#when I said im manifesting a goal i didn’t mean manifesting a goal against
mastomysowner · 11 months
Chapter 1086
So it wasn’t Uranus. Looks like the WG finally got tired from all these crude jokes and ordered Vegapunk to build something new.
Oda took a break and announced Mad Theories Month. I’m in!
I said it could be Uranus or something Uranus-related in my Chapter 1060 post so now I can’t say I was against the Uranus theory because it’s too obvious 🤣 But I think it’s too early to drop the claim about Uranus-related. Even the Five Elders and Im-sama wouldn't be able to ram what appeared in Lulusia's sky into that basement, but it’s still unknown what is hidden under that hat. And what is usually covered with a hat?..
Funny that even after chapter 1085 there were a lot of people who thought the Five Elders weren’t fighters, Ju Peter’s scar was from a failed attempt on his life at best, and the sword was a glorified toothpick. It’s noteworthy that the sword belongs to, of all people, the Finance Warrior God. My headcanon is that it’s Shodai Kitetsu.
Oda also gave the guys punny planetary names so as not to be too predictable.
It’s strange to see but they’re actually concerned for humans.
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All of them, with their poses, expressions and those shadows over their eyes, look unhappy with what’s about to be done. They even talk about preventing protracted conflicts from occurring in a way that Pain from Naruto intended.
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I didn’t mention it in my Chapter 1085 post the other day, but the Five Dhyani Buddhas, the representation of the various aspect of the enlightened consciousness, are believed to have manifested the five aggregates of clinging. Each of Buddhas represents a negative quality as well as the completely transformed aspect of that failing, manifested as an enlightened wisdom. Maybe there was a time when the Five Elders were nice guys, but they were corrupted with the wrong view of reality?
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What’s their goal? Power? Power is the ability to control resources. This is true of their brethren, the other Celestial Dragons, who gather resources from all over the world to continue their luxurious lifestyle, but what do those who are at the very top of the world get? To be respected, as in the case of Enel? Officially, they are not gods, and Im’s existence is top secret. The sweet feeling of being able to play with the lives of everyone in the world? They haven't been shown to act for it or to be into it at all.
Also, each Dhyani Buddha has his own animal vehicle (elephant, lion, peacock, harpy or garuda, or dragon). We'll see how true this turns out to be when their eldritch abomination form comes to light, but to me those ones look like a bird and an elephant.
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When I saw the name Nerona, my first thought was, of course, of the Roman emperor. I have seen the theory that since many Christians viewed Nero as the Antichrist prophesied in the Book of Revelation, Im is a reference to the Beast, as the Beast will rise out of the sea (Imu-Umi) and take dominion over every tribe, people, language, and nation.
Even the Celestial Dragons fit into this concept, since in the Book of Revelation it was the Dragon representing Satan who gave the Beast his own throne and great power. This seems too much even for OP... Or not?
This is far from the first time the imagery of the Book of Revelations has been used in Japanese pop culture. For example, Whore of Babylon from Fate/Grand Order, the Beast that a certain Roman emperor became. It is said to manifest when the most prosperous city of an era reaches its zenith, so that it may savor its malignancy.
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Whore of Babylon rode the Beast, which meant she was propped up by its power. That she will be devastated by the 10 horns (kings), her lovers, is a prediction of destruction by the rebellious nations. It is quite possible that Oda uses this motif as well. Yes, I don’t think the Great Kingdom was that goody-goody.
Nero is translated into Italian as Nerone, also nero means black/ink. What’s more, Nerona could be Japanese (寝)ねろな - don’t sleep.
In chapter 908, Im was shown cutting apart wanted posters and stabbing the photo of Shirahoshi. Much later, it was revealed that Luffy isn’t just the MC and a pain in the ass, but the user of Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika. Seems that what is common among the selected is that they have powerful abilities, so maybe Im knows what Blackbeard's powers are? If Im has something like the power of nightmares as opposed to the power of dreams, it might be some sort of darkness-related ability, just like Blackbeard’s.
Ultimately, the Yami Yami no Mi’s powers are described as a void which devours everything and returns all to nothingness. Perhaps Im's and Blackbeard's powers even come from the same source. That was just a guess...
...but he knows/suspects Shirahoshi is Poseidon, I’m certain about it.
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Mu, the word Im uses to refer to himself, is not only a Buddhist concept, but also the name of a mythical lost continent, the Motherland of Man, submerged by a catastrophe.
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Does it remind you of something? Oda certainly drew a lot of inspiration from the history of this concept.
I don't believe for a second that Pangaea Castle isn't related to this. There's the Lost Chamber from chapter 1084, and it appears to be a separate entity from the underground chamber where the National Treasure of Mariejois is kept. Also Flower Room evokes the feeling that it was inspired by the Garden of Eden.
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Now we have to figure out who’s that mother, great.
Mu also appears in numerous Cthulhu mythos stories as a lost land inhabited by the first human beings, who worshipped the ghastly Ghatanothoa out of fear of its frightful power. It’s decided, Im is a local Cthulhu!
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There is a lot of emphasis on this at the end of the chapter.
In the original text, Doflamingo was specifically talking about the power that rots in the most literal sense, 腐る - to rot.
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This chamber is literally a giant freezer that prevents flesh from rotting. I'm really dying to know what the National Treasure of Mariejois is and how Doflamingo intended (intends) to use it.
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A good one.
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The original text says he wasn’t just sentenced, but 処刑された, was executed. In all honesty, I find it hard to believe. If Mjosgard is dead then we’ll never know exactly how he was brainwashed reformed by Otohime and he’ll never meet his maternal third cousin Doffy? I can’t accept it!
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lauriel816 · 2 years
Bayern be like:
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25 notes · View notes
chaoskirin · 3 years
Reversed (Reworked) Chapter One
Well, I finally did it! I am re-working Reversed in order to remove the Harry Potter from it. This was one of my most popular Queen stories, written before the author of HP showed her true colors. I like the story too much to allow it to be tainted by that BS, so here it is with a new coat of paint!
There is, of course, still some similarities. I’m REMOVING the Harry Potter. And while that does necessitate some re-writes, the gist is still the same. I hope you enjoy the story as I repost it chapter by chapter!
PLEASE Reblog, and please feel free to comment on AO3. I love comments, if you’re so inclined.
AO3 link can be found here!
Chapter Title: In His Eyes Word Count: 5148 Rating: PG Genre: Fantasy/Gen Summary: Roger, Brian, and John are brought together by a shared accident.
Between the two of them, Brian and John should have been able to get Roger up the stairs. Should have. Except Roger had become dead weight between them, legs dragging, black eyes staring.
"Did you hex his legs, too?" Brian snapped, lip curling at John, who supported Roger's other arm.
Neither Brian--a student in the Kyyra View--nor John--who made his home in Vexxzus--were particularly powerful. Despite Roger falling prey to the same muscle-less predicament, he sure had a healthy weight to him. As John stumbled on an uneven step, he growled, "Use your legs, Taylor!"
"I thought I was supposed to be playing the grievously injured damsel in distress?"
Brian groaned. "How are you still joking about this? You can't see, you idiot!"
"Bet he can walk, though." John elbowed Roger's ribs, and miraculously, the Oerris found his feet.
Vale Rest loomed ahead of them--an enormous, crooked tree growing out of a shallow escarpment. The natural magical force in the area made it an ideal, if not unsightly, place to construct an academy. At least it blended in with the environment, which was more that could be said for other schools. Of course to get to it, one had to climb a million steps.
At least that's what it felt like.
They paused outside the southern tanglewood doors to catch their breath. Despite their altercation, John kept one hand on Roger's arm out of guilt; he couldn't just leave the other student alone on the dark after everything, especially since it wasn't meant to happen.
John only meant to disarm the other boy, but a much nastier curse had bubbled up in his mind instead. The anger, combined with the fresh blood on his hands, led to the recitation of a spell he didn't even know he knew.
Scraping his thumb across his palm, John dislodged the last of the dried beetle haemolymph. Vexxzus spellcasting was disgusting but powerful, and he could still feel the magical aura around him from the insect's death. With that alone, he'd be able to cast for many hours.
As if reading his mind, Brian asked, "Why can't you Vexxzus have a normal focus?" He ran his hand over the branched barrier in front of him until he found the right combination, after which the door swung open. "To cast immediately, too. It's... Well, it's irresponsible is what it is!"
"Aw, c'mon. You know Vexxzus' magic is pretty new," Roger said, glancing up from the floor. An intricate black mask traced the skin in and around his eyes, the pattern almost like lace. It was disturbing but beautiful, shimmering like stars. John couldn't stop looking at it, half with pride and half with horror. A second year student such as himself shouldn't have been able to cast such a curse.
"Decades old," Brian corrected as he and John guided Roger onto the flagstone interior, then toward yet another set of stairs. "A new study in the course of history, sure, but it's been around--There's still people alive who were kids when it first manifested. It's hardly new! Anyway, why are you defending him?"
"Mmmh," Roger mused, his feet tapping in front of him to find the steps. "It looks like he's sorry."
"Looks like!" Brian exclaimed. "You can't bloody see!"
"But I can feel!" Roger argued. "Look at 'im. He's practically shakin' out of his boots."
John certainly did feel as if he'd be expelled for this, or that his family would disown him. Or kill him. Consequently, he couldn't prevent the occasional shudder from wracking his body.
Brian grunted a halfhearted acknowledgement. Roger patted John's arm and said, "It's okay, John. Trust me."
John curled his lip, sneering. "How, in any way, is this okay?"
"It's not," Brian said. "And once we make sure Roger's okay, I'm telling the Council everything."
"I hope you make sure you tell them that this idiot challenged me to a duel in the first place!" John snarled. "And you were his second, May!"
"'This idiot' is right here," Roger noted.
"Good! Don't challenge me to a duel next time!"
"Roger that!" Roger Roger'd.
Incredulous, Brian let Roger go, and stood with his hands on his hips. "Oh, you'll listen to him?" Brian demanded. "This is a snake, Roger. We step on snakes. I'm your best friend, and I clearly remember telling you that this was a bad idea."
"Well, I mean..." Roger fumbled for words. "There's a big difference between 'this is a bad idea' and 'don't do the thing.' Seems to me like we should keep John around. He has the potential to stop me from doing some incredibly stupid stuff!"
