#when my brain wants to tear things up i just need to sit and subject myself to the bugs lol
orcelito · 2 years
Des Rocs "Why Why Why" making me feel mentally ill
Des Rocs "Born to Lose" making me want to lie in an open field
0 notes
mountttmase · 9 months
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Damage Is Done
Note - a bit of Sunday evening pain for you all inspired by this TikTok. I really hope you enjoy this and I would really appreciate some feedback as I need some motivation 😭. Thank you my loves 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 10K
Warnings - Angst and fluff
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Here we go
Never had those words had so much meaning before. You felt sick to your stomach as soon as you’d seen them and the waves of uneasiness were rolling through you until you felt suffocated.
You knew it was a possibility but you also knew it wasn’t 100% what your boyfriend of 10 months wanted so you were holding out hope things would change. After every rejected offer a little bit of hope filled your heart that he would be sticking around but this had hit you like a truck as you knew what it meant for the pair of you.
Stupidly enough, you and Mason hadn’t spoken about the possible move. You wanted to be his safe place and whilst you knew what was going on, you kept that topic at the back of your minds but as the months had passed you were wondering if he was keeping you away on purpose. Maybe if once his life changed that meant you no longer were a part of it and the thought was eating you up inside.
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There wasn’t much to do but you made sure to tidy the place up a little as a distraction. You knew this was about to be a hard conversation and before you had time to even think about it anymore your buzzer was ringing.
You opened the entrance for him without a word before going to open your door and he was rounding the corner into view. You couldn’t tell what expression he was wearing and you were hoping yours was neutral and when he wrapped you up in his arms on your doorstep and you held onto him as tightly as you could.
You both didn’t move for a while, just held each other and you could feel him relaxing in your arms as your eyes filled with tears. He smelt more like Mason than he ever had and you breathed in his delicious scent before he pulled back slightly so he could drop a kiss on your forehead.
It was clear to see how much lighter he looked, the dark clouds that had been following him around for the last few months had finally made way for the sunshine and you could see the relief sparking in his warm eyes.
‘I take it you’ve seen it’ he whispered, rubbing up and down your back soothingly as you nodded whilst trying to keep your face blank.
‘Let’s go sit’ you whispered, nodding over to your sofa and you let him wonder over so you could shut the door before joining him. He sat down with a thump, his hoodie thrown on the arm of the chair next to him before he opened his arms for you. You knew it wasn’t a good idea but you let yourself melt into him, tucking yourself into his body as you held each other again but his thumb that was slowly stroking across your cheek made you look up at him.
You let him kiss you, gripping onto his shoulders for dear life, trying to memorise the feel of his lips against yours as you weren’t sure how things were about to play out. You wanted the feel of them tattooed on your brain as he softly brushed his tongue against yours but the playful bite of your bottom lip made you smile. It didn’t feel like a goodbye kiss but in your mind all the signs seemed to be pointing that way.
‘How are you feeling?’ You asked him a few moments after, trying to change the subject as your hands rested on his chest whilst his circled around your waist and you could tell even though he was happy he was still a little conflicted
‘I’m not sure, a mix of stuff really. Exhausted but relived. Sad things are over but excited to start over somewhere new. What about you?’
You didn’t know how to answer, burying your head into his neck as he just held you. His words confused you as you weren’t sure why he wanted you to know he was excited to start over without you.
‘It’s okay bubs. You don’t have to worry about anything’ he whispered, kissing your temple lightly. ‘I know it’s a lot and I don’t expect you to drop everything just for me’
There it was, the moment you’d been waiting for. Mason confining had had no intentions of taking you with him or even asking you what you wanted. he was quite happy for you to stay here and be without him. It stung to hear the words finally coming from him though and you gulped down the upset feeling rising in your tummy at that fact he’d made his mind up for the both of you.
‘I should of known this was coming’ you laughed, pulling away from him
‘Wait what?’ He whispered, his brows furrowing as he cocked his head to the side. ‘What’s going on?’
‘I take it you only came to get your stuff? There’s no need for a big goodbye you can just go’ you told him, wanting him out so you could be in your own.
‘What the fuck are you talking about?’
‘You’re leaving, so go’
‘Why are you being like this? I thought-‘
‘Whatever you thought, you thought wrong. You haven’t spoken to me at all about this whole thing and now you’re just moving on. It’s fine I saw it coming a mile off’ you told him, standing up as you knew you were getting angry and upset. You knew you were being a little unreasonable but the fact he hadn’t involved you in any of his transfer or move hurt and you didn’t want to hear him out.
You’d been his distraction throughout all these hard months, but now you were wondering if that’s all you were to him. Now he was through it he was off to start his new life without you and it stung more than you ever thought it could.
‘I can’t believe you. After everything we’ve been through your just gonna chuck me out like this. Without even talking about it?’
‘What’s to talk about? You’ve made your mind up. You wanna leave so leave’
‘I don’t have a choice’ he shouted, standing up to face you but you refused to back down. You didn’t have a reply, unsure as to why he was so upset as he’d said himself he didn’t expect you to follow him so you continued watching him, wondering if you’d get anymore sense out but the small shake of his head made you realise you wouldn’t.
‘I’m going’ he suddenly snapped, walking towards the door without a second look back at you, flinching as you heard the door slam behind him.
This wasn’t how you were expecting things to go, unsure as to why Mason so upset as he’d gotten what he wanted but his reaction had left you feeling a little uneasy so you sat yourself back down in your sofa to take some breaths and clear your mind.
To say Mason was confused would be an understatement.
He’d arrived at your house for the comfort only you could give him but you’d been cold and dismissive as soon as he’d bought the move up and he couldn’t figure out why.
He was ready to reassure you that the pair of you would be fine. That he knew you couldn’t leave right away but he’d make sure the pair of you were looked after and he’d have things ready for you when you could join him but he hadn’t got the chance to tell you. You were too quick to jump in and blame him for something he wasn’t quite sure of right this second.
He didn’t waste any time getting out of the car park though and racing back home, his mind replaying the conversation to try and figure out what had changed. Had he missed something? Did he say something unintentionally? The last few weeks had been a blur and he’d only felt his mind stop racing when he was in your arms so the interaction you’d just had confused the hell out of him.
Thankfully Woody was the only one at his house when he got there, the rest of his family still on the way up, but Woody knew something was wrong immediately.
‘I think she’s just ended things with me, mate’ Mason told him, recounting the whole conversation as Woody listened and tried to see things from your side but he was just as confused as Mason was.
‘Maybe have a day to cool down and message her tomorrow or something?’ He reasoned and mason agreed. Hoping tomorrow he could clear the air slightly and maybe get to the bottom of everything.
The next morning after a fairly awful nights sleep he got to crafting a message for you. He was still hurt and angry and also feeling a little petty about the whole thing so against his better judgment he said somethings he didn’t mean. Hoping to grab your attention and make you want to talk things through but as soon as he hit sent he wondered if he should consulted Woody first.
You were just putting your washing up away when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, fishing it out to reveal Masons name and your heart thudded in your chest at what me might have to say to you. Hoping it would be an apology but you weren’t prepared for what was written.
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Was he joking?
You couldn’t even think of a reply, anger filling your mind at how he was making himself out to be the victim, saying his love wasn’t enough for you and to have a nice life. You were still furious with him for leaving you here so you replied in the most childish way you knew before switching your phone off.
Was she joking?
‘Woody, remind me to never take your advice again’
‘What you on about’ he laughed, catching Masons phone that he threw at him so he could read over the message.
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‘Not the thumbs up. Damn, that girls cold’
‘That’s one fucking word for it’
‘Look at it this way, at least you know what she’s like now yeah?’
‘Well it’s a bit late now, I wished you would of warned me what she was like before you introduced me to her’ he huffed.
‘She’s never been like this before I swear’
‘I can’t believe I wanted her to move away with me’ Mason mumbled, taking his phone back so he could quickly block your number before throwing it to to the side of him.
This was so unlike you, so unlike what he thought you were and it had him looking back over your whole relationship to try and figure out if he’s missed something in your personality or been blinded by love to overlook all your awful qualities but he couldn’t think of anything. He knew you inside out and this wasn’t you.
You were always so warm and caring, one look from you always made his whole day better and it was breaking his heart that everything seemed to be tainted. His heart felt heavy in his chest as he tried to hold his emotions in and for the most part he had but the realisation that the person he’d placed all his bets on wasn’t who he thought they were made his eyes fill with tears so he face planted the sofa in hopes Woody wouldn’t notice.
The next night he wondered if he’d been too hasty, quickly unblocking your number so if you wanted to reach out to him you could but it seemed as though there was no need for it.
Two months passed and he didn’t hear from you.
He’d settled in up north pretty quickly, moving into a new house after he’d made it back from pre season tour and whilst he tried to make it into a home, it didn’t feel that way without you in it. He felt like a stranger rattling around in a huge house with no one to share it with but you were still silent on your end and he didn’t have the heart to reach out to try and speak to you to be shot down again.
He had no idea you were craving the same thing as he was though. You just wanted to speak to him but you were hurt at the way he’d moved on so quickly and your pride was keeping you away from him.
You couldn’t help but look out for him and how he was doing now, the bright smile on his face breaking your heart as he seemed so much happier without you and even though you were angry with him for not including you in his new life, you were yearning to be back in his presence. The hoodie he left the night you sent him away a constant reminder of what you once had and even though you’d hidden it away in the beginning, you found yourself wearing it more often than not in hopes you could feel close to him and hopefully it would heal your broken heart.
Nothing worked though, even popping to the local cafe where you and Mason would get breakfast as often as you could made you feel awful. You sat in the booth you always liked to go in to make yourself feel a bit closer to him but you just felt sad and even more alone. You were so stuck in a daze though you didn’t feel anyone come up and stand in front of you until they let out a little cough to snap you out of your trance.
‘Woody? What are you doing here?’
‘Could ask you the same question’ he replied, sitting himself opposite you. ‘You’ve been avoiding me’
‘Is that a question or a statement?’
‘It’s a fact’
He was right, you had been avoiding him. You’d known Woody for a few years and he’d introduced to you Mason in the first place but you didn’t have the heart to see him right now. He’d been your biggest supporter and you felt like you’d let him down with the way everything had ended. You knew he’d tried reaching out a few times but you didn’t have the energy or heart speak to him as he was too close to Mason.
‘I probably shouldn’t say this, but you were cold as fuck with that whole thumbs up thing’ he laughed and you felt your face heat up as he recounted the last bit of contact you and Mason had. ‘Like it was shit of you but I was impressed’
‘Shit of me? He’s the one that wanted to start a new life without me, it’s not like I’m gonna be polite to him after that am I?’
‘What are you on about?’ He asked, brows furrowed as he looked at you like you were speaking another language but you were tired of Woody thinking you were the bad guy.
‘Dont play dumb Woody. He had the whole move figured out and I was never a part of it, he basically said so himself’
‘What did he say exactly?’
‘That he doesn’t expect me to go with him. That he’s fine with me staying here’ you told him, watching his face fall into his hands before looking up at you with a bewildered expression.
‘You really are stupid sometimes you know that?’
‘What the hell? I know you’ve known him longer but I thought you’d at least sympathise with me’
‘Not when you’ve got the complete wrong end of the stick you doughnut. Sure, he didn’t expect you to drop your whole life and move with him then and there but when you were ready to join him he was making sure you’d have everything you need’
‘He didn’t want you to worry about any of that stuff, he was taking care of it so he could make sure you weren’t stressed. He knew moving would be a big deal for but he wanted you there with him so that’s why tried to take it on himself. When they were asking what sort of things he needed for his new place he said the only two things would be somewhere with an office so that when you came up after you’d sorted yourself out you’d have a place to work and somewhere close to the station so you could get to the office on the days you needed to’
‘But he never said that’ you whispered, a sinking feeling rushing through you that maybe you’d jumped the gun too quick, your bottom lip wobbling seemingly on its own and you thought back to that last conversation with him.
‘He never said it or you never gave him a chance to?’ He questioned and your body felt cold. ‘I know he probably wasn’t very forthcoming with it but I think he liked that he could forget all that stuff around you. You were like his little safe island where none of that mattered and I think he just presumed you’d go with him’
‘Oh god’ you breathed, reality now hitting you that you’d messed up ‘oh fuck no’ you whispered, grabbing your phone and heading straight to his number so you could call him but it didn’t even ring or give you the chance to leave a message. ‘He’s blocked me’
‘Can you blame him? You kinda went in on him a bit’ he smiled before reaching for your forearm. ‘Look, I’ll try and speak to him yeah? Let him know you got confused’
‘No it doesn’t matter’ you told him, shaking your head. ‘Damage is done now. I uh, I need to head off’ you told him, scrambling up from your seat but he was quick to get up too and pull you into a hug. You managed to hold it together with him but as soon as you were home you broke down.
You felt awful, this whole thing could of been fixed if you would if you would of just listened to him for a little longer but you didn’t let him and blew everything you had into pieces.
Woodys words were playing on your mind and had been for a whole week. Looking back, you now understood why he was he was so angry with you that night, you didn’t give him a chance to say his piece and made your mind up for yourself that he didn’t want you there. The dust had settled but there was no way of talking to him and no way resolution right now but all you could think about what what you would say to him if you got the chance.
It was Friday, you’d just got in from work and you felt like curling up into a ball and crying. Nothing had gone right all day and you were craving one of those hug only Mason could give you.
He was always so warm and welcoming, his hugs like no one else’s as they seemed to warm you from the inside and it’s like you could still feel him wrapped around you as you thought about him. Everything about him was perfect and you’d let him slip through your fingers with no real way of getting in contact with him as your number was blocked. All you could think about was him and holding him to the point where you couldn’t take it anymore.
It was like something inside you snapped. You were in your room in a flash to quickly pull a bag of clothes together before making your way to the train station. You didn’t think about any of it, just booked yourself a ticket and got on a train. The only thought in your head was going to find Mason so you could apologise and make him see sense but you were 20 minutes in when you realised you had no idea where he lived or where he’d be.
You tried calling Woody but he didn’t answer, feeling hopeless that you’d dropped a load of money on a train ticket and a last minute hotel room for nothing when the perfect person sprung to mind.
To say Luke was surprised to hear from you would be an understatement, you’d met him a couple of times at games or when Mason played for England and he was initially a bit cautious but once you turned the waterworks on you felt his resolve crumble. He let you know there was a big party they were all going to tonight for a mutual friends birthday and to text him when you were there so he could come and get you and you couldn’t be more thankful. A sick, excited feeling in the pit of your tummy as you knew you’d finally be able to see him.
By the time you’d made it to your hotel and make yourself look semi presentable it was around 11pm and it was another half hour from there so you were hoping Mason was still in a relatively sensible state but you’d take him however he came at this point. You just needed to see him.
‘Where are you going?’ Mason called, watching Luke try to slip through the crowds but he held up his phone as if he was telling him he was off to take a call.
‘I won’t be long yeah? Just stay there’ like called before he was quickly out of sight. Where is he expecting me to go? He thought, eyes flittering around the group he was in and even though he was happy to be there, the sadness in his tummy was still dragging him down and times like this made it even worse.
‘Mason?’ he suddenly heard a voice say to his left and his head snapped round to meet it. Eyes lighting up at the sight in front of him as he held his arms out for the much smaller frame to fit into with a huge smile on his face.
As promised, Luke came and met you by the door and after a big hug of reassurance he lead you over to hopefully where Mason would be.
‘Mason’ you heard Luke call over the music, fighting your way through the bodies at the perimeter of the table until your eyes landed directly on his. You wished you could of looked away though as the sight in front of you made you feel sick.
There he stood, his arm around another girls waist as her lips trialed across his jaw. The smile on his face was the one that was usually reserved for you but you watched it drop at the sight of you and it was like you could feel your heart shatter in your chest.
‘What is she doing here?’ Mason growled, body swaying as he’d had more than enough to drink. His anger was directed towards Luke for now but his furious eyes were on you before he had a chance to reply. ‘I don’t fucking want you here’
You couldn’t handle another second even though you’d just got there but you were hurt and embarrassed enough so you turned on your heel and headed out the way you came. You could hear Luke’s voice booming over the music but you didn’t listen to what he was saying, just trying to get out as quickly as you could and as the cold air hit you, you felt your eyes finally start to sting.
You didn’t know what to do or where to go but you fished your phone out of your bag so you could call yourself a taxi through your tears whilst walking down the side of the building to get out of everyone’s way.
The sound of a door slamming behind you made you jump, looking round to see the last person you thought would of followed you out but Mason was looking back at you. Eyes hard and jaw set and he made his way over but he stopped before he got too close.
‘Why are you here, y/n?’
‘I don’t know’
‘Don’t give me that bullshit’ he snarled, his words slightly slurred as he balled his hands into fists. ‘Tell me why you’re here’
‘You blocked me and-‘
‘Are you joking?’ He laughed but you knew there was no humour in it. ‘Why the hell would I want to talk to you?’
‘Mase I-‘
‘Do you not remember the last bit of contact we had? I tried reaching out to leave things on good terms even though you’d been completely unreasonable and you send me fucking thumbs up? Ten months together and that’s all I deserve? a thumbs up?’
‘I didn’t-‘
‘No you fucking abandoned me’ he growled. ‘I needed you and you let me come here on my own’
‘But you said-‘
‘I know what I said but I didn’t fucking mean it like that’ he snapped.
‘I’m so sorry’ you breathed. ‘I didn’t even know if you want me to come with you’
‘Why would I not want you to come? You’re my everything. Were my everything sorry’
‘Mase please-‘
‘You wanna know what I’ve found most difficult about all of this? you never even let me speak, you made your mind up for the both of us and that’s not what I wanted. I wanted you to choose me and you didn’t’ he breathed. His eyes full of tears and you couldn’t help but feel like the worst person in the world as he swayed slightly before regaining his balance.
‘You told me you didn’t want me to come’
‘No I never. I said I didn’t expect you to join me right then and there cause you had your own shit to sort but I never for one second said I didn’t want you here. You just jumped down my throat and told me what you thought I meant before I had a chance to say anything. I really saw a future with you but you obviously didn’t see one with me’ he sniffed.
You wanted to tell him he was wrong. That the only future you saw was with him and life had been hell without him but you knew it probably wouldn’t make a difference at this point so you kept silent, the only sound you could hear were his ragged breathing as he tried to calm himself. You expected him to be surprised to see you but nothing could of prepared you for this and when he looked up to meet your eyes again you felt your insides shatter at how vulnerable he seemed.
‘Sometimes I wish you would of just done the honourable thing and cheated on me’ he confessed quietly. ‘like I wish you would of made me hate you but I can’t’ he whimpered and it took everything in you not to reach for him and comfort him. ‘I’ve painted you out to be the villain to everyone to try and make it easier on myself and I know you’re not but all of this is so fucking hard. I just wanna move on and I can’t and you showing up here doesn’t make it any easier’
‘It didn’t look like you were finding it difficult to move on in there’ you muttered under your breath and you hadn’t meant for the words to slip out but your ego was still bruised from seeing him with someone else.
‘Don’t you dare turn this around on me’ he growled, becoming furious again at what you’d said and you knew it was a low blow so you shook yourself off try and apologise and bring him back around.
‘Mase can we please just talk. I’ve come all this way, please just listen to me’ you pleaded, stepping towards him and even though he didn’t move away from you, keeping completely still, you felt your heart sink even further.
‘I don’t want to’
‘Please Mase. Come on, it’s me. You know me and you know how awful I feel about all of it’
‘Do I know you?’ He questioned. ‘My y/n would of never let me come here on my own. My y/n would of stuck by me like I always did for her’
‘I’m still yours Mase, please’ you cried, reaching for him so you could cup his jaw and your heart thudded in your chest as his head melted into your hands but he was snapped out of it almost instantly, his hands grabbing your wrists gently so he could pull you off and you couldn’t help but sob as he let go of you.
