#we are not all that distant from 1821
loneberry · 1 year
“If it is the fulfillment of man’s primordial dreams to be able to fly, travel with the fish, drill our way beneath the bodies of towering mountains, send messages with godlike speed, see the invisible and hear the distant speak, hear the voices of the dead, be miraculously cured while asleep, see with our own eyes how we will look twenty years after our death, learn in flickering nights thousands of things above and below this earth no one ever knew before; if light, warmth, power, pleasure, comforts, are man’s primordial dreams, then present-day research is not only science but sorcery, spells woven from the highest powers of heart and brain, forcing God to open one fold after another of his cloak; a religion whose dogma is permeated and sustained by the hard, courageous, flexible, razor-cold, razor-keen logic of mathematics.
“Of course there is no denying that all these primordial dreams appear, in the opinion of nonmathematicians, to have been suddenly realized in a form quite different from the original fantasy. Baron Münchhausen’s post horn was more beautiful than our canned music, the Seven-League Boots more beautiful than a car, Oberon’s kingdom lovelier than a railway tunnel, the magic root of the mandrake better than a telegraphed image, eating of one’s mother’s heart and then understanding birds more beautiful than an ethologic study of a bird’s vocalizing. We have gained reality and lost dream. No more lounging under a tree and peering at the sky between one’s big and second toes; there’s work to be done. To be efficient, one cannot be hungry and dreamy but must eat steak and keep moving. It is exactly as though the old, inefficient breed of humanity had fallen asleep on an anthill and found, when the new breed awoke, that the ants had crept into its bloodstream, making it move frantically ever since, unable to shake off that rotten feeling of antlike industry. There is really no need to belabor the point, since it is obvious to most of us these days that mathematics has taken possession, like a demon, of every aspect of our lives. Most of us may not believe in the story of a Devil to whom one can sell one’s soul, but those who must know something about the soul (considering that as clergymen, historians, and artists they draw a good income from it) all testify that the soul has been destroyed by mathematics and that mathematics is the source of an evil intelligence that while making man the lord of the earth has also made him the slave of his machines. The inner drought, the dreadful blend of acuity in matters of detail and indifference toward the whole, man’s monstrous abandonment in a desert of details, his restlessness, malice, unsurpassed callousness, money-grubbing, coldness, and violence, all so characteristic of our times, are by these accounts solely the consequence of damage done to the soul by keen logical thinking! Even back when Ulrich first turned to mathematics there were already those who predicted the collapse of European civilization because no human faith, no love, no simplicity, no goodness, dwelt any longer in man. These people had all, typically, been poor mathematicians as young people and at school. This later put them in a position to prove that mathematics, the mother of natural science and grandmother of technology, was also the primordial mother of the spirit that eventually gave rise to poison gas and warplanes.
“The only people who actually lived in ignorance of these dangers were the mathematicians themselves and their disciples the scientists, whose souls were as unaffected by all this as if they were racing cyclists pedaling away for dear life, blind to everything in the world except the back wheel of the rider ahead of them.”
—Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities
(Bold emphasis mine.)
Read this absolutely brutal Musil passage soon after joking to my lover: You mathematicians are the unacknowledged legislators of the world! (An obvious reference to Shelley’s 1821 dictum that "poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.”) 
This passage is for all of you out there who are suffering from AI vertigo. They say generative AI will make humans more “efficient.” What is all this efficiency for? Technology has been evolving at breakneck speed since the industrial revolution and we are still working just as long and hard. Efficiency has become our bondage.
Also... What the fuck does "eating of one’s mother’s heart and then understanding birds" mean? Love it, especially after reading about heart eating in medieval literature...
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josefavomjaaga · 10 months
A road accident
There are several reports about Napoleon in his youth occasionally playing the coachman, which resulted in some severe accidents. The “Cahiers” of Brun de Villeret also contain a similar event, but with Soult on the coach box and happening much later, after the Empire, in 1825 under the Bourbon regime.
By this time, both men had mostly retired to their natal villages, Brun to Villeret close to Malzieu in the Lozère, and Soult to Saint-Amans in the Tarn. Brun, never very wealthy, was looking for means to improve his finances and considered starting a manufactury in his hometown. For that purpose, he visited with the Soults for six weeks. Soult in 1821 had sold his luxurious (and much beloved) country estate from the time of the Empire, Villeneuve l’Étang, to the Duchess of Angouleme and had apparently successfully invested that money in several factories in the South. After Brun had had everything shown to him by his old marshal in detail, he thought about setting off for his home again.
I was about to bid farewell to my hosts and their pleasant valley of Saint-Amans, when I found myself detained by an accident which almost cost the life of myself and the Duke of Dalmatia.
He had offered to take me to Mazamet in a tilbury that he drove himself.
Mazamet being a small town about 10 kms from Saint-Amans, where Soult had founded and continued to encourage the foundation of several manufactories (quite a novelty in that poor, mostly agricultural region).
And a tilbury being a carriage, known for its light build and excellent springs, and looking like this:
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He was chatting absent-mindedly, and all of a sudden he slammed into one of those enormous marble milestones that mark the leagues in the south of France. The elasticity of the springs threw us both into the air at a height of more than eight feet. The marshal fell two toises [1 toise = ~2 m] from the carriage and was struck down: one whole side of his right thigh turned as black as his hat. As for me, my destination was less distant, and I found myself astride the edge of the tilbury, one leg in the carriage, and the other engaged between the wheel, the frame, the axle and the footboard. My foot reached the ground, but the carriage had not tipped over and the horse had resumed its very brisk pace. And the wheel, rubbing against my leg, was causing me such pain that I had every reason to fear that it would shatter it. However, I tried to free myself and when I succeeded, I found myself with several abrasions and my boot all torn. I had covered more than five hundred toises without being able to stop the horse, as the reins, having escaped from the marshal, had gone forward. By stretching out I managed to catch them again. When I was clear, I went to find my travelling companion who was hobbling along behind me, leaning on his piqueur.
Who apparently also had been of the party and had been thrown off? Seems a bit weird on a single horse… Not sure if there is another possible translation. Or maybe the man had followed them on horseback?
On our way home, we were supposed to attend a big dinner party and, concealing our accident, we began to brace ourselves. But our paleness and suffering gave away our secret. It was suggested that we go to bed and, for my part, I was very happy to return to my bed and my appartment.
So, the two dignified gentlemen, after having almost gotten themselves killed, pretend that all is fine and nothing happened and are immediately found out – by Madame Soult, I presume? 😁
Who then sends them to bed. Without dinner.
I feel like Brun phrased that “for my part, I was happy”, deliberately like that 😁. Monsieur le Maréchal who had managed to overlook a huge road sign may for once have been at the receiving end of a lecture.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Happy Fourth of July! 
This is the Dunlap Broadside, the first printed version of the Declaration of Independence.  
File Unit: Rough Journals, 9/5/1774 - 3/2/1789
Series: Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774 - 1789
Record Group 360: Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention, 1765 - 1821
A  D E C L A R A T I O N
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them
with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of
Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them
to the Separation.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the fame Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.
         HE has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good.
         HE has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
         HE has refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation of large Districts of People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only.
         HE has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole Purpose of fatiguing them into Compliance with his Measures.
         HE has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People.
         He has refused for a long TIME, after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from without, and Convulsions within.
         HE has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
         HE has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.
         HE has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries.
         HE has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their Substance.
         HE has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislatures.
         HE has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
         HE has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of
pretended Legislation:
         FOR quartering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us:
         FOR protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
         FOR cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World:
         FOR imposing Taxes on us without our Consent;
         FOR depriving us, in may Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury:
         FOR transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended Offences:
         FOR abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, fo
as to render it at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the fame absolute Rule into these Colonies:
         FOR taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
         FOR suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.
         HE has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
         HE has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People
         HE is, at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with cir-
cumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation.
         HE has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the Executioners of their Friends and
Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
         HE has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose
known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
         IN every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms:  Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeat-
ed Injury.  A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be Ruler of a free People.
