognize him and walked the hallowed grounds of an overgrown temple where he would offer in sacrifice his divine ka to the Netjeru. In exchange, the old man besought the Two Lands and their people healed and redeemed. As I lived, he spoke, and I recorded what I could.
“The life of a newborn child is not defined by his anthropological sinews, yet he is their herald in flesh irrespective of his desire. As the child learns – no, it would be practical to bestow consideration to chance; should the child learn to use causality as an extension of his Will, so too may he begin to grasp all that has been sacrificed and accomplished just so that he may behold this physical world with his own eyes, touch the elements and treasure the miseries and joys of Love, experience the chemistry of pleasure and pain, glory in his individuality and the ongoing eruptions of Will that light the Universe aflame, and feel the pride swelling in him for the celestial rivers of life that cascade within his veins. Since the first monumental and alchemical sunrise over the Black Lands, known therein as Kemet in aspects both terrestrial and visionary, the Netjeru have erected endless skies and buried them just as effortlessly. Every man and every woman are borne of the Netjeru as flesh and blood.”
We are children of a divided cosmos, saplings conceived by the union of Earth and Sky. We possess the capacity for profound healing but find it to be an unconquerable sun, rejecting the notion that we are, in fact, the very Star we fear to surmount. Our demons are part of us just as much as our dreams. Better they be treated with love and compassion than rejection and infamy. We are capable of such greatness but forget that greatness always begins on one’s own terms.
This year I will turn thirty-five and I can say with confidence that I have only just begun to live. I was born with clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience—the abilities to see, hear, and feel on degrees beyond our dense reality. I like to say that I was born with “one foot in the river;” one step in the foothills of Life and another in the river of Death. I am entirely comfortable with the concept of death as I know it is merely a transition to another state of being. Death is a homecoming, a return to what you always were. I don’t just perceive Spirit, I experience It. For most of my life, I was in denial of that fact, so much that during my first dark night of the soul, I suppressed my gifts altogether and would continue to do so for nearly a decade.
It wasn’t until I found myself in the position to teach, to pass down what experience and wisdom I have attained to someone eager to learn and discover their own Path. I have had a few students but one in particular left an undeniable mark. This apprenticeship wasn’t to last and I soon parted ways with them but with the realization that they had given me a gift—they had reunited me with my Path and Opened the Way. I have since come to learn that this individual was my twin flame; whether or not we cross paths again remains to be seen. Years later, it was in meeting my soulmate that everything that was lost and scattered began to coalesce. When you meet the right person in the right place at the right time, everything stops and a moment in time becomes truly eternal. In that precious moment, another soul becomes a window to our own.
The sum composite of my being exists far beyond this reality, a realization that came later than I would like. My purpose in life is not to grasp such things, for Thou Art That. As much as I love to learn and theorize, I came into this body, first and foremost, to help people. The first way to do this is to be my authentic self. By living in accordance with my True Will, I find myself in a position to master my own existence and in doing so will attract what is in resonance with that. I’ve found this a feat much easier said than done but I have lived its success and thus know it to be true.
The second way is to live as a human being. We do not master ourselves by being perfect for there is no such thing. Our journey of imperfection—of skinned knees, bitter fears, and many, many falls—is meant to help us grow by reminding us in small doses that we are eternal. I haven’t discovered the third way, which I am sure exists, but if the formula rings true, I would imagine it has something to do with one’s unending potential. I am fortunate enough to have experienced the lessons afforded to me. In the final analysis, they were just that: things that happened for me rather than to me. I am not always able to maintain that outlook but the fact that I can at all tells me that I have grown.
There emanates a fundamental duality from the heart of the cosmos. The resonance of its heartbeat touches every particle, every antiparticle, all notions of gravitation and expulsion finding themselves awash in the grace of the First Energy. We’ve given that primordial spark many names throughout civilization but the most endearing one can be the easiest to forget when its wisdom is needed the most: Love.
We only have so much time incarnate on this Earth. A third of the way through this life, I now stand at the beginning of a grand, new adventure. I choose to make the most of this life. What makes this easier for me will not work for others. Find what works for you, my friend, and embrace life.
Image is Life Journey #2 by PsychoShadow ART
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notthesomefather · 2 years
"The dead speak 
And want to love us;
The dead speak
And want to touch:
Through the ages
All our ancestors
Reach past veils
And times
To teach us much.
Do not shirk
The warm embrace
Of cold hands
Reaching from the earth…"
Excerpt from Connla Freyjason’s “Blessings of Fire and Ice,” pg. 253 / May 20
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upstartcrow1564 · 1 year
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We continue into Pisces Season today even though we’re surrounded by all the other elements: air, earth, and fire all blend here, ungracefully at times, clashing madly for our attention and we do what we can — both to help those we love (and strangers too) and to make the cacophony stop. There comes a time though when we need to start listening for ourselves. All the work we’ve done, all the study we’ve put in, everything we’ve denied ourselves in service to the mysteries, all this must stop. Hold everything. The floodgates are open now so use your discernment to slow it all down. Take advantage of the Sacred Pause this delay represents. There is another mystery rising and no amount of study will reveal it to you. [Image shows the 3 of Emotions card from The Muse Tarot, the Norse rune Isa, the “OPEN” Plaque charm, the Ax charm, the Crossroads Sign charm, the Lilies charm, the Gemini charm, the Rose milagro, the Norse rune Gar, the Fan Richard, the Howling Wolf charm, the Katana charm, the Open Book charm, and the Sewing Machine charm.] #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #volva #disir #ancestors #seer #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #dailytarot #tarotadvice #divination #divinersofinstagram #charmcasting #TheMuseTarot #TheMusesDarling #witchesofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNkKzvrzZw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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survivethejive · 2 years
Some words for male Germanic practitioners of magic.
