#war of the obelisk
monpalace · 10 months
We switching it up and going with warriors 😌😌
Ive been wanting to do a headcanon list thing on this BUT ILL JUST SHARE IT HERE SO IT MAY BE OUT IN THE AETHER!
Warriors with a magical Seamstress s/o! We all know that magical outfits/colthes GOTTA come from somewhere, and most of the time its from magical items/items with special properties that are fused with the clothing.
But! What happens when one is able to fuse magic to the fabric itself? Everything row of cotton imbedded with arcane properties? It can turn a simple clothe into armour that reveals the durability of a full set of plated armour.
You, being one of the first to prefect this technique, have been assigned the duty to work alongside the army to help protect their soldiers! You spend day in and day out magically sewing and stitching their ragged clothes together. Even though the work itself was tiring, you couldn’t help yourself when adding some…flare to their less than appealing tunics. (Now, you didn’t bury them in glitter or make it impractical just….well….they didn’t look like potato sacks any more!)
During your time with the army, you quickly made your way through each battalion, leaving each better and safer than before.
But one captain did catch your attention. One that worry a darling blue scarf and a eye catching green tunic with a matching hat! Link, the hero of courage, was a bit skeptical of you at first but quickly warmed up once he heard stories of how your magic saved dozens of his brothers in arms.
this is a sign i need to continue my journey of 100% both 2014 and 2020 hw
anyways very scattered thoughts because i just woke up 😋
of course he had heard of the alleged seamstress who created and curated each of the soldiers uniforms with their own two hands. he had always heard his brothers sing their praises when it'd saved them from a close call with a aerolfos, how it had helped them with chronic pains from various reasons, and how it even helped their stamina, agility, etc, etc.
when he received his iconic tunic, cap, and scarf from the princess and pulled the master sword from its pedestal, he figured that would be it for any changes to his outfit, gear, and whatever else zelda and impa thought best he have for any battle.
it was not.
upon finding that his legendary tunic had been snagged during a fight (he didn't even know which one), he was suggested to give the seamstress a visit. he was told it wouldn't even be a ten minute visit, but he pushes the thought to the side because didn't want to add onto the pile of thousands of other uniforms they have to make and fix.
it gets to a point that impa has to step in because of reasons unknown to him (he suspects it's because she thinks "sloppy clothes leads to sloppy fighting," or something) and finally complies.
upon arriving at the seamstress' quarters (which was further from the main/major areas of the castle than you would think), he's met with fabric insanity.
on one end of the room, it's scraps and unfinished outfits, some with designs and words painted on link can't understand; the other looks like some sort of chamber with dummies paired with blast marks surrounding the area to go with them.
he's not comforted.
there was no one immediately visible in the room and he doesn't know if he wants to investigate further or just leave as everything as it is (he didn't want to risk one of the many mountains of fabric toppling over and crushing him).
he only gets the courage to take another few steps into the room when he hears speaking deeper inside.
nothing said was in his dictionary. was it the language of the words on the clothes?
you don't jump when his head peers around a corner— you must be used to people showing up out of nowhere— and continue to speak in the foreign language, hands still painting on the fabric.
he waits until you finish to take his tunic from where it was tucked in his pants, hands already moving to find the hole so he can push his finger through as proof.
you'd be stupid to not recognize the tunic in his hand.
the glint in your eyes is not something link wants to see (he had seen enough of those in cia and volga, though contrasting greatly in reason and effect), but he knows you're supposed to help him so he looks past it.
just this once (and not for the rest of their future, he swears).
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Dunno why but I really enjoy getting up to this spot while waiting on people for boneskinner. I guess it makes me feel tall
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gregdotorg · 1 year
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seeing photos of Barnett Newman's Broken Obelisk being installed reminded me of this 1980 photo I bought and then never posted, because it just seemed like fuel on the fire, but the fire's been stoked plenty without it, and it feels dishonest to not point out that there were white supremacist nazis in Houston in 1979, and that no one, probably including the deMenils who commissioned him, knew Philip Johnson was a nazi too.