John chuckled before he realized what he was doing.
"It's not funny, you prat," Brian said. "You could have killed him." Killed? No. Could he have? Granted, he'd said the words to the curse that blinded Roger before he really knew what he was saying, as if they had a mind of their own. He'd screamed them, in fact, if he remembered right. At full volume, louder than he'd ever said anything before.
What if his anger had driven him to say something else, though? There were rumors. The barest whispers of the power of Death Magic--the power to take a life for a life. Since the Vexxzus View manifested some seventy-odd years ago, those in the darkest reaches of the world had experimented. And, it had been theorized, the words came from deep within; a language spoken with no context. An ancient tongue... "No," John said, half to himself and half to Brian. "I couldn't have. I'm twelve." He stopped on the stairs, distracted by the idea. "You could have. I'm honestly surprised you didn't," Brian said. "Pleasantly, mind, since we're all still very much alive. Thanks for that."
Could he have felt so much hate in that moment that he could have possibly used magic to kill? Was it even possible? If anyone could do it, his View could.
"Let's go, Rog," Brian said, taking Roger's arm again. He gave John another good glare before turning away.
Despite his blindness, Roger still faced backward even as Brian dragged him up the stairs. Eventually, Roger turned away as well, and John thought that would be the end of it. He'd escape to his dormitory and await his punishment while he pondered if he was capable of killing another student in hatred.
Well. Hatred was too strong a word. John didn't particularly like Roger Taylor, but he didn't hate him.
"Hang on, Bri," Roger said. John looked up again, to find the Oerris student feeling his way down the stairs on his own. John automatically reached out to help him. Roger wasn't a bad kid after all... He was just a bit of a jackass. And definitely didn't deserve a life of blindness for a few idiot pranks. "John, I told you, it'll be okay." He took one of John's hands in both of his, and for a second, John believed him.
"No, he's like all the other Vexxzuses," Brian grumbled. "He'll grow up to be a murderer. Maybe even the first person to murder someone with a single word."
John wrenched his hand away from Roger. He lacked the fortitude to argue, since fear and a painfully insistent shame clouded his thoughts. He actually could have killed someone! And even if Roger was just an stick-waving Oerris like the rest of them, with no sense of artistry to the craft, he was still a kid.
Also, the most confusing person John had ever met, because who in their right mind was actually nice to someone who'd just cast a terrible curse on you?
Roger, apparently. An person with feelings and dreams and goals. What if, instead of staring into Roger's starry eyes, John had to stare at his life-robbed corpse?
He saw it for a moment. A snow-pale classmate, dead and still. Struck with the gravity of what could have happened, John shuffled backwards. Unfortunately, as he was on a step, his foot landed on thin air, resulting in an immediate tumble. Something cracked as he tried to catch himself, and the resulting pain followed him all the way down. He couldn't remember how high up he was, but by the time he collided with the landing, he felt like he'd rolled down a hundred stairs. Howling in agony, he curled against the banister, clutching at his arm.
"What happened?" Roger asked. "John?"
"Look--I didn't mean it, Deacon," Brian said, footsteps getting closer. "I mean, as far as Vexxzuses go, you're all right, I guess? What'd you go and--Oh, hell, this is broken."
John opened his eyes, tears distorting the blue and silver colors of Brian's Kyyra uniform. "Broken?" John hadn't ever seen that look on Brian's face before. Gentle, worried, caring. Before, it always looked so angry. "You're both idiots," he said.
"Brian?" Roger whimpered.
Brian bit his lip, brow furrowed. "Okay, Rog... Let me..." He stood, skipping back up the stairs. Taking Roger by the hand, he guided him back down to the landing. "Sit here with Deacon. I'm gonna go get a nurse. Don't move, either of you. I mean it."
After helping Roger sit, Brian ran off, at a much quicker pace, toward the hospital. All John wanted to do was cry, really, but he found himself distracted when he felt Roger's hand on his hip. "What are you...?" John started. But Roger seemed to be concentrating quite intently as he moved his hand, finding John's elbow. A little more, and he was touching John's shoulder. "Ah-ha!" he exclaimed. Reaching all the way around, Roger pulled John up, until he was sitting. Not one to reject any sort of comfort at the moment, John leaned against Roger, relishing the warmth. "Did you fall down the whole flight?" Roger asked. "Half, maybe," John said, glancing up and estimating. "Yeah, half. May says my arm is broken." He looked down at it and wished he hadn't; no arm should be able to bend quite that way, and seeing it just made it hurt more.
"Why do you do that?" Roger asked.
"What? Fall? It's a hobby."
"No. You call me and Brian by our last names. I mean, he does it, too, but just 'cuz you do, I think."
John really had no idea. It seemed like the thing to do, he supposed. Take something precious to someone and completely ignore it in favor of something less personal? Seemed stupid, now that he really thought about it.
"Anyway," Roger went on. "This is quite a spell you did. I think you might know more than Brian." More than a stuck up old Kyyra? Possible. Probable, even. Though Brian didn't seem like the type to study curses in the first place. Academics could name a curse and maybe even go through the incantation for a test, but to actually pull it off? Nah. Most who shared the Kyyra View had the same problem, at least as far as John knew.
He took a moment to feel pride at the compliment, until the implications hit him. Looking into Roger's eyes, he winced. "It's bad, Roger."
"I know."
"Then why are you so calm?"
He smiled serenely. "Well, it's done, isn't it? There's nothing I can do about it right this minute. Besides, I don't think you meant to."
After a moment, John said, "No. I really didn't." There was no sense wasting an opportunity to learn, though. He leaned over to look at the spell's handiwork again. "What's it like? Do you see anything?"
Roger shook his head. "No. N'come to think of it, I'm not totally sure what... what it was like to see." His eyes narrowed, the bright stars shifting around inside. "That's strange. I mean, odd, isn't it? I don't remember what you look like."
John felt sick.
"It'll be okay!" Roger said again. "Brian'll demand the Head Matron. Salwix, or her assistant Cammielle. He gets all panicky and people kinda take him seriously 'cuz he's so brainy. They'll make it better."
John wasn't so sure.
In the idle silence, Roger waved a hand in front of his own face, expression elated, as if this was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to him. "Wow! What's a hand look like? I can feel it, but I don't remember. Neat, huh? You know, my view's colors are purple and gold, but I can't even think of what purple is anymore! This is so weird--"
"Please stop," John said weakly.
"Eh? All right. Just thought you wanted to know, is all." Roger pulled his knees up, wrapping his arms around them.
"Didn't know it did all that," John replied. "Actually I wasn't sure what it'd do. I think I read about it once. My family's got these old books. Sometimes I'd sneak into my mom's study to read them."
"Didja get in trouble?"
John laughed. "Yeah. Sometimes." Roger laughed, too, then said, "Look at us, havin' a normal conversation for once."
"You're cursed, and I've just broken my arm. This isn't how normal people have a chat."
"Normal as we've ever had. Anyway, you seem nice enough. How'd you end up with the Death View, anyway? I thought only the creepy ones ended up there."
John curled his nose. A lot of people thought the same of Vexxzus, but one couldn't control their magical aptitude any more than they could control the color of the sky. "They shouldn't be called Views," John answered. It was the only thing he could think of to say.
"Yeah, but--"
"It's just a way to do magic, all right? And some people are... better at it than the other views. Some people... It's all they can do."
"Really? It's all you can do?" Roger pressed. "I'm good at Oerris, but I can do Kyyra if I really concentrate. But I don't want to concentrate, so..." He trailed off with a shrug. "You know Brian can do all four? Even Ghittan?"
John didn't know that. His respect for the Kyyra increased a fraction of a millimeter.
After re-situating his arm, which had dulled from a brilliant pain to a mere sharp ache, John said, "yes, it's all I can do."
"Weird," Roger said, though his voice carried a hint of contemplation to it. "We all just thought that--"
"Oh! Heavens, there they are, just like you said!" a voice echoed from the upper landing, cutting Roger off as a heavyset nurse bustled down the steps. Headmatron Salwix, who ran the entire hospital, reached John and Roger and knelt down next to them. Brian followed a few steps behind.
Salwix reached into her pocket, retrieving a pouch, out of which she took a pinch of red clay. Looping the pouch around her thumb, she reached for John's wrist; her touch set it to throbbing again, and he squealed.
She tsk'd. "You're right, May. Definitely broken. Falling down a flight of steps at your age, Deacon? Remind me--"
"A second-year, ma'am," Brian supplied.
"Well, I suppose it happens sometimes," Salwix muttered, gently sprinkling the cold clay down John's forearm. She muttered a healing incantation John hadn't yet learned and added, "this will numb the pain until I can take a closer look. But it's still broken, so don't go doing cartwheels on it."
John's answered with a relieved sign. "Yes, ma'am."
"As for you..." she said, turning to Roger. Reaching for his face, she grabbed his cheeks and turned his head from side to side, squishing his lips into a pucker with her grasp. With her other hand, she traced the lines around his eyes. "Cold, smooth. I know what this is, but I haven't seen it in years, and then, only once in my entire career! What in Merlin's name happened?"
John looked up at Brian. The Kyyra crossed his arms, quickly looking away. He hadn't told!
"Whrrbwoosiiyrrs--" Roger tried. Salwix released his face.
After rubbing his jaw, Roger tried again. "One of the sixth-years bet me that I couldn't curse myself," he said, brimming with unearned pride. "Now he owes me n' Brian n' John here a round next time we go to Rec."
John bristled. How dare a stick-waver take credit for John's brilliant spell? Before he could ruin their whole cover, though, he bit his tongue. Roger seemed to be in the process of saving his ass, which meant John was going to have to let that little insult go. At least for now.
Salwix looked up at Brian, who rolled his eyes. "Roger's an idiot, Matron Salwix," he said. "I found him wandering around down the hill. Me n' Deacon were helping him get up to the hospital, but then..."
"I see. Well, Mister Taylor, I'll be informing your View's council that you've been using advanced curses. This won't go unpunished, I'm afraid. This sort of magic is dangerous." She shook her head, clicking her tongue. "At least you didn't curse someone else. Honestly, you children. Up. Both of you. We'll have you seen to."