‘I need you to listen to me yeah?’ He swallowed, his eyes looking directly into yours and you could see how hard they were even in the dark. ‘You broke my heart, y/n’ he said tearfully, his voice raw like he’d been screaming for hours. He words hitting you like a tone of bricks and even though you knew it already, it hurt ten times worse to hear it coming from his lips. ‘Stamped all over it and I’ll never be able to forget how you made me feel’
‘I made a mistake, Mason. I’m here to fix it. To fix us’
‘You can’t’ he told you flatly and it was only then you let you first tears fall.
It may have been your blurred vision but you thought you saw his facade crack ever so slightly, wondering you were finally getting through to him but his stoney exterior was back in the blink of an eye and you knew there was no point talking to him in this state but you still desperately tried.
‘Mason please, I’ll do anything-‘
‘Look, I think you should go. I want you to go’ he gulped, reaching for his phone. ‘I’ll get you an Uber yeah, just put in where you’re staying’
‘You’re not giving me a chance’
‘You never gave us a chance in the first place’ he whimpered, ‘please I can’t do this right now y/n I just need you to go’ he told you, handing you his phone and you realised there was no point in arguing.
‘It’s fine I’ll get it myself’ you sighed, quickly opening the app but before you could confirm the booking you looked back up to him. If this was it and you were done then you couldn’t leave without a proper goodbye. Everything inside of you was telling you to stop but you didn’t listen, you let your heart speak for you even though you knew you’d be crushed. ‘I know I don’t really have a right to ask but please can I kiss you? Just one more time so I can say goodbye properly’ you asked and just as you were expecting, he shook his head to say no. ‘Okay. I’ll go’ you whispered, turning to walk back onto the street to find your taxi, the sinking feeling threatening to drown you but his hand on your wrist stopped you in your tracks.
His lips were on yours on a flash, snapping you out of your upset trance as you shivered at his touch. It wasn’t the soft goodbye kiss you were hoping for, he was rough and holding your waist in a tight grip as you tried to kiss him back with as much force but he was pulling away soon after.
‘Fuck, I shouldn’t of done that’ he whispered, turning around to walk back inside and you thought better than to reach for him again but your brain was still trying to fight for him.
‘Please, Mason. I can’t loose you’ you called, voice thick with tears as he stopped at the door. You watched as his turned ever so slightly, eyes downcast before sticking the final knife in.
‘You already have’
He didn’t turn back, slamming the door on the way inside and you let him go, biting your lip to keep your emotions at bay as you stumbled back onto the main Street. Your Uber was only a few moments away and you were soon heading off, eyes looking up as you passed the main entrance but you wished you would of looked away sooner.
He had his head down and his hood up, but you knew it was him. The girl who was draped over him inside now had her hand clasped in his as she followed behind him into a taxi and you felt like throwing up all over the back seat. You felt at blame for the whole misunderstanding and watching him take another girl home was the least you felt you deserved.
Woody eventually returned your call just as you got to your room. You managed to hold it together but you could tell he knew you were upset as you told him you’d come to speak to Mason and it didn’t end well. He tried convincing you to let him speak to Mason tomorrow before you left but you told him there was no point and you promised you’d give him a call when you were back home the next day.
That wasn’t the end of Woody’s calls that night though, with Mason calling him about an hour after to let him know he’d seen you and the huff that Woody let out let him know Woody wasn’t happy with him.
‘First of all mate, it’s 2am. I know you live a few hours away now but that doesn’t mean we’re living in different time zones like could this not of waited?’
‘Sorry mate, I just didn’t know who to talk to’ Mason said sadly and Woody felt bad instantly but between you and Mason crying on the phone to him about each other he wanted to bang your heads together.
‘Look I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but I saw y/n last week. She was in that cafe you used to go to for breakfast and she looked miserable as fuck like I’ve never seen her that sad. She tried calling you but you’ve blocked her number again haven’t you?’
‘She’s got no reason to be sad, she threw me out’ Mason replied, ignoring his comment about blocking your number as he’d only done it a few days ago and he still felt weird about it.
‘Cause she thought you were ending things mate. She got the wrong end of the stick and she jumped the gun’ he explained, stopping Mason in his tracks immediately. ‘I’ve just had her on the phone in tears cause you’ve basically done the same. Didn’t give her a chance to talk and apologise and then left with some girl’
‘How does she know that?’
‘She saw you get in the car with her, she’s in bits mate. Like nothing I said would calm her down or make her listen to me. What the fuck did you say to her man?’
It was true, you’d cried all night as the vision of him with someone else stung and all you could think about was what they might be doing together at this very second. You hadn’t been able to look at someone else let alone do what he was doing and no matter what you did the vision of the pair of them wouldn’t go.
You thought he would of been upset or shocked to see you but the anger rolling off of him had been a surprise and you knew now that there was no going back. He was done with you, trying his hardest to move on and you told yourself that when you got back home you’d do the same so you quickly went to his number in your phone and blocked it just like he’d done with you.
You woke up early the end morning, checking the train times to see the next one was in an hour so you quickly packed up and let reception know you needed a taxi to the station. It hurt knowing your trip here had been in vein but you told yourself at least you’d tried. He just hadn’t wanted to hear and that was fine.
As soon as the lift pinged open you could hear Masons voice and the sound of it shocked you. He sounded desperate and you followed it to the reception where he appeared to be arguing with the receptionist.
‘Look, I know she’s here, you know she’s here so just let me know what room she’s in-‘
‘Sir I’ve already explained I’m not allowed to do that’
‘Well then call her room’
‘You’re not listening to me’
‘Mason?’ You questioned, coming to a stop a few meters behind him and you watched him whip round at the sound of you voice. A look of relief washing over him at the sight of you before he took a few frantic steps towards you.
‘Y/n thank god, I thought I’d missed you’
‘Why are you here?’ You asked but he was cut off from answering by the doorman.
‘Miss y/l/n, your taxi should be here in about five minutes’
‘No, don’t go. Please don’t go not yet’ he panicked, turning to the doorman so he could speak to him next. ‘It’s okay you can cancel that she doesn’t need it’
‘Mason, what’s going on?’
‘I don’t want you to leave like this. You came here for a reason and I know I’ve fucked it but please’ he whispered, holding your jaw as he looked into your eyes. ‘Please don’t go yet. Come back to mine and we’ll talk yeah? Properly talk and figure things out’
‘Please. Please bubs I’ll do anything you want-‘
‘Okay it’s okay’ you interrupted, holding his wrists as he still cradled your face in his hands. His eyes switching from frantic to relieved in an instant at your words as he let out a breath. ‘Shhhh, it’s okay. I’m coming yeah?’ You told him, heart threatening to jump from your body at the old pet name he used to call you but this is what you came here for. To talk properly and even if things were over you wanted nothing unsaid.
‘Okay’ he nodded shyly, suddenly aware of the scene he’d caused in the hotel reception so he grabbed the handle of your case with one hand whilst the other lead you outside by the small of your back. ‘I’m just round here’ he mumbled when you were close and you let him pop your case in the boot as you got settled in the passenger seat.
The drive was silent, Mason focused on the road as you looked out onto the unfamiliar Manchester streets but you couldn’t take anything in. Too focused on what you were going to say to him when you got to his and you could still feel his hands on your jaw as he’d pleaded with you to stay.
You were shocked when he suddenly pulled into the drive of an impressive house, a similar style to his Cobham home but a little more cozy looking and you retuned his shy smile as he turned the engine off before you both got out. He lead you inside and into the living room where you took a seat on one of the sofas and he sat opposite you whilst he played with his fingers.
‘Can I get you anything?’
‘I’m okay thanks’
‘Do you have a train you need to get?’
‘The one I booked leaves in ten minutes but it’s fine I’ll get another one’
‘Sorry I didn’t even think’
‘No it’s fine, I’d rather us talk’ you reassured him and even thought he sent you a smile he still looked troubled as his eyes flickered over you but you were settled by the tiny smile that appeared.
‘Nice hoodie’ he commented, you face burning as you knew he’d recognised it as his own. The same one he’d left at yours that fateful night and the one you’d been wearing for comfort so you dipped your head out of embarrassment. ‘You wanna go first? I don’t even know where to start’ he chuckled.
‘I sort of do’ you murmured before gulping nervously. This was probably the last thing you should be saying but you had to know before you carried on as the thought had been eating you alive. ‘About last night, I know I don’t have a right to ask but, that girl? Did um-‘
‘Nothing happened’ he breathed, head falling into his hands. ‘We went back to hers but I didn’t even get out of the taxi. I only met her for the first time last night, we’ve been texting for a few days but nothing more. She was just a distraction from… well you know’ he told you, eyes never meeting yours but you knew he’d seen you nod. ‘And that’s the problem, all I’ve been doing is trying to distract myself cause it hurts too much to think about anything else but I realised last night I can’t carry on like this’
‘I’m so sorry, Mason’ you whispered tearfully, watching his head drop into his hands even further as he clearly didn’t want you to see how upset he was but all you could think about was comforting him so against your better judgement you stood up and made your way over to him. He hadn’t moved a muscle so you knelt down in between his knees and placed your hands on his thighs in hopes he would look at you but his eyes stayed stuck shut. You weren’t ready to give up yet though, squeezing his thighs gently as you tapped your head against his arm. ‘Mase? Look at me’ you whispered before he swallowed heavily, head moving ever so slightly and the sadness in his eyes broke you.
You didn’t say a word, just knelt up and snaked your arms around his shoulders so you could pull him into a hug and to your surprise he let you, his head finding home in your neck just like it used to as he held you to him and it was as if all the stress in his body left him as he melted into you.
‘I’ve missed you so much’ he confessed quietly into your neck, the feel of his lips on your skin sending shivers down your spine as your heart thudded in your chest. You couldn’t describe how it felt to be back in his arms but you wished it was under different circumstances.
‘I’ve missed you too’ you told him. ‘But that doesn’t make what I did okay. I know that’
‘I really needed you. This has all been so hard’
‘I’m so sorry’ you choked, squeezing him even harder as he did the same. ‘Will you let me explain?’
‘Okay’ he gulped, pulling back from you but helping you taking a seat next to him. You felt a little awkward and unsure of yourself but when he threaded his fingers through yours and kept them in his lap you relaxed ever so slightly. The feel of him giving you the strength to speak.
‘In all honesty, I wasn’t sure you wanted me to come here. I get the deal was up in the air and you weren’t even sure if it would happen but we didn’t talk about any possibility of me coming with you and I just assumed you wanted to go on your own at first. Or maybe it was your way of letting me know you didn’t want me there at all but when you said I didn’t have to worry about coming here I thought you were giving me an out and ending things. I only took it because I believed that’s what you wanted and I thought you were breaking up with me’
‘That’s not what I wanted at all, I just assumed you were coming’ he laughed, rubbing his eyes with the heal of his hand. ‘I know we didn’t speak about it but I had a million things on my mind and the possibility of you not coming with me wasn’t one of them’ he whispered ‘everything was changing you know? But you were the one certain thing I had, I didn’t even think I had to ask. Remember you told me, wherever I go, that’s where you’ll be’
‘I know and I’m so sorry’ you sobbed, head bowed as the tears fell from your eyes. ‘You had so much going on in those months and all I did was think about myself’
‘Come on love, you don’t have to beat yourself up about it’ he told you softly, pulling you into his grasp again so you could calm down to speak again properly but all you wanted was to hear his side. You’d spent the last two months being annoyed at him for no reason and you were desperate know how he was feeling.
‘I think it might be good if we just get things out in the open, you know? Let’s not leave anything unsaid’ you told him and he nodded lightly.
‘You sure?’ He asked and you nodded with a gulp.
‘I just wanna know how you were feeling’
‘Well I was pissed for a long time. I didn’t understand anything it’s like you’d just changed in a nano second. And then when I got here and I was settled I was more sad you know? just waiting for you to reach out to tell me you missed me too but the longer it took the more mad I got again. That’s why I went off on one last night like I think it’s just all built up. But I’m sorry for how I spoke to you and I’m sorry for kissing you and walking away that wasn’t fair of me no matter how drunk I was. Being close to you again just bought all these feelings up a I lost it a bit. I’m sorry you had to see me with that girl too but I’ve spoken to her this morning and said I don’t want to see her anymore’
‘Do you really wish I’d of cheated on you?’ You asked, voice barely above a whisper but you knew he’d heard as he shuffled over to you a touch.
‘A little bit’ he laughed. ‘I mean not now obviously but it would of made not wanting you a lot easier. Cause that’s never gone away you know? I’ve wanted you this whole time, loved you this whole time, no matter how mad I got’
You were overwhelmed by how nice he was being, a stark contrast from how he’d spoken to you yesterday but you were still unsure as to how things would end. Was this just a polite goodbye before you made your way home? Mason had never been that hard to read a whilst he was saying all the right things you knew you’d pushed him to the edge and getting him back wouldn’t be easy.
‘Hey come on’ he whispered, pulling you into his body before leaning back a bit. You felt like you didn’t have right to cry, you were the one who blew up first and wouldn’t listen to him but the fact you’d gotten it so wrong made your heart hurt and wished you could go back in time and hear him out.
His arms around you were more comforting than you ever thought they could be, his smell hitting you like a slap in the face as the soft skin of his neck was pressed up against your face but you felt your heart beat slow down as he grounded you. His hands rubbing over your back and arms to comfort you and even though everything was up in the air, you finally felt like you were home again.
‘I didn’t talk to you about that stuff because I just wanted one person who didn’t look at me like I was the worst person on the planet’ he explained, your mind thinking back to the awful way he’d been spoken about with only a few people in his corner. ‘Chelsea was all I knew, and to have them want to just toss me aside like that hurt more than I could ever tell you but with you I never felt bad. You were my little escape you know?’ He chuckled, kissing your temple lightly which made you squeeze him even harder. ‘I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere for so long, but I always did with you’
‘I feel so dumb’ you laughed tearfully. ‘I think I was just being defensive like trying to hurt you before you hurt me’
‘I wasn’t trying to hurt you’ he told you gently. ‘In my head, I was gonna move up here, go on the tour and stuff whilst a house was being sorted and then when I was back you’d join me. Looking back I guess I should of said something sooner, you don’t live in my head so you’ve got not way of knowing what I’m thinking’
‘But I should of given you a chance to explain’ you mumbled, finally moving out of his neck so you could look at him properly and you were happy to see the sadness in his eyes had somewhat lifted but he was still looking to you concerned. ‘I was just butt hurt that you might be leaving and you hadn’t taken me into consideration but I should of let you explain. I’ve been so mad at you so that’s why I haven’t tried to reach out but it’s because I didn’t understand and now I do I just feel like the worst person in the world’ you cried, choking backs sobs at the end but his lips on your forehead settled you down again.
‘If I would of known then I would of stopped everything to follow you here. You were right, where you go I go and I’m so angry at myself for not thinking straight and being there for you when you needed me most. I can only imagine what you must of been going through leading up to it and for me to then just blow up at you like that wasn’t fair and I’m so sorry’
‘Come on sweetheart, don’t get upset’
‘I’ve ruined everything’ you sobbed, head in your hands agin before he pulled you even closer.
‘Shhhh baby no, you haven’t okay’ he reassured you. ‘You’re here now yeah? And we’re on the same page so there’s no need for all these tears’ he laughed, trying to make light of the situation so you forced yourself to calm down, wiping your eyes on the sleeves off his hoodie before looking up into his soft face.
‘Are you happy here?’
‘I am’ he told you sincerely. ‘Like yeah it’s been a bit weird just leaving everything behind but I’m really happy here’
You nodded, a weird feeling in your tummy at how settled he was and whilst you were anything but back home it eased your mind to know you didn’t have to worry about him being here.
‘I’d be happier if you were here with me’ he suddenly whispered, nose bumping yours before he pressed a kiss to the crease in between your brows.
‘Will you come with me?’ He asked, seeming ignoring your question but you nodded your head and let him lead you by the hand upstairs towards the back of the house, opening a door up to a random room but the sight inside took your breath away.
It was a light and airy room, a large desk set up against the wall with two monitors and your favourite chair from Masons Cobham home that you stole whenever you worked from there was perched under the desk. There were plants and cute pictures all over the walls and a little mini fridge off the other side but it was the patio doors that lead out to a balcony that overlooked the huge garden made you smile.
‘What’s this?’ You laughed, your heart racing as he settled his hands on your hips and popped his chin in your head.
‘Your home office. I had it set up for you just in case you came to your senses in the first few weeks but I haven’t been able to come back in here since’ he laughed. ‘Sorry about the dust’
‘Mase’ you breathed, turning to face him so you could wrap your arms around his body as he caged you against himself. You could feel the tears coming but for a whole different reason this time.
‘It’s still yours if you want it’
‘You don’t think I made a fool out of myself in that hotel and made you come here just for the fun of it did you?’ He laughed, thumb stroking your cheek as you gazed up at him lovingly. ‘It’s up to you, but I know I’ve been miserable without you and all I’ve thought about is having you here. Not just in this house but everywhere. I’ve found places we can go eat that I know you’ll love, there’s a park not too far away with a big lake so we can go feed the ducks like we used to’
‘Got it all figured out huh?’ You laughed, your body filling with warmth with his words.
‘I’d like to think so’ he winked ‘We can take it slowly you know? I’m not asking you to move in with me straight away but when you’re ready maybe I can take you out on a date? You know like catch up a bit and if it’s something we both realise we still want we can go from there’
‘Even after everything I said to you?’
‘It was a misunderstanding bubs, It happens’ he whispered, kissing your cheeky gently ‘we both could of probably done better but we live and we learn’ he carried on, pressing delicate kisses across your cheek and over your nose before making his way down to your lips. ‘I think we’re both sorry and regret what happened right?
‘So the only thing to do is accept it and try to move forward’ he continued, his kisses getting closer to your lips and you felt like you were in some sort of trance.
‘Y/n’ he whispered, pressing a final kiss to the corner of your mouth and the feel of it made you knees weak.
‘Can I kiss you now?’
You couldn’t answer him with words, just nodding before his hands came up to cup your jaw so he couldn’t tilt your head back. You couldn’t stop looking at him, he was so beautiful up close and you’d missed looking at all the features that made him special. But you couldn’t look for too much longer, his eyes on your lips and face leaning closer to yours as he finally gave you what you both wanted.
You both sighed into each others mouths as you finally kissed, relief filling your body at finally feeling his lips on yours. Your body felt as light as air as the pain from the last few months disappeared from your body and he mended you back together with his lips. It was a stark contrast from the way he’d kissed you last night and you were desperately trying not to smile and ruin the moment but you couldn’t help yourself. You were happy and whole again and the feel of Masons smile on your lips made you chuckle.
The pair of you pulled back, eyes shining as you got lost in each other for a second. Feeling the joy radiate from him as he smiled down at you and you hoped your expression was telling the same to him.
‘If you want, we can sack that date off and I’ll just move in right now’ you winked, watching his eyes sparkle as he laughed. You’d meant it as a joke but after a few seconds you realised the thought of going back home right now was the last thing you wanted.
‘Oh yeah?’ He laughed. ‘What about all your stuff? And work?’
‘Stop being the voice of reason’ you laughed, pulling away every so slightly but he was quick to cage you back in.
‘You don’t have to move here now. It’s a lot to ask and I know that’
‘But I want to. I’ve wanted to this whole time and I don’t want to waste another second without you. I don’t need a date to realise if this is what I want cause it’s what I’ve wanted since you came here’ you told him, you face resting his hand as his soft eyes flickered over you. ‘But I suppose you’re right. I really should run stuff passed work and get stuff sorted at home’
‘We’ve got time’ he smiled before placing a light kiss to your forehead. ‘What do you think of the place? I haven’t been here that long and we can change whatever you like about it’
‘No i love it, it’s very you’ you laughed as he took your hand to lead you outside.