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badlibbing · 1 year
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(countdown timer and digger image courtesy of JellyNeo)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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The Battle of Paoli (also known as the Battle of Paoli Tavern or the Paoli Massacre) was a battle in the Philadelphia campaign of the American Revolutionary War fought on September 20, 1777.
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baeshijima · 2 years
I tried out Lord of Heroes cause I saw your posts and I am hAVING SO MUCH FUN PLAYING IT!!! I don't usually play turn based games but for some reason this one got me and the cHARACTERS AND THE STORY?!?? THEY'RE SO COOL?!?? 😍😍 Thank you very much for this wonderful game recommendation I shall treasure it wholeheartedly 😌😍
aND UR SO RIGHT !!! honestly when i first saw this game back in. what. 2020??? 2019??? idfk. bUT the art and graphics is initially what drew me in, but then i started playing it and hhhh all the characters have their own personality and as u progress through the normal, hard, and extreme modes,,,, things get wild lemme tell u that now ;w;
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mystarwarsthoughts · 2 years
My Entertainment Weekend Update: What I've been up to
My Entertainment Weekend Update: What I’ve been up to
Hello friends, and happy weekend! I’ve been away for awhile. My 86-year-old mom, who broke her hip some six weeks ago, passed away on Oct. 3rd. It was a fairly quick, but painful, decline, and it was the most difficult time of my life (and I’ve been through some stuff). I needed some time to process everything and grieve, and while that will continue for a long while yet, part of me knew that I…
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mboorman · 16 days
Northampton Cenotaph
The focus for this article is a Lutyens memorial in Northampton, unveiled in 1926. Read more here
This memorial in Northampton’s town centre comprises a Stone of Remembrance which is flanked either side by tall obelisks of Portland stone, situated in a garden adjoining the churchyard of All Saints’ Church. Stone of Remembrance, flanked by two obelisks The town’s first memorial was a temporary wooden cenotaph which was erected in Abington Street, Northampton in July 1919, pending a decision…
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mangor · 4 months
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... .|. ...
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sillyromantic4ever · 10 months
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Chapter XXIV: "Burying the Past" from Beneath the Armor
Just a reminder: In my Mandalorian Legacy Series, Jedi Master Zebedee Asher is portrayed by Steve Kazee.
And here's an example of an obelisk monument. I had used the above picture as a frame of reference while I wrote this chapter.
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28495434/chapters/123592702
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Across the Obelisk brings in new chapter
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The Wolf Wars new story pack release for Across the Obelisk on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. This is once again due to the creative work of developer Dreamsite Games. Available now on Steam. Paradox Interactive, a publisher and developer you’ve dealt with before, today released The Wolf Wars. This is also a new Story Pack for Across the Obelisk. The dynamic deckbuilding rogue-lite RPG developed by Dreamsite Games. The Wolf Wars features a new zone, character, pet, and new hero skins for players. All due to unlock as you play a new chapter set ten years prior to the events of the original game.
Across the Obelisk: The Wolf Wars DLC Release Trailer
Across the Obelisk tests players to create a party from a diverse set of characters. All due to engage in tactical card-based combat. While you find a unique path across a world that changes in reaction to their decisions. Playable alone or with up to three friends. Across the Obelisk offers a different experience with each playthrough. All thanks to its branching world paths and highly customizable heroes. While offering hundreds of different cards with variable upgrades, and much more. In the game’s first Story Pack, The Wolf Wars, features include:
Live the Tale of the Wolf Wars: Play through a completely new independent zone depicting Senenthia from the past. Travel back ten years and live the tale of the legendary Wolf Wars. Take on events and fight together with the team of heroes that took part in the war. Choose different paths in order to reach the final goal of the war.
New Character and Pet: When you have completed the Wolf Wars story, none other than Yogger will be unlocked as a new playable character. You will also be able to unlock the new pet, the wolf cub Wolfy!
New Hero Skins: While playing the story of the Wolf Wars you will face several heroes in their younger days. Completing their events will unlock new skins for them. A total of five new skins and events are included.
The Wolf Wars story pack is available on Steam for Across the Obelisk. Priced at $9.99 USD / £8.50 / 9,75€. Along with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. The base game is available on both Steam and Humble Store. Priced at $13.99 USD / £11.89 / 13,99€.
