the-aviary-system · 10 months
I wasn’t always a Monster. But I don’t think I was ever quite Human, either.
Perhaps I was always Different by their standards. Fascinated by little knickknacks, collecting things. Always acting a little off, always seen as a little weird. Perhaps I was never meant to be Normal. And that’s fine.
But everything changed when He came into our lives.
Then there was loud, there was fear, and I had to grow claws and fangs and be loud too to protect myself from it.
They don’t want you to be loud and fierce at school. When that happened, they would trap me in the corner. Trap me like a beast in a cage and let me roar and attack uselessly until I had no fight left in me.
But they couldn’t remove the claws and fangs, no matter how hard they tried.
Treat me like an animal long enough and I will act like one, and like an animal I longed to escape my cage. So I would try to run, but they would always catch me.
And when I was “home” after they caught me, He would hear about it. He would come by my bedroom where I sat miserably and stare at me with this cold look. He never spoke a word but His expression told me everything. It was beyond disgust. I was less than human in His eyes. I was a beast in a cage to be gawked at.
When I did something the Humans did not like, She would always hesitate to beat me. She claimed it hurt her too. That was a lie. He did not hesitate. He did it with such vigor and malice one might think He enjoyed it.
As monstrous as I am now, I’m nothing compared to Him.
Many years later was when I realized this body wasn’t right for me. I told Her I needed change.
“You can’t go on testosterone. You’re too fat.”
I knew that wasn’t right but I knew I couldn’t get it without Her help, not yet.
I tried to eat less, I tried to become skin and bones to make Her happy but the Hunger only got worse and it became Ravenous. I had to eat more. I had to eat less. It was never enough- it was too much. I must waste away- I must rip Him limb from limb and devour His flesh so that He cannot hurt me anymore. Will the Hunger stop then? Will the Anger stop when he is dead?
I’ve lost weight. It never made a difference. She finds new excuses. That was never the reason.
“I can’t call you ‘it.’ I could never do that to you, it’s dehumanizing.”
She doesn’t realize it’s too late for that. I’m not Human anymore. I’m not Like Her.
And I don’t want to be.
I’m trapped in a cage. Pacing. Freedom is right there but I have nowhere to go.
I should be wild. I should be free. I can’t be wild, I never learned how to hunt. I can’t be tamed, I bite people who get too close. I am neither. I can’t live in the wild or in the home. Where does something like that go?
Maybe I was never Normal. But now I will never be.
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wendigo-in-the-woods · 6 months
Hello! I just wanted to say that I really like your blog! It makes me upset you've been hated on so much because of what you are. You are a wonderful person and you don't deserve that hate. In my opinion, there is no such thing as "cultural appropriation", as cultures are meant to be influenced and inspired by each other. Cultures don't exist in a vacuum and aren't stagnant. But I digress.
May I ask how you first discovered you were a wendigo?
most cultures are already a melting-pot of other cultures/groups and I think that's the best part about them. I actually didn't think I was a Wendigo at first, just some beast. When I actually looked into Wendigos and other like-minded kintypes, I found that the term 'Wendigo' just fit. It felt right.
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a-silver-dragoness · 10 months
*sigh* the joys of the internet.
I'm browsing the Na'vi kin and Wendigokin tag, and I'm coming across the same thing.
Non-native people cannot be a na'vi or a Wendigo because they're from native cultures and to be them would be appropriation.
Like, bruh.
I really don't understand. How is that appropriation?
That's like dunking on someone who's an eastern dragon because they aren't asian.
Or saying someone can't be a klepie because they aren't scottish.
I know there's a difference between the Hollywood wendigo (man with deer head) and an actual native wendigo. Would people get less defense if someone said they were Hollywood wendigokin?
Or would they be told they can't be a Hollywood wendigo either?
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kinmates-requests · 2 years
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~ Wendigo Kin ~ Requested by Anon
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Monster Monday!
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Sending love to all of the wendigokin!
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also another thing, im so sick of people policing labels and words n stuff. lesboys are valid, if someone wants to use the word wendigo/is wendigokin then i dont see why they cant be, endogenic systems dont harm anyone, alterhumans can be physically alterhuman, all of this stuff is wack and i dont see why it matters. labels are for the user of the label, not those around them, and words/terms are just words/terms. genuinely i just ignore people who restrict stuff like that, it makes me feel bad about myself even if it doesnt directly effect me. (also if the wendigo thing is wrong to you then please inform me on why, as i dont get why those outside the culture should be unable to say the word.)
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entity56 · 4 months
Would it be disrespectful for me to get something like this?