         NOR have we been wanting in Attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of Attempts by their Legislature to extend an
unwarrantable Jurisdiction over us.  We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here. We have appealed to their native
Justice and Magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations, which, would inevitable interrupt our
Connections and Correspondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and Consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which
denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.
         WE, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in GENERAL CONGRESS, Assembled, ap-
pealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, so-
lemnly Publish and Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES; that they are
absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dis-
solved; and that as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish
Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of right do.  And for the support of this Declaration, with a
firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
Signed by ORDER and in BEHALF of the CONGRESS,
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fabien-euskadi · 3 years
Should a tall girl date a shorter man (how gender roles are more difficult to kill than you may think)?
Imagine a straight couple (this would not work with a same-sex couple, and, soon, you shall understand why).
 Both of them are madly in love with each other. Their personalities are a match made in Heaven, and they are the perfect couple, for they are both the best friends and the greatest lovers. Suddenly, you realize their souls have been searching for each other for aeons, and now, at last, after countless lives (and deaths), they are together.
 Everything is devastatingly flawless, blessed... or not?
 Well, you see...
 There is an elephant in the room. A big one.
 She is a rather tall girl - significantly taller than him, I should mention.
 I know, technically, there is nothing wrong about it... except there is. Everything is wrong, wrong, wrong. Mostly because there is a social convention that says that, in a romantic couple, under any circumstances the girl may be taller than the boy. Forget everything else that I said about hearts and souls and perfect matches - the man must be taller, full stop.
 You may try to ignore this unofficial rule and quote Virgil: “Omnia vincit Amor”. But no, you know that every single person will point out that there is a height difference between the boy and the girl, and no one will have nice words to say about that body discrepancy.
 Your love is doomed. Love conquers all, except height differences.
 Answer me honestly, hand in heart:
 If you are a girl, would you date a boy that is smaller than you?
 If you are a boy, would you date a girl that is taller than you?
 That’s exactly the point. Gender roles are far from being extinct. Many steps have been given in order to approach genders, but there is still a lot to be done. And the height difference will be, probably, the last one to fall - I bet that you can accept more easily a man with high heels and lipstick than a girl that is taller than her boyfriend/husband. There is still an ancient ghost that says that the male must be taller, so he can protect his fragile female.
 Gender roles won't fall easily. We are all full of prejudice. Shut up: we are.
 Sadly, height differences are not something that one can correct. Everyone wants to be tall - but no one can control his/her own height. We can decide if we are going to put make-up on, we can decide how we act, we can decide what we are going to be... but we can’t decide how tall we are going to be. However, we can decide if we are prejudiced or not, and that is something we can always change.
 Fabien Euskadi
 #Relationship footnotes #24
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zombie-phoenix · 3 years
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200 years ago today, Napoléon Bonaparte died: May 5th, 1821, shortly before 6pm.
Here is an extremely brief overview of his person: Living in a turbulent time of change, Napoléon rose from obscurity as a Corsican nationalist into one of the most prominent figures of all time.  A meteoric rise as both a political and military figure saw him influence Europe for around 20 years and permanently change the political climate.  He was an outsider to the long established monarchs of the time and represented a new mode of thinking, thusly appearing as a natural enemy to the leading  Powers of Europe - Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia to name a few.  Having a powerful grasp on the concepts of warfare made him a force to be feared and recognized.
Although extremely talented and knowledgeable, Napoléon never quite trusted his subordinates with too much control.  Paradoxically he put his faith into political allies that were potentially dangerous under anyone’s rule.  As his Empire grew, it became unwieldy, and his ambitions threw his world out of balance.
Just as fiery as Napoléon’s rise was, such was the fall of his Empire.  He was eventually imprisoned on the extremely remote island of St. Helena, where he was kept under constant watch by the British government under Sir Hudson Lowe.  Concern for control over the Emperor rather than his comfort and well-being lead to a very constricting and bleak confinement of 6 years.  During his final years, his health began to falter in response to many undefined factors.  So enigmatic were his final years that debates today still clash over the reasons and situations of his death, one hot day in May.
Napoléon was born on a homely island in 1769 on August 15th.  In the end he died 1821 May 5th, on an distant island, removed from the world.  Having led a dramatic life, he was just 51 years old at the time of his death.  We may only ponder how many more years he could have lived under different circumstances.
(In time I hope to write out a long and involved overview of his life and all the paradoxical facets of his being.)
May 5th, 2021 - Oil Painting  - Le prisonnier
I began this oil painting in honor of Napoléon, to finish by the time of the 200 year anniversary of his death.  Although I had planned an initial concept and perspective, I changed it right at the start which made following up on the new details a bit difficult.  I ended up going for a straight on shot since it was different than most portraits of Napoléon, and I wanted it to reflect the notion that people had stated he had a habit of facing people directly and straight on when talking to them.  His outfit is also to reflect his actual apparel on St. Helena, which was that of a civilian.  I like that it makes him more casual, as he often was with many guests that he liked.  It does not rely or focus on the iconography as the distant Emperor, but rather that of a casual personable stranger.  I want viewers to see him as both a gifted and flawed natural human being, rather than to focus on him solely as a cold calculating political leader.  His apparel is disheavled, and he has some stubble on his face.  He is heavy in weight as time passed into his later years.  A green cloth wraps his neck simply as a personal touch regarding his purported liking of the color green.  Lastly, I have the intention that he is gazing across the ocean towards France and his son; the mountainous landscape of St. Helena making a symbolic cage around him.
I feel Americans see him as a distant vague figure.  In perspective, George Washington was mourned in France in 1799, and Abraham Lincoln was 12 years old in 1821.
History is complicated, and we can’t put an easy title on something as good or evil.  In the end, for better or for worse, we are all human.
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kanonsarchivedblog · 3 years
Tokyo Nights
Word Count: 1821 Rating: E Ships: Many! (Rengoku/Mitsuri, Rengoku/Uzui/Wives, Rengoku/Giyuu…) Genre: Smut Author's Notes: I have no excuse. There aren't any triggers in here (that I'm aware of?)- so enjoy this shameless smut. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Privacy was a blessing, something not often received at home. The compound was busy near constantly with the bustle of relatives, of young hopeful slayers training beneath their sensei, of younger brothers stuck to one’s side like glue. It wasn’t that Kyojuro was upset that he didn’t have privacy- no, quite the opposite! He enjoyed having company, enjoyed having people around him and having something to do. But times like these, privacy was, indeed, a blessing.
The hotel was nice- one of the newer ones in Tokyo that had a private onsen attached. It was perfect for couples wanting to escape for a night or two- or for weary Hashira who needed a place to rest and recuperate. Somewhere out there, Tengen walked with his wives, exploring the city to their heart’s content before their own mission would begin within a few weeks’ time. They’d invited him to go along, seeing as how he had no current mission in progress- and he’d agreed! It’d been too long since he’d last been to Tokyo.
But now? Now, he was tired- but not enough to sleep. A strange electric current felt as if it were running through his veins, making him antsy, too warm despite the chill in the air outside. He huffed, finally tugging off his yukata, a sigh of relief slipping free as the cool air of the room graced his form. He fell back upon the bed- a raised bed! They were popular in the west, apparently. It was soft- softer than he’d expected, no harsh tatami mats beneath. Perhaps he could invest in one for his room? That would be nice.
Eyes sliding shut, he felt his body relax into the mattress. Oh, this was nice- very nice. Outside, the sound of laughter drifted to his window, though it was distant. His mind drifted to the events of the last three days- of the laughter shared, of the joy that filled him. Tomorrow, they will head back to their respective compounds. Tonight, Tengen would retire with his wives to their room-
Beside his own.