‘Well, soon it will be very us’ he winked, walking you back through so he could give you a tour and you were impressed by all of it. The kitchen was your favourite though and you let him sit you up on the counter as he stood between your legs. You fingers lost in the back of his hair as he smiled up at you and all you wanted to to lean down and kiss him.
‘Why the change of heart Mase?’ You asked quietly, watching the blush take over his cheeks. ‘Last night you couldn’t stand the sight of me’
‘I may of called Woody after I got home. Let’s just say he wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear from me at that time but I told him what happened and he let me know he’d seen you earlier in the week and spoken to you last night. Said that you’d got the wrong end of the stick and you were upset about it and I just thought if you left then there was no going back, you know? I don’t want us to be done yet’
‘Me either’ you smiled, eyes filling with tears again as you looked over his perfect face. ‘So I didn’t loose you then?’
‘No even for a second’ he whispered, pressing his lips to yours gently. ‘We kind of owe Woody a lot huh?’
‘We do’ you smiled. ‘He’s put up with a lot of our shit’
‘Well he won’t have to anymore, we’re back where we belong. With each other’ he smiled before melting his head in your neck to you could hold him and all you could think about was not wanting to belong anywhere else but here ever again.
‘Where you go, that’s where I’ll be right?’
‘Where you go, that’s where I’ll be’ he repeated softly, a gentle smile taking over his lips as he looked at you lovingly.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Thank you so much for reading 🩷 I would really appreciate some feedback on this so please feel free to drop me an ask or a comment or whatever you feel comfortable doing. I’d just love to hear from you 😌
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jhoneybees · 2 months
hii! can i request 70s!elvis x reader where elvis fucks up and reader leaves him, but they make up at the end? thank you!!
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for making you wait for SO long!! I love this idea and got @elvisalltheway101 to help me with this one!! A lot of the credits go to her!🫶
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Characters: early!70sElvis X Wife!reader
Warnings/triggers: argument, leaving someone, crying
It is known that Elvis’ career is slowly… going down the toilet, and as a loving wife, it upsets you as much it upsets him but you’ve only just found out about the news half an hour ago during a sit down with wine from Sonny when he was sloshed out of his mind which you thought was his drunk brain making it up until you turned to ask Elvis, seeing his eyes looking away with a hint of insecurity.
“Why didn’t you tell me, this is happening?” you ask as you toss the headband you were wearing onto the shared bed. Running a hand through your hair as you turn your back to watch Elvis plunge down onto the sunken couch, lazily reaching forward for the TV remote.
Elvis lets out a sigh “It’s not as bad as you think it is, Honey” his words coming out in a mutter.
You frown at his response, scoffing as you walk closer “Not as bad as I think?” stopping in your tracks behind the couch, crossing your arms as you give Elvis a stern look.
“Elvis, you know I’m willing to help..I want to help-”
“I-I don’t wanna worry your pretty little head”
He responds quietly with a small deceivingly enthusiastic smile. Some part of those words are true, he really does appreciate your unconditional help but he thinks that he can handle it himself, his eyebrows lift as he offers his hand for you to hold so you could sink onto the couch with him and cuddle, truthfully wanting to drop the subject, only for him to earn a quirk of an eyebrow from you.
You sigh quietly as you close your eyes for a moment “I’ve helped you with so many things during our 4 years of marriage, Elvis” hearing a muffled thump of his offering hand fall onto the decorative cushions and a small groan, you open your eyes to see him pinching the bridge of his nose.
His voice low, growing more firm “Let’s talk bout somethin’ else, alright?”
You scoff again “This is your career we’re talking about!” you lift your arms in the air, reminding him of what he has worked so hard for “You’ve worked so hard to get all these things you want, the house, the guns, the jewellery, the cars, the fans, you bought your Mama a pink cadillac when you were starting out for God Sake and you’re just letting all of it go down the dra-”
“Enough, Y/n” he warns, rubbing his face with his hands still keeping his eyes trained on the TV.
You flinch terribly and quickly take a few steps back, your frightened filled eyes seeing a sight of Elvis that you have never seen before and a sight that he swore on his own damn grave to not ever show you.
His chest heavily rises and falls as his finger points at you, his face softening as he closes his eyes while dropping his arm to his side. Looking down at the floor as he takes a deep breath “Honey-”
“I’ll pack my things and go then” your voice shaky and weak, breathing in as you turn on your heel. Closing your eyes as you feel his warm hand wrap around your wrist, holding it tightly.
“H-honey, I-I’m sorry, w-w-we can talk this out baby” the sudden frantic tone in his voice pulls at your heartstrings, you know he didn’t mean what he said but it’s best to just let him have his own space to think.
“Let me go…” you say weakly, pulling your wrist out of his grasp as you walk up towards the shared bed, grabbing a suitcase out from the closet in the bathroom to lift it onto the mattress. Brushing Elvis’ hands away from yours “Don’t touch me” tears stinging your eyes.
“Please baby, I-I appreciate your help so much, so much baby- please” his eyebrows furrowing as you throw clothes into the suitcase. Hearing the slightest whimper from his lips as his hands find their way around your waist “Sweetie-”
Pushing his hands away for the last time before buckling the suitcase up, gripping the handle tightly you walk to the door. Opening it with a bit of force, your blurry vision looking back at the dark figure of Elvis following after you “Y/n please…d-don’t go”
You inhale sharply, taking a step forward to place a kiss on his cheek. Your hand applies pressure to his chest as he tries to take the suitcase from your hand “Don’t go, w-we can talk about this” Looking from one eye to the other, you see that fear in his eyes.
“..Bye..Elvis” you whisper.
You know he’s frustrated and stressed and you really can’t comprehend how big the pressure Elvis must be feeling, yes you don’t have to know everything but you get worried.
Maybe you shouldn’t have pushed on the topic.
“Hey Y/n, should I wear red or pink lipstick?” You look over your shoulder, a soft smile on your face as you see your friend holding a lipstick in each hand, You’ve been staying at her house ever since the argument happened, after she asked you how things are going over the phone just expecting a pleasant conversation with you. She was devastated to hear the news and offered to pay for a plane ticket back to Memphis and host you at her house which you reluctantly accepted.
“I think pink would look better” you reply, closing the magazine you were reading and leaving it on the coffee table. Your friend hums “Hm, I thought so too..” lowering her hands as she walks back into the other room.
You sigh quietly, turning your head back down at the magazine you were skimming through. As you skip through a few pages, there’s a knock. A desperate one, it sounds. When your friend raises a brow and glances back at your seat on the couch, “expecting someone?” She asks. You share the same confusion and shake your head. “Oh maybe it’s the make-up set from Europe I told you about! It’s supposed to arrive this week.” She smiles widely while skipping to the front door.
you hear dead silence and feel disappointment in the air. Since being in another room, you don’t know who it is or what it is. “It’s definitely not the European make-up set.” She calls out, and you can just see the unacceptable frown on her face.
“w-who is it?” You say out softly but you already know in your gut who it might be. You hear a scoff and just know there was an eye roll with it, “it’s no one, especially someone not wanted.” she says out, her upper lip curled in attitude as she glares across the man at her doorstep.
Starting to get irritated from being in the unknown, you brush off the chips from your lap and walk among the creaky floorboards to where she is. Your eyes widen at the human being that’s presented.
Of course you expected Elvis, but not in this condition. Standing straight and tense, breathing heavily as he smacks his lips and looks around. He looks exhausted, absolutely exhausted. Gray circles forming from the worry and lonesome upon his tawny flesh that rests tiredly under his eyes. Oh his blue eyes, a gray cloud in those pupils, the pretty sky blue eyes that would mimic the bright, shining and welcoming sun. But now showing a perfect impression of a cloudy day with the sky’s cries of rain. He looks so out of it. Out of himself….all because you were gone for such little time?
His weary eyes then connect to yours and you gasp softly, able to feel the immense pressure on his shoulders from the fear that you were lost. The thought of losing the only person that mattered to him mostly.
“Oh Y/n!” Your name comes out his lips like a prayer of great thanks, and before you know it, you’re being completely engulfed in his arms.
“A-ah’ve been so worried. So goddamned worried about you, A-ah had been searching for you. A-asking every goddamn store in Memphis!” His soft arms squeeze around your shoulders tight, almost as if you’ll wash away from existence and beneath his eyes if he even lets go for air. His faint spicy, floral cologne surrounds and you inhale to your lungs as you flutter your eyes closed.
“I’m so sorry, baby. S-s-so sorry. Hell, I’d get a whopping if my mama caught me talk atcha like that. I’m so sorry y/n. I’ll plead with all my existence, a-all my life I’ll make it up to ya.” He whispers so desperately, and hugs you tighter to his chest.
Your eyebrows furrow and you slowly lift your arms to rub his back gently, letting out a breath you feel like you've been holding onto the entire week, your back sensing your friend has left the room, sick of the love fest but glad you have both made it up and no one’s gonna get hurt.
You smile gently and connect with his eyes once again with a soft smile, “it’s okay Presley,” you giggle softly and you can feel the radiating warmth of relief and love in his eyes.
He heaves out a breath with that shy crooked grin “You're the most important, Honey. I-I don't know what I was thinkin” his slightly shaky hands cupping the sides of your face.
Your smile softens as you do the same, wiping your thumbs near his eyes, seeing the gray skin under his eyes “Elvis…” his calloused hands careful to hold your wrists, he leans into your touch.
“Jesus… I thought I lost you”
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sacredjake · 1 year
To Be Loved By You
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pairing: sam kiszka x reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: angst, pining, fluff, drinking. let me know if i missed anything
i’ve gone back and forth on this fic and almost wasn’t going to post it, but here we are. this fic is very, very loosely based off the song To Be Loved By You by Parker McCollum. every time i heard it i just had this vision in my head for some reason and needed it out :) huge thank you to @malany-gvf and @gretasimp for proofreading and editing <3
“So? What do you think?”
The words bounced around in your head, creating a hollow echo against your brain. You should be ecstatic, over the moon, jumping with joy. Part of you was, but another part of you just felt sad. And you hated yourself for it.
“Oh my god… Is it that bad?!” Seth’s panicked words brought you back from the corner in your mind where you had been hiding away.
“Oh no! No! Seth, it’s perfect. Em is going to absolutely freak and say yes. Honestly, you planned the perfect proposal and I am so excited for you both!” You quickly shoved your sadness deep down to reassure him that his engagement proposal to your best friend is perfect.
And it was. Seth had everything planned out exactly as you would expect, so when your best friend, Emily, said “yes” you were not surprised in the slightest. You were extremely happy for them both, but it also loomed over you as a reminder of how awful your own love life was.
You had never been in a serious relationship and every date you went on was an utter disaster. The guy was either a creep, or wasn’t interested in actually dating. After so many years of your closest friends falling in love and getting married, you were starting to turn bitter and sad about the subject of love entirely.
“Ugh, Sam, you should’ve seen it. It was absolutely perfect, and of course she said yes because I mean, how could she not?!” You exasperate over the phone to your best friend as you walk inside your apartment and drop your keys on the kitchen counter.
“And the way he looked at her? My god he looked at her like she was the only woman to ever walk the earth. And when she said yes? I just can’t even take it anymore. I am beyond happy for her, I am, but when is it gonna be my turn? When am I going to fall in love? When am I going to have a guy look at me like I am the only woman to ever exist?”
Sam gave you a hefty sigh from the other end of the phone as you continued to ramble and pity yourself, voice beginning to crack from the heavy emotions you felt.
You made your way through your apartment towards your bathroom to get ready for bed, petting your cat who lay on the armrest of the couch along the way.
“C’mon y/n, stop talking like that. There are tons of guys out there who would fall at your feet if you so much as glanced their way. Maybe your time is coming soon.” Sam effectively cut off your rambling, but his words of optimism didn’t help. If anything they drove you closer to tears.
As you entered the bathroom, you could feel your throat closing and water starting to prickle in your eyes, your chest tightening with hurt and sorrow. You shut the door with your back pressed against the wood and slide down the length of it until you were sitting on the cool tile.
“Don’t say that to me, Sam. Please. I’ll only get my hopes up for nothing to happen. Constantly reminded that I’m unloved.” You choked back a sob trying not to cry to your best friend on the phone. You have done enough of that these days.
Sam has heard and seen it all. He was the person you were able to go to with these things because unlike all of your other friends, he was single. He knew what it felt like to be lonely and want someone to share things with. But my god was he so optimistic and hopeful with you, always ensuring that there was someone out there for you.
“You are not unlovable, Angel. Far from it. You just need to… I don’t know… gain a new perspective on things?” His nickname for you caused another round of sobs to wrack through your body. It wasn’t often that he called you Angel anymore, but when he did it was always in situations like this. When you needed it most.
He sounded sad and longing, but you were too wrapped up in your own pity to even notice. It stayed silent for a few moments while you tried to pull it together, Sam giving you time to gather yourself.
“I think I’m going to go to bed. Could you do me a favor?”
“Anything for you, Angel.”
“Could you be my plus one for this wedding? I know I will be in the bridal party, but I don’t think I can stomach it without you.” Tears threatened to fall from your eyes once again as you spoke.
“I would love to be your plus one. I’ll be there.” His voice was soft and gentle, calming your emotions once again. You took a deep breath and stood from your place on the ground.
“Thank you, Sam. I appreciate you so much.” You gave a slight smile even though he couldn’t see you.
“Anytime, Angel. I’m always here. Get some rest, okay? Goodnight.” You could picture the look on his face perfectly in your mind. Eyes and smile soft and warm on his face as he bid you goodnight.
“Goodnight, Sam.” Ending the call and you continued your regular nightly routine, but still feeling weighed down by your own heart, the sadness lingering. You knew eventually it would subside, but tonight was another night in which you would fall asleep alone, wishing for the comfort of another.
As the months passed on, Emily had asked you to be a bridesmaid, as you had suspected she would. You were thrilled to be a part of her big day in this way, but being a bridesmaid also meant you were constantly talking about wedding things and love. Which songs they will play, what song they wanted their first dance as a married couple to be, what kind of cake and flowers and decorations they would have. It was exhausting.
By the time the wedding rolled around you were grateful the whole ordeal was going to be over. Part of it was the stress of having bridesmaid responsibilities, but the other was because it was a constant reminder that you were alone. All of the other bridesmaids were either taken or married which didn’t help the resentment towards love that you were beginning to feel after months of helping plan this wedding. Not that you would ever let it show around them or Em, but you couldn’t wait to be out from under its crushing weight.
You vented to Sam about the wedding and how you felt, frequently. You would have felt bad constantly burdening him with your emotions had you been able to see past them. He never faltered and always seemed willing to listen and give advice. You were thankful that you had him, and even more thankful that he still agreed to come with you to the wedding.
“Alright people! It’s showtime!” Em’s sister, Audrey gathered the attention of the bridal party, signaling that the wedding was about to begin. You walked over to Em one last time before finding your place among the other bridesmaids.
“Congratulations, Em. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I am so happy for you.” You lightly grasped her shoulders as you spoke. Tears began to well in both of your eyes and deciding neither of you could afford to ruin your makeup now you added with a pointed finger, “And if Seth ever hurts you, I will kick his ass.” Causing you both to laugh lightly.
“I know you will, y/n. I know you will.” She shook her head giggling slightly. You let go of her shoulder to give her a tight hug, basking in each other for a moment. You pulled away from Em giving her a soft smile before joining the other bridesmaids to begin the wedding procession.
As you joined the groomsman you had been paired with and marched down the aisle, you searched for Sam. His eyes found yours in the crowd of people sitting in the pews and he shot you a smile and wink, earning a smile from you in return.
The way Seth watched Em walk down the aisle pulled on your heart, drawing it near your stomach. His eyes were solely focused on her, tears threatening to break through as she approached closer with every step. You longed for someone to look at you that way, to love you that deeply and strongly.
The ceremony was beautiful and filled with tears from all throughout the church. You cheered loudly as the newlyweds walked out to their awaiting car to be swept off towards the reception venue. Eventually you were able to find Sam among the sea of people leaving their places in the pews.
“Thank you for coming, Sam.” You greeted him with a hug and bright smile, though he could see the sadness that held your eyes. He immediately wrapped his arms around your frame, hugging you close with his chin resting lightly on the top of your head. He was intoxicating. His warmth, his smell, his touch, everything about him soothed you and drew you in.
“Anything for you, always.” He squeezes you tightly before letting go. Gesturing you to walk outside, you followed his direction out of the church and into the warm spring air.
“Nice suit, I didn’t know you could clean up this well.” You nodded to his outfit of choice. He was wearing a deep red blazer and dress pants set that complimented his skin well. You ran your hand down the sleeve of his blazer feeling the crushed red velvet beneath your fingers.
“Not so bad yourself. I think fuschia suits you.” He nodded his head back towards you and gave you a wink. You wrinkled your nose and pretended to gag at his words.
“Please, you know I hate the color pink.”
“You never listen, huh? This isn’t just pink, it’s fuschia.” Sam huffed jokingly. Shaking your head you lightly shoved his shoulder with your hand, barely pushing him away from you.
“It’s still a shade of pink, dummy.” You looked around and noticed that most of the guests had cleared out of the vicinity, more than likely heading to the reception hall. “We should probably get going though. Mind if I ride with you to the reception? I rode with Audrey here.”
“Not at all. This way, milady.” Sam held his arm out for you to loop yours through, guiding you to his car. Your time with Sam didn’t last long, as you had to perform your last bridesmaid duty. Pictures.
You didn’t mind this aspect of being a bridesmaid, it was just extremely tedious, and you were not a fan of having your picture taken. You were relieved when the photographer announced that they would be taking pictures of the newlyweds and you were free to join the guests in the reception hall.
As you walked into the open ballroom you began scanning the area for Sam, finding him sitting at a table with his back to you, in what looked to be a deep conversation with a girl. She was laughing at something he said with her hand on his upper arm, leaning in closer to him. You instantly felt anger bubbling inside of you, rising up to your face. You couldn’t explain why you felt this way, but you were definitely feeling an odd tinge of jealousy. Deciding to bypass Sam and the girl, you walked straight to the bar to order a drink. Thank god Em and Seth insisted on having an open bar, you were going to need the liquor.
As you waited in line, you felt a hand gently land on the backside of your tricep. Turning your head slightly you were met with Sam’s face looking down at you, a soft smile gracing his lips. You offered the best smile you could muster, shoving the ugly green monster back into his little box and turned back to face the bar.
Sam still felt the shift in your mood as you turned away from him without a word. He dropped his hand from your arm, and opted to not bring it up in fear that it would only upset you further.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender looked up from the current order they were working on as you approached the bar.
“Can I have a jack and coke, please?” Sam glanced at you, eyebrows raised in surprise at the drink you ordered. You didn’t drink jack and coke unless you were planning on getting drunk, fast, and he knew it.
“And for you?” The bartender looked towards Sam waiting to fill his order.
“Tequila soda, please.” The bartender got to work on your drinks as you and Sam stood in silence. In a few moments you both had your drinks and were heading back towards the table you saw Sam sitting at with the girl earlier. Although, this time she was nowhere to be found.
“Drinking heavy tonight?” Sam nodded his head towards the drink in your hand as you sat down, taking a sip of your jack and coke.
“I figured I’d need something stronger than my usual to get me through tonight.” You shrugged, taking another sip. You weren’t sure it was even possible, but his eyes softened more at your reply. He rested his hand on your knee and gave it a light squeeze. Even through the fabric of your dress, your skin felt warm under his touch.
His hand didn’t linger for long as he picked up his glass and tilted it towards yours. “Then drink we shall.” He gently knocked his glass against yours before lifting it to his lips.
The night went on, and Sam helped lift your mood as toasts were made, food was served and drinks were downed. You were definitely feeling slightly drunk from the rounds of drinks you frequently got, and that helped to soothe the sting of heartache. However, your mood quickly turned sour once again as the cake was being cut and the couple shared their first dance as husband and wife.