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I feel like it would be great gear. However, it's the image that Westernization has associated with the Wendigo. I am not wendigokin (if those exist? hmu if you are) but I am cryptidkin. I feel like not only does it fit my shifts, it helps me capture this image of nonhumanity that I struggle to express through words. However, I'm afraid of accidental cultural appropriation. Would that be appropriate to buy and wear ?
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
non-Natives cannot be w/nd/go/g. non-Natives cannot be w/nd/gokin, nor w/nd/go extranths, nor any other sort of w/nd/go identity. i don’t say this to be exclusionary, i say this as a Native person who’s tired of our culture and religion being bastardized, appropriated, and stolen by colonizers. i say this as someone who’s tired of plain old racism being excused by those who straight-up don’t care about Native voices
a w/nd/go is not just some cannibal ice monster, nor is it some deer cryptid, nor is it merely a Native personification of evil. it is far, far more than that, and it requires cultural knowledge and experience to really understand. this is knowledge and experience that non-Natives are not let into because of centuries of us sharing our culture with people who take it, misunderstand it, silence us when we try to correct them about it, and then continue to oppress Natives while enjoying cherrypicked parts of our culture
if you, as a non-Native, believe that you may be a w/nd/go; no, you are not. i’d recommend looking into monsters and such that aren’t from closed cultures, as well as potentially taking a look at invented species from things such as the furry culture, and then proceeding to uplift Native voices on this topic
non-Natives are encouraged to reblog this, and please, don’t uncensor the word unless you have to. i don’t want anything coming after me that i’m not prepared for
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of-fur-and-fire · 3 years
Greetings everyone,
I made a group chat for all darkkin, hellkin, monsterkin, etc...
If you'd like to join, like this and I'll add you 😊
See you there 😈
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years
For w*ndigokin what about just using deermankin instead??? Come on guys its that easy dont appropriate cultures
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There's a bunch of alternative words, that's a bit of a mouthful but it could work for some
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kinexperiences · 4 years
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submitted by anonymous
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heypikmin · 4 years
im begging you all to stop calling all monsters, spirits, and demons with a deer skull for a head a wendigo. the american cryptid you're thinking of is probably the Deer Man, or maybe the Jersey Devil. Wendigos/Windigos/etc. are not cryptids, and don’t even traditionally have deer skulls for heads. wendigos originate from spiritual beliefs held by Algonquian Indigenous peoples, whom are from the north eastern part of north america. so no, if you're some white kid hearing crying in the forests of california you're not being "lured into the forest by a wendigo", its probably someone actually crying, or playing a prank.-- or ghosts. could be ghosts.
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wendigo-in-the-woods · 6 months
Mad fucking respect for holding out on here as long as you have, Been a follower for a year or two now and it’s good to see people still holding out against the hate barrages.
honestly even though I don't upload anything anymore it's just funny to keep this blog up.
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a-silver-dragoness · 10 months
The Na'vi one aside, since that's not comparable at all - the wendigo are part of lore that is kept within the native culture it comes from. It isn't spoken about outside of it for a reason, so what people call wendigo aren't actually that. That deer skeleton head thing? Not a wendigo. And part of the lore is that it's not to be spoken of at all, so us even typing the word out is disrespectful. So people call themselves wendigokin, and they don't even know what the entity actually is, they just think it's the name for the cool cryptid they relate to, not realizing it's a bastardized form of something taken completely out of it's native cultural context.
I think what it boils down to is two things:
Closed Culture
Closed culture is just that. It doesn't mix, it doesn't share, it keeps to itself. And it's very understandable. There's alot of nasty history with native culture being erased (Indian Boarding Schools come to mind), and the natural response is the be hyper aggressive in defending/protecting your culture.
And I understand they want to reclaim the meaning of the word. It isn't supposed to mean "man with deer head", but it has come to be associated with that. The majority of people see Wendigos as "man with deer head", (all thanks to Hollywood). But you're not going to get rid of the Hollywood wendigo overnight, and especially not by being mean to people who are Hollywood wendigokin.
I still don't understand how it's disrespectful by typing the word Wendigo? As far as I'm aware, speaking/writing the word only brings the Wendigo to you. To eat you or possess you, I don't remember.
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Consider: wendigocore
-dark brown clothing
-forgetting to eat
-long dark hair
-constantly cold
-native american myths
-studies cryptids
-loves mysteries
-won't hesitate to bite you
-frequently says disturbing things
-has researched the effects of cannibalism
-liable to disappear into the forest    
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coyote-gutz · 4 years
so.. here’s the thing. ive always said im wendigokin, but im white, and have no connection to algonquin culture. My kintype is extremely similar to the bastardized version of the wendigo, tall, nimble, stag skull, antlers etc etc... does anybody have any idea of a cryptid/monster that fits this description? is saying im wendigokin insensitive? 
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