Kyojuro tried to swallow, but found his throat to be dry. Was he coming down with a fever? To be so warm- he shook his head as he sat up, hands reaching up to run through his hair, untangling the wild mane. An image flashed before his eyes- of a larger hand gripping the hair at the base of his head, tilting his head back, holding him there as a hungry mouth pressed to his own, the kiss demanding, making his knees feel weak. Red and gold hues blinked hard once, twice, before he shook his head. That had been the first night they had been here.
“Too much to drink,” he murmured out loud, even though he knew he’d only had one glass of sake and Tengen hadn’t even drank anything. He knew that the girls had only a glass of a red wine- though Hinatsuru had white instead of red. How they’d brought him back to their bedroom, four pairs of hands wandering across his body. How Suma had settled on his lap, her hips grinding down as Tengen settled behind him, his hands broad, strong, palms smooth despite the heavy blades he carried.
Kyojuro gave a harsh shake of the head, as if attempting to clear the images of his past endeavor from his mind. Instead, his mind drifted to another endeavor- of much smoother skin, of soft hips and a softer voice. Of whines of his name, begging for him to go “harder, Kyo, please- you feel so good in me, so full, so deep- don’t stop, don’t stop, please!” Oh, how he’d enjoyed that encounter- especially with how she’d settled atop his lap and tried to ride, but he ended up having to take control.
Who knew Mitsuri liked to have her hair pulled? He hadn’t, not until that night.
Cheeks flushed a healthy red, he poured himself a glass of water before downing it in a few long drinks. Tired- that’s all. He was just… Very tired! He needed to rest! Yet when he settled back on the bed, a hand drifted low, palming at himself. “Already?” He muttered, brows furrowed inward as he grasped his half-hard cock. Huh. “Traitor,” he spoke to his own body as he released himself before sitting up. He reached over, taking hold of the extra pillows to stack them against the headboard.
Uzui wouldn’t be back for a while longer- and it wasn’t often that he was able to just take time for himself.
His head tilted back as he settled in, a small hum slipping free as his hands wandered slowly. He was proud of his physique; he’d worked hard to get to this point. A gasp escaped as his fingers pinched at a nipple before brushing his thumb over it, as if to soothe. Now that he was embracing this sudden urge, his mind was running wild- giving brief glimpses of those he’d found attractive. Of the time Giyuu had managed to pin him down during a sparring session, his hips pressing down into his own, the normally docile sapphire hues bright and wild, a breathless grin on his lips-
Of Sanemi pressing close against his back, trying to get ahold of Giyuu who was being held back by Tengen, the way he’d felt so solid and had growled in his ear. Oh, that had ended up in a fun few nights when Kyojuro was alone in his room, face pressed into his pillows, gasping out Sanemi’s name like a prayer while his hands worked himself over.
Of the time when Obanai had unintentionally walked in on him in the shower- and then refused to leave since Rengoku couldn't “see me, so this is okay, I’ll be quick.” He’d needed to change his bandages- Senjuro had spilt water on them, and Obanai hated the feeling of damp bandages. Kyojuro had been so close, too, when he’d walked in. He’d covered the moan he had let free when the door opened with a loud yawn, though he still wasn’t sure if Obanai had believed it to be a yawn. He hated to admit, but he hadn’t stopped stroking.
A groan slipped free as his hips rutted into the air, searching for a touch that wasn’t there. He could calm down, get dressed, and take a trip to one of the Tea Houses that Tengen had mentioned visiting before- with his wives, even. That was scandalous- but the idea was tempting. Too tempting, but that meant getting up, and he didn’t want to get up, not with how hard he was now.
Fiery gaze opened slightly, glancing down at himself- “Oh, fuck.” he whispered, eyes widening in surprise at how hard he’d become. He was leaking already, a drop settled against his stomach. Moving without realizing, his hand raised to his lips, fingers slipping past as a groan fell free. When was the last time he’d been this worked up? Especially after having been with someone only three nights prior? He couldn’t remember, but god, it felt nice to have something in his mouth.
Would be better if it was 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦- anyone. He let the digits slip from his mouth to reach down, grasping himself and moaning at the feeling. His hips shifted, meeting his hand with each downward pull. “Yes, yes-” he whispered, head falling back against the pillows once more. Makio had gone down on him three nights ago; she’d been good. Wickedly good, her mouth hot and the suction just right. “Please, don’t stop,” too goo, too good-
He had to slow his hand, chest rising and falling quickly. Too quickly- oh, he didn’t want this to end just yet. No, not as his mind brought forth such a lovely idea- something that Tengen had brought up. The idea of Tengen settled between his thighs and Suma on his cock, Hinatsuru on his face. But his mind, those images changed- Tengen still between his thighs, but it was not Suma riding him. No, it was dark hair, his head tilted back as he rode, gripping at Tengen’s arms. “Just like that, Tomioka, just like that,” he murmured, lost in his fantasy.
If he were home, he’d have something to fill himself with- but alas, he was not, and didn’t feel like taking the time to prep himself. That meant stopping, and sweet Buddha, he did not want to stop. He could picture the feeling well enough- hell, he 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 what it felt like. Tengen was large- larger than himself in length and girth, but that was no big surprise. Tengen in general was a big man. Of course he’d be big.
Oh his face- oh, his sweet kohai would sit, so shy and nervous! How she’d tremble with every flick of his tongue against her clit, how she’d watch the way Giyuu’s face would contort, how he’d be begging for Kyo to go deeper- but Tengen was in charge here. He’d set the pace for them all. Kyojuro was just there to be used for their pleasure- that’s all. He could almost feel how Mitsuri would clench her thighs around his head, could picture so easily how her head would fall back, her hands clutching at her chest as she would sob. She was a crier-
He knew that from experience.
“There-” he gasped, hand speeding up around himself. Close, so close. “Don’t stop, baby- yes, god, just like that, just like that- Tengen-fuck!” He jolted, hand stilling for a moment as his orgasm took him by surprise. His eyes were screwed shut, blood roaring in his ears so loudly he never heard the door open, shut- didn’t hear the footsteps that came closer.
Only when a hand cupped his cheek and drew him into a deep, hungry kiss did he realize who had entered his room. Uzui- alone, but he had a key to his room. Of course he would have come to check on him. He slowly released himself as Tengen kissed him almost lazily before he pulled back. “I’d been calling your name for a few minutes- figured you’d gone to bed until I heard…” He trailed off, gesturing to Kyojuro’s current state.
“I- apologize. I hadn’t even heard you over myself!” He joked, shifting to cover himself- only for Uzui’s hand to reach out and grasp his wrist. He blinked, head tilting in a rather owlish manner.
“We leave in the morning,” Tengen began as he settled onto the bed, free hand reaching down to undo the ties of his yukata, “but I wouldn’t mind one more night of pleasure. That is, if you don’t?” He paused, ruby gaze drifting to Kyojuro-
Who looked ready to explode. A smile crooked the shinobi’s lips. “That’s a good boy,” he murmured as Kyojuro leaned forward, grabbing at his face and drawing him in and down for another biting kiss.
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ausp-ice · 5 years
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Apparitions, Scene 4: Permafrost Characters: Incisura/Wren (me), Huntress ( @the-valiant-valkyrie​ ), Permafrost (RP’d by me) Words: 1821 Archive | 1 2 3 4 5 6
Permafrost is a filler character we made for RP purposes mm Also Wren was caught off guard so they only had their mask with them
It was always so much nicer during the months where the weather was warm. Wenzel could walk to the sandwich joint and back with looser, airy clothing than in his hot jacket all the time (not his costume jacket, mind you, though that one also had potential to be rather hot). He stood for a moment outside the building, biting contently into his meal as he scanned carefully around the surroundings for that familiar, distinguishable face
And yet, they were nowhere to be found. The same spot they sat at every say was empty.
Elsewhere, Wren ran into the shadow of a building, shivering despite the... workout.
It was odd... Typically Wren was around by now- and if not to talk to, at least to spy. So far, this hadn’t changed... But, people did get busy- it was a constant of life, after all...