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russianreader · 2 years
I'm Staying
I’m Staying
Gray cat, on right: “Tamara! We forgot the fish!” Goldfish, on left: “We’re staying…” I’M STAYING, 27 AUGUST, 8:00 P.M. WRITE TO SASHA @arossius Six months ago, my friends started leaving Russia. More and more loved ones ended up far, far away from me. I had to make a difficult decision. Did want to leave with the others, or should I stay in Russia? After much thought, I came to the conclusion…
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wynnyfryd · 2 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 59
part 1 | part 58 | ao3
cw: canon-typical horror/gore (like for real this time), emetophobia, reference to minor character death. ty to @thisapplepielife for indulging my weirdly specific research about headstones
Steve tries to follow her — gets shot down before he even gets within speaking range, Max shouting at him to give her a minute the second she spots him coming over the hill. He backs off, hands raised in surrender, and then…
Well, then he’s already out of the car.
Well then his feet know where to take him.
His dad’s grave isn’t far. Maybe a football field away, close enough that he’ll be able to hear it if Max calls for help. He moves toward it without thought, his legs carrying him past simple overgrown markers in the oldest part of the park — crumbling remnants of civil war soldiers, farmers and shopkeepers and factory workers, people who worked the mines, people who died before his grandfather was born. People who might have been loved once, before time and moss and water stripped their names off of the stones.
Up the next slope, the markers get more elaborate, shift from bronze to granite to marble, to monuments and mausoleums and a fucking obelisk; ostentatious displays of the town’s oldest money. The coal barons, the oil tycoons. Rotten bastards, Wayne might say.
The Harringtons aren't that rich. They're further down the hill in a neatly manicured row of Indiana limestone; fresh flowers on each grave, the weeds plucked, the grass trimmed.
Dad's buried right next to Grandpa Otis.
It almost looks nice.
Crisp, clean, dry. Nothing to suggest the messy wet red of his father's demise. Steve shoves his hands in his front pockets and steps up to his dad's plot, toes the edge of it, the rounded lump of earth, sparse grass and loose soil where his father's bones are laid. The ground gives a little under his weight, the dirt compacting. Could he dig this up with just his hands? Could he claw through until he reached the bottom, pry open the box and peer inside? Unbidden, the image forms in his mind: worm food and rot, half a man left inside, somehow still frowning in disappointment with his jaw bone shining clean.
Steve's stomach turns. A sick shiver runs through him, saliva flooding his mouth, sweat beading at his hair line.
This isn't right.
Something's not right.
There's a sudden chill in the air, frigid wind carrying a smell like roadkill in the summer — heat wafting from the pavement, death clogging up his throat. Steve covers his nose and wills his shoulders down from his ears; tries to mutter words of comfort to himself under his breath. “Just a graveyard, Steve. Just a totally… normal…”
Ice on the back of his neck. Steve tenses every muscle, turns his good ear toward the sound of whatever's creeping up on him; something taller than him, something slithering and wet, its rasping rattles of frozen breath sending goosebumps down Steve's arms. His hands twitch inside his pockets.
Then, a voice — a voice that isn’t his, that can’t be anyone’s, because the man it belonged to is dead. “That Munson boy was right about you."
Steve can't fucking breathe. Dark clouds roll in around him, violent as a blooming bruise, and that voice behind him echoes — distorted, vicious; hungry.
"You are a black hole."
Steve grabs two fistfuls of his own hair and tugs; wills the pain to dispel the nightmare, his eyes swimming from the sting.
The thing behind him laughs. "Look how you ruined your mother," it snarls. "Look how you tore her apart.”
"Shut up!" Steve barks with his hands over his ears.
“Steve…” The voice deepens, beckons, thick with malice and rot. Steve slowly turns to face it, trembling all over, pulse thudding in his ears, and his shoes squelch in the dirt, and when he looks down he sees that the dirt has turned to mud that now turns to oozing red, a viscous river beneath his feet, flowing up over his ankles, pouring from his father's grave. And there, in front of him, a mangled remnant stands. The ruined corpse of Richard Harrington, his skin shriveled and gray, the torn parts of him held together by his clothes. There’s a hole in his torso where the exposed ribs glint like knives.