“Why can’t I have that? Look at the way they’re staring into each other’s eyes… I want someone to love me like that.” You sighed, chin resting on your arm that was draped over the back of your chair. “No one has ever looked at me that way. No one has ever wanted me that way.” You cast your eyes down to the empty drink in your hand and sighed again.
“I’m going to get another drink.”
You stood, earning a huff from Sam as you set the glass on the table. His large hand wrapped around your wrist as you began to leave, stopping you in your tracks. You turned back to face him, shooting him a questioning look, eyebrows raised.
“I think you’ve had enough, y/n.” Sam’s voice was stern as his downturned eyes bore into your own. You scoffed at him. Anger seeped into your body, boiling in your veins. Who was he to cut you off?
“Excuse me?” You bit back at him, tone venomous as you tried to pull your wrist from his grasp to no avail. He wasn’t budging, his hand like a vice around your wrist.
Still holding onto you he rose out of his seat coming face to face with you. “God, how blind are you?!” His voice was hushed so as to not draw attention, but his tone was cutting, teeth clenched. You stared at him, eyes wide, confused and not daring to speak. You had never seen Sam so angry before, and especially not so quickly.
“You don’t see it, do you? Of course you don’t, you’re so self-absorbed in your own sorrow to even notice.” His hand finally let go of your wrist at his last word slicing through the air. You stood there shocked and shaking from anger.
“What the hell are you-“
“Forget it, y/n.” Sam shook his head before he stormed off towards the exit of the reception hall. You stood there for just a moment as he walked by before you turned on your heel and stormed after him. Thankfully no one noticed the interaction between the two of you as they were all watching the happy couple dance.
Sam exited the hall through a small door that led out into the foyer of the building with you hot on his heels. The room was dark, only being lit from the moon and lightning flashes as a thunderstorm rolled in. “Go away, y/n. Leave me alone.” He spat as he continued to walk towards the exit of the building, crossing the room quickly due to the stride of his long legs.
“No! What the hell are you talking about?! Why are you so angry?” You practically yelled and he stopped in his tracks, one hand resting on each of the giant double doors that lead outside. He shook his head and gave a cold, mirthless laugh as a flash of lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the mostly empty room for a short, fleeting moment.
“That’s exactly it! Don’t you get it? You don’t even realize!” He pushed away from the door, turning back to walk towards you.
“Realize what, Sam?!”
“What the hell does a man have to do to be loved by you?!” He stopped in front of you, his face less than a foot from your own, breaths coming out heavy and uneven. His tone was angry and frantic, but his face was sad and pleading. Desperate, wanting. Begging.
“Tell me! Enlighten me, please! What do I have to do for you to love me back?!” You felt your entire body turn cold and rigid as Sam confessed his love to you, a small gasp hung in the back of your throat.
“You always come to me crying. Angry. Longing… And it kills me everytime! I hate seeing you cry. I hate knowing that when we hang up you cry yourself to sleep because I know you hate sleeping alone. I am in agony over you, constantly. So what do I have to do?” His voice was as pleading as his eyes this time. All of him begging for you to see him. To love him. To love him the way he loved you. You began to feel your throat and chest tighten as tears pricked your eyes.
“What more do I need to do to show you that you are loved? That I love you?! That I have always loved you? You want someone to look at you like that? I do. I have always been right. here.” He punctuated the last two words with anger and sorrow causing you to blink as they flew from his mouth.
“Sam, I- I never-“ You began to speak, but Sam cut you off.
“You never what? Noticed?” He spat, causing you to recoil slightly and take a step back as you nodded your head.
“You never noticed because you’re too busy watching happy couples and feeling sorry for yourself! Maybe if you looked at me, you would’ve noticed I’ve been looking at you. Waiting for you.” You stood still letting what he said sink in. He was right. You had been so self-absorbed that you didn’t realize Sam had been there all along.
Every bad date, every phone call, all the times you cried to him and he would suggest there was someone out there who loved you, that your time for love was maybe around the corner. While you had been waiting for love, he had been waiting for you. Waiting for you to notice him. To love him.
Tears uncontrollably rolled down your cheeks as you stood there in silence, staring at one another while lightning illuminated the room more frequently, the storm approaching faster. Sam instantly softened at the sight of tears littering your face, beginning to smear your makeup.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. Please don’t cry, Angel.” He sighed, raising his hands up to your cheeks to pat away the tears as they continued to fall, not wanting to ruin your makeup any further.
“No, Sam, you’re right. I’ve only been thinking of myself. All I ever do is talk about my feelings and what’s wrong with me and my love life. Not only have I been a terrible friend, but I’ve also been missing what's right in front of me.” You brought your hand to lay over his, leaning your face into his touch and closing your eyes. “I’m so sorry, Sam. I truly don’t deserve you in any way.”
“Hey, don’t do that. Look at me, Angel.” He lifted his hand from your face to skirt his fingers down your cheek to the underside of your jaw and finally stopped under your chin, angling your face up to his. His other hand dropped to your hip, resting lightly. Your eyes fluttered open instantly being met with his milk chocolate irises, a smile growing on his face.
“Hi.” He breathed out as his hand under your chin fell to rest on your other hip, holding you close to him.
“Hey.” It came out as a broken whisper, barely audible, even to your own ears.
“I’m going to kiss you now. Okay?” His breath fanned across your face while he spoke, and you nodded your head giving him permission. His right hand snaked up from your waist to cradle the back of your neck as he leaned in closer, sending chills across your body. His lips were soft and gentle against your own, and you found yourself melting into him. The kiss only lasted a few moments before he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours and sighing, eyes still shut. You felt as though you were frozen in time, stuck like this for an eternity, overtaken by his presence. His intoxicating, woodsy smell mixed with a hint of cologne, the way his hands felt on you, how beautiful he was with his eyes closed, and content.
His eyes met yours at the mention of his name being whispered into the air.
“Yeah?” He whispered back, eyes flicking between yours trying to gauge your reaction. Your hand found purchase on his cheek, cupping the left side of his face.
“Kiss me again?”
“Anything for you, Angel.” A smile stretched across his face before he leaned in once again to kiss you. His lips met yours, gliding against your own with a feeling of something deeper behind this kiss than the first. It was more passionate, hungry even. His tongue swept across your bottom lip eliciting a sigh from you which Sam swallowed down as he took the opportunity to let his tongue roam the inside of your mouth, trailing along the roof. Your brain finally catching up, your tongue met his. Sam’s fingers dug into your waist at the feeling of your tongues dancing against one another, and pulled you impossibly closer.
He pulled away again, this time bringing his lips to your ear. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to kiss you. What do you say we get out of here?” His breathing was labored and heavy against your skin sending tingles throughout your body.
“I’d like that very much.” You beamed, Sam taking your hand in his and leading you out into the stormy night where rain was pouring from the heavens, effectively soaking you both from head to toe. Without a care for the rain falling from the sky, Sam stopped abruptly using his grasp on your hand to pull you into him, kissing you for a third time that night, his lips spreading into a smile mid-kiss.
“Sam, what’re you doing? We’re going to get soaked out here.” You smiled into the kiss as well, a giggle bubbling past your lips.
“Just wanted to kiss you in the rain is all.” He pushed the strands of damp hair out of your face with both of his large hands, peppering it with kisses as he did so causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter.
“Think we could do this in your car? I kinda have to return this dress.” You laughed as you felt a shiver begin at the top of your skull and travel down your spine, making your whole body shake. Sam shrugged his blazer off and draped it around your shoulders, smiling at you sweetly, although it didn’t do much as it was already wet and cold from the weather. He placed a quick kiss to the tip of your nose before intertwining his fingers with your own and dragging you off towards his car.
“Anything for you, Angel.”
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graceful-starker · 11 months
Please Just This Once
Summary: Tony accidentally gets roofied by Peter and Peter takes advantage of this situation.
@starkerfestivals’s bingo square: roofied
(Part 1/2)
Warnings: dubcon, roofies, manipulation, unsafe sex, dark(ish)!Tony and Peter
Notes: Trans!Peter, wc = 2959, Part two either tomorrow or Saturday!
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To be completely fair to Peter, he hadn’t really meant to roofie Tony. The cocktail was supposed to be a non-addictive anxiety medication. It was supposed to help with Tony’s panic attacks. It truly was born out of a place of good intentions.
However, if Peter were a good person, he would have taken Tony straight to medical or let the drugs wear off under his supervision. 
But he’s not, and he didn’t do either of those things. 
“I think…” Tony leans to his left and almost falls out of the chair, before over correcting so harshly he almost falls off the other side. “I think it works too well, kid. I can’t…can’t feel my face.” He clicks his tongue, gulping loudly. “Can I have some water?”
Peter winces a bit, grabbing a glass of water and helping Tony drink some. “Careful…”
Tony’s fingers are wrapped around the glass, but his hand doesn’t seem to want to work. Peter ends up having to continue holding the glass, allowing the older man to guide it. Tony pushes it away after a bit, and sighs loudly. “I need a nap.”
Peter laughs nervously, putting the glass down and putting the back of his hand to Tony’s forehead. “This is what you get for deciding to be my test subject without me knowing,” he says, half joking and half scolding. “You’re warm. I should really…” Tony leans into the touch, and his eyelashes flutter shut, and his mouth hangs half open as he gasps in a breath.
Peter’s entire brain stops. Tony leans into his touch, like he actually wants it. Like it feels nice. And he looks so handsome like this, with his cheeks flushed and his expression fixed like that. He looks…he looks sultry. 
Peter’s own breath hitches, and he pulls his hand away slowly. It sends a shiver down his spine that Tony chases it, leaning forward until he starts to lose his balance, and his eyes flutter open instead. “Tony?” Peter whispers.
Tony hums, swaying just a bit. “I should lay down.”
Peter nods, holding out his hand. “Let’s get you upstairs, Mr. Stark,” Peter says. Tony takes the hand, and mostly falls out of his chair. Peter helps him get his balance, and Tony is able to put one foot in front of the other. It’s an ordeal getting Tony to the penthouse, and Peter almost gives up to just carry him instead, but they finally make it. 
“Peter,” Tony says, and the gravely edge to his voice makes the younger man shiver with want. 
“Almost there,” Peter says, leading Tony into the master bedroom and shutting the door behind them. “Here, sit on the edge of the bed.” 
Tony doesn’t sit so much as fall, and he leans forward into Peter before jerking himself back. “Sorry,” he slurs, eyes half shut. 
It’s almost cute, if Peter didn’t feel so guilty. He sighs again and looks over his mentor, and decides getting his shoes off will be enough for this particular nap. Waking up in jeans probably won’t be the most comfortable, but he’s sure that won’t be the most uncomfortable thing Tony will have to deal with when he wakes up. 
Peter gets on his knees in front of Tony and looks up at the surprised gasp. Tony is staring at him, pupils dark and mouth hanging open. Peter swallows thickly, before tearing his eyes away and removing Tony’s shoes as quickly as he can.
If he were a good person, and he were to do the right thing, Peter would have stood up immediately after and helped Tony lay down to sleep it off. But that isn’t what Peter did. 
Peter stares up at Tony, and slowly puts his hands on Tony’s knees. He keeps them there, testing for what reaction he gets. 
Tony’s Adam's apple bobs, and he moves his eyes slowly between Peter’s hands and his lips. “Peter,” he starts, and seems to immediately forget what he was thinking. 
Peter moves his hands up Tony’s thighs slowly, breathing heavily through his nose as he watches Tony. Tony wouldn’t want this in his right mind, Peter knows that. But he seems to want it now, so it’s okay, right?
“Kid,” Tony says, and his hands come up to stop Peter’s progress. “I need…I need to sleep this off.”
Peter bites his lip, moving his hands back down to Tony’s knees. Tony’s hands move back to support himself behind him on the bed, and Peter takes advantage. He moves his hands back up, on the inside of Tony’s thighs this time, and enjoys the way it makes Tony shiver. He looks up at Tony through his lashes, feeling his cheeks heat under the intense gaze. “Please, Tony?” he whispers, resting his chin on Tony’s knee. “Just the once? I know you don’t want me, but just this once? You can just close your eyes.”
Tony makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds a lot like a protest, but Peter ignores it. Tony moves to stop Peter again, but he’s clumsy and weak.
Peter pushes past Tony’s hands, reaching up to unzip his pants. Tony makes another noise, but Peter ignores that one too; instead he just pulls Tony’s jeans and boxers down, allowing his slowly hardening cock to be exposed to the room. “Just once, I promise. I just need…just once.”
“Wait,” Tony whispers, one hand coming up to rub at his face, and the other going back to holding himself up. 
Peter ignores him, reaching up and wrapping his hand around Tony’s base. It only takes a couple strokes to get Tony reacting, his cock filling up nicely and getting heavier. Peter scoots closer, breathing an awed puff out on Tony’s head, and watches as it twitches. 
“Kid, wait, I don’t-” Tony cuts himself off, his hand sliding down his face and landing heavily on the bed beside him. 
Peter licks at the head once, just to test, and groans at the taste. He gets up on his knees, pushing his chest into the side of the bed so he can take half of Tony into his mouth with one smooth glide down. He wraps his fist around what he can’t fit, squeezing and pumping in time with the bobs of his head.  
Tony chokes, one hand coming up to rest in Peter’s curls. He doesn’t have the strength to push or pull, but Peter doesn’t mind either way. “Fuck, Peter.”
Peter moans at the way his name sounds on Tony’s tongue like that, all heavy and hot. He bobs his head up and down, licking over the head every time he comes up. He uses every trick he knows, pulls out every stop to make it good for Tony. 
A small voice reminds Peter that he probably won’t remember any of this, with how drugged out he is. But Peter doesn’t care; this is his only chance to have Tony, and he wants Tony to enjoy it. 
“Fuck, wait, Peter. Wait, stop. Stop, Peter,” Tony tugs weakly at Peter’s hair, and Peter pulls off with a pop. “Peter,” Tony says, eyes heavy and lidded. 
“Please,” Peter asks, feeling tears start to build in his eyes. He wants this so badly, and he knows this is his only chance. Peter won’t ever get another chance like this again, he just knows it. Tony won’t ever again want him even half as much as he does right now. 
Tony bites his lip, rubbing a thumb under Peter’s eye. “Don’t cry,” he says softly, sighing when a tear escapes Peter’s left eye. “Fuck, don’t cry.”
“Please, Tony,” Peter asks, moving his hand up and down Tony’s shaft. He blinks and more tears fall, and his heart flutters at the worried frown on Tony’s lips. “Please.”
Tony curses softly, moving his hand behind Peter’s ear and gently pulling him closer. “Okay,” Tony says, guiding Peter back to his cock. “Okay, just don’t cry.”
Peter eagerly takes Tony’s cock back into his mouth, closing his eyes so he doesn’t have to look at Tony’s expression. The guiding hand on the back of his head, while weak, just does something for Peter. He reaches down and grinds into the heel of his hand, using his other hand to stroke Tony’s cock where he can’t reach with his mouth. 
God, he can’t decide if he wants Tony to come down his throat or if he wants to know what it feels like to have Tony inside him. 
If Peter were a good person, he wouldn’t have ever done this in the first place. But if he were to do at least the semi-good thing in this situation, he would have finished Tony off quickly at that point and helped him get to bed and sleep it off. But Peter didn’t do that. 
Peter pulls off again, taking a deep breath and licking at the underside. Tony curses softly, his hips twitching and making his cock rub against Peter’s cheek and bump his nose. He pulls away from Tony just a bit, standing up and getting eye level with the older man. “I’ve wanted you forever,” he says, watching Tony’s face. 
Tony’s eyes widen, and his breath hitches. “Don’t…Peter…”
Peter winces a bit, but he doesn’t want to stop. Even if it hurts a bit that Tony doesn’t want him back; he still wants this, just this once. He pushes his own pants down before pulling his shirt over his head. When he looks back to Tony, the older man is looking at Peter with a hungry expression, eyes roving slowly up and down Peter’s form. 
Tony swallows thickly, his hand moving to rub over his cock as he takes in the view. 
It makes Peter throb with need.
He climbs on the bed, knees bracketing Tony’s hips, resting his hands on Tony’s shoulders. Tony looks back up at Peter’s face, and his eyes unfocus a bit. “Wait, kid, I don’t-I don’t think…Peter-”
Peter kisses him, and it isn’t as sweet as he had always pictured it. Tony doesn’t respond at first, and when he does, he’s clumsy and awkward with his lips and tongue. It only serves to remind Peter of how he’s getting what he wants, and he pulls away with a sad sigh. 
“Don’t cry,” Tony says, his hand coming up to cup Peter’s cheek. “Peter.”
Peter leans into the touch, reaching between them to stroke Tony’s cock. “Please Tony, I want you. I want you inside me. Please?”
Tony stares for a moment, but then he nods slowly. “Okay.”
Peter kisses him again, and it distracts Tony. Peter strokes Tony slowly between them, twisting his hand over the head and collecting pre in his palm. He waits until he’s collected a good amount of it before rubbing it over the rest of Tony's cock. 
He pulls away after a few more seconds of this, getting impatient. He lifts his hips so he can hover over Tony’s cock. He aims Tony’s cock and cups the head as he starts to sink down, hissing at the initial pressure. 
Tony’s eyes widen, and his hands find their way to Peter’s hips. “Wait, Peter-”
Peter sinks a bit lower, biting his lip and groaning anyway. “You’re so big, Mr. Stark,” Peter gasps, rolling his hips in little circles on the way down until he’s seated on Tony’s lap. 
Tony chokes on his words, eyes fluttering in pleasure. “Fuck, Peter. You’re so wet, you’re too tight, I-“
Peter whimpers and clenches around Tony, allowing himself to get used to the stretch. Then he starts to move, finally, slowly at first to get used to the feeling. He moves his hips back and forth, complimenting the up and down motions, breath shaky. 
Tony feels so good inside him. So thick and hot and everything Peter ever thought it would feel like. 
“Peter,” Tony chokes, hands moving up Peter’s sides. 
The younger man moans, picking up the pace and starting to really bounce on Tony’s cock. “Oh, Tony, you feel so-you make me feel so good!”
Tony groans softly, running his hands up and down Peter’s back and looking up at him with dark eyes. “Peter, oh, fuck.” 
Peter throws his head back in pleasure, and Tony takes advantage immediately by licking and biting at Peter’s throat. Peter gasps at every mark Tony leaves, his hips stuttering at the pleasure. “Yes, yes Tony, more,” he breathes the last word, pleasure making him feel hot and dizzy. 
Tony wraps his arms around Peter to pull him close, chest to chest, and pants heavily into Peter’s ear. 
It makes Peter writhe against the other man, makes him clench around Tony’s cock. He throbs with need, and tries to move his hips in a way that will also get stimulation without sacrificing an inch of Tony inside of him. 
“If you keep moving your hips like that, I’m going to come,” Tony warns, and he only slurs his words a little, but it’s so hot in Peter’s ear. 
Peter whines, continuing the motion and tilting his head down so he can lick and bite at Tony’s jaw. “I want it,” Peter mumbles, clenching around Tony. “I want you to come inside me. Please, Tony, I want it so badly, please, just this once.” 
Tony holds Peter tighter, and the younger man can hardly move, whining in Peter’s ear. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, kid,” Tony whispers, kissing Peter’s cheek softly. 
If Peter had been a better person, he would have respected that. If he hadn’t been so lost in his own pleasure in the moment, he would have realized what Tony’s strength and clarity in his words meant. But that isn’t what Peter did. 
“Please,” Peter cries, frustration and desperation clouding everything else. He reaches between them, just barely able to fit his fingers close enough to touch himself. His entire body convulses when he finally reaches, and he gasps desperately into Tony’s ear. “Please, I’m so close.”