Wren cursed under their breath. They still haven't been able to get a good look at whoever was attacking them. Figures that someone would, for whatever reason, try to freeze them to death in an empty street. The powers seemed... familiar... ... But it's not like ice abilities were that uncommon. Besides, this one was much more powerful. Or maybe more cruel, freezing all the blood that came near the source of the frost. They'd lose too much, the way things were going.
A sudden chill rocketed down Wenzel's spine. An odd... Uncomfortable sensation he wasn't quite sure he could pinpoint. He looked around a little, but there didn't seem to be anything out of order anywhere nearby.
Which just meant he would have to go a little farther, then.  Tucking his sandwich into his pack, setting his pack to the side, and pulling from it his other jacket, what could barely be considered an outfit
Something shifted in the darkness, and by instinct, they sent out another tendril to attack. It froze rapidly, the ice spreading instantly to their arm. They cried out in pain, wrenching their hand away from the rest of the ice.
Wenzel had taken to the rooftops, as he often did when scoping out confrontation, only pausing when he finally could catch glints of the ensuing fight down below.
Seemed a little too familiar to him... All that ice.
Finally, a figure melted out of the shadow. "Are you really this weak? I'm disappointed - after all, you were the one to take me down!" Wren jerked their head up. That was- this is impossible, she was pronounced dead, how--?
From his distance, it took a while to identify Wren as who they were, and far longer after that, the person they caught during their first meeting.
Who had been claimed dead after she got absolutely obliterated by Wren's odd abilities. Her body had been found. Buried. Everything to do with her should have been through.
"... Winter...? Impossible-" "Ah-ah, Winter is dead. I am superior. I am Permafrost." Swirls of ice crackled on nearby surfaces. "And this time, I will be Triumphant."
"Not good..." Raffle muttered, faintly, almost automatically beginning to drain her luck (as well as his) with a simple hand gesture or two, feeding it through to Incisura instead.
Think, think. There had to be something they could do. They don't think they'd have the chance to drink her blood-- at least, not easily. They glanced rapidly at their surroundings, before spotting a constructing site not too far away. They might not be able to attack her directly, but they doubted she could defend that well from huge metal beams falling. It was worth a shot, anyway. They gritted their teeth through the pain, and ran. Permafrost laughed. "Aww, how silly to think you'll escape!"
At the sight of them scooting, Wenzel found enough sense to take after, long strides assisting as he jumped from one tall rooftop to the next (not a good idea in hindsight when you've given your luck away, he noted, almost tripping perhaps two or three times).
A construction site. Plenty of things there to use to bludgeon and shield. Smart. It was only a matter of whether the odds were far enough in their favor to allow them to.
They reached the site, immediately hiding behind some piping. Permafrost slowed down as she arrived, looking around. "You can only hide so long. Come out, come out..."
This was more dangerous terrain... Not a good place for unlucky hops and leaps. As much as he wanted to assist Wren in their current condition, Wenzel couldn't do anything in such an unpredictable space.
He redirected the flow of luck, from them to him, quietly creeping around... If he could find something to make fall...
It was then that Wren, crouched in shadow, spotted that familiarly sad excuse for a costume. Their eyes widened in alarm.
It was sort of hard not to spot him, what with the iridescent material of the clothing, as well as the glow he was already giving off.
That glow... Was he using his power? This was probably not a good situation. But there was no time to waste. They spotted a pile of support beams off the edge of a partially constructed roof, and tried to catch Wenzel's attention.
The flickering of movement caught the corner of his eye, and he looked down from his careful tiptoeing through the construction site only to see his ally, gesticulating towards... Well, something. It took him a little while to notice the presence of the beams.
Wren then made a series of gestures, attempting to charade luring Permafrost underneath and using their blood to push over the beams. How much of it was understood is another matter entirely.
Wenzel was never good at charades in his grade school years. He stood for a few puzzled seconds, eyeing down his friend, before simply beginning to clamber over to the beams. He'd think of some plan on the way
Wren squinted. Hopefully that got across.
They stepped into Permafrost's line of sight - if they could just come this way...
It would be rather dangerous to try to bait someone with the ability to strike from a distance... Especially so quickly...
Wren prayed their luck would hold out. Permafrost grinned. "There you are!" They summoned large shards of ice laced with a black energy, launching them towards them. They dodged, leaping backwards while using tendrils of blood as extra limbs.
Oh! Oh, this must be their cue, then! True, the stranger looked rather close to being riiiight underneath those beams. Now, the real question was if he could push them.
Like a rat, he scampered over to the dangerously placed things, applying as much force as he could to the heavy things.
Permafrost looked up at the noise, confused. "What-" She reacted quickly, freezing the beams in place. But while she was distracted, Wren seized their opportunity to send out a tendril - managing to just nick her neck and retreat without getting frozen.
The powerful blast of ice caught him incredibly off guard, and he yelped some, jumping back. Not enough to fall, but nearly. Even despite, though, from the distant sound of pain from down below, it seemed that Incisura had made their mark anyhow.
Again, he transferred what luck he had to them, keeping as close as he could to 'down low' with such a noticeable jacket on. After all, they seemed rather hurt; could use all the luck they could get.
Incisura immediately brought the blood to their mouth and swallowed it. ... That tasted odd. But they grabbed for control over Permafrost's blood, slowing its flow and slowly starving her of oxygen. She gasped for breath. "It's not fatal. Yet." They glanced worriedly at the roof of frozen beams. He's probably fine (?). Incisura approached Permafrost slowly. "How are you alive?"
"No time to waste..." Muttering lightly under his breath, Raffle carefully began to make his way back to some form of solid ground wider than three feet; without much luck left in his system, he really shouldn't have been that high up there. He constantly took glances down, just to ensure Wren was doing okay.
Permafrost gave a grin lined with pointed teeth. That's odd, she didn't have those before- "Wouldn't you like to know?" She bent over, a crackling sound filling the air before icicles burst from her body, stained with crimson.
Despite the fact Wenzel’d given close to all his luck away, one’d have to count their stars and be grateful he didn’t catch sight of... That... He wasn’t used to all that terribly gooey stuff, despite how frequently he tended to watch these types of showdowns.
He put all his effort and focus into clambering down that construction site; beams and towers, and ladders. Down, down, down, until his feet finally touched the floor, and he hit the ground running to ensure his friend wasn’t hospitalized, or anything worse than.
Wren froze in shock. No, wait, they still needed answers- They tried to pull her blood back into her body, but the damage was too severe. She slumped, lifeless.
But that wasn't the end. Before their eyes, her flesh and blood melted into a black substance that seemed to move on its own-
“Insursia-!” He still hadn’t really learned how to pronounce that, yet, “Oh goodness are you okay I felt something was wrong and so I came over but all I saw was fighting and you looked really- what is that what is that what is THAT?!”
Raffle went from concern to fear as he watched the body of the enemy just... Melt. Evaporate like that. Certainly, that wasn’t normal- even for someone... Incredibly obsessed with ice.
Wren shook themself. "I... I don't know. She should be dead, I saw her body." They stepped towards the last vestiges of the dark substance. "And now this. What is... happening?"
“That’s not good... That, uh...” He swallowed, uncomfortably, pulling at his jacket. Now he had a sandwich waiting for him in his pack he had no will to eat anymore, “That’s... Not... That’s not good- Don’t get close-!” Raffle just barely fought off the urge to grab onto Wren and pull them back, but managed somehow,
“Haven’t you seen the movies?? That’s how you get infected! Or something!”
Wren quickly stepped back. They seemed a little dazed. "... Hah. Ahah. Yes, you're right. We should... we should leave. I'll need some time to recover..." They paused. "Also, it's Incisura."
“In... Iner... Inc... Yeah.” He nodded, swallowing again, glancing for only a second or two at the little goopy puddle where Permafrost used to be,
“Yeah I gotta... Get home... Eat... Uh... Sit down...” He rocked nervously on his heels, licking his lips a second, “Yeah...” With every teenie pause, he took another step back, undonning and folding his jacket back up, tucking it under his arm,
“... Don’t die again-“ He called silently, not wasting another moment of time as he ducked around the alley’s corner.