With Salwix helping Roger to his feet, that left Brian to help John. He did so with surprising care, slowly, so as not to jar the broken arm too badly. It still stung, now that gravity was pulling on it. John held it to his chest, feeling tears sting at his eyes again. "Matron Salwix?" John asked. "Can you fix his eyes? He's going to be okay, right?"
Salwix turned, hesitating. Roger said, "It's okay. You can say." "There are... some side effects," she said. "Minor, but obvious, I'm afraid. But you'll see again." Side effects. As Salwix helped Roger up the stairs, John met Brian's eyes, and they shared a moment of worry.
"Uuughhhh," Roger groaned. As he became more and more conscious, the headache seemed to get worse. Still, he chanced opening his eyes, grimacing as the light hit them. He threw his arms up in front of his face to block it out.
Well, at least he remembered what seeing was like now. Pain. Agony.
"Roger," someone whispered.
"No, not so loud," he whined. Peering through his fingers, he found John and Brian standing over him. If John would only move a little bit to the right, he'd block out the overhead light...
"We're between classes," Brian said, as quietly as he could manage. Thankfully, Brian's voice was fairly comforting anyway, but it still made Roger's head hurt. "Thought we'd come see if you were awake yet." Between classes? Roger's duel with John was on Saturday, which meant he must have missed all of Sunday. At least. "So, this is when I ask the cliché, 'how long was I out?' question, I suppose." He squeezed his eyes shut and added, "Shut up, Roger. You're too loud."
"He's Roger, though," John said, worried. "He knows. He's just being funny," Brian replied. "Or trying. It rarely ever hits the mark." "Hey, I'm funny." Roger opened one eye again, and gestured to the window. "Think one of you can shut the curtains?" "They're closed, Rog," Brian said. "Besides, it's cloudy out. You're just very photosensitive right now. It'll pass." "Oh, yeah, don't take my photo right now, either. I imagine I'm a bit of a mess. Now, c'mon. Tell me. How long was I out?"
Brian and John looked at each other. Roger noticed that John's wrist was neither wrapped, nor did it look like it hurt at all as he cradled a stack of books. "Ah, well," John said. "Salwix put you out for a week. She thought you'd wake up today. I got your homework."
Roger groaned.
"I told you, he doesn't like homework," Brian said. "You should have saved that for when he was up and about."
Roger smiled. "You two friends now?"
"He needed someone to keep him in line. Vexxzuses, you know," Brian said.
John rolled his eyes.
Roger pushed himself up until he was sitting. The headache was easing a bit now, although it still felt like someone had grabbed his brain, shaken it, and put it back sideways. One would think that with all the mages around Vale Rest, they might have found a way to eliminate such inconveniences entirely. Maybe he'd ask Salwix for a headache draught once Brian and John left. "You guys figure out what the side effects are supposed to be?"
They smiled, and John giggled behind his hand. Roger didn't like that. It meant they were in on a joke that he wasn't in on, and that was unacceptable. "C'mon, it can't be too serious. What? What is it? Do I have another eye?" He waved his hand in front of his face, but found that he was still seeing in boring, normal three dimensions. No mystical powers of prestidigitation. Alas. "Is he disappointed that he doesn't have another eye?" John asked.
"No," Roger said. Then, "Yes, maybe."
"It's not that exciting," Brian said. "John, did you bring the mirror?"
"Oh, right. Hang on." He set his books down on the nightstand and slung his bag off his shoulder, digging through it. "You'll have some dark circles under your eyes," Brian said. "That's thanks to the initial masking spell effect. But it doesn't look that bad, honestly, I think. It's the other thing... Show him. He'll probably love it." John handed him the mirror. Despite his curiosity, Roger still felt just the slightest amount of trepidation as he looked into it... and found that his eyes were a rather fetching shade of bright lavender. Surprising, to say the least. He wondered if it was a trick of the light, but when he moved the mirror, they stayed purple.
"Salwix says they'll change based on the weather," Brian said. "It's raining now, so... We're guessing purple is rain. We'll have to see what the rest is. I guess that's the true intention of the spell, it's just... imperfect. Also, it's..."
"Not reversible," John said quietly. "I'm really sorry, Roger."
He missed the blue, it was true. Still, John seemed so down, and it could have ended up being a whole lot worse. Color-changing eyes? The girls were going to love him. "Are you kidding?" Roger exclaimed. "This is great. There's no windows in the dorms. We'll know what to wear without sending someone upstairs in their skivvies."
"Told you," Brian said. He smiled, laying a hand on John's shoulder. But John didn't look particularly relieved. He had that same sick, pale look that he had on the stairs. Or, the same look Roger imagined he would have, if Roger could have pictured anything at that point in time. In any case, he looked now how he sounded then, and that was kind of sad. "Hey, Bri?" Roger said. "Can I talk to John for a bit?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Glad you're up, Roger. I'll have your homework waiting for you when you get out of here." He winked as Roger groaned, before shouldering his bag.
"He knows I hate homework," Roger said, once Brian was gone. "Your wrist looks okay." "Oh, yeah. They fixed it up here really quick," John said, turning it over a couple times. He sat on the bed, shoulders slumping. "Thanks, by the way... For taking the fall for me. While I was up here, I heard Salwix talking to your Council. I'm sure if they knew I cursed you, I would have been expelled."
"It's not that bad! Is it?" Roger held up the mirror again, poking at the dark smudges under his eyes. Eh, he could make it work. They really brought out the color, honestly, even if that color was purple. "We gotta find out what the other colors are. Think you can make it stop raining?"
"...Yes." John said. "I mean, yes, it's bad. No, I can't make it stop raining. Do you take anything seriously? I cursed you, Roger. Forever. What if it'd been worse?"
Roger lowered the mirror. The poor second-year looked like he was about to cry. "My mum says 'if' is a big word."
"It's two letters."
"Yeah, but you can't dwell on it, you know? If you start thinking of all the 'what ifs,' then you never live now. What are you worried about? That you'd be able to do some weird death magic?"
John didn't say anything.
Honestly, Roger always did have a healthy fear of the Vexxzus View. Some, like John, crushed beetles to gain a burst of magic power, but he'd seen others take the lives of mice or birds. Killing was a strange, gruesome, macabre focus, unlike the much more sensible imbuing of magic into a wand or gem--like a sensible human.
Furthermore, the View possessed an air of secrecy and mystery, even among its own members. No one knew how far the magic could go. What it could do. Everyone else in Vale Rest just assumed the Vexxzuses pursued murder as their ultimate goal. Why else would you choose...
But John said he hadn't chosen it.
Roger sighed. "Look, I don't know you very well, but everything I need to know about you, I've learned since our duel. S'far as I can tell, you wouldn't be able to do it." When John looked affronted, Roger clarified. "That's a good thing! No one should be able to invent a killing word, and those who'd do it are bad people. And... and even if you could... Even if you knew some death spell, you wouldn't have done it anyway. You wanted to teach me a lesson. You didn't want to kill me." Roger paused, then added, "Did you?"
"No! Of course not!" As soon as John said the words, realization dawned, and he relaxed. "No. I never want that. Still. I think what I did to you... It's the worst curse I know of. And I shouldn't have been able to do it. I mean, most adults can't do it. It is still under development, after all. It just doesn't work right... But it's not the words. I've read about it, you see. A little. It must be the pronunciation. It's not at all natural. The words--they say they're ancient..."
"Like... Old god ancient?"
"Maybe," John wondered. "And it'd be easier with a wand, like you have in Oerris. There's a... A motion to it."
"I thought you said you didn't read much about it."
John's academic fixation fizzled, and he slumped. "I pick things up."
Roger muttered to himself, throwing his feet over the side of the bed. Looking through the drawers in his nightstand, he finally found his focus--a rosewood wand, carved in the shape of a panda eating bamboo. He held it out to John, who wrinkled his nose.
"Yes, yes," Roger said. "Stick-wavers and such. I've heard it all. It's a valid implement for magic!"
"Mm-hm," John conceded, taking the wand and holding it between his fingers, as if it were filth. "I told you, I can't. Most people who can do Vexxzus magic can't. Except Brian, I guess."
Undeterred, Roger reached for the nearly spent candle next to him, and puffed out the flame. "Light it. It's the easiest spell we know. You said you pick things up, right? Maybe a different View? One that's not so deathy?"
"I can't--"
John pressed the wand back into Roger's hand. "No. It's--It's not..."
He pressed his lips together, eyes focused downward at his own hands.
"All right, all right," Roger said, tapping the wand to the candle's wick and setting it alight again. "I just thought--"
John vigorously shook his head. "Sorry."
Roger set the candle back on the nightstand, and leaned back on his pillow. Despite having slept for a week, he still felt incredibly tired. Maybe being cursed sapped all your energy, too. Honestly, the thought that it could have been worse was pretty frightening, and maybe he'd think about how lucky he was later when it all caught up with him. Maybe he'd talk about that with Brian, though, since John seemed awfully traumatized by the whole thing. He certainly didn't seem like the stereotypical mean-spirited, borderline-evil Vexxzus everyone talked about.
"Hey, John? Why'd we start fighting, anyway?"
"You don't remember?"
Roger thought for a moment. He really didn't.
Clearly uncomfortable, John shifted, appearing much smaller. His brows lowered, but he looked hurt more than angry. "You... You charmed all the words in all my books to be the same color as the pages. I'd bought new books before I realized what you did."
"Oh yeah! Yeah, I remember now." He chuckled. "You were so pissed. I never heard a first-year say those words before." John reddened, looking away. It wasn't just the incident with the books, though, Roger realized, with a rare stab of guilt. Because after that, there was the hair-color-changing incident. And the sweater-unraveling incident. And many other incidents that seemed entirely minor and extremely funny, until Roger added them all up and realized... He'd been harassing the shy kid. The quiet one who just wanted to stay out of the way. Who didn't want to bother anyone.
Because John was a Vexxzus, and so very easy to harass. The whole time, Roger felt like a hero.
It was no wonder John had been so angry by the time they got to dueling. "Oh. Damn. I mean, you have such a bad temper... It was like, ah... throwing water balloons at a bear. Hilarious, 'til it... rips out your spleen or something. Brian did tell me to leave you alone. I guess after all that, I deserved--"
"Don't say you deserved it," John interrupted. "I was scared you'd never see again. I was scared I could have killed you. That's a lot worse."