Tony groans softly, cupping the back of Peter’s head with one hand and sliding his other hand down to Peter’s hip. It lets Peter start to bounce again, and allows him to touch himself properly, and the way Peter clenches around Tony is making the older man pant. “Then come,” he says, biting at Peter’s earlobe gently. 
Peter gasps and speeds up his fingers, rubbing in quick circles, and sinks as deep on Tony’s cock as he possibly can and crying out as his orgasm overtakes him. Tony holds him through it, cursing through gritted teeth as he tries to hold his own pleasure back. 
Peter falls into Tony when it’s over, clenching sporadically around Tony with aftershocks. He whines softly, rolling his hips lazily. “Please Tony, please come inside of me, please, I need it, just this once.”
“F-fuck,” Tony gasps, hips snapping up into Peter. “Peter, don’t…”
Peter groans in overstimulation, trying to help by meeting his thrusts. “Tony,” he whispers right in Tony’s ear, and that timed with the snap of his hips makes Tony curse and groan loudly, jerking up into Peter and filling him up with his release. 
Tony pants through the orgasm, kissing the skin he can reach. “Peter,” he whispers, nosing under his ear. 
Peter sighs happily, lazily lifting his hips so he can pull off, sliding down to sit in his lap again. Tony’s cock rubs against his ass and twitches once, and Tony grunts softly. 
“Peter?” Tony asks after a few minutes, pausing his hands from rubbing Peter’s sides. 
“Hmm?” Peter asks, nuzzling into Tony’s hair. 
“What’s going on?” he asks, but he doesn’t push Peter away.
If Peter were a good person, he would have told Tony the truth. He would have admitted what he did, and owned up to it, and accepted any consequences that came with his actions thus far. 
But Tony doesn’t remember what happened. And Peter didn’t do that.
Peter, after only the briefest second of panic, gives a nervous giggle and kisses Tony’s temple. “What do you mean?” he asks, pulling away and smiling down at Tony. 
“I mean…what happened? I don’t…I don’t remember…” Tony looks away, biting his lip. 
Peter hums and kisses Tony’s cheek. “You tried my anxiety medication I was working on for you, and it didn’t work the way I wanted.” He kisses down Tony’s neck. “And then I couldn’t get you off of me-not that I’m complaining.”
“Oh?” Tony says, moving his hands down to Peter’s thighs, rubbing over them softly. “I don’t think that’s what happened, sweetheart.”
Peter tenses up, eyes widening just a bit, as he looks at Tony with a mix of horror and confusion. “W-what?”
Tony hums, moving his hands up and around to grab at Peter’s ass. “I think you saw your poor, defenseless mentor unable to fight back, and took advantage. I seem to remember you begging me to fuck you, just the once, because you were under the impression that I didn’t want you.”
Peter stares at him, half wanting to stand up and cover himself and half wanting to beg Tony to explain what he means. “Mr. Stark, I-”
Tony slaps Peter’s ass, only just hard enough to startle the younger man. “Why don’t I show you what I want, since you’re not inclined to ask?”
Peter’s face flames with a mixture of shame and want, and buries his face in Tony’s neck. “Only seems fair,” he agrees, before he’s suddenly pushed on the floor, eyes wide and staring up at Tony on his knees. The sounds of Tony’s previous orgasms dripping out of him onto the floor are obscene and it makes Peter want more inside him. “What do you want me to do?”
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themoonsbride · 1 year
Protective Peter is just something else.. 🥵 Andd because of him I was thinking about requesting one shot with him - where reader is scared, sitting in the chair with the scientists around her, listening their talking about another experiments they want to do on her, and when she's almost crying, Peter enters the room and with just one move of his hand all the scientists are dead 🤭 I just know that he would be the most protective boyfriend ever 🤤
I had fun writing this !! thank you so much for your request beautiful ♡
Give Me Your Heart And Your Hand And We Can Run .
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pairing; Protective!boyfriend!Peter Ballard x Fem!Reader
summary; In the request! readers scared whilst listening to the scientists talk about tests to run on her, and when she finds herself on the edge of tears, Peter comes in and takes her away. <3
warnings; mentions of murder, crying, extreme fear
a/n; I'm trying so hard to think of something to write for Anthony Hope oh my god it's not even funny
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The sound of printing and machinery filled the room, but the fear was the only thing blanking everything out. Your skin prickled with goosebumps.
Scientists were inside of the testing room, where you'd been forced into. You didn't want to do this, you missed the outside world.
People must've thought you were dead, or just went missing, maybe even moved. You hated to think about it, you weren't dead, you were kidnapped.
You tried to focus on reality, fear was consuming you, bound to swallow you whole at some point.
Suddenly there was a headset being forced onto your head, thankfully they wouldn't be buzzing you to your scalp since you were 28.
At least they allowed you some sort of freedom, but only because you knew the fucked intentions or Hawkins Labrotory.
You'd read the newspapers, the articles, hell you've seen the building for yourself before you became trapped inside if that place like someone trapped a hamster inside a cage.
And the facility making you play along in their tests and mess of genetics to give you physiological powers was like the hamster running on the wheel.
You focused your attention on the white walls, then the tiled flooring, the feeling of the headset thats wrapped around your head, and suddenly reality had pulled you back to itself.
"Is Brenner going to allow us to put her inside of the Nina project?" One of the female scientists asked, your ears were suddenly one of the most active senses you had.
You glanced up at the camera in the corner, the red blinking light was the most color there could've been inside the room.
You looked down at the floor, it had a shine to it from the nauseating white lights in the ceiling slabs. it reminded you of the classroom ceiling from high school.
"Brenner hasn't had any of the others test out the Nina project, it could be dangerous."
"But he needs a test subject, we could use her instead of risking one of the children subjects."
Your breathe caught inside of your throat. Children subjects? what the fuck? this rancid place tested on children?
"No, Brenner strictly informed us to not interfere her with anything else until we've studied her brain enough to estimate what she can and cannot do."
"It's still worth a chance to confrence with him and discuss having use her as a test run for Nina."
Your heart rate felt like it was beginning to speed as your fear began to swallow and digest you.
"Fine, we will conference with Brenner and discuss it then, but as of now we are focusing on seeing if her mind can handle the challenge of the test examples we have in place."
You weren't sure if you'd ever make it out if this building alive, or what it would've mattered even if you did, how would you cover it up to the outside world? where people didn't know the containments of Hawkins Labrotory.
You didn't want to be here, or anywhere else in the building, you weren't sure where you wanted to be, you just wanted to get away.
Your throat began to feel sore, like there was a wire wrapping itself in your nerves of your neck, and your eyes became soggy.
This was not what you would've expected your adult-life to have turned into, a lab rat. Your life has been now officially thrown away, and all you could do is live in fear.
Except that's not whats happening. And you knew that everything was now changing for you and your future when you saw the man you'd fallen in love with opened the door those scientists forced you behind.
He seemed normal, except he looked at you, for a split second, but it didn't feel like a normal glance he'd spare you, he was telling you something.
You couldn't piece together what though, what was he telling you?
"Is there something in need for you Mr. Ballard?"
"Yes, actually, I'm in need of Ms. L/n." His voice seemed firm
"Did Brenner ask you to escourt her to him?"
"Not quite."
"We're going to have to ask you to leave-"
"Gladly." And with the quick turn of his head, they all dropped dead.
You gasped quickly, as he walked over to you whilst the alarms throughout entire facility blarred.
"What did.. What did you just do?!" You asked him as he grabbed your hand, the both of you running out of the room.
"I took care of them so we can leave, like they asked us too." He looked over at you whilst the two of you ran, hand in hand and undoubtedly in love, smiling cheekily.
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 1 year
pleasee more of wanda x adhd! child reader u r so good at writing it i relate to it so much😭😭😭😭😭😭 any storyline? maybe wanda gets mad then apologises😍
Sure! and thank you! I just wrote down what I want someone to tell me lol
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You got in trouble. Again.
You have ADHD, which makes it absolutely difficult to sit down for hours listening to the teacher talking about something you're not interested in. especially if that something is chemistry. You hated chemistry with all your heart. You just can't stand the idea of memorizing the elements and what they do and what they are used for, you would rather do something more useful than that like painting practicing piano since you stopped because of this stupid subject.
You got in trouble because you kept tapping on the table and shaking your leg all the time. You don't know why you got in trouble for that, the class moves at a slow pace and you just can't keep up without doing those things. Even if you did it, why is it really bothering them.
"It's distracting," That's what the teacher said.
You sat at the principles office with the teacher sitting next to you, waiting for your mother to arrive. When she arrived, she looked like she got out of something important to get here and she looked tired as well. You immediately felt bad for her since this isn't the first time you got into trouble, but it's not like you did something wrong in the first place. After your mother sat down and the principle told her what happened she sighed and promised the principle that this would never happen again.
You followed you mother while staying quiet as much as possible because she looked like she was mad. You got inside the car and sat at the passenger seat. The entire ride was so quiet and awkward, none of you said a word the whole ride. Wanda received a call from someone and she immediately answered. The call did not look like it held any good news.
"shit," She cursed under her breath. You never heard your mother curse before so you guessed it was something important, so you decided to ask her. "What was the call about?" You asked, trying to sound as quiet as possible. "It was a call from Steve, I lost my role in the mission," She said in a monotone voice. You got worried, what mission?
"What mission was it mother?" you asked again. "The mission I was waiting for for years to get the opportunity to participate in, I lost it because I had to get you and they replaced me because I was late," She said. You felt guilty, she lost the opportunity for something she wanted for so long because of you. "I mean I did nothing wrong, the teacher is just a big jerk," You replied.
"Y/N, couldn't you just sit still for a little bit?!" She snapped. You were taken aback at her snapping, she never did that. "I-I" You stuttered, tears starting to form on your eyes. She stopped the car at the side of the rode and put her face in her hand and sighed. "Honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that," She apologized. "You're right, the teacher is a big jerk, I informed the school about your condition yet they still act this way, I will move you to another school where teachers there are more understanding, okay?" She said and looked at you. That's when she saw you crying. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, went to the passenger seats door, opened it, and pulled you to a hug. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that, I understand, you can't keep still because your brain is different than the rest, and it's okay, I love you the way you are because you are unique, please, forgive me," She said while stroking your hair.
"It's okay mom, I understand, this was the opportunity that you've been waiting for for years and I made you miss it, I don't have to forgive you," You said, your voice shaking a bit from the crying. "Screw the mission, who cares about it when my baby needs me, hm? how about we have a day off today, go somewhere nice where we can relax and chat a little, how does that sounds?"
"that sounds like exactly what we need,"
I feel like I made Wanda a bit mean here even though I know damn well Wanda would never do that, this is just for the plot lol. Hope you liked this one!
My requests are open
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melodyschaos · 1 year
I read the last polyweb, I want to order more of this scrubdilishys meal (specifically the reader talking about trauma like it's normal) of course, only if you want to and have time THANK YOU!!
TW: Trauma Discussions (Light to Medium), Some Angst, Gore Mention, Mention of Parental Abuse, Death Mention A/N: I am so glad you guys love the Sapphire Polyweb! I hope this becomes like The Thing for my blog I would love that- anyways we're trying color fonts now I'm feelin' creative
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Another day, another sleepover in Y/N's house. Things had gone better than expected, Huntsman hadn't even bitten Syntax, even when he got hit with three red shells in a row during Mario Kart! Everyone had changed into their sleep-wear (which was very weird to see the Mayor in, though he only wore a very basic set of dark blue flannel pajamas. They were all stuck in that space where they ought to be sleeping but were talking instead. Syntax had lifted his phone to check something but let out a disgruntled huff before shoving it back in his pant pocket. Y/N rolled over from their spot on the floor of their massive pillow fort and asked what's wrong.
"Father's Day approaches and annoying e-mails are barraging me about buying a set of tools. If I had a father I am certain he would not care for a tool belt."
Y/N rolled on their stomach and propped themselves up on an elbow. "What do you mean? Don't...you don't know your dad?"
In the darkness Syntax sighed. "Let me put it in simple terms: as far as anyone in the world is concerned, I am an orphan, for I have no worthy father."
He felt Y/N's hand slip into his own. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's a thing of the past. I prefer to try and forget, but...it's rather difficult during the holidays."
They sat there holding hands before Y/N spoke again to the oddly quiet others, "Hey...come to think of it, Hunter, Goliath, Queenie, do you guys have moms or dads?"
The Spider Queen answered first after a sizeable silence. "Let's just say a Queen has no need for parents. I had sisters, though. Seven. But...let's just say they went the way of the birds."
"What?? I never heard about this, Queenie, why didn't you tell me?" Y/N was sitting up now and had turned on the lamp that had been placed in the floor of the fort.
The Spider Queen looked oddly grim-faced. Her silky black hair was down, and she wore a rather fancy black nightrobe over a long nightgown. "I don't like talkin' about it."
"Wait-" Now Goliath was sitting up (though he was hunched a bit so as not to disrupt the blanket roof of the fort. "My Queen, if you have sisters, why aren't they here?"
Huntsman was up now too, though he used a fist to hit the side of Goliath's arm. It obviously didn't hurt him but the intent was still there. "She just said she doesn't like talking about it, pea brain."
Ignoring the bickering, Y/N released Syntax's hand and scooted over to the Queen. "You can tell me, Queenie, if you want to."
The Spider Queen looked even more uncomfortable as she glanced at her three spider underlings. Owing to her pride, she never liked feeling vulnerable normally...but she exhaled through her nose. "Just this once. When I was a spiderling I was the youngest of my sisters. Born the last. I wanted to go out there, to make somethin' of myself instead of sittin' around trappin' random passerby. So one day when I was sixteen I packed up a few things and set out to get real-world experience. A few years passed, and I was gainin' myself some new infernal powers. I'd even begun to further transform." She gestured to her purple skin and green eyes. The Queen looked distressed as if she didn't want to continue...
But in an surprising move, Huntsman went to sit next to her and took one of her hands. He wasn't looking at her as if wanting to let her have the privacy of tears threatening to spill over her lime eyes. The gentle move from her most rambunctious subject seemed to help as the Queen continued, "I...I came home to find them all...pulverized. I- I couldn't tell which was which-" Here she stopped, covering her face with her free hand, allowing a few sobs to escape.
Syntax had fully sat up now. He and Goliath looked at each other, at a loss until Y/N moved to hug their Queen, placing their arms around her shoulders. Slowly, Goliath moved behind the Queen to gently hug her as well. Syntax made his way over to her unoccupied side. Emotions were never his strong suit, much less comforting someone with such a heavy subject. After hesitating, he put his hand on the Queen's shoulder.
After a few minutes she took a deep breath and lifted her head, clearing away the tears. She reached out her arms to hug both Syntax and Huntsman to her sides and rested her head back on Goliath's massive chest as a pillow. They sat there, comforting one another in an odd way.
They all jumped a mile when the Mayor suddenly lifted the blanket that hung over the fort's entrance. No one had heard him arrive, but this time his ever-present smile seemed more...sympathetic, somehow. He crawled in and set down a box of soft brownies. "I did not want to interrupt, but something told me we could use these."
With nerves calmed, the group eventually dug in. It occurred to Y/N to ask Goliath and Huntsman about their fathers, but Huntsman only shrugged and said, "Technically Syntax is our father. He used the Queen's venom and artificial masculine DNA to basically speed-grow us. Kinda like plants."
Goliath, who had five brownies in one large hand, huffed. "He won't let me call him dad, though."
Syntax scowled at him. "That is because I am not your father, if I were I would have had to use my own DNA. Since I did not I prefer to think of myself as your manufacturer or engineer."
Huntsman let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like "Doofus"
Anticipating the question, the Mayor spoke to Y/N as they turned their head to him. "A decent enough man as fathers go, and my mother as well. We were never too close, but we were happy. Now then..." He stood and began gathering the garbage to throw out. "As it is well past 3 AM I suggest we all head to sleep."
When he returned, the light was out and everyone was curled up together this time with the Spider Queen in the center, as if she were the center of their spider web of cuddles. There was an odd feeling as they all dozed off...a renewed closeness born from revealing (even if only by mention) secret pains of the heart and being met with comfort and companionship.
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loopspoop · 5 months
This chapter is a bit shorter but it’s plot so ^^ I do what I want! Pop’s does some pretty sweet damage control in this one! Will Lupin wake up soon? Who knows!
TW: medical malpractice and other distressing medical procedures
Some time later, everyone sat upstairs on the ground beside Lupin’s bed. The stress from earlier had ebbed away once the group had talked things out and Lupin had been given medication to fight his fever and the infection. Now, however, they were faced with the files Goemon had snatched from the lab, and they were nervous. Nobody knew what they would find in there, or how bad it would be. But they had to read them if they wanted to fix Lupin, so they would have to do their best to sit through whatever was in the writing inside.
“Alright…here we go.” Jigen bit the inside of his cheek, tilting his hat up a bit as he opened the first file and began to read.
‘Day 1
Lupin has been sedated. He had quite a fit when I explained his purpose here, asking about his partners. For now, we prep for the first procedure at dawn tomorrow. This initial procedure will be to implant the obedience chip and I can test the newest optic model and how it functions.’
Goemon frowned, glancing back at Lupin. He wondered what his thoughts had been before he was sedated. Was he panicked? Maybe he thought he would’ve gotten out of it like he always had…? That thought made him feel worse. Lupin was always optimistic about coming out of tough situations unscathed. This time…this time he didn’t…
‘Day 2
The replacement was a success! Lupin was kept awake and strapped down while I preformed the craniotomy and enucleation. I’ll have to give him a paralytic next time, his screaming was annoying…’
Jigen cringed, taking a breath to steady himself. That was just sick…he glanced at the others. Fujiko held onto Lupin’s hand, her gaze downcast. He could see the tears in her eyes.. Goemon looked nauseous..he couldn’t blame him honestly. Pops looked a combination of pissed and disturbed that was hard to put a name to. Jigen cleared his throat, reading on.
‘I’ll have to run tests to see how the chip responds with his brain function and nervous system. With luck, I can influence his behaviors and movements. The new optic works better than expected! Facial recognition, night vision, infrared, it all works! I’ll have to add in some updates later, like some type of weaponry for tougher situations, but at least I won’t have to crack his skull open again. I’ll give him a recovery day to test things more and then we’ll begin the next phase of the procedures.’
Zenigata frowned deeply. “What the fuck..” he breathed, glancing at Lupin.
“This is just the second entry..” Fujiko whispered, covering her mouth with her hand as a few tears streamed down her cheeks.
Goemon frowned, shaking his head. “Lupin was awake for all of it…”
Jigen bit his lip, nodding a bit. “I’m thinking this will only get worse…” as much as he hated it, he had to press on…
‘Day 4.
Total removal of the forearm from the elbow down on the left side was successful. The paralytic was not necessary as the subject passed out halfway through the procedure. I managed to fuse his nerves with the more organic parts of the cybernetics so the subject can feel pain as an indication of malfunction or loss of vital parts. I will repeat this procedure with his legs and other implants. This cybernetic replacement is first of its kind and will need updated further later on. I made sure to keep his double jointed abilities in mind when making this piece. More flexible alloys will be utilized in the future. I plan on implanting a retractable weapon in each arm in later models. Though I pride myself in my enhancements, these are cheap for the time being as I plan on upgrading him anyhow. All upgrades will be for the sake of successful thefts and destruction of any obstacles, if need be. The subject will be given a rest day before I begin the next phase.’
Jigen frowned, looking through some nearby blueprints and schematics of Lupin’s cybernetics. He glanced at Zenigata, handing him some of the blueprints to look over. The man had a pretty good concept of robotics from how much he invented to catch them…hopefully they could sort things out..
Zenigata hummed, looking the papers over carefully as he frowned. “This is extensive…we’ll have our work cut out for us reattaching things and making sure they stay put..”