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andromeda1023 · 6 years
In the last decade, we have discovered thousands of planets outside our solar system and have learned that rocky, temperate worlds are numerous in our galaxy. The next step will involve asking even bigger questions. Could some of these planets host life? And if so, will we be able to recognize life elsewhere if we see it?
A group of leading researchers in astronomy, biology and geology has come together under NASA's Nexus for Exoplanet System Science, or NExSS, to take stock of our knowledge in the search for life on distant planets and to lay the groundwork for moving the related sciences forward.
"We're moving from theorizing about life elsewhere in our galaxy to a robust science that will eventually give us the answer we seek to that profound question: Are we alone?" said Martin Still, an exoplanet scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington.
In a set of five review papers published last week in the scientific journal Astrobiology, NExSS scientists took an inventory of the most promising signs of life, called biosignatures. The paper authors include four scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. They considered how to interpret the presence of biosignatures, should we detect them on distant worlds. A primary concern is ensuring the science is strong enough to distinguish a living world from a barren planet masquerading as one.
The assessment comes as a new generation of space and ground-based telescopes are in development. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will characterize the atmospheres of some of the first small, rocky planets. There are plans for other observatories -- such as the Giant Magellan Telescope and the Extremely Large Telescope, both in Chile -- to carry sophisticated instruments capable of detecting the first biosignatures on faraway worlds.
Through their work with NExSS, scientists aim to identify the instruments needed to detect potential life for future NASA flagship missions. The detection of atmospheric signatures of a few potentially habitable planets may possibly come before 2030, although determining whether the planets are truly habitable or have life will require more in-depth study.
Since we won't be able to visit distant planets and collect samples anytime soon, the light that a telescope observes will be all we have in the search for life outside our solar system. Telescopes can examine the light reflecting off a distant world to show us the kinds of gases in the atmosphere and their "seasonal" variations, as well as colors like green that could indicate life.
These kinds of biosignatures can all be seen on our fertile Earth from space, but the new worlds we examine will differ significantly. For example, many of the promising planets we have found are around cooler stars, which emit light in the infrared spectrum, unlike our sun's high emissions of visible-light.
"What does a living planet look like?" said Mary Parenteau, an astrobiologist and microbiologist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley and a co-author. "We have to be open to the possibility that life may arise in many contexts in a galaxy with so many diverse worlds -- perhaps with purple-colored life instead of the familiar green-dominated life forms on Earth, for example. That's why we are considering a broad range of biosignatures."
The scientists assert that oxygen -- the gas produced by photosynthetic organisms on Earth -- remains the most promising biosignature of life elsewhere, but it is not foolproof. Abiotic processes on a planet could also generate oxygen. Conversely, a planet lacking detectable levels of oxygen could still be alive - which was exactly the case of Earth before the global accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere.
"On early Earth, we wouldn't be able to see oxygen, despite abundant life," said Victoria Meadows, an astronomer at the University of Washington in Seattle and lead author of one of the papers. "Oxygen teaches us that seeing, or not seeing, a single biosignature is insufficient evidence for or against life -- overall context matters."
Rather than measuring a single characteristic, the NExSS scientists argue that we should be looking at a suite of traits. A planet must show itself capable of supporting life through its features, and those of its parent star.
The NExSS scientists will create a framework that can quantify how likely it is that a planet has life, based on all the available evidence. With the observation of many planets, scientists may begin to more broadly classify the "living worlds" that show common characteristics of life, versus the "non-living worlds."
"We won't have a 'yes' or 'no' answer to finding life elsewhere," said Shawn Domagal-Goldman, an astrobiologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and a co-author. "What we will have is a high level of confidence that a planet appears alive for reasons that can only be explained by the presence of life."
News Media Contact
Calla Cofield Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California 818-393-1821 [email protected] Felicia Chou NASA Headquarters, Washington 202-358-0257 [email protected] 2018-147  
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jaybeartodd · 6 years
Colleagues Pt. 8/17 -- Jason Todd x fem. reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1821
Tags: @sarcasmismyfirstlove @tsctd
A/N: This was fun! I really hope you guys like it :) Also, I have been considering doing one-shots and all that jazz between these parts. So if you guys have any requests or anything feel free to send them in! I am in school though so please have great patience with me. Anyways, love you guys!! Enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
“Wow,” Trey exclaims.
Wow was right. The Wayne Manor had seemingly rebuilt itself after the ball and returned to its former glory.
You turn yourself around in the front seat to look at Trey and Nick. Trey has his face plastered against the window. Hope Jason doesn’t mind a few smudges. Nick is looking out the window too barely masking his pain with curiosity. You make a mental note to give him his pain medication before turning back around.
You sneak a glance at Jason in the driver’s seat. His dark hair is in its natural state of a perfect mess and his muscular arms stretch out of his red t-shirt as he grips the steering wheel. His face conveys no emotion except for maybe content. He turns towards you and gives a soft reassuring smile calming your nerves immediately. You blush and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear before you refocus your attention on the mansion.
Jason parks the car by the front entrance and everyone scrambles out. You take a deep breath, not entirely prepared to see the place that has been haunting your nightmares, before following suit.
The older man that had been taking names at the ball exits the house and walks towards you. Behind him is Mr. Wayne, a teenage boy, and a very disgruntled kid that looked to be about 10 years old. That must be the son Mr. Wayne had mentioned.
"Hello Y/N. Nice to see you again. I am Alfred,” the kind gentleman says stretching out a hand. You smile and return the handshake.
"It is nice to officially meet you Alfred. Thank you all for letting us stay.” Trey runs up to you and hides behind your leg, “And this is Trey, my nephew.”
“This is Tim and Damian,” Bruce says pointing to the boys next to him.
Damian responds with a sound that can only be described as tt. Charming. Tim just gives a shy smile. You notice the dark circles under his eyes and his hair looks like he just woke up.
Your head turns when you hear Jason retrieving Nick’s temporary wheelchair from the trunk.
“Trey, I made some snacks for you. I heard you like cookies. Is that true?” Alfred asks. Trey looks up at you and you nod. He takes Alfred’s hand and you watch their retreating figures.
You help Jason get Nick into the wheelchair while the rest of the men grab the bags.
“We put you both in rooms on the first floor to make it easier. There is an elevator that accesses the other floors if need be,”
"Thank you Mr. Wayne.”
”Bruce, please,” he says and you nod. You wheel Nick into the designated room which is easily as large as your entire apartment. 
“Dinner is at five. Feel free to freshen up and join us,” Bruce says warmly and you thank him.
Everyone exits except Jason.
“I am in a room upstairs if you need anything,”
“Thanks Jay. It means a lot,” he smiles at the nickname.
“Of course Dopey,” you roll your eyes and he laughs as he leaves the room.
After taking care of Nick, you take off to your own room. You haven’t been able to say that in a while. And of course when presented with a bed for the first time since moving in with Nick, you immediately pass out onto it.
You awake to commotion outside of your door. Your phone reads quarter til 5 so you shoot out of bed. You pat your hair down to tame it as much as possible and straighten your clothes to at least resemble someone who is not a mess.
Exiting the room you hear shouting.
“Who invited him?” Jason’s familiar voice booms. You follow the voices into what appears to be the dining room.
“Easy Jay, I wouldn’t miss meeting her for the world,” a deep mocking voice returns. You enter the dining room to see Trey and Nick sitting at the table with Damian and Tim. Standing at the head of the table is Jason fuming at a man several inches shorter than him with slick black hair and a muscular build. He turns towards you and gives a winning smile. Damn, this man is attractive.
“You must be Y/N!” he says delighted and walks up to you. You are taken aback when he hugs you tightly. He lets go with the smile still lighting up his face.
“Oh, I’m Dick. Jason’s older and more clever and all-around better brother,” he says smirking. Jason scoffs.
“Similar egos I see,” you say and he breaks into laughter. 