Roger always prided himself on being the easy-going, laid-back guy who everyone thought was a complete idiot. He liked to make people laugh. And he did! Of course, it meant he was a bully, which wasn't ever what he intended. And he'd driven a nice kid to cast a horrible curse. Of course Roger deserved what he got. "I'm sorry, John. I really am."
"Yeah, well, if we're going to be friends, can you maybe do that a little less often? The bear-harassing, I mean." Friends? Friends? Roger knew his face must be lit up like a Christmas tree. He didn't care, though. "You? And a stick-waving Oerris? This is so cool." He used the springiness of the horrible hospital mattress to propel himself forward, knocking John's bag to the floor, so he could wrap his arms around his new Vexxzus best friend forever. "Ain't no one messin' with me now," he said.
John tried everything to pry him away, finally gave up, and said, "You're going to have to stop hugging me at some point."
"That's a lie," Roger replied.
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violentviolette · 4 years
So I was on your fandom blog and I saw that you believe Bakugou (at least in assuming) to have ASPD. Is wondering if you could expand on that? I personally see him as NPD but I'd love to hear your side of things
first off anon bless u for being on my fandom blog that takes courage cause it’s a wicked hot mess over there lol and secondly to everyone else yes im about to spend an embarrassing amount of effort overanalyzing an anime man, no u shouldn’t apply this logic to diagnosing real people u don’t know or urself, no its not that deep but yes u can fuck right off if u wanna cry about me headcanoning ur favs with “shitty” illnesses. eat my dick.
But now down to the good shit! So I actually think bakugou has comorbid aspd/npd. But for this since u said u already see him as having npd I’ll just focus on the aspd criteria but im totally down to talk more about npd as well if u wanna. (the rest is under a cut because frankly mobile users would have drawn and quartered me otherwise)
So first im gonna go thru the dsm v criteria that are required for diagnosis that bakugou fits/exhibits (leaving out the few things that don’t pertain to him just for length and also because not every person has to fit every single criteria to qualify)
1. Significant impairments in personality as manifested by
a. identity (self esteem derived from power, pleasure, or personal gain), self direction (goal setting based on personal gratification, absence of prosocial standards and culturally normal ethical behavior)
katsukis entire sense of self is built upon his ability to “win” and to always be number one and come out on top. He absolutely cant stand to be viewed as less than that because if so, his entire sense of self begins to crumble. Part of the reason he’s so antagonistic towards Izuku in the early chapters is the fact that Izuku challenges that identity. He (unintentionally and intentionally) challenges katsuki and wont give way to him (which is the right thing to do, but we see how “well” katsuki handles that). He also doesn’t have a good sense of “prosocial standards.” katsuki has created his own internal sense of morals and values, he’s decided whats worth his time and effort based on his own opinions and not on what society deems worthwhile behavior. He’s constantly getting admonished that his attitude “isn’t that of a hero” because his values are different than the ones of the society around him. But he doesn’t care, as long as he “wins” then everythings good. And its not until he stops “winning” and his behavior begins to get in the way of his goals does he begin to realize that he has a problem.
b. impairments in interpersonal functioning as manifested by lack of empathy (lack of concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others) and lack of intimacy (incapacity for mutually intimate relationships, use of dominance or intimidation to control others)
I could frankly write a whole essay about just this bit alone but I’ll try to condense my thoughts. So. Lets talk about katsukis lack of empathy. This boy wouldn’t know another person’s emotions if they walked up and punched him in the face. Which they do. On multiple occasions. But I digress. Katsuki is known for his shitty bedside manner, his lack of concern for the feelings of others is literally what cost him his provisional license, but aside from with Izuku (who we’ve established is a source of Baggage for katsuki and shouldn’t be counted among his normal behavior because at the start of the series they BOTH bring out the worst in one another and overcoming that is part of both of their character arcs and growth and a main theme of the damn story. Win and save. Save and win. Ahem. But again I digress) katsuki isn’t vindictive or cruel in an unnecessary way about other peoples emotions. He doesn’t use them against people, it just doesn’t occur to him that they exist. But as we see katsuki grow and begin to try and change his unhealthy behavior, we see that he’s not oblivious of others emotions in the same way todoroki is (who I headcanon as autistic along with izuku (who also has adhd), but that’s a whole nother post lol), he just doesn’t know what to do with them. He can handle things like kirishima feeling insecure, because he can logically talk to him about how strong he is to encourage and support him, but really struggles with more intimate and open forms of emotional support, like with Izuku.
He also struggles with forming prosocial bonds and friends. At the start of the series katsuki doesn’t have friends, he has lackeys he controls with intimidation and fear because he doesn’t know any other way to be. He has trust and intimacy issues and doesn’t like people getting too close to him because he feels displays of vulnerability are what makes someone weak (see those asocial morals and values we talked about earlier). After his time at UA, a few large helpings of some humble pie, and the diligent and hard work of a small group of fearless idiots (aka kaminari whose literally too prosocial for his own good and has zero self preservation instincts, and kirishima who has an endless supply of patience and understands empathy and other peoples emotions to a degree that’s baffling to me) he is able to start deconstructing that idea and realizing that u can be vulnerable and let people close to u and still be strong. That the mortifying ordeal of being known isn’t actually the worst things ever. Also that when confronted with people who aren’t actually afraid of him, he doesn’t know how else to deter them from getting close to him. The fact that none of the other kids in 1-A take katsukis shit and even go so far as to pick on him and mock him and call him out on his bullshit is a MAJOR turning point for his socialization skills.
2. pathological personality traits in the following catagories
a. antagonism, characterized by hostility (persistent and frequent angry feelings, anger or irritability in response to minor slights or insults, nasty mean vengeful behavior), callousness (lack of concern for the feelings and problems of others)
I mean. Do I even have to expand on this point? I feel like no
b. disinhibition, characterized by impulsivity (acting on the spur of the moment in response to immediate stimuli, acting without a plan or consideration for outcomes, difficulty establishing and following plans), risk taking (lack of concern for ones limitations and denial of the reality of personal danger, engaging in potentially risky and self-damaging activities without regard for consequences)
this is a criteria where u have to adjust for the world these characters are living in. but even then, by hero standards, katsuki is still impulsive. His teachers are constantly admonishing him in the early series for charging headfirst into a situation, loosing himself to his emotions and anger, and letting things get the better of him because hes not taking the time to properly assess the situation, this also bleeds into katsukis inability to work with others or ask for help. He charges headfirst into a situation by himself, blows up anything in his way, and then asks questions later. His teammates are often left totally in the dark to his plans, motives, or other moves and have to just play catch up to him the entire time. In the deku vs. kacchan 1 fight we see this behavior come out in full force. He has no plan, he blows up half the building with zero regard for their goals, and leaves iida completely in the dark. Momo pointing this all out and dragging him for filth during the recap is another wakeup moment for him, having to confront the realities of his impulsive and negative behavior whereas before he was only praised for it.
so if we take a look at even just that, which is still about ¾ of the diagnostic criteria, I think u can see where this really starts to explain his personality. Katsuki is hot headed, angry, impulsive, stubborn, selfish, he gets in his own way more often than not, he struggles with prosocial behavior, making friends, and relating emotionally to others. He has a hard time comforting people and usually does so in a blunt and logical way, he isn’t great at sympathy and being soft, kind, or gentle with other people. It takes a considerable amount of effort for him to realize where his world view and his morals and goals are warped and doing him more harm than good, and he absolutely cant stand to be vulnerable or honest about his feelings with others. 
All those things, imo, as someone with aspd & npd, are what make me feel like hes a good character representation of what the complexities of living with these disorders is like. Katsuki isn’t inherently a bad person, and as we see him grow and change, we see the ways in which hes becoming better, but its still hard for him. And despite what a lot of fandom thinks, if u look at the canon, the main person katsuki hurts with his behavior is himself. And I think that’s really important because people with aspd & npd are so often catagorized as abusive villians whose only goal in life is to hurt others. Whereas with katsuki we see where these things and this kind of thinking gets in the way of his goals and ultimately hurts him. and thats what I think makes him the most relatable and makes his growth all the much more satisfying. Katsuki is both fundamentally the same and an entirely different person from when we first meet him. his personality didn’t magically completely change, hes not just a tsundere whose suddenly all mushy feely and hyper empathetic, he’s just learning how to deal with his emotions and the world and getting better at being a healthy person.
So yea, those are my thoughts! There was apparently a whole 1600 words of them so my apologies for writing u a literal dissertation on this lol I just really love this fucking character
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curanonemu · 5 years
ateez as angels
tags/warnings: slight angst, very slight violence in jongho's part (not against reader i promise), very sappy things, second-person reader, lowercase, DISCLAIMER: im sorry for making some things up jdskgfk idk angel lore.
word count: 2,733
notes: big thanks to @stray-lids for listening to me cry about this and supporting me ♡ they are spectacular go give them love tyvm now on to the post
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hongjoong - ✧ dominion ✧ 
dominions preside over the lesser angels, regulate their duties and ensure that God's wishes are carried out.
it’s hard watching over angels, but hongjoong likes it. it may be tiring, it may just be a routine by now, but it feels equally rewarding at the end of the day, when everything is peaceful, in heaven and on earth, nothing out of place.
after all, he could have it worse; he could be a power or a guardian, and those seem much more tired than he ever feels.
being a dominion, he knows all angels, even if they’re not under his command. it’s necessary to know them all, each one of them is important to heaven, and to him as a result.
that’s exactly why it comes as a surprise when he sees one that he’s never met before. he’s on earth for once, and he’s not sure he even knows which one of his comrades you serve.
he’s about to float right over to the stranger, ask questions when he stops in his tracks.
you’re a human.
he feels the telltale rush of blood as his face warms, and he scolds himself for making such a mistake.
are you really so heavenly as to cause such a misunderstanding?
he shakes his head, looks again. it’s still the same.
you still look like the prettiest, most ethereal being he’s laid his eyes on in all the time he’s spent on earth and in heaven. you still are the prettiest.
and hongjoong feels very human when he looks at you.
he wonders if you’d feel the same, were you able to look at him. maybe not. you probably won’t be surprised; hongjoong is an angel, of course. but maybe he won’t be the prettiest being you’ve laid your eyes on.
after all, you must be in possession of a mirror. surely?
(other members under the cut!)