Old Norse:
Vitki "sorcerer" "wise man" from vitugr "clever, having wit"
Old English:
galdorcræftiga literally "crafter of galdor/gealdor (spells)" = "wizard, enchanter, sorcerer" galere, wyrmgalere, galdorgalere "wizard, snake charmer, enchanter" Drýmann  "sorcerer" Lyblæca  "wizard" Scinnlæca "necromancer"
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nimblermortal · 7 months
"Oh, he's going to acknowledge the association between Nazis and runes," I thought, naively. "Get that disavowal out of the way early and -"
"The beginning rune vitki of today may take some strange comfort from the fact that the runes did not continue to show themselves to be such potent symbols in the twentieth century!"
Holy shit, your conclusion is that we should be grateful the Nazis did not do more rune magic???
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seooptimizacija · 10 months
Lice iza tipkovnice
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SEO – lice iza tipkovnice
Scenario - lice iza tipkovnice Stan je polumračan osim svjetla s prijenosnog računala dok se vitki prsti vješto pomiču po tipkovnici. Prozor s njezine desne strane malo je otvoren i buka grada je dobrodošla usred prethodno tihe sobe. Kratko putovanje kroz favorite i internetska postaja počinje puštati glazbu dok ona šeta do svoje omiljene tražilice i upisuje pojam za pretraživanje za liniju kozmetike koju je vidjela u trgovačkom centru. Popis stranica koje sadrže proizvod je impresivan pa ona klikne na prvu stranicu dok pjevuši uz pjesmu koju je čula desetke puta. Ne može baš pronaći ono što joj treba pa dvaput klikne gumb za povratak i počne tražiti drugo mjesto. Proletjela je još nekoliko stranica prije nego što je naišla na onu koja ima neke članke koji se bave proizvodom. "Idemo", kaže dok se ponovno namješta na kauču i proučava informacije. Ona čita izjave i podatke o praktičnoj upotrebi. Ona otkriva neke od razloga zašto je ovaj proizvod drugačiji od većine ostalih dostupnih kozmetičkih proizvoda. Zadovoljna je onim što vidi. Uzima mobitel i zove najbolju prijateljicu. Govori svojoj prijateljici o kozmetici koju su vidjele u trgovačkom centru i što je saznala. Na kraju razgovora ona izreže i zalijepi vezu na stranicu u e-poruci i pošalje je. I njena prijateljica je zainteresirana. Slični se scenariji događaju gotovo svake minute u danu. Ljudi žele znati koliko znate o proizvodu koji prodajete. Ako ne mogu pronaći informacije na vašem web-mjestu, dovoljno je samo nekoliko klikova i prijeći će na sljedeće web-mjesto. Ovi vam potrošači možda neće namjerno zamjeriti, ali će vas vrlo brzo zaboraviti ako im se čini da im ne možete pomoći. Ne samo da je web-sadržaj važan za zadržavanje korisnika, već je važan i za strategije optimizacije za tražilice (SEO).Stvarni ljudi iza računalnih monitora Ponekad oni koji se bave internetskim marketingom zaborave stvarne ljude iza računalnih monitora koji traže pristup informacijama koje im možemo pružiti. O njima razmišljamo u smislu pukih brojeva. Ovaj je članak napisan u pokušaju da se stvori praktična slika u umovima vlasnika internetskih tvrtki koji se obraćaju ženama koje traže kozmetiku. I roditeljima koji traže određeni prsten za zube za izbirljivu bebu, tinejdžeru koji traži majice. Možda tipu koji jednostavno nije uspio pronaći pravi alat ili zreloj odrasloj osobi koja traži informacije o mogućnostima ulaganja u mirovinu.Internet se može činiti vrlo bezličnim. Ali ne zaboravite da iza svake narudžbe stoji lice. I ljudi ne žele samo vaš proizvod, oni žele znati sve o vašem proizvodu. I također žele znati mogu li vam vjerovati. Ako mogu, vjerojatno će se vratiti i možda će dovesti nekoliko prijatelja. Ako ne mogu, neće se vratiti. Read the full article
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hesy-bes · 1 year
O’ Wandering Wizards,
Weaving your way across the Nine Worlds,
I call to you.
My seax is raised, ready to reap
the sacrifices which I offer to you.
Teach me in tutelage
the wisdoms of the Runes,
and guide my hand
in future workings.
For you are the One-Eyed Wanderer,
Guide of Vitkis,
to you I hail.
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