“Jaybird over here has told me a lot about you. You are definitely as charming and beautiful as he described,”
You blush and look at Jay to see him less than happy with this exchange. 
“Alright Prince Charming, can we eat or are you trying to make me throw up before the meal?” Jason says bitterly. 
Bruce arrives and the dinner commences. You eat so much you feel like you are going to burst. It is definitely a far cry from the usual take-out or microwaveable dinner you are used to. 
Nick is obviously uncomfortable at first but then he and Jason start talking about motorcycles which really opens him up. Glad someone in the family enjoys them. Trey is scarfing down the food so fast Nick is consistently reminding him to have manners. You talk to Bruce about work for a little while and then you fall into conversation with Dick about his work in the police force.
Overall, the dinner is delicious and the company is a tremendously helpful distraction from the dogpile of problems plaguing you. 
“Well, I better be heading out. It was really nice meeting you all,” Dick says standing from the table. He leans down and whispers in your ear, “And take care of Jason. He’s fragile.”
You giggle. Jason’s eyes narrow. “Dick better be ready for our next patrol together” Jason thinks.
Everyone bids good night to each other and you grab Nick’s wheelchair to help him into his room. 
“Come on Trey, you need to get ready for bed too,” Nick says and a pouting Trey follows you into Nick’s room. 
You get Nick cleaned up and in bed with Trey’s help. Trey’s room is upstairs so you follow behind his energetic figure towards his room. The house seems unusually quiet but you are way too tired to think too much of it. Looks like that power nap just reminded you how great sleep is.
You manage to wiggle Trey into his pajamas as he dances around the room. 
“T, you really need to chill out and go to sleep. The mansion will still be here when you wake up, I promise.” you say stifling a yawn. 
“And I can't have you playing with my knives if you are tired. It’s a safety hazard,” Jason says leaning in the doorway with his bulky arms crossed over his chest. 
Trey’s eyes widen and he jumps into bed. Who knew bribing with knives could be such an effective parenting tool?
You tuck Trey in and give him a smooch despite his protests. 
“Night Trey,” Jason says with a small wave as you turn off the lights and exit the room with him in tow. 
You rub the exhaustion from your eyes.
“You game for staying up just a little bit longer?” he asks and you look at him curiously. 
“Depends,” you say cautiously. 
“I want to show you something.” you look skeptical,” I promise it’s worth it.” 
You can't resist his eagerness and nod your head. This makes him beam and he signals for you to follow him.
You trail behind as he winds down the endless hallways. He stops at a door and turns the knob. He looks at you sheepishly.
“Now I couldn't help but notice all of the books in your apartment and I thought maybe we shared,” he opens the door and your breath leaves you at the sight,” the same love for literature.”
“This is,” you struggle to find a word to describe the enormous library you are currently standing in the middle of,” amazing.”
You look at him to see him staring, satisfied at your reaction. 
“I even have a favorite reading spot. Wanna see?” he says giddily like a child. You laugh and let him grab your hand pulling you towards his nook. It is a window seat lined with a couch and a perfect view of the garden. You almost laugh at its picturesque perfection.
You sit down and lean back with your legs tucked to your chest completely taken with the view. Jason sits next your feet.
“This is absolutely beautiful Jay,” you say and he looks at you with a sparkle in his eye. 
“It really is.” he looks at you for a moment longer before clearing his throat and looking out the window. “I thought you could use a view after being stuck in the hospital all week. And it's also a fantastic hideout from your worries.” 
His eyes grow a little distant. You sit up on your knees and caress his cheek. He slowly turns his face towards yours. Your heart begins to beat faster as his eyes drop down to your lips. Before you can overthink it you lean in and press your lips against his. He pulls you closer and your mouths fall into sync. 
You finally pull back and he gives a lazy smile, “About time.” You laugh and kiss him again. The hesitant part of you finally disappears and is replaced with a happiness you don't recognize but never want to let go. 
After awhile you break the kiss. Somehow he had ended up with his legs sprawled out underneath and you were holding yourself up with your arms on either side of him.
“You should get some sleep,” he says, his voice husky. You nod and rest your head on his chest.
“Yeah, I should definitely go to bed,” you say yawning, your previous exhaustion finally creeping back in. Your heartrate slows down significantly after the adrenaline subsides and you feel more relaxed than you have in ages. The feeling of his chest rising and falling with each breath starts to lull you into sleep.. Your eyelids begin to droop until you surrender against the sleepless week you've had and let your eyes fall shut.
“Alright Doll. Let's actually get you to bed,” Jason laughs and you mumble incoherently. You vaguely feel him swing his arms beneath your legs and lift you in a fluid motion. 
Before you know it you're being placed on a bed and he throws the covers over you.
“Night Dopey,” he whispers and you want to chastise him for the horrid nickname but you fall into unconsciousness. Leave the second-guessing and complete freak out over what just happened for another time. 
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queennicoleinboots · 3 years
Doing Business As Swamp Business, part 2 (Count Macula, Jr. POV)
She looked at me in confusion and great disgust. Are all transexual women like this?
"I wanted you to stay wet," I said with vigor as I pulled the towel away from her and threw it across the room. 
"While laying in bed?" she asked with her pretty eyebrow raised. She looked really gorgeous without her glasses on.
"Yes," I said as I climbed on her and grinded my hard dick against her pussy that was black and blue from reconstruction. She even had stitches attaching her legs to her lower body and small stitches going horizontally along her pussy lips.
"Don't worry. I'm a different kind of wet," she said with a smirk as she rolled me over on my back and grinded her pussy against my dick.
"Fuck me," I said. "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me."
Xaria came down hard on my penis and rode it like a pony. She was 7'4", so she was three feet taller than I was. "Gladly," she said with a smile.
"YES!," I shouted as I reached for her boobs. I wanted to squeeze milk out of those fucking things. 
Xaria giggled as she rode me. "You like this, huh?"
I heard a knock at the door.
Xaria turned into her toy form and had her mouth around my dick. Works for me.
"Yeah?" I shouted.
"I just wanted to say good night. Do you need anything?" Xara asked through the door.
King Joebear growled and laughed as he spoke to Pauno about mainstream news. He was speaking about the FBI being mostly Reptilians. Pauno was agreeing and adding on that we were close to a World War. Even in the 1800s, we were heading for the world coming to an end. These discussions made me wonder what simulation we were living in.
After listening for a while, I answered with a "No, thank you."
Xara then bade me good night and then continued their hallway discussion about a man who saw gremlins in the woods. King Joebear was talking about that man being a magician.
While Xaria fell asleep on my cock, I was listening to Joebear talk about his midnight snack of sausage and broccoli.
"Yes Bae Whuhhhh!!! Sausage and Broccoli Sunday!!!!" Xara shouted in the hallway. "I'm hungry again."
I put on a black night robe and put the naked doll in the pocket before I charged out after them. "I love sausage and broccoli, but you know what I hate?!" I asked as I was catching up to them. 
"What? Democrats?" Xara asked as she turned to see me. 
"Haha Yes, but you know what I hate more than Democrats?" I asked. 
Xaria kicked me in my pocket.
"What?" Xara asked.
"Radiated Refried Beans!" I yelled. 
"Oh yes! Recreational Radiated Refried Beans!" Xara shouted. 
King Joebear growled. "They actually make me gag. No thanks! Count Macula, Jr. has the right idea! Fuck that."
Xara and I just burst out laughing. We love when King Joebear is complaining about what food he hates. He was passionate about food.
And after that conversation, we ate our broccoli. I was too tired to wait for sausage, so I took my Xaria upstairs to lay with her.
This is a good night in 1821. Better than anything to do 2021. Xaria and I heard a distant growl from King Joebear as we cuddled together. I toyed with a lock of her hair as I cuddled with her. Her beautiful body was warm and smelled like fresh cut flowers.
I woke up to a spider on my bear nose and growled as I smacked my nose. The spider jumped between Xaria's tits. I chuckled eight times.