“We’ll do whatever we have to to assist in fixing Lupin.” Goemon frowned, looking at the papers angrily.
Fujiko frowned quietly, playing with Lupin’s fingers as she watched them. “We just need to figure out what everything does..”
Jigen nodded, sighing softly as he ran a hand through his hair before continuing on.
‘Day 6
Complete amputation of entire right leg was successful but with complications. The femoral artery was compromised and the subject nearly bled out on the operating table…’
Zenigata frowned deeply, turning to look at Lupin as he rubbed his nape. It explained why he was in such awful shape to begin with…Fujiko held onto Lupin’s hand tighter. He nearly died in there…her poor Lupin. Goemon paled slightly, glancing at Lupin. He felt more guilty than ever, knowing Lupin could’ve died there. Jigen read and reread the line over and over in his head..Lupin had been right down the hall…
‘I managed to seal the tear and finish the procedure without any more issues, though the subject will need more rest than I anticipated due to this mistake. Another procedure too soon could actually kill him and be waste my time and resources. Nothing special has been decided for the legs at this time in respect to weaponry, though I might make the metal resistant to electricity and extreme heat in the future. I’ve placed the sensitivity on the limbs on high so that he will not try to escape while resting. Procedures will resume in four days.’
“That’s why he freaked out when we touched him…” Jigen mumbled, tapping his foot as he frowned.
“Part of the reason why, anyway..” Goemon looked down, wrapping his arms around himself.
“You couldn’t have known.” Zenigata shook his head, trying to console them. “We’re still figuring everything out, after all.”
Fujiko nodded a bit. “Lupin would’ve been happy about seeing us if he was awake..” she was trying to convince herself of that at least…
‘Day 10
The subject tried to escape despite the sensitivity on the cybernetics being increased. I’ve invested in using electricity as a means of control. I find it works best when used directly on the cybernetics-‘
Jigen put the papers down, shaking his head. No. He wasn’t reading this anymore. He couldn’t imagine this all happening down the hall. Goemon bit down on his lip hard, his hands shaking. That must have been part of where the burns came from. Zenigata growled in disgust, snatching the papers quickly as Fujiko cried silently into Lupin’s arm.
‘I completed the removal of the left leg below the knee. Subject did well during this procedure and was semi-lucid through the process. I’ve decided to keep him chained in the lab so I have easy access to him in the event he decides to act out or attempt to escape again. Procedures will resume after a day of rest.”
Jigen pulled his hat low, biting on his lip silently. Part of him hoped Lupin wouldn’t remember anything…he prayed he didn’t, honestly. Goemon looked at the floor silently. Lupin had been through hell..he should’ve gone to rescue everyone sooner. Fujiko held onto Lupin, glancing at Zenigata as more tears fell silently. Zenigata sighed, taking a moment before reading again.
‘Day 12
I replaced the lower section of vertebrae and added additional cybernetic implants on the torso to test how they would fare. I hope this will make the body more resistant to back and rib injuries in the future. However, the subject has developed infection in the burn sites from the electrocution. I’ve washed the wounds and tested how the cybernetics handle being submerged. They handled submersion well, so I will continue to wash the wounds until I can begin procedures again. Will check back in tomorrow.
Day 13
Subject has been less than conscious since yesterday. The infection has taken a significant toll and he has begun to call out for his comrades. It’s a good thing they’ve been detained in my cells. I’ve decided to leave the subject chained in the lab to sleep the infection off and check back tomorrow to make sure the obedience chip is stable.’
“Fuck..Fuck!” Jigen kicked the wall angrily, huffing as he clenched his fists. “He was calling for us and we were just down the hall!”
Goemon bit down on his lip hard, taking deep breaths as he closed his eyes tightly. He had taken too long to get there…Lupin had been calling for them..for him..and he hadn’t been there to save him. Poor Lupin had lived through unspeakable horrors that nobody could begin to imagine.. Fujiko frowned, looking down silently as she wiped at tears that continued to fall. Lupin had wanted them there with him…he wanted their comfort and he had been left all alone and in pain in that cold, dark lab. They had let him down.. Zenigata frowned, sighing as he took the notebook and hid it on the top shelf of the closet. Nobody needed to see this thing again..only the schematics for the cybernetics and thankfully those were separate from those horrific notes. Now he just had to take care of the gang..
“He called for us…” Jigen said softly, a few stray tears making their way down his face.
“And you came. It might’ve taken a bit but you all came for him.” Zenigata frowned, looking down at them gently. “He would’ve been grateful and I know he will be when he wakes up. He’ll be so happy to see you.”
The group of distressed thieves looked at the inspector. It was a look he had rarely, if ever, received from the group. It was uncertainty…fear…they were beyond worried for their leader. He wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t worried either..but he knew Lupin better than anyone. The man would bounce back with twice the vigor he normally had once he was up, he was sure of it! For now, he had to handle the rest of the gang.
“Alright, you three. You’ve left me no choice.” He stood, walking out to the hallway.
“Wha- Pops-?” Jigen hesitated, looking out after him in confusion.
“He’s decided to leave us..” Fujiko mumbled, resting her head against the bed sadly. Zenigata wouldn’t want to chase them like this…
Goemon watched quietly, raising an eyebrow as he glanced at the others. “Is he actually-?”
“I’m not leaving!” Zenigata called, rolling his eyes as he walked back in with an armful of blankets and pillows before arranging them beside the bed carefully. “I’m not that much of a bastard that I would leave you like this.”
“What the hell are you doing then-?” Jigen tilted his head, watching quietly.
“We’re sleeping on the ground, apparently..” Fujiko shrugged. At least this time there would be blankets.
Goemon watched quietly, awkwardly helping arrange some of the pillows. “I’d assume so?”
“Yes. But you’re all going to get in that blanket pile and relax. Lupin will be fine. He would want you to take care of yourselves. Would you want him to worry himself ragged over you if you were in his place?” Zenigata placed his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow as he regarded them.
Jigen frowned. “No..” he sighed softly.
Fujiko rubbed her nape, shaking her head. “No..” she loved attention but..she wouldn’t want that..
Goemon shook his head. “We would not.”
“See? So take some time to rest and process all of this. You’ll be doing the same for him when he wakes up. You’ll all have to do it together so just…take it easy. Alright?” Zenigata smiled a bit, pushing them toward the blankets hopefully.
Goemon regarded the pile quietly before taking a seat propped between the corner of the bed and the wall. He opened his arms, looking at Jigen and Fujiko expectantly. Fujiko smiled a little, snuggling up to the samurai on one side while Jigen laid against his other. Zenigata watched as the group made themselves comfortable before they all looked at him.
“What..?” Zenigata raised an eyebrow, tilting his head curiously.
“You gonna get in here or not, old man?” Jigen looked at him from under his hat curiously.
“Yeah, we’re not keeping all of this to ourselves, inspector.” Fujiko smiled tiredly, resting her head against Goemon’s chest.
Goemon nodded, smiling faintly as he waved the inspector in. “There is room for one more.”
Zenigata hesitated, smiling sheepishly as he laid up against Jigen cautiously. He laughed a bit when the gunman pulled him closer into the group before he pulled the blankets up on everyone carefully. Jigen pushed the inspectors hat down over his eyes before doing the same with his own as he rested back on Goemon’s side. The samurai laid back against the corner he had sat himself in, closing his eyes as he carefully played with Jigen and Fujiko’s hair. Fujiko sighed softly, closing her eyes as she curled into Goemon’s side gently. They were all finally getting to relax..and hopefully Lupin would wake up soon so he could join in next time.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
Papa III and S/O Who ALSO Has ADHD
Just a note: No two people with ADHD are exactly the same, so I'm not going to cover EVERY experience or set of symptoms. However, I view Papa as having combined ADHD, so I will also make the reader has combined! Please enjoy!
Also throwing in a small Content Warning, because it does go into Sensory Overload and possibly uncomfortable symptoms. Thanks!
~Papa only recently received the diagnosis of having combined ADHD. When he was growing up there was wasn't really anyone who COULD give one. There wasn't the research and knowledge we have today! However, he learned to manage his symptoms by himself as he got older. He doesn't even notice anymore, and hasn't for decades!
~That being said, he's over joyed he has a partner who knows EXACTLY what he goes through! Despite having all the love and support, he CAN get really frustrated at himself! Plus, it's nice to have someone who understands and experiences similar, if not the same exact, struggles he faces. It's nice for him to be able to vent to someone when he has sensory overload, or days he just CANNOT sit still even when he wants to. In kind, he also is there on days you need to vent.
~You both are the perfect audio processing feedback loop of mishearing. Sometimes you both just go back and forth with "what?" "What? "what?" until your brains catch up. It ends up making you both laugh to tears EVERY time!
~Unfortunately, neither of you have object permanence. So you BOTH will lose the same thing all of time! Both of you invested in giant, gaudy keychains for your keys. That way you both can find them for yourselves and each other. You also lost count of how many cups of espresso Papa will make himself because he forgot he set down a cup he already made. One time you both went on a shopping trip for a giant dry erase calendar for your shared office... and then ended up losing the bag that neither of you can remember where you sat it down. You still haven't found it!
~For whatever reason the two of you never hyperfocus at the same time. Usually one of you will be absolutely engrossed in a project, and the other will come in to give the other a break. It's actually quite useful. There have been many times you had to pull Papa away from his desk because he thought of a new song. Or he ABSOLUTELY had to stay up for a few hours in the middle of the night reorganizing his closest. Papa is very good at sending food to you when he can't leave his office. KNOWING you forgot to eat while you were working again!
~Papa is so happy he has someone who can keep up with his dolphin brain when he skips subjects in conversations. You two have a flawless way of keeping your conversation flowing. He's very happy, because he doesn't have to go back and explain how he came to switch subjects so quickly.
~He doesn't say it often, but the fact you both can pick up when the other is having bad sensory days is something he cherishes. As the head of a church, it can be embarrassing for him to explain when he has sensory issues. Papa never makes you feel ashamed for it, but for him he often feels like he's pressured to not let these type of issues effect him. He's Papa! How is he supposed to say, 'No i can't give a sermon today because noise makes my brain want to explode!' He's grateful you understand, even if he wishes you didn't have to experience what he does. Papa is normally a very vibrant and social person, so he HATES having days where he can't have any more stimuli.
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xrphansrevival · 11 months
Please Don't Go
[Tw: suicidal actions]
The rain soon begins to poor, sprinkles turning into sheets.
Obelus sits alone in the grass. Backup shoved him down with a very strong and clear parting message. B is leaving, nobody is going with him, and he's never coming back.
The rain disguises his tears, and hides the sound of B running. The caretaker that approaches Obelus attempts to question him, but he is inconsolable and unresponsive. A few bottles of alcohol lay around him, and he clutches the one he knew was B's favorite.
His best friend. Gone. Probably forever. The only person in the world that Obelus could genuinelu say he cared about shoved him into the mud and left.
The caretaker grabs Obelus by the arm and urges him to get up. Numbness slowly coming over him, he mindlessly follows the lead. What else is he to do?
There is no comfort inside. There is interrogation.
Obelus is confined to a small, nondescript room. Multiple people come through to ask him questions.
He does not have the answers.
Where is B? Where is B going? Why did B leave? What are B's plans? B, B, B-!
They figure out soon enough that Obelus actually doesn't know anything. He's just as clueless as anyone else. The only person that might have a clue killed themselves months ago.
Obelus ignores his phone going off, trudging to his room. In the time it took for him to get interrogated, he's mostly dried off. His hair is frizzy and his clothes still stick in all the awkward places.
There is nothing to live for.
Without B, Obelus is an empty shell. He spent years and years following B around. Supporting him whether B needed him or not. He only ever had eyes for B. His best friend.
The person he fell in love with, even if he could never get the words out.
He stares down an empty bottle. Third place is useless without first and second.
Obelus ruffles through his bedside drawer. He had a variety of medications, all prescription. One being freshly refilled just days prior. Something for his brain.
He downs the whole thing, chased by more alcohol.
The world doesn't blur fast enough.
When he wakes up, Y is there. Gamma stands over him.
Obelus is not dead.
He is miserable.
"They'd like another word with you," Gamma says flatly. "You are not ready to be discharged, so I haven't let them in."
The words don't really sink in until Yoriko points to the door. It's barricaded.
"You won't die in my care," Gamma follows up. "Nor will you be subjected to them."
"They clearly want you alive, but we do, too." Y smiles. It's strained.
Obelus wishes he died out in the rain.
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ootori-sibs · 6 months
The Candor of Youth
Part 11
Welcome to the second act.
Tw; mentioned vomit, food shaming, blood, hallucinations, implied and mentioned abuse, homophobia (period accurate)
The main Ootori mansion, April 1970. 
Yoshio Ootori was 16 years old, going on 17. He had just begun his second year of highschool, and was kind of hoping it would be less eventful than his last. To his credit, he'd been more or less behaving; he'd been avoiding his father, finding excused not to visit Kokomi's home, and sometimes actually referring to Yuzuru as a friend.
Not today though, Yuzuru was being annoying today. 
"-wait but why? You're a straight A student!"
Yoshio sighed, gripping the phone tightly in his hand, "Father said only queers learn French, so I have to drop the subject."
"That's not fair!" Yuzuru whined, burning Yoshio's ears a little bit, "there's plenty of normal people in France!" 
"I don't know what to say, Souh, I can't disobey..."
There was a moment of silence and for a moment, Yoshio almost thought Yuzuru had hung up on him. Then, Yuzuru spoke, softer than before. "It's okay Yoshio, I understand. I wouldn't want to make your father angry either. You're allowed to do what you need to, but... if you want to help me with my French homework still..."
To the undertrained ear, it sounded like Yuzuru was just trying to get free labour, but Yoshio had become rather skilled at deciphering what the boy meant. He was suggesting that Yoshio continue to learn French that way. Yoshio... really appreciated that, but he wasn't the kind of boy to do work for free. 
"What do I get in return?"
"Wha-" Yuzuru chuckled, "you tricky little thing, Ootori! Fine, how about I have my mother make us some lemonade when you come to help me, I know you like lemons?"
Yoshio considered that proposal, he did like lemonade... "I like it, but for the grammar homework I want those little custard treats you had the maids make for my birthday last year." 
With that, both boys hung up the phone. Yoshio couldn't help but chuckle a little at that, he liked their little practice business deals. He couldn't help but to find them fun, plus it was good to have practice. He'd been studying up on the family business lately, trying to teach himself as much as he possibly could about the world of business. 
He couldn't deny he felt excited, just as much as he was scared. The world of business seemed to be calling him like a siren song, it all seemed so exciting, so fascinating. Yoshio couldn't wait to sink his teeth into the family business, and show everyone that he was a force to be reckoned with. 
Currently, however, he was just sitting in his room, daydreaming. He didn't like to waste time, so he stood up, and began to look through his books. It was Saturday, so he had all the time in the world to brush up on his knowledge, but it was also the 4th of April, so his Birthday was soon. The idea of having another birthday did scare Yoshio, but he knew that there was no avoiding it, and more importantly, the day before was far more pressing.
Last year he and his darling fiancée had come up with a wicked, dastardly plan, and tomorrow the second phase would be put into effect. So currently, Yoshio could be forgiven for being just a tad nervous. He wasn't built to be a criminal, but had cut his teeth on that life and needed to follow Kokomi's plan through to the end. 
As he read, he felt an itching in his brain and it was hard to ignore, he closed his eyes, trying to will it to stop. When he opened them, however, there was blood on his hands. 
Yoshio's breath hitched for a moment as he stared at the blood, the sounds of screaming in his ears, the sound of Kokomi's praise echoing in his mind. He felt like there was a weight pressed to his chest, and the room seemed to flicker at the corners of his eyes. 
He blinked again, and it was gone. 
Yoshio wiped the tears from his eyes and shakingly, stood. He opened the door to his bedroom, and yelled for one of the maids to come and run him a bath. 
Waiting for it to be ready, Yoshio sat on his bed and shivered. He wasn't cold, so he wasn't quite sure why he was shaking like this. All he knew was that he felt incredibly filthy, like there was still somehow blood on his clothes, on his body... god, it was everywhere. 
He knew logically that he was already clean, but he couldn't shake the feeling creeping up his spine. He desperately needed to get clean, he couldn't last another minute feeling as filthy as he did right now. 
Was he going to vomit? He wasn't sure; his stomach was turning flips but he wasn't gagging like he usually would. He was dizzy, he was sitting down but still felt like he was going to fall over any second. The maid came to tell him the bath was ready, but he didn't move. She approached him, and gently helped him to stand, walking him to the bathroom. 
She was the nice one, she didn't rattle on about things, and she routinely forgot to starch his shirts. He'd never asked her name, but he was grateful for her help now, as she even helped him undress and then climb into the bath.
The water was warm but not scalding, just the way Yoshio liked it. It helped to ground him a little, and he found his breathing began to regulate itself.
"Are you fine to wash yourself, young master?"  The maid asked, a gentle smile on her face. 
Yoshio nodded, waving her off. "Yes, thank you..."
"Rei, sir."
"Thank you, Rei."
Now he was alone, Yoshio took a deep breath, and gently began to wash himself with a flannel. He didn't like to scrub, he hated the way it felt. He also didn't like bubbles, he found them unnecessary and rather childish. Yoshio did enjoy baths, though, he just didn't like all the frills attached. As far as he was concerned, sitting in some warm water and getting clean was a relaxing enough process on its own. 
The problem with baths is that eventually they have to end. Yoshio looked at his fingers, all wrinkled from the water. He never understood why that happened; shouldn't they have absorbed water, not lost it? Either way, he knew it meant he had been in the bath too long and that it was time to get out. 
He didn't...want to, though. Call him a toddler, but Yoshio hated the immediate cold that came once he got out of the lovely warm water. He decided to compromise, so he pulled the plug, but didn't move. 
Laying in the bath while the water drained was...odd. He felt as if he was growing heavier by the second, and it took a lot more effort than normal to move his body. Yoshio began to get uncomfortable, he might hate getting out of the bath, but feeling weak was worse. He let tiny sounds of displeasure leave his mouth as he tried to sit up, pushing up against the end of the bath to help him slide up. 
He managed to sit up, but the problem then became standing up, or at least somehow getting out of the tub.  The biggest issue with this task would be the fact that Yoshio couldn't stand without the help of his cane, and it was probably impractical to use a cane in the bathtub. 
He also definitely didn't want to call for a maid, it was bad enough he'd had to be helped into the bath, he didn't want to admit he needed help getting out as well. It occurred to him that he could just push through the pain and try to stand, but the risk of cracking his head open on the sink was too scary for him to actually attempt it. 
Plan B it was, then. 
He wrapped an arm and his good leg over the side of the tub, and took a breath before attempting to heave himself over the edge, and onto the floor. 
It worked! With a soft thud, Yoshio landed on the floor of his bathroom, staring up at the ceiling with a whole lot of regret. Why had he done that? Was he stupid? Those questions probably answered each other, he figured, as he climbed up onto the bathroom chair. 
He was out of breath, and his face was red from embarrassment despite no one having seen. He had half a mind to call Yuzuru back and inform him so he knew to laugh at Yoshio. 
God, he was a failure. He sighed, grabbing a towel to dry himself off. Saturdays never seemed to go well for him, then again, neither did any of the other days. Mondays seemed to be his favourite at the moment, as he got to see Kokomi and Yuzuru, but that was really the only reason. Yoshio figured his life really must suck if Yuzuru of all people was a highlight. 
That boy was so annoying. 
Handsome though.
Once Yoshio was finally dressed, it was time for dinner.  So Yoshio made his way downstairs to the dining room. 
Dinner was always far more quiet now that Yosuke and Fumihito were `missing`. Those two had always been so loud and...just a bundle of energy. Yoshio passingly wondered if it was wrong to miss his brothers when it was his fault they'd been kidnapped. 