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seonghwa - ✧ principality/ruler ✧
principalities rule over other angels and send them on missions in order to accomplish their protection role.
seonghwa has a problem.
he assigns his subordinates to take care of people. entire groups, that is.
he doesn't have to think about individuals.
he shouldn't have to.
but he does. there's one that he can't stop thinking about.
you are so annoying.
he's not a guardian angel, he's a ruler, for heaven's sake. he's not your personal wingman.
(no, that's not how the word is used, is it? he wants to be more than your wingman.)
there's exasperation within him. exasperation at his desperate antics. he's above them, yet he continues to indulge in such things.
desperation. another emotion warring within him, which largely makes up his thoughts. he wants you a lot. so much that he's starting to experience other feelings, like those of nervousness, fear, and he pines.
you're making him feel human emotions, act like a little guardian instead of the ruler he is, and he is. not. happy.
he is more than happy, being the fool he is.
he's convinced you are more powerful than all of his brethren combined. isn't that the only reason why he is so smitten with you? how you have him wrapped around your finger like it's nothing, living your life like you don't know a thing about the predicament seonghwa is in. well, it's precisely because you don't.
that's why, when he needs to assign angels to protecting your town, he stations them all as far away from you as he can.
and then, happily neglecting all his obligations, duties, his very nature, he skips off to protect you himself.
and if he somehow gets to interact with you, that'll be the feather on top.
that is his goal now, come what may.
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yunho - ✧ virtue ✧
virtues bring God’s blessings to earth in the form of miracles, and are associated with acts of heroism and bring courage when needed.
it hurts to watch people when they're sad. yunho doesn't like seeing crying children, crying parents, young or old. he's especially not enjoying seeing you cry.
just a while back, you'd asked for courage and now you're crying, regretting standing up to people who were - in yunho's eyes - undeserving of the importance you give them, with the pain they brought you.
"do you really care that much?" he wants to ask, but it's obvious that you do, and he can't ask you.
he'd give anything to talk to you, tell you that it's not worth it, you are so much better than the things holding you down. all he can do is watch you cry.
well. there is something he can do.
he wills a flower into existence, petals soft against his palm where the bud rests, and yunho looks back at you.
you can't see him, but you'll be able to see the flower. that's enough for him.
the window to your room is open, and he tosses the flower inside, the breeze carrying it to you.
you lift your head, looking confused before noticing the flower.
you turn it around curiously, frowning. and then you smile through your tears, and the flower's beauty pales in comparison.
you get up slowly, then go out of your room, leaving the door ajar. with the flower in your hand, you're most likely looking for some water to preserve it.
from his place outside the window, yunho allows himself to smile too.
he hopes the message reaches you.
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yeosang - ✧ virtue ✧
virtues bring God’s blessings to earth in the form of miracles, and are associated with acts of heroism and bring courage when needed.
you're finally done for the day, which had been so hectic, and you're exhausted and irritated and feeling absolutely dead, wishing you were for real too.
'please, just get me away from here now,' you think, hoping that any deity of the world is kind enough to listen to you.
yeosang's the one that hears you, and that's when he first meets you. he manifests himself a little ways behind you, frowning as he wonders if you're serious. he hears such prayers on the daily, and half of them are tossed out casually. he's never acted upon any, though. his job is to give people hope, not tear it away from them.
he watches you for a minute, then decides to let himself look into your soul.
it's. unexpected.
under the cover of weariness, it's bright, insanely so. it leaves him breathless for a moment; a feeling he's not familiar with because he's never needed to breathe, born an angel. but the pressure is there, a feeling welling up inside him which makes him take in much needed air.
it's the first time that he's seen such a bright soul. it makes the grace of some of his brothers pale in comparison.
you're just tired. he doesn't like that.
for now, you may want to go. but you definitely don't need to.
and yeosang will do all that he can to make sure that you stay where you are, on earth. if that means stepping out of bounds with his duties, that's fine. he will do his best to drive away the forces that plague you. it's in everyone's interest. your soul is unique, a work of beauty and he doesn't wish to see it tainted. it's only natural. he's the embodiment of miracles, your soul is a reflection.
heaven doesn't need you yet, nor does heaven need you broken beyond repair.
that's why he needs to protect you.
that's all there is to it.
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san - ✧ archangel ✧
archangels are the chief angels, guardians of people and all things physical.
san is an archangel, for crying out loud. he's strong, majestic, fierce and all things big. his wings are beautiful, sharp yet soft feathers, and as him. he's not... a butterfly. he's not a tiny creature, smaller than his own little finger and wildly colourful.
but there he is, having resorted to pretending to be a butterfly of all things, just so he can solve his latest problem.
the first time had been a necessity, and that was what led to the whole mess.
he loves flowers, and he loves how many varieties earth has. it's a habit of his to turn into bugs and enjoy said gifts of nature. (it scares that baby angel mingi as well, which san finds insanely amusing despite adoring the other.)
except, the one time he turned into a butterfly and sat atop a pretty flower, you'd passed by, stopped, backtracked and stood in front of him, eyes wide.
he doesn't know if you like butterflies or not, if you're scared of them or not. your expression didn't give away any of that. it wasn't even the emotion behind your eyes that he was drawn to. it were your eyes themselves that reeled him in, left him reeling.
they're so beautiful, magnetic and all things gorgeous, and he wants you to look at him. you can't see his true form, but you can see him like this, when he's a tiny, harmless creature, and not the intimidating archangel he's meant to be. he never really understood the idea behind some of the other angels' posturing, who, like him, had once been humans that ascended to heaven. now, more than ever, he doesn't see the point of it.
he's strong, yes.
but his interest in you is stronger.
he shouldn't have to try and be a big, bad angel (not that angels are meant to be bad) and go against his heart's desires.
so he doesn't.
he lets himself enjoy your presence, flitting about you often in the hopes that you'd see him.
but you never do.
whenever he's trying to get your attention, there are other matters that you need to attend to.
it's all so well-timed he's starting to think someone's messing with him on purpose.
last month? he'd almost caught your attention before someone asked you a question, and then you just up and left without so much as a glance in his direction. last week? pretty much another distraction that hindered him from being noticed.
he doesn't like this at all.
is someone pranking him? it could be another angel. san's never been unsuccessful for this long.
should he resort to serious measures?
what was it, go big or go home?
that's it. if being a butterfly doesn't work, then he's going to be a BETTERFLY.
he's going to be the best of the best, and he'll be big, not a teeny tiny innocent pretty creature. san's going to get your attensan one way or another.
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mingi - ✧ guardian angel ✧
guardian angels stay with their human throughout life, dedicated to helping them navigate and make the most of the journey.
mingi likes helping people. fellow angels, humans, and the odd demon, he's helped them all. the last was unintentional, but he doesn't regret it. the demon turned out to be nice, anyway, so mingi did nothing wrong by helping him.
but sometimes, he feels like no matter how much help he gives, it's not enough.
presently, it's not in the negative sense wherein he feels he's not enough to aid them.
what he feels right now is just. he wants to help you.
he wants to do all that he can for you, because he adores you.
you're the charge to his guardian angel; you're his charge. that means he's allowed to help you as much as he can, right?
it's normal for random notes to flutter down to the ground next to your feet, inspiration quotes calling out; it's normal for you to stumble upon a reminder in your phone to drink water. you think your friend left it. that's fine, he can be a nameless friend too. you don't need to know.
when you're sick, he'll nurse you back to health all night, make sure no wayward germs try to attack you. a 'miracle,' you call it when you wake up refreshed the next day. he's no virtue, he's no miracle-maker, but your existence itself is a miracle and he's the one who's blessed.
it reminds him of his human life, his inclination to fawn over his loved ones and living off of their appreciation.
the gratitude makes him thrive. being a guardian angel makes him happy.
he's happier being your guardian angel.
he just has one more wish, and that's to let you know just how much he loves you.
he's not sure how, but one day he'll tell you. till then, he'll stay with you like this.
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wooyoung - ✧ guardian angel ✧
guardian angels stay with their human throughout life, dedicated to helping them navigate and make the most of the journey.
wooyoung doesn't like his charge.
you're clumsy, forgetful and always getting into all sorts of situations that he has to wrestle with in order to keep you intact and alive.
you get into trouble, one problem after another and he has to push it all out of your path as you go on with your life, blissfully unaware of all that he's doing.
he dislikes it.
he dislikes you.
he dislikes how he likes doing things for you which he would never want to, were it not his duty. he dislikes how you give him a purpose, how you're much better than the other human he was stuck babysitting while the human drove himself right off the virtuous path and into satan's lap.
and then at times, he dislikes how lovely you look and how whipped he is for you.
he's meant to be your guardian angel, not a loverboy stalker. but you make it so hard, because you smile at the small things - flowers, sunlight, whatever - and your laughter is like light itself; searing and precious and everything wooyoung cherishes.
you're so cute, he hates your little habits and he hates how much he loves them too. his days are full of you, your smile, your everything.
nights are spent hoping you're not plagued by demons, fighting them off if one tries to creep into your dreams.
he's tired of how you're taking over his mind, how his job to guide you has become a pastime, his favourite thing?
he's tired, and he wants to do something.
he needs to do something.
but should he? can he? can he really throw away everything just because he's found a human that make emotions well up in him?
can he disregard heaven, go against it all for a mortal who doesn't even know he exists?
the scariest thing is, as days go by and he watches you, the answer he gives himself is increasingly close to yes.
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jongho - ✧ power/authority ✧
powers are the most loyal of all angels; warrior angels who fight demons.
jongho was called down to fight demons that had invested a town and were leeching off of people’s spirits.
he’s busy doing that, killing demons left and right with two fellow Powers, when one of them shouts something and gestures behind jongho. he turns around, fully intending to break a demon in half, but is faced with a human instead.
your hand half-raised, as if you planned to touch him. that wouldn’t have ended well.
“are you alright?” is what he hears, and he stills, not sure how to respond. he allows himself a second to glance back at his comrades, who have almost finished off the demons in the area.
his skin itches, the feathers on his wings ruffling. everything in him is screaming to break skulls, but if he leaves there’s no knowing what the human will do. jongho can’t sense any dark aura from you, so you’re not a demon. but you still unsettle him.
you shouldn’t be able to see him. he’s an angel, just as powerful as the rest of them despite not being born as one. he’s probably more powerful than most of his brethren.