Xaria shot up in the bed and used her right hand to dig between her breasts to find the spider. The spider crawled on her hand toward her. "What the fuck?!" she shouted as she flung the spider on the wall. The spider was clinging to the wall.
There was a knock on the door. Xaria then turned back into the toy and lay naked on the bed.
"Is everything okay in there? I heard a scream," King Joebear asked.
"I believe so. Sorry about that," I shouted. "Sorry about that! Sorry about that! Sorry about that! Sorry about that! Sorry about that! Sorry about that! Sorry about that!"
"What the hell is going on?!" Bruce Ace shouted through the door.
"A spider woke us up. I'm sorry!" I called out.
King Joebear growled to Bruce Ace. Bruce Ace growled loudly in excitement to King Joebear.
The trees in the forest shook from the energy the other bears were exerting with their growls. They were going to wake up the whole goddamn estate.
"You all have problems. Would you all like to get some damn sleep? Some of us have shit to do in the morning!" the old man said through the door as clear as a bell.
Xaria snorted as she folded her arms across her large, curvy chest. "I wish I fucking could," she muttered.
"Would you like me to rub you to sleep?" I asked. 
"If you want," Xaria said. 
I pulled her to me and then rubbed her body with my finger. I laid next to her and lightly brushed her with my fingers.
"I shall make tacos rain from the sky!" Pauno yelled outside of the door.
We heard thunder outside. I saw lightning bolts flash down outside my window. A white milky substance that smelled like sour cream flooded through the window. What the fuck?
The sour cream was flowing through the bedroom and burst the door open. The bed we were on was floating on the sea of sour cream. We were riding on the wave throughout the hallway.
"What the fuck?!" Pauno shouted as he tried to part the sea of sour cream as he walked through the hallway.
The old man rushed out into the hallway and sniffed the air. His nose curled back in disgust. "The children's home on the other side of the estate sours the air," he said somberly. "That's why your magic is not working as it should."
King Joebear, Bruce Ace, and I growled angrily like cubs. King Joebear added a "Ughhhhhh" to the end of his long series of growls. 
Paul the Goat made a series of bleats in disgust. Hollywood swam away with Paul the Goat on his back. Both of them neighed in frustration. The swamp golem swam after them.
Pauno growled angrily as well because he was looking forward to tacos. 
I stepped out of the story into a faded black backdrop scene, growled, and then composed myself. 
"Actually, I wanted to give this moment to Xaria. We never did ask her what compelled her to change her sex," I said.
A naked Xaria walked out and said, "The government included gender reassignment in the latest stimulus package, and I would have done anything to get out of doing drywall. So, I figured I would take advantage of the opportunity to get a government-sponsored sex change. I am now a cam lady. Subscribe for only $39.99 a month, and you can jack off to me 24-7!"
"I'll have to think long and hard on that one before we go to the next story!" I shouted as I had a hard-on.
"What's the next story?" Xaria asked me.
"I have no fucking idea. Xara is the one writing this crazy shit," I said before I laughed.
0 notes
mirelaistanbul · 4 years
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Although almost the entire of the Mogul empire, (moreover a number of adjoining states that weren’t included in that sovereignty,) along with a much more prolonged and confirmed authority over the subjugated individuals than was ever possessed by the Mogul monarchs, have, throughout the final seventy or eighty years, been introduced by some in a position and heroic males, beneath the dominion of the British crown,—nonetheless one could often hear this splendid acquisition spoken of, as if its issues have been on a par with some petty insular or colonial dependency.
Whether or not anyone could have hitherto occurred to class it with Eire, within the diploma of its significance, I’m not capable of say; however a parallel could definitely be drawn in some respects.
It’s true, that it’s extra distant from the superior state, and that we must retain our ascendency for ages longer within the one than we will hope to do within the different. However, then again, the world of British India is to that of Eire within the proportion of twenty to at least one; the inhabitants of fourteen to at least one; and the income in that of six to at least one: the worth of economic interchanges can also be, by a number of tens of millions, better, being, the truth is, significantly past that of every other department of our exterior commerce. The quantity of property likewise (public J and personal) yearly transferred thence to the capital of
£24, 000, 000,—being far superior to the income of every other empire or state on the earth—France and England accepted.
British India
The imports and exports to and from the East at the moment are 13 tens of millions sterling yearly; with no different nation or dependency do they exceed ten tens of millions. In addition to the peculiarity of the previous having doubled throughout the final ten or a dozen years; thus affording essentially the most good prospect of a but additional and progressive extension. This circumstance couldn’t, after all, have been identified to M. Say when he printed his (in a level) depreciatory essay of British India.
I The Marquis of Hastings states the common annual provides from India to England (past these from England to India) between the years 1814 and 1822, to have been £1,323,814.
It’s typical with all Japanese governments to order a money steadiness within the treasuries, as a preparation for emergency. By the authority of the above quoted Governor-general, the combination quantity of this merchandise within the coffers of the three presidencies, after defraying the common expenditure, was, in 1821, £12,200,000.
The worth of property remitted on personal accounts from India to England is, after all, not simple to determine; however simply be very appreciable.
0 notes
todaysdocument · 3 years
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Happy Fourth of July! 
The Engrossed Declaration of Independence: 
Series: Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774 - 1789
Record Group 360: Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention, 1765 - 1821
                                                                                               The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
                                 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.____________ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.__ That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security. __Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. _________ He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good._______ He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.________ He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only._______ He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. _______He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.______ He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. _____He has endeavored to prevent the Population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. ______He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.________ He has made judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the Amount and Payment of their salaries. ________ He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their substance. ____He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of our legislature._____ He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. _______He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:__For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:__For protecting them, by mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:__For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:__For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:__For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:__ For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses:___ For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these Colonies:___ For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our Governments:____For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.__ He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us._____He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People.____He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.____He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.____He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions.       In every stage of these Oppressions, We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.  A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People.     Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.  We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends._____
        We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent Sates; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which the Independent States may of right do. ___ And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.    
Button Gwinnett                            Wm Hooper                                    John Hancock                          Rob Morris                        Wm Floyd             Josiah Bartlett
                        Lyman Hall                                      Joseph Hewes                                 Samuel  Chase                         Benjamin Rush          Philip Livingston     Wm Whipple
                        Geo Walton                                     John Penn                                         Wm Paca                                    Benj Franklin                  Fran Lewis              Sam Adams
                                                                                                                                                    Tho Stone                                  John Morton                  Lewis Morris           John Adams
                                                                                      Edward Rutledge                        Charles Carrol of Carrollton  Geo Clymer                                                          Rob Treat Paine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ja. Smith                                                    Elbridge Gerry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Geo Taylor                                                   Step. Hopkins
                                                                                     Tho Heyward Jnr                                                                                     James Wilson          Rich Stockton             William Ellery
                                                                                      Thomas Lynch Jnr                    George Wythe                                    Gro. Ross               Jn Witherspoon          Roger Sherman
                                                                                                                                             Richard Henry Lee
                                                                                      Arthur Middleton                    Th Jefferson                              Ceasar Rodney                Fra. Hopkinson           Sam Huntington
                                                                                                                                             Benj Harrison                            Geo Read                        John Hart                      Wm Williams
                                                                                                                                             Th Nelson jr.                              Tho M Kean                     Abra Clark                     Oliver Wolcott
                                                                                                                                              Francis Lightfoot Lee                                                                                                   Matthew  Thornton
                                                                                                                                              Carter Braxton
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mirelasite · 4 years
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Although almost the entire of the Mogul empire, (moreover a number of adjoining states that weren’t included in that sovereignty,) along with a much more prolonged and confirmed authority over the subjugated individuals than was ever possessed by the Mogul monarchs, have, throughout the final seventy or eighty years, been introduced by some in a position and heroic males, beneath the dominion of the British crown,—nonetheless one could often hear this splendid acquisition spoken of, as if its issues have been on a par with some petty insular or colonial dependency.