Sitting down, Yoshio was cheered up by the dish, it was salmon and asparagus. As far as healthy foods were concerned, asparagus was not the worst option, and Yoshio did quite enjoy it actually. His younger brother's didn't like salmon, which Yoshio found quite odd. Well... Akira did like the salmon skin, just not the rest of it for some reason. That worked out perfectly, though, as Yoshio wasn't fond of the skin, and luckily enough, they always sat next to each other. 
Leaning over, Akira, now 5 years old, whispered. "Hey Yoshi... you okay?"
Yoshio nodded, whispering back, "I'm good, why?"
" You've got a bwuise on your arm." Akira informed him, poking him directly in that bruise. 
Yoshio winced, but nodded, "I slipped and fell, don't worry, Akira." 
Akira nodded at that, seemingly satisfied. 
After that little exchange, they ate in silence. His other two younger brothers; Takahiro and Hibiki, were talking about something or other though. Yoshio didn't like to eavesdrop but he was pretty sure they were discussing Attack No*1. Yoshio didn't really watch any shows, he preferred to read or listen to music, now he didn't think that made him better than them... but he was pretty sure it made him smarter. 
Father only joined them around halfway through dinner, and silence fell over the room as soon as he walked in. He was visibly tense, to the point that Yoshio held his breath to avoid his father remembering he existed. 
His father made a comment to Hibiki about how much the boy was eating, and Yoshio felt something flare up inside of him. Hibiki was only 8 years old, it doesn't really matter if he eats `too much` at that age! He didn't dare glare at his father though, for fear of his life. Glancing toward Yuuma, though, Yoshio could see that same fire in his brother's eyes as he felt behind his eyes.
"Father..." Yuuma began, and all eyes were on him. Yuuma was the eldest, but it was still shocking to see him be so brave. "Don't you think it's fine if Hibiki has a little more? It's only asparagus..."
Everyone around the table held their breath, and Yoshio felt faint already. He knew Father would never hit Yuuma, but it was still absolutely terrifying. 
"Only asparagus..?" Father echoed, looking up from his meal with a cold, measured anger that sent chills down Yoshio's spine. "Do you know how that asparagus is cooked, Yuuma?"
Yuuma paused, he clearly didn't know... Yoshio didn't know either, but he was pretty sure it wouldn't be good for Yuuma's argument. "I... no father, I don't, but-"
"Using butter!! Yuuma!" Father began to roar, hands slamming down on the table. Yoshio couldn't help but let out an audible whimper, but managed to steel himself when Akira grabbed his arm. "Butter or lard!! If Hibiki wants to eat lard then that's fine but he shouldn't come crying to me if he gets fat!!" 
Hibiki was crying now, with Takahiro comforting him. Yoshio was still in shock that Akira had turned to him of all people for comfort, but he did his best to pat his brother on the head and keep him calm. Yuuma looked pale, and Yoshio had...never seen his older brother so close to tears like this. 
It was a haunting sight. 
"I...yes father, I understand..." Yuuma responded, glancing away and nodding. That seemed to have settled the argument, as father sat down and continued eating. 
Hibiki and Takahiro left the table pretty quickly, followed by Akira. Yoshio was fully aware that Yuuma was watching him closely. He knew that Yuuma wanted to leave, he must be waiting for Yoshio to leave first... 
The problem was that Yoshio didn't want to move a muscle. He barely let himself breath, just in case father saw it as something disrespectful. The last thing Yoshio wanted to do right now was incur his fathers wrath, and if that meant keeping his brother there until father left the room then so be it. 
Maybe he could apologise later on... 
Yoshio could barely bring himself to eat, leaning over his plate so that eating made as little movement as possible. Anything to avoid drawing his father's eye and in turn, his wrath. He felt sick again, just like he had earlier that day. He prayed to whoever was listening that he wouldn't throw up- that would make everything so much worse, and the idea of throwing up made him even more nauseous. 
He could feel Yuuma's eyes boring into him, but he didn't dare to meet them. Yoshio didn't want to disappoint his brother, but staying safe was more important. He might now be smart, but Yoshio's survival instincts were top tier. He knew exactly what to do, and all he had to do now was keep his thoughts under control. 
However, with every minute that passed, Yoshio grew more and more terrified; his hands shook and he felt that he would throw up even if he breathed the wrong way. His entire body felt cold, and he could feel his cheek burning even though nothing had hit it yet. It was like the feeling that had occurred earlier, but so much worse here, because the threat was undeniably real. Yoshio did have to be careful, and his father was visibly in a bad mood.
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
November 14
(Y’all really thought I wasn’t gonna do Luisa’s birthday? SIKE! No matter how late it is, I get it DONE. In my defense, I kind of suffered from writers’ block after writing Felix’s birthday piece, my entire brain was just drawing a blank. That is, until I talked to a friend of mine and she helps me out, and I’m glad for that. So sit back and enjoy Luisa’s birthday one-shot! Feliz cumpleaños, my buff beautiful queen!)
For Luisa’s birthday, there was one thing she really wanted more than anything. 
And Isabela, Mirabel, and Dolores were insistent on giving it to her. 
“Come on, Luisa!” Isabela chirped as she grabbed Luisa’s big, muscular arm, dragging her to the door. “We’re gonna be late. I already booked your appointment!” 
“Where are we going?” Luisa asked. 
“You’ll see soon,” Isabela promised. “It’s a surprise, for your birthday, remember?” 
“Oh right”, Luisa giggled. “Well, I can tell I’m going to like this surprise.” 
“You sure will, hermanita,” Isabela agreed. “You know, no matter how big and strong you are, you will always be my hermanita!” 
Luisa smiled. 
“And my primita,” Dolores piped up. 
“Well, at least you’re my big sister.” Mirabel smiled up at her, Camilo trailing behind her. 
“Aww, thanks you all,” Luisa said. “Thanks a lot.” 
“You’re welcome,” they all said in unison. 
Camilo meanwhile, poured in dissatisfaction. “Why don’t I get to go to the s—“ 
“Shhh!” Mirabel covered his lips angrily, which didn’t make him any happier. Pulling him aside, she whispered to him gently, “I promise we’ll let you go another time, but for now, this is a girls’ day out. Understand?” 
“I know, but—“ 
“Bye Camilo!” Mirabel cupped his face and kissed him on the cheek. “Te amo.” She smiled at him before running up to Luisa and grabbing her hand. “Let’s go, chicas!” 
They hurried out the door, on their way to the surprise. 
“Where are we going?” Luisa asked. The rest of the granddaughters giggled, but nobody answered her question. Luisa smiled awkwardly. 
“So Luisa, how does it feel to not be a teenager anymore?” Mirabel changed the subject, before putting on a pouty face. “The nerve of you to leave me behind, now I’m all alone!” 
Luisa laughed. “Well, I’ve only been twenty for like a day, so I can’t say it feels all that different. Though if you had to say, it does feel somewhat…exhilarating? Exciting? To imagine how many experiences I still have to look forward to and how much of my life I still have to live. Being a teenager was fun while it lasted, but now I’m a real adult and I gotta say, I think I’m gonna like it.” 
“I think you’re gonna like it too, Luisa.” Dolores wagged a finger. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you that it’s no amusement park.” 
“Oh, I know,” Luisa listened to her older prima. “But I have you and your prima-hermana to help me through the tough times.” She hugged Mirabel close to her. “And I have Mirabel too.” 
Happy to feel needed, Mirabel nuzzled back. 
“We’re almost here!” Isabela stated, before she arrived at a small building. “Close your eyes!” 
The three girls closed their eyes, and Isabela giggled and rolled her own. 
“Not you two, tontas!” 
“Oh.” Mirabel and Dolores opened their eyes. Luisa kept hers shut. 
The three of them led Luisa through the door, and let her walk into the room. 
“Now open!” 
When Luisa opened her eyes, she gasped. 
“You…I can’t believe you brought me here!” She said happily. 
“Of course, mi querida prima!” Dolores affirmed. “You deserve to feel special, beautiful, and feminine, just like the rest of us!” 
Luisa could cry tears of joy. She always wanted to go to a salon, but with all the work she had to do, she couldn’t find the time to. But now that she was able to relax—thanks to Mirabel and Antonio’s donkeys—she was able to fulfill a dream that she had long since forgotten she had. But Isabela remembered, and she couldn’t be happier. 
Luisa scooped up her sisters and cousin(who was pretty much like a sister anyway) in a great big hug, but still careful not to crush their torsos. Other women were looking, eyeing the large-framed girl In confusion, but thankfully not judgement, with some of them even smiling, but she didn’t care. She was so elated and so, so grateful. 
Kissing each of their heads before putting them down, she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Sorry, I guess I just—“ 
“No, no!” Dolores corrected. 
“No, don’t you dare apologize, Luisa, we’re happy you’re happy to come here!” Mirabel said. “Now let’s go!” 
“Oh, okay, thank you!” Luisa said. 
“You’re welcome, sis,” Isabela replied. 
“So, do you want a manicure and pedicure first, or a new hairstyle?” Mirabel asked. 
“I think a manicure,” Luisa responded. “What about you?” 
“Sweet, me too!” Mirabel chirped with glee. 
Isabela shrugged. “Dolores and I would rather get our hair styled, isn’t that right, Lola?” 
Dolores nodded. She and her prima-hermana were like twins, they could read each other’s mind and were so much alike. They should probably start calling each other primas-gemelas. 
“Awesome, take your time,” Luisa said as the primas-hermanas were lead away by a hairdresser. She and Mirabel met up with a manicurist and sat down in these big, soft chairs that made Luisa feel so relaxed. In a good way of course. 
“What color do you want?” The manicurist, Sabrina, asked. 
“Hmm, probably pink. No, definitely pink. Pink is my favorite color.” 
“I’ll have green,” Mirabel said to her manicurist, Beatriz. 
As their feet were placed in the water, Luisa tried not to giggle at how the bubbles tickled her soles and skin. She turned to Mirabel, who looked as relaxed as ever with her eyes closed, as if she was used to this(which she was, she and Dolores came here often). Mirabel opened her eyes to smile at her, and she realized that her younger sister was just pretending not to have been looking her way. 
“You’re adorable when you giggle, Luisa.” 
“You’re welcome!” 
The next part was even harder. Sabrina lifted Luisa’s feet out of the water and began massaging them. Luisa had to fight the urge not to writhe. She tried her damndest to imitate Mirabel, to no such luck. 
Luisa giggled again. 
Sabrina smiled up at her. “First time?” She said, before looking back at Luisa’s feet and holding them tighter—but not too much tighter—in place. 
“Can you tell?” 
“Pretty much. But it’s okay. My niece was like this too, and she’s fifteen.” 
“That’s interesting.” Luisa said, happy to engage in small talk with the woman. She was a pretty lady, with auburn hair, soft hazel eyes that sparkled when she spoke of her Cristobela, whom she loved like a younger sister, skin the color of mahogany, and red lips that reminded her of Dolores’ only not really, because Dolores was her cousin, and these lips made Luisa feel— 
Fuck. Focus on the manicure. 
“A-ah…that’s nice to know!” Luisa said, hoping not to sound dismissive when Sabrina spoke of Cristobela. She remembered the hilarious stories Mirabel and Dolores—and sometimes Camilo, if he was lucky enough to not be caught shapeshifting—told of the ladies at the salon who had the most exciting stories and gossip to share. Something she knew her sister and cousins would like. According to Dolores, the salon workers weren’t just service, they were friends. Still, it wasn’t a good idea to cross their boundaries. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t converse with them to an extent. 
“It is,” Sabrina was saying, and Luisa tried not to focus on her dimples when she smiled or laughed. “And now she just can’t get enough.” 
“Do you think we’d get along if we met?” Luisa asked as Sabrina put cotton balls between each of her toes. She had forgotten how squeamish she felt from how engrossed in conversation she was with Sabrina. 
“Oh sure!” Sabrina said. “She really admires you a lot, you know.” 
“Yeah, she does! Not just for your strength, but for your kindness and empathy as well. I should introduce you to each other someday.” 
“That would be great,” Luisa said with a smile. 
“You know,” Sabrina said with a twinkle in her eye as she put coating over Luisa’s toenails. “I think she’d love to meet Mirabel as well.” 
Luisa turned to Mirabel, who was laughing at something Beatriz was telling her. 
“I guess so.” Luisa agreed. 
Meanwhile, Isabela and Dolores were sitting to get their hair styled. 
“Well, if it isn’t my girl Dolores!” Exclaimed a lady whom Dolores instantly recognized as the mother of her friend Lili. “How you doin’?” 
“Hi, Ofelia, I’m doing good!” Dolores smiled. “What about you, how’s Lili?” 
“I’m awesome, querida, and she’s doing better than ever! Now, what hairstyle do you want today?” 
“Hmmm,” Dolores flipped through the catalogue until she found a hairstyle that she liked, and that fit her hair type too. “How about Bantu knots? Please?” 
“I love it!” Ofelia approved. As she got to work shampooing Dolores’ hair, she said “You know, mi hija Lili got this same hairstyle a while ago too, you should have seen her, she looked like a queen!” 
“I’m sure she did,” Dolores said. 
“I’m sure you two would look very much alike!” 
Dolores closed her eyes. She quite liked the feeling of Ofelia doing her hair and making it look all pretty and soft. And Ofelia always thought of Dolores as her favorite customer, on top of her being her daughter’s friend and her generally friendly and sweet attitude. Dolores normally didn’t like talking at the salon, preferring to be calm and quiet instead. But for Ofelia she made an exception. 
Next to her, she heard Isabela engaging in cheerful chatter with Diana, her hair stylist, the two making sure not to be too loud on account of the magical hearing girl sitting right next to them. And she could hear Luisa struggling to sit still as she giggled, as well as her heart beating. Could that mean— 
Before she could even think about that, she heard a sneering voice and had to resist the urge to stay calm. It was the same voice she has been hearing for years. 
“Primas-hermanas,” the voice sneered. “Long time no see.” 
Dolores and Isabela sighed. “Juana.” 
Juana sat down. Unfortunately, right next to Dolores. “I had a feeling I’d see you here,” she said as Dolores flipped through the catalogue, suddenly finding it very, very interesting. Much more interesting than whatever was being spewed out of Juana’s mouth. “Just not with Lucinda and Isabel.” 
“You mean Luisa and Isabela,”
Dolores seethed through gritted teeth. 
“Whatever.” Juana rolled her eyes. “Same difference.” 
“I am right here ya know,” Isabela said on the other side of her prima-hermana. “Like, I’m right here and within earshot. I can hear everything you’re saying, you know that, right?” 
“So what hairstyle are you getting, Lola?” Juana pressed, ignoring Isabela. 
But Dolores never got to finish her sentence before Juana snatched the catalogue from her. 
The only reason Dolores didn’t reach to the side, snatch the catalogue back, and then hit Juana upside the head with it was Ofelia doing her hair. And she did not want to get hurt. More importantly, she did not want Juana to get hurt. Because she certainly would get hurt. And then she would learn her lesson. 
Instead, she chose for a less…hands-on approach. 
“That’s mine,” she stated flatly. 
“It’s not yours, it belongs to the salon.” Juana shrugged. 
“I was reading that,” Dolores said as if it were a threat. 
“Well you’re not reading it now so,” Juana shrugged again, letting out an innocent chirp. 
“Don’t start beef with me today, Juana,” Dolores warned. “It is mi prima’s birthday, and I am not about to let you ruin it.” 
“Oh? Well then, tell her I said happy birthday!” Juana said genuinely. 
Dolores snorted. 
“Oh, so you’re not gonna tell her? Really? Are you that petty?” 
Dolores still didn’t answer. And she was this close to punching Juana in the face if she kept running those lips. 
“Wow.” Juana leaned back in her seat as she continued to flip through the magazine. Dolores closed her eyes and tried her hardest to ignore her, but to no avail. 
“You know, I have the same birthday as your sister.” 
“Whatever. I can’t wait to go home and celebrate my birthday party with all my friends and family, especially my cousin. She’s like a sister to me, you know? And we’ll have cake and music and dancing, my mom also bought a really pretty dress for me to wear and—“ 
“Oh, are you still talking?” Dolores cut off, clutching her nose. “That must be why it stinks in here. Also, I forgot when I cared.” She heard Ofelia let out a slight chuckle and was grateful. 
Juana shut up after that. 
As time went by, Dolores’ and Isabela’s hair was finished, Isabela was rocking a cute half-up half-down style with part of her hair being in two buns on either side of her head. Her hair was also much more wavy and bouncy, and not to mention silky and shiny. 
“And you’re good to go!” Ofelia told Dolores as she rose up from her chair. 
“Wow!” Dolores said as she admired her ‘do in the mirror. “I look gorgeous!” 
“You sure do!” Ofelia agreed. “Just like my daughter.” 
Dolores turned around to give Ofelia a hug. “Thank you so much, Ofelia,” she said. “I really like this.” 
“Anytime, bebita.” Ofelia replied warmly, returning the hug. 
Juana snorted and glared at Dolores’ reflection in the mirror from where she sat. She would never look as cute as Dolores did in her hairstyle, no matter what she did. She had half a mind to ask for Bantu knots herself, but it was too late for that. 
Isabela was also ready. “Oh, Dolores, your hair looks so cute!” 
“Wow, really, thank you!” 
“How do you like mine?” Isabela asked before flexing. 
“It’s perfect!” 
“Thank you!” Isabela grinned, then giggled. It wasn’t long before Luisa and Mirabel came over. 
“We got manicures!” Luisa said, showing off hers. 
“And pedicures too!” Mirabel added. 
“Wow, so lovely!” Dolores said, turning to Isabela. “I guess it’s our turn, no?” 
“You bet, sis!” Isabela agreed. 
But as Mirabel and Luisa were sitting down to get their hair done, Juana felt the need, for some reason, to speak up again. 
“Hey Luisa, happy birthday.” 
“Thanks,” Luisa said. 
“Did you know that it’s my birthday too?” Juana said. 
“I did not actually, but happy birthday!” 
“Thanks,” Juana giggled. “I can’t wait to go home and throw a big party with all of my—“ 
“We heard you say that already, Juana.” Isabela forced a fake smile on her face as she curtly interrupted the girl who made her life a living hell since they were toddlers. “Knock it off.” 
“Umm, I wasn’t talking to you, Isa, I was talking to the birthday girl. So if you don’t mind…” She turned her attention back to Luisa. “I’m sure your hair will look magnificent, querida. Much more than the primas-hermanas’.” 
Dolores groaned. “Juana, why don’t you just cut it out and stop having an attitude towards us?! I’m telling you already, it is Luisa’s birthday and we are trying to have fun, without you! We are not going to start this crap today!” 
“Once again!” Juana turned to them, in the process, messing up her hairdresser Rafaela’s job. Rafaela raised her hands in irritation at the young women, hissing her teeth, but Juana did not care. “I was not talking to you! I was talking to Luisa!” 
“Umm, is everything okay?” Ofelia said, making her way back over. She had been relaxing on a break, enjoying a bowl of nuts with a cup of water. But now she was taking a break from that break just to see what was going on. 
“Okay, but you always do this!” Dolores spat back. “You’re always showing up where you weren’t invited, intentionally aggravating me and Isabela when we’re just minding our business, talking shit about us to our face, and trying to cause drama! Can’t you just leave us alone for one minute and stop being so annoying!” 
“It’s not my fault you’re so easy to rile up, primas-hermanas,” Juana said with an eye roll and a grin. “I came to the salon to get my hair and nails done for my birthday party tonight. Is that so much of an issue to you? Last time I checked, you don’t own the place. I can go wherever I like. Maybe not everything concerns you.” 
“Literally the moment you walked in here,” Isabela seethed. “The very first thing you did was instigate conflict between us and you! And you expect us to do nothing about it? To not defend ourselves?” 
“And not to mention you kept talking to us even when we told you to shut up!” Dolores barked back, in defense of Isa. “But go on about how ‘not everything is about us’.” 