“is there a reason why you’re punching air?”
you think he’s punching the air, and not creatures from hell out to get humans. beautiful. this is what he gets for his hard work.
he’s about to open his mouth and reply, affronted, when the temperature suddenly drops and his feathers tremble. then he’s acting on instinct and slashing at the demon behind you.
face pressed close to his neck, you can’t see anything, and ideally you should be able to, but it’s as if there’s a soft curtain over your eyes preventing you from doing so. a moment later, he lets go and places you back on your feet, and you’re staring at him, wide-eyed.
eyes flitting away, he looks at a point behind you, and you turn around suspiciously. there’s nothing there, it’s all spotless, but you can’t help but feel that something had been there.
he needs to get away, you’ve not given any indication of seeing the other two powers, which means there’s probably something up with him. and he needs to fix it. you’re the first human who’s been able to see him, and he doesn’t even know if you have anything up your sleeve.
“it was a fly,” he makes an excuse, and pulls away as quickly as he can.
he absolutely ignores your look of… something and walks to the other side of a building, before teleporting back to heaven.
absently, he allows the thought to enter his mind.
it’d felt nice holding you.
well that was my first attempt at writing ateez! i hope you guys liked it ♡♡ thanks for reading!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡
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iyliss · 5 years
1-8 and 22-31 for Bohman please!
Thanks a lot for the ask! I am not sure but I think by “1-8″ you mean “from 1 to 8″? Hopefully I don’t get anything wrong XD
Anyway time for giant baby.
What does their bedroom look like? 
Assuming he lives in the real world, I’d say it’s a big room with lots of colorful handmade decorations, cussion, wool blankets... He didn’t do any of them, but still love to keep lots of soft things. There are probably many cacti, as it’s the only plant he managed to keep alive even though he keeps forgetting to water them. Overall, it’s very tidy and clean, compensating the huge amount of items and colors.
Do they have any daily rituals? 
(And here Im crying because him and Haru never had the chance to have a “daily life”).
The day only start if he said hello to Haru, and ends with goodnight. There isn’t really anything he has to do everyday -like eating- but if he starts doing something for many days in a row (like studying duels), it becomes a very organized ritual.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often? 
Absolutely not, even if he were to be human. If it’s too complicated, it’d be very hard for him to understand so like running is the most physical activity he can handle.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
I guess just waiting for the kitchen to be free. But like he can’t cook alone, he always burn things too much or forget what ingredients he putted or not, so if there’s someone around it’s better.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
I mean after living for so much time in an environment that couldn’t be dirty in any kind of way, cleaning is a concept he absolutely don’t understand. He doesn’t like mess, but “dirt” in itself doesn’t mean much.
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Either as a human or if there was a way to eat in Vrains, he has absolutely no sense of taste. Like pretty much everything tastes the same. But he do have food he likes more or less, just on different criteria. Sometimes he wants to eat something blue. or something like the sun. Also he absolutely don’t feel hunger so he eats at very random times.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
He’s very low-functionning, but just accept it as normal. He spends hours just looking at things or lying down, and never thinks he is wasting time. Actually time is also a concept he doesn’t catch well. He technically don’t have a time limit to his existence, and something infinite cannot be wasted.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
“Indulging” isn’t something he really feel either. If he wants to do something, and it doesn’t seem to go against what he’s supposed to do, he just does it. Though there aren’t many things he personnaly enjoy, so most of the time it’s just spending time with Haru.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Probably stick characters representing haru, lightning, and other people. He doesn’t have much imagination.
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Things has to be organized, and put where they belong. For exemple, D boards belongs “outside” and mustn’t be brought “inside”. If we consider real life, dishes are “kitchen things” or maybe “living room things”, but musn’t ever be somewhere else. He’s very lost and confused when these kind of things change.
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
Probably anything related to math, for obvious reason. But since it’s just because he’s an AI, he doesn’t really consider it intelligence or anything.
How do they see themselves 5 years from today? 
Bowman’s sense of self is just as poor as his sense of time. He still consider himself closer to a programm than to a person, so he can’t really see any future for himself.
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
For this, let’s assume it’s post season 2 where he doesn’t have his s2 goals anymore. His plans are mostly to spend lots of time with Haru and learns more about humans and the world (Haru calls that “being both a babysitter and a teacher at the same time” but he’s quite proud to be his brother’s guide, for all he knows of humanity.)
What is their biggest regret?
...... Haru dying thinking he’s worthless and a failure, partly because of him.
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
He has no idea what friendship is supposed to be, but well Haru is the one he cherish the most. Enemy doesn’t make much more sense, but I guess he’d answer Playmaker even though there’s no one he sincerely hates.
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?) 
Waiting for someone to tell him what to do. He has the worst decision skill, so except if he can clearly prevent someone from being in pain in a simple way, he won’t do anything without orders.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Really depends on the type of event, but overall he doesn’t react much to things that happens around. Unless it’s about Haru, he won’t have much reaction.
Most prized possession?
He has no concept of “possessing”, but anything from Haru, he’ll love it.
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sailoryue · 6 years
Darkness falls, evil rises
So going off on that what if I posted yesterday, here's the fic I was inspired to write... When Lewis got his revenge he never expected an ancient evil from awakening
Lewis floated down to the bottom of the cavern. He wanted to till feel angry, but the shock on Arthur's face caused a momentary lapse in his ire. But it was too late. Once he let go of his murderer, there was no going back. He cleared the pink fog around the bottom as well as the spikes. An exact recreation of his place of death. It was supposed to be poetic justice. So why did it feel so empty.
It didn't take long forewis to realize something was wrong. Arthur's body was missing. He heard the impact. Heard Arthur cry in pain. So where was he? Surely a dead body can't just get up and walk away. Right?
"Looking for someone?" A voice called from behind him. Lewis spun around and was shocked to see Arthur standing there behind him, a twisted grin on his face.
"Arthur? But... How?" Lewis was speechless. There was no way he could have survived that fall.
"Oh, I can promise you. Good ole Artie is dead. I want to thank you for getting me my body back. " The thing in front of Lewis gave a slight bow. Something about this thing renewed the anger within Lewis.
"And just who are you?" He growled.
"Oh, I don't really have a name. My existence is older than the invention of the name." The thing admired his hands. Gone was Arthur's metal arm, something Lewis didn't notice he had until too late.
"Ok, then WHAT are you?" Lewis felt an unease. This creature seemed to be inhabiting Arthur's corpse. Somehow took possession of it, and somehow had to do with his arm. He wanted answers.
"Now THAT is a question isn't it. Im just a spirit if you will, more close to a demon. And I had been ITCHING to get back into this body ever since I was torn from it."
"Back in....?" What did that mean? "You've been in his body before?"
"Oh, you don't recognize your murderer? " The creature twisted Arthur's face into an evil scowl, one that had been burned into Lewis's memory and driving him for his goal for so long. "I'm the one that killed you. Or rather made this fellow do it. Man his begging made killing you all the more satisfying. 'please no! He's my friend!' blah blah blah. He was so heart broken when I lurched his body forward, sending you to your death."
Lewis stumbled back as this...not-Arthur lunged for him, hand brushing against him. He felt so bad now, knowing that his best friend really was that. He should have known better than to think Arthur would ever hurt anyone. If he saw Arthur again, he would apologize and beg for forgiveness. He looked around wondering if Arthur's ghost was going to spawn. Did it take him that long when he died?
"Looking for string bean's ghost? I highly doubt he'll come back as one. He was such a weak person in life, he wouldn't have the power to generate enough spectral energy. Pity really, I would have loved to make him watch as I fulfill my plan." He gave Lewis a dark look.
" And just what is your plan?" Lewis asked, glaring new found hatred at this ghoul.
The demon chuckled. "Exactly what it was before. I was originally going to go after your little blueberry girlfriend next, torture both into submission as he kills his only other friend. It would have been magnificent, untill that damned mutt ruined everything!"
Lewis wondered if he meant Vivi. He noted that Not-Arthur's face twisted in a sneered at the mention of the word 'mutt'. Did he mean Mystery?
"I'm so grateful you brought me so close to a human town. Even tho there'd be no one to appreciate what I plan, I can still have fun. Starting with your little girlfriend." He smiled maliciously.
" Don't you go near Vivi!" Growled Lewis, setting his fists alight
" Hmm I'd be careful there, Lewis. This IS your anchor, is it not?" Not-Arthur held out his hand whichheld his greying cracked locket. Lewis looked down at his chest to be sure that, it was indeed missing. "This thing looks so brittle, like all I would have to do is squeeze to break it. What would happen to you then?"
He started to squeeze his fist around the locket. It gave a cracking sound, and Lewis felt a great pain in his chest. He couldn't move as the demon squeezed tighter, trying to shatter the locket.
Without warning there was a squeak and a bright flash of orange flew into the ghoul, throwing it off balance and releasing his grip on Lewis's heart. The small ball of orange light caught the locket and flew behind Lewis, wrapping itself around it.
"So the weakling did manage to come back as a ghost. A pretty pathetic one if you ask me. Doesn't matter, I'll still go on my little killing spree. I should be able to kill your blueberry girlfriend in no time." He gave a grin full of malice. How could Lewis ever mistake that for Arthur?
"Not if I have anything to say about that." A new voice growled nearby. They turned toward the voice and saw it belonged to a very large, very pissed off, seven-tailed fox.
"You damned mutt!" Not-Arthur shouted.
"I'd been wondering if I'd ever be able to eat 'chicken' again.' Mystery's eyes glowed an angry red as he pounced the doomed, green skinned Arthur. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner, Arthur. But I was a little preoccupied."
Lewis watched in abject horror at the scene before him before he turned his attention to a small noise behind him. It was a small formless ghost, no bigger than one of the Deadbeats, that was the same shade as Arthur's hair. It looked up at Lewis sadly.
"God Arthur. I'm so sorry." Lewis choked out. He reached out slowly, and the small thing flinched, causing Lewis to hesitate. "I won't hurt you. Not anymore. I promise Artie."
Lewis held his hand out and waited for the spirit to slowly float over and place his locket in his hand. It looked up at him, yellow eyes full of sadness.
"Lewis, WHAT DID YOU DO??" Mystery growled behind him, apparently finished with his meal.
What did he do? Make the worst mistake in his existence.
"There's no justification for it Mystery. I thought I was getting revenge, but I should have known better that it would solve nothing." His locket cracked more, startling the small ghost.