Whether or not anyone could have hitherto occurred to class it with Eire, within the diploma of its significance, I’m not capable of say; however a parallel could definitely be drawn in some respects.
It’s true, that it’s extra distant from the superior state, and that we must retain our ascendency for ages longer within the one than we will hope to do within the different. However, then again, the world of British India is to that of Eire within the proportion of twenty to at least one; the inhabitants of fourteen to at least one; and the income in that of six to at least one: the worth of economic interchanges can also be, by a number of tens of millions, better, being, the truth is, significantly past that of every other department of our exterior commerce. The quantity of property likewise (public J and personal) yearly transferred thence to the capital of
£24, 000, 000,—being far superior to the income of every other empire or state on the earth—France and England accepted.
British India
The imports and exports to and from the East at the moment are 13 tens of millions sterling yearly; with no different nation or dependency do they exceed ten tens of millions. In addition to the peculiarity of the previous having doubled throughout the final ten or a dozen years; thus affording essentially the most good prospect of a but additional and progressive extension. This circumstance couldn’t, after all, have been identified to M. Say when he printed his (in a level) depreciatory essay of British India.
I The Marquis of Hastings states the common annual provides from India to England (past these from England to India) between the years 1814 and 1822, to have been £1,323,814.
It’s typical with all Japanese governments to order a money steadiness within the treasuries, as a preparation for emergency. By the authority of the above quoted Governor-general, the combination quantity of this merchandise within the coffers of the three presidencies, after defraying the common expenditure, was, in 1821, £12,200,000.
The worth of property remitted on personal accounts from India to England is, after all, not simple to determine; however simply be very appreciable.
0 notes
biserarose · 4 years
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Although practically the entire of the Mogul empire, (moreover a number of adjoining states that weren’t included in that sovereignty,) along with a much more prolonged and confirmed authority over the subjugated individuals than was ever possessed by the Mogul monarchs, have, inside the final seventy or eighty years, been introduced by some in a position and heroic males, beneath the dominion of the British crown,—nonetheless one might often hear this splendid acquisition spoken of, as if its considerations had been on a par with some petty insular or colonial dependency.
Whether or not anybody might have hitherto occurred to class it with Eire, within the diploma of its significance, I’m not in a position to say; however a parallel might definitely be drawn in some respects.
It’s true, that it’s extra distant from the superior state, and that we should retain our ascendency for ages longer within the one than we will hope to do within the different. However, alternatively, the world of British India is to that of Eire within the proportion of twenty to 1; the inhabitants of fourteen to 1; and the income in that of six to 1: the worth of business interchanges can be, by a number of thousands and thousands, larger, being, in truth, significantly past that of another department of our exterior commerce. The quantity of property likewise (public J and personal) yearly transferred thence to the capital of
£24, 000, 000,—being far superior to the income of another empire or state on the earth—France and England accepted.
British India
The imports and exports to and from the East are actually 13 thousands and thousands sterling yearly; with no different nation or dependency do they exceed ten thousands and thousands. In addition to the peculiarity of the previous having doubled inside the final ten or a dozen years; thus affording essentially the most sensible prospect of a but additional and progressive extension. This circumstance couldn’t, after all, have been recognized to M. Say when he printed his (in a level) depreciatory essay of British India.
I The Marquis of Hastings states the common annual provides from India to England (past these from England to India) between the years 1814 and 1822, to have been £1,323,814.
It’s common with all Jap governments to order a money stability within the treasuries, as a preparation for emergency. By the authority of the above quoted Governor-general, the mixture quantity of this merchandise within the coffers of the three presidencies, after defraying the common expenditure, was, in 1821, £12,200,000.
The worth of property remitted on non-public accounts from India to England is, after all, not straightforward to determine; however simply be very appreciable.
0 notes
bgtraveldays · 4 years
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Although practically the entire of the Mogul empire, (moreover a number of adjoining states that weren’t included in that sovereignty,) along with a much more prolonged and confirmed authority over the subjugated individuals than was ever possessed by the Mogul monarchs, have, inside the final seventy or eighty years, been introduced by some in a position and heroic males, beneath the dominion of the British crown,—nonetheless one might often hear this splendid acquisition spoken of, as if its considerations had been on a par with some petty insular or colonial dependency.
Whether or not anybody might have hitherto occurred to class it with Eire, within the diploma of its significance, I’m not in a position to say; however a parallel might definitely be drawn in some respects.
It’s true, that it’s extra distant from the superior state, and that we should retain our ascendency for ages longer within the one than we will hope to do within the different. However, alternatively, the world of British India is to that of Eire within the proportion of twenty to 1; the inhabitants of fourteen to 1; and the income in that of six to 1: the worth of business interchanges can be, by a number of thousands and thousands, larger, being, in truth, significantly past that of another department of our exterior commerce. The quantity of property likewise (public J and personal) yearly transferred thence to the capital of
£24, 000, 000,—being far superior to the income of another empire or state on the earth—France and England accepted.
British India
The imports and exports to and from the East are actually 13 thousands and thousands sterling yearly; with no different nation or dependency do they exceed ten thousands and thousands. In addition to the peculiarity of the previous having doubled inside the final ten or a dozen years; thus affording essentially the most sensible prospect of a but additional and progressive extension. This circumstance couldn’t, after all, have been recognized to M. Say when he printed his (in a level) depreciatory essay of British India.
I The Marquis of Hastings states the common annual provides from India to England (past these from England to India) between the years 1814 and 1822, to have been £1,323,814.
It’s common with all Jap governments to order a money stability within the treasuries, as a preparation for emergency. By the authority of the above quoted Governor-general, the mixture quantity of this merchandise within the coffers of the three presidencies, after defraying the common expenditure, was, in 1821, £12,200,000.
The worth of property remitted on non-public accounts from India to England is, after all, not straightforward to determine; however simply be very appreciable.
0 notes
socialmgame · 4 years
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Although almost the entire of the Mogul empire, (in addition to a number of adjoining states that weren’t included in that sovereignty,) along with a much more prolonged and confirmed authority over the subjugated individuals than was ever possessed by the Mogul monarchs, have, throughout the final seventy or eighty years, been introduced by some in a position and heroic males, below the dominion of the British crown,—nonetheless one could often hear this splendid acquisition spoken of, as if its issues have been on a par with some petty insular or colonial dependency.
Whether or not anyone could have hitherto occurred to class it with Eire, within the diploma of its significance, I’m not capable of say; however a parallel could actually be drawn in some respects.
It’s true, that it’s extra distant from the superior state, and that we must retain our ascendency for ages longer within the one than we are able to hope to do within the different. However, alternatively, the realm of British India is to that of Eire within the proportion of twenty to at least one; the inhabitants of fourteen to at least one; and the income in that of six to at least one: the worth of economic interchanges can also be, by a number of hundreds of thousands, better, being, the truth is, significantly past that of another department of our exterior commerce. The quantity of property likewise (public J and personal) yearly transferred thence to the capital of
£24, 000, 000,—being far superior to the income of another empire or state on the earth—France and England accepted.
British India
The imports and exports to and from the East are actually 13 hundreds of thousands sterling yearly; with no different nation or dependency do they exceed ten hundreds of thousands. Apart from the peculiarity of the previous having doubled throughout the final ten or a dozen years; thus affording essentially the most good prospect of a but additional and progressive extension. This circumstance couldn’t, in fact, have been recognized to M. Say when he printed his (in a level) depreciatory essay of British India.
I The Marquis of Hastings states the typical annual provides from India to England (past these from England to India) between the years 1814 and 1822, to have been £1,323,814.
It’s regular with all Jap governments to order a money stability within the treasuries, as a preparation for emergency. By the authority of the above quoted Governor-general, the mixture quantity of this merchandise within the coffers of the three presidencies, after defraying the common expenditure, was, in 1821, £12,200,000.
The worth of property remitted on non-public accounts from India to England is, in fact, not simple to establish; however simply be very appreciable.
0 notes