“You know what, Dolores and Isabela?” Juana spat, pointing at them. “You two think you’re so much better than me because—“ 
“Umm, señorita, you still have your hair to do, take a seat, please.” 
“Yeah, do as she says.” Isabela glared. 
Juana rolled her eyes and sat down. 
“Anyway, where were we?” Isabela said to Dolores. 
“Oh, right.” 
They went back to doing their hair and nails, although it was still fun, it couldn’t be denied that Juana had severely spoiled the fun for all four girls, not just the two she had set out to antagonize. 
“Well, it’s time to go, we should be heading,” Mirabel told the girls. 
“Yeah, you should,” Juana still sneered. “Bye, primas-hermanas.” 
The girls left without saying a word to Juana. 
“We’ll come back another time,” Dolores said to the woman who ran the salon. Said woman, Andrea, merely nodded her head sadly as they left.
“I’m so sorry that girl ruined your birthday, Luisa,” Dolores said, a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. “It was supposed to be our special girls’ night out, and she ruined it. I just couldn’t stay.” 
“It’s cool,” Luisa said. “We can go later or another day.” 
“Yeah,” Dolores agreed solemnly. 
A pause. 
“Eeergh, I can’t BELIEVE how annoying that Juana girl is!” Isabela screamed in fury, hands clenching in rage. “I’d like to…urrrgh!” 
“What is even her issue with you two anyway?” Mirabel asked the primas-hermanas. “Like, why does she hate you both?” 
“She’s been like this with us ever since we were three years old,” Dolores said. “Yes, that’s right, literally three! I still remember like it was yesterday. Her stealing Isabela’s sleeping back during naptime and refusing to give it back.” 
“She’s constantly making fun of the fact that we’re close with each other and call each other sisters,” Isabela said. “Even though it’s frankly none of her business. And since we were little she used to spread rumors about us and try to keep us apart. Sometimes she’d try to befriend one of us and badmouth the other, basically try to turn us against each other. Like that’s ever gonna happen.” Dolores gave a faint smile when Isabela said that. “She even said once that we think we’re better than her because we’re so close to each other and don’t like her. She is such a self-centered diva, it’s insane.” 
“Wow,” Mirabel said, taking it all in. 
“Tell me about it,” Isabela said as she shook her head. “She needs to get a life. And some friends.” 
“Yeah,” Dolores agreed quietly. “She clearly doesn’t have any.” 
“What do you mean?” Luisa asked. 
“Just that I seldom if ever see her hanging out with anyone, whether a group of girls or just one girl. Maybe if she actually had friends the way Isabela and I do, not counting each other, of course,” Isabela gave a faint smile when Dolores said that. “She wouldn’t be so preoccupied with trying to destroy our friendship. Hm!” 
“I’m so sorry you have to put up with a catty woman like her,” Mirabel said sincerely, linking arms with Dolores. “You don’t deserve that. Not even you, Isabela.” 
Isabela gave her a funny look, and Mirabel smirked. 
“But oh well, that’s enough about her, let’s not waste our breath talking about Juana when we have your birthday to look forward to!” Dolores turned to her prima. “You wanna go to the amusement park tonight, Luisa?” 
“I’d love to!” Luisa affirmed. It had been ages since she went inside the amusement park kept secret inside her room. But maybe it was a good thing, what with her finally being able to relax and have fun and all. 
“Yay!” Mirabel cheered. “That’s so awesome! It would be like a sleepover, but even better!” 
“You’re damn right it would!” Isabela agreed. 
Continuing to talk as they made their way back to Casita, they just about almost entered the door when Camilo came running up to them. 
“Luisa!” Camilo cried out in fear, grabbing her hand. “It’s Belinda! She needs help! Please!” 
Luisa gasped. She could never miss the chance to help one of her favorite donkey pals in a moment of need. 
“Ugh, Camilo, we just got back from the salon. Can’t you see that it’s her birthday?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, happy birthday Luisa!” 
Isabela rolled her eyes. 
“Come on, Isabela, don’t worry, I promise it’ll only be a minute.” 
“Thank you Luisa!” Camilo said. “Oh, and Dolores, love the hair! You look super pretty. Come on!” He yanked Luisa’s hand and they fled. 
“Uh, thanks?” Dolores said awkwardly. 
Isabela huffed. “He’s just gonna pretend like I don’t exist,” she snarked, flipping her hair. “But anyway…” 
As Luisa ran away with Camilo, a giddy and exited Isabela, Dolores, and Mirabel quickly scampered inside the Casita, where the rest of the family was waiting for them. 
“Are you ready?” Julieta asked her daughters and niece. 
“We were born ready,” Mirabel said, a grin on her face and a glimmer in her eye. 
After taking care of the donkey, Luisa went back inside through the front door of Casita, as somehow, Camilo was nowhere to be seen. 
But when she turned the knob and stepped inside, she was not expecting this. 
A thousand eggs were instantly hurled Luisa’s way, and Luisa screamed and covered her face with her hands, to no avail, as her entire body—though not her hair, fortunately, as Mirabel had instructed—was pelted with running yellow yolk. 
She looked up to see her family, laughing joyfully at her shocked, but pleased expression. 
“Cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos a ti, feliz cumpleaños a Luisa, feliz cumpleaños a ti! Que los cumpla feliz, que los vuelva a cumplir, que los siga cumpliendo, hasta el año tres mil! FELIZ CUMPLE, LUISA! WHOOO!” 
Luisa only laughed. “You all are just terrible!” She screamed. “I’m kidding, y’all are the best. And I see what you did there, Camilo.” 
Camilo beamed with pride, standing up straight for what was probably the first time in his life. 
As the family all got together and surrounded Luisa with hugs and kisses, Luisa had never felt more grateful for her family in her life. 
She was so happy to celebrate her twentieth birthday with them. 
“Oh, come on!” Mirabel dragged Luisa to the chair at the head of the table, normally Abuela’s chair, unless it was your birthday, and sat her down in it. 
Felix and Pepa brought out the cake, as Julieta and Agustin kissed Luisa on both sides of her face. 
“My little baby all grown up,” Agustin was stammering, crying tears of joy and wiping at his face with a napkin. “Once a cute little teenager, now a beautiful young woman.” 
“Aye Agustin,” Julieta said, hugging her husband delicately. “Make a wish, mija, and blow out the candles.” 
Luisa closed her eyes and silently wished that every birthday following this one would be as good as it was today. 
Then she blew out the candles, and the entire family cheered. 
The End
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prophecydungeon · 2 years
not quite to the date (yet) but ten years ago i posted a fic that is somehow still sitting on the front page of results by kudos and by bookmarks for the most popular ship in the most popular fandom on AO3 and i still don't know how that happened.
like... really genuinely truly i don't know what kind of WILD perfect-storm-level shit was going on to make this happen. the original post got eleven whole notes here on tungle (yeah i checked lmao). i am not, actually, a very Doing Numbers blogger or writer, nor had i ever been, nor will i ever be. as far as i know, there wasn't any wildass six degrees of separation thing that happened where someone very Doing Numbers made it Do Numbers. i didn't "advertise" it or anything (ppl who make fic graphics and have a posting/rbing/rting schedule.. i could never lmao), i didn't post it on every site known to man, i didn't tag it to hell, i didn't really do anything. it just fucking happened. and it's still happening!!! and i am just so fucking baffled. how did this happen. why are there people making tiktoks about this fic in the year of our lord 2022. how??????
i have a lot of very complicated feelings about this fic, with a lot of them boiling down to just, like, brain chemicals being very stupid, and i know that logically it's just brain chemicals gone bad! but it's still hard to shake ten (10!) years of feeling like my growth in writing is being constantly undercut by this thing that's created its own gravity well to keep sucking in kudos and comments when just about everything i've written since has been Better™ (which again, logically, i know is untrue -- i write for fandoms now that are relatively VERY small lol so of course nothing is ever going to Do Numbers again like this)
this fic was something i wrote after a very difficult-to-process series of events, so it was complete and utter wish fulfillment and it felt so good to write. the flip side of this, which in retrospect really soured the fic for me, is that i tried my damndest to live out the life i wrote in this fic. i went to grad school for linguistics two years later and TA'd, Just Like The Fic. it was supposed to be great! and those turned out to be the two most miserable years of my life. maybe not specifically because i was trying to live a daydream, but that disparity didn't help (though my friends certainly did). so in a way, aeiw is this image of a failed dream -- i'm not in linguistics as a field, not even remotely, and i likely never will be; i don't want to ever go back to academia, even though i will likely need to get another masters (derogatory) in my current field at some point.
BUT. i promised that this is not a negative post so i will pivot here to say very genuinely that i am so, so grateful to all the friendships and good times this fic has brought me. thank you to all the people i met because of this fic or while writing it. thank you to everyone who's gotten to know me for totally different reasons/fandoms/etc and then been like WAIT A SECOND. (it's so funny, every time.) thank you to everyone who's ever left kudos and said a kind word. (i still get kudos emails nearly every day just for this fic.)
and thank you to the incredibly beautiful personal anecdotes people have left on this fic, holy shit. i have a folder in my email for those specifically. here are some excerpts from comments that made me tear up:
Hey, so...you probably don't still read comments on this fic because it's so old and so wildly popular*, but I hope you see this. [...] I just started my first year of University as a Linguistics major, and I know for a fact that I wouldn't have figured out what I wanted to study had I never read this fic. I've always had trouble with school, and struggled to find subjects that weren't wildly difficult or insanely boring-until Linguistics. Now, I'm excited to learn and pursue my degree-maybe even a master's eventually. I just wanted to say thank you for this sweet story that stuck with me for all of these years, and helped me find what I want to do.
*i do. i read every single comment. every single one.
[...] Reading this, I don't understand how anyone could say that you, the writer, did this alone and will only ever be alone for this story.** I mean, we're separated by computer screens, but I feel that I was transported into your story in a way that transcends what is expected of the written word. Maybe this is my biased opinion as someone who has grown up in a secondary orality culture, but I just had to let you know that this story was more than the written word is often perceived to be. If that makes sense. I felt like I was there, getting the story and so caught up that I couldn't stop reading. And you might not be the narrator, but you're essentially god and you breathed life into these characters and I'm so in awe of you. You make it seem so easy! What's worse is I know it's not, so here I am, seeing something unfold with what looks like practiced ease when I know just how much work you've put into writing to get you to this point. I'm so proud of you! And it feels silly to say but I am, and I wanted you to know. [...]
**this is one of the most incredible things anyone has ever said to me.
[...] I first read this a long time ago (at least 6 years) when I was really Going Through It and this fic - specifically Dean - really resonated with me.*** It gave me an inkling (pun intended) of hope. And it was the first positive representation of tattoos that I'd seen. I started planning tattoos I wanted soon after reading this, using them the way Dean does in this to identify the important and best things in my life and figure out how to represent them and always have them with me. I just got my third done and I love all of them. So thank you for the impact that you've had on my life, and for writing such a wonderful story.
***i was really Going Through It as well. i'm doing great now and i hope you are too.
thank you to past me for writing this fic and finishing something "long" (lol..... lmao). thank you to past me for writing unabashed wish fulfillment, something i would lose the capability to do for a long time (dw, i got it back). thank you to this fic for irrevocably fucking up my AO3 statistics.
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so anyways, ten years on i'm doing great. new career. new gender. new fursona. i live in a super cool area. i got like seven anime figures of this one horrendous guy. my sick tattoos have gotten even sicker. here's a portrait of the author for good measure:
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and here are some fun facts about the fic that idr if i've ever shared before:
the scene at the very end where cas goes to get tattooed by dean? my beta wrote that for me. yes, the whole scene. thank you.
i don't remember who it was that carried a bike up some stairs but i always hefted my bike up onto my shoulder when walking it up my outside stairs so i pictured whoever that was doing it too (and i still have that bike! i refurb'd it last year!)
i think i own every vinyl i mentioned... i think
i definitely own led zeppelin's entire discography on vinyl
i finally bought a pair of rough-faced amethyst plugs for myself, something like two years ago? took me a while to get there
that sex scene was in there because i felt like i "had to" include one lmaoooo i had no idea what i was doing and i've written way better p*rn since then
when i turned 24 i did actually listen to 4 + 20 by csny first thing in the morning
soooo much of the tattoo and piercing stuff was so fucking pretentious of me.... but really, be thorough when looking for piercers and tattoo artists, stay safe, there are a lot of great resources out there
i actually pretty legitimately don't like showing my tattoos irl just because people can be really annoying/weird but i also just enjoy wearing long pants and long sleeves lol
...also yeah i do dress Like That. unironically.
some things i have written since then that i am very proud of:
P vs NP, RvB
the more i run (the farther away it seems), destiny
quema, bleach
in the details (not the devil), haikyuu!!
apsidial precession, destiny
and so in conclusion........ thank you. but i'm still baffled.
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imhereforscm · 1 year
Hello 😊 Can you write a Karno x female reader fluff? The reader is worried about her upcoming exams and Karno comforts her. Just something sweet and cozy. It's still very cold here.
Thank you. ♥️
"Let's recharge"
Genre: comfort
Warnings: none
A/N: It's very cold here too, so it was a pretty thematic request, haha(⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
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Sighing through your nose, you buried your face in your palms, your brain feeling numb and too tired to flip the next page. Rubbing your eyelids, you returned your attention to the handwriting in your textbook, but that was only physical, since your attention span wouldn't cooperate with you.
You were exhausted, but you refused to stop there. Exams were just around the corner and you wanted to pass, which had resulted in many nights, just tossing and turning in your bed, your stress not allowing you to even sleep properly.
Sitting here to study frustrated you, yet not doing it stressed you and made you feel guilty. Your own self was your biggest opponent and as everyone knows, fighting your own self is the hardest battle.
Your hands tightened into fists and you brought your forehead down on the desk and began to sob. You were physically and emotionally tired, but your constant stress kept you in a tight leash, not offering you even a split second of peace.
A warm hand fell upon your head and you flinched at first, before you heard his voice. "Is my sweet ophelia in a difficult position?"
You nodded, not managing to use your voice through all the sobbing.
Karno turned your chair around and gathered you in his arms. He let you cry, as he rubbed your back, enveloping you in his cinnamon scent as you let it all out in his chest. He rested his chin on top of your head and began rocking your body from side to side, humming soothingly, the vibrations of his voice against your cheek.
You pulled away a little, so you can look up at him and he wiped your tears with his thumbs. "I'm so stressed, I can't even focus." You uttered, confessing your struggles to him. "Everything looks so big and the fact that I need to get through it scares me." You hiccupped, fresh salty tears spilling from your eyes. "I have a time limit too."
He rested his forehead against yours, whispering while looking deep into your eyes. "Take a slow, deep breath..." He inhaled deeply and you followed, exhaling when he did. "That's it..." He smiled sympathetically at you and brought your hands up to his lips, kissing their knuckles softly. "First of all, Ι'm gonna need you to calm down... I'm here and we can see things from a practical point of view together."
Gazing deep into his brown eyes, you repeated the breathing pattern he showed you.
You nodded and he smiled sweetly, kissing your forehead. "Alright, now let's try this again." Holding you hands in his tightly, his warmth soothed you as he explained calmly. "Let's make a schedule. We're gonna sort out the subjects so you can study a certain, progressive amount every day, so you can finish on time and actually learn something. Alright?" He checked to see if you were still following him and he was pleased to see you did. "Good. Now, let's focus on you." He gently tugged on your hands and you followed his lead and flow, getting up from your chair.
"I'm so tired..." You breathed out shakily and he nodded in acknowledgement.
"I know, my ophelia." Karno snapped his fingers, bringing forth a steaming mug.
"What is that?" You asked, peering into the mug with curiosity.
"Voila." Karno said with a smile, offering you the mug of hot chocolate.
You smiled softly down at the steaming beverage and took a long, satisfying sip, the sugary taste coating your tongue. "Thank you."
"No, I am the one who should be thanking you."
A sentimental smile spread across his lips, emotionalism coloring his features into kind wrinkles. "For smiling again... Now," He clapped his hands together. "let's do something about the cold in here." He looked out of the window at the snow pilling up everywhere, snowflakes still falling from the clouds and blurring the glass of the window ever so slightly. With another snap of his fingers, the limited warmth in the room rose and you sighed in content, your muscles relaxing at the comfortable temperature.
Karno took a seat on your bed and opened his arms, waiting for you to flop down into them, with a tender and welcoming smile on his beautiful face. "Come on. You deserve this."
You placed your warm mug on the bedside table and crawled onto the bed, burying your face in his warm and cinnamon scented clothes.
Karno wrapped his arms around your exhausted body tightly and rubbed your back, humming a lullaby. "Let's recharge, my sweet ophelia." He whispered, until your tiredness rose to the surface and your eyelashes dropped, your brain hushing as you slept peacefully, enveloped in Karno's comfort.
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Thanks to all this new information, there are also new ideas for stories. Inspired by the article about her diary. Your Strawberry
The diary
Freshly showered with a towel wrapped around his hips, he entered the bedroom. His eyes fell on his wife who was sitting at her desk writing. "What are you doing?" he asked, drying his wet hair with a towel. She did not look up. "I'm writing." He smiled. "I can see that. But what are you writing?" She sighed. "I'm writing down my thoughts." "Oh," came from him. "May I read them?" Now he had caught her attention. She glanced at him. "No," she said firmly. "Why not?" he wanted to know in amazement. "I don't write for others, only for myself." "Why?" "When I write down my thoughts, I think everything through again and that helps to process everything."
"Are you worried?" he asked in alarm. She shook her head. "No." "But why are you writing something down that you could discuss with me?" he wanted to know. "I can't discuss everything with you." He listened up. "What do you mean? I thought we could talk about everything." She sighed. "There are things you don't talk about with anyone." She saw him frown. "Like what?" "I'm not going to talk about that with you," she stipulated. "Are you going to tell me everything?" she asked a counter question. He remained silent. She raised her eyebrows. "You see. Everyone needs thoughts that belong only to them."
He watched as she continued to write, wondering what she was entrusting to the pages. After a while she put the pen down, then took the paper and tore it into many small pieces. "Have you made a mistake?" he asked, irritated. She smiled at him. "No." "But why are you tearing your notes?" "So that no one can ever read them." Astonished, he looked at her. "That's crazy." She stood up, took the towel he had been drying his hair with from his hand and threw it on the bed. Then she clasped his waist. "It's no crazier than rewriting your speeches several times and making changes up to the last minute." He grinned at her. "If I wrote it down, I'm done with it. Then why should I keep it?" He shook his head. "Not everyone has a brain like yours that analyses, processes and files everything," she laughed. "It's my way of organising my thoughts," she concluded.
Since she was holding his waist, his concentration on the subject had lessened. Her very own scent mixed with her perfume enveloped him and her warmth transferred to him. He leaned towards her and buried his face in the crook of her neck. She smirked, realising that he was no longer following her conversation. She let her hands slide over his naked back until she reached his still damp hair. That was when she heard him softly against her ear. "You're definitely wearing too much," he declared. "Well, that can be changed," she returned with a sigh.
She lay smiing in his arms. It had taken her quite a while to be able to think clearly again. Then she heard him sigh. "What is it?" she asked into the silence. "I'm still thinking about it." "About what?" she asked in surprise. He turned so that he could look her in the eye. "I'm thinking about what you confide in your diary, but not in me." She smiled mysteriously and stroked his cheek. "Even if I was very close to you just now, I won't tell you what I write down," she explained to him. For comfort, she gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.
Helloooo sweet 🍓! ❤️
Hahahaha for a second there, Brigitte thought she had him distracted... Emmanuel saying after that he was still thinking about it made me laugh hahaha that’s when you know he was very very curious and intrigued by it 🤭
I can imagine him asking her again some other time hahaha
Thank you so much, Strawberry! ❤️❤️❤️
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