Steve throws up on himself.
The ground gives way beneath him, goes spongy like rotting meat, and the thing wearing his dad's face cackles as Steve sinks into the earth, the grave swallowing him whole, up to his calves, his knees, his thighs. "Join me," it offers, lipless smile full of teeth.
The glamor peels back to reveal a monster underneath, its scarred skin crawling in mucus-coated vines; naked, long-limbed, stitched together with burnt flesh.
Steve screams as he scrambles for purchase, up to his hips now in the muck, his feet on the lid of his dad's casket. He claws blindly at the loose ground but it’s all thick and wet with red, and the air itself is red; blood in the sky, in his eyes, in his lungs. He's going to die here. The voice tells him so. It's in his head now, a bellowing echo as the monster draws near, one hideous hand outstretched, an all-consuming join me, join me, JOIN ME—
Max shouts directly in his face, shaking him hard by both shoulders where they're crouched on the cool ground, Kate Bush leaking from the headphones slung around her neck. Steve gives a startled shout and jerks back out of her grip, falling hard on his ass, landing harder on his elbows.
The world shifts back to blue. To dry, clean grass. To breathable air.
Steve pants up at the sky. His shirt clings to him where he's soaked it through with sweat. When Max offers him a hand, he stands on shaky legs, looks at the ground beneath his feet and screams again, scurrying back until his ass hits a stranger's headstone.
There’s a dent in the earth where he was standing. A smudge of packed dirt where he really did sink in. Steve stares at it; feels it reaching out for him, the dark patch thudding like a heart beat, spreading out like snaking vines.
He clutches at his heaving chest. Max’s eyes are huge on him.
"Okay, what the fuck?" she begs.
"What the fuck yourself!"
No heat behind the words, but they burn him, anyway, pushed out on a weak gasp. Is this what she was talking about? Is this what she calls nothing?
This doesn't feel like fucking nothing.
“Shit," she says, and her eyes go even wider. Steve can see the veins in them. "Shit, Steve, your nose…”
He swipes his arm across his face.
It comes back red.
part 60
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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vintagerpg · 2 months
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This is I11: Needle (1987), a reworked tournament module by Frank Mentzer. It features pregenerated characters named the Ghost, Blaze, Finder, Blondy, Slim and Smiley. There is at least one stealth Star Wars quote. The players need to go into a jungle to get a weird obelisk, haul the thing back, then explore the moon the obelisk teleports them too. The first part is a pretty typical hex crawl, albeit punctuated with puzzles and high strangeness. The third part is a dungeon crawl. The dungeon crawl sure is odd (it ends with a confrontation with “Tiamat” and no, I am not going to explain that further) but it is the middle part that I think is the most interesting.
The middle part is the hauling of the obelisk back to the king who wanted it found (its not an obelisk, its actually a gigantic piece of tech). This is sort of a nightmare logistical puzzle, involving lots of NPCs sailing to the obelisk, taking it down, packing it up and hauling it back. Things need to be built. Like roads. And a raft (the thing is hollow and will float). That means lumber. Which means upsetting the natives, who are bullywugs and grippli, locked in rivalry with each other. The whole thing plays out across two months of daily events, which feels like a novel sort of slog. I’d definitely enjoy playing this — there are all sorts of opportunities for things to just go entirely off the rails.
Clyde Caldwell cover art. I don’t love it, but I honestly think that is because it was recycled for the 2E Rogues Gallery, a book I loathe. The interiors are by Doug Chaffee, who I don’t know. They feel like run of the mill late-‘80s D&D illustrations.
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callmearcturus · 26 days
Paradise Killer is 6 dollars on Steam until May 16 and I am here to hard sell you all on it because it's one of the best games I've ever played.
I'm gonna go beyond giving you a bunch of punchy keywords and telling you it's queer as hell and making meme-y jokes, and I'm going to actually tell you what this game is.
Mechanically, Paradise Killer is an open-world murder mystery. There is zero combat but a lot of exploration of a very unique location. The majority of your time is going to be walking about Paradise 24, looking for people to discuss the case with and for clues that are scattered around the world.