"And just what am I supposed to tell Vivi? Because of all this she will be left alone!" Red flames seemed to leak from the kitsune's mouth.
"I--" Lewis was cut off when the tiny ghost put itself between Lewis and Mystery, as if to shield Lewis from the Magic of the kitsune. "Arthur?'
." Arthur, you always had a soft side. No matter what." Mystery sighed, shaking his head and trotted over to where Arthur's abandoned metal arm was. He picked it up and brought it over to Lewis. "Lewis, if you will, there is a charm under his wristband. If I'm not mistaken it should be his anchor. Give it to him and it should give him form."
Lewis did what he was asked. The charm he found surprised him. It was the friendship bracelet he'd given Arthur when they were children. He'd kept it after all these years? The bracelet was partially woven with simple glass beads throughout. It seemed alive when he picked it up, much like his locket, giving a soft pulse. He held it out to the formless orange blob, who reached out for the bracelet almost happily.
"Ok Arthur, concentrate on your form. Focus on what you want to look like." Lewis said softly, remembering how he manifested. He showed him what he meant by shifting his face to look human
The ghost looked happily at the friendship bracelet, before humming quietly. The light surrounding him grew brighter before turning the spirit into one that looked exactly like Arthur, two arms and all. He looked around with now blackened eyes full of confusion before noticing Lewis.
"Lewis! Oh God, I found you!" Arthur wrapped him in a hug, his joy catching him off guard. He never realized how much he missed that
"Arthur? How can you forgive me?" Lewis choked out.
Arthur shook his head. "Lewis, I don't blame you for that. When I died, all my memories came back. You had every right to be angry."
Lewis shook his head. Even in death his best friend proved to be a much better person than he is.
"As touching this little reunion is, Vivi is still waiting outside. It's only so long. Before she finds a way to break my ward."
Arthur laughed. "That's definitely true."
He looked down at himself, noting he had both hands, neither metal or the wrong color. "Well this will be interesting to explain, huh. Oh God! Lance is going to kill me for crashing into the shop!"
"Um, Arthur, you're already dead, so how would he do that?" Lewis said standing up.
"You must not remember how my uncle can get." Arthur said with a sigh, following Lewis out.
Mystery shook his head at the two ghosts, shifting back to his dog form. These children were going to be the death of him!
This was going to be much darker, but I could not bring myself to do that
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tcrrential-blog · 6 years
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hi friends nice to meet u all im v excited for this rp, me llamo TWIST (she/hers), i’m from the pst timezone and i’m here to fuck shit up!! without further ado, here is my lil emo child TORRENT NOVAK, the alissa violet fc ! come like this for some plotting ! i promise i dont bite!
° ╰ ☆∵ — ALISSA VIOLET; cisfemale & she/her ╮TORRENT NOVAK is in their JUNIOR year at ASU, making them TWENTY. did you hear that they’re majoring in BIOCHEMISTRY? word around campus is that they decided to rush for PI BETA PHI. they’re also on the SOCCER team ! i’ve heard they are pretty BENEVOLENT & DISCIPLINED, while also being DISTANT & APPREHENSIVE.
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torrent novak aka the human thunderstorm
she was born into a relatively stable family. her parents were happily married, she has an older sister with a personality disorder and a brother she adores but her family was never something tori saw as anything other than normal.
when she was around 5, her mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness that had gone unnoticed. the whole novak household was flipped upside down when their matriarch was suddenly bed bound, causing their father to develop misplaced anger issues and take out his frustrations at the bar downtown. torrent was left to be raised by her sister, who was barely entering middle school at this point and was in no way fit to take care of the two of them— but she made it work regardless.
torrent didn’t realize how dysfunctional her family was until she joined her first soccer team at the age of 7, noticing how all the families around her interacted and realizing hers was NOTHING like those, not even close. after her mothers passing and her father spiraling, her home life became a source of shame, so she focused all her energy on practicing and improving her skills so that would be the main priority of the people around her, instead of asking why her parents are never around to watch her games and why she always needs a carpool
turns out, she had a natural inclination to use her feet and her head because she got good. like realllly good. she caught the eyes of trainers around the country, and was able to receive offers everywhere. she got offers from standford, duke, usc, the list goes on but she opted to choose ASU in order to stay with her brother and her best friend on campus and to be able to watch out for her sister. being the level-headed kid she is,  she’s got her eyes on the bigger picture— the US women’s national team, which has been eyeballing ASU’s women’s team for the sole purpose of torrent being there. turns out you get a greater spotlight when you’re a team’s star player, and torrent was well aware of that
her junior year of high school she ripped her acl at the state championship game and spent the whole summer getting surgery after surgery. she’s powered through the pain but sometimes it gets to be too much, which led to her stumbling upon ASU’s underground drug market. she’s addicted to oxy in order to ignore the pain of her former injury, but she knows something dangerous is bound to happen sooner or later because of her habits.
now, she’s currently just working her ass off to play her best and train train train, since an offer from the USWNT is just on the horizon with the upcoming retirement of several players and her name being a hot topic in the professional women’s league in terms of replacement on the bench. 
she’s disciplined and maintains a stellar gpa with ease
she joined her sorority at the encouragement of her best friend, and considering her mom was also in pi beta phi when she attended asu, it seemed like the natural choice. she’s something of a quasi-celebrity on campus, with plenty of people recognizing one of their school’s top athletes. 
also just a shitpost headcannon torrent loves to fuckin EAT thus her fuckin user bar 
torrent is the textbook definition of all work and no play. her whole life’s focus is to see the bigger picture and work towards it and that means taking every step of the way very seriously
( she takes herself pretty seriously ?? )
torrent isn’t immediately aggressive, but her cold and calculated nature with a tendency to not smile make her VERY intimidating. she has an icy glare that tends to keep most people at an arms length, just how she likes it. she’s just not a fan of letting people in and she spends enough time in her own head to keep other people out of it
she’s insanely hard on herself, and she tends to be her own worst enemy. she ruins things very easily for herself relationship-wise, and she’s so sensitive deep down it just makes sense for her to keep people at a distance so she can focus on her goals and not hurt anyone in the process
that being said, she’s not a bitchy person by any means. she stands her ground tenaciously and isn’t one to back down, but she’s incredibly wise about picking her battles and really doesn’t care to waste her time with most people. she’s mature beyond her years and while her aloof crankiness can come across as rudeness, she really doesn’t try INTENTIONALLY to be mean ???
her focus has always been athletics but that work ethic carries across to her academic life as well. she’s incredibly bright and her brain just kinda absorbs things, she’s pretty sure she has a photographic memory but she’s never cared to show it off. she keeps her head down, does her work, and strives to be the best
also insanely riddled by anxiety? her childhood was traumatizing to an extent, which manifests itself in serious anxiety and obsessive behaviors, such as her workout routine or her obsession with being the best at whatever she chooses to make the effort into doing
basically she’s just ur typical soft hearted perfectionist who shuts off her feelings as a defense mechanism against her anxiety issues due to the pressure she’s under. definitely not the one u party with but she’ll be the mom friend minus the warm nurturing personality moody, broody, and smart as fuq. she really just needs to like... lighten up
EXES: she’s super affectionate towards certain people but otherwise she sucks
almost lovers
party buddies
best friends
thats all thats coming to me immediately bc im dumb?? come plot with us pls?
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delunesnumberonefan · 7 years
Can you tell me more about Jubilee and DeLune? Jubilee is your character, right? They both sound like great characters!
hooo ok. ok so. ok so listen. listen.
we gotta get something out of the way realquick: whenever i talk about DeLune and Jubilee–or really just DeLune–i getso incoherent and flail-y i just. i love DeLune so much, she’s been in mythoughts every day for the past month+ no lie
ok so. @fatalcookies​ createdDeLune as an npc for a campaign she’s going to run, in which I’m going to be aplayer, playing as Jubilee Waters, the gayest tiefling you’ll ever meet (as ofyet, there has not been a single game. I’m obsessing over a character i haventplayed as and her girlfriend. i know. I’m ridiculous)
..let’s introduce Jubilee, then DeLune, theni’ll talk a little about their relationship and maaaaybe go into the au’s I’vecooked up for them. that sounds good, yeah let’s do that
Jubilee Waters. she’s from a small mountaincommunity where tieflings are more accepted than in other places. This mountaincommunity is also known for its arts
Jubilee was abandoned on the church ofPelor’s doorstep at birth, and was taken in by one of the people whoworked in the church, a laborer/cook/whatever they needed her to be named MariaWaters.
Jubilee grew up healthy and strong, and wasquick to pick up the ways of both a cleric and an artist; shaping her own hornsinto works of art and also taking up painting as a hobby, all while training tobe a holy warrior who fought in the name of Pelor, god of the sun. She excelledat the healing arts, and it was only because of her desire to help peopleoutweighing her need for glory that she went down the cleric path instead ofthe paladin path. (that and i reallllly wanted to play a cleric, because ihavent yet)
except her mom didn’t want her to go out andadventure, because it was too dangerous. That was a point of contention for along time between them. Jubilee wanted to go out and help people, and hermother wanted her home and safe.
Eventually, Jubilee’s mother passed. Jubileestayed, mourned, and before too long had passed, she was out on the road,heading to destinations unknown in a quest with a single goal: help peoplewherever help is needed. 
Eventually, she meets the group she’ll betraveling with in-game, and she goes on her merry way, eventually meetingDeLune
(I’ve been informed that DeLune probably won’tshow up until about halfway through the campaign, which on one hand makes me :(but on the other hand has built up the Hype of meeting her so much that i thinkwhen Jennie says “and in walks a half elven businesswoman” or somethingalong those lines I’m literally going to burst into tears of joy)
DeLune Candor…im trying to decide how much ican talk about.
you know what? i don’t think any of the otherplayers follow me, so the chances of them seeing this post are slim to none.I’m going in guns a’ blazin’
Her full name, I’ve found out, is Claire DeLuneCandor (which “Claire DeLune” means moonlight so they’ve already got thisgreat sun and moon dynamic going on which makes me Weak)
DeLune Candor is a ~55 year old (or theequivalent in half-elven terms) inventor turned businesswoman who is currentlythe head of a large family business that specializes in trading. The businessis booming, and it’s exclusively due to DeLune being at the head of thebusiness. She tries her best to run an ethical business, she’s a pointy-earedcapitalist, and i love her with my whole heart oh my god
She’s a workaholic, she is Fancy to the extremeand has quite the refined taste. She doesn’t like mincing words, she’svery direct and to the point, and she’s…i was going to say she’s perfectbut she’s not, she has flaws, but she’s so My Type that it hurts me and as suchi tend to gloss over her flaws.  I love her with my entire heart, flawsand all tho?? I say i would die for a lot of characters but i would live forDeLune.