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One of the most interesting concepts in Paradise Killer that is both mechanical and narrative is deciding What Is Your Truth? What Is A Truth And What Is A Fact? From the moment you start the game proper, you can turn 180 degrees and begin the trial and decide who the killer is, before talking to anyone about the case.
For example, getting into the actual crime scene takes a lot of puzzle solving to unlock the sealed room where the victims were killed. But maybe instead of examining the crime scene, you talk to everyone on the island and think you have a good idea of what happened.
Meaning: It is perfectly valid to decide you have the answer to the mystery and just go complete the trial whenever you personally are ready. YOU decide when this ends.
Which frankly I think is a cool-as-fuck concept. Also, I fully believe if three different people find EVERY CLUE and talk to EVERY SUSPECT and hear EVERY PIECE OF EVIDENCE.... they might decide on three different truths entirely. And THAT to me is ingenious mechanical design I have not seen anywhere else in a video game.
Okay let's stop burying the lede and talk about the world of Paradise Killer.
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The non-batshit version:
Paradise Killer takes place on a big, beautiful island, the 24th Paradise. The architecture is a delightful mix of black obsidian obelisks, brutalist monuments, opal crystals to slumbering alien gods, garden paths, luxury yachts, and a whole lot of gold and neon.
Neo-occultist urban residential vaporwave-core. If you are like me, you will be taking a lot of screenshots. My wallpaper on my computer is Paradise Killer.
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Your interactions with the cast are done in visual novel-style, though I feel I have to shout out this isn't your stock Ren'py UI experience. Every single aspect of the way the game looks compounds the vibes even further.
And the characters are infuckingcredible.
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(Notice the different font? This game has A FUCKTON OF ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS, including dyslexic font options.)
Sammy Day Break, born under the sign of Shadow Zero, is the local distillery and bartender for the Syndicate. Talk to him about what's unique about the whiskey he's made on Paradise 24, or about the good old days of the Syndicate.
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Is Doctor Doom Jazz, born under the sign of Cosmic Deceit, really that carefree about what happened? Is his willingness to rekindle his fling with Lady Love Dies just a diversion to hide something? Well, he's one of the most cooperative witnesses on the Island.
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Crimson Acid has been through a helluva lot since the last time she saw Love Dies. Blessed by the gods with her stunning rack (of horns! OF HORNS!), she's become quite the idol now. So why is she also an information broker? And can you figure out what her true feelings for Love Dies are?
Between all of these conversations, you can explore the island and collect RELICS and BLOOD CRYSTALS (the local currency) and CITY POP SONGS.
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Okay so the Slightly Batshit Version:
Shinji: The Syndicate worships alien gods who want to drown the world in war and blood. Lady Love Dies: I don't see how that makes us the bad guys.
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You are LADY LOVE DIES, born under the sign KISS ME TO THE MOON, the INVESTIGATION FREAK. She was exiled to the Idle Lands several cycles ago for falling prey to the seduction of the god Damned Harmony and endangering the entire Syndicate. Only now, with the death of the Council on the eve of Paradise 25, is Love Dies summoned back to solve the murder.
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The Syndicate are a group of functionally immortal humans from all across history who are trying to create the perfect bubble of reality, their utopic Paradise where they can safely revive their dead gods. They were granted many powers and boons by their first god, Silent Goat, and hope through rescuing more gods they will grow in power.
How do you create a bubble of reality to do all this totally ethical shit? Easy! You abduct a bunch of normie humans to live on your island to use as a mass sacrifice to generate energy to fuel the creation of each Paradise. If only the outsiders would stop getting in the way!
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Paradise Killer's world is delightfully out of its goddamn mind and half of the fun of the game is just picking up little nuggets of information about each member of the Syndicate, the gods, why each Paradise failed (there was an outbreak of vampirism that took out like three of the Paradises???), and just the way this universe works.
Okay this post is already too long but I'm begging you all to give Paradise Killer a chance. It's gorgeous, it's funny, it's mechanically really interesting, it's chill as hell, it has an incredible soundtrack,
and you should try it.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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The Battle of Paoli (also known as the Battle of Paoli Tavern or the Paoli Massacre) was a battle in the Philadelphia campaign of the American Revolutionary War fought on September 20, 1777,
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