OH HOW COULD I FORGET!!!!the song that inspired this character is this song and the woman singing? Shirley Bassey?? is the voice andface claim for DeLune so you Know I’m all about this song, i’ve probablylistened to it a hundred times. i love that song
DeLune…..DeLune actually has a daughter namedCeleste who is around Jubilee’s age which makes things sorta awkward sometimesbut shh shh its perfectly fine shh it can be funny sometimes, ill get into that in a minute
she’s a huge lover of the arts and thesciences, having been an inventor at one point. the love of the arts manifestsitself in her giving patronage to many different artists and commissioningworks and stuff like that Its Good
hrrmm what else is there about DeLune that ican rant about. god i just. ok i just love her. i love her so much?? and shehurts me sometimes for reasons I’m not sure i can disclose at this point. to besafe I’m not going to go too much into it but…she gave up a lot for thefamily business. and i just want her to be happy and relaxed and without toomuch stress
Their relationship…hoogh
ok so they meet, right. and DeLune isimmediately interested in Jubilee’s horns, because they’re works of art andshe’s intrigued with how they came to be. And when Jubilee tells her that she’sbeen working on her horns since she was ten, and that they still require upkeepand management….DeLune has this “holy shit” moment. bc?? here let mefind a direct quote:
“–these are the work of a literallifetime and peoples’ /lives/ are the work of a lifetime and they can’tmaintain as much focus as this 90% of the time.”
so yes, DeLune takes notice in Jubilee becauseof her horns. And Jubilee like. she saw DeLune and she just got this momentof “holy moly I’m so gay” so like?? They both were somewhat interestedfrom the start, and it just evolved from there.
i imagine Jubilee tried to beat around the bushand be subtle about trying to get DeLune to date her but DeLune saw rightthrough it and was just like “…do you want to date me? is that whatyou’re getting at?” and jubilee was like “yes. yes yes yes please godyes"
and so?? they date??
and things go well!! they click reallynaturally and they enjoy each other’s company. They go to a variety offancy places and Jubilee is terrified each time because she doesn’t want to sayor do the wrong thing and end up embarrassing DeLune, but DeLune teaches herthe basics of fancy etiquette and that puts her at ease
…jennie and i have had a conversation abouthow DeLune just completely roasts someone who dared to make a comment aboutJubilee being a tiefling and honestly i saved that whole conversation and iread it when i get sad bc DeLune utterly destroying someone is just So Good
They have their arguments and theirdisagreements because Something (I don’t know what it is) happens around thesame time they meet each other that puts DeLune on edge and so there’sdefinitely conflict regarding this thing. I don’t know what it is but I know inmy soul that its going to hurt me whenever i find out
Hrmmm what else is there. I mean. they fuck. alot. like a lot a lot. god i love them. i just. god i love them.
and this is a thing that makes Celeste and Jubilee’s relationship kind of tense like?? Celeste doesn’t blame Jubilee for getting involved with DeLune, but she DOES blame DeLune for getting involved with Jubilee. and so
ok we’ve had this scene thought out where Celeste comes into the kitchen one morning to see Jubilee dressed in just a silk robe, hair a mess and out of it’s usual braid, leaning against the counter and drinking coffee. and they make eye contact and then that’s how Celeste gets confirmation that yes, her friend is banging her mom and I’m just over here like god fucking bless. 
honestly I’ve saved that conversation too and it makes me giggle because Jubilee just. she sees celeste and she’s like “hi!! good morning!! do you want some coffee??” and celeste is just. no nonsense like. “Jubilee. were you sleeping with someone tonight?” and jubilee makes this face and it cracks me up every time. 
and jubilee just makes the smallest “yeah” ever and celeste just. “and it was my mother, wasn’t it.” not even a question. she knows. but jubilee answers anyway, with another tiny “…yeah.” and then she just “please don’t be cross with her”
and then celeste breaks out the whiskey despite it being like. you know. breakfast. and god i love this family theyre so dysfunctional but god i love them
what else is there. they may or may not go to a small house in the countryside after everything is said and done, somewhere DeLune can make things and somewhere Jubilee can have a quiet life again. just the two of them, after DeLune gives up the reigns on the family business and god i love them. if there’s anything about them that has almost made me cry it’s this idea of them living a quiet life together, somewhere with a small workshop for DeLune and space for Jubilee and her god.
like. jennie killed me with this line:
a small little workshop, pen and paper, and a lover in her bed
…beautiful things they made together
artisan rugs are left back at a different home that she visits,sometimes, when she needs to–and besides it’s not half so beautiful as thesmile on Jubilee’s face when DeLune hand-feeds her a grape and catches atrickle of juice from the corner of her mouth with her thumb
ok so you know how jubilee paints?? she did a portrait of DeLune that she purposely left unfinished to represent that all things are a work in progress and GOD can you tell how much i love them yet they’re so good
but god, all i want is for them to be happy together. that’s all i want. i love them so much it hurts me
ok let’s get into those AUs
ok so. the aus. i made a list here of those aus but on one of them we’ve gotten real deep man
ok so. we havent gotten too deep into vampire/vampire hunter au but?? there’s some choice symbolism
i initially thought of DeLune as the vampire and Jubilee as theperson sent to kill her but they fall in love and run away together. the symbolism would be pretty choice here, DeLune representing the night (as her name means moonlight) and Jubilee with her divine connection to the sun, right
but I’vethought about it some more and the other way is also pretty choice like.
Jubilee as a prominent religious figure who had a fall from grace when shewas turned into a vampire. she fled, disgraced and outcast by the religion she had known for her whole life. and DeLune is theperson sent to hunt her down because in this au she’s probably like a goodwizard or something who knows. and so she finds this vampire and DeLune isgoing to bring her back alive, but they fall in love and run away together. but the SYMBOLISM
….Jubilee’s still a cleric of pelor, right. but now the sun burnsher and she can’t find solace in her god. but you know what light doesn’t hurt vampires?
DeLune, symbolically the moon, giving her light and hope in a way thatdoesn’t hurt her. god i love the symbolism with these two its Good
and. then. the au we got deep in right.
crime boss au
an au where Jubilee is the new cop investigating this mob family, and falls in love with DeLune in the process.
one problem.
DeLune, unbeknownst to Jubilee, is the mob boss. she’s the leader of this crime family. she’s the head of the syndicate, and she knows that Jubilee is investigating her.
She, to her credit, tries to dissuade jubilee, tries to turn her away from her path because she knows that whatever happens, the outcome will hurt her. but Jubilee is bound and determined to make a difference, and she doesn’t heed DeLune’s advice
and Celeste shows up?? and she wants to tear this business apart to get her mom out, and her and jubilee team up because even tho jubilee doesn’t know that DeLune is the head of the mob or that Celeste is DeLune’s daughter, they have similar goals
and how does celeste find her, you ask? well. Jubilee lives in kind of a rough neighborhood, and has had her fair share of shitty things thrown at her, right. after Jubilee and DeLune started dating, all that stops.
so celeste tracks where things aren’t happening to determine where her mother has influence, and finds out that this cop is a link.
and then one day they’re working on something and Jubilee just like. stands up and starts getting ready and she’s apologizing and saying she’s late, and Celeste is like “?? late to what??” and Jubilee replies “I have a date with my girlfriend DeLune”
…and that’s how Celeste finds out just how Jubilee is linked to her mother. and god its so good bc she’s just. shocked. like. no. no this. what. 
and so eventually, in this au, Jubilee goes into somewhere undercover to try and find out more about the mob, and gets caught. she’s cornered, on the ground, surrounded by people with guns, and then there’s the clicking of heels on linoleum and there’s DeLune. and all these people who were being threatening just stop
and DeLune kind of helps her up, dusts her off, and leads her out, all in silence, with only a biting retort to one of the henchmen who protests about Jubilee knowing too much. 
and then. hoo this kills me. when theyre out of there and in the car, DeLune just says kind of quietly “Idid ask you not to dig too deep, darling.”
hooo boy that hurts me
so then DeLune takes jubilee back to her house and celeste is there so there’s a mother daughter reunion, and they go inside and jubilee almost just completely fucking loses it and she’s like “you know? if you were just a part of the syndicate i think i could’vedealt with that. but the boss?!” and then she gets real quiet for a moment and just. “how much of it was real? how much of it was you trying toget another cop in your pocket?“
and so celeste just nopes out of there and DeLune and jubilee have a long conversation where Jubilee is passive aggressive and petty to the extreme. 
like DeLune basically tells her it’s easier to deal with when Jubilee’s angry in response to Jubilee losing some of her anger and getting kind of soft over the course of the conversation. so Jubilee’s like. “she wants me to be angry? fine. i can do that”
so she kicks her out of her house
and then soon after that she goes and she takes all of her things out of DeLune’s house. and DeLune has this heartbreaking line of “If you wish very much to be so utterly removedfrom me, only say the word. I will make certain you never see me again.”
and jubilee doesn’t respond. she just leaves. because she knows in her heart she wants to mend things, but at the moment she needs to process everything that’s happening. she isn’t processing it well bc she doesn’t deal with negative emotions well but she’s trying bless her
and so Celeste and DeLune and Jubilee tear down this mafia right, and then. god i love them. so DeLune and Jubilee agree to give it another shot after another long conversation, and that they’ll meet for lunch sometime and see where it goes
and. like in canon DeLune and Celeste’s relationship is strained at best, and so this au reflects that. but in this au i get confirmation that they definitely 100% make up and that gives me Life
so yes, that’s DeLune and Jubilee. god i love them. thank you so much for asking about them, you have no idea how hard i was laughing when i got this message bc i was like “I ACTUALLY TRICKED SOMEONE INTO CARING ABOUT THESE TWO OH MY GOD” and honestly? writing this up was a delight, thank you again for asking this anon!!!
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